The tale of a peasant son who is nine. Read the Russian folk tale "Ivan - the peasant's son and the miracle Yudo"

Target: through analysis of the image of the main character, to cultivate a sense of patriotism, high moral principles and aesthetic values ​​in students.

  • Educational: develop the ability to process text in order to find fragments that answer specific questions and highlight important information.
  • Developmental: contribute to the formation of communicative and research competence of fifth-graders, enrich lexicon students, develop the ability to master artistic images and expressive properties of language.
  • Educational: to cultivate a sense of patriotism and high moral principles using the example of the main character Ivan, a peasant son.

Lesson type: review-summarizing

Lesson format: conversation with elements of practical work

Equipment: computer, screen, multimedia projector, routing (Appendix 2), textbook ed. V.Ya.Korovina.

During the classes

I. Teacher's opening speech

- “Collect our folklore, learn from it... The better we know the past, the easier, the more deeply we will understand the great significance of the works of the present,” said M. Gorky. ( Slide 1)

How do you guys understand this statement by the writer?

(From folklore works we learn about the events of hoary antiquity, about economic activities and family life our ancestors, about how they fought, defending their native land, cultivated it, what they strived for, what they fought against)

Passed on from generation to generation, fairy tales underwent changes and achieved extraordinary expressiveness. There are no random episodes or dialogues, no unnecessary descriptions. The people have thought of everything. Good always triumphs in a fairy tale, evil is punished.

Fairy tale " Ivan the peasant son and Miracle Yudo” - a magical fairy tale, but how does it differ from other fairy tales?

Let's try to answer this question today.

Write down the topic of the lesson in your workbooks. ( Slide 2)

II. Analysis of the fairy tale text

Did you like the fairy tale? Why?

Which of the heroes did you like more? Why?

What news saddened the inhabitants of a certain state?

Which of the brothers is going to defend the Russian land at the very beginning of the fairy tale? - Find this episode in a fairy tale

(Elder brothers (p. 29) “Don’t worry, father and mother, we will go to the miracle Yudo, we will fight him to the death. And so that you don’t feel homesick alone, let him be with you Ivanushka remains, he’s still young to go into battle”)

Only Ivanushka did not agree with this decision, and the old men did not dissuade him, so the brothers set off with the miracle to fight, to defend the Russian land. The brothers took damask swords, took knapsacks with bread and salt, mounted good horses and rode off. ( Slide 3)

They drove and drove and arrived at some village. What picture did the brothers see?

(Everything is burned out, broken, not a single living soul is there. There’s only one hut standing, and it’s barely holding on)

How did the old woman react to the brothers' decision to fight the villain?

(They got down to business. This means it was not in vain that they left their native land))

They drive up to the Smorodina River, to the Kalinov Bridge. What kind of bridge is this?

(Pre-prepared student message) (Slide 4)

The Kalinov Bridge spans over the Smorodina River, which divides the world alive and peace dead. The bridge, which is the border, is guarded Three-Headed Serpent. It is along this bridge that souls cross into the kingdom of the dead. And it is here that the heroes (knights, heroes) hold back the forces of evil (in the person of various snakes) that threaten good.

There are many epics and legends, according to the plot of which, on the Kalinov Bridge, a hero (knight, hero) fights with a snake, which is the personification of the battle of good and evil.

How do brothers behave on the other side? What decision is made?

Who turns out to be the most organized?

(Ivan turns out to be the most vigilant. “Well, brothers, we’ve arrived in the wrong direction, we need to listen to everything and take a closer look.”

Can we say that all the brothers showed themselves here as true defenders of the Motherland?

How does your older brother behave on patrol?

How does the middle brother behave?

Why does Ivan take all responsibility upon himself?

(Ivan realized the futility of his brothers’ participation in the campaign and he himself entered into single combat with the miracle Yud)

How are all the fights going? How did the brothers perform on patrol?

Group assignment:

Read how the appearance of the miracle of six, nine, twelve heads is described

Each time the image of the miracle becomes more terrible. During his appearance, the waters on the river became agitated, the eagles began to shout, and the third time - “the earth shook, the waters in the river became agitated, the violent winds howled” ( Slide 5,6,7 - based on group responses)

Was Ivan frightened and trembled by what he saw? Why?

How does he behave every time he encounters a monster?

(The first time he didn’t flinch, he answered wisely;

In the second, he showed resourcefulness and courage;

For the third time, Ivan is decisive, unstoppable.)

What features of Ivan, the peasant son, are revealed before the battle, during the battle, and after it?

(Filling out the table in the technological map)

(At first, Ivan, the peasant son, shows determination not to stay at home, but to go to battle with his older brothers;

during battles he shows courage and perseverance, courage and fearlessness;

after victories, he does not brag to his brothers, but asks them to support him during the third battle. The quality that Ivan showed when he went to the snake chambers in the morning can be called vigilance, caution. He learns about the plans of the snake wives: “He who is forewarned is forearmed,” says popular wisdom.)

(Slide 8)

Depicting the danger growing each time, the author emphasizes the seriousness of the situation for the hero . This was not done by accident, this is a special technique, using which the author shows Ivan’s courage, courage and fearlessness, which arouses in the reader love and respect for the defender of his land.

So this is not just a fairy tale, This is a fairy tale with heroic content

How do you understand the word “hero”? How many meanings does this word have?

(Two meanings:

  1. A hero is a character, a character in a work of art.
  2. A hero is a person who has committed a heroic act”) (Slide 9)

Can you follow through the text what they call Ivan, the peasant son, at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the fairy tale? ( Slide 10, part 1)

(At the beginning of the fairy tale, the brothers call the younger one Ivanushka, the old woman in the village says to the brothers “Good fellows.” Miracle Yudo and the snake call him Ivan the Peasant Son.”

In the middle of the tale, the narrator calls the hero Ivan, and then also Ivan the peasant son. Ivanushka is an affectionate name. This is what they usually call the little ones, the younger ones. The address “Ivan” is respectful, and Ivan the peasant’s son is similar to being addressed by name and patronymic (in the old days they said “Ivan Petrov’s son”) The address by name and patronymic had to be earned. ( Slide 10, part 2)

How do older brothers behave? Why are such assistants needed?

(And this is an artistic device. With the help of such a contrast, against the backdrop of arrogant loafers, the simple and modest winner. But at first the brothers did not want to take Ivan with them. In fact, the opposite is true: the brothers are useless, and Ivan is hero, protector.)

