Financial assistance for students when entering a university. Financial assistance. Sample application for financial assistance for vacation

Due to various life reasons, each person can find himself in an unfavorable financial situation. There are several options for getting out of difficult circumstances. One of the most accessible is a request for financial assistance from the employer.

True, it should be noted that in financial matters, the management of enterprises meets their subordinates halfway only when their requests have a serious justification or, more simply put, good reasons.

It is important to remember that providing financial assistance is not the responsibility of the employer, but solely a manifestation of his goodwill. Quite often, employers set a certain limit on the provision of financial assistance, both in terms of the funds issued and in terms of its frequency.


How to write an application for financial assistance

There is no single standard form for writing this statement, so each person can write it in free form. True to large enterprises who independently develop their own forms of documents, most often have their own unified form for providing financial assistance. The main thing when filling out an application is to honestly state the problem, choose the right wording and provide the employer with an evidence base. This means that when writing out financial assistance for yourself, it is advisable to attach certificates and other documents confirming its need to the corresponding application.

As a rule, employers react positively to such a request if it is caused by an upcoming marriage, the birth of a child, a serious illness, the loss of a loved one, an accident, etc. An important role is played by how productively and responsibly the employee works (disciplinary sanctions, reprimands and other previously shown negative reactions from management will be a minus when making a decision).

In any case, the final decision on this issue falls on the head of the enterprise, who, based on his life experience and the financial capabilities of the company, will assess the degree of importance of the situation, as well as options for solving it in other ways.

Instructions for writing an application

In order for an application for financial assistance to be considered by the employer, it must be completed properly.

  • In the upper right part of the document, you must indicate in the genitive case the position of the manager (director, general director, etc.), the full name of the company (indicating its legal status), as well as the last name, first name, and patronymic of the manager (the first and middle names can be put in in the form of initials).
  • Then the same is indicated from the applicant.
  • Then in the middle of the document the word “Statement” is written and a dot is placed.

The main part of the application for financial assistance

The second part of the statement includes its actual text.
This describes the request, which should begin with the wording: “I ask you to provide me with financial assistance”. Then you need to clearly indicate the reason why such a need arose, but this must be done succinctly and clearly - in one or two sentences (for example, in connection with the upcoming wedding on September 14, 2016). And after this, you need to enter the amount that you would like to receive in the form of financial assistance (in numbers and in words).

After writing the text of the application, the document must be certified with a signature (with a transcript), as well as the date of its completion.

After writing the application

After the application is completed, it must be given either to the secretary of the organization, or to the human resources department, or to the accounting department, along with all the papers confirming the request for financial support. The responsible persons will submit it for consideration to the director of the company, and if the decision is positive, he will put his resolution and signature on the petition. If the employer decides to pay out the amount in full, then on the application he will write something like: “give out in full,” but if it is decided to help partially, then in his resolution he will clearly indicate the amount that the applicant will receive.

Then the document goes to the personnel department, where an order for the issuance of financial assistance is written, which is also then signed by the head of the organization, and finally, the applicant, after all these stages, can receive the amount authorized for issue at the cash desk.

It is important to note one point: material assistance to an employee of an organization from management is a gratuitous act, that is, it does not imply any further compensation or compensation or deduction from the employee’s salary.

It is also not subject to accounting when calculating personal income tax (but only if its amount is within the limits permitted by the law of the Russian Federation - for a given year it is 4,000 rubles, everything above this amount is already taken into account for taxation).

Application for financial assistance in connection with the death of a relative

The grief that comes to a family not only has an emotional impact on all relatives, but also, as a rule, makes a significant hole in the budget. The employer, taking care of the staff, can help the bereaved employee a little financially. In this case, the funds are paid from the organization’s profit fund; these expenses have tax benefits.

To do this, the organization’s local regulations must stipulate this possibility and its regulations. For this purpose, a special Regulation may be created or the relevant information should be contained in the employment contract or collective agreement. Usually, not only the employee who has lost a loved one has the right to such a payment, but also, conversely, his relatives if the employee himself has died.

The first document required for the accrual of this type of financial assistance is the employee’s request, drawn up in the form of an application. In addition to the request for one-time financial support, the text must indicate:

  • Full name of the manager (general director);
  • all employee data (position and full name);
  • degree of relationship with the deceased (close relatives in connection with whose death financial assistance is provided are brothers and sisters, children or parents of the employee);
  • you can indicate the amount that the employer is asking for (it cannot be more than two months’ salary);
  • a list of documents confirming relationship and death attached to the application;
  • date, painting with transcript.

ATTENTION! It does not matter whether the amount of assistance is indicated in the application; in any case, the manager enters it into the Order, on the basis of which it will be calculated.

