Certificate of passing testing in the Russian language. Where can I get a certificate of proficiency in Russian? How can a foreigner obtain a certificate of proficiency in Russian? Types of testing for knowledge of the Russian language

Since the beginning of 2015, a law on a mandatory Russian language exam has been in force, passing which has become an indispensable condition for migrants who want to live and work in our country. Successful completion of the exam is confirmed by a certificate of knowledge of the Russian language for foreign citizens. To become the owner of this document, you must pass a comprehensive exam conducted by accredited institutions.

During the inspection, foreigners are required to demonstrate knowledge Russian language, history and legislation RF. It is believed that successful completion of this test will be the key to the fastest possible adaptation in Russia.

Not all foreign guests are required to take the exam. Proficiency in Russian is also confirmed:

  • A certificate or diploma received in the USSR before 09/01/1991 or in Russia after 09/01/1991;
  • A certificate or diploma issued in another country where Russian is considered the state language (for example, in Belarus).

Who should take the test?

Russian language testing for foreign citizens - mandatory procedure. All migrants planning to go through it long time live or work in Russia. These are the persons who receive:

  1. or ;

Who is exempt from the test?

There are several categories of foreigners exempt from taking the test:

  • Men over 65 years of age and women over 60 years of age;
  • Incapacitated persons;
  • Disabled people of group I;
  • Minor migrants;
  • Highly qualified employees and members of their families;
  • Participants of the State Resettlement Program;
  • Students full-time departments secondary or higher educational institutions.

Exam documentation

Before taking the test, a foreigner is required to prepare a package of papers:

  1. National passport with a copy and notarized translation;
  2. and a copy thereof;
  3. Copy of passport page with temporary residence permit / copy of residence permit;
  4. A copy of registration at the location;
  5. One photo 3x4 cm and two files;
  6. Registration form (to be completed on site).

What is the exam?

The exam for obtaining a patent, temporary residence permit and residence permit is conducted in three subjects:

  • Russian language;
  • Fundamentals of Russian legislation;
  • History of the Russian Federation.

The simplest test with minimum quantity Questions are asked by migrants applying for employment in the Russian Federation. More difficult tests await foreigners planning to obtain a temporary residence permit and temporary residence permit. Those wishing to acquire citizenship only take a test in Russian, but according to a complicated program that requires serious preparation.

Russian language

The Russian language test for migrants consists of five parts:

  1. Written multiple-choice test;
  2. Reading short texts;
  3. Filling out the form manually;
  4. Listening to audio information with further answers to the proposed questions;
  5. Oral communication with the examiner.

A foreigner must complete all tasks in 60-75 minutes. Foreigners must read short sentences (advertising signs, signs), fill out forms, comprehend spoken language and know at least 780 words. The maximum test score is 300 points. To pass this part of the exam you need to score 60-80%, depending on the category of the foreigner:

  • 60-66% for registration of a patent;
  • 70% to receive a temporary residence permit;
  • more than 80% for those wishing to obtain a residence permit.

An example of a basic Russian language test for foreigners.

The citizenship test is the most difficult and lengthy exam. To successfully pass it, a foreigner must have a thorough knowledge of the vocabulary and grammar of the language and be fluent in more than 1,300 words. 3.5 hours are allotted to complete all tasks. The test is considered passed if the test taker scores more than 66%.


The second exam block consists of a history test. These are ten tasks, during which the migrant must demonstrate knowledge of the main historical moments of Russia and name the main personalities. A foreigner must know the main government, scientific and cultural figures of the Russian Federation and understand their contribution to the development of the country. Sample questions look like this:

  1. “The year of the adoption of Christianity in Rus'?”;
  2. “Under what prince was the baptism of Rus'?”;
  3. “Who was Peter I?”;
  4. “What event happened in 1917?”

The minimum passing score is correct answers to 50-75% of the test questions. 15-30 minutes are allotted to complete the tasks.

Fundamentals of Russian legislation

The third block of the exam is 10 tasks on legislation. A foreigner must know the basics of the constitutional structure and legislation of the Russian Federation, understand his rights and obligations from a legal point of view.

Sample questions from this block:

  1. “What is the coat of arms of the Russian Federation?”;
  2. “For what period is a residence permit or temporary residence permit issued?”;
  3. “What is the name of the Russian currency?”;
  4. “How is a marriage dissolved in the Russian Federation?”;
  5. “Is the distribution of drugs allowed in the Russian Federation?”

