Test where to go to study after 9. What profession to choose. Key features of technical schools

Choosing a profession, and with it a place of further study, is sometimes very difficult for 11th graders. Some students decide long before graduation where to go to school, but not all of them understand what they want to do in the future.

Choose a direction

Ideally, by the 10th grade, a student should know what subjects he likes and which ones he will choose for in-depth training for the Unified State Exam and in what direction he will have to study in the future. Even if he has not yet decided on the exact specialty and faculty, he should have a chosen direction. In total, several such areas can be noted: physico-mathematical, natural science, humanitarian, creative. As a rule, already from high school it becomes clear which subjects the child is better at: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, literature or languages. There are many options here, but the student’s profile – “techie” or “humanities” – is difficult to confuse with something else. Even if all subjects are good, you can identify those that the student considers favorite, and rely on them when choosing a future profession.

Choosing an educational institution

Afterwards it is not necessary to enter a university; many students go to technical schools and colleges. Secondary specialties vocational education Today they are in demand more than ever, such personnel are in short supply. Therefore, in order not to remain a specialist with a university diploma, but without a job, many former students schools decide to first obtain a working specialty and only then - higher education. By the way, there is no need to be afraid of losing extra years on such studies: after graduating from college, you can enroll in a shortened university program in your specialty. Especially useful advice going to college or technical school will be for those 11th grade students who did not pass the Unified State Exam very well and do not want to spend their parents’ money on paid education.

Those who are going to university should think carefully about what specialty to enter. Popular faculties, such as economics, law, and design, train a huge number of personnel. Hundreds of students apply for them every year, there is a huge competition, and there are not enough budget places even for excellent students. As a result, many applicants end up in a paid department, where they pay a lot of money for an education that will not pay for itself later. There is a glut of specialists in this profile in the labor market. But today there are not enough technical specialists - engineers in various fields. Therefore, when choosing a profession, you need to look not at the prestige of the specialty, but at the real needs of the market and the abilities and desires of each individual applicant. This is what will later help you find a job according to your profile and do it with pleasure.

All will depend on the Unified State Exam subjects you choose to take. Based on their list, you can choose one of the suitable specialties. As for the type of educational institution, you can study in a secondary or higher educational institution - this is a technical school, college, school or university, academy, institute, respectively.

What type of educational institution to choose? How to choose between several universities or colleges? What to do if you are missing several Unified State Exam subjects for admission? More on this later.

Where to go to study after 11th grade? University or secondary school

Graduates of 11th grade who have overcome minimum threshold After passing the compulsory Unified State Examination subjects, they can enter higher or secondary specialized educational institutions. The education you ultimately receive will depend on your choice - secondary or higher. There is a significant difference between educational institutions, determined by their organizational form.

First of all, in educational programs that they implement and in student learning opportunities. Here are the key differences:

  • The university implements a wide range of educational programs, has the best teaching staff in terms of the number of postgraduate students defended and scientific degrees professors. The university receives maximum funding and at the same time trains specialists in specialties from different fields.
  • The Academy implements educational programs within one sphere of human activity. This could be jurisprudence, military affairs, economics, agriculture and so on. It is inferior to universities in terms of funding. The teaching staff includes a smaller number of professors with scientific degrees.
  • The Institute implements educational programs within one area professional activities. Accordingly, he provides training in a narrow range of specialties. The number of professors with a degree in the teaching staff is less than in the university and academy. Funding is also less.

Moreover, all of the listed educational institutions implement higher education programs. And at the same time they are divided into state and non-state. The first ones have budget places, scholarships, and the opportunity to get a hostel. Secondly, education is only paid, there are no scholarships, the hostel is provided for a fee.

