Krasnoyarsk Medical College at City Clinical Hospital N20 named after Berzon I.S. Ministry of Health of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Krasnoyarsk Basic Medical College enrollment

Medical support for students and students at the College is provided by full-time and assigned medical personnel, who, along with the administration of the Institution, are responsible for carrying out treatment and preventive measures, compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, the regime and quality of nutrition for students and pupils.


Not a single calendar year is complete without festive events. For students, traditional calendar holidays are not only a time when they can take a break from everyday school life, but also a reason to demonstrate their creativity, to unite more with each other at festive concerts and events dedicated to a particular date.

The main principle of holding traditional calendar events at the Krasnoyarsk Basic Medical College named after. V.M. Krutovsky is the uniqueness of the scenario organization and the genre diversity of the concert program.

The main goal of extracurricular activities at KBMK named after. V.M. Krutovsky: development of the moral and ethical position of future paramedical workers.

Through participation in events of various formats: holiday concerts, volunteer events, military-patriotic events, students develop a sense of aesthetics, form a moral position and understand the deontology of a future medical worker.

Traditional calendar holidays: Knowledge Day, Teacher's Day, New Year, Defenders of the Fatherland Day, International Women's Day, Victory Day are celebrated with concert programs with creative and humorous performances.

The logical conclusion of each academic year are ceremonial graduations, which are not only formal in nature of obtaining a diploma of education, but also work to strengthen the moral, ethical and aesthetic position of the graduate.

The volunteer movement has become an integral part in modern Russia. An event of any scale and at any level today cannot exist without volunteers, people who provide free services different types help.

The most important thing in volunteer activity is the idea, a noble idea that reflects the importance and principles of the activity. It is the idea that determines whether a person will understand what he is doing and why, whether he will have pride, self-esteem and satisfaction from his work and performance results. The internal psychological need to be needed is important. The volunteer movement allows you to realize this need and feel your usefulness.

The volunteer movement plays a special role in medical educational institutions. Krasnoyarsk base was no exception medical college them. V.M. Krutovsky. Future paramedical workers from the first year carry out volunteer activities in hospitals and hospitals in the city.

At the Krasnoyarsk Regional AIDS Center and the Krasnoyarsk Regional Hospital for War Veterans, volunteer work is carried out by college students. The future paramedical worker must be ready not only to fulfill his professional duties in the future, but also to provide assistance to those in need free of charge at any time.

Simple care for patients in the hospital, leisure activities in honor of traditional holidays, propaganda healthy image life among young people, educating the population about the spread of HIV infection and infection precautions - this is not a complete list of the necessary functionality of college volunteers.



"Krasnoyarsk Basic Medical College

named after V.M. Krutovsky"

in 2012

Krasnoyarsk, 2012

I. General provisions
1.1. These rules for admission to the Regional State Budgetary educational institution average vocational education"Krasnoyarsk Basic Medical College named after. V.M. Krutovsky" (hereinafter referred to as the Admission Rules) are developed in accordance with:

Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” dated July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1;

Model regulations on educational institutions of secondary vocational education (secondary specialized educational institution), approved by Government resolution Russian Federation dated July 18, 2008 No. 543;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 15, 2009 No. 4 “On approval of the Procedure for admission to educational institutions of secondary vocational education with state accreditation”;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 28, 2009 No. 355 “On approval of the list of specialties of secondary vocational education”;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 28, 2009 No. 357 “On approval of the list of entrance examinations to educational institutions of secondary vocational and higher vocational education that have state accreditation, in the specialties of secondary vocational education”;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 24, 2009 No. 57 “On approval of the procedure for conducting the unified state exam”;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 2, 2009 No. 695 “On approval of the Regulations on the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren”;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 26, 2010 No. 1243 “On amendments to the List of secondary vocational education approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 28, 2009 No. 355”;

Regulations on the forms and procedure for state (final) certification of students who have mastered the basic educational programs of secondary (complete) general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 2008, No. 362;

The list of entrance tests to educational institutions of secondary vocational education that have state accreditation, in the specialties of secondary vocational education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 8, 2011 No. 1353;

Other legal acts of authorized federal executive bodies in the field of education;

The Charter of the regional state budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education "Krasnoyarsk Basic Medical College named after. V.M. Krutovsky."

