Educational practice bachelor in state and municipal administration. State and municipal administration. Cost estimate for paid services


1.1 Description of the history of development and organizational structure

1.2 Description of the department’s regulatory framework

1.3 Information and communication system of the Department

2.1 Concept, budget formation

2.2 Financial management mechanism in the system government controlled

2.3 System for increasing the efficiency of government bodies





The internship at the Department of Architecture, Land Use and Construction is organized within the framework of an integral educational process and is aimed at preparing students for work in state and municipal government bodies. It is extremely important to consolidate theoretical knowledge in practice. Immerse yourself in the working atmosphere of the department, observe the work, study the documentation, get involved in the process of working with the main specialists of the department, all this helps to create a holistic understanding of the functions, responsibilities, powers of the department and the municipal employee in particular. And also to understand and consider what and how the enterprise budget is formed, its implementation, and how it can be managed.

The purpose of the internship is to gain practical knowledge and professional skills in municipal government bodies.

1. Get acquainted with the structure, functions and powers of the Department of Architecture, Land Use and Construction and the functional responsibilities and powers of some employees.

2. Study and analyze the legal and documentary support regulating the activities of the organization.

3. Consolidate and develop in practice the acquired theoretical knowledge.

4. Acquire the professional qualities of a future specialist in state and municipal administration.

5. Master different kinds, forms and methods of management activities, foundations of management culture.

6. Consider the concept of a budget, its formation; mechanism of financial management in the public administration system; a system for increasing the efficiency of government bodies.

The object of practice is the work of the Department of Architecture, Land Use and Construction.

The subject of practice is the budget, the mechanism of financial management of the organization.

Research methods:

1. Monitoring the work of specialists, document flow, and the process of making management decisions aimed at achieving the assigned tasks.

2. Surveys of specialists in order to obtain additional information about the work, functions, powers of the department, budget formation and financial management mechanisms in the public administration system.

3. Analysis various documents, which determine the formation of the budget and the mechanism of financial management in the public administration system.

Section 1

1.1 Description of development history and organizational structure

The department was created by the city mayor’s decree of 15/16/2000 No. 574 “On amendments to the staffing structure of the city administration”

According to the decision of the Presidium of the Khabarovsk City Council, the Gorkomkhoz issues order No. 184 of December 7, 1934 on the organization of an architectural and planning department under the Gorkomkhoz.

Ivan Ivanovich Shevtsov is appointed head of the APU.

The architectural and planning department was entrusted with the following functions:

· Surveying and planning of the city;

· Issuance of permits for construction sites, architectural design of city buildings, allocation of places for the addition of kiosks according to a standard form developed by the APU, permission to install fences and fencing of construction sites, permission and establishment of color tones for buildings in the city;

· Issuing permits for laying cables and other earthworks related to digging up streets and squares of the city.

The number of APU at the time of creation was 12 people.

Since 1934, the APU has undergone many reorganizations, its structure and functions have changed.

On August 1, 2000, the department was reorganized into the department of architecture, construction and land use of the city administration, which included two departments: the department of architecture and urban planning and the department of control and coordination of construction production, staffing level– 67 people.

Sergey Vasilyevich Sergeychuk is appointed chief architect of the city.

On November 20, 2000, the director of the department, architecture, construction and land use, deputy mayor of the city, Viktor Andreevich Novitsky, took office.

Currently, the department numbers 96 people.

The main tasks of the Department of Architecture, Construction and Land Management:

· Ensuring the development, maintenance and implementation of urban planning and land policies;

· Implementation of the Rules for Development and Land Use, improvement of the Rules;

· Coordination and control over the activities of developers and construction organizations;

· Implementation of the HOA “SSST” program and plans to attract investment in construction;

· Ensuring the development and implementation of urban planning sections of target programs, programs for the socio-economic development of the city. Organization of work on the implementation of housing construction programs in the city; participation in the organization of work on the implementation of programs for the development of engineering, transport and social infrastructure;

· Organization of work on the formation land plots for new construction;

· Preparation of draft administrative documents of the city administration related to the regulation of urban planning relations, selection and provision of land plots for the placement of objects.

· Coordination of geodetic and cartographic activities;

· Preparation and holding of architectural competitions;

· Preparation of source materials for routing engineering and transport communications;

· Coordination of design documentation;

· Monitoring compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on urban planning activities and much more.

The Department of Architecture, Construction and Land Use of the Khabarovsk City Administration is a structural unit of the city administration, which exercises executive functions to implement the powers of the Khabarovsk City District in the field of urban planning activities.

The department is headed by a director who is the deputy mayor of the city.

The structure of the department includes:

· Control and documentation department.

· Accounting and reporting department.

· Department of urban zoning and territorial planning.

· Territorial planning department.

· Department of urban planning surveying.

· Territorial development and trading department.

· Department for maintaining an information system for supporting urban planning activities.

· Department of Geological and Geodetic Service.

· Engineering networks department.

· Department of the architect of the Central region.

· Department of the Architect of the Zheleznodorozhny District.

· Department of Architecture of the Industrial District.

· Department of the architect of the Kirov and Krasnoflotsky districts.

· Department for preparing documents for the provision of land plots.

· Department of the city's chief artist.

· Department for working with enterprises and organizations of the construction complex, which consists of 2 sectors:

· Construction organization sector.

· Sector for issuing construction permits.

· Department for acceptance of objects into operation.

· Land preparation department.

· Department of technical supervision of major repairs of social facilities.

· Department for preparation and verification of technical specifications.

· The composition of enterprises and organizations in the construction and construction industry, the activities of which are coordinated by the Department, is approved by the Mayor of the city upon the proposal of the Director of the Department.

1.2 Description of the department’s regulatory framework

The Department is guided in its activities by the Constitution Russian Federation, Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, Land Code of the Russian Federation, Housing Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Khabarovsk Territory, Khabarovsk City Duma, legal acts of the Mayor of Khabarovsk, these Regulations.

The Charter of the urban district "City of Khabarovsk" (hereinafter referred to as the Charter of the City of Khabarovsk) is the highest regulatory legal act of the urban district "City of Khabarovsk" (hereinafter referred to as the city of Khabarovsk), which, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On General principles of organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation", other federal laws, the Charter of the Khabarovsk Territory, the laws of the Khabarovsk Territory regulate the organization and activities of local self-government, forms of direct implementation by the population of local self-government and participation of the population in the implementation of local self-government, establishes the structure of local government bodies, the powers of elected and other local government bodies, legal regulation of municipal service, economic and financial basis for the implementation of local government, responsibility of local government bodies and their officials.

The charter of the city of Khabarovsk has the greatest legal force in relation to legal acts of local government bodies and officials, and is binding on all organizations located on the territory of the city of Khabarovsk, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, as well as local government bodies and citizens.

The charter consists of chapters, and the chapter in turn consists of articles. Let's look at the main chapters of the Charter.

Chapter 1. General provisions. The first article contains the general provisions of the Charter, its characteristics, and then discusses the founding of the city of Khabarovsk, its status, and coat of arms. Also, international and foreign economic relations of local government bodies and local government bodies with bodies state power and local governments of other municipalities in the Russian Federation.

Chapter 2. Borders and composition of the territory of the city of Khabarovsk. The title of this chapter speaks for itself; it addresses questions about the boundaries of the territory, their changes, and the territory of the city of Khabarovsk itself.

Chapter 3. Issues of local importance. This chapter identifies issues of local importance such as:

1. budget of the city of Khabarovsk;

2. establishment, modification and abolition of local taxes and fees

3. use and disposal of municipal property;

5. participation in the prevention of terrorism and extremism;

6. participation in prevention and mitigation of consequences emergency situations within the boundaries of the city of Khabarovsk;

7. organization of public order protection in the territory of the city of Khabarovsk by the municipal police;

8. organization of security measures environment within the boundaries of the city of Khabarovsk;

9. organization of the provision of publicly available and free initial general, basic general, secondary (full) general education, organization of provision additional education and publicly available free preschool education in the city of Khabarovsk, as well as organizing children’s recreation during the holidays;

10. organization of provision of emergency medical care in the city of Khabarovsk;

11. creating conditions for organizing leisure time and providing residents of the city of Khabarovsk with the services of cultural organizations;

12. preservation, use and popularization of objects cultural heritage(historical and cultural monuments);

13. guardianship and trusteeship;

14. formation and maintenance of the municipal archive;

15. organization of collection, removal, disposal and processing of household and industrial waste;

16. organization of improvement and landscaping of the territory of the city of Khabarovsk,

18. organization of street lighting and installation of signs with street names and house numbers;

19. creation, maintenance and organization of activities of emergency rescue services and (or) emergency rescue units in the territory of the city of Khabarovsk; creating conditions for expanding the market for agricultural products, raw materials and food, promoting the development of small businesses;

20. organization and implementation of activities to work with children and youth in the city of Khabarovsk;

21. calculation of subsidies for the payment of housing and utilities and organization of the provision of subsidies to citizens, etc.

The powers of local governments to resolve issues of local importance are also listed. And the last article is about the exercise by local governments of certain state powers.

