Requirements of landscaping rules approved by the municipality. All stages of territory improvement. Landscaping of built-up areas


By decision of the Ryazan City Duma



municipal formation - the city of Ryazan

I. General provisions

1. Rules for improvement of the territory of the municipal formation - the city of Ryazan (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) were developed in accordance with the Civil Code Russian Federation, Land Code of the Russian Federation, Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, Forest Code of the Russian Federation, Housing Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws dated 06.10.2003 No. 131-FZ “On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation”, dated 30.03.1999 No. 52- Federal Law “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population”, dated January 10, 2002 No. 7-FZ “On environmental protection”, regulatory legal acts on the sections of sanitary cleaning, improvement and landscaping of populated areas.

2. The rules establish uniform and binding norms and requirements in the field of improvement of the territory of the city of Ryazan for all legal entities, regardless of their legal status and forms of economic activity, individuals, individual entrepreneurs, as well as officials responsible for the improvement of territories, including including requirements for the maintenance of buildings (including residential buildings), structures and land plots on which they are located, to the appearance of the facades and fences of the relevant buildings and structures, a list of landscaping works and the frequency of their implementation; as well as basic standards for organizing the improvement of the territory of the city of Ryazan (including street lighting, landscaping, installation of signs with street names and house numbers, placement and maintenance of small architectural forms).

3. Basic concepts used for the purposes of the Rules:

1) improvement of urban territory - a set of measures provided for by the Rules for the maintenance of the territory, as well as for the design and placement of improvement facilities, aimed at ensuring and improving the comfort of living conditions for citizens, maintaining and improving the sanitary and aesthetic condition of the territory;

      1. elements of territory improvement - decorative, technical, planning, structural devices, plant components, different kinds equipment and design, small architectural forms, non-permanent non-stationary structures, outdoor advertising and information used as components of landscaping;

      2. a standardized set of improvement elements - the necessary minimum combination of improvement elements to create a safe, comfortable and attractive environment in the city of Ryazan;

      3. Territory improvement objects - territories of the city of Ryazan on which improvement activities are carried out: sites, courtyards, blocks, functional planning formations, territories of city districts, as well as territories allocated according to the principle of a unified urban planning regulation ( security zones) or visual-spatial perception (square with buildings, street with adjacent territory and buildings), other territories of the municipality;

      4. objects of rationing of improvement of territory - the territory of the city of Ryazan, for which these Rules establish: a regulated set of elements of improvement, norms and rules for their placement on this territory. Such territories may be: sites for various functional purposes, pedestrian communications, driveways, public spaces, areas and zones of public, residential development, sanitary protection zones of industrial development, recreational facilities, the road network of a populated area, technical (security and operational) zones engineering communications;

      5. business entities - legal entities and individual entrepreneurs;

      6. cleaning of territories is a type of activity associated with the collection and removal of production and consumption waste, snow, to specially designated areas, as well as other activities aimed at ensuring the environmental and sanitary-epidemiological well-being of the population and environmental protection;

      7. public areas - areas of the city that are freely used by an unlimited number of people (including squares, streets, passages, embankments, boulevards);

      8. garbage - any production and consumption waste, except for radioactive, mercury-containing and hazardous industrial waste, as well as deteriorated and prohibited pesticides and mineral fertilizers;

      9. estimates - garbage, dust, leaves, sand and other contaminants, collected by mechanized sweeping using special vehicles or manually;

      10. production and consumption waste (PPW) - remains of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, other items or products that were formed in the process of production and consumption, as well as goods (products) that have lost their consumer properties;

      11. bulky waste (BW) - large household items that have lost their consumer properties, belonging to the class of solid household waste, the formation of which is not related to business activities and major repairs of residential and non-residential premises;

      12. liquid household waste - liquid waste generated as a result of the life of the population, including fecal waste from non-centralized sewerage;

      13. solid household waste (MSW) - waste generated as a result of the life of the population, not related to business activities: cooking, packaging of goods, cleaning and maintenance of premises, large household items;

      14. container - a standard container for collecting solid waste in volume in accordance with the standards;

      15. storage bin - a standard container for collecting bulky waste and other production and consumption waste in volume in accordance with the standards;

      16. container site - a specially equipped site for the collection and temporary storage of solid waste with the installation of the required number of containers and (or) storage bins;

      17. solid waste collection - a set of activities related to filling containers, storage bins and cleaning container sites;

      18. removal of hazardous waste (KGO) - unloading of hazardous waste from containers (loading storage bins with heavy equipment and industrial waste) into special vehicles, clearing container sites and entrances to them from spilled garbage, and transportation of hazardous waste (KGO) from the collection site to the disposal site;

      19. stopping point - a place where vehicles stop along the route of regular transportation, equipped for boarding, disembarking passengers and waiting for vehicles;

      20. final stopping point - the point of departure and destination along the route of a vehicle carrying out regular transportation in urban traffic;

      21. green spaces - trees, trees and shrubs, shrubs and herbaceous vegetation;

      22. area with green plantings - an area of ​​public territory with trees, trees and shrubs, herbaceous vegetation or turf cover, including those not separated from the artificial surface by a curb, fence or other means;

      23. landscaping is an element of improvement and landscape organization of the territory, ensuring the formation of the environment of the municipality with the active use of plant components, as well as the maintenance of the previously created or originally existing natural environment on the territory of the municipality;

      24. lawn - an element of landscaping (a plot of land), including grass and other plants, fenced off from the sidewalk, parking pockets, parking lots and other road elements by curbstones and (or) decorative fencing;

      25. flower garden - a geometric or free-form area with planted one-, two-, or perennial plants;

      26. small architectural form - elements of monumental and decorative design, devices for designing mobile and vertical gardening, water devices, urban furniture, household and technical equipment, as well as gaming, sports, lighting equipment, outdoor advertising and information means, including a fountain , decorative pool, waterfall, gazebo, shady canopy, pergola, retaining wall, staircase, parapet, equipment for children's games and adult recreation, fencing, urban gardening furniture;

      27. recreation areas - territories intended and equipped for organizing active mass recreation, swimming and recreation;

      28. street - a strip of land or the surface of an artificial structure, equipped and used for the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, located within the city, including a road for controlled traffic of vehicles and a sidewalk;

