Food specialty college. Moscow Mechanical and Technological College of Food Industry. Structural divisions, sites

Through hardship to the stars!

A country: Russian Federation

Region: Moscow

Locality: Moscow city

Year of foundation: 1931

Number of students: 1033

All professions are important, we all need chefs!

College history

1931. – Moscow Confectionery Pasta College was founded.

1932. – the technical school was renamed into the confectionery technical school of Mosselprom.

1933. - The Moscow Fermentation College joined the technical school.

1934. – two fermentation groups of the Saransk Technical School were transferred.

1935. – two fruit and berry groups from the Moscow Technical School were transferred to the technical school Food Industry Industrial cooperation of the MOPPS system, forming a winemaking department. The technical school was named "Moscow Technical School of Fermentation and Confectionery Industry" people's commissariat food industry of the RSFSR".

1936. – one coffee and chicory group from the Rostov-Yaroslavl Agricultural College joined the technical school. One group of the technical fat and feed department was recruited.

1940. – the technical school was renamed the Moscow Mechanical and Technological College of the Food Industry (MMTTPP) of the Ministry of Food Industry of the RSFSR.

During the Great Patriotic War The technical school was not evacuated and continued to train specialists for industry, although the technical school building was badly damaged and classes were sharply curtailed.

1943. – a technical school for training master brewers with a 2-year training period was organized at the technical school; the enrollment amounted to 60 people.

1945. – 1953 – mechanical and planning departments were opened, evening and correspondence departments were organized.

1968. – opening of the Hero Museum Soviet Union T.P. Makarova is a graduate of the technical school, a pilot of the legendary 46th Guards Women's Aviation Regiment of light night bombers.

1981. – a new educational building with a total area of ​​9.7 thousand square meters was put into operation. m, which has a library, a sports complex, an assembly hall, training and production workshops, a canteen, a health center, 20 laboratories and 25 classrooms, and computer classes.

1983. – near the technical school building a stela was erected to the Hero of the Soviet Union, a graduate of the technical school, pilot T.P. Makarova.

1991. – A professional museum was opened at the technical school - the Museum of Bread.

1992. – MMTTPP was renamed the Moscow Food College.

2004. – as a result of reorganization through mergers of State educational institutions: State educational institution of Moscow Food College, State educational institution Vocational school No. 152, the State educational institution of the Professional Trade Lyceum No. 306 was formed by the State educational institution average vocational education Food College No. 33

In 2011, State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education Food College No. 33 celebrated its 80th anniversary.

2011. – By order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, the State educational institution of secondary vocational education Food College No. 33 was renamed into the State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the city of Moscow Food College No. 33.

About Us

Food College No. 33

Full name of the College: State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education in Moscow Food College No. 33

Organizational and legal form: government agency.

Location of the College: 115404, Moscow, st. 6th Radialnaya, building 10. (tel. 495-327-51-49)

Current address of the College:

115404, Moscow, st. 6th Radialnaya, building 10; (tel. 495-321-52-45; 495-327-51-51)

117545, Moscow, Varshavskoe highway, building 129. (tel. 495-389-17-27)

Director: Molchanov Pavel Viktorovich.

Founder: city of Moscow.

Higher authority: Department

education of the city of Moscow.

District: Southern administrative.

District: Biryulyovo East.

Forms of study: Full-time (full-time), correspondence

Teaching staff


Molchanov Pavel Viktorovich- Director

Graduated from the Moscow Automobile and Highway Institute in 2002. Qualification: engineer. Specialty: transport complexes of rocket technology. In the vocational education system since 2003. He is the head of innovative educational programs within the framework of the City Target Program “Working Personnel” and the priority national project “Education”. From 02/08/2012 he was appointed director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education, Food College No. 33.

College is staffed teaching staff, administrative and managerial staff and educational support staff. The total staff is 163 people.

