Countries where life is better and cheaper than in Russia. The worst and best cities in Russia (according to the government) Yekaterinburg - are you from the Urals?

Due to its large geographical extent across several time and geographical zones, living conditions in different regions of the country differ markedly. The question of where is the best place to live in Russia cannot be given a definite answer. Of course, there is a rating of cities and regions according to certain criteria. But when choosing a place to live, everyone’s priorities are different. What suits one person is completely disliked by another. Therefore, when choosing a place of residence, you should focus not only on key indicators, but also on your own priorities.

Different parts of our country are radically different from each other. These are natural-climatic and socio-economic features. Where it is good to live in Russia depends on priorities. Those who like a mild climate move to the southern regions of the country. Those who need big earnings go to the capital or to a place where a high regional coefficient is added to the salary.

The cities of the European part of the country are located more compactly, making it easier to get to Moscow and St. Petersburg. The population density beyond the Urals is much lower; settlements are located at a great distance from each other. This makes travel difficult—it takes a long time to travel by land, and it’s expensive by plane. Another feature of these cities is the emphasis on the mining and manufacturing industries. Because of this, the environment suffers, and many professions are fraught with the development of chronic diseases.

The northern regions attract those who need good earnings. High salaries are complemented by preferential length of service. But the climate for living there is very harsh, which is why many residents suffer from chronic diseases. Due to permafrost, it is difficult to get there for much of the year.

In the south the climate is mild, but due to the proximity to the sea there is often high humidity. A large number of flowering plants can cause trouble for allergy sufferers. But the absence of large industrial enterprises has a beneficial effect on the environment - the level of pollution in southern cities is much lower than in their northern industrial counterparts.

Favorable cities for relocation

  • standard of living;
  • climatic conditions;
  • ecology;
  • developed infrastructure;
  • social security;
  • economic growth rates and investment attractiveness.

All this creates comfortable living conditions for indigenous residents and facilitates the adaptation of recent arrivals. The purpose of the move also plays a big role. For young people, the key is often the opportunity to find a well-paid job with prospects for career growth. Married couples are looking for a city with a developed infrastructure, where they and their children will feel comfortable, and where they won’t have to travel two hours through traffic jams to a clinic or school. Older people value stability and comfort.

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When choosing conditions based on this parameter, people first of all pay attention to the temperature in summer and winter. For many people, humidity is important. The number of sunny days and precipitation plays a lesser role. Sometimes choosing a climate is a matter of preference. However, there are often situations when health status is a decisive factor. For example, hot and humid climates are not suitable for asthmatics.

Standard of living

When determining which city to move to in Russia, this indicator often becomes a key factor in making a decision. It includes a complex of factors: the availability of jobs, the amount of wages, the cost of the consumer basket.

Medical service

The availability and quality of this type of service is an important criterion when choosing a new place of residence. This is especially true for pensioners, parents with small children and people with chronic diseases.


The availability of vacancies in most cases depends on the size of the locality. The main sector of the economy and the presence of city-forming enterprises also play a big role. The Ural and Siberian cities have historically been oriented towards the industrial sector. Southern - for tourism and agriculture. Coastal cities are home to merchant marine and seafood production.

In recent years, trade and services have been actively developing in all settlements. But the peculiarity of this industry is its focus on premium wages, which is not suitable for everyone. When choosing where to move to live in Russia to earn money, you need to consider several factors:

  • the income level in the capitals of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is higher than in regional centers;
  • Salary levels vary greatly depending on the industry. According to statistics, the highest incomes are in the gas and oil industries, the financial sector, fishing, and transport. But agriculture is poorly paid;
  • In addition to the size of salaries, it is also necessary to take into account the cost of housing and the food basket. For example, in the northern regions, high wages are partially offset by expensive products: since the local climate is not suitable for Agriculture, most of the goods are delivered from other regions, which affects their cost.

Interesting statistics reflecting the levels of average wages by region in 2019. The territories with the highest wages are presented in the table below.

The following table shows the regions with the lowest salaries:

Promising cities

When choosing a city, many people first of all evaluate settlements based on this parameter. This includes their rate of growth, the opportunity for a resident to find a job and develop a career. Also in such cities, the service and entertainment sector is actively developing, attracting Russian and international investments. We will consider some promising regions of Russia for moving further.

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The city is one of the most promising in the country. It attracts comparatively high level salaries, a large number of jobs and a developed social sphere. There are many beautiful views and places for families to relax. A large international airport makes it possible to fly to other countries on vacation. The climate in the city is quite comfortable. Summers are warm with moderate humidity. Winters are generally mild and severe frosts are rare.

Among the disadvantages, one can highlight a rather pronounced monoculture. The Tatars are the titular nation; Tatar speech is constantly heard around. For people who don't speak national language, this may cause some psychological discomfort. Islam, although not expressed as clearly as in the republics of the North Caucasus, is still the predominant religion.


Large city on the Yenisei, industrial and cultural center Eastern Siberia. Krasnoyarsk leads the list for improvement. The rapid development of infrastructure and fairly high salaries attract many people to the city. Disadvantages include the harsh Siberian winter and considerable distance from other large cities.


This The largest city Western Siberia, the third largest in the Russian Federation. Novosibirsk combines the industrial and scientific spheres, so people of different specialties can realize themselves there. The salary level in the city is quite high. The climate is sharply continental, with short hot summers and long frosty winters.


