What does the integer value of the rate mean how to calculate. II. Calculation of the normalized value of the performance indicator of the educational organization

goods in 2011 according to Appendix 3, Form 3 (Fig. 3). This significantly reduced the time for primary data processing and made it possible to identify the positive dynamics of processes.

budget set

plan full time fact full time

Rice. 1. Admission of applicants for the specialty of the Criminal Code (budget set)

commercial set

full-time plan

fact full-time

Rice. 2. Admission of applicants for the specialty of the Criminal Code (commercial recruitment).

Issue 2011

OSFO plan

OSFO fact

plan ZSFO fact ZSFO

Fig.3. Graduation of students in 2011

Improving the functionality and visibility of the application 5 form 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12 "The final data of the control of students' knowledge", "Generalized results of the final certification of graduates and control of students' knowledge by cycles", etc. using the construction of pie charts (see Fig. 4) made it possible to determine the qualitative attestation indicators in the specialty of the Criminal Code and clearly demonstrate their compliance with the indicator of state accreditation - "Quality of training".

Engineering graphics 1 course

Rice. 4. "The final data of the control of students' knowledge (a cycle of general professional disciplines) in the discipline Engineering graphics 1st year"

Conclusion: Thus, as a result of the work on the application of the Excel-2010 program in the calculation of accreditation indicators in the framework of self-examination of the specialty of the Criminal Code, certain results were achieved, which made it possible to significantly improve the efficiency and quality of the self-examination process, as well as its informative and evidence-based components. Modified standard forms of report applications can be used without restriction for other specialties of the university.

Literature 1. Order of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Education and

science of September 30, 2005 No. 1938 "on the approval of performance indicators and criteria for state accreditation of higher educational institutions."

2. Gorbachev A. Microsoft Excel. Work with spreadsheets 10 times faster - DMK Press, 2007 – 96 pages

Scientific adviser: Stavyshenko A.S., Art. teacher of the department of SI.

A simplified method for calculating the percentage of graduated teachers from the total number of teaching staff reduced to integer values ​​of rates

Botter Yu.V., Styvyshenko A.S., Tyumen State National University, Tyumen

One of the most important goals of the educational and methodological work of the university within the framework of the quality management system in 2012 is to conduct a self-examination of specialties and areas on the eve of the ministerial audit. The main purpose of the self-examination is to determine the main (key) indicators of the work of the university in each specialty or direction and correlate them with the accreditation indicators established by the Ministry of Education and the Federal State Educational Standards for Higher Education. vocational education in the areas of training of higher professional education (FSES VPO).

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the direction of preparation 221400 "Quality Management", the university must provide a number of accreditation indicators, among which one of the most important is the criterion - "staffing educational process”, i.e. indicators of the quality of the teaching staff involved in the preparation of bachelors. At the same time, clause 7.16 of Section VII. "Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of basic undergraduate educational programs" regulates that at least 60 percent of teachers (in the given

to integer bet values ), providing educational pro-

cess on a professional cycle, must have academic degrees or academic titles. But not the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education, not the order of Rosobrnadzor do not give a methodology for calculating these indicators, but only offer to fill out a certain form (Table 2c. Information about persons with academic degrees and academic titles involved in teaching ...), giving general information on the composition of the teaching staff composition (PPS).

Calculation of the percentage of degreed teachers of the total number of teaching staff reduced to integer values ​​of rates, as well as a number of other accreditation indicators, is recommended for employees of the Tyumen State Oil and Gas University to be done manually, while according to this method, it is proposed to first determine for each teacher individually his total teaching load for each from the disciplines readable according to the working curriculum (let's say ID i ) dividing it by the load rate established for each category of teaching staff (let's say HH x ) to get the rates for each teacher (let's say ZS i ). The determination of the integer values ​​of the rates of the degreed teachers of the ZS o is further reduced to

where HH D is the load rate for doctors and professors; ННк is the load rate for Ph.D. and docents.

After that, it is necessary to determine the values ​​of the rates of all teachers of the AP ∑ according to the following formula:

This calculation method is, in principle, quite understandable, but it requires a significant amount of additional information from secondary sources and is highly laborious even with the use of such modern computer technologies as Excel-2010 spreadsheets.

In this paper, the authors propose an alternative method for calculating the percentage of degreed teachers in the total number of teaching staff reduced to integer values ​​of rates, which is less labor intensive and is based mainly on the information data of the standard form of Table 2c.

The calculation of the rates of all teachers of the AP ∑ is proposed here using a simpler expression:

ZS∑ \u003d CH / (k1 * HHk + k2 * NND + k3 * HHn),

where k1, k2, and k3 are weight coefficients equal to the shares of candidates (associate professors), doctors (professors) and non-degree teachers in the total number of teaching staff in the field of study; SN is the total load in the direction of preparation.

Determination of the percentage share of degreed teachers of PD O from the total number of teaching staff reduced to integer values ​​of rates

The practical application of the proposed methodology using the table of the Excel-2010 program as a mathematical tool during self-examination of the direction 221400 "Quality Management" showed its high efficiency and fairly high accuracy of the calculation of accreditation indicators. The calculation error according to this simplified method relative to the traditional method is no more than 0.5%, which is considered practically optimal when solving problems of a similar plan.

Conclusion: Thus, as a result of the work on the development and application of a simplified methodology for calculating the percentage of degreed teachers from the total number of teaching staff reduced to integer rates based on the Excel-2010 program, when calculating accreditation indicators in the framework of the self-examination of direction 221400 “Quality Management”, certain positive results were achieved . The main one is a significant reduction in the complexity of the self-examination process. In addition, the use of this technique in combination with the Excel-2010 program made it possible to reduce the number of possible arithmetic errors inherent in conventional manual counting on calculators. The above method for calculating the percentage of degreed teachers from the total number of teaching staff reduced to integer values ​​of rates due to its comparative simplicity and effectiveness can be used without limitation for other specialties of the university when conducting self-examination of specialties and areas.


1. federal state educational standard higher professional education in the direction of training 221400 "Quality Management" approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation from 08.12.2009 No. 704.

2. Order of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor) of October 25, 2011 N 2267 "On approval of the criteria for indicators necessary to determine the type and type of educational institution of higher professional and secondary professional education"("Rossiyskaya Gazeta" - Federal issue No. 5678 January 13, 2012).

Electronic support systems educational process as a factor in improving the quality of education

Donkova I.A., Shchiptsov A.V., Ergin A.V., Tyumen State University, Tyumen

Improving the quality of education is one of the priorities of the educational subjects of the Russian Federation. For a knowledge-based society, information and motivation to update knowledge are decisive factors for development and competitiveness. In connection with the development of information technology, the storage of service information in electronic form is becoming increasingly relevant.

