Zones around the world. The surrounding world is “natural zones”. Forest protection is

Lesson project

around the world

in 2nd grade

"Natural areas of Russia"

Prepared by teacher

primary classes MBOU

School No. 30

Leoshko Elena Anatolyevna

Natural areas of Russia

(lesson project with multimedia application)

Lesson type: project activity - creation of a table “Comparative characteristics of natural zones”

Students should know: definition of natural zones, law of natural zonation, main characteristics of natural zones.

Students should be able to: work with reference literature; draw conclusions; based on the findings obtained, compose a message and convey it to listeners; participate in a common project as a member of one of its groups.

Equipment: map of natural zones, plates with the names of initiative groups (“Ice Deserts”, “Tundra”, “Forest Zone”, “Steppes”, “Deserts”), handouts for the development of each section of the project. (1)

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

Distribution into groups.

The teacher explains the features of the work in the lesson. Children are seated in groups.

II. Creating a problematic situation

Teacher. Today we have a final general lesson on the topic “Natural areas”.

We first studied thermal belts, then natural areas. Many of you, independently or with the help of your parents, prepared reports and messages about animals and plants of natural areas. We received a large amount of information in the process of research and illustrative work. In order to skillfully use accumulated knowledge, you need to learn how to process and systematize information.

What forms of systematization can you offer?

Children offer possible project options: album, memo, game, posters, reference table. As a result, under the guidance of the teacher, the choice is made on the reference table. (1,2,3)

III. Formulation of goals and objectives of project activities.

Target: learn to process and organize information.

Task: create a reference table “Comparative characteristics of natural zones”

IV. Preparing to create a project.

The teacher sets the task of outlining the sections of the project in order to conveniently systematize the knowledge gained. The work is carried out in the form of a brainstorming session.

Teacher. What are natural areas?

Teacher. Let us remember the law of natural zonation.

Teacher. Let us name the natural zones known to us in the order of their location from pole to equator.

Students. Ice deserts, tundra, forest zone, steppe, desert.

Teacher. By what criteria will we compare these zones?

1. Location.

2. Climate.

3. Typical representatives of the flora and fauna. (2-3)

V. The main stage of creating the project.

Teacher. Groups of “researchers”, 5 people each, prepared reports about their natural area. The task of the other groups is to listen very carefully and, as they speak and view slides, mark the main characteristics of this zone in the tables on their desks.

You need to have fun learning in order to study well!

To create a cheerful or lyrical mood, we will listen to a musical fragment before the performance of each group of “researchers”.

    Ice Desert Zone

Song “Somewhere in this world, where it’s always frosty”


Song “I’ll take you to the tundra”

    Forest zone

Song "Friends of the Forest"


Song “Oh, you wide steppe...”


Song “Kara-Kum” (4)

Reports of the group “Ice Desert Researchers”

An ice desert is a natural area adjacent to the poles of the globe. Around the Earth's poles, both land and sea are covered with ice all year round, the thickness of which can be more than a three-story building.

The nature of ice deserts is very harsh. Even in summer, snow and ice never melt there. And although in the summer the sun shines without setting beyond the horizon around the clock for several months in a row, the heat is still not enough to warm the permafrost soil. And the sun rises low above the horizon. In addition, it is often covered by thick clouds or fog, and the white surface of the snow does not reflect its rays.

During the polar night, severe frosts prevail throughout the entire region. And if in summer the sun is above the horizon for several months, then in winter, on the contrary, it is absent from the sky for several months. Arctic winter is a long night. At such a time, only the northern lights flash with extraordinary, fantastic colors.

But life does not stop in these harsh times. A polar bear wanders through the snow. In winter, he does not hibernate, but searches for food. Swims from one ice floe to another, hunts seals. The polar bear is an excellent diver and swimmer. In addition to the polar bear, fanged walruses live in the Arctic, which feed on crustaceans and mollusks. In the Arctic summer, migratory birds return to their nesting grounds: guillemots, guillemots, various gulls and some other bird species.

The plant world is even poorer than the animal world. After all, there are ice fields covered with snow everywhere. Only in some places, in protected lowlands, do small “oases” manage to form during the short summer. But the plants do not stretch upward towards the sun, but press down to the ground to resist the wind. (These are mosses, lichens, and only three species of flowering plants are known).

Among the birds that live here are petrels and albatrosses. The most famous and wonderful animal of Antarctica is penguins. Their only and most dangerous enemy is the leopard seal.

Reports from the Tundra Researchers group

Compared to the neighboring ice desert, it is a little warmer here, but the average temperature is still below zero. Summer is only one or two months, and also cold. Winter lasts longer than academic year at school, and throughout it the ground is frozen. It happens that the snowstorm does not stop for weeks. For many thousands of years, the soil of the tundra has never warmed up deeper than 10-15 cm. And then there is a layer of permafrost several meters thick! Therefore, rains and melting snow cannot saturate the ground at depth, and all the moisture accumulates, forming small lakes and swamps. There are a lot of them in the tundra.

The vegetation cover of the tundra consists primarily of mosses and lichens. There are shrubs and small shrubs. They are all short and grow, clinging to the ground, which is heated by the sun. They are warmer there.

Closer to the forest-tundra there are thickets of dwarf willows and birches. Tundra vegetation is usually perennial and evergreen. This is how the plants adapted to the local climate: there is no need to lose leaves every year, which would not have time to go through a new growth period.

The beauty of the tundra is its bright flowers. They bloom for a short time.

By autumn, berries ripen in the tundra: cloudberries, blueberries, cranberries, lingonberries.

The fauna of the tundra is sparse. In spring, waders, ducks, geese, loons, and swans arrive.

In the tundra, the first place in magnificence is the reindeer. Wide hooves allow it to move quickly through the snow. And in the winter, long hair grows between its hooves. It allows the deer to glide across the ice. In the summer, this animal suffers greatly from mosquitoes, horseflies, midges, and gadflies. But his main enemy is the wolf.

Herbivorous rodents, lemmings, remain here for the winter. The polar fox, arctic fox, white partridge, and polar owl also winter.

After listening to the reports and viewing the slides, fill out the table. (4,5,6)

Reports of the group “Researchers of the Forest Zone”

In the temperate thermal zone there is a forest zone. If you move from the tundra to the south, you will see trees more and more often. At first they are rare and inconspicuous - this zone is called forest-tundra. Then more and more tall, until, finally, you find yourself in a dense coniferous forest. This coniferous forest is called taiga.

The climate in the taiga is harsh in its own way. In Siberia, for example, in some areas the temperature drops to -70 degrees. And the warm summer does not last long. The main tree species are larch, spruce, fir, light-loving pine and mighty cedar. In the taiga you can also find deciduous trees: birch, aspen, alder.

Fauna: sika deer, deer, elk, brown bear. There are many fur-bearing animals in the taiga. Sable, squirrel, weasel, ermine, and marten live here. Predators include lynx and wolverine. They hunt large taiga birds and hares, and roe deer. There are many birds in the taiga: hazel grouse. Black grouse, crossbills, woodpeckers.

