Anniversary of the forge of medical personnel. Anniversary of the forge of medical personnel, years to the medical college! Success and prosperity

Over its almost hundred-year history, this educational institution, which since 2015 began to bear the name of the famous Soviet military doctor, native Kovrovsky district Efim Smirnova, has produced more than one generation of qualified specialists. In pre-war times, when the college was called a paramedic-midwifery school, midwives, paramedics, nurses and medical instructors were trained by teachers who were still zemstvo doctors and worked in hospitals of the First World War and the Civil War. During the war years, graduates saved soldiers at the front and for this purpose the school prepared accelerated graduates of physicians. Even part of the teaching staff went to the front, along with the director, who then led the institution. Already in peacetime, the college, like the whole country, experienced difficult times, while maintaining high level education and continuing to improve the student experience.

From students to professionals

Today, Kovrov Medical College is a leading educational institution in the region, which trains in-demand mid-level medical specialists: pharmacists, obstetricians, paramedics, and nurses. Not only Vladimir boys and girls who want to connect their lives with medicine, but also guys from the Ivanovo region, Moscow region and other regions of Russia come to study in Kovrov. And even before graduation, students are welcome in hospitals and clinics in the region, because the personnel that the college prepares are fully prepared to work in medicine.

In order to turn bright-eyed applicants into qualified doctors, the college has created all the conditions - bright and spacious classrooms and preclinical practice rooms. They have everything necessary to train good specialists - equipment, tools, phantoms, dummies, simulator, teaching aids And electronic library, computers, interactive whiteboard. And conditions for students are created not only within educational process. For visiting students, the college has its own dormitory, which is located on the fourth floor of the educational building. No other medical college in the region can boast of its dormitory. Now the renovation of the fifth floor is just finishing, where nonresident students will be able to live. The rooms are bright, cozy and clean, just like at home. Each floor has two newly renovated kitchens with electric stoves. By the way, cosmetic renovations are done here every year in preparation for the arrival of students.

Repair and modernize and classrooms. Every year, the latest equipment for classes is purchased, thanks to which students can literally plunge into the work process without leaving the educational building. For example, since 2013, the only simulation center in the region began operating at the Smirnov Kovrov Medical College. Now medical students practice on multifunctional mannequins. On them they learn how to give injections, place IVs and catheters, treat wounds and much more that will be useful to them in their work.

The simulation center can be safely called a kind of mini-clinic with several departments: now it is already equipped with a pediatric room, patient treatment childhood, treatment of therapeutic patients, physiological obstetrics and gynecology, office medical technologies caring for a sick person.

The stork has arrived

The college is especially proud of its obstetrics department. During perestroika it was cut. And it was only recently possible to bring back this important and now in demand specialty. Next year the first group of obstetricians will graduate, and hospitals in the region, including in Vladimir, have already looked at them.

Specialists are trained thoroughly - the college purchased a childbirth simulator for the students of this department. The full-size doll cost the college 300 thousand rubles. And the purchase can prepare students for the most difficult and complex births.

A baby doll is placed inside the phantom, which is stuffed with electronics, a program is set, and the “birth” begins. Difficulty can be set using the program. In this case, the mannequin and child doll can have their pressure measured, perform artificial ventilation, give an injection and other resuscitation actions. All the student’s mistakes that he makes will be recorded by the devices.

And in the pediatric patient treatment room, students are taught how to care for a newborn. It even has an incubator for a newborn who was born prematurely, an imitation of a crib, and baby care products.

All thanks to the current director of the college, deputy of the city council, who became the person of the year in 2016, former college graduate Eduard Rudolfovich Zubov.

We are trying to constantly update classrooms, purchase equipment and special literature, put the academic building and dormitory in order so that the students can graduate from the college as sought-after specialists,” said Eduard Zubov. - And from year to year our graduates are called to work in large hospitals in the region. Now the plans are to build an equipped gym so that the children can play sports, including basketball and volleyball. The current sports office is not suitable for these purposes.

The success of the college is unthinkable without a creative, cohesive team of teachers. I would like to note the great contribution to the success of the organization of the “luminaries” of the college: Grabkina V.S., Nakhaeva N.P., Chernysheva E.V., Aganina V.V., Eremina V.M., Berdnikova V.V., Ivanova T. M., Solovyova S.P., Kotukhova E.N., Nikiforova E.N.

