Assessment in the life sciences lesson and training camps. Criteria for assessing knowledge in life safety Criteria for assessing knowledge in life safety

Testing and assessment of knowledge takes place during ongoing classes in oral or written form. Written work is carried out on significant issues of the topic or section of the life safety course. Written tests are carried out after studying sections of the life safety course program at the end of the quarter and school year. In the life safety course, a credit form of knowledge testing can be used.

To control knowledge on life safety are used different kinds works (tests, express surveys, independent, testing, control, practical, situational tasks)

Evaluation of students' oral responses.

A grade of “5” is given if the student shows a correct understanding of the issues under consideration, gives precise formulations and interpretation of basic concepts, builds an answer according to his own plan, provides examples to the story, and is able to apply knowledge in a new situation when performing practical tasks; can establish a connection between the material being studied and previously studied in the life safety course, as well as with the material learned in the study of other subjects.

A grade of “4” is given if the student’s answer satisfies the basic requirements for an answer to a grade of “5”, but is given without using his own plan, new examples, without applying knowledge in a new situation, without using connections with previously studied material and material learned during the study other items; if the student has made one mistake or no more than two shortcomings and can correct them independently or with a little help from the teacher.

A mark of “3” is given if the student correctly understands the essence of the question under consideration, but the answer contains individual gaps in the mastery of the life safety course questions that do not interfere with further mastery of the program material; knows how to apply acquired knowledge when solving simple tasks using stereotypical solutions, but finds it difficult to solve problems that require deeper approaches to assessing phenomena and events; made no more than one gross error and two omissions, no more than one gross and one minor error, no more than two or three minor errors, one minor error and three omissions; made four or five mistakes.

A grade of “2” is given if the student has not mastered the basic knowledge and skills in accordance with the requirements of the program and has made more errors and omissions than necessary for a grade of 3.

A grade of “1” is given if the student cannot answer any of the questions posed.

When assessing students’ oral answers, it is advisable to conduct an element-by-element analysis of the answer based on the program requirements for the students’ basic knowledge and skills, as well as structural elements certain types of knowledge and skills, the acquisition of which should be considered mandatory learning outcomes. Below are generalized plans of the main elements.

Evaluation of written tests.

A rating of “5” is given for work completed completely without errors or omissions.

A grade of “4” is given for work completed in full, but if it contains no more than one minor error and one shortcoming, no more than three shortcomings.

A grade of “3” is given if the student correctly completed at least 2/3 of the entire work or made no more than one gross error and two omissions, no more than one gross and one minor error, no more than three minor errors, one minor error and three omissions, if there are four or five deficiencies.

A grade of “2” is given if the number of errors and omissions exceeds the norm for a grade of 3 or if less than 2/3 of the entire work is completed correctly.

A grade of “1” is given if the student has not completed any task at all.

Evaluation of practical work.

A grade of “5” is given if the student completes practical work in full, following the required sequence of actions, independently and correctly selects the necessary equipment; conducts all techniques under conditions and modes that ensure correct results and conclusions are obtained; complies with safety regulations.

A “4” rating is given if the requirements for a 5 rating are met, but two or three shortcomings were made, no more than one minor error and one shortcoming.

A rating of “3” is given if the work is not completed completely, but the volume of the completed part is such that it allows you to obtain the correct result and conclusion; if errors were made during the reception.

A rating of “2” is given if the work is not completed in full and the volume of the completed part of the work does not allow correct conclusions to be drawn; if the techniques were performed incorrectly.

A grade of “1” is given if the student did not complete the practical work at all.

In all cases, the grade is reduced if the student did not follow safety rules.

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Making a “model” of a document for approval

Within a few days (usually about 1-2 days, depending on the quality of the form you choose), we produce a so-called “model” of your diploma, certificate or any other document. This will be a fully completed document in electronic format, with all your data, grades in subjects, topic of thesis or final work, etc. At this stage, you must check all the completed data and approve the “layout” for the production of the original document. If you want to make any adjustments (to improve or worsen grades in subjects, change the title of a thesis or final work, etc.). You discuss this over the phone with the manager in charge of you or write in writing by e-mail all your wishes or changes.

