Education system in Russia: features, concept, structure and characteristics. The education system in modern Russia The state education system in pedagogy

Education is the individual culture of a person, which he masters in the process of assimilating social experience, a system of knowledge, skills and abilities. Education involves the assimilation of experience, the development of qualities of behavior, physical and mental development.

Basic principles of modern education

The right to education is one of the leading and inalienable rights of Russian citizens (Article 43 of the Constitution Russian Federation).

Directions of the educational policy of the Russian Federation:

Ensuring state guarantees of the availability of quality education;

Creation of conditions for improving the quality of general education;

Creating conditions for quality improvement vocational education;

Formation of effective economic relations in education;

Providing the education system with highly qualified personnel, their support by the state and society.

Education in the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with the legislation of our country and the norms international law. The right to education is one of the leading and inalienable rights of Russian citizens, provided for by the fundamental law of the country.

It is enshrined in Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation:

1. Everyone has the right to education.

2. The general availability and free of charge of preschool, basic general and secondary vocational education in state or municipal educational organizations and enterprises are guaranteed.

3. Everyone has the right, on a competitive basis, to receive higher education free of charge in a state or municipal educational organization and at an enterprise.

4. Basic general education is compulsory. Parents, or persons replacing them, ensure that children receive basic general education.

5. The Russian Federation establishes federal state educational standards, supports various forms of education and self-education.

The education system is understood as a set of educational standards and programs, a network of educational organizations and governing bodies, as well as a set of principles that determine the functioning of the system.

The main element of the modern education system is an educational organization.

The educational organization is a non-profit organization that carries out as the main (statutory) type of activity in accordance with the goals for which such an organization was created, educational activities.

Secondary vocational education Training of qualified workers Training of mid-level specialists

Higher education bachelor's degree Master's degree, specialty Preparation of scientific teaching staff

The typology of educational organizations is determined by the level of education received and depends on whether educational activity is the main activity of this organization.

Educational organizations

Educational organizations (education is the main activity)

Organizations providing training (education is an additional activity)

Preschool educational organizations

General educational organizations

Professional educational organizations

Educational organizations of higher education

Organizations additional education

Organizations of additional professional education

Scientific organizations

Organizations for orphans and children left without parental care

Organizations providing treatment, rehabilitation and (or) recreation for children

Organizations providing social services

Other legal entities, regardless of their organizational and legal form

Pedagogical psychology:

1. Professional training and personal development of a teacher of a preschool educational organization. Styles of pedagogical communication. Pedagogical tact and empathy .

2. Competence-based component in the professional training of teachers of a preschool educational organization. The main styles of management and communication: authoritarian, democratic, liberal. Communication style of a preschool teacher as an expression of pedagogical tact. The concept and main components of pedagogical tact. Signs and elements of pedagogical tact. Empathy as a professionally significant quality of preschool teachers.

Teacher training

It is no coincidence that the activity of the teacher has become the subject of consideration in educational psychology, it is the starting point for changing the mental qualities of the child in educational organizations. The teacher has many opportunities to influence the future indirectly - through his students.

Successful pedagogical communication and interaction between a teacher and students presupposes that the teacher has the following psychological qualities and abilities:

1. The presence of the need and skills of communication, communicative qualities;

2. The ability of emotional empathy and understanding of people;

3. Flexibility, operational and creative thinking;

4. The ability to feel and maintain feedback in communication;

5. Ability to manage oneself (facial expressions, gestures, mood, mental state, mood, etc.);

7. The ability to predict possible pedagogical situations, the consequences of their influences

8. Good verbal abilities: culture, development of speech, rich vocabulary, correct selection of language means;

9. The ability for pedagogical improvisation, the ability to apply all the variety of means of influence (persuasion, suggestion, infection).

Means of increasing the effectiveness of the impact:

- "adaptations" - a system of techniques (facial, speech, psychological): approval, advice, discontent, hint, request, condemnation, humor, mockery, order, trust, wish, etc.;

- "additions or completions" - adapting one's body to intonation and communication style to another person in order to then adapt his behavior to the goals of the teacher;

Change of methods of verbal influence: transition from complex to simple, from simple to complex;

A sudden change in the way we communicate.

Styles of pedagogical communication

There are the following types of pedagogical communication (according to V. A. Kan-Kalik):

1. Communication based on high professional attitudes of the teacher, his attitude to pedagogical activity in general.

2. Communication based on friendly disposition. It implies a commitment to a common cause.

3. Communication-distance refers to the most common types of pedagogical communication. In this case, the relationship is constantly traced distance in all areas.

