What is the weight of assessment in an electronic diary. Weighted average score. Calculation method. Electronic Journal function

To check your child’s electronic diary:

  • enter the schoolboy. To do this, you need to log in to the website portal;
  • select the “Diary” section in the top horizontal menu, then the “Diary” tab;
  • on the page that opens you will see the lesson schedule, homework, grades and teachers’ comments on them.

To inform your class teacher that you have checked the diary, click the “I have read the diary” button in the upper right corner. A note with the date of the check will appear in the diary. You can check the diary only for the week that has already ended. For the current week, the button becomes active on Friday. To check the diary for previous weeks, you need to go to the desired week in the calendar and click the “I have read the diary” button.

2. How do I find out what and when a grade was given?

  • To see what subject and when the grade was given, select the “Diary” section in the top horizontal menu, then the “Diary” tab. Hover your cursor over an assessment to see a pop-up window indicating when and for what form of control (test, independent work, etc.) the assessment was given;
  • To see how the weighted average score for each subject changed by week, select the “Grades” section in the top horizontal menu, then the tab. If you hover your cursor over your GPA, a list of grades from which it was calculated will appear. The weighted average can be viewed for all assessments or separately for benchmark and current assessments. To do this, select the appropriate filter in the right menu;
  • To build a graph of academic performance for each subject, mark it in the “Dynamics of academic performance” tab - the graph will be built automatically.

3. What do the symbols mean in the electronic diary?

  • period - the teacher waits for a response from the student if he did not prepare for the lesson or did not submit a work or project for testing. Hover your cursor over a dot to see what work it is for. The teacher determines when a point should become a mark or be deleted. A point may become a grade sooner if the current grading period expires before the point expires;
  • The number next to the rating is the weight of the rating. As a rule, these grades are obtained for tests and independent work. The greater the weight of the assessment, the more it affects the weighted average score and grade for intermediate certification(quarter, module or other assessment periods determined by the school). For example, if a grade of “5 2” is given, this is a grade of “5” (excellent) with a weight of 2, that is, two grades of “5” (5 + 5).

4. How is the midterm assessment graded?

If a school uses a weighted grading system, then usually, when assigning grades for intermediate assessments, the grades received for tests or tests are given the greatest weight. Grades for class work and answers on the board have less weight. Marks for homework carry the least weight, since when completing them the child was not limited in time and could use additional materials and outside help.

You can view the grades for the interim certification in the “Analysis” section, in the tab: the second and subsequent columns indicate the grades for the certification periods, the last one shows the annual grade.

5. What is a weighted average score and how is it calculated?

A weighted average is a measure of student performance that reflects the cumulative contribution of all grades, taking into account their weight in overall result and can help teachers, students, and families predict midterm assessment scores. The average score is calculated automatically based on the values ​​indicated in electronic diary grades and forms of control for which they were received.

Weighted average equal to the sum products of assessments and their “weights”, divided by the sum of the “weights” of assessments. For example, a student received 5 for a test (“weight” 2), and 3 for an answer in class (“weight” 1). Then the calculation of the weighted average score will be as follows: (5*2 + 3*1) / (2+1) = 4.33.

6. Why is there no information about the lesson and grades in the electronic diary?

Grades, lesson topics, homework and absence notes in the electronic diary are filled out by the teacher. If the teacher does not fill out the diary for a long time, inform the class teacher or the teacher directly at a meeting or online using.

Since 2012, the Povadin school has had an electronic system for recording student progress. The electronic journal (diary) operates on the basis of the Dnevnik.ru portal. Standard functionality of the system is free for all participants educational process. Quarter marks are calculated automatically by the system. The teacher only duplicates them in the appropriate column. In this case, the computer takes into account the results of test and verification work, abstracts, etc. You can learn more about this system from the material published below.

Weighted average system for assessing knowledge, skills and abilities

when using an electronic system for recording academic progress

Weighted average
is the sum of points multiplied by the complexity of individual types academic work, divided by the total labor intensity during the certification period.

The weighted average assessment system is aimed at high-quality preparation of students, their deep assimilation of the material being studied, and includes a comprehensive assessment of students’ educational activities during the academic year.

The purposes of using the weighted average rating system are:
- stimulate educational and cognitive activity of students by carrying out objective assessment various types works;
- improve the quality of studying and mastering the material;
- motivate the student to work systematically in the process of acquiring knowledge and assimilation educational material throughout the academic year;
- increase the objectivity of the final grade, increasing its dependence on the results of daily work throughout the academic year.

The weighted average score is calculated automatically by the system.

Rounding of grades is carried out according to the following scale:
0 - 2.49 – “2”;
2.50 - 3.49 – “3”;
3.50 - 4.49 – “4”;
4.50 - 5 – “5”.

Type of work

Evaluation weight

Federal work of RCIO and StatGrad

Administrative control work

Final annual test

Final control dictation

Test, control dictation, presentation, essay

Practical work

Laboratory work


Control cheating

Reading technique







By heart


Vocabulary dictation

Spelling work

Verification work

Grammar task

Letter from memory

Independent work


Working with contour maps

Answer in class (oral homework, reply to a new topic)

Homework (written)

Workbook (notes, notebook keeping)

Weighted average = (Sum of products of ratings and their weights) / (Sum of weights of these ratings)
Let's assume that a student has the following grades for the quarter:
“5” for oral response (weight 6);
"2" for test(weight 9);
“4” for the project (weight 8);
“4” for oral response (weight 6);
“5” for oral response (weight 6).
The usual arithmetic average is "4".

We calculate the weighted average score:
We round up and get a final score of “4”.

To assess students' achievements in elective courses, a dichotomous system (“pass–fail”) is used. The course is considered valid if the student has attended at least 80% of the classes. elective course and successfully passed the intermediate and final control.

1. Introduction

1.1 Scope of application

1.2 Brief description of features

1.3 User level

1.4 List of operational documentation that the user needs to familiarize himself with

2 Purpose and conditions of use

2.1 Types of activities, functions for which the subsystem is intended to automate

2.2 Conditions under which the subsystem is used in accordance with its intended purpose

2.2.1 Software requirements

2.2.2 Hardware requirements

3 Preparing for work

3.1 Composition and contents of the distribution media

3.2 Order of downloading data and programs

3.3 Procedure for checking functionality

4 Description of operations

4.1 Questionnaire function

4.2 Messages function

4.3 Calendar function

4.4 Friends feature

4.5 “School website” function

4.6 School Class function

4.7 Schedule function

4.7.1 Creating a lesson schedule

4.7.2 Managing lesson schedules

4.7.3 Editing the lesson schedule

4.7.4 Schedule scheme management

4.7.5 Creating a call schedule

4.8 “Electronic journal” function

4.8.1 Item Log

4.8.2 Lesson scheduling

4.8.3 Weekly log

4.8.4 Lesson page

4.8.5 Homework function

4.10 Student Diary function

4.11 “Reports” function

4.11.1 Institution card

4.11.2 Lists: Students

4.11.3 Lists: Employees

4.11.4 Student Movement: Summary

4.11.5 Movement of students: Arrivals

4.11.6 Movement of students: Dropouts

4.11.7 Academic performance: School

4.11.8 Academic Performance: Grades

4.11.9 Academic performance: Students

4.11.10 Progress: To the class teacher

4.11.11 Progress: To the teacher in the subject

4.11.12 Attendance: School

4.11.13 Attendance: Classes

4.11.14 Rating statistics: School

4.11.15 Evaluation statistics: Classes

4.11.16 Rating statistics: Items

4.11.17 EZhD statistics: School

4.11.18 Electrical railway statistics: Classes

4.11.19 Activity: General

4.11.20 Activity: Personal

4.12 Parent function

4.13 Teacher function

4.14 People function

4.15 Help

5 Emergency situations

5.1 “Access denied” message

5.2 Message “Page not found”

6.1 Test example of working with the subsystem

List of abbreviations



Short Message Service

A technology that allows you to receive and transmit short text messages using a cell phone.



