Applied Linguistics. List of employees of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics Theoretical and Applied Linguistics discipline

Applied Linguistics is a direction in linguistics that studies methods of solving practical tasks associated with the use of language. Applied linguistics is a branch of linguistics that studies methods for solving practical problems related to the optimization of language use. Applied linguistics not only relies on the achievements of general linguistic theory, but also influences its development, since special studies are usually required to solve practical problems, which are the main content of applied linguistics. As a scientific discipline, applied linguistics has existed since the 2nd half of the 20th century. Its range is determined by the needs of practice. The main directions of applied linguistics: fixation and storage of speech information - the creation of alphabets and scripts, spelling, practical transcription and transliteration (mainly in relation to place names and proper names), the creation of information languages; transmission of speech information - the theory of translation (mainly scientific and technical), the creation of automatic translation systems; automatic speech recognition and synthesis, the theory of teaching a non-native language, deaf pedagogy (teaching the language of the deaf and dumb) and typhlo-surdopedagogy (teaching the language of the deaf and dumb), the theory of speech intelligibility (to optimize speech transmission over communication channels); automation of intellectual activity related to the use of language - the creation of systems artificial intelligence(automated) information retrieval systems, systems for automatic annotation and abstracting of information; the use of language in medicine - neurolinguistics (speech pathology, aphasia as a means of diagnosing brain damage), etc.; use of language as a means mass communication- language planning (in countries with a multilingual population), language building, language normalization (normative grammars and dictionaries, orthoepy, terminology unification; kthematonymy - trademark research); creation of international artificial languages, field linguistics (description of unstudied languages), the study of the influence of language on human behavior (content analysis, linguistic theory of advertising, propaganda, etc.). Applied Linguistics - Application Activities scientific knowledge about the structure and functioning of the language in non-linguistic scientific disciplines and in various areas of human practical activity, as well as the theoretical understanding of such activities. linguistics linguistics speech-thinking recipient

Tasks and methods. From a functional point of view, applied linguistics can be defined as an academic discipline in which ways to optimize various areas of the functioning of the language system are purposefully studied and developed. The areas of application of linguistic knowledge can be divided according to the functions of the language. Disciplines such as translation theory, machine translation, the theory and practice of teaching native and non-native languages, the theory and practice of information retrieval systems, the creation of information and artificial languages, and coding theory contribute to the optimization of the communicative function. To optimize the social function of language - as part of the communicative one - significant research in the field of sociolinguistics (in particular, the study and justification of language policy), orthography and orthoepy, the theory of influence, political linguistics. The optimization of the epistemological function is facilitated by lexicography (including computer), research in the field of terminology and terminography, corpus and field linguistics. Finally, research on computational linguistics, "linguistic criminology", psycholinguistics, etc. serves the purpose of optimizing cognitive function.

Each specific applied discipline has its own unique set of methods.

Descriptive linguistics is faced with the task of describing the facts of language. In this case, the classification method is in the foreground, i.e. identifying the grid of parameters that allows you to cover all the essential properties of language structures. Theoretical linguistics forms the very idea of ​​which properties of the language are essential and which are not. The conceptual models of language created in theoretical linguistics not only describe the observed facts, but also explain them.

Applied linguistics also uses and classification method, and modeling method. In applied linguistics, the cognitive attitude known as the “engineering approach” is widespread. This attitude puts forward as the main value not the knowledge of “how things really are”, but the decision specific task, in a particular case - the satisfaction of the requirements of the "customer", pursuing their own goals.

A common property of the methods of applied linguistics is the orientation towards the creation of such a model of a given problem area, which displays only those of its properties that are necessary to solve a specific practical problem.

Application models are generally targeted at specific sublanguages ​​rather than the entire language as a whole; they often require a greater degree of formalization; application models use knowledge about the language selectively; applied models do not distinguish between proper linguistic and extralinguistic aspects of the semantics of linguistic expressions; application models do not impose any significant restrictions on the modeling tool.

The main sections and directions of applied linguistics

In the spotlight lexicography there are methods for creating dictionaries. The center of her interest is the ways of organizing a dictionary entry, the structure of dictionaries and the technology of their creation.

Modern lexicography has significantly expanded and strengthened its tools with computer technologies for creating and operating dictionaries. This area of ​​applied linguistics is called computer lexicography.