Complete document readiness

After approval of the “layout”, complete readiness of the document usually takes 2-4 days for real forms from the Goznak factory and 1-2 days for forms on a Typographical copy. When your document is completely ready, we will take a photo, video, or maybe under an ultraviolet lamp (relevant for real Goznak factory forms) so that you can clearly see the complete readiness and authenticity of your document remotely. Next, we begin to agree on a delivery method suitable for you.

Document delivery

In a number big cities Russia, we have representatives of our company who will give you a lift finished document to a place convenient for you and you can check it again in a calm atmosphere and make sure of its quality. After that, make a payment. This option is also good because the courier of our company, when meeting with the client, can take with him a lamp with ultraviolet radiation, so that you can once again be fully convinced of the originality and quality of your document (when ordering a real GOENAC form). A good printing house has never been passed off as a real Goznak. To cities and towns where we do not have representative offices, we send the document using courier services cash on delivery (DHL, Pony Express, EMS). Payment occurs upon receipt of the document in hand.

I. 3. Features of assessment in teaching life safety.

Firstly, you should pay attention to various features of teaching and, in connection with this, assessment of knowledge depending on the age of students. If in primary school It is advisable to gradually bring the child to a marking system for assessing his educational activities, then in the 10th-11th grade the requirements, especially in the assessment of practical normative actions, are as close as possible to the level of an adult. Secondly, there are features associated with the types of lessons - theoretical, practical or combined (where it is reported new material and at the same time, in the same lesson, skills and abilities of both theoretical and practical nature are formed). What does it mean? If in theoretical lessons, where new knowledge is communicated or skills are developed to analyze situations, draw conclusions and make optimal decisions, only assessment methods are used, then in practical and combined classes the main method of assessment will be grading for students’ compliance with standards.

Grades can be current (for mastering educational material in individual lessons), thematic, control (for a quarter, half a year, a year) and final (for proven knowledge, skills and abilities throughout the entire course of study).

  1. Senior Assessment.

II.1. General requirements.

Firstly, Once again it should be emphasized that assessment is a means of monitoring and directing the educational, developmental and training function educational process in the life safety course as well as in other school disciplines.

It is also advisable to mark during the study and consolidation of new material.

When it coincides with previously acquired concepts and facts, the awareness and strength of knowledge, the ability to operate with them, mastering the skills of comparison and analysis are revealed.

An explanatory mark can be used to evaluate the correct and evidence-based solution to a problem task based on the material presented by the teacher.

When assigning grades in the aggregate, you can take into account the knowledge, skills and abilities demonstrated by students in extracurricular and extracurricular activities in the subject (quiz, KVN, competitions during the game "Zarnitsa", etc.).

Maintaining a systematic record of basic knowledge, skills and abilities creates good opportunities for combating gaps in students’ knowledge, for high efficiency in studying the life safety course. Thanks to this, quarterly, semi-annual, annual and final grades for the entire course of study will be more objective.

It should be noted that during the study and consolidation of the material, as well as for the production of visual aids, as a rule, positive marks are given, which are a means of encouraging and stimulating active learning work. An unsatisfactory mark can be given in exceptional cases, when the teacher wants to draw the attention of the student who is being marked, and the class as a whole, to his obvious dishonesty in educational work.

Particular attention is required when issuing quarterly, semi-annual and annual marks. You cannot set them according to the last, often random mark. But it is also incorrect to display them as the arithmetic average of all one-time grades for the school period. During the course of the year, some students experience serious changes in their development, in their attitude to academic work, and in the quality of their knowledge acquisition.

Grades are derived on the basis of knowledge, abilities and especially skills in performing vital practical actions, but with the obligatory consideration of other various indicators of the student’s progress in his educational activities (increasing independence, confidence in analyzing extreme situations, ability to generalize, decision-making, especially in difficult situations, general personal development, growth of skills of correct social behavior). In a word, the life safety teacher must see and stimulate, through the assessment of students’ educational activities, the formation of a new, safe type of personality, a personality that is safe for themselves, the people around them, society and nature.
II.2. Analysis and solution of specific situations (ACS)

ACS technique : given Full description situation, all options for solving it, including the optimal one. And then you can organize a discussion (analysis) of the situation on issues.
II.3. Basic criteria for marking.

