An open letter from Nina Braginskaya to the rector of the Russian State University, Efim Pivorov. Works by Galina Viktorovna Volkova at the “Metropolis” exhibition at the Central House of Artists

Efim Iosifovich Pivovar - professor of history, doctor of historical sciences, specialist in the field modern history, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He also combined excellent leadership qualities and simply good man. Numerous friends and colleagues speak of Efim Iosifovich as a kind and cheerful person.


In 1956, like many others his age, he went to the first grade of school No. 1150, which was located in the Moscow region in the city of Perovo. Now this is the territory of Moscow.

Despite the fact that there were no representatives of science in the family of Efim Iosifovich Pivovar, even from his school days the future professor dreamed of becoming a historian. It all started with a passion for archaeology. In the fourth grade, he read the book “Entertaining Archeology” by Mongait, which shocked him. Further acquaintance with science continued by reading books about the Qumran manuscripts, which made a huge impression on the student.

Favorite teachers

Efim Iosifovich was very lucky with his history teachers, he remembers them even now. Madlena Aleksandrovna, who was a terror to all students, taught “The Ancient World” in the fifth grade.

The second teacher, Nadezhda Pavlovna, seeing the child’s thirst for knowledge, appointed him as an archivist for the school club. The boy first came to the archives of the Moscow Museum; he got acquainted with the archives of his native city of Perovo. The student learned the history of the city's formation and the origins of its name. He became interested in the legends associated with his small homeland.

And today, when Efim Iosifovich has to be in the archive, he experiences some kind of thrill from being within these walls, regardless of what data he is studying at that moment.

The last history teacher was Zinaida Ivanovna Chernyakova, with whom the historian had the good fortune to meet at the present time and, in gratitude for the knowledge gained, to present the author’s textbook.

Passion for archeology

During his school years, while continuing to be interested in archaeology, E.I. Pivovar more than once took part in archaeological excavations.

Immediately after graduating from school, he entered Moscow State University at the Faculty of History, where he studied with such respected teachers in historical circles as V. Z. Drobizheva and I. D. Kovalchenko.

Here, remaining true to his interests, the young man joined the scientific student society of archaeologists. But his uncle, who was an engineer, convinced the guy to look away from the history of antiquity and pay attention to the history of the 20th century. And the school teacher Zinaida Ivanovna, too, with a little grin, said: “What is this - archeology?” Having listened to their words, the future scientist refocused on studying the history of the 20th century and has been doing so to this day.

After graduating from university, the young historian decided to continue developing in this direction and entered graduate school at the Institute of History, and then defended his Ph.D. thesis.

Fast-paced career

In the period from 1973 to 1986, E.I. Pivovar headed several departments in the magazine "History of the USSR".

In 1986, he was hired by the Moscow State Institute of History and Archives, where in ten years he was able to make a rapid career: from senior lecturer to department head, dean and, finally, vice-rector for scientific work.

In his further professional biography, Efim Iosifovich Pivovar gave several courses of lectures on history abroad during the period from 1990 to 1993. He taught at the universities of Chicago, Illinois, Michigan State and others.

In 1997, Pivovar Efim Iosifovich was accepted to the position of professor at the Faculty of History at Moscow State University. And two years later he is deputy dean of the history department of Moscow State University.

Since 2004, Pivovar E.F. has headed the department of history of near-abroad countries at the Faculty of History of Moscow State University.

In 2005, Professor Pivovar held the position of head of the department of post-Soviet countries.

Russian State Humanitarian University

In 2006, Efim Iosifovich Pivovar was appointed rector of the Russian State University for the Humanities. He received this position through a secret vote of the university conference, which came as a complete surprise to the professor. The Ministry of Education and Science reacted very favorably to this election.

The Russian State Humanitarian University was founded in 1991.

By the time Pivovar was elected rector, the university had acquired scandalous fame, and main task the professor was to save the university.

Merits of the rector

During the leadership of Pivovar, the Russian State University for the Humanities developed very successfully international relations. Each year, thousands of students and teachers participated in international exchange. Cooperation with universities in Germany was especially active. Upon completion of their studies within the framework of this project, students received a double diploma. This was the first experience for Russia of receiving diplomas from two universities simultaneously in the humanitarian field.

In the photo, Pivovar Efim Iosifovich presents a diploma to a graduate of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

In 2010, President Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev signed a Decree on awarding the Rector of the Russian State University for the Humanities E.I. Pivovar with the Order of Friendship.

Teachers who had previously left RSUH for various reasons began to return to the university. The university has expanded its staff of foreign professors. The number of lectures given in foreign languages ​​has increased.

In 2011, the professor was re-elected as rector for a second term. The overwhelming majority of delegates to the elective conference voted for him.