This southern city with a mild climate has been rapidly growing and developing in recent years, including due to numerous visitors. A large number of vacancies makes it easy to find a job. The most developed sector is trade and services. There are practically no large industrial enterprises, which until recently was the key to a good environmental situation. However, recently this indicator has worsened due to the increase in cars and, as a result, deterioration in air composition and gas pollution.

Crime level

The criminal situation in the city is one of the most important factors when choosing a place to live. The low level of serious crimes guarantees the safety of life and health. A small number of thefts and robberies will allow you not to worry about your property.

Special resettlement programs

When deciding which city to choose to live in Russia, you should pay attention to regions that are strategically significant for the state. The territory of Russia is unevenly populated. Most of the population lives in the European part of the country, in the Urals and Western Siberia. The northern regions, Eastern Siberia and the Far East are much less populated. To ensure an influx of population, including qualified specialists, state support programs are offered. For those who are ready to move long distances, this is a good opportunity to purchase their own home and find a job.

At the government level, a resettlement program for Russians to the Far East has been developed. It involves the provision of free land and payment of allowances to everyone who decides to move. But this requires fulfilling a number of conditions, in particular, living in a new place for a certain amount of time.

Where is the easiest place to get a quota?

The government is interested in settling underdeveloped lands and remote regions. Therefore, in Buryatia, Trans-Baikal and Primorsky territories, Amur and Magadan regions, as well as some other subjects of the federation, it is easiest for foreigners to obtain RNP and residence permits. Moreover, within state program Relocation and employment assistance is provided.

Where is the best place to go to live with children?

People who want to change cities and are looking for where to move to live in Russia with children are primarily interested in the following aspects:

  • quality of the main and higher education: schools and universities;
  • availability and large selection additional education: circles, sections, etc.
  • safety;
  • quality medical care;
  • favorable environmental conditions and good climate;
  • developed infrastructure for family recreation: parks for walking, children's cafes, etc.

And also when moving you should pay attention to acclimatization: what younger child, the less sharp it should be.

Choosing a suitable place for retirees

The priorities of older people when choosing a place to live are changing. The need to make a career and receive a high salary is no longer relevant for many. A calm environment, low crime rate, good medical care, and affordable prices come first. Therefore, the best small cities in Russia for living are more attractive for retirees. Much depends on the character of the person, his state of health, as well as the ability to see his children and grandchildren.


A small town near Moscow, on the one hand, is located quite close to the capital, on the other hand, it is devoid of the bustle and smog of the metropolis. Podolsk is one of the most developed regions of the Moscow region. The program for relocation from dilapidated housing and the construction of new houses is actively underway.


A small town in central Russia near the border with Ukraine. The mild climate and friendly population make it an attractive place to move. Belgorod has a lot of green spaces, so the environmental situation in the city is quite favorable.

Permanent residence by the sea

Most of the country is located in an area with a fairly cool climate. Therefore, many in Russia are looking for where to move for permanent residence, where it is warm and at the same time there is work. The southern regions are focused primarily on the tourism sector; there are practically no large industrial enterprises there. Therefore, people with specialized education will not be able to find work in their specialty.

The main peak of economic activity occurs in the summer months. In winter, life in cities comes to a standstill; many shops and cafes close during this time. Not everyone likes this uneven rhythm of life and earnings. The attractiveness of northern and Far Eastern coastal cities is much lower. The climate there is more severe, so most of the work local population associated with fishing. Some coastal cities are bases for the merchant and military fleets.


Conducting winter Olympic Games became an impetus for the development of the city and increased its tourist attractiveness. Unlike other resort towns in the Krasnodar Territory, people come here in winter to go to the ski resort. Therefore, the seasonality of earnings here is less pronounced.


After the peninsula became part of Russia, many began to wonder how. In addition to the mild climate, many are attracted by the tax incentives established in the region. A large flow of tourists makes it possible to open your own business and quickly develop your business.

When it comes to choosing a city to move to, the cost of housing plays a significant role. Real estate prices depend on the size of the locality and its attractiveness in the eyes of visitors. It is expensive not only to purchase your own home, but also to rent it. In megacities, commuting is not uncommon - when people live in surrounding settlements and go to work in a neighboring city. Real estate prices for the second quarter of 2019 are presented below.

City rating

Each locality is good in its own way. However, among Russian cities there are those that attract a large number of external and internal migrants.


The country's capital traditionally attracts energetic and ambitious people. A large number of large companies, including international ones, are like a magnet for those who want to realize themselves and make a career. Those who need work with permanent residence in Russia often begin their search in the capital.

However, the Moscow rhythm of life is not suitable for everyone. Long distances combined with traffic jams make moving around the city difficult. Added to this is severe gas pollution. Expensive housing and a high level of competition in the labor market force those who were unable to realize their plans to leave the capital.

Saint Petersburg

The “Capital of Culture” is also very popular among migrants and residents of the country. The proximity of the Finnish border makes it easier to obtain a Schengen visa and travel to Europe. There are many universities in the city, including military ones, which attracts a large number of students to St. Petersburg. Finding a job here is also quite easy.

Among the disadvantages of living in St. Petersburg, many note the climate. Strong winds from the Neva and the Gulf of Finland, high humidity, frequent rains and a small number of sunny days often have a depressing effect on visitors. In addition to weather, economic factors also influence. A lower salary level compared to Moscow, combined with the high cost of housing, forces many migrants to look for where to move from St. Petersburg to live in Russia.


