What is a student council? Student Councils What a student council president should do

University Spinal Cord

Student councils of universities –

implementation or imitation of self-government?

Any university can be compared to a complex organism. For example, with human. A person has a brain. And then there is the spinal one. The function of the spinal cord is to carry signals from nerve endings to the brain and back. The function of the brain is to send these signals and respond to them. If the brain is the administration, and the nerve endings are the students, then who is the spinal cord? Until recently, this place was vacant in Vladivostok universities. Until student councils appeared...

First - educational program. The Student Council is “a student government body that reflects the problems and interests of the student audience and communicates between students and the leadership of the university.” The word “self-government” is key here. And very strong! It’s not far from self-government to “arbitrariness”... Therefore, when a self-government body, such as the student council, appears within the walls of a university, the first step is to determine its powers, or “area of ​​competence/responsibility.” It is natural for the student council to want to expand these powers as much as possible, and for the administration to narrow them down as much as possible. Actually, the future of the student council depends on the solution to this issue - and in every specific university this issue is resolved in different ways, as MV was convinced of by talking with both student representatives and representatives of the administration of various universities in Vladivostok. We decided to present what we saw and heard in the form of a question and answer.

Why do university administrations need student councils?

Good question. It is curious that the first student councils in Vladivostok appeared almost simultaneously in 2002-2003. However, if we remember that just in 2002, the question of Russia’s entry into the so-called Bologna process (a pan-European educational space), then everything falls into place. It’s just that, along with other conditions for this entry (such as, for example, the transition to the “bachelor-master” system), there was also the presence of a developed system of student self-government. What follows, I think, is clear.

Why do students need student councils?

Members of student councils - to change life at the university for the better, to develop organizational, managerial, business qualities, gain the authority of others, and finally receive some bonuses from the university management. Methods of promotion again depend on the university; The most common are bonuses in all forms and concessions in studies. (For example, 45 active VSUES students somehow managed to spend three days at a prestigious recreation center; the rector paid for the vouchers.)

Ordinary students - to have a kind of “bridge” between them and the university administration. Opinions and proposals should cross this bridge in one direction; in the other - a reaction to these opinions and proposals in the form of any actions aimed at improving the situation. That is, the members of the student council are a kind of deputies from the student body, whom students (ideally) nominate so that the latter have access to “higher spheres” and can quickly resolve a variety of issues. Only these deputies must not only sit decorously and speak beautifully, but also implement the ideas that come to their minds.

How is the student council formed?

Depends on the university.

At FENU - on the basis of “connection” between the directorates of institutes and active students. Those interested come to the directorate and, if their candidacy is satisfied with the directorate and the vacancy is not filled, they become members of the student council. The term of the “mandate” is not defined. The principle applies: one person per institute.

At FESTU, the student council is just in its infancy. Moreover, the initiative comes from below. The guys plan that the council will include five representatives from all 15 institutes and they will be divided in three areas: student employment, legal support and social and living conditions.

Democracy won at VSUES. The last elections to the student council went as expected: all kinds of pre-election campaigning, candidate programs, ballot boxes, performances by creative groups and other paraphernalia were present. 12 people were elected, another 12 became an “initiative group without voting rights.” They decided not to adhere to strict representativeness.

At Moscow State University. adm. Nevelskoy there are Cadet and Student Councils. There is no selection system: if you want to work, come.

The question of the student council chairman is also important. For example, at FENU this is a university employee. And in VSUES he is elected by the members of the student council themselves.

What does the student council do?

Now we come to the question of powers. Depending on the solution to this issue, student councils are divided into two types: real (as the leadership of universities sees them and what they ultimately become) and ideal (as the active student minority sees them).

Let's start with the ideal student council. This is a body with powerful powers, enjoying authority both among students and the rector’s office. This body employs capable, purposeful, active students who know exactly what they want to change in their university and how to achieve it. This student council enjoys strong support from the administration and participates in resolving all issues, from economic to foreign policy. He also defends the rights of students. This student council has a considerable budget, which students distribute at their own discretion. When making any important decision, the rector always consults with the student council... Oh, I was daydreaming. Of course, such a student council does not exist in nature. However, the student councils of the largest American universities (Harvard, Berkeley, Stanford, etc.) are generally approaching the described ideal. This applies to budgets (hundreds of thousands of dollars a year is not a myth) and mutual respect. And many student council presidents go on to have successful political careers. And they note that the presidency of the student council was an excellent school for them. There are only two “buts”. First. The USA is a country with two centuries of democracy. Student councils of individual universities have a history of more than a century. Second. Students in the USA are several years older than Russian students.

