How to deal with school fees. About school fees or what the school does not have the right to take money from parents for. Additional educational services

Why are we doing this?

To school with a wallet. Not a single parent meeting is complete without discussing the budget issue. Many parents do not understand why they donate money every month, however, they do not want to become black sheep, they are afraid of public condemnation, and they pull out the last 200 hryvnia for another gift to the school administration.

How to resist this

There is no need to dramatize the situation. If you don't want it, don't give it up. Just explain this calmly, giving your arguments: “My child studies in public school, I don’t have to hand over money for anything.” Any contributions to the funds are voluntary. If they threaten to expel a child for non-payment, this can be classified as both extortion and blackmail.

Where to begin

Find out what exactly the money will be spent on. If you want to send funds to the school fund and are afraid that they will end up in someone else’s pocket, make transfers through a bank, indicating in the “reason for payment” column - for charity or for repairs. In this case, teachers and the parent committee will be responsible for the money used.

Take a receipt from the people you give money to - anyone who has nothing to hide will not refuse to sign.

How can you fight

Record on the voice recorder, which is found in any smartphone, an offer to hand over money. Take screenshots of Viber chat. Enlist the support of other parents who do not agree with the fees. The more such parents there are, the better. The next step is to write a collective complaint to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the prosecutor's office. A collective complaint will result, at a minimum, in the form of inspections.

How to make a complaint to the school

The statement that the school is given money only for teachers’ salaries is not true. The city budget annually allocates funds for repairs, office supplies and other needs of educational institutions. Before donating money, ask if the director asked for funding from the mayor’s office this year.

Each school's information board indicates how much money was spent from the city budget.

You can make a request for information to the district administration for a draft school estimate, which is submitted by management at the end of each calendar year. This way you can find out whether the director even submitted a request for certain needs. If there was no such request, the director has no right to ask for additional money from parents.

You shouldn’t immediately take money out of your pocket when you hear that funds “from above” are allocated only for teachers’ salaries. Money for what is needed for school can and should be “knocked out of the budget.”

Who can be involved in the fight?

The media can be your assistant. Contact journalists, provide recordings, screenshots of the pressure the parent committee puts on you. The media will be happy to publish such news! Coverage of the situation through the press and timely submission of statements to the police can “press down” the school management, already accustomed to impunity, and put the presumptuous parent committee in its place.

“The needs of a class or school” is a collection of money for what the school supposedly lacks. This is what teachers and school principals think. But what do parents and students have to do with it?

School fees - this topic has continued to be relevant for many years. Although fees in schools are illegal, they exist, and their amount is constantly growing. Parents are asked to donate money for textbooks, security, repairs and much more. Basically, everyone obeys the unspoken rules and brings another amount to school. Only a few try to figure it out. Let's try too...

According to Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in Russian Federation”, which came into force on September 1, 2013, schools and kindergartens cannot charge fees. “All expenses for paying teachers, purchasing textbooks and teaching aids, teaching aids, including computers and other digital equipment, games, and toys...” are borne by the region. The school is obliged to provide everything - from educational materials and textbooks to equipped classrooms free of charge, at the expense of budgetary funding of the Russian Federation and local budgets.

Equipment and repairs

When talking about school fees, parents most often mean collecting funds for the purchase of new desks, classroom renovations, IT equipment, and so on. Meanwhile, the law “On improvement legal status state (municipal) institutions”, which came into force in 2011, prohibits charging for services that are provided within the framework of a state task at the expense of budgetary funds. And the Law “On Education” specifies that only what goes beyond the educational standard can be paid.

Before the start of the new school year, parents of schoolchildren are asked to help with painting walls and replacing linoleum in classrooms. Who should carry out repairs at the school and at whose expense?

Very often, parents who do not have the opportunity to chip in for the needs of the class are forced to earn these contributions on school renovations or purchase building materials. Usually they are obliged to do this by the parent meeting. So, such decisions of parent meetings are considered a gross violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on education. (Representation of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation dated April 28, 2006 No. 21-22-06 “On eliminating violations of the legislation guaranteeing the right to receive basic general education».)

Local authorities are responsible for the repair and maintenance of buildings, sports and playgrounds. They must take care of the improvement of the territory. They should not collect money from parents for either lawn equipment or tree planting.

