How to open a training center? Algorithm for how to start making money on knowledge! Your own business: how to open a training center How to open your own training courses

Investments in opening a training center with an area of ​​200 m2, designed to train 100-150 people per month, are about $13-15 thousand, the payback period is 6-10 months. The return on investment is on average 30%. The monthly turnover of the training center is $10-15 thousand.

There are about 200 organizations in St. Petersburg that offer short-term courses. They compete with universities, technical schools, and colleges, which also often organize additional educational courses.

The market is currently dominated by demand for short-term courses - from 20 to 60 training hours. The average cost of a 40-hour course is 2.5-3 thousand rubles.

Educational tips

According to Gennady Smirnov, director of the NOU Professional Training Center "Impulse", students can be attracted by new original educational programs, for example, exclusive courses for advertisers, managers, marketers, which are developed by the center's teachers - practicing specialists. About the most relevant educational areas Employers inform training centers.

The main factor in the success of a training center is considered to be the correctly selected teaching staff.

You can open a training center at a certain company as an additional division. In addition, when opening a school, you can save money by renting a computer lab and other premises at a university or college for certain class hours, and not for a full day. Thus, according to Gennady Smirnov’s calculations, when opening a new center, the main costs associated with renting and equipping a stationary premises can be avoided. The investment will be about $1 thousand.

We would like to thank for their assistance in preparing the material: NOU "Professional Training Center "Impulse", School of Professional Business Consultants, NOU "Training Center "Eureka", NOU "Training Center "Kvarta", etc.

Step 1. Concept

The organization and income of a training center primarily depend on the concept, which should distinguish it from competitors.

There are various options:

A center with a set of standard professional training courses: accounting and taxation; assistant secretary; design and layout on PC, etc.;

Training educational centers;

Teaching one original course, such as training of female security guards, Feng Shui, etc., as well as individual training a certain course.

A legal entity for a training center is registered as a non-state educational institution (NOU), and its main activity profile is indicated. According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the goal of a non-state educational institution is not to generate net profit; the proceeds can only be used for the development of an educational institution. A registration lawyer will cost approximately $200. The most convenient tax system is a simplified one with the payment of 6% of income.

Step 2. Staff

Staffing table of the educational center:

Three to six teachers (one for each course) - from 200 rubles per hour,

Two or three consultants (determine the professional inclinations of the center’s students) - $300,

Secretary - $200,

Accountant - from $300.

Step 3. Room

To organize a training center designed to train 100-150 people per month in four shifts (morning, two afternoons, evening), you will need a room with a total area of ​​about 200 m2:

Two classrooms with an area of ​​50 m2 (in accordance with the requirements of regulatory authorities, groups of no more than 10 people can study in them),

One computer class - 60 m2 (10 places equipped for work),

The remaining area (about 40 m2) is allocated for the reception area and the director’s office.

Total: rent of 200 m2 (from $30 per 1 m2) - $6 thousand per month, in some cases, educational organizations can rent premises from KUGI at preferential rates (coefficient 0.1) - about $15 per 1 m2.

Step 4. Equipment

Projector - $1 thousand.

10 computers - about $3-3.5 thousand.

30 tables - $1 thousand.

20 chairs - $500

Wardrobe - $100

Fax - $100

Xerox - $200

Educational literature - $500

Total: about $6.5 thousand.

Step 5. Licensing

Documents that must be submitted to the Education Committee of the St. Petersburg Administration to obtain a license for educational activities:

A statement indicating the developed educational programs,

Information on staffing levels and the expected number of students,

Information about the premises

Information about security educational process educational literature(for each educational program) and material and technical equipment (in the form of an extract from the balance sheet),

Information about teaching staff (for each educational program),

Additional information (certificate of registration, information about founders, etc.).

The period for reviewing documents and making a decision is 1 month.

Step 6. Students

A profitable group consists of 10 people.

At least 10 groups must be formed in the center per month.

The main way to attract students is advertising in print media. The advertising budget is formed by taking into account 10% of turnover, that is, about $1 thousand per month.



In 1990 he graduated from the Leningrad Agricultural Institute with a degree in mechanical engineering.

From 1990 to 2000 he worked as deputy head of production at the Central Institute of Fuel Equipment.

From 1994 to 1997, he worked as an insurance director at an insurance company.

In 1997, he organized the Non-Governmental Educational Institution “Vocational Training Center “Impulse”, which still operates today. Over 8 years, the average annual number of students (and the company’s turnover) has increased 3 times.

