Obtaining the title of Candidate of Sciences. How much does it cost to defend a candidate's thesis?

26.03.18 66 308 23

How much does it cost to defend a Ph.D.

In 2017, I defended my Ph.D. thesis. I have been preparing it since 2013. I’ll tell you how much it cost and how you can save money if you do everything yourself and honestly.

Maxim Savidov

Candidate of Economic Sciences

I studied and defended myself at REU them. G. V. Plekhanova. The topic of my dissertation is: “Formation of a model of integrated marketing communications for the promotion of brewing products in the Russian Federation.”

I will be distracted by the internal kitchen: without it there is no point in bare numbers. It turned out quite long, but it is still 15 times shorter than my dissertation.

About the process

To become a candidate of science, you need to defend a dissertation and prove that you are an accomplished scientist. This can be done while studying in graduate school or by being assigned to the department as an applicant.

I chose the first option and went this way:

Conventionally, my path can be divided into four stages:

  1. Admission - 2 months.
  2. Study and preparation of the dissertation - 3 years.
  3. Pre-protection - 6 months.
  4. Protection - 1.5 years.

If I had chosen the path of the applicant, I would not have to go to classes, take tests and teaching practice.


To enter graduate school, you need to pass three exams: profile, philosophy and foreign language. You also need to submit an abstract on what the dissertation is devoted to. Submission of documents is free. These same three exams are then included in the candidate minimum.

For those liable for military service, graduate school gives a deferment from the army for 4 years: 3 years for training plus 1 year for defense. But this happens only after official enrollment. In the period between graduating from university and entering graduate school, there are 2-4 weeks when they can be officially called up for service. You often have to defend your rights in court and hire a lawyer in military matters. This is how I sued, but this is a topic for a separate article.

Important. At the time of admission to full-time graduate school, you should not be officially employed. One of the documents that must be submitted upon enrollment is a work book with a record of dismissal from the last place of work. You can get a job immediately after admission; there are no legal restrictions.

Pre-thesis research

To determine the niche for my dissertation, I decided to study the scientific papers that have already been written on this topic. Strictly speaking, you could not study anything and just start writing something. But then there is a great chance to write about something that Russian science has been done for a long time. Some dissertation councils and supervisors would turn a blind eye to this, but I fundamentally did not want to do that.

The service has limitations:

  1. Dissertations cannot be downloaded.
  2. You can view no more than 15 dissertations per month and 5 per day. This list is reset - if in April you need to return to some work that was already opened in February, it will be counted a second time.
  3. The works themselves are in image format, not text - you won’t be able to copy a quote or link; you need to retype it manually.
  4. Technically, access is possible from any computer, but according to the agreement, you can only enter from libraries.

But it’s still convenient: immediately after accessing the list of references, you can search the Internet for the necessary primary sources, work with texts when it’s convenient for you, and not when the RSL is working.

The speed of work on their part is satisfactory. Each page loads in 3 seconds, and I haven’t found any technical glitches in two years. The site offers trial access for seven days to the first 10% of dissertation texts.

5000 R

costs remote access to the RSL for a year

I figured that if I went to the Russian State Library and read 4 dissertations a day, I would spend more on transportation and food than on remote access. If I didn’t live in Moscow, I would have no alternatives - I would have to buy access.

I paid 2000 RUR for the first year of access to the RSL and 5000 RUR for the second, because the RSL increased the price. Only 7000 RUR.

Articles and participation in conferences

The Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) decides whether to issue an applicant a candidate of sciences diploma. Two mandatory requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission for admission to defend a dissertation: publications and presentations on the research topic. It is expected that within a few years the young scientist will publish his theoretical findings in scientific articles and speak about practical results at conferences.

RUB 11,900

I spent on the urgent publication of two articles in journals from the Higher Attestation Commission list

There are no exact requirements for the number of publications, but behind the scenes you need to publish at least four articles in publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission. By law, publication is free for the applicant, but journals may charge a fee for urgency. Then the article will definitely appear in 2-3 months after agreement with the editor. There are also those who offer publication within a couple of weeks. On the market, this service costs from 4,000 to 15,000 RUR.

To avoid rush fees, I recommend submitting materials a year before your desired release date. After approval of the article by the editors, it falls into a queue of similar works - as a result, the publication may come out in 9 or 12 months, this is normal (just like in the Tinkoff magazine, hehe). It is better to find out about such things in the magazine in advance.

Predatory editions

Russian scientific journals must treat their materials very carefully: do not publish nonsense, do normal editing, and generally contribute to the development of science. Unfortunately, not everyone works this way.

Found in Russia special kind scientific journals - they are called predatory. They trade in the commercial publication of scientific articles of any quality on any topic.

Careless or inexperienced scientists bring them their works, and without talking they take them into print for money. The magazine is published in a small circulation and ends up on the shelves of a university library. Nobody reads these publications afterwards, but the scientist gets a line in his achievements: he was published there.

Sometimes these publications even end up on the list of those recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission, after which queues of eager graduate students with deadlines line up. Often such journals are created for some faculty or department in order to “pump up” the ratings of their professors: to increase your citation index, you can simply organize your own journal that will cite you.

Among knowledgeable scientists, such publications, of course, are not rated, and publication in them is more a sign of shoddy work than a reason for respect. But there is another risk: the journal may be excluded from the VAK list, and this could jeopardize all work and protection.

In just three years of graduate school, I published four articles in journals from the Higher Attestation Commission list. Two publications were published for free, and I needed to publish two more quickly, so I paid for the urgency. I spent 11,900 RUR on both.

In addition to publications from the Higher Attestation Commission list, it is advisable to additionally publish in publications that have the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) and register in the Science index system as an author. Then all your scientific articles and monographs will be accumulated on one page - here is the page with my publications. Some of them can be read here, the rest need to be purchased access. To the right of the article title is the number of citations. This indicator is important for those who are professionally involved in science.

The publication of publications with registration in the RSCI can be combined with public speaking. This is profitable and convenient: after conferences, collections of abstracts are often published and registered on elibrary.ru. As a result, it is possible to fulfill two recommendations of the Higher Attestation Commission at once: both to publish the article and to document the public presentation of the research results.

There are no exact requirements for the number of presentations at conferences. The main thing is that they have the greatest possible geography. You can also participate in absentia. Information about upcoming conferences and terms of participation is available in scientific event aggregators. For one article and speech you can spend 1000 rubles. To save money, check with the department scientific personnel your university about upcoming internal conferences - participation in them is usually free.

During my studies, I published seven articles in the RSCI, six of them based on presentations at conferences in Moscow, Tambov, Omsk, Samara and Makhachkala. In total I spent 6000 RUR. Four more articles were published free of charge in periodicals of my university, which are not included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission or the RSCI.

How much did I spend on graduate school?

I do not take into account the costs of transportation and food.

Remote access to dissertations at the RSL

7000 R

Publication of articles by the Higher Attestation Commission

RUB 11,900

Publication of articles in the RSCI

6000 R

RUB 24,900

Graduate student income

Full-time graduate students receive a scholarship for three years. It depends on the university and specialty, but now it cannot be less than 3000 R. For "techies" minimum threshold higher - 7400 RUR. The scholarship can be increased due to regional allowances and additional payments specific university. Find out how to get a higher scholarship from the graduate department, but remember that this is not a substitute for a full salary. Most likely, you will have to combine graduate school and work.

In addition to scholarships from the state and university, you can receive a grant - this is money for conducting scientific research, allocated through a competition. After six months of working on a dissertation, enough material is usually accumulated to compose an application for the competition.

RUB 105,810

my scholarship for three years in graduate school

Information about current programs can be found at the department and in the scientific personnel training department. I have little experience in pursuing grants: I only applied for one and won it, so I can’t give you any statistics. But there is such a way to generate additional income.

For three years of study, I received a stipend of 105,810 RUR from the state - a month went from 2700 RUR in 2013 to 2922 RUR in 2016. In my second year of study, I won a grant to support young scientists from the university - 21,700 RUR. The total amount was 127,510 RUR.

You will need a lot of paper

Think in advance about where you will print your materials. Over the course of four years, it took me more than 6,000 sheets. I agreed with the management of the company where I work to print 125 pages per month - that’s 6,000 pages in 48 months.

I was not given any additional conditions, but I was ready to use the following arguments in the negotiations:

  1. I'm raising professional qualifications. A PhD is more valuable than just a specialist.
  2. I promote the company's image. I guarantee the publication of the company name in scientific articles and speeches.
  3. I can attract students to practice at the enterprise.


Preliminary defense is the logical end of training. In three years the graduate student mastered scientific disciplines, gave lectures and seminars, published articles, spoke at conferences and wrote a dissertation. During the pre-defense, members of the department decide whether they recommend the work for defense or not.


sheets I had to print out over the years of graduate school and preparing my dissertation

The department appoints two reviewers in advance. They read the dissertation that is ready, in the applicant’s opinion, and provide comments and a conclusion. Even during the pre-defense process, you can receive additional comments from teachers. The dissertation is recommended for defense only when there are no comments left on it.

I don’t know a single person who passed the pre-defense at our university the first time. Receiving three dozen criticisms several times is painful, but normal. Anything that did not pass the pre-defense must be corrected and resubmitted to the reviewers. This requires time and nerves.

But this is ours. In other universities and in other specialties, as colleagues suggest, you can pass the pre-defense the first time.

Plan your first pre-defense 2.5 years after entering graduate school - there will be time for corrections. It took me at least two months to update the text of the dissertation, meet with the reviewers again, get their approval for the edits, and again appear before the department.

Pre-defense is an official event, not a party. It's normal when on tables mineral water. It’s not normal if there is alcohol, fruit, aspic, herring under a fur coat or Olivier. You can then bring a couple of cakes to the department, but you don’t have to. Gifts to reviewers are also at the discretion of the graduate student. It is the reviewers' responsibility to read your dissertation and provide comments, not their favor to you.

I passed three pre-defenses at two departments and spent RUR 10,800 on symbolic gifts for four reviewers (sweets, Riga balsam, tea, coffee), water and sweets for the department. Another 1230 R was spent on six ring binders and other stationery items.

Remember that peer review traditions will vary from department to department. Somewhere you will be expected to have a drinking session with delicacies, or even expensive gifts. Focus on the situation.

How much did I spend on pre-protection?

Gifts for reviewers at two pre-defenses

8800 R

Sweet table at the pulpit at the first pre-defense

2000 R


1230 R

RUB 12,030

Preparing for defense: collecting documents

In seven months, I drafted, signed and approved 53 texts, such as a letter of appointment for each official opponent, a biography scientific supervisor, an application for posting a dissertation on the university website and information about the leading organization. Some of these texts, for example a copy of documents on higher education, must be officially certified.

In general, the procedure for collecting documents is complex, so I will only talk about those items that require cost and attention, and people who cannot be deprived of this attention.

Printing and distribution of abstracts

You need to prepare an abstract for defense - this is summary scientific novelty of the dissertation on 20-25 pages of an A5 brochure. The abstract should contain exactly the points that you will defend. The document must be printed at a printing house. You cannot print it yourself: according to the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission, the abstract for the candidate's dissertation must be printed and transferred to the university library no later than two months before the defense. The printing house registers the date of printing of abstracts.

Some universities have their own facilities for printing abstracts, but this is rare. Check with the department to see if you can save money.

Making a list to which abstracts need to be sent is also the job of the applicant. There are mandatory addresses, for example Russian state library, ITAR-TASS and even the National Library of Belarus. The rest is at the discretion of the graduate student. These can be libraries, universities, specialized companies and associations on the topic of the dissertation from any city and country.

You need to receive at least five reviews on your abstract. Therefore, when creating a list, consult with your supervisor, who will suggest the most responsive organizations. I came up with a list of 34 recipients. I sent the rest to official opponents, gave them to my supervisor, and kept some for myself. 22 abstracts lay on the tables during the defense.

Next is the newsletter. On the Internet they recommend contacting the Russian Post, but their services are paid. The graduate student has the right to send abstracts free of charge through the university office. You need to pack and sign envelopes, prepare a list of addresses and sign it with the vice-rector for scientific activities, but you will save several thousand rubles. Exactly how much depends on the number of recipients and their location.

