Download copy 1 letter with a secret. Methods of teaching writing to junior schoolchildren (“writing with a secret” – information aspect). Algorithm for writing a hook line

Letter is a means of expressing a person’s thoughts using specially created conventional signs. The main purpose of writing is to transmit speech over a distance and consolidate it over time.

For this purpose, special descriptive signs are created that convey the elements of speech - words, syllables, sounds. Specially created sign writing systems provide the opportunity for people to communicate and allow them to receive information

Handwriting– a stable manner of writing, a system of habitual movements recorded in the manuscript, the formation of which is based on writing and motor skills.

It involves a person’s sustainable and individual performance of the necessary actions.

Handwriting depends on individual characteristics person and his mental state. You can quite accurately determine by handwriting who wrote a particular document, but it is unlawful to determine a person’s character by handwriting. Handwriting is only indirect evidence of a person’s individual psychological characteristics.

Originality of handwriting determined by the following characteristics:

  • The specific shape of individual letters, more precisely, their roundness or pointedness,
  • Stretched or compressed writing, constant or uneven distance between letters,
  • In detachable or continuous writing,
  • Writing without slant, with slant to the right, left, oscillating slant,
  • Rhythmic repetition of elements or their arrhythmia,
  • By pressure, large or small letter,
  • A horizontal arrangement of words that is level or fluctuates up and down.

What can influence handwriting formation?

  • Physiological development and preparedness of the muscles of the hand (especially the small muscles of the hand) and organs of vision at the time of learning to write,
  • Time to start learning to write,
  • The attitude of the teacher himself to the handwriting and the methods he uses when teaching,
  • The student’s own attitude to the quality of his writing and his success in mastering reading and spelling skills,
  • Development of a child's sense of rhythm,
  • Quality of tools, etc.

Teaching basic writing is one of the complex processes V primary school.

Stages of developing graphic skills

At the first stage, the student’s task is to learn to sit correctly and hold a pen and notebook.

On the second - to write the most important elements of the letter, or more precisely to master the writing algorithm.

On the third - write letters.

On the fourth - write whole words.

It is very important for mastering graphic skills. sanitary and hygienic aspect of the student’s activity

Disadvantages that are often encountered in practice when children enter school:

  • they sit huddled at their desks, their legs crossed, their chests leaning on the desk,
  • they write literally “with their nose”,
  • the left shoulder is pushed forward and sticks out at an angle, the left hand is tucked under the armpit of the right hand or props up the head,
  • the elbow of the right hand either hangs sharply down or goes too far to the right upward from the edge of the table, or is pressed tightly against the body,
  • when writing, the head tilts strongly towards the left or right shoulder,
  • the whole figure of the child expresses tension and effort.

As a result of such a position, students experience excessive fatigue, which is expressed in motor restlessness, frequent changes in body position, and agitation.

Systematic violation of sanitary and hygienic rules causes serious damage to the health and normal development of the student’s body.

Formation of graphic skills in a first grader - a process conscious. In which a significant role belongs to the awareness of the goals and objectives of the action: what should be obtained as a result of the action and at its individual stages.

The teacher’s clear identification of tasks and their clear awareness by the student fundamentally affects the success of developing graphic skills.

Students' activities are organized by the teacher. Instead of spontaneous searches for missing landmarks, students have the opportunity to find landmarks in an organized and systematic manner, identify their meaning and apply them in practice, which gives children the opportunity to perform graphic actions earlier and more successfully.

At the first stages of learning, actions are performed in a slow rhythm: when moving from one operation to another, there is a delay necessary for understanding the subsequent action.

Guided learning ensures the rationality and consciousness of the action being performed, which leads to the formation of a full-fledged graphic skill.

When managing learning, you need to give students full set of landmarks to perform the action correctly.

For this purpose it is necessary:

  • Analyze sample , i.e. highlight all the elements of the letter, their location on the rulers of the notebook, the direction and sequence of movements, the distribution of effort when drawing lines.
  • Analyze material and tools : it is assumed that the notebook must have an appropriate layout - a mandatory working line with highlighted upper and lower rulers and an oblique line.
  • Analyze the method of performing the action and the conditions for its execution :

sitting on a chair, position of the body, position of the legs, distance from the eyes to the notebook, position of the hands on the table relative to the body, position of the hand on the table, position of the left hand, position of the notebook on the table, position of the shoulders, position of the head relative to the body, absence of increased tension in the arms and the body, the correct distribution of pressure on the pen and the pen on the notebook, the position of the pen in the hand and the direction of its upper end to the shoulder, the location of the letters in the notebook relative to the body. Each of these rules not only helps to develop graphic skills, but also affects the student’s health.