The test is considered passed when 50-75% of the questions are answered correctly. Depending on the category of the foreigner, 15-30 minutes are allotted to complete the tasks of this block.

How to prepare for the test?

All testing centers have their sample questions with the correct answers. So you can prepare yourself. In addition, all resources contain the material necessary for preparation and there is the opportunity to take an online screening test.

For those migrants who doubt their abilities, preparatory courses are organized at testing centers, where classes are taught by qualified teachers. You can test your knowledge at a trial exam for a fee.

How to get a certificate?

To obtain a document, a foreigner must complete several steps:

If one of the disciplines fails, a foreigner has the right to take re-testing in only one block within 2 years. There is a separate fee for this.

Cost and validity period of the certificate

The cost of testing services is quite high, and in Russia as a whole it differs somewhat. Therefore, you need to familiarize yourself with the prices in the selected center in advance. Approximately in Moscow, the cost of passing testing and obtaining a certificate is:

  1. 5000 rubles - for labor migrants;
  2. 5,500 rubles - for those wishing to obtain a temporary residence permit and residence permit;
  3. 6,000 rubles - for foreigners acquiring citizenship.

A certificate of proficiency in Russian is issued within 5-10 days, depending on the region where the exam was held. The document is valid for 5 years. When changing status, a foreigner is required to undergo re-testing. For example, first a migrant received a temporary residence permit and successfully passed the exam, after some time he prepares documentation for obtaining a residence permit. In such a situation, he will once again have to confirm his knowledge.

Testing centers

To obtain a certificate, you must contact one of the specialized centers located in various regions of Russia. Usually these are educational institutions (universities, colleges) that are included in the state testing system, and special centers are located directly in the buildings of the Federal Migration Service (since April 2016 - the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs). It is worth keeping in mind that only official bodies have the right to provide this type of service. A migration service employee can inform you about the nearest center when issuing a list of required papers. In Moscow, these are a number of institutions, among their number.

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In January 2015, the Russian government approved a mandatory exam on knowledge of the Russian language.

His passage became a necessary condition for foreign citizens who want to live in the Russian Federation.

Many people mistakenly believe that the test is only required to obtain citizenship.

This is not true, because in fact, without a certificate of passing the test, the FMS may not even issue a temporary residence permit.

In this article you will receive all the necessary information about the certificate. We will tell you what the tests are, how to pass them, and how much it will cost. You should also find out which groups of people are exempt from the test.

Who needs a certificate? What is it for?

Who needs a certificate and why?

The Test of Russian as a Foreign Language (abbreviated as TORFL) is required for people who are not residents of the Russian Federation.

The state checks the level of Russian language proficiency of foreign citizens at 3 levels:

  1. test for obtaining citizenship (a person must know at least 1300 words in Russian)
  2. test to obtain a work permit (it is enough to know 780 Russian words)
  3. test for obtaining a temporary residence permit or temporary residence permit (usually the same 780 words)

This is important

The citizenship test is more complex, but a certificate of successful completion is one of the required documents that must be attached to the citizenship application

If a person receives a work permit in Russia, it is logical that he needs to live somewhere. This means that he must also obtain a temporary residence permit (or residence permit).

To avoid misunderstandings, the certificate must be submitted when applying for each permit. But if a person already has a work permit and wants to apply for a temporary residence permit or residence permit, then he can attach not a certificate, but the permit itself

There are 3 groups of people who are exempt from presenting a certificate:

  1. men 65 years and older, women 60 years and older (they are regarded as people of retirement age)
  2. people with confirmed disabilities
  3. disabled people of group I

How to get a certificate?

How to get a certificate

To receive a document, you need to pass a test. This happens according to the following algorithm:

  • You need to clearly establish the purpose for which the certificate is needed and select the required level of testing
  • Sign up for a test at one of the centers that conduct testing (they are located in educational institutions that are included in the state testing system)
  • Make the necessary payment for the procedure
  • Successfully pass the test
  • Receive a certificate of successful completion from the center that conducted it

What is the Russian citizenship test?

Russian citizenship test

Citizenship testing is the most difficult and serious type of test.