What is the difference between technical school, college and school

Again in educational programs. In addition, in the organizational forms of training and the prospects that open up for graduates. Let's note the key differences:

  • Technical colleges have the same form of educational organization as schools. Usually there are no lectures or seminars, sessions or workshops. The duration of training is 2-3 years. At the same time, you receive specialized secondary education, but you can later enter a university for accelerated programs.
  • Colleges are considered more prestigious than technical schools. Most often, they are assigned to certain higher educational institutions, where graduates will later be able to enroll in accelerated education programs with privileges. The form of organization of training is similar to that of a university: students attend lectures and seminars, take sessions and undergo workshops. The duration of training is 3-4 years.
  • Schools also implement secondary education programs. However, today they can be counted on one hand. The fact is that most schools are undergoing a reorganization procedure and strive to become universities. Otherwise, they differ little from colleges in the form of education and educational programs implemented.

Secondary educational institutions can also be state or non-state. In addition to objective differences, there are also subjective ones: if you plan to continue your education after graduating from a secondary specialized educational institution, then it is best to go to college. Its students have unspoken privileges when entering a university assigned to an educational institution.

If you are faced with a choice between a state and non-state educational institution, choose the state one. Before enrolling, check with the university or college for accreditation. Also check whether the educational institution was involved in any scandals, whether a procedure for deprivation of accreditation was initiated against it or its individual faculties. Choose the “cleanest” educational institution.

Some tips for choosing:

Try to find out the opinions of graduates of the chosen specialty, or at least the chosen faculty - use the experience of past years.

  • Check the availability of budget places in the chosen specialty and the possibility of providing social benefits and dormitories.
  • Find out how in demand university or college graduates are among employers - ask admissions committee, what percentage of graduates are employed.
  • On the website of the educational institution, look at the materials from the “Students” section. Evaluate not only the organization of training, but also cultural and sports activities.
  • Check in advance whether your achievements during your school years can be taken into account when applying.
  • Assess the level of comfort of students, the quality of education and job prospects as a whole - this will help you make an informed choice.

It is also worth mentioning higher educational institutions that implement distance or part-time programs distance education. IN lately they are becoming more and more popular.

But, according to experts, it is better not to choose them for first education. The fact is that school graduates are rarely self-disciplined and do not have sufficient skills to organize independent learning.

In distance educational institutions, too much will depend on you. Due to the lack of independent learning skills that you can obtain in classical educational institutions, organize educational process incredibly difficult. Because of this, the quality of your education can seriously suffer.

Who to study? TOP 50 most popular specialties

If you have already decided where you want to go to study and have even chosen several educational institutions, it’s time to choose a specialty. Teachers recommend paying attention to professions that the applicant has a passion for, while not forgetting to evaluate the prospects for future employment. It's difficult to spend most of your time at a job you don't like. But it is also difficult to survive on minimum wages. Think about it. We have prepared the TOP 50 technical and humanitarian specialties most in demand among graduates of the last three years.

Technical specialties


Design engineerDoctor
Mining engineerDesigner
Space industry specialistDocument specialist
Heating and ventilation system designerMilitary
Instrumentation engineerTourism Manager
Dispatcher IT specialistLinguist
PharmacistAdvertising and PR industry specialist
Electrical EngineerEconomist
ArchitectHR Manager
System administratorTranslator
Design engineerVet
Labor safety engineerJournalist
Forestry specialistDevelopment Manager
VET engineerBiologist
Heating engineerTeacher
Oil and gas production specialistTrade and business industry specialist
Agricultural engineer MeteorologistChild psychologist

We have divided professions into humanitarian and technical ones to make it easier for you to navigate them. Obviously, doctors, military personnel and veterinarians can hardly be called 100% humanitarians. But a list of specialties based on data on the number of applications submitted by graduates of previous years will help you pay attention to the most in-demand professions among applicants.

What to do if you did not pass the required subjects on the Unified State Exam

Admission in 90% of cases requires the applicant to provide a form with the results passing the Unified State Exam. Based on their sum, the selection is made.

But what should you do and where should you go to study after 11th grade if you haven’t passed the required subjects? It's worth noting here that you can take the state exam as many times as you like. Nothing will stop you from passing the required subjects at the Unified State Exam next year. But you risk losing that very year and, for example, joining the army. Therefore, let's consider other options:

  • Pass internal exams(if possible).
  • Enroll in the closest specialty and then transfer.
  • Get an education and enroll in a master's program in the desired specialty.
  • Get a specialized secondary education and continue your studies at a university.

