Outer Intent: A mysterious and powerful force. How to launch (express) intention? Errors in launching an intent in an activity How to work with an external intent in Zealand

→ Part 3

The predominant development of internal intention in people and the loss of external intention is induced by pendulums, since they feed on the energy of internal intention. Control external intention is possible only if there is complete freedom from pendulums. We can say that here the pendulums won the final victory in the fight against man.

So, we have found out that the nature of mental energy aimed at achieving a goal manifests itself in three forms: desire, internal intention and external. Desire is the concentration of attention on the goal itself. As you can see, desire has no power. You can think about the goal as much as you like, desire it, but nothing will change. Internal intention is the concentration of attention on the process of one’s movement towards a goal. It already works, but it requires a lot of effort. External intention is the concentration of attention on how the goal itself is realized. External intention simply allows the goal to realize itself. This implies a firm conviction that an option for achieving the goal already exists, and all that remains is to choose this option. The goal is achieved with internal intention, and with external intention it is chosen.

Internal intention can be characterized by the formula: “I insist that...” External intention is subject to a completely different rule: “circumstances are such that...” or “it turns out that...” The difference is huge. In the first case, you actively influence the world so that it submits. In the second case, you take the position of an outside observer, everything turns out according to your will, but as if on its own. You don't change, you choose. Flying in a dream occurs precisely according to the formula “it turns out that I am flying,” and not “I insist on flying.”

Internal intention strives towards the goal directly, straight ahead. External intention is aimed at the process of independent goal realization. External intention is in no hurry to achieve the goal - it is already in your pocket. The fact that the goal will be achieved is not questioned or discussed at all. External intention inexorably, cold-bloodedly, dispassionately and inevitably moves the goal towards realization.

To distinguish where your internal intention works and where your external one, use approximately the following two-way comparisons: You are trying to achieve something from this world - the world itself gives you what you want; You are fighting for a place in the sun - the world itself opens its arms to you; You break into a locked door - the door itself swings open in front of you; You try to break through the wall - the wall itself opens up for you; You try to cause some events in your life - they come on their own. In general, with internal intent you are trying to move your implementation relative to the space of options, and with outer intent you are trying to move the space of options itself so that your implementation ends up where it needs to be. Do you understand the difference? The result is the same, but the ways to achieve it are completely different.

If your actions can be described by the second part of these comparisons, then you have captured the external intention. When you struggle, you try to push your realization through the space of options, and when you choose, the space itself comes to you. Of course, the space of options simply won't move on its own relative to your implementation. To do this, you must take certain actions. However, these actions lie outside the framework of familiar and generally accepted ideas. Throughout the book, I will give you examples of the differences in the approaches of internal and external intention. External intention is the cornerstone of Transurfing. It contains the key to the Overseer’s Riddle, namely, why you don’t need to fight this world, but simply choose what you want in it.

Nothing is impossible for external intention. You can fly in reality, or, say, walk on water if you have the external intention of Christ. Physical laws are not violated in any way. The fact is that physical laws work in one separate sector of material sales. The work of external intention is manifested in the movement of implementation through different sectors of the space of options. By yourself you cannot fly. To do this, you need to resist the gravity of the Earth, and this is the work of internal intention, requiring the expenditure of energy to overcome the force of gravity. Free flight, both in a dream and in reality, is not your movement, but the movement of sectors of space relative to you. You yourself are not flying through space, but it is moving relative to you, in accordance with the choice of your external intention. Most likely, this is not said entirely correctly, but we will not delve into the theory of relativity. We can only guess how this actually happens.

In order to fly, you need to have unconditional faith that it can be done. Why did Christ say so categorically simply: “According to your faith be it done to you”? Because we cannot get or do anything without intention. And there is no intention without faith. We could not take a single step if we did not believe that it was possible. However, it will not be possible to convince the mind that in reality you can fly the same way as in a dream. At least in the normal state of consciousness. Some yogis in India manage to lift themselves off the floor during meditation. (I personally am not aware of other reliable manifestations of levitation.) Perhaps their intention is only enough to tune in to the movement of options in which the body hangs in the air. Taking into account the enormous capabilities of yogis in comparison with ordinary people, you can imagine how difficult it is to subordinate external intention to the will.

