Report "The role of the sociocultural complex in the socialization of children with disabilities. Features of the socialization of children with disabilities. Need help studying any topic


In modern Russian pedagogy, the ideas of creating a favorable, nature-conforming environment for the development of each child are reflected in the study of the possibilities of improving the traditional system of education and upbringing of children with developmental disabilities, as well as in the design of a special educational space for children with disabilities. disabilities health. This circumstance necessitates the search for innovative ways to organize education, which, first of all, should be aimed at the sociocultural integration of children with disabilities. One of the ways to solve this problem is to model an inclusive educational space for the purpose of their successful sociocultural integration. The article analyzes the main results of the ascertaining stage empirical research within the framework of the design of an inclusive educational space, which revealed some patterns of educational outcomes for children with disabilities and their dependence on the essence and content of the social and educational environment of the institution, the attitude of society towards such persons and the level of interaction between institutions of various departments in solving this problem .

sociocultural integration

sociocultural adaptation

inclusive educational space

children with disabilities

1. Afasizhev T. N. Humanization of education / T. I. Afasizhev, A. K. Tkhakushinov // Sociological studies. – 1995. – No. 5. – P. 110-112.

2. Inclusive learning - integration - rehabilitation: materials of the international. scientific-practical conf. / ed. I. V. Pervovoy. – St. Petersburg, 2001. – 83 p.

3. Ilyina Yu. A. Study of relationships with peers in preschoolers with moderate mental retardation in an integrative environment / Yu. A. Ilyina // Defectology. – 2007. – No. 4. – P. 18-26.

4. Kumarina G. F. Pedagogical diagnosis of the preconditions for adaptation disorders in children at the stage of starting school / G. F. Kumarina // Correctional and developmental education. – 2009. – No. 2. – P. 19-36.

5. Tsyrenov V. Ts. Social and pedagogical adaptation of children with disabilities in educational activities: the example of a home-schooling school: dis. ...cand. ped. Sciences / V. Ts. Tsyrenov. – Ulan-Ude, 2006.

A distinctive feature of an inclusive educational space is that the child is in some kind of activity field, harmonizing with the surrounding space and at the same time having a certain autonomy. Thus, the inclusive educational space, on the one hand, depends on the individual, and on the other, as a psychological and pedagogical phenomenon, it has invariant characteristics that depend on society.

Following the logic of our research, we conducted an ascertaining experiment, the purpose of which was to identify the level of socio-cultural integration of such children, to analyze the prerequisites for building an inclusive educational space with the aim of their socio-cultural integration.

Ascertaining stage experimental work was organized between 2010 and 2011. on the basis of special (correctional) general education institutions; School of Social Adaptation of Disabled Children No. 60; distance learning center; Center for Children's and Youth Creativity, Republican Center for Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Support.

The ascertaining part of the study involved 264 children with disabilities, of which 96 were children studying at the North-Eastern Educational Institution (36.4% of the total). total number students surveyed), in the school of social adaptation and children with disabilities - 132 people (50% of the total number of surveyed), in conditions secondary school- 36 people (13.6% of the total number of subjects); 43 teachers; 160 parents; 226 people are representatives of society (69 working people, 47 pensioners, 78 students, 32 teachers of general education institutions).

In the course of our work, we identified areas of research.

1. Study of the capabilities and needs of education subjects.

2. Studying the attitude of society towards persons with disabilities.

The procedure for psychological and pedagogical examination of children included: analysis of the effectiveness of correctional educational and educational processes; observation; expert assessment; determining the level of sociocultural integration of children with disabilities. The evaluation criteria for sociocultural integration were psychological and pedagogical indicators that we developed at the stage of theoretical research of the problem.

To highlight these criteria, we formed a battery of research methods, including 10 techniques.

Initially, we identified the characteristics of the relationships between children with disabilities and their parents and loved ones (the “Ladder” method). The study showed that the frequency of communication among children from special schools is observed to a greater extent with brothers and sisters (25.9%), with mothers (20.7%), and with fathers (18.7%). For children from home-schooling schools: with mothers (47.3%), fathers (22.4%), friends (14.6%). For children studying in a comprehensive school: with parents (58.2%), with friends (32.3%).

Such children are valued more by friends (30.1%), mothers (18.3%), and grandparents (16.7%). Children with disabilities feel comfortable communicating and collaborating with mothers (42.5%), friends (34.2%), fathers and other persons (14.1%).

In order to identify the nature of interaction between educational subjects in the team, a survey was conducted. The results of the survey are summarized in Table 1.

Table 1

Preferences of students in interaction with subjects of education



Other persons

Which adults should be invited on a camping trip?

Who serves as an example for you?

