Typical mistakes made by students on the Unified State Exam in English. Typical mistakes made by students on the Unified State Exam in English Reasons for errors in English

The Unified State Exam in English is planned to be included in the list of mandatory tests in the near future, but an increasing number of graduates are already choosing it. It is known that any foreign language is not easy to learn. The Unified State Exam comprehensively assesses the level of proficiency, which includes general understanding, written skills, speaking, and therefore is divided into sections according to its structure: listening, speaking, grammar and vocabulary, reading, writing. Also, the exercises are distributed in terms of difficulty according to levels: from minimal basic to high.

The goal of Russian educational institutions is to optimize teaching and improve the level of knowledge. Statistics show that there is an increase in results and a decrease in the number of children scoring below the threshold and failing overall. Expert commissions note that the answers become more logical and consistent with each person. But tasks on grammar and presentation of thoughts are still difficult to complete.

What mistakes do schoolchildren make?

Listening to passages or dialogues in English is still not an easy task, although most people do it successfully. Difficulties lie in distinguishing between main and secondary information, the inability to “skip” unfamiliar words and take into account numerous details and specific context, and highlight the main idea of ​​the text. During the preparation stage, listen to recordings as often as possible, giving preference to different genres. This will help to form a phonetic ear, train your memory, learn to remember the main thing and isolate key words.

Working with passages also poses difficulties for students: many demonstrate ignorance of idiomatic expressions and their sociocultural meaning, and do not have the skills to read meaningfully (with an emphasis on context). In order to cope, read more, developing memory and comprehension, while trying not to look in the dictionary. It is also useful to make a plan and retell it to yourself or out loud.

The “Grammar and Vocabulary” section is the “record holder” for reducing scores, traditionally the most difficult in learning not only a foreign language, but also your native language. Common: students do not fully understand the essence of the text, they “get confused” about tenses and voices, they do not know how to use words taking into account compatibility, form phrases, and spelling “suffers.” Read the task carefully, study the peculiarities of using grammatical forms, parts of speech, and synonyms.

In the “Letter” there are frequent spelling and grammatical errors, inattentive reading of the terms and the text itself and, as a consequence, misunderstanding of the topic. Also often encountered is the inability to formulate a problem and express an opinion, giving adequate arguments and counter-arguments to justify one’s point of view and the opposite one. Following the correct structure of the introduction and conclusion, avoiding logical errors are points that you should pay attention to. Recommendations: learn the composition of the essay genre, definitions of thesis and arguments, carefully choose appeals, final phrases, linking words, follow the order of sentences.

Overall it is quite successful. Typical shortcomings: violation of logic and incorrect interpretation of illustrations (when it is necessary to highlight their characteristics, common and different when comparing), lack of an elementary introduction and conclusion in the answer, non-compliance with intonation and pronunciation norms, stress. What is needed here is stable speaking practice in a variety of situations that the teacher will create during the lessons. It is better if the speech is spontaneous and unprepared. To do this, use atypical forms and situations of dialogue, create conditions for developing the skill of expressing judgments.

Preparation - conscious daily work and a creative approach throughout all years of study, searching for new topics and forms of communication. It would be useful to comprehensively introduce watching films, reading books and listening to music in the original. Taking into account such efforts, a good result on the Unified State Exam will not be long in coming.

They say that a wise man learns from the mistakes of others, a smart man learns from his own, but a fool learns nothing from his own mistakes. In this article, we propose to act wisely and learn from the most common mistakes that Russian-speaking students make in English. To compile a list of such mistakes, we interviewed native English teachers at our school, because they easily catch mistakes in our speech. We have given a brief explanation for each point, so that you can not only become familiar with typical errors in English, but also understand how to get rid of them.

So, we asked our English-speaking teachers one question: “What mistakes do your students make most often in English?” Here are the answers we received.

  1. Saying “most of people”, instead of “most people”.

    They say “most of people” instead of “most people”.

    Explanation: You just need to remember the phrase “most people”, which translates as “most people”. The preposition “of” can appear after the word “most” only if you want to indicate a specific group of people, but then the definite article “the” must be placed before the word “people”. For example:

    Most of the people in my country enjoy reading. - Most people in my country like to read.

    However, most often the phrase “most people” should be used.

  2. Using “and etc.” instead of “... etc.”

    Use “and etc.” instead of “... etc”.

    Explanation: The word “etc” is translated as “and so on”; it does not require the conjunction “and” (“and”) in front of it.

  3. Pronouncing “clothes” as “klo-thus”.

    Pronounce “clothes” as /kləʊðəz/ (closes).