4. Communication-intimidation, a negative form of communication, inhumane, revealing the teacher's pedagogical failure.

5. Communication-flirting, characteristic of young teachers striving for popularity.

Models of pedagogical communication

Of the classifications of styles of pedagogical communication developed abroad in recent years, the typology of the professional positions of teachers proposed by M. Talen seems interesting.

1. " Socrates". This is a teacher with a reputation for arguing, discussions, deliberately provoking them in the classroom.

2. "Leader of the group discussion." He considers the main thing in the educational process to be the achievement of agreement between students, assigning himself the role of an intermediary, for whom the search for democratic agreement is more important than the result of the discussion.

3. "Master". The teacher acts as a role model, subject to unconditional copying and, above all, not so much in the educational process. How much in relation to life in general.

4. "General". He avoids any ambiguity, is emphatically demanding, rigidly seeks obedience, because he believes that he is always right in everything, and the student must unquestioningly obey orders. According to the author of the typology, this style is more common than all combined in pedagogical practice.

5. "Manager". A style that has become widespread in radically oriented schools and is associated with an atmosphere of effective class activity, encouraging initiative and independence.

6. "Coach". The atmosphere of communication in the classroom is imbued with the spirit of corporatism. Students in this case similar to the players of one team, where each individually is not important as an individual, but together they can do a lot. The teacher is given the role of inspirer of group efforts, for whom the main thing is the final result, brilliant success - victory.

7. "Guide". The embodied image of a walking encyclopedia: concise, precise, restrained. He knows the answers to all questions in advance, as well as the questions themselves.

M. Talen points to the basis laid down in the typology: the choice of the role by the teacher, based on their own needs, and not the needs of students.

Barriers of pedagogical communication:

Difficulty in communication (in activity) is a state of "failure" subjectively experienced by a person in the implementation of the predicted (planned) communication due to rejection of the communication partner, his actions, misunderstanding of the text (message), misunderstanding of the partner, changes in the communicative situation, one's own mental state, etc. d. Psychologists note the factors of socio-perceptual distortions in the pedagogical process:

- halo effect- the influence of the general impression of another person on the perception and evaluation of private properties and manifestations of his personality;

The effect of inertia is the tendency to preserve the once created idea of ​​a person;

Sequence effect - influence on the perception of the sequence of receipt of information about a person;

The influence of the implicit theory of personality is the consideration of a particular person through the prism of implicit ideas about what a person should be according to the perceiver;

Judgment about another person by analogy with oneself - in most cases, an unconscious transfer to other features of properties, experiences, etc.;

The effect of stereotyping is the imposition on the perception of an individual of a stereotype, a generalized image of a certain class, group, category of people;

The desire for internal consistency is the tendency of perception to "crowd out" all aspects of the image of a perceived person that contradict the "concept" that has developed about him;

The influence of the personality characteristics of the perceiver - the impact on social perception of the level of cognitive complexity of the perceiver, the recipient, the level of his claims, self-esteem, sociability, etc.

The following barriers to pedagogical communication are distinguished:

1. Personal:

Stereotypes of thinking;

Preconceived notion;

Wrong attitude;

Lack of attention and interest;

Disregard for facts;

Barrier of fear;

Barrier of suffering;

Bad mood barrier;

Barrier of contempt;

Barrier of insufficient understanding of the importance of communication;

Speech barrier.

2. Physical:

Physical environment barriers;

Barriers of physical states.

3. Socio-psychological:

Organizational and psychological barriers;

Cognitive-psychological barriers;

Sensory-receptor barriers;

Psychomotor barriers;

psychosocial barriers.



1.1 Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”………………………………………….4

1.2 Principles of construction and development of the education system in Russia..4

1.3 Types and types of educational institutions………………………....5

1.4 Features of the functioning of municipal, state, non-state educational institutions……………….... 7

1.5 Founder of an educational institution…………………………8

1.6 Paid educational services, their regulation………………9

1.7 Innovative educational institutions………………………………….9

1.8 Requirements for the content of education……………………………..10

1.9 General requirements for the organization of the educational process ... ... 11

1.10 Conceptual approaches to the selection and construction of the content of education in a profile school…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

1.11 Organizational issues specialized training based on individual curricula…………………………………………………13

II. EDUCATIONAL LEVELS…………………………………..14

2.1 Characteristics of educational levels established in the Russian Federation ... 14

2.2 Stages of general education…………………………………………16



3.2 Purpose, content and terms of licensing, accreditation of an educational institution………………………………………….18


4.1 Governing bodies of the education system…………………………20

4.2 The system of federal, regional and municipal government education…………………………………………………………..20

4.3 The competence of various levels of management, the procedure for delimiting the competence of educational authorities ... 21

4.4 Responsibility of the educational institution…………………..26





In the life of each of us, much depends on education, namely on its effectiveness and quality. After all, it is on initial stage education, the foundations of intellectual culture, intellectual development are laid, the basics of information and computer literacy are formed, ways of independently obtaining the necessary knowledge are demonstrated, the ability to work creatively with information is formed.

