How long are Unified State Exam results valid? Rosobrnadzor spoke about the Unified State Exam How long are Unified State Exam results valid?

The question “How long are the results of the Unified State Exam valid?” concerns schoolchildren who do not intend to enter a university in the near future.

By missing the deadline, they risk taking the exam again, which can be difficult.

At the same time, almost all universities have refused to conduct their own entrance tests.

Does the Unified State Examination have a validity period?

Before the advent of the unified state exam in Russia, school graduates did not have to worry: to enter a university they had to pass exams, and they could do this either immediately or after a few years.

Today, almost all higher education institutions accept only the results of the Unified State Exam, that is, applicants who have not taken the Unified State Exam must submit an application in advance (before spring) about their desire to take it, so that they have time to be enrolled among the students graduating this year.

But even if the applicant passed the exam, he may find himself in a “failure” due to a missed deadline. In 2012, a law was adopted on the validity period of the Unified State Exam; today it is 4 years, starting from the next one. That is, the validity period of the result for 2018 expires in 2021 (2018-2019-2020-2021). Afterwards, the applicant will have to take it again.

This is interesting: Before the law was adopted, the results were valid until the end of the next year, that is, the student could use them twice - this year and next.

How long does the Unified State Exam 2013 last?

Taking into account the previous point, it is easy to calculate how long the Unified State Exam certificates for 2013 will be valid. Their term ends on December 31, 2018.

Citizens who did not enroll this year will be forced to retake the exam next year.

To do this, they need to submit an application to the education management department at the place of registration to participate in the Unified State Exam before March. After the exam results can be submitted to several universities or used for the next 4 years.

Take into account: If applicants graduated from school before 2009 (before the introduction of the Unified State Exam), they can take entrance exams chosen by the university itself, or send an application to participate in the Unified State Exam along with graduates.

How long does the Unified State Exam 2012 last?

A separate problem arose with the exam results for 2012.

Despite the fact that the law on deadlines was adopted in 2012, it only came into force in September 2013.

This raised a number of questions about the 2012 graduates, namely: what should they do? Do they qualify under this law or do they still only have 2 years to enroll?

It is worth noting: this happened due to the fact that the law itself was signed at the end of December 2012, that is, it came into force only from the next academic year.

The response was a letter from the Ministry of Education No. DL-344/17 dated November 2013. It stated that since at the time of the adoption of the law the USE results for 2012 were still valid, they fell under the law and would be valid until 2016. However, today this is no longer so important, since 2016 has also passed.

The introduction of the Unified State Exam as a single exam for both graduation from school and admission to a university has caused a lot of controversy. However, the fact that the test results will be stored for 4 years allows applicants not to rush into choosing an educational institution or even change it if necessary.

Watch the video in which a user explains whether it is worth filing an appeal against the results of the Unified State Exam:

The Unified Exam has replaced entrance exams to educational institutions of various profiles. Now enrollment is based on the scores obtained in passing exams at school.

To enroll in secondary and higher institutions, you must provide a document indicating that you have passed school exams in a specialized subject and the number of points. In this regard, many people have a question about how long the Unified State Exam is valid, and what will happen if this deadline is exceeded.

Validity period of the Unified State Examination

Current legislation does not oblige schoolchildren to enter educational institutions in the year of passing school exams. There are many reasons for delaying further education, for example:

  • Military service;
  • family circumstances;
  • disease;
  • job responsibilities;
  • detention.

Currently, the period during which documents can be presented for admission to educational institutions is 4 years. An exception may be when serving as a military personnel.

What to do if the Unified State Exam deadline is missed?

In practice, there are situations when a person did not take exams at school at all, or in his graduation years, admission to educational institutions was carried out according to different rules. However, a document with school exam results is required for admission. The following categories are exceptions:

  • disabled people who, due to their physical condition, did not pass the Unified State Exam;
  • Foreign citizens;
  • persons receiving a second education.