Sample application for financial assistance in connection with the death of a relative

General Director
LLC "Zarathustra"
Nikipelov Roman Olegovich
from the purchasing department manager
Rostovsky Anatoly Petrovich


I ask you to provide me with financial assistance in connection with the death of a close relative - Rostovsky’s brother Mikhail Petrovich.

I am attaching to the application:

  • certificate of family composition;
  • death certificate of Rostovsky M.P.

06.20.2017 /Rostovsky/ A.P. Rostovsky

Application for financial assistance for vacation

Financial assistance paid in connection with vacation can be called differently in local regulations: vacation pay, allowance, vacation bonus, “health benefits,” etc. Its essence in tax terms depends on how exactly the employer formalizes this one-time payment - as social or labor.

Most often, such a payment is considered simply as financial assistance, the amount of which is fixed for all employees, no matter how qualified they are and how well they worked during the pre-vacation period.

But it is also possible to “link” the amount of vacation assistance and its very fact to the results of implementation labor function. In this case, the procedure for calculating the size should be clearly stated in special local acts. As a rule, this is a percentage of the salary that is paid in the absence of disciplinary complaints.

If all employees are required to receive vacation payments, each of them does not have to write a statement, but this practice is usually accepted in companies for confirmation in the accounting department. It is also worth writing a statement if we are not talking about the next scheduled vacation, but about vacation at an unaccounted time. This paper must be submitted in advance because the payment must be made before the vacation begins.

The application form is quite free, but it must contain the following mandatory components:

  • Full name of the director;
  • employee personal data;
  • start and end dates of the vacation period;
  • basis for providing assistance (collective agreement, employment contract, regulations on vacation pay, etc.);
  • The usual completion of the application is a date and signature.

Sample application for financial assistance for vacation

General Director
Galakton-Service LLC
Leontovich Konstantin Artemyevich
from the chief accountant
Sergeeva Elena Stanislavovna


In connection with my upcoming vacation from August 6 to August 19, 2016, I ask you to provide me with financial assistance, which is paid on the basis of a collective agreement.

08/01/2016 /Sergeeva/ E.S. Sergeeva

Application for financial assistance in connection with treatment, surgery

An employer who values ​​his employees, of his own free will or at their request, can help them financially if they need funds for treatment or surgery.

The law of the Russian Federation does not limit the amount of compensation for funds spent on treatment; the only limit is related to the amount not subject to taxes and contributions to social funds - the amount of such assistance should not exceed 4,000 rubles. per year for 1 person. In any case, the decision to authorize the payment, as well as the amount, is made by the employer.

Because this help individual character, it is not included in the employee remuneration system. It is paid from the profit fund or unused funds for expenses.

An employee application is required to provide this assistance. In it, in addition to the usual details - “header”, title of the document, requests for financial assistance - you need to indicate the event due to which the employee urgently needs funds or compensation for expenses. There is no need to go into detail, describing the diagnosis and expenses; this information is provided in the documents attached to the application.

The decision to assign payment or refuse remains with the manager. If the decision is positive, an order is issued and funds are credited.

Sample application for financial assistance in connection with treatment or surgery

General Director
Fizkultprivet LLC
Samodelkin Alexander Rostislavovich
from the chess section teacher
Ferzenko Leonid Alekseevich


In connection with the injury received as a result of a road traffic accident, I ask you to provide me with financial assistance for the expensive treatment ahead of me, including surgery.

I am attaching the following documents to the application:

  • certificate from the traffic police about the accident;
  • a copy of the sick leave certificate;
  • a prescription issued by the attending physician;
  • cash receipts for purchased medications;
  • contract for paid surgical intervention;
  • extract from the medical record.

06.25.2017 /Ferzenko/ L.A. Ferzenko

Application for financial assistance due to a difficult life situation

The employer has the right to provide financial support to employees in any ups and downs of life, although it is not obliged to do so. His good will should be reflected in the local documentation of the organization: the law allows you to determine the parameters of such assistance independently, the main thing is not to contradict the Labor and Tax Code of the Russian Federation. What employers and employees should remember in connection with financial support:

  • payment of assistance cannot be permanent, this payment is one-time and individual in nature;
  • exceeding the amount of 4000 rubles. per year leads to mandatory deduction of interest from it to social funds;
  • the amount to be paid is determined solely by the employer and cannot be disputed.

The employer should be notified of life difficulties that require financial support to overcome in writing. The application is submitted to the head of the organization. It must explain the reason for the request for help, supporting it with documentary evidence. The employer can offer help to the employee himself, but it is still better to write a statement.

The amount is calculated depending on the expenses incurred to overcome difficulties (these, of course, need to be confirmed).