On present stage socio-economic development, the role of education is significantly increasing, which is determined by the tasks of establishing a democratic and rule-of-law state in Russia, a market economy, and the need to be in line with world development trends. Therefore, there is a need to modernize all aspects of the structure of education and all areas of educational activity. Modernization (from English Modern - modern). In our country, just the same, a comprehensive modernization is being carried out, modernizing education with the allocation of the resources required for this and the creation of mechanisms for their effective use.

The purpose of this work is to characterize the modern education system of the Russian Federation, to highlight its features. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: to determine the principles for building and developing the education system in Russia, to characterize educational levels, to study the governing bodies of the education system, to consider social guarantees for the realization of citizens' rights to education.


1.1 Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, adopted in 1992 (substantially amended in 1996), contains the basic principles and provisions on the basis of which the strategy and tactics for implementing the legislatively enshrined ideas for the development of education in Russia are built.

These provisions are addressed simultaneously to society, to the education system itself, to the individual and provide both “external” social and pedagogical conditions the development of the education system, as well as the “internal” proper pedagogical conditions for its full-fledged life.

These include: the humanistic nature of education; priority of universal human values; free development of personality; general accessibility of education; free general education; comprehensive protection of the consumer of education, etc.

Principles of construction and development of the education system in Russia

The law defined the following principles of state policy in the field of education, which determine the development of the education system as a whole:

a) the humanistic nature of education, the priority of universal human values, human life and health, the free development of the individual, the education of citizenship and love for the Motherland;

b) the unity of the federal cultural and educational space; protection by the education system of national cultures and regional cultural traditions in a multinational state;

Throughout Russia, from Kaliningrad to Chukotka, there is one basic curriculum, the invariant (unchanged, mandatory) part of which determines the mandatory set of subjects that all schoolchildren in Russia study, and the state educational standard unifies the content of these subjects. This makes it possible for students, in the event of a change of residence, to study freely in a new school, and makes it possible to unify the requirements for applicants.

At the same time, our country is multinational, its regions have their own cultural traditions. The variable part of the curriculum provides for the possibility of studying the subjects of national and regional components, which make it possible to make training practice-oriented.

c) general accessibility of education, adaptability of the education system to the levels and characteristics of the development and training of students;

The general accessibility of education is ensured by its free of charge, the presence of an extensive network of educational institutions, including in rural areas (which is why economically inefficient small rural schools still exist). The principle of accessibility cannot be implemented without a sufficient number of teaching staff, as well as without the availability of educational literature.

New for our education is the principle of adaptability of the system to the levels of development and training of students. Simply put, it is not the student who must adapt to the educational institution, teachers, but they to him.

d) the secular nature of education in state, municipal educational institutions;

The principle of secular education presupposes the prevention of teaching and propaganda of religion in state and municipal educational institutions. Private schools do not have this restriction.

e) freedom and pluralism in education;

Freedom in education is the freedom to choose the way to get an education, to choose an educational institution. Pluralism is manifested in the diversity of educational institutions (schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, educational centers, etc.), in determining the specialization profile of the senior classes, in conducting elective classes, as well as in the specific content of the regional and school components of the content of education.

f) democratic, state-public nature of education management, autonomy of educational institutions.

Similar information.



    Over the past 20 years, fundamentally new models of education have emerged and developed in the Russian educational space, more flexible and adapted to the needs of the market, more open to the needs of consumers.

    In modern conditions, there is a search for forms and methods that contribute to the formation of a new type of personality, not only knowing, but also able to freely navigate the complex problems of modern society.

    The education system should help the disclosure creativity, the formation of extraordinary thinking, a free personality.


Of course, no one doubts the correctness of this approach to building an education system. But a number of problems arise. Helps in solving problems distance education. What is it? This is learning "at a distance", when the teacher and the student are separated spatially. Naturally, new presentation technologies are applied. teaching materials.

Condition for development distance education were modern achievements in the field of teaching technologies, mass media and communications, the rapid development and widespread use of various technical means.


1. paper-based case technology (teaching aids, called workbooks, which are accompanied by a tutor.)

Tutormaintains telephone, postal and other communications with students, and can also meet directly with students at counseling centers or training centers.