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* The calculations use average data for Russia

Part one: legal subtleties

Currently, psychology as a science and as a specialization has become incredibly widespread. The number of practical psychologists today is slightly inferior to the number of managers, economists and lawyers. At the same time, unfortunately, the quality of modern special education is gradually declining, as experts note.

It is very difficult for a newly minted psychologist who has just graduated from university to get a job: most companies do not have such vacancies, and there is usually high competition for existing (and not always specialized) vacancies. Therefore, most graduates who want to work in their specialty are thinking about managing private practice. However, even their more experienced colleagues, who have worked for several years in the “psychological field,” sooner or later come to the idea of ​​opening their own private office. If you have sufficient funds and self-confidence (and, ideally, reliable colleagues who can become business partners), a specialist with a psychological education can try to open an entire psychological center where individual consultations, group classes, trainings and seminars will be conducted. Finally, the highest aerobatics in psychological practice is the center additional education in the field of psychology. How does the center for further education differ from other types of similar business, and what organizational issues will its founders have to solve?

Type of the future center: additional or additional vocational education?

First, let's try to understand the terms and specifics of such establishments. There are several subtypes of additional education. In particular, this includes additional education for children and adults and additional vocational education. Additional education for children and adults “aimed at the formation and development creativity children and adults, meeting their individual needs for intellectual, moral and physical improvement, creating a culture of healthy and safe lifestyles, promoting health, as well as organizing their free time"(Chapter X, Article 75, clause 1 of Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”), and is carried out within the framework of additional general education programs, which are divided into general developmental and pre-professional. Additional general developmental programs are implemented for both children and adults. Additional pre-professional programs in the arts, physical culture and sports are implemented for children. Anyone can undergo training in various additional general education programs, but it is not formally accompanied by an increase in the level of education with the issuance of a corresponding document. In this case, there are no requirements for the level of education that students already have (although the law contains a clause: “unless otherwise stipulated by the specifics of the educational program being implemented” - Chapter X, Article 75, paragraph 3 of Law No. 273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation").

And here additional professional education addressed to those people who already have a basic secondary or higher vocational education and/or who are in the process of obtaining it, and “aimed at meeting educational and professional needs, professional development of a person, ensuring compliance of his qualifications with changing conditions professional activity and social environment. Additional professional education is carried out through the implementation of additional professional programs (programs for advanced training and programs professional retraining(Chapter X, Article 76, paragraphs 1-2 of Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”). Additional professional programs are developed taking into account professional standards, qualification requirements specified in qualification reference books for relevant positions, professions and specialties, or qualification requirements for professional knowledge and the skills needed to perform job responsibilities, which are established in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation O public service. Professional retraining programs are based on established qualification requirements, professional standards and the requirements of the relevant federal state educational standards of secondary vocational and (or) higher education for the results of mastering educational programs (Chapter X, Article 76, paragraphs 9-10 of Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”).

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Additional system vocational education includes the following types of training: additional higher education with the issuance of a diploma “On additional (higher) education”, professional retraining with the issuance of a state diploma “On professional retraining”, advanced training with the issuance of a certificate of short-term advanced training in programs from 72 to 100 academic hours and certificates of advanced training for programs from 100 to 500 academic hours, internships with the issuance of a certificate of short-term advanced training, courses, trainings, seminars and master classes with the issuance of a certificate.

So, to summarize all of the above, we could conclude that additional education in our case refers to professional education. However, if you are not going to open a “real” educational institution that will be engaged in full-fledged professional retraining and training of specialists (this will require very large investments, and there is no need to implement the tasks in this form), then the first option will be the best option - center for further education, having his own specialization. The vast majority of such educational centers indicate “the implementation of additional educational programs (general development)” as the subject of their activities. It would seem like a paradox: they are aimed at people who have a special secondary or higher education, but at the same time do not have the “professional orientation” stated in the name. Moreover, since such educational organizations do not have state accreditation in the areas they teach, then they do not have the right to issue state-issued documents - a certificate of advanced training and (or) a diploma of professional retraining. Accreditation is a process that officially confirms that the quality of services provided meets the established standard. State standards in the field of education is established by the Ministry of Education.

However, students of additional education centers, of course, will not be left without a piece of paper either. According to the law, if an educational institution does not have state accreditation for the educational programs it implements, then, in accordance with the license, it issues documents on the appropriate education and (or) qualifications of the established form to persons who have passed the final certification. The form of such documents is determined by the educational institution itself. As a rule, these are IDs, certificates and certificates. These documents are certified by the seal of the educational institution.

