A student’s academic debt is an administrative aspect. Academic debt of a student - administrative aspect Students with academic debt have the right to take intermediate

1. Mastering the educational program (with the exception of the educational program preschool education), including a separate part or the entire volume of an academic subject, course, discipline (module) of an educational program, is accompanied by an intermediate certification of students, carried out in the forms determined by the curriculum and in the manner established by the educational organization.

2. Unsatisfactory results of the intermediate certification in one or more academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) of the educational program or failure to pass the intermediate certification in the absence of valid reasons are recognized as academic debt.

3. Students are required to eliminate academic debt.

4. Educational organizations, parents (legal representatives) of a minor student, ensuring that the student receives general education in the shape of family education, are obliged to create conditions for the student to eliminate academic debt and ensure control over the timeliness of its elimination.

5. Students with academic debt have the right to pass intermediate certification in the relevant academic subject, course, discipline (module) no more than twice within the time frame determined by the organization carrying out educational activities, within one year from the date of formation of academic debt. This period does not include the student’s illness, academic leave or maternity leave.

6. To conduct intermediate certification for the second time, the educational organization creates a commission.

7. It is not allowed to charge students for passing intermediate certification.

8. Students who have not passed the intermediate certification for valid reasons or who have academic debt are conditionally transferred to the next grade or to the next course.

9. Students studying in an educational organization educational programs primary general, basic general and secondary general education, who have not eliminated their academic debt from the moment of its formation within the established time frame, at the discretion of their parents (legal representatives), are left for re-education, transferred to training in adapted educational programs in accordance with the recommendations of psychological and medical pedagogical commission or for individual training curriculum.

10. Students in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education in the form of family education, who have not eliminated their academic debt within the established time frame, continue to receive education in an educational organization.

11. Students in basic professional educational programs who have not eliminated their academic debt within the established time frame are expelled from this organization as having failed to fulfill their obligations to conscientiously master the educational program and implement the curriculum.

The school year is ending. It may happen that some students develop academic debt. In the articles “”, “” on our blog we have already talked about the solution of these issues by parents of students. However, the school administration also faces many problems in this regard.

It should be noted that work with students with academic debt and their parents is built in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273 “On Education in Russian Federation"(hereinafter - the Law on Education), by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated January 22, 2014 No. 32 "On approval of the Procedure for admitting citizens to study in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education" (hereinafter - order No. 32).

Guided by these documents, the school administration:

1.Creates conditions for the student to eliminate academic debt and ensures control over the timeliness of its elimination.

2. Develops, adopts and approves local acts in the prescribed manner:

  • Regulations on conducting intermediate certification of students and ongoing monitoring of their progress;
  • Regulations on training according to an individual curriculum;
  • Regulations on training in adapted programs (if such training is organized at school).

Local acts must be posted on the school website, and parents must be familiarized with them upon signature.

Issues of intermediate certification and conditional transfer must be reflected in the charter and curriculum of the school.

Note. The procedure for the development, adoption and approval of local acts of the school is established by its Charter.

Conditions for eliminating debt may include additional classes, individual consultations for the student, as well as individual work with a psychologist or social educator.

2. Maintains documentation of academic debt at school. It uses only the terms and concepts established by the Education Law.

3. To work with conditionally transferred students:

  • determines the forms of eliminating academic debt;
  • identifies teachers who help students eliminate debt and who organize classes to master curriculum the relevant subject in full;
  • draws up a consultation schedule;
  • determines the timing of the intermediate certification;
  • determines, if re-certification is necessary, the composition of the commission and its work schedule;
  • issues relevant administrative acts;
  • maintains the required documentation;
  • informs parents and students about the organization of work with students to eliminate academic debt and about the consequences of a conditional transfer.

Note. The concept of “conditional transfer” to the next grade does not apply to students in grades 1, 4, 9 and 11.

Charging fees from students for passing intermediate certification is not allowed.

As stated in the Commentary of the All-Russian Trade Union of Education to the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science dated December 22, 2014 No. 1601 and May 11, 2016 No. 536, for teachers according to qualification characteristics job responsibilities are not limited only to carrying out educational (teaching) work, as in a number of cases these workers groundlessly believe, claiming that they receive wages only for hours of teaching workload.