  • Analyze executive operations , i.e. reveal the method of performing an action, highlight the signs that it must meet. At the same time, it is very important to isolate those moments that act as a single whole in the developed skill: the process of writing a letter and its final result.
  • Compose execution plan tasks, initially an analysis of the task, material, tools, method of execution, and then a list of executive operations.
  • Provide self-control students completing a task with simultaneous analysis and correction.

For schoolchildren there is system of clear standards - algorithms for writing letters. These algorithms must be well understood by students, i.e. turned into real knowledge about actions during writing.

When developing the correct graphic skill, the action is carried out focusing on the selected features in three successively changing forms: material, speech, mental.

  • Material form involves drawing up a task plan that provides an understanding of the action algorithm (examining a graphical drawing of a letter, highlighting elements together with the teacher, finding similar elements in letters already studied, determining the sequence of movements, etc.)
  • Speech form– with independent pronunciation. The task is performed with the contents of the next operation first spoken out loud, i.e. writing a letter is carried out under the condition that all small elements of the letter are spoken orally in a given sequence. The verbal expression of the action must be precise, i.e. the student must be able to describe the algorithm for writing the letter he has learned.
  • Gradually, the speech instructions become more abbreviated. The teacher or child reminds himself of the key writing milestones, he can move on to writing the letter, imagining the whole the course of action “in the mind.”

It should be noted that as the number of letters studied increases, the need for extensive step-by-step development disappears, and all three forms merge, i.e. the student begins to think extremely briefly

Analysis of calligraphic errors.

Calligraphic errors include

  • The spacing between letters in words is not observed, words are spaced unevenly on the line
  • Letters are written too wide or too narrow,
  • There is a multidirectional tilt or excessive tilt to the right or left,
  • The position of the letters relative to the lines of the line is not respected, i.e. no linearity when writing,
  • The required letter height is not maintained,
  • The writing is revealed to be broken and pretentious,
  • There is an angularity, “climbing” of the letter,
  • The coherence of letters when writing is not maintained,
  • There is complete illegibility, a “porridge”.

The above errors appear due to insufficient development of correct graphic skills.

Classification of calligraphic errors helps the teacher analyze students' writing, identify shortcomings and develop tactics for correcting handwriting.

General development schoolchildren depends on the organization of training for sufficient high level difficulties, of course, it is necessary to observe the measure of difficulty.

When learning to write, intense mental work occurs and graphic vigilance is formed.

In order for the educational process to contribute to the comprehensive development of the student’s personality, it is necessary to ensure a high tone of his mental activity.

The writing teaching system allows you to do this - LETTER WITH OPEN RULES.

Writing algorithm

Familiarization With With the writing algorithm, we start by analyzing the writing of the letter And, which is considered as the original one, containing the basic elements and methods of connecting them, which are repeated when writing many letters.

Thus, the developed writing algorithm directs the teacher to include in educational activities a more detailed analysis of the elements of letter-signs, various in the form of mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison of letter signs), to the use of visual-motor images studied as the basis of clear and coherent writing.

The algorithm also requires the constant orientation of children towards a more complete awareness of all the graphic details of letters, towards their formation capabilities express in words, in speech, the process of writing letters, their elements, and connections. The formation of a letter component is ensured by step-by-step development, which leads to the creation of a full-fledged image of a letter and an algorithm for writing it.

Alphabetic characters (letters) have a complex structure; they consist of individual elements, parts, sometimes very small. The more detailed we highlight these parts in a letter, the more accurately we express in a word the characteristics of each part, each element of the letter, the better we realize and understand how the letter is written as a whole and in combination with other letters.