Outer Intent

Mind: Some strange name in this dream. Is intention external?

Overseer: If you act guided only by considerations of everyday experience in material world, then it will be an internal intention. Most people do this, thinking that everything that happens obeys the laws of physics. In other words, they live without knowing that the other side of the mirror exists.

Let's say you move cubes with your hands in the material world. This is where your inner intention is at work. On the other side of the mirror - in the space of options - there are virtual copies of these cubes. If you create a slide picture in your thoughts where the cube itself moves to a new position, mental energy will “highlight” the corresponding option, and the cube will materialize at the target point.

Note that thoughts do not physically move an object. IN in this case the “reality frame” moves, where the cube is already in another place. The movement of the “frame” is carried out by external intention.

Thus, internal intention works in the material world, where the laws of physics operate, and external intention works on the other side of the mirror, in metaphysical space.

Mind: And where does this external intention come from?

Caretaker: It exists as a thought form - an image that is created in a person’s head. If the soul and mind converge in unity, the image takes on clear outlines, and then the dual mirror immediately materializes the corresponding “virtual prototype” from the space of options into reality. However, the unity of soul and mind is most often achieved only in the worst expectations, which is why they are realized, as if out of spite. In other cases, either the soul does not want to, or the mind does not believe, so it turns out that the thought form is blurred, and the mechanism of external intention does not start.

Soul: I always said: all my impulses fall into the dense cretinism of this wise guy!

Mind: Okay, let's better watch the dream.

Tucker: I’m lying here, reading about “External Intention” now - it’s simply amazing.

Denweb: Regarding external intention, I have one thought. I'm interested in your opinion: internal intention is when we go towards something, external intention is when they come to us. How can we make sure that everything comes to us on its own?

In physics, if an area of ​​high pressure is formed, it “dissolves” into areas where the pressure is lower, and equilibrium is established. If there is an area of ​​low pressure, then flows are obtained, directed from areas where the pressure is higher, to equalize the pressure to a certain equilibrium level.

Therefore, in order for everything to come to us on its own, we need to somehow greatly reduce the “pressure”, and the equilibrium forces will bring what is needed if they are tuned to this. It seems to me that the analogue of “pressure” in Transurfing can be importance. This means that to realize “low blood pressure” you need to reduce this importance very, very much. What importance? The importance of the person himself and his problems.

There are different techniques to reduce the importance of a person himself: Castaneda, for example, has different techniques for dealing with the Sense of Self-Importance (SIE). In religions, for example, prayers are used in which a person considers himself dust, dust before God and humbly asks him to forgive for something or solve some problem. To reduce the importance of the problem itself, it seems to me that Simoron’s methods are excellent when the problem is renamed into something funny and absurd.

Thus, we get a sketch of a technique: lower your heart rate, feeling like dust, ashes, an insignificant atom in front of the equilibrium forces, rename your problem into something funny, create a slide where this problem has already been solved, and from the position of zero importance demonstrate to the equilibrium forces this slide so that they (the balancing forces) know what exactly is needed for compensation. And then release everything to the will of equilibrium forces, not forgetting to follow the wave of luck. We need to think further about the specific nuances of the technique, while there is only a general sketch.

Andrzej: The underestimation of importance below zero somehow doesn’t purr to me at all. In my opinion, from the point of view of balancing forces, it is no different from overstating the importance. That is, there will be a reaction, but it is absolutely not a fact that it will be as it should be. And for understatement to work, it must be real, and not a mask to deceive the balancing forces and achieve the goal. You can't fool them, they don't think. I much prefer the recommended neutral “zeroing”. And the feeling of unity with the world - to feel all these grains of sand, specks of dust, atoms, to realize that you are not more important than them - but not worse.

Tucker: I also think this is overkill, the other extreme of this very importance. It won't work. Moreover, religions are the most powerful pendulums, the tasks of which you know; naturally, they subordinate the will of a person to themselves, perhaps also by greatly reducing their importance. Does God want his creation to consider itself dust?