Comprehensive Information system

Moscow Education Committee

Educational institution

Personal Computer

Database management system

Universal electronic card

Full Name

1. Introduction

1.1 Scope of application

The object of automation is the processes associated with maintaining records of educational activities in state educational institutions of the city of Moscow that implement compulsory programs general education, and providing parents (legal representatives) of students with a public service

“Providing information about the student’s current progress, maintaining an electronic diary, an electronic journal of progress” (“Electronic journal/diary”).

The organizations directly providing the service are state educational institutions (EIs) implementing compulsory general education programs subordinate to the district education departments of the city of Moscow and the Department of Education of the city of Moscow.

The class register is a state document, the maintenance of which is mandatory for every teacher and class teacher in accordance with established rules. Classroom journals refer to educational and pedagogical documentation in general educational institution. Responsibility for storing registers and monitoring the correctness of their maintenance rests with the school director and his deputies for educational work.

The “Electronic Diary” service for parents or other legal representatives of children is provided on the basis of an application fixing the applicant’s right to receive and the procedure for transmitting information, thereby preventing the information from reaching unauthorized persons.

Users of the “Electronic Journal / Diary” subsystem are:

· Students of general education institutions, their parents or legal representatives;

· Employees of educational institutions;

· Employees of the Department of Primary and General Education. The Electronic Journal/Diary subsystem automated the following processes:

· Accounting for educational activities (“Electronic Journal”);

· Registration of electronic applications of citizens wishing to receive information about the progress of their children (wards) in electronic form("Electronic diary");

· Providing information about educational process in electronic and paper form;

· Registration of the fact that a citizen has become familiar with the information in the electronic diary (“Parent’s signature on the diary”);

No. 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services”;

1.2 Brief description of features

List of automated functions:

· Receipt of information provided within the “electronic diary” service from the school segment in electronic form by parents and other legal representatives of children, incl. in the form of distribution by e-mail and SMS (using centralized transport functions of the CIS);

· Viewing “Operational Progress Monitoring” data (grades for the day, attendance according to the UEC, UEC score) in personal account user of the Moscow City Public Services Portal;

· View detailed student progress records (current grades for the week, grades for the reporting period, year, final grades, standard statements, detailed attendance, homework, teacher comments, training program etc.);

· Formation and placement in the “Analytics and Reporting” subsystem of statistical and analytical reporting on academic performance provided for by regulations governing the provision of services;

· Registration in the consolidated register of academic performance of information about the final performance of students;

· Formation of class magazines, incl. automatic, based on information from the register of students of the Department of Education, adjustment of journal data, formation of groups and subgroups by subject;

· Registration of current lesson attendance;

· Registration of current student performance with the possibility of using arbitrary assessment systems (qualitative, quantitative with different numbers of points and rating scales);

· Possibility of making corrections to the log, indicating the reasons for the correction, logging all user actions;

· Issuance and registration of homework and other extracurricular assignments with the ability to connect educational and teaching materials(files, links, calls educational resources);

· Formation of forecasts for the final grade (quarter, trimester, annual, etc. in accordance with the curriculum of a given educational institution) and using an individually customized system for calculating the integral result for the educational institution (weighting coefficients for various types of work, etc.);

· Registration of final grades;

· Registration of teacher’s remarks and comments on work and lessons;

· Reflection of the implementation of the curriculum in the logging mode upon completion in accordance with the internal regulations of the educational institution;

· Configuring the basic parameters of the system used for assessing academic performance and structuring the educational process in educational institutions: assessment methods (scale, type), types of educational work, the admissibility of certain assessment methods for various types of work, the formula for constructing the final assessment (forecast);

· Generating reports on the completeness and timeliness of filling out electronic journals;

· Generating extracts from an electronic journal/diary to provide them to parents who do not have access to computer technology and the Internet in paper form;

· Output of a summary statement of progress records (final class results for the academic year) for transfer to the archive for storage in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of August 6, 1997 N 287 “On the approximate nomenclature of cases educational institutions";

· Management of OU users with support for a role-based system for providing access to functions and data:

o School administrator;

o School editor of grades and PD; o School schedule editor; o Editor of lists of school people;

o Class editor;

o Editor of school reference books;

o Class teacher;

o Subject teacher;

o Parent of the student;

· Sending information about current academic performance and attendance using standardized protocols (via communication channels) and in the format established by the regulations for the provision of services for segments implemented on the technical means of the educational institution;

· Uploading data from the database into a standard system-independent format upon completion of the tasks of recording educational activities within the academic year for storage for 5 years in accordance with the current regulations for storing class registers;

· Formation of schedules, incl. import from scheduling systems;

· Registration of teacher substitutions, class transfers and other deviations from the schedule and curriculum;

· Automation of keeping a log of missed and substituted lessons;

· The teacher’s introduction of thematic or lesson plan;

· Distribution study load(general hourly plan, assignment of teachers to classes and groups);

· Generating performance reporting curricula and hourly workload for teachers (taking into account substitutions and transfers of classes);

· Database administration: archiving logs, incl. with depersonalization of data.

1.3 User level

Routine operations for the provision of services are carried out by officials and specialists - employees of the Moscow Department of Education and subordinate institutions, which are assigned these responsibilities by regulatory legal acts (direct users of the system).

Personnel working with the Electronic Journal/Diary subsystem includes the following categories:

· users of the subsystem who use it in their production activities;

· maintenance personnel of the subsystem, providing service support for its operation (consisting of administrators and system administrators).

The set of operations for working with the subsystem is distributed among functional groups as follows:

1. Users - viewing and adding information to the subsystem, loading data from external systems, processing and clarifying information, receiving reports, performing actions within business processes;

2. Administrators - setting up an access control system (managing user rights), changing regulatory and reference information, setting up business processes, connecting information resources;

3. System administrators - setting up and maintaining service hardware and software, backup and recovery after failures.

This manual is intended for Users.

All users of the service, regardless of the functions performed, must have basic computer and Internet skills and be able to use any modern web browser to view hypertext web pages and fill out web forms. Requirements for the qualifications of recipients of state services in the field of education in electronic form do not exceed the usual basic level Internet user (ability to use a browser to view hypertext web pages and fill out web forms).

1.4 List of operational documentation that the user needs to familiarize himself with

List of operational documents that the user needs to familiarize himself with:

· General description of the system;

· User guide.

2 Purpose and conditions of use

2.1 Types of activities, functions for which the subsystem is intended to automate

The “Electronic Journal/Diary” subsystem is designed to automate the following activities:

· Accounting for educational activities (“Electronic Journal”).

· Registration of electronic applications of citizens wishing to receive information about the progress of their children (wards) in electronic form (“Electronic Diary”).

· Providing information about the educational process in electronic and paper form.

· Registration of the fact that a citizen has become familiar with the information in the electronic diary (“Signature of the parent on the diary”).

