Gou VPO Higher School of Folk Arts Institute. Higher School of Folk Arts (academy). Faculty of Folk Arts and Crafts

graduate School folk arts conducts training of specialists in the field of decorative and applied arts and folk crafts.

The institute provides training in the most important types of traditional applied arts, such as artistic embroidery, artistic lace making, artistic bone carving, artistic painting on metal and papier-mâché, artistic fabric painting, jewelry art, lacquer miniature painting.

The institute includes the following departments:

  • Department of artistic embroidery;
  • Department of artistic lace making;
  • Department of Art History;
  • Department of Lacquer Miniature Painting;
  • Department of Decorative Painting;
  • Department of Jewelry and Bone Carving Art;
  • Department of Drawing and Painting;
  • Department of Language Training;
  • Department of Natural Sciences and Economics;
  • Department of Philosophy;
  • Department of Physical Education;
  • Department of Theory and Methods vocational education.

The material, scientific and methodological base of VSHNI has been formed for more than a hundred years. The school inherits the traditions and experience of two educational institutions. The first of them existed under the patronage of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and was first called the School of Folk Crafts, then the School of Folk Art.

The second educational institution was the Moscow School of Artistic Crafts. The school's activities consisted of professional training for folk arts and crafts enterprises of the Russian Federation. For the first time in the history of domestic art pedagogy, the teaching staff of the Moscow School of Art and Culture created unparalleled educational programs, which students of the Higher School of Folk Arts are now studying.

These programs are distinguished by deep scientific validity, rooted in ethnopedagogy, the use of innovative teaching technologies, close connection with the requirements of modern socio-economic and educational space Russia.

The institute has all the conditions for conducting a full-fledged educational process and independent work students.

VSHNI has a unique library with rare publications on embroidery, lace-making, jewelry, bone carving, costume, metal painting, icon painting, the history of handicraft production and teaching manual labor.

VSHNI graduates are different high level professional skills, a broad general cultural and scientific outlook and are in constant demand in the market of artistic labor and professional education in the field of decorative and applied arts and folk crafts.

More details Collapse http://www.vshni.ru

GOU VPO - Higher School of Folk Arts

The Higher School of Folk Arts (Institute) is the first state educational institution of higher professional education in the field of traditional applied arts in the history of world art pedagogy. The school was created by order of the Government Russian Federation, its founder is the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The school has a license and certificate of accreditation.

The material, scientific and methodological base of the Higher School of Folk Arts (Institute) has been formed for more than a hundred years. The school inherits the traditions and experience of two educational institutions.

The first of them existed under the patronage of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. At first it was called the School of Folk Crafts, then the School of Folk Art. For her, as the Empress’s favorite child, a beautiful, majestic building was built in the center of St. Petersburg in 1911. The second educational institution was the Moscow School of Artistic Crafts (MSHR), opened in 1938. The school's activities consisted of professional training for folk arts and crafts enterprises of the Russian Federation. For the first time in the history of domestic art pedagogy, the teaching staff of the Moscow School of Art and Culture created unparalleled educational programs, which students of the Higher School of Folk Arts are now studying.

The Higher School of Folk Arts embodies unique system continuous professional education in the field of traditional decorative and applied arts. The school is a multi-level educational institution of higher professional education, implementing basic programs general education(secondary general education boarding school) with in-depth study of decorative and applied arts, secondary vocational education programs in the specialty Decorative and Applied Arts and Folk Crafts, higher professional education programs in the specialties and areas of Decorative and Applied Arts and Folk Crafts. School classes are focused mainly on accepting students from the regions of Russia.

At all three levels of education at the Higher School of Folk Arts (Institute), training is provided in such important types of traditional applied art as: artistic embroidery, artistic lace weaving, artistic bone carving, artistic painting on metal and papier-mâché, artistic fabric painting, jewelry art , lacquer miniature painting, etc.

The International Scientific and Practical Conference “Traditional Applied Arts and Education: Historical Experience, Current State, Development Prospects” is annually held on the basis of the Higher School of Folk Arts.

Main comprehensive school with in-depth study of folk arts and crafts(hereinafter referred to as OSH DPI) is structural unit state educational institution higher professional education – Higher School of Folk Arts (Institute), carries out educational activities in the field of basic general education with in-depth study of folk arts and crafts. The main goals of the school of decorative and applied arts are:

The state educational program of basic general education is being implemented at the DPI school. The educational program provides in-depth study folk arts and crafts.

The curriculum of the OSH DPI fully implements the Federal (basic) and university (variable) components educational standard, guaranteeing that graduates of basic school have mastered the necessary minimum of knowledge, skills and abilities, which ensure continuation of training in secondary vocational programs at the Higher School of Economics and Research (Institute) and at the third stage of education ( high school) OU of the city.