Everyone else should provide USE results. In this case, when answering the question about how long the Unified State Exam lasts, you should keep in mind that after a 4-year period the unified exam will have to be taken again.

Citizens who did not take the Unified State Exam for one reason or another, including those for whom such an obligation was not provided, should contact the local education department. You will need to write an application for admission to take the Unified State Exam.

The exam will take place at the location indicated educational organization. You must first obtain a document confirming admission to the exam.

A citizen can apply for examinations to the school where he received his general education.

After passing the exams and receiving the result, you can submit documents to the chosen educational institution. In this case, the question of how long the Unified State Exam is valid can be answered, as in previous situations, the period should not exceed 4 years.

Editorial "site"

Quick answer: 4 years (as of 2016).

The Unified State Exam is a unified state exam, which is centrally conducted in the territory of Russian Federation in average educational institutions, including schools, lyceums and gymnasiums. Serves as both a graduation exam from school and an entrance exam.

The experiment on introducing the Unified State Exam began in the early 2000s, when the exam was held in several republics, as well as in two regions. Already by 2006 year of the Unified State Exam More than 900 thousand students took the exam in almost 80 regions throughout Russia.

Many schoolchildren, as well as future students, ask the question: how long does this same Unified State Exam last? As of 2012, results were valid for 1.5 years, so if you took the exam in 2012, it is no longer valid.

In 2013 the situation changed. From that time until the time of writing this article, the validity period of the Unified State Exam is 4 years. We give you the text of the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 20, 2013 N DL-344/17 “On the validity of the results of the unified state exam”:

The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia reports on the validity of the results of the unified state exam obtained before the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law) came into force on September 1, 2013.

According to Part 2 of Article 70 of the Federal Law, the results of the Unified State Exam for admission to undergraduate and specialist programs are valid for four years following the year in which such results were obtained.

At the same time, in accordance with paragraph 4.3 of Article 15 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education,” which became invalid due to the entry into force of the Federal Law, the validity of the certificate of the results of the unified state exam expired on December 31 of the year following the year in which it was received.

Thus, as of September 1, 2013, certificates of the results of the unified state exam issued after January 1, 2012 (hereinafter referred to as Unified State Examination certificates) are valid. Considering that the Federal Law changed the validity period of the results of the Unified State Exam, the validity period of the specified Unified State Examination certificates after September 1, 2013 is four years following the year in which such results were obtained. Consequently, admission to organizations that carry out educational activities for bachelor's degree programs and specialty programs, is allowed based on the results of the unified state exam, confirmed by Unified State Examination certificates issued in 2012 and 2013 and valid until the end of 2016 and 2017, respectively.

D.V. Livanov

If you took the Unified State Exam in 2015, then it will be valid until 2019.

Quick answer: 4 years (as of 2016).

The Unified State Exam is a unified state exam, which is centrally conducted on the territory of the Russian Federation in secondary educational institutions, including schools, lyceums and gymnasiums. It serves both as a graduation exam from school and as an entrance exam to a university.

The experiment on introducing the Unified State Exam began in the early 2000s, when the exam was held in several republics, as well as in two regions. By 2006, more than 900 thousand students took the Unified State Exam in almost 80 regions throughout Russia.

Many schoolchildren, as well as future students, ask the question: how long does this same Unified State Exam last? As of 2012, results were valid for 1.5 years, so if you took the exam in 2012, it is no longer valid.

In 2013 the situation changed. From that time until the time of writing this article, the validity period of the Unified State Exam is 4 years. We give you the text of the letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 20, 2013.

N DL-344/17 “On the validity of the results of the unified state exam”:

The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia reports on the validity of the results of the unified state exam obtained before the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law) came into force on September 1, 2013.

According to Part 2 of Article 70 of the Federal Law, the results of the Unified State Exam for admission to undergraduate and specialist programs are valid for four years following the year in which such results were obtained.

At the same time, in accordance with paragraph 4.3 of Article 15 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education,” which became invalid due to the entry into force of the Federal Law, the validity of the certificate of the results of the unified state exam expired on December 31 of the year following the year in which it was received.