2. television-satellite. It is very expensive and is still little used. Its main drawback is weak interactivity, that is, Feedback.

3.Internet learning, or network technology. Most often, in the process of distance learning, all of the above technologies are used in different proportions.



    - integration all the educating forces of society, the organic unity of the school and other special institutions for the purpose of educating the rising generations;

    - humanization- increased attention to the personality of each child as the highest social value of society, setting the formation of a citizen with high intellectual, moral and physical qualities;

    - differentiation and individualization, creating conditions for the full manifestation and development of the abilities of each student;

    - democratization, creating prerequisites for the development of activity, initiative and creativity of students and teachers, interested interaction between teachers and students, broad public participation in education management.

The implementation of these principles presupposes a change in the very image of the educational system, its content and organizational forms, which is most fully reflected in the project for the development of the national school.


    The main priority areas for the development of primary education in the context of modernization Russian education are improving the quality of education, the formation of a modern system of continuous education.

    When selecting the content of lifelong education in the concept, special attention is paid to those principles that are new, pointing the way to transformation elementary school.


is understood as an affirmation of the basic principles of humanism - respect and a benevolent attitude towards every person, as an exception to coercion and violence against the student's personality.


is considered as giving special importance to the subjects of the humanitarian and artistic and aesthetic cycle (primarily affecting the social and personal development of the child), increasing the share of various creative activities of children, as well as strengthening the humanitarian orientation of the subjects of the natural science and mathematical cycles.


implies the possibility of implementing various conceptual approaches in the content of education, taking into account the development modern science, the needs of society and regional characteristics. At the same time, it is mandatory to maintain an invariant minimum of education, which ensures the right of every child - a citizen of the Russian Federation - to receive preschool and primary education equal to others. This principle is realized through the content of education at different levels, in which the upper level of education significantly exceeds the invariant level of requirements.


is understood as the preservation of the inherent value of each stage of development, the maximum use of the acquisitions of the previous stage of development, ensuring the possibility of a painless transition and successful functioning of the child at the next stage of development.


requires taking into account the abilities and capabilities of the child, the individual pace of his progress. Applied to the education of young children school age this is understood as the creation of favorable conditions for the development of children with both high and low learning ability.


requires the selection of such content of education that will ensure the integrity of the child's perception of the world around him, the awareness of the various connections between its objects and phenomena. And it will also allow reducing the overall teaching load of the child without losing the quality of education.


is understood as creating conditions for the general development of children, the formation of their culture and erudition, as providing each child with the fullest possible (taking into account age features) familiarization with the achievements and development of the culture of modern society. The cultural principle allows each child to form a variety of cognitive interests.


    – system of L.V. Zankov (system of optimal general development);

    - the system of D.B. Elkonin-V.V. Davydov, which have closed educational and methodological kits (hereinafter referred to as TMC);

    – updated traditional system


    "Harmony" (head N.B.Istomina),

    "Primary school of the XXI century" (head N.F. Vinogradova),

    "School of Russia" (head A.A. Pleshakov),

    "Perspective elementary school" (head R.G. Churikova),

    "School 2010–" and others,

They are aimed at implementing the principles of developmental learning and provide an opportunity to work in the system of alternative models, open up ways to apply new information technologies, in which the main reference point is the child, his activity, the prospects for the development of his personality in the information society, as well as the application of A.Z. Rakhimov’s technology of creative development, which is based on the pedagogical ideas of V.V. Davydov.



    The principle of succession

    The principle of creativity

    The principle of differentiation and individualization of education

    Operation principle

    The principle of a holistic view of the world

    The principle of psychological comfort

    The principle of variability


    priority of understanding the text over its reproduction;

    causal, analytical approach to working with text;

    emphasis on one's own reasoned judgment;

    informal, entertaining nature of questions;

    the completeness of the means that form complex skills in working with text;


First-graders who studied at the SCHOOL OF RUSSIA EMC showed the highest level of training in the subjects "Mathematics" and "The world around us."

To ensure the further implementation of the tasks of the concept of modernization of Russian education, to solve the problems facing the education system, as well as for the development of primary school, it is determined the main task of primary education is the implementation of student-centered education in primary school.

Feature of the new elementary school is that it focuses on the formation and development of educational activities in children- the ability to learn, without which it is impossible to build a system of continuous education in the future; development of creativity, self-development, acquisition of leadership qualities.

At the same time, student-centered learning should become the main one.

Building the learning process in this way is fundamental changes the position of the student- the student is responsible for his own mistakes, successes, achievements. He is actively involved in every step of learning - takes learning task, analyzes ways to solve it, puts forward hypotheses, determines the causes of errors, etc.