    Explanation: The word “clothes” (“clothes”) is used only in the plural and is pronounced /kləʊðz/. Many Russian-speaking students remembered the incorrect pronunciation from school, because there, as a rule, they taught to say /kləʊðəz/. Perhaps this is due to the fact that it is difficult for us to pronounce the similar sounds /ð/ and /z/ together, so we simplify our work and insert a vowel sound between them - this makes the word easier to pronounce.

  4. Stressing the end of words, saying “cele-brAtion”.

    Place the accent at the end of the word, pronouncing “cele-brAtion”.

    Explanation: You might be surprised to hear that Dave wrote that putting the stress on the last syllable of the word “celebration” causes incorrect pronunciation. However, if you look in the dictionary, you will see the following transcription of this word /ˌseləˈbreɪʃ(ə)n/. The sound /s/ below is preceded by an additional stress mark. As a rule, such stress is present in words where there are 4 or more vowel sounds, and it is there for rhythmicity and euphony of speech. Here are examples of such words with two accents: “delegation”, “demonstration”, “motivation”, “generation”. By the way, in the Russian language there is also an additional stress, pay attention to how we pronounce the words “construction site”, “twelve-story” - they also have two accents. To learn how to correctly pronounce words with two accents in English, you need to listen to native speakers speak more often and communicate in English. Gradually you will get used to the correct placement of accents.

  5. Using the definite article for place names, e. g. “the Moscow” or “the Sochi”.

    They use definite articles with city names, for example: “the Moscow” or “the Sochi”.

    Explanation: Please note: articles, as a rule, are not placed before city names. If you put an article, the word will have a different meaning: “a certain city of Sochi” (“the Sochi”) or “that very Moscow” (“the Moscow”). Here is an example of a sentence where you need to write an article before the name of the city:

    This is the Moscow of my childhood. - This is (the same) Moscow of my childhood.

  6. Mistaking adjectives for nouns when talking about countries, e. g. “I live in Russian.”

    They confuse adjectives and nouns when talking about countries, for example, “I live in Russian” (“I live in Russian”).

    Explanation: The error is that the country Russia in English will be “Russia”, and the name of the nationality “Russian” will be “Russian”. That is, you need to say “I am Russian, I live in Russia.” The names of countries and nationalities can be very similar, so it’s easy to get confused. To prevent this from happening in the future, practice using these words, for example, using tests on agendaweb.org and englishpedia.net.

  7. Using (noun) + it is/are (adj) - for example, “my friend he is nice” instead of “my friend is nice”.

    They construct a sentence incorrectly, for example, they put two subjects: “My friend he is nice” (“My friend he is nice”) instead of “My friend is nice” (“My friend is good”).

    Explanation: Typical error in English sentence“My friend he is nice” is associated with the peculiarities of our colloquial speech. So, we can start saying the sentence “My friend...”, then we think and pause, and then we forget that we have already named the character, so we start saying again “... he is nice”. To eradicate such an absurd mistake, you need to train your conversational speech more often, then you will select words and speak faster, pauses and unnecessary subjects will disappear from the sentence.

  8. Using “one” instead of an indefinite article, saying “I read one book” not “I read a book”.

    Use the word “one” instead of the indefinite article, for example, “I read one book” rather than “I read a book”.

    Explanation: The article “a”/“an”, although it comes from the numeral “one” (“one”), cannot always be replaced by this word. The word “one” should be used if you really need to indicate that you have read ONE book.

  9. Asking “How is it named in English?” not “What"s it called in English?”.

    They ask “How is it named in English?” instead of “What"s it called in English?”.

    Explanation: Sentence “How is it named in English?” contains 3 errors at once: the word “called” is replaced with “named”, the word “what” with “how” and a completely Russified version of “on English” instead of “in English”. Note: “how” is usually used to clarify how something happens, for example, “How does it work?” ("How it works?"). Therefore, we cannot use this word in questions like “What is it called in English?”, “What do you think?”, in such cases we will say “What"s it called in English?”, “What do you think?” .

  10. A student once said their wife was boring. They meant to say she was bored.

    A student once said that “wife was boring” instead of “wife was bored”.

    Explanation: In the sentence with a bored (not boring) wife, the student got confused with the adjectives. In such cases there is a simple rule. The ending -ed indicates the feeling of the person we are talking about in the sentence: “bored” - the wife was bored, she was bored. The ending -ing indicates to us the characteristics of the subject, that is, if a student wanted to characterize his wife as a boring person, he should really say “My wife was boring” (and then only if the wife does not know English:- )).

  11. Another common error I"d like to mention is the confusion between “say” and “tell”.

    Another common mistake I would like to mention is confusing the words “say” and “tell”.