School of social adaptation of disabled children

Comprehensive school

To the next question, “Where can you most fully express your personality (Where are you interested, where are you valued and understood)?” we received the following responses:

SKOU students primarily realize themselves in club classes (36.7%), in academic work and in the company of friends (31.4%);

Students of school No. 60 - in academic work (38.3%), in the family (27.5%), in the company of friends (21.7%);

Students of general education institutions - in the company of friends (29.2%), in the family (23.7%), in academic work (16.1%).

Question: “In what activities do school teachers participate on equal terms with students?” According to SKOU students, these are: cleaning, clubs, sections (62.1%); holidays, festivals (48.9%); sports competitions (40.6%); children from school No. 60: hiking (56.2%), cleaning (27.4%), holidays and festivals (46%); children of secondary schools, these are: cleaning (23.5%), hiking (12.3%), sports competitions (6.9%).

The question “Who can you be frank with?” SCOU students think in the following way: with their parents (36.3%), with their school and classmates (32.9%), with school teachers (23.4%); students of school No. 60 - with school teachers (23.2%), with parents (48.6%), with school and classmates (24.3%); secondary school students - with parents (11.6%), with children from the company (7.3%); with a school teacher (7.9%).

“In what areas of life do school students have real rights?” Replying to this question, SKOU students have real rights in the process of organizing leisure time (48.3%), in encouraging (16.7%), in organizing educational work(8.6%). Pupils of school No. 60 exercise their real rights in the organization of leisure (24.4%), nowhere (13.6%), in encouragement (15.5%), and students of a comprehensive school - in improving educational process(10.3%), do not know (12.7%), the organization of educational work (14.8%).

If a teacher unfairly offends a student, then children from SKOU usually turn to the class teacher (24.1%), but 120.2% will remain silent, and only 17.1% will try to prove that they are right. As for children from the school for social adaptation of disabled children, in this case 27.2% do not know how to behave, 13.8% will prove that they are right and 13.8% will remain silent. In such situations, secondary school students may respond with rudeness or insolence (15.4%), 18% will remain silent, and only 6.3% will calmly try to prove that they are right.

“The relationship between students and teachers in our school can be called...” good, according to 467% of students in the North-Eastern Educational Institution, 89% in school No. 60, and only 14.3% of students in a general education school.

Next, we found out who school students can turn to in difficult times. Children from SKOU - to the teacher (43%), to the educator (61%), to the family (16.7%). Students of school No. 60 in such situations usually turn to family (41.3%), friends (23.4%), and teacher (26.9%). The answer from secondary school students is interesting. In such cases, they appeal to their family much more often (65.2%), to friends (13.2%), and to the teacher (43.2%).

The next diagnostic stage at the ascertaining stage of the study was aimed at identifying the characteristics of the interaction of children with disabilities with society. For this purpose, we used a questionnaire. Below is an analysis of the responses of children with developmental disabilities to the questions.

Question: “What attitude do you most often feel towards yourself from those around you?” (you had to choose one of the answer options: yes, no, I don’t know).

53.2% of students in NKOU, 50% of students in general education institutions and 45% of disabled children studying at home-schooling schools feel indifferent towards themselves. These data confirm the truth of the system of relations existing in society towards such citizens as a whole.

Question: “Do you have difficulty communicating with other people?”

Children studying at SKOU responded that they have problems communicating with strangers(26.9%), with teachers (23.1%), with parents and educators (7.69%). They have no problems communicating with parents (76.92%), educators (73.1%), and teachers (61.5%).

Children from the school for social adaptation of disabled children: spend time with strangers (78%), with parents (26%); with teachers, friends (23%). There are no problems communicating with teachers, friends (77%), with parents (74%), with strangers (22%).

General education school students indicated problems with friends (41.2%), with strangers (37%), and with parents (21%). They noted the absence of problems with teachers (90%) and parents (78.3%).

Question: “Would you like to study with healthy students?” SCOU students expressed a desire to study in the same school with healthy children (23.1%); do not want to study in the same class - 76.9%, in the same school - 57.7%, 23.1% of students found it difficult to answer this question. Children from school No. 60 want to study in the same school, but in different classes with healthy children (63.7%), in the same class (28.1%). (36.3%) of children in the same class (71.9%) expressed their reluctance to study in the same school with healthy children. General education school students expressed a desire to study in the same school (25%) and in the same class (22.5%) with typically developing students. The negative responses we received were: they do not want to study with healthy children in the same school (75%) and in the same class (72.5%).

Question: “What worries you most?” SKOU students demonstrated a high level of anxiety: they are worried about their future life (83.1%), their future work (76.9%). Only a small percentage of students do not feel worried about their future work (23.1%), about their future life (16.9%). There were no “I don’t know” answers.