Thus, as of September 1, 2013, certificates of the results of the unified state exam issued after January 1, 2012 (hereinafter referred to as Unified State Examination certificates) are valid. Considering that the Federal Law changed the validity period of the results of the Unified State Exam, the validity period of the specified Unified State Examination certificates after September 1, 2013 is four years following the year in which such results were obtained. Consequently, admission to organizations carrying out educational activities in undergraduate and specialist programs is allowed based on the results of the unified state exam, confirmed by Unified State Examination certificates issued in 2012 and 2013 and valid until the end of 2016 and 2017, respectively.

D.V. Livanov

If you took the Unified State Exam in 2015, then it will be valid until 2019.

Unified State Exam 2017: readiness number one

How long are Unified State Exam results valid?

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How long the Unified State Exam lasts is of interest to many schoolchildren and their parents. After all, it is on the basis of the certificate that you can enter a university, and there is a certain period when re-examination is not necessary. Schoolchildren have been receiving these certificates for more than 10 years, although still not everyone understands the specifics of using the document they have acquired.

The start of the Unified State Exam was in 2000, when it was carried out experimentally in several regions of the country. In 2006, almost 1 million students took part in testing. At the moment, a final test of knowledge in basic subjects is mandatory for every graduate.

Important! All students of schools, lyceums, and gymnasiums, regardless of accreditation, must take the Unified State Exam.

Among the compulsory subjects that will have to be taken:

  1. Russian language.
  2. Mathematics.

The student chooses the rest independently, based on his preferences and amount of knowledge. Among those available: physics, foreign language, chemistry, computer science, history, geography, literature and others. When all the theory has been passed, the results are calculated and the data is indicated in the certificate. A future applicant can apply for admission to a university with it. It is worth noting that such a document can be issued only if the test results are positive.


Not all schoolchildren and their parents know what results will be indicated in that very certificate. The results are presented in the form of points, and the Unified State Examination result is also presented in the certificate. This means that the results of the unified exam also influence the final grade in the certificate. If they turn out to be worse than the overall performance, then the final grade is assigned based on the exam results.

Validity periods

Since the introduction of mandatory passing the Unified State Exam Standard certificate validity periods have changed. So in 2009, it had a “shelf life” of only 1.5 years, that is, a former schoolchild could apply for it only next year. At the moment, all test results passed before 2012 are no longer valid. Since 2013, changes have been introduced, and now a student who has passed the necessary exams can use the certificate for as long as 4 years.

That is, graduates of 2017 can use their document until 2021 inclusive. Next year, 2018, those who have not yet done so, but have a certificate no later than 2014, can apply.

The question of how long the USE results of 2012-2013 are valid is quite problematic. It was during this period that the reform occurred, when the validity periods were changed. In order to equalize the rights of graduates, the legal 4 years were also in effect.


If a student is drafted into the army after passing the Unified State Examination, then he can enroll in the army next year based on the document he has received. The period of military service is only 1 year, that is, there will be another 3 years in reserve for admission to one certificate. In the case of the allotted period, he has the right to extend the validity of the certificate by 1 year, which he was actually deprived of the opportunity to use it.

2 certificates

It happens that a graduate fails the exam the first time, his data is included in the certificate, but it is not sufficient for admission to the desired university. In this case, you can prepare and retake the next year. If the results have improved, you can submit the second certificate to the institute. However, both are considered valid and can be used at the discretion of their owner.

Important! The validity period of the certificate takes into account, including the month of delivery. This means that if you take the exam in June 2017, you will no longer be able to enroll in it in July 2021, since it will be invalid.


Increasing the validity period of Unified State Examination certificates has somewhat simplified life for former schoolchildren, since now they can not immediately enter a university after graduating from school, but think and weigh in which direction they want to move. This is also useful for those who are especially stubborn, because if you don’t manage to enter the university the first time target university, you can try next year and for another 3 years.

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