The work of a teacher with students according to an individual curriculum, accelerated courses within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard, and the implementation of control and evaluation activities in accordance with his qualification characteristics (Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated August 26, 2010 N 761n) are included in his job responsibilities.

If a conditionally transferred student has not passed the intermediate certification

In this case, the school administration informs parents and offers them to make a choice, as provided for by the Education Law, from the following options: re-education, transfer to adapted education general education programs in accordance with the recommendations of the Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission (PMPC), training according to an individual curriculum. Parents must confirm their consent in writing.

If parents have not made a choice from the proposed options

In this case, the school administration can carry out the following work:

  • record the fact that the student has academic debt;
  • familiarize parents and students with the results of the interim certification against parental signature;
  • draw up an act in any form.

It is also possible to make video or audio recordings of a meeting or meeting with parents, having previously warned them that the recordings will be attached to the minutes.

The school administration has the right to transfer information about parents’ evasion of their responsibilities to the Commission on Minors’ Affairs and the Protection of Their Rights (hereinafter referred to as the KDN) for making a decision regarding such parents.

On this legal mechanisms The influence of the school administration on parents is exhausted.

Note: An application to the KDN is possible if the school can provide documented facts confirming the parents’ evasion of their responsibilities to educate the child.

When working with parents, you should use only those legal mechanisms that are provided for by law.

Parents' refusal to take any action if their child has academic debt at school is not grounds for limiting their parental rights.


Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” N 273-FZ of December 29, 2012, as amended in 2016, 2017: http://zakon-ob-obrazovanii.ru/

Local model normative act“Regulations on conducting intermediate certification of students and ongoing monitoring of their progress”:

Materials from the site “Education Manager” http://www.menobr.ru/

Also on the blog

Academic debt of a student - administrative aspect: 100 comments

    Good afternoon.
    Please tell me, what if the child fails to complete his academic work and the school, even at the request of the parents, does not want to go to IPU and we do not want the child to stay for another year, what should the parents do? The school doesn’t want to meet us halfway, it hasn’t scheduled any consultations or topics for passing (the child must go to the 8th grade), it turns out that if the IPU is not the responsibility of the school, but a flood, then in the first case the child will remain in the second year, if not will hand over the debt. Thank you

    Hello. I have academic debt. Probationally transferred to 8th grade. I want to move to another school. Is it possible to correct academic debt there?

    Good afternoon.
    Please tell me, my child has academic debt. As a legal parent, I signed a document at the end of the year stating that my child was not certified for the year in such and such subjects. Throughout September I tried to figure out the schedule for the subjects, because... retake in October, as a result, on October 3, the retake schedule was written in the child’s diary with a pen, and already on October 4, the first subject, subsequent subjects the following week one after another, with consultations only half an hour before the retake. When I tried to find out what topics I needed to prepare for, I was told that for each subject I had to prepare for the entire previous academic year. I found out that at the end of the previous year, the school, as a legal representative (parent), was obliged to notify me in writing that my child was conditionally transferred to the next grade with academic debt in such and such subjects, signed by me. They also had to give me a list of topics on academic debt subjects for the summer, because... The child did not have unsatisfactory grades on all topics, and all this was from each teacher, and all this must be certified by the head teacher of education. Also, I, as the legal representative (parent), draw up a schedule for retaking this academic debt, and not the school. I also have the right to write a complaint to the school director about the rules for violating academic debt and violation of the rights of the child, and demand a written schedule of debt topics in subjects within 3 days, and extend the retake period. Is it really? Thank you.

    • Good afternoon, Irina! You are partially right. By this issue You should be guided by Article 58 of the Federal Law on Education, according to which:
      1. Students who have not passed the intermediate certification for good reasons or who have academic debt are conditionally transferred to the next grade or to the next course.
      2. Students are required to eliminate academic debt. At the same time, they have the right to undergo intermediate certification no more than two times within the time frame determined by the organization carrying out educational activities, within one year from the date of formation of academic debt. This period does not include the student’s illness, academic leave or maternity leave.
      To conduct intermediate certification for the second time, the educational organization creates a commission.
      3. Students who have not eliminated academic debt within the established time frame from the moment of its formation, at the discretion of their parents (legal representatives), are retained for re-education, transferred to training in adapted educational programs in accordance with the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, or to training in individual curriculum.
      Note.1. The organization and conduct of intermediate certification, the procedure for transferring from class to class are regulated by local acts of the school, with which parents must be familiarized with signature. These local acts can be found on the school website.
      2. Conditional transfer, the schedule for conducting intermediate certification is formalized by an administrative act of the school director. You must also be familiar with these documents against signature.
      3.You can appeal in writing to the school director and receive a response within a month.