Vladivostok student councils – two to three years. Russia is a country with a 70-year history of totalitarianism and a centuries-old history of tsarism. “Green” fests, who want a lot, but still know little, are still rushing into student councils. Therefore, if the American student councils look like these impressive young politicians in suits and ties, then the Vladivostok ones are still crawling in sandboxes and are happy when they manage to put together a Easter cake that will not crumble for some time; A caring mother makes sure that nothing happens to the child.

So what issues are dealt with by student councils in Vladivostok? Here are some examples.

Economic. Arrange the life of the hostel, do not accommodate senior students with fests, improve the quality of food in the canteens, install coffee machines in the buildings, put benches, trash cans, mirrors in the buildings, organize a copy center, clear the university of garbage, hang information boards.

Educational. Transfer scholarships to plastic cards, identify and hold library debtors accountable, train student activists, organize a system of self-government in a university department.

Leisure activities. Organize this or that event.

Social. Fight smoking, AIDS, drugs and drinking alcohol, take gifts to an orphanage, help pensioners of your native university.

And it seems like things are actually wonderful, necessary, important. But only the problem for which the university finds money and which the university itself wants to solve will be solved. It turns out that everything once again depends not on the members of the student council, but on the university authorities. The same analogy: deputies are ready to propose any wonderful law, but the president has a veto.

But there are also positive examples. For example, at FESTU last year the entire canteen staff was fired. In return, they established a tolerable food system. But the students simply endured, endured, and were indignant: how long can you eat tasteless cold pizzas! FEGU and VSUES train student activists. Even at VGUES, an organizing committee was created to organize everyday life on a separate floor of the dormitory. Now, they say, they even grow flowers there.

What documents

is the student council guided in its activities?

There are none at the federal level. There are recommendations that only indicate that the Ministry of Education and Science generally supports the idea of ​​student self-government. And at the university level there is a Regulation on the Student Council, which is approved by the rector. The provisions vary greatly. Let’s say that the position of FENU is written in an ideological vein. The position of VGUES is more democratic. However, when asked what is written in their regulations, many student council participants shrug their shoulders in bewilderment.


I don’t think there are people who are unequivocally opposed to student councils as a public institution. Any student council is better than none. Any, even if not always successful, activity is better than inaction. Yes, a quick scan of the situation showed that today the main and sometimes only function of student councils is advisory (like the newly formed Public Chamber). But the members of the Public Chamber are also going to work, despite the fact that they will never overcome the limits in which the authorities have placed them. Well, don't sit idly by!

In the conversation, the chairman of the student council of FESTU, Viktor Drozdov, expressed a wise thought: “For us, working on the council is, first of all, experience, managerial, political, whatever. This is communication with like-minded people, a club of interests. And even if we don’t change the world and gain a decisive voice in the life of the university, we will still remember this work with warmth and gratitude.”

Question to students: “Do you see the work of the student council at your university?”

Ivan(VSUES student): I saw members of the student council with red bands on their arms driving smokers off the porch. In my opinion, the main function of the student council today is vigilantes, mass entertainers. I don’t notice their activities on any other level.

Elena(FEGU): I’ve heard about our student council, but very little. It seems like guys are gathering there, solving some issues, which I don’t know.

Denis(FEGTU): In my opinion, this is a very necessary cause: who else will stand up for the rights of students? But I haven’t heard anything about ours. Maybe he would have gone himself.

Veronica(VSUES): Our student council really helped me, with their help the dorm became better and more comfortable.

Leonid(FESU): Stud...what? This is the first time I've heard about this.

The student councils understood Yuri Govorushko,

Olga Mostovaya, Anastasia Osokina

Scholarships for those elected by the Academic Council

To earn more, you will have to become an excellent student or an activist

Next year, the education sector will receive twice as much money as last year. Namely – 700 billion rubles. The lion's share of this amount will go towards teachers' salaries (the president promised a two-fold increase), for the economic needs of libraries, cleaning up old dormitories and building new ones. Increase student scholarships in 2006 it will be targeted.

