International business and law specialty. Faculty "International Relations": who to work? The global economics specialist

Why is it interesting and relevant?

People have always tried to trade for mutual benefit with neighbors near and far.

Representatives of the Crete-Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations, who developed navigation 5000 years ago, established trade contacts with the civilizations of the Ancient East, can be considered the first predecessors of specialists in the direction of "International Economics". 3000 years ago, caravan and sea trade routes connected Egypt, Greece, Palestine, Assyria, Babylon. In the 2nd century BC, caravans loaded with goods were sent along the Silk Road, customs guarded the borders, roads and bridges were built.

Currently, huge ships plow the oceans, multi-storey loaded with containers of goods. Finance, information, the movement of people and capital have become global. All these are different stages and aspects of the sphere of human activity called "International Economy".

Since we consider Ukraine's entry into the world economy as an important factor in economic recovery, the country really needs specialists who are familiar with the experience of economic operations of economic entities in the field of international trade, financial operations, scientific and technical activities, investment, mediation in the foreign market, who know the order conclusion of foreign economic contracts, theory and practice of international economic ties and international cooperation.


The MNTU program "International Economics" provides training for specialists in international economics of a high professional level for departments for foreign economic activity for private businesses, government agencies, and local governments.

Future specialists in international economics will gain in-depth knowledge of international and financial management, international finance, marketing, problems of international economic development strategies, practical methods management of foreign economic activity.

The educational process is carried out by highly qualified teaching staff who have experience in countries with developed market economies. Teachers from leading higher educational institutions of Kyiv and abroad are involved in the educational process.

During the training, future specialists in international economics will take part in domestic and international scientific and practical seminars and conferences on international economics; the best students are invited to trainings, which are conducted at the enterprises by experienced domestic and foreign consultants. The training of future specialists in international economics involves the study of two foreign languages ​​and advanced computer training.

In the educational process, multimedia technologies are used, practical classes are held with elements of business games, master classes at the invitation of business leaders. Thanks to integration links, students are provided with internship bases at leading enterprises in the industry.

Also, training at MNTU makes it possible to undergo military training and receive the military rank of "Reserve Officer".

What is required for studying in the field of study "International Economics"?

The certificate of the Ukrainian Center for Assessment of the Quality of Education must indicate the relevant subjects.

Training period:

  • 4 years - qualification "Bachelor in International Economics" (on the basis of complete general secondary education);
  • 1.5 years - according to the qualification "Master of International Economics" (for specialists in basic higher education educational and qualification level "bachelor").

Educational goals:

  • Master the basic provisions for understanding the methodology and practical activities in the field of international economics;
  • To prepare future specialists in international business management for effective activity.

The training program complies with the best modern world international standards, with the involvement of the latest techniques. is structured in such a way as to give students comprehensive knowledge of the theoretical and methodological foundations and practical skills and abilities in the field of international economics.

Employment Opportunities for International Economics Graduates

Graduates of MNTU of the direction "International Economics" can hold the relevant positions of a specialist (bachelor) and specialist (master) in:

  • international and investment departments of banks;
  • joint and foreign enterprises;
  • insurance companies;
  • departments of foreign economic activity of domestic, joint and foreign enterprises;
  • economic regulatory bodies at the state and regional levels;
  • foreign representative offices of Ukrainian companies, all forms of ownership.

In all countries, "international economics" is considered the elite in the group of economic specialties. The goal of the program is to teach students a theoretical and analytical understanding of politics and economics in the modern world using modern technologies and ethical thinking in a multicultural environment to resolve international economic problems. Given the complexity of the specialty, most often it is offered by master's departments as a narrow specialization in the field of economics or international relations.

It is usually more difficult to enroll in this prestigious specialty than in other specialties of the economic cycle. Excellent knowledge is required not only in subjects, but also in particular in English language. But the prospects that open up after training will be an excellent compensation for all the efforts spent. What can study in the specialty "international economics" in the Czech Republic give?