The next step of the study was to study the characteristics of the psychological atmosphere in the team in an educational institution. In the process of studying it in the educational institutions under study, we noted the state of the psychological atmosphere in a special (correctional) general education institution. For example, children from a special school of the VIII type, when assessing polar qualities, most highly noted: satisfaction (8.2%), passion (7.9%), warmth of relationships (8.5%), cooperation and mutual support ( 7.6%).

Students at the school for social adaptation of children with disabilities identified such predominant qualities as friendliness (9.4%), agreement (7.8%), cooperation (8.4%), effectiveness (5.8%), and entertainment (7.1%). %).

According to children from a comprehensive school, the state of the psychological atmosphere in the team can be characterized as enthusiasm (9.3%), satisfaction (7.5%), cooperation (7.4%), entertaining (7.3%), efficiency (6.9%).

To understand the essence of the problem, it was important for us to determine the characteristics of the value-oriented unity of the subjects of the educational process. The definition of value-oriented unity of subjects of the educational process is of the following nature.

Characteristic expert assessment teachers of social adaptation of children with disabilities. The data from the ascertaining experiment made it possible to identify three main groups of children depending on the level of their social adaptation (high, average, low).

Let us present the distribution of groups of children with disabilities by level of social adaptation in Table 2.

table 2

Levels of social adaptation of children with disabilities

School No. 60 (%)

Preparation of children with disabilities for life takes place in certain sociocultural conditions. In this regard, the familiarization of an individual with culture, its values ​​and norms, which ensures that a person fulfills social roles, becomes of great importance. Therefore, in the educational environment of the school, much attention is paid to the additional education of children.

Let's imagine the percentage of visits to clubs and sections of children with disabilities in various educational institutions. We see initially low rates of involvement in the system additional education children with disabilities studying in SKOU (12.8%) and the school for social adaptation of disabled children (42%), while in a general education school the coverage of such children with additional education is 53%.

These indicators characterized the focus of the educational process to a greater extent on educational activities. At this stage, productive interaction between students and teachers was formed at a low level; classes in various circles and sections were not welcomed either in the institution itself, much less outside them. Institutions were characterized by closedness, lack of understanding of the importance of establishing productive interaction with institutions and organizations, and fear of society.

Characteristics of sociocultural adaptation and sociocultural integration of children with disabilities.

A generalized analysis of the study of sociocultural adaptation and sociocultural integration of children with disabilities made it possible to present its general characteristics (see Table 3).

Table 3

Characteristics of the initial level of sociocultural integration of children with disabilities

School No. 60

To identify differences between groups of students from SKOU, a school for social adaptation of children with disabilities and a general education school in terms of the level of their sociocultural adaptation and sociocultural integration, the homogeneity criterion c2 was used, which was calculated using the formula

where is the volume of each of the levels of the EG, is the volume of each of the levels of the CG.

Table 4

Comparative characteristics of the levels of sociocultural integration of children with disabilitiesCriterion of homogeneity c2

Confidence (p)

So, the level of sociocultural integration of children with disabilities depends on external and internal factors. Internal factors include the structure of primary and systemic deviations in development, the degree of their manifestation; to external factors - socialization, level of sociocultural integration.

The majority of children studying at SKOU have a low level of sociocultural integration. It is due to the specifics of the sociocultural environment of a special (correctional) educational institution, characterized by limited social contacts of students with outside world. In the school of social adaptation of disabled children, the socio-educational and cultural space developed by the school teachers ensures the presence of a significant number of students with an average level of sociocultural integration, although more than a quarter of children experience difficulties with sociocultural integration. They are not sufficiently adapted and integrated into the surrounding society, due to their own low need for sociocultural integration and non-acceptance from society. As for students in general education institutions, the number of students with high level sociocultural integration. Of course, this circumstance is an indicator of the effectiveness of education for children with disabilities in a public school setting.

So, the analysis of the data from the ascertaining experiment showed that in the characteristics of the contingent of children with disabilities, both general and specific features are observed and identified.

The level of sociocultural integration of children with disabilities depends on external and internal factors. Internal factors include the structure of primary and systemic deviations in development, the degree of their manifestation, and external factors include socialization, the level of sociocultural integration.

Children studying at SKOU and the school for social adaptation of disabled children experience pronounced difficulties in sociocultural integration. They are not sufficiently adapted and integrated into the surrounding society, due to their own low need for sociocultural integration and non-acceptance from society.

A study of families of children with disabilities demonstrated in a number of cases a low level of educational potential and isolation from the surrounding society (46.7%).

The attitude of society towards persons with disabilities shows us in most cases indifference (53-82%), sometimes complete rejection and aggression (20-43%); in rare cases - empathy, interest, support (2-6%) in different age and social groups.

