Working program on "Russian language for foreign citizens". Levels of Russian language proficiency Rki advanced level

The training material of the basic level is presented. Educational texts are adapted and arranged in accordance with the stages of language training. The theoretical part of the manual consists of vocabulary and grammar, verb tables; practical - microtexts, dialogues, exercises, assignments and tests.

Designed for international students studying in institutions higher education The Republic of Belarus.

Read the text and say why you are learning Russian.

Why is it necessary to study foreign languages?

The United Nations (UN) has declared 2008 the Year of Languages. Why? The fact is that the study of foreign languages ​​provides an opportunity to get acquainted with cultures. different peoples, live together, work together.
The Russian language is one of the world languages, the state language in Russia is the fullest of the state languages ​​in the Republic of Belarus, as well as the official working language of various international organizations, such as the UN (United Nations Organization).
The famous Russian writer Ivan Turgenev called his native Russian language “great and mighty”, “hope and support”.

The Russian language is taught not only in Russia and the CIS countries (es-en-ge) (Commonwealth of Independent States), but also in other countries of the world. People study Russian in order to get acquainted with Russian literature, learn the culture and history of the Russian people, in order to get an education in Russia and the CIS countries. Students and schoolchildren, economists and engineers, diplomats and housewives want to know it. The Russian language is studied at universities at various faculties, as well as in Russian language courses. For many students, Russian is a second foreign language.
They say that the 21st century is the century of polyglots. A polyglot is a person who knows many languages. I don't know if I'm a polyglot, but I'm very interested in learning languages. I am interested not only in foreign languages, but also in literature, the life of the people whose language I study.
I think that an educated person should know foreign languages, because knowledge of languages ​​helps to learn more about the life of people in other countries, helps us to understand each other better.

Module 1. LET'S GET TO KNOW!" (introductory phonetic course)
Module 3. “LETTER FROM MINSK (review)
Module 4. "CITIES AND PEOPLE" Prepositional case of nouns with pronouns, adjectives and ordinal numbers
Module 5. "MISCELLANEOUS MEETINGS" Accusative case of nouns with pronouns, adjectives and ordinal numbers
Module 6 Genitive case of nouns with pronouns, adjectives and ordinal numbers
Module 7. "CROSSROADS OF FATE" Dative tense of nouns with pronouns, adjectives and ordinal numbers
Module 8 Instrumental case of nouns with pronouns, adjectives and ordinal numbers
Module 9. "HISTORY AND MODERNITY" Declension of nouns with pronouns, adjectives and ordinal numbers in the singular (generalization)
Declension of nouns with pronouns, adjectives and plural ordinal numbers (generalization)

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1 102 Bulletin of the Moscow State University, 2009, 3. Workshop Workshop GAMES IN RFL LESSONS Azarina L.E. Center for International Education of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov The article deals with some types of gaming tasks aimed at developing communication skills in students of Russian as a foreign language. Keywords: game tasks, communicative games, speech activity, Russian as a foreign language. Game tasks are an important part of the language learning process. In the most general form, linguistic and communicative games are distinguished in the methods of teaching languages. In linguistics, the emphasis is on accuracy, for example, you need to name the correct form of a word, an antonym, etc. The focus of communication games is the successful exchange of information. In this case, the linguistic aspect, although still important, is not an end in itself. Of course, the boundary between these two types of games is very arbitrary, and in order to successfully complete a communicative task, the use of adequate vocabulary and grammar is required. Therefore, when preparing communicative games, it is important to determine in advance what language material will be required and to make sure that students know it. The popularity of gaming tasks in language learning is completely justified. There are several of their key functions. 1. Games help to increase the interest of students in those aspects that may seem boring to them, and thus make the learning process more fruitful. Consolidation of old and acquisition of new speech skills and abilities in game form is more active. 2. The game creates a relaxed, close to the situation of real communication environment in which the communicative potential of students is most fully realized, and thus the language barrier is removed. 3. Many games are a collective form of work. In such games, the volume of speech activity of students is significantly increased. In addition, pair work or choral responses help overcome the fear of making a mistake. 4. During the game, the role of the teacher is mostly the role of an observer. The teacher moves between groups, fixes the mistakes, in order to sort them out later. Thus, the game can be a good diagnostic field for the teacher. Games can be divided into competitive and aimed at cooperation, joint work. When teaching a foreign language, the second type is preferable, since the need for competition and time constraints make it difficult to focus on how to use grammatical forms correctly. The game is based on a certain type of activity: guessing, information exchange, discussion with a compromise solution, etc. A detailed classification of games according to the main activity was proposed by the English teacher Jill Hadfield. She singled out the following types of games: 1) games aimed at obtaining information; 2) puzzle games; 3) search games;