Imported knowledge

Imagine that the training course has been completed. And now in the new diploma (perhaps even with honors) the specialty "International Economics" is listed in black and white. However, this does not mean at all that foreign economic activity is the only option for employment of graduates. They received an excellent basic economic education, which will allow them to work in trade, finance, insurance, information, and other areas.

Some graduates will choose private companies, counting on higher income. Others will apply their knowledge in state structures: ministries, departments, embassies. But wherever a young specialist goes, he will have a great start to his career, because for any company a diploma in international economics is a kind of quality mark that allows you to distinguish its owner from the mass of other applicants.

Graduates who have received this specialty are highly rated not only among domestic, but also among foreign employers. And fluency in at least two foreign languages, combined with an extensive knowledge of the global economy, allows students not to limit their career aspirations to the borders of the Fatherland - the doors of many international companies open before them.

Diploma for export

The benefits of studying in the specialty "International Economics" in the Czech Republic:

  • High level professional knowledge;
  • Internship and possible employment in the world's leading export-import companies;
  • Perfect command of the English language;
  • Your diploma will indicate knowledge of at least 2 foreign languages;
  • You will have the opportunity to work in any country in the world;
  • Opportunity to work both in private companies engaged in foreign economic activity, and in the public service in public authorities and local self-government;
  • Opportunity to work as a teacher at a university or school;
  • Opportunity to enroll in graduate school and continue education at any university;
  • Versatility: studying the disciplines of both managerial and financial profiles allows you to find a job in any company, regardless of its field of activity (banks, insurance companies, many of which are part of international groups, customs authorities, manufacturing enterprises, hotels, trade, etc. )
  • In any company, a graduate of the specialty "international economics" will become a highly valued employee (both literally and figuratively) in the field of management, marketing, and finance.

Universities of the Czech Republic, where you can get the specialty "International Economics"

Charles University (Univerzita Karlova v Praze, 1348)

General information about the university:

Today it is the most prestigious and largest educational institution in the Czech Republic and the main state university of the Czech Republic. In accordance with the UNESCO convention, the diploma of Charles University has international recognition.

Total number of students: over 50 thousand.

Charles University is one of the oldest universities in Central Europe. As the name suggests, this university was founded by the Czech King Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor.

At various times, such famous people taught here, the church reformer Jan Hus, as T.G. Masaryk and E. Beneš, the first presidents of Czechoslovakia, physicists Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla. The students of the university were the poet Erich-Maria Rilke, the writers Franz Kafka and Milan Kundera.

Charles University is a member of the Association of European Universities. Today, lecturers from the most famous universities in the world conduct their classes here.

Beginning of classes: September.

Duration of study: bachelor's degree three years, master's degree two years (except medicine, dentistry and pharmacy).

Exams: May-September (depending on the faculty).

Specialty "International Economics and Political Science" at Charles University

The Faculty of Social Sciences is the second and youngest faculty, founded in 1990. Education here is conducted in two languages ​​- Czech and English, so you can study economics at Charles University without knowledge of the Czech language.

In addition to the specialized programs of the faculty (economics, finance, political science, sociology, journalism), there is also a combined master's program (Master's degree) - "International Economics and Politics" (IEPS-International Economic and Political Studies), covering previously acquired knowledge in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics.This course has gained particular popularity not only because of the prestige of universities offering such a versatile program, but also because of the success of graduates in the labor market around the world.

Education in the specialty "International Economics and Political Science" is conducted only in English.

Teaching "International Economics and Politics".

Members of the teaching staff are many Czech scientists, well-known figures in politics, economics and social life. Many courses are based on the problem-based teaching method (Problem Based Learning), so that students can experiment with the material studied in lectures, so UK graduates receive not only solid theoretical knowledge, but also take part in various practical projects.

How to proceed?

Entry requirements.

Application for entrance exams Students who have a bachelor's degree or a confirmation of completion of at least 6 semesters of study at a university can apply for a master's degree.

