Language and intercultural communication in brief. Language and intercultural communication. §1. Definition of keywords-concepts

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The course is conducted on the platform, andtrade certification - on the site website

Timetable of classes:

The course is held 2 times a year.

Autumn semester 2018:

Spring semester 2019:

Classes are conducted remotely.

Course Description:
This open distance course reveals the problems of international and intercultural communication with special attention to those changes in the life of mankind that are caused by the main modern processes: scientific and technological revolution, which has provided unprecedented opportunities for people to communicate, and globalization as its consequence. New living conditions, on the one hand, give A New Look on the role of national languages ​​and cultures, including as one of the main obstacles to globalization, and on the other hand, they reveal in a new way both their essence and their influence on man, who is both the creator and creation of his native language and culture.

Purpose of studying the course:

    • Prepare course participants for effective intercultural and international communication
    • Promote optimal development of linguistic and intercultural competence

This course will be of interest to both linguists and specialists in this field, who will be able to gain new knowledge and improve their professional training, and will be understandable and interesting to an unprepared listener.

Lecture plan:

    Rationale for the course. Definition of basic concepts.

    The relationship between language and cultural barriers.

    Ways to overcome language and cultural barriers: a study foreign languages, translation, commenting.

    Language as a mirror, guardian and instrument of culture.

    War and peace of languages ​​and cultures: hidden linguistic and cultural-linguistic difficulties.

    Language, culture and national character.

    Language and ideology.

    Language, culture and national security.

    The fate of languages ​​and cultures in the era of globalization.

  1. Global language. Positive and negative aspects of having a global language in general and English in particular.

Additional Information:

1. Certification:

To receive a certificate, you must successfully complete the course by completing the tasks and tests proposed to test your knowledge, and upon completion, pass the final certification remotely. The cost of certification is 1800 rubles. Upon successful completion, the student receives an electronic certificate (a paper certificate upon request).

2. Advanced training:

To receive a certificate of advanced training, you must successfully complete the course by completing the tasks and tests proposed to test your knowledge, write a qualifying paper, and upon completion, undergo a final certification remotely (an interview with a teacher). Information on preparing for certification will be posted in the course. Only students with higher education. Cost - 7500 rubles. Upon successful completion, the student receives a certificate of advanced training.

Language, the main exponent of the identity of a culture, is also the main mediator in the intercultural communication process.

At the same time, successful intercultural communication presupposes, along with knowledge of a foreign language, the ability to adequately interpret the communicative behavior of a representative of a foreign society, as well as the readiness of communication participants to perceive another form of communicative behavior, understand its differences and variations from culture to culture. The strategy for bringing together foreign cultural knowledge is aimed at preventing not only semantic, but also cultural failures in communication.

The main problem here is the problem of understanding. When solving it, it should be remembered that language is only a tool for transmitting forms of speech behavior; it only creates an environment for intercultural communication (hereinafter referred to as IC). Understanding in MK - difficult process interpretation, which depends on a complex of both linguistic and non-linguistic factors. To achieve understanding in intercultural communication, its participants must not only master the grammar and vocabulary of a particular language, but also know the cultural component of the meaning of the word, the realities of a foreign culture.

Thus, mastering a foreign language code, which allows for successful intercultural interaction, involves studying the characteristics of culture that determine the specifics of social and business conduct a partner determined by the influence of historical traditions and customs, lifestyle, etc. Therefore, foreign languages, as a means of communication between representatives different nations and cultures must be studied in inextricable unity with the world and culture of the peoples speaking these languages ​​(previously, a foreign language was studied in isolation from its sociocultural context, as an end in itself, and had practically no functional load).

“Language does not exist outside of culture, i.e. a non-socially inherited set of practical skills and ideas that characterize our way of life.” Since linguistic structures are based on sociocultural structures, for the active use of language as a means of communication it is necessary to know “the world of the language being studied” as deeply as possible.

“The world of the language being studied” consists of “a set of extra-linguistic facts”, i.e. those meanings that underlie linguistic structures and units and are reflected in the latter. We can say that the linguistic picture of the world is a reflection of the sociocultural picture of the world. Without knowing the world of the language being studied, it is impossible to master the language as a means of communication; it can only be mastered as a way of storing and transmitting information, as a “dead” language, devoid of life-giving soil - the culture of the carrier. This, by the way, explains the failures with artificial languages, never received wide distribution and were doomed to die out.

That is why learning a foreign language involves not only mastering the plan of expression of a certain linguistic phenomenon, but also the plan of its content, i.e. development in the minds of students of the concept of new objects and phenomena that have no analogues either in their native culture or in their native language. To do this, language teaching must include elements of regional studies, explanations of the customs and culture of the country of the language being studied.

An integrated approach, combining linguistic training itself and knowledge of the sociocultural context of the target language, allows for adequate translation from a non-native language into the native one.