II. Organization of admission of citizens to the College
2.1. The organization of admission based on the results of the unified state exam, including the organization of entrance tests for training in mastering the basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education, is carried out by the College's admissions committee (hereinafter referred to as the admissions committee).

The chairman of the admissions committee is the director of the College.

2.2. To organize and conduct entrance tests, the chairman of the admissions committee creates subject examination and appeal commissions.

2.3. The procedure for the formation, composition, powers and activities of the admissions, subject examination and appeal commissions is regulated by provisions approved by the director of the College.

2.4. The work of the admissions committee and office work, as well as the personal reception of applicants and their parents (legal representatives), are organized by the executive secretary, who is appointed by the director of the College.

2.5. When admitting to the College, the director of the educational institution ensures compliance with the rights of citizens in the field of education established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, transparency and openness of the work of the admissions committee, and objectivity in assessing the abilities and aptitudes of applicants.

2.6. The admissions committee is obliged to monitor the accuracy of information about participation in the unified state exam, the results of the unified state exam, and also has the right to check other documents submitted by applicants.

Control over the reliability of information about the participation of applicants in the unified state examination is carried out by sending to the federal database about the participants in the unified state examination and about the results of the unified state examination a corresponding request about the participation of the applicant in the unified state examination, about confirmation of the correctness of information about the results of the unified state examination.

In order to confirm the accuracy of other documents submitted by applicants, the admissions committee has the right to contact the relevant state (municipal) bodies and organizations.
III. Organization of informing applicants
3.1. The college announces admission for training in basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education only if you have a license to conduct educational activities for these educational programs.

3.2. In order to familiarize the applicant and his parents (legal representatives) with the charter of the educational institution, the license for the right to conduct educational activities, with the certificate of state accreditation of the educational institution for each of the specialties, giving the right to issue a state document on secondary vocational education, basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education implemented by the College, and other documents regulating the organization educational process and the work of the admissions committee, the College places these documents on its official website and the information stand of the admissions committee.

3.3. Before accepting documents, the College announces the following:

  • annual rules for admission to the College;

  • list of specialties for which the College announces admission in accordance with the license for the right to conduct educational activities (highlighting the forms of education (full-time, part-time (evening), indicating the main professional educational programs of secondary vocational education, basic training and education required for admission ( average (full) general education);

  • a list of entrance tests in general education subjects for each specialty upon admission on the basis of secondary (complete) general education in accordance with the list of entrance tests in educational institutions of secondary and higher vocational education that have state accreditation, in specialties of secondary vocational education, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federation (hereinafter referred to as the List of entrance examinations);

  • Features of conducting entrance tests for citizens with disabilities health;

  • list and forms of entrance examinations for persons with secondary vocational education or higher vocational education when applying for full-time and part-time (evening) education;

  • information on the timing of the unified state exam established Federal service for supervision in the field of education and science, for passing the unified state exam by persons who do not have the results of the unified state exam;

  • forms for conducting entrance examinations for persons who received secondary (complete) general education before January 1, 2009, when applying for a full-time or part-time (evening) form of education;

  • forms of entrance examinations for persons with secondary (complete) general education received in educational institutions of foreign countries.
3.3.2. No later than June 1:

  • the total number of admission places for each specialty;

  • number of budget places for admission in each specialty;

  • the number of budget places allocated for targeted admission in each specialty;

  • number of places in each specialty under contracts with payment of tuition fees;

  • the procedure for organizing admission by specialty, for the College as a whole, subject to the coincidence of entrance tests together or separately for budget places and places under contracts with payment of tuition fees;

  • rules for filing and considering appeals based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the College independently;

  • sample contract for applicants to places under contracts with payment of tuition fees;

  • benefits provided to winners and prize-winners of school Olympiads at various levels, held in accordance with the Procedure for holding school Olympiads.
3.3.3. No later than June 20:

  • the results of the unified state exam, entrance tests conducted by the College independently, confirming the successful completion of entrance tests in general education subjects included in the list of entrance tests for each major professional educational program secondary vocational education (both for persons entering public places and for persons entering places under contracts with payment of tuition fees).