      29. road - a strip of land or a surface of an artificial structure equipped or adapted and used for the movement of vehicles;

      30. sidewalk - a street element intended for pedestrian traffic and adjacent to the road or separated from it by a lawn;

      31. the adjacent part of the road is the territory of the highway along the curbstone of the sidewalk or lawn one meter wide;

      32. adjacent territory - the territory on which a multi-apartment residential building is located, with elements of landscaping and landscaping, other objects intended for the maintenance, operation and improvement of this house and located on the specified territory;

      33. facade of a building, structure - the outer side of a building or structure (main, street, courtyard and other facades differ);

      34. decorative panel - a structure made on a fabric or banner basis, placed on the plane of building facades, fences;

      35. earthworks - a complex of construction works, including excavation (development) of soil, its movement, laying with leveling and compaction of soil, as well as preparatory work associated with clearing the territory, related work (including planning of areas, slopes, excavation and embankment beds, finishing of the canvas, arrangement of ledges along the slopes (at the base) of embankments, drilling of holes with drilling and crane machines, backfilling of pit cavities);

      36. emergency excavation work - repair and restoration work on utilities and other objects when they are damaged, requiring immediate excavation work to eliminate the danger that directly threatens the safety of people, their rights, as well as interests protected by law;

      37. lawn lattice - a rigid, three-dimensional, water-permeable honeycomb structure, combined into modules that are assembled at the installation site using locks located along the edges of the lattice, forming a single canvas, and intended for parking vehicles and protecting natural vegetation from other mechanical influences;

      38. lattice tiles - tiles with holes for sowing herbs;

      39. adjacent territory - part of the public territory in the improvement of which individuals and business entities participate in accordance with the procedure for the participation of owners of buildings (premises in them) and structures in the improvement of adjacent territories, established by the Ryazan City Duma. The boundaries of adjacent territories are determined in agreement with the owners of buildings (premises in them) and structures involved in the improvement of these territories. The boundary and content of the territories adjacent to an apartment building are determined by the decision of the owners of the premises of this building.
4. The norms of the Rules established in relation to land plots in municipal ownership also apply to land plots for which state ownership is not demarcated.

    1. General requirements for landscaping and distribution of responsibilities
on the maintenance of the territory of the city of Ryazan

5. Improvement and cleaning of urban areas is carried out by the owners of land plots, unless otherwise provided by law or agreement, or by specialized organizations on the basis of agreements with business entities and individuals.

6. The authorized structural unit of the Ryazan city administration, carrying out the organization of improvement, in accordance with plans for carrying out improvement work, carries out improvement and cleaning of the city’s territories, with the exception of land plots owned by individuals and business entities under the right of ownership or other proprietary right, as well as organizes cleaning of adjacent areas.

7. Improvement of the urban area is ensured by:

1) a structural unit of the Ryazan city administration that organizes improvement;

2) specialized organizations;

3) business entities and individuals carrying out improvement of territories owned by them and participating in the improvement of adjacent territories, unless otherwise provided by law or agreement.

8. Business entities and individuals carrying out landscaping are obliged to take measures to eliminate violations of the norms provided for by the Rules. Individuals carrying out improvement of territories, if it is impossible to eliminate violations that pose a threat to the life or health of citizens on their own, must take measures to fence off dangerous areas or objects and notify the authorized structural unit of the Ryazan city administration that is organizing the improvement.

9. Coordination of the activities of business entities and individuals on issues of improvement and organization of cleaning of urban areas is carried out by the administration of the city of Ryazan.

10. In order to improve public areas, business entities and individuals have the right to enter into an agreement with the administration of the city of Ryazan on the improvement (cleaning) of public areas. An integral part of the agreement is a diagram of the territory to be improved (cleaned).

Agreements are concluded in accordance with the rules established by civil law for concluding contracts.

11. On the territory of the city of Ryazan it is prohibited:

1) litter on streets, squares, areas with green spaces, squares, parks, lawns, beaches and other public areas;

2) install memorial burial structures (memorial structures) in public areas outside the burial places designated in accordance with current legislation;

3) drain used oils and fuels onto the terrain.

12. For walking pets in the city of Ryazan, special areas must be designated, marked with signs. In the territories it is necessary to install special containers for collecting animal excrement.

Pet owners are required to dispose of pet excrement in special containers for collecting animal excrement.

13. It is prohibited to walk horses, dogs and other domestic animals on playgrounds and sports grounds, on the territories of preschool institutions, schools and other educational institutions, in the territories of healthcare facilities and administrative institutions, on lawns, in public recreation areas, as well as to allow horses, dogs and other domestic animals into reservoirs in places designated for mass bathing of the population.

14. Economic entities carrying out economic activities on the territory of the city of Ryazan related to the organization of markets (warehouses), the organization of funerals (in cemeteries), construction (at construction sites during the construction period); associated with holding public events, with the population visiting stationary retail facilities, stationary public catering facilities and seasonal cafes, social and public utility facilities, gas stations, parking lots, car washes, car service stations, temporary attractions, mobile zoos, parks culture and recreation, recreation areas and beaches, route transportation at the end points of regular transportation routes in urban traffic, as well as garage cooperatives, places of religious significance are required to ensure the availability of stationary toilets (in the absence of sewerage - mobile toilet cabins or autonomous toilet modules) both for employees , and for visitors. The construction and use of cesspools at these facilities is prohibited.

15. The procedure for placing and maintaining toilets (mobile toilet cabins, autonomous toilet modules) is determined by the administration of the city of Ryazan in accordance with current legislation, sanitary rules and regulations.

16. Public stationary toilets and dry closets must be kept in proper condition, they must be cleaned at least twice a day with mandatory disinfection. Responsibility for the sanitary and technical condition of toilets lies with their owners, owners, tenants or specialized organizations that service them.

17. In all squares and streets, squares and parks, stadiums, train stations, markets, bus stops, enterprises, shopping facilities, cinemas, kiosks and other facilities, trash cans must be installed in accordance with current sanitary rules and regulations.

18. The trash cans should be cleaned as they are filled, and in places of mass movement and large concentrations of citizens - at least once a day.

Urns are repaired as needed, painting at least once a year.

Urns must be in good condition and painted. Overflowing of ballot boxes is not allowed.

