Topic: Extracurricular reading. “The problem of the purity of the Russian language in M. Zoshchenko’s story “Monkey Language. Analysis of the story Zoshchenko's monkey language M Zoshchenko's monkey language main characters

1. Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko.

2. " Monkey tongue».

3. 11th grade.

4. Story.

5. The work was written in 1925, during the reign of Stalin, when a new economic policy reigned in Soviet Russia.

7. The main character is a simple man who has no higher education, which describes the situation that happened to him. The situation is this: he came to a meeting and was lucky enough to unwittingly overhear a conversation between two of his colleagues, and because of their dialogue, he understood practically nothing, and only sat there and fapped his ears, more and more assuring himself of how difficult it is to speak in English these days. -Russian.

8. The story begins with the hero’s reasoning about how much the native Russian language has recently become clogged with foreign words, that some people are now impossible to understand, because they have “grabbed” new words into their vocabulary and they operate with them wherever possible and impossible, which makes dialogues difficult and nerves frayed.

Next, the hero tells us a situation that happened to him at work, at a meeting: two of his colleagues began to argue about how plenary this meeting was, and had the quorum really been reached, and was the subsection, perhaps, being minimally brewed? This dispute went on and would not end, but fortunately, a presidium appeared, which with pride and dignity began to pronounce arrogant words with the same foreign vagueness, and the hero’s neighbors, having cooled down from the argument and looking sternly at each other, nodded their heads sternly and understandingly, agreeing with everything that the speaker conveyed. After this wonderful discussion our main character I made a conclusion for myself: it’s difficult, woe is it, how difficult this Russian language is!

9. The story is humorous, like many of Mikhail Mikhailovich’s stories, which makes it doubly pleasant to read, because the author skillfully conveys modern problems, seasoning them with satire, which does not show the current world in the best light and more sharply shows us all its imperfections and troubles, which people should think about more often.

Read the texts of stories, short storiesMikhail M. Zoshchenko

Monkey tongue

This Russian language is difficult, dear citizens! The trouble is, what a difficult one.

The main reason is that foreign words there's a lot of it in him. Well, take French speech. Everything is good and clear. Keskese, merci, comsi - all, please note, purely French, natural, understandable words.

Come on, come on now with the Russian phrase - trouble. The whole speech is peppered with words with a foreign, vague meaning.

This makes speech difficult, breathing is impaired and nerves fray.

I heard a conversation the other day. There was a meeting. My neighbors started talking.

It was a very smart and intelligent conversation, but I, a person without a higher education, had difficulty understanding their conversation and flapped my ears.

The matter began with trifles.

My neighbor, not yet an old man with a beard, leaned over to his neighbor on the left and politely asked:

And what, comrade, will this be a plenary meeting or what?

“Plenary,” the neighbor answered casually.

“Look,” the first one was surprised, “that’s why I’m looking, what is it?” As if it were plenary.

“Yes, be calm,” the second one answered sternly. - Today it is very plenary and the quorum has reached such a level - just hang in there.

Yah? - asked the neighbor. - Is there really a quorum?

By God,” said the second.

And what is this quorum?

“Nothing,” the neighbor answered, somewhat confused. - I got it, and that’s it.

Tell me, - the first neighbor shook his head with disappointment. - Why would it be him, huh?

The second neighbor spread his hands and looked sternly at his interlocutor, then added with a soft smile:

Now, comrade, I suppose you don’t approve of these plenary sessions... But somehow they are closer to me. Everything somehow, you know, comes out in them minimally on the essence of the day... Although I will say frankly that lately I have been quite permanent about these meetings. So, you know, the industry is going from empty to empty.

This is not always the case, the first one objected. - If, of course, you look at it from the point of view. To enter, so to speak, into the point of view and from the point of view, then yes - the industry specifically.

Specifically, in fact,” the second one sternly corrected.

“Perhaps,” the interlocutor agreed. - I admit that too. Specifically in fact. Although how when...

