Targeted reception. Help for applicants: how to get a targeted direction to study at a university Gazprom targeted training

Obtaining an education in this way can be called preferential, since it is easier to enter the desired faculty - the passing score according to the Unified State Examination results is lower. In rare cases (if we are talking about a popular specialty), the requirements for competitors can be quite strict. One referral is issued only to one specific person, it cannot be transferred to another applicant, and it is prohibited to use it for admission to several universities.

Omsk State Technical University: how to enroll in the target place

In 2020, Omsk State Technical University opened enrollment for 700 targeted places. The university trains two-thirds of specialists for Omsk enterprises of the military-industrial complex. These enterprises are part of three large departments - the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Roscosmos and Rosatom.

Gazprom target set

A number of Gazprom subsidiaries have opened regional branches, where school graduates can prepare for admission to a specialized university. Together with universities, Gazprom conducts career guidance events and Olympiads to select the most promising graduates for further targeted training at universities.

For students and graduates

For young professionals, we are implementing a three-year program for the development of corporate and professional competencies employees. Participation in the program under the guidance of an experienced mentor is a guarantee of a dynamic career start in the oil and gas industry. From the first days of work, you will immerse yourself in solving interesting problems, take part in major projects and be able to offer new approaches and effective solutions, applying in practice the knowledge acquired during your studies. When you come to work with us as part of the program for young professionals, you can be sure that you will receive equal opportunities with your senior colleagues for development and fulfillment in the profession and personally. We are waiting for you - create your resume at personal account, sign up for vacancies and your career start will be just around the corner.

The Moscow Refinery has opened enrollment for targeted training at Gubkin University

Recruitment takes place on a competitive basis among 11th grade students with high performance in specialized subjects. Schoolchildren who have passed the preliminary test and passed the Unified State Examination will be accepted for budget places. Targeted training is part of a comprehensive cooperation program between Gazprom Neft and leading educational institutions in Russia.

Target direction to Moscow universities in 2020: documents and procedure for obtaining

In 2020, many universities in Moscow are accepting applicants in targeted areas. Thus, JSC Russian Space Systems (RSS) issues targeted directions to those wishing to study at such capital universities as MSTU. Bauman, MEPhI, MAI, MIREA, MPEI, MIIGAiK in thirteen specialties. Areas of training include geodesy, radio-electronic and telecommunication systems, infocommunication technologies, nanotechnology and instrument engineering. But to obtain such a document for training, it is not enough to desire to obtain the chosen specialty. To do this, you need to take part in a competitive selection. That is:

Target recruitment in 2020 Training on a budgetary basis of highly qualified specialists with subsequent employment in JSC Russian Space

12 Competition and admission To participate in the competition for targeted places you must: Select a university and field of study Fill out and send the candidate application form to targeted training along with a description from a general education institution for admission to the target area by email. Address: Attend targeted recruitment meetings. organized in organizations. Pass an interview in the department of training and retraining of personnel Provide information on academic performance and the results of the Unified State Examination What documents are required for admission: A complete list of documents presented by applicants A letter of referral for targeted admission from the organization An agreement for targeted training between the Student and the organization.

Target set

A citizen who has not fulfilled his employment obligations, except for the cases established by the agreement on targeted training, is obliged to fully reimburse the body or organization for the costs associated with providing him with social support measures, as well as pay a fine of two times the specified costs. If a student who successfully graduates from an educational organization is not hired, the body or organization pays him compensation in the amount of double the costs associated with providing him with social support measures.

Targeted reception

Conclude an agreement with the enterprise on targeted training, providing for obligations to work at this enterprise for a certain number of years after completion of training (requirement of Article 56 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in Russian Federation»).

Tomsk State University website

The department provides targeted training for masters in the field of design, development and operation of telecommunications and geoinformation space systems for industrial applications (communication satellites, Earth remote sensing satellites, etc.) to work at Gazprom Space Systems OJSC and implement company projects.