19. When holding mass events, their organizers are obliged to ensure the cleaning of the event site, the surrounding areas and the restoration of damaged amenities. The procedure for cleaning the venue of the event, adjacent territories and restoring damaged amenities is determined at the stage of obtaining, in the prescribed manner, the appropriate permission to hold the event.

20. The frequency of improvement work is established by the customer of the work, taking into account ensuring the proper sanitary and technical condition of the facilities.

III. Requirements for the maintenance of buildings (including residential buildings),

Structures and land plots on which they are located, roads, outdoor lighting objects (means), storm sewer networks, inspection and storm wells, drainage structures, garden furniture, garden equipment and sculptures, places of construction work, to the external type of facades and fences of relevant buildings and structures

1) daily cleaning of debris, leaves, snow and ice (ice);

2) treatment of road surfaces, bridges, streets, sidewalks, driveways, and pedestrian areas with anti-icing materials;

3) raking and sweeping snow;

4) removal of snow and ice (snow-ice formations);

6) installation and maintenance of container platforms, containers for all types of waste, trash cans, benches, small architectural forms and other things in a clean and technically sound condition;

7) cleaning, washing and disinfection of garbage collection chambers, containers, storage bins and container sites;

8) installation and maintenance of stationary toilets and dry closets in clean and technically good condition;

9) drainage of rain and melt water;

10) collection and removal of garbage and solid waste;

11) removal of animal carcasses from the territory of roads and other road network objects;

12) watering the area to reduce dust formation and air humidification;

13) ensuring the safety of green spaces and caring for them;

14) restoration of territories after construction, repair, excavation and other work;

15) restoration of damaged landscaping elements after construction, reconstruction and repair of public utilities, communications (structures), roads, railways, bridges, pedestrian crossings, carrying out restoration and archaeological work and other earthworks;

17) cleaning drainage ditches in adjacent areas of private households;

22. Maintenance of streets and roads, intra-block driveways, sidewalks (pedestrian areas), bridges and overpasses includes a set of seasonal works (events) that ensure the cleanliness of the roadways of streets and roads, sidewalks and other road structures, as well as safe traffic conditions and pedestrians. In addition, road maintenance includes a set of works that result in maintaining the transport and operational condition of the road, road structures, right-of-way, road design elements, organization and safety traffic, meeting the requirements of GOST R 50597-93 “Roads and streets. Requirements for operational condition acceptable under the conditions of ensuring road safety.”

23. Maintenance of road areas includes current repairs of roads, sidewalks, artificial structures; daily removal of dirt, debris, snow and ice (frost) from sidewalks (pedestrian areas) and roadways, roads, streets and bridges; washing and watering road surfaces; care of lawns and green spaces; current repairs of street lighting poles and contact networks; repair and painting of small architectural forms; repair and cleaning of inspection wells and storm water inlets, upland ditches and open chutes that are part of artificial structures.

24. Inspection and rainwater wells, underground utility wells, hatches (grids) must be kept closed and in good condition, ensuring the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians. Maintenance, cleaning and maintenance of receiving, dead-end, inspection and other wells and chambers in good technical condition is ensured by their owners, owners, and users in accordance with the requirements of state standards.

Destroyed covers and gratings of wells, open wells must be fenced within one hour by the owners of utility networks, unless otherwise established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, fenced with appropriate warning signs and replaced within no more than three hours. The presence of open hatches, as well as potholes, subsidence and dips in the road surface along the outer edge of the well within a radius of 1 m from the outer edge of the well cover (grid) is not allowed.

25. Traffic management facilities, street equipment, street furniture, outdoor lighting and illumination devices, small architectural forms and other landscaping elements must be kept clean and in good condition.

26. Copyright holders of buildings and structures are obliged to ensure their proper maintenance, including timely repair and painting of buildings, structures, their facades, as well as to maintain memorial plaques located on the facades and street signs (including lanes, squares), license plates, signs and information plates.

27. Buildings and structures whose facades determine the architectural appearance of the existing city development include all those located on the territory of the city (operating, under construction, reconstructed or overhauled):

1) buildings for administrative and social and cultural purposes;

2) residential buildings;

3) buildings and structures for production and other purposes;

4) lightweight buildings (trade pavilions, kiosks, garages and other similar objects);

5) fences and other stationary architectural forms located on land plots adjacent to buildings.

28. The elements of building facades subject to maintenance include:

1) pits, entrances to basements and garbage chambers;

2) entrance units (including steps, platforms, railings, canopies over the entrance, fences, walls, doors);

3) base and blind area;

4) planes of the walls;

5) protruding elements of facades (including balconies, loggias, bay windows, cornices);

6) roofs, including ventilation and chimneys, including enclosing grilles, exits to the roof;

7) architectural details and cladding (including columns, pilasters, rosettes, capitals, sandriks, friezes, belts);

8) drainpipes, including marks and funnels;

9) fencing of balconies, loggias;

10) parapet and window railings, grilles;

11) metal finishing of windows, balconies, belts, plinth projections, overhangs;

12) hanging metal structures (including flag holders, anchors, fire escapes, ventilation equipment);

13) horizontal and vertical seams between panels and blocks (facades of large-panel and large-block buildings);

14) glass, frames, balcony doors;

15) stationary fences adjacent to buildings.

Particular attention is paid to the condition of the fastenings of architectural details and cladding, the stability of parapet and balcony railings, the condition of the plinth, walls, especially in the locations of drainpipes, near balconies and in other places exposed to heavy exposure to storm, melt and rain water, as well as around fastenings to walls of metal structures (including flag holders, anchors, fire escapes).

1) damage (contamination) to the surface of the walls of the facades of buildings and structures, including smudges, peeling paint, the presence of cracks, peeling plaster, cladding, damage to brickwork, peeling of the protective layer of reinforced concrete structures;

2) damage (absence) of architectural and artistic and sculptural details of buildings and structures, including columns, pilasters, capitals, friezes, drafts, bas-reliefs, stucco decorations, ornaments, mosaics, artistic paintings;

3) violation of the sealing of interpanel joints;

4) damage (peeling, contamination) of plaster, cladding, paint layer of the base part of facades, buildings or structures, including malfunction of the design of window and entrance pits;

5) damage (contamination) of protruding elements of the facades of buildings and structures, including balconies, loggias, bay windows, vestibules, cornices, canopies, entrance lobbies, steps;

6) destruction (absence, contamination) of balcony fences, including loggias, parapets.