Help others

The college is financially supported by the Department of Education and Health, but the institution constantly invests its own funds in improving conditions for students. Particularly due to the fact that within the college’s walls they conduct paid retraining and advanced training courses, as well as train those wishing to obtain a second specialty.

Now there are 430 people studying at the college, more than half of them - 316 - are on a budget. And all the guys live an interesting student life - in addition to studying, the guys are engaged in search work, volunteers help the elderly and children with disabilities, for the latter, a traditional New Year's tree is held. And students are regular participants and winners of professional competitions, scientific and practical conferences, and distance learning olympiads. Kovrov Medical College itself has hosted conferences and seminars more than once.

All this together is an excellent basis for training medical professionals.

On October 26, the Medical College celebrated its 85th anniversary at the Lenin Palace of Culture. Everything is as it should be: a parting speech from director Eduard Zubov, gratitude to the teachers and congratulations to the students. What is a real good doctor according to medical students? Let's find out the whole truth.

First, a little history. A few days before the celebration, the health department of the Vladimir region published a text with the symbolic heading “To Kovrovsky medical college– 85 years old”:

Kovrov Medical College named after E.I. Smirnova is one of the oldest educational institutions in the Vladimir region. Over the entire period of its existence, the medical college has trained more than 12 thousand specialists. On October 26, a gala event dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the founding of the college will take place in Kovrov.

And, according to Eduard Zubov, it has become noticeably more difficult to enter Kovrov Medical College. Three people per place and a high average passing score.

The college has five specialties: “General Medicine”, “Nursing”, “Midwifery”, “Laboratory Diagnostics” and “Pharmacy”. The classrooms are equipped with medical phantom simulators, robotic birth simulators, dummies, visual aids, computers, projectors, interactive whiteboards and other modern necessary equipment. This is what was written in the text. At the end - congratulations from the leadership of the regional health department.

Now let's get back to the celebration. A lot of students, teachers gathered, there were also top officials of the city and region, graduates, and friends. In general, all those who support their native college with all their hearts. The scheduled time of the event is at 14:00. Those who arrived late had a rather difficult time finding a place in the hall. Not counting, of course, the “standing” ones.

Before the celebration itself began, we asked future specialists: Who is a good health worker? What difficulties might future specialists face? And where do students see themselves in five years?

Anastasia Vorontsova, second year, specialty “general medicine”:

“A childhood dream come true! I will soon become a doctor. My family are builders by profession, so this is my personal choice. I love providing first aid. And we are taught to do it correctly. They say the most difficult thing is to find an approach to each patient. I'll learn and check!

Irina Strakhova, second year, specialty “general medicine”:

A good doctor is one who has received a good, decent education.

Oops! Girl in a robe. And this isn’t even a doctor’s appointment. It turns out that this girl's name is Maria Timko, she is a graduate of a medical college. And now he works as a paramedic at an ambulance station.

For now, we can also consider the students’ work.

Different disciplines and such different jobs. Either this is the discipline “Childhood Diseases”, or “History and Natural Science”, “A Healthy Person and His Environment”.

But this is the personal work of Anastasia Starova. Nastya is a student of group 105-A.

There is no birthday without congratulations.

The students were congratulated by Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly Olga Khokhlova, Head of Kovrov Anatoly Zotov, Assistant Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Lyudmila Nikitina, Deputy Director of the Department of Health of the Vladimir Region Elena Ovchinnikova and the head physician of Vladimir Maternity Hospital No. 2 Irina Kiryukhina.

Lyudmila Nikitina began her congratulations with the words: “Kovrov Medical College is on trend!”

Then came the gifts. Here, for example, is an eco-picture.

Letters of gratitude to college teachers from the first person of the city and region. For your work, patience and strength.

Creative numbers from the collectives of the Palace of Culture. Basically, these are vocal and dance numbers. It is worth paying attention to the Japanese waltz of the dance club "AJAX". Their dance impressed the audience.

Firstly, Japan is a country of high medicine. Secondly, there is a snake drawn on the back. Also makes sense. The only thing missing is a bowl next to the snake. Then it would definitely be a symbol of medicine. Anyway, respect!

85 years of medical college! Success and prosperity!

Photographer Igor Seleznev

October 26 Kovrov Medical College named after E.I. Smirnova celebrates her 85th birthday. Now the college has bright and spacious classrooms, preclinical practice rooms, and there is everything necessary to prepare good specialists: tools, phantoms, dummies, visual aids, computers, an interactive whiteboard...