If the employer violates the terms of the contract, then he will pay the money to the university, plus the average salary for three months to his target. In May 2019, the government approved the share of places that can be allocated under the target quota. This percentage is different for different directions. For example, in the specialties "agronomy", "philology", "linguistics" and others, target students will receive 10 percent of all budget places, in "instrument engineering" 20 percent of places, in "radio engineering" - 30, and in "choreographic art and performance", " folk singing" - exactly half. On “special life support systems” the percentage of target students will reach 60. In the specialty there are areas of training where absolutely all students will be target students. This is, for example, the specialty of “countering technical intelligence.”

Applicants have only a few days left to get their target direction and enter the university under a special quota without competition.

1. Who can give directions?

Federal government bodies, state authorities in the regions, local governments (in other words, these are ministries and departments different levels), state and municipal institutions - hospitals, clinics, theaters, archives, as well as unitary enterprises, state corporations, state companies.

Defense-industrial organizations included in a special register can provide directions. Have the right to order training for target audiences joint stock companies, the shares of which are owned or held in trust by a state corporation and certain other organizations.

2. What specialties can an applicant be referred to?

The list is very large - there are several dozen names in it. It is clarified and updated from time to time. This year, “geology”, “geography”, “chemistry”, “psychology”, “foreign regional studies”, “foreign regional studies” were added to the bachelor’s program. international relationships", "sociological sciences" and others. The list of specialties is also impressive. This year they added "fundamental mathematics and mechanics" and "law enforcement."

3. Where to go for directions?

This is the most difficult question. You'll have to surf the Internet. We are looking for either a department that is responsible for the chosen field of activity, or a large enterprise or corporation where you are potentially ready to work. There we look for management or the personnel department, write or call.

If you live in Moscow and want to become a doctor, you need to send an online application to the capital’s Department of Health, then submit your documents to the Department of Personnel Policy and Education, including an assessment sheet, which contains information about all achievements. Documents are accepted from May 13 to June 13. Ready to work in the oil and gas industry? Gazprom can provide direction. It has 17 partner universities. A referral to Phystech (MIPT) can be given by FSUE TsNIIMash, RSC Energia, and the Zhukovsky Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI). Acceptance of applications to TsAGI from potential targets begins on February 1. Excellent students after the second semester will receive an additional 5 thousand rubles per month to their scholarship.

Do you want to become a target specialist at the Kutafin Moscow State Law Academy? Muscovites need to contact the Moscow prosecutor's office, guys from the regions - to the prosecutor's offices of their regions. Pre-registration for candidates begins in February. Representatives of the prosecutor's office meet with each target candidate personally.

4. What documents are needed in order to receive a target referral?

Personal documents, diplomas of participation in various competitions and olympiads, a certificate from school about academic performance. Typically, employers want the candidate to study for 4 and 5. The results of the Unified State Exam can be brought later. Sometimes departments ask for a reference from a school.

5. Is it possible to enter Moscow State University in a targeted area?

Yes. But there are only a few such students there. At Moscow State University, the list of enrolled target students includes those who were given referrals by the Government of North Ossetia Alania, the Government of the Bryansk Region, the Administration of the Lipetsk Region, the Government of the Altai Republic, personally the head of one of the regions... At the Faculty of Law there are guys with targeted referrals from the Prosecutor General’s Office.

6. How many target students will universities accept?

This information is open and available on the website of each university. MEPhI, for example, will admit 78 people to bachelor’s and specialty degrees this year. There are places for targeted students at HSE - more than 200. MSLU will accept 70 targeted students for bachelor's and master's degrees. MGIMO will allocate 34 places for targeted students. Law Academy named after. Kutafina (including branches) will admit 94 target students to the bachelor's degree and 75 to the specialty degree.

How can you use it? In our material we will describe the features of this type of training, and also tell you where and how you can get a targeted referral to a university.