Chapter 4. Forms of direct implementation local population local self-government and participation of the population in the implementation of local self-government. This chapter reflects: the rights of citizens to exercise local self-government; priority areas of activity of local governments in the implementation of the rights and freedoms of citizens. Definition and rules for holding a local referendum, municipal elections; voting on the recall of a deputy, the Mayor of Khabarovsk, on issues of changing the boundaries of the city of Khabarovsk, transforming the city of Khabarovsk; public hearing; citizens' appeals to local government bodies; territorial public self-government; meetings and conferences of citizens; lawmaking initiative and citizen survey.

Chapter 5. Local government bodies.

The structure of local government bodies is:

1) representative body of the city district - Khabarovsk City Duma;

2) head of the city district - Mayor of Khabarovsk;

3) local administration (executive and administrative body of the city district) - administration of the city of Khabarovsk

The concept of the city Duma and local administration (executive and administrative body of the city district) is given, the organization of its activities, powers and reasons for their termination, legal acts of the Duma. Functions, powers, duration of these powers and reasons for their termination of the chairman of the city Duma and his deputy, mayor of the city, deputy of the city Duma.

Chapter 6. Municipal service.

This chapter gives the concept of municipal service, outlines the rights and responsibilities of a municipal employee, guarantees for municipal employees, and grounds for termination of municipal service.

Chapter 7. Economic basis of local government. . The city of Khabarovsk may own:

1) property intended to resolve issues of local significance established by federal law.

2) property intended for the implementation of certain state powers transferred to local governments, in cases stipulated by the laws of the Khabarovsk Territory;

3) property intended to support the activities of local government bodies and local government officials, municipal employees, employees of municipal enterprises and institutions in accordance with decisions of the City Duma.

The chapter discusses issues about the management of municipal property, the relationship between local governments and municipal organizations, and the Municipal Order.

Chapter 8. Financial basis of local government. The chapter provides a definition of the local budget, the procedure for its formation, approval, execution and control over its implementation. The concept of income and expenses of the local budget, municipal budget funds, reserve fund.

Let us consider in detail what relates to the local budget’s own revenues:

1) means of self-taxation;

2) income from local taxes and fees;

3) income from regional taxes and fees;

4) income from federal taxes and fees;

5) gratuitous transfers from budgets of other levels, including subsidies to equalize the city’s budgetary provision, other means of financial assistance from budgets of other levels;

6) income from property owned by the city municipally;

7) part of the profit of municipal enterprises remaining after paying taxes and fees and making other obligatory payments, in the amounts established by regulatory legal acts of the City Duma, and part of the income from the provision of paid services by local governments and municipal institutions, remaining after paying taxes and fees;

8) fines, the establishment of which, in accordance with federal law, is within the competence of local government bodies;

9) voluntary donations;

10) other revenues in accordance with federal laws, regional laws and decisions of local government bodies of the city.

Chapter 9. Responsibility of local government bodies and local government officials. The title of this chapter speaks for itself; it examines the responsibility of deputies of the City Duma to the population and the responsibility of local governments and officials to the state.

Chapter 10. The procedure for adoption and amendment of the Charter of the city of Khabarovsk. The procedure for the adoption and entry into force of the Charter, decisions on introducing amendments and additions to the Charter are considered.

Chapter 11. Final and transitional provisions. This chapter defines the dates for the entry into force of the Charter and its individual clauses and articles.

Thus, the Charter of the City of Khabarovsk addresses issues about the city of Khabarovsk, its foundation, borders, and coat of arms. Issues of local significance and forms of direct implementation by the local population of local self-government and participation of the population in the implementation of local self-government. The concepts of local government bodies and municipal services are given, their powers, functions, and responsibilities are revealed.

Another equally important document is the Regulations on the Department of Architecture, Construction and Land Use of the Khabarovsk City Administration.

The regulation consists of several sections:

1. General Provisions. It discusses the general provisions of the department.

2. Functions of the department. I will not describe each of them in detail, but will highlight the main ones. Coordination and interaction of construction organizations, developers, construction industry enterprises and building materials. Design organizations, regardless of their form of ownership; Participation in the organization and conduct of contract competitions for the construction and major repairs of facilities financed from the city budget, including competitions for the purchase of materials, equipment and furniture; Exercising control over construction and the organizational and legal order at construction sites, reconstruction, major repairs and individual housing construction, the construction of which does not require a state examination of design documentation and is not subject to the powers of state construction supervision; Ensuring the preparation, adjustment, coordination and approval of documentation on the territorial planning of the city and documentation on territorial planning, land use and development rules; Local standards for urban planning and other regulatory legal acts; Work on monumental, architectural, artistic and decorative design of the city, design, landscape design; formation of a database in electronic form of all adopted resolutions, recording of land lease agreements; Maintaining an archive fund in all areas of the department’s activities.

3. Department rights. The title of the section speaks for itself. The rights that department employees have are presented. Such as - obtaining, within its competence, information necessary to perform the tasks assigned to it from enterprises and organizations; participation in the consideration and discussion of issues in the field of urban planning, representation of the city administration in judicial bodies on urban planning issues.

4. Responsibility of department employees. Employees of the Department bear disciplinary liability for failure to perform or improper performance of their duties in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, the Code of the Khabarovsk Territory on State and Municipal Service. The Charter of the urban district "City of Khabarovsk", the Regulations on municipal service in the city of Khabarovsk and these Regulations.

5. Structure and management of the department. The position, structure and staffing of the Department are approved by the Mayor of Khabarovsk. The Department is headed by a director, who is the Deputy Mayor of the city, who is appointed by order of the Mayor of the city, reports directly to him and manages the activities of the Department. Its structure includes many departments that perform various functions.

6. Reorganization or termination of the Department's activities. Reorganization or termination of the Department's activities is carried out in accordance with the established procedure.

Thus, the Regulations on the Department of Architecture, Construction and Land Use of the Khabarovsk City Administration reflect the main functions, rights and responsibilities of the Department.

1.3 Information and communication system Department

The information system is maintained by local government bodies of the city district municipal district. The information system can be automated. The information contained in the information system is open and publicly available, with the exception of information classified in accordance with federal laws as restricted access. The provision of information contained in the information system is carried out on the basis of a request from a government body or local government body. An individual or legal entity interested in obtaining information from the information system.

Technologies and software, linguistic, legal and organizational means of maintaining an automated information system must ensure:

Exchange of documented information contained in the information system and information contained in the automated system for maintaining the state land cadastre, as well as materials and data contained in the state cartographic and geodetic fund of the Russian Federation;

Search for information by address of a capital construction project, coordinates of a land plot. Cadastral number of the land plot, name and details of the document;

Storage, provision of backup and protection of information contained in the information system;

Updating information. Contained in the information system. By registering and accounting for new documents, as well as transferring to archival storage mode documents that are duly declared invalid;

Preparation of analytical reports at the request of interested parties;

Maintaining a log of operations performed by information system information.

Employees of the Department interact, within their competence, with territorial government bodies of the Russian Federation, government bodies of the Khabarovsk Territory, structural divisions of the Khabarovsk city administration, legal entities and individuals. Conduct meetings, correspond and speak in the media on issues within the competence of the department. Request and receive information and materials from committees, departments, departments and services of the city administration and organizations.

Section 2

2.1 Concept, budget formation

The city administration is financed from funds provided in the local budget as a separate line in accordance with the classification of budget expenditures of the Russian Federation.

The economic basis of local self-government consists of municipal property, local finances, property owned by the state and transferred to the management of local governments, as well as, in accordance with the law, other property that serves to meet the needs of the population of the city of Khabarovsk.

Local budget is a form of formation and expenditure of funds intended to provide tasks and functions within the jurisdiction of local self-government.

The local budget is independent. The independence of the budget is ensured by the presence of its own sources of income and the right of the City Duma to determine the directions and procedure for their use and expenditure.

The local budget is approved in the form of a decision of the City Duma on the local budget for the next financial year. The development of the local budget and its implementation is carried out by the city administration.

The City Duma reviews and approves the report on the execution of the local budget.

Local governments manage city funds within the framework of the local budget approved by the City Duma.

Servicing the local budget, managing local budget funds, as well as exercising other budget powers in accordance with the budget legislation of the Russian Federation is carried out by the financial authority of the city of Khabarovsk. The financial body includes the municipal treasury.

The implementation of budgetary rights by the City Duma and the city administration is carried out within the framework of the budget system, budget structure and budget process in the city of Khabarovsk.

The budget system, budget structure and budget process in the city of Khabarovsk, at the proposal of the city administration, are approved by the City Duma and reflect the procedure for drawing up, reviewing, approving and executing the local budget.