THE MAIN PURPOSE OF THE INITIAL LINK is to educate primary school children at a qualitatively new level of education, to promote the spiritual and civic development of children in every possible way, and to motivate them to study, learn, and create.


    the principle of activity, where the student "discovers knowledge in the process of his own activity";

    the principle of a holistic view of the world;

    the principle of psychological comfort (creation of a friendly atmosphere in the school);

    the principle of variability (choosing the best option);

    principle of creativity.

    Differentiated teaching is introduced to relieve the burden of students.

The elementary school works according to the traditional system with developing elements in teaching.


another of the basic principles of the modern education system, although well known. The luminaries of pedagogy worked on its justification and comprehensive verification: Ya.A. Comenius, J. Locke, J.J. Russo, I.G. Pestalozzi, A. Diesterweg, K.D. Ushinsky, A.S. Makarenko.

    All over the world children are taught and brought up in harmony with nature. The principle of sustainability is one of the fundamental principles in modern education. For children with mental retardation, separate classes are created with a sparing learning regimen. Competitions and olympiads are held to identify gifted and talented children. Universities already in the middle classes are looking for and often find “their entrant”. But this, of course, is only the beginning.

    Reliance on the principle of conformity to nature is the only way to avoid overloading children with learning, to protect their health, and to prevent the development of a complex of fear of school and hatred for it.




1) the educational nature of education;

2) scientific character of education;

3) conscientiousness of learning;

4) the principle of accessibility;

5) visualization of training;

6) the principle of consciousness and active learning;

7) strength training;

8) individualization of education.


proposes to include in the above system the principle of connection between theory and practice and does not consider it necessary to include the educative nature of teaching as a principle of didactics in the system.


believes that the principle of individualization of learning should not be included in the system of didactic principles, but, like N.A. Sorokin, he introduces into this system the principle of connection between theory and practice and the principle of emotionality of learning.



1) scientific character;

2) accessibility;

3) consciousness and activity;

4) visibility;

5) systematic and consistent;

6) strength;

7) individualization and differentiation.

In modern didactics, the position has been established that the principles of teaching are historically specific and reflect urgent social needs.

Thus, the number of principles arising from the laws of the learning process cannot be constant. It is known that our knowledge is not limited, we can assume that not all of the patterns already discovered are reflected in the formulation of principles, and perhaps over time we will learn about new patterns that require the formulation of new principles.

Influenced by social progress and scientific achievements, as new patterns of learning are revealed, the experience of teachers is accumulated, they are modified and improved. Modern principles determine the requirements for all components of the educational process - logic, goals and objectives, the formation of content, the choice of forms and methods, stimulation, planning and analysis of results.

Modern ICT plays a huge role in improving the quality of training and education, allowing a person to more successfully and quickly adapt to environment Therefore, when teaching using ICT tools, the principle of accessibility plays an important role.


The success of education depends on the desire of the child to learn, on his independent activity.

The wisdom of the desert dwellers says: "You can lead a camel to water, but you cannot make him drink."

This wisdom reflects basic principle of learning- you can create all the necessary conditions and prerequisites for learning, but the knowledge itself can be accomplished only when the student WANTS to learn.

The desire to learn is, first of all, the awareness of the importance of this activity for the whole future life of a person, it is the understanding of the dependence of success, well-being on the quality of acquired knowledge, skills, and abilities. Accordingly, the need for them.

Another wisdom formulated by an ancient Chinese philosopher teaches us: "Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I will remember. Let me do it myself and I will understand."

Such another principle learning - OWN ACTIVITY.

Activity in one or another type of activity is directly related to independence. Hence the priorities that are becoming more and more obvious in world pedagogy.


If the school manages to create conditions for the upbringing of an independently thinking person who is able to solve the problems of vocational guidance and advanced training during his life quite painlessly for himself, who is able to adapt to the rapidly changing socio-economic situation of the information society, then society and each member of this society will realize the importance schools as essential structural element states, is aware of the need for such education.

We are on the threshold of new changes.

Non-state educational institution

additional professional education

"Center for Social and Humanitarian Education"


The modern education system in the Russian Federation

Tyunina Elena Vladimirovna

Program professional retraining

"Education and Pedagogy"

Head: Larionova I.E.

Teacher of the highest category

The work was approved for defense "__" ____ 2015.

Grade: ____________________________

Kazan, 2016



As part of the abstract, the modern education system in the Russian Federation is considered, as well as existing problems and methods for solving them, and an innovative approach to learning is touched upon. This makes this work interesting and relevant.