Out of 56 teachers of general education institutions and additional education institutions (89%) believe that children with disabilities need medical care and assistance public services, special organizations, completely excluding the possibility of their own participation in the process of education of this category of persons. They see the reasons for their own indifference in the fact that they are not familiar with the specifics of working with such children; have not encountered them, although sometimes in educational institutions such children occur (95%).

So, the results of the ascertaining experiment demonstrated that educational institutions teaching children of this group and the surrounding society do not sufficiently interact with each other, although they function at the same time and educational space. The modern system of special education is not able to fully provide opportunities and create optimal conditions for the full socio-cultural integration of children with disabilities into society and public life.


Dugarova T. Ts., Doctor of Psychology. Sciences, Associate Professor, Head. Department of Developmental and Pedagogical Psychology, Buryat State University, Ulan-Ude.

Vaganova V.I., Doctor of Education Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector of the Republican Institute of Personnel Management and Education, Ulan-Ude.

Bibliographic link

URL: (access date: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Filippova Elena Borisovna

Teacher primary classes

MBOU Undino-Poselskaya Secondary School

Baleysky district

The role of the sociocultural complex in socialization children with disabilities

One of the current socio-economic and demographic problems modern Russian society is the inclusion of children with disabilities into society. The relevance of this problem is explained by many circumstances that have developed in modern Russia.

In modern Russian society there is not only a steady reduction in the number working population, but there is also a continuing trend of deterioration in its qualitative composition against the backdrop of an increase in the disability of children and youth.

The main problem of a child with disabilities is the disruption of his connection with the world, limited mobility, poor contacts with peers and adults, limited communication with nature, inaccessibility of a number of cultural values, and sometimes even basic education. Solving the problem of social upbringing and education of children with disabilities is relevant today due to the objective difficulties of social functioning and the child’s entry into society.

Socialization is the process and result of an individual’s inclusion in social relations. It has been proven that a child with disabilities has difficulty understanding the meaning of human relationships because he cannot perceive them in the same ways that a normally developing child uses.

Problems of communication of a child with cerebral palsy, difficulties of adaptation in a peer group are becoming increasingly important. Considering the characteristics of the motivational, emotional and cognitive systems of children with cerebral palsy, it is highly likely that they will not communicate effectively with others. Successful communication in in this case is important not so much in itself, but as a basis for the adaptation of children with a special rate of development to the school and wider social environment. In the socialization of children with various types With disabilities, including those with cerebral palsy, the social environment plays an important role, and in the village the sociocultural complex.

Sociocultural educational complex educational organization, which is an integration of a general education school and additional education institutions, implementing preschool and general education programs, additional education programs and having an extensive network of extracurricular activities in the additional education system (music, art, sports, etc.), as well as a material base that allows the use of education and upbringing modern technologies. Sociocultural complexhas a practical, real focus on creating comfortable conditions for the child at school and solving his problems; reliance on community interests, widespread use of the potential of rural educational environment in teaching and raising children with disabilities; the school’s focus on providing educational services to children with disabilities along with healthy children. Undecided social problems, which unsettle a child and prevent him from studying normally, it is impossible to solve educational problems. Therefore, a rural school is a center of social and pedagogical assistance to families and children with disabilities.The socio-cultural complex within which the socialization of children in our village takes place, including children with disabilities, includes a school, medical institutions, the “Dar” center, the “Childhood” school center, the Village House of Culture, the Regional Education Center for disabled children, Zabaikalskaya Public organization"All-Russian Society of Disabled Persons", Baleysk Intersettlement cultural and leisure center. Thanks to the skillful coordination of the actions of all structures and their joint activities, the socialization of children with disabilities is proceeding favorably and successfully.

In 2011, a disabled child diagnosed with cerebral palsy entered our school in 1st grade. The main task Our team was faced with the creation of appropriate conditions for the realization of the right of children with disabilities to education and creative development, enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, along with healthy children.

The teaching staff immediately faced a number of questions regarding the organization of training. According to the medical report, the child was recommended to study at home for 8 hours per week. By organizing the work of the school psychological-pedagogical consultation, having agreed on all issues with the parents and taking into account that the child’s intellect was fully preserved, we tried to jointly determine the most favorable educational route for him. In addition to 8 hours of homeschooling,

Nikita and his mother came to lessons in the natural world, art, and even other subjects. He really enjoyed communicating with his peers and every time he looked forward to the next trip to class. And although there were a lot of problems with hand motor skills, he successfully completed 1st grade.

In the second grade, it was decided to continue integrated learning - 8 hours at home and attending additional lessons if desired. Nikita began to come to lessons in English, and computer science, environmental science and art. In addition, starting from the second grade, Nikita began to attend clubs and extracurricular activities. In the 3rd grade, in addition to basic education, the family was also offered distance learning. The class teacher coordinated the schedule and topics of additional classes with the distance learning teacher. The list of clubs visited by Nikita has also expanded: this is the “Pochemuchka” club at the Rural House of Culture, and the “Learning to work in the Film Studio” club, and attended the chess club.