Subject of study and description terminography is a terminology that correlates in a broad sense with the area of ​​all terms of natural language, and in a narrow sense - with the terms of a particular scientific discipline or a special area of ​​human practical activity. Terminological dictionaries are one of the results of terminography.

Corpus linguistics develops general principles for constructing linguistic data corpora using modern computer technologies. In addition to the actual construction of data corpus, corpus linguistics deals with the creation of computer tools designed to process them. A special case of a data corpus is a corpus of texts. The units of the latter are texts or their rather significant fragments. Among the corpora of texts, "research corpora" and "illustrative corpora" stand out. The former are intended primarily to study various aspects of the functioning of the language system; they are built before any research is done. Illustrative corpora are created after the scientific research: their goal is not so much to reveal new facts as to confirm and substantiate the results already obtained. The second important distinction concerns dynamic (monitor) and static cases. Initially, text corpora were created as static formations, reflecting a certain time slice of the language system. However, a significant part of purely linguistic and not only linguistic tasks require the identification of historical changes in the functioning of linguistic phenomena. For this, a special technology for constructing and operating a dynamic corpus of texts was developed.

under the term " computational linguistics"usually refers to a wide area of ​​using computer tools - programs, computer technologies for organizing and processing data - for modeling the functioning of a language in certain conditions, situations, problem areas, as well as the scope of computer language models in linguistics and related disciplines. To competence computational linguistics includes machine translation.

The term " quantitative linguistics» characterizes an interdisciplinary direction in applied research, in which quantitative or statistical methods of analysis are used as the main tool for studying language and speech. In the spotlight psycholinguistics are the processes of speech formation and perception, as well as language acquisition by the child.

Acting Head of the Department, Ph.D. in Philology, Deputy Director of the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences

From the history of the department

The Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (TiPL) was formed at the Russian State University for the Humanities simultaneously with the faculty of the same name in 1992. From 1992 to November 1999, the department was headed by Alexander Nikolaevich Barulin. In 2000, it was recreated as part of the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian State Humanitarian University as the Department theoretical linguistics. In 2003 it was reorganized into the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. From May 2000 to 2018, the head of the department was Sergey Iosifovich Gindin.

Since the profile of the Department covers almost all the problems of modern linguistics, its work is unthinkable without constant links with linguistic scientific organizations. Therefore, along with full-time teachers, prominent scientists from the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow State University and other linguistic centers have always been involved in its work. At different times, professors N.N. Leontiev, A.Ya. Shaikevich, Doctor of Philology S.V. Kodzasov, E.V. Mayevsky, S.E. Nikitina, N.V. Pertsov, B.S. Schwarzkopf, Candidates of Philological Sciences M.V. Kitaygorodskaya, N.N. Rozanova, Z.M. Chalyapina, Candidate of Medical Sciences Yu.L. Freidin. The tradition of teaching the linguistic foundations of editing was laid at the Department by the greatest expert in editing A.E. Milchin. As a "guest professor" he read a course of lectures on semantics by I.A. Melchuk (Montreal).

From 2000 to 2003 The staff professor of the Department was the outstanding Russian linguist Yuri Semenovich Martemyanov (1930-2003). From 1992 to 2014 Associate Professor, and then Professor of the Department was Irina Anatolyevna Muravyova (1949-2014)

Pedagogical work of the department

The department provides teaching of basic professional disciplines in educational programs Institute of Linguistics and all general linguistic courses in other divisions of the RSUH. At the same time, teachers of the department conduct classes in a wide range of special disciplines and disciplines of specialization in all educational programs of the Institute of Linguistics. On average, for the academic year, the Department provides teaching of 60-70 academic disciplines.

The department is a graduate in the areas of undergraduate studies "Fundamental and Applied Linguistics" and "Linguistics" (profile "Theory and Practice intercultural communication»).

The department is one of the graduates in the direction of the master's program "Linguistics" (profile "Foreign languages")

The Department trains graduate students in the direction of "Linguistics and Literary Studies", "Theory of Language", "Applied and Mathematical Linguistics", and "Russian Language".

For all the courses taught (both for undergraduate and graduate students), the staff of the Department compiled detailed programs, as well as other necessary methodological support. Many curricula of training courses have been published, abstracts of all courses are available on the RSUH website.