One of the largest centers of the oil and gas industry. In Tyumen, salaries are quite high, the housing and communal services industry is well developed, many residential buildings, cultural and sports facilities are being built. The authorities invest a lot of money in social sphere. The climate, as throughout Southern Siberia, sharply continental - with short hot summers and longer cold winters.

Many of our compatriots are thinking about where they can move to live within the country. Ratings demonstrating the advantages and disadvantages of individual cities can help them make their choice. How are they compiled? What is taken into account? Which Russian cities occupy the top rankings in certain categories?

Features of cities and regions of Russia

Environmental, climatic and economic conditions in different parts our countries are noticeably different. How to determine which Russian cities and regions are favorable for moving to permanent residence? Based on public opinion polls and statistical data, ratings are compiled that should help understand this issue. Many media outlets carry out such research, but the most respected rankings are those compiled by organizations such as the Department of Sociology Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation and the Center for Strategic Research of the Rosgosstrakh company. The data source is federal Service state statistics. There are many criteria by which the situation in each city and region is assessed.

Where is the best place to move to live if the environmental factor is important to you?

Human health largely depends on the state of the environment. Toxic waste pollutes air, water and soil can cause serious illness and even premature death. Availability environmental problems especially dangerous for pregnant women and children. Various congenital pathologies are the result of exposure to toxic emissions on the human body.

There are three factors that determine the state of the environment:

  • industrial waste;
  • car exhaust gases;
  • geographical location.

Enterprises in industrial cities and a large number of transport in megacities are the main sources of pollution. In addition, the concentration of toxic substances depends on geographic location. If a city is located between hills, air currents do not blow its territory well enough. In this case, the concentration of harmful emissions increases many times over.

  1. Pskov;
  2. Smolensk;
  3. Murmansk;
  4. Nizhnevartovsk;
  5. Sochi.

The air is fresh, the city is small and therefore not very polluted. If you are tired of the city bustle, gases and cars, then I suggest going to Pskov.

The cleanliness of the atmosphere in this city is maintained thanks to the coniferous forests located around it. Another positive factor is the many green spaces in the park areas of Pskov.

It is also worth paying attention to the opposite rating, which determines the most environmentally polluted cities in Russia. When choosing a place for permanent residence, it is important to know which cities have severe ecological situation poses the greatest health risk. The environmental anti-rating is as follows:

  1. Norilsk;
  2. Moscow;
  3. Saint Petersburg;
  4. Cherepovets (Vologda region);
  5. Asbestos (Sverdlovsk region).

It is easy to notice that this list includes megacities and cities where large industrial enterprises are located. For example, the Severstal metallurgical plant is located in Cherepovets.

Medical service

An integral part of a full life is the opportunity to receive quality medical services. Life expectancy directly depends on this factor. Assessment of the level of medical care is based on surveys of residents: how satisfied they are with the accessibility and professionalism of treatment. Additional indicators include the mortality rate among people of retirement age and the percentage of people with incomes below the average who seek paid medical services. Rating of Russian cities with the highest level of healthcare:

  1. Moscow;
  2. Saint Petersburg;
  3. Naberezhnye Chelny;
  4. Tyumen.

It is important to remember that cardiac problems are a common cause of disability and premature death. Timely diagnosis and highly professional treatment can stop the development of cardiovascular diseases. People suffering from such ailments should pay attention to the availability of cardiology clinics in the city or region to which they plan to move. These medical institutions must meet modern standards. A large number of clinics providing high-quality treatment for vascular and heart diseases are concentrated in Moscow, however, there are also high-tech cardio centers in other Russian cities. For example, Tyumen Cardiological science Center, Novosibirsk Research Institute of Circulatory Pathology named after Academician E.N. Meshalkin and Research Institute of Cardiology named after V.A. Almazov in St. Petersburg.

Standard of living

In Russia, the leaders in terms of income are Moscow and the regions of Siberia and the Far East, where large oil and gas fields are located. The remaining Russian regions lag significantly behind the leaders. This trend has continued for many years. Rating of average monthly income of working citizens in the regions Russian Federation in 2018:

  1. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (RUB 73,091.7);
  2. Moscow (RUB 70,220.8);
  3. Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (RUB 64,097.55);
  4. Nenets Autonomous Okrug (RUB 61,592.85);
  5. Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (58,063.5 rubles).

It is worth noting that in regions rich in hydrocarbon reserves, it is not only oil and gas industry workers who receive high wages. For example, in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, which ranks first in the ranking, the average monthly income of a school teacher is about 60 thousand rubles.

The leaders of the all-Russian list simultaneously top the income level ratings in the Central, Ural, Northwestern and Far Eastern federal districts. To complete the picture, it is worth comparing the average earnings of residents in federal districts:

  1. Central Federal District (RUB 45,312.3);
  2. Northwestern, Ural, Far Eastern federal districts (40,530.6 rubles);
  3. Siberian Federal District (RUB 31,081.05);
  4. Southern, Volga federal districts (25957.8 rubles).

The average wage characterizes only one aspect of the standard of living. To others important aspect One that cannot be overlooked is the cost of living and price level. An indicator such as housing affordability will help to understand this issue. Rating of cities with the highest price of 1 square meter of housing:

  1. Moscow (RUR 202,269);
  2. St. Petersburg (RUB 110,114);
  3. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (RUB 104,319);
  4. Vladivostok (RUR 97,576);
  5. Sochi (RUR 95,467).