Graduate of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of Tyumen state university Shchiptsov A. V. made scientifically - research work"Development of a system for supporting the educational process and conducting a statistical analysis of the final certification on the basis of the interschool methodological center of the Department of Education of the city of Uray."

The main functions of the center are: organization of conferences, seminars, round tables; methodological support for teachers; professional development of teachers; introduction of innovative programs of general and additional education. To implement these functions, information software is required.

In the course of the work, the following technical and organizational tasks were solved:

the production activity at the informational level was studied;

the database is designed;

applied methods of data processing are considered;

a program for automating input tasks has been developed,

boat and getting information.

Software application and database development environment: C++

Builder, Microsoft Access.

The work provides for electronic document management. For example, the document " Electronic journal course" (Figure 1) contains a list of names of students, the number of absences from classes, a certification score and a final mark.

Figure 2 presents the results of the study of statistical data. As a result of a one-dimensional regression - correlation analysis calculated: standard error of approximation, regression coefficients, determinations and correlations. To determine the numerical values ​​of the sample regression coefficients, the least squares method is implemented. Statistical significance of correlation and regression coefficients was checked according to t-statistics

Student, coefficients of determination and the model as a whole using F-statistics with the Fisher distribution.

In multi-step regression analysis the method of inclusion of variables based on the construction of a regression equation for one significant factor and the sequential addition of all other statistically significant variables and the method of screening factors by t-criterion were used.

Rice. 1. Electronic journal of the course.

On the basis of multivariate regression-correlation analysis, the relationship between the resulting feature Y and factor features j was investigated.

To restore the dependence, a linear multifactorial model of the form was used: Y = a 0 + a 1 x 1 + a 2 x 2 + a 3 x 3 + a 4 x 4 + a 5 x 5.

Where Y is the final examination score in points, x 1 - work experience; x 2 - category; x 3 - category; x 4 - education; x 5 - number of class attendance.

The regression coefficients a 1 , ..., a 5 show how many units the effective attribute will change with a change in the corresponding factor

of the main feature per unit, provided that the other features remain at the same level.

It is possible to make a forecast depending on the criterion, indicating the value of the determining factor.

Rice. 2. Results of data analysis.

The use of information systems to support the educational process allows you to optimize the work and bring educational activities to a higher professional level.


1. A.I. Novikov. Econometrics. Tutorial. Publisher: INFRA-M,

2007. - 143 p.

2. Dronov S.V. Multidimensional statistical analysis. Publisher: Alt. State.

Univ., 2003. - 213 p.

3. Orlov A.I. Applied statistics / A.I. Orlov.- M.: Publisher-

stvo "Exam", 2006. - 671 p.

4. Statistics: Textbook / Kharchenko L.P. and etc.; Under the editorship of Candidate of Economic Sciences V.G. Ionina. - 2nd edition, revised. and additional – M.:

INFRA-M, 2006. - 384 p.

5. Portal natural sciences http://www.e-science.ru

Scientific adviser: Donkova I.A., Ph.D., associate professor

Implementation of the Lean Manufacturing methodology at manufacturing enterprises

Kostromin K.S., Tyumen State National University, Tyumen

In recent years, interest in production management has significantly increased in Russia, namely, in tools that enterprises are trying to implement on their own or by attracting consultants. Having set themselves the goal of increasing the competitiveness of their products, top managers of various companies are faced with the problem of choosing a methodology and its implementation.

There is a great abundance of various management concepts, models, systems and methods on the market: business process reengineering (BPR), Total Quality Management (TQM), balanced scorecard (BSC), statistical process control (SPC), coaching, international standards models ( ISO), six sigma etc.

One of the most common tools that businesses choose is Lean Production. The main direction of work on this methodology is to identify and reduce losses in the production process.

There are the following types of losses:

1. Overproduction;

2. Defects and alterations;

3. Excessive movements;

4. excess inventory;

5. Transportation;

6. Downtime and waiting;

7. excessive processing;

8. Loss of staff creativity.

By reducing or eliminating these types of losses, enterprises can achieve the following results:

1. Increasing labor productivity by 20% or more;

2. Reducing equipment changeover time by 100%;

3. Production cycle time is reduced by 50% or more;

4. Increased customer satisfaction;

5. Volumes of work in progress and stocks of inventory items are annually reduced by 10-15%;

6. cash turnover increases annually by 10-

But when implementing Lean manufacturing tools, enterprises face various obstacles:

1. Do not get the quick promised effect;

2. Unable to deal with staff resistance;

3. Failed to independently continue the development of the approach after the implementation of several projects by consultants in different areas of production;

4. The established management system has become an insurmountable obstacle to innovation;

5. The management did not have enough will to continue work on the implementation

Analyzing the above problems, we can assume that the causes of their occurrence are hidden in ignorance or misunderstanding of the basic ideas of Lean production. Some enterprises, such as KAMAZ, Russian Railways, etc., create corporate institutions to implement this methodology, but not everyone has such an opportunity.

The way out of this situation is the total and systematic training of personnel, both at the enterprise itself and in educational institutions.

The implementation of this event will provide an opportunity to get the maximum effect from the introduction of Lean production at manufacturing enterprises in Russia.


1. Womack James P., Jones Daniel T. Lean manufacturing: how to get rid of waste and make your business prosper company.-M.: Alpina Business Books 2006.-472 p.

2. Kane M.M., Ivanov B.V., Koreshkov V.N., Skhirtladze A.G. Systems, methods and tools of management quality.-M.: Piter, 2008.-560 p.

Scientific adviser: Kostromin K.S., assistant.

Possibilities of using ultrasound in construction

Malakhov K.V., Tyumen State National University, Tyumen

Currently, scientists around the world have carried out a lot of research on the use of ultrasound, which is widely used in the fields of physics, chemistry and medicine. However, the results of the analysis of works on the study of the influence of high-frequency elastic sound vibrations on the quality of the preparation of building, in particular, concrete mixtures, indicate a lack of development this issue. In the construction industry, ultrasound is actively used to determine the strength of concrete, but the mixing process remains free from the use of sound vibrations. At the beginning of the XX century. American scientists proved that two immiscible liquids after irradiation with ultrasound form a fine suspension, an emulsion. Similar

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 07/15/2013 N 560 "On approval of the procedure for conducting control figures for the reception of citizens in professions, specialties and areas of training for training for state accreditation of educational programs of secondary vocational and higher education at the expense of budgetary allocations of the federal budget"

II. Calculation of the normalized value of the performance indicator of the educational organization

10. Calculation of the normalized value of the performance indicator educational organization carried out according to the following formula:

PEV = ((I_o + I_ n + I_m + I_f + I_i) / 5), where

PEV - the normalized value of the performance indicator of the educational organization participating in the competition held at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or at the federal level.