Many courses developed by the teachers of the Department are copyrighted and have no analogues in other linguistic institutions of the country. Such, for example, is the course of L.L. Fedorova "History of deciphering ancient writing systems", a series of courses by O.A. Kazakevich on the languages ​​of Siberia. Some of the courses taught by the Department for the first time were subsequently included in the standards (for example, the course by S.I. Gindin "Introduction to General Philology" in the direction of "Philology").

The teachers of the Department published textbooks and study guides actively used in educational process in many other universities in Russia. It was in the course of teaching at the Department that such commonly accepted textbooks as "Introduction to Linguistics" were finalized. AND I. Shaikevich and "Text Editing Methodology" by A.E. Milchin. In 2015, the textbook by L.L. Fedorova "History and theory of writing".

Teachers of the Department are often invited to universities in other countries. So, S.I. Gindin led twice training courses at the universities. G. d'Annunzio in Pescara (Italy), three times at the University of Roma Tre in Rome, lectured at the University of Warsaw and at the University. cardinal st. Vyshinsky in Warsaw. T.V. Bazzina taught a master class on speech impact at the University of Astana (Kazakhstan).

Educational programs in which the department participates


  • "Intellectual systems in the humanitarian sphere", profile "Development and programming of intelligent systems in the humanitarian sphere"
  • "Linguistics", profile "Translation and translation studies"
  • "Linguistics", profile "Theory and practice of intercultural communication"
  • "Philology", profile "Applied Philology (Russian language and intercultural communication)"
  • "Philology", profiles "Foreign Philology" and "Compartivistics"
  • "Fundamental and Applied Linguistics"
  • "Museology and protection of objects cultural heritage”, profile “Exhibition activity”


  • "Translation and Translation Studies" (without specialization)

Master's degree:

  • "Linguistics", profile "Foreign languages"
  • "Philology", profile "Russian language and intercultural communication"
  • "Fundamental and Applied Linguistics", profiles "Theory of Language" and "Computational Linguistics"

Scientific research

Employees of the Department conduct active research work. Strong scientific and scientific-methodical schools have developed at the Department:

  • "Languages ​​of Eurasia: documentation, theory, typology" (supervisor O.A. Kazakevich);
  • "History of Russian Linguistics and Philology" (headed by V.M. Alpatov, S.I. Gindin)
  • “Text ontology, speech stratification and text systems” (supervisor S.I. Gindin).

Within each of these schools, a number of more specific research projects are being developed. So, under the leadership of O.A. Kazakevich and with the active participation of students field expeditions are organized annually to describe the languages ​​of the natives of Siberia and their contacts with the Russian language. The same team creates electronic resources for documentation of endangered languages.

Under the leadership of S.I. Gindin and in close collaboration with Ph.D. O.M. Anshakov (OIS RSUH) conducts research in computer philology, supported three times by three-year grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. In their course, in particular, the network hypertext system GAFIS "Bryusov" was created (its first stage is posted on the website

L.L. Fedorova actively explores the exotic writing systems of Asia and America.

Under the leadership of E.A. Ivanova, work is underway to use linguistic technologies to methodically improve the teaching of the Russian language at school and to provide communication and information support for charitable activities in social and medical care for the elderly, the disabled and seriously ill children.

Under the leadership of T.R. Kobzareva works on automatic parsing for various computer and robotic systems.

The department has permanent scientific seminars “Text, communication, poetics” (headed by S.I. Gindin), “Text and Information Technology”(headed by E.A. Ivanova), “Documentation of endangered languages” (headed by O.A. Kazakevich), “Problems of automatic parsing” (headed by T.Yu. Kobzareva).

The department actively participates in the organization of scientific conferences of the Institute of Linguistics and university-wide conferences of the Russian State Humanitarian University. Employees of the Department are invited to international and all-Russian conferences organized by scientific institutions in our country and abroad.