“Always,” the second one snapped briefly. - Always, dear comrade. Especially if after the speeches the subsection is brewing minimally. Discussions and shouting will not end then...

A man walked up to the podium and waved his hand. Everything fell silent. Only my neighbors, somewhat heated by the argument, did not immediately fall silent. The first neighbor could not come to terms with the fact that the subsection was welded minimally. It seemed to him that the subsection was brewed a little differently.

They shushed my neighbors. The neighbors shrugged their shoulders and fell silent. Then the first neighbor leaned over to the second again and quietly asked:

Who is it that came out there?

This? Yes, this is the presidium. A very sharp man. And the speaker is the first. He always speaks sharply on the essence of the day.

The speaker extended his hand forward and began speaking.

And when he uttered arrogant words with a foreign, vague meaning, my neighbors nodded their heads sternly. Moreover, the second neighbor looked sternly at the first, wanting to show that he was still right in the dispute that had just ended.

It is difficult, comrades, to speak Russian!


I am, of course, a non-drinker. If I drink another time, it’s not much - for the sake of decency or to maintain good company.

I can’t consume more than two bottles at once. Health doesn't allow it. Once, I remember, on the day of my former angel, I ate a quarter.

But this was in my young, strong years, when my heart was beating desperately in my chest and different thoughts were flashing through my head.

And now I'm getting old.

A veterinary paramedic I know, Comrade Ptitsyn, examined me just now and, you know, even got scared. Trembling.

You, he says, have a complete devaluation. Where, he says, is the liver, where is the bladder, there is no way to recognize, he says. “You were very tolerable,” he says.

I wanted to beat this paramedic, but after that I lost interest in him.

“Let me,” I think, “first I’ll go to a good doctor and make sure.”

The doctor did not find any devaluation.

Your organs, he says, are in pretty neat shape. And the bubble, he says, is quite decent and does not leak. As for the heart, it is still very different, even, he says, wider than necessary. But, he says, stop drinking, otherwise death could very easily happen.

And, of course, I don’t want to die. I love to live. I am still a young man. I had just turned forty-three at the beginning of the New Economic Policy. One might say, in full bloom of strength and health. And the heart in the chest is wide. And the bubble, most importantly, does not leak. Live and be happy with such a bubble. “I really need to stop drinking,” I think. He took it and threw it away.

I don't drink and I don't drink. I don’t drink for an hour, I don’t drink for two. At five o'clock in the evening, of course, I went to the dining room for dinner.

I ate soup. I started eating boiled meat - I wanted to drink. “Instead,” I think, “I’ll ask for something softer - narzan or lemonade.” I'm calling.

“Hey,” I say, “who was serving me portions here, bring me some lemonade, you chicken head.”

Of course, they bring me lemonade on an intelligent tray. In the decanter. I pour it into a shot glass.

I drink this shot, I feel: it seems to be vodka. I poured more. By God, vodka. What the hell! I poured the rest - real vodka.

Bring it, - I shout, - more!

“Well,” I think, “it’s a mess!”

Brings more.

I tried again. There is no doubt left - the most natural.

Afterwards, when I paid the money, I still made a remark.

“I,” I say, “asked for lemonade, but what are you wearing, your chicken head?”

He says:

So we always call it lemonade. A completely legal word. From the old days... But, I apologize, we don’t stock natural lemonade - there is no consumer.

“Bring me,” I say, “the last one.”

I never quit. And the desire was ardent. Only circumstances got in the way. As they say, life dictates its own laws. We must obey.


Oh, what a sharp people Americans are! How many amazing discoveries, how many great inventions they made! Steam, Gillette safety razors, the rotation of the Earth around its axis - all this was discovered and invented by the Americans and partly the British.

And now, if you please, humanity has been made happy again - the Americans gave the world a special machine - a voice recorder.

Of course, this machine may have been invented a little earlier, but they just sent it to us.

It was a solemn and wonderful day when this machine was sent.