30. Violations identified during the operation of the facades of buildings and structures must be eliminated in accordance with established norms and rules for the technical operation of buildings and structures.

31. If signs of damage to protruding structures of facades are detected, owners and other rights holders must take urgent measures to ensure the safety of people and prevent further development deformation. In the event of an emergency condition of protruding facade structures (including balconies, loggias, bay windows), close and seal entrances and access to them, carry out security work and take measures to restore them. Repair work must be carried out in accordance with current legislation.

32. Facades, fences, entrance doors, screens of balconies and loggias, drainpipes of buildings must be repaired and painted, and glass of shop windows, windows of commercial, administrative, industrial buildings, structures, entrances in residential buildings must be washed, and broken and cracked ones - replaced.

33. On all residential, administrative, industrial and public buildings, in accordance with the established order of numbering of houses in the city of Ryazan, signs and house numbers of established standards must be posted, they must be kept clean and in good condition.

Responsibility for fulfilling these requirements rests with the owners, unless otherwise provided by law or contract.

Owners of information signs, signboards, advertising structures, decorative panels, entrance groups that are not part of the common property of the owners of the premises of an apartment building, take the necessary measures to preserve the above structures when cleaning the roof of the house in the winter.

35. Monuments and objects of monumental art, buildings that are monuments of architecture, history and culture must be maintained in proper condition.

36. On the territory of the city of Ryazan it is prohibited:

1) break and damage elements of the arrangement of buildings and structures, monuments, memorial plaques, trees, shrubs, small architectural forms and other elements of external improvement in public areas, as well as carry out their unauthorized alteration, reconstruction and rearrangement;

2) apply inscriptions, drawings, paste and hang up any advertisements and other information messages at stopping points, walls, pillars, fences (fences) and other objects not intended for these purposes. The organization of work to remove inscriptions, drawings, advertisements and other information messages is entrusted to the owners, owners, users of these objects;

      1. warehouse and store movable property outside the boundaries and fences of their land plots owned, possessed, used;

      2. place and store containers, industrial goods and other trade items or objects not provided for by current legislation and municipal legal acts on sidewalks, lawns, roads, container sites and adjacent territories;

      3. construction, including temporary, economic, household buildings and structures, changing the facades of buildings, reconstruction, as well as the construction of extensions in violation of the requirements of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, regulations of local governments.

37. Owners of private residential buildings, unless otherwise provided by law or contract, are obliged to:

1) ensure the proper condition of building facades, fences and fences, as well as other structures within the land allotment. Carry out maintenance repairs and painting in a timely manner;

2) have a license plate on the residential building and maintain it in good condition;

5) equip, in accordance with sanitary standards, within the land allotment in the absence of a centralized sewerage system, a local sewerage system, a cesspool, a toilet, keep them clean and tidy, regularly clean and disinfect them;

6) prevent littering of the surrounding area with production and consumption waste.

38. Owners of private residential buildings are prohibited from storing building materials, fuel, fertilizers and other movable things in the adjacent territory outside the land allotment.

Landscaping is a set of measures that are designed to create a comfortable and attractive environment for human activity on the site.

Landscaping includes work to transform a site in order to improve its functionality, environmental condition and appearance.

The creation of a general composition on the territory being developed is carried out using landscaping and landscaping measures.

Landscaping is a set of works performed using various plants to give landscape objects an aesthetic appearance.

Landscaping includes work to transform the site in order to improve its functionality

Stages of territory improvement

  • Study of the characteristics of the land plot. Study of relief and soil. Drawing up a project.
  • Work with the terrain, filling holes, installing drainage and communications, digging reservoirs, zoning the territory.
  • Laying a network of roads and paths, paving, lighting the area, improving soil fertility.
  • Landscaping works.
  • Installation of benches, sculptures, gazebos and other small architectural forms.

Urban improvement

The improvement of urban areas is directly related to urban planning and represents its integral part. It consists of measures for transport services for people, improving the sanitary conditions of residential buildings, lighting, as well as equipping areas and landscaping. The current SNiP III 10-75 is certainly taken into account and the approved plan is used.

The rules for landscaping the territory are implemented in accordance with the Federal Law “On General Principles of Self-Government in the Russian Federation” dated October 6, 2003 N131 - F3.

Rules for landscaping are carried out in accordance with Federal Law

TOS (territorial self-government bodies) play a significant role in the improvement of local areas, interacting with housing and communal services enterprises and various organizations. TOS implement all kinds of projects, attracting the attention of citizens to problems of improvement.

The main directions in urban improvement are:

  • Development of the territory, including the construction of various municipal facilities.
  • Direct operation, which includes the repair and maintenance of these facilities.

All processes occurring in this area are monitored by a specially created inspectorate to control the improvement of urban areas.

The improvement of the territory of a municipality should include a number of measures to create comfortable and healthy living conditions for the population. It assumes:

  • territory preparation, plan;
  • construction of roads and development of transport links;
  • laying water and electricity supplies, sewerage;
  • landscaping, improving the sanitary climate;
  • protection and cleaning of water bodies and land plots;
  • taking measures to reduce noise.

Landscaped area near the building

Improvement of the local area

The local area includes the area near the house and various objects near it (driveways to the house, children's and sports grounds, parking lots, paths and landscaping elements). All this should represent an ensemble that harmoniously fits into the surrounding space, and comply with SNiP III 10-75.

The adjacent space serves as a transitional stage from the apartment to the surrounding area. It can be decorated with a variety of flower beds and flower beds (including those made with your own hands), lawns and decorative plantings, and contain benches and gazebos for relaxation.

The wider the local area, the more opportunities there are to use it interestingly and multifunctionally. It can be up to 10-15 meters in size.

The design of the adjacent areas is carried out in accordance with sanitary requirements and fire standards.

It is also necessary to take into account the needs of older people and people with disabilities disabilities.

Green spaces near a residential building


The owners of the territory adjacent to an apartment building are the residents of this building (Article 36 of the Housing Code of Russia).

By sending a corresponding request to Rosreestr, you can obtain the information contained in the cadastral passport of a given territory.

The meeting of owners has the right to determine the implementation of measures to improve their own yard, as well as consider options for using this site, for example, rent.