2 Azarina L.E. Games in the lessons of Russian as a foreign language 103 4) games for combination; 5) games to reach a compromise; 6) exchange and collection; 7) combination; 8) placement; 9) cards and playing field; 10) game-problem; 11) puzzle; 12) role play; 13) simulation game and some others. Variety of activities is very important: novelty helps to keep the interest and attention of students. Next, we will look at some types of games in more detail. We will talk mainly about games for the advanced stage of learning, although some of them may well be adapted for any level. Many games are based on the principle of questionnaires, and it is preferable that questionnaires are not in question form, but in the form of unfinished sentences, so that students formulate questions themselves when they exchange information. 1. "Let's learn more about each other" In the first lesson, the acquaintance can be made more interesting if not just by asking students to tell about themselves, but by having them fill out the following types of questionnaires. Complete the sentences My favorite place on Earth I dreamed as a child In the next few weeks I wish I could a) to Russia, I would go (a) Russian language The next stage is the construction of questions to these statements. The teacher can help students by writing questions on the board. The goal of the game is to talk to each person in the group, answer the partner's questions and memorize information about him. At the end of the game, the teacher collects the questionnaires and selectively reads the statements. For example, "This person wrote that he likes to sleep in the afternoon the most." The student's task is to remember who it is. On the initial stage this game may look like this: Last name, first name Date of birth Home address Phone Marital status Profession Nationality Foreign languages ​​Hobbies Only one item is filled in the questionnaire. You need to find the person to whom this data refers, and fill out a questionnaire by asking the appropriate questions.

3 104 Bulletin of the Moscow State University, 2009, 3. Workshop 2. “Life in this city” Using the same kind of questionnaire, it is interesting to discuss the impressions of students received from living in your country during short-term courses in the last lesson. Complete the sentences. Tell us how you feel in Moscow. 1. My first impression in Moscow is 2. When I first came to Moscow, it seemed strange to me that 3. In general, Muscovites 4. Compared to my hometown of Moscow 5. I will definitely advise my friends to visit Moscow 6. If If I knew in advance, I would take it with me to Moscow 7. The most difficult thing for foreigners in Moscow is 8. If I were the mayor of Moscow, I would What questions would you ask your interlocutor if you want to know his opinion? Compare your answers. 3. "Prove or disprove" The following game is also based on the principle of collecting information. The cards that students receive contain all sorts of statements. For example: 1. Most people love sports. The most popular sport is football. 2. People love cats more than dogs. 3. Most people prefer to live outside the city. 4. Everyone read War and Peace. 5. Not a single person in this audience has ever been in the hospital with a broken leg. 6. There is a person in the class who has never swum in the sea. 7. Nobody likes horror movies. The task is to interview all the people in the group, collect enough information to refute or prove each statement, giving arguments. Unlike the previous game, here everyone has a different set of statements, respectively, different questions are assumed. The teacher must ensure that the questions are correct in order to avoid repeated repetition of errors. This game is very convenient to include any grammar task in it. For example, you can work out the degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs by offering such statements: “People think that dogs are kinder than cats”, “One person in the class is taller than his father”, etc. In the games that will be discussed further, the communicative aspect is also combined with the performance of a certain grammatical task. 4. "Psychological consultation" During this game, students learn to give advice and recommendations. Therefore, at the preparation stage, it is necessary to pay attention to the speech constructions and grammar necessary in the game, first of all, the use of aspects in affirmative and negative constructions. The following phrases can serve as an example.