Unfortunately, for some, reviews of abstracts are also a commodity. About a third of employees of other universities, whom we contacted with a scientific advisor, quoted a price from 3,000 R to 10,000 R for a review of an abstract. The rest agreed to do it for free. I bought symbolic gifts for the people who prepared the reviews and spent 1500 RUR.

At the printing house you will still need to sew two copies of the dissertation: one for the Russian State Library, the second for the university library. You can print them yourself and only apply for the hardcover. For two books of 290 sheets each, I paid 620 RUR. In total, I spent 5,220 RUR on printing, mailing abstracts and symbolic gifts.


To give gifts or not is a very individual question. During the process of preparing and defending my dissertation, I constantly worked with people and saw that they put in much more effort and energy than they received for it in material rewards. This will sound pretentious, but for them the dissertation is a story not about money, but about science, debt, the development of education and culture.

I wanted to thank people for their honesty and attitude, but without it looking like some form of bribery. Therefore, I chose inexpensive keepsakes and presented them only after the final decision was made.

I was lucky with people's attitude, so for me this question was simple. But it becomes more difficult if communication with someone does not work out. The graduate student is not obliged to give anything, but the scientist is not obliged to agree, for example, to the role of an opponent. You don’t even have to say thank you and never return to the academic environment after the defense, but the scientific supervisor who organized everything will continue to work with these people. The question is open.

Opponents and leading organization. According to the regulations, the dissertation must be read by two opponents and a member of the leading organization. Then they must write a review and speak in defense.

Opponents are scientists who are competent in the topic of the dissertation: they have recent publications on similar issues, and they had to defend their dissertation on the same profile. The first opponent must be a doctor of science. The second may be a doctor or candidate. At least one of them must come to the defense and speak - this is also mandatory. No opponents - no defense.

Leading organizations are usually designated state-owned enterprises that conduct scientific research on the topic of the dissertation. Usually this is a university or research institute, but there are also private companies, for example Avtovaz for a dissertation on the automotive industry. The head of the organization also gives his conclusion on the dissertation - positive or negative.

Finding opponents and a leading organization is difficult. For them, such work is risky: if you give a positive conclusion to a dissertation, which the Higher Attestation Commission later recognizes as untenable, there may be sanctions up to and including deprivation of the license. I haven’t found any precedents on the Internet, but many still refuse. In general, there is a trend towards a decrease in the number of works. In 2009, 28,231 dissertations were defended in Russia, in 2017 - only 10,332.

The green graph is the number of defended dissertations for an academic degree. Source: Rosrid.ru

The reputation of the scientific supervisor plays a big role. He is the guarantor of the quality of your dissertation. Without the help of a scientific supervisor, opponents and a leading organization cannot be found.

Officially, the opponents’ work can be paid for by the applicant’s university. Doctors of science are paid 1740 RUR, candidates - 1305 RUR. To pay, you need to collect documents from your opponents: bank details, a copy of your passport, SNILS, an agreement and an application for transferring money. The graduate student will also have to collect documents.

1740 R

payment for the work of an opponent - a doctor of sciences in Russian universities

The rest of the reward is optional. I was grateful to the people for their work and collected small gifts: gift certificates, alcohol, candy. In total, he spent RUB 23,100 on gifts for two opponents and employees of the leading organization.

There are probably those who oppose for money and charge a separate fee. But neither I nor my fellow applicants have met such people.

Scientific director- a person who works side by side with you for four years and actually becomes a co-author of the dissertation. For each graduate student, the supervisor is credited with hours of work, but they are several times less than the actual time spent. For a scientist, defending a graduate student is a big victory and a “piece of goods.”

Over almost 50 years of work, my supervisor had only 10 graduate students and 2 doctoral students - everyone tried to give something memorable. I spent 8500 RUR on a gift for my scientific supervisor.

8500 R

I spent it on a gift for my supervisor

Scientific secretary of the dissertation council helps the progress of the dissertation on the part of the dissertation council: collects documents, sends templates, answers questions and suggests who is best to contact in a given situation. Formally, the graduate student does not owe anything to the scientific secretary. It's his job to do all of the above.

I was very grateful to the scientific secretary: she helped me in a situation where I needed to act urgently. The symbolic gift cost 3800 RUR.

How much did I spend preparing for the defense?

3100 R

1500 R

Binding of two copies of the dissertation

620 R

Gifts for opponents

RUB 11,600

Gifts for employees of a leading organization

11,500 R

Gift for supervisor

8500 R

Gift for the scientific secretary of the dissertation council

3800 R

RUB 40,620

Defense: formal part

Defending a dissertation is a celebration. It consists of a formal part - this is a defense - and an informal part - this is a banquet or buffet table.

The entire protection process is strictly regulated and recorded on video. The video recording is then sent to the Higher Attestation Commission along with other documents. This is a public event - anyone can attend the defense of the dissertation of any applicant at any university. You just need to apply for a pass in advance and take your passport with you.

Competitive research is a form of work on a dissertation by specialists attached to PNRPU without enrollment in postgraduate and doctoral studies, in existing scientific specialties in postgraduate/doctoral studies at PNRPU.

Applicants for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences may be persons with higher professional education.

Applicants for the academic degree of Doctor of Science may be persons who have an academic degree of Candidate of Science.

Application for a candidate of science degree is carried out in 2 stages:

If an applicant is assigned to prepare a dissertation, a supervisor/consultant is approved.

Attaching applicants for delivery candidate exams and for work on a dissertation, it is possible on a budget and contract basis.

Application for the degree of Doctor of Science.

Applicants working on doctoral dissertations are assigned to prepare dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Science to higher educational institutions and scientific organizations that have doctoral programs in relevant scientific specialties. Attachment of applicants can be carried out for a period of no more than 4 years. Persons from among the doctors of sciences are appointed as scientific advisers to applicants by order of the rector.

Applicants for the academic degree of candidate or doctor of science periodically report and are annually certified by the university department.

To complete dissertations for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences or Doctor of Sciences, employees of enterprises, institutions and organizations at their place of work are granted leave with an average salary of three or six months, respectively.

Stage I. Attachment by an applicant for preparing and passing candidate exams By foreign language and history and philosophy of science for a period of no more than 2 years.

List of documents:

  • 1. Application addressed to the rector. Sample application 1.
  • 2. Copy of higher education diploma.

Passing candidate exams is possible on a budgetary and contract basis under direct agreements with payment of the cost of training by individuals and legal entities.

Stage II. Attachment by an applicant for the preparation and defense of a candidate's dissertation(no more than 3 years).

List of documents:

  • 1. Application addressed to the rector. Sample application 2.
  • 2. Certificate of passing candidate exams (if taken at other universities).
  • 3. List scientific works in the prescribed form (if there are publications).
  • 4. Copy of diploma.
  • 5. Questionnaire (personal sheet for personnel records).
  • 6. 2 photo cards (3*4).

Enrollment of applicants is carried out by order of the rector based on the results of the applicant’s interview with the proposed supervisor and the conclusion of the department during the year. It is possible to enroll under direct contracts with payment of tuition fees by individuals and legal entities.

Application for a doctoral dissertation(for a period of no more than 4 years).

List of documents:

  • 1. Application addressed to the rector with a visa for a scientific consultant and head. department. Sample application 3.
  • 2. Questionnaire (personal sheet for personnel records).
  • 3. A detailed plan for preparing a doctoral dissertation.
  • 4. List of published scientific works and inventions.
  • 5. An extract from the minutes of the department meeting on recommendations for enrollment, indicating the code of the scientific specialty, the topic of the dissertation and the scientific consultant.
  • 6. Extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Academic Council of the faculty on the recommendation for enrollment, indicating the code of the scientific specialty, the topic of the dissertation and the scientific consultant.
  • 7. A copy of the PhD diploma.
  • 8. Two photo cards (3*4).

Enrollment of applicants is carried out by order of the rector within a year based on the results of the applicant’s interview with the proposed scientific consultant, the conclusion of the department and the Academic Council of the faculty. It is possible to enroll under direct contracts with payment of tuition fees by individuals and legal entities.


  • Regulations on the procedure for awarding academic degrees (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 20, 2011 No. 475)
  • Regulations on the Council for the Defense of Dissertations for the Scientific Degree of Candidate of Sciences, for the Scientific Degree of Doctor of Science (approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 12, 2011 No. 2817)
  • Order on approval of the Nomenclature of Specialties of Scientific Workers No. 59 dated February 25, 2009
  • Order No. 5 of January 10, 2012 on amendments to the Nomenclature of Specialties of Scientific Workers, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 59 of February 25, 2009
  • Passports of specialties of scientific workers according to the 2009 nomenclature

Criteria that dissertations submitted for an academic degree must meet (according to the Regulations on the procedure for awarding academic degrees):

“...7. A dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science must be a scientific-qualifying work in which, based on the research performed by the author, theoretical principles have been developed, the totality of which can be qualified as scientific achievement, or solved scientific problem, having important political, socio-economic, cultural or economic importance, or scientifically based technical, technological or other solutions are outlined, the implementation of which makes a significant contribution to the development of the country.

A dissertation for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences must be a scientific-qualifying work that contains a solution to a problem that is essential for the relevant field of knowledge, or outlines scientifically based technical, technological or other solutions and developments that are essential for the development of the country.

8. An applicant for the academic degree of Doctor of Science submits a dissertation in the form of a specially prepared manuscript, scientific report or published monograph. An applicant for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences submits a dissertation in the form of a specially prepared manuscript or a published monograph. The dissertation must be written by the author independently, have internal unity, contain new scientific results and provisions put forward for public defense, and testify to the author’s personal contribution to science. The solutions proposed by the author must be reasoned and evaluated in comparison with other known solutions. A dissertation of an applied nature must provide information on the practical use of the scientific results obtained by the author, and a dissertation of a theoretical nature must provide recommendations for the use of scientific findings. The presentation of the dissertation must comply with the requirements established by the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation. The dissertation is written in Russian

The main scientific results of the dissertation must be published in scientific journals.

10... The main scientific results of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science must be published in peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications. The results of a dissertation for the degree of candidate of science must be published in at least one peer-reviewed journal or publication. Diplomas for discoveries and copyright certificates for inventions issued by State Committee Council of Ministers of the USSR for Inventions and Discoveries, patents for inventions, patents (certificates) for utility models, patents for industrial designs, certificates for a program for electronic computers, database, topology of integrated circuits, registered in the prescribed manner, deposited in organizations state system scientific and technical information, manuscripts of works annotated in scientific journals, works published in the materials of all-Union, all-Russian and international conferences and symposia, publications in electronic scientific publications. 11. When writing a dissertation, the applicant must refer to the author and (or) source of borrowing materials or individual results. When using ideas or developments in a dissertation that belong to co-authors with whom scientific works were jointly written, the applicant must note this circumstance in the dissertation. These references must also be made in relation to the scientific works of the applicant, performed either individually or in collaboration. In the case of using borrowed material without reference to the author and (or) source of borrowing, the dissertation is removed from consideration by the dissertation council without the right to re-defend the said dissertation...”

Presentation and defense of dissertations

The organization where the dissertation was carried out or to which the applicant was attached provides a conclusion on the dissertation, which should reflect the personal participation of the author in obtaining the results presented in the dissertation, the degree of reliability of the results of the research conducted, their novelty and practical significance, the value of the applicant's scientific work, the specialty to which the dissertation corresponds, the completeness of presentation of the dissertation materials in the works published by the applicant, as well as the validity of assigning the mark “For official use” and the advisability of defending the dissertation (for the degree of Doctor of Science) in the form of a scientific report.

The conclusion must be issued to the applicant no later than 2 months from the date of submission of the dissertation for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences and 3 months for the dissertation for the scientific degree of Doctor of Science. The applicant has the right to submit a dissertation for defense to any dissertation council. In this case, the specialty in which the dissertation was completed must correspond to the scientific specialty and branch of science for which the dissertation council is granted the right to defend dissertations.