Object of study: the education system in the Russian Federation

Purpose of the study: based on legislative acts, to analyze the education system of the Russian Federation.

Research objectives:

    To identify the main features of the education system of the Russian Federation;

    Determine the main problems of education in Russia and possible ways to overcome them;

    Consider innovations in the education system of the Russian Federation;

    Formulate, on the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, the principles of educational policy, as well as priority goals and directions for the development of the education system;

In the process of developing this work, the following methods were used: analysis of documents, statistical analysis, system analysis, comparison.

1.1 The education system in the Russian Federation:

The Federal Law "On Education" offers the following definition: "Education is a single purposeful process education and training, which is a socially significant good and is carried out in the interests of a person, family, society and the state, as well as a set of acquired knowledge, skills, values, experience and competence of a certain volume and complexity for the purposes of intellectual, spiritual, moral, creative , physical and (or) professional development of a person, satisfaction of his educational needs and interests. According to the Constitution of our country, every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to free education, regardless of his race and religion.

In accordance with the above Federal Law withThe education system includes the following elements:

1) federal state educational standards and federal state requirements, educational standards, educational programs various kinds, level and (or) direction;

2) organizations engaged in educational activities, teachers, students and parents (legal representatives) of underage students;

3) federal state bodies and state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, carrying out public administration in the field of education, and local self-government bodies exercising management in the field of education, advisory, advisory and other bodies created by them;

4) organizations providing educational activities, assessing the quality of education;

5) associations legal entities, employers and their associations, public associations operating in the field of education.

In the Russian Federation, education is divided into general, vocational, and additional education. It also highlights vocational training, which ensures the possibility of realizing the right to education throughout life (continuing education).

General education and vocational education are implemented by levels. The following levels of general education are established in the Russian Federation:

1) preschool education;

2) primary general education;

3) basic general education;

4) secondary general education.

5. The following levels of vocational education are established in the Russian Federation:

1) secondary vocational education;

2) higher education - bachelor's degree;

3) higher education - specialty, magistracy;

4) higher education - training of highly qualified personnel.

Additional education includes such subtypes as additional education for children and adults and additional vocational education.

1.2 Principles of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education

Education today is one of the means of solving the most important problems not only of society as a whole, but also of individuals. As in any state, in Russia the nature of the education system is determined by the socio-economic and political system, as well as cultural, historical and national characteristics. Society's requirements for education are formulated by a system of principles of state educational policy. Its goal is to create favorable conditions for citizens to exercise their rights to education that meets the needs of the economy and civil society.

Public policyand legal regulation of relations in the field of education are based on the followingprinciples :

1) recognition of the priority of education;

2) ensuring the right of every person to education, inadmissibility of discrimination in the field of education;

3) the humanistic nature of education, the priority of human life and health, the rights and freedoms of the individual, the free development of the individual, the education of mutual respect, diligence, citizenship, patriotism, responsibility, legal culture, respect for nature and the environment, rational nature management;

4) the unity of the educational space on the territory of the Russian Federation, the protection and development of ethno-cultural characteristics and traditions of the peoples of the Russian Federation in a multinational state;

5) creation of favorable conditions for the integration of the education system of the Russian Federation with the education systems of other states on an equal and mutually beneficial basis;

6) the secular nature of education in state, municipal organizations engaged in educational activities;

7) the freedom to choose education according to the inclinations and needs of a person, the creation of conditions for the self-realization of each person, the free development of his abilities, including the provision of the right to choose forms of education, forms of education, an organization that carries out educational activities, the direction of education within the limits provided by the education system, as well as providing teaching staff with freedom in choosing forms of education, methods of education and upbringing;

8) ensuring the right to education throughout life in accordance with the needs of the individual, the adaptability of the education system to the level of training, developmental characteristics, abilities and interests of a person;

9) autonomy of educational organizations, academic rights and freedoms of teachers and students, provided for by this Federal Law, information openness and public reporting of educational organizations;

10) the democratic nature of education management, ensuring the rights of teachers, students, parents (legal representatives) of minor students to participate in management educational organizations;

11) the inadmissibility of restricting or eliminating competition in the field of education;

12) a combination of state and contractual regulation of relations in the field of education.

Every year, as part of ensuring the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of education, the Government of the Russian Federation submits to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation a report on the implementation of state policy in the field of education and publishes it on the official website of the Government of the Russian Federation in the Internet information and telecommunication network.

The fundamental point is the principle of the humanistic nature of education. Accordingly, each child must be recognized as a person, regardless of his social status, level of development, and so on. These general methodological principles should be concretized through organizational-pedagogical and activity-functional principles.