A difficult life situation is one in which, as a result of poverty, the life of an employee or his family may be disrupted. The law includes the following circumstances:

  • the appearance of a dependent relative over 65 years of age or the employee reaching this age;
  • difficulties in finding a job for an able-bodied family member (assigning him the status of unemployed);
  • the presence of small (minor) children or one child in the family;
  • disability of one of the family members.

Some employers do not allow difficulties to be described in the application, limiting the applicant to the vague wording “due to difficult financial situation.”

Sample application for financial assistance due to a difficult life situation

General Director
LLC "Kolovrat"
Evstigneev Anton Leonidovich
from the caretaker Liliya Nikolaevna Rusinskaya


I ask you to provide my family with the financial assistance necessary to prepare my three children for the start of the school year.

I am attaching to the application:

  • certificate of family composition;
  • certificate of a mother of many children;
  • cash receipts for stationery and school uniforms.

08/18/2016 /Rusinskaya/ L.N. Rusinskaya

Application for financial assistance in connection with the birth of a child

One of the happiest, but also financially costly events in an employee’s family is the birth of a long-awaited offspring. A caring employer has the right to share the joy and, to some extent, the costs of his employee.

Reasons for material support, among which there may well be the birth of a baby, are listed in the corresponding local normative act organization, for example, a collective agreement. Even if such a document has not been adopted by the company, the law does not prevent an employee from asking for financial assistance from his superiors, and the employer from satisfying this request, or, indeed, from refusing.

You need to contact the employer by writing and submitting an application in his name, where you need to indicate the reason for providing assistance and justify it with documents. The application form will be standard, accepted for this company. The main thing to remember when submitting this document is the need to attach a copy of the child’s birth certificate to it, this will become documentary evidence of this fact for accounting and management.

IMPORTANT! We are not talking about a benefit paid at the birth of a child without fail. In addition to this legally defined payment, the employer can award the happy father or mother an amount in excess of social guarantees.

The amount is determined by the employer, but the employee can indicate a certain figure in the application. The employee will receive it based on the order signed by the manager.

Social benefits are an important item of government spending. Financial assistance is necessary for students to receive quality education: time devoted to studying is not spent on part-time work.

The law “On education in Russian Federation”, Article 36 regulates the payment of benefits to students. There are several categories for which state payments are due; only full-time students can count on them.

Types of scholarships

There are the following types of government scholarships:

  1. academic;
  2. social;
  3. for graduate students, doctoral students, residents;
  4. presidential and government;
  5. nominal;
  6. appointed by legal entities or individuals, including those who sent students for training;
  7. students of the preparatory department.

Academic scholarship

As soon as the applicant enters the budgetary full-time department, by order of the rector, he is entitled to an academic scholarship. In Russia there is a special fund for its payments. The student must study without session debts and satisfactory grades. Absence from the exam without a document confirming a good reason is not acceptable, otherwise payments will stop. The amount of financial support varies depending on the average score and services to the higher educational institution (participation in its scientific, cultural, sports life).

Social scholarship

The state takes care of a special, socially vulnerable group of students. The following categories of people can count on benefits (minimum list):

  • orphans;
  • left without care;
  • disabled children, disabled people of groups 1 and 2;
  • children exposed to radiation;
  • passing military service under a contract of at least three years;
  • children from low-income families.

To receive financial support, you must prepare a copy of your student card, identification document and the following certificates:

  1. about family composition;
  2. about the income of all family members for the last six months;
  3. about studying at a higher educational institution;
  4. about scholarships;
  5. social protection of the population at the place of residence to receive assistance (provided annually);
  6. from the hostel, or a certificate of local registration for non-resident students;

The application and documents for preferential benefits are accepted by the scholarship committee.

If a university student receives arrears on exams, the accrual of benefits will be suspended. Payments are terminated due to deduction or termination of the basis for benefits.

The social scholarship has the following amount for students in 2017:

  • 730 rubles per month for students in secondary programs vocational education;
  • 2010 rubles per month – for students in specialist, master’s and bachelor’s programs.

This is the minimum amount of payments from the state treasury, which does not take into account regional coefficients and allowances from the university’s own budget.

There are some nuances regarding this type of support:

  • State-funded students full-time department first and second year students who study without grades and take an active part in life educational institution, can receive increased payments of up to 6,307 rubles.
  • Some educational institutions provide orphans and left-behind children with free accommodation in a dormitory, payment for food and travel to the institution, payment of travel home for out-of-town students during the holidays, and provision of clothing, books and stationery.
  • One student can receive both an academic and a social scholarship at the same time.
  • Financial support does not stop during maternity leave.
  • IDPs have access to the above assistance on a general basis.