· Execution of interdepartmental requests to obtain available government agencies information necessary to provide the service in order to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010.

No. 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services.”

· Drawing up analytical and statistical reporting on academic performance.

2.2 Conditions under which the subsystem is used in accordance with its intended purpose

2.2.1 Software requirements

The “Electronic Journal / Diary” subsystem is built on the basis of a thin client (web browser) architecture.

Client workstations of the subsystem are designed to use any modern web browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer version no lower than 8, Mozilla FireFox version no lower than 6, Apple Safari version no lower than 5, Opera version no lower than 11, Google Chrome version no lower than 11. Used by the user The browser must be configured accordingly to disable caching of information in order to avoid the threat of compromise of user personal data.

2.2.2 Hardware requirements

There are no hardware requirements for user client workstations.

3 Preparing for work

3.1 Composition and contents of the distribution media

In order to use the functions of the Electronic Journal/Diary subsystem, a distribution medium is not required.

3.2 Order of downloading data and programs

In order to gain access to the “Electronic Journal/Diary” subsystem, you must perform the following steps:

1. Open any modern browser1 (Microsoft Internet Explorer version no lower than 8, Mozilla FireFox version no lower than 6, Apple Safari version no lower than 5, Opera version no lower than 11, Google Chrome version no lower than 11) and type in the address bar: “dnevnik .mos.ru".

2. On the page that opens, fill in the following fields in the “Login to Diary” window area:

· Login - login (logical name) of the user;

· Password - password for logging into the system and clicking the “Login” button.

If you are entering the subsystem for the first time (there has been no user registration yet), you must fill in the “Access Code” field and click the “Next” button. The access code is issued by OS employees. On the page that opens, you need to enter the required data and click “Register”. In the future, instead of the access code, you should use the created login and password.

3.3 Procedure for checking functionality

The subsystem is operational if, as a result of the user’s actions set out in clause 3.2, the account control panel in the “Electronic Journal/Diary” subsystem is displayed on the monitor screen without issuing messages to the user about a malfunction.

An example of a user account control panel in the subsystem is shown in Fig.

1. The data displayed in the figure (information in the calendar, number of messages, number of friends, user’s full name, profile photo) may vary among different users of the subsystem.

1 The computer must be connected to the Internet.

Rice. 1. Account control panel in the subsystem

4 Description of operations

The “Electronic Journal/Diary” subsystem provides the following user roles:

· School administrator;

· School editor of grades and homework;

· School schedule editor;

· Editor of lists of school people;

· Class editor;

· Editor of school reference books;

· Classroom teacher;

· Subject teacher;

· Student;

· Student's parent.

One user can combine several roles at once. Depending on the role in the subsystem, the user has access to various functionality of the subsystem. If one user combines several roles in the subsystem, then generalized functionality is available to him.

This guide is intended for all system users with the listed roles, except for the user with the “School Administrator” role. Guidelines for users with the subsystem administrator role are contained in the Administrator's Guide document.

Depending on the user's role in the subsystem, various sections from the main menu are available to him.

The following sections are available to school employees:

· Home:

o Messages;

o Calendar;

o My school; o My classes; o Schedule; o Magazines;

o Teacher's room;

The following sections are available to student parents:

· Home:

o Messages;

o Calendar;

o Schedule;

o Diary;

o Parent;

The following sections are available to school students:

· Home:

o Messages;

o Calendar;

o My school;

o My class;

o Schedule;

o Diary;

4.1 Questionnaire function

Each user of the “Electronic Journal/Diary” subsystem, regardless of role, has his own personal page - a profile, where he can upload his photo, indicate his contacts, correspond with other members of the subsystem, create and view a list of friends. The user can configure who will have access to the content of his personal page.

For transition to the questionnaire:

· click on the “pencil” icon located on the right side of your full name

· or click “Edit” under “Questionnaire” on the home page.

The list of contacts can be edited by clicking on the “Edit” link above the block.

You can add new users to your friends list by clicking on the “Add” link above the block.

To edit information such as name, age, and date of birth, contact your school administrator. Only he can change this data.

On the profile editing page you can edit:

· “Basic” tab:

o settings for visibility of main parameters;

o pseudonym;

· Contacts tab:

o basic contact information and setting their visibility;

· Photo tab:

o you can upload your new photo. For changes profile settings:

· click “Edit settings” on the “Edit profile” page

· or click "Settings" on the home page.

Can be configured:

· Access to basic user information;

· Secret word;

· Interface - time zone and language settings.

To configure these parameters, go to the appropriate tab and change the information.

4.2 Messages function

All users of the “Electronic Journal/Diary” subsystem can correspond with each other. Correspondence with each user has convenient page-by-page navigation and search.

In order to send a message subsystem user:

· Go to his profile page by clicking on the link with his name or photo;

· Click on the “envelope” icon located in the upper right part of the questionnaire;

· Enter the message you want to send to the user and click the Send button.

For view history his correspondence and its continuation:

· Select the “Home” menu item, the “Messages” submenu (or you can select the “Home” menu item, and on the page that opens follow the “Messages” link);

· To navigate between pages with a list of correspondence, use the links with page numbers located at the bottom of the window;

· Click on the name or photo of the user whose correspondence you want to view;

· Received messages are highlighted in blue, sent messages are highlighted in green;

· To go to the user’s profile, click on the link with his name or photo;

· To navigate between pages with a list of messages in correspondence, use the links with page numbers located at the bottom of the page;

· To view only received messages, use the “Received” link;

· To view only sent messages, use the “Sent” link;

· To return to viewing all messages, use the “Show all” link;

· For search according to messages, use the search function - enter the desired word or phrase in the search bar and press “Enter”;

· For deleting correspondence history click “Delete all correspondence”;

· To delete a specific message, click on the cross icon located to the right of the message.

The number of new unread messages received is displayed in the upper right corner of the subsystem, next to the icon. If there is at least one unread message, the “envelope” icon will turn orange and the number of unread messages will appear next to it. To read them, click on this icon.

4.3 Calendar function

For each user of the Electronic Journal/Diary subsystem, a personal calendar is maintained in which various events are recorded.

The personal calendar shows:

· hometasks;

· birthdays of friends and classmates.

To go to the calendar, go to the “Home” menu item, “Calendar” submenu.

On the “Home” page (the “Home” menu item, this page opens first when you log in) in the “Calendar” section, 2 days are displayed: the current and next days. To go to the calendar function, click on the “Calendar” link.

4.4 Friends feature

Each user of the “Electronic Journal/Diary” subsystem can create his own list of friends. This list can include any subsystem user who has confirmed that he is a friend of this user.

To access your friends list:

· Select the “Home” menu item, “Friends” submenu;

On this page you can create separate lists for friends, for example:

“Classmates”, “Relatives”, “Acquaintances”, etc. To add a friend to the list, check the box next to his name and select the desired category from the “Move to” list.

To search for friends in the list, you need to use the search bar located above the list.

To navigate between friend list pages, use the page number links at the bottom of the page.

To view friends who are currently in the subsystem, click on “Currently on the site.”

To view a friend's profile, click on his name or photo in the list.

To send a message to a friend, click on the envelope icon located next to the friend's name.

To remove a user from your friends list, click on the cross icon located to the right of the friend’s name.

From this page you can access the “Calendar” functionality. To view your closest friends’ birthdays, click on “Nearest” in the “Friends’ Birthdays” block. To view the calendar for the whole year, click on “Full Year Calendar”.