Registration of an educational institution

Whatever continuing education option you choose, the activities you plan to engage in will still be related to learning.

According to the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, educational activities has the right to:

    educational organizations, which include not commercial organizations those carrying out educational activities on the basis of a license as the main type of activity in accordance with the goals for which such organizations were created;

  • legal entities that, on the basis of a license, carry out educational activities as an additional type of activity along with their main activities;
  • individual entrepreneurs, both carrying out individual teaching activities and attracting hired teaching staff.

It should be mentioned here that the earlier version of the law, which was in force until September 1, 2013, excluded commercial organizations from the educational process, that is, LLC, CJSC, JSC and similar legal entities, the purpose of which was to make a profit, were not entitled to conduct educational activities.

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According to Part 3 of Art. 32 of the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” cannot be admitted to pedagogical activity and individuals specified in Part 2 of Art. 331 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, namely:

    those who do not have an educational qualification, which is determined in the manner prescribed by law;

    deprived of the right to engage in teaching activities in accordance with a court verdict that has entered into legal force;

  • have or have had a criminal record, are or have been subject to criminal prosecution (except for persons against whom criminal prosecution was terminated on rehabilitative grounds) for crimes against life and health, freedom, honor and dignity of the individual (with the exception of illegal placement in a psychiatric hospital, slander and insult ), sexual integrity and sexual freedom of the individual, against family and minors, public health and public morality, the foundations of the constitutional order and state security, as well as against public safety;
  • having an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for intentional grave and especially grave crimes;
  • recognized as legally incompetent in accordance with the procedure established by federal law;
  • having diseases included in the list approved by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of healthcare.

Registration of a private educational institution

For a small center, the optimal organizational and legal form for carrying out its activities may be an individual entrepreneur. Centers that will offer a large number of different programs and attract additional specialists for work are recommended to register as a private educational institution (PEI), which were previously called non-state educational institutions(NOU).

Note that a private enterprise can only be created as a non-profit organization, i.e. all its activities serve to satisfy the statutory goals, and not to make a profit, such as the activities of an LLC or OJSC. The profit of a private enterprise can be directed to current activities (for example, payment of wages, etc.) and for the purposes provided for by the charter of the private enterprise. A private institution is created by the owner for educational (in our case) purposes. The owner of such an institution has the right to be an individual (citizen), a legal entity (organization), the Russian Federation (state), a subject of the Russian Federation (region, territory, republic), municipality(government, prefecture, administration).

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A private institution can be established by individuals and organizations. Most educational organizations are created in arbitrarily named forms of a private institution, namely: a non-state educational institution of higher vocational education, a non-profit educational institution of additional education (the most suitable option for the form we are interested in), a private educational institution of secondary vocational education and other variations of names.

The registration of private institutions is carried out by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and the Federal Tax Service within their competence. The Ministry of Justice carries out an examination of the constituent documents of a private institution, makes a decision to refuse registration or a decision to register a private institution. The tax authority enters information about the creation of a private institution in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Urgent registration of a private institution can be carried out in a shortened time if there are significant circumstances for this. The period provided by law for opening and state registration of a private institution is one and a half months, if, of course, all submitted documents are in order.

The founder of a private institution is the owner of the property of this institution. However, the owner of the property of a private institution is not always its founder. The location of a private institution is determined by its place of state registration. The legal address for a private institution is the location of the executive body of management of a non-profit organization. The actual address of a private institution should not differ from the legal address. The head (director) of this institution must be located at the address of the location of a private institution, and all constituent documents of the NPO must be stored at the specified address. Fortunately, when creating a private institution, it is possible to register at the home address of the founder or head of the NPO.

Let us repeat another very important feature of private enterprises for entrepreneurs: such an institution is not commercial. Although private institutions have the right to engage in income-generating activities (entrepreneurial activities), but only if this is provided for in the constituent documents of the private institution, which is why it is so important to correctly draw up the charter of your organization. A private institution, according to current legislation, cannot have an authorized or share fund, as well as an authorized or share capital. Changes in the composition of founders in a private institution are currently not registered.

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The period for registering a private enterprise is up to one month, and the cost of registration with the help of an intermediary company is from 12 thousand rubles plus 4 thousand rubles fee. After the initial registration of a private institution, the registration authority issues a certificate of state registration legal entity and a certificate of registration of a non-profit organization containing information about the assignment of the OGRN and the registration number of the NPO. Registration of a private institution for tax registration with the assignment of a TIN is carried out in one window mode.