Postgraduate Scholarship

Graduate students, doctoral students, interns and residents also receive a monthly allowance of at least 2,637 rubles. The amount is not much more than the “student” amount, however, the most successful ones receive increased payments for the results of their scientific works. To do this, the graduate student should contact the dean’s office with an application and the necessary documents. They are also entitled to double annual assistance for the purchase of textbooks.

A worthy motivator is presidential scholarships for graduate students, the amount varies up to 20,000 rubles.

Presidential and government scholarship

Adherents of specialties that are priority for the development of the country can receive the highest award - the presidential one. Conditions:

  • full-time education;
  • 50% of grades “excellent” for two semesters;
  • documented successful scientific activity;
  • inventions and publication of articles in Russian and foreign publications.

This type of award involves a larger monetary payment and, in some cases, an internship in European countries.

Receiving a government award is possible for graduate students and students on a budget, starting from the second or third year of study.

To be nominated for a government scholarship, a student must provide:

  • letter of recommendation from the university;
  • positive progress report;
  • documented grants and patents;
  • your publications;
  • certificates from scientific conferences;
  • diplomas from various competitions.

Personalized scholarship

This type of incentive is paid to the best students for their services to the university. The goal is to motivate scientific developments and improve the quality of education.

  • Presidential. Approximately 1,000 students receive it per year, the amount ranges from 2,200 to 4,500 rubles.
  • Government, its size is about 1400 rubles.
  • Moscow, in the amount of 1000 rubles.
  • Regional, it serves as support for regional students.
  • Commercial organizations (10,000 rubles per month for discoveries and developments).
  • Potaninskaya. The program encourages master's students. Students and teachers compete for a place at the Foundation school, as well as monthly payments of 15,000 rubles. Master's programs have the opportunity to participate in the Potanin grant competition, in which a one-time payment can reach 500 thousand rubles.

Enterprise scholarship

In practice, it happens that a university student already knows in advance where he will work after graduation. The company enters into a contract with him and provides him with a monthly “salary.” The terms of the contract specify the amount and obligations for diligent academic performance.

Payments to students of preparatory departments

Some citizens, for example, orphans, disabled people studying in preparatory departments, receive state budgeting in the region of 2,000 rubles.

Other material support

Higher education institutions take care of their students who need help. University students who find themselves in a difficult situation can count on a one-time payment. What are these cases?

  1. death of parents (one parent);
  2. loss of property due to force majeure or accident;
  3. illness of the student or his child;
  4. disability;
  5. participation in hostilities and contract service;
  6. release of children from an orphanage without guardianship;
  7. marriage;
  8. addition to the family;
  9. single-parent family;
  10. pregnancy and childbirth.

To receive money, you must provide the dean's office with all certificates and documents confirming the facts. The minimum payment is made in the amount of one academic scholarship.

Education these days is a significant resource for the state, which supports certain categories of youth studying full-time. The social support system of universities is also important for students; it allows them to concentrate on the process of acquiring knowledge, improving the quality of education.

Types of financial support for students. Rules and features of processing certain payments.

Types of financial assistance for students of educational institutions of various categories

Financial support for students in state educational institutions is a very important task. In addition to the main ones, to stimulate students, social scholarships are provided, which can be issued for certain categories of citizens.

Social scholarship recipients: categories

All categories of citizens entitled to a social scholarship are listed in Article 36 of Law No. 273-FZ. The list is quite extensive, but the most common categories are:

  • orphans;
  • persons without parental care;
  • students with group 1 or 2 disabilities;
  • students who served in the military;
  • persons who have been exposed to radiation;
  • low-income people, etc.

The low-income population includes those persons whose family income per person is not higher than the current minimum subsistence level.

Conditions for receiving in 2018-2019

In addition to the fact that a person applying for a social scholarship must belong to one of the presented categories, two more mandatory conditions must be met:

  • full-time education;
  • training on a budget.

If all these rules are met, then the person is recognized as entitled to receive social assistance.

Payment amount

The minimum amount of social benefits paid is set by the state and varies between institutions. There are also standard and increased scholarships, the size of which is affected by academic performance and other factors.


For students of secondary education institutions, such as colleges and technical schools, the scholarship amount is 856 rubles. Paid every month.

University students can count on support in the amount of 2,452 rubles.


For some categories, an increased social scholarship is available. Its size depends on income and how much falls short of the subsistence level. That is, all income will be deducted from the minimum subsistence level established by law and the resulting amount will be added.

What financial incentives are there for students?

Significant progress in educational process or in scientific activities are stimulated in every possible way with a variety of material incentives.

Periodic cash payments to special categories of citizens

Twice a year, certain categories of citizens have the right to receive financial assistance. These categories include:

  • orphans;
  • disabled people of groups 1 and 2;
  • students who have a child.

Once a year, recipients of a social scholarship can apply for a one-time cash benefit. To receive it, you must provide an application, a passport, a document on family composition and an income statement.