In general, in the modern world, the trends of changing value priorities are becoming more and more obvious. Among the main criteria for assessing the development of society, education occupies a central place. And the refrain highlights the fundamental recognition of the main criterion of educational reforms: the emerging model of education must have mechanisms for dynamic self-development.

Unfortunately, the traditional mass school still retains a non-creative approach to the assimilation of knowledge. Previously, the goal of the secondary school was only to give the student the minimum set of knowledge necessary for a person in everyday life.

However, modern scientists have proven that any student is capable of creative activity. Consequently, the teacher needs to instill in the child the desire and ability to learn, to organize such activities in the classroom that would encourage each student to reveal his creative abilities.

Today, the state in the field of education has a priority goal: to ensure the high quality of Russian education in accordance with the changing demands of the population and promising development tasks Russian society and economy.

At the same time, the main tasks of the state are:

Formation of a flexible, socially accountable system of continuing professional education that develops human potential and meets the current and future needs of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation;

Development of infrastructure and organizational and economic mechanisms that ensure the most equal accessibility of services for preschool, general, additional education for children;

Modernization educational programs in the systems of preschool, general and additional education of children, aimed at achieving the modern quality of educational results and the results of socialization;

Creation of a modern system for assessing the quality of education based on the principles of openness, objectivity, transparency, social and professional participation.

New system education focuses on entering the global educational space. The dominant trend of our time is the integration of national education systems. Today Russia actively participates in many international projects, is involved in the exchange of students, professors and teachers.

The system of relations between the institute of education and religious institutions is being transformed. Theological faculties, Sunday schools are being opened, additional programs are being implemented in secondary schools with the consent of parents and the teaching staff.

Radical changes in the Russian education system affect all its elements and links. So, at the beginning of the new millennium, a project was launched for the state final certification (general state exam) for graduates of grade 9 and a unified state exam for graduates of grade 11. Despite all the disputes and disagreements around the Unified State Examination, it should be noted that this form of the exam brings the Russian education system closer to the European one. In addition, in the case of gaining the required number of points, the USE allows you to enter any university, in some cases without additional entrance exams.

Another key change in the education system of the Russian Federation is the testing of alternatives to state educational institutions (for example, private ones), variable forms of education (gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, specialized classes, etc.). In all links - from kindergartens to universities - in parallel with the system free education there is a fee. The state makes sure that the budgetary financing of educational institutions and projects is transparent, controllable, and that each student's tuition from the budget is paid individually. Attracting investment in education acquires the status of state policy.

In a word, there is a direct connection between education and the political sphere. The activity of educational institutions directly depends on it. The principles of state policy in the field of education are based on constitutional norms, being basic not only for the preparation of legal acts, but also for direct implementation in individual educational institutions.

1.3 Actual problems in the field of education and ways to overcome them

The fate of any state directly depends on the state of the education system. If the state strives for development, the leadership of any country should set the development of literacy and education of the population as a priority goal and task.

The modern education system is going through quite difficult times. The Soviet school is collapsing, European trends are coming to replace it. Sometimes the introduction of innovations occurs on unprepared ground, or innovations are not adapted to the Russian mentality. This often leads to the formation of various kinds of difficulties. Currently, the following problems can be identified in the Russian education system:

    The crisis of the old education system.

    Excessive theoretical orientation of education.

    Lack of proper funding;

    Low level of communication between the stages of education;


Let's consider each of these problems and possible or practical ways to solve them in more detail.

So, when studying the problem of the crisis of the former education system, in higher education, a way out was found in the transition to the bachelor's and master's programs. But secondary schools and vocational schools remained uncovered. The recently passed law on education is designed to solve this problem. Modern society is at a level of development when it is time to move away from learning as memorization of facts. It is necessary to teach children to extract information, understand it and apply it in practice. And this requires colossal work to prepare not only new textbooks for students and manuals for teachers, but also the teaching staff themselves.

The second problem of education in Russia is its excessive theoretical orientation. By educating a theoretical scientist, we create a huge shortage of narrow specialists. Having received a good theoretical background, few people can apply knowledge in practice. Therefore, having got a job, new employees experience a serious adaptation associated with the inability to compare their knowledge with practical activities.

The third problem is typical not only for education - it is insufficient funding. The lack of funds is the reason for the shortage of personnel in the education system as a whole in the country. In addition, in order to keep up with the times, it is necessary to introduce new technologies and upgrade obsolete equipment. At this educational institution funds are not always available. Here, the solution is to attract additional sources of funding, including private ones.