In conclusion, we will consider specifically the main criteria for grading, primarily for oral answers, as the main form of assessment.

A “5” rating is awarded to an answer in which :

  1. the content of the material in the volume is fully, consciously and correctly disclosed
    programs and textbooks;

  2. there is independence and confidence in judgments, previously used
    acquired knowledge (both in life safety lessons and in lessons on other
    subjects), as well as knowledge from personal experience and the experiences of other people;
3) the story is constructed logically, consistently and competently using general scientific techniques (analysis, comparison, juxtaposition, generalization and conclusions);

4) definitions are clearly and correctly given and the content of concepts is disclosed,

Scientific terms are used correctly.

A rating of "4" is given when :

  1. the main content of the material is revealed, the answer is independent and constructed quite confidently and competently in speech;

  2. Definitions of concepts are generally correctly given and used
    scientific terms;

  3. however, the definition of concepts is not complete; minor
    violations of consistency, distortions, there are 1-2 inaccuracies in the answer
    using scientific terms or in conclusions and generalizations;
Score "3" is given if :

1) the main content of the educational material has been mastered, but is presented in fragments and not always consistently;

  1. definitions of concepts are not clear enough;

  2. conclusions and generalizations are not used as evidence or
    mistakes are made when presenting them, the acquired knowledge is ineptly applied in life situations, but can be eliminated with the help of a teacher;

  3. Errors and inaccuracies are allowed in the use of scientific terminology and definition of concepts.
The one who receives the rating "2", Who:

  1. did not disclose the main content of the educational material;

  2. did not provide answers to the teacher's auxiliary answers;

  3. when checking execution homework didn't answer any of them
questions posed to the class frontally when solving situational

  1. tasks or when analyzing specific situations;

  2. makes gross mistakes in defining concepts when using terminology.
Rating "1" in the middle and senior levels of school in life safety not necessary- one negative rating is enough "2" in case of unsatisfactory assimilation of educational material by students.

Ensuring the educational process in the subject “Fundamentals of Life Safety” in No. 26.

The subject "Life Safety" is studied in grades 10 - 11 atIIIstages of education.

Ensuring the educational process:

Name of UMB

Quantity index.


Availability of a specialized office



Availability of textbooks:

- “Basics of life safety”

Moscow 2011, AST - Astrel.

Grade 10


Regulatory legal acts used in the course of life safety and OVS

Electronic variant


Developed for the life safety and health insurance course electronic presentations, and also taken from the Internet.

DVDs and video films are also available on the topics.

Course topics:

Natural emergencies;

Man-made emergencies;

- GO;


  • Collection of situational problems for grades 10 – 11 (Moscow “Enlightenment”, 2010),

  • Tests, practical tasks on OBC grades 10 – 11

  • Tests, practical tasks on life safety, grades 8 – 9 (Rostov-on-Don, “Legion” 2011.

  • Tests, thematic control on life safety, grades 10 – 11 (Rostov-on-Don, “Legion” 2012.


Audiovisual technical means:

TV - "LG"

DVD – “Pioneer”

VCR - "LG"


Overhead projector


1 PC.
1 PC.
1 PC.


Availability of stands on “Life Safety”

Actions of the population in case of accidents and disasters.

The latest respiratory protection equipment.

Civil Defense Corner.

Know how to act in case of fire.

Actions of the population during natural disasters.

Pmp in case of emergency.

International code table "ground - air".

Terrorism is a threat to society.

Symbols of the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan.


Posters on “OVS and Life Safety”:

Fire training.

Shooting technique.

Basics of military service.


Classification of natural emergencies.

Fundamentals of life safety (primary school).

10 sheets.

12 sheets.

13 sheets.