For comparison, it’s worth checking out the list of cities with the lowest cost of 1 square meter of housing:

  1. Nizhnekamsk (RUR 33,501);
  2. Novokuznetsk (RUR 33,935);
  3. Biysk (RUR 34,558);
  4. Rybinsk (RUR 36,470);
  5. Cherepovets (RUR 36,806).

Settlements with affordable housing prices are mainly located in the Volga region, the Southern Urals and the Siberian Federal District.


What climatic conditions are considered the most favorable for human health and life? Positive factors include minor day-to-day fluctuations in air temperature and the absence of sudden changes in atmospheric pressure. To strengthen the immune system, the human body needs to receive a lot of ultraviolet radiation, this is especially important for children. Therefore, a large number of sunny days a year has a positive effect on people's health.

Taking into account the listed criteria, the most comfortable climatic zones for living are the Azov, Black Sea and Caspian coasts. The following cities are located in these zones:

  • Krasnodar;
  • Sevastopol;
  • Novorossiysk;
  • Astrakhan;
  • Sochi.

Have you ever been to Sochi?! Wonderful place. Six months of summer, six months of off-season - green winter. She moved three years ago from Siberia. The climate is excellent, humid and hot for a maximum of two weeks in August.


Weather-sensitive people should carefully choose a region for permanent residence. Their health deteriorates not only from magnetic storms. It is affected by sudden changes in air temperature and atmospheric pressure. Day-to-day temperature fluctuations of up to 1–2 o C are considered safe for people suffering from weather dependence. In the regions listed above, this indicator is kept within these limits.


For people of working age, the prospect of getting a job in the city they choose to move to is critical. The employment potential of a city or region can be analyzed using several indicators. First of all, you need to find out what kind of competition exists in the local labor market. The number of applicants per vacancy is an indicator showing how high the competition is among applicants for a job. You should also take into account the number of unemployed people in a given city and the percentage of its residents who want to move to another region for the purpose of employment. All these criteria together will help determine how attractive and promising a given city is for migrants seeking to find work.

  1. Ryazan;
  2. Vologda;
  3. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk;
  4. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky;
  5. Vladivostok.

The best cities to live in Russia

If you are planning to move to a new place for a long time or permanently, it is wise to choose a sustainable and promising city. Many Russian cities have serious development potential and show promise for the future.


This Volga region city is one of the largest tourist centers in Russia. It attracts about a million tourists every year. The city's industry includes large chemical and aviation enterprises. Kazan is the leader in the volume of housing construction in the Volga region.


The largest economic, educational and sports center of Central and Eastern Siberia. Multiple winner of the competition “The most comfortable city in Russia.” One of the most attractive Russian cities for investment. The leading sectors of the economy of Krasnoyarsk are non-ferrous metallurgy and mechanical engineering. The population is growing constantly and at a rapid pace.


The capital of the most powerful economically region in southern Russia. Krasnodar has repeatedly topped the ratings of the most favorable Russian cities for doing business. The industrial potential of the region successfully attracts domestic and foreign investors. The industrial complex of Krasnodar consists of many enterprises, which employ about a third working population. In addition, Krasnodar is an important transport hub.

Video: Krasnodar is one of the most promising cities in Russia


The Trans-Siberian Railway passes through Novosibirsk. This city has the largest logistics complex in Siberia. Its economy has a number of important advantages: diversified industry, development of the service sector, transport, logistics and science, and the presence of a large number of small and medium-sized businesses. The population of Novosibirsk is growing thanks to migrants from other Russian regions and CIS countries.

Crime level

The complex criminal situation makes the city unattractive for migrants, even if by other criteria it boasts high scores. The desire to live in a safe place, where the likelihood of becoming a victim of criminals is low, often outweighs other arguments in favor of choosing a particular locality. There is a simple way to assess the crime rate - statistical data on the number of crimes committed per 1 thousand inhabitants. The safest cities in Russia according to this criterion:

  1. Ryazan (7.8);
  2. Ulyanovsk (11.3);
  3. Voronezh (11.5);
  4. St. Petersburg (12.0);
  5. Penza (12.9).

It is also worth paying attention to the sad list of the most criminal cities in the Russian Federation. Comparing a positive rating with a negative one shows how much crime levels differ in different cities and regions.

  1. Kemerovo (32.2);
  2. Kurgan (31.9);
  3. Tyumen (30.7);
  4. Nizhny Novgorod (27.7);
  5. Samara (24.3).

Child development

When choosing a permanent place of residence, families with children should give preference to environmentally friendly cities with high quality medical care. It is also worth inquiring about the availability of educational, sports and entertainment facilities. Cities that have a large number of such institutions and create conditions for the comprehensive development and education of children:

  1. Kazan;
  2. Belgorod;
  3. Rostov-on-Don;
  4. Kaliningrad;
  5. Voronezh.

If you are moving with small children, it is advisable to avoid sudden climate changes. If the climatic conditions at the new place of residence and the previous one are not too different, it will be easier for the child’s body to cope with the move.


Undoubtedly, the most prestigious city in Russia is its capital. Many Russians flock to Moscow, hoping to realize their potential there. But we must take into account that other large Russian millionaire cities are gradually developing, improving and today are not much inferior to Moscow. Among them, it is worth highlighting St. Petersburg, which is often called the cultural capital of Russia.

It is impossible to single out one city or region that meets all the requirements at the same time. For example, a city with a high average monthly salary may be environmentally unfavorable, so the choice of each migrant depends on personal preferences and life circumstances.