The number of new friend requests is shown in the top right

corner of the subsystem, next to the icon. If there is at least one unanswered friend request, the icon will be highlighted in orange and the number of unconfirmed requests will appear next to it. To view them, click on this icon.

4.5 “School website” function

Each school in the “Electronic Journal/Diary” subsystem has its own questionnaire page with a set of various functions that increase the efficiency of communication and information exchange at school.

In order to go to the school page, select in the horizontal menu

“School”, submenu “My School” or simply clicking “School”.

On the main page of the school (the “Profile” tab) are available brief information about the school, contacts, list of management and administrators, last news, changes on the forum, go to the “Classes”, “People”, “Forum”, “Announcements” tabs. The school administrator can control the features that will be available to other users.

A subsystem user with the “Parent” role does not have a separate menu item for viewing information about the school, but the functionality of the school website is still available. To view the school page, you must go to the school page by clicking on the name of the school in your profile or in your child’s profile.

4.6 School Class function

Each class in the “Electronic Journal/Diary” subsystem has its own questionnaire page with a set of various functions that increase the efficiency of communication and information exchange at school.

To go to the class page, select in the horizontal menu

“School”, submenu “My classes”. For a teacher, “My Classes” are the classes in which he teaches or is a class teacher. For a student, this is the class in which he studies. Parents do not have a separate item in the “My Classes” menu, but they have access to functionality when viewing the classes in which their children study or when viewing other classes.

On the class page (the “Profile” tab) a list of students, class news, latest news, changes on the forum, a list of class employees, and access to the “People”, “Forum”, “Announcements” tabs are available.

4.7 Schedule function

The lesson schedule supports all types of reporting periods: quarters, trimesters and semesters. The “Electronic Journal/Diary” subsystem allows you to create weekly and fractional schedules, group and batch classes. Using the replacement mechanism, you can cancel and reschedule lessons, replace teachers and classrooms.

Students and teachers have access to their personal lesson schedule. Teachers also have access to the schedules of other teachers in the school.

Creating and maintaining an up-to-date lesson schedule for the class is necessary for correct use school functions subsystems.

4.7.1 Creating a lesson schedule

In order to go to the schedule creation tools you need to:

· in the “School” section, select the “Schedule” subsection, then the desired class;

· in the “Administration” section of the school, select the “Schedule” block, then “Lessons”.

The condition for correct display of the schedule page is the configured reporting periods for this class.

Tools for creating a schedule are available only to an employee with the “Administrator” or “Editor” role with full access to the “Schedule” block.

1. To create a lesson schedule for a specific class:

· go to;

· create a schedule diagram - a schedule for 1 week for the class, which will be a template for filling out the schedule grid for all weeks of the reporting period;

· fill the diagram with lessons;

· Publish the chart in selected weeks of the reporting period.

· user calendars, lesson pages, magazines, student diaries, teacher schedules;

· triple connection “teacher -> subject -> class”, which gives the teacher the right to edit a specific magazine, lesson pages.

Based on the stability of the schedule within the reporting period, it is recommended:

a) In case schedule class lessons practically does not change during the reporting period, create one main scheme, publish it in all weeks of the reporting period and edit lessons directly in the schedule grid;

b) In case rotating schedules for even and odd weeks, create two diagrams with corresponding names and lessons and publish them alternately in the schedule grid for the entire reporting period. To create a second diagram, use the copy function;

c) In case schedule during the reporting period is changing dramatically, create a new scheme and publish it in subsequent weeks of the reporting period, having previously cleared them of the previous scheme.

4.7.2 Managing lesson schedules

The lesson schedule page for a class has the following controls:

1. Lesson generator allows you to fill the schedule grid for the entire reporting period with a typical weekly schedule scheme.

2. Clear- the function allows you to clear the schedule grid for the entire reporting period at once.

If the administrator tries to delete lessons for which grades, attendance, and homework were assigned, this can only be done after confirming the operation with the administrator’s personal password, since deleting a lesson will entail the deletion of all data associated with it.

3. Cleaning 1 week is necessary in order to clear only one specific week in the schedule grid.

4. Create a lesson possible directly in the schedule grid.

5. Copying lessons into a diagram necessary in order to turn the lessons created in the schedule grid into a standard weekly scheme.

6. Lesson counter keeps a count of lessons according to plan, replaced, rescheduled and canceled lessons.

To correctly count replaced and transferred lessons, use the “Replace/Transfer” and “Cancel” tools in edit mode.

7. Export, Print- the function allows you to export to Excel and print a schedule grid for the entire reporting period.

Example of an export form:

4.7.3 Editing the lesson schedule

Editing lesson data is possible at any convenient time and is available directly in the grid with the lesson schedule.

To edit lesson data, indicate replacement/transfer, cancel Click the icon and perform the necessary actions in the window that appears.

To delete a lesson click on the icon and confirm deletion.

If the administrator tries to delete lessons for which grades, attendance, and homework have been assigned, this can only be done after confirming the operation with a password, since deleting a lesson will entail the deletion of all data associated with it.

1. Lesson editing window allows you to completely replace lesson data, and also contains a built-in mechanism for replacements, transfers and cancellations.

2. To replace lesson data must be checked first required element, and then enter new data about the lesson.

4.7.4 Schedule scheme management

Schedule schemes are available in the Lesson Generator. The lesson schedule outline page for a class has the following controls:

Schedule scheme controls allow you to:

· clear the entire circuit,

· edit the name of the scheme,

· make a copy of the created diagram,

· delete the scheme,

· export the diagram to Excel or print it.

Lesson controls allow you to:

Create a lesson

· copy a typical lesson to other cells of the week,

· edit lesson data,

· delete lesson.

Try to carefully fill out all fields when adding lessons. The further distribution of rights to fill and view data in the subsystem depends on this.

If a lesson is taught not for the whole class, but for a study group, the icon above the subject name remains active and allows you to add lesson data for the next study group to the cell.

Deleting a lesson in a scheme or the entire scheme does not entail any consequences.

4.7.5 Creating a call schedule

The procedure for creating a call schedule is described in detail in the "Administrator's Guide", which can be downloaded in the "Administration" section.

This item is included in these instructions in connection with the new setting for the call schedule - "On every day". This setting allows you to create an individual call schedule for each day of the week.

In order to go to the tools for creating a schedule for each day, you need to go to the section "Administration" select the block "Schedule", Further -

"Calls". In the upper right corner of the page that opens, click on the icon, enter the name of the schedule, select a setting "On every day", enter lesson times.

4.8 “Electronic journal” function

Teachers in the “Electronic Journal/Diary” subsystem can give grades in the classes in which they teach, and, if they have administrative rights, in any class of the school. The scoring mechanism is made as clear and convenient as possible. Various statements and reports are available on the progress of both the entire class and individual students.

The electronic journal module in the “Electronic Journal / Diary” subsystem has several elements that are closely interconnected: Subject Journal, Lesson Planning, Weekly Journal, Lesson Page, Student Diary.

4.8.1 Item Log

In order to go to the Journal of an item of a specific class, you must:

· select the desired item from the proposed list in the pop-up window.

The Item Log page provides the following options:

· - go to the “Journals” section;

· - transition to the journal of another subject in the selected class;

· - transition to subgroup journals;

· - transition to the journal of the subject of another reporting period;

· - transition to the student’s Diary;

· - view/download instructions for filling out the journal;

If the memo does not open in a new window or tab, you must first save it by right-clicking and selecting “Save as...”.