Applicants of the program "International Economics and Politics" can apply

if you have a bachelor's degree in various fields, that is, it is not necessary to study politics or economics before. Mathematics education is not mandatory, but math and statistics skills are an advantage. Master's students need high level in English.

Prague University of Economics (University of Economics -VŠE, 1953)

General information:

The State Economic University (Higher School of Economics) is the undisputed leader among the universities of economics in the Czech Republic.

VŠE is a member of the prestigious Community of European Management Schools (CEMS), which also includes the London School of Economics, Rotterdam Erasmus University, Copenhagen Business School, Vienna Wirtschaftsuniversitat, Stockholm School of Economics and many others. Membership in this union is granted only to the leading national universities of European countries that train economists and managers.

Number of students: 14 thousand.

The degrees awarded by the University of Economics are recognized in all European countries.

At one time, the President of the Czech Republic, Václav Klaus, was a student at VŠE.

Course duration: two years.

Beginning of training: September.

Employment of graduates. The University Career Center promotes the employment of graduates in well-known international companies such as Nestle, Prokter & Gamble, Automobile Group, Roland, Radiomobil, Unilever, Kommercni banka (the largest commercial bank in the Czech Republic).

The most prestigious areas of study at the Faculty of International Relations:

  • Global Economy and European Integration (Master's), language of instruction is English;
  • International Business - Central European Business Realities (Master's), language of instruction - English;
  • Commercial International Economic Laws (doctoral program), language of instruction - Czech, English;
  • International trade (bachelor's, master's, doctoral studies), language of instruction - Czech, English;
  • Tourism and Regional Development (bachelor's degree), language of instruction - Czech;
  • Enterprises and Law (bachelor's, master's), language of instruction - Czech;
  • International relationships and diplomacy (bachelor's, master's, doctoral studies), the language of instruction is English;
  • European Studies (doctoral studies), language of instruction - Czech, English;
  • European Integration (Master's), language of instruction - Czech;
  • International Politics and Diplomacy (Master's), language of instruction - Czech;
  • International Political Relations (doctoral program), language of instruction - Czech, English.

Of particular interest is the Master's program in the field of economics of globalization and European integration (EGEI, MA EGEI), which is taught in English.

This is an international research program organized by a consortium of nine partner universities, although the training itself takes place annually in only three of them (every year these are new universities).

The choice of place of study takes place according to a pre-planned plan, for example, in 2012/2013, study was structured as follows:


A country


Is there training?

University of Antwerpen

In the second trimester

Universita degli Studi di Bari

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

University of Cantabria

Université Lille 1, Sciences and Technologies

staffordshire university

Great Britain

Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze (University of Economics, Prague)

In the third trimester

Xiamen University

In the first trimester

University of Brasilia


How to proceed?

Requirements for applicants: bachelor's degree (by profile), IETLS 5.0 - 6.0 / TOEFL 550.

Entrance exams(June): distance exam consisting of an essay in English on a given topic in economics + a motivation letter in English.

New York University in Prague (UNYP), 1998

New York University in Prague was founded with the assistance of state university New York, New Paltz University in New York and Empire State College in New York.

The university is recognized as the best private educational institution with teaching in English in Central Europe.

UNYP provides undergraduate, graduate, MBA (Master's of Business Administration) programs in business disciplines, international relations, psychology, communications and mass media, English language and literature, etc.

Most teachers are from English speaking countries.

The university provides training in two undergraduate systems: American and European, so the specialties provided by New York University in Prague are recognized by both Czech and American accreditation institutions.

Bachelor's specialties:

Business administration;

Media and Communication Theory;

International economic relations;


English language and literature.

Master's specialties:

Professional communications and public relations;

Clinical and consultative psychology;

International and commercial law.

The main advantage of the university is that students can choose from several study options:

1) European program accredited in the Czech Republic. The duration of the bachelor's program approved by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic is 3 years.

