Conscripts serve in the Navy. Military service under contract in the navy. How did the service life in the navy change?

In Soviet times, the Marine Fleet was used to scare conscripts at military registration and enlistment offices, since the service life in it reached 36 months, which was a year longer than that of recruits in other branches of the military. Conscripts are still afraid of joining the navy, because they do not know whether they have changed the duration of conscription service. So, let’s figure out how many years conscripts and contract soldiers serve in the Marine Fleet.

How did the service life in the navy change?

Due to the difficulties and necessity of navigation in Soviet times, the service life in the navy was different and was three years. This frightened the conscripts, but at the same time gave the country the opportunity to train specialists capable of working on a variety of sea vessels.

Most conscripts, except those who wanted to engage in shipping in the future, tried to avoid conscription into the Marine Fleet, since it would be necessary to spend 12 months more in the service. Although the conditions in the navy were much better than in the barracks of other branches of the military. Due to the difficulties of serving, soldiers there were offered enhanced nutrition and a gentle daily routine.

In 1996, the question of how many people serve in the navy ceased to be relevant. Despite the fact that the sailors retained their own ranks and peculiarities of watchkeeping, in terms of terms of service on Navy ships, they were equated to regular service. Now conscripts were sent to these troops for 24 months. This provision has been regulated by law. Since then, changes in service life began to affect the entire army, including the Navy.

How long do conscripts serve now and how to get into the fleet

The army is currently undergoing a global reform that began in 2007. According to it, the army becomes a contract army, and conscripts complete the young fighter course in one year. This change also affected the fleet. Since 2008, recruits are sent to serve in the Navy for only 12 months.

An applicant for service in the navy has several requirements that must be met:

  • have a second group of neuropsychic stability;
  • have a fitness category A3 and higher;
  • height should not exceed 180 centimeters.

In some cases, the Navy, on the contrary, selects tall conscripts. They serve in the Coast Guard and the honor guard at headquarters. However, only Slavs are hired for such positions.

Conscripts are most likely to end up in the Baltic Fleet, since its strength is higher than that of the Black Sea Fleet. The Navy will soon call up an extremely small number of recruits, as it is planned that the units of these troops will completely switch to a contract basis. We will find out whether this actually turns out to be the case in a few years, when the reform in the army ends.

How long can contract service last?

The following people enter the Navy on a contract basis:

  • with average vocational education related to shipping;
  • with a related specialty that has an analogue in military accounting professions;
  • With high degree neuropsychic stability;
  • with a health group above A-3.

Welders, radio technicians and engineers are highly valued in the Navy. Therefore, if you have a diploma in a suitable profession, you will have a higher chance of signing a contract to serve in the Navy. In addition, be prepared to move to the unit's location.

Even before the decision at the state level on the transfer of conscripted military personnel for a one-year period of service, I had a conversation with the commander of the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet GRKR "Moscow" of the Guard, Captain 1st Rank Igor Smolyak on this topic. Then he called the looming problem one of the most serious, truly worrying for all ship commanders. It turns out that as soon as you train a sailor, it’s time for him to quit. In this regard, the question arose about maximizing the acceleration of the formation of young sailors in order to increase their efficiency on ships.

Young sailors from the surface ships division

“This is a serious test for all commanders,” the owner of the navigation bridge of the Black Sea Fleet flagship foresaw the situation.

The fleet leadership also understood this. And he did not sit idly by, but looked for all possible ways to quickly develop young sailors. A number of measures were taken. For example, the commander of the Black Sea Fleet, Vice Admiral Alexander Kletskov, spoke about one of them, answering a question from journalists during the send-off of the Moskva GRKR to the Mediterranean Sea, to Messina:

“Previously, military sailors served for three years. Now we have switched to a one-year service. Is it possible to become a real sailor in this short period of time? You can always become a sailor, especially if you have dreamed about it since childhood,” the commander concluded, “it is difficult to acquire strong skills in servicing complex military equipment and weapons in a short period of time.” The fleet acquired certain experience in training sailors during the transition from a two-year to a year and a half service period, and gained certain methodological experience. Now, in connection with the transition to a one-year service period, we have moved away from training sailors of some specialties in training detachments, and have reduced the time young soldiers spend in the naval crew...

Now yesterday’s conscripts are being recruited as quickly as possible. warships, where their training takes place on existing equipment and weapons, in real operating conditions.”

We know: time is stretchable

Indeed, the deputy commander of the naval crew for educational work Captain 2nd Rank Pavel Kharaev confirmed that the current conscription for one-year service and the formation of conscripts have become much more dynamic than before. And how can one not remember the words of the poet:

We know: time is stretchable,
It depends on
What kind of content
You fill it up.