10 sheets.


For theoretical and practical classes in the course “Life Safety” the following are available:

7.1 On the topic “GO”:

Radiation reconnaissance devices DP – 5B

Chemical reconnaissance VPKhR

OB kit

Degassing agent training kit

First aid kit AI – 2

Spare tubes for VPHR

- Respiratory PPE :

  1. R – 2

  2. GP – 5

  3. GP – 7

  4. F -62 Sh

  5. PDF – 2 Ш

    1. On the topic "OVS":
- Tourist tent

Travel compass

PMN mines

UPMN – 2

OZM -72

RGD grenades – 5

Rifle MP – 512

Command box

Sighting machine

2 pcs.
1 PC.
2 sets.
10 pieces.
10 pieces.
3 pcs.
3 pcs.
2 pcs.
1 PC.
2 pcs.
2 pcs.

Necessary textbooks for implementing the work program:

  1. M.P. Frolov and others. OBZh-10, 11th grade. Moscow,
"Astrel-AST", 2011.

  1. V.N. Latchuk and others. OBZh-10, 11th grade. Moscow, Bustard. 2010.

To test your knowledge, there are collections of test tasks:

  • Collection of situational problems 10 – 11 grades
(Moscow “Enlightenment”, 2010),

  • Tests, practical tasks on OBC grades 10 – 11
(Rostov-on-Don, “Legion” 2011.

  • Tests, practical tasks on life safety 8th – 9th grade
(Rostov-on-Don, “Legion” 2011.

  • Tests, thematic control on life safety, grades 10 – 11
(Rostov-on-Don, “Legion” 2012.

  • Test tasks on “Fundamentals of Life Safety” - S.A. Leshchikov. Syktyvkar 2010.

System of control and assessment of the quality of knowledge in life safety lessons.

For the teacher-organizer of life safety at school, the problem of assessing the quality of students’ knowledge is relevant because there are no clearly defined criteria for this subject. There are general requirements for students’ oral responses and requirements for testing written works.

However, the specificity of the life safety course is that if there is a lack of hours, and this is exactly the case, the question arises of introducing express control methods, such as tests, dictations and others.

When conducting quality control of knowledge in life safety lessons, I use various forms of control:






Preliminary control– allows you to identify the knowledge that will be emphasized in the future when presenting new material

Auxiliary control- carried out by the teacher to determine the most difficult to understand elements of the lesson.

Current control– is carried out upon completion of each individual topic and covers knowledge of previous ones. to secure the material.

Thematic control– carried out to check the assimilation of the section material

Final control– by completing a course consisting of several sections or the entire course as a whole.

When conducting quality control of knowledge, I use various methods.

    Oral control

    student's monologue answer in question-and-answer form

requirements for this species control is asking a question correctly, listening to the answer to the end.

It can be carried out as a current one in an individual, frontal or combined form.

When conducting this type of control, various survey techniques can be used, the choice of which depends on the level of preparedness of students, the degree of proficiency in their monologue speech, psychological characteristics every child.

I use oral questioning when the question does not require time spent on long thinking; in this way, only knowledge of the first (reproductive) level is verified.

    cards with questions (conducted in the case when it takes time to think about a question, as a rule, these are questions of all levels; preparation for such a survey technique may or may not be given time to think about the answer; it is better to use it when it is necessary to establish causally investigative connections of the second and higher order)

    work with reference notes (used when testing knowledge based on previously given reference summary with the restoration of its individual parts or its full/partial retelling, used for children with well-developed visual memory and for consolidation visual images and signs)

    documents with their analysis (used as a survey of the second and third levels of complexity, while developing the ability to highlight the main thing based on the knowledge already acquired)

    ticket system (most often used when conducting exams and tests, requires well-developed monologue speech, and is carried out upon completion of a large section, or the entire course as a whole; when compiling a ticket survey form, the topic of each of them should cover all topics in one ticket)

The main disadvantage of oral questioning is the subjective attitude of the teacher towards the student.