    Explanation: In fact, in English you should say “tell somebody” and “said to somebody”, for example:

    I told him / I said TO him - I told him.

    To understand in what cases to use the words “tell” and “say”, we suggest watching the following useful video. In it you will learn about another common mistake Russians make in English - the confusion of the words “hear” and “listen”.

Experience as a teacher: 8 years

Experience at Englex: 2 years

Interesting fact from biography: Worked for American Airlines for 17 years

  1. My students like to ask: “how to say” instead of “how DO you say”? My students are not fond of the word “do” in any form.

    My students like to ask “how to say” instead of “how DO you say.” My students don't like the word “do” in all its forms.

    Explanation: This kind of error most often occurs because we are trying to literally translate the question “How to say...?” into English. However, in English such a question should be structured differently: you need to add the subject “you” (“you”) and the auxiliary verb “do”. Russian-speaking students quite often forget about the auxiliary verb when constructing interrogative sentences, which should not be done.

  2. Also, they use the term “I should”, when they really mean “I have to”. My students like to put the word “to” after modal verbs e.g. “I should to...”. And, they hate prepositions.

    They also use the expression “I should” when what they really mean is “I have to.” My students like to insert “to” after modal verbs, for example, “I should to”. And they hate English prepositions.

    Explanation: After modal verbs the particle “to” is not placed (exceptions are “ought to”, “have to” and “be to”), you just need to remember this rule. The above modal verbs are translated differently: “should” - “should”, “have to” - “must”. To get used to speaking correctly and not to confuse “should” and “have to,” practice on our tests for the use of modal verbs in English.

  3. Additionally, the mistake “say” and “tell” is something terrible. e.g. “he said me” or “she told that”.

    On top of that, a mistake with the words “say” and “tell” is something terrible, for example: “he said me” or “she told that”.

    Explanation: In addition to the previous explanations, watch this useful video from engvid, in which a native speaker briefly and clearly explains how not to get confused by the words “tell” and “say” in indirect speech.

  4. One more thing. My students use question forms a lot when they make general statements. For example they might say "I don"t know who is he" or "I"m not sure where they are or where is it". They get the forms confused.

    One more thing. My students use interrogative forms when making general statements. For example, they can say “I don"t know who is he” or “I"m not sure where they are or where is it.” They get confused in sentence construction.

    Explanation: The sentences “I don"t know who is he” and “I"m not sure where they are or where is it” are formulated incorrectly because the student did not take into account that these are not questions, but statements with so-called indirect or embedded questions . Since the phrase is a statement, the structure of the sentence should be the same as in an affirmative, not an interrogative, sentence. The correct options are “I don"t know who he is” and “I"m not sure where they are or where it is.” In the article “Do you know what Embedded questions are? Built-in questions in English » you can study this rule in detail.

  1. Pronouncing “clothes” with 2 syllables.

    The word “clothes” is pronounced as /kləʊðəz/ (two syllables).

    Explanation: Teacher Christine also mentioned the notorious mistake in pronunciation of the word “clothes”. Apparently, this is the “weak point” of many Russian-speaking students.

  2. Saying the expression “Oy!” when they make a mistake which we would only use when we call someone or shout at them.

    They say “Oops!” when they make a mistake, but we only use this word when we call someone out or yell at someone.

    Explanation: As for the interjection “Oy!”, here students simply automatically pronounce the Russian “Oy!”, without thinking that in English it has a completely different meaning. Interjection “Oy!” in English it is similar to our “Hey!”, which we use to call out to someone, to attract someone’s attention. Therefore, it seems very strange to native speakers that we shout at them when we make a mistake

Experience as a teacher: 4 years

Experience at Englex: 1 year

Interesting fact from biography: seriously interested in art - paints oil paintings, and also designs and makes jewelry

  1. Most of my students" most common mistakes have already been mentioned, but I thought I"d bring up /w/ versus /v/ pronunciation. My favorite example is the new sport /wolleyball/ taking Russia by storm.

    Most of the common mistakes my students make have already been mentioned, but I would also like to review the pronunciation of the /w/ and /v/ sounds. My favorite example is the new sport /wolleyball/, which has won the hearts of Russians.

    Explanation: It’s unlikely that any of you have heard of such a sport as “volleyball,” but that’s what we call volleyball in English. Confusion with the sounds /w/ and /v/ is one of the common mistakes in the English language, and although this seems like a small thing to us, native speakers may not always understand what you mean when you confuse the sounds. To pronounce the /v/ sound correctly, lightly bite your lower lip with your teeth. When pronouncing the /w/ sound, extend your lips with a tube. We suggest reading the article “”, in which you will see a guide to eliminating errors in the pronunciation of sounds.