Translation of texts is a specific process of intercultural interaction, the process of explaining one cultural code to another. Often, during translation, subtleties and shades of meaning, features and nuances of a foreign language are lost, the text is simplified, and sometimes distorted, acquiring ambiguity. It is no coincidence that the formula has become entrenched in the language: “untranslatable play on words.” A creative translator who deeply understands both cultures, has personal experience of contacts, and is fluent in both languages ​​(bilingualist) is able to enrich the language with his translation, organically selecting semantic equivalents.

Thus, any translation is an interpretation, a decoding of the meaning behind the obvious meaning, a conscious or unconscious attempt to bridge the distance between the cultures of the communicants. The greater the differences in the cultures of communication partners, the greater the differences in the interpretation of words, behavior and symbols. IN modern science there is a noticeable tendency to abandon the search for the only correct meaning of the text. The text is increasingly viewed as setting a range of possibilities for its interpretation, possessing a multiplicity of meanings. With this approach, the thesis about the “correct” interpretation of the text turns out to be meaningless.


Src="" alt=">Language, culture and cultural anthropology Language is a powerful social tool,"> Язык, культура и культурная антропология Язык - мощное общественное орудие, формирующее людской поток в этнос, образующий нацию через хранение и передачу культуры, традиций, общественного самосознания данного речевого коллектива.!}

Src="" alt="> Anthropology is divided into: 1) physical anthropology, which studies"> Антропология подразделяется на: 1) физическую антропологию, изучающую биологическое происхождение и эволюцию физической организации человека, представленного различными расами; 2) культурную антропологию, изучающую формирование и развитие человеческой культуры.!}

Src="" alt="> The main objectives of the course in cultural anthropology: 1) explain the enormous role"> Основные задачи курса культурной антропологии: 1) разъяснить ту огромную роль, которую культура играет в жизни человека, в его поведении и общении с другими людьми и с другими культурами; 2) ознакомить с идеями и методами этой науки; 3) определить пути, по которым идет развитие культур, их измене ние, столкновение и взаимодействие; 4) раскрыть взаимосвязь, взаимовлияние и взаимодействие языка и культуры; 5) показать, как культура воздействует на поведение человека, его мировосприятие, мировую систему, личную жизнь, формирование личности и т. п.!}

Src="" alt=">Linguoculturology. Linguoculturology is a complex scientific discipline of a synthesizing type that studies"> Лингвокультурология. Лингвокультурология - комплексная научная дисциплина синтезирующего типа, изучающая взаимосвязь и взаимодействие культуры и языка в его функционировании и отражающая этот процесс как целостную структуру единиц в единстве их языкового и внеязыкового (культурного) содержания при помощи системных методов и с ориентацией на современные приоритеты и культурные установления (систем норм и общественных ценностей).!}

Src="" alt="> Relevance of problems of intercultural communication in modern conditions To a foreign monastery"> Актуальность проблем межкультурной коммуникации в современных условиях В чужой монастырь со своим уставом не ходят. When in Rome, do as Romans do [Приехав в Рим, делай, как римляне].!}

Src="" alt=">Intercultural communication and foreign language learning languages ​​should"> Межкультурная коммуникация и изучение иностранных языков языки должны изучаться в неразрывном единстве с миром и культурой народов, говорящих на этих языках.!}

Src="" alt="> Components of culture that carry a nationally specific coloring a) traditions (or sustainable"> Компоненты культуры, несущие национально-специфическую окраску а) традиции (или устойчивые элементы культуры), а также обычаи (определяемые как традиции в „соционормативной" сфере культуры) и обряды (выполняющие функцию неосознанного приобщения к господствующей в данной системе нормативных требований); б) бытовую культуру, тесно связанную с традициями, вследствие чего ее нередко называют традиционно-бытовой культурой; в) повседневное поведение (привычки представителей некоторой культуры, принятые в некотором социуме нормы общения), а также связанные с ним мимический и пантомимический (кинесический) коды, используемые носителями некоторой лингвокультурной общности; г) „национальные картины мира", отражающие специфику восприятия окружающего мира, национальные особенности мышления представителей той или иной культуры; д) !} artistic culture, reflecting the cultural traditions of a particular ethnic group.

Src="" alt=">Language structures are based on sociocultural structures. You need to know:"> В основе языковых структур лежат структуры социокультурные. нужно знать: 1) когда сказать/написать, как, кому, при ком, где; 2) как данное значение/понятие, данный предмет мысли живет в реальности мира изучаемого языка.!}

Src="" alt=">Sociolinguistics is a branch of linguistics that studies the conditionality of linguistic phenomena"> Социолингвистика - это раздел языкознания, изучающий обусловленность языковых явлений и языковых единиц !} social factors: on the one hand, by the conditions of communication (time, place, participants, goals, etc.), on the other hand, by customs, traditions, features of the social and cultural life of the speaking group.

