Why laughter is good. Healing with laughter from the point of view of science and spiritual practice Laughter produces

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Happiness is influenced by 4 special hormones: endorphin, dopamine, oxytocin and serotonin. They are released into the blood when a person does something useful for survival. At this moment, we feel a surge of strength, there is a desire to move mountains, however, for a short time: soon the level of miraculous substances drops to the next useful action, which can be expected for a very long time. And you can not wait.

We are in website figured out what to do in order to quickly and without straining to increase the level of hormones of happiness, and at the end of the article we will tell you about one well-known vitamin, without which substances useful for our mood will not be produced.

1. Endorphin - the hormone of happiness

Endorphin blocks pain and helps us survive in extreme conditions, which is why it is called a natural drug. In the wild, in living beings, its level rises sharply only in mortal danger. For example, an animal wounded by a predator, thanks to endorphins, can run for several more minutes without feeling pain, and thus gets a chance for salvation. Fortunately, a person does not need to expose themselves to such risks in order to feel euphoric.

There are several ways to increase endorphin production:

  • Sports and outdoor activities are suitable, but the muscles should work almost to the point of wear and tear. A sign of the release of the hormone into the blood will be a feeling of "second wind".
  • A small amount of endorphin is released when we laugh and listen to music that brings us to tears.
  • An unusual way is chili peppers. Put a pinch on the tip of your tongue and wait a few minutes.
  • Another exotic way is acupuncture. During an acupuncture session, endorphins are released into the blood in the same way as if you were overtaken by a fit of laughter.

2. Dopamine - the hormone of motivation

Dopamine is responsible for motivation and reward. This is the hormone that allows us to learn effectively. When we achieve what we really want, a large release of dopamine into the blood occurs, and a neural chain is fixed in the brain that connects the performed action with the resulting euphoria. This is what drives and motivates us to achieve our goals.

Oxytocin allows us to feel affection for people - the higher the level of the hormone, the more tenderly we love friends, parents, chosen ones, and we also stop feeling fear, anxiety and the desire to flirt with strangers. A high level of oxytocin is the cause of goosebumps from the touch of a loved one, the feeling of "butterflies in the stomach" and other pleasant things.

A surge of strength, a desire to act, a colossal self-confidence - these are the main signs high level serotonin. According to many studies, this hormone has a direct relationship with social status: the more serotonin, the more chances for self-fulfillment, and vice versa: with a low level of this hormone, frequent depression, fixation on experiences and apathy are observed.

There are several easy ways to increase serotonin production.

  • Keep your posture. When you slouch, the level of the hormone decreases, and this causes self-doubt, guilt or shame for no reason.
  • Eat pumpkin, hard cheese, boiled eggs, cottage cheese and lentils: they contain the amino acid tryptophan, from which serotonin is produced. Foods high in vitamin B are also suitable - dried apricots, prunes, sea kale.
  • Get enough sleep: the more alert you are, the easier it is for your body to produce an internal antidepressant.
  • Eat less sweets. A strong craving for sugar indicates a lack of serotonin, but the fast carbohydrates found in sweets stimulate only short-term production of the hormone. It is much more useful and safer to eat foods rich in complex carbohydrates - vegetables, fruits, various cereals.
  • Take vitamin supplements.

Have you come across situations when knowing your own body helped you become happier?

Hormone of joy(we will speak generally) is produced mainly in the brain when you experience exceptionally pleasant emotions and experiences, and at the same time they have a positive effect not only on your mood, but also on the body as a whole. It is the hormone of joy that reduces the sensation of pain, breaks down fats, improves immunity, monitors normal pressure.

The main hormones of joy are serotonin and endorphin. Serotonin is produced in the brainstem and in the gastrointestinal tract. It is he who is called the “mood hormone”, but he is responsible not only for him, but also for the joy of movement, craving for knowledge, muscle tone, self-control and emotional restraint. With an excess of serotonin, uncontrollable euphoria, disinhibition and a willingness to take risky actions occur. With a lack of this important hormone of joy, you can get upset over trifles, experience depression, even suicidal tendencies.