Scientific publications in which the department participates

Employees of the Department are published in the leading scientific journals Russia and foreign countries, on the pages of authoritative international collections and in collective monographs. The department is the center of publishing activities of the Institute of Linguistics. In particular, S.I. Gindin was the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the RGGU Bulletin series “History. Philology. Culturology. Oriental studies. ”, and N.G. Semyonov - executive secretary of the Moscow Linguistic Journal, which is part of this series. Edited by L.L. Fedorova published the proceedings of the annual conferences of the Institute of Linguistics on the problems of language and communication. With the closest editorial participation of S.I. Gindin and E.A. Ivanova publishes a methodological journal for teachers "Russian Language", published in paper and electronic versions. S.I. Gindin is a member of the editorial boards of the academic journal Izvestia of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Literature and Language Series” and the international magazine “Slavica Revalensia”

List of employees of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics

  • Alpatov Vladimir Mikhailovich - Doctor of Philology, Professor, Corresponding Member Russian Academy Sciences Reads courses "Theoretical Grammar of the Japanese Language", "History of Linguistic Doctrines" E-mail address: [email protected]
  • Bazzina Tatyana Vadimovna – Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor Conducts courses “Psychology of Communication”, “Psycholinguistics”, “Assimilation of the native language”, “Children's speech”, “ Modern Russia in texts: literature, journalism" E-mail address: [email protected]
  • Brovko Ekaterina Leonidovna – Senior Lecturer. He reads the course "Psychology of Communication", conducts seminars on "Introduction to Linguistics" and "Communication Theory". E-mail address: [email protected]
  • Gadiliya Ketevan Tamazovna – Ph.D. in Philology Teaches the courses “Theory of Translation”, “Translation in Conditions of Linguistic and Cultural Remoteness”, “Organization of Translation Projects” E-mail address: [email protected]
  • Zakharova Anna Viktorovna - teacher. Leads the disciplines "Creating content for Internet resources", "Processing audio and video materials", etc. E-mail address: [email protected]
  • Kazakevich Olga Anatolyevna – candidate of philological sciences, associate professor. Reads courses "Small languages ​​of Europe", "Sociolinguistics", "Field linguistics. E-mail address: [email protected]
  • Kobzareva Tatyana Yuryevna – candidate of philological sciences, associate professor. Reads courses "Psycholinguistics", "Syntax", "Semiotics", "Semantics of punctuation marks (in historical and comparative aspects)", "Semiotics of culture" E-mail address:

Language as a complex system can only be described from a certain perspective, taking into account a particular aspect of the object. This perspective, aspect is called the subject of study.

In its most general form, linguistics as a science is divided into two areas: theoretical and applied.

Theoretical linguistics considers language as an object of reality in order to build its model (fix all significant elements, relationships and functions). It is in this form that knowledge of a language can be transferred from one person to another. At the same time, it is important to distinguish between knowledge of a language and knowledge about a language, since in order for a person to learn and know a language, it is enough to live in a society that uses this language. Knowledge of the language allows, up to certain limits, to master a certain language in a society where it is not used.

Applied linguistics studies the possibilities of using knowledge about language in the practice of communication. Applied linguistic disciplines include methods of teaching native and foreign languages, rhetoric, advertising, office work, psychotherapy and psychocorrection, some research in the field of forensic science (for example, a system is being developed that allows you to create an identikit of a person according to the timbre of his voice), engineering linguistics (in particular, developing systems for automatic translation, speech recognition, electronic systems text reading), literary criticism. Literary criticism can be attributed to applied linguistics, since when reading a literary text we rely on language, and when analyzing any aspect of a literary speech work, we rely on knowledge about the language.

The term "applied" can also be considered in another aspect - the aspect of relying on empirical speech material. Here we can note in particular the British "corpus" linguistics (corpus linguistics), which opposes itself to the "sofa" (armchair linguistics). C. Fillmore characterizes this opposition as follows: in the event of a dialogue between the “body” (possessing a sea of ​​facts and constantly busy calculating some empirical patterns) and the “sofa” (lying with his head clasped with eyes closed and occasionally jumping up with a cry of “What an amazing fact!”) linguists, the first, not without reason, says to the second: “Why should I consider that what you say is true?”, And the second to the first - “Why should I consider something, what do you say is of interest?

Form of study: full-time

Training period: 4 years

Qualification at the end of training: Bachelor of Linguistics

Languages ​​studied:

  • English (first compulsory language),
  • French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Italian (the second compulsory language of the student's choice from the 1st year of the 1st semester).
  • third foreign language from the 3rd year
  • Electives in other languages ​​are also possible.