How do people show us the enemy? Why doesn’t he just call him Zmey Gorynych, but the filthy miracle Yudo)

(He encroaches on someone else's land, brings grief and suffering to the people)

Fairy tale composition. Peculiarities.

Does a fairy tale have a beginning or an ending? Find it.

How does the number three appear in this fairy tale?

(Three battles, three brothers, threw helping objects into the brothers’ hut three times, three wives, three trials)

What phrases slow down the action?

(how long was the trip short) (Slide 11)

- Connect the words into phrases.(Work in notebook)

An epithet is an artistic definition that emphasizes the qualities, properties, and features of the depicted object, phenomenon, or event that are important to the author. (Slide 12)

An epithet firmly attached to one subject is called permanent(Slide 13)

IV. Generalization

How does the fairy tale end?

(“And Ivan, the peasant son and his brothers, returned home, to his father, to his mother. And they began to live well, plow the field and sow wheat”) (Slide 14)

What is unusual about the ending of the fairy tale?

(These words personify the people’s dream of a free, quiet life, peaceful work. Ivan is a simple man, a people’s hero, a patriot, an honorable conscience, who loves his Motherland)

How can you formulate the moral of a fairy tale?

(Miracle Yudo appeared as a conqueror in a foreign land, where there was peaceful life. The indignation of the people cannot be stopped. In the image of Ivan, all the best forces of the Russian land united, this helped defeat the enemy)

Game “Assemble a proverb” (Connecting parts of proverbs in a technological map)

Collect proverbs that can be used to express the main moral of the fairy tale.

  • Whatever nation you live in, adhere to that custom.
  • Your own land is sweet even in a handful.
  • The foreign side is the stepmother, the birth side is the mother.
  • The Russian does not joke with the sword or the roll.
  • In Rus', not all crucians are crucians - there are also ruffs.
  • Don’t go into someone else’s monastery with your own rules. (Slide 16)

Game “Interview with a literary hero” (Slide 17)

If you real life I had to meet Ivan, the peasant’s son, what would you like to ask him, knowing about his feat?

How about he answer this question?

V. Homework (Slide 18)

  • Record an interview with the literary hero of the fairy tale “Ivan the Peasant Son and the Miracle Yudo.”

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived an old man and an old woman, and they had three sons. The youngest was called Ivanushka. They lived - they were not lazy, they worked from morning to night: they plowed the arable land and sowed grain.

Suddenly, bad news spread across that kingdom-state: the filthy miracle Yudo was going to attack their land, destroy all the people, and burn all the towns and villages with fire. The old man and the old woman began to sunbathe. And the elder sons console them:
- Don’t worry, father and mother! Let's go to the miracle Yudo, we'll fight him to the death! And so that you don’t feel sad alone, let Ivanushka stay with you: he is still very young to go into battle.
“No,” says Ivanushka, “I don’t want to stay at home and wait for you, I’ll go and fight the miracle!”

The old man and the old woman did not stop him and dissuade him. They equipped all three sons for the journey. The brothers took heavy clubs, took knapsacks with bread and salt, mounted good horses and rode off.

No matter how long or how short the ride, they meet an old man.

Hello, good fellows!
- Hello, grandfather!
-Where are you going?
- We are going with the filthy miracle-yud to fight, to fight, to defend our native land!
- This is a good thing! Only for battle you need not clubs, but damask swords.
- Where can I get them, grandfather!
- And I’ll teach you. Come on, you good fellows, everything is straight. Will you get to high mountain. And in that mountain there is a deep cave. The entrance to it is blocked with a large stone. Roll away the stone, enter the cave and find damask swords there.

The brothers thanked the passerby and drove straight, as he taught. They see a high mountain, with a large gray stone rolled down on one side. The brothers rolled away that stone and entered the cave. And there are all sorts of weapons there - you can’t even count them! They each chose a sword and moved on.

Thank you, they say, to the person passing by. It will be much easier for us to fight with swords!

They drove and drove and arrived at some village. They look - there is not a single living soul around. Everything is burned out and broken. There is one small hut. The brothers entered the hut. The old woman lies on the stove and groans.

Hello, grandma! - say the brothers.
- Hello, well done! Where are you headed?
- We are going, grandma, to the Smorodina River, to the Viburnum Bridge. We want to fight the miracle jud and not allow it onto our land.
- Oh, well done, they have taken up a good deed! After all, he, the villain, ruined and plundered everyone! And he got to us. I'm the only one who survived here...

The brothers spent the night with the old woman, got up early in the morning and set off on the road again.

They drive up to the Smorodina River itself, to the Viburnum Bridge. All along the shore there are swords and broken bows, and human bones.

The brothers found an empty hut and decided to stay in it.

Well, brothers,” says Ivan, “we’ve come to a foreign direction, we need to listen to everything and take a closer look.” Let's take turns going on patrol so that we don't miss the miracle Yudo across the Kalinov bridge.

On the first night, the elder brother went on patrol. He walked along the bank, looked across the Smorodina River - everything was quiet, he couldn’t see anyone, couldn’t hear anything. The elder brother lay down under a willow bush and fell asleep soundly, snoring loudly.

And Ivan lies in the hut - he cannot sleep, he does not doze. As time passed past midnight, he took his damask sword and went to the Smorodina River.

He looks - his older brother is sleeping under a bush, snoring at the top of his lungs. Ivan did not wake him up. He hid under the Viburnum bridge, standing, guarding the crossing.

Suddenly the waters on the river became agitated, the eagles screamed in the oak trees - a miracle Yudo with six heads was approaching. He went to the middle Kalinov Bridge- the horse stumbled under him, the black raven on his shoulder started, and behind him the black dog bristled. The six-headed miracle Yudo says:

Why did you, my horse, stumble? Why did you, black raven, perk up? Why are you, black dog, bristling? Or do you sense that Ivan is the peasant's son here? So he wasn’t born yet, and even if he was born, he wasn’t fit to fight! I'll put him on one arm and slam him with the other!

Then Ivan, the peasant son, came out from under the bridge and said:

Don't boast, you filthy miracle! I didn’t shoot a clear falcon - it’s too early to pluck feathers! Did not recognize good fellow- there is no point in shaming him! Let's better try our strength: whoever overcomes will boast.

So they came together, drew level, and hit so hard that the earth around them began to roar.

Miracle Yud was not lucky: Ivan, the peasant son, knocked off three of his heads with one swing.

Stop, Ivan - the peasant's son! - shouts the miracle Yudo. - Give me a break!
- What a vacation! You, miracle Yudo, have three heads, and I have one. Here's how. You will have one head, then we will rest.