Experience as a teacher: 6 years

Experience at Englex: 1 year

Interesting fact from biography: Rachel has been active in volunteer work and volunteer teaching. Knows a little Russian

  1. I agree with the above comments, and I would like to add that students sometimes use adverbs instead of adjectives. For example, "the sky is clearly now".

    I agree with all the comments and would like to add that students sometimes use adverbs instead of adjectives. For example, “the sky is clearly now” (“the sky is clear now”).

    Explanation: Quite often Russian-speaking students confuse English adjectives and adverbs. It should be remembered that the adjective characterizes the subject (“a happy smile” - “happy smile”, “sudden arrival” - “sudden arrival”), and the adverb characterizes the verb (“to smile happily” - “to smile happily”, “to arrive suddenly ” - “to arrive suddenly”). To avoid mistakes, try translating the sentence into Russian and see if it sounds logical. In our example, the word “clear” sounds out of place; I would like to say “clear” instead.

Experience as a teacher: 9 years

Experience at Englex: 1 year

Interesting fact from biography: lived for several years in Japan and was involved in organizing the annual St. Patrick's Day parade there

  1. The pronunciation of “clothes” is a common mistake at all levels, as is the use of articles. There's sometimes confusion of when to use “on”/“in”. Other common mistakes are “I am agree with...” & “It depends of...”, “I feel myself...”, “ most of + noun”, “during + length of time”.

    Mispronunciation of the word “clothes” is a common mistake at all levels, as is the use of articles. Also sometimes errors occur with the use of the prepositions “on”/“in”. Another common mistake is “I am agree with...”, “It depends of...”, “I feel myself. ..” (“I touch myself...”), “most of” + noun (“most of” + noun), “during” + length of time (“during” + length of time).

    The mistake in the sentence “I am agree with” is that we perceive the word “agree” as an adjective, but in fact it is a verb. The sentence “I agree with...” should sound like “I agree with...”.

    If you want to say that something depends on something, you need to say “It depends on”.
    To say how you feel, you need to say “I feel good,” and not “I feel myself good,” because “I feel myself” translates as “I touch myself.”

    If you want to inform your interlocutor that the action takes place over a certain period of time, you need to use the preposition “for”: “for an hour” - “for an hour”, “for a week” - “for a week”. If you use the word “during”, it should be followed by a noun, not a period of time: “during the match” - “during the match”, “during the Second World War” - “during the Second World War”, “during the summer” - “in the summer.”

  2. Sometimes students use a word with a similar meaning but is incorrect. Once my student wrote “I have a disease” when she wanted to change the class, instead of saying she was sick.

    Sometimes students incorrectly use words with similar meanings. I once had a student write “I’m seriously ill” when she wanted to cancel a class, instead of saying “I’m not feeling well.”

    Explanation: If you look in the dictionary, you can see that the word “disease” is translated as “illness”. However, it must be taken into account that it means a serious illness. To avoid getting into trouble, try to learn words in context, see what meaning they have in a particular situation.

Experience as a teacher: 5 years

Experience at Englex: 1 year

Interesting fact from biography: worked in the business field for a long time (more than 20 years), and then moved to Mexico and began teaching “for the soul”

  1. I have one student that struggles with pronouns... sometimes it is funny, but often times confusing: "Victor"s father plays tennis, she is very good."

    I have a student who confuses pronouns... sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's embarrassing: “Victor's father plays tennis, she is very good.”

    Explanation: The pronoun “he” is translated as “he”, and “she” is translated as “she”, so the student should have said “he is very good”. Pronoun confusion can be funny if you rarely get it wrong that way. If this error haunts you, try to control your speech, speak more slowly, but correctly.

  2. Last week I actually couldn't stop laughing with a student when he used present continuous to explain something about his girlfriend's pet. He meant to say “Nastya has a dog.” But instead, he said: “Nastya is having a dog.” I couldn't bring myself to ask who the father was!

    Last week, a student and I had a long laugh when he used the present continuous tense to say something about his girlfriend's pet. He meant 'Nastya has a dog', but instead said 'Nastya is having a dog'. I could hardly restrain myself from asking who the father was.

    Explanation: Do you think that it is not necessary to learn English grammar? Look at the example of teacher Rob: the incorrect use of English tenses played a cruel joke on the student, resulting in an absurd and meaningless sentence. To avoid such incidents, understand the tenses; this is not so difficult if you use good theoretical and practical material. For theory, we can offer you a grammar guide on our teachers’ blog, and for practical lessons, take one of them.