As the head told reporters Federal agency by education Grigory Balykhin, the Ministry of Education and Science has done away with a universal and equal increase in scholarships. In return, targeted support for students is expected, for which it is planned to create and subsequently increase a scholarship fund, which will be distributed by academic councils of universities. 60% of the fund will be social scholarships for students from low-income families, and 40% will be divided between excellent students and activists of student science and public life. The remaining students will remain with their 600 rubles. But a universal twofold increase in allowance awaits students receiving increased “presidential” (up to 800 rubles) and “government” (up to 700 rubles) scholarships. The same awaits all students of vocational schools and technical schools: their basic scholarship will increase to 210 rubles. In 2006, scholarships for graduate students (up to 2 thousand rubles) and doctoral students (up to 3 thousand rubles) will be increased by one and a half times.

I recalculated the scholarship Inga Maltovnik,

based on materials from the online publication Gazeta.ru

Election program

candidate for the post of Chairman of the Student Council


Trushkina Maxim Evgenievich

Chairman of the University Student Council - this is not a lighthouse supervising travelers from somewhere above, but a white sailboat sailing somewhere very nearby, helping travelers on their long voyages, guiding them and overcoming storms with them, always ready to take the blow.

Why do I want to become the chairman of the Student Council of St. Petersburg State University of Technology? At least because I am not indifferent to the fate of the students of our university. The university is the second home of students, a place where they should feel needed, useful, understood and loved. This is a place where they can try themselves, where they can grow, make mistakes and fall, and then rise and boldly move on, knowing for sure that those around them will lend a hand, help them get up and inspire them to continue their journey.

In my deep conviction, for the successful work of the Student Council, it is imperative that the initiative must come from below; the students themselves must want to solve their problems and develop student initiatives in dialogue with the leadership. How to do it?

1. popularizing the work of the Student Council and restoring the positive image of the organization. This largely depends on the work of key figures in the management of the Council, since, based on the results of their activities and behavior, an opinion will be formed about the student government of the university as a whole.

2. motivation is the most important thing. Without motivating students to engage in social activities, we cannot start a movement “from below.” A big motivational factor is contributing to rating system student assessments, block of social activities. Because of this innovation, the most popular question of novice activists goes away - “What will we get for this?” Also, it is necessary, if possible, to financially encourage more active students and create information boards to highlight the work of distinguished students both in educational and scientific activities, as well as in creative and organizational ones. Much attention must be paid to attracting first-year students to social activities, since such work instills a culture of student self-government from the very beginning of their stay at the university. It must be remembered that the Student Council of SPbSUT is one of the forms of self-government of SPbSUT and was created by SPbSUT students in interaction with the SPbSUT Administration in order to ensure the implementation of students’ rights to participate in the management of the educational process, resolve important issues in the life of students, develop their social activity, support and implementation social initiatives and state youth policy (from the Regulations on the Student Council of St. Petersburg State University of Technology) and strategic decisions in the life of the university should be made taking into account the opinions of the student community. Only those projects are needed whose result is not 0, i.e. only those chosen by the students themselves. Accordingly, we do what the students need. I propose to introduce close work with the chairmen of student councils of faculties, with group leaders who will convey the necessary and interesting information from the student council to their classmates. We need to build a clear vertical where everyone will be busy with their own business. Revive the positions of cultural and sports traders in groups. This will lead to greater consolidation of students.


1. Improving the educational process is one of the priorities of my program. SPbSUT should take the place of the “flagship” among telecommunications universities. It is worth holding olympiads, competitions, round tables at departments among students. We must start looking for new Lobachevskys and Popovs. Record invaluable lectures from our teachers in audio and video format.

2. Adoption of curricula taking into account the views of the student community. A necessary procedure for modern education, where the student and the university play the role of customer and performer

3. Creation and development of competitions related to the professional training of students. Competitions of this type help to unlock the professional potential of students and unite the student community

4. Upon completion of training, each of our students faces the urgent issue of employment. It is necessary to hold meetings with potential employers, graduates of our university, organize master classes, conferences, excursions to enterprises.