Previously, we trained sailors for coastal units within 30 days, says the officer, and 45 days for service on surface ships. This is the so-called young fighter course, the second type of training. Now the combined arms training program is only two weeks. We did not detain people in the naval crew. The “conveyor” worked efficiently and non-stop, taking into account literally every day. Suffice it to say that in this set, five groups of recruits took the military oath, which had not happened before.

Of course it's troublesome. But now young people do not accumulate in the crew, waiting for the arrival of the next batch of conscripts, but are prepared “in portions” as they arrive. The batch has arrived, and the timer immediately starts. As they say, time has passed. They took the oath and immediately boarded the ships. Every day is precious. Today, the price of teaching time has increased immeasurably. The naval crew understands this.

I witnessed when two dozen sailors were sent from the Mine Wall to the ships of the division. While waiting for the boat, they received permission to take a short smoke break. Someone took a drag on a cigarette, someone approached a military trade stall. The smoke break did not last long. The officer accompanying the young sailors took advantage of the pause and began to tell them about the history and traditions of the main naval formation of the Black Sea Fleet. They listened carefully.

Time is fleeting. There is no time to rock up. Not only is every day of service precious, but also every hour. And who other than officers understands this better than others? That’s why they try to saturate the sailors’ service time to the maximum. From the very first day of their stay in the connection. To this I will add that the training time in the training detachment has also changed. If earlier at a diving school, for example, there were two training periods: 5 and 7 months (the second for deep-sea divers), now there are only five. And here it is important to note that a year of conscription is a kind of “shooting in” for contract service. During this time, the sailor receives a certain foundation of knowledge and experience, which he can subsequently build up as a professional. A year is enough to decide what to do next. life choice. By the way, now, in connection with the global financial crisis, which has thoroughly affected Russia, with the growing number of unemployed, quite many are expressing a desire to serve under a contract.

Unused reserves

Shortened service periods place increased demands on sailors. It is very good when a conscript comes to the fleet already having a specialty obtained at ROSTO. And not on paper, not formally, but in reality.

Has the quality of training at ROSTO increased due to the transition to a one-year service? - I ask the officer of the Black Sea Fleet combat training department, Lieutenant Colonel Sergei Shatov, who is in charge of this issue.

Unfortunately, no,” states Sergei Alexandrovich, “we do not see such an improvement. Everything remains at the same and sometimes low level...

However, this is a topic for a separate conversation, and this issue is not within the competence of the fleet. It seems that there is a considerable potential for improvement here. professional level young warriors.

Thanks to the bosses

But the informal and strong patronage ties established by ships, formations and units with various cities and regions of Russia are a truly important component in the rapid development of young soldiers. After all, this is the initial selection of people, the notorious “human material”, which ultimately determines the success of any business, the mood and cohesion of the team, its professionalism.

When Captain 2nd Rank Khanaev began to name the regions of Russia that replenish the Black Sea Fleet, I remembered the ships and military units that have chiefs. And these are the overwhelming majority. Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tatarstan, Krasnodar region, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Bashkiria, Mordovia, Samara, Belgorod, Tambov, Astrakhan, Tyumen... This is not only moral and material support military groups. This is a serious selection of people. Communication with the military registration and enlistment offices of the named regions has a very positive effect on the formation of crews of ships and vessels, saturates them with disciplined, competent specialists, often with higher, incomplete higher or secondary technical education.

Moreover, such a relationship is mutually beneficial, since the regions receive good, morally and physically professionally trained personnel after finishing their conscription service.

Each specialty has a separate class

Certainly, professional development young sailors largely depend on the level of occupations and training in their specialty.

Well, what has been done in this regard in the navy? training center, which is linked to the combat training department and where the crews of surface combat ships and fleet auxiliary vessels train?

It turns out that they weren’t sitting idle in the “forge” of combat skills either. According to the acting head of the Black Sea Fleet training center, Captain 3rd Rank Ivan Bykov, several training rooms have been additionally equipped here. Now they are available for all major military specialties (MSS). Let's say, previously, warhead-3 specialists, that is, miners and torpedo operators, were trained in the same room. Their weapons, of course, are different. Now we have equipped two rooms: mine and torpedo weapons. And this is the merit of senior midshipman Dmitry Inkalev, who has been serving in the training center for six years now.

The same differentiation affected other cultures. It is clear how diverse the missile and artillery armament of ships is. Completely different systems and artillery installations are used. Now three separate classes have been equipped for rocket scientists. This became possible due to the fact that the training center received at its disposal three missile launchers, which were removed from service after the decommissioning of ships that had outlived their useful life. Now the training center is thinking about how to improve the artillery training class.