For such activities, OKVED code 80.42 is suitable: Education for adults and other types of education not included in other groups. This class includes: education for adults who are not enrolled in regular education general education or higher professional education. Training can be carried out in daytime or evening classes in schools or in special institutions for adults. Training programs may include both general education and special subjects, for example, computer education for adults; additional education in order to fully meet the educational needs of citizens, society, and the state, carried out in educational institutions of additional education, as well as through individual teaching activities; all types of training via radio, television, computer networks, etc.

A private institution also needs to be registered with the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR), the Social Insurance Fund (FSS), the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (MHIF), as well as statistical authorities. Such an institution must have a seal that complies with the norms of Russian legislation, taking into account the requirements for the use of the name of the institution, its symbols and other means of visual identification of the NPO (emblem, coat of arms, flag, anthem, etc.).

Charter of an educational organization

The basic requirements for the charter of an educational organization are enshrined in Art. 25 of Federal Law No. 273 “On Education in the Russian Federation”. These include an indication in the charter of the type of educational organization; on the founder or founders of the educational organization; listing the types of educational programs being implemented, indicating the level of education and (or) focus; establishing the structure, procedure for formation, term of office and competence of governing bodies of an educational organization, the procedure for making decisions and speaking on behalf of the educational organization. The last provision is also specified in Part 5 of Art. 26.

However, this article does not limit all the rules governing the content of the charters of educational organizations. There are also additional norms that can be divided into three groups:

  • norms establishing mandatory requirements that complement the requirements of Art. 25 and apply to all educational organizations;
  • norms establishing mandatory requirements that apply to certain types or varieties of educational organizations;
  • rules defining areas that can be regulated by statute.

The first group includes the following requirements: establishing rules on branches (if any) (part 4 of article 27); the procedure for adopting local acts (part 1 of article 28 and part 1 of article 30); establishing the rights, duties and responsibilities of employees of educational organizations holding positions of engineering, technical, administrative, economic, production, educational support, medical and other workers performing auxiliary functions (Part 3 of Article 52); determination of the statutory goals of the activity (part 1 of article 101); the procedure for distributing its property during the liquidation of an educational organization after satisfying the creditors’ claims for the purpose of developing education (Part 3 of Article 102).

Separately in this group, it is necessary to highlight the rules that provide for the specification by the charter of the structure, procedure for formation, term of office and competence of the governing bodies of an educational organization, the procedure for making decisions and speaking on behalf of the educational organization, as well as the participation of certain groups of participants in educational relations in the management of the educational organization.

There are a lot of nuances in establishing a private educational institution and running its activities, so be prepared for additional costs for a lawyer and accountant. Moreover, the latter will have to be hired.

Licensing of educational activities

And there is one more important nuance that needs to be taken into account when registering a training center (or rather, one of the main conditions for running such a business). Educational activities carried out by legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs involving teaching staff, subject to mandatory licensing. This condition means that if you are going to teach at your center as an individual entrepreneur and independently, without involving other teachers, then you can do without a license. However, this option is unlikely to be possible for a full-fledged center for further education in the field of psychology. This option is more suitable for tutors, tutors, teachers who conduct classes privately, etc.

The procedure for licensing educational activities carried out educational organizations, organizations providing training, as well as individual entrepreneurs (with the exception of individual entrepreneurs carrying out educational activities independently without hiring other teachers), is established by the relevant Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation. According to Resolution No. 966 of October 28, 2013, mandatory licensing is required educational services for the implementation of the following educational programs: additional general education programs(additional general development programs), additional general education programs (additional pre-professional programs), additional professional advanced training programs, additional professional professional retraining programs (the last two types of programs are relevant for centers of additional professional education).

The implementation of additional general development programs is very strictly regulated by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 2013 No. 1008 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in additional general education programs.”

In the issue of licensing activities in the field of additional education, certain nuances arise in the interpretation of the law. The fact is that, according to previously effective decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, educational activities clearly did not include holding seminars, trainings, lectures, exhibitions, providing consultations, etc., if at the end of such events the students were not issued documents (diplomas, certificates, , certificates, etc.) about the education received or the qualifications assigned. This provision is missing in the new law. And here the freedom to interpret the absence of expressly stated permissions or prohibitions in the law opens up. On the one hand, the conclusion about whether this or that activity is educational, whether or not to obtain a license for its implementation, must be made on the basis of the above list, which is quite broad (Article 91, paragraph 1 of the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation ") and includes basic educational programs and additional educational programs, including additional professional development programs. But, on the other hand, advanced training programs do not include services for conducting paid lectures, seminars and trainings if the duration of the event is less than 16 hours, the conditions of the event do not provide for the final certification of students, as well as the issuance of a qualification document (clause. clauses 12 and 19 “Procedure for organizing and carrying out educational activities on additional professional programs", approved. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 1, 2013 N 499).

