Is it possible to prepare for the Unified State Exam in one year? How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in one year? How to prepare for the exam

Step 1

Decide on the subjects you will take. It is better to do this as early as possible: in 10th or early 11th grade. Do not take subjects “in reserve”: the fewer exams you take, the more chances you have to prepare properly and get good scores. Ideally, choose 1-2 additional items.

If you don’t yet know what to choose and where you want to enroll, start by preparing for the compulsory Russian language and mathematics. And at the same time, take a closer look at different specialties. Internet portals for applicants, for example, the “Apply Online” website, can help here.

Step 2

Study the university requirements. Find out the passing scores of previous years for the desired direction - they will serve as a guide for you.

, Ph.D., teaches mathematics at Foxford

You must clearly understand why you are taking the Unified State Exam. If 70 points is enough to get into your chosen university, and there is a topic that hangs, don’t waste time on it. For example, you don't understand stereometry at all. Stop, understand what tasks you can definitely solve and improve your strengths. For 70–75 points you don't need to be able to solve everything. It is easier to upgrade from 50 to 70 points than from 90 to 95.

Step 3

Go to the FIPI website and familiarize yourself with each subject. In the specifications you will find requirements for exam paper and the number of points for each task. In the codifiers they give a list of topics that will be in the assignments. In demo versions - demo options Unified State Examination from the compilers.

Step 4

Stop at the list of required topics - they will become the basis of your preparation for the Unified State Exam. Then make a schedule. It will help you learn everything you need in a year and consolidate the material.

How to make a schedule

The main thing in preparing for the Unified State Exam is regularity. It's better to do a little, but every day. This way, the material will be stored in your head, and you will feel more confident before the exam itself.

To do this, distribute the topics from the codifier throughout academic year. Follow the “big to small” principle: divide broad topics into subtopics and divide them into days and weeks. Try to plan your preparation so that you don’t have to teach in April new material, and repeat what has been passed.

Dedicate one day to one subject and set aside time for rest: get enough sleep and do something else besides study. For example, sport helps a lot to cheer up and take your mind off classes.


Editing. Our planner is a universal template. It can be customized: add and delete rows and columns, expand and narrow graphs, highlight them with color, copy tables. Also, by default, the planner has 20 working days in each month - these can also be changed depending on the calendar.

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Blocks. There are 4 blocks in the glider:

1. Subject and topics. Write down the required number of points and topics from the codifier. In the column “Task number for the Unified State Exam” we advise you to mark the tasks that you need to focus on first.

2. List of required literature. If you plan to take the Unified State Exam in literature, you can use it to write down the works you need to read.

Planner for preparing for the Unified State Exam: subject and topic

Planner for preparing for the Unified State Exam: bibliography

Planner for preparing for the Unified State Exam: schedule

Planner for preparing for the Unified State Exam: reviewing what you have learned

3. Schedule. This is a universal table for the year for all subjects. We highlighted the “Report” column in green because this is an important point: in order to learn the material, you need it secure. Write down honestly what you went through today, what you understood, and what you still need to work on.

4. Repetition of what has been covered. We set aside April and May for repetition of the material. But if it is more convenient for you to repeat what you have covered not at the end of the year, but, for example, every week, just add the “Repetition” column to the “Schedule” table.

How to prepare

Items. The Unified State Examination is conducted in 11 subjects. They can be divided into exact, humanitarian and natural. Each area has its own training characteristics.





Russian language


social science

foreign language




Some items fall into two areas at once. For example, physics and chemistry are considered both exact and natural sciences. Therefore, the advice for them will be the same.

Precision items

When preparing for the Unified State Exam in mathematics, physics and computer science, you need to solve as many problems as possible. At the same time, carefully read the condition and give the answer that it asks for.

, teaches mathematics at Foxford

To solve a problem, you often need to create an equation, and for this it is important not to miss a single element of the condition and write it correctly in mathematical language. The ability to translate the text of a problem into an equation is a skill that needs to be trained. Sometimes, to solve a problem, you can and even need to use an element that is not directly stated in the condition.

Don't worry if it takes you a long time to solve problems at first. Just keep going and you'll get better at it over time. Try to solve them yourself in simple ways. At the Unified State Exam, you are not expected to use complicated equations or complex diagrams. The simpler the solution, the less likely it is to make an error.

Also remember to check your results before writing down your final answer.

Advice from the front lines

Ekaterina Khakimova, passed the Unified State Exam in physics with 100 points, entered the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas for Oil and Gas Field Development

I took courses at Foxford to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Physics Part C with Mikhail Penkin. These classes were very effective. But besides this, I tried to see physics in everything around me: to calculate the frequency of hand movement or in how many seconds the swing with the child will go down.