It is possible to install a fence around the territory only if it does not interfere with free access to the house itself, the entry of emergency vehicles, the laying and maintenance of communications and does not infringe on the interests of residents of neighboring houses.

Main functions of the house strip

  • environmental;
  • protective;
  • aesthetic.

The arrangement of the local area should first of all begin with removing garbage and further maintaining cleanliness.

The improvement of urban areas is carried out by specialized companies, although residents of houses can do it themselves if they wish.

Entrance to a residential building

To decorate the façade of buildings, vertical landscaping is often used, lamps, benches, and containers with plants are installed. Small flower beds are laid out, low-growing trees or ornamental shrubs are planted. Often people living in the house do this with their own hands.

House plan

Track arrangement

The construction of tracks can be divided into 3 main stages:

  • design. When drawing up a project, it is important to take into account the style of the territory being designed, as well as SNiP III 10-75. When using landscape style, paths should not have straight lines or sharp corners. And vice versa - if the territory is made in a regular style, then the presence of smooth bends is not provided;
  • preparing the soil and bed for creating paths;
  • choice of material for paths.

When creating paths, asphalt, concrete, various types of paving slabs, gravel, etc. are often used.


Separate playgrounds are built for children of different age groups, separated from each other by plantings of shrubs and isolated from traffic passages.

Plants for children's playgrounds are selected most scrupulously, excluding poisonous and prickly specimens.

Sports grounds


Sports grounds must be located at a considerable distance from residential windows, according to SNiP III-10-75, at least 15 meters. It is necessary to take into account the need for ventilation and provision of good lighting, but at the same time, provide plantings that protect from the scorching sun. Sound insulation is required.

When decorating sports grounds with green spaces, it is better to avoid bright plants with variegated foliage, which litter the area with their seeds and falling leaves.

Business sites

Household areas include areas for garbage cans, places where clothes are dried, carpets are knocked out, etc. Such areas must be isolated from recreation areas and playgrounds by planting trees, shrubs or using elements of vertical gardening.

Green spaces

Green spaces must be combined with the main style of the territory, fit organically into the landscape and terrain, be adapted to growing conditions: to gases (for urban conditions and plantings located near highways), have frost resistance (for zones with cold climates), heat resistance and drought resistance (for areas with hot or dry climates).

Plantings should be planted taking into account the proper use of space. They should not interfere with the use of basic landscaping elements, but only complement them effectively and unobtrusively.

Lawn flooring

Lawns, various flower beds and flower beds are often used as green spaces when landscaping areas near residential buildings.

A lawn is a leveled area sown with special grains.

Arranging a lawn in the yard has a positive effect on the microclimate of the space, and pleasant greenery has a calming effect and relieves stress.

Setting up a lawn is quite a labor-intensive task. Since it is laid down for a long period of existence, it requires careful implementation of all the rules and nuances of its creation, including the plan. But nevertheless, it is quite possible to do this with your own hands.

Using a rolled lawn can greatly facilitate the work of creating it.

When laying out a lawn, you need to consider how much it will be trampled. Based on this, appropriate grass mixtures are selected.

Having completed the project of planting the main tree plantings, you can begin organizing a flower garden. It is also advisable to make a plan. Many residents prefer to create interesting flower beds with their own hands.

Having drawn up a flower garden project, you need to choose a suitable area for it, preferably sufficiently lit.

The selection of plants can be very diverse, but the main thing is to ensure continuous flowering throughout the summer.

Flower garden near a residential building

Landscaping of the area around a private house

Unlike residents of apartment buildings, owners of a private house can dispose of the space at their own discretion.

  • On initial stage you need to get rid of the garbage left after the construction of a private house.
  • A plan for upcoming actions is needed in order to competently implement the improvement project.
  • Arrangement of necessary communications.
  • Entry to the site must be carefully planned, including taking into account the parking of cars of possible guests.
  • A plan for marking paths for movement around the site and access to buildings is also required.
  • Dividing the site into separate functional zones.
  • Arrangement of flower beds, mixborders. Planting trees and shrubs.
  • Owners can carry out a project to improve the territory of a private house with their own hands, or by using the services of specialized companies.

In order to improve quality design work implementing the main directions of urban development have been created Guidelines, which establish general parameters and the recommended minimum combination of improvement elements to create a safe, comfortable and attractive environment in the territories of municipalities.

The recommendations can be used in whole or in part to develop norms and rules for the improvement of territories of urban and rural settlements, municipal districts, urban districts or intracity territories of a city of federal significance for use in design, monitoring the implementation of measures for landscaping, and operation of landscaped areas.

It is recommended that the development of local norms and rules for landscaping be carried out taking into account the approved urban planning documentation.

A standardized set of landscaping elements is established as part of local norms and rules for landscaping the territory by the local government body.

Territory improvement objects - territories of the municipality where improvement activities are carried out: sites, courtyards, blocks, functional planning formations, territories administrative districts and districts of urban districts, as well as territories allocated on the basis of a unified urban planning regulation (protection zones) or visual-spatial perception (a square with buildings, a street with adjacent territory and buildings), other territories of the municipality.

Objects of rationing of territory improvement are the territories of a municipality, for which the norms and rules for territory improvement establish: a regulated set of improvement elements, norms and rules for their placement on a given territory. Such territories may be: sites for various functional purposes, pedestrian communications, driveways, public spaces, areas and zones of public, residential development, sanitary protection zones of industrial development, recreational facilities, the road network of a populated area, technical (security-operational) zones engineering communications.

Territory cleaning is a type of activity associated with the collection and removal to specially designated areas of production and consumption waste, other garbage, snow, as well as other activities aimed at ensuring the environmental, sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, and environmental protection.

For landscape organization of improvement areas, it is necessary to be guided by the following principles:

Safety - absence of any contact with highways, utility areas, transit routes through the yard strangers, which can be achieved by creating bulk hills, raising or lowering the ground level, creating ramps, emphasizing entrances and dangerous places;

Visibility - the ability to observe the entire territory, leaving the rear safe, the opportunity for a mother or grandmother to watch her child from the window of her apartment;

Scale - correspondence of the size and division of space to the size of the child: low steps, low borders, small-sized play devices intended for small children;

Active contact - the environment for children and the elderly should be designed to allow active contact with each other, allowing the choice of location.