Thus, if you conduct seminars, trainings, lectures, consultations with each “session” lasting less than 16 hours, then theoretically you can not issue a license and still issue certificates to your students. But these “documents” will only confirm the presence of a certain person at a training or lecture (that is, in fact, this is an ordinary certificate of presence, and not of receipt of any additional education or advanced training) and will not have any legal force.

If you still plan to obtain a license for educational activities, then prepare the following list of documents:

    Identification document of the applicant (passport or other identification document) – original;

  • Copy of the charter – a notarized copy of the charter;
  • A copy of the certificate of making an entry about a legal entity in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities - a notarized copy or original for comparison;
  • Copies of information on the registration of the branch at the actual address, copies of the decision to create the branch and the Regulations on the branch approved in the established manner - a notarized copy or an original for comparison;
  • A copy of the duly approved Regulations on structural unit(for organizations that have an educational unit providing professional training) - a notarized copy or original for comparison;
  • A copy of the certificate of registration with the tax authority - a notarized copy or an original for comparison;
  • Documents confirming that the license applicant owns or on another legal basis equipped buildings, structures, structures, premises and territories - a notarized copy or original for comparison;
  • Certificate of material and technical support for educational activities for educational programs applied for licensing - in the form approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 11, 2012 No. 1032 “On approval of application forms for a license to carry out educational activities, for re-issuance of a license to carry out educational activities and certificates of material and technical support for educational activities for educational programs applied for licensing”;
  • Copy of the conclusion Federal service for supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being on compliance (non-compliance) with sanitary rules of buildings and premises used by educational institutions (organizations) for the implementation of the educational process - a notarized copy or original for comparison;
  • A copy of the conclusion of the State Fire Service on the suitability of the buildings and premises used for the educational process - a notarized copy or original for comparison;
  • A document confirming payment of the state fee for consideration of an application for a license - a payment order with a note from the bank about its execution;
  • List of documents submitted to obtain a license.

It is already becoming clear that the process of obtaining an educational license is long and labor-intensive. Moreover, difficulties arise even at the stage of selecting premises and equipping them with the necessary equipment. If you have a building, structure or premises where you are going to open your center, you must have all the title documents for these objects. Please note that it is impossible to obtain licenses for educational activities if you have unfinished and unrepaired facilities, since you first need to obtain a sanitary-epidemiological and fire safety report on the safety of educational activities. In addition, your premises must be equipped with the necessary furniture, equipment, and inventory in strict accordance with the requirements of the law (age standards in our case are not so important, because you plan to train adults). But it will be necessary to provide special conditions for training persons with disabilities disabilities, otherwise you may be denied a license.

Another mandatory condition is the availability of educational programs, which must be developed directly at the institution or specifically for it, and comply with the current educational standards, be approved by the head of the institution. If educational programs require a certain one, then this requires approval. For example, programs with a medical or psychological focus will need to be agreed upon with the relevant department. The approval is drawn up in the form of a conclusion and attached to the package of documents for obtaining a license.

You will also have to worry in advance about finding teachers who will teach you. They must have specialized education, experience, appropriate qualifications, and they must have no contraindications for work. All this must be confirmed by documents (diplomas, certificates, work books, etc.).

All of the listed documents, together with the application and inventory, are submitted to the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising delegated powers in the field of education. Moreover, along with copies, you need to provide original documents for comparison or notarized copies of documents (the latter option if documents are submitted, for example, by mail).

State duty for obtaining a license, in accordance with paragraph 92 of Art. 333.33 of the “Tax Code of the Russian Federation” is 7,500 rubles. The cost of the license itself, issued by the Regional Service for Supervision and Control in Education, starts from 20,000 rubles. The commission makes a decision to issue or refuse to issue a license no later than sixty days from the date of registration of the submitted application. The license that you receive (if, of course, you receive it) will indicate a list of programs for which you have the right to conduct educational activities. The license is valid for an indefinite period.

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How to open The educational center- from idea to launch

Times of global change always provide additional opportunities for people who know how to think outside the box and see prospects where others retreat from the distance and retreat in the face of difficulties. One of these opportunities is the creation of a training center that will provide training services for additional types of activities to the population and show broad horizons in new living conditions.