You can replenish the stocks of the hormone of joy serotonin with bitter chocolate, bananas, pumpkin, bread, dates, sweets, as well as foods rich in vitamins B and C.

Endorphin is equivalent to serotonin hormone of joy. It is produced in the hypothalamus and it is he who is called the “hormone of joy”, since it is able to put you in a state of mild pleasant euphoria, as they say, when “you feel dizzy with happiness.” Also, endorphin acts as a natural analgesic, accelerates wound healing, increases stress resistance, and even fights unbridled appetite. But with an overabundance of the hormone of joy, a person falls into a state close to insanity, when he cannot adequately perceive the surrounding realities. With a lack, they become pessimists, are in constant depression, often get sick and have a hard time enduring illness. To avoid such consequences, do more sports, even walking contributes to the production of endorphins in the body. Having sex also stimulates the production of the hormone of joy. Listen to your favorite music, there is even such a thing as music therapy, the main theory of which is the relationship between pleasant sounds and the production of endorphins. Also, the release of the hormone of joy will help solving crossword puzzles and laughter. Just 10 minutes of laughter a day normalizes blood pressure, fights headaches and weakness.

Serotonin and endorphin are, of course, the main hormones of joy, but by no means the only ones. For example, the well-known hormone -. It stimulates physical activity, emotional arousal, accelerating the heart rate and speed of thought. - hormone of pleasure, produced during food and sex. Phenylethylamine is the hormone of love, it is to him that we owe a feeling of sympathy and tenderness. Oxytocin is the hormone of motherhood, produced to a greater extent in women during pregnancy and it is he who is responsible for attachment to the child and sexual partner.

The hormone of joy is what we need not only for a positive mood, but also for the body as a whole. Its deficiency is unacceptable, since being in a good mood is a guarantee of health, but there should not be an overabundance of the hormone of joy, well, maybe a little. Smile, make this world a better place!

The phenomenon of laughter is known to everyone. This is a kind of emotional and physiological reaction, which is expressed through motor involuntary, pulsating movements of the body, jerky sounds and deep breathing rhythm. This is an innate mental mechanism experienced and used by almost every person.

The phenomenon of laughter has been considered by philosophers and other wise men for many millennia: already Aristotle pointed out that laughter is what distinguishes man from animal. Scholastics, such as Thomas Aquinas, distinguished good laughter from reprehensible. Kant wrote about the cathartic role of laughter: "Laughter is the affect of the sudden transformation of intense expectation into nothing." Nietzsche maximized the impact of laughter by pointing out that it is not through anger that one kills, but through laughter. Sigmund Freud referred to laughter as "diarrhea of ​​mental excitement." One of my German professor's teachers, the social philosopher and sociologist Helmut Plessner, explored the limits of human behavior through laughter and crying. For Henri Bergson, laughter is “not understood” in every sense.

The Science of Laughter - Gelotology

Laughter has been and is used in the life of every person, consciously or unconsciously, this is a well-known practical experience. But the scientific and theoretical basis for laughter was summed up relatively recently. The science of laughter, the influence of laughter on a person, its healing properties - helotology(from the Greek γέλως gélōs - laughter), - takes its origins in the 60-70s. last century.

Laughter as a tool for healing from psychological, physiological and other injuries and diseases has recently become more and more popular in the world. Founder of gelotology - psychiatrist William Fry(William F. Fry) has been conducting research on the effects of laughter at Stanford University since 1964. Along with him, such geologists as Lee Berk, Paul Ekman, Ilona Papousek, Robert Provine, Frank Rodden, Willibald Ruch und Barbara Wild are known. They developed the foundation of modern humor and laughter therapy. The Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor ( ) operates in the USA. In Russian-language literature, Norman Cousins ​​is often erroneously called the founder of laughter therapy. He stood at the origins, but came to humor therapy a little later (not through science, but through his illness) than W. Fry. Frei worked closely with the German psychotherapist-gelotologist Michael Tietze, whom he was introduced to by Viktor Frankl, a well-known psychotherapist with practical experience in spiritual awakening. Frankl was one of the first to draw attention to the so-called. paradoxical influence of humor in the therapeutic process. Titze developed the so-called. humor drama. He deals with gelotophobia and actively cooperates with hospital clowns.