I_i (i = O, N, M, F, I) - the normalized value for each indicator of the educational organization.

О - the value of the indicator of the educational organization in terms of the average score of the unified state exam (hereinafter - the USE) of students, calculated by the formula:

O= O_BS1 + O_BS2 , where
K_1 + K_2

O_BS1 - the sum of the average USE scores of students admitted to study in full-time education at the expense of budget allocations federal budget for bachelor's and specialist's educational programs in the year preceding the year in which the competition is held, multiplied by the number of all students accepted for full-time study at the expense of federal budget allocations for bachelor's and specialist's educational programs in the corresponding year;

O_BS2 - the sum of the average USE scores of students accepted for full-time study under education agreements at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities on educational programs of bachelor's and specialist's degrees

in the year preceding the year in which the competition is held, multiplied by the number of all students accepted for full-time study under education agreements at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities in undergraduate and specialty educational programs in the corresponding year;

K_1 - the total number of students accepted for full-time education at the expense of the federal budget for educational programs of bachelor's and specialist's degrees in the year preceding the year in which the competition is held;

K_2 - the total number of students accepted for full-time education under education contracts at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities in educational programs of bachelor's and specialist's degrees in the year preceding the year in which the competition is held;

H - the value of the indicator characterizing scientific activity educational organization, calculated by the formula:

H = H_1 + H_2 , where

H_1 - the number of publications in the abstract and bibliographic database of scientific citation Web of Science per 100 scientific and pedagogical workers (hereinafter referred to as NPR)<1>, reduced to integer rates, calculated as the ratio of the number of published articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals of the world, which are taken into account when calculating the citation index in the abstract-bibliographic database of scientific citation Web of Science, to the number of FIRs reduced to integer rates, multiplied by 100;

<1>Hereinafter, the number of scientific and pedagogical workers (NPR) is understood as the number of employees of the teaching staff and scientific workers (as of October 1 of the year preceding the year in which the competition is held), including those working on a full-time part-time basis (external part-time workers), without working under civil law contracts.

H_2 - income of an educational organization from the implementation of research and development work per one faculty member, calculated as the ratio of the total volume of research and development performed to the number of faculty members, reduced to integer rates;

M - the proportion of the contingent of foreign students enrolled in educational programs higher education in the total enrollment of students reduced to full-time education, calculated as the ratio of the enrollment of foreign students enrolled in educational programs of higher education, reduced to full-time education, to the total enrollment of students reduced to full-time education, enrolled in educational programs of higher education;

Ф - the value of the indicator characterizing the financial activity of the educational organization, calculated by the formula:

F = F_1 + F_2 , where

F_1 - the income of an educational organization from all sources per one faculty member, calculated as the ratio of budgetary and non-budgetary funds received by the educational organization to the number of faculty members, reduced to integer rates;

F_2 - the ratio of the average earnings of the FRS in an educational organization to the average salary in the economy of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation, calculated as the ratio of the accrued salary fund of the FRS, divided by the average headcount of the FRS and the number of months in a year, to the average salary in the economy of the region, expressed in percent. The average headcount of HR is determined by summing up the average headcount of HR for all months of the reporting period and dividing the amount received by the number of months in the reporting period. The average number of faculty members per month is calculated by summing the number of faculty members on the payroll<2>for each calendar day of the month and dividing the amount received by the number of calendar days of the month;

<2>The number of faculty members on the payroll includes those who worked under an employment contract and performed work for one day or more, both those who actually worked and those who were absent from work for any reason (those who were on annual, additional, study holidays, on business trips; absent from work due to illness).

Persons who worked part-time in accordance with an employment contract or transferred with the written consent of the employee to part-time work, when determining the average number of employees, are taken into account in proportion to the hours worked.

Employees who receive two, one and a half rates in one organization or are registered in one organization as internal part-time workers are counted in the payroll number of employees as one person.

The following employees are not included in the payroll and average headcount: those who are on pregnancy, maternity and parental leave; employed part-time from other organizations.

The average number of external part-time workers is calculated in proportion to the actual hours worked.

I - the total area of ​​educational and laboratory buildings (premises) that are owned and (or) in operational management, per student (reduced contingent), calculated as the ratio of the total area of ​​educational and laboratory buildings that are owned and ( or) in operational management, to the number of the reduced contingent of students enrolled in educational programs of higher education.


Fulfillment of indicators of compliance of the staffing of educational programs with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education (HPE)

CODE, CODE UGS, DIRECTION _______________________________________________________________

DIRECTION (profile):________________________________________________________________

Table 1. Compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of VO of paragraphs 7.2.1 and 7.2.4***



Job title


(University, year of graduation, specialty, diploma qualification)



(university, year of graduation, program)



year of passage of the PC,

number of hours, program)

*Discipline code and name are indicated in accordance with the approved curriculum

**Professional retraining indicated if available.

*** The table indicates all the disciplines indicated in the curriculum. Companions may be indicated in this table.

Table 2 . Compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of Military Education, clauses 7.2.1 and 7.2.4

*Disciplines must comply with the approved curriculum

Management of master's programs (compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education, clause 7.2.5.)

Code, cipher UGS, direction of training _________________________________________________________

Orientation (master's program) _________________________________________________

Full name of the head of the magistracy _____________________________________________________________

Academic degree, academic title________________________________________________________________

Table 3

*Annual publications in leading domestic and (or) foreign peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications; annual approbation of the results of research activities

Compliance with the requirements of paragraph 7.1.5 of the Federal State Educational Standard

These requirements are presented (http://base.garant.ru/55170898/)

7.2. Requirements for personnel conditions for the implementation of the bachelor's program.

7.2.1. The implementation of the undergraduate program is provided by the management and scientific and pedagogical employees of the organization, as well as by persons involved in the implementation of the undergraduate program on the terms of a civil law contract.

7.2.2. The share of scientific and pedagogical workers (in terms of rates reduced to integer values) with an education corresponding to the profile of the discipline (module) being taught, in total number scientific and pedagogical workers implementing the undergraduate program ( specialty, magistracy) must be at least 70 percent.

7.2.3. The share of scientific and pedagogical workers (in terms of rates reduced to integer values) who have an academic degree (including an academic degree awarded abroad and recognized in the Russian Federation) and (or) an academic title (including an academic title obtained abroad and recognized in the Russian Federation), in the total number of scientific and pedagogical workers implementing the undergraduate program, there must be at least 50 percent ( specialty - at least 60%, magistracy - at least 80%).

7.2.4.*The share of employees (in terms of rates reduced to integer values) from the number of managers and employees of organizations whose activities are related to the direction (profile) of the undergraduate program being implemented (having at least 3 years of work experience in this professional field) in the total number of employees implementing a bachelor's program should be at least 5 percent ( master's degree - at least 7 percent).

