Professional retraining program “Information security. Educational trajectories in the field of information security Main thematic areas and sections of the conference

We invite you to take part in the work of the XXI Plenum of the Federal Educational and Methodological Association in the system higher education By enlarged group specialties and areas of training 10.00.00 “Information Security” (FUMO VO IS), meetings regional office FUMO VO IS in the Volga Federal District, in training in advanced training courses under the program “Updating the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education and developing a POOP for the UGSNP “Information Security” and in the work of the Interuniversity Scientific and Practical Conference “Current Problems of Security information security».

Plenum of FUMO VO IS carried out with May 20 to 24, 2017 on the basis of Samara University, others educational organizations cities of Samara, Saratov, Volgograd, on the ship "Alexander Herzen".

Schedule of events. Moscow time

The full program of the Plenum can be downloaded. The program of other events will be announced as they take place.

Transfer. Local time (+ 1 hour to Moscow)

Train Station. The bus arrives at 9.45. Departure to Samara University at 10-35. Phone numbers of accompanying persons: Guseinov Eduard Nikolaevich 890841755555, Denisova Anna Yuryevna 89608271198, Popov Artem Borisovich 89276019000

Kurumoch Airport. Flight 1. Bus arrival at 9.30. Departure to Samara University at 10-00. Phone numbers of accompanying persons: Mikhail Nikolaevich Osipov 89171101095, 89272635777, Yulia Vybornova 89379990995, 89626076910.

Flight 2 to the airport will meet aircraft arriving at 11:00 (7R 83) and 12:50 (S7 033). The driver's phone number will be posted in the morning. Please follow the site.

Two flights will depart from Samara University to the river port at 15-00 and 16-00.


  • Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation;
  • Federal educational methodological association in the higher education system in an enlarged group of specialties and areas of training 10.00.00 “Information Security” (FUMO VO IS);
  • Regional branch of FUMO VO IS for the Volga Southern Federal District;
  • Apparatus of the Security Council of the Russian Federation;
  • Office of the FSTEC of Russia for the Volga Federal District;
  • Samara National research university named after Academician S.P. Korolev (Samara University);
  • Volgogradsky State University;
  • Saratov National Research State University named after. N.G. Chernyshevsky;
  • MOO "Association for Information Security";
  • Department information technologies and communications Samara region;
  • CJSC "Computer Technologies".


  • LLC "Training and Scientific Center for Information Security";
  • ANO DPO " The educational center"Paradigm";
  • ANO DPO "Training Center "Informzashita";
  • Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics of the Academy of the FSB of Russia;
  • NIGHT DPO CPC “Training Center “InfoTeKS”;
  • JSC Samara-Informsputnik;

Main thematic areas of the plenum of FUMO VO IS

  • Updating federal government educational standards higher education (FSES VO 3 ++). The concept of new Federal State Educational Standards and exemplary basic educational programs.
  • Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3 ++ (new edition) in areas of training and specialties in the field of information security.
  • Approximate basic educational programs for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education (as amended 3+ and 3++).
  • Technologies for implementing professional standards for the group of occupations (professions) “Specialists in the field of information security” in the educational process.
  • Experience and best practices of educational organizations in the development and implementation of master's programs.
  • Approaches to fund development valuation means for Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education 3++.
  • Additional professional education in the field of information security
  • Organizational issues of the activities of FUMO VO IS.

Main thematic areas and sections of the conference

  • Section 1.“Conceptual and applied issues of information security”
  • Section 2."Professional education in the field of information security"

Advanced training courses according to the program“Modernization of educational standards and programs in the field of information security” is carried out as part of the work of the Plenum (before the work of the Plenum using remote technologies).

Basic thematic areas meetings of the regional FUMO VO IS for the Volga Federal District (according to a separate plan).

Important dates and preparations

The form and procedure for payment should be clarified in advance and agreed with the organizing committee.

Deadlines for submitting reports (thesis) on the topics of the conference and plenum – until April 15, 2017 Reports received after this deadline will not be considered.

May 20, 2017– arrival and registration of participants, opening plenary session FUMO VO IS and advanced training courses, meeting of the educational center for the Volga Federal District with the participation of the FSTEC of Russia (as agreed), familiarization with educational base Samara University, accommodation on the ship "Alexander Herzen". The beginning of the plenary session is 12.00 local (11.00 Moscow) time May 20, 2017 at Samara University.

05/21/2017– meetings of the FUMO VO IS, holding the Interuniversity scientific and practical conference “Current problems of ensuring information security”, advanced training courses.

May 22, 2017– familiarization with the educational base of educational organizations in Volgograd, a meeting of the regional branch of the FUMO IS in the Southern Federal District with the participation of the FSTEC of Russia (as agreed), sectional meetings of the FUMO VO IS, holding an Interuniversity scientific and practical conference, advanced training courses.

05/23/2017– acquaintance with the educational base of educational organizations in Saratov, sectional meetings of the FUMO VO IB, holding an Interuniversity scientific and practical conference, advanced training courses.