A little to the south of the taiga there are mixed forests that are lighter than the taiga. Here you can already find oak, linden, maple, ash, elm, bird cherry, rowan, wild apple tree and pear. Large shrubs develop under them: hazel, euonymus, honeysuckle, viburnum, buckthorn.

Once upon a time, huge herds of royal animals – bison – grazed in the deciduous forests of Europe. Now the number of this large bull has been taken into account. It is listed in the International Red Book and is protected as an endangered species.

After listening to the reports and viewing the slides, fill out the table. (4,5,6)

Reports of the group "Steppe Researchers"

In the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere south of the forest zone it becomes warmer. Here there are grassy plains - steppes.

The climate of the steppe is arid. Winter is usually short but very cold. Little snow falls. Strong winds blow all the time, and there are also snowstorms. Spring passes quickly and hot and dry summer sets in. Rains are rare here, and if they happen, it is in the form of short showers that do not have time to moisten the ground.

In early spring, when the snow has just melted, the steppe literally flares up in yellow and red. These are tulips blooming. Behind them, irises, adonis, and peonies begin to bloom.

Steppe animals have adapted to open spaces in different ways. Many dig holes where they hide from enemies, heat and cold. This is what gophers, hamsters, and jerboas do. Even a wolf sometimes takes over the underground home of a badger or fox. And in the burrows of rodents small predators appear - ferrets, weasels. Some ducks, lizards, snakes and insects also come in. With the onset of cold weather, insects, lizards, snakes, most rodents, hedgehogs, and badgers hibernate.

There are also large animals in the steppe. These are, first of all, steppe antelopes - saigas, roe deer, foxes.

Of the birds, only the bustard and partridge live sedentary in the steppe. But in the summer, ducks, waders, larks, and demoiselle cranes come here. On high altitude eagles soar.

After listening to the reports and viewing the slides, fill out the table. (4,5,6)

Reports of the group “Desert Explorers”

Deserts on our planet are the most dangerous, but at the same time the most mysterious and amazing places. They are harder to conquer than the tallest ones Mountain peaks. They occupy vast areas on Earth, especially in Africa, Asia and Australia. Among them there are deserts of temperate and hot zones.

In summer, deserts are very dry and hot. During the day, the air temperature in the shade rises to +40 degrees and above. And in tropical deserts - up to +58 degrees. Well, in winter it gets cold there, and even in the Sahara there are frosts at this time. There is almost no rain or snow in deserts. The northern and southern edges of the hot zone are home to some of the driest places on Earth. It's hot here all year round, like in a frying pan. It happens that not a single rain falls in a year.

Some plants have adapted well to dry climates and high temperatures. Saxaul grows in the deserts of Central Asia; its leaves are in the form of twigs, which is convenient for preserving moisture. In some plants, the leaves have turned into spines, like sand acacia and various cacti.

Another significant adaptation of desert plants is their root system. It allows you to extract moisture from deep layers of soil. Desert animals also have their own adaptations. First of all, this is the color scheme. Gray-yellow tones allow animals to hide from the enemy or, conversely, sneak up on prey unnoticed.

All desert inhabitants try to hide from the scorching sun. Pigeons, sparrows and owls manage to nest in the walls of wells. Eagles. falcons and crows make nests on the shady side of hillocks, in the ruins of buildings. Many animals hide in holes or bury themselves in the sand. When the heat subsides in the evening, the desert begins its life. Various insects, lizards, snakes, and turtles crawl to the surface. Desert animals hibernate in the summer rather than in the winter to cope with the hot season and the lack of water. Many desert animals are excellent runners. Kulans run vast distances in search of water and food. The camel tolerates desert conditions very well.

After listening to the reports and viewing the slides, fill out the table. (4,5,6)

1. Get acquainted with the map of natural zones of Russia. Compare it with the physical map of our country. What do the different colors on a map of natural areas mean?

Answer. On physical map In Russia we see the topography of our country - mountains, plains, minerals, nature reserves and national parks.

On the map of natural zones of Russia, different natural zones are indicated in different colors.

2. Determine from the map what natural areas there are in Russia.

Answer. Natural zones of Russia: arctic deserts, tundra, forest-tundra, taiga, mixed forests, deciduous forests, forest-steppes, steppes, subtropical forests, semi-deserts and deserts.

3. Make a guess why natural zones change. Test yourself using the textbook text.

Answer. The change in natural zones occurs due to uneven heating of different parts of the Earth by the Sun. More heat occurs at the Earth's equator, least of all at the North and South Pole. At the poles, the sun's rays hit the Earth obliquely. They slide along the surface of the Earth and slightly heat it. The further south they go, the more vertically they fall to the Earth and heat it up more.

To different zones globe a certain amount of heat, light, and moisture is supplied. These conditions define individual zones with their own special climate.

The change of natural zones from north to south can be seen on the plains, and in the mountains nature changes with altitude. This phenomenon is called altitudinal zonality.

P. 75. Test yourself

1. List the main natural zones of Russia.

Answer. The main natural zones of Russia are arctic deserts, tundra, taiga, mixed and broad-leaved forests, steppes, deserts, subtropics, high-altitude regions..

2. Why do natural zones change?

Answer. A natural zone is a large territory that has common temperature and moisture conditions, soils, flora and fauna. The formation of natural zones is associated with changes in the ratio of heat and moisture on the Earth's surface.

The location of natural zones is closely related to climatic zones. Like climate zones, they naturally replace each other from the equator to the poles due to a decrease in solar heat reaching the Earth's surface and uneven moisture.

3. Why are mountain areas indicated separately on the map of natural areas?

Answer. Because in the mountains, natural areas change as you rise in height. Below, at the foot, there may be a forest zone or a steppe zone, but rising higher and higher we gradually find ourselves in the tundra zone, and then in the icy zone if the mountains are high enough.

Homework assignment.

Get ready to talk about Russia using a map of natural areas.

Answer. A natural zone is a territory that is determined by uniform climatic conditions, soil characteristics, vegetation and fauna.

The northernmost is the zone of arctic deserts. It is located in the very north of Russia, on the islands of the Arctic Ocean. Most of the territory is covered by glaciers.

The tundra zone is located along the coast of the Arctic Ocean.

Forest-tundra is a transition zone from the harsh tundra to the taiga forests. The width of the forest-tundra territory ranges from 30 to 300 km in different regions of the country.

Taiga is the largest natural zone in Russia; to the south of it there is a forest zone, or forest-steppe. There is significant variation within the zone. To the south of the taiga there is a forest zone. The zone of mixed and deciduous forests is located on the East European Plain and the Far East.

The forest-steppe zone is a transition zone between the forest zone and the steppe zone, combining forest belts and meadows covered with grasses.

The south of the forest-steppe passes into the steppe zone. The steppe zone is located on plains with grassy vegetation in a temperate and subtropical climate. In Russia, the steppe zone is located in the south near the Black Sea and in the valleys of the Ob River.

In Russia there is a zone of semi-deserts and deserts in the east of Kalmykia and in the south of the Astrakhan region.