Basic writing algorithm

  1. Writing straight slanted lines maintaining precise intervals and their parallelism.
  2. Dividing an inclined line and a working line into 2 and 3 parts vertically in order to prepare for the correct execution of connections of elements of letters and letters in a word (inclusion of a certain mathematical calculation in the writing of letters and words).
  3. Performing a rounding on the bottom line of the working line as a connecting element between two oppositely directed lines.
  4. Letter a hook line to the middle of the line. (A hook line, together with a straight slant and a curve, is usually called a hook.)
  5. The letter of the “secret”, i.e. a straight line that continues the hook line from the middle of the line to its top line, connecting the end of the hook With the top ruler of the working line (“secret” is written parallel to a straight slanted line.)
  6. Letter down the "secret" to the bottom line of the line, i.e. writing a second slanted line (“hiding the “secret”).
  7. Completing the writing of the second hook (second rounding and second hook line).

All these components of the algorithm determine the writing of the letter And, and also individually or several together they are part of many letters of the Russian alphabet. This does not mean that when familiarizing themselves with the remaining letters, students will not encounter new elements, but they will generally be prepared to write them if they master this algorithm.

Before considering in detail the listed components of the algorithm, let us analyze some technicalmoments.

Writing a slanted line on the working line. Please note that there is a certain interval between the inclined lines, which is equal to half the height of the working line. Also, we remind you that the lines are parallel. It is these two errors, non-compliance with the interval and parallelism , appear first in schoolchildren's copybooks.

Parallelism of lines will be obtained only if lateral vision is included in the work, i.e., when writing each subsequent line, the student’s attention will be focused on the previous, already written line.

Gaps at the top and bottom of the letters. If you do not focus schoolchildren's attention on the gaps in the upper and lower parts of the letters, this may negatively affect the development of their handwriting. Words: a little bit, a little bitbringing when rounding the hook, they do not give an accurate idea of ​​the observance of these gaps during the writing process. It turns out that the writing is “who knows what.” And this leads to the formation of graphic shortcomings in students.

Continuous letter. When learning to write, schoolchildren always tear off their hand. Initially this is needed to relieve tension, later - to relax, move your hand or notebook. However, students should be immediately introduced to the principle of continuously connecting letters when writing. This means that after resting, the writer again places the pen at the point where he stopped. If the teacher can achieve a uniform connection of letters, this will not only allow for the correct formation of graphic skills, but will also increase cursive writing while maintaining the quality of the work. The presence of the principle of detachment in the process of learning to write when assigning a subsequent letter negatively affects the quality of writing. And that's why. For example, let's take the letter And. The student pauses (interrupts) in writing when writing the first hook. Further, if he does not maintain the technique of continuous writing, that is, does not bring the hook to the top line, he tears off the pen and moves it to the top line of the working line at an arbitrary point. In this situation, maintain the desired spacing between elements (this interval is already determined by the end of the hook) is not possible in most cases. Thus, smooth and clear writing is lost.

Writing an oval that is part of the letters: a, b, c, d, o, f, b, s, b, yu. This is one of the most difficult elements at the initial stage. In practice, an oval often comes down to writing a circle. Because of this, in letters a, d, f, s There are always distortions in the next element after the oval. Realizing that it is necessary to leave a gap between the oval and the rounded stick (or stick with a loop), the student moves the pen to the right, thereby distorting the letter.

The reasons for these errors again lie in the teacher’s ignorance of the exact characteristics of the writing of letter elements and their location in relation to each other.

All of the above can be interpreted this way. Forming a graphic skill is a very complex and lengthy process that requires targeted actions that can be performed accurately and quickly only after repeated repetitions. This requires time, some effort, and knowledge of all the intricacies of writing on the part of the teacher, as well as patience and perseverance on the part of the student. The repeated actions necessary for developing graphic skills should be performed by children not mechanically, for the sake of the repetitions themselves, but in order to solve certain problems. specific tasks, awareness the need for these repetitions to acquire the skill (awareness of all the necessary movements, the relationships of these movements, etc.).

Achieving calligraphic handwriting is possible only if the student systematically observes all the rules of clear writing. The effort required by a student to complete writing exercises occurs only if the student understands the significance of these exercises and has an interest in achieving the goals, and is also aware of the shortcomings of his writing and skills. When assessing the results of a student’s work, it is very important to instill in him faith in the success of solving the assigned tasks, and the shortcomings encountered should motivate the child to persistently overcome the difficulties that arise.

Let's take a closer look at the components basic writing algorithm.