They came together again, they hit each other again.

Ivan the peasant son cut off the miracle juda and the last three heads. After that, he cut the body into small pieces and threw it into the Smorodina River, and put six heads under the viburnum bridge. He returned to the hut and went to bed.

In the morning the elder brother comes. Ivan asks him:

Well, have you seen anything?
- No, brothers, not even a fly flew past me!

Ivan didn’t say a word to him about this.

The next night the middle brother went on patrol. He walked and walked, looked around and calmed down. He climbed into the bushes and fell asleep.

Ivan didn’t rely on him either. As time passed past midnight, he immediately equipped himself, took his sharp sword and went to the Smorodina River. He hid under the viburnum wash and began to keep watch.

Suddenly the waters on the river became agitated, the eagles screamed in the oak trees - the nine-headed miracle Yudo was approaching. As soon as he drove onto the Viburnum bridge, the horse stumbled under him, the black raven on his shoulder started, the black dog bristled behind him... Miracle Yudo hit the horse with a whip on the sides, the crow on the feathers, the dog on the ears!

Why did you, my horse, stumble? Why did you, black raven, perk up? Why are you, black dog, bristling? Or do you sense that Ivan is a peasant’s son here? So he was not born yet, and if he was born, he was not fit for battle: I will kill him with one finger!

Ivan, the peasant son, jumped out from under the viburnum bridge:
- Wait, miracle Yudo, don’t boast, get down to business first! Let's see whose will take it!

As Ivan swung his damask sword once or twice, he took off six heads from the miracle-yuda. And the miracle Yudo hit - he drove Ivan up to his knees into the damp earth. Ivan the peasant son grabbed a handful of sand and threw it right into his enemy’s eyes. While Miracle Yudo was wiping and cleaning his eyes, Ivan cut off his other heads. Then he cut the body into small pieces, threw it into the Smorodina River, and put the nine heads under the viburnum bridge. He returned to the hut himself. I lay down and fell asleep as if nothing had happened.

In the morning the middle brother comes.

Well,” asks Ivan, “didn’t you see anything during the night?”
- No, not a single fly flew near me, not a single mosquito squeaked.
- Well, if that’s the case, come with me, dear brothers, I’ll show you both a mosquito and a fly.

Ivan brought the brothers under the Viburnum bridge and showed them the miracle heads of Yud.

“Here,” he says, “the kind of flies and mosquitoes that fly here at night.” And you, brothers, should not fight, but lie on the stove at home!

The brothers were ashamed. “Sleep,” they say, “fell off... On the third night, Ivan himself got ready to go on patrol.

“I,” he says, “am going to a terrible battle!” And you, brothers, don’t sleep all night, listen: when you hear my whistle, release my horse and rush to my aid.

Ivan, a peasant son, came to the Smorodina River, stood under the Kalinov bridge, waiting.

As soon as it was past midnight, the damp earth began to shake, the waters in the river became agitated, violent winds howled, eagles screamed in the oak trees. The twelve-headed miracle Yudo emerges. All twelve heads are whistling, all twelve are blazing with fire and flame. The miracle-yud's horse has twelve wings, the hair of the horse is copper, the tail and mane are iron. As soon as the miracle Yudo rode onto the Viburnum bridge, the horse stumbled under him, the black raven on his shoulder perked up, the black dog behind him bristled. Miracle Yudo a horse with a whip on the sides, a crow on the feathers, a dog on the ears!

Why did you, my horse, stumble? Why did the black raven start up? Why, the black dog, bristled? Or do you sense that Ivan is a peasant’s son here? So he wasn’t born yet, and even if he was born, he wasn’t fit for battle: I’ll just blow and there won’t be any ashes left!

Here Ivan, the peasant son, came out from under the viburnum bridge:
- Wait, miracle Yudo, boast: so as not to disgrace yourself!
- Oh, so it’s you, Ivan, the peasant’s son? Why did you come here?
- Look at you, enemy power, try your courage!
- Why should you try my courage? You are a fly in front of me!

Ivan, the peasant son of the miracle, answers:
- I didn’t come to tell you fairy tales and not to listen to yours. I came to fight to the death, from you, damned one, good people deliver!

Here Ivan swung his sharp sword and cut off three heads of the miracle Yuda. Miracle Yudo picked up these heads, scratched them with his fiery finger, put them on their necks, and immediately all the heads grew back as if they had never fallen from their shoulders.

Ivan had a bad time: the miracle Yudo deafens him with a whistle, burns him with fire, showers him with sparks, drives him knee-deep into the damp earth... And he chuckles:
- Don't you want to rest, Ivan the peasant son?
- What kind of vacation? In our opinion - hit, slash, don’t take care of yourself! - says Ivan.

He whistled and threw his right mitten into the hut, where his brothers were waiting for him. The mitten broke all the glass in the windows, and the brothers are sleeping and don’t hear anything.

Ivan gathered his strength, swung again, stronger than before, and cut off six heads of the miracle-yuda. Miracle Yudo picked up his heads, struck a fiery finger, put them on their necks - and again all the heads were in place. He rushed at Ivan and beat him waist-deep into the damp earth.

Ivan sees that things are bad. He took off his left mitten and threw it into the hut. The mitten broke through the roof, but the brothers were all asleep and didn’t hear anything.

For the third time, Ivan, the peasant son, swung and cut off nine heads of the miracle. Miracle Yudo picked them up, struck them with a fiery finger, put them on their necks - the heads grew back. He rushed at Ivan and drove him into the damp earth up to his shoulders...

Ivan took off his hat and threw it into the hut. That blow caused the hut to stagger and almost roll over the logs. Just then the brothers woke up and heard Ivanov’s horse neighing loudly and breaking from its chains.

They rushed to the stable, let the horse down, and then ran after him.

Ivanov’s horse galloped up and began to beat the miracle Yudo with its hooves. The miracle-yudo whistled, hissed, and began to shower the horse with sparks.

Meanwhile, Ivan, the peasant son, crawled out of the ground, contrived and cut off the fiery finger of the miracle-juda. After that, let's chop off his heads. Knocked down every single one! He cut the body into small pieces and threw it into the Smorodina River.

The brothers come running here.
- Oh, you! - says Ivan. - Because of your drowsiness, I almost paid with my head!

His brothers brought him to the hut, washed him, fed him, gave him something to drink and put him to bed.