May 24, 2017– final meeting of the Plenum of FUMO VO IS, summing up the results of the conference, arrival in Samara (approximately 15.00-16.00), departure of participants.

The proceedings of the conference and materials of the Plenum are planned to be published by the beginning of the events. Requirements for the preparation of reports (scientific articles) (in connection with the placement of collections in the RSCI, Requirements for the formatting of articles are required).

As part of the preparation for the Plenum, it is planned to hold a competition for the best master's programs and discuss them.

Participation in the conference and Plenum without reports is possible.

Initial application for participation


In order to determine organizational issues for holding the Plenum, we ask you to inform us in advance about your participation (number of participants) in the work of the Plenum (options: affirmative participation, planned participation, non-participation). Participation with accompanying persons is allowed.

To participate in the Conference, Plenum and advanced training courses, you must send an application to the organizing committee in the attached form - in doc and pdf (with your signature) formats.

ATTENTION! Compared to the first information letter the application form has been clarified and supplemented. Participants who have already sent an application do not need to do this again: the organizing committee will contact you and ask additional questions.

Arrangement fee

Funding for the preparation and holding of the Conference, Plenum and advanced training courses is carried out through targeted organizational contributions from participants, the amount of which is determined in Table 1.

The registration fee includes: transfer on the day of arrival and departure in Samara, handouts, including guidelines and proceedings of the conference, training in advanced training courses, rental of demonstration equipment and office equipment, cultural program, accommodation, meals and a gala dinner on the closing day of the events.

Table 1. The cost of accommodation on the ship for the entire period (vacant places as of 03/16/2017):

Cabin category Number of cabins Cost per person in different accommodation options
Single Double Triple Quadruple
1. Double room with private facilities * 24 31000 21000
2. Double room with private facilities, double bed 2 31000 21000
3. Triple room with amenities 3 35000 23000 19000
4. Single room, partial amenities** 14 21000
5. Double, partial amenities 31 25000 18500
6. Double room, partial amenities, double bed 2 25000 18500
7. Triple, partial amenities 1 26000 18500 16000
8. Quadruple, partial amenities 5 26000 18500 16000 15000

* Amenities: shower, toilet.

**Partial amenities: sink, hot and cold water.

The cost of the registration fee for accompanying persons is reduced by 3,000 rubles.

ATTENTION: Due to the limited availability of cabins for accommodation, it is necessary to agree with the local organizing committee on the category of accommodation, as well as other issues regarding registration of applications and payment of the registration fee, before paying for participation.

Procedure for paying registration fees and accommodation

1. From an individual:

[email protected] sample application);

Based on the application, an invoice will be issued from the financial operator of the events - CJSC Computer Technologies, taking into account your wishes regarding the accommodation option. As a rule, an invoice is issued separately for each participant of the Plenum and accompanying persons;

Pay the invoice through the bank using the specified details; the purpose of payment must indicate: “According to invoice No.___ for participation<Фамилия И.О.>at the FUMO Plenum."

Make a scanned copy of the payment receipt (pdf or jpg file), name the file according to the sample (ivanov ivan ivanovich.pdf or ivanov ivan ivanovich.jpg) and send the scanned receipt to the Organizing Committee at [email protected] ;

During the plenum, obtain from the Organizing Committee the original invoice and the certificate of completion of work.

ATTENTION! If the payment is not made by the same person for whom it is being made, copies of the passports of both the payer and the Plenum participant are required.

2. On behalf of a legal entity:

Fill out the application and sign it. Send to the Organizing Committee at: [email protected] scanned copies of the application, passport (1st page and registration), consent to the processing of personal data (see sample application);

Based on the application containing the details of the legal entity, an agreement is drawn up with CJSC Computer Technologies, taking into account your wishes regarding the placement option, an act of services provided and an invoice is issued to the legal entity; Scanned copies (pdf files) of the agreement, act and invoice signed by CJSC Computer Technologies will be sent to your address, as well as a doc file of the agreement and act, which you must print out in duplicate and sign on behalf of your organization , make and send a scanned copy of the signed agreement to the Organizing Committee at [email protected] ;

After payment of the invoice by the organization, send to the Organizing Committee a scanned copy of the payment order with the bank’s mark on execution at [email protected] ;

During the plenum, submit to the organizing committee two copies of the agreement and the act of work performed with the signature and seal of the payer’s organization, receive from the organizing committee the original invoice, copies of the agreement and the act signed by JSC Computer Technologies.

3. Payment for accompanying persons is performed according to the “On behalf of an individual” scheme, indicating in the payment purpose field: “On account No.___ for<Фамилия И.О/ сопровождающих лиц>" An application is not completed, but copies of the passport and consent to the processing of personal data are required.

ATTENTION! If there is no scanned copy of the passport (for the child - birth certificate), the place is not reserved and the documents are not processed.

Requirements for formatting report materials

The texts of the reports are submitted to in electronic format by E-mail in the format of the text editor MS Word version 2007 and higher.

Page format: A4, orientation - portrait. All fields are 22 mm. Regular font Times New Roman - 14 points. Line spacing – 1.2. Pages are not numbered.