Local budget revenues are generated through:

1) income from local taxes, income from deductions from federal and regional taxes and fees, as well as income from the collection of penalties and fines;

2) income from the use of municipal property after paying taxes and fees provided for by the legislation on taxes and fees, including income from paying part of the profits of municipal

enterprises remaining after paying taxes and fees and making other obligatory payments;

3) income from the sale or other alienation of municipal property for compensation;

4) income from paid services provided by municipal institutions after payment of taxes and fees provided for by the legislation on taxes and fees;

5) payments from the use of natural resources and other income in accordance with current legislation;

6) state duty, with the exception of state duty included in income federal budget;

7) gratuitous transfers from individuals and legal entities;

8) income in the form of financial assistance received from budgets of other levels;

9) allocations to finance the implementation of certain state powers transferred to local government bodies, to finance the implementation by local government bodies of federal laws and laws of the Khabarovsk Territory, to compensate for additional expenses arising as a result of decisions made by government bodies, leading to an increase in budget expenditures or a decrease budget revenues of the local budget;

10) other non-tax income in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, Khabarovsk Territory and regulatory legal acts of local government bodies.

Local budget revenues additionally received during budget execution, as well as the amount of excess revenues over expenses resulting from excess revenues or savings in expenses, are not subject to withdrawal. The direction of use of these funds is determined by the City Duma.

Local taxes, fees, as well as benefits for taxes and fees credited to the local budget are established by the City Duma within the limits of current legislation.

Draft decisions on preferential taxation are considered if there is an opinion from the city commission on preferential taxation.

The regulations and composition of the preferential tax commission are approved by the City Duma.

Draft decisions on benefits for the next financial year must indicate the intended use by taxpayers of funds released as a result of the provision of benefits.

The population of the city directly through a local referendum, as well as the city Duma, taking into account the opinion of the population, may provide for a one-time voluntary contribution by city residents of funds to finance issues of local importance.

The City Duma has the right to form, in accordance with federal regulatory legal acts, as part of the local budget, targeted budget funds at the expense of income for special purposes or in the order of targeted deductions from specific types of income or other revenues and used according to a separate estimate.

A reserve fund is formed as part of the local budget to finance unforeseen expenses, including emergency restoration work to eliminate the consequences of natural disasters and other emergencies. The procedure for spending the reserve fund is established by a regulatory legal act of the City Duma.

The procedure for consideration and approval of the local budget is established by the City Duma in accordance with current legislation.

The draft local budget is submitted to City Duma mayor of the city.

The approved local budget and the report on its execution are subject to official publication.

If the local budget is not approved by the City Duma before the start of the financial year, monthly financing of expenses is carried out by order of the mayor of the city in an amount of no more than 1/12 of the part - based on the month of allocations of the previous year for the relevant sections of the functional and departmental classification of local budget expenses.

The Department is financed from the budget of the city of Khabarovsk on the basis of an estimate of income and expenses approved by the decision of the Khabarovsk City Duma. To implement the budget of income and expenses, the Department has personal treasury accounts.

2.2 The mechanism of financial management in the public administration system

Let's consider the mechanism of budget formation using the example of a progress report for 2007.

The Department of Architecture, in accordance with the resolution of the Mayor of Khabarovsk dated 03/07/2007 No. 282 “On approval of the task to save city budget expenses for 2007”, has been assigned a task in the total amount of 47,063.0 thousand rubles, including:

· To save expenses of the management apparatus -2963.0 thousand rubles

· For the mobilization of revenues to the city budget -44100.0 thousand rubles

· Main task -40600.0 thousand rubles

· Additional task-3500.0 thousand rubles

Actual implementation amounted to 61,036.0 thousand rubles, including:

· To save expenses of the management apparatus -3318.0 thousand rubles

· For the mobilization of revenues to the city budget -57718.0 thousand rubles.

Cost estimate for maintaining the Department's apparatus

Approved according to the estimate - 45799.0 thousand rubles.

Funded -44692.0 thousand rubles.

Actual expenses -45185.0 thousand rubles.

Estimate execution percentage – 97.6

Underfunding -2.4% (savings)

The average number of municipal employees is 106 people. Savings in connection with payment to employees for temporary disability (b\sheets) - 812.5 thousand rubles, due to vacancies 540.0 thousand rubles (dismissal from position), as well as due to a decrease in the allowance for specialists for the position, tension and high achievements in work in the amount of 54.5 thousand rubles.

At the same time, compensation was paid upon dismissal of employees for unused vacation in the amount of 175.0 thousand rubles. Which is not included in the cost estimate.

Increase in expenses for the purchase of paper and cartridges by 154.0 thousand rubles due to the increased volume of work due to the introduction of an information system for supporting urban planning activities.

Paid services

Execution of income estimates for paid services:

The planned target for the provision of additional paid services for 2007 for the Department of Architecture was set by the city administration in the amount of 7460.0 thousand rubles. Including, the main task is 5460.0 thousand rubles and the additional task is 2.0 million rubles. In fact, the volume of paid services amounted to 6972.3 thousand rubles (127.7% compared to 2006). Fact in the conditions of 2006 – 5040.2 thousand rubles.

For 2007, the Department of Architecture transferred taxes to the budget in the amount of 2,567,616 rubles, of which:

· Value added tax - 895581 rubles

· Income tax - 1,672,035 rubles.

Funds were transferred to the treasury settlement account for the maintenance of the management apparatus due to the paid services provided in the amount of 1040.0 thousand rubles.

Cost estimate for paid services:

Approved according to the estimate - 1134.0 thousand rubles.

Funded -1040.0 thousand rubles.

Actual expenses -1040.0 thousand rubles.

Cost estimate for the section “Informatics and Communications”

Approved according to the estimate -900.0 thousand rubles.

Funded -899.0 thousand rubles.

Actual expenses -899.0 thousand rubles.

The estimate was fulfilled 100%.

Cost estimates for land management and land use activities

Approved according to estimate -9026.0 thousand rubles

Funded -9026.0 thousand rubles

Cash expenses -9026.0 thousand rubles

Actual expenses -9047.0 thousand rubles

The estimate was fulfilled 100%.

Cost estimates for activities in the field of urban planning activities

Approved according to the estimate - 8450.0 thousand rubles.

Funded -8383.0 thousand rubles.

Actual expenses -8383.0 thousand rubles.

The estimate was fulfilled 100%.

2.3 System for increasing the efficiency of government bodies

The system of increasing the efficiency of the activities of state management bodies is of great concern to the Government of the Russian Federation, here is what Chairman of the Government Fradkov thinks about it

The concept of increasing the efficiency of interbudgetary relations and the quality of management of state and municipal finances in the Russian Federation in 2006 - 2008

I. Main provisions and purpose of the Concept

This Concept has been prepared taking into account the results of the implementation of the Program for the Development of Budgetary Federalism in the Russian Federation for the period until 2005, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 15, 2001 No. 584.

The purpose of the Concept is to increase the efficiency of the activities of state authorities of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in the implementation of their powers, as well as the quality of management of state and municipal finances at all levels of the budget system, aimed at most fully satisfying the demand of citizens for budget services, taking into account objective differences in the needs of the population and features of the socio-economic development of territories.

II. Objectives of increasing the efficiency of interbudgetary relations and the quality of management of state and municipal finances in 2006 - 2008

This Concept defines the following main objectives:

· strengthening the financial independence of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

· creating incentives to increase revenues to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets;

· creating incentives to improve the quality of state and municipal financial management;

· increasing the transparency of regional and municipal finances;

· providing methodological and consulting assistance to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in order to improve the efficiency and quality of state and municipal finance management, as well as to implement local government reform.

1. Strengthening the financial independence of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

As part of solving the problem of strengthening the financial independence of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to ensure the stability of tax legislation and interbudgetary relations in the Russian Federation in order to implement reliable and objective medium-term budget planning.

Currently, the Budget Code of the Russian Federation provides for a number of norms that ensure the stability of regional and municipal finances. These, in particular, include the delimitation of revenues to budgets of different levels from federal taxes and fees and the need to amend legislation, including the budget law, in the event of changes in spending obligations during the year. In addition, it has been established that the predictability of the volume of the Federal Fund for Financial Support of the Subjects of the Russian Federation for the next financial year is achieved by indexing the volume of the Fund in the current financial year by the inflation rate predicted for the next financial year (consumer price index).

However, these measures seem insufficient, especially in the context of the transition to medium-term financial planning of budgets at all levels, which requires certainty not only for the next financial year, but also for a longer period.

In this regard, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of introducing changes at the federal level to budget and tax legislation in terms of taxes and fees credited to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets, leading to a decrease in the tax base, as well as changes in the expenditure obligations of regional budgets without corresponding compensation from the federal budget.

It is necessary to legislatively establish time limits for the adoption of federal laws on amendments to the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees that come into force from the next financial year. Such federal laws must be adopted no later than 1 month before the date of submission of the draft federal law on the federal budget for the next financial year to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

In order to expand the independence and increase the responsibility of public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in the field of budget planning and management, it is necessary to clarify the composition of the budget classification by moving to legislative approval of groups and subgroups of classification of budget revenues and sources of financing that are uniform for all budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation budget deficit, sections and subsections of the classification of expenditures, groups and items of operations of the general government sector, as well as set a deadline for making changes to the budget classification.