Many graduates forget about the possibility of transfer. In particular, because deans of faculties are almost always reluctant to discuss this topic. However, there is such a possibility, although it depends on many factors. The easiest way is to transfer to specialties within one faculty and one university. In this case you can save budget place(if you had it) and a priori spend less effort. But transferring to a university, say, in another city, can take a lot of time.

You can get an education even if the required Unified State Examination subjects are not on the form. The only question is how much time and effort you will spend on it.

How does admission to universities and colleges work?

You submit a list necessary documents to the admissions committee and write applications asking to accept you to study in your desired specialty. If you have already decided where to go to study after 11th grade, you can check the list of documents directly on the website of the university or secondary school. This can also be done by calling the admissions office by phone. Don’t forget to check whether you can submit all kinds of documents and evidence confirming that you have certain benefits upon admission.

Then all that remains is to wait and stay in touch. Often, applicants submit documents with good USE results and go on vacation, confident of their admission. In the meantime, admissions specialists who have discovered a shortage of one or more documents cannot reach them. In this case, you may not be able to enroll in a university or secondary school due to simple negligence. But whether it was yours or whether the admissions specialist made a mistake will not be so important.

If you are on the list of admitted applicants based on the results of the first wave, then you can safely bring documents to the admissions committee and confirm your admission. If you are not on the lists, you should wait for the results of the second wave. We recommend that you apply to several universities or secondary schools in advance. This always increases the chances of admission and gives the applicant additional guarantees. Use this opportunity, because you have absolutely nothing to lose - act according to Unified State Exam results very simple, in the vast majority of cases there is no need to pass internal exams.


After 11th grade, you can enter a higher or secondary specialized educational institution. When choosing a university, you should be guided by ideas about the quality of education and the level of comfort of students during the study period (scholarship, dormitory, teaching staff, benefits). When choosing a profession, it is recommended to take into account not only your preferences, but also objective indicators of the prospects for further employment. Also, upon admission, it is recommended to submit documents to several educational institutions.

Evgenia Kuziner

Editor of the Info-Profi portal, employee of the Center for Youth Research at the National Research University Higher School of Economics - St. Petersburg, specialist in vocational guidance.

When it comes to choosing a future specialty, when the need for retraining arises, making the right decision is not so easy. After all, how your future life will turn out or change largely depends on the right choice. Therefore, it would be useful to find out which professions are now in demand and in which there is a shortage in our country today.

Features of the labor market

Home distinctive feature given economic structure is that the object of “purchase and sale” in it is the right to use in the labor process as well as knowledge, qualifications and abilities of a person. Here, as elsewhere in the economy, the law of correspondence applies. At the same time, answering the question of what professions are in demand now, it should be noted that there is great inertia. If we compare it with the dynamics of currencies or raw materials, where dramatic changes occur in a week, or even in a few days or even hours, here qualitative changes become noticeable only after several years, if not decades. This circumstance makes it possible for young people choosing their future specialty, as well as all other participants in labor relations, to find out in advance and subsequently not worry about their choice. With a probability of more than 95%, it can be said that there will be no significant changes in the current situation on the labor market in the near future.

IT sector

This area invariably comes out on top in various surveys and ratings on what professions are in demand now. The number of computers in offices is constantly growing, and now it is difficult to imagine the production activities of many companies without them. Technologies are constantly being improved, new programs are being released, and universities that train IT specialists simply cannot keep up with the speed of progress in this area. So, according to rough calculations, for one such professional, depending on how narrow his specialization is, there are 2-15 jobs, which provides high level income in this sector.

Creative specialties

People with good imagination and great imagination are unlikely to have to worry about their employment. Those who have creativity and creativity in their blood should take a closer look at the field of marketing, design, and PR management. This sector offers good salaries, and there is a significant increase in vacancies, but we are in a hurry to disappoint young professionals - here employers are only interested in proven and experienced personnel, since any mistake can be costly.