The text volume of one report is up to 5 pages (preferably filled out in full).

Expert opinions, certified by the seal of the representing organization, are sent to the Organizing Committee in the form of scanned copies along with the text of the report.

Title and abstract. On the first line is the UDC index corresponding to the topic of the report, aligned to the left. Further, with the omission of one line - I.O. Last name of the author(s) in bold type, centered. On the next line, separated by commas - country, city, organization - in regular font, centered. Next, with one line missing, is the title of the report, in capital letters, bold, centered, no word hyphenation. Next, with one line omitted, is the text of the annotation in Russian, aligned in width with indentations of 1 cm on the left and right with automatic hyphenation enabled. Font 13 points. The text of the annotation of 7-10 lines indicates the purpose, essence of the research conducted and the results. At the end of the annotation, the red line contains key words and phrases that carry the main semantic load, separated by a semicolon.

The main text of the report is located with one line missing from keywords, done in regular font (Times New Roman, 14 points), with automatic hyphenation enabled, and justified. The paragraph indent in the annotation and main text is 1 cm.

Headings in the text are numbered, indented one line from the text, and aligned to the center.

Tables and illustrations should be placed directly in the text after references to them. Figures and tables are numbered with Arabic numerals. The word “Table” with a serial number is located above the table, aligned to the left, then the name of the table is located through a dash. The titles of the illustrations are located under the illustrations after the word “Figure”, the number and name of the figure, separated from the number by a dash, with center alignment. It is advisable to perform graphic illustrations using the built-in MS Word graphic editor. The inscriptions in the image field must be in a font of at least 14 points. Illustrations should be done in portrait orientation whenever possible. For illustrations containing big number elements, as an exception, are allowed to be in landscape orientation using the entire allocated page margin. The color of illustrations is not supported during publication.

It is advisable to enter formulas using the Microsoft Office formula editor – Equation 3.0 or MathType. The font size for the main formula symbols is 14 points. The font styles built into the editor (mathematical, text, vectors, matrices, Greek) must be respected. Formulas are numbered if there are references to them in the text. Formulas are placed in the text with a gap of half a line before and after the formula and aligned to the center. Formula numbers (if any) are aligned to the right.

Bibliographic references in the text are written in Arabic numerals in square brackets. The title of the list of sources used - “Literature” is formatted in the same way as the other titles. The sources in the list are numbered with Arabic numerals in the order of their mention (links) in the text. The initials of the authors in the list are after the surnames. The paragraph indentation in the list of references is the same as in the main text - 1 cm.

Acknowledgments, if necessary, are placed at the end of the article before the list of references.

Educational and methodological association of higher educational institutions Russia on education in the field of information security

education and science, Russian Federation

. Academician 2015.

See what “UMO IB” is in other dictionaries:

    Educational and methodological association Dictionary: S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. St. Petersburg: Politekhnika, 1997. 527 p. UMO educational methodological department ULV level of dead volume of the reservoir... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

    mind...- um... first part difficult words, written together... Together. Apart. Hyphenated.

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    hilarious- y, w. 1. outdated Extreme fatigue, exhaustion. It began to seem to them as if the forest was empty, the birds were gone and there was no need to wear out their legs, and the whole hunt was not worth the trouble. M. Prishvin, Krutoyarsky beast. 2. in meaning tale simple Funny, hilarious. Yes, this is... ... Small academic dictionary

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    shut up- well, no; past fell silent and fell silent, fell silent, lo; prib. past silent and silent; owls (nonsense. fall silent and remain silent). 1. Stop making sounds, stop talking, shouting, singing, etc.; shut up, shut up. [Sophia] fell silent and quickly left... ... Small academic dictionary

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  • Organizational and technological design of sites and workshops. Tutorial. Grif of UMO of universities of the Russian Federation, Smirnov A.M. , Admitted by the UMO of universities for education in the field of automated engineering (UMO AM) as teaching aid for university students studying in areas of training... Series: Publisher: Lan,

The Department of Information Security trains specialists in the specialties 10.05.01 - Computer security and 10.05.03 - Information security of automated systems.

Training of specialists in the specialty Computer Security has been carried out at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "RGRTU" since 09/01/1997. FSBEI HPE "RGRTU" (at that time - Ryazan State Radio Engineering Academy) was one of the first universities in Russia that began training specialists in the field of "Information Security", which includes the specialty Computer Security. In 1997, this specialty was called “Organization and technology of information security” and bore the number 2206.

Since 09/01/2009, training of specialists in the specialty Computer Security has been carried out at the Department of Information Security. Training in this specialty is carried out only by full-time training for 5.5 years. Qualification for this specialty is specialist.

The first graduation in this specialty took place in 2003. In 2012 there was the tenth anniversary graduation of specialists. The educational process at the department is organized in accordance with the main educational program of higher education developed at the department vocational education, which in 2010 was among the best educational programs in innovative Russia.

In 2013, enrollment was opened for one more specialty from the group of specialties Information Security - 090303 - Information Security of Automated Systems. Training in the specialty Information security of automated systems is also carried out only on a full-time basis, but for 5 years. Qualification for this specialty is specialist.