· - go to the Lesson Planning page;

· - transition to the Weekly Journal;

· - transition to the corresponding lesson pages;

· - entering information about class attendance;

· - entering information about the current progress of students in the class;

In order to assign a fractional grade, grade “ZH”, “NZ”, you need to make the appropriate settings on the lesson page for this work in the lesson.

· entering information about the final performance of students in the class;

Final grades can only be given within the framework of one established assessment system, OCB and N/A.

· - viewing the magazine page in color/black and white mode;

· - print the page and export to Excel.

Example of a printable form:

In accordance with the standards for paper forms of magazines, when printing, the signs “+” and “-” are not taken into account, the letter “o” is not taken into account, the letters “b”, “p” turn into “n”.

4.8.1 Rules for filling out the log


Use only the following characters for keyboard input:

n- “small”, to indicate absence for an unexcused reason;

P- “small”, to indicate absence for a good reason;

b- “small”, to indicate absence due to illness;

O- “small”, to indicate being late for class.

In accordance with the standards for paper forms of magazines, when printing, “o” is not taken into account, “b” is converted into “n”.

The value in the student diaries and in the lesson logs is entered automatically at the end of the lesson, if no other information was entered into the cell during the lesson.

The attendance symbol, if there is a grade in the cell, is entered before the grade.

Academic performance:

To enter information about academic performance, you must place the cursor in the desired cell and enter from the keyboard only the following characters:

Numbers from 1 to n, within the chosen point system ratings (where n= 5,7,12);

Letters- “large” Latin numbers or corresponding numbers, within

American grading system;

Signs "+" and "-" in addition to the 5-point and American grading systems;

AF, NC- “large”, within the framework of the “Test” grading system;

SALT- “large”, to indicate exemption from certification;

ON- “large”, to indicate non-certification.

In accordance with the standards for paper journal forms, the “+” and “-” signs are not taken into account when printing.

Zoom in on the log by simultaneously pressing the “Ctrl” and “+” keys.

In order to give a fractional grade, you need to make the appropriate settings on the lesson page for this work in the lesson.

The transition from line to line in the journal is carried out using the “Enter” key.

4.8.2 Lesson scheduling

In order to go to Lesson planning for a specific class you must:

· in the “School” section, select the “Journals” subsection/tab

"Lesson planning";

· select the desired class from the list provided;

· select the desired item.

If you do not teach any classes, the page will contain a warning instead of listing classes and subjects.

The Lesson Planning page provides the following options:

· entering and/or editing lesson topics;

The topic of the lesson for a certain date in Lesson Planning will be displayed on the corresponding lesson page.

· handing out homework in class;

Data on homework assigned in a lesson for a certain date in Lesson Planning will be displayed on the page of the lesson for which it was issued.

· go to the “Journals” / “Lesson Planning” section;

· transition to the Item Journal;

· transition to the lesson planning table of another subject in this class;

· transition to the lesson planning table for a specific reporting period, the whole year;

· transition to the corresponding lesson pages (link from the date);

· Print the page and export to Excel.

4.8.3 Weekly log

The weekly magazine is a tool for the work of class teachers.

In order to go to the Journal for the week of a specific class, you must:

· in the “School” section, select the “Journals” subsection/the “Journals” tab;

· select the desired class from the list provided;

· select any day of the desired week in the calendar.

The Weekly Log page provides the following options:

· go to the “Journals” section;

· calendar for selecting the week for which to open the magazine;

· transition to the magazine for the week of another class;

· go to the corresponding lesson pages;

· entering information about class attendance;

· entering information about the progress of students in the class

· viewing the magazine page in color/black and white mode. The rules for entering information into the Weekly Journal are similar to the rules for entering

information in the Item Journal.

The data entered into the Journal for the week ends up in the corresponding Subject Journals and Student Diaries.

4.8.4 Lesson page

Each lesson has a page where the teacher can manage homework and work in the lesson, as well as mark attendance and grade.

In order to go to the Page of a specific lesson, you must follow the link from the date and/or title of the lesson:

· in the schedule;

· in the subject journal;

· in the magazine for the week;

· in lesson planning.

The Lesson Page provides the following options:

· editing lesson details;

· adding homework to the current and next lessons;

· adding and/or editing work in the lesson;

· work with the lesson log: entering information about attendance, progress, adding comments to the lesson;

· go to the Item Journal page;

· go to the Weekly Journal page;

· go to the Lesson Planning page.

The data on the Lesson Page goes into the corresponding Subject Journal, Weekly Journal, and Student Diaries.

4.9 Homework function

The homework function allows teachers to issue assignments and monitor the progress of their completion, and for students to complete assignments and send the results to the teacher directly in the “Electronic Journal/Diary” subsystem.

Using the “Homework” function, the teacher can assign both group and individual assignments in a subject and monitor the progress of their completion. Students, having completed the task remotely, can immediately send the results to the teacher. A convenient step-by-step wizard for creating homework allows you to configure the type of assessment, due date, availability of verification, as well as give a full description or attach a file with the finished task. The homework page has functionality that allows you to change its status, leave comments, and give individual consultations. All actions of the student and teacher are saved and recorded in a log. The teacher has access to an archive of homework for the entire school. He can view both his homework and the assignments of the classes in which he substitutes for another teacher. The student has access to his homework.

Parents can also see homework assigned to their children. Completed and uncompleted tasks are displayed separately.

The functionality is available in the “School” section of the main menu, subsection “Homework”.

Homework example:

The teacher creates a new homework task using a convenient step-by-step wizard. In the created homework, the teacher sees the details of the assignment, the list of students to whom it was given, and the status of each student’s completion of the assignment. For each student, a log of all activities with the assignment is available.

To create a remote control:

· go to the “School” menu item, submenu “Homework”;

· Click “add remote control”;

· Select the class and lesson for whom you want to create homework;

· Describe homework;

· Give out homework.

To create a remote control from the lesson page:

· On the lesson page, click “DZ for the next lesson”;

· Describe homework;

· Give out homework.

To edit remote control:

· Click “Edit”;

· Change the necessary parameters;

To issue DD:

· Go to the selected homework (for example, from the “Homework” page from the “School” menu item);

· Click “Issue to all students”;

· Click “Yes, issue!”.

When working with remote control on the lesson page, you must take into account the following features of the wizard:

· if the created assignment is not issued to any student, the column for grades for assignment in the journal on the lesson page is not formed. Such a PD has the status “Not issued”;

· if, when creating a work assignment, the “Show” setting in the journals is set and it is issued to at least one student, a column for grades for the work assignment is formed in the journal on the lesson page, in the subject journal, the grade for the work assignment is taken into account when calculating the student’s average score;

· if, when creating a work assignment, the “Do not show” setting is set in the journals and it is issued to at least one student, the column for grades for the work assignment is formed in the journal on the lesson page, it is not formed in the subject journal, the grade for such a work assignment is not taken into account when calculating the average student score;

The grade for homework, which is set to “Do not show” in journals, is displayed in Student Diaries gray and is not taken into account when calculating the average score.

4.10 Student Diary function

Each student in the “Electronic Journal/Diary” subsystem has access to all grades assigned to him in all subjects. You can view grades by subject and for a certain period (week, quarter). Final grades are also available. All student grades are also available to his parents.

Student diaries are generated automatically based on the data entered in the Subject Journal, Weekly Journal, and on the Lesson Page.