  • information about the place of registration for the Unified State Examination in additional deadlines applicants who have personally submitted documents for admission and do not have the results of the unified state exam.
3.5. The information mentioned in 3.2 and 3.3 of these Rules is posted on the information stand of the admissions committee and on the official website of the College.

During the period of accepting documents, the College's admissions committee informs daily about the number of applications submitted, the competition and entrance examinations for each specialty, and organizes the functioning of a special telephone line to answer all applicants' questions.

Information on the number of applications submitted, including the surname list of persons who submitted the application, the competition and the results of entrance examinations is provided for each specialty, highlighting the forms of education, indicating the main professional educational programs of secondary vocational education of basic training and is posted on the official website of the College and on information stand of the admissions committee.
IV. Reception of documents from applicants
4.1. Acceptance of documents for training in basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education begins on June 20 and ends on August 15.

Applicants who do not have the results of the Unified State Exam must register before July 5 to take the Unified State Exam in accordance with the procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 24, 2009 No. 57.

4.2. Admission to the College for training in basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education is carried out upon the personal application of applicants.

An applicant has the right to submit an application simultaneously to several educational institutions, for several specialties, for various forms of education, according to which the main professional educational programs of secondary vocational education are implemented in an educational institution, as well as simultaneously for budget-funded places and places under contracts with payment of the cost of training.

4.3. When applying for admission to the College, the applicant presents:

  • upon admission on the basis of secondary (complete) general education or primary vocational education - documents proving his identity (original or photocopy), at his discretion, the original or photocopy of a state document on education, the original certificate of the results of the unified state exam or its photocopy (for applicants based on the results of the unified state exam);

  • upon admission on the basis of primary vocational education, secondary vocational education, higher vocational education for admission to the full-time and part-time (evening) form of education - identification documents (original or photocopy), at your discretion, the original state document on education or its photocopy.

  • persons who passed military service conscripts and those discharged from military service, who have the right, within a year after dismissal from military service, to use the results of the unified state exam they passed during the year before conscription into military service, present a military ID upon admission to the College.
4.4. Persons who have special rights for admission to educational institutions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, submit at their discretion the original or a photocopy of the relevant documents when submitting an application.

When submitting an application, persons with disabilities submit, at their discretion, an original or a photocopy of one of the following documents:

  • conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission;

  • certificate of disability issued federal agency medical and social examination.

  • Disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II, who, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 16 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, have the right to admission to educational institutions without competition, subject to successful completion of entrance examinations, present at their discretion the original or a photocopy of the certificate of establishment disability and conclusions about the absence of contraindications for studying at the College, issued by the federal institution of medical and social examination.
4.5. When applying for training in the main professional educational program of secondary vocational education, applications are accepted from persons who have a state-issued document on secondary (complete) general education, primary vocational education, secondary vocational education or higher vocational education.

4.6. Applicants must provide the following information in their application:

1) last name, first name, patronymic (the latter - if available);

2) date and place of birth;

3) details of the document proving his identity, when and by whom it was issued;

4) place of residence;

5) information about the previous level of education and the education document confirming it;

6) the specialty(s) for which he plans to enter an educational institution, indicating the form of education and conditions of study (budget places, places under contracts with payment of tuition fees);

In the application, the applicants record the fact that they have familiarized themselves with the charter, the license for the right to conduct educational activities, the certificate of state accreditation and appendices to them for the chosen specialty and are certified by a personal signature.

In the same order, the applicant’s signature also records the following:

  • information about passing the Unified State Exam and its results or the place where the Unified State Exam is taken during additional dates for the Unified State Exam;

  • receiving secondary vocational education for the first time;

  • familiarization with the date of submission of the original state document on education;

  • familiarization with the rules for filing an appeal upon admission based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the College independently;

  • consent to the processing of your personal data in the manner established by Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”.
If there are several results of the Unified State Examination that have not expired, the applicant indicates in the application which results of the Unified State Examination he is using and in which general education subjects.