The subject must be loved and imbued with it. During preparation, you should not waste your time on other subjects at school. To pass the Unified State Examination in physics with 100 points, it is not enough to just work on the problems. Focus on preparation, build a study plan and follow it exactly.

Humanitarian subjects

On all Unified State Examinations humanitarian subjects There is an assignment with an essay or an essay. As a rule, this is the most difficult part of the exam, because you need to correctly define the problem, select arguments and prove your point of view. It is also important to be able to determine the position of the author of the text and understand what the reviewers expect from you.

, teaches social studies at Foxford

To reveal the problem means to determine what the author of the quote wanted to say. To understand this, put yourself in the author's shoes and assume that you said it. And then ask yourself why you said it, for what reasons, and what exactly did you want to convey with this statement.

The rules for Russian and foreign languages ​​have many exceptions and other points that you just need to remember. Visualization also helps: write down words with complex accents and hang them in a visible place.

Advice from the front lines

Natasha Nikiforova, passed the Unified State Exam in social studies with 92 points and in history with 89 points, entered the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​at the Ulyanovsk Pedagogical University

When preparing for social studies, do not memorize terms. It is more important to understand the essence of the phenomenon and create a definition yourself. The expert will count it if he sees that you understand it.

Also write as many essays as possible. And for actual argumentation, raise general level erudition. Read fiction and popular science literature, news on the Internet, biographies famous people, study history. You can use facts from other academic subjects: for example, I successfully used my knowledge of biology at the Unified State Exam in social studies.

I advise you to study history from different sources so that they complement each other. You can also read historical novels and watch feature films. For example, the novel by A.N. Tolstoy's "Peter the Great" and Eisenstein's films "Alexander Nevsky" and "Ivan the Terrible". So, behind the dry dates, you will see the real destinies of real people and feel the spirit of the era. Then studying history will seem more interesting to you.

Natural objects

The specifics of the tasks on the Unified State Exam in natural subjects generally differ little from the exact ones. Here it is also important to use logic and common sense and check the results of the decision.

But it also has its own characteristics. Natural Sciences study nature and the world around us. Therefore, knowledge about them can be gleaned from what is happening around them.

For example, geography is more closely related to real life than other sciences. To study it, it is important to keep abreast of the news, see connections between events, and also rely on your own experience. Observe how the household is run in your family - the world economy operates according to the same laws.

Work carefully with terminology - the most common mistakes in schoolchildren's answers in geography, biology and chemistry are associated with it. If you don’t understand what kind of word you come across, open the dictionary and look up the definition. And then explain it in your own words, even if the task does not require it. Otherwise, you will miss the point of the task and answer the question incorrectly.

Advice from the front lines

Vanya Bondar, passed the Unified State Examination in biology with 86 points, entered the budget university at Perm State Medical University named after. Sechenov to the Faculty of Dentistry

I immediately repeated the material I had learned. I turned it over in my head and asked myself questions. It is important to do this constantly so that it fits in your head. And just before the exam, I solved problems from FIPI books.

Write beautiful notes, so that you yourself are drawn to re-read them. Accustom yourself to discipline, complete all the homework assigned at school and in classes with a tutor. But don’t count on tutors, try to do everything yourself.

So, you woke up this morning and suddenly realized (the insight probably came in a dream) that there are several weeks left before the Unified State Exam in mathematics, all your “test papers” are written very poorly, and the chances of passing even the basic Unified State Exam are zero today .

You are determined to correct the situation, you are ready to do something, but what? How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in these few weeks, where to start, how to draw up a work plan? And, in general, is it possible to fix anything?

Yes, you can! Some useful tips.

Illusions - away!

Let's agree right away: let's be realistic! If now you have difficulty multiplying 10 by 12, and in two months you want to pass the specialized Unified State Exam in mathematics at a level of 80+, you will be disappointed.

To prepare for profile exam at level 80+ it is possible, but it will require not a few weeks, but one and a half to two years of intensive work.

In this article we will talk only about the basic level exam, and we will assume that it is necessary to prepare for the basic Unified State Exam “from scratch” in a few weeks.

Laziness - down!

This article won't help you if you don't want to help yourself. You will not be able to lie on the stove - eat rolls and at the same time prepare for the Unified State Exam. You will have to make some effort.

If you do not feel sufficient will to exercise, you need to look for some kind of external “pusher”. There should be a person nearby who will remind, force, control, criticize and inspire! The ideal option is a qualified math tutor. If it is impossible to find a suitable candidate or financial capabilities do not allow you to use his help, involve your parents, friends, etc.

It is better to postpone TV, computer, football, VKontakte and other Instagrams until mid-June - all this is very interesting, but distracts from work.