A crowd of people gathered to look at this wonder.

The respected Konstantin Ivanovich Derevyashkin removed the cover from the car and reverently wiped it with a cloth. And at that moment we saw with our own eyes what a great genius it was that invented it. Indeed: a mass of screws, rollers and ingenious squiggles rushed into our faces. It was even surprising to think how this machine, so delicate and fragile in appearance, could work and serve its purpose.

Oh, America, America, what a great country it is!

When the car was examined, the highly respected comrade Derevyashkin, speaking highly of the Americans, said a few introductory words about the benefits of ingenious inventions. Then we started practical experiments.

Which of you, said Konstantin Ivanovich, would like to say a few words into this ingenious device?

Here the respected comrade Tykin, Vasily, spoke. He’s so thin, long, and receives a sixth grade salary plus overtime.

Allow me,” he says, “to try it.”

They allowed him.

He approached the typewriter not without some excitement, he thought for a long time about what he could say, but, without thinking of anything, he waved his hand and walked away from the machine, sincerely grieving over his illiteracy.

Then another one came up. This one, without hesitation, shouted into an open mouthpiece:

Hey, you damn fool!

They immediately opened the lid, took out the roller, inserted it where it should be, and what? - the roller reliably and accurately conveyed the above words to everyone present.

Then the delighted spectators vied with each other to squeeze into the pipe, trying to say one or another phrase or slogan. The machine obediently recorded everything exactly.

Here Vasily Tykin, who receives a salary of the sixth grade plus overtime, spoke again and suggested that someone from the society swear indecently into the pipe.

Dear Konstantin Ivanovich Derevyashkin at first categorically forbade swearing into a bullhorn and even stamped his foot, but then, after some hesitation, carried away by this idea, he ordered a former Black Sea resident - a desperate scolder and brawler - to be called from a neighboring house.

Chernomorets didn’t have to wait long - he showed up.

Where, he asks, to swear? Which hole?

Well, they pointed it out to him, of course. And he’ll just say, the respected Derevyashkin himself threw up his hands, saying, it’s a great waste, this isn’t America.

Then, barely tearing the Chernomorets away from the pipe, they installed a roller. And indeed, the device again accurately and steadily recorded.

Then everyone began to come up again, trying to swear into the hole in every way and dialect. Then they began to imitate various sounds: they clapped their hands, did a tap dance with their feet, clicked their tongue - the machine acted without delay.

Here, indeed, everyone saw how great and ingenious this invention is.

The only pity is that this machine turned out to be somewhat fragile and not adapted to sharp sounds. So, for example, Konstantin Ivanovich fired from a revolver, and, of course, not into the pipe, but, so to speak, from the side, in order for history to capture the sound of the shot on a roller - so what? - it turned out that the machine was damaged, so it was returned.

From this side, the laurels of American inventors and speculators somewhat fade and decline.

However, their merit is still great and significant in the face of humanity.


* * *
Have you read the texts various stories by Mikhail M. Zoshchenko, Russian (Soviet) writer, classic of satire and humor, known for his funny stories, satirical works and short stories. During his life, Mikhail Zoshchenko wrote many humorous texts, with elements of irony, satire, and folklore.This collection presents the best stories by Zoshchenko from different years: “Aristocrat”, “On live bait”, “Honest Citizen”, “Bathhouse”, “Nervous People”, “The Delights of Culture”, “Cat and People”, “Marriage of Convenience” and other. Many years have passed, but we still laugh when we read these stories from the pen of the great master of satire and humor M.M. Zoshchenko. His prose has long become an integral part of the classics of Russian (Soviet) literature and culture.
This site contains, perhaps, all of Zoshchenko’s stories (contents on the left), which you can always read online and once again be surprised by the talent of this writer, unlike others, and laugh at his silly and funny characters (just don’t confuse them with the author himself :)

Thank you for reading!