If an applicant provides information that does not correspond to reality, the College has the right to return the documents to the applicant.

4.7. Charging a fee from applicants when submitting documents, as well as requiring applicants to provide originals of a state-issued education document, a certificate of the results of the unified state exam, or to provide other documents not provided for by these Rules, is prohibited.

4.8. Persons entering the target places, along with the documents specified in 4.3 of these Rules, present the original state document on education.

4.9. Application for admission, and necessary documents can be sent to applicants through public postal operators, as well as in electronic digital form (if such a possibility is provided in the educational institution) in accordance with Federal Law of January 10, 2002 No. 1-FZ “On Electronic Digital Signature” Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ “On information, information technology and on the protection of information”, Federal Law of July 7, 2003 No. 126-FZ “On Communications”.

Acceptance of documents sent through public postal operators ends on August 15.

4.9.1. When sending documents through public postal operators, the applicant encloses with the application for admission photocopies of documents proving his identity and citizenship, a photocopy of a state document on education, as well as other documents provided for by these Rules.

4.9.2. Documents are sent by mail arriving through public postal operators with a notification and a list of the contents. The notification and inventory of the attachment are the basis for confirming the acceptance of the applicant’s documents.

4.10. A personal file is opened for each applicant, in which all submitted documents and materials for passing entrance examinations are stored (including an extract from the protocol of the decision of the appeal commission of the educational institution).

Personal files of applicants are stored at the College for six months from the date of acceptance of documents.

4.11. When submitting documents in person, the applicant is given a document acceptance receipt.

4.12. Applicants who submitted to admissions committee knowingly forged documents bear liability under the legislation of the Russian Federation.
V. Entrance tests
5.1. Entrance tests for the admission of citizens entering the specialty: 060101 General Medicine full-time training basic level training, 060501 Nursing full-time study basic level of training, 060501 Nursing full-time study (Nurse with in-depth training), 060203 Full-time orthopedic dentistry, basic level training is carried out on the basis of the results of the unified state exam;

for specialty 060501 Nursing, full-time and part-time training; the basic level of training is based on the results of the unified state exam and entrance tests conducted by the College independently.

Two entrance tests are mandatory for applicants to the following specialties: 060101 General Medicine, 060501 Nursing, one of which is Russian as the state language of the Russian Federation, the second is biology; for specialty 060203 Orthopedic dentistry - Russian is the state language of the Russian Federation, the second is chemistry in accordance with the List of entrance tests.

5.2. The results of all entrance tests are assessed on a 100-point scale.

5.3. Entrance tests are conducted in written form (testing). Entrance tests are conducted as examination groups are formed from among those who have submitted documents for admission to the College.

5.4. During the entrance examinations, a calm and friendly atmosphere is ensured, and applicants are given the opportunity to fully demonstrate the level of their knowledge and skills.

5.5. It is prohibited to count final exams for admission as entrance tests conducted by the College independently. preparatory courses at an educational institution.

If an applicant participates in a competition based on the results of the unified state exam, he is not allowed to take entrance tests conducted by the College independently.

5.6. The schedule of entrance examinations (subject, date, time, examination group and place of the examination, consultations, date of announcement of results) is approved by the chairman of the admissions committee and brought to the attention of applicants no later than June 20.

Applicants take entrance tests in Russian.

5.7. For applicants to budget places (according to the general competition, according to targeted reception who have the right to non-competitive admission), as well as for places under contracts with payment of the cost of training for a certain specialty, the same entrance tests are carried out.

5.8. Persons who collected documents after the completion of documents acceptance, including those who received a result lower than the established one in entrance examinations minimum quantity points confirming successful completion of the entrance examinations are eliminated from the competition.

5.9. Persons who did not appear for entrance examinations for a valid reason (illness or other circumstances confirmed by documents) are allowed to attend them in parallel groups, at the next stage of entrance examinations, or individually until they are completely completed.

5.10. The following are taken into account as the results of entrance examinations:

a) results obtained by applicants for the Unified State Exam in April-June 2011 and 2012 in the Russian language, biology, chemistry in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, or in the territory of any subject of the Russian Federation;

b) the results obtained by the applicant at the entrance examinations in the form and according to Unified State Exam materials in July 2012;

c) results of college tests (testing) for persons who received secondary (complete) general education before January 1, 2009;

G) All-Russian Olympics 2012.