In 2016, E.I. Pivovar’s tenure as rector came to an end, and he could no longer be re-elected.

On May 3, 2018, Efim Iosifovich Pivovar for his services in conducting scientific and pedagogical activities and training qualified specialists was awarded the Order Honor.

Personal life

Galina Viktorovna Volkova, wife of Efim Iosifovich Pivovar, is also a historian by training. They studied on the same course at Moscow State University, where they met. Even in her student years, Galina became interested in photography and began to develop this talent.

Galina Volkova has been abroad a lot, and expressed her impressions in her works.

Many of Volkova’s photographs are in private collections different countries peace.

Since 2006, she has been working at the Russian State University for the Humanities as the head of the photo center. Heads the Art Design department. He is a member of the Creative Union of Artists and a member creative association"Metropolis".

Contribution to science

E.I. Pivovar made a great contribution to the study of the history of the Fatherland in the 20th and 21st centuries. Took part in the formation Russian school quantitative methods research in the field of history. He led research that was of significant importance for the study of the biographies of Russian emigrants and Russian diaspora in the 20th century, as well as the study of the history of the countries of the post-Soviet space.

Participated in International Congresses of Historical Sciences, conferences, and colloquiums.

Gave courses of lectures in foreign countries.

Sixteen candidate dissertations were defended under the guidance of the professor. He has been a consultant for three doctoral dissertations.

In conclusion, I would like to note that Pivovar Efim Iosifovich is certainly a specialist of the highest category in his field. But, besides this, he also combined the excellent qualities of a leader and simply a good person. Numerous friends and colleagues speak of Efim Iosifovich as a kind and cheerful person. And such qualities as intelligence, business acumen and responsiveness are quite rarely combined in one person.

Declaring the university ineffective, an anonymous letter about corruption, endless articles and various rumors on the Internet... Gaude figured out what is really going on around the Russian State University for the Humanities and how teachers and students feel about it.

"Urgent Meeting of Brave Students"

“Of course, everyone noticed this plot,” Ivan Drobyshev, a student at the Faculty of History, Political Science and Law (FIPP) of the Russian State Humanitarian University, tells me. “He himself seemed so obviously rude.”

Ivan talks about the story shown in Arkady Mamontov’s program “Special Correspondent: Elimination of Illiteracy” on December 18. It showed not only the actual purchase of diplomas in the Kaluga and Mytishchi branches of the Russian State University for the Humanities, but also footage of renovations at the Faculty of History, Political Science and Law with a hint of devastation in the parent university. These shots caused outrage among students and teachers of the faculty. The fact is that this year FIPP moved to the building on Miusskaya, because a considerable part of the space in the historical building of the Russian State University for the Humanities on Nikolskaya Street had to be given to Russkaya Orthodox Church. Now only students study in that building Historical and Archival Institute RSUH. And on Miusskaya they drove out some of the tenants and are renovating the premises they vacated.

A few days later, the website appeared on the Internet, on which anonymous signatories talked about terribly bad things at the Russian State University for the Humanities.

Excited students began to communicate with each other and with teachers

“We have advanced departments where specialists study mass communications“, there are professional journalists, and I myself study and work in the field of public relations - we are taught to identify information attacks,” continues Ivan. “We - well, at least this part of the faculty - immediately saw a targeted information order. Others simply wondered why they denigrated the university, showed footage of our building being renovated, against the backdrop of which they talk about devastation, total corruption and other nonsense, then this site ... "

Excited students began to communicate with each other and with teachers, and soon called a meeting Student Council faculty. The meeting was called “Urgent Meeting of Brave Students” on social networks. According to Ivan, about fifty to sixty people came, but no more could fit in: people came, saw the crowd, asked to be kept informed, and left. Among those who came there were several graduates and teachers, but mostly FIPP students.

All this happened right at the height of the scandal with the reorganization of RGTEU. Ivan says that many students were afraid that the same thing would happen to their “native” university.

“Are you completely crazy?!”

Around the same time, on December 22, the Internet was blown up by a tweet from deputy Khinshtein: “Minister @DmitryLivanov continues to stick to his line. Next week, RSUH Rector E. Pivovar will be fired. The next step is the merger of RGGU with RGSU or HSE.” Students were outraged on social networks: “Bastards!”, “Are you completely crazy?!”, “I hoped that this would remain at the level of rumors. I will go on strike." “Will they at least let you finish your studies?” - others were worried about their friends.

MPs haven’t written such things yet

Why the deputy decided to write this is still a mystery. He retracted his words the next day. According to students and teachers, rumors about the merger of the Russian State University for the Humanities with some university have been circulating for many years, but never come true. Although the deputies have not yet written such things.