Early in the morning Ivan got up and began to dress and put on his shoes.
-Where did you get up so early? - say the brothers. - I should have rested after such a massacre!
“No,” Ivan answers, “I have no time for rest: I’ll go to the Smorodina River to look for my sash,” he dropped it there.
- Hunting for you! - say the brothers. - Let's go into town and buy a new one.
- No, I need mine!

Ivan went to the Smorodina River, but did not look for the sash, but crossed to the other bank through the Viburnum bridge and sneaked unnoticed to the miraculous yuda stone chambers. He went up to the open window and began to listen - were they planning something else here?

He looks - three miraculous Yuda wives and his mother, an old snake, are sitting in the chambers. They sit and talk.

The first one says:
- I will take revenge on Ivan, the peasant son, for my husband! I’ll get ahead of myself, when he and his brothers return home, I’ll bring in the heat, and I’ll turn into a well. If they want to drink water, they will drop dead from the first sip!
- You came up with a good idea! - says the old snake.

The second one says:
- And I’ll run ahead and turn into an apple tree. If they want to eat an apple, they will be torn into small pieces!
- And you came up with a good idea! - says the old snake.
“And I,” says the third, “will make them sleepy and drowsy, and I myself will run ahead and turn myself into a soft carpet with silk pillows.” If the brothers want to lie down and rest, then they will be burned with fire!
- And you came up with a good idea! - said the snake. - Well, if you don’t destroy them, I myself will turn into a huge pig, catch up with them and swallow all three of them!

Ivan, the peasant son, overheard these speeches and returned to his brothers.
- Well, did you find your sash? - the brothers ask.
- Found.
- And it was worth spending time on it!
- It was worth it, brothers!

After that, the brothers got together and went home.

They travel through the steppes, they travel through meadows. And the day is so hot, so sultry. I'm thirsty - I have no patience! The brothers look - there is a well, a silver ladle is floating in the well. They say to Ivan:
- Come on, brother, let's stop, drink some cold water and water the horses!
“It’s unknown what kind of water is in that well,” Ivan answers. - Maybe rotten and dirty.

He jumped off his horse and began to cut and slash this well with his sword. The well howled and roared in an evil voice. Then the fog descended, the heat subsided - I didn’t feel thirsty.
“You see, brothers, what kind of water there was in the well,” says Ivan.

The brothers jumped off their horses and wanted to pick apples. And Ivan ran ahead and started cutting down the apple tree with a sword to the very root. The apple tree howled and screamed...
- Do you see, brothers, what kind of apple tree this is? The apples on it are tasteless!

The brothers mounted their horses and rode on. They rode and rode and became very tired. They look - a patterned, soft carpet is spread out on the field, and there are down pillows on it.
“Let’s lie down on this carpet, rest, take a nap for an hour!” the brothers say.
- No, brothers, it won’t be soft to lie on this carpet! - Ivan answers them.

The brothers got angry with him:
- What kind of a guide are you: this is not allowed, the other is not allowed!

Ivan didn’t say a word in response. He took off his sash and threw it on the carpet. The sash burst into flames and burned.
- It would be the same with you! - Ivan says to his brothers.

He approached the carpet and used a sword to chop the carpet and pillows into small pieces. He chopped it up, scattered it to the sides and said:
- In vain, brothers, you grumbled at me! After all, the well, the apple tree, and the carpet - all these were miracle wives of Yuda. They wanted to destroy us, but they didn’t succeed: they all died!

They drove a lot or a little - suddenly the sky darkened, the wind howled, the earth began to roar: a huge pig was running after them. She opened her mouth to her ears - she wants to swallow Ivan and his brothers. Here the fellows, don’t be stupid, pulled out a pound of salt from their travel bags and threw them into the pig’s mouth.

The pig was delighted - she thought that she had captured Ivan, the peasant’s son and his brothers. She stopped and began to chew salt. And when I tried it, I rushed off in pursuit again.

She runs, raising her bristles, clicking her teeth. It's about to catch up...

Then Ivan ordered the brothers to gallop in different directions: one galloped to the right, the other to the left, and Ivan himself galloped forward.

A pig ran up and stopped - it didn’t know who to catch up with first.

While she was thinking and turning her muzzle in different directions, Ivan jumped up to her, picked her up and hit her on the ground with all his might. The pig crumbled into dust, and the wind scattered those ashes in all directions.

Since then, all the miracles and snakes in that region have disappeared - people began to live without fear.

And Ivan, the peasant son and his brothers, returned home, to his father, to his mother. And they began to live and live, to plow the field and sow wheat.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived an old man and an old woman, and they had three sons. The youngest was called Ivanushka. They lived - they were not lazy, they worked all day, plowed the arable land and sowed grain.

Suddenly the news spread throughout that kingdom-state: the vile miracle Yudo was going to attack their land, destroy all the people, and burn down the towns and villages with fire. The old man and the old woman began to sunbathe. And their sons console them:

Don’t worry, father and mother, we will go to the miracle Yudo, we will fight him to the death. And so that you don’t feel sad alone, let Ivanushka stay with you: he is still very young to go into battle.

No,” says Ivan, “it doesn’t suit me to stay at home and wait for you, I’ll go and fight the miracle!”

The old man and the old woman did not stop and dissuade Ivanushka, and they equipped all three sons for the journey. The brothers took damask swords, took knapsacks with bread and salt, mounted good horses and rode off.

They drove and drove and arrived at some village. They look - there is not a single living soul around, everything is burned out, broken, there is only one small hut, barely standing. The brothers entered the hut. The old woman lies on the stove and groans.

“Hello, grandma,” the brothers say.

Hello, good fellows! Where are you headed?

We, grandma, are going to the Smorodina River, to the Kalinov Bridge. We want to fight the miracle jud and not allow it onto our land.

Oh, well done, they got down to business! After all, he, the villain, ruined, plundered, and put everyone to cruel death. Neighboring kingdoms are like a ball. And I started coming here. I’m the only one left on this side: apparently I’m a miracle worker and not fit for food.

The brothers spent the night with the old woman, got up early in the morning and set off on the road again.

They drive up to the Smorodina River itself, to the Kalinov Bridge. Human bones lie all along the shore.

The brothers found an empty hut and decided to stay in it.

Well, brothers,” says Ivan, “we’ve come to a foreign direction, we need to listen to everything and take a closer look.” Let's take turns on patrol so that we don't miss the miracle Yudo across the Kalinov bridge.