Information for applicants

List of documents required

for admission:

1. Original and photocopy of a document proving his identity and citizenship;

2. Original and photocopy of a document on education and (or) a document on education and qualifications;

3. 4 photographs 3x4;

4. Conclusion based on the results of a mandatory preliminary medical examination (examination).

When entering college, applicants undergo mandatory preliminary medical examinations (examinations) in the manner established by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n “On approval of lists of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and work, during the performance of which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations), and the Procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) of workers engaged in heavy work and work with hazardous and (or) hazardous conditions labor."

To receive a referral for a preliminary medical examination (examination), an applicant to study at the college must contact the admissions committee or download the form from the official website of the college using the following link

Medical specialists from whom it is necessary to obtain a certificate of professional suitability:

  1. Pediatrician/Physician;
  2. Otorhinolaryngologist;
  3. Dentist;
  4. Obstetrician-gynecologist;
  5. Dermatovenerologist: dermatovenerological clinic at the place of residence / Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n, section 16/; Decree of the Russian Federation No. 697 of August 14, 2013/
  6. Psychiatrist: psychoneurological dispensary at the place of residence /order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n, section 16/ Decree of the Russian Federation No. 697 dated August 14, 2013/

Narcologist: drug treatment clinic at your place of residence / order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n, section 16 /, Decree of the Russian Federation No. 697 dated August 14, 2013 /

Other specialists: surgeon, neurologist, ophthalmologist, etc. by decision of the general practitioner/pediatrician

Diagnostic, laboratory and functional studies:

  1. Fluorography with print resolution
  2. Clinical, biochemical analysis blood, clinical urine test
  3. Blood test for HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis
  4. Electrocardiography
  5. Certificate of preventive vaccinations since childhood or vaccination certificate
  6. Decision on professional suitability for a profession
  7. Specifying a health group
  8. Recommended physical education group

Mandatory details of the medical certificate are the position, last name, first name, patronymic, as well as the signature and seal of each doctor who conducted the examination.

The signature of the head physician of the medical institution is certified by the round seal of the institution.

List of medical contraindications:

1) typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, salmonellosis, dysentery;

2) helminthiases;

3) syphilis in the infectious period;

5) pediculosis;

6) contagious skin diseases: scabies, trichophytosis, microsporia, scab, actinomycosis with ulcerations or fistulas on exposed parts of the body;

7) infectious and destructive forms of pulmonary tuberculosis, extrapulmonary tuberculosis with the presence of fistulas, bacteriouria, tuberculous lupus of the face and hands;

8) gonorrhea (all forms) for the period of treatment with antibiotics and obtaining negative results of the first control;

9) infections of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (only for obstetric and surgical hospitals, departments of pathology of newborns, premature babies, and also those involved in the manufacture and sale of food products)


  1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 14, 2013 No. 697 “On approval of the list of specialties and areas of training, upon admission to training for which applicants undergo mandatory preliminary medical examinations (examinations) in the manner established when concluding an employment contract or service contract for the relevant position or specialty."
  2. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n “On approval of lists of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and work, during which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and the Procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) of workers engaged in heavy work and work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions.”

Requirements for medical examinations for minors (under 18 years of age):

List of specialist doctors:

  • Pediatrician
  • Pediatric surgeon
  • Pediatric dentist
  • Pediatric urologist - andrologist
  • Pediatric endocrinologist
  • Neurologist
  • Traumatologist-orthopedist
  • Ophthalmologist
  • Otorhinolaryngologist
  • Obstetrician-gynecologist
  • Teenage psychiatrist

List of laboratory and functional studies:

  • General blood test
  • Clinical urine analysis
  • Blood glucose test
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs, heart, thyroid gland and reproductive organs
  • digital fluorography (from 15 years old)

Base:n Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2012 N 1346н“On the procedure for minors to undergo medical examinations, including upon admission to educational institutions and during the period of study in them.”

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