1. A healthy mind in a healthy body. It is necessary to pay special attention to the sports component of students’ lives. Every SPbSUT dormitory should have a sports town. The only worthy one at the moment in this regard is the sport of the Lesnoye hostel, but it also has its own problems that need to be solved.

2. Search for sports talents - this first of all needs to be done directly in groups, at faculties, and not just in physical education classes

3. Every year our university hosts a “Spartakiad”, at which students from different faculties are no different from each other. I propose to purchase sports uniforms for teams of all faculties.


1. Work on establishing and maintaining order in the SPbSUT dormitories. An area where the direct role of the Student Council is very important, since self-government plays the role of a connecting element between the student masses and the administration of the university and is a regulator of relations among the student masses.

2. Living in the age of information, we are obliged to use the most advanced technologies in the lives of students, namely, Wi-Fi in dormitories. 

Military patriotic education:

1. Engage in military-patriotic education not in words, but also in deeds. To achieve this goal, our university has the opportunity, in addition to the Institute of Military Education, to establish connections with city organizations. Creation of a military-patriotic club that conducts reconstructions, role-playing games, meetings with veterans, excursions to places of military glory, instilling patriotism among students.

External interaction:

1. Expanding contacts with student government bodies throughout the country, but mainly with universities in St. Petersburg. This direction contributes to the development of student self-government and the establishment of SPbSUT as the center of student life in the city.

2. Expansion and strengthening of existing international relations. This will have a positive impact on the image and authority of our university and each student in particular.

Working on the Student Council should bring true pleasure. We must not forget that all our thoughts, aspirations, and actions are aimed at achieving a single goal. We must strive to make university life better. We have everything for this: us.

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about student self-government, or more precisely, about the need for its development. And everyone here pursues their own goals: the state - the development of the principles of democracy, the university - the training of competitive specialists. But it is not always clear why we, students, need self-government. I will try to give arguments in our favor.

Reason 1. Experience in organizational activities

It's no secret - the more experience in organizational activities, the easier it is to organize this or that business. It doesn’t matter what it is: a super cool project or your own birthday. Experience in such activities can be gained by organizing any business. However, I dare to note that all affairs and projects of student self-government are organized at the university level, in full view of the university administration, which indicates the seriousness of the experience gained. And this experience will be useful to us not only when organizing our personal time: many employers are eager to grab graduates who, while studying at the university, were heads of student government structures. And it’s all about him – the experience of organizational activities.

Reason 2. Creative self-realization

In the association of student self-government of Omsk State Pedagogical University you can find something to your liking. Choose from 5 centers:

  • informational (headed by Vladimir Belousov, 2nd year student of the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology);
  • cultural and leisure (headed by Anna Lavrentieva, 2nd year student of the Faculty of Special Pedagogy and Psychology);
  • volunteer (headed by Tatyana Boyakova, 2nd year student of the Faculty of Physics);
  • scientific (supervisor – Irina Mashchenko, 2nd year student of the Faculty of Special Pedagogy and Psychology);
  • “Navigator” center for working with first-year students (headed by Svetlana Streltsova, 3rd year student of the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology).

What each of them does is clear from the names. We just have to choose what exactly to realize our abilities in: inventing new way delivering information to students (experience shows that the old ones don’t always work) or organizing a concert, or maybe it will be working with children from orphanages or conducting trainings with first-year students?

Reason 3. Connections, connections, connections...

In life, those who have a wider social circle and richer experience of interacting in various situations with others achieve more success. different people. This has been verified. Working in student government, we communicate with the masses interesting people: these are students from other faculties, these are teachers, methodologists of the Center for Youth Policy and Professional Education, specialists in various fields, activists from other universities, representatives public organizations... This is not a complete list of possible business contacts that will be very useful to us in future employment.

Reason 4: Teamwork skills

Student government is a large and friendly team, where each person - like a note, like the color of a rainbow, like a part of a mosaic - takes his place and plays his role. The ability to work in a team is not given by birth, but it is very necessary in life (both personal and professional). A person who knows how to work in a team always easily finds his place in the team, is able to understand and accept a common goal, and is ready to work for the benefit of the team’s cause.

Reason 5. Exchange of experience

And in Omsk State pedagogical university, and in the Omsk region, and in Russian Federation There are a lot of different training schools, seminars, and forums devoted to the problems of student self-government. Any of us can participate in them, provided that he is a member of student government at the university. What does this give? The opportunity to communicate with active and purposeful students like us, sharing experiences and learning the best, as well as connections, connections, connections, but on a new level.