Leshiy: I was already a loser, and now, after reading “Transurfing”, even more so. No, it's fun, of course. But I was the only one stuck. I can't find my goal. Apparently, he reduced the importance of everything too much. I even tried to look for something new. But nothing is as exciting as it should be. It was something like that in childhood, I was carried away, I was happy. How can I find it now? It seems to me that this is the most difficult question in Transurfing - how to truly find your goals? Is it possible to use external intention for this and how?

Andrzej: Yeah. I (and others) have the same problem. When I shook up my goals, they all turned out to be locally negative - to remove what is interfering now, so that it becomes calm and good. But there is no global positive goal... Finding Your goal is also quite a goal, even if not Your own, but a temporary one. I have already tuned in to this search and now from time to time I listen to myself, whether some picture of the future will purr...

M. M.: Do you remember don Juan’s commandments? The path leads to nowhere in any case, therefore there is no goal at all. And setting personal goals is nothing more than controlled (or uncontrolled, depending on the user) stupidity.

Denweb: You may be right about my theory... Although Walsh seems to have it in Conversations with God that God wants his creatures to know themselves in relation to him. The height of the tall can only be known in relation to something small. To know the light, you need darkness... Everything is relative. Perhaps there is something buried in this relativity. When I wrote “Feeling like dust,” I wanted to say: not THINK that I am dust, but feel it. Feeling is important to balancing forces, I think. Neutral grounding is also an option. In Simoron, as far as I remember, they work from this state. And very effective, in my experience. So far, the only means of influencing external intention are: getting rid of importance, slides and frames. So?

Leshiy: Transurfing worked today, and how! So, there was a test today, I don’t remember the name of the subject, but something related to SDH (transport network for telecommunications infrastructure - ed.)

). There was almost no time to read - what did the semester talk about? But I did everything according to the rules: I imagined that I passed it, scored... in the sense, I reduced the importance and waited for what would happen. Somehow they didn’t really knock everyone down, but they didn’t let them go without suffering. And I also skipped lectures successfully. So I sit down with the teacher and say the following phrase: “Well, I don’t have any passes, I think I can be given a test right away.” She didn't even look at the attendance sheet! He takes it and gives me a test. There were about five other people sitting near the teacher, answering the test questions. Their eyes are noticeably widened!!! You might say I was just lucky. But transurfing is aimed at increasing luck. It’s a pity that I only found such a thing at the end of my fifth year!

Tucker: I had a similar case when I was studying and passing an exam, it was a long time ago, Transurfing existed for me only in sensations... There was a difficult exam on some kind of law, everyone was very worried and prepared. The teacher is a very serious man. But we were a couple of slobs. We looked at it all - the line was long - we realized that this would not increase our knowledge, and decided to let the situation go (lower the importance), calmly went to the bar, drank a can of beer and just in time for the exam, come what may. It’s clear that you can’t ruin our mood; we agreed to everything. Imagine our surprise when it turned out that out of the entire group we had excellent (or good) grades, while the majority had satisfactory or even worse grades. Everything turned out to be very simple: apparently, the teacher got tired after two hours and was also ready for anything, in general, this was our option.

MaD_DoG: It became easy and fun when I came to one simple conclusion: if the work of external intention is activated only with the consent of the soul and mind, then there is a simple way to counteract the unwanted influence of this external intention. It’s enough just to consciously love the object of your fear, or hatred, or contempt...

Leshiy: I have a purely rhetorical question. One method of reducing the importance of something undone is to accept failure in advance. But, in this way, you begin to think about defeat, and, in theory, your thoughts should choose that space of options where your thoughts will come true and you will lose. Maybe this method of reducing importance is dangerous?

MaD_DoG: Exactly the same fear came to my mind while studying the Book. But first, I myself remembered D. Carnegie with his method of solving problematic situations - to come to terms with defeat and forget about it (one of the few useful things Carnegie had). It is the last condition, in my opinion, that is very important - forget about it, that is, reduce the importance to zero.