Currently, the training center has five classes for training specialists in the radio engineering service, and six classes for training specialists in the electromechanical service. There are separate rooms for signalmen and signalmen. This is the merit of senior midshipman Alexander Dolgikh, who spent many years serving in the formation of surface ships of the Black Sea Fleet.

Such differentiation, of course, benefits students, because it allows the training of specialists to be as specific as possible. It is also important because it ensures clarity and safety of learning. And also - efficiency. After all, it’s one thing to educational purposes to operate military equipment, which, of course, has its own limited resource, and training equipment is another matter. In addition, heads of offices, as a rule, have extensive practical experience gained on ships, and methodological skills acquired in the training center, which has been headed by former naval officer Captain 2nd Rank Vladimir Fedorchuk for many years.

New “year-olds” in service

During the recent send-off of the Moskva GRKR for combat service in the Mediterranean Sea, the commander of the Black Sea Fleet, Vice Admiral Alexander Kletskov, noted that along with an important international mission (an unofficial visit to the Italian port of Messina), the cruiser’s crew will also have to solve the usual tasks for combat service. This is the study and maintenance of one’s department, keeping running watches at working mechanisms, and acquiring practical experience. This is the most rapid development of young sailors.

The sea, long trips - this best school professional skill. First, under the supervision and control of junior commanders, senior comrades, and then independently, young sailors begin to service the equipment.

GRKR "Moscow", as its guard commander, Captain 1st Rank Igor Smolyak, assured the command of the fleet and its veterans at a ceremonial meeting on the first day of the campaign, it will fulfill the task assigned to it with honor. And the flagship of the fleet really worthily presented the St. Andrew’s flag both in the vastness of the Mediterranean Sea and during a visit to the Italian port of Messina. At the very beginning of the campaign, 103 young sailors were initiated into the guards, taking an oath to carry high the honor and dignity of a sailor-guardsman. The long voyage turned out to be very effective and full of combat training, and therefore became an important milestone for the development of young sailors. A bilateral exercise took place between our cruiser and the newest guided missile destroyer of the Italian Navy, Andrea Doria. The cruiser performed a number of tasks on a solo voyage.

Already during this relatively short period of combat service, young soldiers became full members of the crew and received permission to independently perform watches and serve their command. Among the best, the cruiser's deputy commander for educational work of the guard, captain 2nd rank Sergei Solomakha, noted the guard sailors signalman Kirill Ovchinnikov, senior gunner Aizor Shuykhanov and high-current electrician Timofey Savchenko. These sailors were quicker than others to pass tests for admission to independently servicing their department and contributed to the successful solution of all the tasks assigned to the crew.

Of course, young sailors still have a lot to do in order to become real specialists. But a start has been made. The flagship of the fleet does not complain about the shortened conscription periods. Here they look for and find ways to quickly bring newcomers into the combat formation.

How many years is the term of service in the army of the Russian Federation and the Navy?

The question of how many years young people need to spend serving in the army has always interested them and their relatives. This article will try to deal with all the deadlines that exist today.

How many years have they served in the Russian Army now: the period of conscript service for conscript soldiers

  • Just a few years ago, the service life of conscripts in the army was 2 years. Then this period of time was reduced to 18 months. Since 2008, soldiers have been serving in the army Russian Federation just one year, or twelve months. As the Russian government promises, this figure will remain unchanged in 2017-2018.
  • The conscription age is 18-27 years.
  • As for contract service in the army, those who want to earn good money and experience today have the opportunity to sign a contract for 2 or 3 years. However, such guys need to know that contract soldiers can be sent to hot spots at any time.
  • Officers enter into a contract for 5 years.
  • The age limit for contract service in the army is 65 years.

How many years are they currently serving in the Russian Marine Fleet: the period of conscript service for conscript soldiers

Service life in the Russian Navy
  • The navy sounded like a death sentence for recruits in Soviet times. The fact is that until 1996, the length of service in such troops was maximum - 3 years or 36 months. Since 1996, people began to be drafted into the Marine Fleet of the Russian Federation for 24 months. And in 2008, army reform reduced the service life in the Russian Navy to 12 months.
  • As for contract soldiers, you can sign a contract for service in the Marine Fleet for 24 or 36 months. A re-contract can already be concluded for a period of one year up to the age limit. At the same time, after retirement a person also has the right to be a contract worker. In this case, the agreement between the Russian Marine Fleet and the sailor is concluded for a period of one to 10 years.