Information about the number of budget places is received before the start of the admission campaign for the current year.

As entrance examinations accepted USE results by disciplines:

  • History
  • Russian language
  • Foreign language (profile exam)

A graduate will be able to perform professional activities in educational, academic, public, political, industrial and research organizations working in the field of intercultural communication in various professional fields (including in the field of processing Russian and foreign texts for production and practical purposes) , in the field of linguistic expertise of sounding speech and written texts in any language for industrial and practical purposes. In addition, the graduate will be able to carry out professional activities in education, training and assessment of the quality of learning outcomes, information retrieval and organizational and managerial activities.

The curriculum provides for the mandatory study of three foreign languages, as well as not only the practical development of the first and second foreign languages, conducting workshops on the culture of speech communication in two foreign languages. Students learn to conduct linguistic analysis of text, study information theory and database management systems, as well as cognitive technologies in applied linguistics. In addition, in the curriculum, students can choose, depending on the individual educational trajectory they build, such disciplines as automated processing of text arrays, information technology in linguistics, theory and practice of machine translation, project management, web design, psycholinguistics, applied methods in linguistics and etc.

IMPORTANT! A student chooses a specific educational trajectory (profile) in the 2nd year (1 semester) of study with further fixation of the chosen profile in the bachelor's degree. The study of special disciplines begins with the 2nd semester of the 2nd year.

For the 1st year, all students are enrolled in a general (basic) program for all profiles of the direction 45.03.02 Linguistics in the field of business and professional communications and information technology.

Academic disciplines (mandatory)

  • Philosophy
  • History
  • Russian history
  • Russian language and culture of speech
  • Ancient languages ​​and cultures
  • Culturology
  • Information technology in linguistics
  • Computer science
  • Mathematical methods in linguistics
  • Cognitive technologies in linguistics
  • Information theory
  • Automated translation systems (including databases)
  • Fundamentals of linguistics
  • Practical course of the first foreign language
  • Practical course of the second foreign language
  • Theory of the first foreign language
  • Fundamentals of the theory of intercultural communication
  • Workshop on intercultural communication (first foreign language)
  • Workshop on intercultural communication (second foreign language)
  • Fundamentals of Management
  • Cross cultural management
  • Fundamentals of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
  • Comparative cultural studies

Disciplines of the student's choice

  • Theory and practice of translation
  • Regional studies of the country of the second language being studied
  • Project management
  • Marketing
  • Fundamentals of information and analytical processing of documents
  • Psycholinguistics
  • Business English course
  • Fundamentals of foreign economic activity
  • Political psychology
  • Globalization and regionalization of the world economy

Modern Encyclopedia

APPLIED LINGUISTICS- a direction in linguistics that studies methods for solving practical problems related to the use of language (teaching, translation, terminological activity, etc.) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

APPLIED LINGUISTICS- (English applied linguistics). A direction in linguistics that deals with the solution of practical problems related to the use of language (machine translation, automation of linguistic research, automatic annotation and abstracting, and ... A new dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of teaching languages)

Applied Linguistics- APPLIED LINGUISTICS, a direction in linguistics that develops methods for solving practical problems related to the use of language (teaching, translation, creation and improvement of scripts, transcription, transliteration, ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

applied linguistics- a direction in linguistics that studies and develops methods for solving practical problems related to the use of the language (teaching, translation, terminological activity, etc.). * * * APPLIED LINGUISTICS APPLIED LINGUISTICS,… … encyclopedic Dictionary

Applied Linguistics- Applied linguistics is a direction in linguistics that develops methods for solving practical problems related to the use of language. Traditional applied tasks in linguistics are: creation and improvement ... ... Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary

Applied Linguistics- a section of linguistics (See Linguistics), which studies methods for solving practical problems related to the optimization of language use. P. l. not only relies on the achievements of the general linguistic theory, but also influences its development itself, ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

applied linguistics- A branch of linguistics that deals with the theory of language, taking into account the possibilities of using it to solve modern practical problems, such as machine translation, etc ... Dictionary of linguistic terms

applied linguistics- a branch of linguistics that develops linguistic theory based on the study of specific modern practical problems, such as machine translation, automatic information search, etc. See also applied linguistics... Explanatory Translation Dictionary

Linguistics- Linguistics ... Wikipedia


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