Needs of the class or school

There is no such thing as “classroom needs” and “school needs.” It is not legally stated anywhere. These are just the wishes of parents who want to create special conditions for their children.
If everything is done according to the law, then the school must post information that an action or fundraiser is being held, and coordinate this with the founder. All information must be posted on the school website. There should be no receipts with specific amounts.

Each parent has the right to decide for himself whether he participates in this or not. The school provides details, and all money goes to the school's bank account. After the estimate is drawn up, it is agreed upon with the founder and posted on the official website of the educational institution. And only then can this money be used.


The Education Law clearly states that the creation necessary conditions for protection is the competence educational organizations, therefore no one has the right to demand money for security.

Position of day security guard in the staff list Russian schools is not provided, the state allocates money only to pay for the work of night watchmen. Security guards and watchmen are paid through the raising of additional funds by the school administration.

As it turns out, schools have every right to do this, as enshrined in the Federal Education Law. Naturally, schools collect this money from parents, which displeases moms and dads. If you seriously think about this issue, you can take the case to court, because parents are not obliged to pay. Lawyers clearly say this, but is it worth it?
After all, the money that teachers collect goes to the salary of the person who protects your child. Even the simple presence of a uniformed person in the school lobby can improve the safety of children by several orders of magnitude. If the school has a video surveillance system and turnstiles, the chance of passing unnoticed is reduced to almost zero.


They are already called notebooks of discord. There is the most controversy surrounding them. Who should buy them: the school or the parents? Russian Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva said that workbooks should not be purchased at the expense of students.

Here we can add that the school is not obliged either. After all, they cannot be purchased centrally at the expense of the budget, like textbooks, since they do not complement or replace them even partially. These are auxiliary publications for individual and one-time use. They include coloring and filling activities. And they cannot be returned to the library. Therefore, according to department experts, schools cannot provide them to students. But this does not mean that parents should buy workbooks.

A teacher has the right to demand the purchase of a workbook for a specific textbook if he has prescribed this in his educational program. The school director approves this program. Accordingly, he undertakes the obligation to purchase these notebooks, which means he himself must find the funds to purchase them.

A workbook is not a textbook; it should not be purchased at the expense of the budget. This is material that each child uses individually, and it is not loaned to the library collection. That is, if the teacher asks you for notebooks, you need to talk to the director. If the school cannot purchase them, then it has no right to demand this from parents. Even if just one child refuses to purchase them, the entire class cannot use the workbooks. The teacher has no right to create unequal conditions.

Parents do not have to buy workbooks! They may refuse to use it in the educational process.

The school is obliged to publish a list of activities that are carried out free of charge, that is, at public expense, and is also obliged to publish what is carried out for a fee. The school must post all information about paid clubs and sections on the website and indicate the cost, which cannot change throughout the year.

The school does not have the right to offer paid classes in subjects provided for by the standard. For example, forcing parents to chip in for an extra math lesson or foreign language. And if such classes are offered as developmental ones, then they should go beyond the compulsory program and should not be conducted according to school textbooks.

According to Rosobrnadzor, most violations in schools are associated with paid classes. There is nothing to them training courses, no plans, not even a clear schedule. The cost, as a rule, is also kept silent; schools indicate it in the fats that are distributed to parents. Therefore, when enrolling your child in a club, it makes sense to immediately inquire about the cost of classes.

What the school does not have the right to take money for:

For textbooks;

For repairs;

- on security;

For the purchase of furniture, replacement of windows, doors;

For landscaping, including the purchase of seedlings and seedlings;

For the purchase of musical instruments and sports equipment;

For classes that are provided for by federal standards;

For the purchase of computers and other visual aids, including games and toys;

To pay the cleaning lady.

True, in another article of Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Article 101) there is another mention that parents can still charge children tuition fees, but there is a “but” here too. Thus, organizations that carry out educational activities, has the right to carry out the specified activities at the expense of physical and legal entities under contracts for the provision of paid educational services.

Paid educational services include:

– additional training educational programs;

– teaching special courses and cycles of disciplines;

– tutoring;

– classes with students in-depth study objects;

– other services not provided for by government educational standards.

The main thing is to remember that in a municipal educational institution no one has the right to demand money. Any freelance fundraisers are optional fees that you do not have to pay.

Well, if you are tired of endless extortions at school, contact the management educational institution for clarification and request a written response. If the situation does not change, go to the city education department with a corresponding statement.

As a last resort, contact the prosecutor's office. If you are afraid that your child will be subject to moral pressure at school, in your application to the prosecutor's office you can ask not to disclose information about the applicant.