In 4th grade, distance learning was canceled, but education at home and at school continued. In addition, Nikita and his family took and continue to take an active part in almost all public events, competitions, Olympiads and quizzes at both the school level, district, regional and even All-Russian. To track the results of personal growth, we draw up a portfolio, which contains a lot of certificates and diplomas. Now Nikita is studying in the 5th grade. And by the decision of the family and the child himself, in addition to individual 12 hours of homeschooling, Nikita attends almost all classes: 3 hours of English, 2 hours of biology, 1 hour of geography, 2 hours of history, 1 hour of social studies, 1 hour life sciences, 1 hour computer science, cool watch and all extracurricular activities. Nikita is an active participant in both school and district events. Takes part in chess tournaments, reading competitions, various competitions, Olympiads held through the Center for Children with Disabilities, cultural and leisure center and many others.

Thus, it can be noted that the sociocultural complex plays an important role not only in raising children, but also in the socialization of children, including children with disabilities. The implementation of all components of the project makes it possible to create the most favorable conditions for the inclusion of children with disabilities in society; active participation in the sociocultural complex contributes to successful socialization.

Used Books:

1.Baenskaya E.R. Help in raising children with special emotional development: 2nd ed. M., 2009

2. Burmistrova E.V. Family with a special child: psychological social assistance // Bulletin of practical psychology of education.

3. . Nikitina V.A. Beginnings social pedagogy: textbook.-M.: Flint: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, 1998. P.54

4. Simonova, N.V. Psychological foundations of teaching children with cerebral palsy: Guidelines-M.: GBOU Pedagogical Academy, 2012

5. Shipitsina, L.M., Mamaichuk, I.I. Children’s cerebral palsy - St. Petersburg: Publishing house. "Didactics Plus", 2001

The problem of sociocultural integration of children with disabilities is quite relevant today.

Scientists, practitioners, specialists (medics, psychologists, teachers, social educators and social workers) are busy searching for ways and forms of integration of children with disabilities into society, opportunities for their adaptation in large and small societies. The family remains one of the main means of sociocultural integration of children with disabilities, capable of stimulating the process of socialization and integration of the child. A child with disabilities, deprived of the opportunity for normal communication, experiencing physical and moral suffering, finds support and support in the system of positive family communication.

“Sociocultural integration of the individual” is a process and at the same time a system of including an individual into various social groups and relationships through the organization of joint activities (primarily gaming, educational, labor).

The success of integration is largely determined by the time it begins: the earlier a child is diagnosed with one or another sensory, physical, intellectual or mental disorder, the more productive the efforts of specialists and parents will be in overcoming barriers between the child and the surrounding microsociety. Therefore, the problem of early diagnosis remains one of the central problems, the solution of which determines the implementation of the idea of ​​integrated education for people with disabilities.



The problem of sociocultural integration of children with disabilities

The problem of sociocultural integration of children with disabilities is quite relevant today.

Scientists, practitioners, specialists (medics, psychologists, teachers, social educators and social workers) are busy searching for ways and forms of integration of children with disabilities into society, opportunities for their adaptation in large and small societies. The family remains one of the main means of sociocultural integration of children with disabilities, capable of stimulating the process of socialization and integration of the child. A child with disabilities, deprived of the opportunity for normal communication, experiencing physical and moral suffering, finds support and support in the system of positive family communication.

“Sociocultural integration of the individual” is a process and at the same time a system of including an individual into various social groups and relationships through the organization of joint activities (primarily gaming, educational, labor).

The success of integration is largely determined by the time it begins: the earlier a child is diagnosed with one or another sensory, physical, intellectual or mental disorder, the more productive the efforts of specialists and parents will be in overcoming barriers between the child and the surrounding microsociety. Therefore, the problem of early diagnosis remains one of the central problems, the solution of which determines the implementation of the idea of ​​integrated education for people with disabilities.

The main problems in children with disabilities are most often loneliness, low self-esteem and lack of social confidence, depression, feelings of rejection due to their shortcomings, psychological and physical dependence, and a painful inability to discuss their difficulties.Problems in establishing and developing relationships with the opposite sex are very acute. Overestimation and underestimation of one's own strengths, abilities, and position in society are more common among abnormal people than among normal people.

The domestic concept of integrated education is based on three main principles of integration: through early correction; through mandatory correctional assistance for every child; through reasonable selection of children for integrated education.

Existing models of integration are determined taking into account the level of development of each child, which doses the “share of integration” that is accessible and useful for him.