    Written control

The student’s written response, which most fully reveals the essence of the question in a logical sequence, can be carried out both in an individual and frontal form. The main requirement for a written survey is sufficient time to write an answer, which depends on the individual characteristics of the students.

Written survey techniques:

    survey using cards ( test), this survey technique is carried out, as a rule, to identify knowledge in two directions of deep assimilation of a separately covered topic or as a control section for the assimilation of individual concepts of an entire section; cards can contain questions of all levels,

    dictation is a technique in which express diagnostics of the assimilation of the material covered is possible. The peculiarity is that the number of answer options is quite limited, usually no more than 5, and does not give a full assessment of the depth of acquired knowledge; in addition, dictation sentences should be composed of no more than 9 words, which is due to the psychological characteristics of the person; requirements for the composition of the question itself, which should not be composed in the form of a complex or, even more so, complexly subordinated sentence; when using this type of survey, the maximum level of questions is the second. The most primitive dictation is a dictation with answers yes no

    test when using this control technique, it is necessary to fulfill the following requirements: reliability - that the test will show the same results repeatedly under similar conditions, and validity - that the test detects and measures the level of mastery of exactly the knowledge that the teacher wants to test. The advantage of tests is that they can include questions of different levels, and the ease of processing the results, and also eliminates the possibility subjective assessment student knowledge. At the same time, the test itself must have several more requirements. This is a clear formulation of questions, truly verified unambiguous answers, falling by their nature into one category, can be used when testing knowledge as a separate topic, a section of the final control. When assessing the correctness of the answers and the tasks themselves, the level of complexity of the questions should be taken into account, of which there are 3:

reproductive level 1 – questions that require a definite answer, either a definite answer, or simple reproduction of material already covered

work according to the algorithm level 2 - application of the acquired knowledge when solving the question posed according to an already known algorithm of actions.

Creative level 3 - independent search, use of previously acquired knowledge when solving non-algorithmic problems using knowledge not only in the section and topic being studied, but also in other subjects, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, patterns.

    Abstract The peculiarity of this type of work is that the student partially performs search work when working with several primary sources, highlighting the main generalization of the materials being studied, and applying the knowledge already acquired when covering this issue, the advantage is that as a result of independent work, the chosen topic for the abstract is studied most fully and deeply. Often, an abstract is confused with reports on a topic, despite the fact that they are subject to fairly strict requirements, which are as follows: for school abstracts, the scope of the student’s own conclusions and conclusions. The analysis of the issue being addressed should be no less than 20% of the entire volume of the abstract; when writing an abstract, primary sources should be used that are not textbooks, educational/methodological aids, in the worst case it is popular scientific literature. However, when checking abstracts, the difficulty is that the teacher, in principle, must know almost all the literature that can be used when writing an abstract. As a rule, an abstract is a work that must satisfy level 3 of complexity.

The criteria for assessing work in all literature when checking the quality of students' knowledge are based on the following criteria.

5 – fully proficient, subject to solving problems of all levels of complexity and obtaining over 80% reliable (correct)

information in the presence of tasks of all levels or 95% when completing tasks of level 1, respectively, the percentage of correct answers will vary depending on the complexity of the tasks; in the presence of tasks of levels 1 and 2, the number of correct answers, respectively, will be from 87 to 90%

provided that in tasks containing three levels the ratio between levels is 50:30:20, the first and second levels are 60/65:40/35, during an oral survey the answer is exhaustive and complete, not requiring additions or clarifications from the teacher

4 – sufficiently proficient, given on the condition of solving problems of levels 1 and 2 in a three-level task and receiving from 65 to 70% of correct information or 75% when solving problems of level 1; during an oral survey, the answer contains small omissions, which are corrected by the student with leading questions teachers in small quantities.

3 - insufficiently proficient, given on the condition that tasks of the first level in multi-level tasks are solved in an amount of at least 75% or with 505 correct answers to the questions of a single-level task. Oral answers contain factual errors that are corrected when additional questions teacher, incomplete answer, illogical construction of the answer, unrelated story, weak monologue speech, answer with the help of the teacher.