The Public Chamber of the Russian Federation has opened a hotline for money collections in schools; citizens can use this line to report requests to donate money or buy something for the needs of the school. You can contact the hotline by phone 8-800-737-77-66 .

Extortion is illegal, but parents still pay schools for office equipment, repairs, and even toilet paper. AiF-SK found out why teachers and parent committees continue to demand money and how moms and dads can protect their rights in such a situation.


From a Stavropol woman Svetlana Two children study in different schools. In the simpler one, parents donate 200 rubles for the needs of the class every six months. In the one that is considered elite - 500 each. In the first, nothing is collected for the needs of the school, in the second - 160 rubles. per month.

Classroom needs include gouache and notebooks, paper and paint for the printer purchased at parental expense last year, as well as toilet paper, wet wipes and trash bags. Where funds are collected for school needs, expenditures are periodically reported. Thus, 400 thousand, “donated” by the parents of all school students last year, were spent on household goods, stationery, and desks.

The same is true in other regions of the North Caucasus Federal District. In the summer, residents of Ust-Dzheguta in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic complained about extortions. Parents of schoolchildren in Chechnya wrote that they were collecting 300 rubles for school repairs. Chairman of the Union of Parents of the Chechen Republic Yakha Agayeva says that over the past two years she has not received any complaints about extortions.

“We have parent committees, governing boards and boards of trustees. If it is necessary to attract extra-budgetary funds, a collegial decision is made and certified by a protocol, cost estimates are made, and only then a monetary collection is announced,” says Yakha Agayeva.

Where's the money?

Regional ministries of education are distributing notices that extortion is unacceptable.

“The state finances the security of the educational institution, the labor of teachers, cleaners and other personnel, the purchase of digital and printing equipment, the purchase of sports equipment and inventory, musical instruments and various teaching aids, and construction materials,” writes the main educational department of Chechnya.

Ministry of Education Stavropol Territory claims that the regional budget allocates money for textbooks and manuals, including workbooks. “In 2019, more than 195 million rubles were allocated, which makes it possible to provide all students with textbooks for 2019-2020 academic year", says the response to AiF-SK's request.

It is unacceptable, the department claims, to force parents to give to charity by setting a fixed amount of donations. Parents are not obliged to finance the maintenance and security of school buildings, their logistics and equipment for the educational process. Parent committees can make fundraising decisions. But they do not have the right to force other parents to hand over money.

In North Ossetia Deputy Prime Minister Irina Azimova proposed to assign to school directors the responsibility to monitor the legality of fees and expenses. And so that families do not have to donate exorbitant sums, it was proposed to fill the funds of educational institutions at the expense of sponsors-entrepreneurs.

But why, despite assurances from authorities that the needs of institutions are being met, do schools continue to demand money from parents?

“I believe that extortions cover what was previously stolen by officials,” says co-chairman of the parent committee of the Stavropol region Alexander Dzhambatov. “Either civil servants approach budget formation irresponsibly and do not include funds that meet needs.”

According to Dzhambatov, class teachers have to coordinate the collections, and it is they, and not the director or head teacher, who become scapegoats when law enforcement officers check complaints. I feel sorry for the teachers, I’m afraid for the children’s grades, so moms and dads are indignant at home, and not in the director’s office.

However, since the beginning of 2019, the Ministry of Education of the Stavropol Territory has received 98 complaints about extortions. “If the facts of fundraising are confirmed, the heads of educational organizations are subject to disciplinary action. If a teacher is involved in extortion, the school director imposes a disciplinary sanction on him. If we are talking about extortion, the appeal is sent to the internal affairs bodies,” the Ministry of Education explains.

The legislation provides for free provision of schools with everything necessary for organizing the educational process. However, cases of illegal extortion continue to surface throughout the country. In September public organization The “Zone of Law” established a “hotline” where parents could anonymously report cases of extortion of money. In ten days, it received more than 100 calls from 27 regions.

The most unusual message was from the Tatartan city of Kukmora: there, the leadership of school No. 4 asked parents to bring 16 kg of potatoes or give an amount equivalent to its value.