The curriculum provides for the implementation of the school component of the content of education, a student-oriented approach and the solution of the main tasks of the concept and educational program schools.

The school component of educational content provides an introduction to the field « art» such subjects as, in the area "Technology" subject entered "Artistic work." “Drawing”, “Painting”, “Fundamentals of Composition”, are necessary for mastering professional skills at the second stage of education (secondary vocational education programs). Subjects in the field of “Fine Arts” instill the primary professional skills of future artists. “Technology” is a practical course for introducing the main types of folk crafts and crafts (jewelry, fabric painting, metal, papier-mâché, embroidery, lace-making) and for students to acquire initial professional skills as future masters of specific crafts.

Teaching subjects “Drawing”, “Painting”, “Fundamentals of Composition” is carried out according to standard curriculum for secondary art schools, subject "Technology" is carried out according to experimental programs approved by the Academic Council of the Higher School of Scientific Research (institute), which corresponds to the specifics of the school’s educational program.

A person-oriented approach is carried out through the creation for each student of a situation of choosing an individual educational route, which is determined not only by the specifics of the educational program implemented at school, but also by the system additional education, which includes classes in artistic, aesthetic and cultural programs through a system of clubs and special courses that help reveal students’ abilities and meet their individual needs. The system of clubs and special courses also involves deepening knowledge and skills in individual subjects (including specialized ones), makes it possible to navigate and integrate in subject areas, which contributes to further conscious choice of a training profile and involves early specialization. In that academic year The school offers special courses in drawing, painting, basic composition, English, German, Russian, recreational exercise classes, and swimming pool classes. The school implements the “Museum Program,” which involves introducing students to the city’s museum exhibitions.

The educational process uses modern methods and technologies for teaching, upbringing and diagnosing the level of knowledge acquisition, the formation of general educational skills. The school employs a highly qualified teaching staff and draws on the intellectual potential of scientific laboratories and universities in the city and country.

The school has the following forms of certification: current, intermediate, final. Students are assessed quarterly and annually. Final certification in the transfer 8th grade is carried out in the form of tests and tests, differentiated tests. Final certification in the 9th grade is carried out in the form of exams, testing, defense of essays in accordance with the Regulations on the final certification of school graduates.

Maximum class size – 10 people. The educational process is based on a class-lesson system. For teaching in English, computer science, it is planned to divide classes into 2 groups; for classes in workshops, groups of at least 4 people per group are determined.
The organization of the educational process involves a six-day school week. The duration of the school day complies with sanitary and hygienic standards: classes begin at 9.30. Lesson duration is 45 minutes. There is a long break at school - 60 minutes. Hot meals provided.

Admission to the school is carried out on a competitive basis. Students who have taken an active part in olympiads, conferences, competitions, and tournaments held by the Higher School of Scientific Research (institute), who have shown interest and ability in the field of decorative and applied arts and who demonstrate consistently positive knowledge in basic subjects have the right to participate in the competition.

VSHNI operates training courses.

About the School of Folk Art, founded by Empress Alexandra Feodorovna in St. Petersburg

Alexandra Feodorovna Romanova, the last Russian empress, carried out extensive charitable activities, including with the help of the Women's Imperial Patriotic Society. Among the institutions of this society was the School of Folk Crafts, the founder of which was considered Alexandra Feodorovna. From October 12, 1912, the official name of the educational institution became “School of Folk Art”, and from December 1913 the name changed to “School of Folk Art of Her Great Empress Alexandra Feodorovna”. The educational institution existed for 6 years.

The main reason for the founding of the School of Folk Art was the shortage felt at that time “of skilled and artistically educated instructors in various branches of the handicraft art industry” (extract from the “Temporary Rules” of the School of Folk Art). A small historical footnote needs to be added here. From the second half of the 19th century, the public and the Russian state began to support and develop folk art in every possible way. The activities of S.T. played a major role in the revival, preservation and development of folk crafts. Morozova, S.T. Mamontov, outstanding representatives of the Russian artistic intelligentsia: the Polenovs, Vasnetsovs, S. Malyutin and others. The Russian zemstvo carried out significant work in supporting folk crafts by organizing various handicraft workshops and vocational schools.

It was for them that the School of Folk Art prepared instructors (teachers) various types folk arts and crafts. The entire educational process: Of the 24 hours a week directly devoted to the craft, 22 hours were spent on practical training. The rest of the time was spent on drawing, conversations on general education subjects, accounting, choral singing and gymnastics.

Students from various provinces of Russia studied at the School of Folk Art. In 1912, there were 23 students at the School, only one of whom was from St. Petersburg. Upon completion of the School, graduates received a certificate for the title of master artist in the “productions” studied. They knew how to design and highly professionally perform folk craft products, as well as teach others to do so. The School of Folk Art had a seal with the image of the State Emblem and was a professional educational institution.

School website -www.vshni.ru/.