Calculator - down!

Do you remember when you were taught to count in the first to fifth grades? Ordinary and decimals, their addition, subtraction and multiplication, etc. Now I will ask you to solve a small example:

(0,21 + 0,03)*100.

Is your hand reaching for a calculator? Can you do without it? -Mmmm... uh-uh. Well, in general, uh...

Enough, the diagnosis is clear. This disease is called "calculator poisoning." Once upon a time, in the fifth grade, you took this device in your hands and never let it go. By the eleventh grade, the disease had thoroughly destroyed your body: you had almost forgotten the multiplication table and you couldn’t even do the addition of 5 and 15 in your head.

Do you want to study mathematics without arithmetic? Will not work! You can't build a house without a foundation. Arithmetic is the basis. We need to learn to count again - it will come in handy in life! Remember:

  • ordinary fractions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, basic properties of fractions),
  • simple operations with decimal fractions,
  • percentages, proportions, shares.

You don't need to dive too deeply into this, but you simply must be able to add one-fifth and one-seventh or, say, multiply 0.1 by 0.2! I categorically state: without basic knowledge of arithmetic, you will not pass the Unified State Exam (even the basic level).

I understand that the process of tearing yourself away from the calculator will be painful. Try to be patient!

Select the tasks you will prepare for

The basic level Unified State Exam includes 20 tasks. Each is dedicated to a specific topic and requires specific skills. You won't have a chance to prepare for everything in a few weeks, but you don't need to. To pass the Unified State Exam minimum score, it is necessary to solve everything seven tasks. Naturally, you must have some margin of safety, so you should prepare not for seven, but for 10-11 tasks.

Choose topics that are interesting to you and that you do best. All this is quite individual, but I would advise you to pay attention to the following points:

  • tasks 1 and 2 of the basic version (arithmetic);
  • No. 3 and No. 6 - the simplest tasks from " real life"(how many jars of yogurt can you buy for 520 rubles, if each jar costs 35 rubles?);
  • No. 9 - evaluate the possible values ​​of real values ​​(I hope you will not argue that a mosquito, for example, can weigh 140 kg?);
  • No. 11 (graphs, tables, diagrams) - useful in life!;
  • No. 10 - probability theory (don’t be alarmed, it all comes down to one primitive formula that even an eight-year-old child can apply);
  • No. 12 - a real life situation is considered.

Here we have already selected 8 tasks in which you will not need anything other than knowledge of arithmetic and common sense. The remaining 2-3 tasks are up to your taste!

There is no need to wastefully “solve” full Unified State Exam tests

"Great!" - you think. - “Now I’ll come to my senses, I’ll solve 5 practice tests every day, in a few weeks I’ll become a real specialist.”

I’ll disappoint you: you won’t! Solve complete Unified State Exam tests- means there is no point in wasting time (and you already have little of it!). Why do you need full tests? Yesterday you solved a similar test with a bad mark, today you solve it with a bad mark and tomorrow you will get the same bad mark.

The test is a diagnostic tool. Current diagnostics showed that everything is bad with you. We need to start treatment! If, for example, tests show you have a bacterial infection, you take antibiotics. Repeated blood tests are done after some time to monitor the effectiveness of treatment, but repeat tests themselves are not treatment! Same with tests. Periodic solution full tests- a good way of self-control, but not a way to gain new knowledge.

By the way, I appeal to the parents of respected graduates: if your offspring takes courses or with a tutor and all the “preparation for the Unified State Exam” comes down to endlessly solving tests, do not hope for progress! Some mediocre teachers really like to “solve” (a terrible word!) variants of the Unified State Exam - it does not require any effort from them, and time passes. The point of such work is “zero with a minus”!

Unified State Exam. Usually this letter combination causes at least anxiety, not only among students, but also among their parents. What do you need to know about the Unified State Exam in order to prepare well for it?

The Unified State Examination (USE) is a mandatory test for all students completing high school. At the moment, to obtain a certificate of secondary education, it is necessary to pass two subjects: Russian language and mathematics. Students choose other subjects depending on how necessary the exam results are for further education. All official documents and demo versions can be found on the website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI).

Option one: the student does not plan to enter higher education institutions. Then he has the right to limit himself to two compulsory exams (Russian language and mathematics at basic level). If the exam results are positive, the student will receive a certificate of secondary education.

Option two: the student plans to enter higher education institutions. Then he needs to get acquainted with the university website, the results of which will be required upon admission. An application to take the elective Unified State Exam can be submitted strictly until the first of March. You can refuse the exam, but adding it will be problematic. Therefore, it is necessary to know in advance which exam results are required for admission. Exam results are valid for four years.