Experience as a teacher: 4 years

Experience at Englex: 1 year

Interesting fact from biography: served in the navy for some time, and after retirement found himself in teaching

  1. I"ll also add a confusion between “either” and “too”, e.g. “Most of my classmates didn”t have them too.”

    Explanation: The word too is used in affirmative sentences and is translated as “also”, “too”. The word “either” replaces “too” in negative sentences, for example:

    I saw you too. - I saw you too.

    I didn't see you either. - I didn’t see you either.

    Therefore, in teacher Scott’s example, the word “either” should be: “Most of my classmates didn’t have them either.” Take our English adverb test to test your knowledge.

  2. There is also the awkward use of the negative: “I played not very well” vs. the more common “I didn’t play very well.”

    It is also very common to incorrectly use the negation “I played not very well” instead of the more familiar “I didn’t play very well”.

    Explanation: The sentence “I played not very well” is constructed grammatically correctly. What is the mistake? The fact is that such a construction of a sentence is dissonant for native speakers; the option “I didn’t play very well” is preferable. Such errors are most often associated with the fact that we are trying to literally translate our words from Russian into English. In Russian we would said “I didn’t play very well,” so it seems logical to us to translate it this way - “I played not very well.” While the correct version “I didn’t play very well” sounds strange in direct translation - “I didn’t play Very good". Only constant speaking practice, as well as listening to the speech of native speakers, will help you get rid of this error. Gradually, you will remember how to speak and stop translating your speech word for word.

Experience as a teacher: 22

Experience at Englex: 1 year

Interesting fact from biography: born in Ireland, taught language in Saudi Arabia, now lives in Greece

  1. I think the biggest difficulty for Russian speakers is the use of articles in English. I wouldn't say this is funny but I have heard students speak at length without using even one article.

    I think the main difficulties for Russian-speaking students arise with the use of articles in English. I wouldn't say it's funny, but I've heard students make long speeches without a single article.

    Explanation: As you can see, the use of articles is a typical mistake of Russian students in English. Most Russian-speaking and English-speaking teachers believe that this is the most common mistake among students. Moreover, it is allowed not only by beginners, but also by students with an above-average level of knowledge. Therefore, we advise you to pay maximum attention to this topic, because competent speech will help you be understood by English speakers.

Native speakers can tell you the most about the mistakes made by Russian-speaking students. Watch our teacher Dave's webinar - The Most Common Mistakes Russian Learners Make. And How to Fix Them!

Now you know the most common mistakes in English among Russian-speaking students, according to our native-speaking teachers, and ways to get rid of them. None of us likes to make mistakes, but the path to success is rarely easy and smooth, so don't be afraid to make mistakes. Maybe you also have some “chronic” errors that you just can’t get rid of? Share with us in the comments and we will tell you how to deal with annoying mistakes. We recommend reading our articles “” and “”. And if you want to get practical professional help, we invite you to lessons at our school. and help you get rid of any errors.

Modern approaches to correcting writing errors when learning a foreign language

Modern researchers in the field of teaching methods, touching on the problem of learning effectiveness, emphasize the importance of the quality of knowledge acquired. Speaking about the quality of mastering a foreign language, one cannot underestimate such an important component as the literacy of students’ written speech.
In one of the issues (No. 45 for December, 2002) we looked at the causes of errors in oral speech and methods for correcting them. Then we settled on the following classification:

Many of the provisions that were proposed for correcting oral speech are also true for written:

– corrections should help students express their thoughts correctly;
– working on mistakes will help avoid their repetition.

It's very sad to receive a job with a bunch of teaching notes in the margins. Therefore, students simply look at the grade and put the work aside or simply throw it in the trash. You can try to avoid these situations.

Slips and self-correction

If the student correctly understood the essence of the task, then the teacher should note smaller errors.

It is interesting to see how she knit.

If a mistake is made in the essence of the task, then you need to focus only on it.

It is interesting to see that how she knit.

Please note that here it is important only to point out the error and thereby give the student the opportunity to correct it himself, believing that it is a slip.

Errors and peer correction

The simplest method of correction is to do the same as with self-correction, but group students into groups or pairs.

Positive aspects of the method:

– students learn from each other when they work together;
– mutual assistance helps to identify one’s own mistakes.

Two heads are better than one!

If students themselves do not understand how to correct a mistake, then they turn to you for help - teacher correction(attempts). You can hint or classify the error, give time to think more. But if students still fail, you give the correct answer.

Additional Methods

Another way to organize work is to create “correction groups”.

1) Divide the class into several groups. Each in turn will act as “correction group” in class;

2) While the class is completing the next written assignment, this group is given work that has already been checked, but not corrected by the teacher (places with errors are underlined).

