Basic information. State Capital Gymnasium Capital Gymnasium Gloria

Me, you, he, she - together the whole country, together - a friendly family! In the word “we” there are one hundred thousand I!!!

Our school is located in the Bibirevo area, near the Moscow Ring Road. A long time ago there was a village called Podushkino. The school is conducting research work - “The history of my country is the history of the family.” The older generation of teachers has been working at the school since its foundation. The new generation of teachers are graduates of our school. Teacher dynasties are the pride of our team. Working with children is focused on individual approach to every student. Our task is to reveal abilities, transfer knowledge and cultivate a harmonious personality. Teachers master advanced technologies and programs. We continue to learn together with our students. We help them in all their endeavors. One for all! And all for one!

About Us

Primary school teacher.

Our graduates

In the computer class.
The school director is V.V. Serov. and teachers.

Open day.

Graduation of 4 classes. School director and primary school head teacher.

Our graduates are our pride!

Our achievements

Exposition of the Museum "Memory"

Search work.

School museum "Memory", victories in regional and city olympiads and competitions. Teacher - Mikhalitsyna T.S.

Additional education

2014 - Fine arts club "Fantasy" (Morgunova E.A.), "Fatherland" (Balina I.M.), "Young librarian" (Mushegyan A.S.), "Patchwork technique" (Dolgova T.F.) "Football" (Gilmutdinov R.R.), school theater "Solnyshko" (Tuchemskaya I.P.), "Our Security", "Sharp Shooter" (Zhalonkina L.A.), developmental classes in the GPD "Palette" ( Bazunova N.A.,) "Anti-stress plastic gymnastics" (Tyapkina O.A.), "Young ecologist" (Kapichnikova N.V.), "Travel and geographical discoveries" (Ivashkov V.Yu.), "Behind the pages of the textbook mathematics" (Chumacheva E.P.), "Entertaining mathematics" (Ekzhanova I.V.), "Young philologist" (Mashkova M.S.), "Wonderful mathematics" (Osenova N.K.). “Young physicist” (M.A. Anosova), “Artistic processing of materials” (T.S. Mikhalitsyna), “Chemistry in problems” (T.Yu. Kupriyanova), educational activities for preschoolers “Sun” - school teachers (training literacy, numeracy, the environment, fine arts).

Morgunova E.A. Fine Arts Club.

Mushegyan A.S. - librarian.

Dolgova T.F. - technology teacher for girls.

Tyapkina O.A., Gilmutdinov R.R. - physical education teachers.

Theater "Solnyshko", director Tuchemskaya I.P.

Developmental classes in the GPA - Bazunova N.A.

Our projects

Model "Battle of Borodino".

School Museum "Memory".

School Museum of Military Glory "Memory" under the leadership of T.S. Mikhalitsyna Search work “Soldier of my family.” (Bazunova N.A.). Project "A healthy mind in a healthy body!" Project for the Middle Ages MCC (Morgunova E.A.). Cool projects for the "Golden Autumn" elementary school.

School exhibitions

Project "Self-government" to make school life more interesting.

Our partners

Parents' Committee.


Type: General educational institution
View: Secondary school
Financing: State
Organizational and legal form: Budget
Subordination: North-Eastern District Education Department
Forms of training: Full-time (day)
Number of students: 550 people
Founder: Moscow Department of Education
License: Number 003515, series 77, registration number 030454. Valid from 02/21/2012 indefinitely.
Accreditation: Accreditation certificate No. 001364, series 77OP, registration number 011642, valid until November 30, 2015. Issued by the accreditation commission dated 03/20/2012 on the basis of order No. 148AK dated 03/20/2012.
Taxpayer Identification Number: 7715004398
Checkpoint: 771501001
OGRN: 1037739177585
OKATO: 45280558000

Educational programs:

North-Eastern / Bibirevo /

Additional information

Directions from the Bibirevo metro station by bus 290, from the Medvedkovo metro station by bus 606, from the Altufyevo metro station by bus 159 to the Shkola 332 stop (behind the Gelert store). Korneichuka Street 52-A.