Opening of the department

Since 2012, the department has been working to open the training of specialists with secondary vocational education in the specialty 090305 - Information security of automated systems in the main professional educational program of secondary vocational education of basic training with full-time education on the basis of the basic general education(duration of training - 3 years and 10 months, qualification - information security technician) and according to the basic professional educational program of secondary vocational education in-depth training for full-time education on the basis of basic general education (duration of study - 4 years 10 months, qualification - senior information security technician).

The head of the Department of Information Security since its creation (04/02/2009) is Viktor Nikolaevich Przhegorlinsky. Przhegorlinsky Viktor Nikolaevich, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, has been actively involved in educational, methodological, scientific and organizational work in the field of information security since 1995. Has extensive knowledge in the field of computer technology and information security. List of scientific papers published by him, educational and methodological works has more than 80 titles, including more than 40 works on the topic of information security, including three textbooks.

Since 1996 (since its creation) he has been a member of the Council of the educational and methodological association (UMA) of universities of the Russian Federation for education in the field of information security on the basis of the ICSI Academy of the FSB of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Council of the UMO). As a member of the Council in 2009-2010. took part in the development of federal state educational standards for higher professional education (FSES HPE) in specialties 090301 – Computer security and 090303 – Information security of automated systems, including leading and directly participating in the development of specialization No. 8 “Information security of informatization-based objects computer systems" specialty 090301 and specialization No. 9 "Creation of automated systems in a secure design" specialty 090303. By the decision of the XIV Plenum of the UMO of universities of the Russian Federation on education in the field of information security on the basis of the ICSI Academy of the FSB of Russia from May 16-17, 2011, the department of "Information Security" » was defined as basic for these specialties.

Since 2004 (since its creation) he has been a member of the Information Security Commission Ryazan region, since 2007 he has been the head of the permanent working group of the named Commission to ensure the implementation of the Information Security Concept in the Ryazan region. Since 2008, he has been a member of the Coordination Council for Informatization of the Ryazan Region (now the Commission for the Development of the Information Society and the Formation of Electronic Government in the Ryazan Region). Since 2012, he has been a member of the Council of the advisory body to coordinate the training, retraining and advanced training of specialists in the field of information security in the Central Federal District. Since February 2013 she has been an expert at the Interregional public organization"Corporate Security Auditors".

Since 1997 he has been the scientific secretary of the Academic Council of the University (until 2006 - Ryazan State Radio Engineering Academy), since 1998 he has been (concurrently) director of the regional educational and scientific center Central region on information security problems in the system high school at the Ryazan State Radio Engineering Academy, created by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated August 20, 1997 No. 1781, since 2002 he has been the scientific secretary of the dissertation council D 212.211.01 of the University.

Since 1998 he was scientific director, deputy. scientific supervisor more than 10 research and development projects on the topic of information security, including leading the development of the draft Information Security Concept of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.

In 2007, he took an active part in the development of the Law of the Ryazan region “On information systems Academy of the Ryazan Region" dated March 21, 2007 No. 28-03, regional target program "Electronic Ryazan Region" dated October 17, 2007 No. 141-03.

Under the leadership and with the direct participation of Przhegorlinsky V.N. in 2011-2012 draft projects were developed curricula disciplines “Objects of Information Protection”, “Design and Analysis of Systems for Ensuring Information Security of Informatization Objects” and “Ensuring Information Security of the Design, Creation, Modernization of Informatization Objects Based on Computer Systems in a Protected Design” of the named specialization No. 8, specialty 090301. The development is currently being completed projects of six more exemplary training programs in the following disciplines: “Metrology and electrical radio measurements”, “Fundamentals of reliability theory”, “Fundamentals of radio engineering”, “Threats to information security of automated systems”, “Creation of automated systems in a secure design”, “Assessment of information security of automated systems in protected execution" of the named specialization No. 9, specialty 090303.

In 2012, he took part in the preparation of proposals and comments on a number of documents developed by the FAU "GNII PTZI FSTEC of Russia", the Office of the FSTEC of Russia for the Central Federal District, as well as other documents sent by the Office of the FSTEC of Russia for the Central Federal District to the University for consideration, review and editing.

Developed under his leadership, the main educational program for training specialists in specialty 090102 - Computer security in 2010 was among the best educational programs in innovative Russia (magazine "Accreditation in Education", No. 36 for 2010, p. 42-43).

For success in his work he was awarded the badge “Winner of the Socialist Competition of 1978”, the Certificate of Honor of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the Central Committee of the Komsomol, in 2002 he was awarded the badge “Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation”, in 2010 he was awarded the badge of distinction FSTEC of Russia “For merits in information protection”, in 2013 - the FSTEC of Russia medal “For strengthening state system information protection." In 2007, he received a letter of gratitude and a valuable gift from the Governor of the Ryazan Region, was awarded the anniversary medal “70 years of the Ryazan Region”, received a letter of gratitude from the Chairman of the Council of Educational Institutions of Universities of the Russian Federation on education in the field of information security, was twice nominated for the University Honor Board, and was awarded certificates of honor and university diplomas.