3) Each member of the group, having taken this or that work, tries to correct the errors, determining their type, and gives the correct option.

4) At the end of the lesson “correction group” distributes work and explains mistakes on the board.

5) The teacher evaluates the group’s work.

Game way of working - correction competition:

– put on the board, for example, 10 sentences, 8 of which contain an error;
– divide the class into groups of 4 people;
– give the groups time to prepare;
– the teacher calls one of the groups and asks them to point out the error(s) in the sentence;
– students must point out the error and suggest possible options for correcting it, for each correct answer the group receives a point;
– other groups can challenge the decision and earn a point;
– corrections are posted on the board;
– at the end, count the points.


If you move from doing exercises to writing papers on free (given) topics, then you need to take into account: if you want to write something well, write it several times, trying to improve the final result. To do this you need:

– suggest interesting topics, thereby creating motivation for writing work;
– students should get used to the fact that what they write for the first time is a “test of the pen”;
– read what has been written critically, paying attention to:

a) correspondence of what is written to the task

a composition
an article
a report
a story
a formal letter
an informal letter;

b) style and organization of the text;
c) spelling and punctuation;
d) use of a variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures.

The most successful type of work here will be the following: divide the sheet into two parts, where the first attempt is on the left, the second on the right. This will allow students and the teacher to compare options.

Indication of errors in the margins when writing

I bring to your attention the most complete list of errors noted by the teacher, which are summarized in a table. It can be used as a handout for students so that they can correctly work on mistakes. But in the first lesson it is necessary to disassemble it in class.

As a training exercise to determine the type of error, you can consider the following work. It was taken from my practice and became one of the clearest examples of what mistakes and in what quantity are made when performing a task. This type of activity can also become a game - divide the class into groups; The winner will be the one that finds more errors or does it faster. Some may look only for grammatical errors, others only for spelling errors, etc.

Exercise. Write an essay on the topic “Friends and Friendship”

Friendship is a most impersonal of all things in my life. I have one best friend and most good friends. My best friend is my girl friend. I have known her since 2000 year. It is the most clossest person on the earth to me after my parents. I really love her, but there are times when I want to kill her, but I always trying to relax if something going wrong. I see her every day, sometimes we go to the pub or meet with our friends. I always trying to give her advice so as she to me. If I have some trubles I will ask for her advice in everything. I can say she is my second piece. We always try to live in peace. But also I have another friends, but they don’t best becouse I can’t have any bisness with them. They are not true friends, they are falle friends. So I never give them money becouse I not quiet sure will they return them to me. Friendship is very difficult thing becouse very offten you friends can put on a mask on their face. And when the danger comes and you offer their help, they send you away telling that they haven’t time to speak or somthing ethere.

Key(the type of error is indicated in parentheses):

Friendship(sp)is a most imoprtant(art./sp/sp) of all things in my life. I have one best friend and sveral good friends(sp/sp/sp). My best friend is mine girlfriend(sp/sp). I known(T)her since 2000 year. It is the most clossest(sp/sp) person on the earth (sp) to me(wo)after my persons(sp). I really love her, but there are times when I want to kill her, but I always trying(T) to relax if something (sp) going(om/^) wrong. I see her every day (P) sometimes we're going(T) to the pub or meet with us friends(sp). I always trying(T) to give her advices(ww) so as she to me (wp). If I have some trubles(sp) I will ask for her advices (ww) in everything. I can say she is my second piece(ww). We always trying(T)to live in paece(sp). But also I have another friends(wo/agr./sp), but they don't(wp)best becouse(sp) I can't have any bisness(sp) with them. They are not true friends(sp), they are falle friends(sp/log./rep.). So I never give them money (?) becouse(sp) I'm not quiet(om/^,sp) sure will they(Gr)return them(agr.) to me. (//) Friendship(sp) is very(art.) difficult thing becouse(sp) very offten you friends(sp/ww/sp) can put on a mask on their face. And when the danger comes(agr.) and you offer(ww) their help, they send you away telling(ww) that they haven’t time to speak or somthing(sp) ethere(?).

S.G. Merkulova,
teacher of the English department
Philology and Methodology, Moscow State Pedagogical Institute, Moscow

Learning English is not as difficult and impossible a task as it might seem at first glance. In order to achieve the desired success, it is necessary to properly organize the work process and try to avoid common mistakes. In this article we will look at the reasons why even the most diligent people do not achieve good results.

Expectations are too high

Unfortunately, today each of us is negatively affected by advertising, which for the most part is quite absurd. A new “super foreign language school” has opened in your city that promises to significantly improve your level in just a couple of weeks? You shouldn’t believe such a sweet lie: you won’t be able to learn English, German, or Chinese in a short time. You can bring your knowledge to a decent level from scratch in at least 1 year of intensive training.

