Oleg Tabakov's school is official. Moscow theater school of Oleg Tabakov. Tabakov Theater School: Mashkov apologized to applicants and their parents




Moscow, st Chaplygina, d, 20, page. 1

February 2011" href="/text/category/fevralmz_2011_g_/" rel="bookmark">February 2011 To the Head of the Department of Education

25 Moscow cities

During the school year, preliminary auditions for ninth-graders are held in all major regional centers with long-standing theatrical traditions. In the spring, such auditions are held in Moscow.

We ask you to convey information about admission to our college

to schools under the Department of Education.






Oleg Tabakov's Moscow Theater College holds preliminary auditions for applicants

for the academic year.

The duration of study at our college is 3 years 10 months.

Preparation for the specialty "Acting"

Qualification - Dramatic theater and film actor

The college is located in the center of Moscow at the address: st. Chaplygina, 20

Admission to college is on a competitive basis: preliminary auditions (in the spring), entrance tests of a creative nature, an exam in the Russian language and an exam in literature (in June).

Training is free. Full board (accommodation and meals)


April 3 and 10, 2011

Auditions will be held in the college building. The examiners will evaluate your potential acting abilities.



Prose excerpt

Pre-registration by phone in Moscow 8(4

If you not doubt youracting talent and wantlink your destiny with the stage - oursthe doors are wide open for you!

Our official website: www. *****


The artistic director of Oleg Tabakov's Moscow Theater, Vladimir Mashkov, explained the refusal to recruit applicants to the theater school by saying that he was not ready to personally conduct the selection. The actor’s statement was published on the educational institution’s website.

The day before, the theater college at the Moscow Oleg Tabakov Theater announced that it would not be recruiting applicants for the coming academic year. This caused concern among applicants who had already passed the preliminary selection and bought tickets to get to the final stage of testing in Moscow.

Tabakov Theater School: Mashkov apologized to applicants and their parents

Candidates for admission to the Oleg Tabakov Moscow Theater School will be able to take part in the entrance examinations only in a year, when the new head of the educational institution - actor and director Vladimir Mashkov - gets up to speed. This is stated in Mashkov’s own address to applicants on the educational institution’s website.

This information has already caused concern among applicants and their parents, since they had previously been invited to Moscow for tests at the end of June, and many had already bought tickets.

“Now I need to carefully understand everything that is happening in college. It is clear that now, without Oleg Pavlovich, changes and adaptation will be required educational process. Recruit now new course without a clear understanding of future prospects, it will be mere formalism,” Mashkov’s address says.

Mashkov also recalled that the artistic director of Tabakerka and the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov Oleg Tabakov, who passed away in March of this year, “always personally recruited children for the college in the finals of the long selection process.”

According to him, he himself has not seen the applicants and in this situation cannot give preference to anyone.

Tabakov Theater School: School for Gifted Children

Moscow Theater School is the only one in Russia educational institution, which was engaged in the search for gifted children (admission to the School from the age of 15). A group of teachers from the School traveled throughout the cities of Russia for a year, conducting creative selections. The founder of the School, Oleg Tabakov, always emphasized that “he was born in Saratov, and that the province is rich in talent.” This approach of searching for the most talented people required special material costs, and Oleg Tabakov allocated the bulk of the money from personal funds. All students of the School lived on a boarding basis - free of charge. In the first years of the School’s work (established in 2000), Oleg Pavlovich himself controlled the food (by the way, five times a day) and living conditions. Maintaining and training students is not cheap. Government funding was not enough for the School to operate ideally. The teachers from the Moscow Art Theater School and Tabakerka worked almost selflessly. The college released four sets, and many graduates joined the troupe of the Moscow Tabakov Theater - "Tabakerki".

On the very first day of his appointment as artistic director of the School, Vladimir Mashkov openly declared the need for changes in the educational process, in particular, the introduction of new disciplines. Perhaps Vladimir Mashkov, with his experience in Hollywood, wants to complement curriculum subjects that will help graduates play not only in Russia, but all over the world. He, a student of Oleg Tabakov, knows from his own example that with good teachers you can conquer the most demanding audience. To do this, it is necessary to find the best teachers and equip classrooms, which takes time.

Of course, you can recall the history of the Moscow Art Theater School. During the war in 1943, on the initiative of Nemirovich-Danchenko, a Studio School was created, Oleg Pavlovich very often told students. One could draw a parallel: “If during the war they found resources to create a Studio School, then recruiting and introducing new disciplines into a well-equipped school in peacetime is not so difficult.” But today is a different time, and not many are capable of heroic deeds. A time of reason and miscalculation. It is no secret that today many young actors are unemployed, and adding to the army of unclaimed artists is also wrong. And in order for all graduates of the Moscow Theater School to apply for admission to the troupes of the best theaters, they must be better than others.
Without a doubt, Vladimir Mashkov will continue the work of his teacher, Oleg Tabakov, and will complement the School with those innovations that will help young people shine on stage.