Classes with students are conducted by:

Kuznetsov A.E., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Kuzmin Yu.M., Ph.D., Associate Professor, awarded the FSTEC medal of Russia “For strengthening the state information security system”, II degree,
Kalinkina T.I., Art. teacher,
Nazartsev V.V., assistant,
Panchenko A.A., senior teacher, awarded the medal of the FSTEC of Russia “For strengthening the state information security system”, II degree,
Sukhov I.N., Art. teacher, graduate of the Russian State Russian State University with a degree in Computer Security,
Fomina K.Yu., assistant, graduate of RSRTU with a degree in “Secure Communication Systems”.
Classes are held in classrooms equipped with modern means of computing and measuring technology, means of technical and cryptographic information protection. The total amount of money invested in technical support department, amounts to more than 7 million rubles.

Currently, the university, among the few universities subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, has all the necessary licenses to conduct research and development work on information protection, including the protection of state secrets.

The Department of Information Security carries out a lot of scientific work. During the period from 2000 to 2014, more than 18 different contractual and state budget works were carried out in the field of information protection and information security in the interests of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Russian Space Agency, the Government of the Ryazan Region, in which the performer was the department " Information Security".

In 2008, the university won a competition to carry out work on the development of the Information Security Concept of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. As a result of the successful completion of this work, the named Concept was developed and agreed upon with the FSTEC of Russia.

Since 2009, the university began work related to the creation of secure information systems distance education. The created groundwork in this area allowed the university to conclude a state contract on June 30, 2009 for the implementation of development work with the Russian Research Institute of Space Instrumentation for the creation of an automated secure system distance learning. The work was carried out for three years and had a funding volume of more than 65 million rubles.

The university actively interacts with authorities state power Ryazan region. Employees of the Information Security department took an active part in the development of regional laws regulating relations in the field of information technology and information security, the Regional Target Program “Electronic Ryazan Region 2008-2010”. Head of the Department of Information Security V.N. Przhegorlinsky is a member of the Information Security Commission of the Ryazan Region and the Commission for the Development of the Information Society and the Formation of Electronic Government in the Ryazan Region since their creation in 2004.

The Department of Information Security actively cooperates with the FSTEC of Russia, with a number of leading universities and research institutes of the Russian Ministry of Defense on information protection and information security, takes an active part in the work of the Educational Institution on education in the field of information security, including the development of federal state educational standards in the specialties Computer Security and Information Security of Automated Systems.

Students of the Information Security department are actively engaged in scientific work. Student of group 542, graduate of 2011 Urvanov I.V. within the framework of the 13th National Information Security Forum "Infoforum-2011" on the 3rd All-Russian competition young professionals and educational centers "Infoforum - New Generation" in the "Student of the Year" nomination was recognized as the winner and awarded a diploma and a commemorative medal. Student of group 642, graduate of 2012 Lipatova A.A. within the framework of the 14th National Information Security Forum "Infoforum-2012" of the 4th All-Russian competition of young professionals and educational centers "Infoforum - New Generation" in the nomination "Student of the Year" she was recognized as the winner and awarded a diploma and a commemorative medal. 5th year student gr. 842 S. Gladkikh was awarded a diploma for the best innovative idea as a participant in the International Youth Research Competition “Student and Scientific and Technical Progress”, as well as within the framework of the 15th National Information Security Forum “Infoforum-2013” ​​of the 5th All-Russian Competition young specialists and educational centers "Infoforum - New Generation" in the nomination "Student of the Year" was recognized as the winner and awarded a diploma and a commemorative medal.. 3rd year student gr. 042 Ryzhikov A.S. awarded a diploma for the best sectional report at the 59th student scientific and technical conference of our university.

For the period since 2003 (year of first graduation) up to and including 2014, the university trained more than 200 specialists in the field of information security. Graduates of the Information Security department are in demand in the labor market. They work in TNK-BP-ZAO Ryazan Oil Refining Company, in Priovneshtorgbank, the Main Directorate of the Bank of Russia for the Ryazan Region, at the State Ryazan Instrument Plant, in the Ryazanenergo branch of OJSC IDGC of Center and Volga Region, in the Federal Treasury Department for the Ryazan Region region and other prestigious enterprises and organizations in Ryazan.

Due to versatility theoretical course training, graduates can work as specialists in the field of computer technology (for example, application and system programmers, electronic engineers servicing and repairing computers, system administrators, database administrators, computer network administrators) and information security specialists (for example, security administrators computer systems, database security administrators, computer network security administrators, employees of departments related to information security, including personal data).

If desired, graduates of the department can continue their postgraduate studies at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "RGRTU" in scientific areas 05.13.01 - System analysis, management and information processing, 05.13.11 - Mathematical and software for computers, complexes and computer networks, 05.13.19 - Methods and information security systems, information security, as well as in other scientific specialties.

Program professional retraining, aimed at forming professional competencies, necessary for professional activity in the field of ensuring information security and comprehensive protection of informatization objects.