The Dissertation Council accepts for preliminary consideration a dissertation that meets the requirements provided for in paragraph 8 of the Regulations on the procedure for awarding academic degrees, upon submission by the applicant of the following documents:

  1. statements applicant according to the recommended sample in accordance with Appendix No. 1;
  2. duly certified copies of a state document on higher professional education- for applicants for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences (persons who received education abroad, including citizens of member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States (hereinafter referred to as the CIS member states), additionally submit copies of a document on recognition and establishment of equivalence on the territory of the Russian Federation of a document of a foreign state on education, issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science) (2 copies); a duly certified copy of a Candidate of Sciences diploma - for an applicant for the academic degree of Doctor of Sciences (persons who received an academic degree abroad, including citizens of the CIS member states, additionally submit copies of a document on recognition and on establishing the equivalence of a document of a foreign state on academic degrees on the territory of the Russian Federation Federation, issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) (2 copies);
  3. certificates of passing candidate exams(1 copy), certificate of passing an additional exam (for applicants who have a higher professional education that does not correspond to the branch of science in which the dissertation was prepared) (1 copy), as well as duly certified copies thereof - for an applicant for an academic degree of a candidate sciences;
  4. dissertations in the number of copies required for transfer to the Federal State Scientific Institution "Center information technologies and systems of executive authorities”, the library of the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council was created, opponents and the leading organization, as well as the manuscript of the abstract in typewritten form on paper and magnetic media. The title pages of the dissertation, drawn up in accordance with Appendix No. 2, or the covers of the dissertation in the form of a scientific report, drawn up in accordance with Appendix No. 3, and the cover of the manuscript of the abstract, drawn up in accordance with Appendix No. 4, are signed by the applicant;
  5. conclusions of the organization, where the dissertation was carried out or to which the applicant was attached (2 copies) - sample conclusion. The conclusion is drawn up in the form of an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the relevant educational or scientific structural unit of the specified organization, approved by the head of the organization and certified by the seal of the organization;
  6. four stamped postcards indicating the addresses of the applicant (on two cards) and the dissertation council where the dissertation is being defended (on two cards). On the back of the card with the address of the dissertation council in the upper corner, the last name, first name, patronymic of the applicant and the academic degree for which he is applying are indicated.

The dissertation council accepts a dissertation for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences for defense within two months and for the scientific degree of Doctor of Science - within four months from the date the applicant submits all the necessary documents or provides the applicant with a reasoned conclusion within the specified time frame on refusal to accept the dissertation for defense .

Holding a meeting of the dissertation council during the defense of the dissertation (according to Regulations on the Council for the Defense of Dissertations for the Scientific Degree of Candidate of Sciences, Doctor of Sciences dated December 12, 2011.)

“...37. At the meeting of the dissertation council when defending a dissertation for the scientific degree of Doctor of Science, at least five doctors of science for each specialty of scientific workers in each branch of science of the thesis being defended participate, and when defending a dissertation for the scientific degree of Candidate of Science - at least three doctors of science for each scientific specialty workers of each branch of science defended the dissertation.

Official opponents are required to attend the dissertation defense. It is allowed to defend a dissertation in the absence for good reason of only one of the official opponents who gave a positive review of the dissertation. In this case, the review of the absent opponent is fully announced at a meeting of the dissertation council.

38. The chairperson at a meeting of the dissertation council announces the defense of the dissertation by the applicant, indicates the surname, first name and patronymic of the applicant, the name of the topic of the dissertation, the names of official opponents and the leading (opposing) organization. The scientific secretary briefly reports on the main content of the documents submitted by the applicant and their compliance with the established requirements.

39. The applicant sets out the essence and main provisions of the dissertation. The applicant is then asked questions orally or in writing. After the applicant’s answers, the chairman of the dissertation council meeting, by decision of the dissertation council, announces a technical break in the dissertation council meeting.

After a technical break in the dissertation council meeting, the floor is given to the scientific supervisor or scientific consultant and the conclusion of the organization where the work was carried out is announced. dissertation or to which the applicant was attached, feedback from the leading (opposing) organization, other reviews of the dissertation and abstract received by the dissertation council. If there are a significant number of positive reviews of the dissertation or abstract, the scientific secretary, with the consent of the council members, instead of reading them out, makes a review of them, indicating the comments noted in them. Negative reviews are read in full.

After the reviews are announced, the applicant is given the floor to respond to the comments contained in the reviews.

Then the official opponents speak. After the opponents speak, the applicant gets the floor to answer. At the request of the applicant, the floor for an answer may be given after the presentation of each opponent. At the request of the applicant, he can also immediately respond to comments contained in opponents’ reviews and reviews of the abstract. All those present at the dissertation defense can take part in the subsequent discussion. At the end of the discussion, the applicant is given the final word.

40. After completing the defense of the dissertation, the dissertation council holds a secret vote on the award of an academic degree.

The decision of the dissertation council on the issue of awarding the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences or Doctor of Sciences is considered positive if at least two-thirds of the members of the dissertation council who participated in the meeting of the dissertation council voted for it.

The conclusion contains the decision of the dissertation council on the issue of awarding the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences or Doctor of Sciences, and also reflects the most significant scientific results obtained personally by the applicant, an assessment of their reliability and novelty, their significance for theory and practice, recommendations on the use of the results dissertation research, and also indicates in accordance with what requirements of paragraph 7 of the Regulations on the procedure for awarding academic degrees the dissertation was evaluated.

The conclusion is adopted by open vote by a simple majority of the members of the dissertation council who participated in the meeting of the dissertation council, after which it is announced to the applicant. At this point, the meeting of the dissertation council is considered completed.

46. ​​If the dissertation council determines that the applicant has used someone else’s material without reference to the author and source of borrowing, then the dissertation council, by open vote and a simple majority of votes, decides to withdraw the dissertation from consideration without the right to defend it again. In this case, the applicant’s application to withdraw the dissertation from consideration is not accepted, and the decision of the dissertation council is sent to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia along with the dissertation abstract, transcript and audio-video recording of the dissertation council meeting.”

If the decision on the results of the defense is positive, the dissertation council, within 30 days from the date of defense, sends to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia the first copy of the applicant’s certification file (with the certification file for the defense of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science, the first copy of the dissertation is additionally sent), which includes the following documents: materials:

A) covering letter on the letterhead of the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council was created, signed by the chairman of the dissertation council, indicating the date of sending the documents provided for by these Regulations to the Federal State state-financed organization"Russian State Library";

b) conclusion of the dissertation council on the issue of awarding the academic degree of Doctor of Science or Candidate of Science (2 copies);

In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 4 of the Federal Law of August 23, 1996 No. 127-FZ “On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, No. 35, Art. 4137; 2001, No. 1, Art. 20; 2004, No. 35, Article 3607; 2009, No. 1, Article 17; 2010, No. 31, Article 4167; 2013, No. 27, Article 3477; 2014, No. 52, Article 7554; 2015, No. 29, Art. 4396; 2016, No. 22, Art. 3096) and paragraph 6 of the Regulations on the awarding of academic degrees, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 24, 2013 No. 842 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 40, Art. 5074; 2016, No. 18, Art. 2629), I order:

8. The head of the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council is created is responsible for the compliance of the composition and activities of the dissertation council with the requirements of these Regulations and other regulatory legal acts regulating the procedure for state scientific certification of scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers.

9. Dissertation councils are created in accordance with the permission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on the basis of educational organizations higher education, educational organizations of additional professional education and scientific organizations carrying out scientific research and carrying out experimental design and technological work in areas of knowledge, relevant scientific specialties and branches of science (hereinafter referred to as the organization), provided for by the nomenclature of scientific specialties for which academic degrees are awarded, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the nomenclature of scientific specialties, scientific specialties, branches of science), based on the recommendations of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) at the request of these organizations, taking into account the assessment of the effectiveness of the scientific activities of the organization (on the basis of an organization created in the form of an institution , - in agreement with the founder).

The effectiveness of the scientific activities of the organization and members of the dissertation council is assessed in accordance with the recommendations of the Commission.

10. An organization’s petition for permission to create a dissertation council on its basis (hereinafter referred to as the organization’s petition) must contain a justification for the need to create a dissertation council in the declared scientific specialties and the feasibility of its functioning on the basis of this organization, guarantees of provision necessary conditions for the work of the dissertation council, the allocation of funds necessary for the consideration and defense of dissertations, confirmation of the consent of candidates for members of the dissertation council to the processing of their personal data, the postal address and website address of the organization must be indicated. Also, if available, information is provided about the organization’s right to train scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (postgraduate studies) in areas corresponding to the declared scientific specialties, about the possibility of making audio-video recordings of dissertation council meetings, the presence of a system for verifying the use of borrowed material without reference to the author and (or ) source of borrowing, results of scientific work performed in collaboration, without reference to co-authors, as well as the possibility of live broadcasting of dissertation council meetings on the Internet.

The organization's application is accompanied by:

a) information about the organization containing:

information about the scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of the organization as of January 1 of the year of submission of the organization’s application;

information about scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel trained in areas corresponding to the declared scientific specialties for the 5 years preceding the date of filing the organization’s application;

information about postgraduate studies (postgraduate studies), doctoral studies, assignment of persons to prepare a dissertation for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences without mastering programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in postgraduate (postgraduate) studies (as of January 1 of the year the organization’s application was submitted);

information about scientific research, corresponding to the declared scientific specialties, carried out within the framework of scientific and technical programs, federal target programs, grants, on government assignments for 5 years preceding the date of filing the organization’s application;

data on the number of publications by the organization’s employees for the 5 years preceding the date of filing the organization’s application, on the topics of the declared scientific specialties;

scientometric indicators (the number of citations of publications in international citation and analytical databases and the number of articles in peer-reviewed scientific publications);

b) information about each candidate for membership of the dissertation council, containing:

surname, first name, patronymic (if any), date of birth, gender, citizenship, place of main work, academic title;

data on the awarded academic degree, indicating the code of the scientific specialty in which the dissertation was defended (at the time of awarding the academic degree) (for persons with an academic degree received in a foreign country - a certificate of recognition of an academic degree received in a foreign country, with the exception of , when foreign academic degrees are subject to international treaties of the Russian Federation, and are also obtained in foreign educational organizations and scientific organizations, the list of which is established by the Government of the Russian Federation);

data on the number of publications for the 5 years preceding the date of filing the organization’s application, on the subject of the declared scientific specialty;

citation rate in the Russian Science Citation Index (hereinafter referred to as RSCI) ( total number references to publications of a candidate for membership of the dissertation council in the RSCI) for 5 years preceding the date of submission of the organization’s application;

information about participation with invited reports on the topics of the declared scientific specialties at international conferences, organized by leading international professional associations in the relevant field of knowledge, as well as organizations included in the list of foreign educational organizations and scientific organizations, foreign academic degrees and foreign academic titles received in which are recognized in the Russian Federation, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, for 5 years preceding the date of filing the organization's application;

data on the number of peer-reviewed monographs published on topics corresponding to the declared scientific specialty for the 5 years preceding the date of filing the organization’s application;

preprints posted in international research networks on the topics of the declared scientific specialties for the 5 years preceding the date of submission of the organization’s application.

The organization’s application and the documents attached to it are submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on paper (by mail or on an expedition) and to electronic form through the federal information system for state scientific certification (hereinafter referred to as the unified information system).

11. The dissertation council is created to consider dissertations in no more than three scientific specialties.

12. The dissertation council includes doctors of sciences, as well as persons with an academic degree received in a foreign country, recognized in the Russian Federation, the holder of which is granted the same academic and (or) professional rights as a doctor of sciences in the Russian Federation.

The scientific secretary of the dissertation council may be a candidate of science.

13. The dissertation council must include at least seven doctors of science who are specialists in the problems of each branch of science of each scientific specialty for which the dissertation council is granted the right to accept dissertations for defense, including at least five doctors of science who are specialists in the problems of each branch of science of each scientific specialty (hereinafter - specialist), for which the dissertation council is granted the right to accept for defense dissertations whose main place of work is the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council is created.