4 Azarina L.E. RFL Lesson Games 105 TIPS AND RECOMMENDATIONS An acquaintance with weight problems came to you for advice. What can you advise him? I advise you to eat less and move more. I recommend that you eat less and move more. Try eating less and moving more. Try to eat less and move more. You should eat less and move more. You need to eat less and move more. I do not advise (do not recommend) you eat sweet and fatty foods. You should not eat sweet and fatty foods. You don't have to eat sweets and fatty foods. You can't eat sweets and fatty foods. Students receive questionnaires with the beginning of phrases that must be completed. Each questionnaire describes a problem: overeating, shopaholism, social phobia, kleptomania, Internet addiction, and others. Overeating I came to you for help because This problem has been around for a year/years Because of this, I am When I see food I usually eat once a day, each meal takes minutes/hours. I especially eat a lot in the morning/afternoon/evening/night. What I love the most is I eat a lot because after eating I (feel)... The audience is divided into groups of 3-4 people. Students take turns talking about their problem, the rest act as counseling psychologists and give advice using pre-worked out constructions. As a written task, you can offer to write a medical history, conclusion and recommendations of a doctor. You can offer another version of this game. For each group, it is necessary to prepare in advance sets of cards describing different problems. For example: “You don’t like your job”, “You want to quit smoking”, “You recently moved to another city where you don’t know anyone and feel lonely”, “You are annoyed that no one in your family helps you with housework”, “You are depressed, but you don’t know why”, “Your friend is very greedy. He never pays for you or gives you gifts." The cards are placed face down in the center of the table. Students take them one by one from the pile and describe the situations indicated in them. Other participants in the game give advice. The "patient" gives his card to the one whose advice he liked the most. Then the next one takes a card from the pile, and so on. The goal of the game is to identify the most competent psychologist. They will be the one who collects more cards. 5. "Try it" The next joke game is also played in groups of 3-4 people. Students receive a list of problematic situations and pictures of various objects: an ax, a fork, a stone, tongs, chewing gum, paper, sunglasses, etc. e. 1. You have a bottle of good wine, but no corkscrew. 2. The kitchen sink is clogged. 3. Your ring has fallen into a pot of boiling water.

5 106 Vestnik TsMO MGU, 2009, 3. Workshop 4. You accidentally threw some very important documents into the fireplace. 5. You can't get into your house because the door is locked and you don't have the keys. 6. A pipe leaks in the bathroom, water drips onto the floor. 7. The neighbor's dog howls at night and disturbs your sleep. 8. You want to give a gift to a girl, but you don't have money. The task is to decide which tool is best for solving a particular problem and why. Invention and fantasy are encouraged. The game will be much more fun if the teacher can bring all these items to class. After the group discussion is over, one person from each group goes to another group to compare different solutions. On the this material you can repeat and work out: a) constructions with the expression of target relationships: “To prevent the water from flowing in the bathroom, you can use chewing gum”; b) instrumental (instrumental) case: “I will open a bottle of wine with a fork, not with an ax”; c) comparative constructions: “A fork is better than an ax because it has teeth”; d) the use of adverbs “too” and “not enough”: “The ax is too big for this”, “The tongs are not long enough”. 6. "What would he do if? .." In this game, you can fix subordinate clauses terms. You need to choose two people from the class who know each other well enough. One of them leaves the audience, and the other is asked questions like: “What do you think your friend would do if he saw a living dinosaur?” Questions can be asked to prepare in advance. After the host has answered all the questions, his friend returns to answer the same questions. Their answers are compared. 7. "Room 101" This is an example of a discussion game. This image is originally from George Orwell's 1984. In the novel, room 101 is a place where people were tortured with their own nightmares. There is an English comic TV show of the same name. The participants of this program talk about the things they dislike the most and want to get rid of. Such things can be sent to room 101, locked up there and left forever. Students are invited to get acquainted with the top list of the most annoying things to humanity, including: mathematics teachers; adults who have read Harry Potter; children with mobile phones; The Beatles; 19 year old girls; men with beards; journalists; rap; televangelism; jellyfish; rats; airports; football; campfire songs; tablet computers. This list is discussed, everyone is invited to express their opinion approximately in the following form: “I agree to send so-and-so to room 101 because” or “I believe that the world should be rid of such-and-such.” Depending on the chosen model, the accusative or genitive case will be actively used in the game. After that, students are invited to supplement this list with new objects and phenomena and argue their dislike for them. Each example is also collectively discussed. If the majority agrees to send the thing under discussion to room 101, we can assume that the world has been spared from it. 8. "Agree or disagree" The next discussion game gives you the opportunity to fill it with any thematic material and discuss a variety of issues. For this game, you need to prepare statements to which students will express their attitude. The space of the classroom is conditionally divided into three parts: “agree”, “disagree”, “partially agree”.