Description of the educational program

The program will allow you to acquire new and improve existing competencies.

In terms of operational activities, you will be able to:

  • take part in the operation of information security management subsystems of various informatization objects;
  • administer information security subsystems of various informatization objects;
  • perform work on installation, configuration and maintenance of technical and software and hardware information security tools;
  • take part in the organization of control checks of the operability of the applied software, hardware, cryptographic and technical means of information protection.
In terms of organizational and management activities, you will learn:
  • formulate a set of measures for information security, taking into account its legal validity, administrative, managerial and technical feasibility and economic feasibility;
  • organize and support the implementation of a set of information security measures, manage the process of their implementation, taking into account the tasks being solved and the organizational structure of automated systems, external influences, probable threats and the level of development of information security technologies;
  • analyze the information security of objects and systems for compliance with the requirements of standards in the field of information security;
  • use regulatory legal documents in their professional activities;
  • develop draft normative and methodological documents regulating work to ensure information security of automated systems, as well as regulations, instructions and other organizational and administrative documents in the field of professional activity;
  • organize and support certification of informatization objects according to information security requirements.

This professional retraining program “Information Security” (hereinafter referred to as the professional retraining program) was developed on the basis of Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 5, 2013 No. 1310 “ On approval of the procedure for the development of additional professional programs containing information constituting state secrets and additional professional programs in the field of information security,” Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 1, 2013 No. 499 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in additional professional programs” and Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated January 9, 2014 No. 2 “On approval of the procedure for application by organizations carrying out educational activities, e-learning, distance learning educational technologies in the implementation of educational programs."

The program fully complies with the requirements of the Government of the Russian Federation:

  • No. 313 of April 16, 2012 “On approval of the Regulations on licensing activities for the development, production, distribution of encryption (cryptographic) tools, information systems and telecommunication systems protected using encryption (cryptographic) tools, performance of work, provision of services in the field of information encryption , maintenance of encryption (cryptographic) means, information systems and telecommunication systems protected using encryption (cryptographic) means (except for the case where maintenance of encryption (cryptographic) means, information systems and telecommunication systems protected using encryption (cryptographic) means funds are carried out to meet the own needs of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur)";
  • No. 79 of February 3, 2012 “On licensing activities for the technical protection of confidential information.”
The program is developed taking into account the requirements and recommendations determined by:
  • Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”;
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 2013 No. 499 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in additional professional programs”;
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 5, 2013 No. 1310 “On approval of the procedure for developing additional professional programs containing information constituting state secrets and additional professional programs in the field of information security”;
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 9, 2014 No. 2 “On approval of the procedure for the use of e-learning and distance learning technologies by organizations engaged in educational activities in the implementation of educational programs.”

Purpose of the course

The goal of the program is to develop in students the professional competencies necessary for professional activities in the field of information security.

The program is successor to the main ones educational programs higher education in:

  • direction of training 10.03.01 “Information Security”, training profile “Security of Automated Systems” qualification (degree) – bachelor;
  • specialty 10.05.03 “Information security of automated systems”, qualification – information security specialist.
The program is focused on professional standard"Automated systems security specialist"

The target audience

Managers and specialists structural divisions for information protection and information security, information technology departments, departments responsible for organizing confidential, including electronic, document flow of government bodies, local governments and organizations (enterprises) of various organizational forms and forms of ownership.

Necessary preparation

  • Secondary professional or higher non-core technical education adjacent to UGNPS 10.00.00. Information security (Electronics, radio engineering and communication systems, Infocommunication technologies and communication systems, Informatics and computer technology, Information systems and technologies, Radio engineering, Applied Informatics);
  • At least 1 year of work experience (preferably) related to the operation of automated information systems; installation, configuration and maintenance of information security tools; development of organizational and administrative documents regulating the issues of information protection and ensuring information security.
It is possible to credit academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) mastered in the process of previous training in basic professional educational programs and (or) additional professional programs.

Basic part:
Module 1. Fundamentals of information security

  • Theory of information security and methodology of information protection.
  • Legal, regulatory and methodological regulation of activities in the field of information security.
  • Legal basis for organizing the protection of state secrets, the tasks of the bodies for the protection of state secrets.
Module 2. Technical information security
  • Threats and vulnerabilities of automated information systems.
  • Classification of technical channels of information leakage.
  • Types of vulnerabilities of automated information systems.
  • Assessing the level of security of information systems.
  • Methods and means of technical information security.

Module 3. Protecting information using encryption (cryptographic) means

  • Cryptographic methods of information protection.
  • Ensuring the use of electronic signature and public key infrastructure using certified means.
Module 4. Comprehensive protection of information objects
  • Information security of automated systems.
  • Ensuring the security of personal data processed in information systems (ISPD).
  • Features of protecting information that constitutes a company's trade secret.
  • Ensuring information security in key information infrastructure systems.
Module 5: Information Security Management
  • Information security management.
  • Organization of confidential office work.
  • Information security audit.
  • Economics of information security.
Variable part:
  • Preparation of documents for certification of informatization objects according to information security requirements.
  • Methods for justifying the choice of means of technical and cryptographic information protection.
  • Features of the operation of technical means of information security.
  • Application of encryption (cryptographic) information security tools from various manufacturers.
  • Selection, installation, configuration and operation of anti-virus protection tools.
  • Information security risk analysis software.