On the first night, the elder brother went on patrol. He walked along the bank, looked at the Smorodina River - everything was quiet, he couldn’t see anyone, couldn’t hear anything. He lay down under a broom bush and fell asleep soundly, snoring loudly.

And Ivan lies in the hut, unable to sleep. He can't sleep, he can't sleep. As time passed past midnight, he took his damask sword and went to the Smorodina River. He looks - his older brother is sleeping under a bush, snoring at the top of his lungs. Ivan didn’t bother to wake him up, he hid under the Kalinov bridge, stood there, guarding the crossing.

Suddenly the waters on the river became agitated, the eagles screamed in the oak trees - a miracle Yudo with six heads was leaving. He rode out to the middle of the Kalinov Bridge - the horse stumbled under him, the black raven on his shoulder perked up, and behind him the black dog bristled.

The six-headed miracle Yudo says:

Why did you, my horse, stumble? Why did the black raven start up? Why, the black dog, bristled? Or do you sense that Ivan is a peasant’s son here? So he was not born yet, and even if he was born, he was not fit for battle. I’ll put him on one hand and slam him with the other - it’ll just make him wet!

Here Ivan, the peasant son, came out from under the bridge and said:

Don't boast, you filthy miracle! Without shooting a clear falcon, it’s too early to pluck its feathers. Without recognizing the good fellow, there is no point in blaspheming him. Let's try our best; whoever overcomes will boast.

So they came together, drew level, and hit each other so cruelly that the earth around them groaned.

Miracle Yud was not lucky: Ivan, a peasant son, knocked off three of his heads with one swing.

Stop, Ivan - the peasant's son! - shouts the miracle Yudo. - Give me a break!

What a break! You, miracle Yudo, have three heads, and I have one! Once you have one head, then we will rest.

They came together again, they hit each other again.

Ivan the peasant son cut off the miracle juda and the last three heads. After that, he cut the body into small pieces and threw it into the Smorodina River, and put six heads under the Kalinov bridge. He returned to the hut himself.

In the morning the elder brother comes. Ivan asks him:

Well, didn’t you see anything?

No, brothers, not even a fly flew past me.

Ivan didn’t say a word to him about this.

The next night the middle brother went on patrol. He walked and walked, looked around and calmed down. He climbed into the bushes and fell asleep.

Ivan didn’t rely on him either. As time passed past midnight, he immediately equipped himself, took his sharp sword and went to the Smorodina River. He hid under the Kalinov bridge and began to keep watch.

Suddenly the waters on the river became agitated, the eagles screamed in the oak trees - the nine-headed miracle Yudo was leaving. As soon as he entered the Kalinov bridge, the horse stumbled under him, the black raven on his shoulder perked up, the black dog bristled behind him... The miracle of the horse - on the sides, the crow - on the feathers, the dog on the ears!

Why did you, my horse, stumble? Why did the black raven start up? Why, the black dog, bristled? Or do you sense that Ivan is a peasant’s son here? So he was not born yet, and if he was born, he was not fit for battle: I will kill him with one finger!

Ivan, the peasant son, jumped out from under the Kalinov bridge:

Wait, miracle Yudo, don’t boast, get down to business first! It is still unknown whose will take it.

As Ivan waved his damask sword once, twice, he cut off six heads from the miracle-yud. And the miracle Yudo hit Ivan on the knees and drove the earth into the cheese. Ivan, the peasant son, grabbed a handful of earth and threw it right into his opponent’s eyes. While Miracle Yudo was wiping and cleaning his eyes, Ivan cut off his other heads. Then he took the body, cut it into small pieces and threw it into the Smorodina River, and put the nine heads under the Kalinov bridge. He returned to the hut, lay down and fell asleep.

In the morning the middle brother comes.

Well,” asks Ivan, “didn’t you see anything during the night?”

No, not a single fly flew near me, not a single mosquito squeaked nearby.

Well, if that’s the case, come with me, dear brothers, I’ll show you both a mosquito and a fly!

Ivan brought the brothers under the Kalinov Bridge and showed them the miracle Yudov’s heads.

“Look,” he says, “what flies and mosquitoes fly here at night!” You should not fight, but lie on the stove at home.

The brothers were ashamed.

Sleep, they say, has fallen...

On the third night, Ivan himself got ready to go on patrol.

“I,” he says, “are going to a terrible battle, and you, brothers, don’t sleep all night, listen: when you hear my whistle, release my horse and rush to my aid.”

Ivan, a peasant son, came to the Smorodina River, stood under the Kalinov bridge, waiting.

As soon as it was past midnight, the earth shook, the waters in the river became agitated, violent winds howled, eagles screamed in the oak trees... The twelve-headed miracle Yudo rides out. All twelve heads are whistling, all twelve are blazing with fire and flame. Miracle Yuda's horse has twelve wings, the horse's fur is copper, the tail and mane are iron. As soon as Miracle Yudo rode onto the Kalinov Bridge, the horse stumbled under him, the black raven on his shoulder perked up, the black dog behind him bristled. Miracle Yudo a horse with a whip on the sides, a crow on the feathers, a dog on the ears!

Why did you, my horse, stumble? Why did the black raven start up? Why, the black dog, bristled? Or do you sense that Ivan is a peasant’s son here? So he wasn’t born yet, and even if he was born, he wasn’t fit for battle: I’ll just blow and there won’t be any dust left of him!

Here Ivan, the peasant son, came out from under the Kalinov Bridge:

Stop boasting: so as not to disgrace yourself!

It's you, Ivan - the peasant's son! Why did you come?

To look at you, the enemy's strength, to test your strength.

Why should you try my fortress? You are a fly in front of me.

Ivan, the peasant son of the miracle, answers:

I came neither to tell you fairy tales, nor to listen to yours. I came to fight to the death, to save good people from you, damned one!

Ivan swung his sharp sword and cut off three heads of the miracle Yuda. Miracle Yudo picked up these heads, drew his fiery finger over them - and immediately all the heads grew back, as if they had never fallen from their shoulders.

Ivan, the peasant son, had a bad time: the miracle Yudo deafens him with a whistle, burns him with fire, showers him with sparks, drives him into the ground knee-deep in cheese. And he chuckles:

Don’t you want to rest and get better, Ivan the peasant’s son?

What a vacation! In our opinion - hit, slash, don’t take care of yourself! - says Ivan.

He whistled, barked, and threw his right mitten into the hut where the brothers remained. The mitten broke all the glass in the windows, and the brothers are sleeping and don’t hear anything.

Ivan gathered his strength, swung again, stronger than before, and cut off six heads of the miracle-yuda.