6 Azarina L.E. RFL Lesson Games 107 The teacher reads a statement, for example: “Preschoolers should not be allowed to watch TV” or “Space exploration is a waste of money”. Depending on his decision, the student moves to one or another part of the audience. The resulting groups are then given time to discuss their opinions and make arguments in their favor, and are invited to come forward with these arguments. Depending on the nature of the statements, this game can be very serious or, conversely, funny. During the game, cultural differences of students from different countries may appear. 9. Eyewitnesses This is an example of a search game. The essence of this type of game is that initially each participant owns a piece of information. The goal of the game is to complete one or another task with the help of the maximum amount of information received. This task can be individual or shared by the group. For example, according to the plot of the game, the girl Alice disappeared. Each of the students has seen her at one time or another, as stated in the texts they receive. For example, “Yesterday you saw Alice in the park street. You waved to her. She carried a large bouquet of flowers and walked towards the hospital.” In addition to texts, each participant in the game has a card. The task is to restore the route of the missing girl and determine her whereabouts. 10. “Have we met before?” This game can be called conditionally role-playing. Students get acquainted with the description of the life story of their hero. It is important to remember the dates and places of certain events. Then you need to tell the participants in the game that all of them, for example, are guests at the evening and each of them has the feeling that he has already seen other people somewhere and once. The task is to find out where and when, and for this you need to ask everyone and tell about yourself. All their stories intersect. Someone with someone went to Kindergarten, someone will meet a doctor who treated his tooth. The game can be used to practice different ways of indicating time (“at 5 years old”, “when I was 16”, “two years after that”, etc.), as well as accusative and prepositional cases (“moved to Moscow” , "studied at the theater school"). You can come up with a large number of role-playing games of this type, which are based on the principle of information exchange in order to find a partner, find out this or that fact, solve a problem, etc.

7 108 Bulletin of the Moscow State University, 2009, 3. Workshop Let's get acquainted with another version of this type of game. 11. "What were you like in the past" Students receive cards describing the circumstances of life, character and habits of different people. There must be an even number of people in the group, because each story "in the present" corresponds to a certain "past". Students must find their pairs by telling each other about their hero, but not by name. After the couple is found, the students discuss what changes have taken place in the life of their hero. For example, there is a certain Vasya Vasin. His life is divided into two periods, the 90s and the present. The student who got the role of Vasin in the 90s reads the following story: Vasya Vasin: 1990s You are a student, but studying is not in the foreground for you. You like to lead an active lifestyle, meet friends, visit clubs. You don't want to waste the best years of your life sitting in the library. You are confident that you can pass the exams, especially without preparing for them. You have always succeeded. So why waste time? Life is given to enjoy it! Your friends are very important to you. You rent an apartment with three students from your course and have a lot of fun. You don't care too much about the future. When a person representing Vasya Vasin in the present is found, it will be found that the hero has changed a lot. Vasya Vasin now you lead a rather secluded life, spending most of your time with your family, and almost never go out. You live in a small town and work in an office close to home. Your work seems terribly boring to you, so you devote your free time to study. You study law and attend special courses in the evenings. You want to change your life and find an interesting and promising job. Now you regret that the university did not take their studies seriously enough. In the evenings, you walked and returned home late, and therefore you were often late for morning classes, or even missed them altogether. In your second year, you did not pass the exam and were expelled. If you could turn back time, you would do many things differently. 12. Making up stories A to Z The group receives a piece of paper with the alphabet printed vertically on it. The task is to write sentences that begin, respectively, with these letters. But these should not be separate sentences, but a coherent text with a plot. It is interesting to give such a task if the lesson takes place not in the classroom, but, for example, in the park: "Write what is happening around." Groups can come up with a story themselves, it can be tied to the topic that is being studied at the moment. For example, "Vasya's Day", "Journey to Australia", etc. As a rule, the texts are very funny. In a chain Write the beginning of the story on the board. It should be simple enough. (“It was late in the evening. I was walking along a dark street. It was very scary. Suddenly, someone shouted in a loud voice: “Give me money here!”) One of the students reads what was written aloud and then adds his sentence, logically related to what was written. The next student says his proposal, and so on. You can invite students to prepare their own "beginnings". This game is good because in its process, students listen carefully to each other.

