Social College RGSU. RGSU College - educational process and specialties RGSU social college 2nd year insurance business

Social College is a structural unit.

The work of the Social College is carried out according to working hours curriculum, developed for each academic year and approved by the Academic Council of the RSSU.

The educational process is carried out by the teaching staff of the RGSU. The college employs 69 teachers, including 4 professors, doctors of science, 32 associate professors, candidates of science.

The college has separate premises in the buildings of RGSU at the address: st. Wilhelm Pieck, house 4, building 2. The educational premises are equipped with modern equipment and office equipment. Students are provided with meals and there is a student cafe. Conditions have been created for sports and recreation for students and staff.

Students of the Social College take an active part in the work of scientific circles, conferences, and cultural events held Student Council RGSU. The College has an atmosphere of mutual understanding and cooperation both between the students themselves and between students and teachers. Each student group has its own curator.

License to exercise educational activities dated February 29, 2012 No. 2482
Certificate of state accreditation dated December 29, 2012 No. 0341

The Social College of the Russian State Social University is structural subdivision one of the faculties of the mentioned higher educational institution. It's about the department pre-university education. College graduates have the opportunity to continue their studies at the supervising university using a simplified course. The main objective of the institution is to train qualified mid-level personnel. The college trains students in such professions as lawyer, banker, economist, designer, manager, educator, and advertising specialist.

Areas of work

As a structural unit of the RGSU, the Social College is engaged in such activities as:

  • educational,
  • scientific and practical,
  • research,
  • administrative,
  • informational and methodological.

Duration of training

Depending on the chosen specialty and the availability of complete general secondary education, the duration of college can be from 2 to 4 years.

Features of the educational institution

A distinctive feature of the RSSU Social College is its structure.

The educational institution is multidisciplinary - it trains students in 12 specialties, which provides the opportunity to freely choose future profession or master several qualifications.

In addition, the institution has only Full-time training. They work at the college training courses for graduates of grades 9 and 11 secondary school in such disciplines as painting, mathematics, history, Russian language.

Student leisure

Students of this secondary school take an active part in various scientific and practical conferences, clubs, and sports sections. Students organize all kinds of cultural events, visit theaters, art galleries, and museums.

Form of study: Full-time

Type of training: Free

Training is based on grades 9 or 11

Supervising university: Russian State Social University


080108 Banking 080106 Finance 080114 Economics and accounting 080501 Management 030504 Law and organization of social security 070602 Design 032401 Advertising 050704 Pre-school education 040101 Social work 080504 State and municipal administration 100105 Hotel services

Exam subjects:

mathematics, Russian language

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