Working specialties

A profession in demand for those who have “golden hands” and who choose physical labor is a mason, carpenter, mechanic, joiner, turner. However, despite the fact that employers' interest in these specialties is growing, it should be noted that the real amount of income in this area still remains low, and career opportunities are very limited.

In-demand professions of the future

Skolkovo scientists recently conducted their own research to find out which professions will become popular in Russia in the near future. They believe that in seven to eight years, GMO agronomists, molecular nutritionists, space engineers, time brokers, cyberprosthetics experts, biorobot designers, network doctors, biopharmacologists, virtual lawyers and urban ecologists will begin to occupy the first places in the job rankings. And the Ministry of Health presented to the world the “Atlas of Professions,” which contains over 8,000 items. Thus, now those who are interested can easily navigate it.

Getting an education above school is an urgent necessity if you want to apply for an interesting job with good earnings. In this article we will talk about the three main ways of obtaining a profession that are available to you, and the features of using each of them.

Where can you go after school: types of educational institutions

Theoretically, it is not necessary to study anywhere after school: you can instead try to get a job “without education.” However, most likely, this will be low-skilled labor with a fairly modest salary, and with minimal opportunities for growth. If this option does not suit you, then you have the following options:

  1. Courses. This is the fastest way that will allow you to become a driver, barista, manicurist or anything else in a matter of months. Courses can be organized educational centers, employment services, specific companies or enterprises that need workers of a certain profile, and so on. Accordingly, it is their proposals that limit the range of available specialties. Such courses are almost always paid, and they are conducted outside the official educational system, that is, they do not imply obtaining a diploma. Instead, graduates are issued state-issued certificates. Sometimes courses are offered with a guarantee of subsequent employment.
  2. College. This is a medium-length option: college typically takes about three years. It can be free (and even include a scholarship) or paid. In college, you can get a real profession in a variety of profiles (economics, legal, technical, construction, creative, medical, pedagogical, agricultural, etc.), and then try to find a job in this profession. College graduates receive diplomas of secondary vocational education.
  3. University (university, institute or academy). Finally, the longest, but no less worthy path is obtaining a higher education. Studying at the university lasts 4-5 years, after which graduates are issued bachelor's diplomas. Another 2 years of study after this allow you to obtain a master's degree, and doctors additionally need to undergo residency. In higher educational institution you can study on a budget or at a target place with a scholarship, or on on a paid basis. Upon completion, you will become a specialist with a higher education and will be able to apply for a decent career, although you will most likely have to start your working career from a fairly low position.

Features of admission to colleges and universities

Each option of where to go to study after 11th grade has its own characteristics regarding the entrance campaign. Training in courses, as a rule, is available to anyone who is willing to pay for them, but universities and colleges require the following from applicants:

  • Admission of students to colleges is based on the average score of the certificate. What kind of certificate - about the main one general education(for 9 classes) or about secondary general education (for 11 classes) - depends on the rules of the college. If it provides for the possibility of entering the second or third year immediately (since the first 1-2, in many respects, repeat school curriculum), then the admissions committee can consider 11th grade certificates. If there is no such opportunity in a particular college, and all students are admitted only on the basis of a 9th grade certificate, then you will have to bring it and enroll in first year. In addition, the college may, on its own initiative, conduct additional internal examinations for applicants.
  • In order to enter a university, you need to pass the Unified State Exam.. Firstly, in compulsory subjects (for now it’s Russian and mathematics, although history is expected to be added to them in the coming years). Secondly, according to profile, which are determined by the university itself. Most often there are two such subjects (for example, physics and computer science, biology and chemistry, foreign language and social studies). The competition is held specifically based on the results of the Unified State Exam, although you will also need to provide the admissions committee with a certificate of secondary general education (that is, for 11 grades). Some universities also introduce additional exams on their premises. Thus, for future workers in the field of culture and the arts, a creative exam is almost always required.

Some applicants are eligible for non-competitive admission. For example, prize-winners and winners of the final rounds of the All-Russian school Olympiad, champions of the Olympic, Paralympic and Deaf Olympic Games, members of Russian national teams. However, this rule only applies if you are applying for a specialty in your field. In other words, even if you became the winner of the Olympiad in social studies, this will not allow you to enroll as an engineer outside the competition.