Src="" alt=">Linguistics is a didactic analogue of sociolinguistics, developing the idea"> Лингвострановедение - это дидактический аналог социолингвистики, развивающий идею о необходимости слияния обучения иностранному языку как совокупности форм выражения с изучением общественной и культурной жизни носителей языка.!}

Src="" alt=">All the threads and ropes of tight-knit special resettlement life stretched to the village office. Alexandrovskaya drilling office"> К поселковой конторе тянулись все ниточки-веревочки колготной спецпереселенческой жизни. Александровская контора бурения приняла его в свой боевитый штат охотно. Специальность при !} young man, from the locals, and in addition a Russian German of exiled blood. This was not ordinary work; it was a seething business, illuminated by the light of those virgin years, which to this day plays with reflections on the crystals of a proud biography. . . But the machine tool shift workers from Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Yurga are iron professionals, people of precise craftsmanship, because high accuracy in processing parts on a “sloppy” machine flotilla can only be achieved with the inclinations of Leskov’s craftsman Lefty

Src="" alt=">Not imagined to himself some really woman, to whom he should be only fine"> Не imagined to himself some really woman, to whom he should be only fine and strong, and not for a moment «the poor little man» . Why not some simple uneducated girl, some Tess of the D"Urbervilles, some wistful Gretchen, some humble Ruth gleaning an aftermath? Why not? Surely the world was full of such Он представлял себе действительно женственную женщину, для которой он был бы всегда только прекрасным и сильным, а вовсе не «бедным маленьким человечком» . Почему бы не какая-нибудь простая, необразованная девушка, какая-нибудь Тэсс из рода Д"Эрбервиллей, какая-нибудь томная Гретхен или скромная Руфь, собирающая колосья? Почему бы нет? Несомненно, мир полон такими.!}

Src="" alt=">The role of comparing languages ​​and cultures for the most complete disclosure of their essence"> Роль сопоставления языков и культур для наиболее полного раскрытия их сущности Все тонкости и вся глубина проблем межъязыковой и межкультурной коммуникации становятся особенно наглядными, а иногда и просто осознаваемыми, при сопоставлении иностранных языков с родными и чужой культуры со своей родной, привычной.!}

Src="" alt=">Real world, culture, language. Real world Language ↓ Subject,"> Реальный мир, культура, язык. Реальный мир Язык ↓ Предмет, Слово явление!}

Src="" alt=">Real world, culture, language. Real Thinking Language/Speech World /Culture"> Реальный мир, культура, язык. Реальный Мышление Язык/Речь Мир /Культура ↓ ↓ ↓ Предмет, Представление, Слово явление понятие!}

Src="" alt=">The main reasons that complicate communication 1. Collocation, or"> Основные причины, осложняющие коммуникацию 1. Коллокационные, или лексико- фразеологические, ограничения, регулирующие пользование языком.!}

Src="" alt="> book a book on/about birds - a book about life"> book a book on/about birds - книга о жизни птиц, a reference book - справочник, a cheque book - чековая книжка, a ration book - карточки, to do the books - вести счета, our order books are full - мы больше не принимаем заказов, to be in smb"s good/bad books - быть на хорошем/плохом счету, I can read her like a book - я вижу ее насквозь, we must stick to/go by the book - надо действовать по правилам, I"ll take a leaf out of your book - я последую твоему примеру, Не was brought to book for that - за это его привлекли к ответу.!}

Src="" alt=">note note, business note - memorandum,"> записка записка - note, деловая записка - memorandum, докладная записка - report, любовная записка - love letter, billet-doux;!}

Src="" alt=">closed closed, closed meeting - private meeting,"> закрытый закрытый - closed, закрытое заседание - private meeting, закрытое голосование - secret ballot, закрытое помещение - indoors (PACC).!}

Src="" alt=">The main reasons that complicate communication 2. Another difficulty, even more"> Основные причины, осложняющие коммуникацию 2. Другой трудностью, еще более скрытой, чем тайны и непредсказуемость лексико- фразеологической сочетаемости, является конфликт между культурными представлениями разных народов о тех предметах и явлениях реальности, которые обозначены «эквивалентными» словами этих языков.!}

Src="" alt="> Issues of understanding fiction. Sociocultural commentary as a way to overcome conflicts"> Вопросы понимания художественной литературы. Социокультурный комментарий как способ преодоления конфликтов культур!}

Src="" alt="> Sociocultural commentary includes: 1. Historicisms - words that have fallen out of use"> Социокультурный комментарий включает: 1. Историзмы - слова, вышедшие из употребления вследствие того, что обозначаемый ими предмет или явление уже неизвестны говоря щим как реальная часть их повседневного опыта - и слова, и обозначаемые ими реалии ушли из языка и из жизни народа. Например: бармы, власяница, воевода, боярство, бунчук, вече, дьяк, плаха, разрядная книга, синклит. 2. Архаизмы - !} outdated words and figures of speech that have fallen out of use: Sveisky (Swedish), Lyakh (Pole), ezh (genitive case form of the relative pronoun from the Church Slavonic language: izhe, ezh), zem (earth), zautra (tomorrow morning), vechor ( yesterday evening rum), until then (until then), greyhound (fast). 3. Words that have changed their meanings in modern Russian: mother (nurse, nanny), guest (merchant, foreigner), money (copper coin), current (stream, liquid). 4. Realities, references, allusions that require background sociocultural knowledge that is absent from foreign readers and lost by the modern Russian reader. 5. Hidden, usually unconscious by the reader, “incomprehensible places”, in contrast to obvious allusions, hints at historical facts, events, details of everyday life, lifestyle, etc. 6. Facts that cannot be explained due to the fact that “the connection of times has been broken.”