An equally strange complaint came from Rostov-on-Don, where the director of school No. 24 intends to take out a turnstile worth 475 thousand rubles on credit. It will be paid for by parents, who are asked to donate 300 rubles for six years. In a Volgograd school, 30 rubles are allocated for food for one child; parents are asked to literally “give as much as they feel like,” since this money is not enough for normal food. “In one of the schools, parents of seventh-graders offered to chip in for waiters in the canteen for first-graders, and in the Trans-Baikal Territory they asked for money for the use of textbooks. An old textbook costs 5 rubles, new ones cost 10,” a representative of the “Zone of Law” shared with Gazeta.Ru.

Otherwise, complaints received by the hotline can be divided into three areas: workbooks, cleaning and security, as well as the fictitious “class fund”. As for workbooks, according to , imposing their purchase is unacceptable: notebooks can only be purchased on a voluntary basis. Although they can develop a child’s intellectual activity and serve as a good tool for consolidating the material covered, it is not necessary to use them in the educational process.

Experts are confident that the topic of extortion has always been relevant in the parent community of schools and kindergartens. They argue that the legal culture of parents has increased since the 90s. If previously parents turned to human rights activists and lawyers with complaints about extortion, today they know their rights well and may not accept the rules of the game.

“At our school, applications were distributed for the provision of paid additional educational services in the Computer Science and ITK and Regional Studies programs. There are parents who refused additional classes for their children, and these children sit in a separate room for the entire lesson and wait for trouble-free ones,”

- writes one of the mothers in a thematic community on the social network VKontakte and asks for advice on whether such actions are legal.

Experienced commentators immediately explain that the introduction of paid lessons into the main program is a violation. Meanwhile, parents with similar problems appear under the post. After sharing their situation, they team up with others to come up with a plan to move forward. “No one will force you to hand over money, you just need to learn to say no, defend your position and use the Internet for information,” such advice can be found under almost every complaint about extortion.

Parents who have achieved justice share answers to their applications to the Department of Education and the prosecutor's office. In them, employees report on conducting inspections regarding the collection of funds or the imposition of the purchase of additional educational materials.

The press service of the Ministry of Education and Science told Gazeta.Ru that in the event of forced collection of funds for educational needs, parents must file a complaint with the territorial education authority or law enforcement agencies. “On the eve of each academic year, the ministry monitors the readiness of regions for educational process, including monitoring the supply of textbooks,” the department emphasized.

However, sometimes getting rid of the unlawful schemes of the management of educational institutions is not an easy task. “Previously, the teaching staff actually demanded money from parents with their own hands: they made notes in the diary with a request to “hand over money” for this or that event. Today, all the necessary funds are collected with the help of activists of the parent committee. When a parent contacts supervisory authorities with a complaint about extortion, it is quite difficult for the prosecutor to conduct an inspection and attract anyone. In fact, it turns out that it is not the school itself that is demanding, but the parent committee. All this is limited to remarks and reprimands,” said human rights activist Mukhamedzhanov. He also added that

There is no corruption component in school fees: “In 90% of cases, it is not the case that directors spend the collected money on yachts and cars. Basically everything is spent on the school: repairs, painting, hiring security guards.”

Representative of the Department of Education Lyudmila Myasnikova said that in her practice there were no cases of removal of the manual due to complaints from parents. “The prosecutor's office investigates all cases of unlawful extortion of money. No matter what parents complain about, the prosecutor’s office visits the school every time,” she says. Myasnikova is convinced that preventive conversations should be held not with school principals, but with parents. “Our school heads have not been involved in any extortion for a long time. We need to educate parents and explain to them that they should not collect additional funds. The Moscow school does not need money, there is more than enough,” says a department representative.

The topic of forced fees in schools came into focus after the “direct line” with the president. In particular, he demanded that the situation in the Kalmyk school be sorted out, where parents were required to purchase desks for their children. The Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, in turn, stated that there cannot be any extortions in schools. “We have a basic law on education, which does not imply any extortion, so each individual case must be resolved with law enforcement agencies,” the head of the department emphasized.

« All basic items included in school curriculum, must be taught at the expense of the state, and charging fees is unacceptable«.

Russian President V.V. Putin

The school year has barely ended before information about fundraising in educational institutions appears again. Moreover, they are quite sensitive for parents with low salaries. For example, in one of the Penza schools, the so-called entrance fee for those entering first grade was 10 thousand rubles.

Dear parents! You yourself can block this, as the parent of the above-mentioned school did, without waiting for the prosecutor.

Let's try to figure out the problem.