Partial integration is indicated for children who, for one reason or another, are not able to master educational standard, so they join the group for part of the day. The implementation of the partial inclusion model implies a combination of two organizational forms of training - in conditions of educational integration with normally developing peers and training in specially organized classes or small groups (in the space of a mass school). Similar to the full inclusion model, within the framework of the described model, all students with special educational needs receive the necessary additional psychological and pedagogical assistance.

Temporary integration involves bringing together all pupils of a group with disabilities with typically developing children at least twice a month to carry out various educational activities.

An integral condition for the full inclusion of students with disabilities is the presence of two teachers in the general education classroom - the general and special education systems. The responsibility of an additional teacher includes not only direct assistance to a student with special educational needs and support of his educational activities, but also work together with the main teacher to modify pedagogical methods and means in accordance with the principle of individualization of the learning process.

Each form of integration carries a certain burden. When teaching a “special” child in the same class or group with other children, he completely obeys the pace of work of the children’s team, performs general program and lives by the rules of this collective.

Effective forms of social integration are sections, various clubs, festivals, competitions; organizing excursions, hikes, concerts, etc., where children with disabilities can realize their abilities among their peers and win their sympathy and respect.

Integration is a process that has certain limitations in terms of the possibility and effectiveness of its implementation. Such restrictions are the conditions of integration - external and internal.

External ones include:

  • early detection of violations and carrying out corrective work;
  • the desire of parents to educate the child together with healthy children, their desire and willingness to help the child in the process of his learning;
  • availability of the opportunity to provide qualified assistance to an integrated child;
  • creating conditions for the implementation of variable models of integrated learning.

Internal conditions include:

  • level of psychophysical and speech development, corresponding to the age norm or close to it;
  • the opportunity to master the general educational standard within the time frame provided for typically developing children;
  • psychological readiness for integrated learning.

Let us analyze the problems associated with the possibility of implementing the external conditions of integration.

The first condition - early detection of deviations - requires the creation and legislative implementation of an early assistance system operating within the framework of an interdisciplinary team approach to the work of specialists. This system must necessarily include a complex of medical, social, psychological, pedagogical and defectological specialists.

The second condition is associated with insufficient awareness, as well as the readiness of motivational, cognitive and practical plans of parents of children with disabilities, for whom access to information about the possibilities of integrated education, conditions and forms of its implementation is not always available.

The third condition is associated both with the lack of specialists and with the unpreparedness and reluctance of teachers in mass educational institutions to work with special children. At the same time, speaking about integration processes, one cannot ignore the importance of special knowledge about a special child for teachers of mass educational institutions. It is necessary to expand the content of the courses “special pedagogy” and “special psychology”, and introduce elective courses and electives.

The fifth external condition is the creation of variable models of integrated learning, which involves the development of programs, technologies, organizational forms and conditions that ensure the effective implementation of the integration of a child with disabilities into the space of general education.

Recognizing the importance and significance of integration as innovation process in the education system, we consider it important to note those negative trends that are associated with the impossibility of integrating all children into the broad sociocultural space.

First of all, this is “a level of psychophysical and speech development close to the age norm.” It is obvious that it is impossible to unite all children with disabilities. Another insurmountable obstacle to integration is the pace of the educational process. Obviously, time is not always the main criterion for a child’s success. Even the most “normal” child may have a different rate of learning than other typically developing peers.

When speaking about the “psychological readiness for integration” of the student himself, we understand that we mean motivational, personal, and, possibly, some kind of special readiness. The presence of such serious psychological neoplasms allows us to assert that some categories of children will again be excluded from the integrated education system: those with severe motor impairments, behavioral and emotional-volitional characteristics, complex developmental disorders, etc.

It is obvious that integration as a process in the education system for special children has its positive aspects. At the same time, it is clear that the limitations of this phenomenon again make the assistance system focused on special categories of children.

The processes of inclusion, which are quite widely represented in the West and are beginning to appear in Russia, make it possible to remove these restrictions. Let us list the transformations that an educational institution that has chosen the path of inclusive education for all must undergo:

  • changes in the consciousness of society, primarily teachers, related to the need and possibility of inclusive education for all children;
  • changing the architecture of educational institutions, adapting to special needs;
  • reducing group sizes;
  • improving and enriching the groups’ equipment with equipment and various aids;
  • creating a team of specialists in each institution to help general education teachers adapt methods to the child’s characteristics;
  • implementation of individual learning plans that allow children to master the general program at an individual pace.

To summarize, inclusion is more than integration. This is inclusion not only in education, but also in the life of everyone without exception, this is taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of everyone, this is the recognition of differences, this is the enrichment of ideas about differences as a natural phenomenon of the world and society, this is the opportunity to receive an effective education thanks to constant support and changes in educational space.