Src="" alt="> "Paradise is where cooks are French, mechanics are German, policemen are British, lovers"> «Paradise is where cooks are French, mechanics are German, policemen are British, lovers are Italian and it is all organized by the Swiss. Hell is where cooks are British, policemen are German, lovers are the Swiss, mechanics are French, and it is all organized by Italians [Рай там, где повара - французы, механики - немцы, полицейские - англичане, любовники - итальянцы, а организуют все швейцарцы. Ад - где повара англичане, полицейские - немцы, любовники - швейцарцы, механики - французы, а организуют все итальянцы]» .!}

Src="" alt=">He must be talkative like a Finn; approachable like a Belgian; technically capable, like the Portuguese;"> Он должен быть разговорчивым, как финн; доступным, как бельгиец; технически способным, как португалец; щедрым, как голландец; терпеливым, как австриец; робким, как испанец; организованным, как грек; трезвым, как ирландец; знаменитым, как люксембуржец; скромным, как датчанин; сдержанным, как итальянец; он должен водить машину, как француз, и готовить, как англичанин.!}

Src="" alt=">Sources confirming the existence of national character 1. International jokes, completely"> Источники, подтверждающие существование национального характера 1. Международные анекдоты, полностью базирующиеся на стереотипных представлениях о том или ином народе. Эти стереотипы не столько отражают некие наиболее существенные и типичные черты народа, сколько формируют их и в глазах других народов, и в собственных глазах. (Сколько русских за границей пьют водку только для того, чтобы подтвердить ожидаемую от них стереотипную русскость, носят павлово-посадские шали и ведут себя так, как они не ведут себя дома.)!}

Src="" alt=">Sources confirming the existence of national character 2. National classical literature,"> Источники, подтверждающие существование национального характера 2. Национальная классическая литература, несколько «подпорченная» как источник индивидуальным авторством и субъективным взглядом на мир.!}

Src="" alt=">Sources confirming the existence of a national character 3. Folklore, or oral folk"> Источники, подтверждающие существование национального характера 3. Фольклор, или устное народное творчество, как наиболее надежный из всех перечисленных выше источник сведений о национальном характере. Действительно, хотя в произведениях устного !} folk art Not only the heroes and characters are stereotypical, but also the plots, the very fact that they represent the collective creativity of the people, that they are “run in” in oral transmissions from generation to generation, like sea pebbles that do not have the original individual bends, kinks and notches, and that therefore they are devoid of the subjectivity of individual author's works - all this makes them the most reliable source and repository of information about the character of the people.

Src="" alt=">4. Last in order, but by no means least (last , but not"> 4. Последним по порядку, но отнюдь не по значению (last, but not least), самым надежным и научно приемлемым свидетельством существования национального характера является Его Величество национальный язык.!}

Src="" alt="> The role of vocabulary in the formation of personality and national character 1. In many"> Роль лексики в формировании личности и национального характера 1. Во многих разделах наблюдается совпадение или незначительные различия в количестве и экспрессивных свойствах !} phraseological units, reflecting the following value concepts: politeness, adaptability, determination, education, attitude towards education, the legal system and power. 2. B English language with higher activity than in Russian, the following holistic meanings predominate in phrase formation: honesty, caution, hard work, professionalism, responsibility, restraint in speech, frugality, optimism, selfishness, personal freedom, conservatism, material well-being, closeness family life. 3. In the content area of ​​Russian idiom, the following value concepts occupy noticeably more space than in English: experience, sociability, corporate spirit, patriotism, justice. Hospitality is a value specifically inherent in Russian phraseology.

Src="" alt=">Local businessmen do not forget this ritual. They consecrate the lamb and carry it to children's"> Не забывают этот обряд и местные бизнесмены. Освятят барашка и несут в детский дом - благотворительность! Local businessmen also observe this rite. They have the Camb blessed and take it to an orphanage as an act of charity.!}

Src="" alt=">Your Labor City Council is well known for the quality of its"> Your Labour City Council is well known for the quality of its services !} and the innovative ways of delivering them. That's an achievement to be proud of! The City Labor Council is known for the high quality of services and innovations in their provision! This is an achievement to be proud of!