2) American program. Graduates of the American four-year program receive an American bachelor's degree from Empire State College in New York. The degree is absolutely identical to the one that American students receive at the end of their studies in New York.

3) Double degree program (Czech and American). Students of the American program "International Economic Relations" if they wish, can take the Czech state exams upon completion of their studies. If the exams are passed successfully, students will receive a dual degree: an American degree from Empire State College and a Czech degree from UNYP.

The uniqueness of the American Baccalaureate in International Economic Relations program is in the interactive and dynamic teaching style used by the faculty, which is invited from the US and the EU. University teachers are holders scientific degrees in your area.

Department head:

Trifonova Natalya Viktorovna

Candidate economic sciences, assistant professor

Academic Director of the Master's Program "International Business"

MBA Program Director, MPO Gazprom

Today, the trend towards globalization has led to the maximum possible expansion of the boundaries of the world market, and each company, to one degree or another, depends on international business and management, on the training of specialists capable of solving the management problems of an international company or a Russian company operating in an international environment. Convinced that “Borders open with the key of knowledge and professionalism!”, the staff of the department pays considerable attention to improving the implemented teaching methods and technologies, comparing educational tools with the best examples adopted in leading Russian and foreign universities, while maintaining the best traditions of the international management school of the department. Graduates of the department possess the methodology of analysis and assessment of the strategic position of a company in the international environment, international monetary and financial procedures, technologies for the formation and development of multinational companies, methods for creating and managing strategic alliances and other integrated business structures, the apparatus of modern marketing analysis in global markets, methods for developing a product and pricing strategy in the international market.

Since its foundation, the department has paid special attention to scientific work and training of highly qualified specialists. The main scientific schools of the department:

International strategic management and planning of international economic systems- Trifonova N.V., Kochetkov S.V., Khutieva E.S., Rusinov V.M., Stelmashonok V.L.

Adaptive Practices for International Human Resource Management- Sutyrin F.D., Vardanyan I.V., Borovskaya I.L., Shvetsova O.A., Apakova E.A., Melnikova A.A.

Development of competitive and organizational leadership tools- Sarakhanova N.S., Kuzakova O.A., Serditov V.A., Vostrikova I.Yu.

Functioning of integrated business structures in international business- Pivovarov I.S., Maizel A.I., Rogova I.N.

International taxation and investment and financial solutions- Butukhanov A.V., Kuzakova O.A., Pokrovskaya N.N., Kovaleva A.S., Yakovlev M.M.

Comparative and cross-cultural management- Epstein M.Z., Kablukov V.V., Krylova M.B.

The Department of International Management has been created and is successfully functioning. The purpose of the club "Mezhdunarodnik" is to create a single communication space for representatives of various educational formats in order to exchange research experience and research innovations. Club meetings are attended by representatives of Russian and international business, foreign partners, teachers and students of various training formats and programs.

Textbooks prepared by the department:

For the first time in Russia, the leading teachers of the department wrote and subsequently published a textbook "International Management" . It was the first Russian textbook on this discipline.

IN 2005 the staff of the department presented a textbook "Comparative Management". Further work on it made it possible to create the first textbook in the country for this discipline as well.

IN 2011 4th edition of the textbook "International Management" ("International management») was translated into English.

Also in 2011 the teaching community of the department presented a textbook "Operational Management", published by the publishing house "Peter".

Teachers of the department are actively working on methodological support educational process. Create training programs guidelines, monographs, study guides, workshops. A feature of the department is the functioning on its basis since 2015 case workshop , within which both event and classroom training cases are created.

The Department of International Management actively participates in events with foreign partners within the framework of conferences, round tables, as well as in joint research projects, internships for teachers and students, and foreign lecture programs.

International partner universities of the Department of International Management: Fukui Prefectural University ( Japan), Laurea University of Applied Science ( Finland), Heilbronn University ( Germany), International university of Rome ( Italy), Laappenranta University of Applied Science ( Finland), University Warmia ( Poland).