The subtropical territory is small - it is a narrow part of the coastal land near the Black Sea to the Caucasus Mountains.

A significant part of Russia is occupied by areas of high zonality. These are areas where there is a significant altitude above sea level. Their appearance is different and depends on many factors.

Remember why the northern regions of our country receive little heat from the Sun. What else do you know about the nature of these areas?

Answer. The sun heats different parts of the Earth unevenly. The northern parts of our country receive less heat from the Sun, the southern parts more. It depends on how the sun's rays hit the Earth. In the north, the rays only glide over the surface of the earth and therefore weakly heat it. In the south they fall steeply and the Earth heats up much more. The nature of the northern regions is very scarce. There is no continuous vegetation cover. The areas of land where vegetation develops are small in area. The fauna of the Arctic desert is mainly represented by marine inhabitants. These are harp seal, walrus, ringed seal, bearded seal, beluga whale, porpoise, and killer whale.

Arctic desert zone. Nature of Arctic deserts Zone of Arctic deserts. The nature of the Arctic deserts The Arctic... This word emanates a harsh cold. The Arctic is the entire vast expanse of the Arctic Ocean, along with its seas and islands. On the Arctic islands there is a zone of arctic deserts, or ice zone. Arctic... This word emanates a harsh cold. The Arctic is the entire vast expanse of the Arctic Ocean, along with its seas and islands. On the Arctic islands there is a zone of arctic deserts, or ice zone. The sun in the Arctic never rises high above the horizon. Its rays glide over the surface of the earth, giving it very little heat. That is why here is the kingdom of ice and snow. The sun in the Arctic never rises high above the horizon. Its rays glide over the surface of the earth, giving it very little heat. That is why here is the kingdom of ice and snow.

It's a polar day in the Arctic in summer. For several months there is light around the clock. But not warm. The temperature is only a few degrees above zero. It's a polar day in the Arctic in summer. For several months there is light around the clock. But not warm. The temperature is only a few degrees above zero. In winter there is a polar night in the Arctic. For several months in a row the sun does not appear at all - darkness! The moon is shining in the sky, the stars are twinkling. Sometimes amazingly beautiful auroras appear, like a multi-colored, iridescent curtain swaying in the dark sky. This time of year is very harsh. Strong winds blow, snowstorms often rage, and temperatures often drop to -60 degrees. In winter there is a polar night in the Arctic. For several months in a row the sun does not appear at all - darkness! The moon is shining in the sky, the stars are twinkling. Sometimes amazingly beautiful auroras appear, like a multi-colored, iridescent curtain swaying in the dark sky. This time of year is very harsh. Strong winds blow, snowstorms often rage, and temperatures often drop to -60 degrees.

Animals of the Arctic Deserts Of the animals in these places, the most abundant are birds. In summer, seagulls, guillemots, and auks gather on the rocky shores. Their noisy clusters are called bird colonies. Here the birds hatch their chicks. Interestingly, guillemots lay their eggs directly on bare rock ledges. On some islands you can see very beautiful birds with unusual puffin beaks.

Reserve "Wrangel Island" Reserve "Wrangel Island" This Arctic island is located between the East Siberian and Chukchi seas. It is named after polar explorer F.P. Wrangel. Mother bears come to Wrangel Island from different parts of the Arctic. Every year there are up to 250 dens on the island, in which mother bears give birth to their babies. Therefore, Wrangel Island is called the “maternity hospital” of polar bears. One of the amazing animals of the reserve is the musk ox. This animal lived in the territory of our country in the distant past, but then disappeared. It has been preserved in North America. And now scientists have decided to resettle him on Wrangel Island.

Test "Arctic" 1. The natural zone of the Arctic deserts is located: 1. The natural zone of the Arctic deserts is located: 1) on the islands of the Pacific Ocean 1) on the islands of the Pacific Ocean 2) on the islands of the Indian Ocean 2) on the islands of the Indian Ocean 3) on the islands of the Arctic ocean 3) On the islands of the Arctic Ocean 2. In the Arctic, conditions have developed for plants and animals.. 2. In the Arctic, conditions have developed for plants and animals.. 1) harsh conditions 1) harsh conditions 2) comfortable conditions 2) comfortable conditions 3. In the icy zone grow... 3. In the ice zone grow... 1) cedars, birches, bird cherry 1) cedars, birches, bird cherry 2) lichens, mosses, polar poppy 2) lichens, mosses, polar poppy 3) elderberry, hazel, quince 3) elderberry , hazel, quince 4. Animals live in the Arctic: 4. Animals live in the Arctic: 1) beavers, nutria, hamsters 1) beavers, nutria, hamsters 2) wolves, polar bears, lynxes 2) wolves, polar bears, lynxes 3) walruses, seals, polar bears 3) walruses, seals, polar bears 5. Find the correct food chain: 5. Find the correct food chain: 1) algae - crustaceans - fish - auks - polar bear 1) algae - crustaceans - fish - auks - polar bear 2) algae – crustaceans – polar cod – seals 2) algae – crustaceans – polar cod – seals

Tundra Nature of the tundra To the south of the zone of arctic deserts, along the shores of the northern seas, the tundra zone stretches. For thousands of kilometers from west to east there is a cold, treeless plain. To the south of the arctic desert zone, along the shores of the northern seas, there is a tundra zone. For thousands of kilometers from west to east there is a cold, treeless plain.

Summer is short and cool. And although the polar day arrives, there are often frosts. Strong cold winds blow in the tundra all year round. In winter, snowstorms rage for many days. Summer is short and cool. And although the polar day arrives, there are often frosts. Strong cold winds blow in the tundra all year round. In winter, snowstorms rage for many days. Winter in the tundra is long (7-8 months) and very harsh (frost up to -50°). In the middle of winter, the polar night lasts for about two months.

Plants of the tundra There are a lot of different mosses in the tundra. In addition, cloudberries, blueberries, and lingonberries grow here. The dwarf birch and dwarf willow are amazing. Tundra plants are low-growing, many of them creep along the ground. There are a lot of different mosses in the tundra. In addition, cloudberries, blueberries, and lingonberries grow here. The dwarf birch and dwarf willow are amazing. Tundra plants are low-growing, many of them creep along the ground. Reindeer lichen, or moss, serves as the main food for reindeer. Reindeer lichen, or moss, serves as the main food for reindeer. The tundra is very beautiful in spring. The tundra is very beautiful in spring.