Leshiy: I watched the film several times as a child, I don’t remember the name. The point is that the child had a box of matches: you break the match, make a wish, and it comes true. I was always indignant in such stories, why they didn’t think of making another whole container of such matches for themselves after the last match. And regarding Transurfing - the same thing. Direct your intention to ensure that your wishes are always fulfilled, and the time between making and fulfilling is reduced to a minimum! Wouldn't this be the easiest way?

M. M.: Well, you guys are rednecks!))) You want to do nothing, and have all your wishes come true at once! But what about the principle that says that only those who are free from their desires are free? Nishkama karma.

Leshiy: Laziness is the engine of progress!!!

M.M.: No, you’ll have to work anyway. Not with muscles, but with attention.

Lily of the Valley: You don’t have to accept defeat. Just accept it for what it is and don’t worry about it. Defeat is the other side of victory, and victory is not always more necessary. Any event, both negative and positive, is given to a person so that he realizes himself. The diversity of life has its own charm, and the choice is yours. God has given man the right to choose, and he chooses... Just what and how is a matter of taste. And reducing importance involves accepting what is happening.

Svetlana: Everyone is not averse to having achievements, but working on them is unbearable. Having determined the most important direction, you can begin to carefully monitor how well your thoughts, words and actions correspond to the approved direction. After all, the entire way of life, daily routine and every movement can be linked to the intended goal. And then life will become purposeful. Many rush along the waves of the sea of ​​life, without an ultimate goal in mind and therefore without direction. Short goals of one life cannot serve as guidelines, because they are temporary, and by the end of the day of human life they cease to exist. And that's the best case scenario. Usually they disappear much earlier. Wisdom lies in drawing the longest line. And if every moment you keep in mind a distant goal, and not the surrounding appearance, the path will be straight. This will help you find the strength to resist ordinary life and its illusions.

Sarina: I observe how external intention works... So, before I had to run around the globe of my life, now I sit and it spins. Like Zeeland: “Life meets me halfway.” I'm afraid to believe it.

And the bells and bells - doo-doo.

I won't go to work today.

Let that shaggy bear work

And there’s no point in wandering around the forest and roaring.

Reason: It won’t work out, Darling, nothing comes that easy.

Soul: You're on your own again!

Reason: But these dreamers are completely insolent: they take the test and don’t remember the name of the subject. It doesn't happen like that!

Caretaker: It happens, and not like that yet. If the determination to have and act burns in the heart, and the mind is not clouded by doubt and fear, so-called miracles happen. A clear thought form instantly materializes in reality.

Desire in itself does not give anything; on the contrary, when desire, mixed with doubt, turns into lust, the chances of success drop sharply. However, the goal can be achieved even in the absence of unity of soul and mind, if one condition is met.

Soul: Quickly, quickly, tell me what this condition is?

Caretaker: When the image of a thought form is blurred, the mirror works with a delay. Therefore, it is necessary to turn the target slide in your thoughts for quite a long time - a picture in which the goal has already been achieved, as it were. Then the image will gradually begin to appear in reality.

Mind: Is that all? So simple?

Caretaker: Yes, you just need to systematically focus your attention on the target slide. Of course, this simple truth lies on the surface, but no one sees it. People are accustomed to performing routine actions only with internal intention.

For example, if you need to dig a long trench, a person understands that he will have to systematically work with a shovel. He does this and sees the results of his labor. With a dual mirror, everything is different. The delay period can last quite a long time. A person does not see any changes in the surrounding reality, which is why it seems to him that thoughts have no real power. So he doesn’t undertake to carry out routine actions with his mind’s eye.

Reason: You see, Darling, you still have to work.

Soul: Not for me, but for you - you are our doubter.

Caretaker: That's right: attention is the shovel of the mind.

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A lucid dream can indeed be induced intentionally. To do this, you need to train your mind to ask the question: “Is this really happening?” It's not that hard to do if you really want it. The procedure for training the mind is simple, but requires focused attention. During the day you need to ask yourself the above question at least ten times. Your inner Caretaker will help with this. Tell him to constantly tease you: are you sleeping or not? You need to answer the question as consciously as possible so that it is truly control and not a routine procedure. Wake up, look around, assess the situation: is everything really going fine, or is something suspicious going on? If you are persistent enough, you will soon wake up in your dream.