Src="" alt=">Richard M. G. Stephenson New address for me! Richard M G. Stevenson W"> Richard М. G. Stephenson New address for me! Ричард М. Г. Стивенсон У меня новый адрес! Open Day Room change!! Now in room A 25 День открытых дверей Смена аудитории!! Теперь в аудитории А 25!}

Pdf-img/3568672_111279715.pdf-39.jpg" alt="> Ein Fichtenbaum steht einsam Im Norden auf kahler Höh". Ihn schläfert; mit"> Ein Fichtenbaum steht einsam Im Norden auf kahler Höh". Ihn schläfert; mit weißer Decke Umhüllen ihn Eis und Schnee. Er träumt von einer Palme, Die, fern im Morgenland, Einsam und schweigend trauert Auf brennender Felsenwand.!}

Src="" alt=">Political correctness of language is expressed in the desire to find new ways of linguistic expression"> Политическая корректность языка выражается в стремлении найти новые способы языкового выражения взамен тех, которые задевают чувства и достоинства индивидуума, ущемляют его человеческие права привычной языковой бестактностью и/или прямолинейностью в отношении расовой и половой принадлежности, возраста, состояния здоровья, социального статуса, внешнего вида и т. п.!}

Src="" alt=">Negro > colored > black > African American/Afro-American [ Negro > colored > black >"> Negro > coloured > black > African American/Afro-American [негр > цветной > черный > африканский американец/афроамериканец]; Red Indians > Native Americans [краснокожие индейцы > коренные жители]. chairman [председатель] > chairperson; spokesman [делегат] > spokesperson; cameraman [оператор] > camera operator, foreman [начальник] > supervisor; fireman [пожарник] > fire fighter; postman [почтальон] > mail carrier;!}

Src="" alt="> invalid > handicapped > disabled > differently-abled > physically challenged [ disabled >"> invalid > handicapped > disabled > differently-abled > physically challenged [инвалид > с физическими/ умственными недостатками > покалеченный > с иными возможностями > человек, преодолевающий трудности из-за своего физического состояния]; retarded children > children with learning difficulties [умственно отсталые дети > дети, испытывающие трудности при обучении]; old age pensioners > senior citizens [пожилые пенсионеры > старшие граждане]; poor > disadvantaged > economically disadvantaged [бедные > лишенные возможностей (преимуществ) > экономически ущемленные]; unemployed > unwaged [безработные > не получающие зарплаты]; slums > substandard housing [трущобы > жилье, не отвечающее стандартам];!}

Src="" alt="> "If, through omission or commission, I have inadvertently displayed any sexist racist"> «If, through omission or commission, I have inadvertently displayed any sexist racist, cultura list nationalist, regionalist, ageist, lookist, ableist sizeist, speciesist, intellectualist, socioeconomicist, ethnocentrist, phallocentrist heteropatriarchialist, or other type of bias, as yet unnamed, I apologize and encourage your suggestions for rectification» . Если по причине недосмотра или пристрастия я неумышленно проявил какие-то сексистские, расистские, культуралистские, националистские, регионалистские, «лукистские» , социально-экономистские, этноцентристские, фаллоцентристские, гетеропатриархалистские взгляды, а также любые другие, не упомянутые мною предрассудки, касающиеся возможностей, размеров, рода, умственных способностей, я приношу свои извинения и призываю всех предлагать мне свои уточнения.!}

Src="" alt="> Our whole life - in big, small, and"> Вся наша жизнь - и в большом, и в малом, и в настоящем, и в будущем - зависит от того, насколько хорошо, эффективно и правильно мы умеем общаться.!}


Src="" alt="> LITERATURE: v N. D. Arutyunova, G. V. Stepanov Russian language."> ЛИТЕРАТУРА: v Н. Д. Арутюнова, Г. В. Степанов. Русский язык. М. , 1979, с. 410. v Э. Сепир. Коммуникация // Избранные труды по языкознанию и культурологии. v М. , 1993, с. 211. v Ю. В. Бромлей. Этнос и этнография. М. , 1975, с. 48. v Г. А. Антипов, 0. А. Донских, И. Ю. Марковина, Ю. А. Сорокин. Текст как явление культуры. Новосибирск, 1989, с. 75. v В. В. Воробьев. О статусе лингвокультурологии // IX Международный Конгресс МАПРЯЛ. Русский язык, литература и культура на рубеже веков. Т. 2. Братислава, 1999, с. 125 -126. Подробно об этом см. : В. В. Воробьев. Лингвокультурология. Теория и методы. М. , 1997. v Е. М. Верещагин, В. Г. Костомаров. Указ. соч. , с. 30. v В. В. Воробьев. Лингвокультурология. Теория и методы. М. , 1997 v В. фон Гумбольдт Язык и философия культуры. М. , 1985, с. 349. v Е. М. Верещагин, В. Г. Костомаров. Язык и культура. М. , 1990, с. 51. Светлана Григорьевна Тер-Минасова ЯЗЫК И МЕЖКУЛЬТУРНАЯ КОММУНИКАЦИЯ!}

There are a huge number of cultures and peoples in our world. In the process of forming a universal civilization, people from different communities constantly communicated with each other, built cultural and trade ties. In general, this is how intercultural communication arose. What is it and how is this phenomenon described by modern scientists? This material is devoted to the answers to these questions.