To include a specialist in the dissertation council, his written consent is required.

The total number of members of the dissertation council must be at least nineteen people.

The number of members of the dissertation council whose main place of work is the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council is being created must be more than 50 percent of the composition of the dissertation council.

Each member of the dissertation council represents only one scientific specialty in one branch of science, for which the dissertation council is given the right to accept dissertations for defense.

A member of the dissertation council cannot simultaneously be a member of more than three dissertation councils.

A member of the dissertation council cannot be a specialist who was the scientific supervisor (consultant) of a person in respect of whom the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, within five years preceding the submission of the organization’s application for permission to create a dissertation council or to change the composition of the dissertation council, made a decision to deprive him of his academic degree .

14. In order to increase the independence and objectivity of state scientific certification of scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers, dissertation councils are created on the basis of several organizations (hereinafter referred to as the joint dissertation council). No more than four organizations can participate in the joint dissertation council.

Joint dissertation councils are created on the basis of organizations known for their achievements in the relevant field of knowledge, in accordance with the agreement on the creation of a joint dissertation council (hereinafter referred to as the agreement), attached to the organization’s application for the creation of a joint dissertation council. The requirements set out in these Regulations apply to each participant in the agreement.

The organization's petition to create a joint dissertation council contains the information provided for in these Regulations, guarantees of providing the necessary conditions for the work of the dissertation council, provides the addresses of the websites of all participants in the agreement, including the address of the organization's website on which information materials will be posted in accordance with the Regulations on the awarding of academic degrees .

An organization on the basis of which a dissertation council operates in one of the scientific specialties declared by the joint dissertation council cannot be a party to the agreement.

15. The dissertation council consists of a chairman, deputy (deputies) chairman, scientific secretary and members of the dissertation council.

The chairman of the dissertation council should be a leading scientist - a specialist in the profile of the dissertation council.

The main place of work of the scientific secretary of the dissertation council should be the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council is created.

In a joint dissertation council, the chairman and deputy (one of the deputies) of the chairman must, at their main place of work, be employees of different organizations - parties to the agreement.

16. Permission to create a dissertation council is formalized by an order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, which establishes the powers of this council, determines the composition of the dissertation council and the list of scientific specialties for which the dissertation council is granted the right to accept dissertations for defense.

The decision to refuse to issue permission to create a dissertation council on the basis of the organization in the declared scientific specialties (hereinafter referred to as the decision to refuse to issue permission) is formalized by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

When the Russian Ministry of Education and Science makes a decision to refuse to issue a permit, an organization’s petition to create a dissertation council in the same scientific specialty and branch of science can be submitted no earlier than one year after the decision to refuse to issue a permit is made.

When making a decision to refuse to issue permission to create a joint dissertation council based on the results of assessing the effectiveness of scientific activities of one of the organizations participating in the creation of a joint dissertation council, a petition for the creation of a dissertation council in the same scientific specialty and branch of science on the basis of such an organization, including including as part of the joint dissertation council, can be submitted no earlier than one year after the decision to refuse permission is made.

17. Changes in the composition of the dissertation council are made by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia based on the recommendation of the Commission at the request of the organization. The organization's petition lists all proposed changes and justifies their need. The organization's application is accompanied by information about newly appointed members of the dissertation council, as well as about council members changing their scientific specialty (branch of science) on the council. Information about each member of the dissertation council must include all the information listed in these Regulations.

The organization's application must contain confirmation of the consent of newly appointed members of the dissertation council to the processing of their personal data.

18. Information about the composition of the dissertation council and its changes is posted on the organization’s website, as well as in a single information system.

19. The list of dissertation councils is posted on the official website of the Commission on the Internet information and telecommunications network (hereinafter referred to as the Commission’s website), as well as in the unified information system.

20. Changes to the list of scientific specialties for which the dissertation council is granted the right to accept dissertations for defense are made by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia based on the recommendation of the Commission at the request of the organization in accordance with these Regulations.

21. The dissertation council works in conditions of openness.

The dissertation council promotes the creation of favorable conditions for the applicant to defend his dissertation prepared for an academic degree. The applicant for an academic degree is given the opportunity to familiarize himself with the materials available at the dissertation council regarding the defense of the dissertation, and to receive qualified assistance from the dissertation council on issues related to the defense of the dissertation.

22. The main form of activity of the dissertation council is a meeting.

A meeting of the dissertation council is considered competent if at least two-thirds of the dissertation council’s payroll takes part in its work.

The eligibility of holding a meeting of the dissertation council is determined on the basis of the attendance sheet of the members of the dissertation council, which indicates the names and initials of the members of the dissertation council who took part in this meeting and the date of this meeting. The attendance sheet is signed at a meeting of the dissertation council by the presiding officer and the scientific secretary of the dissertation council.

The decision of the dissertation council on the issue of awarding the academic degree of Doctor of Science or Candidate of Sciences is considered positive if at least two-thirds of the members of the dissertation council who participated in the meeting of the dissertation council voted for it.

The presence of members of the dissertation council at a meeting of the dissertation council is recorded in the transcript and audio-video recording of the meeting of the dissertation council. The transcript of the dissertation council meeting indicates the scientific specialties and branches of science represented by the members of the dissertation council. An audio-video recording of the dissertation council meeting during the entire dissertation council meeting records the progress of the dissertation council meeting, including the presence of members of the dissertation council and opponents participating in the meeting, speeches at this meeting of the applicant for an academic degree, opponents (including opponents participating in the dissertation council meeting remotely interactive mode), members of the dissertation council and other persons present at this meeting of the dissertation council.

23. A meeting of the dissertation council is held under the leadership of the chairman of the dissertation council or, in his absence, under the leadership of the deputy chairman of the dissertation council on the written instructions of the chairman of the dissertation council or the head of the organization on the basis of which this dissertation council was created.

The chairman (deputy chairman) of the dissertation council cannot preside at a meeting of the dissertation council when considering the dissertation of an applicant for an academic degree for whom he is a scientific supervisor or scientific consultant.

In the absence of the chairman, or deputy (deputy) chairman, or scientific secretary of the dissertation council, the fulfillment of their duties is assigned by the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council was created, with an indication of the terms (but not more than four months) to one of the members of the dissertation council.

In the event of the simultaneous absence of the chairman, deputy (deputies) chairman and scientific secretary of the dissertation council, assigning the performance of their duties to other members of the council by the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council was created is not allowed.

24. At one meeting of the dissertation council, no more than one dissertation is defended, or one additional conclusion on the dissertation is prepared, or one appeal or one application for deprivation of an academic degree is considered.

The number of meetings held by the dissertation council during the day cannot exceed four.

When planning the order of defense of dissertations by the dissertation council, priority consideration of dissertations of applicants for academic degrees who performed dissertation research in the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council was created is unacceptable.

Priority consideration is given to dissertations sent by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science for additional conclusion, appeals regarding the award of academic degrees in terms of violation of the procedure for submitting and defending dissertations, and applications for deprivation of an academic degree.

Advertisement her new scientific results, the personal contribution of the author of the dissertation to science, as well as at a meeting of the Commission’s expert council when considering an application for deprivation of an academic degree.

At a meeting of the expert council of the Commission or Commission, the chairman (deputy chairman) of the dissertation council gives oral and written explanations on emerging issues and provides additional materials related to the decision made by the dissertation council.

26. If the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia has identified violations of the requirements for registration of certification files and returned the certification file for revision, the dissertation council, within 1 month from the date of receipt of the certification file from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, corrects the identified violations and re-sends the certification file to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia .

At the request of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, sent in accordance with paragraph 45 of the Regulations on the Award of Academic Degrees, the dissertation council, no later than 15 days from the date of receipt of the request, submits to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia the applicant’s publications to clarify the main scientific results of the dissertation for an academic degree, the requirements for which are established by paragraphs 11 and 13 of the Regulations on the award of academic degrees, as well as other materials confirming the dissertation’s compliance with the criteria established by paragraphs 9 and 10 of the Regulations on the award of academic degrees.

27. When the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia makes a decision to withdraw a dissertation from consideration at the request of an applicant for an academic degree, the dissertation council, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the said decision from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, returns to the applicant for an academic degree in person or by mail with acknowledgment of receipt the previously submitted documents, with the exception of one copy of the abstract and dissertation, which are stored in the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council was created, for ten years.

28. No later than the first of February of the year following the reporting year, the dissertation council submits to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council was created, a report on the work of the dissertation council and information about the members of the dissertation council, provided for by these Regulations.

Information about the personal composition of the dissertation council and its activities, including the dissertations defended and submitted for defense, is posted by the dissertation council in a unified information system, as well as on the organization’s website.

IV. Procedure for preliminary examination of the dissertation

29. The dissertation council accepts for preliminary consideration a dissertation that meets the requirements provided for in the Regulations on the awarding of academic degrees when the applicant for the academic degree submits the following documents:

a) applications of the academic degree applicant (to these Regulations);

b) confirmation of posting the full text of the dissertation on the organization’s website (printout of the website page indicating the date of posting);

c) a certified copy of a standard document on higher education (specialist’s diploma, master’s diploma, diploma of completion of postgraduate school (adjunct) with an appendix to it - for an applicant for the academic degree of candidate of sciences (persons who received education in a foreign country additionally submit a copy of the document certifying recognition in the Russian Federation of education and (or) qualifications obtained in a foreign country, with the provision of the same academic and (or) professional rights as holders of higher education received in the Russian Federation (specialty, master's, postgraduate (postgraduate) studies, with the exception of cases where higher education received in a foreign country is subject to international treaties on mutual recognition or was received in a foreign educational organization included in the list established by the Government of the Russian Federation) (1 copy);

d) a certified copy of the diploma of a candidate of sciences - for an applicant for the academic degree of Doctor of Sciences (persons who received an academic degree in a foreign country additionally submit a copy of the certificate of recognition of the academic degree received in a foreign country, except in cases where foreign academic degrees fall under international treaties of the Russian Federation, and also received from foreign educational organizations and scientific organizations, the list of which is established by the Government of the Russian Federation) (1 copy);

e) a document confirming the passing of candidate exams (2 copies) (with the exception of applicants for an academic degree who have completed the training program for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (postgraduate study) in the direction of training scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (postgraduate study), corresponding to the scientific specialty provided the nomenclature of scientific specialties on which the dissertation was prepared);

e) dissertations in in electronic format and on paper, drawn up in accordance with these Regulations, in the number of copies required for transfer to the federal state budgetary institution "Russian State Library", the Central Scientific Medical Library of the Federal State Autonomous educational institution higher education of the First Moscow State medical university named after I.M. Sechenov Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Sechenov University) (in medical and pharmaceutical sciences), the federal state autonomous scientific institution "Center for Information Technologies and Systems of Executive Bodies", the library of the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council was created, opponents and the leading organization, as well as manuscripts of the dissertation abstract in typewritten form on paper and in electronic form. The title pages of the dissertation submitted on paper (to these Regulations), the cover of the manuscript of the dissertation abstract (to these Regulations) are signed by the applicant for the academic degree.

To defend a dissertation in a foreign language, if such a possibility is provided for by local regulations of the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council is created, the dissertation and the manuscript of the abstract are submitted to the dissertation council by an applicant for an academic degree who is foreign citizen, in Russian and foreign languages;

g) a positive conclusion from the organization where the dissertation was carried out, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations on the awarding of academic degrees, approved by the head (deputy head) of the organization. The signature of the head (deputy head) of the organization must be certified by the seal of this organization (if there is a seal) (2 copies);

h) review of the scientific supervisor for applicants for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences or review of the scientific consultant for applicants for the scientific degree of Doctor of Science (if there is a consultant).

Documents in a foreign language submitted by an applicant for an academic degree who is a foreign citizen to defend a dissertation in a foreign language, if such a possibility is provided for by the local regulations of the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council was created, are translated into Russian.

30. The dissertation is drawn up in the form of a manuscript and has the following structure:

a) title page;

c) the text of the dissertation, including introduction, main part, conclusion, list of references.