In many Russian universities It’s still uneasy now. Amid the campaign to combat ineffective universities, the Ministry is looking closely at every little thing. What was it like for the students to see in mid-December the already mentioned website, the authors of which described how bad and terrible things were at the Russian State University for the Humanities. Here is a rating of corrupt officials within the university with voting, and a letter to Vladimir Putin. “The last straw was the inclusion of Russian State University for the Humanities on the list of ineffective universities,” the anonymous people were indignant. “How can it be effective if teachers leave it, and those who stayed because of patriotism for their native university are forced to work several jobs, because Is the salary at the Russian State University for the Humanities barely enough for rent and travel?” “Of course, our salaries are low, but this is the case everywhere. Do you think MSU pays more? Nothing like that, I specifically asked my colleagues from Moscow State University,” retorted Tatyana Volkova, a teacher at the Russian State University for the Humanities, in a comment for Gaude. More than five teachers from the Russian State University for the Humanities published blogs denouncing the letter, some directly calling it a fake and propaganda. The unknown authors of the site sent out an appeal to the media with the only contact - this is Mikhail Valentinovich Mayoradze. No one could find such a person, not a single journalist ever reached the specified number.

This is absolutely clear, an organized campaign.

"IN lately there was a sharp flow of all sorts of incomprehensible materials regarding the Russian State University for the Humanities and, in particular, the faculty where I have been teaching for 12 years,” said the Russian State University for the Humanities teacher, head of the Communicator PR agency Viktor Michaelson to the FIPP students. “This is absolutely clear, an organized campaign - in social networks and on the Internet, we have been working as a consulting company for seven years and we know very well how such campaigns are organized. Sites with voting results, leaks - all these technologies are known.”

In the video: the initiative group of the Russian State University for the Humanities is studying an anonymous website with accusations against the university


In mid-January the site disappeared. “I believe it stopped working because it was a one-off project. Its main task was to plant incriminating evidence and denigrate the people mentioned there,” says Dmitry Belyaev, a lecturer at the Russian State University for the Humanities and deputy dean of the Institute of Industrial History. “Almost all the “corrupt officials” mentioned in the text are influential players within the university who could apply for top administrative positions in the event changes in the administration. According to my impressions, the situation with the university is aggravated both by external pressure, since the new leadership of the Ministry of Education and Science is clearly dissatisfied with the administration of the university, and by the struggle for power within the Russian State University for the Humanities, which has intensified under these conditions.”

“Various reasons were expressed at the student meeting. Nobody really knows the truth: who it is, what it is. We don’t yet see obvious reasons and the customer,” reflects Ivan Drobyshev. “It’s not clear how long-term it’s worth looking at. Now there is a decree that creates a joint scientific and educational center with the FSO, there is a decree on cooperation with Rosmolodezh. Maybe everything was started for the sake of this. It's just impossible to say for sure yet. People are ready to participate, we are ready to resist information attacks. The first wave somehow got through, we are following the news and keeping active.”

The Ministry of Education and Science recognized the Russian State University for the Humanities as an ineffective university, and rector Efim Pivovar, according to BG, will soon leave his post. Why was the university, within the walls of which literary critic Mikhail Gasparov, medievalist historian Aron Gurevich, culturologist Sergei Averintsev worked, and many wonderful scientists still work, suddenly declared ineffective? BG figured out what reasons led to such a deplorable situation and found out what awaits the university in the future

And yet, despite the objective problems of the university, there is a feeling that all the sins of the Russian State University for the Humanities came to light at once, at one moment, for a reason. In a country where mistakes and violations can be hushed up for years, such a concentrated flow of revelations does not seem natural.

For example, it is alarming that Boris Sobolev, who made a film about bribes at a university, is considered both in the journalistic and university environment to be a court television reporter for Rosobrnadzor and the Ministry of Education and Science. Many sensations from the “Down of Knowledge” were obtained with the explicit support of officials. Moreover, just recently Boris Sobolev had to justify himself for fabricating a similar story about RGTEU.

The activity of State Duma deputies that began in the last six months also raises doubts: immediately after Sobolev’s program was shown on central television, Irina Yarovaya demanded that the Prosecutor General’s Office check the facts of corruption in the Russian State University for the Humanities. Alexander Khinshtein wrote on his Twitter about the dismissal of Pivovar and the reorganization of the Russian State University for the Humanities as a fait accompli. BG’s interlocutor at the university suggests that, most likely, someone, with the help of deputies, is trying to compete for the rector’s position - although it is unknown who exactly inspired the odious parliamentarians to make waves.