State educational institution of higher professional education -
Higher School of Folk Arts (Institute)
GOU VPO - Higher School of Folk Arts (Institute)

schedule Operating mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 09:00 to 18:00

VSHNI Gallery in Moscow

general information

Moscow branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution higher education"Higher School of Folk Arts (Institute)"


No. 02723 valid indefinitely from 03/02/2018


No. 02813 is valid from 04/18/2018 to 06/30/2021

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for the Higher School of Research in Moscow

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)4 5 5 3 1
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study75.58 63.51 68.62 63.16 64.5
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget76.3 72.9 71.00 68.30 63.36
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis72 51 61.50 56.30 -
Average in all specialties minimum score Unified State Exam for full-time students64.5 42 61.50 71.80 47.5
Number of students89 83 97 117 82
Full-time department89 83 97 117 82
Part-time department0 0 0 0 0
Extramural0 0 0 0 0
All data Report Report Report Report Report

About HSENI in Moscow

Moscow branch of the Higher School of Folk Arts is a state-run educational institution, where future artists of decorative and applied arts receive higher professional education. At the moment, the institute operates a continuous system of professional training. First, applicants undergo pre-university training, where they prepare to enter the Moscow branch of the Higher School of Scientific Research, then receive secondary or higher vocational training, and after graduation, after some time, they can take advanced training courses.

History of the creation of the Moscow branch of VSHNI

The Moscow School of Artistic Crafts was founded in 1938. When did the Great Patriotic War, the school had to be suspended, but already in 1943 it again opened its doors to talented children who wanted to study artistic crafts. In accordance with documents that were discovered in the archives of VSHNI, at that time there were only about a hundred people studying at the school.

From the very beginning, the school’s activities were focused on teaching students with an eye to folk traditions national pedagogy and art. But in 1985, new methods of teaching modern art techniques began to be introduced into the educational process, which was later adopted by other educational institutions from the Moscow School.

Since 1992, MSHR becomes a college, and in 1996 it becomes an advanced college. In 1997, taking into account the high qualifications of the master artists who graduated from the school, it was decided to conduct an experiment to allow students to receive higher specialized education at the school. This experience lasted a very long time, but thanks to the excellent quality of teaching and high professionalism of graduates, in 2002, by decree of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, MSHR was issued a license to conduct educational activities in the field of higher education.

Based on graduates and some teachers of the Moscow School, the Higher School of Folk Arts was opened in St. Petersburg in 2003. Valentina Fedorovna Maksimovich, who was previously the head of the MSHR, became the rector of the HSNR. A little later, in August 2003, the Moscow School acquired the status of a university and became the Moscow branch of the Higher School of Economics and Religion (Institute), and since 2007 it was renamed the Institute of Traditional Applied Arts.

Teaching staff of the institute

The Moscow branch of VSHNI employs a close-knit and friendly team of teachers, each of whom has enormous experience in conducting pedagogical activity, as well as in carrying out various scientific and technical work. Slightly less than half of the university’s teachers are former students who did not want to part with their native alma mater.

Teaching staff:

  • 4 doctors of science and 20 candidates for doctor of science;
  • graduate students of the Institute of Art Education Russian Academy education;
  • 8 teachers of the Moscow branch of VSHNI bear the proud titles of “Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation” and “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation”;
  • about 80% of the institute’s teachers are members of the Union of Designers and the Union of Artists.

University teachers defend doctoral and master's theses on problems that arise when receiving higher education in the field of folk applied arts on the basis of experiments that are carried out at the institute itself. There is also active scientific work to resolve problems that are related to the problems of art education in general, and traditional applied art in particular. All this allows teachers to better and more clearly convey their knowledge and skills to students.

Thanks to this, students who study at the Moscow branch of VSHNI learn not only the theory of art, but can also learn from their teachers in conducting their professional activities to quickly achieve their goals.

Artistic activities of students of the Moscow branch of VSHNI

During their studies at the institute, students learn not only theory, but also try to put the acquired knowledge into practice. The best products of students of the Moscow branch of HSENI are put on public display not only in the museum of the institute itself, but also in the Museum of Professional Education of the Russian Federation. And how many wonderful clothes, scarves, screens, charming boxes, shawls, interior and design items and much more were exhibited in the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the Council of the Russian Federation, as well as in numerous exhibition halls in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of the country.

During the activity of the institute, the university was able to participate in 300 exhibitions, where folk art products were presented to the audience for consideration. At the same time, 100 exhibitions in which the Moscow branch of the Higher School of Scientific Research participated were held abroad. Residents of the most different countries world - Germany, Poland, Spain, Hungary, Bulgaria, America, Italy and many others.

Thanks to the knowledge gained and the skillful ability to bring ideas to life, specialists who graduate from the institute fit into the cultural life of Russia without any problems, where they successfully continue and develop the traditions of folk applied art.

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