So, we have decided on the choice of exams. You have a whole school year to prepare well. You can do this yourself. In bookstores you can find collections with practice versions of exams. By checking the answers, you can easily understand what material requires elaboration.

You can refer to the open task bank on the FIPI website, to Internet resources, where you can also take tests on the subject and assess your level of knowledge.

If at independent work If you have questions that you cannot answer on your own, you can turn to your teachers for help. On the market educational services there are a lot of offers: tutoring, training courses, distance learning. You just need to choose the option that is most convenient for you.

You need permission to take the Unified State Examination. Admission is a graduation certificate, which eleventh graders must write in December. Such an early deadline is needed so that those who have not coped with writing it have the opportunity to period of the Unified State Exam rewrite the work. Topic directions (5 in total) appear on the FIPI website in September, so there is time to prepare here too. And the wording itself will become known only during the exam itself. The essay invites students to speculate about universal human problems and values, drawing on material from literary works.

How to prepare for the Unified State Exam

To understand the full significance successful completion Unified State Examination, you need to realize that the list of universities to which you can enroll depends on it. Achieving the required results is simple - just pay attention to preparation and act wisely. How far in advance do you get ready to start? You need to spend 2 years preparing for the Unified State Exam. It's better to start in 9th grade. By this time, it is advisable to know at least 50% of the material that will be on the state exam.

Without a good foundation, it is impossible to prepare for the Unified State Exam in 4-6 months and get 90 points. Therefore, those who need a good result to get into their desired university should start early. To consolidate and better understand current topics, you need to periodically repeat the material covered. Periodic rest is required, otherwise you may not be able to cope with the load. If you start preparing 2 years before the Unified State Exam, there will be many opportunities to take a preventive break.

How to choose items?

Choice Unified State Exam subjects conducted in 14 subjects. Of these, 2 are required – Russian language and mathematics.

  • Focus on your own interests future profession, the current level of remuneration for graduates. The main thing is that working in your specialty is interesting;
  • Decide on the university you want to enroll in. It is better to have several options with different requirements;
  • Find out what subjects are needed for admission;
  • Take exams only in the disciplines required for admission.

If you prepare for 6-7 subjects at the same time, there is a high chance of scoring low.

Tutor or courses?

Self-study is suitable exclusively for disciplined students with high academic performance. School program limited to those who do not seek maximum scores. In other cases, you should prefer a tutor or preparatory courses. Having decided to study with a tutor, the student enlists the support of a competent mentor. It is advisable that it be related to passing the Unified State Exam, since even errors in registration can affect the result.

If you can’t afford to go to a tutor, you should sign up for courses that take place online or in person. The advantages of group training include a more affordable price, motivation (competitive factor), as well as communication with students interested in high scores. A clear program based on past Unified State Examinations will help you mentally and intellectually prepare for the stress of the exam.

Olympics, medals, certificate with honors

Victory in the Olympiad is the highest score in absentia in a certain subject on the Unified State Exam. It provides an opportunity to get rid of one of the disciplines. Medals and certificates with honors play a minor role. But in some universities they can provide additional points and give advantages over other applicants.


Formulate for yourself the reason why it is important to successfully pass the Unified State Exam - studying at a good university, a successful career, scientific activity. Remember her in the most difficult periods. You shouldn't keep it to yourself nervous tension. It is better to talk in time with someone who can provide support.

Before and during the Unified State Exam

The day before the exam, review all the material covered. Don’t study anything on the day of the Unified State Exam – it will only get worse. When handing in your work, make sure your answers remain in the correct places.

Keep track of the time. To be on time, it is better to practice in advance. Start with questions to which you know the answers. This will provide the opportunity to devote more time to more complex tasks.

These are the most general points related to the Unified State Exam. The main thing is to understand that nothing is impossible, and the Unified State Exam is just a stage in life. Of course, very important. Take your time and don't be nervous as this will increase stress. Keep calm. This is the only way you will get the best score.

Anna Malkova

Have you decided to prepare for the Unified State Exam in mathematics on your own?

Are you waiting for an answer to the question - how realistic is this?

The answer to this question is yes.

It is absolutely possible to prepare for the Unified State Exam in mathematics on your own. Both basic and specialized.

Thousands of schoolchildren who did not have the opportunity to study with tutors have already prepared for the Unified State Exam in mathematics on their own, passed with excellent marks and became students. And now you will find out how they did it.

Of course, it’s easier to prepare for the basic Unified State Exam. Watch Anna Malkova's video course on the most difficult problems of the Basic Unified State Exam in mathematics. It's free! Just register and receive a link to watch!