8 Azarina L.E. Games at RFL lessons 109 Silent movies Finally, in conclusion, let's talk about such a variant of the game task as "silent movies". Students watch a short film clip, preferably dialogue, without sound. It is proposed to voice the movie. Students write the dialogue in pairs or in groups, then read their options in roles. The original plays at the end. Communication games should by no means be considered only as a way to entertain students when they are tired, or to entertain them at the last lesson of the semester. This is a full-fledged part of the educational process, no less important than the traditional exercise from the textbook or retelling of the text. Moreover, communication games can be considered the culminating activity in language learning, as this is the area where learners make the most of the acquired knowledge. By creating an opportunity for communication, even if limited by artificial boundaries, communicative games become the link that connects studying proccess and the real world. Literature 1. Hadfield Jill. Elementary Communication Games. Harlow Longman. 2002; Intermediate Communication Games. Harlow Longman. 2002; Advanced Communication Games. Harlow Longman. 1996; Intermediate vocabulary games. Harlow, Essex: Longman Arutyunov A.R., Chebotarev P.G., Muzrukov N.B. Game tasks in the Russian language lessons: A book for the teacher. Moscow: Russian language, Kodotchigova M. A. Role play in teaching culture: Six quick steps for classroom implementation. Internet TESL Journal, 8(7). Retrieved from 4. Lee S. K. Creative games for the language class. Forum, 33(1), 35. Retrieved from GAMES FOR RUSSIAN LANGUAGE LEARNING AND TEACHING Azarina L.E. Center for International Education, Lomonosov Moscow State University The article deals with some types of activities designed to develop essential communicative skills for learners of Russian as a foreign language. Key words: language games, communication games, speaking activities, teaching Russian as a foreign language.

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CONTENTS Foreword...............................................6 Section I PREPOSITIONS AND PREPOSITIONAL CASE CONSTRUCTIONS .................................................................9 genitive case .....................................9

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The Russian language rightfully occupies the place of the most difficult language in the world. Russian speaking students language schools who stubbornly study German, French, English and other languages, probably do not fully understand how complex and extensive the language they already know. Approach to the study of Russian is versatile and with all the attention.

Learn Russian Language

The channel contains detailed materials for learning Russian as a foreign language, which are suitable for beginners in Russian and those who already have basic knowledge. The channel boasts a rich archive of instructional videos with subtitles, which is updated weekly. Videos are provided in the form of a monologue by the presenter or in the form of understandable presentations. These lessons are suitable for those who have just started learning and want to learn Russian slowly. For those who have mastered the basics of the language, there may also be useful materials. The host of the channel actively practices colloquial speech and dialogues.

Lingua Baikal

The channel of the authors of the textbook Russian as a foreign language. Here you can find several informative lectures recorded in the classroom with students and an experienced teacher. Students act as students, during the lecture they answer questions from the teacher and perform pronunciation tasks. For advanced level students. During the lectures, the student will be able to put the correct pronunciation and replenish the vocabulary necessary for a foreigner planning to visit Russia or Belarus.

RFL for everyone

The main emphasis in the submitted material is on the most difficult thing - the grammar of the Russian language, which is presented in illustrations and understandable examples. The authors of the channel try to present the material in such a way that it is understandable to students with different levels of knowledge. Information is conveyed through clear presentations with audio accompaniment. Students will learn numbers, cases, pronouns, adjectives.

Free apps to learn Russian as a foreign language

To make language learning as effective as possible, you should give every free minute to the process of learning or repetition. Mobile apps can help with this.

Mondly: Learn English FREE- a versatile application that trains the skills of writing, speaking, reading and listening. The app will be interesting for both elementary and advanced learners, it will be useful in travel and business. Download application for , for

Learn Russian with Babbel- offers to learn Russian through short lessons designed to qualitatively raise the level of language proficiency of a potential student. It will be useful for beginners and advanced students. The authors of the lessons are experienced teachers and native speakers. Pronunciation training is possible through the speech recognition function. Download application for , for

6000 Words - Learn Russian Language for Free- application created for replenishment vocabulary student, has a rich vocabulary library. For ease of use in the application, the words are divided by difficulty levels and topics, you can listen to a new word. Mini-games have been created to make it easier to remember. Download application for , for

Many often think about how to teach Russian to foreigners. This is no coincidence, because every year the Russian Federation is visited by more and more foreign tourists. Some of them remain in Russia to live. That is why philologists should know how to help a foreigner who wants to learn Russian. You can find some supporting information for learning in our article.

Why do foreigners learn Russian?

Residents of many countries have recently begun to actively study the Russian language. With what it is connected, few know. Surprisingly, US government agencies prefer specialists who know Russian. It is also believed that getting a decent technical education possible in Russia. That is why many foreign students learn Russian.