Studies show that laughter releases neurotransmitters and hormones in the human body - catecholamines like adrenaline and noradrenaline - which help neutralize the sensation of physical pain in the body. In the process of laughter, other neurotransmitters and hormones are also released: along with catecholamines such as dopamine, the hormone of pleasure, endorphin, the hormone of joy, and serotonin, the hormone of happiness, are released.

How does laughter affect a person?

The impact of laughter on the mental and physical health of a person is diverse. The following areas are usually distinguished in the literature:

Where is laughter used?

In the modern world, there are different areas where laughter is purposefully used for healing and recreational purposes:

  1. Laughter therapy (and humor therapy).
  2. Yoga of laughter (hasya yoga).
  3. Laughter in spiritual practices.
  4. Hospital clowning (as part of clown therapy, Clown Care).

Laughter therapy

Laughter therapy and humor therapy are based on the treatment of psychological and physiological problems of a person by methods that help to relax a person through constructive or destructive humor, the use of theatrical forms, reading funny books and watching comedies, and other means causing laughter in a person.

One of the classic examples in gelotology is the story of Norman Cousins, "the man who made death laugh." N. Cousins, a well-known American journalist, was able, despite a sad death diagnosis, to overcome unbearable physical pain and recover thanks to humor and laughter. His story is recounted in many sources and has generated a great wave of research in psychotherapy and psychology. Cousins ​​founded the Department of Humor Research at the University of Los Angeles. Laughter therapy is quite actively used in Western European and American psychotherapy. We already wrote about it above when we analyzed gelotology. In Russia, while this direction is not very popular. In psychological practice and literature, one can distinguish the works of Rimma Umyarova, who works at the intersection of art therapy, laughter therapy and laughter yoga through the laughter drama she created.

Laughter Yoga

Osho Rajneesh also used the methods of humor therapy and laughter meditation in his work with students. His meditation leads to cathartic laughter, which also has no cause, and which frees the mind from clamps and blocks.

Within the framework of positive thinking, through which many traditions go, it is possible to develop a stable astral body of a person and work out certain blocks of the mental level. To effectively work out pride, one of the most difficult qualities that hinder spiritual development, they suggest laughing at yourself in front of a mirror two or three times a day.

Often states of spiritual awakening are accompanied by long laughter. Some modern schools and self-development groups use laughter therapy methods in their practice. Links to them can be found on the Internet.

hospital clowning

Hospital clowning is an international movement of volunteer clowns and professionals in the socio-cultural and psychological rehabilitation of children in hospitals using art therapy, clown therapy and game therapy.

The hospital clown movement began with New York City's Big Apple Circus clown Michael Christensen. He founded Big Apple Circus Clown Care in 1986 and developed Clown doctoring. His movement was quickly picked up in Europe: first in Austria, Germany, and then in other countries. In Russia, hospital clowning is also gaining momentum. Its founder in Russia is Konstantin Sedov. Hospital clowning works in the Western tradition, together with research centers for laughter and humor therapy.

Conclusion and Conclusions

All the main well-known directions operating in the field of helotology are universal in their application to different types of people. Laughter is known to almost everyone and can effectively affect the subconscious of people and heal them, unlike many types of psychotherapy or spiritual practices. Only when working with large groups (halls) it must be taken into account that people with poor physical health may not be able to withstand long-term stress on the muscles and respiratory system. Therefore, specialists working with such groups must be true professionals and be able to feel the audience well.

In groups with people who are strongly clamped both psychologically and physiologically, the quality of work is improved by mixed groups, when there are experienced people among the participants who are not afraid to laugh.