The high level of professionalism of the staff of the department is confirmed by the career stories of the graduates of the department. The graduates of the department remain dedicated specialists (more than 40 percent of the teachers of the department are its graduates) and professionals in demand in international companies. Alumni-club of the department includes senior and middle managers, as well as specialists from such international companies as: Hengtong Driving School, Yusen Logistics-Rus, NE North East trading GmbH, Werfau Medical Engineering, Kelly Services, Gazprom, Gazprom-neft, Schlumberger, Schneider Electric, Raiffeisen Zentralbank, Google, SAS Institute, NetApp, Microsoft, Kimberly-Clark, Marriott , Diageo, National Instruments, Cisco, Autodesk, Monsanto, SC Johnson, FedEx Express, The Coca-Cola Company , Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy SA, Nestle, Henkel, Melitta, Ursa Euras, KNAUF PETROBOARD, Dredging International, Systra sa.

Organizations- partners(employers):

For more than 10 years, the main organizations-employers are KNAUF PETROBOARD, Gazprom, Gazprom-neft, Schneider Electric, Raiffeisen Zentralbank, Yusen Logistics-Rus,PCP CSKO SberbankCredit Agricole.

Contact Information:

Address: st. Marata, d. 27, room. 514; room 503

If the word "McDonald's" makes you imagine not a hamburger, but a globe, on which the yellow arches of the letters M are scattered ... If you look at the stands of currency exchange offices with more interest than pictures in magazines ...

Average salary: 28,000 rubles per month




entry barrier


If the differences between direct and portfolio investment and between multinational and multinational corporations are important to you…

If you want to solve problems like this:

Coca-Cola, an American manufacturer of soft drinks, sells their concentrate in Russia. However, the Russian government imposes a high import tariff on the import of this product in order to protect Russian producers, and increases the tax on the profits of foreign companies. Tell me what steps Coca-Cola can take to ensure the safety of its assets in Russia...

If all this is so, then you have a direct path - to get an education in the specialty "World Economy"!

The global economy - what is it?

It is called an open economy. By "world economy" they mean a global market system; formation of supply and demand for goods and factors of production that are in international circulation; tools for analysis and programming of the national economy in terms of its interaction with the economies of other countries; trends in the development of financial markets; ways to improve the world economic system, including the activities of economists on the Internet... The world is colorful and multifaceted, and at the same time, each of its "components" interacts with others and obeys the laws of the Great Game - and they tend to change every now and then. So the science of the international economy is taking shape right now, before our very eyes. After all, the understanding that the world economy is not able to function stably without mechanisms of coordination and management common to all states appeared only in the middle of the 20th century! It was then that such influential structures as the United Nations, the World Trade Society, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, etc., arose.

How is it in the song? “On this flying ball, from which you can’t jump, we still got that era, but we won’t cry, friends!” It seems that the planet Earth has become tiny, but at the same time we have huge opportunities. Through the Internet, a girl orders clothes from an English company, and a man orders Japanese car parts. The Belgian Crown Prince Philippe arrives on a working visit to one of the districts of the Moscow region for the presentation of a new workshop of the mining and processing plant (75% of the company's shares are owned by the Belgian company Sibelko). The Russian Association of International Road Carriers chooses the most effective ways competition with foreign carriers. More than 70% of the drugs sold in our pharmacies are produced by foreign - mainly German - pharmaceutical factories. The press is full of advice to Russians on how to survive in a foreign company. The Russian Severstal chooses with whom it is better to merge - with the Indian Mittal Steel or with the British Arcelor. And so on…

The global economy is penetrating into non-material spheres. Take a closer look at modern world famous brands. It's not just logos and company names; each brand becomes a spiritual part of the lifestyle for millions of people - and employees of giant corporations, and those who prefer the product or service of a famous brand to everyone else. Increasingly, the brand organization acts as a sponsor and even inspirer of any cultural and sporting event that attracts many enthusiasts.

So, forward - into the world economy, into the economic world! ..

What are the teachers saying?