In order to go to the student’s Diary, you must follow the link with the student’s last name:

· in the subject journal;

· in the magazine for the week;

· in some reports (see section

4.11 “Reports” function).

The Diary displays the following information:

· schedule of lessons;

· attendance data;

· progress data;

· short description homework;

· commentary on the lesson from the teacher or class teacher.

4.11 “Reports” function

The “Reports” module is responsible for creating and managing reports that are generated based on data previously entered into the system. The reports are standard tabular forms used for internal school quality control of education.

The Reports feature is only available to school staff. The function is not available to students and their parents.

Exporting and printing reports

Any report can be exported to spreadsheet Excel or print. To do this, click on the “Export” or “Print” icon, respectively, located above the report, on the right side.

4.11.1 Institution card

Report logic:

The “Institution Card” report is filled out automatically based on the following data entered into the system:

· full and short name of the educational institution in the “Administration” section / “Settings” block / “School name” item;

· address of the educational institution in the “Administration” section / block “Directories” / item “Buildings”;

· Full name and full title of the director’s position in the personal card (if there is no text in the “Full position title” field, then simply “Director” will be written in the report);

· telephone numbers, E-mail address, website address in the section

“Administration” / “Settings” block / “Contacts” item;

· lists of students and employees;

Report Visibility: to all employees of the educational institution.

4.11.2 Lists: Students

Report logic:

The “Lists: Students” report is filled in automatically after entering (importing) lists with the data of students, parents and their contact information into the system.

By default, the report is generated for the current date, but using the calendar you can select any archived date, in which case the lists will display students who were on the school’s list for the selected date.

Filters allow you to sort the list by a specific class, view archived lists for past school years, and also find information about a specific student.

The "Class" column displays the student's class in which he is or was in the selected school year.

If a student transfers, the classes he was in during the selected school year are displayed from top to bottom in order of transfer.

Report Visibility: administrator and editor with full access to the “People” block, class teacher only for his class.

4.11.3 Lists: Employees

Report logic:

The “Lists: Employees” report is filled in automatically after entering (importing) lists with data of employees of the educational institution into the system.

By default, the report is generated for the current date.

Filters allow you to sort the list by position and class management, as well as find information about a specific employee.

The “Class” column displays the class in which the employee is in charge of class management.

If an employee supervises several classes, they will be listed separated by commas.

Report visibility: administrator and editor with full access to the “People” block.

If an employee or a number of employees need access to this report, the administrator should give them editor rights with access to the “People” block.

4.11.4 Student Movement: Summary

Report logic:

The “Student Movement: Summary” report is filled in automatically after student lists are entered into the system. The report shows the total number of students entering the school (or transferring from another class of the school) and leaving the class or school (including students moving up to the senior class at the end of the school year) for the selected period.

The movement of students, which is recorded in the report:

· Beginning of school (class) - “+1” in the “Arrived” column

· Expulsion from school - “+1” in the “Dropped Out” column

· Transfer from one class to another - “+1” in the “Arrived” column and “+1” in the “Departed” column

· Graduation from school (exclusion from grades 9 and 11 of the school using the function for the class “transfer to archive”, “graduate”) - “+1” in the column “Dropped out”

When expelling or transferring a student, it is indicated whether this is a real expulsion/transfer or whether this expulsion/transfer is due to an error (for example, the student was placed in the wrong class). In the second case, the student is not considered to have left and all his entries as an arrival are canceled.

The report will be current provided that the correct start and end dates for students’ membership are entered.

For example, if a student was enrolled in school on August 5, then he will not be taken into account in the report from September 1. In order for him to be included in this report, the start date of his school membership must be changed to September 1st.

In order to change the start/end date of school membership, you must go to the “Administration” section, the “List of People” block, go to the page for editing the personal data of the selected student, open the “Migration” tab, click on the date and enter a new membership date .

The report is designed to track the number of students entering and leaving the school.

Report visibility: to all employees of the OU.

4.11.5 Movement of students: Arrivals

Report logic:

The “Student Movement: Arrivals” report is filled in automatically after student lists are entered into the system.

The report provides a list of OU students who arrived at school or transferred from another class for the selected period.

By default, the report is generated for the current academic year, but you can change it by selecting one of the previous academic years. Instead of an academic year, you can specify a specific period using the interactive calendar.

You can filter the display results by reason of arrival - transfer students from another class or enrolled in school.

Report visibility: to all employees of the OU.

4.11.6 Movement of students: Dropouts

Report logic:

The “Movement of Students: Dropouts” report is filled in automatically after student lists are entered into the system.

The report provides a list of OU students who dropped out of school or were transferred to another class for the selected period.

By default, the report is generated for the current academic year, but you can change it by selecting one of the previous academic years. Instead of an academic year, you can specify a specific period using the interactive calendar.

You can filter the display results by reason of departure - expelled students or transferred to another class of the school.

Report visibility: to all employees of the OU.

4.11.7 Academic performance: School

Report logic:

The “Performance: School” report is filled out automatically for the reporting period after students have been given all final grades in all subjects in a given reporting period, that is, subject to full certification, the student will be included in this report.

By default, the report opens immediately to “Whole Year”, which will be generated only after annual grades for subjects are issued, so after opening the report, select the desired reporting period.

For the 5-point system, the following conditions for grading students are accepted:Excellent student- a student who achieves “5”, does not have “2”, “N/A”; Good guy- a student who achieves “4” and “5”, but does not have a “2”, “N/A”;

Achiever- a student who has at least one “3”, no “2”, “N/A”;

Underachiever- a student who has at least one “2”, “N/A”.

All other rating systems are reduced to 5 points as follows:

Report visibility: to all employees of the OU.

4.11.8 Academic Performance: Grades

Report logic:

The “Performance: Classes” report is filled out automatically for the reporting period after all final grades in all subjects have been assigned to the students of a class in a given reporting period. The second table of the report does not take into account students who did not receive at least 1 final grade. Their number is displayed in the “No ratings” item.

Wed. score = ∑5 *"5" + ∑4 *"4"+ ∑3 *"3"+ ∑2 *"2"+ ∑N/A *"0"

∑5+ ∑4 + ∑3 + ∑2 + ∑Н/А

% quality zn. by subjects = (∑ 5 + ∑ 4) * 100%

SOU (%) = (∑5 * "1" + ∑4 * "0.64" + ∑3 * "0.36" + ∑2 * "0.14" + ∑N/A * "0.07" ) * 100%

number of students in the class - number of students with OSD

% success = (number of excellent students + number of good students + number of successful students) * 100%

number of students in the class - number of students with OSD

% quality zn. class = (number of excellent students + number of good students) * 100%

number of students in the class - number of students with OSD The remaining rating systems in calculations are reduced to 5-point (see above). The link with the student’s last name in the first table allows you to go to the student’s Diary, in the second - to the “Progress: Students” report for this student. The report displays only those items that are set to "With Attestation."

In order to change the setting and add/remove an item from the report, you need to go to the “Administration” section, the “Directory” block, item

“Items”, item editing page.

The report displays the students in the class on the last day of the selected reporting period.

If a student was moved out of a class during the reporting period, it will not appear on the report. If students were transferred to a class after the end of the reporting period to assign grades to students “retrospectively,” then they will not be displayed in the report for this reporting period.

The report type “Performance: Classes” for the year has the same appearance and logic as the report for the selected academic period, only instead of the final grade for the period, the annual grade is used.