The general procedure is as follows:

  1. Before testing, the examiner provides instructions on how to perform the test. He calls exact time conduct and rules by which you need to draw up a checklist
  2. After the instructions, you are given exam questions and a checklist on which you need to enter your answers.
  3. Phased testing is underway

The test itself is very similar to a school exam, so there is nothing special in the process of passing it. You just need to follow some rules, otherwise you may fail the test for “technical” reasons:

  • You must fill out the sheet with a pen
  • Questions can only be asked before the start of the exam - at the instruction stage
  • When the exam is going on, you cannot talk to other participants
  • You cannot use dictionaries, reference books and other auxiliary materials

When the test is completed, you need to give all the exam material to the examiner and turn in the test sheet.

The test is divided into 5 parts (subtests), for each of which a clear completion time is set:

  1. 45 minutes to read
  2. 45 minutes per letter
  3. 45 minutes for vocabulary and grammar
  4. 30 minutes listening time
  5. 30 minutes speaking time

Thus, the total test time is 195 minutes. Short breaks are possible between subtests. The order of the subtests remains unchanged, although there are cases where speaking and listening are swapped.

To successfully pass the test, you must score at least 66% correct answers on each subtest. If the test taker fails 2 or more subtests, the test is considered failed.

If only 1 subtest is failed, then you can retake it. For this you need to pay 50% of the cost of full testing. If you re-pass, you will not have to retake successfully passed subtests.

If a retake of the subtest is required, the examiner issues a certificate. It is valid for 2 years, so you can retake the subtest only in the first 2 years after the main test

Documents required to pass the exam

You need to bring certain documents to testing:

  • identification document (passport with notarized translation, residence permit for stateless persons, refugee certificate)
  • a copy of this document (first page) and its translation (if it is a passport)
  • receipt of successful payment for testing


A residence permit serves as proof of identity only for stateless people. Those who have a passport from another country must provide this

Sample documents

How much does it cost to obtain a certificate?

How much does it cost to get a certificate?

Standard testing prices are as follows:

  • citizenship test – 6,000 rubles
  • test for residence permit or temporary residence – 5300 rubles
  • patent test or work permit – 4900 rubles

Usually the prices are the same for all testing centers, but under certain conditions they may vary slightly. For example, in different centers the cost of the test includes the price of a test sheet and a pen (about 30 rubles).

Useful advice!

To successfully pass the test, you can contact the test center for preparatory classes. One academic hour of such classes can cost 500-800 rubles

Attendance at classes is not mandatory; they are needed only by those people who do not know Russian well and are afraid of failing the test.

How long does it take to issue a certificate? How long does it last?

Deadlines for registration and validity of the certificate

As a rule, it is produced a little earlier, but in order to be guaranteed to get it in your hands, you need to come to the center on the 11th working day after passing the exam.

The need to obtain Russian Federation citizenship arises for many foreigners planning to work in Russia. But obtaining the coveted passport is not easy, since this process requires the fulfillment of certain conditions established by the legislation on citizenship of the Russian Federation. One of the main requirements is knowledge of the Russian language at the level of understanding speech and the ability to communicate in it in everyday life situations.

Who needs a certificate

If you have a residence permit in Russia, a permanent legal income and have renounced your existing citizenship of another country, then you have the opportunity to apply for citizenship of the Russian Federation on a general basis.

In this case, you attach confirmation of your level of Russian language proficiency to the documents submitted to the Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It could be:

  • certificate of completion state testing in Russian as a foreign language;
  • document on education (not lower than basic general education) or a document on education and qualifications of the established form, issued by the organization carrying out educational activities, before September 1, 1991 on the territory of the USSR, after September 1, 1991 on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • a document issued on the territory of a foreign state to its citizen, where Russian is the second state language (for example, the Republic of Belarus).

The following are exempt from submitting documents confirming knowledge of the Russian language:

  • women over 60 years of age and men over 65 years of age;
  • disabled people of group 1;
  • persons declared incompetent;
  • persons who have special services to the Russian Federation.