One-time financial assistance

In some life situations, students may need financial assistance from educational organization. Its receipt is not influenced by such factors as academic performance and participation in public life.

Reasons for assigning one-time financial support may be:

  • a relative (close) died;
  • a child was born;
  • a student or close relative required expensive treatment, etc.

The amount of such assistance is double the academic payment, but in some cases the payment may be increased. This applies to priority categories of citizens, which include orphans, disabled people, etc. For them, financial assistance can amount to 5 academic payments.

To receive benefits, you need to fill out an application and submit it to the dean’s office along with the relevant certificate.

Academic and advanced scholarships

The academic scholarship is paid to full-time students, provided that they only get “excellent” and “good” grades for the session. If there is at least one “satisfactory” grade, the student cannot count on receiving it.

For various merits, a student can receive an increased scholarship. This is possible in the following cases:

  • the student has all “excellent” grades for the last session;
  • took part in a scientific conference;
  • has sporting achievements and awards;
  • active participation in social and cultural activities.

The amount of the increase is not established by law and is regulated by the internal structures of the educational institution.

Orphans and single-parent families and regular cash benefits

Orphans and students who have only one parent are considered a special category of students who are entitled to additional benefits and allowances. For orphans there are:

  • payment for food in the amount of 183 rubles per month;
  • payments for clothes and shoes (30,240 rubles per year);
  • cash benefit upon graduation;
  • payment for office supplies (6,000 rubles per year);
  • travel reimbursement.

In order to receive all payments, you need to timely prepare a package of documents that determines the receipt of certain benefits. After this, a statement is written and sent to the relevant departments.

Other types of Russian scholarships

In addition to academic and social, there are several other types of payments.

A postgraduate scholarship is a type of academic scholarship for graduate students. Accrual begins from the moment of enrollment in an educational institution, and the amount directly depends on the results of the assessment of the student’s knowledge.

Students in priority areas can count on receiving presidential scholarships. The assignment of such payments occurs annually and is established for three years or one year. The conditions for receiving the presidential payment are:

  • full-time education;
  • exemplary study;
  • development of innovative scientific projects.

Another type of Russian scholarship is the government scholarship. To receive it, the student must nominate pedagogical council. The candidate must meet the following requirements:

  • excellent academic performance;
  • availability of scientific publications;
  • winning or participating in a competition or conference;
  • it is necessary to have a patent confirming a scientific discovery.

Answers to common questions about when financial aid is provided to university students


Will financial assistance be paid to students on maternity leave or academic leave?

According to Art. 36 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, financial support is paid in accordance with local rules adopted in a particular educational organization.

Can a university award distinguished students with funds from the scholarship fund?

One-time bonuses are not a statutory means of stimulating students. However, the educational institution may make such payments from funds received as a result of other profitable activities.

Are social scholarships awarded to undergraduates and graduate students?

The Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” in Article 36 clearly states that an educational institution awards a social scholarship to all students in need. Master's and postgraduate students belong to the category of students, which means that the appointment of a social scholarship to them is fair.

Are there any incentives for commercial students?

Encouraging and stimulating students on a commercial basis can be carried out using funds received through the profitable activities of the educational institution.

How to apply for social payments to students

To apply for a social benefit, you must issue a certificate from the social authorities confirming that the income per family member does not exceed the subsistence level. It is issued on the basis of certificates of all family income and the number of members.

After receiving the certificate, it is sent to the dean’s office of the faculty along with an application, an extract from the accounting department about the scholarship received within 3 months and a photocopy of the passport.

After reviewing the package of documents, the university management signs the corresponding order and accruals are made from the next month.

State support for students is represented by a large number of different payments. Those in need can count on additional social benefits, and worthy students are encouraged financially with bonuses and raises.

Useful video

Full-time students in universities and colleges are unable to get jobs due to constant lack of time. This applies not only to regular full-time students, but also to undergraduates and graduate students. The listed categories of citizens may qualify for financial assistance. Payments to students are provided from the state and regional budget.

What is financial support for students?

The government is trying to financially help students in colleges, technical schools, and universities. They are provided with additional social benefits, different types subsidies and scholarships. The amount of financial assistance depends on the academic achievements and social status of students. Orphans, disabled people, and people from large families have priority rights to receive financial support. The legislation provides for the following types of financial assistance to students:

  • Social payments. Designed for children from low-income families.
  • Academic scholarship. The payment is assigned to students enrolled on the budget.
  • Payments for special achievements in science, art and sports. There are the following types of scholarships: presidential, gubernatorial, government, personal.
  • One-time financial assistance. Provided to students upon the birth of a child, the death of a close relative, if it is necessary to pay for expensive treatment for one of the family members, etc. Money is awarded regardless of academic success and participation in public life.
  • Periodic payments to certain categories of students. An orphan child or a student with a disability of group 1 or 2 has the right to apply for a special subsidy twice a year. This category also includes full-time students receiving a social scholarship and low-income students. They can receive this payment once a year.
  • Regional subsidies. The government of certain regions of the country provides additional benefits for students. For example, in Moscow and the Moscow region, students can receive a universal social card. Her monthly balance is 380 rubles. They can be spent on travel on public transport, buying souvenirs, visiting museums, etc.