The text of the dissertation may also include a list of abbreviations and symbols, a dictionary of terms, a list of illustrative material, and appendices.

The introduction to the dissertation includes the relevance of the chosen topic, the degree of its development, goals and objectives, scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the work, methodology and methods of dissertation research, provisions submitted for defense, degree of reliability and testing of the results.

In the main part, the text of the dissertation is divided into chapters and paragraphs or sections and subsections, which are numbered in Arabic numerals.

The conclusion of the dissertation outlines the results of the research, recommendations, and prospects for further development of the topic.

31. When accepting a dissertation for preliminary consideration, the dissertation council creates a commission formed in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations on the Award of Academic Degrees for preliminary examination of the dissertation (hereinafter referred to as the dissertation council commission).

The dissertation council commission, consisting of at least 3 people, is elected by open voting of the dissertation council members by a simple majority of votes of the dissertation council members participating in the meeting.

The chairman of the dissertation council commission is a member of the dissertation council - an employee of the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council was created.

The commission of the dissertation council prepares a conclusion on the compliance of the topic and content of the dissertation with the scientific specialty (scientific specialties) and branches of science for which the dissertation council is granted the right to accept dissertation defense, the completeness of the presentation of the dissertation materials in the works published by the applicant for an academic degree, the fulfillment of the requirements for the publication of basic scientific the results of the dissertation provided for in paragraphs 11 and 13 of the Regulations on the award of academic degrees, and compliance with the requirements established by paragraph 14 of the Regulations on the award of academic degrees. In order to prepare this conclusion, the dissertation council commission checks the identity of the text of the dissertation submitted to the dissertation council with the text of the dissertation posted on the organization’s website, the presence (absence) in the dissertation of false information about the works published by the applicant for an academic degree.

The conclusion of the dissertation council commission must contain a justification for the possibility or impossibility of accepting the dissertation for defense.

Based on the conclusion of the dissertation council commission, the dissertation council makes a decision on acceptance or refusal to accept the dissertation for defense.

32. The dissertation council accepts a dissertation for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences for defense no later than two months and for the scientific degree of Doctor of Science - no later than four months from the date the applicant for the scientific degree submits all the necessary documents or sends the applicant for the scientific degree to the specified deadlines for a reasoned decision to refuse to accept the dissertation for defense.

The dissertation council refuses to accept a dissertation in the cases provided for in paragraph 20 of the Regulations on the award of academic degrees.

If the dissertation council refuses to accept the dissertation for defense, within 10 days from the date of such a decision, the applicant for an academic degree is given an extract from the minutes of the dissertation council meeting on the refusal to accept the dissertation for defense with justification of the reasons for the refusal. The applicant for an academic degree is returned the documents submitted by him to the dissertation council, excluding the application for acceptance of the dissertation for consideration and defense for an academic degree, the text of the dissertation manuscript and one copy of the abstract.

The dissertation council’s decision to accept or refuse to accept a dissertation for defense is posted within 5 days from the date of the dissertation council meeting at which the corresponding decision was made, on the organization’s website and in the unified information system.

33. The dissertation council when accepting a dissertation for defense:

a) appoints official opponents for the dissertation from among scientists competent in the relevant field of science, who have published in the relevant field of research and who have given their consent to this (hereinafter referred to as opponents);

b) appoints an organization (with its consent) for the dissertation, widely known for its achievements in the relevant field of science and capable of determining the scientific and (or) practical value of the dissertation, which submits a review of the dissertation to the dissertation council (hereinafter referred to as the leading organization);

c) sets a date for defense;

f) decides to defend a dissertation with the involvement of specialists in the relevant fields of science who are not members of this dissertation council, if the topic of the dissertation covers several scientific specialties, not all of which are granted to the dissertation council with the right to conduct dissertation defenses, subject to compliance with the main the content of a dissertation in a scientific specialty for which the dissertation council has the right to accept dissertations for defense;

g) publishes on the Commission’s website the text of the announcement of the defense of the dissertation and the abstract of the dissertation;

h) publishes on the organization’s website the text of the announcement of the defense, reviews of scientific supervisors or scientific consultants of the applicant for an academic degree (if any) and the abstract of the dissertation;

i) places the abstract of the dissertation in the unified information system.

One copy of the dissertation accepted for defense and two copies of the abstract of the dissertation are transferred to the library of the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council was created no later than three months before the day of defense of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science and no later than two months before the day defense of the dissertation for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences and are stored there as a manuscript.

Copies of reviews from opponents and the leading organization are given to the applicant for an academic degree no later than ten days before the defense of the dissertation.

Information about opponents and the leading organization, scientific supervisors and scientific consultants, reviews of opponents and feedback from the leading organization submitted for the dissertation must be posted on the organization’s website and in the unified information system no later than ten days before the day of the dissertation defense. All other reviews are posted on the organization’s website as they are received until the day of the dissertation defense, where they remain until the Russian Ministry of Education and Science makes a decision on issuing a Doctor of Science or Candidate of Science diploma. If the dissertation council makes a negative decision based on the results of the dissertation defense, or if the Russian Ministry of Education and Science cancels the dissertation council’s decision to award an academic degree, the specified information must be presented in a unified information system.

V. The procedure for forming the composition of the dissertation council for conducting the defense of a dissertation, the topic of which covers several scientific specialties, not all of which have granted the dissertation council the right to conduct dissertation defenses

35. To defend a dissertation, the topic of which covers several scientific specialties, not all of which the dissertation council has been granted the right to defend dissertations, five doctors of sciences who meet the requirements for members of dissertation councils are introduced into the dissertation council at one meeting during the defense dissertations for the scientific degree of Doctor of Science and three Doctors of Science, meeting the requirements for members of dissertation councils, when defending a dissertation for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences in each of the scientific specialties for which the dissertation council does not have the right to accept a dissertation for defense, provided compliance of the main content of the dissertation with the scientific specialty for which the dissertation council has the right to accept dissertations for defense.

The decision to include doctors of science into the dissertation council for one meeting is made by members of the dissertation council by open voting by a simple majority of votes of the members of the dissertation council participating in the meeting.

36. A meeting of the dissertation council is considered competent if at least two thirds of the members of the dissertation council take part in its work.

At a meeting of the dissertation council when defending a dissertation for the scientific degree of Doctor of Science, at least five doctors of science for each scientific specialty of the defended dissertation participate, and when defending a dissertation for the scientific degree of Candidate of Science - at least three doctors of science for each scientific specialty of the defended dissertation.

The defense of the dissertation is carried out in Russian; if necessary, the dissertation council provides simultaneous translation into another language.

When defending a dissertation by a foreign citizen in a foreign language, if requested by a member or members of the dissertation council or an official opponent(s), the organization provides two-way simultaneous translation of the public defense of the dissertation.

When holding a meeting of the dissertation council, an audio-video recording is made, recording the progress of the meeting throughout the entire meeting of the dissertation council, including the presence of members of the dissertation council and opponents participating in the meeting, speeches at this meeting of the applicant for an academic degree, opponents (including opponents participating in the meeting of the dissertation council) council in a remote interactive mode), members of the dissertation council and other persons present at this meeting.

37. The chairperson at the meeting of the dissertation council announces the defense of the dissertation by the applicant for an academic degree, indicates the surname, first name and patronymic (the latter - if available) of the applicant for the academic degree, the name of the topic of the dissertation, the names of official opponents and the leading organization. The scientific secretary briefly reports on the main content of the documents submitted by the applicant for an academic degree and their compliance with the established requirements.

38. The applicant for an academic degree sets out the essence and main provisions of the dissertation. The degree applicant is then asked questions orally or in writing.

The order of answers to questions is determined by the chairman of the dissertation council meeting.

Next, the floor is given to the supervisor or scientific consultant and the conclusion of the organization where the dissertation work was carried out, the review of the leading organization, other reviews of the dissertation and the dissertation abstract received by the dissertation council are announced. If there are a significant number of positive reviews of the dissertation or dissertation abstract, the scientific secretary, with the consent of the members of the dissertation council, instead of reading them out, makes a review of them, indicating the comments noted in them. Negative reviews of the dissertation or dissertation abstract are read out in full.

After the announcement of reviews of the dissertation or dissertation abstract, the applicant for an academic degree is given the floor to respond to the comments contained in the reviews.

Then the dissertation opponents speak.

After the opponents speak, the degree applicant gets the floor to answer. At the request of the applicant for an academic degree, the floor for an answer may be given after the presentation of each opponent. At the request of the applicant for an academic degree, he can also immediately respond to comments contained in opponents’ reviews and reviews of the dissertation abstract. All those present at the dissertation defense can take part in the subsequent discussion. At the end of the discussion, the degree applicant is given the final word.

During a meeting of the dissertation council, the chairperson may announce technical breaks.

39. After finishing the defense of the dissertation, the dissertation council elects a counting commission and conducts a secret vote on awarding an academic degree in the manner prescribed by these Regulations.

The decision of the dissertation council on the issue of awarding the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences or Doctor of Sciences is considered positive if at least two-thirds of the members of the dissertation council who participated in the meeting voted for it.

The decision of the dissertation council is posted on the official website of the organization.

The conclusion of the dissertation council on the dissertation is adopted by open vote by a simple majority of votes of the members of the dissertation council who participated in the meeting of the dissertation council, after which the conclusion on the dissertation is announced to the applicant for the academic degree. At this point, the meeting of the dissertation council is considered completed.

Within three days, the conclusion of the dissertation council is signed by the chairman or, on his behalf, by the deputy chairman and the scientific secretary of the dissertation council and certified by the seal of the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council was created (if there is a seal).

41. When making a decision on the compliance of a dissertation for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences with the requirements for a dissertation for the scientific degree of Doctor of Science, the dissertation council prepares a conclusion on awarding the applicant the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences.

The decision to award an applicant the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences is made by secret ballot if at least two-thirds of the dissertation council members who participated in the meeting voted for it.

At the same meeting, the dissertation council is preparing a petition to the Russian Ministry of Education and Science for permission to submit the same dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science. The decision to initiate this petition before the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia is made by secret ballot by a majority vote of the members of the dissertation council participating in the meeting.

42. If the decision on the results of the dissertation defense is positive, the dissertation council, within 30 days from the date of defense of the dissertation, sends to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia the first copy of the attestation file of the academic degree applicant on paper and places in electronic form the materials of the attestation file of the academic degree applicant and the text of the dissertation of the academic degree applicant in a unified information system. The first copy of the certification file of a candidate for the scientific degree of Doctor of Science, as well as the first copy of the certification file of a candidate for the scientific degree of Candidate of Science, if the dissertation council has filed a petition in accordance with these Regulations, is sent to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia along with a copy of the dissertation on paper. The first copy of the certification file includes the following documents and materials:

a) a covering letter on the letterhead of the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council was created, signed by the chairman of the dissertation council, indicating the date of sending the documents provided for by these Regulations to the federal state budgetary institution "Russian State Library" or the Central Scientific Medical Library of the federal state autonomous educational institution higher education of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Sechenov University);

b) conclusion of the dissertation council on the award of the scientific degree of Doctor of Science or Candidate of Science (2 copies);

c) reviews of opponents, the leading organization for the dissertation, other reviews received for the dissertation, including the review of the scientific supervisor or scientific consultant, and the abstract of the dissertation, with the obligatory indication of the code and name of the scientific specialty in accordance with the nomenclature of scientific specialties for which the dissertation was defended;

d) conclusion of the organization where the dissertation was carried out or to which the applicant for an academic degree was attached (1 copy);

f) the text of the announcement of the defense of the dissertation, indicating the date of posting on the Commission’s website;

h) a certified copy of a standard document on higher education (specialist’s diploma, master’s diploma, diploma of completion of postgraduate study (adjunct) with an appendix to it - for an applicant for the academic degree of candidate of sciences (persons who received education in a foreign country additionally submit a copy of the document certifying recognition in the Russian Federation of education and (or) qualifications obtained in a foreign country, with the provision of the same academic and (or) professional rights as holders of higher education received in the Russian Federation (specialty, master's, postgraduate (postgraduate) studies, with the exception of cases where higher education received in a foreign country is subject to international treaties on mutual recognition or was received in a foreign educational organization included in the list established by the Government of the Russian Federation) (1 copy);