The following have the right to obtain citizenship of the Russian Federation in a simplified manner and without confirmation of proficiency in the Russian language:

  • persons recognized as native speakers (the decision is issued to a foreign citizen and stateless person permanently residing legally on the territory of the Russian Federation, based on the conclusion of the appointed commission);
  • WWII veterans who had USSR citizenship and lived in Russia;
  • a child and an incapacitated person who is a foreign citizen or stateless person:
  • at the request of a parent - a citizen of the Russian Federation, with the consent of the other parent, if the child lives outside the Russian Federation;
  • at the request of the only parent - a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • at the request of a guardian, trustee of a child or an incapacitated person who has Russian citizenship, except in cases provided for by Federal Law No. 48-FZ of April 24, 2008 “On Guardianship and Trusteeship”;
  • participants State program to assist voluntary resettlement in Russian Federation compatriots living abroad.

Video: about a simplified scheme for obtaining Russian citizenship

It is worth noting that only a few individuals receive Russian citizenship under a simplified scheme or are exempt from confirming Russian language proficiency. Hence, important stage To obtain a Russian passport, there is a test in Russian as a foreign language (TRKI certificate), which confirms confident knowledge of the Russian language.

Testing system for foreign citizens in Russia

Knowledge testing is carried out in one of two formats:

  1. An exam in the Russian language, history and fundamentals of legislation of the Russian Federation, which, from January 1, 2015, foreign citizens and stateless persons who receive permission to carry out labor activity on the territory of the Russian Federation (work permit, patent, temporary residence permit, residence permit). To obtain Russian citizenship there is no requirement to pass this exam.
  2. Testing on the level of proficiency in Russian as a foreign language is taken by:
    • applicants for Russian citizenship;
    • persons entering Russian universities;
    • foreign citizens who wish to voluntarily undergo testing, including for employment.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 255 dated April 1, 2014 defines 7 levels of Russian language proficiency and requirements for them:

  1. Elementary level of knowledge of the Russian language (TEU/A1) - the minimum level of language proficiency;
  2. Basic for migrant workers (TBUM/A1) - a level that is sufficient to pass a comprehensive exam in the Russian language, history and basic legislation of the Russian Federation;
  3. Basic (TBU/A2) - level of knowledge of the Russian language for obtaining Russian citizenship, but it does not give the right to study in Russian educational institutions, except preparatory courses and branches;
  4. First (TRKI-I/B1) - level of knowledge for starting studies in Russian educational institutions, including higher education vocational education, i.e. universities, institutes and academies;
  5. The second (TRKI-II/B2) is the level required to obtain a bachelor’s or master’s degree, with the exception of a bachelor’s or master’s degree in philology;
  6. Third (TRFL-III/C1) - the level required to obtain a bachelor's degree in philology;
  7. The fourth (TRFL-IV/C2) is the level required to obtain a master's degree in philology, which gives the right to all types of teaching and research activities in the field of the Russian language.

To obtain Russian citizenship, a basic level of A2 is sufficient.

For preliminary preparation you can take online testing Russian language on the Internet

Where to take the test

Today, the eight largest budget educational institutions included in the list of organizations authorized to conduct a comprehensive exam, five of which are approved for testing:

  1. State Institute of Russian Language named after. A.S. Pushkin.
  2. Moscow state university them. M.V. Lomonosov.
  3. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
  4. St. Petersburg State University.
  5. Tyumen State University.

These universities have the right to delegate their powers to other organizations by concluding an appropriate agreement with them.

The testing organization determines independently:

Your task at this stage is to choose the most convenient certified center for you to pass the examination tests (based on territorial location or less expensive financially). Before testing, according to Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 667 of June 18, 2014, you should be given the opportunity to:

  • get advice on testing;
  • familiarize yourself with the procedure and form of its implementation;
  • fill out the open version of the test and find out its results.

If the results are unsatisfactory, training centers offer various forms of training for foreign citizens in on a paid basis- these can be full-time courses or distance learning, individual or group lessons, depending on your level of training.

What to bring with you to the exam

Some testing centers ask you to bring photographs, copies of documents on electronic media, or offer to produce them on site, so it is better to clarify the list beforehand during the consultation necessary documents and things that you may need to pass the exam comfortably. The main list includes:

  • application (filled out according to the sample of the testing organization);
  • original identification document (passport and its translation into Russian, residence permit, refugee certificate);
  • a copy of the passport (page with photo) and its translation or the first page of the residence permit;
  • payment receipt for the amount of 6 thousand rubles;
  • blue pen.