Reason 6. The best school for bureaucracy

Sooner or later, everyone needs to learn how to work with documents. It is a fact. Yes, it's boring, no one argues. But it’s better to go through this now, during your student years, than... than at some other moment. Student self-government is a serious organization that has a certain legal basis. In its activities, it is necessary to constantly draw up and sign big number documents. After all, we have already found out how useful this is.

Reason 7. Participation in university management

Did you know that the law gives the right of students to participate in the management of higher education educational institution? No? Know! We have the right to participate in determining and monitoring the distribution of scholarships, the procedure for check-in (and check-out) from the hostel, etc. Moreover, we have the right to represent our student interests on the academic council of the university.

In conclusion, I would like to add that in all leading universities of the country student government works great.

If you want to develop your creative, organizational and communication-leadership abilities, you care about your future career, and you are ready to participate in the management of the university - join the student government! Our doors are open to everyone!

For all questions, please contact the Center for Youth Policy and Professional Education of Omsk State Pedagogical University: emb. Tukhachevsky, 14, office. 252, tel.: 24-94-21.

Natalya Pestrozhukova,
master's student in Pedagogy,
Chairman of the Student Government Association of Omsk State Pedagogical University

Having climbed under the dome, to the highest point of the University, you understand where all the student energy of MSUU of the Moscow Government can find an outlet and application. The internal life of a university is not limited to lectures, communication with classmates and trips to the canteen for a bun. The most active and enterprising guys gather here to manage student life.

Getting to the student Olympus is not so difficult - it’s enough to have an active life position, a desire to help, to show your own and other people’s talents. There are 40 true activists - organizers and initiators of all student events - at the University. However, they have no special privileges - only responsibility.

“The main thing for us is the opportunity for self-realization and the development of management skills,” says the chairman of the student council Igor Zverev. – But active students are always encouraged. This year, for example, five people became winners of a personal scholarship named after T.V. Uzhva “Honor and Calling.” These are Eteri Kadzhaya, Valentina Vorobyova, Dimitry Toropov, Evgenia Slepak and Alexander Matsak. They have demonstrated excellence in academics and social life.”

Briefly about the chairman

Igor Zverev, a third-year student in the Jurisprudence major, is 20 years old. He has held the position of chairman for almost a year. To the question “Isn’t this a desire to control and dominate all students?” Igor answers calmly and briefly: “This is a pleasant responsibility that few people take on.”
On September 15, according to University rules, someone else will have to replace him. " Last year at the university you should devote only to studying and working on your graduation project,” says Igor.
According to the rules of the student council at the end of each school year its composition must be replenished with newcomers. Perhaps among these guys there is already a future chairman. Students will hold elections to determine a new leader. Candidates who have submitted applications will present their programs for the development of student life at the university and take part in debates. It will all end with a vote.

What does the student council do?

Holidays, competitions, festivals, concerts are a natural component of university life. Every year, out of 50 University events, the student council is responsible for 30. Sports competitions, holidays, trips, freshman days, KVN - this is all the merit of the activist guys.
At the next meeting of council members, Igor Zverev presented a new development strategy for 2015 and took as a guideline the improvement of the quality of work, the popularization of the university and the activities of student activists.

“The development vector was not very clear. It is important for us to know what the ultimate goal is that we are striving for,” says the chairman. Therefore, the agenda includes improving the system of senior mentors, replenishing the council with new activists, increasing the number of events and volunteer events, and developing the “Accessible Science” project from the student scientific society.
Despite the seriousness of the work, meeting after meeting takes place in a very friendly atmosphere. This is a single, cohesive team, which in itself is already a motivator for an active life for many. This year, new projects will appear in the student council’s collection. “We want to develop international connections: do teleconferences, charity events with students of foreign universities. The priority, of course, is Prague the University of Economics, since the double degree program is implemented jointly with it. We want to return the New Year’s Ball to the list of our events and launch the “Voice within the University” project,” says Igor.

What are they discussing?