Copyright: Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko

Zhabueva Tuyana Aleksandrovna,

Russian language teacher and

literature of the highest category,

MAOU Secondary School No. 8, Ulan-Ude.

E-mail adress: [email protected]

Cell phone: 89149852342

Topic: The problem of the purity of the Russian language in M. Zoshchenko’s story “Monkey Language”

Type of lesson: combined and using ICT (analysis lesson literary work with the use of material on the Russian language foreign words in Russian speech).

Goal: through identifying the features of the language and style of the story, determine the author’s position of M. Zoshchenko in the story “Monkey Language” and reveal the problem of the purity of the Russian language.


Educational: to help school readers see the writer’s skill in creating a satirical story;

Developmental: develop work on developing the ability to analyze and research text; develop communicative abilities and moral and aesthetic ideas of students in the process of identifying lexical meaning words

Educational: formation personal qualities as activity, independence; teach to see the beauty, accuracy of the writer’s word, the author’s attitude towards bureaucracy, idle talk and ignorance

Equipment and visibility:

  1. Story texts;
  2. Handout;
  3. Multimedia presentation for the lesson;
  4. Tasks for groups.

Epigraph: “For almost 20 years, adults believed that I wrote for their amusement. But I never wrote for fun” M.M. Zoshchenko

During the classes

  1. Organizational moment

The lesson begins with watching one of the episodes of "Jumble" entitled "Why do we say so." After watching the video, students are asked the question:

  • What language did the characters speak? (In an incomprehensible, awkward, unfamiliar language, monkey language)
  • Why do we not understand words? (because we don’t understand what we’re talking about, it’s too filled with youth slang).

2. Theme message and goal setting

Guys, it’s absolutely true, this is an incomprehensible language for us, a monkey language. Today in class we will discuss a story called “Monkey Language” by the wonderful writer M. Zoshchenko. Almost a hundred years ago, who created this story. I want to tell you that this problem still exists in our time.

3. Updating. You read the story at home and got acquainted with the writer’s biography. Why do you think M. Zoshchenko called his story that way? (revealing the meaning of the story's title: in the title of the story, the author expressed a negative attitude towards illiterate people. He compared a man who tries to look more educated, smart, authoritative than he really is to a grimacing monkey, for which he uses foreign words in his speech).

4. Working on new material

  • So, guys, you and I have thought about the title of the story, and now let’s turn our attention to the story and work with the text. I divided you into three groups to work with the text. You receive tasks, each group has its own special task. But, before moving on to the story, we need to understand the time in which the writer lived and worked. We will make a small excursion into that era.

The story was written in 1925. This is the time when the 1917 revolution took place and Civil War. And, of course, our country has undergone enormous changes. There was Tsarist Russia, it became new Russia called the USSR. There are many new phenomena where people appear who have no education and are illiterate. Philistines came out from everywhere, tenaciously clinging to the new system and striving to be at the level of the times.

Now let's work in groups. We work quickly, I want to see which group will quickly work on their task. In front of you problematic issues. By answering these questions, you will come to certain conclusions, which one of you will express. You are given exactly 2 minutes to do your work. (Groups work with handouts, then go out and build a HOUSE after discussion).

5. Work on the problems of the story

Work on the house: the foundation will be the words that were analyzed by the group working on the terms. After all, the story is based on satire. The walls will be word bricks, which were dismantled by the group working with words in the text. The roof will be the words that express the author’s position in the story, because through the author’s position we understand the main idea of ​​the story. Conclusions from our work have been drawn. And in front of us is a house - our language, which is collapsing due to the fact that we litter our beautiful Russian language with unnecessary words (I am removing the bricks, at this time the house is collapsing). Guys, what is happening to the house - to our language. Our language, just like this house, is collapsing and disappearing.Without a language there is no people, and without a people there is no COUNTRY. What should we do to prevent this from happening? That's right, we must save the language. We urgently replace the word bricks with Russian words.(Using markers, students write synonyms on the back of the bricks - putting our house in order - our language).