Dreams show us what might happen in the past or future.

What is in your thoughts is what you get, sooner or later.

Our goal is to gain the ability to choose a scenario in reality. It is much more important to learn to awaken in real life than in the unreal.

Our thoughts have a direct impact on the course of events in our lives.

Sincere gratitude is a radiation of creative energy.

Intention does not create excess potential because the energy of the desire potential is spent on action. Desire and action are united in intention. Intention in action resolves the excess potential created by desire naturally, without the participation of equilibrium forces. When solving a problem, take action. By thinking about the complexity of a problem, you create excess potential and give energy to the pendulum. By acting, you realize the energy of intention. As you know, “the eyes are afraid, but the hands do.” When implementing your intention, trust the flow of options, and the problem will resolve itself.

Waiting, worrying, thinking and desires only take away energy.

Our fears and worst expectations are realized precisely by external intention.

You present yourself as a master, a ruler. You stretch out your finger as one who has authority, and they obey you.

Everything that is commonly understood as magic is nothing more than attempts to work with external intention.

The nature of mental energy aimed at achieving a goal manifests itself in three forms: desire, internal intention and external intention. Desire is the concentration of attention on the goal itself. As you can see, desire has no power. You can think about the goal as much as you like, desire it, but nothing will change. Internal intention is the concentration of attention on the process of one’s movement towards a goal. It already works, but it requires a lot of effort. External intention is the concentration of attention on how the goal itself is realized. External intention simply allows the goal to realize itself. This implies a firm belief that An option for realizing the goal already exists, and all that remains is to choose it.

Living by outer intention

You are touched by something that worries you, inspires fear and hostility. You want to avoid this with all your heart.

At the moment of coherence between consciousness and subconscious, external intention awakens. ... In order to subordinate external intention to your will, it is necessary to achieve the consent of the soul and mind in positive aspirations and throw out everything negative from your thoughts.

Do not create potentials of importance and abandon negativity.

Low criticality to what is happening in reality is the cause of such phenomena as hypnosis and enchantment. For example, gypsy hypnosis is based on three “Yes”. A person answers three questions in the affirmative three times and has the illusion that everything is going as it should. He loses his vigilance and seems to fall asleep - his criticality drops to a low level. Many people, in general, almost literally sleep on the go, performing their usual actions mechanically. This is especially true for people who repeat the same routine day after day.

The unity of soul and mind awakens outer intention.

In reality, the degree of awareness is higher than in a dream. This is quite enough to control internal intention. External intention requires more high degree awareness. Both in a lucid dream and in reality, to gain control over external intention, you need to wake up.

You don't seek to... influence. ... Can you imagine... admit this option. The internal intention is aimed only at imagining this, allowing such a scenario.

It is necessary to maintain internal and external importance at a minimum level and keep the Overseer constantly at the ready.

Importance! You were drawn into the game, or put to sleep, only because you assessed the game as important, in itself, and for you. External and internal importance.

Do not sleep.

Even without knowing what awaits you, prepare yourself in advance for the fact that it will be a mere trifle.

There are simply no difficult problems on the “vaudeville” life line.

Do not impose your scenario on the world, but allow its possibility, allow the option to be realized, and allow yourself to have it. You will stop fighting the world and will be able to allow yourself to choose only if your soul and mind come to unity.

What role does Transurfing assign to the master of his destiny in the game called Life? It should now be clear to you that this is the role of the Overseer. The higher the degree of your awareness in reality, the more effectively you are able to control your destiny.

Having taken the position of the Caretaker, you will immediately feel a surge of energy, and your vitality will increase, because now you are not just sadly carrying out someone else’s will, but you are creating your own destiny. Responsibility for your destiny is not a burden, but freedom.

It is necessary to remember every minute: “Are you sleeping or not?” You can practice lucid dreaming if it's not scary. But the dream will pass, and everyday reality will return. Isn't it better to engage in conscious living?