In January 2013, the Accounts Chamber also joined the fight, publishing the “misuse of additional budget financing” in the amount of 156.2 million rubles, which was found back in September. It turned out that the money intended for the “maintenance and development of the material and technical base” was spent on salaries for administrative and managerial personnel.

The management of the Russian State University for the Humanities considers the auditors’ conclusions controversial: “The funds from the rent were transferred to the wage fund of all employees, and not to the administration. This was done, among other things, based on the results of negotiations with an initiative group of employees who were dissatisfied with the level of remuneration; Moreover, the legislation has now changed, and the use of this money for wages is now permitted,” the university’s press service said.

Be that as it may, on the same day that the Accounts Chamber published the results of the audit, the website “There is no corruption at the Russian State University for the Humanities” and an anonymous letter “from the staff of the Russian State University for the Humanities” appeared online, the authors of which asked Vladimir Putin to deal with the corruption and nepotism that had engulfed university. The main “corrupt official” turned out to be Pivovar himself.

However, teachers who spoke under their own names, including those who were dissatisfied with the leadership, condemned the appearance of the anonymous letter and disowned its authorship. “The initiators of the verification and the authors of the anonymous letters and false website - different people(we won’t name names), but they have the same goal,” the university explains.

In any case, there is reason to believe that a real campaign with abundant incriminating evidence has been launched against the Russian State University for the Humanities and the rector, in which the Ministry of Education and Science is participating, wittingly or unwittingly.

“Whatever the real reasons for this discontent, one thing is clear to me and to many of my fellow teachers: under the pretext of fighting corruption, bureaucratic elites are fighting for dominance over one of the best universities country, while speculating on the humiliating financial situation in which, with the connivance of the state, the majority of Russian workers find themselves high school. In this situation, I would like to call on my colleagues to unite and show solidarity. The events of the past year should have taught us a lot.

The problems of the Russian State University for the Humanities are not the private problems of an individual “ineffective” university. They cannot be resolved simply by changing leadership. The entire system needs serious reform higher education. But it will not yield anything if it is carried out only “from above”, without the participation of the teaching community. It is necessary to get rid of the atmosphere of servility and sycophancy that continues to reign in our universities and favors the fact that the fate of science and education is often controlled by mediocre and unscrupulous people. Everything possible must be done to ensure that democratic procedures work, ensuring the regular election and replacement of persons occupying all administrative positions, from the head of the department to the rector of the university. Today, more than ever, there is a need for a strong teaching union capable of defending the principles of university self-government.”

  • Tags:

On December 11, the Russian State University for the Humanities hosted a presentation of an art album of photographs by the vice-president of the Metropolis League, head of the educational scientific center“Art-Design” of the Russian State University for the Humanities, member of the Union of Artists of Russia Galina Viktorovna Volkova “Sensations”. This book is the result of Galina Viktorovna’s long and hard work together with the Moscow League of Cultural and Artistic Workers “Metropolis”.

The presentation was opened by the rector of the Russian State University for the Humanities, corresponding member. RAS Efim Pivovar, who congratulated Galina Viktorovna on this significant event, noting that the Art Design center always pleases with its works. He explained how long the project took to prepare and how much effort was put into its implementation: “I watched from the sidelines and saw how difficult it was to choose the best from a huge number of materials.” The rector also noted that the work was produced and published entirely in Russia, which is undoubtedly a reason for pride.

Speaking at the presentation, Director of the Educational and Scientific Center for Visual Anthropology and Egohistory, Honored Professor of the Russian State University for the Humanities N.I. Basovskaya spoke about her long-term friendship with Galina Viktorovna and how the project developed: “What was initially just a hobby for a person who does many other things, before my eyes turned into a passion, and then into a profession. And this transformation is an encouraging example for many people.” She also noted that now it is necessary to rely on eternal values, such as the beauty presented in this work.

Director of the Institute of Mass Media N.K. Svanidze drew attention to the fact that the collection of photographs turned out to be “internally free.” In his opinion, the author of the photographs has this inner freedom, and she likes everything she sees.

Galina Viktorovna was also congratulated by the director of the Institute general history RSUH, member of the RSUH supervisory board, academician A.O. Chubaryan. He described the publication of the collection as an extraordinary event both for the university and for the humanities in general. Alexander Oganovich noted that design is now an entire scientific field, and such projects help instill in young people a taste for art, life, and beauty.

Director of the Museum Center of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Deputy Director of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. A.S. Pushkina I.V. Bakanova paid special attention to the fact that “a person lives and feeds on impressions,” and admitted that the exhibition and collection aroused a lot of positive feelings in her. She emphasized that a photographer and a teacher are a rare combination in one person, and noted the special “photo narrative” in the collection. Irina Viktorovna also pointed out the importance of the release of this album as cultural heritage and a source of inspiration for RSUH students.