In the vast expanses of the Russian Federation there are many different cities. In some of them, Russians are provided with better working conditions, in others the infrastructure is developing promisingly, and thirdly, it is very comfortable for Russian citizens to live in retirement. To figure out which Russian city is best to live in, many ratings have been compiled. Below we propose to consider some of them.

The standard of living of the population is a combination of several factors. First of all, these are, of course, the level of wages, the level of provision of educational and medical services, clean ecology, safety of living and developed infrastructure. The highest standard of living is found in big cities, where material support allows Russians to live with dignity. The list of the best cities in Russia according to this criterion includes such settlements as Kazan, Moscow, Krasnodar, Tyumen and St. Petersburg.

The capital of the Republic of Tatarstan is a good place to live for those who want to open their own business or continue running an already started business. This city is developing at a rapid pace and provides a high standard of living for 1.2 million citizens. Kazan also pleases its residents and guests with excellent roads, developed infrastructure, a variety of universities and scientific institutions, as well as many other attractive features.

More than 12 million people live in the capital of the Russian Federation, and this figure is the highest in the country. For those who live in this city, the highest average salary in Russia, high-quality highways, advanced housing and communal services, the most best schools and higher educational institutions, cultural and historical institutes and much more.
However, there are several nuances that prevent Moscow from being the city with the highest standard of living in Russia. For example, the unsatisfactory state of the environment, the high cost of purchasing and renting living space and frequent traffic jams.


More than 800 thousand residents live in Krasnodar, each of them can enjoy a warm climate and modern infrastructure, as well as receive decent medical services. But low-quality roads and a small number of decent universities do not allow Krasnodar to be the best city in terms of living standards.

The city of Tyumen is one of the largest settlements in Siberia and accommodates almost 700 thousand inhabitants. About 10% of the working population of this corner of Russia is involved in the oil and gas industry.

The advantages of Tyumen are rightfully considered to be roads of decent quality, a developed housing and communal services system, a high level of educational services and fairly high average salaries.

Saint Petersburg

More than 5 million people live in the cultural capital of Russia, and this figure ranks second after Moscow. The advantages of St. Petersburg are quite significant for moving to a permanent place of residence: beautiful architecture and nature, a variety of museums and cultural and historical attractions, a large concentration of prestigious higher education institutions educational institutions And scientific institutes, high-quality housing and communal services and modern system healthcare.

Russian cities with the best job prospects

For those for whom the opportunity to find a well-paid job with decent working conditions is of fundamental importance, you should pay attention to cities such as Ryazan, Vologda, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Vladivostok. This rating was compiled using a detailed analysis of several important indicators. First of all, the level of competition in the local labor market was determined, an indicator of this is the total number of applicants for each job. In addition, the index of unemployed citizens of working age and those who seek to leave the city in order to find a job was taken into account. Based on these calculations, the most attractive Russian cities for migrants looking for decent work were identified.

The most promising cities of the Russian Federation

Every migrant who plans to move permanently to a new city strives to choose a city with a sustainable infrastructure and great development potential. Those. the city that has a promising future. Russian cities with greatest potential development 4: Kazan, Krasnoyarsk, Krasnodar and Novosibirsk.

This promising city on the banks of the Volga is one of the largest tourist centers in the Russian Federation, thanks to which thousands of tourists visit it every year. The right to be considered a city with a future further development Kazan has earned it due to the development of large chemical and aviation enterprises, as well as due to the high volumes of new housing construction.


This region is considered the largest center of economics, education and sports in the entire central and eastern districts of Siberia. An important note is that this city has several times won the title of “The Most Comfortable City in Russia.” The leading sectors of the economy here are: mechanical engineering and, of course, non-ferrous metallurgy. The listed advantages bring more and more migrants to Krasnoyarsk every year.


Huge potential in economic terms has accompanied Krasnodar in recent years. This city in the south of Russia has repeatedly been at the top of the ranking of the most developed cities for doing business in the Russian Federation. In addition, there is rapid industrial development here, thanks to which domestic and foreign businessmen are investing in this region. More than 30% of the working age population is employed in a variety of enterprises, in particular in machine-building plants.


The main indicator of the prospects of this city is that it is the largest logistics center in all of Siberia. Also, the Trans-Siberian Railway passes through this region. Over the past decade, science, medium and small businesses, the transport system, the service sector and logistics have been actively developing in Novosibirsk. These advantages provide Novosibirsk with an annual increase in the number of residents, thanks to migrants from other cities of the Russian Federation and neighboring CIS countries.

Top Russian cities by salary

If you need to move to another city in order to get a big salary, you should pay attention to the following cities: Moscow, Tyumen, St. Petersburg, Kamchatka Territory, Yekaterinburg.

The capital has the largest number of enterprises, organizations and entertainment establishments, which provides the largest number of jobs throughout Russia. If desired, anyone can find a job, both a certified highly qualified specialist in any field, and a worker without work experience or without education.

The average salary in this city is the highest in the entire Russian Federation and is 56,000 rubles per month, which is almost 2 times more than the average salary throughout the country. Those wishing to find a job in Moscow will have to face tough competition, but finding a job, building a career and even starting your own business here is quite possible.


In the cities of the Kamchatka Territory, the monthly salary is slightly lower than in Moscow, and amounts to 51 thousand rubles. This most remote region of the Russian Federation is currently developing at a rapid pace and offers a wide range of vacancies for specialists of different profiles. Nevertheless, not every visitor will like the capricious climatic conditions, but this is where you can take a break from the noise of big cities, start a calm, measured life, and also get decent wages for a full life.