And the history of the Kovrov forge of medical personnel began back in 1932, when, by decision of the city scientific society doctors, a paramedic and midwifery school was opened in our city. To educational institution allocated a two-story building of the former house of the merchant Dunaev (now there is a children's art school named after Iordansky).
The graduates of those years were significantly different from those of today. By age. The thing is that the FAS accepted students with a seven-year education from families of workers and peasants. And at that time, not everyone had a seven-year education. Therefore, the future doctors of that time first obtained general education at the school for working youth, and only then they entered the paramedic-midwife school and graduated from it as adult uncles and aunts.
At the origins of the Kovrov FASH were the famous Kovrov doctors S.A. Troitsky, G.A. Usolsky, N.V. Voskresensky, N.N. Nikolsky, S. V. Belousov, M. N. Fiveyskaya. Over the past 85 years, more than one generation of teachers and directors of the medical school has changed, and it is simply impossible to list them all by name. Many of the medical school graduates became doctors and now work in Kovrov or beyond. By the way, part of the current teaching staff of the college are its graduates.

Heroic Page
In the spring of 1936, Boris Blokhin was appointed director of the FAS. The war was already on the threshold, and active training of medical instructors was carried out on the basis of the medical school for the district military registration and enlistment office. And during the war years, several accelerated releases of medical instructors were made for the front and hospitals.
Many medical graduates of those years went through the crucible of the battles of the Great Patriotic War. On the first day of the war, a large rally took place at the medical school, and the first accelerated graduate of 1941, in full force, together with director Blokhin, went to the front.
572 wartime graduates went to battlefields and military hospitals, where they honorably fulfilled their duty as medical workers. Many died in battle.
Through thorns into the future
In 1974, the school moved to a new building in the city center, receiving spacious, equipped classrooms and an expanded material and technical base. And then perestroika struck, and the reorganization also affected the medical school. Probably the most important specialty – obstetrics – was cut. The last graduation of obstetricians took place in 1986.
Thanks to the persistence of the current director of the medical college, Eduard Zubov, and the entire teaching staff, obstetrics was again added to medical, nursing and pharmacy in 2014. And next spring the first graduation will take place - 25 obstetricians will join the maternity hospitals. And from September 1 of this year, another popular specialty has been opened at the college - laboratory diagnostics.
The year 2015 was especially significant for the college, when the medical college was named after our outstanding fellow countryman Efim Ivanovich Smirnov, Colonel General of the Medical Service, Hero of Socialist Labor. During the war, Efim Ivanovich headed the military sanitary department of the Red Army.
In the same year, a simulation center equipped with the most modern equipment was opened within the walls of the college. Here, future doctors learn to give injections, catheters, insert a probe, measure blood pressure, treat wounds, deliver births and participate in resuscitation efforts. Everything that is necessary in their future profession. All manipulations are carried out on phantoms that simulate patients and are equipped with electronics that clearly record errors. The simulation center has several departments: a pediatrics room, childhood illnesses and child care, a medical technology room for caring for a sick person, and a therapy room.

The plans are only for success
Today, more than 500 students study at the medical college, half of them are from other cities. Over the past summer, we managed to complete the renovation of the 5th floor, where the dormitory is located, equipped with everything necessary. 160 students live in the dormitory.
The college management plans to participate in international competition"World Skills" in the competency "medical and social care". To participate in the competition, a multifunctional bed for patient care has already been purchased, since the workplace at the competition will be equipped by the competitors themselves. But the purchase was made not only and not so much for the competition; it is in demand in the everyday practice of students. Now the children will be able to practice their skills in caring for bedridden patients.
Don't forget anyone
Under this motto, the entire college staff is preparing for the anniversary today. Teacher Elena Chernysheva prepared an illustrative and informative collection “A Lifelong Path”, in which, in photographs and explanations to them, all 85 years of Kovrovsky’s activity are presented medical school.
Many facts and people were established thanks to the painstaking search work of medical students from the Pulse squad. By the way, in September Elena Vasilievna was awarded the medal “Kovrov – City of Military Glory”. Thus, the city leadership noted her contribution to the patriotic education of youth.
The anniversary of the college will be celebrated on October 26 at 14.00 in the Palace of Culture named after. Lenin. At the same time, freshmen will be initiated into students with the traditional presentation of white coats. On behalf of the college management, we invite everyone who studied at the Kovrov Medical School over the years to the holiday.

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