The “Performance: Grades” report type for all periods is an analogue of a form filled out in a paper journal.

Report visibility: to all employees of the OU.

4.11.9 Academic performance: Students

Report logic:

The report “Progress: Students” is filled out automatically for the reporting period based on information about the educational process entered into the subject journal, the weekly journal.

The report is a report card of the student's progress and attendance for the school period or a certain time period in this period. Thus, you can generate and print a report on a student’s progress for one month, for example.

To calculate analytical parameters, the report uses the following formulas:

Average score = ∑5 *"5" + ∑4 *"4"+ ∑3 *"3"+ ∑2 *"2"+ ∑N/A *"0" +∑NZ *"0" ;

∑5+ ∑4 + ∑3 + ∑2 + ∑Н/А+ ∑НЗ

Avg. weigh it. score = ∑ ((∑ marks for one type of work * weight of work)/number of marks)

∑ weights of all types of work used in the journal

The assessment of “OSV”, “ZCH” is not taken into account in the calculation. The remaining rating systems for calculations are reduced to 5-point (see above).

Absences (total) = ∑“b”+∑“n”+∑“p” Absences (due to illness) = ∑“b” Lateness = ∑“o”

The weighted average score may not coincide with the average score, even if all work weights = 1.

An example of calculating the weighted average score:

Let’s say there are 4 types of work at school (conditionally): OTV Test K/R D/R

In the journal, the student has the following grades for the following work:

Avg. weigh it. score = ((5+5)/2) * 5/11 + (3/1 * 4/11) + (2/1 * 2/11) = 3.73

where 11 is the sum of the weights of those types of work that were taken into account in this journal. Thus, the weighted average score provides a more objective assessment of the student’s knowledge, taking into account the type of work for which the grade was given.

In order to set weights for types of work in a lesson, you need to go to the “Administration” section, the “Settings” block, the “Weight of typical work” item:

Possible values ​​for work weights are from 1 to 10.

In order to print reports for all students of the selected class for the selected period at once, use the “Print all” link icon.

The report type for the entire academic year is as follows:

Report visibility: to all employees of the OU.

4.11.10 Progress: To the class teacher

Report logic:

The report “To the Class Teacher” is a copy of the first table of the report “Progress: Classes”, preserving the basic principles of work.

The peculiarity of the report is that instead of final grades, the cells display the average score of all the student’s current grades in this subject, given up to and including the reporting date.

By default, the report is generated for the current date, but using the calendar you can select and view data for any archived date.

The report is intended to enable class teachers to monitor the performance situation in their class and predict the final results of the reporting period.

Report visibility: administrators, editors with access to “DZ and grades”, class teachers - only in “their” class.

If an employee, a head teacher, for example, needs access to the reports of all class teachers, the administrator should give him editor rights with access to “DZ and grades.”

4.11.11 Progress: To the teacher in the subject

Report logic:

The report “To the teacher by subject” is filled out automatically for the reporting period after all final grades in the subject have been assigned to the students of the class in this reporting period.

After selecting a subject, only those teachers for whom the “teacher -> subject” setting is set are displayed in the drop-down list.

This setting can be set:

1. On the page for editing the employee’s personal data, the “Items” tab:

2. On the subject data editing page, “Teachers” tab:

If a teacher teaches a subject for a class subgroup, then the report will display only the data of his subgroup.

The report uses the following to calculate analytical parameters:

Wed. score = ∑5 *"5" + ∑4 *"4"+ ∑3 *"3"+ ∑2 *"2"+ ∑N/A *"0" ;

∑5+ ∑4 + ∑3 + ∑2 + ∑Н/А

% quality zn. = (∑ excellent + ∑ good) * 100% ;

% success = (∑ excellent + ∑ good + ∑ specific) * 100% ;

number of students in a class (subgroup) - number of students with OSV

SOU (%) = (∑5 * "1" + ∑4 * "0.64" + ∑3 * "0.36" + ∑2 * "0.14" + ∑N/A * "0.07" ) *100% ;

number of students in a class (subgroup) - number of students with OSV

The remaining rating systems for calculations are reduced to 5-point (see above).

The report is intended to enable subject teachers to analyze the situation with academic performance in their subject and compare the final results of classes within one parallel or within one reporting period.

Report visibility: administrators, editors with access to “DZ and grades”, subject teachers - only for “their” classes and “their” subjects.

If an employee, a head teacher, for example, needs access to the reports of all subject teachers, the administrator should give him editor rights with access to “DZ and grades.”

4.11.12 Attendance: School

Report logic:

The “Attendance: School” report is filled out automatically based on the absences and tardiness reported to students in the subject log/weekly log during the reporting period.

The report can be configured to view late students (by selecting “O” in the “Attendance Report by” line), students with missed lessons for various reasons (“N”

Absenteeism, “B” - sick, “P” - absenteeism) or all students who missed classes (“N” + “P” + “B”).

By default, the minimum number of no-shows and tardies for any reporting period is 6.

The minimum number of no-shows and latenesses is summed up for all subjects. The ability to edit this minimum number is left to administrators and editors.

The report is intended to monitor student discipline and identify truants.

Report visibility: to all employees of the OU.

4.11.13 Attendance: Classes

Report logic:

The “Attendance: Classes” report is filled out automatically based on the attendance data submitted to students in the subject log, weekly log.

The type of report for the reporting period and the entire academic year has a standard appearance and is an analogue of the form filled out in a paper journal.

To calculate analytical parameters, the report uses the following formulas and conditions:

Lessons (total) = ∑“b”+∑“n”+∑“p” Lessons (due to illness) = ∑“b” Lateness = ∑“o”

Full days (total) = ∑ full. days with “b”+∑ full. days with “n”+∑ complete. days with "p" »+

+ ∑ full days with “p”, “b”, “n”

Full days (due to illness) = ∑ full days with “b”

A full day is recorded in the report provided that all lessons taught that day in the student’s class (subgroup) are missed.

Report visibility: to all employees of the OU.

4.11.14 Rating statistics: School

Report logic:

The “Grading Statistics: School” report is filled out automatically and updated when new grades are assigned.

By default, the report opens for the current academic year and immediately to “Whole Year,” but you can select the required reporting period.

The sorting type of results can be changed to “In order” (from 1st grade to 11th grade) and “By rating” (in descending order).

number of students in a class (subgroup) - number of students with OSV The class rating is formed based on the value of the “% quality” column. zn." Report visibility: to all employees of the OU.

4.11.15 Evaluation statistics: Classes

Report logic:

To display the Grade Statistics: Classes report, select the desired class. If necessary, you can change the filter parameters.

The sorting type of results can be changed to "Alphabetical" and "By rating" (in descending order).

To calculate analytical parameters in the report, the following formula is used:

% quality zn. = (∑ excellent + ∑ good) * 100%

number of students in a class (subgroup) - number of students with OSV The class rating is formed based on the value of the "% quality value" column. Report visibility: to all employees of the OU.

4.11.16 Rating statistics: Items

Report logic:

To display the "Grading Statistics: Subjects" report, select the desired grade, grading system, and reporting period. If necessary, you can change the filter parameters.

The sorting type of results can be changed to “Alphabetical” and “By rating” (in descending order).

The report is built on the same principle as the “Grading Statistics: Students” report. The link with the name of the subject leads to the journal page for the subject.

Report visibility: to all employees of the OU.

4.11.17 EZhD statistics: School

Report logic:

The report “Statistics of electronic railway management: School” is filled out automatically.