And we’ll talk about the profile Unified State Examination. Yes, it is more difficult than the basic one. The specialized Unified State Examination in mathematics provides an opportunity to enter a university for technical and economic specialties, where mathematics is a specialized subject. And basic mathematics is an exam for humanities students, in order to get a good grade in the certificate without being overloaded with mathematics.

So how can you prepare yourself for profile Unified State Examination mathematics?

This exam includes 19 tasks, of which 12 are simpler, and only the answer is assessed. And the second part – 7 difficult tasks. They evaluate not only the answer, but also a competent, well-founded, correct decision. And only 3 hours and 55 minutes are given to solve all the problems.

What exactly should you not do when preparing for the Unified State Exam in mathematics on your own?

There is no need to start with solving the Unified State Exam options. Most likely, this will only bring disappointment. You can try to solve one option to find out your starting level. Write down how many tasks you completed. And get ready! And then compare the result.

You shouldn’t hope that a month before the Unified State Exam you will buy answers on the Internet. The last “global leak” of the Unified State Exam occurred in 2013. Then, 2 days before the exam, many options for the Unified State Exam in mathematics appeared on the Internet. But for those who did not prepare, this did not help either. Since then, the leak has not happened again, and now all leaks are monitored very strictly. As for the answers, every year gullible people pay a lot of money to scammers and receive a meaningless set of numbers instead of answers. But the number of gullible people is not decreasing, and they do not mind the money.

There is no need to start by reading mathematics textbooks for grades 5, 6... 11. Firstly, how long will this activity take you? And secondly, these textbooks were written before the appearance of the Unified State Exam, and many topics simply are not there.

Choose a book for preparation that was written by a practicing tutor preparing for the Unified State Exam, contains everything Unified State Exam topics, written in easy and understandable language. After all, self-preparation does not mean that you deprive yourself of books, the Internet, and any help! We recommend you Anna Malkova’s book “Mathematics. Author's course of preparation for the Unified State Exam", publishing house "Phoenix". The book includes all the theory and all the tasks and will replace a dozen textbooks.

Okay, you've read the book. What to do next? After all, do you need tasks for training? We present the Top 5 sites for self-preparation for the Unified State Exam in mathematics. The creators of these sites are real professionals, tutors and teachers with more than 20 years of experience. These people not only know everything about the Unified State Exam, but also, based on the analysis of the trial Unified State Exams, they make a forecast about what the tasks will be this year.

On this site you will immediately receive a free video course on probability theory, a full set of cheat sheets, a version of the test Unified State Exam with original problems, answers and video analysis. You will have the opportunity to participate in the Unified State Examination Tournaments and trial Unified State Examinations. Not only schoolchildren, but also teachers actively use such help!

The website is a distance learning system for preparing for the Unified State Exam in mathematics “I will SOLVE the Unified State Exam”. Author - Dmitry Gushchin. Thousands of Unified State Exam tasks with solutions and answers in all subjects. is the website of Alexander Larin, where options for trial and real Unified State Examinations are constantly published. Training options Unified State Exam with analysis on the forum. - website of Igor Yakovlev. Information about all Moscow Olympiads in mathematics and physics, which provide benefits for admission to universities. Materials on mathematics and physics for preparing for the Unified State Exam, additional entrance exams and Olympiads. Complete collections of problems for Part 2 of the Unified State Exam in mathematics with answers.

Pay attention to the order in which you study the Unified State Exam topics in mathematics. In Malkova’s book “Mathematics. The author's preparation course for the Unified State Exam" they are given in exactly this order. From simple to complex! We start with word problems. These are problems involving percentages, motion and work, alloys and mixtures - in general, all types of problems where the condition is given in the form of text. The winning topic is Probability Theory. There are excellent courses on probability theory on YouTube. Next - geometry and stereometry (part 1). Next is the concept of function. Roots, powers, logarithms, graphs of functions. Trigonometry and trigonometric equations. And finally - derivative and antiderivative, topics more related to the course of mathematical analysis.

And that was only part 1. Next is part 2. Complex tasks. An important life hack: equations, inequalities and problems with economic content - the minimum set, which, together with part 1, will give you the coveted 72-75 points, which will be enough for admission to a good university on a budget.

How to prepare for Part 2 of the Unified State Exam in mathematics? If the tasks of the first part can be mastered on your own, then in the tasks of the second part of the Unified State Exam you cannot do without a tutor. The good news is that this tutor doesn't have to sit next to you. And you don’t have to pay him a lot of money. Try it remote option! For example, where the cost of an hour of classes is only 140 rubles. It's quite a bit. Graduates of the course studied online, independently. Their homework was checked by the best tutors in Moscow. And as a result, the guys entered best universities Russia on the “budget”.