The role of the Russian Federation in the world economy is growing every year. Some residents of foreign countries learn Russian in order to open up new opportunities for themselves in various fields of activity. In many large companies, its knowledge is mandatory. This is necessary in order to cooperate and negotiate with Russian organizations.

The Russian language also plays an important role in the private life of foreigners. It is known that some of them dream of marrying a Russian girl. Knowledge of the language allows you to maintain a conversation without much difficulty.

The Russian language is extremely important for foreign students. Many of them are educated in Russia. Often they choose medical universities. This is no coincidence, because in many countries a doctor is a prestigious and highly paid profession. On the territory of the Russian Federation, foreign students can not only get a decent medical education, but also significantly save on it, because in some countries it is the most expensive.

Russian language in Germany

The Russian language in Germany is not the language of the national minorities of the European Union. There, in schools, children can choose to study Spanish or French. At universities, students can also learn Polish or Czech.

Several million Russian-speaking residents live in Germany. It is also owned by citizens of the former republics of the USSR. Russian language lessons for foreigners and natives in Germany were opened by our compatriots. You can visit them on weekends. The lessons are designed not only for children from Russian-speaking families, but also for Germans who, for one reason or another, want to learn Russian.

Russian words and phrases that foreigners learn first

In order to understand how to teach Russian to foreigners, you need to find out which words and phrases you need to pay attention to first. Foreigners from all over the world spoke about what, in their opinion, is the most important thing for those who wish to visit Russia. Thanks to the study of this information, a foreigner will not fall into an absurd situation.

Russian language for foreigners is quite difficult to learn. For more it is recommended to use special literature. Best Books described in our article:

  1. The book "The Complete Course of the Russian Language", the author of which is N. L. Peterson, is an initial course of the Russian language. With this book, you can easily learn to read and write. After a thorough study of the book, a foreigner will be able to speak Russian. It will help you get a basic foundation, thanks to which you can improve your knowledge.
  2. Not everyone knows how to teach Russian to foreigners from scratch. When teaching, the illustrated dictionary of Joy Oliver and Alfredo Brazioli "Russian Language" can serve as auxiliary material. It contains over a thousand basic words and about 30 pictures. The illustrations make the material easy to remember.
  3. Another popular Russian language textbook for foreigners - The manual contains a lot of valuable information. There you can find diagrams, illustrations, tables, practical exercises and much more.
  4. The book "Russian language in pictures" is considered one of the most popular and in demand. Its author is Gerkan I.K. Such a textbook of the Russian language for foreigners contains the basic vocabulary, as well as the rules for its declension.

The most complex rules of the Russian language

It is no coincidence that the Russian language seems difficult for foreigners. There are many rules that they cannot understand. Some of them are described in our article. They must be studied by foreign citizens who wish to learn Russian in the first place.

The most difficult thing for a foreigner is the basics of the declension of Russian words. For example: mouth - in the mouth. Many foreign residents cannot immediately understand where the vowel disappears from the middle of the word. That is why, not knowing the basic rules, they most often say: "To the company."

Foreigners also find many letters of the alphabet familiar to us strange. They do not understand why it contains several varieties of the same letter, which differ slightly in sound. These can be attributed e and yo,sh and sch, b and b. The letter "y" also causes a lot of difficulties. It is almost impossible to explain her pronunciation. This also applies to hard and soft signs.

Russian language and its study. A few nuances

Not every experienced teacher knows how to teach Russian to foreigners. The standard curriculum is not suitable for such students. It is important that the teacher is fluent not only in Russian, but also in the one that the foreigner considers native. The first lessons are recommended to be carried out individually. A student can attend group classes only after a couple of months. Such a training scheme will be the most productive.

It is important that a foreigner attend classes at least 3 times a week. The duration of the course, as a rule, is up to 160 teaching hours.

The initial stage of study

Any Russian language program for a foreigner begins with learning the alphabet. It is important to devote enough time to the problematic letters that we described earlier. The next step is the basics of reading. Experienced teachers recommend sticking colored stickers with basic words in the house. This will make them easier to remember.

When a student has mastered the Russian alphabet and reading, teachers begin to study grammar, phonetics and speech development with him. At this stage, a foreigner can give preference to group classes and feel comfortable at the same time.

It is important that the teacher explains to the student what polysemantic words are. He must understand their use in a particular context. It is important that the teacher communicates with a foreigner in Russian as often as possible. All the described tips will allow the student to achieve maximum results in learning as quickly as possible.