Olga Mikhailyuk: Of course, the most interesting and fascinating are the dreams of working in embassies, of business trips abroad, getting to know the history, culture, and traditions of foreign countries that underlie their economic relations. But behind the bright shell is always painstaking work. International trade relations, balances of payments and settlements, global monetary and financial systems, international banking - all this and much more will be thoroughly studied if you choose to study specialty 060600 "World Economy". There is no doubt that the study of the world economy is promising. It covers different levels - from state foreign economic relations to foreign economic activity (FEA) of enterprises. And, like any economic specialty, it provides an opportunity to adapt to work in different areas - in banks, and at commercial enterprises, and in government agencies.

The list of specializations for undergraduates also speaks of this possibility:

  1. International Business.
  2. International economic cooperation.
  3. International monetary and financial relations.
  4. International financial relations.
  5. International stock market.
  6. International real estate market.
  7. International Marketing.
  8. International Management.
  9. Joint venture.
  10. International investment activity. International investments.
  11. Foreign economic activity.
  12. Foreign trade activity.
  13. Economic and legal regulation of foreign economic activity.
  14. Foreign economic activity of enterprises and firms.
  15. World commodity markets.
  16. International trade in services.
  17. International transport operations.
  18. Economics of international tourism.
  19. Marketing and advertising in foreign economic activity.
  20. International environmental activities.
  21. International information business.
  22. International consulting.
  23. Insurance of foreign economic activity.

Lyudmila Boyalskaya, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor: The prospects of the specialty are huge. Russia is integrating into the world economy, the process of globalization cannot be stopped. Knowing the history of the development of world economic relations and the current state of the world markets, you will be able, firstly, to avoid the problem of employment, and secondly, to get an opportunity for internships in other countries. And Russia will be provided with highly qualified personnel in this area.

Where and what do they teach?

The specialty "World Economy" is offered by many Moscow economic universities. The most famous and "deserved" - State Academy Management, MGIMO, International University, MESI, Russian economic academy them. G. V. Plekhanov and Russian University Friendship between nations. The Institute of World Economy, the Institute of World Economy and Informatization and the Institute of International Trade and Law also deserve special attention.

The applicant must have excellent knowledge of mathematics, Russian, literature, a foreign language, social studies and geography. The ability to navigate these school subjects is a guarantee that in the near future you will master the humanitarian and socio-economic, mathematical and natural sciences, as well as general professional and special disciplines.

In the list of subjects studied, some may surprise you - but don't let them surprise you. This is philosophy, cultural studies, National history, Physical Culture, pedagogy, econometrics and concepts modern natural science. The geography of the profession is wide - the set of subjects is also extensive. Think about how to apply it in your work - even if this is not written in job advertisements.

Reread the list of special disciplines. This includes the world economy, international economic relations, international monetary and credit relations, accounting, the basics of auditing, economic analysis. You will study finance, money circulation and credit, the securities market, taxes and taxation, insurance, legal support economy.

In universities you will be introduced to information technology necessary for the future professional field - Statistica ("Statistical forecasting methods in the economy"), Garant, Consultant Plus ("World information resources and network economy”, “Tax systems of foreign countries”, etc.), Project Expert (“Information management”). Of course, there will be more than just lectures. Classes can be held in an original form: master classes, situational role-playing training, business games and trainings ...

The global economics specialist

  • maintain accounting and tax records, generate internal financial statements of the company (including weekly final documents abroad), conclude contracts, represent the interests of the company in customs, tax and other authorities, calculate salaries for subordinates and taxes, engage in personnel policy.
  • maintain bank financial reporting forms, interact with foreign banks, communicate with clients and maintain a database.
  • organize the financing of investment projects, attract investors, conduct financial modeling and analysis, work with debt investment instruments (for example, loans or bonds).
  • conduct work on the economic and technical assessment of enterprises with a view to acquiring them, coordinate the activities of functional domestic and foreign experts and consultants, control the timing and quality of the assessment.