Organization of a training center

To organize such a business, you must have the status of a legal entity. Depending on the planned scale, the types of activities of the enterprise are selected. If the staff includes permanent teachers, then it is necessary to obtain a certificate of activity educational institution, which will entail unnecessary expenses and time delays in completing bureaucratic procedures. In the process of opening an enterprise, it will be easier to indicate the type of activity as “consulting services”, “assistance in holding and organizing events” or other streamlined formulations of KVED. And work with several independent trainers or teachers by agreement.

When starting such a business, you need to have a good understanding of the relationship between supply and demand for the provision of such services. What does it mean to have a clear understanding of where people interested in training will come from and to decide in advance on the intended coaching staff: teachers, psychologists, coaches or seminar presenters, etc. For the profitability of a training center, it is best to combine this type of activity with a leadership position in a network company or by working among people who are hungry for professional, spiritual and financial growth. This will allow you to initially have minimal amount future listeners and provide the necessary advertising for the enterprise.

Profitability of the training center It is impossible to calculate in advance. Income will directly depend on the volume of classes provided, the cost of training and the costs of maintaining the work of the center.
The expenditure part consists of the following items:
- rent or one-time redemption cost of the premises and the costs of its maintenance;
- payment for utilities and telecommunication channels;
- the cost of the necessary furniture, equipment and equipment;
-salaries of employees and training personnel;
- advertising costs.
Requirements for the training center premises

Rent for training center premises or its redemption value may vary widely. This depends on the location of the building and the internal condition of the premises.

Establishment area is calculated based on the planned intensity of the class schedule and the number of students. The training center must have a common room with an administrator’s workplace and exits to two or more isolated training rooms. Classrooms for classes are best designed so that they can easily be transformed into a conference room; the furnishings should be mobile. It is advisable to equip the room with a projector, a teacher’s workstation with the ability to install a computer, a whiteboard or flip chart. If it is planned to hold computer courses or training to work with 1:C, it is necessary to equip a computer lab with at least 5 PCs.

The increase in attendance is greatly influenced by the location of the center close to transport communications. It is also worth remembering that a training center, which is located in a residential building, may subsequently cause negative attitudes from residents. This is due to the possibility of holding seminars outside of working hours. Such events often last until late and are accompanied by a stormy exchange of emotions among the audience.

If you have your own, suitable premises, costs will be significantly reduced.

It is also worth thinking in advance about the nutrition of future applicants. If there is no cafe, canteen or store nearby, it is worth installing at least a coffee machine in the building of the training center or equipping a special room for coffee breaks.

Training center staff

In addition to permanent or part-time teachers, the staff must include an administrator, an accountant, a handyman, and a cleaner. For small volumes, some positions can be combined. And the functions of permanent cleaners and handymen (electrician, plumber, mechanic) can be assigned to the appropriate services, which can be contacted as needed.

The key figure of the training center is the administrator, who must constantly be on site, give advice and carry out all the organizational work of the center. In addition, advertising and marketing research also fall on the shoulders of this employee. Therefore, special requirements are imposed on candidates for the position of administrator. This must be a sociable, creative, responsible person. Experience working in MLM structures will serve an excellent purpose for the administrator of a training center.

Employee salaries, to increase the profitability of the center and interest in the influx of new students, must be flexible. Consist of a clearly defined salary and bonus percentage, which depends on the number of students.

Ways to promote a training center

The center's marketing policy depends on the chosen area of ​​activity.

The main activities may be:
- specialization in various advanced training and retraining courses, training in new professions;
- various auxiliary courses aimed at children and youth;
- conducting seminars on topics personal growth;
- renting out space for various events.

When focusing on vocational training, it makes sense to enter into cooperation agreements with employment centers and large enterprises in need of professional growth employees.

If the educational center's activities focus on children's specialization, it is possible to advertise in the media and distribute leaflets in places where parents gather. for example, in the Houses of Creativity.

As practice shows, the most productive advertising of activities in the field of spiritual and financial growth is a personal example and speech of people who have undergone this type of training. Therefore, with this specialization of the training center, marketing activities can be limited to information meetings.

Information about rented training spaces and conference rooms can be placed in various printed publications and Internet resources aimed at entrepreneurs.

For optimal use of training center space and the fastest return on investment, it is better to combine several areas of activity. In any case, you should not expect quick and large profits from the activities of the enterprise. Such a business will be able to generate profits after some time, which will be required for its establishment. But, with proper organization of the business and passion for its occupation, a training center can become a source of profit for its owner, bring new, interesting events to life and help make useful contacts.