*the requirements of this paragraph must be checked with your standard

Extract from the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education (magistracy)

7.2.5. The general management of the scientific content of the master's program of a certain direction (profile) should be carried out by a full-time scientific and pedagogical employee of the organization who has a scientific degree (including a scientific degree awarded abroad and recognized in the Russian Federation), carrying out independent research (creative) projects ( participating in the implementation of such projects) in the field of study, having annual publications based on the results of the specified research (creative) activities in leading domestic and (or) foreign peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications, as well as carrying out annual approbation of the results of the specified research (creative) activities at national and international conferences

7.1.5. The qualifications of the management and scientific and pedagogical employees of the organization must comply with the qualifications established in the Unified Qualification Directory for the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees, the section "Qualification Characteristics of the Positions of Managers and Specialists of Higher Professional and Additional Professional Education", approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 2011 N 1n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 23, 2011, registration N 20237), and professional standards(in the presence of).


N - the number of disciplines provided for by the curriculum (we consider all disciplines of the UE OPOP)

C - the number of disciplines implemented by teachers with basic education corresponding to the profile of the discipline being read

The proportion of academic staff who have a basic education corresponding to the profile of the discipline they read = N / C * 100 (!!! Normally, this proportion should be at least 70%)

The methodology for identifying compliance / non-compliance of the accreditation indicator is presented in the methodological recommendations of experts. These recommendations are sent upon request.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of July 15, 2013 No. 560 "On Approval of the Procedure for Conducting a Competition at the expense of budget allocations from the federal budget"

In accordance with paragraph 8 of the Rules for establishing organizations engaged in educational activities, check digits admission of citizens by professions, specialties and areas of training for training in state-accredited educational programs of secondary vocational and higher education at the expense of the federal budget, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 17, 2013 No. 350 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 16, article 1977), I order:

1. Approve the attached Procedure for holding a competition for the distribution of target figures for the admission of citizens by profession, specialty and areas of training for training in educational programs of secondary vocational and higher education that have state accreditation at the expense of budgetary appropriations from the federal budget.

2. Recognize invalid the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 7, 2012 No. 1024 "On approval of the Procedure for holding a competition for the establishment of state-accredited educational institutions of secondary vocational and higher professional education of the target figures for the admission of citizens in areas of training (specialties) for training at the expense of the federal budget for educational programs of secondary vocational and higher vocational education in accordance with the license granted to the educational institution" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 11, 2013, registration No. 26961).

3. To impose control over the execution of this order on the Deputy Minister Klimov A.A.

Minister D.V. Livanov

The procedure for holding a competition for the distribution of control figures for the admission of citizens by profession, specialty and areas of training for training in state-accredited educational programs of secondary vocational and higher education at the expense of budgetary appropriations from the federal budget
(approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of July 15, 2013 No. 560)

1. This Procedure determines the rules and deadlines for holding a competition for the distribution to organizations engaged in educational activities of the target figures for the admission of citizens by profession, specialty and areas of training for training in educational programs of secondary vocational and higher education that have state accreditation at the expense of budgetary appropriations of the federal budget (hereinafter respectively - competition, educational organizations, admission targets).

2. The competition is held by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation by distributing and establishing admission targets for each profession, specialty and area of ​​training with the allocation of full-time, part-time and correspondence forms of education for organizations engaged in educational activities in state-accredited educational programs of secondary vocational and higher education:

a) in the professions of secondary vocational education (for training in educational programs for the training of skilled workers, employees) and specialties of secondary vocational education (for training in educational programs for the training of mid-level specialists and educational programs for secondary vocational education integrated with the main educational programs of basic general and secondary general education) at the federal level;

b) in the areas of higher education (for training in educational programs of bachelor's, master's, training of scientific and pedagogical staff in graduate school (adjuncture), residency and assistantship-internship) and specialties of higher education (for training in educational programs of a specialist) at the level of subjects of the Russian Federation and (or) at the federal level.

The volume of enrollment targets for specialties and areas of higher education, distributed within the framework of the competition at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and at the federal level, is determined taking into account the regional and sectoral needs of the economy in qualified personnel.

When holding a competition at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and at the federal level, the volumes of admission control digits distributed during the competition for each constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and the volume of admission control digits distributed during the federal competition are established.

3. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, at least 30 days before the day of opening the envelopes with applications, publishes an announcement on the competition on its official website on the Internet, which indicates:

a) the subject of the competition;

b) requirements for tender participants;

c) volumes of admission control figures for the relevant professions and specialties of secondary vocational and (or) areas of training and specialties of higher education, established during the competition;

G) minimal amount admission control figures, which can be established based on the results of the competition of an educational organization in the relevant professions, specialties and areas of training;

e) date and place of commencement of submission of applications;

f) requirements for the content and execution of the application;

g) date and time of the end of acceptance of bids and opening of envelopes with bids;

h) the procedure for consideration of applications;

i) application evaluation procedure;

j) the date of announcement of the results of the competition.

4. Competitive selection is carried out by the competitive commission established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the basis of applications submitted by educational organizations*.

5. The application of the educational organization must contain:

a) the name of the educational organization, information about the organizational and legal form, location and postal address;

b) proposals of the educational organization to establish admission targets. When submitting an application for participation in the competition for the distribution of admission control figures in areas of training and specialties of higher education, held at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and at the federal level, the application shall indicate proposals for setting admission control figures separately for the relevant constituent entities of the Russian Federation and at the federal level ;

c) information on whether the educational organization has a license to carry out educational activities in the relevant professions, specialties and areas of training;

d) information on whether the educational organization has state accreditation for educational programs in the relevant professions, specialties and areas of training;

e) the values ​​of performance indicators of educational organizations evaluated in the process of competitive selection.

6. Admission targets based on the results of the competition are set for educational organizations only for professions, specialties and areas of training specified in the annex to the license for educational activities and in the annex to the certificate of state accreditation of the educational organization.

If the competition commission identifies in the application of the educational organization proposals for setting admission targets for professions, specialties and areas of training that are not specified in the annex to the license to carry out educational activities and (or) in the annex to the certificate of state accreditation of the educational organization, such an application is not allowed to participate in the competition for the relevant professions, specialties and areas of training, and admission targets for them are not set.