Legal regulation

The procedure for providing scholarship financial assistance is regulated by Article 36 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”. Until 2017, social protection authorities were responsible for processing social subsidies. After the amendments were made, responsibility for this was transferred to educational institutions. According to the Federal Law “On Education”, from March 13, 2019, the amount of social benefits will be increased by 4.8%.

Article No. 204 of the Labor Code states that a student can receive additional financial assistance if, during the apprenticeship process, he helps professors and employees of the educational institution. The operating hours of the Gifted Children's Foundation will also change slightly. The government is going to achieve more high degree targeting of material assistance, i.e. budget funds will be distributed among persons studying in master's, residency, internship, bachelor's, specialty, and postgraduate programs.

How much is financial aid for students in 2019?

All payments are indexed every year. Subsidizing is carried out at the expense of state and regional budgets. During the holidays, academic scholarships are not paid. It is credited after the first month of study. The size of the governor's scholarship depends on the region in which he conducts scientific activity student. Amount of financial assistance to students in 2019:

Payment name

College students

College students

Students studying at a university or master's degree

Graduate students, residents, interns, assistant trainees

Graduate students in natural sciences and technology

Social scholarship

Minimum Academic Scholarship

Presidential Scholarship

Government scholarship

Social assistance to public sector students

Citizens in need may qualify for additional financial support. Social benefits are provided to full-time students for excellent and good academic performance. If at the end of the semester a student has C grades, his application for a social subsidy will not be accepted. If there is arrears for the session, the payment of financial assistance is temporarily suspended. After the student pays off all student-related debts, the administration will continue to accrue the subsidy.

Who is eligible for a social scholarship?

Certain categories of students classified as socially vulnerable can take advantage of this privilege. At the same time, a citizen can exercise the right to receive financial support for any course, as well as refuse it. Social benefits are provided to the following categories of citizens:

  • orphans or students left without parental care during their studies;
  • persons who are disabled from childhood and 1-2 groups;
  • persons who have served under a contract for at least 3 years;
  • students from low-income families.

Conditions of appointment

According to Government Decree No. 899 of October 10, 2013, there are two types of social student benefits, which are determined by the level of professional education received. Students in colleges and technical schools are paid 730 rubles, and persons studying in bachelor's, specialist and master's programs are guaranteed 2,100 rubles monthly. Conditions for assigning social financial assistance:

Law No. 273-FZ provides special cases assignment of payments higher than existing standards. Needy undergraduate and specialist students of 1-2 years can apply for 6,307 rubles. Students' performance should be above average, i.e. The grade book should only contain “excellent” and “good” grades. The student is required to document his financial situation.

Students who have taken maternity leave (until the child reaches the age of three) or academic leave, do not stop receiving social assistance. Information on this issue is contained in Order No. 1000 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 28, 2013. The amount of the social subsidy increases by the size of the territorial coefficient, if it is provided in the region of the citizen’s education.

How to apply for social payments to students

The student is required to submit documents in advance confirming his or her financial or social status in order to receive a supplement to the standard scholarship. The duration of financial assistance payments depends on the category of students. Orphans and people with lifelong disabilities receive a monthly subsidy until the end of their studies, and other categories of students throughout the year. Registration of social payments is carried out as follows:

  1. A student in need of social assistance provides at the beginning of the year a certificate from the social security authorities and other documents confirming his situation, along with an application to the institute.
  2. The specialist responsible for accepting documents verifies the applicant's identity and then accepts his application. After checking the authenticity of official papers and the validity period of the certificates, a member of the scholarship committee makes an entry in the registration journal.
  3. A member of the scholarship committee analyzes all submitted documents and prepares materials for the meeting.
  4. At a meeting of the scholarship commission, a majority vote decides whether to provide a social subsidy to the student or not. The event is held once a month.
  5. After approval of social assistance, the citizen will receive money once a month. After 12 months, the student is required to reissue the certificates again, and then submit them to the commission along with the application if the need to receive a subsidy remains.