1. Writing straight slanted lines. At this stage the following errors occur:

1) non-compliance with the interval between inclined lines. This is due to ignorance of the required spacing both between elements in letters and between the letters themselves. In fact, the interval between inclined lines should not be spontaneous (“by eye”), since the baby has not yet developed lateral vision; also, the interval cannot be specified for the width of the letter (not a single letter has been studied yet), and even more so - the width of a finger;

2)failure to maintain parallelism of inclined lines. The second mistake occurs because the student concentrates all his efforts on the inclined line that he is writing, and not on the one that has already been written (underdevelopment of lateral vision and self-control). Therefore, at an early stage it is necessary to teach the student to look at the previous one when writing each subsequent line. The writing of the slanted line must be explained to the writer: “I put my pen on the top rulerworking line and go down the inclined line.”

2. Dividing an inclined line into two and three parts. In this part of the algorithm, you can ask the child to compare half the height of the inclined line with the interval between the lines and lead the student to understand that they are equal. Thus, we will give the student the opportunity to determine the interval between inclined lines, and later - the width of the letter, equal to half its height. Such proportions must be maintained throughout the entire period of learning to write for “readability.” Finding the third part of the inclined line will give us the opportunity to determine the exact location of the connections of elements and letters above or below the middle of the working line.

3. Performing a rounding on the bottom ruler of the working line. In fact, the rounding process occurs at 1/10 of the height from the bottom ruler of the working line, but students are instructed to perform the rounding when they touch the working line with the handle. The pronunciation of the algorithm is lengthened: “I put the pen on the top ruler of the working line, go down along the inclined line and perform the “rocking motion.”

4. Hook line letter. Three types of hook writing are analyzed. The focus is on the average. (It should be noted that the hook itself is written by dividing the angle between the straight slant and the bottom ruler into two equal parts, then when writing the hook line to the middle of the working line, we get the opportunity to outline the width of the letter we are writing, which will be equal to half the height of the slanted line or half the height letters.) The writing algorithm is supplemented: “I put the pen on the top ruler of the workinglines, I go down along the inclined line, perform a “rocking motion” and go up along the hook line to the middle of the line.” Graphic errors must be analyzed. The hook should not be curved or concave. So, writing a hook is subjected to a detailed analysis of its small components. This will allow you to avoid many graphical shortcomings in the future.

5. Letter of "secret" i.e., a straight line up parallel to the first inclined one. In writing, without carefully working out this point, two hooks can be connected in the following two ways.

The first way of writing: by lifting your hand and adding the next element. In this case, the parallelism of the lines is not maintained, since it is most often not possible to move the handle in space and start a new movement from the desired point

The second way of writing: with a smooth rise up, all the while moving away from the inclined line. In this case, in the next element, he most often moves the inclined one to the left in order to leave a gap in the lower part, thereby getting a graphical error.

The correct way to write: writing a slanted line from the middle of the line up. This allows not only to use lateral vision to maintain the parallelism of the elements, but is also an essential condition for maintaining the harmony of the letters, and also accustoms the child to further continuous writing (if the student immediately learns to correctly connect the elements of the letter and the letters themselves in words, this will allow him in the future , firstly, do not do unnecessary writing, and secondly, when writing quickly, do not lose its quality).

Next, our algorithm looks like this: “I put the handle on the topruler of the working line, go down along the slanted line, perform a “rocking chair”, go up along the hook line to the middle of the line, write an upward slanted line (“secret”).”

6. Letter down "secret" i.e. writing a second downward slanted line without lifting your hand. At the same time, the attention of schoolchildren is drawn to the fact that both lines drawn from top to bottom must necessarily be parallel. Between the hook inclined and the second straight inclined there is a gap at the bottom of the line (“hut”).

7. Completing the writing of the second hook, i.e. the second hook line. Students themselves analyze how to add a second parallel line to the hook. At this stage of work, it is important for them to use lateral vision (we write oblique, focusing on the previous one).

The students finish pronouncing the algorithm:

“I put the pen on the top ruler of the working line, go down along the inclined line, perform a “rocking motion”, go up along the hook line to the middle of the line, write “secret”, go down along the “secret”, perform a “rocking motion” and go up along the hook line to the middle lines."

So, the basic writing algorithm has been obtained. Letter And has absorbed all the basic elements often encountered in writing.