In addition, for some categories of citizens (orphans, disabled people of the first and second categories, citizens living in settlements with preferential economic and social status) certain concessions are provided for admission. For example, this could be passing entrance exams without participating in a competition based on a certificate or Unified State Exam score.

Applicants entering universities have the right to apply to five different educational institutions (for no more than three specialties in each). In the case of colleges, it is also allowed to submit documents to several colleges at once (their number is not strictly limited). We recommend using these opportunities, especially if you doubt the success of the competition, or want to think a little longer about who you would like to study for first.

In fact, our entire website was created so that you can choose the university that suits you. However, if you typed the title of the article into the search and ended up here, then you are clearly in great uncertainty. I will try on this page to help you dispel it and put your thoughts in order in your head.

So, where to go after 11th grade? Without water, in fact. We talked about choosing a profession in the article “”. So this article is specifically about choosing a university. Just in case, a key quote from choosing a profession:

If you don't have a clear predisposition to something, look into your school diary, remember the lessons. Maybe you're better at talking about blue curtains on literature than deciding quadratic equation, or vice versa. Maybe you have loved fixing cars since childhood. Are you computer savvy and do you like it? Be a prog. Do you love biology? A doctor.

It is important not to deceive yourself. If you want to be a doctor, but you don’t get a passing USE score in biology, then you don’t want to be a doctor.

Pay attention to these things and work with what you have. Listen to your feelings and try to exclude parents from this process as much as possible.

To start choosing your future place of study, answer the following questions (“I don’t know” can be the answer to the first 3 questions):

1) Which city do I want to go to?
2) Who do I want to apply for? (or at least field of activity)
3) Which exams do I take and how many points do I have/expect?
4) How much money can my parents give me per month?

Answered, remembered... Just know that we have one of the most complete databases about Russian universities, their specialties and much more. All this will help you when choosing. We will look at the example of Moscow.

Where can you go after 11th grade if...

You DO NOT KNOW the city you will be entering, but you know all or part of the rest (specialty, which Unified State Exams)

Everything is simple here. You need to select a city and move on to the next point. Know that you can enter Moscow even with low Unified State Exam scores. If you have money, you can apply anywhere for anyone.

If you are going to MOSCOW or other LARGE CITIES, and now live in a small town, then for you.

If you, for example, know your future specialty, you can select a city by specialty: you will find a list of all directions in Russia. Select the desired specialty and see the universities where it is taught and the CITIES where there are universities teaching it.

Do you KNOW the city, DO YOU KNOW OR DO NOT KNOW Unified State Exam subjects, specialty

Select a city on the top left by clicking on "Select a city", select the one you want and you will see ALL INFORMATION on higher education in this city. Next I will show the example of Moscow.

Selecting a university by specialty

If you know the specialty you plan to enroll in, then on the page of each city there is a link to a list of specialties for that particular city. Here, for example, . By clicking on a specific specialty, you will find a list of universities in the city that teach it. Look for one that suits you based on passing scores and cost, call the university and study.

Selecting a university based on Unified State Exam subjects

If you cannot decide on a specialty and university, you can choose it based on the Unified State Exam subjects. Go here: , select a city, then USE subject and you will see a list of ALL specialties in a certain city, for admission to which you need the selected subject or set of subjects.

Another option is to open, walk around, see specialties. But this takes longer than the above methods.

Selection of everything at once

To select based on multiple criteria at once, use the filter located at the top of the site, for example, on the main page. There you can make a selection based on all criteria at once.

FAQ on topics, answers to the most frequently asked questions

Where should a guy go after 11th grade?

To any university, using the tips for selecting a university on our website.

Where should a girl go after 11?

In general, the range of universities for girls is the same as for boys. However, a number of military universities do not accept girls. With some rare exceptions. Use these instructions and find your university.

Where to apply after 11th grade profession, where to find the list?

List of universities by profession.

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