By default, data is displayed for the current academic year. Academic year or the reporting period can be changed using the filter above the report.

If the school has several reporting periods (semesters, trimesters, quarters, etc.), then the report will display only those classes that are enrolled in the selected reporting period.

The values ​​in the column “Subjects for which grades are given” - for example, “11 out of 18” - mean that for the selected class in this reporting period, 18 journals for subjects were created in EZD, but only 11 of them are filled out.

Completing the log means receiving at least one grade or one attendance mark.

For example, in the schedule of a class in EZhD there are 17 subjects, but according to Labor the class is divided into 2 educational groups: “Labor for girls” and “Labor for boys”. Then general meaning subjects in the column “Subjects for which grades are given” will be: 16 subjects for which the whole class comes, “Work for girls” and “Work for boys” - 18 in total.

The report is intended to help school administrators of the subsystem

“Electronic journal/diary” could analyze the situation with journaling within individual classes, parallels, steps and monitor the dynamics of this process over time.

Report visibility: to all employees of the OU.

4.11.18 Electrical railway statistics: Classes

Report logic:

The report “Electronic Railway Maintenance Statistics: Classes” is filled in automatically. To view the report, you need to select a class and academic period.

The report is intended to enable school administrators of the “Electronic Journal/Diary” subsystem to monitor and analyze journaling for a selected class according to the following parameters:

· journaling in principle;

· date of last update in the journal;

· % completion of lesson topics.

The report displays only those items for which logs are filled out. Completing the journal means giving at least one grade or one

presence marks.

A separate journal is kept for each study group. Therefore, a subject taught in two class groups is counted as two subjects.

The “% Topics Complete” parameter is not a logging condition when generating a report.

Report visibility: to all employees of the OU.

4.11.19 Activity: General

Report logic:

The "Activity: General" report is filled in automatically.

The report is designed to view the overall activity of school users in the system according to various indicators for the selected period.

The report can be generated for different periods - year, month, week of the month. The value “Login: users” in the “Indicator” column means the number of visits of “unique users” from the school to the “Electronic journal/diary” subsystem in 1 day.

Only one visit of each user per calendar day is taken into account. Thus, all visits of one user in a day will increase the value in the "Login: Users" cell by only one.

Values ​​for "Input: Staff", "Input: Students" and "Input: Parents" in the column

“Indicator” shows the number of user logins from the school with the role

"Employee", "Student" and "Parent".

Since a user in the system can have several roles at once (for example, “Teacher” and “Parent”), the sum of the values ​​in the columns “Login: employees”, “Login: students”, “Login: parents” can be more than value in the “Login: Users” column.

Report visibility: to all employees of the OU.

4.11.20 Activity: Personal

Report logic:

The “Activity: Personal” report is filled in automatically.

The report is designed to view the personal activity of school users for a selected period.

The report can be generated for different periods - year, month, week of the month.

Among the filters in the report, you can specify the user's role in the school and hide inactive users.

The filter value “Show non-activated: Yes” means that the report needs to take into account those system users for whom an account was created, but who have not yet activated their personal page (have not used their activation code).

In the “Inputs” column, such users will have the value “-”.

Report visibility: to all employees of the OU.

4.12 Parent function

The function is available to users of the subsystem with the role of “Parent” and “Teacher” and serves for the exchange of information, opinions and discussion of school issues among teachers and parents.

To access the function, you need to select the “Children” item in the menu, sub-item


The following functionality is available on the page:

· Profile tab:

o “News” function - you can add and view Parent news;

· Teachers Tab: Allows you to view a list of teachers.

4.13 Teacher function

The function is available to users of the subsystem with the “Teacher” role and serves for the exchange of information, opinions and discussion of school issues among teachers.

To access the function, you need to select the “School” item in the menu, the “Teacher’s” sub-item.

The page has the following tabs:

· Profile tab:

o “News” function - you can add and view news


o “Wall” function - allows you to add and comment on a post on the page;

· “Participants” tab - allows you to view the participants in this room;

· “Forum” tab - allows you to conduct discussions in forum mode - create topics, ask questions, comment.

4.14 People function

The “People” function is available for each user of the “Electronic Journal/Diary” subsystem. This function provides the ability to search among subsystem users by given first name, last name or patronymic.

To access the function, go to the “People” menu item.

The page displays photos from profiles of randomly selected users. To go to the user's profile, click on his photo.

To search by users, enter the first name, last name or patronymic of the person you are looking for and click the “Find” button.

4.15 Help

To access the “Help” section, follow the “Help” link located on any page of the “Electronic Journal/Diary” subsystem in the lower right corner (except for journal viewing pages).

5 Emergency situations

5.1 “Access denied” message

This error message may only appear if a user tries to access information for which they do not have the appropriate rights. To obtain these rights, he must contact the School Administrator, who in turn will provide him with the necessary rights.

Rice. 2 Access denied message (error 403)

5.2 “Page not found” message

This error message can only appear when a user tries to access information that does not exist or has been deleted by another user or the subsystem administration.

Rice. 3. Message that the page was not found (404 error)

Maybe I’m not the only one interested in how the weighted average score of our children is calculated in diary.ru. I was wondering how to get it, today I got around to looking for a method. Sharing information!

Weighted average system
assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities
when using an electronic progress record system
(Diary RU)

The weighted average score is the sum of points multiplied by the complexity of individual types of academic work, divided by the total complexity for the certification period.

The weighted average assessment system is aimed at high-quality preparation of students, their deep assimilation of the material being studied, and includes a comprehensive assessment of students’ educational activities during the academic year.

The purposes of using the weighted average rating system are:
- stimulate educational and cognitive activity of students by carrying out objective assessment of various types of work;
- improve the quality of studying and mastering the material;
- motivate the student to work systematically in the process of gaining knowledge and mastering educational material throughout the academic year;
- increase the objectivity of the final grade, increasing its dependence on the results of daily work throughout the academic year.

The weighted average score is calculated automatically by the system.

Rounding of grades is carried out according to the following scale:
0 - 2.59 – “2”;
2.60 - 3.59 – “3”;
3.60 - 4.59 – “4”;
4.60 - 5 – “5”.

Typical work weight table
Type of work Evaluation weight
1. Federal work of RCIO and StatGrad 10
2. Administrative control work 10
3. Final annual test 10
4. Final control dictation 9
5. Test, control dictation, presentation, essay 9
6. Practical work 9
7. Laboratory work 9
8. Listening 9
9. Control cheating 9
10. Reading technique 9
11. Composition 8
12. Essay 8
13. Dictation 8
14. Presentation 8
15. Colloquium 8
16. Project 8
17. By heart 8
18. Cheating 8
19. Vocabulary dictation 8
20. Spelling work 8
21. Verification work 8
22. Grammar task 8
23. Letter from memory 8
24. Independent work 7
25. Report 7
26. Working with contour maps 7
27. Answer in class (oral homework, answer on a new topic) 6
28. Homework (written) 6
29. Workbook (notes, notebook keeping) 4

Weighted average = (Sum of products of ratings and their weights) / (Sum of weights of these ratings)
Let's assume that a student has the following grades for the quarter:
“5” for oral response (weight 6);
“2” for the test (weight 9);
“4” for the project (weight 8);
“4” for oral response (weight 6);
“5” for oral response (weight 6).
The usual arithmetic average is "4".

We calculate the weighted average score:
We round up and get a final score of “4”.

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