General concept

This is the name for communication and communication between representatives of different cultures. The concept of “intercultural communication” involves both direct interaction between people and communities and indirect communication. The latter refers to language, speech, writing, as well as communication via the Internet and similar means of communication. Often this method of communication in scientific literature is referred to as “cross-cultural” (the English term cross-cultural).

Scientific background

It should be noted that this scientific discipline is studied at the cross-section of other teachings. These include: psychology and cultural studies, sociology, anthropology and history, as well as the new discipline of ecology of communication media and methods. The famous professor A.P. Sadokhin gives the following definition to this discipline: “Intercultural communication is the totality of all means and methods of communication in general, as well as communications both between individuals and entire groups belonging to different cultures.”

What is communication?

By the way, it would be nice to understand the key concepts of all this wealth. Thus, many domestic universities now have an “intercultural communication” program. Everything would be great, but even teachers often cannot more or less fully explain the concept of “communication.” It's time to correct this gap in education!

The Russian (and not only) term “communication” comes from the Latin expression communicatio from communicare, which can be translated in several ways: to connect, to make common, a means of communication. Let's look at how the concept of intercultural communication is interpreted by different areas of human knowledge.

Studying this scientific discipline sociology, anthropology, psychology, rhetoric and computer science, cybernetics and medicine... This word is necessary and important, but how do modern experts interpret it? Note that today there are two generally accepted meanings of the term:

  • As a transport route that allows you to connect not only social groups, but even entire continents. Includes underground, air, sea, road communication networks (roads, routes, paths).
  • This implies communication and transfer of information both between individuals and between whole social groups and human cultures. Do not forget that in in this case interaction is carried out through language and other signaling forms of communication.

By the way, when did the term intercultural communication even appear? This definition (no matter how incredible it may sound) arose literally thirty to forty years ago, but has already managed to spread literally in all spheres of human activity. Most likely, this phenomenon is explained by the fact that this word is very capacious; it can be used in various contexts, putting a variety of meanings into it. In principle, there are some generally accepted designations that are especially common in specific scientific fields:

  • In sociology we are most often talking about mass communication, which implies methods and norms of communication between large groups of people (including the media, of course).
  • If we talk about psychology, then in this case we are probably talking about interpersonal, individual communication.
  • Ethnographers, as you might guess, study relationships and interactions between different peoples and cultures.
  • Art (cinema, painting, music, writing) understands by this term the achievement of mutual understanding between the author and those to whom his work is addressed.
  • Education interprets the process of communication between the teacher and the student he teaches in this way.

You probably understand that in different cases not only different meanings of the term are used, but also different technologies. For example, communication can be verbal and non-verbal, oral and written, printed and electronic. They can be considered in the aspect of space and time, in the context of both ethnic and global, international interaction.

But! Whatever specific concept we are talking about, there are some signs that allow us to say with confidence whether we are talking about interaction in one or another of its manifestations, or whether something completely different is meant. You need to understand that the means and purpose of communication is information (both textual and verbally transmitted), as well as understanding (sensual or conscious). Technologies that allow all this data to be transmitted efficiently and quickly are only an auxiliary, but at the same time an important “addition”. Now let's talk about the most important conditions of communication.

Conditions for successful communication

First, opponents must accept and rely on certain intersubjective norms. Secondly, they must be communicatively competent. At the moment, one of the most important branches of human knowledge is intercultural communication; articles on this topic appear almost weekly in the world's largest scientific publications.

Scientists are still arguing among themselves about an unambiguous, generally accepted definition of this process. In order to better understand the mechanisms and stable characteristics of this phenomenon, they have recently begun to widely use the method of mathematical and computer modeling. Such a model not only allows one to determine the general patterns of the process, but also to monitor any part of it without interrupting the main development of the model.

However, you should not particularly focus on any particular model, since its effectiveness and content directly depend on the scientist who created it. But today, many sociologists know the so-called “Lasswell formula”.

He himself created his theory and model only in order to give at least some structural organization to discussions about the very essence of the communicative process. Harold Lasswell preferred to use it to label the various areas of research in the field. Lasswell's Formula perfectly reflects the specifics of early ideas about communication. Thus, it assumes that the communicator always (even subconsciously) strives to influence the opponent. Simply put, previously researchers assumed that almost every form of communication is, in essence, a kind of belief.

Since Lasswell’s theory turned out to be quite viable (although far from correct), many researchers chose to develop some of its directions further. Thus, the American mathematician and one of the first associates of cybernetics, Claude Shannon, laid out the theory in a mathematical interpretation, proposing to use it to model global, worldwide communication processes.

The importance of culture for this concept

The fact is that culture is an alloy of various forms of human activities. This is a kind of reduction of “codes” that largely predetermine a person’s behavior, exerting a managerial influence on him. Therefore, it is not surprising that in order to understand a person of another nationality or nationality, it is necessary, first of all, to study the cultural characteristics of his country or nationality.