What else is important when preparing for the Unified State Exam in mathematics on your own?

It is mandatory to take the Unified State Exam test at least once a month. And not only at school! Look for who is conducting test exams in your city. Participate in online trials.

When you prepare for the Unified State Exam in mathematics on your own, you are your own tutor. What else does a tutor pay attention to, besides the correctness of problem solving? For a while, of course! After all, if you correctly solved one problem in 5 hours, then you are unlikely to have time to do anything during the exam.

If you want to pass the Unified State Exam in mathematics with 80-100 points, it is important for you to think about how to allocate time during the exam. How to do it?

It's great if you solve all of Part 1 (the first 12 problems) in 30 minutes. This can only be achieved through training! All the sites listed above are to help you.

Next you need to solve the “required minimum” - problems 13 (equation), 15 (inequality) and 17 (economic). And if you are preparing for 80-100 points, you have another hour and a half to complete these tasks. Otherwise, you won’t have time to do complex ones.

By the way, problem 17 (economic) is most often solved “according to a template.” But there is another complexity in it. It may turn out to be a lot of calculations. Therefore, it is important to be able to count quickly, correctly and without a calculator.

And now you have a lot of time left, but the four most difficult tasks remain! These are problem 14 (stereometry), problem 16 (geometry), problem 18 (parameters) and problem 19 (non-standard).

Look closely at these tasks. Choose the one that is familiar to you. For example, did you decide on

And get started! Important point: no need to take on many tasks at once! We solve them one by one, immediately check them, formalize the solution and write down the answer. And when everything is ready, we move on to the next one, which seems easier to you.

Having practiced solving practice exams, you will cope with the real exam without difficulty or worry. But let us repeat once again: solving the options is the final stage of your training!

And who exactly is not suitable for independent preparation for the Unified State Exam in mathematics?

For those who don't want to study. Because the most important thing is your desire.

For those who need a strict “teacher with a pointer.”

For those who want everything done for them. It can be very difficult for such guys in adult life - after all, there will be no “nannies” there.

We wish you success in self-training for the Unified State Examination in mathematics! And don't refuse help. Know how to receive it - from your school teacher or from useful resources in the Internet.

Do you want to learn more about self-preparation for the Unified State Exam in mathematics?

Find out the main things about the English Unified State Exam 2016 and start preparing today. Nuances, tips, useful links - start your path to successfully passing the exam by reading our article. Don't be afraid of the Unified State Exam - pass it with 100 marks!

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What is the Unified State Exam: numbers, facts

The Unified State Examination (USE) is a general state certification of eleventh grade graduates, the results of which are counted upon admission to the Secondary Specialized Educational Institution (secondary specialized educational institution) or university (higher education institution).

Currently, the Unified State Examination is conducted in 14 subjects, of which 4 are foreign languages(English, German, French and Spanish). To receive a certificate, a graduate must pass 2 mandatory exams: Russian language and mathematics. Additionally, each university independently determines which exams applicants for a particular specialty are required to take. From 2020, the Unified State Examination in English is also planned to be made mandatory.

In 2016 trial Unified State Exam in English are planned to be held in early April: the oral part - on the 8th and the written part - on the 9th (these results are not counted). The main exam will begin on June 10.If, for a valid reason confirmed by the facts, the graduate is unable to take part in the certification, he has the opportunity to take the exam later, during the reserve period.

If you disagree with the exam results, you can file an appeal - your answers will be rechecked.

After successfully passing the Unified State Exam, the participant is issued a corresponding certificate valid for the current year and 4 subsequent years. It must also be presented at school to receive a certificate of secondary education.

When entering a university, the applicant submits an application, indicating Unified State Examination points; the selection committee checks their accuracy. You can simultaneously submit documents to no more than 5 universities in 3 areas.

At the end of 2015, to pass the Unified State Exam in English, it was enough to score 22 points. However, for admission to language faculties prestigious universities countries needed to get 60-70 points on this type of exam (according to admissions committees Moscow State University, Moscow State Linguistic University, etc.); University passing scores are updated annually.

  • In Moscow Independent Diagnostics Center opened, where you can take the trial Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam at any time (not only for schoolchildren, but also for parents), and you can take it as many times as you want.

What to take with you to the Unified State Exam and how to behave during the exam

Be sure to take your passport and a black gel (capillary) pen with you.

The list of prohibited items is much more extensive: this includes any storage media (phone, tablet, etc.), any video and audio equipment, books, notes and “cheat sheets,” as well as proofreaders and pencils.