      How smart you all are... write complaints... And during educational process, it’s not fate, keep an eye on the child and prevent such situations... Who is to blame? A?

    Hello! Please tell me, my child was transferred to 4th grade conditionally in two subjects: environment and mathematics, if we don’t eliminate it, the school is obliged to keep the child for the second year, it seems to be the teacher

    If a child did not liquidate the debt in 3rd grade and the parents decided to transfer him to another school after the second attempt at liquidation, will he end up in 3rd grade or 2nd?

    Hello! Tell me, please, my child, studying 10th grade, has formed an academic degree. debt for the 1st half of the 2017-2018 academic year. year due to very frequent absences due to illness. Should the school organize additional classes with your son to help him learn lost knowledge? and what to do with the fact that he does not understand anything in the current lessons with the class, because... missed a lot of past material? Please advise what is the best way to proceed?

    Hello, a 3rd grade student is not certified in the subject “music” (no missed lessons, two grades “3”), they did not warn us about the emerging situation, they presented us with a fait accompli about academic debt... they do not give grades in the diary, claiming that there is no time for this...it’s not possible to track your progress on your own, I don’t have access to an electronic diary (I’m not equipped). How to fix it this situation, the child was told to “look for a teacher and if she finds time for him” How can I monitor my progress at school and getting a sufficient number of grades in subjects? Is this also the responsibility of parents? I would be grateful for help in this problem

    Hello, my son in the 10th grade got 3 bad marks in the first half of the year.
    And I want to know if in the next six months he will correct these subjects and receive satisfactory grades for
    A year, then does he need to submit his academic debt?

    Good day! My son, studying 10th grade. , in the 1st half of the year, I missed 85% of school hours due to illness (certificates of illness are available), were treated at home, not in the hospital (frequent ARVI and complications). At the end of the half-year, academician. debt in 5 subjects. The administration has drawn up a debt repayment schedule. from 15 Jan. until February 15 (1 month). In addition, the school administrator is transferring our case to the commission on juvenile affairs, citing the fact that I am depriving him of the right to education without transferring him to home schooling. Having learned this, I submitted an application for transfer to training according to an individual curriculum, attaching a medical certificate recommending this form of training. Question: are the actions of the administrator legal? schools? Do I have the right to demand that classes be held at school and not at our home (for the purpose of socializing the child, since he almost never leaves the house)? Should the school, at my request, extend the deadline for submitting the debt if my son does not make it in 1 month (according to the law, the period is up to 1 year)? Thanks in advance.

    Good afternoon Please help me deal with the following situation. A child in 3rd grade did not pass the intermediate assessment (hereinafter referred to as PA) in many subjects, since the child has an intellectual disability. Conditionally moved to 4th grade. Before the new year, he tried twice to liquidate the resulting debt, but was unable to. In January, parents were invited to attend the Republican PMPK. At the end of February they passed a commission where they were given a conclusion that the child was being transferred to correctional school from next school year. In which grade should this child graduate in the current school year and in what program?
    I would be very grateful if you could help clarify the current situation!

    Good afternoon The child had academic debt for the second module (January), the debt was closed long ago, the teacher’s report was handed over to the school administration! But the debt in electronic diary still listed.
    When, administration educational institution(schools), is obliged to correct data on debts in the electronic diary?

    Good afternoon, please tell me, the child has a debt in mathematics for the 3rd grade, he is now finishing the 4th. In March, on the recommendation of the school, we received a conclusion from the PMPK, it was recommended to transfer to an adaptive basic education. program primary education students with disabilities
    The child has residual symptoms of dyslexia and dyscalculia.
    The school has not yet developed a program and the conditions have not been created.
    SHOULD WE hand over the debt for the 3rd grade, correct the failures based on the results of the 4th grade, in order to transfer to the 5th grade, provided that instead of handing over the debt we chose the option of adapted education.
    A neurologist, psychologist, and teachers who are observing the child recommend transferring him to 5th grade to preserve his psycho-emotional state.
    The school insists on certification, leave for the second year in 3 or 4 grades.
    and also suggests choosing another school so as not to have to deal with the adaptive program.
    Thank you.