At the same time, to ensure the unity of budget accounting and reporting, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation should be given the right to approve a single list of items and subitems of budget revenues and operations of the general government sector for all budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation, as well as a list and codes of target items and types of expenses, including including the financial support of which is fully or partially provided through interbudgetary transfers.

State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments should have the right to independently, within the framework of a unified methodology, detail the budget classification in accordance with the specifics and needs of each budget.

It is necessary to establish a strict procedure for making changes to the principles of the formation and distribution of interbudgetary transfers, providing an exhaustive list of circumstances in the event of which the approaches to the distribution of these funds can be clarified, such as changes in tax legislation and delimitation of powers.

In the context of the transition to three-year budget planning, it is necessary to carry out calculations of interbudgetary transfers provided to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the medium term.

During the reform of interbudgetary relations, the structure of interbudgetary transfers provided from the federal budget was determined. In addition to the main form of providing financial assistance to regions at the expense of the Federal Fund for Financial Support of Subjects of the Russian Federation, which has been in force since 1994, the following forms of providing interbudgetary transfers have been created:

· Federal Compensation Fund - for financial support of federal powers delegated for execution to the regional level of the budget system;

· Fund for the Reform of Regional and Municipal Finance (until 2005 - Fund for the Reform of Regional Finance) - to stimulate the efforts of government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in the field of improving the quality of management of regional and municipal finances;

· Federal Fund for Co-financing of Social Expenditures - to support regions in the provision of socially significant budget services;

· Federal Fund regional development- to provide financial assistance for the development of social and engineering infrastructure;

· budget loans to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - to finance temporary cash gaps that arise during their execution.

The formation and distribution of these sources of interbudgetary transfers is mainly formalized, interconnected and regulated by regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.

However, in the context of changes in the tax system and the transfer of expenditure obligations from one level of the budget system to another, the use of interbudgetary transfers in the form of grants and subsidies has expanded, which go beyond the established system of interbudgetary relations. In addition, the distribution of these grants and subsidies is carried out outside of a formalized framework without linking with the current financial assistance provided within the framework of the main forms of interbudgetary transfers, and also without taking into account the level of budgetary security of the regions, which significantly reduces the effect of the provision of interbudgetary transfers in general.

It becomes obvious that there is a need to systematize the provided interbudgetary transfers, including strict adherence to the principle according to which the distribution of financial assistance should be made taking into account the level of budgetary security of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Particular attention should be paid to improving the mechanisms for distributing investment financial assistance to the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation provided from the federal budget. Currently, investment financial assistance is provided both within the framework of the non-programme part of the Federal Targeted Investment Program and a number of federal target programs, and within the framework of the Federal Regional Development Fund. In this case, unrelated mechanisms for the distribution of investment financial assistance and the conditions for its provision are used.

Taking into account the entry into force of federal laws on the division of powers between federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, it is necessary to differentiate the financing of investment activities that lead to an increase in federal and regional property. Thus, it is necessary to provide financing for investments in federally owned objects within the framework of the Federal Targeted Investment Program. Investment support for regions and municipalities should be carried out taking into account the level of their budgetary security and using a mechanism for co-financing the expenditure obligations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, in order to complete the construction of facilities owned by constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal property and included in the Federal Targeted Investment Program, funds should be provided in the federal budget for several years in an amount corresponding to the share of the federal budget in the total amount of appropriations necessary for completion construction of these facilities.

It is necessary to concentrate financial assistance funds allocated for the implementation of the powers of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, including investment funds, in a specially created Federal Fund for Co-financing Expenses. Unified principles for the distribution of Fund funds will increase the transparency of interbudgetary transfers and their validity.

It is necessary to develop and implement mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating by federal executive authorities the effectiveness of the implementation of powers delegated to state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, as well as to increase responsibility for the execution of delegated powers.

2. Creating incentives to increase revenue receipts to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets

In order to create incentives for increasing revenue receipts to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets, it is necessary to legislatively establish the conditions for the implementation of the budget process for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, depending on the level of their subsidies. This is necessary in order for the subjects of the Russian Federation to strive to increase their own incomes and move from the category of subjects of the Russian Federation with a low level of budgetary security to a category with more high level budgetary security.

Depending on the share of interbudgetary transfers during 2 of the last 3 reporting years provided from the federal budget (with the exception of funds transferred for the implementation of delegated powers), in the volume of their own budget revenues of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are divided into 3 groups, in relation to which different requirements are expected to apply.

In relation to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in the budgets of which the share of financial assistance from the federal budget does not exceed 20 percent of their own income, it is intended to apply the general requirements established by the budget legislation of the Russian Federation in terms of compliance with restrictions on the maximum amount of public debt and the budget deficit of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

For constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in whose budgets the share of financial assistance from the federal budget ranges from 20 to 60 percent of their own income, it is necessary to establish additional restrictions regarding the costs of maintaining government bodies and remuneration of civil servants of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as to establish compliance with the maximum the size of the increase in wages for public sector employees.

In addition, for such constituent entities of the Russian Federation it is proposed to establish a rule on the mandatory implementation of regulations of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on budgetary issues, aimed primarily at eliminating problems that arose during the execution of the budget in terms of the formation of accounts payable.

For constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in whose budgets the share of financial assistance from the federal budget is more than 60 percent of their own income, it is necessary to establish the following requirements for monitoring the efficiency of using budget funds:

· introduction of additional restrictions on the volume of public debt and the size of the budget deficit of the relevant constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

· mandatory conclusion of agreements with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on measures to improve the efficiency of using budget funds and increase the receipt of tax and non-tax revenues of the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

· introduction of a ban on financing from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of events that are not included in the powers of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws;

· conducting an annual audit of the execution of the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation by the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation or the Federal Service for Financial and Budgetary Supervision.

Similar requirements for conducting the budget process must be introduced in the relationships between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities.

3. Creating incentives to improve the quality of state and municipal financial management

The reform of the division of powers has legislatively assigned a significant part of the powers on subjects of joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and the sustainability of public finances as a whole will largely be determined by how effectively regional finances are used.

In order to intensify the activities of government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on financial recovery and improve the quality of management of state and municipal finances, promote reform of the budgetary sphere and the budget process, stimulate economic reforms In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities, the Fund for the Reform of Regional and Municipal Finance was formed as part of the federal budget.

The functioning of the Fund for the Reform of Regional and Municipal Finance is especially relevant during the period of implementation of budget reform, local government reform, as well as the delimitation of jurisdiction and powers in the Russian Federation. In this regard, it is advisable to increase the number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities selected for the provision of subsidies based on the results of an assessment of regional and municipal finance reform programs. It is necessary to improve the selection mechanisms currently established by strengthening the role of indicators that determine the quality of regional and municipal financial management.

In order to create incentives for improving the quality of regional financial management, it is necessary to introduce a system of annual rating assessment of the performance of government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in financial management, primarily in the use of new principles of results-oriented budgeting and medium-term budget planning. A system of financial incentives should be created for subjects of the Russian Federation that received a higher rating.

In the context of the division of powers, it is necessary to reconsider the principles of providing financial assistance provided on the basis of co-financing in order to ensure the implementation of the priority powers for the Russian Federation by government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Funds for providing this assistance are planned to be concentrated in a specially created Federal Fund for Co-financing Expenses.

To do this, it is necessary to finalize the financing mechanism from the Federal Fund for Co-financing Social Expenditures. The successful experience of using this Fund to accelerate the pace of housing and communal services reform allows us to conclude that it is necessary to expand the scope of its application, based on the fulfillment by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of a number of conditions on which the amount of Fund funds provided to them will depend. It is necessary to determine the range of priority powers of government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, financed from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and (or) local budgets, which can be used for co-financing from the federal budget, to establish the conditions for receiving this financial assistance, taking into account the quality indicators of the implementation of certain tasks, the procedure its formation and distribution.

The use of the mechanism of co-financing from the federal budget should be carried out primarily to fulfill the powers of public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that have a social orientation, such as, for example, providing citizens with targeted subsidies for housing and utilities, social support for certain categories of citizens.

When determining the level of co-financing from the federal budget for certain powers financed from the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and (or) local budgets, it is necessary to use a mechanism for differentiated determination of the volume of subsidies, taking into account indicators of the quality of financial management. So, for example, in the case of an increase in accounts payable for the fulfillment of obligations established by the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it is planned to reduce the amount of subsidies provided from the federal budget, and in the case of a decrease or absence of debt, to increase the provision of such financial assistance, which will create incentives for the subjects of the Russian Federation to increase Federations of quality in implementing their own powers and preventing the formation of debt.

One of the areas of work to improve the quality of state and municipal finance management should be to increase the budget discipline of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities.

The budget legislation of the Russian Federation has established a number of parameters used in the formation and execution of budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation, compliance with which must be ensured unconditionally. Among these parameters is limiting the maximum amount of debt and the budget deficit of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets, as well as the cost of debt servicing.

However, despite the economic feasibility and unconditionality of these restrictions, their violation is allowed by a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the right granted to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation to suspend the transfer of interbudgetary transfers to recipients who violate federal legislation has not been systematically implemented in practice.