Miracle Yudo picked up his heads, drew a fiery finger - and again all the heads were in place. He rushed at Ivan and beat him waist-deep in the damp earth.

Ivan sees that things are bad. He took off his left mitten and threw it into the hut. The mitten broke through the roof, but the brothers were all asleep and didn’t hear anything.

The third time Ivan, the peasant son, swung even stronger and cut off nine heads of the miracle-juda. Miracle Yudo picked them up, drew them with a fiery finger - the heads grew back. He rushed at Ivan and drove him into the ground up to his shoulders.

Ivan took off his hat and threw it into the hut. That blow caused the hut to stagger and almost roll over the logs.

Just then the brothers woke up and heard Ivanov’s horse neighing loudly and breaking from its chains.

They rushed to the stable, lowered the horse, and after him they themselves ran to Ivan’s aid.

Ivanov’s horse came running and began to beat the miracle Yudo with its hooves. The miracle-yudo whistled, hissed, and began showering sparks on the horse... And Ivan, the peasant son, meanwhile crawled out of the ground, got used to it and cut off the miracle-yudo’s fiery finger. After that, let’s chop off his heads, knocked off every single one, cut his torso into small pieces and threw everything into the Smorodina River.

The brothers come running here.

Oh you, sleepyheads! - says Ivan. - Because of your dream, I almost lost my life.

His brothers brought him to the hut, washed him, fed him, gave him something to drink and put him to bed.

Early in the morning Ivan got up and began to get dressed and put on his shoes.

Where did you get up so early? - say the brothers. - I would have rested after such a massacre.

“No,” Ivan answers, “I have no time for rest: I’ll go to the Smorodina River to look for my scarf,” he dropped it.

Hunting for you! - say the brothers. - Let's go into town and buy a new one.

No, I need that one!

Ivan went to the Smorodina River, crossed to the other bank across the Kalinov Bridge and crept to the miraculous Yuda stone chambers. He walked up to the open window and began to listen to see if they were up to something else. He looks - three miraculous Yuda wives and his mother, an old snake, are sitting in the chambers. They sit and talk to each other.

The eldest says:

I will take revenge on Ivan, the peasant son, for my husband! I’ll get ahead of myself, when he and his brothers return home, I’ll bring in the heat, and I’ll turn into a well. They will want to drink water and burst from the first sip!

You came up with a good idea! - says the old snake.

The second one said:

And I’ll get ahead of myself and turn into an apple tree. If they want to eat an apple, they will be torn into small pieces!

And you had a good idea! - says the old snake.

And I,” says the third, “will make them sleepy and drowsy, and I myself will run ahead and turn myself into a soft carpet with silk pillows.” If the brothers want to lie down and rest, then they will be burned with fire!

The snake answers her:

And you came up with a good idea! Well, my dear daughters-in-law, if you don’t destroy them, then tomorrow I myself will catch up with them and swallow all three of them.

Ivan, the peasant son, listened to all this and returned to his brothers.

Well, did you find your handkerchief? - the brothers ask.

And it was worth the time!

It was worth it, brothers!

After that, the brothers got together and went home.

They travel through the steppes, they travel through meadows. And the day is so hot that I have no patience, I’m thirsty. The brothers look - there is a well, a silver ladle is floating in the well. They say to Ivan:

Come on, brother, let's stop, drink some cold water and water the horses.

It is not known what kind of water is in that well,” Ivan answers. - Maybe rotten and dirty.

He jumped off his good horse and began to slash and chop this well with his sword. The well howled and roared in an evil voice. Suddenly the fog descended, the heat subsided, and I didn’t feel thirsty.

You see, brothers, what kind of water there was in the well! - says Ivan.

Whether long or short, we saw an apple tree. Ripe and rosy apples hang on it.

The brothers jumped off their horses and were about to pick apples, but Ivan, the peasant’s son, ran ahead and began to cut and chop the apple tree with a sword. The apple tree howled and screamed...

Do you see, brothers, what kind of apple tree this is? Tasty apples on it!

They rode and rode and became very tired. They look - there is a soft carpet lying on the field, and there are down pillows on it.

Let's lie down on this carpet and relax a little! - say the brothers.

No, brothers, it will not be soft to lie on this carpet! - Ivan answers.

The brothers got angry with him:

What kind of a guide are you: this is not allowed, the other is not allowed!

Ivan didn’t say a word in response, took off his sash and threw it on the carpet. The sash burst into flames - nothing remained in place.

It would be the same with you! - Ivan says to his brothers.

He approached the carpet and used a sword to chop the carpet and pillows into small pieces. He chopped it up, scattered it to the sides and said:

In vain, brothers, you grumbled at me! After all, the well, and the apple tree, and this carpet - all were miracle wives of Yuda. They wanted to destroy us, but they didn’t succeed: they all died!

They drove a lot or a little - suddenly the sky darkened, the wind howled and hummed: the old snake itself was flying after them. She opened her mouth from heaven to earth - she wants to swallow Ivan and his brothers. Here the fellows, don’t be stupid, pulled out a pound of salt from their travel bags and threw them into the snake’s mouth.

The snake was delighted - she thought that she had captured Ivan, the peasant’s son and his brothers. She stopped and began to chew salt. And when I tried it and realized that these were not good fellows, I rushed off in pursuit again.

Ivan sees that trouble is imminent - he set off his horse at full speed, and his brothers followed him. Jumped and jumped, jumped and jumped...

They look - there is a forge, and in that forge twelve blacksmiths are working.

Blacksmiths, blacksmiths,” says Ivan, “let us into your forge!”

The blacksmiths let the brothers in, and behind them they closed the forge with twelve iron doors and twelve forged locks.

The snake flew up to the forge and shouted:

Blacksmiths, blacksmiths, give me Ivan - the peasant son and his brothers! And the blacksmiths answered her:

Run your tongue through twelve iron doors, and then you will take it!

The snake began to lick the iron doors. Licked, licked, licked, licked - licked eleven doors. There's only one door left...

The snake got tired and sat down to rest.

Then Ivan, the peasant son, jumped out of the forge, picked up the snake and hit it with all his might on the damp ground. It crumbled into fine dust, and the wind scattered that dust in all directions. Since then, all the miracles and snakes in that region have disappeared, and people began to live without fear.

And Ivan, the peasant son and his brothers, returned home, to his father, to his mother, and they began to live and live, plow the field and gather bread.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived an old man and an old woman, and they had three sons. The youngest was called Ivan. They lived - they were not lazy, they worked tirelessly. Suddenly the news spread throughout that kingdom-state: the vile miracle Yudo was going to attack their land and destroy all the people.