Based on the connection of two hooks to each other, the principle of connecting elements and letters to each other, most often used in writing, is shown. Let's look at this using the example of transforming a letter And The most common ones when writing are lowercase letters.

The student sees all the transformations and is convinced how important it is to learn how to write and connect two hooks correctly. In the process of mastering the basic algorithm, it is important to introduce schoolchildren to means of checking the correctness of what is written. To this end the following graphic signs are introduced: middle (-), one-third above or below (x), clearance from below, “hut” (), clearance from above, “nest” (v).

When using a writing algorithm, after children understand it through a game situation, through involving them in feasible “research” activities, not only the correct graphic skill is formed and improved, but also a number of general developmental problems are solved.

After all, the process of writing is not a simple motor act; it helps the student in developing his cognitive interest, speech, willpower, conscious attitude towards the work being performed and its results.

During the alphabetic period, significant attention is paid to detailed analysis letters: students find already known elements in the letter they are studying, analyze all the methods of connecting with subsequent letters, and give their verbal description. Initially, this is done with the help of the teacher, then, when familiarizing themselves with a new letter, the students try to create its algorithm themselves. They learn while the teacher pronounces the algorithm ( graphic dictation) write down a letter, independently comment on the spelling of not only letters, but also individual compounds and even short words.

Thus, using the well-known writing algorithm, students, through analysis, logical reasoning, and comparisons, not only explain the writing of letters, but also learn the correct principle of continuous writing. This construction graphic work contributes to the activation of the student’s mental activity.

The thinking of 6-7 year old children is visual and figurative in nature. Taking this into account, before learning to draw a letter in the student’s memory, a clear and differentiated visual image letters. Students are asked to compare the printed letter they are studying with the written one, also to highlight the elements they already know in it, and to remember in which letters they have studied they have already been encountered. Take apart new elements, think about what they look like, try to give them a name. The teacher offers his own version of the name, which the children usually agree with. The letter algorithm cannot be imposed by the teacher; it must be born in the lesson in the joint activity of the teacher and children. This allows children not to memorize the algorithm of the letter they are studying, but to consciously assimilate it. The assimilation time is different in each specific case. Some learn the algorithm in the process of becoming familiar with a new letter, others - a little later, while the principle of awareness should always remain the leading one.

In addition to practicing writing a particular letter, the student must be able to distinguish a correctly written letter from an incorrectly written one and indicate what the errors are (if any) and how to eliminate them. It is very important to carry out letter analysis work as early as possible, since its effectiveness has a positive effect on the formation of correct graphic skills. During the alphabet period, significant attention should be paid to the development of graphic vigilance, and not get carried away by the speed of writing.

For children to better understand the writing of letters, their algorithms use the designations “rocking chair”, “secret”, “stick”, “knot”, etc. These additional designations are understandable to children, are easy to remember and successfully recreate the necessary graphic images in their minds.

At the third stage of the main algorithm, schoolchildren learn to turn the handle in place, i.e. perform a turn in place, but in such a way that a certain rounding remains. For brevity, this turn in place is usually called a “rocking chair.”

The ascent after the hook inclined line along a straight upward inclined line is performed parallel to the inclined line already written on the left (in the main algorithm this is the fifth stage).

This rise from the middle of the line upward is usually called the “secret” (during the return movement, this line is basically “covered” from above and becomes invisible). This element is written in almost all letters in which it is necessary to indicate the parallelism of elements or parts thereof. The “stick” element is used in cases where, when writing the bottom of a letter, it is necessary to linger on the line by the width of the letter .

Writing a "knot" means performing a circular motion in place in a counterclockwise direction.

Some aspects of use information technologies in teaching writing junior schoolchildren.

The feasibility of using information technology in teaching various school subjects is beyond doubt. The effectiveness of such training increases significantly if its use is not episodic, but systematic, throughout the entire course. The main problem with such integrated study of subjects is that the development of traditional courses did not involve the use of information technology.

Fortunately, information and technological support for the presented methodology for teaching writing to primary schoolchildren can be realistically feasible.

For teaching children to write, it is first of all important visibility the process of writing letters and their connections.

It’s great if the teacher does this traditionally on the blackboard, but writing letters, connections and words in a much more imaginative, colorful, and effective way can be implemented on a computer screen using modern software.