Speaking about the choice of approach to the education of children with disabilities, it is impossible not to understand that the existing functioning network of specialized institutions has undeniable value due to the targeting and uniqueness of assistance. At the same time, it cannot be the only, non-alternative form of education for a child with disabilities. Therefore, today it is appropriate to talk about the mutually enriching development and functioning of all types of education for persons with disabilities:

  • traditional, implemented in a network of compensating and combined preschool educational institutions;
  • integrated;
  • inclusive.

It seems that it is most correct to keep in mind the possibility of choosing from three possible options. The implementation of different approaches to education is a powerful incentive for its development and modernization.

Discussions about the forms and boundaries of integration of children with disabilities into mass school, the search for its most effective models indicates the multidimensionality and complexity of the problem. The priority of social integration - constant presence in a group of normally developing peers (in the absence of conditions to meet special educational needs) - can be a factor hindering the successful learning and favorable development of children with disabilities.

In order to successfully implement the ideological positions of modern pedagogy, training in an educational institution should be considered in the unity of its educational and social characteristics.

In accordance with theoretical foundations inclusive education, assessment of the effectiveness of an educational institution includes information on student performance, as well as data on the interpersonal relationships of children with different levels psychophysical development. The productive advancement of students in accordance with their individual educational trajectory indicates sufficient didactic support for the educational process; Constant and long-term contacts with other children indicate the integration of a student with disabilities into the team. Thus, the described models of inclusion can be assessed as successfully implementing the objectives of inclusive education.


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ID: 2015-12-1151-R-5715

Dolmatova E.S., Nazarkina A.S., Sheludko O.S.

GBOU VPO Saratov State Medical University named after. IN AND. Razumovsky Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Department of Philosophy, humanities and psychology


The review presents data on the problem of socialization of children with disabilities. The personality traits of children that influence their social development are reflected.


Socialization, children, disabilities


The socialization of children with disabilities (HH) currently remains one of the priority areas of special pedagogy and psychology. The urgency of the problem is increasing due to the increase in the number of such children. The number of children with developmental disorders and disabilities in Russia has increased by 9.2% over the past five years. According to data from the Ministry of Health of the Saratov Region as of 01/01/2015. The number of children with disabilities is 6,374 children.

The term “children with disabilities” (CHD) in the scientific literature refers to those children who have any limitations in everyday life, directly related to physical, mental or other defects.

The following categories of children with disabilities can be distinguished:

1. children with visual impairments;

2. children with hearing impairments;

3. children with disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere;

4. children with mental retardation (MDD);

5. children with speech disorders;

6. children with musculoskeletal disorders;

7. children with intellectual disabilities (mentally retarded children);

8. children with multiple disorders (combination of 2 or 3 disorders).

Due to a number of objective and subjective reasons, it is initially much more difficult for a child with disabilities to become a subject of socialization.

The process of socialization is carried out throughout a person’s life in activity, communication and self-awareness and represents the totality of all social processes, thanks to which the individual assimilates and reproduces a system of knowledge, norms and values ​​that allow him to function as a full member of society, mastering social roles and cultural norms.

Since the 90s of the 20th century, the socialization of children with disabilities began to be considered as an independent problem in research.

Research by I.P. Pomeshchikova, V.A. Friends, A.I. Klimenko showed that the mental and physiological characteristics of children with developmental disabilities can lead to a decrease in the ability to adapt, thus complicating the possibilities of socialization and life in society. . The personal development of an individual initially does not correspond to the standards established in society. For these reasons, many children with disabilities adapt to a special environment, which hinders their social integration in the field of education and public life in general.

Nazarova N.M. in his works he defines socialization as “the process and result of a person’s mastery of knowledge and skills of social life, the development of generally accepted stereotypes of behavior, the development of value orientations accepted in society, which allow them to fully participate in various situations of social interaction.” The author believes that in our state there is a “patronizing” position of people towards children with any developmental disabilities. This kind of position changes all normal relationships between a person and the external environment, and develops consumer behavior patterns in people with disabilities. Today, the theory of social rehabilitation of people with disabilities determines the provision of equal opportunities for each individual to fully participate in absolutely any sphere of human life. Life support and self-care, communication, recreation and socialization, Nazarova N.M. defines in terms of an independent lifestyle.

Shipitsyna L.I. defines socialization as “the formation of a child in the system social relations as a component of this system, that is, the child becomes part of society, and at the same time he assimilates elements of culture, social norms and values.”

Socialization for children with various developmental problems causes very great difficulties. The issue of preparing these children for independent life, study and future work is a matter of debate. The connection of children with disabilities with the surrounding society can only be achieved through special measures aimed at psychological and pedagogical support for such children during their education and upbringing. The integration of children with disabilities into society can be understood as “the self-improvement of a given society, its impact on the child’s developing personality and participation in this process integration of the child himself.”