Features of targeted training: advantages and disadvantages

Targeted admission is admission to a university on a budget through a referral from a government department or an enterprise. If your training is paid for by an enterprise, then you undertake to work for it for the period specified in the contract. If you receive a referral from government agency, then you will work according to state distribution.

The main advantages of the target direction:

  • free education;
  • guaranteed employment after graduation;
  • a separate competition “for target audiences”;
  • enrollment occurs before the start of the first wave; if you do not pass, you will be able to participate in the main competition;
  • some enterprises provide the opportunity to work while studying on a flexible schedule;
  • social support from the future employer: scholarship, dormitory, travel allowance, etc. (stipulated in the contract);
  • employer assistance in educational process(for example, collecting the necessary information for coursework, essays, scientific articles and dissertations).

The most important and significant disadvantage of such training- the obligation you have to your employer. Even if during your studies you decide that you do not want to connect your fate with your chosen profession, you will still have to work for the period specified in the target contract. Otherwise, you will have to reimburse the funds spent on your education, sometimes in two or three times the amount.

Target recruitment 2018: what changes are possible

In 2018, the government plans to adopt a new law that will tighten the conditions for targeted admission. It is expected that the minimum period of compulsory work at the enterprise after training will be at least 3 years.

A new participant will appear in the agreement between the applicant and the employer - the university. He will be responsible for ensuring that the document contains all obligations for both parties. It is also planned to tighten liability for failure to fulfill these obligations.

There is high competition for targeted places in the country's popular universities

Where to get a targeted referral to a university

How to find an organization that will act as a customer for your university studies? There are several options here:

  • If you want to enroll in some specific university, contact him admissions committee and find out with which organizations he has entered into targeted admission agreements. Some universities provide such information on their websites.
  • You can get a referral from government agencies. For example, if you want to enroll in, contact the Department of Health in your region.
  • From local government bodies (for example, the city administration) you can obtain information about which employers submitted applications for concluding a targeted contract. There you can also write an application for a targeted direction, indicating the desired specialty.
  • You can find an organization yourself. Decide on a direction, choose large organizations in this industry. Then visit them in person or go to their websites to find out if it is possible to get a referral to a university from them.

You can receive a targeted referral through the Department of Health or a specific medical institution

How to get a targeted referral to a university: step-by-step instructions

Start preparing for admission to targeted training in advance, about six months in advance.

Here is a general algorithm of actions:

  1. Decide on the direction you want to go.
  2. Find an organization that will pay for your education and/or contact a government agency.
  3. Gather the necessary documents.
  4. Conclude a target agreement with the customer (employer or government agency).
  5. Submit your documents to the university along with a copy of the target agreement.

You can receive only one target direction to one university. Many large enterprises conduct a competitive selection among students who contact them. They will look at your school performance and personal achievements, and conduct an interview. An additional bonus for you could be prizes at major Olympiads close to the organization’s field.

If you receive a targeted referral from a government agency, submit your application on time. Information about the date can be found on the institution's website. More often You can submit documents from March.

Gazprom conducts a serious selection among target groups, right up to testing them

What documents are needed to obtain a target referral?

You will need:

  • if you are studying at school - a transcript of academic performance for the first half of the graduating class, certified by the seal of the school director;
  • certificate of education, if you are a graduate of previous years;
  • a diploma of secondary specialized education if you are entering after a technical school or college;
  • copy of the passport;
  • characteristics from the place of study (if required);
  • documents confirming special achievements (certificates, medals, etc.).

So, if you have already decided on your future specialty, you can get free education at a university with the help of a targeted referral from the organization you dream of working for. The main thing is to be confident in your choice, because after training you will be required to work at the enterprise for the period specified in the target contract. Therefore, take a responsible approach to choosing a specialty and organization, collect the necessary package of documents and feel free to start studying. After receiving your diploma, employment will be guaranteed.

Before choosing targeted training, weigh the pros and cons. This is a good way to get an education for free, which you will then need to work for.