And, of course, it is always worth remembering that a person who is absorbed by the diversity of the world, but who has managed to maintain his individuality in the conditions of globalization, will become a truly global economist!

Who can work with a specialty "world economy"?

    If the specialty is economic, then you can work as an economist, financial analyst, financial director, manager, teacher of economics. Yes, even a simple accountant, since accounting should be part of economic education. Yes, even your own business can be opened if you are well versed in the intricacies of the economy.

    After receiving such a profession as the world economy, you can work in the Ministry of Economy, in the Ministry of Economy at the level of both state and regional. If you know foreign languages, such as English or German or some other, then you can try to get a job in some kind of embassy, ​​as well as in the chambers of commerce and industry. Or if no one takes it, then stay at the university and give it to the new generation that has come, since there are not so many teachers in this profession and the salaries are not meager. But it seems to me that an economist is not in demand now, and a world economist is a different matter, you can get a job in a network of enterprises operating at the global level. And you can go with such a profession to work at McDonald's, as judges, lawyers and prosecutors have already done. There is even an anecdote: After the closure of the McDonald's network, 10,000 lawyers and prosecutors lost their jobs.

    As a rule, graduates with a degree in world economics work in government institutions in departments that correspond to their profile. For example, in the Ministry of Economy, both at the regional level and at the state level. And also in the Chambers of Commerce and Industry, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If knowledge permits foreign language you can work at the embassy.

    In addition, at worst, you can stay at the university and advance science, teach.

    Naturally, with minor changes in additional advanced training, you can work in a company that has an international network, including in a representative office of an international company.

    The main specialty - economist - is in great demand. But you need to think about something else - language or engineering.

    Something like this…

    Here the choice is simply huge, starting with high positions at the state level, the Ministry of Economy or International Relations, and at the regional level, economists are needed in every enterprise.

    As far as I know, if you or someone has graduated and already has a degree in World Economics, then in this case this person can work in his specialty in two places.

    The first place where you can work is the Ministry of Economy.

    The second place, which is better than the first (my opinion), is the embassy.

    But in order to work at the embassy, ​​you need to know several languages, such as English, Russian, and so on.

    Apart from these places, as far as I know, a person cannot work with this specialty.

    Wish you luck.

    It so happened that economic education has become the basis for many positions, and often the main one. Therefore, the specialization of the world economy fits well with the requirements for many jobs advertised as vacant.

    You can work in this specialty, first of all, in positions provided for public service. The qualification requirements for the positions of ministries and departments related to the economy provide for economic education. Therefore, a diploma with the world economy will come in handy.

    What specific institutions?

    • Ministry of Economy and Regional Development (and different regions have their own and the names may vary);
    • departments and departments of statistics.

    You can work in private companies related to exports. At the Foreign Ministry. In joint ventures with foreign companies.

    You can do your own thing in any direction. An entrepreneur and an economist are practically twin brothers.

    If you can’t get a job in your specialty, you can get a second higher or secondary. And the economic will never be superfluous.

    Having a degree in World Economics, in principle, you can work with anyone. If you want to work in your specialty or in a related field, then look at the positions of an economist, manager, accountant, auditor, financier, clerk. I wish you good luck with your employment.

    in the civil service in the embassy, ​​ministry department

    As I understand it, you can work as an economist in any company (at least), or in international companies, or you can go to work in another country (but for this you need to confirm your diploma or clarify whether this university gives an international diploma).

    In general, you can work with many people, only the question is whether they will take you (in this case, the son of your friend)

    It is implied that Can work in the Ministry of Economy, but getting there is not so easy.

    With such a specialty, you can work as an ordinary economist or even a financier, although the profile, of course, implies entering the global market.

    You can also be a logistician in international markets, in international sales / purchase companies.

    As a rule, few economists get a job in their specialty. Usually they go to Euroset, or as a manager in some company. But it seems to me that if you want and be stubborn, then everything will work out =) The main thing is not to give up ...

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