At the same time, the process itself can be designed in the style of a ready-made design with the characters in the copybooks. During the lessons, the student, moving the “mouse,” will have the opportunity to repeat actions many times, focusing on his own needs and abilities.

Feature this method of teaching writing - studying the basic algorithm of writing and writing each letter according to this algorithm.

From a very early age, children develop algorithmic and analytical thinking, since for each letter the student develops and implements a specific algorithm for writing it and analyzes the mistakes made. The algorithm cannot be imposed by the teacher; it must be born in the lesson in the joint activity of the teacher and the child.

One of the most important stages Learning to write is the acquisition and development of the skill of seeing or recognizing the constituent elements of a letter and how they are connected. The use of various versions of computer mosaics, made on the basis of ready-made assignments from copybooks, will undoubtedly be useful and will add variety to the course of the lesson.

For example, the game “Guess the letter” (find out and complete the letter)

“Find graphic errors”, “Look for correct letter", "Restore the word",

“Find a pair for each element”, “Field of Miracles” (choose the appropriate letter).

The development of computer video training lessons will make it possible to apply the methodology in various forms of teaching children (home-based, family-based, distance learning).

Information technologies will make it possible to radically change the organization of the learning process for students, shaping their systems thinking; use computers for the purpose of individualization educational process and turn to fundamentally new cognitive means.

The use of ICT in teaching writing has a positive impact on the general cultural development of students; acquiring and improving computer skills; individualization of training; students' self-affirmation; increasing motivation to study; aesthetic presentation educational materials; improving the process of checking student work; increasing the authority of the teacher (“keeps up with the times”).

But there are a number of difficulties in integrating information technology and teaching writing to primary schoolchildren, namely:

  • the need for adaptation, development curricula, supporting the course;
  • coordination of lesson schedules using ICT;
  • the danger of overloading students with computer work during the mass informatization of schools.

The use of new information technologies expands the scope educational process, increases its practical orientation.

The proposed manual is a practical guide for teachers primary classes. It contains theoretical basis, author's methodology, interesting pedagogical techniques and observations. Currently, hundreds of teachers, teaching children to write, use V.A.’s method. Ilyukhina.

The first lessons are a very important period. It is necessary to constantly practice writing out elements, and then letters, with the whole class together according to a clear command from the teacher: place the pen 1/3 from the top, go to the left and up, stay on the line, go down in a straight slanted line, stay on the line, go up, close the parts, etc.

With these exercises, I achieve various goals: I teach children to sit correctly when writing, to maintain a distance between the chest and the edge of the table equal to the width of the palm, not to lean too close to the table, to place the notebook correctly in front of them (the angle between the underside of the notebook and the edge of the table should be 25 degrees). Both hands should lie on the table: the elbow of the right hand hangs over the edge of the table by 1-2 cm. The handle must be placed on the middle phalanx of the middle finger, pressed from above with the thumb and forefinger 1.5-2 cm from the edge of the rod (the end of the handle should be directed towards right shoulder). All these habits are very important both for the progress of learning to write and for the child’s health. They are much easier for children to assimilate now, during the first easy exercises, than later, when these exercises themselves become quite difficult and occupy all the child’s attention.

Download the e-book for free in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Letter with a Secret, Ilyukhina V.A., 1994 -, fast and free download.

  • Education, Past, present, future, Akhmetov I.G., 2018
  • A letter with a “secret”, From the experience of developing students’ calligraphic writing skills, Ilyukhina V.A., 1994
  • Modern technologies for conducting lessons in elementary schools, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, Methodological manual, Dememeva N.N., 2013

The following textbooks and books.

Technology by V.A. Ilyukhina

as a means of shaping
universal learning activities
primary school students.

Ilyukhina Vera Alekseevna
Director of YuZOUO GOU Secondary School No. 2006
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
Honored Teacher of Russia,
Excellence in Public Education,
Veteran of labour,
Winner of the “Grand Prix “New School” award,
winner of the “Teacher of the Year -96” competition,
laureate of the Moscow Mayor's Prize in the region
education - 2004.
Member of the Expert Council of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation,
lecturer at MIOO.
Author of methods for teaching writing and correcting handwriting.
Has about 150 publications.
The title of her book, “A Letter with a Secret,” brings creative people together. According to her
First-graders from different parts of Russia have been studying cursive writing for many years.
Credo: “By giving, you gain”
“Time is short for those who do nothing.”