Studying at universities is not always within the capabilities of citizens - there is often a lack of funds. But having a clear mindset and a desire to learn leads to the fact that exits for admission are found - they resort to the target direction at the university.

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What it is?

First, you need to determine what the target direction means and how to use it in practice.

Targeted direction can be obtained from the head of an enterprise or government agency for new employees or potential employees.

For studying at an educational institution, the management specifically allocates several budget places, to which only citizens with the appropriate documents will be enrolled.

As a result, it turns out that the presented capabilities solve two problems at once:

  • The manager receives the knowledge of a new employee, who is trained at the expense of the company. As a result of paid training, an employee is hired for a job - he must “work out” the material support received, but this does not affect wages.
  • The applicant is ensured admission to a university, the knowledge and diploma of which he can use in the future and after the completed period. These benefits will impact your future career.

The main provisions on the target direction to a university are stated in the following documents:

Advantages and disadvantages

The targeted direction to universities has its advantages and disadvantages, which should be considered to make an accurate decision.

The presented procedure has the following advantages:

  • Admission to the university is ensured taking into account 1.5-2 people per course place - this gives high chances.
  • All admission is based on surrender Unified State Exam results and their subsequent competitive selection.
  • If additional entrance tests, then in most cases these are targeted appointments with up to 2 applicants per place.
  • The target direction to universities is only free education. Depending on the head of the enterprise who provides the student with training opportunities, scholarships and housing may be provided if the applicant is from out of town.
  • Immediately after graduation, the graduate is provided with a job - he will not have to look for a job in his specialty for a long time, which is difficult without experience. During “working” at the enterprise, you can gain experience in practical activities and in the future find a job with a higher pay.

Despite the numerous advantages, there are also disadvantages:

  • The main one is the refusal of graduates from further employment at the enterprise, since these are often unpresentable places and with low wages.
  • Moreover, new specialists are often sent to rural areas through participation in the federal program for training new specialists.

Who pays and obliges for what?

The target direction is issued either by the state or the enterprise. The state provides only budget places, while enterprises pay for paid ones. For admission you must obtain passing the Unified State Exam the required number of points, after which the current student is “taken under the wing” of higher authorities.

Upon the fact of targeted training and possible payment, an agreement is drawn up between the parties - students, if they are minors - their parents and the party that provided the place at the university.

The contract specifies all rights and obligations. The contract can be drawn up with mandatory work for a certain time at the enterprise that vouched for the applicant.

Where to get and how to get a targeted direction to a university in 2019?

Most of those who want to receive free education and possible subsequent employment, the question is how to get a targeted referral to a university. IN in this case it all depends on the form of referral and the subsequent specialty.

Who gives and how to find an employer?

First, you should consider the question of who issues the target directions, depending on the profile of the university.

To medical

Target areas in medical universities can be issued in two ways - from the employer or from the department of the Ministry of Health:

  • In the first case, the applicant must have an average medical education and a targeted direction will be issued for advanced training.
  • In the second case, school graduates should find out what programs are in place from the Ministry of Health in the coming year.

Often, budget places depend on the chosen form of referral - a specific field of medicine. It is also important to clarify in what educational institutions offer possible free training.

At the University of Civil Aviation

In order to get into such a university, you need to contact any civil aviation organization that may be interested in training potential new personnel.

Upon detailed consideration of the applicant (his personal file and level of education), he may be sent along with others who wish to enroll in a university where places are allocated for students with a special purpose.

In the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Only graduates can receive a targeted referral to universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Suvorov School, as well as graduates of secondary educational institutions with a specialized base of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Often, referrals are issued by department heads to their employees to improve their skills.

In pedagogical

The education department deals with the target areas of the pedagogical profile. Also, specialized universities allocate places for applicants under certain conditions - with subsequent work in educational institutions, possibly located in rural areas.

In economic

Here you can also contact the head of the enterprise to receive a targeted assignment in order to improve your qualifications and level of knowledge if you previously received education at a technical school or college.

Purposes economic structure This is handled by your local municipality and should be contacted for information.