"On their own initiative? Who will take the initiative? The initiative must come from everyone. More alive,” pours out from all sides during discussions of the student council. The main thing that distinguishes these guys is the abundance of ideas and desires to act. Ideas must be expressed here - they can grow into a whole project for the University or even a citywide program. Anything can be scaled – the main thing is to have initiative, determination and a creative approach.

Today in the top of discussions is the annual spring dance competition, as well as “Miss and Mister MSUU of the Moscow Government”, which it will already pass in April. City events also do not go unnoticed by students. The interests of your home university must be represented at high level, the guys think. Therefore, they are happy to perform at concerts, participate in the Festos and Student Spring competitions, and in the district and city Miss and Mister competitions.

But they are united not only by creativity. MSUU of the Moscow Government also has its own student scientific society. The guys organize discussions and symposiums at scientific topics. Students also work as volunteers, visit orphanages, take patronage over the pupils of boarding school No. 49 named after. G.I. Rossolimo and conduct charity events.

Students regularly undertake internships with the Moscow Government and take part in personnel projects: “Working Day Photography”, “Career Night” and “Career Day”. Help at exhibitions educational services, joint charity events with the Moscow Student Center, events with patriotic organizations, district and city veterans’ councils.
Members of the student council unanimously call the supervision of first-year students the best experience. Taking newcomers under your wing is a noble thing; we need to instill in them the ideas of the University. If a student is assigned to a group of freshmen this year, then next year he will already be a senior mentor in the group of curators.

It happens that a freshman wants to propose an interesting project, is looking for materials for work, but due to inexperience does not know what to do. For such cases, the student council keeps its doors open. “If you think that lilacs should be planted in September, please, this is also a charity event, this is also our work,” the guys joke.

Activists work seriously with first-year students. Every autumn they organize a trip out of town. Weekends are spent in a friendly atmosphere.

Fedor Dombek, II year, “State and municipal government": "Our trips are not just entertainment. We focus on the educational part and conduct trainings, master classes, quests and obstacle courses. Main topics: increasing personal effectiveness, developing skills public speaking, creation and management of projects."
Dimitry Toropov, III year, “Jurisprudence”: “Each event and preparation for them is a special experience. Thanks to them, you get to know not only yourself, but also others.”
Anastasia Firsakova, II year, “State and Municipal Administration”: “The Student Council is an excellent place for anyone who wants to develop their leadership qualities. “I get a lot of communication experience and develop my creative abilities.”
Artem Dzheglav, II year, “Management”: “Teamwork is always great. Understanding that you can help in some way and make a contribution to the common cause is priceless.”

You can find out more about the life of the student council on social networks.


1. Why Student Council? What's the point? Why does it exist?
The point is that the student himself can influence how youth policy is carried out at the University - that is, the policy in relation to himself, the student.
Youth policy is carried out at the University one way or another. If a student does not tell anyone what he is interested in, what he wants, what worries him, then someone will decide for him which dormitory he will live in, what he will eat in the canteen and which club he will go to. New Year. Figuratively speaking, if young people do not take up politics, politics will take over the youth.
Isn’t it interesting to live when some uncle decides everything for you? - That’s why the Student Council exists. Any student, through the student government body - that is, through the Student Council - can literally lobby for their interests. To do this, just come to us and tell us about the problem or make a suggestion. No question will be left unanswered.


Participation in the activities of the Student Council gives, first of all, a strong impetus to personal growth and development. At the University, they often do not teach practical activities - how to work in a team, how to speak in front of a room of 200 people, how to organize an event, how to make your own project, how to become a leader. But all these skills will be needed later, after receiving a diploma.
Statistics from faculties where Student Councils have existed for a long time (History and Economics) indicate the following: the absolute majority of Student Council activists become successful in later life professional activity.
If we talk about the material aspects of the issue, then there are a number of bonuses for activists;), such as: tea with cookies in 222 classrooms, regular training and education, trips to bases and - periodically - allowances for scholarships. And, of course, communication and a friendly team of fellow sociologists.