List of required documents

It is better to first find out from the dean’s office or from an employee of the scholarship committee a list of all the certificates that must be submitted to receive financial support. Often a list of documents and requirements for them can be found on the official website of the educational institution. Some official papers are valid for only 2-3 days, so they must be completed before submitting the application. Scroll necessary documents to receive a subsidy:

  • passport;
  • certificate of family composition (valid for 1 month);
  • documents confirming family ties: birth certificate, marriage certificate, etc.;
  • an extract showing the income for each member;
  • official documents confirming that the citizen is studying at a specific institution;
  • scholarship statement.

Academic and advanced scholarship

In Russia there is a fund to provide financial support to participants. Money comes there from the state and regional budgets. When an applicant enters the university on a budgetary basis, by order of the rector, he begins to be awarded a minimum academic scholarship. The citizen will receive it throughout the first semester. If according to the results winter session If the student has all the grades “excellent”, then he is awarded an increased scholarship. At the same time, the student is obliged to participate in the public life of the university.

Appointment decision increased scholarship hosted by the academic council and student body. They take into account the student’s social activity, specialized Olympiads he attended, sporting events and exam grades. The amount of payments increases for every five, but cannot exceed 6,000 rubles. If the grades are satisfactory, the student is deprived of financial assistance. To receive an increased scholarship, you must submit the following documents to the dean's office:

  • application addressed to the head of the educational institution;
  • certificate of receipt of a state scholarship;
  • a copy of the grade book (if the basis is academic success);
  • certificates of participation in the Olympiad, sports competitions, etc.;
  • certificate of family composition.

Full-time students

In addition to the standard academic scholarship, students can apply for a social one. Financial assistance is issued once a month. The subsidy is not subject to income tax. Social assistance may be provided to citizens receiving an academic scholarship. The individual’s money will be transferred to a bank account. Gifted students can qualify for:

  • government and presidential subsidies;
  • personal subsidies;
  • governor's scholarship.

Personalized subsidies exist in all scientific fields. Individuals participating in thematic competitions will be able to receive financial support. Often one of the criteria for receiving a subsidy is the availability of prizes from international scientific olympiads, sporting competitions. A citizen studying full-time can receive only one nominal remuneration.

Government scholarship

Individuals studying at universities and colleges can count on financial assistance from the government. The student's academic performance must be at least 4.5 points. List scientific disciplines, with which students can qualify for government financial assistance, has expanded greatly over the past 3 years. Economists will be able to compete for remuneration nuclear physicists, programmers, weapons system developers, biologists working in the field of nanotechnology, etc. Applicants are considered based on the following criteria:

  • availability of publications in scientific and practical journals;
  • participation in competitions, festivals, olympiads of international and all-Russian scale;
  • authorship of ideas, availability of patents for own developments;
  • availability of grants for research work.

Before nominating his candidacy for consideration, a citizen must publish at least 3 articles in scientific journals. Protection of work at the All-Russian or international conference will also be a significant advantage. The reward is provided for 1 year. Its standard size is 1440 rubles. If the work is highly complex, the student may be given additional funding of up to 300,000 rubles for further research.

Presidential payments

Persons studying at bachelor's, master's and postgraduate degrees in specialties that are priority for the development of the country can apply for funding from the head of the Russian Federation. In addition to the monetary award, students get the chance to undergo an internship in European countries. You cannot receive payments from the head of state and the government at the same time. Students can apply for a presidential scholarship from their 2nd or 3rd year. The requirements for applicants are as follows:

  • full-time education;
  • more than 50% “excellent” grades over two semesters;
  • letter of recommendation from the institute;
  • availability of documented grants and patents for inventions, certificates from scientific conferences, publications in scientific journals (at least 2), diplomas from various competitions.

Governor's Scholarship

This is a regional measure of material support for distinguished students. It is not possible to receive gubernatorial financial assistance in all cities of Russia, because... At the federal level, entities do not have such an obligation. The size of payments and their number depend on the region. For example, in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug 1000 rubles. Students certified with grades 4 and 5 will be able to receive monthly, and students who distinguished themselves in sports competitions will be paid 500 rubles. If a citizen succeeds in both industries, he will be awarded 1,500 rubles. Requirements for applicants for gubernatorial payments:

  1. They study full-time on a budget.
  2. The certificate contains only 4 and 5.
  3. They received prizes in various competitions, olympiads, participated in research projects, published in scientific journals, etc.

One-time financial assistance

The administration of universities takes care of students and provides payments if they find themselves in a difficult situation. The academic success of a citizen and the degree of his participation in the public life of the educational institution are not taken into account when making a decision on issuing a subsidy. Financial assistance is provided to students once during their studies. You can apply for payment:

  • single mother or single father;
  • a citizen from a single-parent family;
  • a student whose one or both parents died during their studies;
  • a citizen whose money was stolen, there was a fire at home, resulting in damage to property, etc.