To the Russian Railways University

Anyone can get into a Russian Railways university for their intended purpose if they enroll in the educational institution where the presented program operates.

As a rule, even when submitting documents, applicants are immediately warned about their obligations - working at Russian Railways for a certain period.

In legal

Graduates of a college or technical school of the relevant profile can receive a targeted referral to a law school. In this case, you need to contact your supervisor regarding your existing employment.

The search for new personnel is also carried out by the prosecutor's office or local administration.

In Moscow and St. Petersburg

In the capitals of Russia there are more opportunities to get a targeted destination, for which you only need to do a little. First, you should choose a training profile and try to find a “sponsor” - an enterprise in which the graduate promises to work in exchange for paying for his education.


To receive a targeted referral, for example, through the local administration, you need to prepare:

  • an application with a request to provide the applicant with a place at a university - it is important to indicate the profile and the university desired for study;
  • characteristics from the place of study - school;
  • petition - a request from teachers and higher authorities interested in a graduate receiving a target direction to allocate a place for studying at a university.

These are only the basic documents that are required. To prove the student’s serious intentions and mental capabilities, various certificates and certificates of merit received for excellence in certain areas can be attached.


The application is submitted by the future applicant and written to the head of the local administration in free form. The text indicates precise personal data and information about the training currently taking place.


Characteristics are given by those citizens who are teachers or managers of the enterprise where the applicant is employed. Everything must be indicated in the text positive traits and merit.


Gazprom is a global energy company. Our employees work in all time zones and at almost all latitudes - not only in Russia, but also in other countries. The company's staff is one of Gazprom's main and most valuable resources - after all, the success of a business depends on the people employed in it.

The process of gas production and delivery to consumers is extremely complex and requires special knowledge and skills. In order to reach the consumer, natural gas must travel a long way: from a well in the field it must enter the gas pipeline and travel many kilometers. At each stage, the coordinated and precise work of specialists is important - as parts of a complex but well-oiled mechanism. Therefore, gas industry specialists must be true professionals dedicated to their work.

Gas worker is the best profession

We value the work of every employee, trying to provide comfortable and safe working conditions, as well as maximum opportunities for development and growth.

Understanding that the path to professionalism begins with quality training, Gazprom has been implementing special cooperation programs with leading specialized universities for several years. Cooperation consists of targeted training of specialists and improvement educational programs in order to minimize the costs of adaptation of young specialists to new jobs. Gazprom aims to proactively train personnel to implement strategic projects and apply innovative technologies, as well as to attract the best graduates and improve the skills of its employees.

17 Russian universities have been identified by PJSC Gazprom as partner universities of PJSC Gazprom. Among them:

  • Kazan National Research Technological University;
  • Moscow State Technical University named after. N. E. Bauman (national research university);
  • Moscow State University named after. M. V. Lomonosov;
  • National Research University Higher School of Economics;
  • National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University;
  • Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University) named after. I. M. Gubkina;
  • St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University;
  • St. Petersburg State Economic University;
  • Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University;
  • Ufa State Petroleum Technical University;

Universities are special partners of PJSC Gazprom:

  • Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University
  • State University of Maritime and River Fleet named after Admiral S. O. Makarov
  • North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov
  • St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI" named after. V. I. Ulyanova (Lenin)

The selection took into account such indicators as compliance of the areas of university research with the company’s technological priorities, the effectiveness of scientific and innovative activities, competitive advantages in the educational field, the level of international recognition and financial stability.

Currently, Gazprom includes two educational institutions secondary vocational education:

Gazprom and its subsidiaries provide assistance to educational organizations in the formation of laboratory and training facilities, educational materials, in organizing student practice. In turn, educational organizations of higher and secondary vocational education attract managers and employees of the Gazprom group for teaching activities.

Students are our future

In order to prepare a promising personnel reserve and improve career guidance work, since 2014 Gazprom has been implementing the Gazprom Classes project.