Animals of the tundra In summer there are a lot of mosquitoes and midges in the tundra. Their larvae develop in bodies of water where there is enough food for them (tiny algae, plant remains). In summer there are a lot of mosquitoes and midges in the tundra. Their larvae develop in bodies of water where there is enough food for them (tiny algae, plant remains). In the summer, cranes, geese, swans, and waders fly to the tundra. Here these birds hatch their chicks and fly to warmer regions for the winter. Other birds, the white partridge and the snowy owl, live permanently in the tundra. In the summer, cranes, geese, swans, and waders fly to the tundra. Here these birds hatch their chicks and fly to warmer regions for the winter. Other birds, the white partridge and the snowy owl, live permanently in the tundra. The white partridge is a herbivorous bird. In summer its plumage is brown, and becomes white in winter. By winter, the partridge's legs are covered with feathers right up to the claws. This protects them from the cold and allows the partridge to walk on the snow without falling through. The white partridge is a herbivorous bird. In summer its plumage is brown, and becomes white in winter. By winter, the partridge's legs are covered with feathers right up to the claws. This protects them from the cold and allows the partridge to walk on the snow without falling through. The white owl is a bird of prey. Her plumage is white all year round. It is dense and protects well from icy winds. The belly and legs have very thick, long feathers. Thanks to this, the owl can sit in the snow for a long time. A snowy owl hunts partridges. and especially on rodents lemmings. These small animals do not hibernate in winter and even breed offspring under the snow. The white owl is a bird of prey. Her plumage is white all year round. It is dense and protects well from icy winds. The belly and legs have very thick, long feathers. Thanks to this, the owl can sit in the snow for a long time. A snowy owl hunts partridges. and especially on rodents lemmings. These small animals do not hibernate in winter and even breed offspring under the snow.

The life of predatory animals, arctic foxes, largely depends on lemmings. Owls and Arctic foxes eat lemmings themselves and feed them to their offspring. In years when there are few lemmings, owls lay few eggs and arctic foxes give birth to few cubs. But when there are a lot of lemmings, the offspring of owls and arctic foxes are large and all the babies have enough food. The life of predatory animals, arctic foxes, largely depends on lemmings. Owls and Arctic foxes eat lemmings themselves and feed them to their offspring. In years when there are few lemmings, owls lay few eggs and arctic foxes give birth to few cubs. But when there are a lot of lemmings, the offspring of owls and arctic foxes are large and all the babies have enough food. Partridges and lemmings are also hunted by rare predatory bird the gyrfalcon, which, like the snowy owl, has beautiful white plumage. Partridges and lemmings are also hunted by the rare bird of prey, the gyrfalcon, which, like the snowy owl, has beautiful white plumage.

A wonderful inhabitant of the tundra is the wild reindeer. It has thick fur, wide cloven hooves... Reindeer live in herds: this makes it more convenient to get food, protect themselves from predators and even from the wind. Herds roam the tundra. By winter, for example, they move to more southern areas, where it is easier to feed. The deer are followed by wolves, who hunt sick animals that have strayed from the herd. A wonderful inhabitant of the tundra is the wild reindeer. It has thick fur, wide cloven hooves... Reindeer live in herds: this makes it more convenient to get food, protect themselves from predators and even from the wind. Herds roam the tundra. By winter, for example, they move to more southern areas, where it is easier to feed. The deer are followed by wolves, who hunt sick animals that have strayed from the herd.

Taimyr Nature Reserve. In northern Russia, on the Taimyr Peninsula, a large area of ​​tundra is under protection. In northern Russia, on the Taimyr Peninsula, a large area of ​​tundra is under protection. Among the inhabitants of the reserve are wild reindeer. In many other areas of the tundra they are no longer found. The musk oxen brought here are also doing well. Among the inhabitants of the reserve are wild reindeer. In many other areas of the tundra they are no longer found. The musk oxen brought here are also doing well. Rare birds, the red-breasted goose and the peregrine falcon, nest in the reserve. The red-breasted goose is a small goose. It differs from other geese in its bright colors. The goose swims and dives very well. This bird feeds mainly on herbaceous plants. Interestingly, geese often build nests not far from the nests of the peregrine falcon. This predator does not hunt near its nest and therefore does not touch the goose. But he protects her nest from arctic foxes... Rare birds, the red-breasted goose and the peregrine falcon, nest in the reserve. The red-breasted goose is a small goose. It differs from other geese in its bright colors. The goose swims and dives very well. This bird feeds mainly on herbaceous plants. Interestingly, geese often build nests not far from the nests of the peregrine falcon. This predator does not hunt near its nest and therefore does not touch the goose. But he protects her nest from arctic foxes...

Test “Tundra” 1. The tundra zone is located... 1. The tundra zone is located... a) north of the Arctic deserts; a) north of the Arctic deserts; b) south of the Arctic deserts. b) south of the Arctic deserts. 2. The tundra is located... 2. The tundra is located... a) on the plains; a) on the plains; b) at higher elevations; b) at higher elevations; c) in the mountains. c) in the mountains. 3. Tundra plants... 3. Tundra plants... a) tall with powerful roots and wide leaves; a) tall with powerful roots and wide leaves; b) low-growing with creeping roots and small leaves. b) low-growing with creeping roots and small leaves. 4. Tundra plants include... 4. Tundra plants include... a) camel thorn, saxaul, cactus; a) camel thorn, saxaul, cactus; b) cedar, aspen, palm; b) cedar, aspen, palm; c) dwarf willow, reindeer moss, blueberry. c) dwarf willow, reindeer moss, blueberry. 5. In the tundra they live... 5. In the tundra they live... a) seals, walruses, whales; a) seals, walruses, whales; b) Arctic foxes, lemmings, wolves; b) Arctic foxes, lemmings, wolves; c) camels, horses, cows. c) camels, horses, cows. 6.Indicate the correct food chain: 6.Indicate the correct food chain: a) plants - lemmings - snowy owls; a) plants - lemmings - snowy owls; b) mosquitoes, midges, polar partridges, arctic foxes; b) mosquitoes, midges, polar partridges, arctic foxes; c) gyrfalcon plants - wolves. c) gyrfalcon plants - wolves.

Forest zone Our country is often called a great forest power. Indeed, the forest zone occupies more than half of the territory of Russia. Our country is often called a great forest power. Indeed, the forest zone occupies more than half of the territory of Russia. The forest zone receives quite a lot of precipitation. Therefore, for the growth and development of plants, not only heat, but also moisture is sufficient. Soils in the forest zone are much richer in nutrients than in the tundra. The forest zone receives quite a lot of precipitation. Therefore, for the growth and development of plants, not only heat, but also moisture is sufficient. Soils in the forest zone are much richer in nutrients than in the tundra.

Taiga Plants Different trees require different amounts of heat, some less, others more. Coniferous trees (spruce, pine, larch, fir, cedar pine (often called simply cedar)) are less demanding of heat. They grow well in the northern part of the forest zone. These trees form coniferous taiga forests. Taiga occupies most of the forest zone. Summers in the taiga are much warmer than in the tundra, but winters are very cold. There is also permafrost here. True, in summer the surface of the earth thaws to a greater depth than in the tundra. This is very important for trees with their powerful roots.