Service in the Navy - what is it like? I am sure that many of you, just like me, asked similar questions at one time. Before I met Dmitry Pimkin, I thought that serving in the navy meant traveling around the world and romance at its finest (jokes aside, of course).

But Dima was able to bring me back from my fantasies to real life. As it turns out, serving in the Navy is far from the easiest.

A sailor serving in the navy right now will tell you about all the intricacies, pros and cons of serving “on the water”.

- Dima, hello! Tell about yourself. Who is Dmitry Pimkin?
- Hello! Dmitry Pimkin - soldier Armed Forces Russian Federation. Although, to be more precise, a sailor.

Dmitry Pimkin

I ended up serving in the navy. To a surface ship. People like me are called shipbuilders. We weren't taught anything. We didn’t end up in training units or buildings like you did. We learn everything right away on the spot.
I won't say it's bad. This has its pros and cons.

- And what are they?
- I'll tell you now.


  • You remember and learn only what you need.
  • You only master your combat post and have complete information about your command.
  • To put it simply, you are your own boss.
  • Friendly team. We are the foremen on a first name basis. All together. You can contact any officer, and he will not refuse you.

I see two disadvantages:

  • Once on the ship you don’t know anything, but they already demand it from you. Although this minus is not very big, it spoils the whole raspberry.
  • Everything around is made of iron, there are small closed spaces everywhere.

-I understand you. Did you yourself want to join the navy?
- No. I wanted to join the Marine Corps. Well, run and shoot. Romance! But unfortunately, there was no recruitment there. I was sent to .

-Are you upset? And what feelings have been haunting you since the very beginning of your service?
- No. I wasn't very upset. The main thing is that the food is good. :)

Feelings? It's hard to say... Sometimes homesickness hits.

- Homesickness unites us all. Tell us about your service.
- In general, everything is the same as yours. Rise at 6 am. Then breakfast. After breakfast - a little tidying up. After this - an emergency inspection. Then a divorce for work. Then lunch, but before that there’s more cleaning.
After lunch - admiral's hour, we sleep on it for up to 3 hours. Then construction and departure to work. And again work, work, work...

At 17.30 tidying up again, then dinner. In 7 formation and free time. Or time for self-care. Then at 9:00 formation, reading of the regulations and the order to start a new watch. That's it. Lights out at 10. And again. A vicious circle.

-Yes, very similar to the typical daily routine on land. Where have you been already? Where did you go on the ship?
- Nowhere. I'm having no luck. I'm only on stationary ships for now. The first ship was under repair, the second was not going anywhere. I’m thinking about transferring to a corvette on a business trip and sailing around the Baltic. Time will show.

-Is it easy for you with these translations? Can I just transfer like that?
- Yes. Approach the deputy commander of the ship for work with personnel and talk to him. Well, like everywhere else... Until you start spinning and spinning, no one will take on you.

-You can't argue with that! Fine. If you say that you are “like everyone else,” then tell us what subjects you are taught.
- We have no classes at all. We learn everything as we work. It’s not like we sit and someone explains something to us. A question arose - I went up to the commander or senior and asked. That's it. Sometimes they give you a lot of documentation for you to look for necessary information on her.

-Oh, so you have no steam at all? What about specialties? Are there any VUSs?
- Yes, you heard that right. There are no pairs. At the end of my service I will not have any diploma. There will only be knowledge that I myself received. And skills. And, accordingly, we don’t have higher education institutions either.

-It's clear. It turns out that you don’t have distribution either. You serve on ships all year, right?
Yes. All year on ships. What distribution are you talking about?

-With us. We are leaving for military units throughout the country. Do you have something similar? With ships, of course.
- Well... If you got into “training” and study by profession, then yes, there is a distribution. But I’m a shipwright, and we don’t have training as such. I immediately got on the ship.

-What is a ship?
- These are military personnel who, after taking the oath, go straight to the ship and learn everything on the spot.

-What did you do before the oath?
- We learned the regulations. Drill classes. History of Russia. Great victories.

-You haven’t been on ships at all?
- Were. We were called and dressed. After that, they brought us to the ship "Restless", which is a distributor. We were there before the oath. After taking the oath, we were already scattered onto ships.

- Why? I think this is normal.)

-Okay, Dim. Last request. Give 5 pieces of advice to those who are being drafted into the Navy on ships in this and future drafts.
- OK then. I will try.