7. Competitive selection to establish admission targets for specialties and areas of higher education training is carried out in accordance with the following performance indicators of educational organizations for the year preceding the year in which the competition is held (with the exception of the indicators provided for in subparagraphs "a", "b" , "d", "d" and "k" of this paragraph):

a) the average score of the unified state exam (hereinafter referred to as the Unified State Examination) of students admitted to full-time education at the expense of the federal budget for educational programs of bachelor's and specialist's degrees in the year preceding the year for which the admission control figures are set, and in the year, the previous year in which the competition is held, multiplied by the number of all students accepted for full-time study at the expense of the federal budget for each specialty and area of ​​study in the corresponding year;

b) the average USE score of students admitted to study full-time under education agreements at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities in educational programs of bachelor's and specialist's degrees in the year preceding the year for which the admission control figures are set, and in the year , the previous year in which the competition is held, multiplied by the number of all students accepted for full-time study under education agreements at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities in each specialty and area of ​​study in the corresponding year;

c) the number of publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals of the world, indexed in the abstract and bibliographic base of scientific citation Web of Science per 100 scientific and pedagogical workers (hereinafter referred to as SPR), reduced to integer rates;

d) the number of citations of articles published over the 5 years preceding the year in which the competition is held in the abstract and bibliographic database of scientific citation Web of Science in the relevant field of science per 100 FIR, reduced to integer rates;

e) the number of citations of articles published over the 5 years preceding the year in which the competition is held in the bibliographic database of scientific publications of Russian scientists, the Russian Science Citation Index for the relevant field of science, per 100 FCI, reduced to integer rates;

f) the costs of an educational organization for scientific and research developments in the relevant field of science per one FIR, reduced to integer rates;

g) the income of an educational organization from the performance of research and development work per one faculty member, reduced to integer rates;

h) the proportion of the contingent of foreign students enrolled in educational programs of higher education;

i) the income of an educational organization from all sources per one FIR, reduced to integer values ​​of rates;

j) the ratio of the number of dissertation defenses to the number of postgraduate (adjuncture) graduates for the two years preceding the year in which the competition is held;

k) the ratio of the number of those admitted to postgraduate (adjuncture), residency and assistantship-internship programs to the admission control figures established in the year preceding the year in which the competition is held;

l) the ratio of the average salary of a research assistant in an educational organization to the average salary in the economy of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation;

m) the total area of ​​educational and laboratory buildings (premises) that are owned and (or) in operational management, per student (reduced contingent);

o) the ability of an educational organization to provide training of personnel with higher education for the security of the country and for enterprises of the military-industrial complex, on the territory of closed administrative-territorial entities, as well as in close geographical proximity to production centers in specialties and areas of training;

o) the share of the number of graduates of an educational organization who studied full-time, who did not apply to employment services to assist in finding employment during the first year after graduation from an educational organization, in the total number of graduates, for the year preceding the year in which the competition is held .

8. Conducting a competitive selection to establish admission targets for professions and specialties of secondary vocational education is carried out in accordance with the following performance indicators of educational organizations for the year preceding the year in which the competition is held. (with the exception of the indicators provided for in subparagraphs "a", "d" and "g" of this paragraph):

a) the duration of the implementation of educational programs in the educational organization in the relevant professions and specialties (number of years);

b) the number of full-time teaching staff with an academic degree and / or academic title, as well as the first and highest qualification categories;

c) the total area of ​​educational and laboratory buildings (premises) and sports facilities per student (reduced contingent);

d) the number of students who became winners and prize-winners All-Russian Olympiads professional skills, All-Russian and international sports competitions (for professions and specialties of physical culture and sports orientation) within two years preceding the year in which the competition is held;

e) the number of units of educational and educational-methodical literature in all disciplines, interdisciplinary courses and professional modules basic professional educational program per 100 students (reduced contingent);

f) the share of educational equipment for laboratory work and practical training not older than 10 years in the total volume of such equipment;

g) the share of funds allocated for the development of the material and technical base of the educational organization, which ensures the conduct of all types of laboratory work and practical exercises, in the total amount of funds received from all sources during the five years preceding the year in which the competition is held;

h) the ratio of the average salary of teaching staff in an educational organization to the average salary in the economy of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation.

9. The competition commission decides on the establishment of admission targets for educational organizations:

a) by specialties and areas of higher education training, depending on the values ​​of indicators of the potential of educational organizations for each specialty and area of ​​training, calculated in accordance with the Methodology for conducting competitive selection and the decision-making criteria on setting target figures for the admission of citizens in specialties and areas of training for training in educational programs of higher education that have state accreditation at the expense of budgetary appropriations of the federal budget (Appendix No. 1 to this Procedure);

b) by professions and specialties of secondary vocational education, depending on the values ​​of the indicators of the potential of educational organizations for each profession and specialty, calculated in accordance with the Methodology for conducting competitive selection and the decision-making criteria on establishing target figures for the admission of citizens by professions and specialties for training in those with a state accreditation of educational programs of secondary vocational education at the expense of budget allocations from the federal budget (Appendix No. 2 to this Procedure).

10. The competitive commission keeps the following protocols:

a) envelope opening protocol, which should contain information about the place, date, time of the opening of envelopes with applications and a list of educational organizations that submitted applications for the competition, on assigning serial numbers to applications in the list of educational organizations;

b) the protocol for considering applications, which must contain information about the educational organizations whose applications were considered, the decision to admit educational organizations to participate in the competition or to refuse admission of educational organizations to participate in the competition with the rationale for such a decision;

c) a protocol for evaluating and comparing applications, which should contain information about educational organizations whose applications were allowed to participate in the competition, a list of educational organizations ranked based on the results of evaluating and comparing applications for each profession, specialty and area of ​​training, information about decision and on the establishment of admission control digits.

11. The competition commission makes a decision by a simple majority of votes. In case of an equal number of votes, the vote of the chairman of the meeting of the competition commission is decisive. The competitive commission is authorized to make a decision if at least half of its members are present at the meeting.

The protocol is signed by all present members of the tender committee.

12. In case of refusal of the educational organization from the admission control digits established by it, the competition commission, within three days from the receipt of such a refusal, draws up a protocol on the refusal from the established admission control digits. The protocol on the rejection of the established admission control digits is signed by the competition commission.

The admission control digits released in the event of such a refusal are subject to redistribution among other participants in the tender before February 1 of the year for which the admission control digits are set. The competition commission redistributes the released enrollment targets among educational organizations that have applied for participation in the competition in the relevant profession, specialty, field of study, in proportion to the values ​​​​of the indicators of the potential of educational organizations until their applications are fully satisfied.

In the case when the applications of educational organizations for participation in the competition for setting admission targets in specialties and areas of higher education training, held at the level of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, contain proposals for setting admission targets in an amount less than the volume of control digits distributed at such a competition admissions that are not distributed at the level of the subject of the Russian Federation, the admission control figures are redistributed at the federal level.

13. The enrollment targets established as a result of the competition are approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation by December 31 of the year preceding the corresponding academic year**.

* Clause 9 of the Rules for establishing for organizations engaged in educational activities the target figures for the admission of citizens by profession, specialty and areas of training for training in educational programs of secondary vocational and higher education that have state accreditation at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget, approved by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 17 2013 No. 350 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 16, item 1977).