Animals of the taiga The nutcracker is one of the most interesting taiga birds. For the winter, she stores pine nuts and pine pine seeds for herself in different places. She later doesn’t find some of these nuts. And they sprout in new places. The nutcracker is one of the most interesting taiga birds. For the winter, she stores pine nuts and pine pine seeds for herself in different places. She later doesn’t find some of these nuts. And they sprout in new places. This is how the nutcracker helps the cedar pine to reproduce and spread. This is how the nutcracker helps the cedar pine to reproduce and spread. A chipmunk is similar to a squirrel, but is almost half its size. Highly visible hallmark chipmunk has five dark stripes along its back. This animal deftly climbs trees and lives in a shallow hole under a fallen trunk or stump. The chipmunk feeds mainly on pine nuts and other seeds. In its burrow, it makes large reserves of food, which it eats in the spring, after hibernation. A chipmunk is similar to a squirrel, but is almost half its size. A clearly visible distinguishing feature of a chipmunk is five dark stripes along the back. This animal deftly climbs trees and lives in a shallow hole under a fallen trunk or stump. The chipmunk feeds mainly on pine nuts and other seeds. In its burrow, it makes large reserves of food, which it eats in the spring, after hibernation.

The flying squirrel is a relative of the squirrel, smaller in size. Unlike the flying squirrel, the flying squirrel can not only deftly jump from branch to branch, but also fly, or rather, glide over a considerable distance of up to meters! The role of its wings is covered with fur-covered skin folds between the front and hind legs. The flying squirrel is a relative of the squirrel, smaller in size. Unlike the flying squirrel, the flying squirrel can not only deftly jump from branch to branch, but also fly, or rather, glide over a considerable distance of up to meters! The role of its wings is covered with fur-covered skin folds between the front and hind legs. Sable is a predator. Its main prey is rodents. The sable prefers to live in the dark taiga, where spruce, fir, and cedar pine grow. Sables were once numerous. But because of their beautiful, expensive fur, they were almost completely destroyed. The creation of nature reserves helped save this wonderful animal. Sable is a predator. Its main prey is rodents. The sable prefers to live in the dark taiga, where spruce, fir, and cedar pine grow. Sables were once numerous. But because of their beautiful, expensive fur, they were almost completely destroyed. The creation of nature reserves helped save this wonderful animal.

Mixed and broad-leaved forests To the south of the taiga, winter is much milder. There is no permafrost here. These conditions are more favorable for deciduous trees. Therefore, to the south of the taiga there are mixed forests. Coniferous and deciduous trees seem to be mixed here. Broad-leaved forests spread even further south. They are formed by heat-loving trees with wide, large leaves. Such trees include oak, maple, linden, ash, and elm. These species are called broad-leaved, in contrast to small-leaved ones, which include birch and aspen.

Test “Natural forest zone” 1. The natural forest zone consists of... 1. The natural forest zone consists of... a) five parts; b) two parts; a) five parts; b) two parts; c) three parts; d) one part. c) three parts; d) one part. 2. The largest territory is occupied by... 2. The largest territory is occupied by... a) mixed forests; b) coniferous forests; a) mixed forests; b) coniferous forests; c) deciduous forests. c) deciduous forests. 3.The forest giant is called... 3.The forest giant is called... a) the red deer; a) red deer; b) elk; c) bear. b) elk; c) bear. 4. The following forest animals are listed in the Red Book: stripes: a) musk ox, walrus, pink gull; a) musk ox, walrus, pink gull; b) red-breasted goose, gyrfalcon, Siberian crane; b) red-breasted goose, gyrfalcon, Siberian crane; c) bison, Amur tiger, mandarin duck. c) bison, Amur tiger, mandarin duck. 5. The following forest zone animals are listed in the Red Book: 5. The following forest zone animals are listed in the Red Book: a) musk ox, walrus, pink gull; a) musk ox, walrus, pink gull; b) red-breasted goose, gyrfalcon, Siberian crane; b) red-breasted goose, gyrfalcon, Siberian crane; c) bison, Amur tiger, mandarin duck. c) bison, Amur tiger, mandarin duck.

Steppe zone Gradually the forest zone is replaced by a steppe zone. Gradually the forest zone is replaced by a steppe zone. The steppe zone has very warm, long, dry summers. Hot dry winds often blow. Sometimes they turn into dust storms. Rain is rare here. Usually they are torrential. The rain passes quickly, and most of the water, not having time to saturate the soil, flows in streams into the lowlands and evaporates. The steppe zone has very warm, long, dry summers. Hot dry winds often blow. Sometimes they turn into dust storms. Rain is rare here. Usually they are torrential. The rain passes quickly, and most of the water, not having time to saturate the soil, flows in streams into the lowlands and evaporates. The soils in the steppe zone are very fertile. The soils in the steppe zone are very fertile.

Plants of the steppes. The soils in the steppe zone are very fertile. A variety of herbaceous plants grow here. Some of them are tulip, irises bloom in the spring, before the summer heat sets in and there is enough moisture in the soil. This demonstrates their adaptability to life in the steppe. The steppe is very beautiful at the time of flowering. But soon their above-ground parts die off, leaving the soil with bulbs with a supply of nutrients until next spring. Other plants, feather grass and fescue, are differently adapted to steppe conditions and tolerate severe drought thanks to very narrow leaves that evaporate little moisture.

Animals of the steppes. The insects of the steppe zone are diverse. The insects of the steppe zone are diverse. There are especially many fillies and grasshoppers here; their loud chirping can be heard from everywhere. It is best to distinguish these insects by their antennae: the fillies have short antennae, while the grasshoppers have long antennae. The fillies feed on plant foods. Grasshoppers primarily eat small insects. Various butterflies, bees and bumblebees and other pollinating insects also live in the steppe zone. There are especially many fillies and grasshoppers here; their loud chirping can be heard from everywhere. It is best to distinguish these insects by their antennae: the fillies have short antennae, while the grasshoppers have long antennae. The fillies feed on plant foods. Grasshoppers primarily eat small insects. Various butterflies, bees and bumblebees and other pollinating insects also live in the steppe zone. Birds feed on plants and insects: steppe lark, gray partridge, demoiselle crane, bustard. Birds feed on plants and insects: steppe lark, gray partridge, demoiselle crane, bustard. The demoiselle is the smallest of the cranes. As the name suggests, this is a very beautiful bird. Especially remarkable are the tufts of long white feathers on the sides of the head. The bustard is one of the largest birds in our country; it is called the steppe giant. She flies quite well, but runs even better on her long, strong legs. The demoiselle is the smallest of the cranes. As the name suggests, this is a very beautiful bird. Especially remarkable are the tufts of long white feathers on the sides of the head. The bustard is one of the largest birds in our country; it is called the steppe giant. She flies quite well, but runs even better on her long, strong legs.

In the steppe zone there are many rodents, for example. In the steppe zone there are many rodents, for example gophers, hamsters. The steppe is an open place. Therefore, rodents can only hide from the heat and from predators in burrows. gophers, hamsters. The steppe is an open place. Therefore, rodents can only hide from the heat and from predators in burrows. Birds of prey and animals feed on rodents. A very large bird of prey, up to 2 meters in wingspan, the steppe eagle is a real decoration of nature! The steppe ferret, the most dexterous predator, is encountered quite often. It eats many rodents. Birds of prey and animals feed on rodents. A very large bird of prey, up to 2 meters in wingspan, the steppe eagle is a real decoration of nature! The steppe ferret, the most dexterous predator, is encountered quite often. It eats many rodents. Reptiles also live in the steppe zone. Lizards feed on insects, and the steppe viper eats rodents. Reptiles also live in the steppe zone. Lizards feed on insects, and the steppe viper eats rodents.