Failure to comply with the restrictions approved by the Budget Code of the Russian Federation is due to the lack of necessary regulation of the procedure and sequence of actions for applying sanctions to subjects of the Russian Federation that violate budget legislation.

Based on this, it is necessary, firstly, to make appropriate changes and additions to the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, clarifying both the requirements themselves and measures to ensure their compliance, and secondly, to develop a detailed procedure establishing a methodology for assessing compliance with the requirements of budget legislation and regulations of actions in relation to subjects of the Russian Federation that violate the law, including economic and administrative mechanisms.

As a measure to increase responsibility for non-compliance by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments with the conditions for the provision of interbudgetary transfers determined by budget legislation, the amount of subsidies for the implementation of the powers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, directed from the created Federal Fund for Co-financing of Expenses, should be reduced.

Improving medium-term financial planning

One of the main elements of the budget reform is the transition to medium-term financial planning, within which the budget cycle begins with a review of the main parameters of the medium-term financial plan for the corresponding year approved in the previous budget period, analysis of changes in external factors and conditions, and justification for changes made to the main budget indicators the planned year, as well as adjustments or development of budget projections for subsequent years of the forecast period.

The practice of regulating the process of medium-term financial planning in regional and municipal legislation comes down, as a rule, only to reproducing the norms of federal legislation, while in a large number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation there is no legal regulation of medium-term financial planning.

In order to improve the process of medium-term financial planning at the regional and municipal levels, it is necessary to introduce provisions into the Budget Code of the Russian Federation obliging state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments to carry out legal regulation:

· procedures for medium-term financial planning, including specification of objectives, types and formats of planning, lists of input and output indicators, requirements for initial information;

· the procedure for interaction between all participants in the medium-term financial planning process;

· the relationship between the medium-term financial plan and socio-economic development programs for the future;

· the procedure for taking into account the main socio-economic priorities of territories in the process of medium-term financial planning;

· procedures for using indicators of the medium-term financial plan when preparing the draft budget for the next financial year;

· the procedure for monitoring the implementation of medium-term financial planning indicators, adjusting these indicators.

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation will develop guidelines on medium-term financial planning for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities on the use of target indicators for planning and evaluating the work of the main managers of budget funds.


Thus, completing an internship at the Department of Architecture, Land Use and Construction helped to consolidate theoretical knowledge in practice, contributed to the acquisition of professional qualities, such as the ability to skillfully contact representatives of the administrative apparatus, the ability to speak and listen, the ability to conduct a conversation on the phone, the ability to conduct business correspondence and other.

The study of the structure, functions of the department, legal and documentary support regulating the activities of the department allowed us to present a complete picture of the work, rights and responsibilities of a municipal employee, the structure and activities of the Department of Land Use Architecture and Construction.

Studying the concept of budget, its formation; the mechanism of financial management in the public administration system allowed.

So, we can conclude that a municipal employee is a person with a higher education with rights, duties and responsibilities to the state and the population, who actively takes part in the affairs of the district, its residents and the city as a whole.


State educational institution

Higher professional education

Branch of KubSU in st. Leningradskaya

Internship report

"Administration of the municipality

Leningradsky district"

from 06/28/2010 to 07/11/2010

3rd year student

full-time education

specialty "Public

And municipal government»

Fesyura O.N._____________ manager from the practice base

Ushnova N.P.______ head from the department of "GMU"

(select the entire report and make a paragraph 1.5...font 14...redo the introduction, conclusion and description there from female face it’s written in the work itself, too, on my behalf, so you can look it over and correct it; on the title page you will write your specialty instead of mine... on the title page of the report and the characteristics, do not forget to have it certified to you with a signature and seal) ... you will attach the diary and the characteristics in the file at the end of the report; - delete this :)))


1.1 Structure of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district……………………………………………………………………………….4

      1.2 Regulations on the general department of the Leningrad district administration


Chapter 2 Description of work performed in the personnel sector under the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district

2.1 Carrying out work in the personnel service for the period from 06/28/2010 to 07/02/2010. (first week)…………………………………………………….17

2.2 Carrying out work in the personnel service for the period from 07/05/2010. to 07/09/2010 (second week). Maintaining personal files of administration employees………………………………………………………………….20



Diary by educational practice


Study practice is a necessary component educational process for training specialists in the specialty "State and Municipal Administration". The practice is aimed at a deeper understanding of management issues in departments of state and municipal organizations on the basis of theoretical knowledge gained from studying general professional disciplines, improving the quality of professional training, consolidating knowledge in management, legal and economic disciplines that were studied as part of the curriculum for the specialty " State and municipal administration". Also, the goals of the internship are to test the ability to use acquired knowledge, navigate situations that require making management decisions, and work in the public sphere.

The duration of the internship was two weeks. The practice was carried out in the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district.

Practice objectives:

1 study of the organizational and managerial structure of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district.

2 study of the management system of the general department;

    performance of work provided by the manager from the practice base in the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district;

    4 analysis of tasks received and completed during the internship in order to identify difficulties that were encountered during the internship in the personnel service of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district. All of these tasks are included and will be completed in the practice calendar, based on 10 working days. The internship period was 2 weeks (from 06/28/2010 to 07/11/2010).

Chapter 1 Characteristics of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district

      Structure of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district

The administration is the executive and administrative body of the municipal formation Leningradsky District, endowed by this charter with the powers to resolve issues of local importance and the authority to exercise certain state powers transferred by federal laws and the laws of the Krasnodar Territory (Article 33 Charter of the Leningradsky District Municipal District).

Functions of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district

1 The administration has the rights of a legal entity.

2 The Administration carries out its activities in accordance with the law, this charter, and decisions of the Council.

3 The administration is headed by the head of the Leningradsky district municipality.

The structure of the administration is made up of the head of the municipal formation Leningradsky District, deputy heads of the municipal formation Leningradsky District, as well as sectoral (functional) and territorial bodies of the local administration.

The administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district includes departments and departments of the organization. So, the structure of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district.

Table 1. Structure of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district

All departments and departments of the administration of the municipal formation of the Leningrad region are controlled by the head and deputy administration, and each department and department directly has a chief, chief specialist and specialists.

The number of personnel of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district, taking into account all municipal employees, is 119 people.

1.2 Regulations on the general department of the Leningrad district administration

The general department of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district (hereinafter referred to as the general department) is a sectoral body of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district (hereinafter referred to as the administration). The general department is formed by the head of the municipal formation Leningradsky district and is subordinate in its activities to the deputy head of the municipal formation.

The regulations on the general department and staffing levels are established and approved by order of the head of the municipal formation of the Leningradsky District.

The head of the general department is appointed and dismissed by the head of the Leningradsky District municipality on the proposal of the deputy head of the municipality, the head of the administration.

Employees of the general department are appointed and dismissed by the head of the municipality, upon the proposal of the head of the general department, in agreement with the deputy head of the municipality, the head of the administration.

The department is guided in its work by:

Laws of the Russian Federation;

Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation;

Laws of the Krasnodar region;

Resolutions and orders of the head of the administration of the Krasnodar region;

Instructions for office work in the municipal administration;

Regulations on the public reception.

Common department:

Provides accounting and storage of official documents;

Promotes qualified preparation of documents;

Organizes clear work to monitor the execution of official and administrative documentation of the administration and higher authorities;

Provides a timely response to citizens’ requests in accordance with the Regulations on the Public Reception.

The general department of the administration of the municipal formation of the Leningradsky district works in close cooperation with sectoral administrative bodies and with the administrations of rural settlements.


1. Organization of accounting of correspondence received by the administration, registration of incoming and outgoing correspondence.

2. Ensuring timely consideration of official correspondence, complaints and appeals, sending them to the relevant sectoral administration bodies to solve the tasks assigned to them and organizing, if necessary, control over their implementation.

3. Exercising systematic control over incoming correspondence from the administration.

4. Implementation of timely, high-quality and correct execution of administration documents, their formation into files for storage.

5. Monitoring the work of sectoral bodies of the municipal administration in matters of organizing and maintaining office work, passing and executing documents of the municipal administration and higher authorities; compliance with the established procedure for the execution of decisions and orders of the head of the municipal formation of the Leningradsky district.

6. Generalization and analysis of the state of paperwork, as well as citizens’ appeals to the administration of the municipality.

Studying best practices in working with official correspondence, introducing new forms and methods for processing, recording and organizing execution control.

Providing methodological assistance to sectoral bodies of the municipal administration in matters of document management and improvement of office work.

7. Implementation of organizational measures for the preparation and holding of meetings with the head of the municipal formation of the Leningradsky district.

8. Provides control over compliance with the established procedure, organization of reception of citizens, consideration of proposals, applications, complaints.

9. Conducting consultations and explanatory work on issues raised by applicants.

10. Analysis of the generalization of incoming requests.

11. Development of proposals for improving work with citizens’ appeals.

12. Systematically informing the management of the municipality about the number and nature of applications received and the results of their consideration.