  1. Don't be afraid of the ship. Yes. Everything around is made of iron, there is not enough space. It’s not good with water and ordinary everyday things. But, as the charter says, “a military man must cope with the hardships of military service.” So you can do it. If you are not comfortable, then immediately tell the commander about it. You will be transferred. No one will forcefully hold you. There have been such cases in my practice...
  2. Make friends with everyone you can. Especially with cooks. You will always be full and satisfied.
  3. Try not to give up your hobbies. There is a lot of free time on ships, so you can continue doing what you love.
  4. Stay human. Always help if asked, even if you get nothing for it. The elders will see this and will help you in every possible way in return. The service will become easier.
  5. Be the best person, whom you know. This is my motto in life. And I think there is no need to explain anything here. :)

-Cool! And now the last question: who are the “cocas”?
- These are the cooks. The ground forces are fed by the Slavyanka company, and in the navy the sailors cook for themselves. And those who cook are called “coca”.

-Dim, thank you very much for this interview! I assure you that even for me it turned out to be incredibly useful. I wish you a happy and easy service!
- Mutually! I wish the same for all those who are yet to serve. And if any of the readers have questions about the Fleet, then let them ask them in the comments to the article. I am a frequent visitor to your blog. I will answer each one with pleasure!

-Agreed. Let's do so! See you in touch!
- Happily!

P.S. Dima is one of the first people I met thanks to the blog. He himself initiated our acquaintance, adding

IN Navy Special people who have good health, health and mental stability serve. In Soviet times, a soldier entering the military registration and enlistment office had to serve at least 36 months - this period was increased by 12 months compared to other units.

Some conscripts today consider it an honor to serve in the Navy. Others are still warily interested in whether they will have to repay their debt to the Motherland by sacrificing one year of their life; not every recruit agrees to this.

How did the period of service in the navy change?

Three years of good service in the Navy during the Soviet era made it possible to well prepare conscripts and contract soldiers; at the end of the period of service, they clearly knew what work on a naval vessel consisted of. In 1996, the period of service was sharply reduced by 1 year. At the same time, the sailors still receive ranks, the already issued ranks also remained valid, and the subtleties of watchkeeping have not changed.

In 2007, the Russian Government began to carry out a global reform, inviting Russians to serve in the Navy under a contract. How does this happen?

The army is a contract army, and conscripts become full-fledged fighters after just a year of intensive training.

How to join the Navy by conscription

If a contract soldier wishes to serve in the navy, he must meet several mandatory requirements:

  • results psychological testing indicate the second group of neuropsychic stability;
  • the fitness category, determined by health status, is fixed in category A3 or more;
  • height up to 180 cm inclusive.

However, in some units in the Navy, on the contrary, tall, tall guys are selected - such soldiers are in great demand for coast guard and an honor guard located at the headquarters. Nationality is also important here - only tall Slavs can compete for a “warm” place in the fleet.

Most often, contract soldiers end up serving in the Navy on the Baltic Sea - here it is required larger number soldier than, for example, Black Sea Fleet. In 2017, a minimum set of recruits was announced, because a qualified core team consisting of young but already experienced guys has been formed. The reform in the army should be completed in a few years, then it will become clear whether soldiers will be conscripted on a free basis or not.

How to join the Navy

If you are serious about joining the Navy, you can increase your chances of serving by mastering the following skills:

  • already have a diploma from the naval school and are familiar with the skills of working on ships;
  • have mastered one of the specialties that can be useful in the navy - welder, motor mechanic, radio technician, mechanic. The Navy values ​​the ability to work with hands and repair;
  • if you are applying to serve as a sailor on a ship, it is enough to have fitness category A or at least B4, the latter option involves coastal troops.

Experienced servicemen give advice on how to get into the Navy by conscription:

  1. When you undergo a routine medical examination, ask the military commissariat employee to enroll you in the ranks of the team that is serving in the Navy.
  2. If you like a particular part, visit the relevant HR department. If there is a vacancy that matches your skills and specialty, you will receive a written invitation, which should be handed over to the accountable person at the military registration and enlistment office.

Features of service in the Navy under contract

The following Russian citizens can become contract soldiers in the Navy in 2017:

  • if you are familiar with shipping firsthand;
  • own a related profession that has an analogue in military specialties;
  • stress-resistant, reliable, responsible, not prone to suspiciousness and decadent moods, efficient and strong-willed soldiers.

Contractors who express a desire to serve in the Navy are often sent to submarines. Recruits are trying in every possible way to end up on those that run on diesel fuel. But they definitely won’t take anyone whose height is higher than 180 cm - it is extremely inconvenient and difficult for tall people to move inside such a vessel, especially when an emergency occurs. Nuclear submarines are much larger in scale and are not limited in square meters.

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