Subsidiaries and organizations of PJSC Gazprom, educational organizations of higher and secondary vocational education, a number of activities are being carried out to select the most promising school graduates to organize their further targeted training in higher and secondary vocational education programs.

Since 2016, in order to identify gifted schoolchildren focused on engineering and technical specialties, capable of technical creativity and innovative thinking and planning their professional activities in the gas industry, with the support of partner universities of PJSC Gazprom, Gazprom has been conducting schoolchildren.

PJSC Gazprom, together with 13 leading universities in Russia, has been the organizer of Gazprom since 2018.

Participants in the Olympiad can test their knowledge in an intellectual competition, demonstrate their abilities for technical creativity and innovative thinking, and get the opportunity for internships and employment at PJSC Gazprom.

The Olympiad is held in profiles that are key for Gazprom PJSC partner universities:

  • Oil and gas business;
  • Electric power and electrical engineering;
  • Economy;
  • Energy and resource saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry and biotechnology;
  • Management in technical systems;
  • Radio engineering and telecommunication systems;
  • Applied Geology;
  • Chemical Technology;
  • Shipbuilding, ocean engineering and systems engineering of marine infrastructure;
  • Information Systems and technology.

Targeted training

The organization of a targeted training campaign at PJSC Gazprom is carried out in accordance with the requirements of Federal Laws dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ, dated August 3, 2018 No. 337-FZ, and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 21, 2019 No. 302.

In order to comply with the procedure established by the legislative acts of the Russian Federation for the implementation of targeted training of specialists, subsidiaries and organizations of PJSC Gazprom (hereinafter referred to as the Organization) carry out a set of career guidance and selection activities in order to select the best and most promising candidates for targeted training (subject Olympiads, testing, questionnaires, interviews, portfolio competitions and other assessment activities).

List of candidates for targeted training programs higher education is formed from among students of educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education, as well as students of Gazprom classes, regional preparatory departments of partner universities of PJSC Gazprom, winners and prize-winners of the Gazprom Industry Olympiad for schoolchildren, Student Olympiad Gazprom, as well as students who are the most promising graduates of educational organizations located at the location of the Organizations.

Since 2007, an open competition for young specialists “Successful Start” has been held in Novy Urengoy (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug).

In order to reward target students of PJSC Gazprom for special academic success, an annual competition is held for personal scholarships awarded to students of educational organizations of both higher and secondary vocational education.

Every year, more than 10 thousand students from educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education undergo internships at production facilities of subsidiaries and organizations of Gazprom PJSC.

Investments in human capital

Gazprom has a system of continuous corporate professional education for personnel, aimed at developing employees taking into account the increasing requirements of production and labor quality, introducing new technologies and expanding the regions of the Group’s presence. Training is conducted in educational organizations of PJSC Gazprom, training and production centers of subsidiaries of PJSC Gazprom, on the basis of leading universities in Russia.

The approaches to training and retraining of personnel used by Gazprom make it possible to effectively manage personnel knowledge and build personnel potential capable of achieving goals innovative development. Annually undergo advanced training and professional retraining more than 300 thousand employees of the Gazprom Group.

PJSC Gazprom pays special attention to working with young specialists. The Company implements individual approach to the training and development of this category of workers. Every year, the company hires more than 2 thousand specialists with higher and secondary vocational education. The Company has created a Coordination Youth Council of Gazprom PJSC subsidiaries and organizations. The subsidiaries operate Councils of Young Scientists and Specialists; scientific and technical conferences of young specialists are held, in which employees of subsidiaries under the age of 35 take part.

Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC has organized and operates postgraduate studies, two dissertation councils have been created that accept for defense dissertation works for the academic degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences in 6 scientific specialties.

Employees of Gazprom subsidiaries receiving postgraduate professional education in postgraduate and doctoral studies, Gazprom also provides various grants.

In addition, Gazprom subsidiaries interact with regional educational organizations to train and improve the skills of personnel living in the regions of their production activities.

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