6. Lesson summary

So, guys, look at our language - it's beautiful. Are we really doomed to speak in modern “monkey language” about the sublime and the beautiful, about tragedy and pain, about insight and joy? NO! We need a word that brings TRUTH, GOOD, BEAUTY. For this purpose, you and I have penetrated into the secrets of the Word, into the secrets of the writer’s plan, into the secrets of beautiful artistic speech. A monkey with his tongue cannot do this, and he does not need it. Now we understand what monkey language is. Let us take care of our native Russian, our beautiful language.

Before I give you your homework, I want to tell you a little secret. We have our own page on social networks called “We speak Russian...”. And Boy (NAME) helped us open the page. And on this page we will post our first flash mob, calling for you to take care of the language and speak Russian. Flash Mob“Mannequin Challenge” (eng. Mannequin Challenge, mannequin - mannequin, challenge - challenge) is a new Internet flash mob. The point is that its participants, being in the most unexpected places, suddenly freeze in different poses, as in the children's game “The Sea Is Rough Once.” We will then post the video with people pretending to be mannequins on the Internet under the hashtag #speakingRussian. (To conduct a flash mob – 1 minute)

7. Homework

Announcement homework: make a book trailer called “Speaking Russian”, and if you find it difficult to complete a book trailer, you will find on our page a sample that my student made. (if you have time, show the book trailer)

Guys, did you like the lesson? And it seems that the lesson was not in vain: did you learn a lot from the lesson? And I liked the lesson, so let's clap each other's hands as a sign of gratitude for the lesson. Thanks to all. Goodbye

Monkey tongue

This Russian language is difficult, dear citizens! The trouble is, what a difficult one.

The main reason is that there are too many foreign words in it. Well, take French speech. Everything is good and clear. Keskose, merci, comsi - all, please note, purely French, natural, understandable words.

Come on, come on now with the Russian phrase - trouble. The whole speech is peppered with words with a foreign, vague meaning.

This makes speech difficult, breathing is impaired and nerves fray.

I heard a conversation the other day. There was a meeting. My neighbors started talking.

It was a very smart and intelligent conversation, but I, a person without a higher education, had difficulty understanding their conversation and flapped my ears.

The matter began with trifles.

My neighbor, not yet an old man with a beard, leaned over to his neighbor on the left and politely asked:

And what, comrade, will this be a plenary meeting or what?

“Plenary,” the neighbor answered casually.

“Look,” the first one was surprised, “that’s why I’m looking, what is it?” As if it were plenary.

“Yes, be calm,” the second one answered sternly. - Today it is very plenary and the quorum has reached such a level - just hang in there.

Yah? - asked the neighbor. - Is there really a quorum?

By God,” said the second.

And what is this quorum?

“Nothing,” the neighbor answered, somewhat confused. - I got there, and that’s it.

Tell me, - the first neighbor shook his head with disappointment. - Why would it be him, huh?

The second neighbor spread his hands and looked sternly at his interlocutor, then added with a soft smile:

Now, comrade, I suppose you don’t approve of these plenary sessions... But somehow they are closer to me. Everything somehow, you know, comes out in them minimally on the essence of the day... Although I will frankly say that lately I have been quite permanent about these meetings. So, you know, the industry is going from empty to empty.

This is not always the case, the first one objected. - If, of course, you look at it from the point of view. To enter, so to speak, into the point of view and from the point of view, then yes - the industry specifically.

Specifically, in fact,” the second one sternly corrected.

“Perhaps,” the interlocutor agreed. - I admit that too. Specifically in fact. Although how when...

“Always,” the second one snapped briefly. - Always, dear comrade. Especially if after the speeches the subsection is brewing minimally. Discussions and shouting won't end then...

A man walked up to the podium and waved his hand. Everything fell silent. Only my neighbors, somewhat heated by the argument, did not immediately fall silent. The first neighbor could not come to terms with the fact that the subsection was welded minimally. It seemed to him that the subsection was brewed a little differently.