The basic education of all teaching staff fully corresponds to the content of specialist training carried out at the college in all blocks of disciplines and meets the goals, objectives and directions educational activities educational institution.

Educational work in 2012/2013 academic year taught by 61 full-time teachers, 19 masters industrial training, 12 part-time employees and 6 hourly teachers, from among highly qualified production specialists, university teachers, etc.

63% of teachers and industrial training masters have qualification categories, 57% of the teaching staff have the highest qualification category.

The college employs:

– 4 candidates of sciences;

– 2 people “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation”;

– 1 person “Excellence in Public Education”;

– 3 people “Honorary Worker of the Russian Federation”;

– 5 people “Honorary Worker of NGOs of the Russian Federation”;

– 1 person “Excellence in primary vocational education”;

– 4 people were awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation;

– 13 people were awarded the medal “In honor of the 850th anniversary of Moscow”;

– 4 people have the “Moscow Grant”;

– 23 Labor veterans.

Our achievements

Gratitude to the director and teaching staff for the professional training of students

Additional education

GBOU SPO PK No. 33 provides educational services to the population at short-term vocational training courses in NGO professions:

– Cashier of the trading floor, volume 160 academic hours;

– Seller of non-food products (by product groups), volume 160 academic hours;

– Carving, volume 72 academic hours.

Citizens are admitted to vocational training courses regardless of basic education.

Training in advanced training courses under NPO programs is conducted with the aim of increasing the level in the following areas:

– cashier of the trading floor, volume 72 academic hours;

– salesperson, controller-cashier, volume 72 academic hours;

– cook, volume 72 academic hours.

Training in advanced training courses for secondary vocational education programs is conducted in the following areas:

– installation and technical operation of refrigeration compressor machines and installations on the topic: “Improving professional skills based on new technologies”, volume 160 academic hours;

– product technology Catering on the topic: “Technology and development of new dishes of national cuisines”, volume 72 academic hours.

– technology of bread, confectionery and pasta on the topic: “ Modern technologies bakery, confectionery and pasta”, volume 72 academic hours.

Persons with primary vocational education or secondary vocational education in areas of training are accepted for advanced training courses.

Training in advanced training courses and professional training courses is paid.

Based on the results of the final certification, a “Certificate of short-term professional development” or a “Certificate of short-term professional training” is issued.

Our projects

Computer equipment and internet connection

Usage information technologies in training and expanding the information space for participants educational process is one of the most important areas of work of any modern educational institution. To solve the problems of computerization, transformations are being carried out at the college educational systems, revision of the content of education, methods, organizational forms of training, teaching aids. New information, communication and computer technologies help improve the teaching of both traditional, methodologically well-supported subjects and special training subjects.

Currently, the college has six computer classes, four of which are located in the first structural unit and two in the second. The total number of computers used in teaching computer science and information technology is 79. The college also has a specialized computer class for training specialists in the installation, technical operation and repair of refrigeration compressor machines and installations, which includes 15 personal computers connected to special equipment .

The college's management process uses 43 personal computers. All computer classes and administration computers have access to the global Internet information network.

The college library has two Internet kiosks providing students with free access to the Internet.

Modern educational technologies require active student involvement in educational process, increasing his creativity and developing independence in mastering professional knowledge. For this purpose, the college actively uses multimedia equipment. Currently, the college has 19 classrooms equipped with stationary multimedia equipment, and 5 classrooms have interactive whiteboards.

Our partners


Studying in college is inextricably linked with industrial training.

Venues for industrial training: Metro Cash and Carry LLC, Garant Trade-M LLC, My Store, Euromir LLC, Yakitoria restaurant, FoodEx LLC, Silver LLC, Krasny Oktyabr OJSC, KK OJSC Babaevsky, OJSC Rot Front, OJSC Khlebokombinat, Proletarets, CJSC BKK Kolomensky, LLC M-Kholod, LLC Dobry Kholod, catering establishments, etc. Very often, enterprises where students study industrial practice become the place of their further work.