Payment amount

The standard amount of a one-time subsidy is 2 academic scholarships. By decision of the commission of the educational institution, its size can be increased by 2-2.5 times. Persons with priority rights to receive payments are provided with financial assistance equal to 5 academic scholarships. The amount is not subject to income tax. This financial support measure cannot be used again.

Who has the priority right

Nonresident citizens, students during pregnancy, raising a child without a woman's father, receive payments out of turn. This category includes persons with disabilities, orphans, children from low-income and large families. The administration of the educational institution must satisfy their request for one-time financial assistance within 1 month.

What documents need to be provided

A citizen should ensure that he has a certificate confirming his position. If money is stolen, an individual is required to obtain a certificate of damage. If a student loses his passport as a result of an accident, he will be able to apply for a subsidy after he receives it again. Documents for providing one-time financial support:

  • passport;
  • a certificate confirming the applicant’s social status;
  • certificate of income for the last 6 months;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • medical report on the need for expensive treatment.

Regular cash benefits for special categories of students

Annual financial assistance is provided for orphans, disabled children, disabled people of groups 1 or 2 and for persons raising their own child or who have taken guardianship of a minor. The listed categories of students can receive benefits 2 times in 12 months. An additional subsidy for students is paid once a year to low-income citizens and those whose parents are officially unemployed, i.e. are pensioners, disabled people, and participants in military operations. Reasons for providing benefits:

  • statement;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • an extract confirming that the total family income is below the subsistence level;
  • certificate confirming disability.

Regional subsidies for full-time students

The government of some regions provides additional social assistance to university and college students. They are given discounts on rental housing and are allowed to live in a hostel for free. Citizens from large and low-income families are given special food coupons. Using them, they will be able to purchase food in a canteen for a certain amount (no more than 1,500 rubles per month) or receive assistance in kind, i.e. products. Regional cash subsidies are provided for the following purposes:

  • purchasing books and clothing;
  • purchase of office supplies;
  • compensation for travel to the place of study.


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Financial assistance to students is a one-time cash payment that is designed to support students who find themselves in difficult life situations.

Who is eligible for financial assistance from the university?

Material assistance should be distinguished from student scholarship. Unlike it, the assistance is not monthly. And the criterion for its appointment is not academic performance, but the presence of objective reasons. A student has the right to apply for support once a semester.

The rules for providing financial assistance to students are determined by the leadership of the university.

Money is allocated by decision of the university administration only if there is a personal application from the person in need. In this case, his marks are not taken into account.

But since support is provided from state funds, only state-funded students have the right to apply for it. Students studying on a paid basis no payments are due.

Financial difficulties can be caused by a wide variety of reasons. A list of life situations that allow a student to seek help is usually contained in the University’s Regulations on Financial Assistance. Typically these include loss of a breadwinner; anticipation of a new addition to the family; serious illnesses and the need for paid treatment; victims of thefts and accidents, etc.

The amount of financial assistance to students at each university is different and may differ in different life situations. The minimum amount of financial aid is equal to a double academic scholarship (regional coefficients are not taken into account). In some cases, the amount of payments is approved by a specially created university commission.

Material support for students is provided regardless of their social status, but certain categories have priority rights to receive money.

These include disabled people, orphans, students from single-parent and large families, with a disabled parent, having their own child, victims of the Chernobyl accident, single mothers, pregnant women, people from other cities, people with chronic diseases, etc. The listed categories may include increased support from the university was assigned (up to 5 academic scholarships).

Sometimes obtaining funds from a student requires the support of a dean, department head, or union representative. An advantage when considering a student’s application will be his good academic performance, success in scientific and social activities.

It is worth noting that since 2012, financial assistance has ceased to be subject to personal income tax at the rate of 13%, i.e. students receive the entire amount in their hands.

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How to apply for one-time financial assistance?

How can a student receive financial aid? Before receiving a one-time payment, you need to contact the trade union committee of the university and clarify the procedure for completing the application, as well as the requirements for documentary support. Here you can get an application form approved by the university (sometimes it is available on the official website of the university). Next you need to follow the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Fill out the application, indicating your personal and contact information; specify the reason for seeking financial assistance.
  2. Sign it from the headman, trade unionist or dean's office.
  3. Attach documents to the completed application that will serve as evidence of financial difficulties. Their list depends on the specific life situation. This could be a certificate from the antenatal clinic about pregnancy, a sick leave certificate, a death certificate of the breadwinner, etc.
  4. Submit all documents to the authorized body for processing payments at your university.
  5. Wait for a decision on whether you will receive financial support or not.
  6. If the decision is positive, the money should come to the bank card on which you receive the scholarship.

Payments are not mandatory, so there are no clear deadlines for transferring money. Funds are paid as budget funding becomes available.

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