    Hello! The child is in 7th grade. According to the literature, I passed the intermediate assessment with a “2”. I (as a mother) approached the teacher to ask when I could retake it. The teacher replied that the administration would allow it. Most likely in the fall. After this, it turned out that the teacher allowed some children from this class to retake the test. When I asked the teacher why some students passed, but my child was denied a retake. The teacher replied that it is not the parents who should come up and ask for a retake, but the child. What to do? Where's the justice?

    In the electronic diary for the subject there were only current grades received during the quarter, and a few days ago the grades miraculously changed for the worse. What to do?

    The daughter studied in the 7th grade of Russian Goths from September to April, and then the family went abroad. The school administration promised to complete her education remotely until the end of the year. We were sent assignments by mail, she wrote them down and sent them off. At the end of the year you have to pass two exams in Russian and geography. My daughter won’t be able to fly. They write to us that personal presence is necessary. As a result, the class teacher sends a notification
    :From August 27 to August 31 you come to school to take exams in Russian and geography. Masha leaves for the summer with academic debt in Russian, geography and geometry.
    What should I do? She definitely won’t fly in August either. He will study in another country and finish school not in Russia either. It’s not at all clear what to do in this situation?

    Hello! Is failing a final test considered academic debt if the grade is satisfactory for the year?

    Good afternoon. My son is in 7th grade. On May 15 he broke his leg. He will be in a cast until mid-June and then on crutches for another 2 weeks. I immediately contacted the school to resolve the issue of final certifications. The head teacher assured me that the final grades will be assigned not based on current grades. And indeed, already in the morning of 05/30/2018, the electronic diary showed 15 quarter papers out of 17, certification and final (there is a scan from the website about the date and grades), and in the evening the class teacher called and informed that the child needs to write all certification papers in all subjects , so the director will create a plan for the daily delivery of work for June.
    I have questions: 1. how many final certification papers can there be in the 7th grade (I doubt that all 17 subjects); 2. If the electronic diary has already displayed the final and exam papers(which the child did not pass!), what legal force will the “works off” have?
    We just live on the 3rd floor without an elevator, in a school classrooms located on 2-3 floors and also without an elevator. And you also have to somehow get from the road to school on crutches.

    Hello. Is it possible to pay off quarterly and annual debts not at the school, but at another institution and provide documents on the payment of debt?

    So you always answer that the child can be transferred to an adaptive program, by decision of the commission, in our case, the commission decided that the child is simply lazy and there is no adaptive program for him, and he has a yearly pass in 4 subjects. And parents are against re-education. What should the school do?

    A graduate of 11th grade was not allowed to take the State Examination on the basis of Art. 58 of the “Law on Education in the Russian Federation”. There are also unliquidated academic debts for the 10th grade. The girl is 19 years old. I wrote a complaint to the education department about disagreement with the actions of the school. What to do?

    Good day.
    Is a 10th grade student who has academic debt, two failures in project and research activities for two academic semesters, and no unsatisfactory grades in school subjects, obliged to eliminate it?
    If he studies without problems, knows every subject well, but he can’t complete the project and pass it, is there really a threat of leaving him for the second year?
    Are there schools without project and research activities? If so, and if you transfer to it, will the debt disappear? What do you recommend doing?
    Thank you in advance.

    Tell me, are the school’s actions legal? The child is disabled, in the 1st trimester he received two a/z, the school urgently asked to undergo the CMPC. They brought program 7.2. — from the second trimester there was a non-grading system. The school understood from the entire program. What should be left for the second year is renewal. There is no help in mastering the program. As a parent, I don’t see the point of going back to second grade and just sitting there for a year... In order to transfer to 3rd grade, they offered to close the school - but the education was not graded! As a result, they agreed to transfer to 3rd grade, but they said if at the end of the year there is a/c they will contact the guardianship authorities. They are not going to stretch the program; they say the requirements for you are the same as for everyone else. But the child has two certificates, it is more difficult for him to study than for others, and he has not mastered the 2nd grade curriculum. Tell me what to do?