** Clause 10 of the Rules for establishing for organizations engaged in educational activities the target figures for the admission of citizens by profession, specialty and areas of training for training in state-accredited educational programs of secondary vocational and higher education at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 17 April 2013 No. 350 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 16, Art. 1977).

Application No. 1
to the competition procedure
on the distribution of reception check digits
citizens by profession, specialty
and directions of preparation for training
according to state-accredited
secondary education programs
vocational and higher education
through budget allocations
federal budget approved
by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
July 15, 2013 No. 560

The methodology for conducting competitive selection and the criteria for making a decision on establishing target figures for the admission of citizens in specialties and areas of training for training in state-accredited educational programs of higher education at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget

I. General provisions

1. Target figures for the admission of citizens in specialties and areas of training for training at the expense of the budgetary allocations of the federal budget for educational programs of higher education (hereinafter - the target figures for admission) within each specialty and area of ​​​​training of higher education are established by educational organizations of higher education (hereinafter - educational organizations ) in an amount not exceeding the proposals for establishing admission targets specified in the application of the educational organization.

2. When establishing admission targets within the framework of a competition held at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the performance indicators of an educational organization located on the territory of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation (excluding branches located on the territory of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation) or branches of educational organizations are taken into account, located on the territory of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation.

When setting admission targets within the framework of a competition held at the federal level, the performance indicators of an educational organization are taken into account without taking into account its location.

3. The criterion for making a decision on setting the admission targets for educational programs of bachelor's, specialist's, master's, programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (adjuncture) is an indicator of the potential of an educational organization.

4. The decision to establish admission targets for educational programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in residency and assistantship-internship is carried out on the basis of expert assessments in accordance with Section IV of this Methodology.

5. The value of the indicator of the potential of an educational organization is calculated according to the following formula:

PPV - an indicator of the potential of an educational organization;

PEV - the normalized value of the performance indicator of the educational organization participating in the competition held at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or at the federal level;

T - the share of the number of graduates of an educational organization who studied full-time, who did not apply to employment services to assist in finding employment during the first year after graduation from an educational organization, in the total number of graduates, for the year preceding the year in which the competition is held .

This indicator is used when calculating the indicator of the potential of an educational organization participating in the competition for setting admission targets for educational programs of bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs, and is calculated by the formula:

* - total number of graduates;

* - the number of graduates who applied to the employment service within a year after graduation.

PEP is an indicator of the effectiveness of educational programs for bachelor's and specialist's *, master's * and programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in postgraduate (adjuncture) * programs implemented by an educational organization;

R is an indicator that characterizes the ability of an educational organization to provide training of personnel with higher education for the security of the country and for enterprises of the military-industrial complex, on the territory of closed administrative-territorial entities, as well as in close geographical proximity to production centers in specialties and areas of training, which is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the marks in points of all members of the competition committee, awarded by the expert way of this educational organization for this indicator. The maximum value of this indicator in points is indicated in the announcement of the competition.

If the criteria of this indicator are applied, the points awarded to the application of an educational organization for the specified indicator are calculated according to the formula:

* - the amount of points awarded to the application of the educational organization for the specified indicator;

This indicator is used when setting admission targets for educational programs of bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs when conducting a competition at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

When establishing admission targets for programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (adjuncture), this indicator is used during the competition at the federal level.

The maximum value of this indicator in points is indicated in the announcement of the competition.

6. The performance indicator of an educational organization (PEV) is calculated in accordance with Section II of this Methodology.

7. The indicator of the effectiveness of the educational program implemented by the educational organization (PEP) is calculated in accordance with Section III of this Methodology.

8. All performance indicators of an educational organization, indicators characterizing educational programs implemented by educational organizations, are normalized in the following order:

The normalization of values ​​for each indicator of the activity of educational organization I is carried out through the rating of educational organizations.

The rating for each performance indicator is built from the unique values ​​of the corresponding indicator from the full set of data for the specified indicator for all educational organizations participating in the calculation of the indicator of the potential of an educational organization.

For each indicator, its integral value is determined as the sum of the values ​​of the indicators of all educational organizations according to the following formula:

Educational organizations, depending on the rating of each indicator, are divided into three groups:

the first group consists of educational institutions for which the values ​​of l are less than or equal to 150. For these educational institutions, 70% of the total integral value of the indicator is distributed in proportion to the place of the educational organization in the ranking l for this indicator:

the second group consists of educational organizations for which l is less than or equal to 850 and more than 150. For these educational organizations, 20% of the total integral value of the indicator is distributed in proportion to the place of the educational organization in the ranking l for this indicator:

the third group consists of educational organizations for which l is greater than 850. For these educational organizations, 10% of the total integral value of the indicator is distributed in proportion to the place of the educational organization in the ranking l for this indicator:

Linear transformation coefficients are selected from the condition of continuity of the resulting distribution line.

9. The volume of control figures for admission in a specialty or field of study for an educational organization participating in a competition held at the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or at the federal level is calculated by the formula:

KTsP - the volume of control figures for admission in a specialty or area of ​​study for an educational organization participating in a competition held at the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or at the federal level;

Z - the volume of proposals for setting the admission targets for the relevant specialty or area of ​​study in the application of the educational organization;

PPV - the potential of an educational organization in the relevant specialty or field of study;

b - coefficient, which is determined from the condition * for CPC>0, the calculated value of CPC is rounded up to the nearest integer. The summation of the CPC is carried out at the request of all educational organizations that have submitted an application for participation in the competition in a given specialty or field of study;

Q - the volume of admission control digits in the relevant specialty or field of study, distributed during the competition.

II. Calculation of the normalized value of the performance indicator of the educational organization

10. The calculation of the normalized value of the performance indicator of the educational organization is carried out according to the following formula:

PEV - the normalized value of the performance indicator of the educational organization participating in the competition held at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or at the federal level.

* (i = O, N, M, F, I) - the normalized value for each indicator of the educational organization.