Received document

Students who have successfully completed the professional retraining program and passed the final certification are issued a Diploma of professional retraining in the established form.

Leave feedback

A.V. Paramonov, Head of the Center for Special Communications and Information of the Federal Security Service of Russia in Chelyabinsk region 22.01.2019

Kalinin Dmitry 09/30/2018

I have now completed the final testing for the first of five modules. I like the course, there are discussions both during lectures and on the forum. Unlike other resources like open education and coursesra - the material is not just provided, but discussed. For me personally, it has become more structured and understandable. I hope the next four modules will be in the same spirit.
The tests are not complicated, you can do them whenever it’s convenient, which is convenient when you’re busy at work. In fact, testing is not even aimed at consolidating the material, but rather at understanding what regulatory laws there are and what they do, in order to refer to them if necessary, and in general to know what laws need to be monitored.

Lukina I.A., Chairman of the Finance Committee of the city of Chelyabinsk. Administration of the city of Chelyabinsk. 31.07.2018

The Finance Committee of the city of Chelyabinsk expresses sincere gratitude to the entire team of the IT Academy for their professional attitude and individual approach in providing educational services for additional professional program professional retraining “Information security”.

We express our gratitude to the entire team of the IT Academy. We are confident that our business and constructive cooperation will continue.

Zuikova O.I., Head of the Kurchatovsky Department of Social Protection of the Population. Administration of the city of Chelyabinsk. 12.07.2018

The Kurchatov Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Chelyabinsk City Administration expresses sincere gratitude to the entire staff of the IT Academy for their professionalism in their work and individual approach to training specialists in the professional retraining program “Information Security”.

We would like to note the high level of organization of the learning process, the accessibility and ease of provision of educational materials. We would also like to note the professionalism and competence of the IT Academy staff in the learning process.

We express our gratitude to the entire team of the IT Academy. We hope for further business and productive cooperation.

Berezuev S.A., Head of the Trade and Services Department. Administration of the city of Chelyabinsk. 11.07.2018

The Department of Trade and Services of the Chelyabinsk City Administration expresses gratitude to the entire team of the IT Academy for the high-quality presentation of up-to-date material on the Information Security specialization, and for an individual approach to the provision of educational services for professional retraining of employees.

I would also like to note the high methodological level of the organization educational process. The modular distance learning program allows you to acquire and test the necessary skills, and use the remaining materials after training in your daily work activities.

We express special gratitude to the teachers of the Academy for their qualified and professional attitude to their direct responsibilities. We are confident that our business cooperation will continue.

Gutova N.V., Head of the Municipal Procurement Department. Administration of the city of Chelyabinsk. 10.07.2018

The Municipal Procurement Department of the City Administration (hereinafter referred to as the Department) expresses gratitude to the entire team of the IT Academy for their professional attitude and individual approach in the provision of educational services under the additional professional retraining program “Information Security”.

Management employees who were trained at the IT Academy noted the high qualifications of the teaching staff, the clear and professional work of the IT Academy specialists in organizing the educational process, as well as the quality of professional knowledge.

The acquired knowledge and skills made it possible to build a reliable information security system in the Municipal Information System in the field of procurement of the city of Chelyabinsk, to ensure high-quality organization of the protection of personal data processed in the Department.


In 2016, specialists from the Ministry of Property and Land Relations of the Republic of Crimea were trained under an additional professional retraining program “Information Security”.

The completed professional retraining program “Information Security” covers the entire range of tasks of technical and cryptographic information protection, comprehensive provision of information security necessary for modern use in the Ministry.

We express our gratitude to all teachers of the Non-State educational institution additional professional education "Institute of Information Technologies "IT" (IT Academy) for responsibility, desire to convey maximum information, intelligible presentation of materials.
Special thanks to the administration of IT Academy for good organization in conducting courses.

We thank you for the work done and look forward to further fruitful cooperation.

Department of the Federal Tax Service for the Volgograd Region 01.09.2016

The Office of the Federal Tax Service for the Volgograd Region thanks you for organizing and conducting training at the IT Academy for two specialists of the Office under the professional retraining program “Information Security” (IB512) in 2016.

We note the high level of professionalism of teachers, preparation and organization of the educational process by methodologists, excellent quality of lectures and practical classes both during full-time and distance courses, as well as the individual approach of Academy specialists to each student. The full-time distance learning form made it possible to optimally distribute the time of the Department’s employees between educational and work processes.

The knowledge and practical skills acquired by employees are important for successfully solving the problems of ensuring information security facing the tax authorities of the Volgograd region.

Ulyana Golovanova, Infokon LLC, Ulan-Ude 22.06.2016

Dear Aichi Academy team!

On behalf of the Infocon company, I would like to express my gratitude for the acquired knowledge and practical skills acquired during my studies at the Aichi Academy.