Money is collected at school for everything: for security, for textbooks, for workbooks and other aids, for excursions, cinema and other events, for additional paid courses, for food, and at the same time for gifts for teachers, the class teacher, for repairs, for curtains, for furniture, for computers, for high-speed Internet, etc., etc.

What is legal here and what is not?

An educational institution receives financial support from several sources:

  • federal budget: salaries for teachers, funds for modernization, provision of textbooks, teaching aids and equipment;
  • municipal budget: for repair and maintenance of the OS;
  • OS's own funds(except for state-owned educational institutions): income from paid services, from leasing premises and property, funds from sponsors and philanthropists, from other sources that do not contradict current legislation. The school manages these funds independently.

The President and Prime Minister of the Russian Federation assure the people that funds for education from federal budget stands out enough. Therefore, there should be no problems with salaries, textbooks, or teaching aids, and there is no need to collect money from parents.

Educational institutions and municipalities are not offended - the financial support for education from local budgets is sufficient. Look at the administration and education management websites. True, not many schools are being built, but there is enough money for repairs and maintenance of schools. And collecting funds for these purposes is illegal.

If the school director announces an entrance fee, even through the mouth of parents, for the renovation of a classroom or the purchase of equipment, textbooks, declaring that he was not given the money, then why didn’t he worry about it in a timely manner. This is his fault and there is no point in shifting it onto the shoulders of his parents. One must be held accountable for inaction. Or maybe there is another intention here? Then even more so. You just have to live within your means so that the hat suits Senka. And then there will be no problems.

As for expenses for other purposes (for security, workbooks and other benefits not within the scope of general education program, financed from the budget, for excursions, cinema and other events, for payment of additional paid courses, for food), then this is actually carried out at the expense of the parents. These services are provided on a voluntary basis: if you have the means, use them; if not, no one will force you. It is illegal to impose an obligation to use them, no matter what sauce it is served under. The main thing is that everything needs to be formatted correctly.

Now, as for collecting money for European-quality repairs, purchasing new curtains, new furniture, interactive whiteboards, sophisticated computers, exercise equipment, etc. It’s like purchasing gold beds and toilets, expensive Mercedes and other accessories.

If one of the parents wants it all, then let him buy it at their funds and gives them with appropriate design, just like gifts for your favorite teacher. Nobody forbids this, but forcing other parents to do this is illegal.

In such cases, have the courage to say “No” to these lively parents, and do not be afraid of “what Marya Aleksevna will say.” This is where the main teacher of the school, the director, should intervene. And if suddenly he arranged this himself, then the problem from a parental one develops into a pedagogical, moral, administrative one.

Dear leaders! Be wiser and do not injure parents and their children. Don't pretend you don't know anything.

Problems with collecting money at school might not exist or at least become less if:

  1. The school's budget would be transparent: every participant in educational relations would know how much money the school has and what it plans to spend it on. And what is now given in the public report is PS.
  2. The governing council would influence the formation of the school's budget, the distribution of allocated and earned funds, and the formation of priorities.
  3. Cash would not be collected by the class teacher, but would be deposited into a separate bank account. The school director would not touch them, would not keep them in his safe, but would use them according to the prepared cost estimate with an evidence-based quarterly report.
  4. All financial flows would be under the control of the public - a kind of school accounting chamber under the Governing Council of the school with periodic audits.
  5. Charity would be carried out and formalized in accordance with current legislation.

Dear parents! If you want to seriously solve this problem, then create an initiative group from among parents who are concerned, like you, and act actively using the authorities school government. A loner is doomed to failure. Public control is your weapon. The law is on your side.

You can fight taxes in schools: 25 comments

    The municipality has no money for anything. The school has found a way out: now the sponsors are teachers, not parents. In many schools in our area, computers, repairs, equipment, fines are paid from the incentive fund. If you want to work and live in this area, you will give. It is only in your Moscow that you can choose, but in our rural outback the director is king and god.

    • Good afternoon, dear Teacher!
      1. We are not from Moscow.
      2. This is called non-intended use of the fund, for which certain liability is provided. Contact the prosecutor's office. But, if we live like minnows from the story of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, then there is no one to rely on.
      3.Parents provide financial and financial assistance school only on a voluntary basis.