Test “Steppe zone” 1. The steppe zone is located in... our country: 1. The steppe zone is located in... our country: a) north; b) east; c) south. a) north; b) east; c) south. 2. On the map of natural zones, the steppe zone is shaded... in color: 2. On the map of natural zones, the steppe zone is shaded... in color: a) pink; b) green; a) pink; b) green; c) yellow; d) brown. c) yellow; d) brown. 3. Steppe birds include... 3. Steppe birds include... a) white cranes, red-breasted geese, pink gulls; a) white cranes, red-breasted geese, pink gulls; b) hawks, nutcrackers, jays; b) hawks, nutcrackers, jays; c) demoiselle cranes, bustards, kestrels. c) demoiselle cranes, bustards, kestrels. 4. Steppe plants are characterized by:... 4. Steppe plants are characterized by:... a) creeping roots, large leaves; a) creeping roots, large leaves; b) long roots, fleshy stems, thorny leaves b) long roots, fleshy stems, thorny leaves c) bulbous roots or tufts, narrow thin leaves or thick fleshy stems and the same leaves. c) roots-bulbs or tufts, narrow thin leaves or thick fleshy stems and the same leaves. 5. In the steppe, due to the fault of man, the following appeared 5. In the steppe, due to the fault of man, the following appeared ecological problems:... environmental problems:... a) logging, pollution by household waste, poaching, a) logging, pollution by household waste, poaching, unlimited logging; unlimited timber harvesting; b) surface contamination with oil, poaching, unlimited b) surface contamination with oil, poaching, unlimited deer grazing. deer grazing.

Desert zone In Russia, deserts occupy a small area along the shores of the Caspian Sea, to the west and east of the lower reaches of the Volga. Much more extensive are the semi-deserts, which are located between the steppe and the real desert. Summer in the desert is very hot. The surface of the earth heats up to 70° during the day, and the temperature in the shade rises above 40°. True, the nights are cool because the sand and clay cool quickly. In Russia, deserts occupy a small area along the shores of the Caspian Sea, west and east of the lower Volga. Much more extensive are the semi-deserts, which are located between the steppe and the real desert. Summer in the desert is very hot. The surface of the earth heats up to 70° during the day, and the temperature in the shade rises above 40°. True, the nights are cool because the sand and clay cool quickly. A person who has been in the desert begins to especially appreciate water. No other natural area receives as little rainfall as here. Sometimes there is not a drop of rain all summer! A person who has been in the desert begins to especially appreciate water. No other natural area receives as little rainfall as here. Sometimes there is not a drop of rain all summer!

Desert Plants One of the most famous desert plants is the camel thorn. Its roots penetrate to a depth of almost 20 meters and extract water from there. Therefore, all summer, even in the most intense heat, the camel thorn is bright green. It is really prickly, but despite this, camels readily eat it. This explains the name of the plant. One of the most famous desert plants is camel thorn. Its roots penetrate to a depth of almost 20 meters and extract water from there. Therefore, all summer, even in the most intense heat, the camel thorn is bright green. It is really prickly, but despite this, camels readily eat it. This explains the name of the plant. A very valuable desert plant is the grate. Its roots secure the sand well and prevent it from moving under the influence of the wind. A very valuable desert plant is the grate. Its roots secure the sand well and prevent it from moving under the influence of the wind. The same “work” is performed in the desert by juzgun. It is interesting that in this shrub the role of leaves is played by green twigs. Juzgun fruits are very light and are also equipped with special growths. Thanks to this, the wind carries them across the sand over long distances. The same “work” is performed in the desert by juzgun. It is interesting that in this shrub the role of leaves is played by green twigs. Juzgun fruits are very light and are also equipped with special growths. Thanks to this, the wind carries them across the sand over long distances.

Desert Animals Each desert animal is interesting in its own way. Here, for example, are jerboas. The hind legs of these rodents are long and strong. With their help, jerboas jump. And how! They can jump up to 3 meters. This is 20 times the length of the animal’s body! The long tail helps it maintain balance, especially during sharp turns. Each desert animal is interesting in its own way. Here, for example, are jerboas. The hind legs of these rodents are long and strong. With their help, jerboas jump. And how! They can jump up to 3 meters. This is 20 times the length of the animal’s body! The long tail helps it maintain balance, especially during sharp turns. Common desert inhabitants are gerbils. These rodents dig complex, branched burrows and live in them in groups. Common desert inhabitants are gerbils. These rodents dig complex, branched burrows and live in them in groups. In the desert there are long-eared hedgehogs and small corsac foxes. Of the larger animals, saigas are remarkable. They live in herds, wandering in search of food and water. They can run fast at speeds of up to 80 kilometers per hour! In the desert there are long-eared hedgehogs and small corsac foxes. Of the larger animals, saigas are remarkable. They live in herds, wandering in search of food and water. They can run fast at speeds of up to 80 kilometers per hour!

There are many reptiles in the desert, for example, the sand boa, the round-headed lizard, and the foot-and-mouth disease. The round-headed lizard is very interesting. She is capable of burying herself in the sand almost instantly in a moment of danger. The adaptation of desert animals to living conditions is noticeable not only in their appearance, but also in their behavior. During the day, many animals hide in holes or bury themselves in the sand, and at night they go in search of food. Those animals that do feed during the day usually stay in those plants. Desert animals can go for long periods without water. And some don't drink at all. The moisture they get by eating plants is enough for them.

Reserve "Black Lands" Reserve "Black Lands" This area in the Republic of Kalmykia has long been called "Black Lands", because in winter there is no snow here and the area really looks black. In addition, there is a lot of wormwood with dark branches growing here, which adds blackness to the landscape. The reserve was created on these lands in 1990. In the Black Earth Nature Reserve there are areas of semi-deserts, deserts, as well as the beautiful Lake Manych-Gudilo. All sorts of animals you can see here! These include demoiselle crane, bustard, saiga antelope, long-eared hedgehog, jerboa, and corsac fox. The already familiar reptiles, the sand boa and the round-headed lizard, are found here... And the lake is home to waterfowl: swans, geese, ducks. This area in the Republic of Kalmykia has long been called “Black Lands” because in winter there is no snow here and the area really looks black. In addition, there is a lot of wormwood with dark branches growing here, which adds blackness to the landscape. The reserve was created on these lands in 1990. In the Black Earth Nature Reserve there are areas of semi-deserts, deserts, as well as the beautiful Lake Manych-Gudilo. All sorts of animals you can see here! These include demoiselle crane, bustard, saiga antelope, long-eared hedgehog, jerboa, and corsac fox. The already familiar reptiles, the sand boa and the round-headed lizard, are found here... And the lake is home to waterfowl: swans, geese, ducks.