How to achieve balance and combine the determination to have with the refusal of direct influence? The answer suggests itself: it is necessary to maintain a balance of intention. This means wanting without wanting, caring without worrying, striving without getting carried away, acting without insisting. The balance is disturbed by potentials of importance. As you know, the more important the goal, the more difficult it is to achieve it.

The formulation “if you really want it, you will definitely achieve it” will work just the opposite if you just want it in a panic and frantic attempts are made to get what you want. Panic here arises due to the fact that there is no firm belief that the desire will come true. Compare the two positions. First: “I really want to achieve this. For me this is a matter of life and death. This is extremely important to me. I must get this at any cost. I will do my best." Second: “Okay, I decided for myself that I will get what I want. Because I want this. So what's the deal? I’ll have that, period.” It is not difficult to understand which position will win.

The secret of fulfilling a desire is that you need to give up the desire, and in return take intention, that is, the determination to have and act.

To get even one step closer to external intention, it is necessary to reduce the importance.

You and I can only be witnesses to some manifestations of external intention. It manifests itself at the moment when the unity of soul and mind arises. As soon as this condition is met, a kind of resonance arises between the radiation of mental energy and that external force that picks us up and transfers us to the corresponding sector.

In order to surrender oneself into the hands of external intention, it is necessary to achieve the unity of soul and mind. It cannot be achieved in the presence of importance. Importance creates doubt and becomes an obstacle to unity. The mind desires, but the soul resists. The soul strives, but the mind doubts and does not allow. Importance throws the mind at the closed glass, and the soul sees an open window. The soul asks for what it really wants with all its heart, and importance keeps the mind in the nets of common sense. Finally, unity is achieved in the rejection of something, and then the external intention strives to sell us unnecessary goods. The inconsistency between the aspirations of the soul and the mind is due to the fact that the mind is in the grip of prejudices and false goals imposed by pendulums. Pendulums pull us again by the threads of importance.

So we got the second one necessary condition to master external intention - reducing importance and abandoning the desire to achieve the goal. It sounds, of course, paradoxical: it turns out that in order to achieve a goal, you need to give up the desire to achieve it. We understand everything that relates to internal intention, since we are accustomed to acting only within this narrow framework. We have defined intention as the determination to have and act. The difference between external intention and internal intention is manifested in the first and second parts of this definition. If internal intention is the determination to act, then external intention is rather the determination to have. You have the determination to fall - run and fall. You have the determination to be on the ground - release your grip and surrender to gravity.

The process of purifying intention from desire can be carried out according to the following algorithm. You are thinking about achieving your goal. Once you have doubts, then you have a desire. You are worried whether you have the necessary qualities and capabilities to achieve a goal, which means you have a desire. You believe that the goal will be achieved - and in this case you have a desire. It is necessary to want and act without wanting. The intention to raise your hand and scratch your head is an example of an intention cleared of excess potentials. You should not have a desire, but only a pure intention. To do this, it is necessary to reduce internal and external importance. To reduce the importance, there is one simple and effective remedy: to accept defeat in advance. Without doing this, you will not get rid of desire.

Having accepted defeat, no longer think about either defeat or success, but simply go towards the goal. Move towards the goal, like going to a kiosk for a newspaper. You will find luck in your pocket, and if it is not there, you will not grieve. It didn’t work out once, it will work out another time if you don’t worry about failure.

Surrendering oneself into the hands of external intention does not at all mean completely abandoning the internal one and sitting with arms folded, waiting for the consent of the soul and mind. No one is stopping you from achieving your goals using generally accepted methods. Giving up desire and importance has the same beneficial effect on the result of the work of internal intention. But now you have a chance to bring to your side the much more powerful force of outer intention. This will allow you to achieve what previously seemed unattainable.


  • In a lucid dream, the mind can control the scenario of the game.

  • A dream is a virtual journey of the soul in the space of options.

  • Dreams cannot be interpreted as signs.

  • If a soul flies into a realized sector of space, it may not return.

  • It is not desire that is realized, but intention - the determination to have and act.

  • Desire is the concentration of attention on the goal itself.