They shushed my neighbors. The neighbors shrugged their shoulders and fell silent. Then the first neighbor leaned over to the second again and quietly asked:

Who is it that came out there?

This? Yes, this is the presidium. A very sharp man. And the speaker is the first. He always speaks sharply on the essence of the day.

The speaker extended his hand forward and began speaking.

And when he uttered arrogant words with a foreign, vague meaning, my neighbors nodded their heads sternly. Moreover, the second neighbor looked sternly at the first, wanting to show that he was still right in the dispute that had just ended.

It is difficult, comrades, to speak Russian!

I present to you a new literary essay by L.K. Zilina, where the “eternal” problem of distortion of the Russian language is raised. Unfortunately, there are absolutely no reviews of yours. Please write at least a couple of words here, on the portal, or to the address [email protected]. I hope so and thank you in advance.

Zhilin L.K.

Reflections on Zoshchenko’s story “Monkey Language”

“There is no word that would be so sweeping, brisk, would burst out from under the very heart, would seethe and vibrate so much, as aptly said Russian word"- wrote Gogol. However, the heroes of the story are distinguished by a completely different kind of language. “To enter, so to speak, into the point of view and from the point of view, then yes - the industry specifically” - before this vinaigrette of words, accuracy trembles either with indignation, or simply with horror. And where does it come from if the characters’ speech is “strewn with words with a foreign, vague meaning”?

Party meeting. "Smart and intelligent conversation." The heroes’ attempt to demonstrate their education reveals their complete lack of understanding of the meanings and appropriateness of using “smart” words. The “plenarity” of a meeting, it turns out, can have different shades (in in this case it is “strongly plenary”), and the abstract concept of “quorum” literally came to life: it “got close.” The last curiosity refers to Gogol, only not at all enthusiastic and inspired. “The damned stick beats extremely painfully (my italics, L.Zh.),” Poprishchin exclaims in “Notes of a Madman” (but in Gogol, at least a tangible object performs the action!). And the “brewing subsection” is already a quirk in the spirit of Bosch. Even phraseological units - the most “aptly spoken Russian word” - are distorted to the point of nonsense: “the industry is going from empty to empty.” As a result, you feel the absolute absurdity of what is happening.

However, such a language is very organic for the world of Zoshchenko’s characters - the world of ordinary people, bourgeois people. These are people with a rather narrow outlook, low intelligence and social status. Hence the “revival” of abstract concepts, because they need to be made accessible to consciousness, and the abundance of colloquialisms (“otteda”, “admit”, “ali”, etc.). All kinds of “speakers” spew out whole streams of “fashionable” but very “foggy” words, without bothering to translate them into human Russian. Why? - Such a speech elevates these “sharp men” in the eyes of the audience (the listeners “sternly nodded their heads”). How many words do they know? This means that smart people, therefore, will show us, dark and ignorant, which road to follow to happiness!

The unnaturalness of the language of those gathered is felt only by the narrator, who “hardly understands” their conversation. The hero’s alienation to the “monkey language” is emphasized by the fact that he appropriately uses the phraseological unit “flapping his ears.” The rest of the characters are like monkeys who, trying to pass for knowledgeable people, play with words - glasses, but do not understand their true meaning and purpose. And this could end very badly: not just with “impaired speech,” “impaired breathing,” and “frayed nerves,” but with a catastrophe. Having had their fun with the glasses - words and not finding any use in them, the monkeys “grab them on a stone” and break them - destroying the tongue.

So, in “Monkey Language,” the author puts into satirical form the use of new words by ordinary people without understanding their meaning, which makes people look like monkeys - caricatures of the human race. Meanwhile, such verbal carelessness is fraught with considerable danger. The “monkey language” is replacing the real Russian language, which leads to people losing their national identity. After all, according to Gogol, “every people...distinguished itself...with its own word, with reflects...part of its own character.” And you need to work hard to speak Russian correctly.

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