It is also worth remembering that despite decent level wages, prices in Kamchatka are quite high.

In this corner of western Siberia, the monthly salary is also quite high - 42,000 rubles, which corresponds to the “northern coefficient”, which in the Tyumen region is 1.5. It is also important that highly qualified specialists can earn a lot at local enterprises, because here is the highest percentage of vacancies in the Russian Federation with a salary of 100,000 rubles or more. Decent wages also please local education and medical workers.

Saint Petersburg

The average salary in the Northern capital of Russia is 39 thousand rubles per month, which is a fairly high figure. Not only experienced specialists with great qualifications, but also beginners who are just beginning their professional development will be able to find work in this city, as well as in Moscow.


You can also get a relatively high salary in this million-plus city in the Urals. Local workers earn an average of 28 thousand rubles per month. Most of the working population is employed in industry and the service sector, but specialists in other fields will also find their calling here.

An advantage of Yekaterinburg for those who are planning to move here for permanent residence is the low cost of purchasing and renting housing when compared with other cities with a population of over a million.

The best cities in Russia for retirees

If the inherent desire of youth to live in a noisy metropolis has already exhausted itself, and you want a quiet, measured life, then you should pay attention to cities such as Tula, Yaroslavl, Vladimir and Kostroma. In these cozy corners of Russia there is a developed infrastructure and all the benefits of a full life are present, but there are no noisy highways and large crowds of people. So these cities will be the best option for older people.

The safest and most crime-prone cities in Russia

In addition to the size of wages, standard of living and other positive factors, before moving for permanent residence, you should pay attention to other important criteria, for example, the crime rate. After all, even with a high salary and in excellent economic conditions, you will not want to live in a city where it is unsafe.

More often than not, safety becomes the prevailing factor for migrants, although people sometimes forget about this fundamental condition for a fulfilling life. To determine the safest cities in Russia, a simple statistical calculation of the number of crimes per 1 thousand citizens was carried out. Based on this criterion, the safest cities in the Russian Federation are:

  • Ryazan (7.8);
  • Ulyanovsk (11.3);
  • Voronezh (11.5);
  • St. Petersburg (12.0);
  • Penza (12.9).

And on the reverse side are the settlements with the highest crime rates:

  • Kemerovo (32.2);
  • Kurgan (31.9);
  • Tyumen (30.7);
  • Nizhny Novgorod (27.7);
  • Samara (24.3).

Where is the best place to live with children?

Before choosing a city for permanent residence, family migrants should pay attention to the presence of a clean environment, a high level of medical and educational services, as well as the presence of sports and entertainment complexes. Settlements in which all of the above factors are present are listed at a high level below:

  • Kazan;
  • Belgorod;
  • Rostov-on-Don;
  • Kaliningrad;
  • Voronezh.

Cities with the most favorable ecology

Before moving, you should also think about the environmental situation in your new place of permanent residence. Federal agency state statistics calculates the indicators of the most environmentally friendly cities based on a comparison of the number of environmentally harmful enterprises and the availability of compensation for damage environment and the amount of polluting emissions into the atmosphere. The cleanest cities in Russia are listed below:

  • Sarapul (Republic of Udmurtia);
  • Chapaevsk (Samara region);
  • Essentuki and Mineral water(Stavropol region);
  • Derbent and Kaspiysk (Republic of Dagestan);
  • Nazran (Republic of Ingushetia);
  • Novoshakhtinsk (Rostov region).

The most prestigious settlements of the Russian Federation

As it would be logical to assume, the most prestigious city in the vast expanses of Russia is the capital Moscow. Many residents of the Russian Federation strive to get to this city to fulfill their dreams and unlock their potential. However, there are other settlements that are currently developing very quickly and can compete with the capital in terms of prestige:

  • Saint Petersburg;
  • Tyumen;
  • Kazan;
  • Krasnodar;
  • Novosibirsk

Choosing a city for permanent residence should not only be based on various ratings and tops. After all, everywhere has its advantages and disadvantages. It is very important to have your own idea of ​​which city is better to live in and how you can achieve the most comfortable stay, because some factors are fundamental for some, while for others the same factors are secondary and insignificant.

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Russia is a truly large country, occupying a vast territory and consisting of a considerable number of cities. People live, work and have fun in each of them, but not all places are interesting for citizens. People often want new sensations and pleasant memories, which, unfortunately, are not possible to get in all places today.

Our rating presents the best Russian cities that local residents have not become tired of for a long time. They are of interest to both citizens of the country and its guests. In addition, the listed places are ideal for both living and working.

The first place is occupied by the promising metropolis of Siberia. Today, less than 1 million people live here, but this situation may change in the near future, since there are quite a lot of people who want to move to this city.

Citizens are pleased with the developed infrastructure, excellent roads and really good prospects. Tyumen is sometimes called the oil and gas capital of Siberia and all of Russia. The location of the city is not the best, which is why the weather conditions here are harsh. But here, lovers of the cold season who can hardly stand the heat get real pleasure.

The oil capital of the Russian Federation allows you to live quite harshly, but at the same time interesting. Despite the forty-degree frosts, local residents enjoy spending time outside, as the administration is installing new infrastructure elements for each season.

In addition, citizens see the advantages of Surgut in the abundance of shops, walking distance to them, high wages and quality of service to the housing stock.