...The child invests a lot
in your handwriting.
It's something he gives with love
parents or teachers.
Any flaw in the letters or handwriting
in general should be considered
like an alarm...

work on the formation
calligraphy skill

First stage:
development of fine motor skills in the classroom
with preschoolers at the Svetlyachok school
Exercises to develop fine motor skills:
working with exercise equipment, finger gymnastics;
Hatching albums for coloring;
Hatching using stencils;
Writing in pencil in notebooks
in a narrow line

Second phase:
development of writing skills
for 1st grade students.
Teaching writing
By textbooks V.A. Ilyukhina:
Educational and educational complex "School of Russia" "Miracle - copybook";
Educational complex "Planet of Knowledge" "Copywriting",
"Copybooks for reading children."

Second phase:
development of writing skills
1st grade students.
Exercises to develop fine motor skills;
Working with simulators;
Hatching with letter elements
using gel pens;
Hatching using stencils;
Letter with a simple pencil,
then - with a pen;
Learning to write basic elements
letters, then letters, syllables, words;
Student incentive system
(“Honorary covers”,
exhibition of the best notebooks)

Basic elements of writing.
Start point
Top and bottom point
letters letters
thirds of a line
Slant stick
Hook line
"Rocking chair"
"less - more"
Hut for a gnome
Marabaeva L.A.

Writing straight slanted lines At this stage, the following errors occur:

Failure to maintain parallelism of inclined

Algorithm for writing a slanted line

working line,
I’m going down an inclined line..."

Dividing an inclined line into two and three parts

Performing curves on the bottom ruler of the working line

Algorithm for making roundings on the bottom ruler of the working line

“I put the handle on the top
working line ruler,

I'm doing the rocking exercise...

Hook line letter

Algorithm for writing a hook line

“I put the pen
on the top line of the working line,
I go down the inclined line,
I do the rocking exercise
middle of the line..."

Letter of "secret"

"Secret" - straight line up
parallel to the first inclined..."

Algorithm for writing a “secret”

“I put my pen on the top ruler
working line,
I go down the inclined line,
I do the rocking exercise
I'm climbing the hook line
to the middle of the line,
I’m writing an upward sloping line (“secret”)...”

Letter down "secret"

Writing algorithm:

“I put my pen on the top ruler
working line,
I go down the inclined line,
I do the rocking exercise
I'm climbing the hook line
to the middle of the line,
I write an upward sloping line (“secret”),
“I’m secretly writing a downward sloping line...”

Completing writing the second hook (second hook line)

The writing algorithm ends:

“I put the pen on the top ruler of the working line,
I go down the inclined line, I perform
“rocking chair”, I rise along the hook line to
in the middle of the line, I write “secret”, according to “secret”
I go down, do the “rocking chair” and
I go up the hook to the middle of the line"

has included all the main
elements often found in

Based on the connection of two hooks
the principle of connection between each other is shown
elements and letters between each other

Verification methods
the correctness of what is written.
The following graphic characters are entered:
middle (-),
one third from above or below (x),
clearance from below, “hut” ( ),
clearance from above, “nest” (v).

Techniques for writing lessons:
Dictation of letter elements and their connections
Game "Trouble"
Game "Mark a place"
Guess game
Game "Field of Miracles"
Game "Repeat the sentence"

Game "Guess the letter"
(find out and complete the letter)

Game "Recover the Word"

Game “Find a pair for each element”

Game “Guess the word by connecting

Calligraphic errors:

Failure to observe spacing between letters in words,
uneven placement of words on a line
Letters are written too wide or too narrow,
There is a multidirectional tilt or excessive
tilt to the right or left,
The position of the letters relative to the lines is not respected
strings, i.e. no linearity when writing,
The required letter height is not maintained,
The writing is revealed to be broken and pretentious,
There is an angularity, “climbing” of the letter,
The coherence of letters when writing is not maintained,
There is complete illegibility, a “porridge”.
The above errors appear due to
insufficiently formed
correct graphic skills.

Sample card for tracing

Formation technology
calligraphic skills of V.A. Ilyukhina
"A Letter with Open Rules"
promotes the development of beauty,
competent writing,
affects the formation of the world
child, helps him grow internally
a beautiful person.
Beautiful writing is an expression
relationships with other people.
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