The famous philosopher Kant said that it is no less important to take into account the culture of education. He notes with regret that scientific and technological progress is taking place by leaps and bounds. His displeasure is not based on a denial of progress as such, but on the fact that morality has not kept pace with its development.

Thus, culture and intercultural communication are inextricably linked with each other, which should always be taken into account in practice.

The importance and significance of electronic communication methods

IN modern world the predominant role, without a doubt, belongs to them. However, we should not forget about the importance of old means of communication. Some researchers are generally of the opinion that they need to be considered together, since without the old there would be no new. It should be noted that such a point of view has a right to exist.

Take language, for example. Both intercultural communication and communication between people are impossible without understanding each other’s dialects. Sort of. But remember the famous Morse code. The simplest means of communication that allows you to transmit vital information using coded signals, which can sometimes save people’s lives!

Alas, in our country, electronic means of communication played a secondary role until the mid-2000s, which still has a detrimental effect on many sectors of the economy, science and culture. And research in these areas is not carried out linearly and sequentially, but “en masse”: when all the managers suddenly realize that this cannot continue like this, an order is given to “liquidate the backlog as soon as possible.” It doesn't turn out too well.

When did intercultural communications become a full-fledged scientific field?

In general, the very concept of “intercultural communication” was introduced only in the 50s of the last century by the American anthropologist Edward T. Hall. His work was of an applied nature, as he developed methods of behavior and communication of American diplomats for their fruitful communication with representatives of other cultures, nationalities and religions. He has done a lot to break down some of the stereotypes that characterize this particular area.

Thus, it was Hall who was the first among scientists to uncompromisingly conclude that culture needs to be learned. After this, the theory of intercultural communication officially became one of the most important scientific and educational disciplines.

Of course, this process was not very simple. The teaching of this subject began in some US universities only in the 60s of the last century. And only after 10 years the course ceased to be purely practical, and began to accumulate useful theoretical information. This may seem very strange, but everything is logical: by that time there were more than enough practical aspects of communication between peoples, but not a single more or less holistic scientific theory was observed.

In Europe, the theory of intercultural communication became a science much later, and this was caused by completely different reasons.

The fact is that immediately after the creation of the European Union, the borders of states were almost completely open to many people. All this quickly led to what we have now: a conflict of interests and values ​​of people from different sociocultural backgrounds. It is not surprising that European scientists soon began to take a keen interest in this issue. Having become acquainted with the American experience, Europeans opened corresponding faculties at the universities of Munich and Jena.

It should be noted that the problems of intercultural communication in Europe are still very great. Many scientists attribute this to the fact that the EU government is trying to implement several communication theories at once, especially without delving into their essence. By the way, what theories exactly exist? Let's talk about it!

Adaptation theory by Y. Kim

According to this theory, a person gradually, going through many stages, adapts to a new sociocultural environment. The dynamics of this process are largely expressed in the formula “stress and addiction.” Researchers like to add: “Two steps forward and one step back.” The fact is that adaptation is sometimes interrupted by periods of regression and retreat. This is caused by culture shock, rejection of some traditions and customs of the opponent.

Simply put, the features of intercultural communication lie in the fact that both parties must want (!) to understand each other, to be imbued with the peculiarities of each other’s cultural, moral and religious traditions. Otherwise, nothing good will come of trying to communicate. Oddly enough, the tolerance so stubbornly cultivated in the EU only gets in the way.

If a person is strictly motivated to accept a person from a different sociocultural environment “as he is,” he will not strive to understand the real reasons for his actions. Most often, this leads to mutual (even suppressed) hostility, even at the interpersonal level. The well-known Sadokhin wrote about this, in particular. Intercultural communication is a complex concept; you cannot try to get around it with artificially instilled slogans and substitution of concepts.

In general, I encountered a similar problem at one time Soviet Union. That very “brotherhood of peoples” came at a high price, since at first there was no understanding at all between completely different ethnic groups.

It should be noted that successful adaptation is possible only if several conditions are met at once. Firstly, the frequency of contacts and communication with the new environment should be quite high. Secondly, a person must (!) know the countries where he has arrived, have positive motivation and full access to the media of a given country. In addition, participation in various public events is highly encouraged.

The main problems of intercultural communication in Europe are precisely related to the fact that immigrants are not at all interested in learning a foreign language and are not involved in assimilation processes. They continue to live in closed enclaves, into which they accept only their own.

Coordinated management of meaning and rule theory

Many scientists agree that the foundations of intercultural communication are an extremely fragile and vague concept, because all human communication in principle (verbal communication in particular) suffers from extreme imperfection. Since not all communicative actions have the goal of attracting an opponent (no matter how paradoxical this may seem), mutual understanding in some cases becomes an unattainable ideal in principle. Most often, the goal is conscious, fruitful interaction.