Students' mastery of universal learning activities creates the opportunity to independently acquire new knowledge, skills and competencies.

The main types of universal learning activities (hereinafter - UUD) include:

Personal - (self-determination, meaning formation and the action of moral and ethical assessment);

Regulatory - (goal setting, planning, control and correction, assessment, forecasting);

Cognitive - (general educational, logical, sign-symbolic);

Communication – (communication and interaction, group work).

The basis for the development of UUD is the cultural-historical system-activity approach, which reveals the basic psychological conditions and mechanisms of knowledge acquisition, formation of a picture of the world, general structure educational activities. The leading position of system-activity approach is the position that a person’s psychological abilities are the result of the transformation of higher objective activity into internal mental activity through successive changes leading to neoplasms. Therefore, the development of a student is determined by the nature of the organization of their various activities, primarily educational ones.

The system-activity approach changes the paradigm of education, which is determined by new qualitative characteristics:

The purpose of school education is the ability to learn;

Teaching is a process of education and the generation of meanings;

The student’s educational activity is as a strategy of purposeful organization and systematic formation;

Educational cooperation is the main form in achieving learning goals.

It is necessary that knowledge is not transmitted in a ready-made form, but is acquired by the students themselves in the process of cognitive activity. Therefore, it is necessary to move from training as the transfer of a knowledge system to the active work of students in the process of cognitive activity, and also move to the active work of students on tasks directly related to problems real life. The system-activity approach assumes:

Education and development of personality traits that meet the requirements of the information society, innovative economy, and the tasks of building the Russian civil society based on the principles of tolerance, dialogue of cultures and respect for its multinational, multicultural and multi-religious composition;

Focus on achieving the goal and main result of education;

· development based on the formation of educational learning, knowledge and mastery of the world of the student’s personality, his active educational and cognitive activity, the formation of his readiness for self-development and continuous education.

System for assessing the achievement of planned results of mastering the main general educational program main general education according to life safety.

The system for assessing the achievement of the planned results of mastering the main educational program of basic general education in life safety is one of the tools for implementing the requirements of the Standard for the results of mastering the main educational program of basic general education, aimed at ensuring the quality of education, which presupposes the involvement of both teachers and students in assessment activities . The assessment system is designed to help maintain the unity of the entire education system and ensure continuity in the system continuing education. Its main functions are the orientation of the educational process towards achieving the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education and ensuring effective feedback, allowing for management of the educational process.

The system for assessing planned results is based on the integration of the following educational technologies:

Technologies based on level differentiation of training,

Technologies based on the creation of problem situations,

Implementation-based technologies project activities,

Information and communication technologies for learning.

The main object, content and criterion basis for the final assessment of the training of graduates at the level of basic general education are the planned results.

The main content of assessing personal results at the level of basic general education is built around the assessment of:

the formation of the student’s internal position, which is reflected in the student’s emotionally positive attitude towards the educational institution, orientation towards the meaningful moments of the educational process - lessons, learning new things, mastering skills and new competencies, the nature of educational cooperation with the teacher and classmates, and orientation towards a model of “good” behavior student" as an example to follow;

the formation of the foundations of civic identity - a sense of pride and personal responsibility, love for one’s Fatherland, faith in Russia, respect for nature, history, culture of Russia, national characteristics, traditions and way of life of Russian and other peoples, tolerance;

the formation of self-esteem, including awareness of one’s capabilities in learning, the ability to adequately judge the reasons for one’s success/failure in learning; the ability to see one’s strengths and weaknesses, respect oneself and believe in success;

the formation of motivation for educational activities, including social, educational-cognitive and external motives, curiosity and interest in new content and ways of solving problems, acquiring new knowledge and skills, motivation to achieve results, desire to improve one’s abilities;

knowledge of moral norms and the formation of moral and ethical judgments, the ability to solve moral problems based on decentration (coordination various points perspective on solving a moral dilemma); the ability to evaluate one’s actions and the actions of other people from the point of view of compliance with/violation of moral norms.

Grade meta-subject results.