The problem that school graduates begin to feel especially acutely is the low level of communication between the stages of education. So, now, in order to enter a university, parents often hire a tutor to pass the exam, since the level of requirements that were presented at school differ greatly from the level required for studying at a university.

Of course, one cannot ignore such a problem as corruption. Some advertisements for the sale of diplomas about higher education many can be found on the internet. Corruption can also be attributed to monetary extortion at school, bribes for exams (tests), theft of funds from the budget. However, at present, the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation has a practice of a "hot line" where parents can apply in case of unlawful extortions and bribes, and the new laws adopted are designed to toughen the punishment for such phenomena. In addition, classrooms in schools where state examinations are held are equipped with a video surveillance system, which also helps to eliminate the element of corruption during the examination.

In conclusion of this section, one can note such a problem as the decline in the prestige of vocational schools and technical schools. This leads to a shortage of workers in enterprises and in the service sector. To solve this problem, the Government of the Russian Federation is promoting "working" professions, providing certain benefits, social guarantees, as well as increasing the level of wages at factories and other enterprises among such specialists.

1.4 Experimental and innovative activities in education

In the light of the ongoing modernization of education in Russia, the topic of conducting experimental and innovative activities in the field of education is relevant.

Innovations mean the introduction of something new in the goals, content, methods and forms of education and upbringing, the organization of joint activities of the teacher and the student. Innovations do not arise by themselves, but are the result of scientific research, the practical experience of individual teachers and entire teams. In such conditions, the teacher often faces the problem of pedagogical risk. Risk implies the experimental application of some technology that is not widely used in practice, but, nevertheless, in theory, which is promising in terms of learning.

In understanding the essence of these two concepts, there are two main problems of modern pedagogy: the problem of studying, generalizing and disseminating advanced pedagogical experience and the problem of implementing the achievements of innovative teachers. Thus, innovation and pedagogical risk should lie in the plane of combining two interconnected phenomena, usually considered separately, i.e. the result of their synthesis should be new knowledge, allowing the teacher to use innovations in everyday practice, calculating the possible consequences.

In order to determine the main goals and objectives of introducing innovative technologies in the field of education, one should refer to Article 20 of the Federal Law "On Education". This article reads: “Experimental and innovative activities in the field of education are carried out in order to ensure the modernization and development of the education system, taking into account the main directions of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, the implementation of priority areas of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education. Experimental activities are aimed at the development, testing and implementation of new educational technologies<...>. Innovative activity is focused on improving the scientific and pedagogical, educational and methodological, organizational, legal, financial and economic, personnel, logistics support of the education system and is carried out in the form of the implementation of innovative projects and programs by organizations engaged in educational activities and others operating in the field of education organizations and their associations. When implementing an innovative project, programs must ensure the observance of the rights and legitimate interests of participants in educational relations, the provision and receipt of education, the level and quality of which cannot be lower than the requirements established by the federal state educational standard, federal state requirements, educational standard.

Today, there are a huge number of methods, programs and methods that allow you to work with all categories of children, using the latest developments in the technology sector, original exercises, authentic, modern and interesting audio and video materials, as well as interactive learning tools. But the main reason for the invariability of the monotony of the life of an ordinary student is the unwillingness to introduce them.


The supreme laws of the Russian Federation guarantee every citizen of the Russian Federation the right to education. The system of Russian education creates conditions for continuous education through the implementation of basic educational programs and various additional educational programs.

In the modern international world, in order to be successful, one has to adapt to international trends, which naturally leads to all sorts of changes, including in the field of education. Such changes are often the cause of a number of large and small problems. The Law "On Education" is an attempt to solve a number of urgent problems in the modern education system. But for the full development of the nation, it is necessary to take a number of measures in the field of education.

The main goal of education today is to create conditions for the development of the natural qualities of a person. Possession exclusively of a stock of academic knowledge is becoming less and less important indicator of the quality of education. The state is faced with the task of not only bringing the level and system of education closer to international standards, but also making sure that it fully meets the country's needs for qualified specialists and highly educated citizens.

The new education system is oriented towards entering the global educational space. The dominant trend of our time is the free movement of resources, people, ideas across national borders. Today Russia actively participates in many international projects, is involved in the exchange of students, professors and teachers. Traditions and norms of world education freely penetrate our country. The cultural transformation of society is expressed both in globalization, the internationalization of culture, and in the desire to preserve its originality. Television, the Internet as a means of audiovisual communication, popularization of English language erase the boundaries in the cultural space. At the same time, ways of preserving cultural identity are being worked out. The harmonization of these multidirectional tendencies is a condition sustainable development education.

At the conclusion of the study

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