The conditions for comfortable living in a residential community are determined by the possibility of parking and temporary storage of a personal car in the immediate vicinity of the apartment. This condition will create a rather complex problem, since the yard area must be a safe and environmentally friendly place that is incompatible with storing a car there. The comfort of living depends on what becomes a priority in resolving this issue.

The width of passages through the yard is strictly standardized and depends on the technical conditions of vehicles. But at what distance from the wall of a residential building to place it, how to properly think through the routing of the driveway, this will determine whether the car will become the owner of the courtyard area or whether it will give way to a resident.


improvement of the territory of the municipality

« Bagrationovskyurban district"

1.1. The rules for landscaping the territory of the municipal formation “Bagrationovsky City District” (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) were developed in accordance with the Federal Laws “On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation”, “On Production and Consumption Waste”, the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the Land Code of the Russian Federation , Water Code of the Russian Federation, Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Rules and norms for the technical operation of the housing stock, approved by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated September 27, 2003 No. 170, Sanitary rules and norms SanPiN 42-128-4690-88 “Sanitary rules for the maintenance of populated areas places", GOST R 51303-99 "Trade. Terms and definitions", Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules SP, SP, SNiP III-10-75 "Improvement of Territories", SNiP 12-01-2004 "Organization of Construction", Code of the Kaliningrad Region on Administrative offenses dated May 12, 2008 No. 244, Law of the Kaliningrad Region dated February 16, 2009 No. 321 “On urban planning activities in the territory of the Kaliningrad Region”, Law of the Kaliningrad Region dated December 21, 2006 No. 100 “On the protection of green spaces”, Federal Law of December 10, 2010 No. 356-FZ “On Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Veterinary Medicine”, Veterinary and Sanitary Rules for the Collection, Recycling and Destruction of Biological Waste, approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation on December 4, 1995 No. 13-7- 2/469 (as amended by the ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated June 13, 2006 No. KAS 06-193), SNiP 2.07.01-89 “Planning and development of urban and rural settlements” and other current laws.

1.2. The rules establish uniform requirements for ensuring proper maintenance of the territory of the municipal formation “Bagrationovsky City District” (hereinafter - Bagrationovsky urban district), maintenance of green spaces, keeping animals on the territory of Bagrationovsky urban district and are mandatory for execution legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and citizens.
2.1. Sanitary condition of the territory - maintaining and improving the sanitary condition of common areas, adjacent areas, main territory in accordance with current sanitary standards and rules.

2.2. Main territory - a land plot owned or used by individuals or legal entities with the rights provided for by current legislation;

2.3. Adjacent territory - a section of territory with lawns, small architectural objects and other structures directly adjacent to the border of a land plot owned by an individual or legal entity by right of ownership, lease, permanent (perpetual) use, unless otherwise established by lease agreements for a land plot inherited for life possessions.

The adjacent territory is assigned to the owner, tenant, user of their own territory or building (part of a building), on the basis of contracts and agreements. The boundaries, size of the adjacent territory, conditions for its improvement are determined in the lease agreement (title documents) for the land plot or in the lease agreement for real estate (buildings, parts of buildings, structures).

2.4. Adjacent territory (domestic territory) is a plot of land actually used for the operation of a residential building, which includes sites, gardens, courtyards (yard areas), roads, sidewalks, courtyard and intra-block driveways.

2.5. Private housing stock - a set of residential and non-residential premises and structures located within the boundaries of a formed land plot provided to the owners of the housing stock.

2.6. Improvement - a set of works and activities aimed at creating a favorable, comfortable and attractive living environment for the population on the territory of the urban district, including work on engineering preparation of territories, construction and repair of improvement facilities, small architectural forms, objects of monumental and decorative art, proper sanitary maintenance of territories , lighting, landscaping, outdoor advertising and information, creating the aesthetic and external appearance of the urban district.

2.7. Objects for which improvement activities are carried out:

2.7.1. Artificial coverings of the surface of land plots, other parts of the surface of land plots in public, business, residential and recreational areas, not occupied by buildings and structures, including squares, streets, driveways, roads, embankments, squares, boulevards, residential areas for collective use, gardens, parks, urban forests, forest parks, beaches, children's, sports and sports playgrounds, utility areas and areas for walking pets;

2.7.2. Territories of specially protected natural objects and lands of historical and cultural significance;

2.7.3. Green spaces - woody, shrubby and herbaceous plants of natural and artificial origin, including vegetation in parks, squares, gardens, and other man-made green areas, as well as free-standing trees and shrubs and other vegetation (lawns, turf);

2.7.4. Bridges, overpasses, pedestrian and bicycle paths, other road structures and their external elements;

2.7.5. Territories and capital structures of stations (stations) of all types of transport, structures and places for storage and maintenance of motor vehicles, including garages, parking lots, gas stations, washing complexes;

2.7.6. Technical means of organizing traffic;

2.7.7. External lighting and illumination devices;

2.7.8. Landing stages, parking lots for small vessels, boat rescue stations, coastal structures and their external elements;

2.7.9. Facades of buildings and structures, elements of their decor, other external elements of buildings and structures, including portals of arched passages, roofs, porches, fences and protective grilles, canopies, canopies, windows, entrance doors, balconies, external stairs, bay windows, loggias, cornices, carpentry, shutters, drainpipes, chimneys, ventilation equipment, external antenna devices and radio-electronic equipment, lamps, flagpoles, wall-mounted air conditioners and other equipment attached to or built into walls, placed or mounted on the roof of buildings, address information signs buildings;

2.7.10. Objects of small architectural forms and elements of external improvement (artificial architectural-volumetric elements): fences and fences, incl. lawns and sidewalks, external stairs (built for ease of movement over rough terrain), devices for decorating mobile and vertical landscaping (retaining walls, gazebos, rotundas, pergolas, arches, canopies, garden sculpture, flowerpots, flower beds, trellises, trellises) ; traffic control posts, signs and signs; boat rescue stations, small sports facilities; water devices (fountains, pump rooms, decorative ponds); furniture (rest benches located in public spaces, recreation areas and courtyards; benches, tables for board games on playgrounds, in summer cafes; garden and outdoor furniture); advertising stands, stands, pillars, billboards for newspapers, posters and advertisements; municipal and technical equipment (containers for collecting household waste and container platforms, trash cans, clocks, mailboxes, elements of engineering equipment (lifting platforms for wheelchairs), inspection hatches, gratings of rainwater wells, telephone cabinets); street lamps, support poles, telephone booths, clocks; parking devices, etc., performing utilitarian and decorative functions;