Researchers identify features in the personality of a child with disabilities that hinder his social development. Androsova G.L. proposed an option for studying these features and conditionally divided them into three groups: “I as self-worth”, “Me and you”, “Me and the world”. These groups allow you to systematize these features and focus your attention on the nature and structure of their content.

The first projection is characterized by such features as inadequate self-esteem, lack of a stable hierarchy of motives, a leading type of activity, and inability to take purposeful actions.

B.I. Pinsky points out that certain children have low and weak self-esteem; these children are very dependent on evaluation from the outside world. Others, children with more profound developmental problems, have slightly higher self-esteem; Such children almost do not react to outside assessment. This phenomenon should be understood as “a certain independence from external assessment.” This phenomenon can occur even in children who have low self-esteem, but who are accustomed to their own mistakes and have created a certain protection for themselves from the outside world.

A theoretical study of the characteristics of self-esteem in a child with disabilities speaks about the uniqueness of its development with age and the possibility of its metamorphoses.

The physiological basis of emotions and feelings is a combination of connections formed in the cerebral cortex and subcortex. Decrease in activity of all higher nervous system and a decrease in the level and speed of mental development of a child with developmental problems corresponds to his emotional processes and has a number specific features.

Traits that can be seen in children with disabilities include constantly changing desires and a lack of motivation for long-term goals. The reason for this behavior can be explained by the fact that such a child has reduced activity of brain functions and weak tone of the entire cognitive sphere. Such children do not have the optimal level of impulsive reactions to carry out an act of will: they can start something, not finish it, and then completely forget about it.

As part of the second projection, the personality traits of children with disabilities are considered through business and interpersonal communication, as well as through behavioral characteristics. Here there is a certain thoughtlessness of actions, insufficient opportunity to critically comprehend them. In interpersonal relationships, one can note an indifferent attitude towards one’s position in the work group and lability. Business communication is characterized by difficulty, an unsatisfied need for communication as a process.

I.G. Eremenko in his scientific research studied the features of relationships between children with disabilities. Insufficient and often erroneous motivation for choosing a friend, an indifferent attitude towards one’s position in the group, lability in relationships. The author explains the reason for this kind of features by the low level of self-awareness of the pupil, the limited motivational basis of his activities and the difficulty of character formation, as well as the underdevelopment of social orientation.

E.I. Razuvan emphasizes that children with disabilities experience great difficulties when communicating with peers and people around them. They have almost no developed concept of initiative in communication. They easily come into contact with people close to them and people they have known for a long time, but meeting new people causes big problems. The school environment for such children is a frequent factor in the cessation of communication. The specific composition of students is an important factor in the formation interpersonal relationships in a child with special needs. The narrowed circle of interests, relationships, and limited connections are determined by the mental characteristics and personality traits of such a child. The relationships he builds are at the level of feelings and experiences; they are subjective, unconscious in nature, most often situational and practically unstable. .

The third projection is based on the inclinations of the individual and his professional orientation, the originality of ideas about the environment, and the concept of value orientations. Here there is immaturity of professional interests, their lack of awareness and stability. Ideas about the world around us are inaccurate and fragmentary; they do not reflect existing relationships.

If a teenager with developed intelligence has normal self-esteem by the time he graduates from school, then the desire to master a profession steadily increases, and he has a desire to engage in work. The main motive of graduates of special schools is most often imitative in nature. Teenagers often do not understand the meaning of a particular professional field of activity; they are driven by how attractive it is to them. .

As a result of psychocorrectional work with such children, one can notice a clear dynamics of motivational orientation and personal growth. Most often, pupils of special schools have a narrowed range of interests, practically no developed understanding of themselves as individuals, no desire to personal growth. Most children with disabilities consider themselves fully prepared for independent life; they have no worries about their future, which is due to the small number of contacts with other people and an inflated level of aspirations.

The authors note that the shortcomings in the aesthetic development of children with disabilities, however, this kind of shortcomings do not represent some kind of stable condition. Psychological and pedagogical correction and the contribution of the family itself to the upbringing of a child with disabilities makes it possible to see the rapid results of children in in the right direction. The child’s emotional background improves, the personality changes structurally and becomes healthier, new options for overcoming difficulties appear; Hobbies and new interests appear. Graduates of special schools are gradually included in labor activity in their specialty and easily join professional teams. The emergence of difficulties can be noticed in areas that differ from work: in personal life and in free time It can be difficult for such people to allocate their own time and use it correctly.

As a result of the analysis of the literature on the stated topic, it can be noted that, despite the presence of specific characteristics of children with disabilities, all researchers note the available opportunities for the personal development of the children studied. Thus, it is advisable to talk about the psychological reserves of the socialization process in relation to children with disabilities and that the essence of the development of the social potential of children with disabilities directly depends on targeted pedagogical support for children, the disclosure of their potential in various forms of life activity.


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