Information technologies have entered all sectors of human life. Without understanding the simplest programs, it is difficult to get a job or get the necessary information from the Internet. Consulting and computer training services in various fields are becoming more in demand. We’ll tell you how to open computer courses from scratch and what beginners need to know in this short article about this business idea.

Training or consulting?

Computer courses are a service in the form of consultations or training in the field of information technologies. Any computer club can provide consultations in the form of seminars or trainings. Training can only be carried out after obtaining a license, which is certified by the municipal education department. Entrepreneurs with a license can participate in government tenders, and, if they win, the local labor exchange will send groups of willing people for training.

Beginning entrepreneurs are recommended to first open simple courses, without a license, and then, when the company is established on the market, apply for licensing. In 80% of cases, computer courses are partially licensed. Example: the Leader training center offers its clients licensed courses for a computer operator and a secretary-assistant with 1C knowledge. And as general informational seminars he offers: “Installing and configuring Windows”, “Programming for beginners”, “Network security”.

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, computer courses can be conducted both with and without a license. It’s just that when providing advisory services, an entrepreneur must rely on the rules that if the lecture or training is one-time and no certificate is issued after it, then it is permissible to carry out this type of activity without first obtaining a license.

Advantages and disadvantages

Opening courses with or without a license has common pros and cons:

  • It is more profitable to obtain a license and provide training services, since you can earn from 3 million a year, but obtaining a document is difficult.
  • To organize courses for beginners, it is necessary to select a room that must correspond fire safety and meet the requirements of SanPiN.
  • It is necessary to constantly monitor new products and developments in information technology in order to offer clients the knowledge they need.
  • It is difficult to start educational activities in a small municipal center, since this area of ​​the market is already occupied by state educational institutions.
  • If you do not obtain a license and provide services in the form of a computer circle, then no major investments will be required.

Idea concept

When organizing computer courses without obtaining a training license, the main thing is to choose a concept. As an idea of ​​where to start a small business, it is suggested to choose one of the following areas:

  • Courses on working with the 1C program for accountants.
  • Teaching children animated programs and educational games on the computer.
  • Courses for people over 50. Training and assistance in working with social networks, providing basic knowledge.
  • Computer design training.

You can take several niches at once: for example, organize classes for pensioners twice a week, twice a week for accountants and designers. Once you choose the direction of your business, it will be easier to stick to the concept. The premises are decorated in the appropriate style, and the staff is selected.

A big mistake for beginners is to take on several courses at once. A beginner is recommended to study the competitor market and analyze whether it is profitable to occupy a particular niche. The focus of the courses is chosen to be low-competing, but in demand in your region.

Registering services

For unlicensed courses, it is enough to register the activity as an individual entrepreneur. But if it is planned further development and licensing of at least several types of courses, it is recommended to immediately select an LLC. In the future, it will be possible to organize a non-state educational institution (non-state educational institution) on the basis of an LLC.

To register an LLC, you must prepare the following documents:

  • Company charter.
  • Documents confirming legal address.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.
  • Bank account statement confirming the presence of authorized capital.
  • Photocopies of passports and TIN of each founder.
  • Application for registration of LLC.

When filling out the application, one main type of activity and two additional ones are indicated. The following OKVED codes are suitable for computer courses:

  • 62.02 “Consulting and work in the field of computer technology.”
  • 62.02.3 “Training users of specific software.”

To obtain a license and transfer to the legal form of a non-state educational institution, the following conditions must be met:

  • Have an equipped computer class in rented or own premises.
  • The equipment and equipment of the premises must comply with fire safety standards: an alarm system is installed, a fire safety corner with fire extinguishers is equipped, and there is an emergency exit plan.
  • Courses are scheduled according to programs for the coming year.
  • The staff is qualified and professionally trained to work with trainees.
  • The class has methodological literature for each course.

An application for a license is submitted to the Department of Education. The class will be tested for compliance with standards, and within 6 months the commission will decide whether to issue a license.

Equipment and accommodation

The room for a computer class is suitable for a small size, from 20 sq. m. The most important thing is to choose the right location for the company. If the courses are aimed at children, then it is better to rent an office in a children's center or directly at school. If this is not possible, then the center of the residential area is selected. It should be convenient for parents and children to reach you at any time of the day or evening.

Basic equipment of the computer class:

  • Computers (5 pcs.).
  • Tables (5 pcs.).
  • Chairs (5 pcs.).
  • Benches for waiting (3 pcs.).