With all the universality of gelotology, it must be taken into account that, as the author's personal practice and observations of various schools and participants in laughter groups have shown, this is not a panacea. Gelotological techniques are effective in solving certain psychological problems of a person, or for the treatment of certain diseases. they release vital energy that was previously spent on suppressed emotions, negative reactions, psychological complexes and physiological clamps.

The level of development of spiritual practitioners who use laughter shows that through gelotological techniques one can reach the initial degree of enlightenment. But if this is the only tool, then it may not be enough for further development, unless the teacher carries certain high vibrations.

Feeling overwhelmed? Just smile - and a bad mood will go away, as it never happened! Feel free to laugh and you will be amazed at how your life and your health will change.

Health Benefits of Laughter

A good good laugh is useful not only because it cheers you up. People who like to laugh get sick less, get irritated less often and don't know what depression is.


Laughter releases endorphins, the hormones of happiness that help to get rid of irritation and sadness. Even if you just remember for a moment how you laughed recently, your mood will improve. Studies by British psychologists have shown that after watching a funny movie, the level of irritation in a person decreases several times. Moreover, the mood of the subjects was raised at the mere thought that they would soon be laughing - two days before the scheduled viewing of the comedy, they were angry twice as often as usual.


What are the other benefits of laughter? If you laugh a lot, you can forget about expensive beauty treatments to improve your skin, because laughter tones the muscles of the face and improves blood circulation, which results in a natural glow.


The ability to laugh together is extremely important for establishing good and kind relationships. The connection of people and their shared idea of ​​what can be funny allows them to be more open with each other. If you're joking, don't be afraid to be funny. It means you trust.


Laughter helps fight infections - this is such a benefit for a person. After a minute of sincere laughter, the body releases a large amount of antibodies into the respiratory tract, which protect against bacteria and viruses. Laughter also increases the production of white blood cells that fight various diseases, including cancer.


Thanks to laughter, blood vessels expand and blood circulates better. Ten minutes of laughter can significantly lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of plaque buildup. Laughter helps even those who have experienced a heart attack - doctors believe that a good mood reduces the likelihood of a second attack.


Happiness hormones, endorphins, which are produced when a person laughs, are the natural painkillers of our body. In addition, when you laugh, you are distracted from feeling bad and forget about the pain for at least a few minutes. Doctors have long noticed that patients who are positive and find the strength to laugh endure pain much more easily than those who are sad.


Laughter is one of the best exercises for people with asthma and bronchitis. During laughter, the activity of the lungs is activated, and thus the supply of oxygen to the blood is increased, which makes it possible to clear the stagnation of phlegm. Some doctors compare the effect of laughter to chest physiotherapy, which eliminates phlegm from the respiratory tract, but for people, laughter works even better on the respiratory tract.


British scientists have studied the effect of laughter on people's health. Two groups of volunteers were created. One group was shown recordings of humorous concerts for an hour, while the second group was asked to just sit quietly. After that, the participants in the experiment took a blood test. And it was found that those who watched the humorous concert had lower levels of the “stress” hormones cortisol, dopamine and adrenaline than the second group. The fact is that when we laugh, the physical load on all parts of the body increases. When we stop laughing, our body relaxes and calms down. So, laughter helps us get rid of the physical and emotional tension. Scientists say that a minute of sincere laughter is equivalent to forty-five minutes of deep relaxation.


In fact, laughing is a form of aerobic exercise because laughing brings in more oxygen, which stimulates the heart and blood circulation. It is even considered “internal” aerobics, since during laughter all internal organs are massaged, which allows them to work more efficiently. Laughter is also good for strengthening the muscles in your stomach, back, and legs. One minute of laughter is the equivalent of ten minutes of rowing or fifteen minutes of cycling. And if you laugh heartily for one hour, you will burn up to 500 calories, the same amount you can burn by running fast for an hour.