О - the value of the indicator of the educational organization in terms of the average score of the unified state exam (hereinafter - the USE) of students, calculated by the formula:

* - the sum of the average USE scores of students accepted for full-time study at the expense of the federal budget for undergraduate and specialist educational programs in the year preceding the year in which the competition is held, multiplied by the number of all students accepted for full-time study training at the expense of the budget allocations of the federal budget for educational programs of bachelor's and specialist's degree in the corresponding year;

* - the sum of average USE scores of students accepted for full-time study under education agreements at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities in educational programs of bachelor's and specialist's degrees in the year preceding the year in which the competition is held, multiplied by the number of all students accepted for full-time study under education agreements at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities for educational programs of bachelor's and specialist's programs in the corresponding year;

* - the total number of students accepted for full-time education at the expense of the federal budget for educational programs of bachelor's and specialist's degrees in the year preceding the year in which the competition is held;

* - the total number of students accepted for full-time education under education contracts at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities for educational programs of bachelor's and specialist's degrees in the year preceding the year in which the competition is held;

H - the value of the indicator characterizing the scientific activity of an educational organization, calculated by the formula:

* - the number of publications in the abstract-bibliographic base of scientific citation Web of Science per 100 scientific and pedagogical workers (hereinafter referred to as HPR) *, reduced to integer rates, calculated as the ratio of the number of published articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals of the world, which are taken into account when calculation of the citation index in the abstract-bibliographic base of scientific citation Web of Science, to the number of HPPs, reduced to integer rates, multiplied by 100;

* - income of an educational organization from the implementation of research and development work per one HR, calculated as the ratio of the total volume of research and development performed to the number of HR, reduced to integer rates;

M - the proportion of the contingent of foreign students enrolled in educational programs of higher education in the total contingent of students reduced to full-time education, calculated as the ratio of the contingent of foreign students enrolled in educational programs of higher education reduced to full-time to the total reduced to full-time teaching a contingent of students enrolled in educational programs of higher education;

Ф - the value of the indicator characterizing the financial activity of the educational organization, calculated by the formula:

* - income of an educational organization from all sources per one FIR, calculated as the ratio of budgetary and extra-budgetary funds received by the educational organization to the number of FIRs, reduced to integer rates;

* - the ratio of the average salary of a research assistant in an educational organization to the average salary in the economy of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation, calculated as the ratio of the accrued salary fund of the research assistant, divided by the average headcount of the research assistant and the number of months in a year, to the average salary in the economy of the region, expressed in percent. The average headcount of HR is determined by summing up the average headcount of HR for all months of the reporting period and dividing the amount received by the number of months in the reporting period. The average number of staff members per month is calculated by summing up the number of staff members on the payroll** for each calendar day of the month and dividing the amount received by the number of calendar days of the month;

I - the total area of ​​educational and laboratory buildings (premises) that are owned and (or) in operational management, per student (reduced contingent), calculated as the ratio of the total area of ​​educational and laboratory buildings that are owned and ( or) in operational management, to the number of the reduced contingent of students enrolled in educational programs of higher education.

III. Calculation of the performance indicator of the educational program implemented by the educational organization

11. As an indicator characterizing the effectiveness of the bachelor's and specialist's educational program implemented by the educational organization, the normalized value of the average USE score in the relevant specialty or area of ​​study of the educational organization, reduced to a single type of distribution for a sample of educational organizations participating in the competition at the level of the subject of the Russian Federation, is used or at the federal level.

Normalization of the values ​​of the average USE score in the relevant specialty or area of ​​study is carried out according to the formula:

* - the average value for a sample of average USE scores in the relevant specialty or field of study for educational organizations participating in the competition held at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or at the federal level, in the corresponding specialty or field of study;

x - average USE score for the specialty or area of ​​study of the educational organization;

* - standard deviation for a sample of average USE scores in the relevant specialty or field of study for educational institutions participating in the competition held at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or at the federal level in the corresponding specialty or field of study;

* - standard deviation for a sample of normalized values ​​of performance indicators of educational organizations participating in the competition held at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or at the federal level, in the corresponding specialty or field of study.

* - the average value for a sample of normalized values ​​of performance indicators for educational institutions participating in the competition held at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or at the federal level, in the corresponding specialty or field of study;

The average USE score for a specialty or area of ​​study of an educational organization is calculated using the following formula:

* - average USE score of the k-th student, calculated as the ratio of the sum of the results of the USE of the k-th student, recognized as results entrance examinations in general education subjects corresponding to the specialty or field of study for which admission is carried out, to the number of such subjects in the year preceding the year for which admission control figures are set.

Medium USE scores calculated based on the data on the Unified State Examination of persons enrolled in full-time education at the expense of the budgetary allocations of the federal budget and under education agreements at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities in the relevant specialty or area of ​​training implemented by the educational organization. The average USE scores are calculated for specialties and areas of study for which at least 10 people were enrolled. If less than 10 people enrolled in a specialty or field of study, the average USE scores are calculated for that enlarged group of professions, specialties and areas of training that includes the corresponding specialty or field of study. If admission to the corresponding enlarged group of professions, specialties and areas of training was less than 10 people, the average USE scores are calculated for the educational organization as a whole.

Data on the results of the Unified State Examination of persons enrolled in the general competition, and persons entitled to admission without entrance examinations are accepted for calculation.

When calculating the average USE scores, data on the USE results of persons enrolled in the first year in an educational organization in general education subjects corresponding to the specialty or field of study for which admission was made are taken into account.

When enrolling in an educational organization of persons entitled to admission without entrance examinations, the results of such students are recognized as the highest results of the Unified State Examination (100 points) in the specified general education subjects.

When enrolling in an educational organization persons who have the right to be equated to persons who have scored the maximum number of points in the USE in a general education subject corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad for schoolchildren, the results of such students are recognized as the highest results of the USE (100 points) in a general education subject corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad for schoolchildren. In other general education subjects corresponding to the specialty and field of study, the USE scores of such students are taken into account in accordance with their certificates of USE results.

The results of the winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, members of the national teams of the Russian Federation participating in international Olympiads in general education subjects and formed in accordance with the procedure established by the federal executive body responsible for developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education , in specialties and (or) areas of training that correspond to the profile of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren or an international Olympiad, are recognized by educational organizations as the highest results of the Unified State Examination (100 points) in these general education subjects when admitted to specialties and areas of training that do not correspond to the profile of the Olympiad for schoolchildren.

K - the number of students accepted by USE results for training in the relevant specialty and field of study.

12. As an indicator characterizing the effectiveness of the master's educational program implemented by the educational organization, the indicators of the publication activity of the scientific and pedagogical workers of the educational organization and the costs of the educational organization for scientific and research developments in the relevant field of science are used.

The indicator characterizing the effectiveness of the master's educational program implemented by the educational organization is calculated according to the following formula:

j - area of ​​science;

* - the number of citations of articles published over the 5 years preceding the year in which the competition is held, in peer-reviewed scientific journals of the world, indexed in the abstract-bibliographic database Web of Science and the Russian Science Citation Index (hereinafter - RSCI) in the corresponding field of science in calculation per 100 FPR, reduced to integer rates, calculated as the ratio of the number of citations of publications in publications indexed in the abstract-bibliographic base of scientific citation Web of Science and RSCI, published in the 5 years preceding the year in which the competition is held, in the relevant field science, to the number of R&D, multiplied by 100, according to the following formula:

NPR - number of R&D;

* - expenses of an educational organization for scientific and research developments in the corresponding field of science per one R&D, calculated as the ratio of the volume of expenses of an educational organization for scientific and research developments in the corresponding field of science to the number of scientific and scientific developments, reduced to integer values ​​of rates.