Wrong goal setting

If you learn a language just because it’s fashionable, or “you can’t do without English,” then you won’t have too much motivation. The real goal is to learn a language to gain new and more promising work, a complete change of qualifications, admission to a prestigious educational institution(for example, abroad), travel. You must clearly understand what benefits new knowledge will bring you.

Concentration on grammar

The most popular and dangerous mistake. Research shows that studying too much grammar alone has a negative impact on language skills. Why? English grammar can be difficult to understand logically, and real-time communication is fast. It turns out that you won't have enough time to remember hundreds of memorized rules just to speak up. It is advisable that you master English grammar on a subconscious and intuitive level. The best way is to actively communicate with foreigners and listen to correct English speech.

Learning only official English from books

This approach to learning is only justified if you intend to pass a serious international test. If you just need to significantly improve your own knowledge, do not forget about other methods. Native English speakers practically do not use abstruse phrases in communication that you can find in serious textbooks. If you want to succeed, don't forget to learn idioms, phrasal verbs and even slang.

Too much striving for perfection

Both teachers and their students often become overly focused on mistakes and become upset about them. Alas, when trying to get closer to the ideal, you forget that even native speakers make inaccuracies in their speech. Instead of dwelling on the negative, focus on the process of communicating and learning the language itself. Your goal is to learn to convey your own thoughts in such a way that they are understandable to the people around you. Over time, you will stop making the same mistakes.

Hope for schools and tutors

Many people who learn English overly rely and even shift responsibility to teachers or courses at language schools. This is completely wrong. First of all, it all depends on you. A good tutor only provides the necessary assistance. You need to study every day, even if your teacher doesn't assign you homework. Only you can force yourself to study seriously.

Learning individual words

Instead of studying individual lexical units, you need to focus on memorizing ready-made phrases. The way little children do it. Remember, you didn’t memorize constructions like “do-did-done” as a child? That's right, you immediately memorized entire phrases or even sentences. In fact, it's not difficult at all. The best helper is reading.

Insufficient consolidation of the studied material

When learning any language, you should be guided by the rule “less, but better.” If you think that a phrase you learned yesterday will be something you can remember in a month, that's probably a misconception. Our brain simply throws away unused and unclaimed information. It will be great if you find time to repeat the studied material several times at a certain interval. For example, the first repetition every other day, the next after 3-4 days and another one after a week. This technique will allow you to consolidate important knowledge in long-term memory and easily “get” it from there if necessary.

Premature speaking

Many fans of particularly fast methods of learning foreign languages ​​argue that you need to start speaking English from the very first lessons. Now imagine: a child who has just begun to become familiar with the speech of those around him is immediately forced to talk. It's unlikely that anything good will come of this. Without a certain amount of knowledge, you will get nothing but frustration. That is why competent tutors focus the student’s attention on listening to audio recordings prepared by native speakers.


Missing classes, lack of a specific teaching method, constant changes of tutors - at this rate you definitely won’t be able to learn English quickly and efficiently. Firstly, you need to plan your own time wisely. If you decide to study on your own, then try to make sure that lessons are held at least 3-4 times a week. Better - every day. Otherwise, it will be difficult to achieve tangible progress. Secondly, write down a schedule with exact start and end times for classes. Outline short-term goals that you are going to achieve in learning the language. Stick to your schedule and don't miss classes.

Lack of concentration on pronunciation

Everyone has heard that the pronunciation of English and Russian is significantly different. You may know excellent grammar, have a good vocabulary, and even be able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, but... speak with a terrible accent. There can be many reasons for this disappointing phenomenon: choosing an incompetent tutor, insufficient time spent practicing pronunciation, ignoring audio courses, lack of live communication in English... The main problem is that over time it becomes more and more difficult to eradicate pronunciation errors.

Reluctance to read in English

Yes, reading foreign newspapers, magazines and books is a rather difficult task. But there is no need for you to understand literally every word written. It is important to understand the general meaning of the text and learn to determine the meaning of lexical units by context. Regular reading will help you not only expand your own vocabulary, but also learn how to properly construct your own speech. Without noticing it, you will learn more than a dozen rules of English grammar. Don't turn down a cheap (or even free) practice option.

Popular mistakes that beginners make

Finally, we will dwell in more detail on the most common shortcomings. We will highlight the main mistakes that many people who want to master the English language make.