During the exam you cannot stand up or talk - naturally, with the exception of the oral part “Speaking”. If you need to leave the room temporarily, you will do so accompanied by one of the examiners. Participants are under video surveillance and any violations may be punished by removal from the exam (and the issue of retaking will be decided by the State Commission).

Structure of the Unified State Exam in English

The test consists of four compulsory written parts, for which the test taker receives a maximum of 80 points: Listening, Reading, Grammar and Vocabulary and Writing.

The fifth, optional speaking part, was introduced very recently and is called “Speaking”: it can earn you a maximum of 20 points. Taking “Speaking” is a must, even if you don’t intend to attend a language university: this is a fairly easy way to score an additional 10-15 points (which is not so little).


9 tasks, 30 minutes

Listening is the perception of speech by ear. After listening to several fragments in English, you should understand what was said in them and answer several questions in writing about each fragment. Fragments are played twice, the time to respond is fixed. The topics of monologues and dialogues that will be offered for listening are weather forecasts, announcements, television and radio programs, interviews, reports.

An error typical for this part of the exam: takers choose the answer option that contains the words most often heard in the audio fragment. But you are unlikely to be able to answer questions correctly without understanding the essence of what is happening. To better understand the meaning of the conversation, pay attention to the intonation of the speakers and the sounds that you hear in the audio clip (sea noise, car horns, music, etc.). It is very important to be able to recognize subtext and sarcasm in the speaker’s speech, which can radically change the meaning of the statement.


Only regular listening to English speech and learning unfamiliar words will help.

At the first stage, reading and listening to books voiced by native speakers will be very useful in English. At the same time, be sure to choose books adapted to your actual level: pre-intermediate, intermediate, etc.

Watching English-language films “in three touches” is very effective: without subtitles, with English subtitles (with new words written out) and with double subtitles (in Russian and English). It is advisable to limit viewing sessions to 5-15 minutes (then the level of perception decreases). To your lexicon did not develop one-sidedly, try to watch diverse films: on everyday topics, from the lives of lawyers, doctors, scientists. And preferably, these should be TV series: by watching several seasons, one episode a day, you will be able to hone the relevant vocabulary to perfection, after which you can move on to a TV series on a different topic.

A little later, it makes sense to move on to listening to radio news: without visuals and subtitles, information is more difficult to perceive, especially considering the fast pace of reporters’ speech. We recommend listening to BBC radio programs, because the videos for listening to the Unified State Examination will be read in British pronunciation.


9 tasks, 30 minutes

This task tests your ability to read and understand unfamiliar text without a dictionary: you should be familiar with about 97% of the words. Again, read the assignment carefully; a typical mistake in this part is misunderstanding the question asked.


Use all available means to expand your vocabulary, tirelessly repeat learned words and try to use them in context - this way they are better remembered. According to the 2016 codifier, popular science publications and excerpts from works of fiction will be offered for reading. Read modern online newspapers and magazines: The Guardian, The New York Times, BBC, Listverse, etc. It will be very useful to study the Unified State Exam workbook for English reading by analyzing the mistakes you make.

Grammar and vocabulary

20 tasks, 40 minutes

In fact, this is almost the easiest section of the exam in terms of format. The first half of the section consists of reading small fragments of text and substituting missing words. To substitute, the proposed word must be grammatically changed (or left in its original form, if the rules require it) or a suitable single-root word must be selected, for example, absolute - absolutely, win - won, Russia - Russian.

The second half involves filling in the gaps in the text with the suggested words - there is no need to modify the word, you just need to choose one of four options. As in all tests with multiple choice, if you don’t know the answer, choose any one at random - there is a chance that it will be correct.


If you know English in good level, this section will not be difficult for you. No special preparation is required for the format of this task - just review English grammar (and keep working on your vocabulary).


2 tasks, 80 minutes

Since the answers from the exam forms are scanned by computer, write your answer neatly, clearly and legibly, with paragraphing and structuring.

Task No. 1: “Letter to a friend”

Volume: 100-140 words

Imagine that you receive a letter from an English-speaking friend and are writing a response. You must understand the questions asked in the text and answer them in your “letter”.

Typical mistakes:

  • Ignorance of the rules for formatting personal letters (be sure to repeat them!)
  • misunderstanding of the essence of the questions asked
  • lack of answer to one of their questions
  • inability to correctly formulate one’s own questions according to the specified plan
  • not using linking words

Assignment #2: Essay

Volume: 200-250 words

You are asked to express your opinion in writing about a certain statement according to a certain plan. And again, you need to read the task very carefully and under no circumstances deviate from the proposed plan.

The essay should be in a neutral style (avoid colloquial expressions), coherent, divided into paragraphs in accordance with the logic of the narrative.

If 30% or more of your answer coincides with the source (that is, in your answer you use words from the “problem conditions”), the task is not counted.