i) a certified copy of the Candidate of Sciences diploma - for an applicant for the academic degree of Doctor of Sciences (persons who received an academic degree in a foreign country additionally submit a copy of the certificate of recognition in the Russian Federation of the academic degree received in a foreign country, except in cases where foreign academic degrees fall under subject to international treaties of the Russian Federation, and also received from foreign educational organizations and scientific organizations, the list of which is established by the Government of the Russian Federation) (1 copy);

j) a certified copy of the document on passing candidate exams (with the exception of applicants for an academic degree who have completed the training program for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (adjunct) in the direction of training scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (adjunct), corresponding to the scientific specialty provided for by the nomenclature of scientific specialties, on which the dissertation was prepared);

k) a copy of the dissertation council’s decision on accepting the dissertation for preliminary consideration and creating a dissertation council commission;

l) transcript of the meeting of the dissertation council (first copy), signed by the presiding and scientific secretary of the dissertation council and certified by the seal of the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council was created (if there is a seal);

m) audio-video recording of a dissertation council meeting in a machine-readable digital format, recording the progress of the meeting in accordance with the procedure defined by these Regulations;

o) protocol of the counting commission;

o) an inventory of documents available in the case, signed by the scientific secretary of the dissertation council;

p) an electronic medium on which the documents listed in and this paragraph are posted, as well as for applicants for the academic degree of Doctor of Science - an electronic full-text version of the dissertation;

c) information certificate with the following information to be posted on the Commission’s website:

information about scientific supervisors (scientific consultants) of the applicant for an academic degree: last name, first name, patronymic (in full), academic degree, academic title, position (if any) at the main place of work (indicated);

information about the members of the dissertation council commission who signed the conclusion on the acceptance of the dissertation of the specified applicant for an academic degree for defense: last name, first name, patronymic (in full), academic degree, academic title, position (if any) at the main place of work (indicated);

information about the chairman and academic secretary of the dissertation council at the place of defense of the applicant for an academic degree: last name, first name, patronymic (in full), academic degree, academic title, position (if any) at the main place of work (indicated);

information about the opponents who provided feedback on the dissertation: last name, first name, patronymic (in full), academic degree, academic title, position (if any) at the main place of work (indicated);

information about the person who approved the conclusion of the organization where the dissertation was prepared: last name, first name, patronymic (in full), academic degree, academic title, position (if any) at the main place of work (indicated);

information about the leading organization that provided feedback on the dissertation: full name, organizational and legal form, departmental affiliation;

information about the person who approved the review of the leading organization for the dissertation: last name, first name, patronymic (in full), academic degree, academic title, position (if any) at the main place of work (indicated).

The information certificate is signed by the chairman of the dissertation council and the scientific secretary, certified by the seal of the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council was created (if there is a seal).

The applicant for an academic degree has the right to familiarize himself with the materials of his certification file.

43. The second copy of the certification file of the applicant for an academic degree, which is stored in the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council was created, for ten years, in addition to the second copies or copies of documents provided for in these Regulations, includes the following documents:

a) application of an academic degree applicant;

b) minutes of the meeting of the dissertation council when accepting the dissertation for defense;

c) the attendance sheet of the members of the dissertation council, confirming their presence at the meeting of the dissertation council during the defense of the dissertation;

e) minutes of the dissertation council meeting during the defense of the dissertation;

f) a copy of the transcript of the dissertation council meeting;

The joint dissertation council transfers the second copy of the certification file to one of the organizations on the basis of which this joint dissertation council was created, in accordance with the agreement.

44. In the event of a negative decision based on the results of the defense of the dissertation, the dissertation council, within 30 days from the date of defense, sends to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia a notification letter on the letterhead of the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council was created, signed by the chairman of the dissertation council, with attached to it the decision of the dissertation council to refuse awarding the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences or Doctor of Sciences, a transcript of the meeting of the dissertation council, signed by the chairman and scientific secretary of the dissertation council and certified by the seal of the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council was created (if there is a seal), as well as the full text of the dissertation in electronic form.

The dissertation council, within 30 days, returns to the applicant for an academic degree in person or by mail with a notification of delivery the previously submitted documents, with the exception of one copy of the abstract and the dissertation, which are stored in the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council was created for ten years, and a copy dissertation in electronic form, which is transferred to the federal state autonomous scientific institution “Center for Information Technologies and Systems of Executive Authorities”.

Reviews of the dissertation, abstract, transcript and audio-video recording of the dissertation council meeting, as well as the minutes of the counting commission remain in the dissertation council and are sent on the basis of a request to the place of re-defense or to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

45. The applicant has the right to withdraw the dissertation from consideration upon a written application submitted before the start of the secret ballot.

When an applicant for an academic degree submits a written application to the dissertation council to withdraw his dissertation from consideration, the chairman of the dissertation council gives instructions to issue the applicant for an academic degree the documents submitted by him, with the exception of the application, one copy of the dissertation and the abstract of the dissertation, which remain with the dissertation council.

Documents prepared during the dissertation review process remain with the dissertation council and are stored in the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council was created. Copies of documents based on the request are sent to the place of re-defense of the dissertation.

If an applicant for an academic degree fails to comply with the requirements established by paragraph 14 of the Regulations on the award of academic degrees, and (or) the dissertation contains false information about the works published by the applicant for an academic degree, which set out the main scientific results of the dissertation, the applicant for an academic degree does not have the right to withdraw the dissertation from consideration . In this case, the dissertation is removed from consideration by the dissertation council without the right to re-defend and is posted on the organization’s website for a period of 10 years from the date of the relevant decision.

VII. Secret voting and work of the counting commission

46. ​​To conduct a secret ballot, the dissertation council elects by open vote by a simple majority of votes from the members of the dissertation council participating in the meeting, a counting commission of at least three members of the dissertation council.

47. The scientific secretary of the dissertation council prepares ballot forms for secret voting.

48. The Counting Commission inspects and seals the secret ballot box.

49. Only members of the dissertation council present at the meeting of the dissertation council take part in secret voting, to whom the counting commission, after the completion of the defense of the dissertation, issues ballots against signature.

Members of the dissertation council who were late for the start of the defense of the dissertation, left before its completion, or were temporarily absent from the meeting of the dissertation council, except during the announced technical break, are not taken into account in determining the quorum and do not participate in secret voting.

An applicant for an academic degree who defends a dissertation in a dissertation council of which he is a member does not participate in voting on the results of his defense and is not taken into account in the list of members of the dissertation council at a meeting of the dissertation council.

50. Members of the counting commission, in the presence of members of the dissertation council participating in the meeting of the dissertation council, open the ballot box for secret voting, count the ballots and draw up a protocol of the counting commission based on the voting results.

Undistributed ballots remain with the counting commission with the appropriate mark made before the start of vote counting. Ballots that do not reveal the opinion of the member of the dissertation council who took part in voting are considered invalid, which is also noted in the protocol of the counting commission.

After drawing up the protocol of the counting commission on the voting results, the counting commission seals all ballots in an envelope and transfers them to the scientific secretary of the dissertation council.

In cases where violations are identified in the dissertation defense procedure, secret voting or the work of the counting commission, the protocol of the counting commission is not approved, the dissertation council decides to postpone the dissertation defense to another day, as indicated in the minutes of the dissertation council meeting.

VIII. The procedure for holding a meeting of the dissertation council in the event that a dissertation for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences meets the requirements for a dissertation for the scientific degree of Doctor of Science

Advertisement a dissertation for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences, recommended for defense for the scientific degree of Doctor of Science. In this case, re-protection is not carried out.

At least five doctors of science in each scientific specialty corresponding to the profile of the dissertation under consideration participate in the meeting of the dissertation council on the issue of awarding the academic degree of Doctor of Science to an applicant.

Advertisement main provisions of the dissertation.

All those present at the meeting can take part in the subsequent discussion.

54. After the end of the discussion, the dissertation council holds a secret vote on the issue of awarding the academic degree of Doctor of Science.

The decision of the dissertation council on the issue of awarding the academic degree of Doctor of Science is considered positive if at least two-thirds of the members of the dissertation council who participated in the meeting of the dissertation council voted for it.

If the decision on the results of the dissertation defense is negative, the dissertation council, within 30 days from the date of defense, sends to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia a notification letter on the letterhead of the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council was created, signed by the chairman of the dissertation council, with attached to it the dissertation council's decision to refuse to award the thesis. degree of doctor of science, a transcript of a meeting of the dissertation council, signed by the chairman and scientific secretary of the dissertation council and certified by the seal of the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council was created (if there is a seal), as well as the full text of the dissertation in electronic form.

The conclusion of the dissertation council on the issue of awarding the scientific degree of Doctor of Science reflects the most significant scientific results obtained personally by the applicant for the scientific degree, an assessment of their reliability and novelty, their significance for theory and practice, recommendations on the use of the results of the dissertation research, and also indicates, in accordance with what requirements of paragraph 9 of the Regulations on the award of academic degrees were used to evaluate the dissertation.

The decision on the dissertation is made by open voting by a simple majority of votes of the members of the dissertation council who participated in the meeting of the dissertation council. At this point, the meeting of the dissertation council is considered completed.

Within three days, the conclusion of the dissertation council is signed by the chairman or, on his behalf (or on behalf of the head of the organization), by the deputy chairman of the dissertation council and the scientific secretary of the dissertation council. The signatures of these persons on the conclusion of the dissertation council are certified by the seal of the organization on the basis of which this dissertation council was created (if there is a seal), after which the decision is announced to the applicant for the academic degree.

56. If there is a positive decision on awarding an applicant the academic degree of Doctor of Science, the dissertation council, within 30 days from the date of the meeting, sends the documents and materials provided for by these Regulations to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

If the decision on awarding an applicant the academic degree of Doctor of Science is negative, the dissertation council, within 30 days, returns the previously submitted documents to the applicant for the academic degree in person or by mail with acknowledgment of delivery.

IX. Holding a meeting of the dissertation council when considering a dissertation sent by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia for an additional opinion

57. Upon receipt of a dissertation sent by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia for an additional conclusion, the dissertation council creates a dissertation council commission specified in these Regulations to familiarize itself with the dissertation, the materials of the certification file of the applicant for an academic degree, evaluate the critical comments expressed by the Commission at the stage of consideration of the certification case, and submitting a draft additional conclusion on the dissertation to the dissertation council.

A dissertation sent for an additional conclusion, together with the certification file, is considered by the dissertation council within two months from the date of receipt.

58. An applicant for an academic degree is invited to a meeting of the dissertation council, who has the right in advance, no later than ten days before the date of the meeting of the dissertation council, to familiarize himself with the draft additional conclusion on the dissertation prepared by the commission of the dissertation council created in accordance with these Regulations, the chairman or the deputy chairman of the dissertation council in which the dissertation was defended, opponents, a representative of the leading organization, scientific supervisor, scientific adviser of the applicant for an academic degree, as well as leading experts in the relevant field of knowledge.

The dissertation council has the right to decide to hold a meeting in the absence of an applicant for an academic degree if he did not appear or requested to hold a meeting without his participation.

Advertisement dissertation, names of opponents and leading organization.

The scientific secretary briefly reports on the main content of the certification file of the applicant for the academic degree.

If an applicant for an academic degree is present at a meeting of the dissertation council, he is given the floor to present the essence and main provisions of the dissertation, and answer questions orally or in writing.

60. The discussion begins with a speech by one of the members of the dissertation council commission, created in accordance with these Regulations. All those present at the dissertation council meeting can take part in the further discussion.

At the end of the discussion, the applicant for an academic degree present at the meeting of the dissertation council is given the final word.

61. The dissertation council conducts a secret vote in the manner prescribed by these Regulations.

The decision of the dissertation council is considered positive if at least two-thirds of the members of the dissertation council who participated in its meeting voted for it.