  • Confusion when pronouncing short and long vowel sounds.
  • Problems pronouncing diphthongs (for example, replacing them with regular vowel sounds).
  • Pronunciation of the combination “ th" It is often pronounced as a Russian “z” or “s”, which leads to the appearance of an unattractive accent. Surprisingly, some English language learners find it awkward to pronounce this letter combination correctly.
  • Stunning consonants at the end of a word (as in Russian).
  • Incorrect accent placement. This problem often appears when we are talking about polysyllabic words. It is also worth considering that with the same spelling, a word can belong to different parts of speech. Its pronunciation may change significantly due to this (as in the words progress, protest, export etc.).
  • Problems with correct intonation. This is especially clearly reflected in tag-questions.

Thus, problems with correct pronunciation of English are largely due to the fact that the student is guided by his native language.

Other popular mistakes

  • Problems with using different tenses of verbs. This is not only poor timing for a particular situation, but also incorrect use of auxiliary verbs.
  • Replacing adjectives with adverbs, and vice versa. In a sentence That book is good a beginner may accidentally use an adverb well, and in the example She reads well- adjective good. You can get rid of such errors only after time, analyzing each such example in detail. This is where an analogy with your native language can come in handy.
  • Incorrect use of articles. There are only two of them in English - the And a(an). Definite article the used when we are talking about a subject familiar to the reader/interlocutor or some unique phenomenon (for example, the sun). Indefinite article a used when people talk about something unfamiliar, vague. By the way, many beginners forget that the article an used only in combination with nouns that begin with a vowel sound.
  • Confusion with English prepositions. Again, this difficulty is explained by the fact that the rules for using prepositions differ in all languages. In English the preposition in used to denote a closed space and a certain period of time ( in the room, in the evening). At used to indicate exact time and place ( at school, at 8 p.m.). On- a preposition that is used to indicate time (day of the week) or surface ( on Monday, on the floor).
  • Incorrect word order in a sentence. As a rule, it is beginners who make this mistake. It must be remembered that in English the predicate is used in any case, even if it is absent in the Russian translation ( I am 20 years old).
  • Use of the verb in the third person singular. No matter how much you tell beginners that after he, she, it a verb with a particle must be used s, they still forget about it sometimes. This oversight occurs even among more experienced students.

Thus, on the way to the heights of the English language, each person will face many completely different mistakes. And there is nothing wrong with this: only those who do nothing do not allow them. Of course, it would be great if a sensitive and experienced teacher could help you overcome difficulties. It is possible to cope with the problems on your own, but the process will take a little longer.

Sat again. What's wrong?!

I remember these moments from school: the English teacher hands out notebooks with tested test work. With a sinking heart I open my notebook... Sat. Ooooh, what's wrong again?!

Yes, I must admit that at school I was not always good at English. But even when interest in the subject has appeared, to improve, especially in written works, it turned out to be difficult. Sometimes it was unclear what grade the English teacher gave and, especially, what exactly the mistakes were.

English grades.

English-speaking countries have a different grading system. Our highest score is 5, and the lowest is 1. In the education system of English-speaking countries highest score- A, and the lowest E or F (depending on the country and school). There are also ratings N - not certified, U - failure (unclassified).

Our English teachers often introduce their own grading system in the classroom. Perhaps the most commonly accepted are:

Exc. (excellent) - 5,

Sat (satisfactory) -3,

If your English teacher gives different grades, please tell us about them in the comments.

So, we sorted out the ratings. Now about the errors.

Mistakes when learning English.

It happens that with the best of intentions, the teacher simply underlines a word or fragment where there is an error, and puts some kind of squiggle in the margin. You are expected to figure out what is wrong and correct the error yourself. The idea is good, but not everyone explains what this squiggle means. And you sit and think: “What is the mistake?”

I remember exactly that no one ever explained to us what the icons in the margins mean when errors are noted in an English test. When I entered university, it was assumed that I already knew these notations. I had to figure it out myself.

Icons and error symbols in English.

Nowadays a more or less general system of marking errors in English is used. Here are the most common designations:

Sp. - spelling, i.e. misspelling of a word;

Gr. - grammar, i.e. grammar. This concept is very broad, of course;

T - tense, i.e. the wrong tense is used;

Pr., Prep. - preposition, i.e. preposition (for example at, of, etc.);

Conj. - conjunction, i.e. conjunction (and, but, etc.);

Art. - article, i.e. article (a, the, -);

Lex. - lexis, i.e. vocabulary. Most likely, the wrong word was used, or the word that was not intended was used (for example, during a test on a certain textbook module).

This is, of course, not an exhaustive list of error symbols in English. Here I have listed the most common ones. Of course, your English teacher or tutor may use their own notation system. In this case, ask him/her to explain the signs used to you.

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