How the exam is conducted

On the day of testing, the examiner tells the subjects in detail:

  • about how the individual stages of the exam will be carried out;
  • about the duration of their implementation;
  • about the rules for preparing control forms received along with assignments;
  • about the time and place of announcement of the results.

He will also answer any questions you may have before the exam begins. During the exam, there is a ban on the use of dictionaries and reference books, mobile phones and conversations with other test takers.

Knowledge and skills that you must demonstrate in testing in accordance with the requirements for basic level(TBU/A2):

  • The ability to read short texts taken from various sources (magazines, newspapers, signs, indexes, advertisements), understand the main and additional information adapted texts of regional studies, informational and social-everyday nature.
  • Ability to write a short letter, note, congratulations, etc., to present the main content of the source text (at least 15 phrases on the proposed questions).
  • Understand basic information (in particular, the topic, indication of place, time, reason) presented in individual dialogues and monologues of a social, everyday and socio-cultural nature;
  • Be able to initiate dialogue in everyday situations, maintain a conversation, in particular, about yourself, friends, family, study, work, study foreign language, working day, free time, hometown, health, weather; and also construct your own statement based on the text you read.
  • Use grammatical and lexical skills to formulate statements in accordance with intentions in a limited set of social and everyday situations.

The test contains 5 blocks listed in the table.

Table: examples of tasks contained in the five blocks of the test

Name of the subtest with an approximate description of the task Time
Test examples
Exercise Answer options /
dialogue structure diagram
1. Grammar. Vocabulary.
Assignment: insert the correct answer option into a sentence or phrase in place of the missing word.
45 minutes1. I’m a schoolboy and... I don’t know
at which institute
I will study.
  • (A) more
  • (B) already
  • (B) too
  • (D) or
2. Biology -…
  • (A) the most interesting science
  • (B) about the most interesting science
  • (B) the most interesting science
3. He met...
  • (A) his old friend
  • (B) to his old friend
  • (B) about his old friend
  • (D) with his old friend
2. Reading.
Assignment: read and comprehend a short text. For each text there are questions (tasks) with different answer options. Choose the correct one and mark it on the checklist (matrix).
45 minutesYou are going to go to Russia next month.
Your passport is valid for another six months.
You read the announcement at the Russian consulate.
The validity of your passport must exceed the validity of your visa by three months.
Visa you...
  • (A) receive;
  • (B) you will receive it if you change your passport;
  • (B) will not receive;
  • (D) it is unknown whether you will receive it or not.
3. Listening.
Assignment: After listening to short remarks, you need to choose the correct answer from those proposed.
30 minutesYou listened to the announcement on the subwayYou must:
  • (A) transfer to another line,
  • (B) move on,
  • (B) transfer to ground transport,
  • (D) wait for the next train.
4. Letter.
The subtest is administered in the form of a written task.
45 minutesWrite a congratulation, fill out a questionnaire or job application
5. Speaking.
The subtest takes the form of a dialogue with the examiner. Your goal is to demonstrate the ability to start and continue a dialogue on simple themes that may arise in everyday life.
30 minutesYou have arrived at a furniture store to buy furniture for a new apartment.
  • say hello, ask if the seller can help you;
  • explain which room you need furniture for (bedroom, kitchen);
  • explain what kind of furniture you need and why (country of origin, material, cost, color, etc.);
  • select furniture and arrange delivery;
  • say thank you and say goodbye.
Total3 hours 15 minutes

Each test task- this is a description of the life situation in which the subject may find himself.

Certificate or certificate

Having collected 66% positive answers, you will become the owner of a certificate.

The certificate is a strict reporting form, and you will receive it personally against a signature or through your authorized representative who has presented a notarized power of attorney. The production time will be about 10 days. Unlike your comprehensive exam certificate, which is valid for 5 years, your Russian language test certificate is valid for an indefinite period.

If the percentage of positive answers is less than required, you will receive a test certificate reflecting the results for each test block. This certificate is valid for 2 years and is required to be accepted by any certified testing organization.

If you fail only one subtest out of five, you can retake it by paying only half the cost of testing. If more subtests do not have the required number of correct answers, then you will need to retake the entire exam at full cost.

Learning Russian to obtain Russian citizenship is a necessity, but thanks to it you will be able to quickly adapt to a new language environment and feel more confident in your work life and active social life.

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