62. After approval of the protocol of the counting commission, the dissertation council, by open vote by a simple majority of votes of the members of the dissertation council who participated in the meeting of the dissertation council, adopts an additional conclusion on the dissertation.

An additional conclusion on the dissertation is announced to the applicant for an academic degree if he is present at a meeting of the dissertation council. At this point, the meeting of the dissertation council is considered completed.

A copy of the additional conclusion on the dissertation is issued to the applicant for an academic degree at his request within two weeks from the date of the meeting of the dissertation council at which this conclusion was adopted.

63. The dissertation council, within two weeks from the date of the meeting of the dissertation council, sends to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia an additional conclusion on the dissertation, a transcript of the meeting signed by the chairman and scientific secretary of the dissertation council and certified by the seal of the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council was created (if there is a seal), and also the dissertation of the applicant for an academic degree and his certification file.

64. When the dissertation council receives a notification from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia about the receipt of an appeal against the decision of the dissertation council on the award of an academic degree with the text of the appeal attached, the dissertation council creates a commission from among the members of the dissertation council to study the necessary materials and prepare a draft conclusion of the dissertation council on the results of consideration of the appeal (hereinafter - appeal committee).

Information about the appeal is posted on the organization’s website and in the unified information system.

65. The meeting of the dissertation council is held in the presence of the author (authors) of the appeal, the applicant for an academic degree and other persons who are directly related to the essence of the issues raised in the appeal. The dissertation council notifies these persons of the meeting no later than fifteen days before it is held. The announcement of the upcoming meeting must be published on the organization’s website simultaneously with the notification of the above persons.

The dissertation council decides to hold a meeting in the absence of the author (authors) of the appeal, the applicant for an academic degree and other persons who are directly related to the essence of the issues raised in the appeal, in cases where they did not appear, requested a meeting to be held without their participation, or It was impossible to notify them.

66. At a meeting of the dissertation council, the chairperson announces the consideration of the received appeal and gives the floor to the scientific secretary to read out the relevant document. The discussion begins with a speech from one of the members of the appeal committee. All those present at the dissertation council meeting can take part in the further discussion, after which the final word is given to the applicant for the academic degree (if he is present at the dissertation council meeting).

At the end of the discussion, the dissertation council adopts a conclusion on the results of consideration of the appeal by open voting by a simple majority of votes of the members of the dissertation council participating in the meeting.

The dissertation council sends the person who filed the appeal, the academic degree applicant who filed the appeal (against whom the appeal was filed), a copy of the dissertation council's conclusion on the results of consideration of the appeal no later than 1 month from the date of the dissertation council meeting to consider the appeal.

The dissertation council, no later than 2 months from the date of receipt of the notification from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia about the receipt of an appeal against the decision of the dissertation council on the issue of awarding an academic degree, sends to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia:

a) the conclusion of the dissertation council on the results of consideration of the appeal;

b) a transcript of the meeting of the dissertation council at which the appeal was considered, signed by the chairman of this meeting and the scientific secretary of the dissertation council and certified by the seal of the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council was created (if there is a seal);

c) audio-video recording of the dissertation council meeting at which the appeal was considered;

d) other materials considered by the dissertation council on appeal.

67. At the request of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the dissertation council provides additional information about the completion of the procedure for submitting for defense and defending the dissertation against which the appeal was filed.

XI. The procedure for holding a meeting of the dissertation council when considering an application for deprivation of an academic degree

68. When the dissertation council receives a notification from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia about the receipt of an application for deprivation of an academic degree, the dissertation council creates a commission from among the members of the dissertation council to study the necessary materials and prepare a draft conclusion of the dissertation council on the results of consideration of the application for deprivation of an academic degree (commission for considering the application for deprivation scientific degree).

69. A meeting of the dissertation council is held, if possible, in the presence of the author (authors) of the application for deprivation of an academic degree, the person in respect of whom the application for deprivation of an academic degree was filed, and other persons who are directly related to the essence of the issues raised in the application for deprivation of an academic degree. The dissertation council notifies these persons of the meeting no later than fifteen days before it is held. The announcement of the upcoming meeting must be published on the organization’s website simultaneously with notification of the above mentioned persons.

The dissertation council decides to hold a meeting in the absence of the author (authors) of the application for deprivation of an academic degree, the person in respect of whom the application for deprivation of an academic degree was filed, and other persons who are directly related to the substance of the issues raised in the application for deprivation of an academic degree, in cases where they did not appear, asked for a meeting to be held without their participation, or it was not possible to notify them.

70. At a meeting of the dissertation council, the chairperson announces the consideration of the received application for deprivation of an academic degree and gives the floor to the academic secretary to read out the relevant document. The discussion begins with a speech by one of the members of the commission for considering the application for deprivation of an academic degree. All those present at the dissertation council meeting can take part in the further discussion, after which the final word is given to the person in respect of whom an application for deprivation of an academic degree was filed (if he is present at the dissertation council meeting).

At the end of the discussion, the dissertation council adopts a conclusion on the results of consideration of the application for deprivation of an academic degree by open voting by a simple majority of votes of the council members participating in the meeting.

The dissertation council sends to the person who filed the application for deprivation of an academic degree, and the person in respect of whom this application was submitted, a copy of the dissertation council's conclusion on the results of consideration of the application for deprivation of an academic degree no later than 1 month from the date of the meeting of the dissertation council to consider the application for deprivation of an academic degree .

The dissertation council, no later than 2 months from the date of receipt of the notification from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia about the receipt of an application for deprivation of an academic degree, submits to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia:

a) the conclusion of the dissertation council on the results of consideration of the application for deprivation of an academic degree;

b) a transcript of the meeting of the dissertation council, at which the application for deprivation of an academic degree was considered (first copy), signed by the presiding and scientific secretary of the dissertation council and certified by the seal of the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council was created (if there is a seal);

c) audio-video recording of the meeting of the dissertation council, at which the application for deprivation of an academic degree was considered;

d) the text of the dissertation considered on the application for deprivation of an academic degree and its abstract;

e) other materials considered by the dissertation council on the application for deprivation of an academic degree.

Information about the deprivation of an academic degree is posted by the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council was created on the organization’s website and in the unified information system.

71. At the request of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the dissertation council provides information on the publications of the person to whom an application for deprivation of an academic degree has been submitted, the requirements for which are established by paragraphs 11 and 13 of the Regulations on the award of academic degrees, the text of the dissertation and other materials necessary for considering the application for deprivation of an academic degree degrees.

XII. The procedure for suspending, renewing and terminating the activities of the dissertation council

a) revealed non-compliance of the dissertation council with the requirements established by these Regulations;

b) providing false information about the effectiveness of the scientific activities of the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council was created, and the members of the dissertation council;

c) an identified violation by the dissertation council of the procedure for organizing the work of the dissertation council established by these Regulations;

d) poor quality of preparation of the dissertation council’s conclusion;

e) violations by the dissertation council of the requirements for registration of certification files established by these Regulations.

73. To resume the activities of the dissertation council, the organization on the basis of which it functioned shall submit a petition from the organization containing justification for the need to resume the activities of the dissertation council, documented information on eliminating the dissertation council’s inconsistencies with the requirements established by these Regulations, or documented information on the measures taken to eliminate violations by the dissertation council of the procedure for organizing the work of the dissertation council or violations of other requirements established by these Regulations and which served as the basis for the suspension of its activities.

If violations of the requirements for dissertation councils or violations of the procedure for organizing the work of the dissertation council, established by these Regulations, are not eliminated within six months after the date of suspension of the dissertation council's activities, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia makes a decision to terminate the activities of the dissertation council.

a) violation of the requirements set out in these Regulations by the dissertation council, whose activities were previously suspended for the same violations;

b) cancellation of two decisions on awarding the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences, the scientific degree of Doctor of Sciences;

c) the inappropriateness of continuing the activities of the dissertation council depending on the effectiveness of its activities.

75. An organization’s application for permission to create on the basis of the organization a dissertation council in the same scientific specialty and branch of science, the activities of which have been terminated as a result of a violation provided for by these Regulations, may be submitted no earlier than one year after the termination of the dissertation council’s activities.

76. The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia terminates the activities of the dissertation council when:

a) the presence of a petition from the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council was created;

b) reorganization of the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council was created, with the exception of reorganization in the form of affiliation;

c) liquidation of the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council was created.

When the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council is created is reorganized in the form of affiliation, the dissertation councils created on the basis of the acquired organizations cease their activities from the moment they are entered into the Unified State Register legal entities data on the termination of the activities of these organizations.

77. Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on the suspension, resumption and termination of the activities of the dissertation council are posted on the Commission’s website.


*(1) Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, No. 35, Art. 4137; 2001, No. 1, art. 20; 2004, No. 35, art. 3607; 2009, No. 1, art. 17; 2010, No. 31, art. 4167; 2013, No. 27, art. 3477; 2014, No. 52, art. 7554; 2015, No. 29, art. 4396; 2016, No. 22, art. 3096.

*(2) Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 40, art. 5074; 2014, No. 32, art. 4496; 2016, No. 18, art. 2629; No. 32, art. 5125; 2017, No. 23, art. 3347; No. 37, art. 5513.

*(3) Clause 15 of the Regulations on the awarding of academic degrees.

*(4) Clause 2 of Article 4 of the Federal Law on Science (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, No. 35, Art. 4137; 2001, No. 1, Art. 20; 2004, No. 35, Art. 3607; 2009, No. 1, Art. 17; 2010, No. 31, Art. 4167; 2013, No. 27, Art. 3477; 2014, No. 52, Art. 7554; 2015, No. 29, Art. 4396; 2016, No. 22, Art. 3096).

*(5) Clause 2 of Article 6.2 of the Federal Law on Science (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, No. 31, Art. 4167; 2011, No. 49, Art. 7063; 2013, No. 27, Art. 3477).

*(6) Part 3 of Article 107 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 53, Art. 7598).

*(7) Clause 2 of Article 6.2 of the Federal Law on Science (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, No. 31, Art. 4167; 2011, No. 49, Art. 7063; 2013, No. 27, Art. 3477).

*(8) The results of candidate exams received before July 13, 2014 are confirmed by a certificate of completion. The results of candidate examinations obtained after July 13, 2014 are confirmed by a certificate of study or the period of study.

*(9) Clause 2 of Article 7 of the Federal Law of December 29, 1994 No. 77-FZ “On the Mandatory Deposit of Documents” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, No. 1, Art. 1; 2002, No. 7, Art. 630; 2008, No. 13, Art. 1184; 2014, No. 19, Art. 2305; 2016, No. 27, Art. 4211).

*(10) Part 3 of Article 107 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 53, Art. 7598).

*(11) Clause 2 of Article 6.2 of the Federal Law on Science (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, No. 31, Art. 4167; 2011, No. 49, Art. 7063; 2013, No. 27, Art. 3477).

Appendix No. 1
to about protection advice

PhD degrees,
for an academic degree
doctor of sciences, approved
Ministry of Education
and science of the Russian Federation
dated November 10, 2017 No. 1093

Chairman of the dissertation defense council

for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences,

for the degree of Doctor of Science

Created on the basis

(dissertation council code)


(name of the organization on the basis of which

dissertation council created)

from __________________________________________


Please accept my dissertation on the topic ______ for consideration and defense.

For competition

(title of dissertation)

scientific degree of candidate (doctor) _________________________________ sciences

(branch of science)

in scientific specialty _______________________________________________.

The work is being defended for the first time (repeatedly).

I agree to the inclusion of my personal data in the certification form

case and their further processing. I confirm that all those submitted to

protection, the data and results are genuine and original and, in addition

in specially stated cases, received by me personally.

Last name, first name, patronymic - if available Number, signature

Appendix No. 2
to about protection advice
dissertations for scientific competition
PhD degrees,
for an academic degree
doctor of sciences, approved
Ministry of Education
and science of the Russian Federation
dated November 10, 2017 No. 1093

Name of the organization where the dissertation was completed

As a manuscript

Last name, first name, patronymic - if available

Title of dissertation

Code and name of scientific specialty

Dissertation for the scientific degree of a candidate (doctor)


Scientific supervisor (consultant)

City - year


the dissertation is printed on standard sheets of white single-grade paper

A4 format and must be hardcover.