2.7.11. Equipment for children's, sports and sports playgrounds;

2.7.12. Elements of festive decoration;

2.7.13. Structures and equipment for street trading, including pavilions, kiosks, trays, tents, shopping arcades, counters, motor vehicles specially adapted for street trading;

2.7.14. Waste disposal facility - a specially equipped structure designed for waste disposal (landfill, sludge storage, rock dump, etc.);

2.7.15. Places, equipment and structures intended for the sanitary maintenance of the territory, including equipment and facilities for the collection and removal of garbage, production and consumption waste;

2.7.16. Territories of production facilities, engineering infrastructure (including the external part of engineering communications), special purpose (including landfills, landfills for waste disposal, production and consumption waste, sewage disposal and composting fields, cattle burial grounds), including corresponding sanitary protection zones;

2.7.19. Berth - a hydraulic structure that has devices for the safe approach of ships and is intended for the safe parking of ships, servicing ships, servicing passengers, including boarding them on ships and disembarking them from ships;

2.7.20. Drainage network of the local area - closed elements of rainwater drainage (waterproofed rainwater inlet and inspection wells, drainage pipes-collectors), which are designed to ensure the standard drainage of rain, melt and groundwater from the local area of ​​one building;

2.7.21. Artificial relief elements - retaining walls, earthen embankments, excavations;

2.7.22. Surface Mating Elements - all types of external stairs, built for ease of movement over rough terrain, stairs designed for climbing to the porch, ramps, steps;

2.7.23. Signs with street names and house numbers;

2.7.24. Non-stationary retail facility (NTO) - a retail facility or facility providing personal services to the population, which is a temporary structure (temporary structure) not firmly connected to the land plot, regardless of whether or not it is connected to utility networks, including a mobile structure ;

2.7.25. Structures not intended for outdoor advertising - signs containing information about traffic control, and road orientation signs, traffic signs, traffic direction signs with color schemes, identification signs, information signs that contain information about construction, road construction , emergency and other works, about infrastructure facilities, attractions, museums, architectural ensembles, garden and park complexes, individual buildings and structures that are not commercial enterprises, of cultural value, to inform the population and guests of the city (village) about upcoming citywide (village-wide ) events and activities, decorative elements (soft banners, flags, lighting installations, banners, wall panels, garlands) that do not contain advertising information, structures intended exclusively for placing social advertising;

2.7.26. Mandatory information sign - a structure (signboard) installed in the area of ​​the entrance doors (at a distance no further than 2 meters from the entrance) of buildings, premises in which the organization is located, and containing information that the organization is obliged to bring to the attention of the consumer.

2.8. Street and road network - a set of linear objects located on public territory within the boundaries of red lines (streets, squares, roads and public passages).

2.9. Territory cleaning - a set of works related to the regular collection and removal to specially designated areas of production and consumption waste, leaves, other debris, snow and ice from open ground areas, including lawns, and hard-surfaced areas, and other measures aimed at ensuring environmental and sanitary-epidemiological well-being of the population and environmental protection;

2.10. Waste management - activities related to the collection, accumulation, transportation, processing, disposal, neutralization, and disposal of waste.

2.11. Municipal solid waste (MSW) - waste generated in residential premises during consumption by individuals, as well as goods that have lost their consumer properties during their use by individuals in residential premises to satisfy personal and household needs. MSW also includes waste generated during the activities of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and similar in composition to waste generated in residential premises during consumption by individuals.

2.12. Municipal liquid waste (LMW) - waste generated as a result of the life activity of the population (fecal waste from non-centralized sewerage).

2.13. Production and consumption waste (hereinafter - waste) - substances or objects that are formed in the process of production, performance of work, provision of services or in the process of consumption, which are removed, intended for disposal or subject to disposal.

2.14. Hazardous waste - waste that contains harmful substances, having dangerous properties (toxicity, explosion hazard, fire hazard, high reactivity) or containing pathogens of infectious diseases, or may pose an immediate or potential danger to the environment and human health independently or when reacting with other substances.

2.15. Estimate - contamination of the coating of road network objects, pedestrian path network, including, as a rule, dust, sand, leaves, debris.

2.16. MSW collection location - place for reloading MSW from containers into vehicles carrying out MSW removal.

2.17. Municipal solid waste landfill (MSW landfill) is a special structure designed for isolation and neutralization of MSW, guaranteeing the sanitary and epidemiological safety of the population.

2.18. Container site is a specially equipped site for the collection and temporary storage of MSW with the installation of the required number of containers.

2.19. MSW carrier is a person who provides services for the collection and removal of MSW for the purpose of further use, neutralization and disposal of such waste.

2.20. Container - capacity more than 0.2 cubic meters. m for collecting MSW.

2.21. Removal of MSW - unloading of MSW from containers into special vehicles and transportation for further use, neutralization, placement in places intended for isolation and neutralization of MSW, guaranteeing the sanitary and epidemiological safety of the population.

2.22. Unauthorized landfill - unauthorized (unauthorized) dumping (placement) or storage of municipal solid waste (MSW), production and consumption waste, and other waste generated in the course of the activities of legal entities, individuals and individual entrepreneurs in places not designated for these purposes.

2.23. Users of container sites or MSW collection sites are management organizations, homeowners' associations, housing cooperatives or other specialized consumer cooperatives or owners of premises in apartment buildings under the direct management of an apartment building, a MSW carrier, as well as other legal entities, individual entrepreneurs on whose territory there are container sites.

2.25. The edge of the roadway is the boundary between the roadway and the adjacent territory.

2.26. The tray part of the road is the territory of the roadway along the side (curb) stone of the road, 0.5 meters wide.

2.27. Anti-icing materials are chemical, combined and friction materials used in solid or liquid form to combat winter slipperiness on road network objects, intra-microdistrict, intra-block roads and driveways, pedestrian and path network objects.

2.28. Earthwork - work associated with excavation and laying of soil, entailing disruption of the existing landscaping of the territory, including those associated with disruption of the design of roads, improved or unpaved surface of the territory, or the installation (laying) of improved surface of roads and sidewalks.