Vice-Rector for educational work, Director of IAI A.B. Bezborodov called the collection “a work of art, a very multifaceted source of positive feelings.” He congratulated Galina Viktorovna, as well as the staff of the Faculty of Art History. Alexander Borisovich also said that this event is the result of a creative synthesis that underlies a university with an extraordinary educational process. According to him, thanks to the efforts of Galina Viktorovna and her team, the university preserves traditions and uses new technologies to teach students creative specialties.

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Director of the Institute of Economics and Management N.I. Arkhipova noted how the title of the collection of photographs corresponds to its content: “Each photograph here is truly a feeling, a personal attitude towards the image of the artist himself, this is empathy.” She noted that each frame of the album is capable of evoking a lot of emotions in a person, touching the soul, and once again congratulated everyone on the release of the collection.

Vice-Rector for International Innovation Projects V.I. Zabotkina emphasized that each photograph in the collection carries a whole picture of emotions conveyed by the author, and also noted that the album is a reflection of the author: “Every meeting with Galina Viktorovna is always a pleasant surprise, it’s always a lot of emotions.”

Many more warm words were addressed to the photographer. Galina Viktorovna herself thanked everyone present for the congratulations and support that she received throughout the preparation of the collection, and also invited everyone to the presentation of the collection “Sensations” at Mosfilm on December 18. Everyone was also given copies of the album signed by the author.

© Russian State Humanitarian University

On Tuesday, May 26, the Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU) will host a meeting between Rector Efim Pivovar and the faculty of the university. On the eve of the meeting, RSUH teachers distributed an open letter to the rector.

It is expected that during the meeting issues that have been troubling all the employees of the Russian State University for the Humanities for several weeks will be discussed. We are talking, first of all, about changing the humiliating practice in which teachers are forced to conclude one-year contracts (it is on these terms that teachers who have ended their previous longer contracts work at the university, including doctors of sciences and professors associated with the Russian State University for the Humanities for more than one decade) .

In addition, representatives of departments and training centers The Russian State University for the Humanities intends to demand from the rectorate a moral and administrative response to the data published by Dissernet about the defense of “fake” dissertations within the university’s walls.

RSUH professors failed to get the letter published on the university website, so it appeared in the group "Teachers of the Russian State University for the Humanities" on Facebook.

The site provides the text of the letter in full.

Chairman of the Academic Council of the Russian State University for the Humanities,
member-corr. RAS, Rector of the Russian State University for the Humanities,
Professor E.I. To the brewer

Dear Efim Iosifovich,

Being associated with the Russian State University for the Humanities through work, students, friends, colleagues, and highly appreciating the level of the university in some of the most important areas of humanities, we are seriously concerned about the talk about troubles in university life, which have recently come to us more and more often. In particular, we received with disappointment and bewilderment the results of the recent elections to the Academic Council of the Russian State University for the Humanities, in which the only candidate who not only did not receive unanimous approval, but was also actively voted out by the majority of electors, was Doctor of History. n., chief researcher IVGI and professor of the Institute of Oriental Cultures and Antiquity Nina Vladimirovna Braginskaya.

What happened, in our opinion, is detrimental not only because because of this, the interests of the main educational and scientific centers of the Russian State University for the Humanities remained unrepresented in the composition of the new Academic Council, but also because it obviously intensifies the already turbulent social atmosphere at the university. Many RSUH employees rightly suspect fraud or elements of administrative pressure in such unprecedented voting results, which means that the consequences may be unpredictable - the protest, expressed so far mainly on social networks, threatens to go public any day now.

It seems to us that the conflict situation could be resolved or at least transferred to a calmer direction if you, using your powers as the rector of the university and the chairman of the Academic Council, agreed to take measures to resolve at least two main problems that were unsuccessful Nina Vladimirovna Braginskaya tried to draw the attention of both the RSUH administration and the conference on the elections of the Academic Council (according to a number of RSUH employees, this could be the main reason for the corresponding election results).

  1. A new procedure for concluding employment contracts with employees of the Russian State University for the Humanities, in which they, virtually regardless of any factors (experience, degree, position, etc.), now sign new contracts every year. This situation seems to us, like Braginskaya, outrageous and extremely harmful from the point of view further development university. Honored teachers, including those who have given 20 or more years to the Russian State University for the Humanities, are forced to undergo a humiliating procedure for dismissal and recruitment. Worse, the most valuable specialists, having been removed from the staff, do not always have the opportunity (or desire) to return to the university, which weakens its scientific potential from year to year. It is not clear how the academic community can function at all if neither the teacher nor his students know until September whether he will return to work.