Today, researchers believe that only 50% of our ability to be happy is genetic. "Rules happy person” will help you realize your potential, teach you to enjoy life and give you the opportunity to laugh more often. And besides, laughter prolongs life!


Be talkative, confident and not afraid of adventure. Where to begin? For example, from a walk in the woods with old friends. Have fun, make jokes and don't be afraid to express your emotions.


Studies have shown that people who are open about their thoughts are happier than those who are silent. This does not mean that you have to say everything that is on your mind. Just learn to speak your mind and stand up for it - it will help you feel happier.


Friendship is the real source of happiness. If you have friends you can rely on, you don't feel lonely. Moreover, psychologists say that for happiness, women need warm relationships with other women. Contrary to popular belief, female friendships have a stronger influence on us than relationships with men.


The expectation of happiness is the greatest obstacle to happiness. I will be happy when I lose weight / move to a new apartment / move to a new job / find the man of my dreams. Focus on what you have and be happy right now. And beware of any “when” and “still”: they are the ones that prevent you from being happy.


Set yourself a very serious goal - to laugh every day. Think of laughter as a vitamin to be taken regularly. Are you not in the mood for jokes, because there is not enough time anyway? Here is what we can offer:
  • an evening on the couch watching your favorite comedies;
  • nice dinner with friends;
  • going to the cinema or to an amusement park with children (even the sight of children rejoicing will make you laugh with pleasure);
  • talking on the phone "about nothing" with a cheerful girlfriend;
  • trips to the shops at least once every two weeks in search of new funny books and magazines to have a lot of fun.

Author Yoergey B asked a question in Other about health and beauty

What substance is produced during laughter and how does it affect the body and got the best answer

Answer from Journey through life[guru]
Laughter has a huge effect on our body. Laughter releases hormone-like substances called endorphins, which are natural pain relievers. Laughter gives health to those who laugh: it is a good exercise for the lungs and heart; creates normal blood circulation in the abdominal cavity; helps you breathe in more oxygen. When you laugh, you massage your internal organs. Laughter is one of the most enjoyable ways to improve breathing. But the most important plus of laughter is a happy state of mind, that is, mental health. Science has proven that a person's concentration improves after laughter. It can rightly be called the best "cure" for stress. When stressed, adrenaline and cortisol levels rise, and after laughter, these levels decrease.
The action of endorphins on the body is similar to the action of certain narcotic substances (opiates), the essence of which is to block the nerve endings responsible for pain. A molecule of a narcotic substance or endorphin binds to the receptor, as a result of which the activation of certain areas of the cerebral cortex begins, and nerve impulses transmitted to the spinal cord block pain signals coming through the fibers of the autonomic part of the nervous system. A person who is under the influence of "hormones of happiness" does not feel completely unpleasant effects, since certain nerve receptors are blocked.
Endorphin leads a person to euphoria (a state of bliss), it is also called a "natural drug" or "happiness hormone". Any positive experiences raise the level of endorphins in the blood.

Answer from Anya MC 47[expert]

Answer from Igor komukak[guru]
Vitamin rare group "A" plus paradoxical gymnastics of internal organs. Open Sincere Laughter cures stuttering, asthma and heart problems and more.

Answer from Yergey Antonov-Petersky[guru]
When laughing, the Freakhohohoprikolphenol hydrate is produced!!! This substance has a positive effect on the body of the laughing person - he wants to put all the problems and score on all the troubles!!! Laugh to your health !!!

Answer from Ludmila Semyonova[active]
It has long been known that laughter is the best medicine. Whatever you do, whoever you work with, even if you have a lot of problems - smile! And let a kind smile always be your constant companion, and you will definitely feel how it helps to live!
The Russian people are famous for the fact that even in a difficult and hopeless situation they never stop joking and laughing.
Now smile:
Table, bright light, two in white coats, one actively wielding a scalpel. Surprised Assistant:
- Professor, are you sure that this operation requires the removal of the spleen and kidneys?
The horrified professor
- How is the operation? I thought it was an autopsy!. .

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