2.29. A specialized organization is an organization, regardless of its legal form, an individual entrepreneur that provides services to the consumer under a paid contract. A specialized organization must have specialized transport, trained personnel, and a license (in cases established by law) to carry out the relevant activities.

2.30. A vehicle that is not suitable for use and has signs of abandonment is a technically faulty or dismantled vehicle.

2.31. Specially equipped places for washing and repairing vehicles - buildings, structures and structures intended for washing and repairing vehicles, located on land plots of appropriate permitted use, provided on the basis of title documents.

2.32. Lawn is an artificial grass cover created by sowing certain types of grasses (mainly perennial grasses).

2.33. Turf is the top layer of the soil profile, formed by the root systems of herbaceous (cereal) plants and their vegetative organs.

2.34. Low-mobility groups of the population - disabled people of all groups (categories) and elderly people with health problems with a persistent disorder of body functions, leading to limited life activity; citizens with young children, including those using strollers; other persons with disabilities to move independently, navigate, communicate, forced, due to a permanent or temporary physical disability, to use the necessary means, devices and guide dogs for their movement.

2.35. Emergency excavations - excavations carried out in order to eliminate damage to existing equipment and eliminate the failure of public utility supply systems or individual structures, equipment, devices and which resulted in a significant reduction in the volume of provision of public services and damage. environment, property of legal entities or individuals and public health.

2.36. Municipal customer - a municipal body or a municipal government agency acting on behalf of a municipal entity, authorized to accept budget obligations in accordance with the budgetary legislation of the Russian Federation on behalf of the municipal entity and carrying out procurement.

2.37. Maintenance of green spaces - a set of works for the care of green spaces in accordance with technologies for maintaining green spaces, carrying out sanitary felling (demolition) of emergency trees and thinning.

2.38. Elements of territory improvement - decorative, technical, planning, structural devices, plant components, various types of equipment and design, small architectural forms, non-permanent non-stationary structures, outdoor advertising and information used as components of landscaping.

2.39. The architectural appearance of non-stationary retail objects is a combination of external volumetric-spatial and coloristic solutions of the object.

2.40. The architectural appearance of a building is a set of external structural and decorative properties of an object that influence the perception of the surrounding buildings, as a result of architectural and construction work to create a finished image of the building (structure). The architectural appearance of an object consists of the coloristic solution of the external surfaces of the walls of the object, design solutions of external elements: architectural details, stained glass windows, external display cases, entrance lobbies, windows, placement of advertising structures, places and sizes of placement of elements for the corporate (corporate) style, overall dimensions of the object .

2.41. Passport of facades of a capital construction project - a document defining the architectural solution of all facades of a building (structure, structure), including general information about the object, description, image and photographic recording of the facades of the building (structure, structure) indicating the dimensions, material and condition.

The procedure for drawing up, amending and approving a passport of facades, the standard form of a passport of facades are established by the municipal legal act of the administration of the Bagrationovsky urban district.

2.42. Animals - all groups of farm animals, non-productive animals, birds, fur-bearing animals, fish, bees, as well as animals used in cultural and entertainment events (in zoos, circuses, in sports, in the field of recreation and entertainment of the population, at animal exhibitions and others cultural and entertainment events) held and divorced by citizens and legal entities.

2.43. Stray animals are animals that are in in public places unattended.

2.44. Pets are non-productive animals to which a person feels affection and which are kept at home, in nurseries, in shelters to satisfy the need for communication, for aesthetic and educational purposes, including: dogs, cats, horses (not used as productive animals), dwarf pigs (mini pigs), domestic ferrets, small rodents (squirrels, ornamental rats, guinea pigs, ornamental mice, hamsters, gerbils, chinchillas, chipmunks, ornamental rabbits), hedgehogs, birds, small non-poisonous amphibians (frogs, newts, tree frogs), aquarium fish and shellfish.

2.45. Productive animals are animals that are kept by a person in a house or household for the purpose of making a profit or satisfying various needs, including obtaining food, raw materials of animal origin, and transportation. Productive animals include, among other things, farm animals used in the Russian Federation traditionally for the production of livestock and other agricultural products.

2.46. Animal owner is an individual or legal entity who owns, leases or temporarily maintains an animal.

2.48. Animal protection - measures taken by local governments, legal entities and citizens to prevent and suppress cruelty to animals, prevent, alleviate the suffering of stray animals and search for their owners, maintenance and transfer to new owners.

2.49. Catching is an event to detain stray animals.

2.50. Immobilization of an animal is a temporary (short-term) restriction of the animal’s motor functions.

2.51. Animal shelter - buildings, premises and territories specially equipped and intended for keeping animals, stray animals or animals for which the owner has renounced the right to own them.

2.52. Euthanasia is a humane action caused by the need to end the life of animals.

2.53. Sterilization of animals (castration) is the deprivation of animals' ability to reproduce.

2.54. Disposal of biological waste (animal corpses) is an environmentally friendly recycling process in an installation for thermal neutralization and incineration of biological waste.

2.55. Free-walking area is an area located in a place specially designated for these purposes, fenced with a lattice or mesh fence, equipped for walking dogs. Walking dogs without leashes and muzzles is allowed on the site if walking the dog cannot pose a danger to the life and health of people.

2.56. Restricted walking areas are sparsely populated places where dogs are allowed to walk either in a muzzle without a leash, or on a leash without a muzzle.

2.57. Restricted territory is an area where walking or appearing with a dog is prohibited: preschool and school institutions with adjacent territories, children's playgrounds, medical institutions, monuments of landscape gardening art and other places of cultural recreation for the population (beaches, zoo, botanical garden).

2.58. Green zones are territories within the boundaries of the Bagrationovsky urban district, covered with trees, shrubs and herbaceous vegetation, including areas of historical landscaping, parks, public gardens, city gardens, green banks of rivers, streams, lakes, ponds and other green areas used for recreational purposes. , sanitary-protective and other environmental functions, as well as for decorative purposes.

2.59. Damage to green spaces - mechanical, thermal, chemical and other effects that led to disruption of the integrity of crowns, trunks, root systems, living ground cover, deterioration of soil quality, but did not lead to the cessation of growth and death of trees, shrubs and herbaceous vegetation.

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