1. The department receives, registers and forwards incoming correspondence to its destination, sends documents for execution, in the prescribed manner, in accordance with the resolution of the administration management, sends correspondence to the executors, and monitors its execution.

2. In accordance with the requirements of the office work instructions, returns for revision, edits, and prints draft resolutions and orders of the head of the municipal formation of the Leningrad District and other official information.

3. Makes proposals for improving office work:

Checks the grounds for issuing official documents of the municipal administration;

Organizes control over the implementation of legal acts of the municipal administration;

Provides information on the progress of document implementation to the management of the municipal administration;

Prepares draft resolutions on the removal from control of legal acts of the municipal administration;


State educational institution

Higher professional education

Branch of KubSU in st. Leningradskaya

Internship report

"Administration of the municipality

Leningradsky district"

from 06/28/2010 to 07/11/2010

3rd year student

full-time training

specialty "Public

and municipal government"

Fesyura O.N._____________ manager from the practice base

Ushnova N.P.______ head from the department of "GMU"

(select the entire report and make a paragraph 1.5...font 14...redo the introduction, conclusion and description; it’s written from a woman’s point of view; in the work itself it’s also written on my behalf, so you’ll look through it and correct it; on the title page you’ll write your specialty instead of mine.. on the title page of the report and the description, do not forget to have it certified to you with a signature and seal) ... you will attach the diary and the description in the file at the end of the report; - delete this :)))


1.1 Structure of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district……………………………………………………………………………….4

1.1 1.2 Regulations on the general department of the Leningrad district administration


2.1 Carrying out work in the personnel service for the period from 06/28/2010 to 07/02/2010. (first week)…………………………………………………….17

2.2 Carrying out work in the personnel service for the period from 07/05/2010. to 07/09/2010 (second week). Maintaining personal files of administration employees………………………………………………………………….20



Diary on educational practice


Educational practice is a necessary component of the educational process for training specialists in the specialty "State and Municipal Administration". The practice is aimed at a deeper understanding of management issues in departments of state and municipal organizations on the basis of theoretical knowledge gained from studying general professional disciplines, improving the quality of professional training, consolidating knowledge in management, legal and economic disciplines that were studied as part of the curriculum for the specialty " State and municipal administration". Also, the goals of the internship are to test the ability to use acquired knowledge, navigate situations that require making management decisions, and work in the public sphere.

The duration of the internship was two weeks. The practice was carried out in the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district.

Practice objectives:

1 study of the organizational and managerial structure of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district.

2 study of the management system of the general department;

2 performance of work provided by the manager from the practice base in the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district;

3 4 analysis of tasks received and completed during the internship in order to identify difficulties that were encountered during internship in the personnel service of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district. All of these tasks are included and will be completed in the practice calendar, based on 10 working days. The internship period was 2 weeks (from June 28, 2010 to July 11, 2010).

Chapter 1 Characteristics of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district

3.1 Structure of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district

The administration is the executive and administrative body of the municipal formation Leningradsky District, endowed by this charter with the powers to resolve issues of local importance and the authority to exercise certain state powers transferred by federal laws and the laws of the Krasnodar Territory (Article 33 Charter of the Leningradsky District Municipal District).

Functions of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district

1 The administration has the rights of a legal entity.

2 The Administration carries out its activities in accordance with the law, this charter, and decisions of the Council.

3 The administration is headed by the head of the Leningradsky district municipality.

The structure of the administration is made up of the head of the municipal formation Leningradsky District, deputy heads of the municipal formation Leningradsky District, as well as sectoral (functional) and territorial bodies of the local administration.

The administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district includes departments and departments of the organization. So, the structure of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district.

Table 1. Structure of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district

All departments and departments of the administration of the municipal formation of the Leningrad region are controlled by the head and deputy administration, and each department and department directly has a chief, chief specialist and specialists.

The number of personnel of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district, taking into account all municipal employees, is 119 people.

1.2 Regulations on the general department of the Leningrad district administration

The general department of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district (hereinafter referred to as the general department) is a sectoral body of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district (hereinafter referred to as the administration). The general department is formed by the head of the municipal formation Leningradsky district and is subordinate in its activities to the deputy head of the municipal formation.

The regulations on the general department and staffing levels are established and approved by order of the head of the municipal formation of the Leningradsky District.

The head of the general department is appointed and dismissed by the head of the Leningradsky District municipality on the proposal of the deputy head of the municipality, the head of the administration.

Employees of the general department are appointed and dismissed by the head of the municipality, upon the proposal of the head of the general department, in agreement with the deputy head of the municipality, the head of the administration.

The department is guided in its work by:

Laws of the Russian Federation;

Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation;

Laws of the Krasnodar region;

Resolutions and orders of the head of the administration of the Krasnodar region;

Instructions for office work in the municipal administration;

Regulations on the public reception.

Common department:

Provides accounting and storage of official documents;

Promotes qualified preparation of documents;

Organizes clear work to monitor the execution of official and administrative documentation of the administration and higher authorities;

Provides a timely response to citizens’ requests in accordance with the Regulations on the Public Reception.

The general department of the administration of the municipal formation of the Leningradsky district works in close cooperation with sectoral administrative bodies and with the administrations of rural settlements.


1. Organization of accounting of correspondence received by the administration, registration of incoming and outgoing correspondence.

2. Ensuring timely consideration of official correspondence, complaints and appeals, sending them to the relevant sectoral administration bodies to solve the tasks assigned to them and organizing, if necessary, control over their implementation.

3. Exercising systematic control over incoming correspondence from the administration.

4. Implementation of timely, high-quality and correct execution of administration documents, their formation into files for storage.

5. Monitoring the work of sectoral bodies of the municipal administration in matters of organizing and maintaining office work, passing and executing documents of the municipal administration and higher authorities; compliance with the established procedure for the execution of decisions and orders of the head of the municipal formation of the Leningradsky district.

6. Generalization and analysis of the state of paperwork, as well as citizens’ appeals to the administration of the municipality.

Studying best practices in working with official correspondence, introducing new forms and methods for processing, recording and organizing execution control.

Providing methodological assistance to sectoral bodies of the municipal administration in matters of document management and improvement of office work.

7. Implementation of organizational measures for the preparation and holding of meetings with the head of the municipal formation of the Leningradsky district.

8. Provides control over compliance with the established procedure, organization of reception of citizens, consideration of proposals, applications, complaints.

9. Conducting consultations and explanatory work on issues raised by applicants.

10. Analysis of the generalization of incoming requests.

11. Development of proposals for improving work with citizens’ appeals.

12. Systematically informing the management of the municipality about the number and nature of applications received and the results of their consideration.


1. The department receives, registers and forwards incoming correspondence to its destination, sends documents for execution, in the prescribed manner, in accordance with the resolution of the administration management, sends correspondence to the executors, and monitors its execution.

2. In accordance with the requirements of the office work instructions, returns for revision, edits, and prints draft resolutions and orders of the head of the municipal formation of the Leningrad District and other official information.

3. Makes proposals for improving office work:

Checks the grounds for issuing official documents of the municipal administration;

Organizes control over the implementation of legal acts of the municipal administration;

Provides information on the progress of document implementation to the management of the municipal administration;

Prepares draft resolutions on the removal from control of legal acts of the municipal administration;

Checks the organization and state of affairs for monitoring the implementation of legal acts in the sectoral bodies of the municipal administration;

Renders methodological assistance sectoral bodies of the municipal administration, administrations of rural settlements in working with official documents, controls the timing of their execution.

4. Together with the archives department, compiles and approves by the head of the municipal formation Leningradsky District the nomenclature of affairs of the administration of the municipal formation, ensures the formation of documents in the file.

5. Draws up accordingly, takes into account and stores for the prescribed period decisions and orders of the head of the municipal formation of the Leningrad District, prepares and submits them to the archive.

6. On behalf of the leadership of the municipal administration, requests from industry bodies of the municipal administration, enterprises, institutions and organizations information and reference materials for the preparation necessary documents administration, other issues within the competence of the general department.

7. Specialists of the general department prepare draft orders on certification of municipal employees, on appointment to a position, dismissal from position or transfer of an employee to another job in the municipal administration, on business trips, and vacations of employees.

8. Organizes work on issues of compulsory health insurance in terms of processing documents for the issuance, exchange and renewal of policies to employees of the municipal administration.

9. Prepares draft resolutions and orders of the head of the municipal formation of the Leningradsky district on issues within the competence of the general department.

10. Prints, reproduces and distributes documents prepared by employees of the municipal administration, and, if necessary, participates in the preparation of responses to higher authorities.

11. Takes measures to equip the workplaces of administration staff with office supplies, modern office equipment, devices and devices that improve the culture of managerial work, controls the expenditure of funds allocated for these purposes.

12. Organizes work to consider written proposals, applications and complaints from citizens.

13. Organizes work to consider written requests received through the “mailbox” of the head of the municipality.

14. Organizes personal receptions with the head of the municipality and deputy heads of the municipality.

15. Organizes visiting receptions for the head of the municipality.

16. Registers contracts concluded on behalf of the administration and ensures their proper storage.

17. The general administration department has 3 round seals:

- “General department of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district”;

- “General department No. 1”;

- “Personnel service of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district.”