After graduating from college, students can continue and continue their studies in the specialty profile in an abbreviated form at higher educational institutions: MGUPB, MSUTU, MSUPP, etc.


LLC "Metro Cash and Carry"

Cash&Carry stores are aimed at small-scale and wholesale customers who purchase goods in cash. Policy low prices and the constant availability of wholesale and small-scale batches of goods allows us to maintain high turnover in all product categories


CJSC BPC "Kolomensky"

The Moscow bakery and confectionery plant "Kolomenskoye" is one of the leading food industry enterprises in Moscow. Since April 20, 2009, the Plant has been conducting excursions for schoolchildren in grades 3-11 to bread and confectionery production every day, except Saturday and Sunday.



We are successfully developing a chain of supermarkets for household appliances and electronics. For our clients, we provide a wide range of goods, storage, delivery, warranty and post-warranty service.


"Good Cold" company

The Dobryi Kholod company provides a full range of services for refrigeration and climate control equipment. The Dobryi Kholod company specializes in the repair, sale and maintenance of refrigeration equipment and air conditioners. During its existence, it has established itself as a reliable partner whose priorities are the desire and interests of the client, as well as the quality and speed of work.


OJSC "Proletarets" Bread Factory

The products of OJSC "Proletarets Bread Factory" have received wide recognition not only from consumers, but have also been awarded highest grades leading experts in this field, evidence of this is the prizes and awards awarded to products at Russian and international exhibitions.


JSC "Rot Front"

One of the largest manufacturers and leaders of the Russian market; annual production of more than 50 thousand tons of sweet products; A combination of the latest technologies with long-standing traditions of producing high-quality products.


JSC "Red October"

OJSC "Red October" is one of the oldest confectionery enterprises in Russia. Part of the United Confectioners holding. Located in Moscow.


OJSC "Babaevsky Confectionery Concern"

OJSC "Babaevsky Confectionery Concern" is the oldest enterprise in Russia, part of the United Confectioners holding. Our goal is to provide consumers with high-quality and useful products


OJSC "Experimental confectionery and bakery plant "Zvezdny"

OJSC "Experimental confectionery and bakery plant "Zvezdny" is one of the largest in Russia and Europe industrial complexes for the production of bakery products, confectionery and quick-frozen semi-finished dough products


Retail chain "My Store"

The retail chain “My Store” is a developing network of Russian retail, providing a wide range of quality products and high level modern service.



Moscow State University applied biotechnology. State. Founded in 1930.



MGUPP - Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State University of Food Production" of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation. MSUPP is the largest technical university in Russia for training specialists for the food and processing industries of the agro-industrial complex and the biotechnological industry.



Higher educational institution, located in Moscow. Created in 1953. Previously called the All-Union Correspondence Institute of the Food Industry (VZIPP), the Moscow State Correspondence Institute of the Food Industry (MGZIPP), the Moscow State Technological Academy (MGTA), and since 2004, the Moscow State University of Technology and Management (MGUTU).


1 division:115404 6th Radialnaya Street, 10 (main building)

Phones: 327-51-49, 327-52-35

2 division: 113525 Varshavskoe highway, 129
Phones: 315-48-88, 389-08-88

Additional Information

Structural units, platforms

Driving directions

115404, Moscow, 6th Radialnaya st., 10 (SP No. 1)

327-51-49, 327-51-43

113525, Moscow, Varshavskoe highway, 129 (SP No. 2)

State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education in Moscow Food College No. 33

College majors

▪ Technician, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: yes

▪ Manager, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: yes

▪ Baker, Confectioner, full-time, based on 11 classes, 10 months, budget: yes, paid: yes

▪ Cook, pastry chef, full-time, based on 9 classes, 2 years 5 months, budget: yes, paid: yes
▪ Cook, pastry chef, full-time, based on 11 classes, 10 months, budget: yes, paid: yes
▪ Cook, pastry chef, part-time (evening), based on 11 classes, 1 year 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes

▪ Technician – technologist, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: yes

▪ Technician - technologist, full-time, based on 11 classes, 2 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: yes
▪ Technician - technologist, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes
▪ Technician - technologist, part-time (evening), based on 11 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes

▪ Commodity expert, full-time, based on 11 classes, 1 year 10 months, budget: yes, paid: yes

Nearest colleges

Students of Financial College No. 35 receive secondary vocational education in specialties. The college employs a creative teaching staff that has its own traditions and maintains a normal psychological microclimate. Qualification practice is carried out at the places of future work, which then allows the young specialist to easily adapt to the workforce. Some graduates, on the recommendation of the college, are sent by customers for further education at colleges.

The history of Tsaritsyno College goes back to 1977. In 2014, the Moscow College of Management, Hotel Business and Information Technologies Tsaritsyno was created by joining the State Budget Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education of the city of Moscow College of Hotel Management "Tsaritsyno" No. 37 of two other educational institutions: Moscow Technical College and Moscow College of Management and New Technologies.

The Sports Pedagogical College is a unique educational institution in Moscow that trains personnel for the field physical culture and sports in the system of secondary vocational education. For highly qualified athletes, an individual training schedule is provided, which allows them to master educational program based individual work with teachers, use modern distance learning technologies and take exams and tests at a time convenient for them in accordance with the schedule of the educational and training process.

State budgetary professional educational institution of Moscow "Food College No. 33" (GBPOU "Food College No. 33")
Year of foundation
Director Molchanov Pavel Viktorovich
Students 1033
Location Russia, Moscow
Address Moscow, 6th Radialnaya street, 10.

Moscow Food College- secondary specialized educational institution in Moscow.


Former Moscow Mechanical and Technological College of Food Industry.

  • 1931 - Moscow Confectionery Pasta College was founded.
  • 1932 - the technical school was renamed into the confectionery technical school of Mosselprom.
  • 1933 - the Moscow Fermentation College joined the technical school.
  • 1934 - two fermentation groups of the Saransk Technical School were transferred.
  • 1935 - two fruit and berry groups from the Moscow College of Food Industry of the Industrial Cooperation of the MOPPS system were transferred to the technical school, forming a winemaking department. The technical school was named "Moscow Technical School of Fermentation and Confectionery Industry of the People's Commissariat of the Food Industry of the RSFSR."
  • 1936 - one coffee and chicory group from the Rostov-Yaroslavl Agricultural College joined the technical school. One group of the technical fat and feed department was recruited.
  • 1940 - the technical school was renamed the Moscow Mechanical and Technological College of the Food Industry (MMTTPP) of the Ministry of Food Industry of the RSFSR. During the Great Patriotic War, the technical school was not evacuated; it continued to train specialists for industry, although the technical school building was badly damaged and classes were sharply curtailed.
  • 1943 - a technical school for training master brewers with a 2-year training period was organized at the technical school; enrollment amounted to 60 people.
  • 1945 - 1953 - mechanical and planning departments were opened, evening and correspondence departments were organized.
  • 1968 - opening of the museum of the Hero of the Soviet Union T. P. Makarova - a graduate of the technical school, a pilot of the legendary 46th Guards Women's Aviation Regiment of light night bombers.
  • 1981 - a new educational building with a total area of ​​9.7 thousand m² was put into operation, which has a library, a sports complex, an assembly hall, training and production workshops, a canteen, a health center, equipped with 20 laboratories and 25 classrooms, computer classes.
  • 1983 - near the technical school building a stele was erected to the Hero of the Soviet Union, graduate of the technical school, pilot T. P. Makarova.
  • 1991 - a professional museum was opened at the technical school - the Museum of Bread.
  • 1992 - MMTTPP was renamed the Moscow Food College.
  • 2004 - as a result of reorganization through mergers of State educational institutions:
    • State educational institution of Moscow Food College,
    • State educational institution Vocational School No. 152,
    • State educational institution Professional Trade Lyceum No. 306, -
The State Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education “Food College No. 33” was founded.
  • In 2011, State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education Food College No. 33 celebrated its 80th anniversary.
  • 2011 - By order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, the State educational institution of secondary vocational education Food College No. 33 was renamed into the State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the city of Moscow Food College No. 33.
  • 2015 - GBOU SPO Food College No. 33 was renamed GBPOU Food College No. 33.