As for the shortcomings, one of them is the road surface, which is not at all surprising, since due to frequent changes in temperature and high vehicle traffic, the material deteriorates, and specialists simply do not have time to correct the situation in time.

One of the oldest Russian cities does not lose popularity even in the 21st century. Today it attracts tourists with its developed infrastructure, good road surface and high standard of living. Local residents enjoy the opportunities for easy employment and a considerable amount of entertainment, while guests of the city especially like the buildings and monuments.

The climate here is moderate, and therefore any time of year can be tolerated without much difficulty.

4. Vladivostok

The city with an average population is considered one of the best places to live. Russians and guests of the country come here on excursions, but as a result they stay here forever. Vladivostok is a cultural center and a port town.

In addition, it is an industrial center where there is sure to be work for everyone. Transport shipbuilding is especially well developed here. The energy sector is no less pleased Food Industry, as well as chemical and medical production.

Among the negative qualities, ecology is noted. They really are not the best here, which is explained by the large number of industries, although the authorities are gradually trying to improve the situation by installing air purification equipment.

A truly promising metropolis for living attracts the attention of Russian citizens and foreigners with its beauty, infrastructure and amazing history. It is comfortable to live here due to the ease of finding work, a mild climate and an abundance of entertainment for adults and children.

Reviews from city residents often include references to modern architecture, landscaped park areas, as well as stadiums that are constantly being built and reconstructed.

This city is considered the best in Russia, as it leaves a lot of pleasant impressions after your first visit here. It is distinguished by its sunshine and gorgeous sea. Judging by the reviews of visitors, when coming to Sochi, you can instantly immerse yourself in a fairy tale in which tulips and palm trees grow in one area.

No less pleasing are the ski resorts, which are located very close to the beach areas. In addition to relaxation, it is pleasant to work here, since there are always plenty of free places at various enterprises. It is for these reasons that many people choose Sochi as their city to live. In addition, here you can simply watch palm trees, magnolia and feijoa growing in the middle of the street.

The so-called cultural capital of Russia really is such. There is a wide variety of places of cultural leisure, the number of which St. Petersburg surpasses other cities in the country. At the same time, citizens are given a choice from a wide “range” of educational institutions, where people from different countries go to enroll, and as a result remain for permanent residence.

The climate here is transitional, but there are very few sunny days. But they are replaced by white nights, lasting about 50 days. The cost of residential premises is lower than in the capital and some other cities, for example, in Tyumen, while the condition of the real estate is really of high quality and sound.

The town near Moscow was recognized as a city not so long ago, but today it is already included in the ranking of leaders.

People name the main advantages of the place: proximity to the capital, good environmental conditions, abundance of retail outlets for every budget and taste, developed infrastructure. There are enough enterprises here to provide employment for both local residents and visitors, especially considering the fact that local citizens tend to work in Moscow and return to Domodedovo for vacation.

As for the shortcomings, they also exist here - the quality of housing and communal services is not the best, as well as the discrepancy between wages and prices. These two problems are not as pronounced here as in other Russian cities, and therefore citizens do not consider them significant disadvantages.

The metropolis, which is the heart of the Krasnodar region, attracts many tourists, including from other cities of Russia. There is a temperate climate here - summer days can be too hot, and in winter frosts reach 25 degrees.

Spring begins to come quickly - around the beginning of February. The townspeople are especially pleased with the infrastructure, because there is everything here - schools, kindergartens, universities, clubs, sections, etc.

Citizens prefer to spend their leisure time in cafes and restaurants, which are found at almost every step in Krasnodar.

The quite beautiful city is happy to welcome current and potential businessmen.

This place is considered one of the most suitable for starting your own business and running it successfully. That is why there are a huge number of enterprises in the territory where it will not be difficult to get a job. As a rule, it is not emigrants from the CIS who move to Kaliningrad, but rather Russian citizens who originally lived in other regions of the country.

In addition to work, you can have a good rest here, because there are well-kept zoos, an excellent Art Gallery, as well as all kinds of theaters, museums and parks. At the same time, one of the most famous attractions are the seven bridges, where professional and amateur photo shoots are constantly taking place, friends and lovers are walking, and children are having fun.

The prosperous city is constantly developing, which is why the population is growing every year. Ufa is a regional center where many medical institutions, educational institutions and enterprises are located, where labor is always required.

The standard of living here is decent - salaries correspond to prices, maintenance of the housing stock is excellent, and the climate is continental. The advantages of this city can be listed endlessly, but it is possible to verify them only by visiting Ufa in person. And once you come here, you hardly want to return to any other town.

A great city with a population of one and a half million had to be included in this rating. It is known not only for its participation in the series “Happy Together”, as well as for the production of many stars of modern show business, in particular in the field of humor, but also for its quality education, housing services and infrastructure.

In addition, health and safety services are excellent here. There are always jobs for both local residents and visitors - there are many websites, newspapers and advertisements in relevant places to find work. The road surface also performs well, as it can withstand heavy pressure from car wheels, but at the same time rarely makes citizens “admire” the potholes.

The Siberian capital pleasantly surprises with its scale. There are multi-lane roads, huge buildings and wide areas. At the same time, the city is constantly improving and developing, so there are quite a lot of people who have moved here.

Prices for housing, food and entertainment here are moderate, while wages really allow you to live on a grand scale.

The ancient town, where the ancient Greeks became the first settlers, today occupies an important place in the TOP of the best cities in Russia. It is considered comfortable for living, and also has a very good level of service.