18. Organizes major repairs and current repairs of administration buildings, repairs of office equipment and furniture.


1. The number of personnel is determined by the staffing table.

2. During the absence of the head of the general department, his duties are performed by a specialist who is appointed by order of the head of the municipal formation of the Leningradsky District, in agreement with the deputy head of the municipal formation, the head of the administration.

3. The head of the department distributes responsibilities between employees and employees of the department, and is responsible for the effectiveness of work and the state of documentation.

4. The head of the department develops and approves, by order of the head of the municipal formation of the Leningradsky District, job descriptions for department employees. Plans and implements activities to improve the qualifications of department employees involved in office work in the administration and its sectoral bodies.

5. The head of the department organizes the work of department employees, within his competence, ensures the implementation of instructions from the head of the Leningradsky District municipal formation, the deputy head of the municipal formation, the head of the administration, and bears personal responsibility for the implementation of the tasks assigned to the department.

6. The head of the general department, within his competence, carries out work to study the activities of sectoral administration bodies, makes proposals on measures to improve the organization of the work of sectoral bodies on issues of office work, control over the execution of documents to the management of the municipal administration.

7. Specialists of the general department carry out:

Accounting for controlled documents, the progress of their implementation, reveals deviations from the tasks provided for in the documents according to the timing and volume of work performed; receive information from controlled documents; check their completeness and quality;

Accounting for performance discipline for each document and performer;

Interaction with institutions on issues of compulsory health insurance regarding the preparation of documents for the issuance, exchange and renewal of policies for employees of the municipal administration.

8. Employees of the general department make proposals for hearing at planning meetings with the head of the municipality or at the hour of monitoring the report of executors on unsatisfactorily executed administrative documents.

9. Make proposals and organize inspections of the actual implementation of administrative documents directly in sectoral administration bodies.

10. Department specialists participate in seminars to exchange experience in working with documents in the administration of the municipality, its departments, and sectoral administration bodies.

11. Specialists of the department work with written and oral requests from citizens.


1. Carrying out the functional duties and instructions of the administration management, department employees have the right:

1) apply directly and receive in the prescribed manner from sectoral administration bodies, as well as associations, enterprises and institutions, regardless of their subordination, information, information and materials necessary to fulfill the duties assigned to the department;

2) attract specialist experts to study issues and conduct inspections within the competence of the department;

3) make comments and return incorrectly executed documents to the head of the municipal formation of the Leningradsky District and his deputies;

4) provide explanations of a reference nature;

5) sign official documents within the competence of the department;

6) issue certificates at the request of organizations and citizens within their competence;

7) convene and hold meetings on issues within the scope of activities of the general department, attract specialists from sectoral administration bodies and other organizations to participate in them;

8) invite, if necessary, specialists and officials to participate in the reception of citizens by the head of the municipality in accordance with the issues raised by the applicants;

9) organize “round tables” and “hotlines”, hotlines and other various forms of work with the population.

2. Employees of the department have the right to take part in the consideration of issues related to the activities of the department in sectoral administration bodies.

3. The activities of the general department are built in close cooperation with sectoral administration bodies.


1. The department is responsible for strictly monitoring the execution of official letters, resolutions, orders, both its own and those received from higher authorities:

For the timely receipt, registration and transfer of documents to the contractor;

Behind correct design official correspondence, security of documents;

For compliance with deadlines for the execution of documents under control;

For disclosure of information contained in documents.

2. The head of the department bears personal responsibility in accordance with current legislation:

For failure to fulfill the tasks and functions assigned to the department;

Incorrect selection and placement of personnel;

Unsatisfactory state of labor discipline of subordinates,

Failure to fulfill obligations and not to use the rights provided for by these Regulations and the job description.

3. Employees of the general department of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district are responsible for negligence in fulfilling their duties job responsibilities, loss of official and other correspondence received by the administration of the Leningradsky district municipality, violation of the rules of etiquette in relations with employees and citizens.

4. Full responsibility for the implementation of the activities of the department assigned by this regulation to the general department rests with the head of the general department.

5. The degree of responsibility of other department employees is established by job descriptions. The head of the general department establishes the official responsibilities of employees of the general department in job descriptions, approved by the head of the Leningradsky district municipality on the proposal of the head of the general department. The head of the general department of the municipal administration is T.A. Sidorenko.

Chapter 2 Description of work performed in the personnel sector under the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district

2.1 Carrying out work in the personnel service for the period from 06/28/2010 to 07/02/2010.

During the first week of practice from June 28, 2010 to July 2, 2010, I discovered what the personnel service is and what its activities are.

During the first week of practice I was able to:

06/28/2010 get acquainted with the organization with your own eyes, get acquainted with the staff, study the charter of the administration of the Leningrad region, and understand its contents. The Charter consists of 10 chapters and 83 articles. The contents of the charter include: general provisions, issues of local importance, the exercise by local self-government bodies of certain state powers, forms of direct exercise by the population of local self-government and participation of the population in the implementation of local self-government, local government bodies and local government officials, municipal service, municipal legal acts, the economic basis of local self-government, responsibility of bodies local government and local government officials, final provisions.

06/29/2010 – 06/30/2010 work with work books, filing inserts and distributing work books among departments of the organization. During this task, the following was discovered:

The personnel service stores the work books of administration employees throughout the entire period of their work. Storage is accompanied by the maintenance of appropriate accounting forms “Book of movement of work books and inserts for them”, in which these documents are registered. When the work book does not contain the newly entered data, then an insert is inserted into it, in which the numbering of the entries corresponding to the work book continues. Data about its owner is entered on the title page of the insert, similar to the data on the title page of the work book. On the title page of the insert, you can enter updated information about the owner of the book, for example, a new surname or new specialty. Otherwise, all the requirements for work books also apply to their inserts.

The work book is issued to the employee on the day of dismissal. When an illegally dismissed person is reinstated, the entry in the work book about the dismissal is not crossed out, but is canceled by the next line indicating that the previous line about the dismissal is considered invalid.

The work book is the main document about labor activity and the employee’s work experience. The form, procedure for maintaining and storing work records, as well as the procedure for producing work record forms and providing them to employers are established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The personnel service maintains work records for each employee who has worked for him for more than five days. The work book contains information about the employee, the work he performs, transfers to another permanent job and the dismissal of the employee, as well as the grounds for termination of the employment contract and information about awards for success in work (Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

07/01/2010 Study of departments and departments of organizations. Work with work books, registration. Printing of documents and their distribution.

In the course of this work, it was revealed that the administration of the Leningradsky district municipality includes 17 departments and 3 directorates.

07/02/2010 work with the staffing table of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district from June 1, 2010. I examined the structure of subordination in the administration: head of the district -> first deputy and his deputies -> head of a specific department or department -> chief specialist -> specialists of the 1st category -> inspector monitoring compliance with the regulations and by-laws established by the state acts, as well as regional laws and compliance with the charter of the administration of the Leningrad district municipality. It was also revealed that there are a total of 119 employees working in the departments and departments of the administration of the Leningradsky District Moscow Region.

2.2 Carrying out work in the personnel service for the period from 07/05/2010. to 07/09/2010 (second week). Maintaining personal files of administration employees.

The second week of practice began on 07/05/2010 and ended on 07/09/2010

07/05/2010 - 07/06/2010 Work with orders, orders and decisions of the Council of the Municipal Formation Leningradsky District. During the course of my work, I reviewed 8 decisions of the Council of the Municipal Formation Leningradsky District

1) Decision of the Council of the Municipal Formation Leningradsky District dated May 31, 2010 No. 44 “On the execution of the budget of the municipal formation Leningradsky District for 2009”

2) Decision of the Council of the Municipal Formation Leningradsky District dated May 31, 2010 No. 43 “On amending the decision of the Council of the Municipal Formation Leningradsky District dated March 13, 2008 No. 16 “On granting the status of the legal department for family and childhood issues to the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky District »

3) Decision of the Council of the Municipal Formation Leningradsky District dated May 31, 2010 No. 42 “On approval of the list and cost of paid services provided by the municipal cultural institution Leningradsky District Local History Museum”

4) Decision of the Council of the Municipal Formation Leningradsky District dated May 31, 2010 No. 41 “On approval of the list and tariffs for paid services provided by the inter-settlement municipal institution “Emergency Rescue Formation of the Municipal Formation Leningradsky District”

5) Decision of the Council of the Municipal Formation of the Leningrad District dated May 31, 2010 No. 39 “On the report of the head of the municipal formation of the Leningrad District “On the results of the socio-economic development of the municipal formation for 2009 and prospects for 2010”

6) Decision of the Council of the Municipal Formation Leningradsky District dated March 30, 2010 No. 26 “On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for the submission by citizens of the Russian Federation applying for positions in the municipal service of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky District, and by municipal employees of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky District information on income, on property and property-related obligations"