13. As an indicator characterizing the effectiveness of the postgraduate (adjuncture) educational program implemented by the educational organization, the indicators of the publication activity of the scientific and pedagogical workers of the educational organization, the costs of the educational organization for scientific and research developments in the relevant field of science, as well as the indicator characterizing the effectiveness of the functioning of the postgraduate school are used. (adjuncture).

The indicator characterizing the effectiveness of the postgraduate (adjuncture) educational program implemented by the educational organization is calculated by the following formula:

indicators * and * are calculated in accordance with the calculation of the indicator characterizing the effectiveness of the master's educational program implemented by the educational organization;

* - the effectiveness of the postgraduate (adjuncture) functioning by areas of training, calculated according to the following formula:

* - the average number of defenses of dissertations in the period for two years preceding the year in which the competition is held, calculated as the ratio of the number of defenses in the period for the two years preceding the year in which the competition is held, to the number of graduation students (adjunct students) for two years, previous year in which the competition is held, multiplied by 100;

* - fulfillment of the target figures for the admission of citizens for postgraduate (adjuncture) studies, established in the year preceding the year in which the competition is held, calculated as the ratio of the number of people admitted to postgraduate (adjuncture) studies to those established in the year preceding the year in which the competition is held, acceptance check digits multiplied by 100.

IV. Methodology for evaluating competitive bids for making a decision on establishing admission targets for educational programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in residency and assistantship-internship

14. The criterion for making a decision on the establishment of admission targets for educational programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in residency and assistantship-internship is expert review potential of the educational organization on a 100-point scale.

The potential of an educational organization is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the marks in points of all members of the competition commission, awarded by an expert way to the i-th educational organization.

Points awarded to the application of the i-th educational organization are calculated by the formula:

* - the amount of points awarded to the application of the i-th educational organization;

* - value in points (arithmetic mean of scores in points of all members of the competition commission), awarded by the competition commission to the application of the i-th educational organization for participation in the competition according to the g-th criterion, where g is the number of established criteria.


* Under the number of scientific and pedagogical workers (NRW) hereinafter we mean the number of employees of the teaching staff and scientific workers (as of October 1 of the year preceding the year in which the competition is held), including those working on a full-time part-time basis (external part-time workers), without working under civil law contracts.

** The headcount of the FRS on the payroll includes the FRS who worked under an employment contract and performed work for one day or more, both those who actually worked and those who were absent from work for any reason (who were on annual, additional, study holidays, on business trips; absent from work due to illness).

Persons who worked part-time in accordance with an employment contract or transferred with the written consent of the employee to part-time work, when determining the average number of employees, are taken into account in proportion to the hours worked.

Employees who receive two, one and a half rates in one organization or are registered in one organization as internal part-time workers are counted in the payroll number of employees as one person.

The following employees are not included in the payroll and average headcount: those who are on pregnancy, maternity and parental leave; employed part-time from other organizations.

The average number of external part-time workers is calculated in proportion to the actual hours worked.

Application No. 2
to the competition procedure
on the distribution of reception check digits
citizens by profession, specialty
and directions of preparation for training
according to state-accredited
secondary education programs
vocational and higher education
funded by the federal budget
budget approved by order
Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
July 15, 2013 No. 560

The methodology for conducting competitive selection and the criteria for making a decision on establishing target figures for the admission of citizens by profession and specialty for training in educational programs of secondary vocational education that have state accreditation at the expense of budgetary appropriations from the federal budget

1. The target figures for the admission of citizens by profession and specialty for training at the expense of the budgetary allocations of the federal budget for educational programs of secondary vocational education (hereinafter referred to as the target figures for admission) within each profession and specialty of secondary vocational education are established separately for professional educational organizations and educational organizations of higher education (hereinafter referred to as educational organizations) in an amount not exceeding the proposals for setting admission control figures specified in the application of the educational organization.

2. The criterion for making a decision on establishing admission targets is an indicator of the potential of an educational organization.

3. The calculation of indicators of the potential of educational organizations for the relevant profession and specialty is calculated according to the following formula:

* - normalized value of the indicator * *;

* - the duration of the implementation of educational programs in the educational organization in the relevant professions and specialties (number of years);

* - the number of full-time teaching staff with an academic degree and / or academic title, as well as the first and highest qualification categories;

* - the total area of ​​educational and laboratory buildings (premises) and sports facilities per student (reduced contingent);

* - the number of students who became winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiads of professional skills, All-Russian and international sports competitions (for professions and specialties of physical culture and sports) during the two years preceding the year in which the competition is held;

* - the number of units of educational and educational-methodical literature in all disciplines, interdisciplinary courses and professional modules of the main professional educational program per 100 students (reduced contingent);

* - the share of educational equipment for laboratory work and practical training not older than 10 years in the total volume of such equipment;

* - the share of funds allocated for the development of the material and technical base of the educational organization, which ensures the conduct of all types of laboratory work and practical classes, in the total amount of funds received from all sources during the five years preceding the year in which the competition is held;

* - the ratio of the average salary of teaching staff in an educational organization to the average salary in the economy of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation.

The normalization of values ​​for each indicator of the activity of an educational organization * * is carried out through the rating of educational organizations.

The rating for each indicator of the activity of an educational organization is built from the unique values ​​of the corresponding indicator from the full set of data on the specified indicator for all educational organizations participating in the calculation of the indicator of the potential of an educational organization.

At the same time, the value of the indicator for the educational organization(s) occupying the first position in the ranking is taken equal to 100; the value of the indicator for the educational organization(s) occupying the last position in the ranking is equal to zero.

Document overview

A new procedure has been established for holding a competition among organizations of secondary and higher vocational education for the distribution of control figures for the admission of citizens to study at the expense of budgetary funds.

Recall that studying at the expense of the relevant budgets is possible not only in state and municipal educational institutions, but also in state-accredited non-state educational institutions.

According to the new rules, the competition is held by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. It establishes admission targets for professions and specialties of secondary vocational education at the federal level, as well as for areas of training and specialties of higher education at the regional and federal levels.

Competitive selection is carried out by a commission specially created in the Ministry on the basis of applications submitted by educational organizations.

The list of university performance indicators assessed in the selection process has changed. In particular, among other things, the ratio of the number of dissertation defenses to the number of postgraduate graduates is taken into account, as well as the number of those admitted to postgraduate studies (adjuncture), residency and assistantship-internship.

New methods of competitive selection and criteria for making decisions on determining admission targets have been established. As before, the criterion is the potential of the educational organization. In connection with the change in the list of assessed indicators, new formulas for its calculation are given.

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