People move here for permanent residence for various reasons, but the main ones are:

  • excellent climatic conditions,
  • opportunities for sports and entertainment any day of the week,
  • shopping outlets within walking distance,
  • sufficient parking.

The local population of Gelendzhik is increasing every year, despite the only drawback - the discrepancy between income and expenses. But there are no problems with employment here, especially in the summer, when citizens from all over the country and foreigners come here on vacation.

The capital of the Russian Federation, although not in first place in the ranking, is still included in it. The promising city has a large population, which is why housing problems often arise here. But there are quite a lot of jobs in Moscow.

The average salary here, of course, is higher than in most Russian cities, but the prices are appropriate. The climate here is moderate continental, and therefore citizens do not have to endure extreme cold or heat.

The city, located simultaneously in the south of Russia and the north of the Caucasus, does not occupy the largest area, but at the same time its population is quite dense. Grozny's past is very difficult, and its history excites the nerves of everyone who hears it, but even this does not prevent the presence of interesting places in the modern city.

There is always somewhere to go to take a break from everyday routine and enjoy the views. The main advantage of Grozny is the high level of safety of residents - adults, children, and the elderly. Today, the city is being massively built up with new houses, and therefore new settlers are always welcome here with open arms. No less pleasing are the high quality of roads, mild climate and fairly convenient transport system.

One of the best cities in terms of quality of life, it occupies an honorable place not only in our TOP, but also in the world ranking - where it stands between Toronto and Miami. The success of the city and the desire of the majority of Russian citizens and foreigners to move to it is explained by its excellent ecology - even despite the population of millions, the authorities manage to maintain clean air and streets of the city.

No less pleasing is the presence of many socially important spaces, including squares, parks, an airport and a train station. Beauty Nizhny Novgorod Both foreigners who see its beauty for the first time and local residents who observe the improvements from year to year are amazed. That is why today it is difficult to find a person who wants to move from here to another place, but there are quite a lot of people who want to settle in this city.

A suitable city for a busy life offers convenient conditions for people of different age categories. Krasnoyarsk is a cultural, industrial, administrative and commercial center.

There are more residents here every year, since the wide opportunities do not leave anyone indifferent.

The city, home to almost 200 thousand people, is among the TOP places in Russia for the simple reason that the standard of living here is really high. There is truly high-quality service for residential areas here - in this category Orenburg proudly took 4th place in Russia.

In addition, the city has a very good level of health care and safety. As for the roads, they are also quite good here, despite the large number of cars. This is what suggests that anyone can live fully in the place in question.

Speaking about the minuses, the townspeople note only the sphere of education - there are not many schools, colleges and universities in Orenburg, so in this regard, local residents have little choice.

Not the largest, but a comfortable city to live in, the city is located in the south of the country and has its own access to the Sea of ​​Azov. The climate here is quite mild - in summer the temperature remains between 20 and 30 degrees, but in winter, as a rule, frosts reach -20 degrees.

Despite the fact that many people consider Taganrog a resort city, here you can not only have a good rest, but also live quite decently. The territory provides a lot of entertainment for adults and children, as well as enterprises for getting a job. In addition, there is a layer of intelligentsia here due to the presence of large universities, where not only local residents, but also guests of the city study.

The best city for many people is famous for its high standard of living. Despite the fact that Anapa acts as one of the largest resort cities, it does not make local residents think about moving due to the cold season.

This place is famous for its excellent public services, excellent ecology and good network of public transportation. It is due to this that people from other regions of the country often move here. And the main highlight of the city is its wonderful climate, because here the sun’s rays can be seen 280 days a year, which allows citizens to get enough vitamin D. Many Russian residents dream of a standard of living like in Anapa, and therefore, at the first opportunity, they move here for permanent residence.

One of the millionaire cities was previously considered a center of political exile, but after the construction of an oil refinery, instead of the glory of a convict settlement, it began to be called a point of advanced production. And while some residents of Omsk are eager to leave their homes, many other Russian citizens want to move there, citing low prices and the opportunity to find a comfortable workplace.

The oil refinery still operates today - it is considered one of the largest in Russia. In addition, the city has many attractions for which it is worth visiting at least once in your life - monuments, churches, squares, etc.

The town for a great life and the implementation of your plans is intended more for doing business. The economy here is thriving, which attracts wealthy citizens from different cities of Russia and other countries. And this growth is ensured by the coal mining industry, as well as developed other industries. In addition, due to this, there are always jobs here.

The city, located near the capital, is not in vain included in the list of leaders. And although its area is small, there are many interesting places that you can visit so as not to want to say goodbye to them. The only significant drawback is frequent traffic jams on main roads. Otherwise, Reutov suits both local residents and visitors. Few people want to leave here for a long time, because on any day in just half an hour it is possible to get to the capital and compare its beauty with the local ones.

The population of the city is not much higher than 100 thousand people, so there is plenty of room to expand here in terms of work and entertainment.

A worthy city for worthy people takes an honorable position in our TOP. It is good in all respects: infrastructure, roads, entertainment, education, housing maintenance, etc. There are many study rooms here different types sports, factories, museums, cinemas, parks and other places where you can take a break from work. At the same time, there are always jobs here, too, since Chelyabinsk is quite a good choice for starting a business, as a result of which more and more new enterprises are opening that require labor. The city looks beautiful - it is difficult to find “shabby” buildings here, which are found in some other places, and besides, there is a lot of well-groomed vegetation near each building.

The downside is the environment.

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