    Good afternoon.
    The child has academic debt in one subject in the 8th grade. The school has drawn up a repayment schedule in such a way that the 2nd opportunity to repay the debt is scheduled for the end of August, i.e. If we don’t pass, then we have no options other than staying for a second year.
    What should we do in this situation? Can we insist on transferring to 9th grade with academic debt?
    P.S. We were not provided with any individual training plans, and no consultations were held.
    Thank you in advance!

    Hello. A 4th grade student has academic debt in two subjects. A schedule has been determined for their elimination additional classes, timing and form of repeated intermediate certification. The student did not use the right to repay academic debt. Parents refuse to communicate with the school and the education department, they don’t answer calls, they don’t open the doors. They refuse to leave the child for re-education or transfer to another form of education. What to do???

    Hello, Is it possible to transfer a child to 5th grade with academic debt?

    Hello! Please tell me what was the right thing to do. A 4th grade student has two bad marks in the first quarter and two bad marks in the third quarter, but in different subjects. In the 4th quarter he was not certified in all subjects, because... missed virtually all school days (not a valid reason). He doesn’t have the right to a conditional transfer, right? But it is not possible to give grades for the year. What to do?

    Hello. The child was conditionally transferred to 3rd grade. You need to pay 2 debts. Yesterday the teacher wrote an SMS that on 08/28/18 and 08/30/19 the school is expecting the child to eliminate debts. Is this possible during the holidays? And just like that, without any preparation?

    Hello, my child (3rd grade) in Russian has a final grade of 3 for the year, all quarters are also all Cs, he wrote the final test at 2, is this considered academic debt or not?

    Hello, my child did not pass the test. certification., and doesn’t want to go back to 8th grade, what should I do, please tell me? They didn’t offer us anything, just go back to 8th grade, and you write what is possible at PMP? What is this?

    Hello, we live in a village and we were told that if a child has not passed the certification, parents have only two options: leave it for the second year or bring a certificate from a medical commission about his competence to study. And the child is automatically transferred to the next class. This was told to us at the school meeting itself. Is this correct, or am I missing something?

    Good afternoon Please tell me if I can transfer the child to evening school if he fails to submit his academic debt. Thank you

    WITH Good morning, please tell me, we had academic debt for the 7th grade, we were conditionally transferred to the 8th grade, the child did not pass it, and was sent to undergo PMPK and a medical examination; the child has no evidence for individual training, can the school administration transfer us to a correction class to continue studying in the 8th grade?

  • Hello. My son has debt for 8th grade in one subject and was transferred to 9th grade conditionally. The first time in August (he took it for three days in a row!) he failed with the following comments from the teacher: “He memorized formulas and definitions, but there is no understanding.” Since September we have had a tutor for 4 hours a week + he also studies himself, all the time and energy goes only to this subject, which is why I neglected the current subjects and art school. Now I took it for the second time in three stages. And again everything is wrong!!! I don’t see any point in staying in this school for the second year - well, they don’t want to allow him to take the exam after the 9th grade! The same story will repeat itself, they will survive from school. The school administration strongly advises you to undergo a medical-pedagogical commission through suggestions and threats. I very much doubt the objectivity of the teacher, there are reasons for this (an incorrectly suggested formula by the teacher, which confused my son and the inclusion of material for the 9th grade in the retake, which they had not even taken yet) What can I do in such a situation, how to defend my son’s rights at least for objectivity?

1. Mastering the educational program (except for the educational program of preschool education), including a separate part or the entire volume of an academic subject, course, discipline (module) of the educational program, is accompanied by intermediate certification of students, carried out in the forms determined by the curriculum, and in the manner established by the educational organization.

2. Unsatisfactory results of the intermediate certification in one or more academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) of the educational program or failure to pass the intermediate certification in the absence of valid reasons are recognized as academic debt.

3. Students are required to eliminate academic debt.

4. Educational organizations, parents (legal representatives) of a minor student, providing students with general education in the form of family education, are obliged to create conditions for the student to eliminate academic debt and ensure control over the timeliness of its elimination.

5. Students with academic debt have the right to undergo intermediate certification in the relevant academic subject, course, discipline (module) no more than twice within the time frame determined by the organization carrying out educational activities, within one year from the date of formation of academic debt. This period does not include the student’s illness, academic leave or maternity leave.