      New Law No. 273 Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”:
      Article 5. Right to education. State guarantees of the realization of the right to education in the Russian Federation
      1. In the Russian Federation, the right of every person to education is guaranteed.
      2. The right to education in the Russian Federation is guaranteed regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, property, social and official status, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, membership in public associations, as well as other circumstances.
      3. In the Russian Federation, universal access and free education in accordance with federal state educational standards of preschool, “primary general”, “basic general” and “secondary general” education, secondary vocational education, as well as on a competitive basis free of charge higher education, if the citizen receives education at this level for the first time.
      + To parents! Thus, the basic law of our state, which is the Constitution, as well as the law “On Education” guarantees free school education. This means that if your child studies in a state educational institution, and not in a private school, then you have every right not to hand over any money. And if parents refuse or are unable to donate money for the needs of the school, then this cannot be a motivation for denying their child the education that the state has guaranteed him. Unfortunately, most parents do not realize that illegally collecting money from them is extortion and a criminal offense that can be considered abuse of power. And if you are afraid to refuse for fear of pressure on the child from the teachers, then teachers can also be held accountable for psychological violence against the child.
      Only Parents can decide whether to invest money into a classroom or school fund, whether it be to replace windows or make other repairs to school facilities, to purchase interactive whiteboard, computers or textbooks. The school has no right to force you to invest money in these activities. If you don't want it, don't give it up. Justify your refusal by saying that your child is studying in a public school, and you do not have to hand over money for anything. You can help, but only if you want to.
      Instructions. Guide to action.
      Rule No. 1. If the class teacher or the director “himself” demands money from you, they are thereby BREAKING THE LAW!
      Rule No. 2. By signing up to this requirement and fulfilling it, you are indulging in lawbreakers, and you yourself are acting illegally.
      Rule No. 3. It is not you who should be afraid of not paying, but they who should tremble with fear at the mere thought of collecting money from you. After all, they commit the crime, not you! The actions of teachers are illegal and, therefore, entail punishment.
      Rule No. 4. Prove and demonstrate knowledge of the laws so as not to allow the school authorities to “twist” you. If they “ask” to bring money, let them formalize this “request” in writing with all the necessary attributes: date, signature, seal of the educational institution. Demand such paper: NOBODY will write it for you! Because the cat knows whose meat it eats...
      Rule No. 5. Make your choice: to be an “obedient sheep” or a “shepherd.” As long as you are afraid and remain in the herd, the scavengers will feel strong. Take the initiative into your own hands! Fight, then they will be afraid of you! Find allies among other parents and make your demands together to eradicate school abuse. By uniting, it will be easier for you to fight lawlessness and achieve results.
      Rule No. 6. Ignorance of the law does not exempt you from responsibility. Therefore, if you have made your choice in favor of the “sheep”, you must keep in mind that you are also a participant in criminal activity. Both sides are violators of the law: the one who takes and the one who gives. But the bribe-giver is released from liability provided he repents and voluntarily reports to the police.
      And the teacher - “he’s not a fool,” in the words of a famous character from everyone’s favorite cartoon. Teachers have learned to shift responsibility for extortion from students and their parents to the chairmen of parent committees, so as not to collect the “tribute” themselves and not to be involved in the process of collecting it. But neither the parent committee nor teachers have the legal right and grounds to demand money. Charitable activities, under the guise of which there is a violent collection of money with accompanying threats, actually imply a contribution on a voluntary basis. And voluntarily means: those who want and can donate money, and those who cannot or do not want to do so do not have the right to force them.
      As for charity, the activities of such organizations are also regulated by law. A charitable organization must be registered and have a charter that spells out all the details of raising money: how the money is collected and what it is spent on.
      Before you deposit money, try to clarify for yourself all the issues related to your next fundraiser. You must have a clear, not vague, idea of ​​WHY you are being charged.
      Contact the school principal in writing to provide justification for raising funds. It is better if such a letter is on behalf of the entire class. According to paragraph 1 of Article 9 of the Federal Law of May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation,” he is obliged to give an answer. In the answer, he must explain for what (or for what) they require money from you and in what amount. Based on the answer, you can write a statement or make a claim, referring to Art. 41 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, which states that the main source of financing for state and municipal educational institutions is budget financing, with the requirement to free you from arbitrary exactions.
      If the school begins to blackmail or intimidate the child or parents in response to a refusal to hand over money, this is, at the very least, a violation of your child’s right to education, which you not only can, but are also obligated to protect! Always remember that schools are prohibited from soliciting money! School directors, as a rule, have an idea of ​​the current situation with taxes and have no objections. But this is as long as everyone remains silent and pays unquestioningly. In fact, school managements do not need scandals and notoriety!