Main content of the assessment meta-subject results at the level of basic general education is built around the ability to learn, i.e. that set of methods of action, which, in fact, ensures the ability of students to independently assimilate new knowledge and skills that represent the content and object of assessment of meta-subject results, can be qualitatively assessed and measured in the following basic forms:

1) the student’s involvement in educational process, his initiative, activity;

2) keeping records of the student’s participation in olympiads of all levels, conferences, etc. scientific activity;

3) test tasks requiring collaboration students studying overall result, allow you to assess the formation of communicative educational actions;

4) test tasks, the successful completion of which requires the development of skills in working with information.

Assessment of meta-subject results is an assessment of the achievement of the planned results of mastering the basic educational program in life safety - these are regulatory universal educational activities, communicative universal educational activities and cognitive universal educational activities, as well as the planned results of interdisciplinary educational programs.

Grade subject results.

Assessment of subject results is an assessment of the student’s achievement of planned results.

The system of subject knowledge is the most important component of subject results. In it, we can highlight basic knowledge (knowledge, the assimilation of which is fundamentally necessary for current and subsequent successful learning: key concepts, facts, phenomena) and knowledge that complements, expands or deepens the supporting system of knowledge, as well as serving as propaedeutics for subsequent study of the course on the fundamentals of life safety.

When assessing subject results, the main value is not the mastery of the system of supporting knowledge and the ability to reproduce it in standard educational situations, but the ability to use this knowledge in solving educational, cognitive and educational and practical problems. In other words, the object of assessment of subject results is the actions performed by students with subject content. In life safety lessons, such actions include: modeling situations; comparison, grouping and classification of objects; forecast; actions of analysis, synthesis and generalization; establishing connections (including cause-and-effect) and analogies; searching, transforming, presenting and interpreting information, reasoning, etc.

Assessment of the achievement of these subject results is carried out both during the current and intermediate assessment, and during the implementation of the final verification work. In this case, the final assessment is limited to monitoring the success of mastering actions performed by students with subject content that reflects the supporting knowledge system of this training course.

The system for assessing the achievements of planned results within the framework of current and thematic monitoring of knowledge in life safety includes:

1. Initial diagnostics (consists of checking the level of general readiness at the beginning of the school year): carried out in the form of a test, defense of summer projects based on previous material.

2. Current control: consists of checking homework in the form of a frontal survey, working with cards, mutual checking, checking written homework.

3. Thematic control: (control at the end of studying a topic, chapter) is carried out in the form of a test, independent or control work.

System for assessing the achievements of planned results within intermediate certification, final assessment, assessment of project activities in life safety includes:

1. Intermediate control (control at the end of the quarter): carried out in the form of lightweight tests, independent work, in the form of games (lesson game “Lucky Chance”), brain rings, quizzes.

2. Final control (control at the end of the academic year): carried out in the form of a test, a final test.

3. Design protection individual work on a topic agreed upon with the teacher.

Sources of information for assessing achievements educational results, the process of their formation and measures of each student’s awareness of the features of the development of his own learning process, as well as for assessing the progress of learning, serve:

Students’ work performed during training (homework, projects and presentations, formalized written assignments - various texts, collections of information materials, studying and compiling reports based on statistical materials, as well as various initiative creative works- posters, crafts, etc.);

Individual and joint activities of students during work;

Statistical data based on clearly defined indicators and obtained through targeted observations or mini-studies;

Test results (results of oral and written tests).

The criteria for assessing student performance require assessments for oral responses and written work. Additional grades in the subject of basic life safety are awarded to students for individual creative work at extracurricular and extracurricular events, for example, competitions and quizzes, Olympiads in the subject, excursions, club work, as well as “Health Days”, “Decades of Life Safety”, “Children’s Days”. " etc.

Evaluation of students' oral responses.