6. To conduct intermediate certification for the second time, the educational organization creates a commission.

7. It is not allowed to charge students for passing intermediate certification.

9. Students studying in an educational organization in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education, who have not eliminated academic debt within the established time frame from the moment of its formation, at the discretion of their parents (legal representatives) are left for repeated training, transferred to training in adapted educational programs programs in accordance with the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission or for training according to an individual curriculum.

10. Students in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education in the form of family education, who have not eliminated their academic debt within the established time frame, continue to receive education in an educational organization.

11. Students in basic professional educational programs who have not eliminated their academic debt within the established time frame are expelled from this organization as having failed to fulfill their obligations to conscientiously master the educational program and implement the curriculum.

A first-grader child practically does not master the educational program due to health reasons. Parents refuse to have their child examined by a psychological, medical, and pedagogical commission. What should the school do?

If the problem with a child’s education really arises because of the family’s position, then educational organization is obliged to report the current situation to the authorities that protect the rights of children (the commission on affairs of minors and the protection of their rights, guardianship and trusteeship authorities).

Parents (legal representatives) are responsible for the upbringing and development of their children. They are obliged to take care of the health, physical, mental, spiritual and moral development of their children. Parents are obliged to ensure that their children receive a general education (Article 63 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, clause 1, part 4, article 44 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ). Parental rights cannot be exercised in conflict with the interests of children. Ensuring the interests of children should be the main concern of their parents. Parents who exercise parental rights to the detriment of the rights and interests of children are liable in the manner prescribed by law (Article 65 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation). Current legislation provides for family law, administrative and even criminal liability of parents in case of infringement of the rights and legitimate interests of children.

The right to education in the Russian Federation is one of the inalienable constitutional rights of citizens, while education itself is considered by law, first of all, as a single goal-oriented process education and training, which is a socially significant benefit and carried out in the interests of the individual, family, society and the state (Clause 1, Article 2 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ). Therefore, inappropriate behavior of parents who are obliged to take care of ensuring the rights of the child in the field of education can be equated to a refusal of care. In this case, officials of educational organizations who become aware of this situation are obliged to report this to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities at the actual location of the children (Clause 1 of Article 122 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation).

In the content of the appeal to the authorized bodies, it is advisable to give a detailed description of the current situation with the child, present a psychological and pedagogical analysis, describe the behavior of the parents, and the measures taken by the educational organization. Bodies for the protection of children's rights, being authorities, are obliged to consider the appeal on the merits and give the educational organization a response within a month.)

What consequences may occur if you receive a bad grade in one or more subjects? What rights do students with academic debt and their parents have? How to correct the situation, what can be demanded from the administration?


Grades for the year are the results of the interim assessment. Each school independently determines the form and procedure for conducting intermediate certification for different classes, so it can decide that intermediate certification is carried out at the end of each quarter or only at the end of the six months.

If a student receives a bad grade at the end of the year (in some cases, at the end of a half-year or quarter - if this is determined in the local regulations of the school) - he has accumulated academic debt.

Consequences of receiving one or more bad marks in a year (having academic debt)

a student can be transferred to the next class, but with the condition of retaking (elimination of academic debt) during the academic year

9th/11th grade students will not be allowed to take the State Exam and the Unified State Exam

Rights of students who received a bad grade

A bad grade in one or more subjects per year is not grounds for expulsion from school.

Even if the school administration insists that you should leave because you got a bad grade for the year, this way of asking the question is incorrect. Staying or moving to another school, or to another form of education is only your decision.

A student with academic debt has the right:

move to the next class conditionally until grades are corrected

pass the intermediate assessment twice (try to correct the grade) within the time frame established by the school, within one year (the specified period does not include the student’s illness, subject to the availability of supporting documents)

if there are doubts about the objectivity of grading, demand the inclusion of teachers from another school in the commission that conducts the intermediate certification

The student is given 2 attempts to pass the academic debt in each subject. For the first time, the subject is handed over to the teacher. A commission is being created for the second time. The retake deadlines must be determined in the relevant regulations on the school website.

The school administration is obliged to create conditions for the student to eliminate academic debt and ensure control over the timeliness of its elimination.

The responsibility to organize the repayment of debt lies with the school administration. This means that before the administration presents parents with a choice - transfer the student to another school or leave for a second year - it must provide the opportunity to retake, organize additional consultations if necessary, and set retake deadlines.