Test “Deserts” 1. In the desert In the desert... a) hot, long summers and cool, short winters; a) hot, long summers and cool, short winters; b) short, cool summers and long, harsh winters; b) short, cool summers and long, harsh winters; c) all four seasons stand out clearly. c) all four seasons stand out clearly. 2.In the desert... 2.In the desert... a) a large amount of precipitation falls in the form of rain and snow; a) a large amount of precipitation falls in the form of rain and snow; b) there is little precipitation; b) there is little precipitation; c) most often there is no precipitation. c) most often there is no precipitation. 3. Desert plants... 3. Desert plants... a) tall, broad-leaved; a) tall, broad-leaved; b) low, with narrow leaves and bulbous roots; b) low, with narrow leaves and bulbous roots; c) low, with narrow thin leaves and long roots. c) low, with narrow thin leaves and long roots. 4. Animals of the desert... 4. Animals of the desert... a) mostly small, short, have a protective yellow color, move quickly, and are more often nocturnal; a) mostly small, short, have a protective yellow color, move quickly, and are more often nocturnal; b) large, have a subcutaneous layer of fat and thick, long fur; b) large, have a subcutaneous layer of fat and thick, long fur; c) mainly short animals (rodents) and birds. c) mainly short animals (rodents) and birds. 5. Desert plants include: 5. Desert plants include: a) feather grass, wormwood, tulip; a) feather grass, wormwood, tulip; b) cloudberries, lingonberries, blueberries; b) cloudberries, lingonberries, blueberries; c) grate, solyanka, juzgun. c) grate, solyanka, juzgun.

Subtropical zone NATURE OF THE BLACK SEA COAST OF THE CAUCASUS The nature of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus is amazing, unlike the nature of other places in our country. The nature of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus is amazing and unlike the nature of other places in our country. Once here, you immediately feel that you are in the warm south. There is a subtropical zone here, stretching in a narrow strip along the Black Sea coast. Translated from Latin language"sub" means "under". “Subtropical” means “located below the tropics,” that is, near the tropical zone. The main part of the subtropical zone lies to the south of our country, and it kind of “looks in” to us and gives us a real miracle of southern nature. Once here, you immediately feel that you are in the warm south. There is a subtropical zone here, stretching in a narrow strip along the Black Sea coast. Translated from Latin, “sub” means “under.” “Subtropical” means “located below the tropics,” that is, near the tropical zone. The main part of the subtropical zone lies to the south of our country, and it kind of “looks in” to us and gives us a real miracle of southern nature. There are moderately hot summers and warm winters. In winter it rains, and if snow falls, it melts quickly. Why are winters so warm here? Thanks to the sea and mountains. The sea heats up during the summer, and in winter it gives off its heat to the air. The mountains do not allow cold northern winds to pass here. There are moderately hot summers and warm winters. In winter it rains, and if snow falls, it melts quickly. Why are winters so warm here? Thanks to the sea and mountains. The sea heats up during the summer, and in winter it gives off its heat to the air. The mountains do not allow cold northern winds to pass here.

Plants of the subtropics. Soils Black Sea coast The Caucasus is fertile and the vegetation is rich. In the forests on the mountain slopes there grow broad-leaved trees: oak, beech, and real chestnut. In parks and on city streets, people grow beautiful plants brought from different warm countries: cypresses, magnolias, palms. These plants remain green all year round. The soils of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus are fertile and the vegetation is rich. In the forests on the mountain slopes there grow broad-leaved trees: oak, beech, and real chestnut. In parks and on city streets, people grow beautiful plants brought from different warm countries: cypresses, magnolias, palms. These plants remain green all year round. Walnuts, figs, apricots, and peaches ripen in the gardens. Walnuts, figs, apricots, and peaches ripen in the gardens.

Fauna of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. The insects of these places are beautiful. From afar you can hear the loud chirping of cicadas sitting on a branch (they feed on plant sap). Among the green leaves, the insects of these places are beautiful. From afar you can hear the loud chirping of cicadas sitting on a branch (they feed on plant sap). Among the green leaves lurks a predatory mantis, waiting for prey of flies and other insects. Hiding under the stones is a rare large beetle, the Caucasian ground beetle, which feeds on snails. Occasionally, the amazingly beautiful oleander hawk moth butterfly is found. There are many other beautiful butterflies. Of the large animals, let's name the roe deer living in the forests. a predatory mantis is hiding, waiting for prey of flies and other insects. Hiding under the stones is a rare large beetle, the Caucasian ground beetle, which feeds on snails. Occasionally, the amazingly beautiful oleander hawk moth butterfly is found. There are many other beautiful butterflies. Of the large animals, let's name the roe deer living in the forests.

Test “Black Sea coast of the Caucasus” 1. The subtropics of Russia are... 1. The subtropics of Russia are... a) a vast zone in the center of the country; a) a vast area in the center of the country; b) a vast area in the east of the country; b) a vast area in the east of the country; c) a small zone on the coast of the northern seas; c) a small zone on the coast of the northern seas; d) a small area on the Black Sea coast. d) a small area on the Black Sea coast. 2. On the slopes of mountains in the subtropics the following trees are often found: 2. On the slopes of mountains in the subtropics the following trees are often found: a) beech, chestnut; a) beech, chestnut; b) spruce, pine; b) spruce, pine; c) alder, linden. c) alder, linden. 3. On the Black Sea coast live: 3. On the Black Sea coast live: a) bees, mosquitoes, midges; a) bees, mosquitoes, midges; b) cicadas, mantises, oleander hawk moths; b) cicadas, mantises, oleander hawk moths; c) bumblebees, fillies, darkling beetles. c) bumblebees, fillies, darkling beetles. 4. In the Black Sea off the coast live: 4. In the Black Sea off the coast live: a) whales, sea turtles, seals; a) whales, sea turtles, seals; b) jellyfish, crabs, seahorses; b) jellyfish, crabs, seahorses; c) crocodiles, anacondas, seals. c) crocodiles, anacondas, seals. 5. In parks and on the streets of cities on the Black Sea coast the following are grown: 5. In parks and on the streets of cities on the Black Sea coast they grow: a) cypresses, palm trees, magnolias; a) cypress trees, palm trees, magnolias; b) linden, juzgun, poppies; b) linden, juzgun, poppies; c) wormwood, fescue, spruce. c) wormwood, fescue, spruce.

Municipal budgetary general education

institution Gazimuro-Zavodskaya

high school

Development of a lesson project on the surrounding world

in 4b grade.

« Natural zones Russia ».

Designed by:

Primary teacher

classes Elgina E.V.

S. Gazimursky Plant

year 2013

Development of a lesson on the surrounding world in grade 4b.

Teacher: Elgina E.V.

Lesson type:lesson project.

Lesson topic: “Generalization and systematization of knowledge on the topic “Natural zones of Russia.” Project protection.Objective of the project: Based on the study of natural areas, create a visual aid for junior schoolchildren on the topic “Natural areas of Russia. »Tasks: Educational:

    Summarize and systematize the material on the topic “Natural areas”

    To develop knowledge about climatic conditions, characteristic plants and animals, people’s occupations and the peculiarities of their life in natural areas of Russia.