Not every foreigner wants to learn a new language with a teacher. Some are trained for self-development. The Russian language tutorial for foreigners is a great option for those who want to learn a new language without anyone's help.

To date, there are a lot of video and audio tutorials. Thanks to them, you can learn the Russian language without much effort and money in a few months. You can engage in such self-development at any time of the day. However, this method also has disadvantages. As a rule, foreigners do not fully understand some rules. In this case, you will need the help of a qualified teacher.

Language classes

Often, foreigners prefer special courses to study the Russian language. They have both positive and negative sides.

The advantages of language courses include:

  • high professional level of teachers;
  • group form of classes;
  • motivation.

Language courses also have disadvantages:

  • high price;
  • time binding.

Every year more and more foreigners choose language courses to study Russian. This method of learning is not suitable for everyone, but is considered one of the most effective.

The opinion of scientists on the importance of learning the Russian language

Scientists often analyze social networks and popular sites. This is necessary in order to understand which language will become the leading one in the future. Experts say that English is still leading. The second place is occupied by the Russian language. It is into these languages ​​that books and various materials are most often translated. Experts believe that it is important to be fluent not only in English, but also in Russian, Spanish, and French. Each modern man should be engaged in the study of leading languages.

Summing up

In our article, you found out how to teach Russian to foreigners. Surprisingly, things that are common to us, such as the alphabet and some phrases, cause bewilderment among foreign citizens. That is why only highly qualified teachers should be engaged in their training. A foreigner can master the Russian language on his own, but for this he will need a lot of time and effort.

(from I to II-III Certification level of Russian as a foreign language)

Purpose of the course- improvement of practical knowledge of the Russian language to the level of free idiomatic use of it, perception and generation of stylistically differentiated speech.

The program includes aspects: phonetics, grammar, conversational practice. The scope and content of the course may vary depending on the specific level of language competence and professional interests of the students.


Tasks: Formation of ideas about the causes and ways to overcome a foreign accent, expanding knowledge about the phonetic basis, orthoepic norms and phono-stylistic possibilities of the Russian language.

  1. Analysis of deviations in the Russian speech of students using data from a comparison of the phonetic systems of their native and Russian languages.
  2. Work on fusion and fluency of pronunciation.
  3. The rhythmic structure of the Russian word, phrase and text.
  4. The connection between the semantic and intonational structure of speech.
  5. Phonostylistic means of the Russian language.
  6. The main features of phonostyles are scientific, information-journalistic, colloquial, artistic.
  7. The practice of expressive and artistic reading of Russian poetry and prose.


Tasks: Improving language competence in the field of grammar and

stylistics, as well as the generation of written text


  1. Syntax of simple and complex sentence. Grammatical means for expressing space, time, conditions, reasons. Synonymy of syntactic constructions.
  2. The use of participles and participles, gerunds and participles; verb types; some pronouns and conjunctions.
  3. The interaction of grammar and vocabulary.
  4. Syntax and style of scientific text.
  5. Functional and stylistic differentiation of the Russian language: colloquial speech, official business style, journalistic style, the language of fiction, scientific style.


Tasks: Achieving an understanding of the sounding and written text in the entire depth of semantic nuances and subtext meanings, developing the skills of structuring, compressing and expanding the text, summarizing and annotating texts of different genres and styles.

Lexical topics with a set of regional subtopics that concretize and reveal the topic under discussion.

Suggested topics:

  • Man and his personal life;
  • Man and society;
  • Man and Politics;
  • Teenager's problems;
  • Science and art;
  • Spiritual life of mankind;
  • Traveling in Russia;
  • Events of the cultural life of Moscow.

Linguistic material: In addition to a variety of educational texts (information and reference, journalistic, artistic), the course uses sound materials, films and videos, visits to theaters and museums are practiced.

In the Advanced Level Program, it is recommended to combine the basic aspects of RFL with special courses, such as: "Russian Literature", "Language of Art", "Russia and the World" etc.

The Advanced level program, subject to training from the I Certification level, is designed for 1100 academic hours (two semesters). Achieving Level II certification requires 720 hours of study (380 for general proficiency and 340 for vocational guidance). At least 280 study hours (including 160 hours in the specialty language) are required to achieve the III Certification level from the II level.

Successful completion of the Advanced level course allows you to achieve high level competence, which allows the student to freely satisfy the needs in a wide range of situations of cultural, educational, scientific and professional spheres of communication.

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