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Those who wanted to go to college at Oleg Tabakov’s “Tabakerka” became unwitting victims of the death of the master from whom they so wanted to learn acting. The new artistic director and head of the college, actor and director Vladimir Mashkov, considers it irresponsible to decide for his late mentor, so he canceled the recruitment in 2018.

“Now I need to carefully understand everything that is happening in college. It is clear that now, without Oleg Pavlovich, changes and adaptation of the educational process will be required. Setting a new course now without a clear understanding of future prospects will be mere formalism,” - Mashkov himself addressed applicants on the website of the educational institution.

This means that Oleg Tabakov’s Moscow Theater School has actually closed its doors to new talent and will not open them until the new director gets up to speed. The unpleasant news took young people from different regions of Russia, who were planning to come to the entrance examinations at the end of June, by surprise. Many of them have already bought tickets, and their parents have already taken vacations to go support gifted children.

Under Tabakov, the final selection always took place in his presence, Mashkov recalled.

“But, unfortunately, the guys who began to pass the selection process in November, for well-known sad reasons, will no longer be able to receive parting words from my teacher,” - the new artistic director complained.

The results of children who cannot pass the final tests will be taken into account when enrolling next year, but everyone who was once an applicant understands the importance of a year for young people who want to enroll.

According to the Zakuliska Telegram channel, almost 100 people selected from regional tours were invited to Moscow.

Despite Mashkov’s assurances that enrollment will be postponed until next year, doubts are creeping in: the educational institution has begun laying off not only teachers, but also cooks and technical staff.

“Probably, Mashkov’s reforms could even “do good” for the college. But... Vladimir Lvovich Mashkov, after an incendiary, bright youth on two continents, has one psychological feature: he gets excited about business very quickly, but cools down just as quickly,” - writes “Behind the Scenes”.

It was not possible to get through by phone and get a comment from Mashkov himself, however, there is also an explanation for this, sources close to the theater said.

“The lack of information is explained by the behind-the-scenes struggle within the leadership of Tabakerka and the college. Until it stops, there can be no talk of any certainty, which is why Mashkov is so reluctant to make forecasts. We must pay tribute to the actors, not one of them “reveals their cards” and carefully keeps secret information about what is happening in the team after Tabakov’s death. And a lot happens there,” - said a source from theater circles.

The order appointing Vladimir Mashkov to the position of artistic director of “Tabakerka” was signed on April 6, at the same time he was presented to the troupe by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow Leonid Pechatnikov.

People's Artist of the USSR Oleg Tabakov died on March 12 at the age of 83. In 1987, he opened the Tabakerka Theater, and in June 2000 he became the artistic director of the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater; since 2004, Tabakov has simultaneously served as director of the theater.

From the first days of work in his new post, Mashkov showed himself to be active, however, his activity seemed to be targeted and very selective: first thing. The actor would like to name his mentor’s theater “Oleg Tabakov Theater” instead of the usual and more laconic “Tabakerka”.

List of documents for preview:
1. Copy of passport or birth certificate (first page and page with registration)
2. A certificate from the school confirming that the applicant is currently studying in the 9th grade (with the stamp and signature of the director)
3. 10x15 color portrait photograph

List of documents for entrance tests:

1. Application addressed to the director (to be completed at the college)
2. Copy of passport or birth certificate (first page and page with registration)
3. state-issued document on the main general education(original and copy);
4. medical certificate in form 086-U, which includes information about vaccinations and fluorography;
5. four photographs measuring 3x4
6. compulsory health insurance policy (copy and original)
7. if available – certificate of passing the State final certification (for grade 9)
8. A receipt from parents about the applicant’s health
9. school medical card
10. Consent to the processing of personal data

Upon arrival at the educational institution, the applicant presents an identification document (passport or birth certificate).

Submission procedure entrance exams:
1. Preview in Moscow and in the centers of selected regions - All applicants undergo a qualifying round for their specialty. The selection is carried out by the regional selection committee.
- during preliminary screenings you need to read poems, fables and excerpts from prose, and sing a song.

2. Entrance tests in Moscow
All those who pass the preliminary examination take examinations in the specialty of the college examination committee.

Program requirements for the specialty:
1. Reading a fable, a poem, an excerpt from prose (by heart)
2. Checking musical data, rhythm, vocals.

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