    It is impossible to believe that there is no way out of this situation. We consider it necessary that the administration of the Russian State University for the Humanities, before the start of the summer holidays, make at least a partial decision on concluding normal three- to five-year contracts with employees. At the same time, employees with 10 years or more of experience at the Russian State University for the Humanities should sign open-ended contracts with certification (not a competition) once every five years (as this allows new edition Art. 332 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), and everyone who already had contracts for a period of more than one year should enter into new ones for no shorter period.

  2. The situation, which is entirely within your competence and the competence of the Academic Council of the Russian State University for the Humanities, which has arisen in connection with the massive identification of “fake” dissertations defended in the dissertation council of the Russian State University for the Humanities in Economics, remains absolutely unacceptable. Despite the fact that the council is closed, no public assessment was given to everything that happened in this area within the walls of the Russian State University for the Humanities for more than one year: neither the plagiarists, nor their scientific supervisors, nor those who covered them in the dissertation council were subjected to moral condemnation - on the contrary, almost all of them retained their statuses, positions, feel like winners and behave accordingly. Thus, irreparable damage is caused to the reputation of the Russian State University for the Humanities: students, who know very well the value of such mentors, having become convinced of their impunity, either follow in their footsteps, or begin to despise all their teachers en masse. Both are disastrous both for the university and for social sciences, and for the humanitarian environment in general. Outside observers speak very negatively about us.

    We believe that in the current situation you, as a rector, as a scientist, as a member Russian Academy sciences, you cannot sympathize with unscrupulous businessmen from science, and therefore you are simply obliged to intervene and speak out on the problem of plagiarism, which is all the more logical, considering that the council has already been closed. This, in our opinion, should be followed by administrative measures: of course, a person who copied his dissertation or supervised the “writing” of fake dissertations has no moral right to be your deputy or head of the department. At the same time, it would be fair to organize a public review of all incidents with the participation of independent experts in economics and, by providing the opportunity to openly defend their honor to those suspected of plagiarism and their leaders, to make the conclusions of the wider commission public domain.

We express our confidence that taking immediate measures to resolve these urgent issues will only benefit both the university as a whole and you personally, and we are ready to support your activities in this direction in every possible way.

The letter was signed:

Abalkina Anna Aleksandrovna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Financial University
Avtonomova Natalia Sergeevna, Doctor of Philosophy, leading researcher at IVGI RSUH
Andreev Mikhail Leonidovich, Doctor of Philology, Chief Researcher, IVGI RSUH
Antropova Natalya Aleksandrovna, senior lecturer Educational and Scientific Center Social Anthropology RSUH
Anshakov Oleg Mikhailovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Mathematics, Logic and intelligent systems in the humanities from the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian State University for the Humanities
Apresyan Yuri Derenikovich, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Armand Elena Evgenievna, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of History and Philology of South and Central Asia, IVKA RSUH
Olga Yuryevna Artemova, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Deputy Director of the Educational and Scientific Center for Social Anthropology of the Russian State University for the Humanities
Arkhipova Alexandra Sergeevna, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Center for Typology and Semiotics of Folklore of the Russian State University for the Humanities
Svetlana Viktorovna Babkina, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Center for the Study of Religion of the Russian State University for the Humanities
Bagration-Mukhraneli Irina Leonidovna, associate professor of Orthodox St. Tikhon humanitarian university
Batkin Leonid Mikhailovich, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Chief Researcher of the IVGI RSUH
Belyaev Alexander Pavlovich, lecturer at IVKA RSUH
Bobrik Marina Anatolyevna, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, School of Linguistics, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Brazhnikova Yana Gennadievna, candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor of the department social philosophy Faculty of Philosophy of the Russian State University for the Humanities
Bulakh Maria Stepanovna, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of History and Philology of the Ancient East, IVKA RSUH
Olga Borisovna Vainshtein, Doctor of Philology, leading researcher at IVGI RSUH
Vanyukov Andrey Sergeevich, teacher of the Department of Ancient Languages, Faculty of Theoretical and applied linguistics Institute of Linguistics, Russian State University for the Humanities
Veselovskaya Elizaveta Valentinovna, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Educational and Scientific Center for Social Anthropology of the Russian State University for the Humanities
Volkova Tatyana Aleksandrovna, lecturer at the Department of Mathematics, Logic and Intelligent Systems in the Humanities, Institute of Linguistics, Russian State University for the Humanities
Gavrishina Oksana Vyacheslavovna, Candidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor of the Department of History and Theory of Culture OSKI RSUH
Gelfand Mikhail Sergeevich, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (biophysics), Professor of the Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics of Moscow State University, Member of the European Academy, Deputy Director of the Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Member of the Council of the Scientific Society workers
Gister Marina Aleksandrovna, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of European Languages, Faculty of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Institute of Linguistics, Russian State University for the Humanities
Gordeeva Irina Aleksandrovna, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities
Greshnykh Anna Nikolaevna, senior lecturer at the Faculty of Art History of the Russian State University for the Humanities
Grintser Nikolay Pavlovich, Head of the Department of Classical Philology, IVKA RSUH
Olga Aleksandrovna Gurevich, senior lecturer at the Russian-Italian Educational and Scientific Center of the Russian State University for the Humanities
Gusarova Ksenia Olegovna, candidate of cultural studies, editor of the IVGI RSUH
Demina Natalia Valentinovna, scientific journalist of and the newspaper “Troitsky Variant-Science”
Dreyer Leonid Matveevich, lecturer at the Center for Biblical and Judaic Studies of the Russian State University for the Humanities
Dybo Anna Vladimirovna, Doctor of Philology, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Dybo Vladimir Antonovich, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Eremeeva Svetlana Anatolyevna, Candidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor of the Department of History and Theory of Culture OSKI RSUH
Erokhina Irina Vladislavovna, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of Tula State pedagogical university
Yerusalimsky Konstantin Yuryevich, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of History and Theory of Culture OSK RSUH
Ershova Irina Viktorovna, Professor of the Department of Comparative Literature Studies, Institute of Philology and History of the Russian State University for the Humanities
Zhigarina Elena Evgenievna, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Deputy Director of the IVGI RSUH
Zenkin Sergey Nikolaevich, Doctor of Philology, Chief Researcher of the IVGI RSUH
Zinchenko Sofya Anatolyevna, candidate of art history, faculty humanities National Research University Higher School of Economics
Ivanov Sergey Arkadyevich, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the National Research University Higher School of Economics
Ivanitsky Alexander Ilyich, Doctor of Philology, leading researcher at IVGI RSUH
Ilyina Irina Petrovna, Associate Professor, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Kazansky Nikolai Nikolaevich, Doctor of Philology, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Karasev Leonid Vladimirovich, Doctor of Philology, leading researcher at IVGI RSUH
Karavashkin Andrey Vitalievich, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities and Institute of Philology and History of the Russian State University for the Humanities
Kasyan Maria Sergeevna, senior lecturer at IVKA RSUH
Kostenko Natalya Yurievna, researcher at IVGI RSUH
Anatoly Viktorovich Korchinsky, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of Humanitarian Knowledge, Institute of Philology and History of the Russian State University for the Humanities
Dyer Joseph Semenovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Educational and Scientific Center for Problems and Methods of Data Mining
Lazutin Vsevolod Vladimirovich, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical and Historical Poetics of the Institute of Philology and History of the Russian State University for the Humanities
Lebedev Pavel Nikolaevich, senior lecturer of the Department of General History, Faculty of Archives, Institute of History and Archives of the Russian State University for the Humanities
Levkievskaya Elena Evgenievna, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Educational and Scientific Center for Typology and Semiotics of Folklore of the Russian State University for the Humanities
Lekmanov Oleg Andershanovich, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the School of Philology, Faculty of Humanities, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Lezov Sergey Vladimirovich, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, IVKA RSUH
Yulia Gennadievna Liderman, Candidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor of the Department of History and Theory of Culture OSKI RSUH
Likvintseva Natalya Vladimirovna, Candidate of Philosophy, leading researcher at the House of Russian Abroad
Lyavdansky Alexey Kimovich, senior lecturer at the Department of History and Philology of the Ancient East, IVKA RSUH
Mavlevich Natalya Semenovna, associate professor of the Literary Institute