Thanks to the course completed in the period from November 2015. to February 2016 in the area of ​​"Information Security" we independently prepared a package of documents and received a long-awaited license to develop, produce, distribute encryption (cryptographic) tools, information systems and telecommunication systems protected using encryption (cryptographic) tools, perform work, provide services in the field of information encryption, maintenance of encryption (cryptographic) means, information systems and telecommunication systems protected using encryption (cryptographic) means (except for the case where maintenance of encryption (cryptographic) means, information systems and telecommunication systems protected using encryption (cryptographic) funds, carried out to ensure the own needs of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur) for work (services) provided for in paragraphs


A list of work performed and services provided that constitute licensed activities in relation to encryption (cryptographic) means.

We wish you success, development and prosperity!

With respect to you and your work, grateful listeners Ulyana Aleksandrovna Golovanova and Nikolai Nikolaevich Khamuev.
LLC Infokon, Ulan-Ude

Gnoevoy Alexander 24.01.2016

In 2015, he completed the course “Comprehensive protection of information objects.” I am satisfied with the order of the educational process and the passing of tests and exams. Both in terms of training, and in terms of the knowledge gained, and in terms of the form of passing intermediate tests and exams. The distance learning program allows you to acquire the necessary skills, and the materials remaining after training - to periodically refresh them, if necessary. The entire legislative framework for information protection is contained on the IT Academy resource; you can use it by downloading it to your PC. All these points are very important in the future work of an information technology specialist. The current course "Information Security" has only a shorter name and all the necessary updates in the field of legislation, otherwise, I believe, it is similar to the previous course "KZOI". I thank the teaching staff and management of the academy for the training and assistance provided. Everyone who wants to receive necessary knowledge remotely, i.e. without interruption from work and place of residence, I wish you success, as well as further employment in your chosen specialty.

Nesteruk Philip 01/19/2016

Thank you to the staff of the IT Academy for their clear and well-coordinated work on training information security issues, for the use of a variety of training technologies (2 weeks of live training, and months of virtual video-audio-text training and testing in 4 modules), for correcting errors and the possibility of improving the assessment by retaking ( The main thing is to track target dates in the schedule). Particular attention should be paid to module 3 (Cryptography) in terms of time costs - it’s better not to put it off too long, start doing it right away :).
I like it. Studied at the branch in St. Petersburg.

Chaplygin Alksey 01/19/2016

I took the course Integrated Protection of Information Objects (KZOI) from September to December 2015. This course allowed me to get new specialty, and the company can get a specialist in the field of information security. I am satisfied with the content, form and results of the training. Many thanks to the teachers, specialists providing the learning process, and the manager of the distance learning department Ogol M.A. for their patience and attention to the problems of students.

Chalov Anton 01/19/2016

I took the course Integrated Protection of Information Objects (KZOI) in 2015 from September to December. I learned a lot about myself. Upon completion of the training, I received knowledge that now allows me to navigate the regulatory legal acts, as well as carry out organizational and technical measures regarding the organization of security in the institution. The teachers are professionals who know their job and the subject of study very well. Training organized at the highest level. I recommend it to anyone who really wants to gain knowledge in the field of information security.
I express my deep gratitude to all the teachers and staff of the IT Academy who took part in the training of our group!

Ivanov Vladimir 01/16/2016

Government of the Chelyabinsk region

The government of the Chelyabinsk region expresses gratitude to the entire team of the Autonomous non-profit organization of additional professional education "IT Academy" (ANO DPO "IT Academy") for their professional attitude and individual approach in providing educational services to improve the qualifications of civil servants of the Chelyabinsk region under the program: "Information security in activities of government bodies." The training of 14 state civil servants was carried out in isolation from the state civil service and made it possible to qualitatively improve the level of their professional competence in the field of “Information Security” through the development of professionally significant knowledge, to ensure the transformation of theoretical knowledge and professional skills.
We would like to note the high methodological level of training, the convenience and simplicity of providing educational material, qualified and professional attitude of IT Academy employees to their duties.

FSO of Russia in the Chelyabinsk region

Center for Special Communications and Information Federal service of the Russian Federation in the Chelyabinsk region expresses its gratitude and thanks Igor Olegovich Morozov, Rector of ANO DPO "Academy IT" for interaction and professional approach in the provision of educational services under the additional professional retraining program “Information Security”.

We sincerely wish you and the entire team of the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization of Additional Professional Education "IT Academy" good health, further success in developing and strengthening your position in the Russian educational services market.

LLC "Control Systems" Magnitogorsk

LLC "Control Systems" expresses sincere gratitude to the entire team of the Non-state educational institution of additional professional education "Institute of Information Technologies "IT" (IT Academy) for their professional attitude and individual approach in providing educational services in additional program professional retraining "Information security".

We would like to note the high methodological level of training, the convenience and simplicity of providing educational material, the qualified and professional attitude of IT Academy staff to their duties.

We express our gratitude to the entire team of the IT Academy. We are confident that our business and constructive cooperation will continue.

Ageev Maxim, PFR group 2015

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