How to count the number of words in an essay

If the above letter contains less than 90 words, and the essay contains less than 180, they will not be counted (you will receive 0 points). If they are too long, the examiner will count only 154 words in the first case and 275 in the second; everything else will not be checked: you may lose a parting phrase or signature (in a letter) or conclusion (in an essay).

What are the rules for counting words? All words of the essay are taken into account; in the case of a letter, everything from the address to the signature. Counted as one word:

  • all numerals in digital form (12, 2015, 10,000)
  • all short forms and abbreviations (I’m, don’t, can’t, USA)
  • Difficult words(well-known, good-looking, sixty-four)

In numerals expressed in several words, all words are counted (two thousand and fifteen - 4 words).


The advice is simple - write an essay. Many, on different topics. Count the words, control the coherence of the text, do not forget to highlight paragraphs (one thought - one paragraph). Well, your work should be checked by an English teacher who is familiar with the requirements for the assignment.


4 tasks, 15 minutes

During this part of the exam, an audio recording of your answer is made, which is sent for processing (checking) at the end of the exam. In other words, the role of the examiner is performed by the computer (but one of the exam organizers is always present in the audience). You see all tasks on the monitor - a time counter is also displayed there.

At the end of the exam, all answers are submitted for verification: each exam entry is checked by two trained specialists according to the same assessment criteria.

Task No. 1

In the first task, you will be asked to read a popular science text in English in one and a half minutes - first “to yourself”, and then out loud. They also give you one and a half minutes to prepare. You need to read the passage correctly, with natural intonation, without unnecessary pauses.

Task No. 2

As a second task, you are asked to read the text of the advertisement and ask 5 questions to it - in accordance with the proposed plan. Preparation time is 1.5 minutes, each question should be no longer than 20 seconds (watch the timer).

Task No. 3

Third task: choose and describe one of the three proposed photographs. Time to prepare - 1.5 minutes, time to answer - 2 minutes. The story must be built on the points of the proposed plan. The narrative must be logically coherent and contain introductory and concluding phrases.

  • Let us recall that coherence is given to the text by expressions such as firstly, secondly, thirdly (firstly, secondly, thirdly), consequently (hence), finally (finally). Topic introductory words and linking words need to be worked out thoroughly.

Task No. 4

In the fourth task you are asked to compare two images. Here it is also extremely important to carefully read the text of the task and cover the proposed plan in the story: for example, find similarities between the pictures and point out the differences. Common mistake- a description of each picture separately, while what is needed is a comparison, a juxtaposition of two images.

You have 1.5 minutes to prepare - watch the timer to make sure you start on time and don't exceed the story limit of 2 minutes. Here, introductory and concluding phrases and adherence to the coherence of the presentation are also necessary.

Typical “traps” of parts 3 and 4 of the exam - questions like “where” and when"(where and when), "who/why" (who/why), etc. When answering the first question of the pair, you can completely forget about the second - and lose points.

  • Advice: If you notice that you have made a mistake, do not be alarmed. Some errors are acceptable and do not affect the score, the main thing is not to get confused or become completely silent.

The total time for this part of the exam is 15 minutes.


Speech is a skill, and the ability to speak English must be developed. Listen to English speech and repeat what you hear. Take every opportunity to communicate in English: visit speaking clubs, speak English with friends. It is extremely important that the interlocutor not only listens to you, but points out mistakes and corrects you, therefore, to prepare for this type of exam, it is very advisable to find a qualified tutor.

10 common misconceptions when preparing for the Unified State Exam in English

  1. There is no point in studying the exam format: a person who is fluent in English will easily pass the exam with the highest score
  2. If your knowledge is initially below the Upper-Intermediate level (“above average”), you have no chance of passing the exam
  3. If you do not speak spoken English, it is impossible to pass the Unified State Exam, since “Speaking” was introduced, and without it you will not get the required points
  4. You can prepare for the Unified State Exam in English in just six months (or even faster)
  5. After reading tips, secrets and “life hacks” for passing the Unified State Exam, you will be ready for the exam
  6. To successfully pass, it is enough to listen to lectures and video lessons from teachers.
  7. The best way to prepare is to take demos of the test multiple times and check your answers.
  8. If the trial exam is passed perfectly, classes can be stopped.
  9. During the exam you can make a “call to a friend” or use a cheat sheet
  10. Answers will be available for purchase before the exam.

And remember: it is impossible to prepare for the Unified State Exam “the night before the exam”; start at least six months before the exam (or better yet, 1-2 years before the exam).
The English Unified State Exam 2016 is scheduled for June, so you need to start preparing for it immediately. High points to you!

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