If necessary, the student’s parents can initiate a retake themselves by sending a corresponding application with a request to ensure the possibility of passing the intermediate certification.

If it was not possible to correct the grades, the student’s parents have the right to choose one of several options

Stay for a second year;

Go to training according to adapted programs, for example, to a correctional school in accordance with the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, or go to evening school;

Switch to an individual form of education (that is, remain on an individual form of education at your school, if it provides such an opportunity, or move to another school that has an appropriate provision).

Quote from the Law:

1. Mastering the educational program (except for the educational program of preschool education), including a separate part or the entire volume of an academic subject, course, discipline (module) of the educational program, is accompanied by intermediate certification of students, carried out in the forms determined by the curriculum, and in the manner established by the educational organization.

2. Unsatisfactory results of the intermediate certification in one or more academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) of the educational program or failure to pass the intermediate certification in the absence of valid reasons are recognized as academic debt.

3. Students are required to eliminate academic debt.

4. Educational organizations, parents (legal representatives) of a minor student, providing students with general education in the form of family education, are obliged to create conditions for the student to eliminate academic debt and ensure control over the timeliness of its elimination.

5. Students with academic debt have the right to undergo intermediate certification in the relevant academic subject, course, discipline (module) no more than twice within the time frame determined by the organization carrying out educational activities, within one year from the date of formation of academic debt. This period does not include the student’s illness, academic leave or maternity leave.

6. To conduct intermediate certification for the second time, the educational organization creates a commission.

7. It is not allowed to charge students for passing intermediate certification.

8. Students who have not passed the intermediate certification for valid reasons or who have academic debt are conditionally transferred to the next grade or to the next course.

9. Students studying in an educational organization in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education, who have not eliminated academic debt within the established time frame from the moment of its formation, at the discretion of their parents (legal representatives) are left for repeated training, transferred to training in adapted educational programs programs in accordance with the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission or for training according to an individual curriculum.

10. Students in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education in the form of family education, who have not eliminated their academic debt within the established time frame, continue to receive education in an educational organization.

11. Students in basic professional educational programs who have not eliminated their academic debt within the established time frame are expelled from this organization as having failed to fulfill their obligations to conscientiously master the educational program and implement the curriculum.

Hello. We live in a rural area. To reduce the cost of school breakfasts and lunches, we grow vegetables in the school garden; there is a school fruit-bearing garden. All this needs to be looked after. Is it legal to invite students to work in the school garden and vegetable garden? What legal documents on attracting children to work in summer time should we lean? Thank you.

If it is part of the learning process, e.g. educational practice in the subject of biology, technology, ecology, etc., then free participation in such work will be legal. If participation in summer labor groups is carried out with the consent of students and their parents, then these relations are formalized by a statement of participation and the remuneration or gratuitousness of such student activities is determined.

Forced labor is not permitted. According to Part 4 of Art. 34 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the involvement of students without their consent and minor students without the consent of their parents (legal representatives) in work not provided for by the educational program is prohibited.

IN admissions committee Our college received an application for admission to study at the expense of the budget under the secondary vocational education program (training program for mid-level specialists) from a girl who already has a secondary vocational education, received in 2012 for a fee. Do we have the right to accept her for free training under the new Law?

According to clause 3, part 1, art. 108 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, secondary vocational education received before the date of entry into force of the new Federal Law is equivalent to secondary vocational education in training programs for mid-level specialists under the new Federal Law. Thus, this girl already has a secondary vocational education in the training program for mid-level specialists.

According to Part 3 of Art. 5 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ in the Russian Federation guarantees universal accessibility and free secondary vocational education in accordance with federal state educational standards, if the citizen receives education at this level for the first time. The law does not connect the right to free education with the fact that the first education of this level had to be obtained at the expense of budgetary funds (i.e. free of charge for the student).

It should be noted that a similar norm in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” was the subject of consideration by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. In its ruling No. 187-O dated October 5, 2001, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation indicated that the rule that education at the appropriate level is free (in this definition it was about higher education) can be obtained only for the first time, regardless of on what basis (paid or free) education of this level was received for the first time, cannot be considered as a restriction of the constitutional rights of citizens to education.

Thus, a professional educational organization not entitled accept for free education at the expense of the appropriate budget a person who already has a secondary education vocational education regardless of whether it is received for a fee or free of charge.