    Develop the ability to reason and prove your opinion.

    Develop cognitive interest, the desire for independent search for knowledge.

    Develop ecological, rational-logical and emotional-imaginative thinking.


    Develop communication skills.

    Foster a sense of belonging and personal responsibility for what is happening around.

    To cultivate an understanding of the beauty and wisdom of nature, a sense of pride in one’s native land.

The role of the project in educational process:

    Ensuring a close relationship between the educational and educational processes;

    A combination of collective and individual forms of work;

    Formation of research skills and the ability to plan your activities.

Student age: 4th grade.Time to work on the project: 4,5,6 lessons in the 3rd quarter.Equipment:

    Sources of information for each student;

    Reference books for teachers;

    Route sheet for each student;

    Personal observations of students;

    Group projects.

Predicted results: The student will know:

    Climatic features of natural zones of Russia.

    Flora and fauna of natural zones.

The student will be able to:

    Work with additional literature.

    Work in a group.

    Document the results of your activities according to the plan and be able to present them.

    Create educational - Toolkit in natural areas.

The student will cultivate in himself:





Criteria for distribution of roles in the group: (students are divided into 7 groups at will, according to zones: Arctic, tundra, taiga, mixed forests, steppes, deserts, humid subtropics).

The children decide for themselves who in the group prepares an essay about a natural area, who brings pictures of plants in this area, and who brings pictures of animals.

Stages of work on the project

"Natural areas of Russia"



Stage 1. Development of the project concept.

Formulates an idea about the project that arose when considering the zone map, an initial conversation with students, based on personal observations.

Accept and discuss the teacher's proposal.

Stage 2. Project implementation.

Invites the class to divide into 7 groups (based on interests).

Divided into 7 groups as desired.

Distributes responsibilities between groups. Invites each student to prepare information on a chosen topic. Plans the group's activities: collecting information in the literature, the Internet.

Assign roles. They are planning work. Draw up a product design plan.

Helps with completing work.

Formalize the work.

Consultation as needed: what information to exclude or add.

Each student performs work according to his role.

Controls (observes, records the work of the group).

Consultations are provided as needed.

Shows how to correctly select the main thing from the literature and format the work.

Find missing information.

Assists students in preparing visual aids.

Select and paste visuals in accordance with their topic.

3 – stage. Project protection.

Accepts the report. Summarizes the results of the group's work. Summarizes the training. Evaluates the group's work.

Demonstrates the ability to plan and carry out work. Show the product of the group's activities. Ask questions about the activities of the other group.

For work on the project, two marks are given: for collective activity on the topic and for presentation.Evaluation criteria:

    The quality of work on the topic;

    Independence in working on a project;

    Artistry and expressiveness of performance;

    Ability to answer questions;

results project activities: a visual aid on the surrounding world “Natural Zones of Russia” was created;

Students use general academic skills and abilities, but at a new productive, exploratory level: working with reference literature, formatting a message according to a plan, public speaking.



carrying out





Educational and



Formed UUD

Stage 1. Organizing time.

Target: activation of students.

Formulate rules of behavior in the classroom andargue their.

Tune children to work.

Let's go on a journey through the zones of Russia.

Communicative UUD.

Stage 2. Updating knowledge.

Explain the purpose of the work done.

Turn on students in discussions on this topic.

Today we will hear a lot of new and interesting things.

Stage 3.

Project protection

(by groups).

Speak by groups. Listen to your comrades, ask questions.

Organize work.

Communicative UUD.

Personal UUD.

Cognitive UUD,

Stage 4.

Lesson summary.

Reflection. Target: summarize the work done.

Speak with your opinion on the performances of the groups.Execute self-assessment of your work.

Organize final work.

Communicative UUD.

Personal UUD.

Regulatory UUD.

Note: Electronic version short message about natural areas was done by the teacher, since it is not practical to scan abstracts. They are in the student’s portfolio and can be viewed if necessary.

See the work itself in the APPENDIX.


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Mixed forest zone Climate Winter here is less severe than in the taiga zone. Summer is long and warm: the average temperature in July is 18-20°C. This is what favors the growth of broad-leaved trees. However, the climate is quite humid. The annual precipitation is at least 600-800 mm.

Flora The forests are formed by oak, maple, linden, ash, hazel, etc. Coniferous species include spruce and pine. Under the influence of human activity, forest areas and the composition of tree species have changed. In place of coniferous-deciduous forests, birch, aspen and shrubs are common.

Fauna Complex plant communities contribute to the formation of a diverse animal world. The bison, elk, wild boar, wolf, pine marten, dormouse, an ancient and rare species of this zone, the muskrat, etc. live here; of birds - oriole, grosbeak, green and middle woodpeckers, etc.

The population of the zone has long been developed by man. To preserve taiga and coniferous-deciduous forest complexes, nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries and national parks have been created in Russia.

Forest-steppe and steppe Climate The climate of the steppes is continental. Summer is long and hot. The average temperature in July is +22 ... +23.5°C. The weather is dry and sunny. Frequent dry winds lead to prolonged drought and drying up of local rivers. Strong winds carry a lot of dust. Winter is quite cold, with frosts of -20... -30°C.

Flora At this time, the steppes are covered with a bright carpet of tulips, irises and other perennials. From north to south, the mixed-grass steppe is replaced by cereal, fescue-feather grass, and even further south by wormwood. The vegetation of the steppes consists of various grasses that can tolerate drought. In spring, life begins to flourish, ephemeral plants begin to flower and bear fruit.

Fauna In the steppes, the fauna was formed by herbivorous species, various rodents, insectivorous and granivorous birds, as well as birds of prey and animals.

Population The steppe is the most developed by humans; it is the main agricultural zone. Large agricultural enterprises, industrial centers were created in the steppes, transport was developed, large dams, reservoirs and canals were built on the rivers - Volga, Don and others - to irrigate fields. The entire territory is covered by protective afforestation.

Semi-desert and desert zones Climate The desert and semi-desert zone is characterized by scarcity of precipitation. Summers are mostly cloudless and hot. The average July temperature in semi-deserts is +24... +26°С, and in deserts +26... +30°С. Winter is quite harsh compared to summer. The average January temperature in semi-deserts is -20... - -25°C, in deserts -12... -16°C.

Flora Fescue, thin-legged feather grass, feather grass, and wheatgrass grow here; salt licks are covered with blue-green algae. In the north, the plants are dominated by cereals with an admixture of wormwood. To the south, wormwood begins to predominate, the area of ​​saltworts and ephemerals increases; the vegetation cover becomes more sparse.

Fauna Among the animals in semi-deserts and deserts there are many rodents - jerboas, gophers, brown hare, gerbils are abundant in the sands. Predators include wolf, fox, badger, ferret; The most common birds are the sajja, the lapwing, and the larks; of reptiles: round-headed lizards, boa constrictor, foot-and-mouth disease, snakes - copperhead and arrowhead.

Population Most of the semi-desert and desert lands are used for grazing livestock, especially sheep.

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