  • Internal intention is the concentration of attention on the process of one’s movement towards a goal.

  • External intention is the concentration of attention on how the goal itself is realized.

  • The goal is achieved with internal intention, and with external intention it is chosen.

  • Inner intention tends to directly influence the world.

  • External intention gives the green light to independently realize the goal.

  • The laws of natural science work only in one particular sector of space.

  • The work of external intention is movement through various sectors of space.

  • External intention is the unity of soul and mind.

  • The imagination participates in the dream only as a generator of ideas.

  • The soul and mind are united in negative expectations, so they are easily realized.

  • In reality, the dream continues in reality, to one degree or another.

  • To gain control over external intention, you need to wake up.

  • Until reality is realized, it is not controlled, but “happens”.

  • In any game you must participate detachedly, as a spectator at the game.

  • Mindfulness is achieved by detachment from the game.

  • Detachment implies attention and complete clarity of thought.

  • Mindfulness is not control, but observation.

  • Control is aimed only at allowing the desired scenario into your life.

  • To choose the right scenario, you need to imagine what will happen exactly like this.

  • Inner intention is the determination to act.

  • External intention is the determination to have.

  • External intention is the force that carries out Transurfing.

  • To reduce the importance of a goal, you need to accept defeat in advance.

  • Having accepted defeat, don’t think anymore, but simply go towards the goal.

██ ██ Transurfing is a powerful reality control technology. Once you apply it, your life will begin to change according to YOUR order. The goal when using Transurfing technology is not achieved, but is mostly realized on its own. It's impossible to believe, but only at first glance. The ideas presented in the book have already found practical confirmation. Those who tried Transurfing experienced surprise bordering on delight. The world around the Transferer is changing in an incomprehensible way literally before our eyes.

Intention is desire combined with action. In our world, internal intention prevails - this is the desire to do something on our own. There is another, more powerful force, external intention, which extends to the surrounding world, selects the scenery of its layer of the surrounding world from a huge number of possible ones. Let me remind you that, like on the stage of a theater, every person in life has certain circumstances, surroundings, work, the place where he lives and much more, like scenery. We can, with the help of external intention, choose the scenery we want and act to bring our choice to life. Moreover, it is much easier to do this with the help of external intention than with the help of internal intention.

Internal intention refers to all attempts to influence the surrounding reality on the current line of life, but on the current line of life we ​​cannot change the scenery that we do not like, like exhibits in one of the rooms of a museum, only with our desire. They must be accepted as a given, created by you, your old thoughts, emotions and actions. In this case, the desire must be transformed into a calm intention to be on a line where there are other scenery that will be more to your liking. If the external intention is pure, then it will simply take you to that line of life where all the scenery suits you; the same transition to another line of life only with the help of internal intention can be accompanied by a lot of external efforts and considerable labor costs, where you will “fight for a place in the sun”, “breaking into a closed door” and only with sufficient persistence can you win and break through.

Thus, mental energy aimed at achieving a goal manifests itself in three forms: desire, internal and external intention. Desire is the concentration of attention on the goal itself; internal intention is the concentration of attention on the process of moving towards a goal; external intention is the concentration of attention on the fact that the goal is realized itself. The goal is achieved with internal intention, but with external intention it is simply chosen. Internal intention, which acts ahead and is characterized by the definition “I insist that...” is actually very labor-intensive compared to external intention, which does not strive to achieve the goal, since it is already in the pocket and this is not questioned, and intention only dispassionately and constantly moves the chosen goal towards realization.

Unfortunately, we have practically forgotten how to use the power of external intention, which can make a person’s life very easy, and the ability to manage external intention has atrophied. Everything connected with it is shrouded in an aura of mystery and mysticism. In some cases, magical rituals are used in life to make it work, but rituals themselves do not form an external intention, but only help in some cases in creating it. Such fantastic actions as the transfer of objects in space from place to place are a special case of the work of external intention, which transfers not the object itself, but the material realization of the object from one sector of the space of options to another, where it lies in a different way or in a different place . But such abilities are developed in a very small number of people, since it is difficult for the mind to believe in the reality of such a movement, and therefore to create a pure intention to move an object. The predominant development of internal intention in people and the loss of external intention occurs due to pendulums, since they feed on the energy of internal intention. And it is possible to control external intention only with complete freedom from pendulums.