Also one of the most frequently asked questions. Joining the Student Council of the Faculty of Sociology is very simple... To do this, you need to pass entrance exams and become a student of the faculty.
In other words, every student of the Faculty of Sociology APRIORI is a member of the Student Council from the moment he enters the faculty, regardless of the form of study.
There is no need to pay fees, fill out forms or receive certificates.
There is no division between “members” - the elected ones and non-members - everyone else.
Universal membership – no membership? Maybe you are right. This is a principled position that we are not going to give up.
We believe that refusal of membership is a refusal of caste and isolation of the organization, that is, a kind of anti-crisis mechanism.
Thanks to the fact that every student can freely participate in all the affairs of the Student Council, there is a constant influx of new personnel and ideas, and there is no stagnation when benefits begin to accrue only to selected members of the organization.
This is one of the basic principles of our work.


Historically, each group has a leader.
Also, recently, courses at the faculty began to elect course leaders by universal voting - that is, people who perform the functions of a course leader throughout the course.
Prefects are, in a sense, confidants of their students. Therefore, at least once a semester we convene the Big Student Council, which is attended by the prefects of the full-time and evening department courses and the prefects of the full-time department groups. The chairman and heads of the Student Council committees report to the elders on the work done and together with them plan things for the next semester.
Thus, the prefects actually control student government in the faculty.
The Great Student Council - a meeting of all prefects - takes place only once (several) times a semester. In between, it is necessary to resolve locally arising issues. For this purpose, on Tuesdays, the Small Student Council meets in auditorium 222, where the chairman, heads of committees and prefects of full-time courses come.
Any student of the faculty can come to both the Big and Small Student Councils with the right to an advisory vote. This is also the basic principle of our work. We are always happy to hear constructive criticism and suggestions addressed to us.
If we talk about the Chairman of the Student Council, this is an elected position. Elections are held annually in the spring. Voting is direct, secret and equal, that is, the Chairman is elected by all students of the faculty. Any student who “does not have academic debt at the time of registration of candidates.”
The Student Council Charter was quoted in the previous sentence. It regulates everything related to our activities, and only the elders at the Big Student Council can change it.

5. What are our areas of activity?


We currently have five committees:
- Committee on cultural work (leisure, holidays, mass and entertainment events)
- Committee on Sports Work (all sports at the faculty)
- Committee on social and everyday issues (first aid kit at the faculty, dormitories, meals, coupons, vouchers to the dispensary, etc.)
- Committee on external relations and public relations (image of the faculty and the Student Council, website, newspaper, advertisements, etc.)
- Human Resources Committee (maintaining contact with elders, training and education, organizing collective trips to university recreation centers)
You can read about how we plan to develop in the answer to the next question.

6. What have we already done? And what are our immediate plans?


The Student Council has already taken part in a number of events.
We organized Freshman Day in October 2007 (a tour of the University, training and dedication) and Sociologist Day in November 2007 (for the first time in many years it was celebrated on such a large scale within the walls of the faculty).
Our work was a trip to the Blue Lake base in December 2007 for hundreds of students, organizing trainings and games for students at the base.
In 2008, we also held a trip for 100 freshmen to the Blue Lake base and a number of trainings and team games to unite them, Sociologist Day in November 2008, as a result of which the most active students also had the opportunity to spend two days before the session at the Blue Lake base.
The Social Welfare Committee is heroically working to set up a first aid kit for sociologists at the faculty (on shift) and on Ochakovskaya Street. (where physical education classes take place). Through his efforts, the clock was hung in the dining room. Thanks to his efforts, the canteen worked for some time until 20:00 to feed all the hungry evening guests - however, due to the low activity of the evening guests, the canteen returned to its previous operating hours.
The Student Council published the first newspaper in the history of the faculty and regularly publishes the information poster “Two Weeks” about the most interesting things at the faculty and at the University.
We were able to provide the opportunity to send valentines on Valentine's Day and introduced the international exchange program “Campus Europae” to the faculty (February 2008).
One of the most recent events was a party on the Kronverke ship in February 2009, dedicated to Valentine's Day. Conducting brain rings, School of Trainers, Cinema Club and much more.
These are just our largest and most notable cases. Constant minor work goes on almost every day, and a number of projects are at one stage or another of implementation. (This can be said about the creation of a cheerleading team - an athlete support group, installation of WiFi and a PSB ATM at the faculty, etc.)

We try to uniformly develop all areas of our activities. But there is also room for further growth and development.
Thus, now the development of international relations at the faculty (with a possible separation as a separate committee) seems very relevant.
We also consider student research at the faculty to be a very promising area of ​​our work.

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