The old man and the old woman began to grieve, began to sunbathe, and their sons said: We will go to the miracle Yudo, we will fight with him to the death.

The old man and the old woman equipped their sons for a long journey. The brothers took damask swords and knapsacks with bread and salt, mounted good horses and rode off.

They drove and drove and arrived at some village. They look - there is not a single living soul around, there is only one small hut. The brothers entered the hut. An old woman is lying on the stove.

Good fellows. Where are you headed?

We, grandmother, are on the Smorodina River, on the Viburnum Bridge. We want to fight the miracle jud and not allow it onto our land.

Well done, they took up a good cause!

The brothers spent the night with the old woman, and in the morning they set off on the road again.

They drive up to the Smorodina River itself, to the Viburnum Bridge. All along the shore lie swords, broken bows, and human bones.

The brothers found an empty hut and decided to spend the night in it.

Well, brothers,” says Ivan, “we have come to a foreign, distant direction, we need to listen to everything and take a closer look. Let's take turns going on patrol so that we don't miss the miracle Yudo across the Kalinov bridge.

On the first night, the elder brother went on patrol. He walked along the shore, looked across the Smorodina River - everything was quiet, no one was in sight. He lay down under a willow bush and fell asleep.

But Ivan can’t sleep. As time passed past midnight, he took his damask sword and went to the Smorodina River. He looks - his older brother is sleeping under a bush.

Ivan did not wake him up, he hid under the viburnum bridge.

Suddenly the waters on the river became agitated, the eagles screamed in the oak trees - a miracle Yudo with six heads was approaching. He rode out into the middle of the viburnum bridge - the horse stumbled under him, the black raven on his shoulder started, and behind him the black dog bristled.

The six-headed miracle Yudo says:

Well, my faithful servants! Or do you smell Ivan the Peasant Son here? So he wasn’t born yet, and even if he was born, he wasn’t fit for battle: I’ll put him on one arm and slam him with the other!

Then Ivan, the peasant son, came out from under the bridge and said:

Don't boast, you filthy miracle! Let's try our best.

So they came together and hit so hard that the earth around them groaned.

Ivan, the peasant son, with one swing cut off three heads of the miracle Yuda with his sword.

Miracle Yudo shouts:

Give me a break!

You, miracle Yudo, have three heads, and I have one. Once you have one head, then we will rest.

They came together again, they hit each other again.

Ivan the peasant son cut off the miracle Yuda and the last three heads. He cut the body into small pieces, threw it into the Smorodina River, and put six heads under the viburnum bridge. After that he returned to the hut and went to bed.

The next night the middle brother went on patrol. He walked around, looked around, then climbed into the bushes and fell asleep.

Ivan didn’t rely on him either. As time went past midnight, he took a sharp sword and went to the Smorodina River. He hid under the viburnum bridge and began to keep watch.

Suddenly the waters on the river became agitated - a miracle Yudo with nine heads arrived. Ivan came out to meet him and challenged him to a fight.

As Ivan swung his damask sword, he took off six heads from the miracle-yud. And the miracle Yudo hit - he drove Ivan up to his knees into the damp earth. Ivan grabbed a handful of sand and threw it into his opponent’s eyes. While the miracle Yudo was rubbing his eyes, Ivan cut off his other heads. Then he cut the body into small pieces, threw it into the Smorodina River, and put the nine heads under the viburnum bridge. He returned to the hut, lay down and fell asleep.

In the morning the middle brother comes.

Did you see anything during the night? - asks Ivan.

Not a fly flew near me, not a mosquito squeaked.

If so, come with me, brothers, I will show you both a mosquito and a fly!

Ivan brought the brothers under the Viburnum bridge and showed them the miracle heads of Yud. The brothers were ashamed.

On the third night, Ivan himself got ready to go on patrol.

“I,” he says, “are going to a terrible battle, and you, brothers, when you hear my whistle, release my horse and rush to my aid.”

Ivan, a peasant son, came to the Smorodina River. As soon as it was past midnight, the twelve-headed miracle Yudo rode out. All twelve heads are whistling and blazing with fire. The horse of the miracle-yuda has twelve wings, the hair of the horse is copper, the tail and mane are iron.

Ivan, the peasant son, came out from under the viburnum bridge.

It's you, Ivan! Why did you come? - asks Miracle Yudo.

I will fight with you to the death, to save good people from you, damned one! - Ivan answered, swung his sharp sword and cut off three heads of the miracle Yuda. Miracle Yudo picked up these heads, ran his fiery finger over them, put them on their necks - and immediately all the heads grew back.

Ivan had a bad time: the miracle Yudo stuns him with a whistle, burns him with fire, and drives him into the damp earth with blows to the knees.

Ivan gathered his strength, swung again and cut off six heads of the miracle juda. Miracle Yudo picked up his heads, ran a fiery finger through them, and applied them to their necks - the heads grew back again. He rushed at Ivan and hammered him waist-deep into the damp earth.

For the third time, Ivan, the peasant son, swung and cut off nine heads of the miracle. Miracle Yudo picked them up, held them with a fiery finger, and applied them to their necks - the heads grew back. He rushed at Ivan and drove him into the ground up to his shoulders...

Ivan took off his hat and threw it into the hut. From that blow the whole hut shook. Just then the brothers woke up, opened the stable, let the horse down, and after him they themselves ran to Ivan’s aid.

Ivanov's horse galloped up and began to beat the miracle Yudo with its hooves. And Ivan got out of the ground, contrived, cut off the fiery finger of the miracle-juda and began to chop off his heads. He knocked everything down, crushed the body into small pieces, and threw it into the Smorodina River.

The brothers came running, took Ivan to the hut, washed him, fed him, gave him something to drink and put him to bed.

Early in the morning, Ivan got up and went to the miraculous stone chambers. Three miraculous wives of Yuda and his mother, an old snake, are sitting in those chambers, plotting how to take revenge on Ivan. Ivan, the peasant son, listened to their speeches and returned to his brothers.

The brothers got ready and went home. They travel through the steppes, they travel through meadows. And the day is so hot and sultry, I’m thirsty. The brothers look - there is a well. They say to Ivan:

Let's stop and drink some cold water.

Ivan jumped off his horse and began to chop the well with his sword. The well howled and roared in an evil voice. Then the fog descended, the heat subsided - and I didn’t feel thirsty.