The answer is graded “5” if the student:

fully disclosed the content of the material to the extent provided for by the program and textbook;

presented the material in literate language in a certain logical sequence, specified it with examples, brought new objects and phenomena under general concepts, explained their features;

demonstrated the ability to illustrate theoretical positions concrete examples, apply them in a new situation when performing a practical task;

demonstrated the assimilation of previously studied related issues, the formation and stability of the skills and abilities used during training;

answered independently without leading questions from the teacher. There may be one or two inaccuracies in the coverage of secondary issues or in calculations, which the student easily corrected based on the teacher’s remark.

An answer is graded “4” if it largely satisfies the requirements for a “5” grade, but has one of the following shortcomings:

there are small gaps in the presentation that do not distort the content of the answer;

one or two shortcomings were made when covering the main content of the answer, corrected according to the teacher’s comment;

an error or more than two shortcomings were made when covering secondary issues or in calculations, which were easily corrected based on the teacher’s remark.

Mark “3” is placed in the following cases:

the content of the material is incompletely or inconsistently disclosed, but a general understanding of the issue is shown and skills sufficient for further assimilation of the program material are demonstrated;

there were difficulties or mistakes were made in defining concepts, the student was unable to apply the theory in a new situation when performing a practical task, but completed tasks of the required level of difficulty on this topic;

knowledge of theoretical material revealed insufficient development of basic skills and abilities.

Mark “2” is placed in the following cases:

the main content of the educational material is not disclosed;

the student’s ignorance or misunderstanding of most or the most important part of the educational material is detected;

mistakes were made in defining concepts, features, patterns, conclusions were not given, errors were not corrected after several leading questions from the teacher.

Evaluation of students' written work.

Mark “5” is given if:

the work was completed in full, conclusions were drawn, carefully;

there are no gaps or errors in the logical reasoning and justification of the answer (one inaccuracy or typo is possible, which is not a consequence of ignorance or misunderstanding of the educational material);

When performing tests in the GIA format, 3-5 errors are allowed.

Mark “4” is placed if:

the work has been completed in full, but the substantiation of the conclusions is insufficient and sloppy;

one mistake or two or three shortcomings in the conclusions were made;

When performing tests in the GIA format, 6-8 errors are allowed.

Mark “3” is placed if:

more than one mistake or more than two or three shortcomings were made, but the student has the required skills on the topic being tested, there are no conclusions;

When performing tests in the GIA format, 9-11 errors are allowed.

Mark “2” is placed if:

significant errors were made, which showed that the student does not master the studied material, it was completed incorrectly;

when performing tests in the GIA format, 12-17 are allowed.

Mark “1” is placed if:

the work showed the student’s complete lack of required knowledge and skills on the topic being tested or a significant part of the work was not completed independently.

In-school monitoring system educational achievements and a portfolio of achievements as tools for the dynamics of educational achievements.

The indicator of the dynamics of educational achievements is one of the main indicators in assessing educational achievements. The positive dynamics of educational achievements is the most important basis for making decisions about the effectiveness of the educational process, the work of a teacher or educational institution, and the education system as a whole. A system of in-school monitoring of educational achievements (personal, meta-subject and subject), the main components of which are materials for initial diagnostics and materials recording current and intermediate educational and personal achievements, allows for a fairly complete and comprehensive assessment of both the dynamics of the formation of individual personal qualities, and the dynamics of mastering meta-subject actions and subject content.

In-school monitoring of educational achievements should be carried out by each subject teacher and recorded using assessment sheets, class registers, student diaries on paper or electronic media.

Individual elements from the intra-school monitoring system can be included in a portfolio of student achievements. It is a specially organized selection of works. Which demonstrate effort. The student's progress and achievements in areas of interest. The portfolio of achievements may include results achieved by the student not only during educational activities, but also in other forms of activity: creative, social, communicative, physical education, labor activity, taking place both within the framework of everyday school practice and beyond, including the results of participation in olympiads, competitions, shows, exhibitions, concerts, sporting events, various creative works, crafts, etc.

The decision to use a portfolio of achievements within the internal assessment system is made by educational institution. The selection of works for the portfolio of achievements is carried out by the student himself, together with the class teacher and with the participation of the family. The inclusion of any materials in the portfolio of achievements without the consent of the student is not permitted.

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