The state budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow “State Capital Gymnasium” (GBOU GHA) is a large educational organization, which includes six kindergarten buildings and five school buildings, equipped in accordance with the “grade school” model.

Director of the gymnasium: Patrikeeva Irina Dzholdoshevna.

All buildings of the State Budget Educational Institution GHA are located in the North-Eastern administrative district of the city of Moscow, in the Bibirevo district, at the following addresses: st. Belozerskaya, 12, Altufevskoye sh., 94, st. Leskova, 3-3, st. Leskova, 5a, Altufevskoye highway, 98-2, Altufevskoye highway, 92-2, st. Korneychuka, 37a, st. Korneychuka, 42a, st. Korneichuka, 50a, st. Korneychuka, 52a, st. Korneichuka, 58b.

As of January 1, 2017, 4,353 people are studying at the gymnasium, of which 3,075 are students, 1,278 are pupils of preschool departments.

In accordance with the license and accreditation of the State Budget Educational Institution, the GHA implements the main program of preschool education, the main general education program primary general education, basic general education program of basic general education, basic general education program of secondary (complete) general education, program additional education children and adults.

The main vectors for the development of the GHA educational program are:

  • expanding the range of programs: in grades 1-4 basic and pre-gymnasium, in grades 5-9 basic and the “Gloria” program (a set of programs in-depth study subjects and additional education), in grades 10-11 specialized training based on individual curriculum, integration of basic and additional education;
  • in-depth study of English and German languages from 2nd grade, algebra and geometry from 7th grade and physics from 8th grade;
  • education foreign languages in the additional education system: Spanish, French, Chinese.
  • participation in the city project “Moscow – International School of Quality” (preparation for accreditation under the program International Baccalaureate(PYP);
  • social design and volunteer activities;
  • development and implementation of programs distance learning using various educational contents.

The State Capital Gymnasium ranks 62nd in the ranking of TOP-300 educational organizations in Moscow based on the results of 2015-2016 academic year. Every year since 2011 it is among the best 500 schools in Russia. From 2011 to 2016, the GHA is a laureate of the Moscow Mayor's Grant in the field of education. Co-founder of the Association of Educational and scientific institutions“Giftedness: Training and Development” – 2012, Associated Oxford School, winner of the general competition educational institutions implementing innovative educational programs(PNPO-2006).

Contact information about GBOU GHA:

Legal address: 127543, Moscow, Belozerskaya street, 12

Phone: 495-707-07-62

I will add my review of the GHA as of May 2017: One child studies there in elementary school, SP3 (Building 3), Elkonin-Davydov program, second - in high school, SP1 (Building 1), program "Gloria".
First, at the beginning: they entered from courses, not according to registration (registration in another region of the North-Eastern Administrative District), the child did well in the courses, but at the final tests the results were average. At your own peril and risk, you asked to go to the gymnasium E-D program. They took it. Now we are very happy. The entire team of teachers working on E-D system- strong professionals who know how to approach different children flexibly, quite demanding, but creative, my child learns to like them (although he is a fidget and a slob). One subtlety - the program is so extraordinary that I won’t risk entrusting my grandmother to do my child’s homework. My child does the recommended homework during after school and generally understands everything himself, the teachers are ready to give explanations to those who are sick, the class as a whole copes with the program, but if suddenly someone is sick for a long time, it will not be easy to catch up. There are no grades up to grade 3 inclusive. In 1st grade, general marks for understanding various topics and subtopics (pasted in the diary: + / -: did / did not do), then - are assessed as a percentage different tasks for different skills. About money: In pre-gymnasium classes there are additional paid hours in language, they are usually considered compulsory (conditionally compulsory, the gymnasium recommends taking them). No other required paid services No.
In high school, everything, in my opinion, is less rosy and unambiguous. My child entered the Gloria program through the Key Olympiad. We prepared for about a year to move from a regular district school.
On the positive side: a good group of students (many entered the 5th grade from other schools, the old classes were mixed, so in the 5th everyone actually got to know each other again). It is not customary to boast about gadgets or parents’ income, it is not customary to neglect studies, to be rude to teachers, or to swear obscenely. This is all there, but in very moderate quantities. During recess, the boys of the class prefer to play Cossacks-robbers, to the horror and indignation of the cleaning ladies. Accordingly, adequate and reasonable parents who also orient their children toward learning and mutual respect. Although, of course, not everything is ideal: one of the senior classes is considered poorly managed and rowdy, we suddenly began to harass one good boy - the entire parent community, together with the children, tried to resolve the situation.
Also on the positive side: strong subject teaching humanitarian cycle(languages, literature, history, social studies...). This is where the most powerful and interesting teachers teach. They are trying to develop the mathematical direction in the gymnasium, but, according to reviews from parents and their own observations, so far, alas, it is noticeably lagging behind languages. Creative and accessible mathematics does not work out - either it is simple and boring, or it is prohibitively difficult (and also boring). But these are my fragmentary observations (and there are also excellent mathematics teachers in the GHA).
Homework is quite extensive (and this volume is not always justified). In the 5th grade, it took my fairly collected child from 2 to 3 hours to complete homework; in the 6th grade, it usually took about 3, sometimes more, up to 4 hours. If there are more sections, music. school, etc. — you need to organize your time very carefully.
The most serious disadvantage of high school, in my opinion, is the teachers, or rather the general strategy of the administration in relation to the teaching staff. Many parents bring their children to the GHA not just as a strong school, but as a school where students are treated with respect, where the main ways to motivate a child are not shouting and fear, but interest and personal authority. And at the moment this is more a myth than a reality.
Competence in terms of teaching subjects does not raise any particular questions - everyone passes the material, they write tests. But I was unpleasantly surprised by teachers who use humiliation, screaming, and direct pressure as the main pedagogical levers. When a child meets with such a teacher every school day in a leading subject, this creates a serious emotional background. And, what is most sad, the administration, in principle, is not ready to consider such claims against teachers seriously. Principled position: “You are not in a store, and teachers are not blouses: This one doesn’t fit, give me another!”
Delegations of parents, consisting of 80% of the group of students in the administration, say: “Your children are making everything up!... Well, if you want, we’ll hold an open lesson. .... You see - on open lesson The teacher is polite and does not shout. Do the children look intimidated? - they are so embarrassed of their parents. Therefore, there is no problem!” (“Your children have a massive conspiracy”—the exact words of the teacher).
Of course, the problem is not the same as in school 57, and indeed for some parents, the rigidity and bias of the teacher as the main tool is normal (otherwise the children will disband), but, I repeat, many (like us, for example) go to the GHA with the illusion that this is not the case here.
There are few such teachers - there are only 2-3 teachers per stream, but a child’s love for one of the leading subjects can be broken up forever.
At the same time, in fairness it must be said that in the same stream there are also 2-3 strong, bright and positive teachers. And they, by the way, can also instill a love for an important subject that (me, my mother) never thought of loving (although, of course, it is necessary to know. For which many thanks to the Gymnasium and teachers!
I understand that in connection with the expansion of the GHA into 11 divisions and the departure of the previous director for promotion, the personnel issue for the administration is now a very painful and difficult one, but if the gymnasium plans to maintain the current level and raise it along with the rating, I think this issue will have to be returned to.
Financial fees in high school are the same as in elementary school - there are none. Only an additional hour in the main language is conditionally obligatory. This is about 1500 rubles.  per month. Additional courses may be held on Saturdays, when there are no main classes. For example - 1 hour of language at 9.00. This is, of course, inconvenient. You can also take additional paid courses in other languages ​​and web design.
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