Eliminating academic debt is an unpleasant problem for all participants and, above all, for the student and his parents. From an analysis of what visitors to our blog write in their comments and parents on forums on the Internet, we can conclude that the problem here is that both of them either do not know the legislation on this issue well, or neglect it, or, taking advantage of the other party’s ignorance of the law, they mislead it.

In order to avoid misunderstandings regarding issues of academic debt, all participants should comply with the provisions of Article 58 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ.
What does this require?
The school must develop the necessary local acts and documentation, the provisions of which must not contradict the requirements of Article 58. Such a local act could be: Regulations on the education quality control system, Regulations on intermediate certification, Regulations on the elimination of academic debt, Regulations on conditional transfer, etc.
The school charter must reflect the form of intermediate certification in the manner regulated by local regulations.
The Regulations on intermediate certification must define the form in which certification will be carried out in a particular subject (essay, test, abstract, etc.), the procedure for preparing certification materials, conducting certification and evaluation criteria, conditions for re-certification, the composition of the commission for its implementation, the procedure for preparing certification materials and providing advisory assistance to the student.
The regulation on the form of intermediate certification at school is, first of all, an effective working tool for defending the position of each party in communication between parents and the school administration.
Local acts should be posted on the school website so that parents can familiarize themselves with them at any time.
Organization of work to eliminate academic debt, its results are formalized by the administrative act of the school.
The school notifies the parents of the student who has received academic debt.
The schedule for eliminating academic debt is agreed with parents.
Parents must be familiar with all these documents.
The school can provide advisory assistance to parents and students in preparing to eliminate academic debt.
Who decides the fate of a student if he does not eliminate academic debt?
A clear answer to this question is given in paragraph 9 of Art. 58 of the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” - parents decide. Only at their discretion can a student be retained for repeated training, transferred to training in adapted educational programs in accordance with the recommendations of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission, or to training according to an individual curriculum. That's all!
Thus, the school has the right to use only those legal mechanisms that are provided for by education legislation. In particular, when making a decision on the liquidation of academic debt, the teaching council does not have the right to go beyond the powers provided for in Article 58 of the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. The school administration and teachers do not have the right to threaten to leave a student for a second year if academic debt is not eliminated, or to violate the student’s right to re-certification in the presence of a commission.
About the schedule for eliminating academic debt by students
In accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 58, students with academic debt have the right to undergo intermediate certification within a time frame determined by the school, within one year from the date of formation of academic debt. Thus, education legislation gives the school the right to set deadlines for students to liquidate academic debt unilaterally, which may lead to the student not being able to prepare well in the given time. Therefore, it is advisable to agree with parents on the timing of the student’s elimination of academic debt, based on his actual preparedness, with agreement in writing.
Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ
Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013. N1015 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for basic general education programs - educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education"
Also on the blog
“Student’s academic debt - administrative aspect”

Elimination of academic debt by a schoolchild under the education law: 16 comments

    A 3rd grade student, who is not certified in the subject “music” (he has two C grades in a quarter of school, and more than one missed lesson), was confronted with a fait accompli, without notifying his parents in advance, what to do in this case... and how to avoid a repeat incident... They don’t put grades in the diary (teachers have no time)

    I want to ask this question. Can my son, a 2nd grade student, complete his Russian language assignment in August before the start of the school year? At school they said it was impossible - it was vacation.

    Hello. A 10th grade student has 10 unsatisfactory grades in a year. I studied Article 58 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ and realized that without my consent the school does not have the right to leave him for re-education. The local school act allocates only September for debt elimination
    (Is this legal?) If the debt is not liquidated, I will not write an application for re-training. Let’s switch to the IUP. What class program will the training be based on?

    GVE in chemistry was written unsatisfactorily, grade 9, all other subjects were passed when there was a retake.

    I have the next question.
    The child has academic debt in a 7th grade subject. He was conditionally transferred to the next class and did not liquidate the debt.
    If parents choose an IEP, will they need to take the intermediate assessment again for grade 7? Or just a certificate for the 8th grade in which he studies?

    Good evening! The child did not pass his academic work in geometry and physics the first time, he was conditionally transferred to the 8th grade, apparently he will finish the quarter with an unsatisfactory grade again in mathematics and physics, the teacher says he will not transfer the student to the next grade, what should I do?

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