They rode and rode and became very tired. They look - a patterned carpet is spread out on the grass. The brothers wanted to lie down on that carpet, but Ivan didn’t say a word to them, he took off his sash and threw it on the carpet. The sash burst into flames and burned - nothing remained.

Ivan approached the carpet, chopped it into pieces and said:

And the well, and the apple tree, and the carpet - all these were miracle wives of Yuda. They wanted to destroy us, but they failed: they themselves died!

Suddenly the sky darkened, the wind howled, the earth began to hum: the old snake itself was flying. She opened her mouth from heaven to earth - she wants to swallow Ivan and his brothers. Ivan sees that trouble is imminent, he set off his horse at full speed, and his brothers followed him. They look - there is a forge, and blacksmiths are working in it.

The blacksmiths let the brothers in, and twelve iron doors and twelve forged locks were closed behind them.

The snake flew up to the forge and shouted:

Blacksmiths, give me Ivan and his brothers.

And the blacksmiths answered her:

Run your tongue through twelve iron doors, and then you will take it!

The snake began to lick the iron doors. I licked and licked - I licked eleven doors. There is only one left, the last door...

The snake got tired and sat down to rest. Then Ivan, the peasant son, jumped out of the forge, grabbed the snake and hit it against the stones with all his might. The snake crumbled into small pieces, and the wind scattered them in all directions. Since then, all the miracles and snakes in that region have disappeared - people began to live without fear.

And Ivan the peasant son and his brothers returned home to his father and mother. And they began to live and live as before, plowing the field, sowing rye and wheat.

All the best! See you again!

Russian folk tale "Ivan the Peasant Son and Miracle Yudo"
Analysis of a fairy tale for a reader's diary.

Genre: magical folk tale.

The main characters of the fairy tale "Ivan the Peasant Son and Miracle Yudo"

  1. Ivan is a peasant son, main character fairy tales, a Russian hero, whom the Miracle Yudas were very afraid of, brave and decisive, smart and cunning.
  2. Ivan's older brothers are also brave and courageous. but they were very lazy, and therefore slept through the entire battle.
  3. Miracle Yudo, three snakes with six, nine and twelve heads, fell in battle with Ivan
  4. The wives of the Chud-Yuds and their mother, evil and vengeful, treacherous.
  5. Brothers' parents, old people
  6. An old man in the forest pointed the way to the mountain with swords
  7. The old woman in the village is the only one who survived the raid by Chud-Yuda.

Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Ivan the Peasant Son and the Miracle Yudo"

  1. The brothers are going on a hike
  2. Ivan goes with them.
  3. Old man in the forest.
  4. The plundered village and the old woman
  5. Smorodina River
  6. Fight with Miracle Yuda with six heads
  7. The fight with the Miracle Yuda with nine heads.
  8. Ivan's instructions to his brothers
  9. Fire finger
  10. Ivan's hat
  11. Conspiracy of wives and mothers
  12. Well, apple tree and carpet
  13. Pig.

The shortest summary of the fairy tale “Ivan the Peasant Son and Miracle Yudo” in 6 sentences for the reader’s diary:

  1. Three brothers go to fight with Miracle Yud
  2. They reach the Smorodina River and Ivan fights Chud-Yud for two nights
  3. Ivan fights with Chud-Yud for the third time, but without the help of a horse he cannot cope with him.
  4. Ivan overhears the speeches of the wives and the old woman-mother of Miracle Yud
  5. Ivan saves his brothers on the way home.
  6. Happy return.

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale “Ivan the Peasant Son and the Miracle Yudo”

Only those who are brave and fight for their homeland get victory.

What does the fairy tale “Ivan the Peasant Son and Miracle Yudo” teach?

This fairy tale teaches us not to be afraid of enemies, no matter how strong they are. Teaches determination and courage, teaches that one must be cunning and resourceful in order to expose the machinations of the enemy.. Teaches to love one’s land.

Review of the fairy tale "Ivan the Peasant Son and Miracle Yudo"

I really liked the fairy tale “Ivan the Peasant’s Son and the Miracle Yudo.” It has a very interesting plot with many adventures. Ivan showed himself to be a real hero, a defender of the Russian land. He was able to cope with huge monsters and no amount of cunning helped his enemies. This tale describes the triumph of good.

Signs fairy tale in the fairy tale "Ivan the Peasant Son and Miracle Yudo"

  1. Beginning and ending
  2. Magical creatures - Miracle Yudo, wives, mother
  3. Magic transformations - carpet, apple tree, well, pig
  4. Heroic feat

Proverb for the fairy tale "Ivan the Peasant Son and Miracle Yudo"

Not the fellow who has a brave appearance, but the one who creates victory.

Whoever stands for a just cause will always win.
I didn’t recognize the good fellow - there’s no point in insulting him.

Summary, brief retelling fairy tales "Ivan the Peasant Son and Miracle Yudo"

There lived an old man and an old woman and they had three sons. But trouble came to the Russian land, they began to burn and kill Miracle Yudo. The older brothers decided to go to battle and leave the younger one at home. But only Ivanushka went with them.

The brothers took the clubs. But an old man met them in the forest and told them where to get swords, because Miracle Yudo could not be defeated with clubs.

The brothers arrived in a village that had been burnt down, and only the old woman was left alive. She ordered the brothers to kill the adversary.

The brothers arrived at the Smorodina River and decided to keep a watch at the Kalinov Bridge.

The elder brother was the first to go on patrol, but soon fell asleep. And Ivan left at midnight and on time. Miracle Yudo with six heads is riding. Ivan cut off three of his heads, and then chopped off the last three.

The next night, history repeats itself. The middle brother fell asleep. and Ivan fought with Miracle Yud. Only he had nine heads and managed to drive Ivan knee-deep into the ground.

In the morning Ivan showed the brothers the killed monsters and the brothers were ashamed. Ivan ordered them not to sleep and to help him in the battle.

At night, the Miracle Yudo with twelve heads appeared and Ivan fought with him. He will cut off three heads - Miracle Yudo will attach them in place with a fiery finger. Ivan threw his left mitten to the brothers, the brothers were sleeping and did not wake up. Miracle Yudo is already driving Ivan waist-deep into the ground.

Ivan threw away his right mitten - the brothers were sleeping. The snake hit him up to his shoulders.

Ivan threw his hat and the brothers woke up and released the horse. The horse Miracle Yudo distracted him, and Ivan cut off his fiery finger and deprived him of his own heads.

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