Appendix No. 3
to about protection advice
dissertations for scientific competition
PhD degrees,
for an academic degree
doctor of sciences, approved
Ministry of Education
and science of the Russian Federation
dated November 10, 2017 No. 1093

As a manuscript

Last name, first name, patronymic - if available

Title of dissertation

Code and name of scientific specialty

(indicated in accordance with the nomenclature of scientific specialties,

for which academic degrees are awarded)


City - year

(back cover)

The work was completed in ______________________________________________________________

(name of company)

Scientific supervisor (consultant) _____________________________________________

(academic degree, academic title, surname,

first name, patronymic - if available)

Official opponents:

(last name, first name, patronymic - if available, academic degree, academic title,

organization/place of work, position)

(last name, first name, patronymic - if available, academic degree, academic title,

organization/place of work, position)

Leading organization _____________________________________________________

(name of the organization that prepared the review)

The defense will take place ______________________________

(date Time)

at a meeting of the dissertation council _____________________________________

(dissertation council code, name

organization on the basis of which it was created

dissertation council, address)

The dissertation can be found in the library and on the website _______________


(name of the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council was created,

address of the website where the dissertation and abstract are posted)

Scientific Secretary

dissertation council _________________________________________________

2. Lines and footnotes are not printed.

Appendix No. 4
to about protection advice
dissertations for scientific competition
PhD degrees,
for an academic degree
doctor of sciences, approved
Ministry of Education
and science of the Russian Federation
dated November 10, 2017 No. 1093


(council code)

BASED ON ________________________________________________________________, ACCORDING TO THE DISSERTATION

(name of organization, departmental affiliation)


certification file No. _____________________________________

decision of the dissertation council dated _____________ No. _______

About the award of __________________________________________________________________________ scientist

(last name, first name, patronymic - if available (in full), citizenship)

candidate (doctor) degree _________________________________________________________________ sciences.

(branch of science)

Dissertation ___________________________________________________________________________________

(title of dissertation)

by specialty(s) ________________________________________________________________________________

(code and name of scientific specialty(s)

accepted for defense ______________________ (minutes of meeting No. ____________) by the dissertation council

Created on the basis of ________________________________________________________________

(council code) (name of organization, departmental affiliation,

postal code, address of the organization, number and date of the order on the creation of the dissertation council)

Applicant ___________________________________________________________________, born 19__,

(last name, first name, patronymic - if available (in full))

(*) In ______ year the applicant graduated from ___________________________________________________________

(for applicants for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences) (name of organization,

issued a diploma of higher education)

(*) A dissertation for the degree of candidate of _________________________________________ Sciences

(for applicants for the academic degree of Doctor of Science) (branch of science)

Defended in __________

(title of dissertation)

in the dissertation council created on the basis of _______________________________________________________

(name of the organization in accordance with the charter)

(if the applicant for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences has mastered the training program for scientific and pedagogical

personnel in graduate school (postgraduate studies), then the year of graduation and name are indicated


works in ______________________________________________________________________.

(position) (name of organization, departmental affiliation)

The dissertation was completed in ___________________________________________________________________________

(name of educational or scientific structural unit,


name of organization, departmental affiliation)

Scientific supervisor (consultant) - doctor (candidate) ____________________________________________

(branch of science)

Sciences, ______________________________________________________________________________________________

(last name, first name, patronymic - if available, name of the organization of the place of work,


structural unit, position)

Official opponents:




(last name, first name, patronymic - if available, academic degree, academic title, name of organization


place of work, structural unit, position)


(last name, first name, patronymic - if available, academic degree, academic title, name of organization


place of work, structural unit, position)

gave positive (negative) feedback on the dissertation.

Leading organization __________________________________________________________________________

(name of organization, city)

in your positive (negative) review, signed __________________________________________

(last name, first name, patronymic - if available,

academic degree, academic title, name of structural unit, position)

indicated that _____________________________________________________________________________________.

The applicant has ___________________________________ published works, including on the topic


(provided a brief description of scientific works of the applicant indicating the presence (absence) of

from peer-reviewed scientific publications, indicating the output data).

(provided short review reviews, with the obligatory reflection of the critical content contained in them


The choice of official opponents and leading organization is justified by ____________________________


The dissertation council notes that based on the research performed by the applicant:

developed by ________________________________________________________________________________________________

(for example, a scientific concept, a new scientific idea that enriches a scientific concept,


a new experimental technique that made it possible to identify qualitatively new patterns of the studied


phenomena, increase the accuracy of measurements while expanding the limits of applicability of the results obtained)

proposed by ________________________________________________________________________________________________,

(for example, the original scientific hypothesis, original judgments on the stated topic,

unconventional approach)

proven __________________________________________________________________________________________

(for example, the prospects for using new ideas in science, practice, the availability


patterns, unknown connections, dependencies)

introduced _________________________________________________________________________________________.

(for example, new concepts, modified interpretations of old concepts, new terms)

The theoretical significance of the study is justified by the fact that:

proven __________________________________________________________________________________________

(for example, theorems, lemmas, provisions, techniques that contribute to the expansion of ideas


about the phenomenon being studied, expanding the scope of applicability of the results obtained)

in relation to the problems of the dissertation effectively (effectively, that is, with obtaining possessed

novelty of the results) used


(for example, a set of existing basic research methods, including numerical methods,


experimental techniques)

set forth ______________________________________________________________________________________________

(for example, provisions, ideas, arguments, evidence, elements of theory, axioms, hypotheses,


facts, stages, trends, stages, factors, conditions)

disclosed ________________________________________________________________________________________________,

(for example, significant manifestations of the theory: contradictions, inconsistencies, identification of new problems)

studied ____________________________________________________________________________________________

(for example, the connections of a given phenomenon with others, the genesis of the process, internal and external


contradictions, factors, cause-and-effect relationships)

modernization carried out ______________________________________________________________________________

(for example, existing mathematical models, algorithms and/or numerical


methods that provide new results on the topic of the dissertation)

The significance of the research results obtained by the applicant for practice is confirmed by the fact that:

developed and implemented (indicate the degree of implementation) ________________________________________________

(e.g. technologies, new


universal measurement techniques, educational technologies)

determined by ________________________________________________________________________________________________,

(for example, the limits and prospects for the practical use of theory in practice)

created __________________________________________________________________________________________,

(for example, a model for the effective application of knowledge, a system of practical recommendations)

presented by ______________________________________________________________________________________________


organization of activities, proposals for further improvement)

Assessment of the reliability of the research results revealed:

for experimental work ________________________________________________________________________________

(for example, the results were obtained on certified equipment,


the calibrations are justified, the reproducibility of the research results under different conditions is shown)

theory ________________________________________________________________________________________________

(for example, built on known, verifiable data, facts, including for extreme cases,



the idea is based on ___________________________________________________________________________________

(for example, analyzing practice, summarizing best practices)

installed ________________________________________________________________________________________________

(qualitative and/or quantitative coincidence of the author’s results with the results


presented in independent sources on this topic, in cases where such a comparison

is justified)

used ________________________________________________________________________________________________

(for example, modern methods of collecting and processing initial information, representative


sample populations with justification for the selection of objects (units) of observation and measurement)

The applicant’s personal contribution consists of:


(for example, included participation at all stages of the process, direct participation of the applicant in


obtaining initial data and scientific experiments, personal participation in testing the results


research, development of experimental stands and installations (key elements


experimental installations) carried out personally by the author or with the participation of the author, processing and


interpretation of experimental data performed personally by the author or with the participation of the author,

preparation of main publications on the work performed)

At the meeting _______________________________________ the dissertation council decided to award

Scientific degree of candidate (doctor) _________________________ sciences.

(last name, initials) (field of science)

of them _________ doctors of science (separately for each scientific specialty of the dissertation under consideration),

who participated in the meeting, of the ________ people included in the council, were additionally introduced to

Chairman (Deputy Chairman)

(Full name - if available)

Scientific Secretary

dissertation council ___________________________________________________________________________

(Full name - if available)

Date of conclusion

Seal of the organization on the basis of which the dissertation council was created

(if stamped)


1. The number of the certification file is affixed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

protocol of the counting commission.

3. The conclusion should not contain proprietary information of limited distribution.

4. The conclusion should be printed at 1.5 intervals, TimesNewRoman font, size 14, while

5. Lines marked with (*) are printed if necessary.

Document overview

A new Regulation on the Council for the Defense of Dissertations for the Scientific Degree of Candidate or Doctor of Sciences has been approved.

Thus, an organization’s petition to create a council and the documents attached to it are now submitted electronically through the federal information system for state scientific certification. Previously, the Unified Government Services Portal was used for this.

The organization on the basis of which the dissertation council is created, among other things, provides two-way simultaneous translation of the public defense of a dissertation by a foreign citizen in a foreign language at the request of council members or official opponents.

It has been established that a member of the dissertation council cannot be a specialist who was the scientific supervisor (consultant) of a person in respect of whom the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, within five years preceding the submission of the organization’s application for permission to create a council or to change its composition, made a decision to deprive the scientist degrees.

When the Russian Ministry of Education and Science makes a decision to refuse to issue a permit, the organization’s petition to create a dissertation council in the same scientific specialty and branch of science can be submitted no earlier than a year later (and not 3 years).

The specifics of forming the composition of the council for the defense of a dissertation are described, the topic of which covers several scientific specialties, not all of which the council is granted the right to accept dissertations for defense.

The training of scientific personnel and senior teaching staff is carried out in the form of applicants or postgraduate studies. Postgraduate studies are a structural and functional subdivision of the higher education system, providing university graduates with a master's or specialist's qualification the opportunity to continue postgraduate education with further defense of a candidate's dissertation. Graduate students and applicants work on their dissertation according to individual plans, but the form of this work has important differences.


Applicant- specialist with higher education vocational education, applying for the academic degree of candidate or doctor of sciences and carrying out independent work on a dissertation as a researcher attached to a higher educational or research institution.

Graduate student– an applicant for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences, studying in graduate school at a higher educational institution.


Upon admission to graduate school, persons who have received recommendations from academic advisors take entrance exams.

For a postgraduate student, the duration of postgraduate study is 4 years, with distance learning- 5 years. During this time, he is required to attend classes in disciplines included in the mandatory minimum candidate degree, as well as take part in the research and educational work of the department.

Every year, in accordance with an individually drawn up schedule and plan, the graduate student must provide the department council with a report on the work done. scientific work. Based on its results, after passing the candidate's minimum, he is allowed to defend a candidate's dissertation.

The candidate minimum includes 3 exams: in the specialty, foreign language and philosophy.

Graduate students who choose full-time study receive a stipend and additional paid leave.

The academic degree application form is usually used by employees scientific institutes or higher educational institutions that have independently prepared candidate dissertations. They do not need postgraduate training and are spared the need to take entrance exams when joining a higher education department. educational institution and take mandatory participation in educational work.

The basis for attachment is the result of the scientific interview, recommendations of the scientific supervisor and the conclusion of the department.

In some cases, the attachment form exists only for passing the candidate minimum exams, which the applicant takes under the same conditions as a graduate student.

The assigned applicant is given 3 years to prepare and defend his thesis.

All this time, he has the right to engage in his professional activity, without interrupting it to attend classes in disciplines required for graduate students.

Conclusions website

  1. The applicant works on the dissertation independently, without additional training in graduate school. When preparing a dissertation, a graduate student undergoes training according to an individually designed program.
  2. A person entering graduate school takes entrance exams. The applicant does not pass entrance exams: his attachment to the department is stipulated in the order of the rector.
  3. The graduate student is required to take part in the scientific and educational work of the department. The applicant may not be engaged in academic work.
  4. The duration of postgraduate study is 4 years or 5 years. The applicant is assigned to a higher educational or scientific institution for 3 years.
  5. Applicant, as opposed to a graduate student full-time training, does not receive a stipend and is not entitled to additional paid leave.
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