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Intention is the combination of desire and action. The intention to do something on your own is familiar to everyone - it is an internal intention. It is much more difficult to extend the effect of intention to external world. This is external intention. With its help you can control the world. More precisely, to choose a model of behavior of the surrounding world, to determine the scenario and scenery. The concept of external intention is inextricably linked to the options model. All manipulations with time, space and matter that defy logical explanation are usually attributed to magic or paranormal phenomena. These phenomena demonstrate the work of external intention - it is aimed at choosing a life line in the space of options.

Here is a pencil lying on the table. With the power of intention, you imagine that it begins to move. Your intention scans the sectors of space in which the pencil takes up new positions. If the mental radiation is strong enough, the pencil consistently materializes at new points in real space. In this case, a separate “pencil layer” moves, while the remaining layers, including the observer layer, remain motionless. It is not the object itself that moves, but its implementation in the space of options.

Everything connected with external intention is considered mysticism, magic, or, at best, unexplained phenomena, evidence of which is successfully stacked on dusty shelves.

It is much more difficult to manage external intentions than internal ones. Imagine that you land on an island where you meet savages. Now life depends on how you behave. First option: you are a victim. You apologize, bring gifts, make excuses, flirt. In this case, your fate is to be eaten. Second option: you are a conqueror. You show aggressiveness, attack, try to subdue. Your fate is either to win or die. Third option: you present yourself as a master, a ruler. You stretch out your finger as one who has authority, and they obey you.

If you have no doubts about your own power, others will also think that it is impossible otherwise. Your mental radiation is tuned to the life line where you are the ruler.

The first two options relate to the work of internal intention, and the third option demonstrates the work of external intention. External intention simply selects the desired option.

Let's say you're sure you won't be able to find parking at the supermarket on Christmas Eve. The internal intention states: where will it come from if all people are now busy shopping. External intention clearly assumes that you are approaching a supermarket and at that moment a place becomes free for you. External intention does not even firmly and unshakably believe in such a possibility - it simply dispassionately and unconditionally takes its toll.

Pendulums are powered by the energy of internal intention. Control of external intention is possible only if there is complete freedom from pendulums. Absolute freedom from pendulums is the ability to control them and use them for personal purposes. To do this, you need to recognize it in time and take appropriate measures (in accordance with the principles of Transurfing), a constant state of awareness can help you with this, use your inner caretaker, let it not allow you to fall asleep, becoming manageable.

To distinguish where your internal intention works and where your external one, use approximately the following two-way comparisons: if you try to achieve something from this world, it itself gives you what you want; if you fight for a place in the sun, the world opens its arms to you; break into a locked door - the door itself swings open in front of you; you try to break through the wall - the wall opens up in front of you; If you try to bring about some events in your life, they will come on their own.

In general, with internal intent you are trying to move your implementation relative to the space of options, and with outer intent you are trying to move the space of options itself so that your implementation ends up where it needs to be. The result is the same, but the ways to achieve it are completely different.

The only way to gain a deeper understanding of the nature of external intention is through the practice of lucid dreaming.

In reality, instead of exercise, I can offer the practice of conscious living. This means not so much training as living by external intention. Reality differs from a dream only in the inertia of material realization in the space of options. Everything else is the same.

The essence of Transurfing is, on the contrary, to abandon internal intentions and use external ones.

In order to subordinate external intention to your will, it is necessary to achieve the consent of the soul and mind in positive aspirations and throw out everything negative from your thoughts.

You already know the harmful effects of a negative attitude in our lives. By expressing dissatisfaction and rejection, you are exposed to the action of equilibrium forces, become dependent on destructive pendulums and orient your mental radiation towards negative sectors of space. An external intention formed by negativity quickly translates it into reality.

In order for the action of external intention not to be harmful, one should not create potentials of importance and abandon negativity.

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