You need at least 250 thousand rubles for equipment and rent of premises. The down payment depends on the computer models and their number. A business idea for licensed training will require an investment of 1.5 million rubles.

The staff is recruited on a permanent basis and part-time. 3-4 teachers are enough to replace each other. To organize the work, a clear plan is made so that each teacher arrives at the right time. Payment is offered by piecework or salary. The cost of courses will depend on the price list of competitors.

Detailed step-by-step instruction and the estimate for equipment are indicated in the business plan, which will help you open a computer class yourself. The profitability of the project depends entirely on the flow of clients. If you choose the wrong niche, the project will quickly go negative.

Instead of a conclusion

To organize small consulting computer courses, you will need an initial capital of 250 thousand rubles. To organize a large training center, you will need a license and significant investments, as well as (based on experience) contacts in the education department. When registering, it is recommended to immediately select an LLC, since in the future this will allow you to switch to the LOU form.

Today, thousands of people are eager to find, among the many opportunities, that gold mine that will give them a chance to forever forget about the lack of money and move to a fundamentally new financial level. And one of the most promising business opportunities available to the average citizen is making money from training courses. So, in this review we will talk about how to open training courses.

Why training courses are relevant

To begin with, it is worth noting the fact that we live in a time when two completely different generations intersect.

In every city, people who were born at the beginning of post-Soviet capitalism and are guided by more modern principles worldviews, and those who at one time managed to absorb the vibrant mentality of Soviet society. What does this have to do with training courses?

The fact is that quite often young people show interest in various types activities and wants to develop professionally in them.

For example, questions about how to open a hairdressing course and how to start your own car sales business may be important for them. Moreover, young people can master several areas at once. Entering universities in various specialties is the lot of the few who have enough enthusiasm and money for such a maneuver. Plus, by the time of release, technologies and trends will have changed greatly, and therefore the relevance of training may be low.

But training courses last much less than studying at a university, and the information provided in such courses has the maximum level of relevance.

Salvation for people in the form of courses

If we talk about people who collapse Soviet Union caught by surprise, then courses that teach a new specialty are a lifeline for them. After all, in a relatively short period of time they will be able to master new profession, which is in demand in the labor market.

Thus, training courses are a more than relevant area of ​​entrepreneurial activity. With their help, you can combine, for example, a handicraft business and a sports business.

Local training courses

The first option that you can use to earn money is local courses on teaching popular specialties and simply interesting activities. They can be held in rented or own premises. For example, owners of beauty salons can open courses in manicure or hairdressing on the basis of their company.

If you don’t have your own property suitable for group activities, then nothing prevents you from taking advantage of the rental option.

However, in the courses themselves, the room does not play a role. main role, albeit an important one. For example, in order to understand the question of how to open a handicraft course, you may not need your own office. You can easily cope at home. Especially if you have the appropriate skills.

Training can become popular thanks to reviews from satisfied customers. If, after a set of classes, newly minted specialists master specific skills well enough to get a job or start providing services independently, then the course rating will be high.

Qualified specialists should be found

In order to understand how to open training courses, you need to find professionals. In this regard, one fact becomes clear - the qualifications of the specialists who will train must be high. As a rule, courses are opened by those who are already professionals in some field of activity and are ready to decent level pass on knowledge to others. This factor must be indicated when drawing up a business plan.

Courses in English, for example, they require professional approach. And if the necessary skills are not available, it is necessary to attract outside specialists. But in this case, the invited professional will have to pay, which will reduce the profit margin. Although in the case of hired personnel for training, you can go a very profitable route and make courses that will include training in various specialties. Such a move will provide a significantly larger flow of people, and therefore a different level of income.

Of course, if you open multidisciplinary courses, you will need to pay more for renting premises, but if you set the price for training correctly, all costs will be easily compensated.

Marketing activities

In order for advertising to reach representatives of the target audience, you need to decide which sources of advertising information in a given region are most effective. And only after that invest in an advertising campaign. However, one “but” still remains: the number of people who can pay for training is limited, at best, by a specific region, and at worst, by a city. And this despite the fact that there is competition in this area.

In order to expand the circle of potential clients, it is worth bringing your training system to the Internet, where people not only from all regions of the country, but also from other countries can purchase it. Such a step could increase the sales market for the training course hundreds of times.

Online training

An information product is a very popular way to sell your knowledge and experience, as well as the skills of other people, to thousands of users from all over the world. This type Activities can be easily combined with local training courses. But if you wish, it is possible to turn online training into the main and stable source of high income. How to open training courses on the Internet?

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