The former Moscow Mechanical and Technological College of Meat and Refrigeration Industry, located at st. Verkhnie Polya, 27

One of the structural divisions of the State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education of the Technological College No. 28 is the former Moscow Mechanical and Technological College of the Meat and Refrigeration Industry.

It begins its history in 1931. The reason for the creation of the Moscow Mechanical and Technological College of the Meat and Refrigeration Industry was a radical reconstruction of the country's livestock base. It provided for the creation of large state meat state farms and the organization of the meat industry based on the latest technological advances in the field of livestock processing.

The rapid growth of the meat industry is not possible without qualified personnel. The resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks dated December 20, 1929 noted the crucial importance of training personnel for the meat industry and, in connection with this, the need to organize special technical schools and faculties at universities.The dispersal of the specialist training system did not allow solving the problem of providing the meat industry with a sufficient number of mid- and senior-level specialists. Therefore, in 1931, the Moscow Technical School of the Meat Industry was organized as part of the Moscow Chemical and Technological Training Plant.

At that time, the technical school had four departments: technological, mechanical, chemical and economic.

On September 1, 1933, this technical school was separated into an independent educational institution - the Moscow Meat Technical School. In 1936, students, some teachers and staff of the fat technical school were transferred there in connection with the liquidation of the latter.

In 1938, on the basis of a resolution of the Economic Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and an order of the People's Commissariat of the Food Industry, the Moscow Meat College and the Moscow Refrigeration College, administered by the People's Commissariat of the Food Industry, were merged into a single Moscow Mechanical and Technological College of the Meat and Refrigeration Industry.

In the fall of 1941, due to the difficult front-line situation near Moscow, the technical school was prepared for evacuation to the city of Tyumen. But the offensive German armies was stopped and the technical school was not evacuated. On January 1, 1942, it resumed its work with two departments: technological and mechanical. In 1949, the refrigeration department was also reopened.

In the period from January 1, 1942 to November 1, 1950, only a full-time department functioned at the technical school. On November 1, 1950, an evening department in technological and mechanical specialties was again organized.

On November 24, 1955, by order of the Ministry of Meat and Dairy Industry of the USSR, the All-Union correspondence technical school meat and dairy industry, training in which was carried out in seven specialties: “Technology of meat and poultry products”, “Technology of milk and dairy products”, “Equipment of meat industry enterprises”, “Equipment of dairy industry enterprises”, “Refrigeration and compressor machines and installations” , “Planning at food industry enterprises”, “Accounting”.

In 1955, the USSR Ministry of Meat and Dairy Industry commissioned the technical school to train two from the Mongolian People's Republic. In 1959 they successfully graduated from technical school. Yunden Luvsandorzh, having graduated from the Odessa Technological Institute after technical school, works at the Ministry of Food Industry of the Mongolian People's Republic, and Badrakh is the head of the sausage shop at the Ulaanbaatar meat processing plant.

In 1960, courses were organized to prepare applicants to the technical school for both full-time and correspondence education systems.

Since 1967, the technical school resumed training foreign students. 10 specialists were trained from Mongolia, two from Somalia, and one specialist from Cuba.

Throughout its existence, the technical school has trained hundreds of specialists for the meat, dairy and refrigeration industries.

In 2005, the technical school, as an institution of secondary vocational education, became part of the State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education Technological College No. 28 and continues to train qualified personnel already as part of the college.

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