At the same time, its participants often subject each other’s gestures and language to an individual interpretation, which in many cases turns out to be very close to the truth. Simply put, what becomes important is not the social meaning of images, but their consistency in a specific human environment, community.

In principle, these basics of intercultural communication have been familiar to people since ancient times: remember the “motley” crews of pirate and merchant ships. People often did not understand the dialects in which they communicated with each other, but this did not prevent them from working together, and quite effectively.

Rhetorical theory

It allows you to analyze communication and behavioral characteristics not only of an individual nature, but also in relation to large groups. Thus, intercultural business communication is often based precisely on rhetoric. The fact is that the main feature of this theory is the analysis of unconscious manifestations of human mental activity in response to specific communicative events.

Simply put, “arms crossed on the chest are a sign of a person’s inner closedness” - this is precisely the sphere of rhetoric (no matter how strange it may seem).

Communication Science

It is a science that studies the social functions of the media and their impact on human society(both in general and in small groups). It is not surprising that in this scientific branch there are a whole bunch of subsections:

  • Separate, personal psychology.
  • Communication between people (interpersonal psychology).
  • Communication processes in the group.
  • Art public speaking, oratory.
  • Business contacts.
  • Organization of communication within organizations.
  • Finally, intercultural communication. The topics in this area are very diverse and include all of the above sections.

In general, the current state of communication science is sad, since there are practically no unified, proven approaches even to solving more or less typical problems. Even methodological justifications are often absent as a class. There is no single theoretical basis, just as there is no normal terminology that would be understood by scientists from different countries, there are no unified, global information resources in this area.

In general, this paradox is well described by Professor Ter Minasova. “Intercultural Communication”, as written by her, is a wonderful book that perfectly reveals the very essence and many reasons for the current situation.

For example, in the USA and Europe the same communication studies rule the roost, but very little attention is paid to linguistic aspects there. On the contrary, in our country linguistics is (traditionally) extremely strong, and intercultural communication very often ends up somewhere “on the margins”. However, this is typical for civilian industries, while the military often has a wealth of experience (even if very specific), but, for obvious reasons, is in no hurry to share it.

Simply put, language, culture and intercultural communication are inextricably linked parts of an ethnic community. Without knowing some aspects of the language or culture, you will definitely not be able to fully communicate with a foreigner.

The program provides fundamental training in the Russian language coupled with a full-fledged English language course.

Among other courses that make up the program, it should be noted dialectology, Slavic studies, teaching Russian as a foreign language, which, of course, expands not only the linguistic horizons of students, but also the prospects for their future employment.

During the training, students receive not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills in working with text: creating texts of different genres, editing and correcting them, translating, analyzing, etc.

Applied philological training provides graduates high level socialization. This means not only the study of foreign languages ​​(for students studying in this profile, it is mandatory to study two languages, the first of which is English, and the second varies), but also an in-depth study of the Russian language.

Main professional disciplines:

  • Fundamentals of Philology
  • Introduction to General Philology
  • Introduction to linguistics
  • Introduction to Literary Studies
  • Introduction to Communication Theory
  • Classical/ancient languages
  • Ancient Greek language
  • Latin language
  • Information heuristics
  • Information technologies in philology
  • Fundamentals of logic and culture of thinking
  • Russian language among other languages ​​of Russia and the world
  • Introduction to Special Philology
  • Functional styles of the modern Russian language: types of discourse, typology of modern speech genres
  • Basic language/languages ​​(theoretical course)
  • Phonetics, graphics, spelling of the modern Russian language
  • Morphemics, morphology, word formation of the modern Russian language
  • Syntax of modern Russian language
  • Semantics and lexicology of the modern Russian language
  • General and computer lexicography
  • Theoretical and practical grammar of the English language
  • History of the main language/languages
  • Old Church Slavonic and Church Slavonic languages
  • Old Russian language
  • History of the Russian literary language
  • History of world literature
  • History of world literature until the 17th century.
  • History of world literature of the 18th-20th centuries.
  • History of Russian literature
  • History of Russian literature until the end of the 19th century.
  • History of Russian literature of the XX-XXI centuries.
  • Philological support of professional communication
  • Analytical reading of educational and scientific texts
  • Analytical reading of journalistic and literary texts
  • Practical English course
  • Practical course of a second foreign language
  • Communication culture. Strategies, tactics, typology of communication
  • Basics of philological work with text (creation/editing, translation)
  • Writing and editing text
  • Professional literacy and text proofreading
  • Comprehensive manuscript analysis and literary editing
  • Modern Russian language. Stylistics of resources: grammatical stylistics
  • Modern Russian language. Stylistics of resources: lexical stylistics
  • Modern Russian: spontaneous oral speech
  • Modern Russian: prepared oral speech
  • Psycholinguistics
  • Sociolinguistics
  • Linguistic picture of the world and linguoculturology
  • Theory and methodology of teaching Russian as a native language
  • Theory and methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language
  • Modern Russia in texts: literature, journalism.
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