    I’m from a rural area, our amplifiers are simply crazy, they not only demand for school repairs, but also directly demand gifts for themselves. Release primary school, the teacher asks for good curtains with tulle, the 9th grade is asking for an automatic washing machine and 2 multicookers, this is personally for the class and the parents bought it.

    After graduating from the 9th grade, a list of whom they do not want to see in the 10th grade is read to the children. Previously, an average of 30 people went to the 10th grade, this year there are only 4 people, the rest are either forced to transfer and leave their parents for another school in another locality or to college, they’ll turn an 11-year-old into a 9-year-old, they’ve submitted applications to the prosecutor’s office more than once, with 0 results. Lawlessness, in short, at school, a lot of violations, but the higher-ups don’t care.

    Hello! We have the following problem - my daughter entered 1st grade, the school at her place of residence, Moscow. On parent meeting We were shown our future class - killed and shabby. Parents began to zealously discuss the need to raise money for repairs. We agreed at the beginning on 25 tr, but now it has become obvious that there is not enough (the class is small - 20 people), we are talking about significant extras - an additional 20-30 tr and plus more money for furniture, rugs, mirrors, hangers, etc. Two parents did not hand over the money on principle, but took a silent position. The director says there are no funds. The school only joined the school association last year, but previously it was used to doing everything at the expense of the parents. Where can I go to get the repairs completed at the expense of the state and to stop this system of extortion altogether?

    Hello! I act as parents of children from the Teremok school, Little Red Riding Hood and a teacher at the Kuzhenerskaya Secondary Educational Institution comprehensive school No. 2.” For the admission of a child to a kindergarten, they collect taxes from us every year, then, throughout the year, we donate money for the repair of the kindergarten, classrooms, dishes, furniture, notebooks. As a teacher, I constantly have to make repairs in the classroom for your own account: - buy paint, putty, paint, putty ceilings, buy tulle... The school director does not accept classrooms without major repairs and does not let them go on vacation. How can you stop this chaos and such a dictatorial system in the field of education?!

    Good day! I want to tell my story. Every year we (parents) purchased workbooks for textbooks, tests and textbooks-notebooks ourselves. This year I learned that workbook refers to the teaching aid, and if it is used during the main lesson, test work, then must be purchased at the expense of the school, regardless of the fact that it is disposable. I asked this question to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, it confirmed my opinion. After that, I asked the local education department: “For what reason do we buy workbooks ourselves?” The management invited me to a conversation about this. During the conversation, it became clear to me why they wanted to meet me personally. They expected that a parent who did not have the means to purchase the necessary literature was coming to them to ask (as was usually the case), and they were not prepared for the fact that a parent from a middle-income family came to them not to ask, but to demand an explanation for non-compliance with the constitutional Law "About Education". MISCAUSED!!! At first they wanted to convince me that the parents themselves decided and bought, when they realized that it was useless, they went on the offensive, that not only the schools, but also the parent is responsible for the child’s education. As a result, they started blackmailing me (I can’t call it anything else) that if I refuse to purchase a slave. notebooks, it means they will be removed altogether, and that other parents who have already purchased them will be unhappy (they spent their money in vain). Then they began to praise themselves about how good they are, that they allocated funds to replace sewer pipes, that the roof of our school does not leak, etc. To which I said that this is your job and responsibility. If you can't cope, quit your position. So we didn’t come to anything. Then I wrote a letter to the presidential administration, from there it was sent to the department of education. region, the department requested the local government to report. RESULT By September 1, my children will be provided with all the necessary educational literature at the expense of the state, and everyone else who prefers to be indignant at home buys everything themselves. So “ALONE IN THE FIELD” is also a warrior. Now there are many opportunities to complain without leaving home, you can even anonymously. And those who cry only on forums and to neighbors will continue to pay. It's your own fault.

    • Good afternoon, zhanna! In our opinion, you did the right thing. We advise you to read the letter of Rosobrnadzor dated March 6, 2015 No. 01-50-89/05-1217, which recommends that the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation exercising management in the field of education strengthen control over strict compliance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, incl. . and in terms of providing free textbooks and teaching aids in educational organizations.

      Good afternoon! Your story is certainly interesting and in my opinion everything was done correctly, but I have a question for you:
      How is the atmosphere in your child’s class, school and how will further education at school develop, thank you.

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