Magomedova Dina Makhmudovna, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head. Department of Russian Classical Literature, Honored Professor of the Russian State University for the Humanities
Mazo Olga Mikhailovna, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Institute of Higher Education and Culture of the Russian State University for the Humanities
Mazur Natalia Nikolaevna, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor of the European University
Mayofis Maria Lvovna, Associate Professor, RANEPA
Markov Alexander Viktorovich, Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Deputy Dean for Research, Faculty of Art History, Russian State University for the Humanities
Martyanova Svetlana Alekseevna, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor, head of the department of Russian and foreign literature Vladimirsky state university
Milchina Vera Arkadyevna, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Leading Researcher at IVGI RSUH
Mikhailova Tatyana Aleksandrovna, Candidate of Philological Sciences, senior lecturer at the Department of Ancient Languages, Institute of Linguistics, Russian State University for the Humanities
Moroz Andrey Borisovich, Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Institute of Philology and History of the Russian State University for the Humanities
Neklyudova Maria Sergeevna, senior researcher at IVGI RSUH
Neklyudov Sergey Yurievich, Doctor of Philology, Professor, scientific supervisor Center for Typology and Semiotics of Folklore of the Russian State University for the Humanities
Neretina Svetlana Sergeevna, Doctor of Philosophy, chief researcher at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Russian State University for the Humanities
Nikolaev Dmitry Sergeevich, candidate of philological sciences, researcher at the Center for Typology and Semiotics of Folklore of the Russian State University for the Humanities
Nikolsky Boris Mikhailovich, associate professor of the Department of Classical Philology, IVKA, leading researcher at the School of Current Affairs humanities studies RANEPA
Novgorodova Daria Dmitrievna, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, researcher at the Mineralogical Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Oleynikov Andrey Andreevich, Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of History and Theory of Culture OSKI RSUH
Okhotin Nikita Glebovich, senior researcher at the Pushkin House (IRLI RAS)
Pakhsaryan Natalya Tigranovna, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of History of Foreign Literature, Faculty of Philology, Moscow State University
Pekunova Irina Semenovna, specialist in educational and methodological work Sector of Linguistic Comparative Studies IVCA RSUH
Penskaya Daria Sergeevna, specialist in educational and methodological work, IVGI RSUH
Petrov Nikita Viktorovich, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Educational and Scientific Laboratory of Folklore Studies of the Institute of Philology and History of the Russian State University for the Humanities
Anastasia Viktorovna Pogadaeva, senior lecturer at IVKA RSUH
Podosinov Alexander Vasilyevich, Doctor of Historical Sciences, researcher at the Institute of History and Culture of the Russian State University for the Humanities, chief researcher at the Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Pozhidaeva Anna Vladimirovna, candidate of art history, associate professor of the department of art history ancient world and the Middle Ages, Faculty of Art History, Russian State University for the Humanities
Protopopova Irina Aleksandrovna, candidate of cultural studies, associate professor, head of the Platonov Research Scientific Center of the Russian State University for the Humanities
Reutin Mikhail Yuryevich, Doctor of Philology, leading researcher at IVGI RSUH
Rozina Raisa Iosifovna, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of European Languages ​​at the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian State University for the Humanities, leading researcher at the Institute of Russian Language of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Roslyakov Alexander Borisovich, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of History and Theory of Sociology, Faculty of Sociology, Russian State University for the Humanities
Rostovtsev Andrey Afrikanovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor at the Institute of Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Rychkova Nadezhda Nikolaevna, researcher at the Center for Typology and Semiotics of Folklore, Russian State University for the Humanities
Safronov Petr Aleksandrovich, Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Institute Education National Research University HSE
Sedakova Irina Aleksandrovna, Doctor of Philology, leading researcher at the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian State University for the Humanities
Seleznev Mikhail Georgievich, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Institute of Higher Education and Culture of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Head of the Department of Biblical Studies of the All-Church Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies named after Sts. Cyril and Methodius
Sklizkova Alla Persievna, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature, Vladimir State University
Tatyana Igorevna Smolyarova, graduate of the IVGI RGGU graduate school, professor of the Department of Slavic Studies at Columbia University
Sokolov Kirill Sergeevich, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature, Vladimir State University
Starostin Georgy Sergeevich, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of History and Philology Far East IVKA RSUH
Aglaya Borisovna Starostina, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, teacher at the Institute of Computer Science and Culture of the Russian State University for the Humanities
Staff Irina Karlovna, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Literature and Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Strelkov Vladimir Igorevich, Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of History of Foreign Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Russian State University for the Humanities
Tendryakova Maria Vladimirovna, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Educational and Scientific Center for Social Anthropology of the Russian State University for the Humanities
Tishchenko Sergey Vladimirovich, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, leading researcher at the Institute of Oriental Cultures and Antiquity of the Russian State University for the Humanities
Falikman Maria Vyacheslavovna, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, senior researcher at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Olga Borisovna Khristoforova, Doctor of Philology, Director of the Educational and Scientific Center for Typology and Semiotics of Folklore of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Professor of the Educational and Scientific Center for Social Anthropology of the Russian State University for the Humanities
Tsybulskaya Maria Vadimovna, Candidate of Biological Sciences, researcher at the Institute molecular biology RAS
Shmaina-Velikanova Anna Ilyinichna, Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor at the Center for the Study of Religions of the Russian State University for the Humanities
Yakimovich Elena Aleksandrovna, Candidate of Art History, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of Art of Modern and Contemporary Times, Faculty of Art History of the Russian State University for the Humanities
Yasaveev Iskender Gabdrakhmanovich, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General and Ethnic Sociology, Kazan Federal University

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