7) Decision of the Council of the Municipal Formation Leningradsky District dated March 30, 2010 No. 25 “On approval of the report on the receipt and expenditure of local budget funds for the preparation and conduct of elections of deputies of the Council of the Municipal Formation Leningradsky District”

8) Decision of the Council of the Municipal Formation Leningradsky District dated March 2, 2010 No. 14 “On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Municipal Formation Leningradsky District dated December 15, 2009 No. 77 “On the budget of the municipal formation Leningradsky District for 2010 and for the planning period 2011 and 2012” years"

5 resolutions of the administration were considered:

1) Resolution of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district dated June 11, 2010 No. 764 “On approval of the report on the execution of the budget of the municipal formation Leningradsky district for the first quarter of 2010” (execution)

2) Resolution of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky District dated 04/08/2010 No. 441 “On approval of the Procedure for the provision of agricultural land plots on the territory of the municipal formation Leningradsky District”

3) Resolution of the head of the municipal formation Leningradsky district dated November 10, 2009 “On the formation of a reserve of managerial personnel of the municipal formation Leningradsky district”

4) Resolution of the head of the municipal formation Leningradsky district dated April 18, 2008 No. 601

“On the creation of an investment council under the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district”

5) Resolution of the head of the municipal formation Leningradsky district dated June 24, 2009 No. 931

“On the creation of a commission to comply with the requirements for official conduct of municipal employees of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky District and resolve conflicts of interest”

And 2 orders from the administration

1) Order of the head of the municipal formation Leningradsky district dated April 17, 2008 No. 128-r

“On the program for supporting strategic investment projects of the Leningradsky district municipality for 2008”

2) Order of the head of the municipal formation Leningradsky district dated December 20, 2007 No. 455-r “On carrying out activities for the development of small businesses in the municipal formation Leningradsky district”

07/07/2010 Study of the Regulations on personal data of a municipal employee of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district. The essence of the provision was the creation, storage and method of conducting personal files in the personnel service department of the administration of the Leningradsky District Moscow Region. The document stipulated the following: a personal file is drawn up after the manager’s order to admit the employee to the organization. The procedure for working with personal files is not regulated by regulations, so organizations decide differently how to manage them. We'll talk about this below.

An employee's personal file is a set of documents reflecting all stages of the employee's relationship with the organization. These include documents related to the hiring of an employee, the process of his promotion or relocation, the employee’s fulfillment of labor discipline requirements and the termination of the employee’s employment relationship with the organization, i.e. dismissal.

Each case is formed in a separate folder, on the cover of which the case number, surname and initials of the employee, and the date of joining the organization are indicated.

The personal file is kept in one copy. Making changes and additions based on the employee’s words is not allowed.

Removal of documents from a personal file is possible only with the permission of the head of the organization. Instead of the seized document, they include a certificate signed by the employee responsible for personnel documentation, where he indicates for what purpose and by whose order the document was seized, to whom it was transferred, and when it will be returned.

Once a year, the availability and condition of personal files are checked and a report is drawn up.

Personal files are stored in special cabinets. Cases are arranged in numerical order from left to right and top to bottom. Only working employees' personal files are kept.

Unclaimed work books, a book of records of work books and inserts for them are stored for 50 years. The personal files of dismissed employees are transferred to archival storage for 75 years.

08.07. 2010 – 07/09/2010 Work with personal files of employees of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district.

The management and composition of the personal file of a municipal employee was studied.

Based on the document “Regulations on personal data of a municipal employee of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district” 3.7. The following is attached to the personal file of a municipal employee:

3.7.1 A written application with a request to enter the municipal service in the administration of the municipal formation of the Leningradsky district (hereinafter referred to as the position of municipal service).

3.7.2 Written agreement of a municipal employee for the processing of his personal data

3.7.3 A questionnaire of the established form completed and signed by the citizen himself, accompanied by a 3x4 photograph (preferably in color).

3.7.4 Addition to the questionnaire

3.7.5 Documents confirming the completion of a competition to fill a vacant position in the municipal service (if a citizen is appointed to the position based on the results of a competition).

3.7.6 Autobiography, written freely, in one’s own hand

3.7.7 Photocopy of passport and copies of certificates of state registration of acts of civil status.

3.7.8 A copy of the work record book or document confirming military or other service.

3.7.9 Photocopies of documents about vocational education, professional retraining, advanced training, internship, assignment of a graduate degree, academic title (if any).

3.7.10 A photocopy of documents on the awarding of state, regional, local awards, on the conferment of honorary, military and special titles, on the award of state prizes (if any).

3.7.11 Order on appointment to a municipal service position

3.7.12 A copy of the employment contract of the municipal employee, as well as copies of written additional agreements that formalize the changes and additions made to the employment contract.

3.7.13 Receipt for familiarization with the restrictions and prohibitions that are established during municipal service

3.7.14 Order on the transfer, appointment or dismissal of a municipal employee to another position in the municipal service, on his temporary replacement of another position in the municipal service.

3.7.15 Photocopies of documents military registration(for persons liable for military service subject to conscription for military service).

3.7.16 Order on the dismissal of a municipal employee from a position in the municipal service (termination of an employment contract with a municipal employee).

3.7.17 Attestation sheet of a municipal employee who has passed the certification, and feedback on the performance of his official duties during the certification period.

3.7.18 Characteristics of a municipal employee

3.7.19 Order on assigning a class rank to a municipal employee.

3.7.20 Order on the inclusion of a municipal employee in the personnel reserve of the municipal service, as well as on his exclusion from the personnel reserve.

3.7.21 Order on rewarding a municipal employee, as well as on imposing a disciplinary penalty on him until it is removed or cancelled.

3.7.22 Copies of documents on the beginning of the internal audit, its results, and on the removal of a municipal employee from the position of municipal service being replaced.

3.7.23 Documents related to obtaining access to information constituting a state or other secret protected by law, if the performance of duties for the municipal service position being filled involves the use of such information.

3.7.24 Information on income, property and property-related obligations of a municipal employee and his family members.

3.7.25 A copy of the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance.

3.7.26 A copy of the certificate of registration with the tax authority of an individual at the place of registration (TIN)

3.7.27 A copy of the medical insurance policy for compulsory medical insurance of citizens.

3.7.28 A medical report from an established company confirming that the citizen does not have a disease that prevents him from entering or completing municipal service.

3.7.29 Documents on passing the test (conclusion of the head of the structural unit based on the results of the municipal employee passing the probationary period).

3.7.30 Certificate on the results of checking the accuracy and completeness of information provided by a municipal employee on income, property and property-related obligations, as well as information on the municipal employee’s compliance with restrictions and prohibitions established by law.

All documents that are part of a personal file are formed strictly in accordance with the specified dates and in compliance with the regulations on personal data of a municipal employee of the administration of the Leningradsky district municipality.


During the two-week internship, my supervisor was Fesyura Olga Nikolaevna, head of the HR department, an experienced specialist and an attentive leader from the practice base. Under her leadership, I discovered what the personnel service is and what its activities are. I had the opportunity to work with the staffing table of the administration of the municipal formation of the Leningradsky district, study the orders, resolutions of the head of the administration and decisions of the Council of the municipal formation of the Leningradsky district. Also study the document “Regulations on personal data of a municipal employee of the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district.” Particularly informative and interesting was the work with personal files and work books of employees of the administration of the municipal formation of the Leningradsky district.

During my internship in the personnel service, I gained a lot of new and interesting knowledge and expanded my horizons in the field of activities of bodies and departments of the administration of the Leningradsky district municipality.


This description is given by the full name of the person who underwent educational practice in the administration of the municipal formation Leningradsky district from June 28, 2010. to 07/11/2010

During the internship, the student Full Name showed herself to be disciplined, striving to acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary in this area of ​​management.

Under the leadership of the head of the sector, the personnel service of the Leningrad District Ministry of Defense, O.N. Fesyura, full name, studied the departments and departments of the administration of the municipal formation of the Leningrad District, and carried out work on distributing documents among the departments and departments of the administration of the municipal formation of the Leningrad District. I was studying the staffing schedule of the municipal administration, which came into force on June 1, 2010. Worked with orders, orders, and decisions of the Leningrad District Municipal Council. She also studied the regulations on the personal data of a municipal employee of the Leningrad district administration and worked with the personal files of administration employees.

Despite the short period of internship, Full Name showed herself to be an active, disciplined student and was able to cover a large amount of information.

FIO treated all the tasks of her educational practice responsibly and carried out assignments with documents carefully.

In general, the student’s theoretical level of preparation and the quality of the work he performs can be assessed as excellent.


Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education

"Kuban State Technological University"

Department of State and Municipal Administration


about passing ____ industrial practice _______________-

(educational, introductory industrial, pre-diploma internship)

Direction of training 380304 State and municipal administration

Training profile “Municipal management” Qualification (degree) Bachelor

at ___MFC_________________________________________________________

(name of the local government body of the municipal formation of the Krasnodar Territory, state, municipal institution)


student(s)__3__year _12-E-GU5____group _Vlasova Anastasia Vladimirovna

Head of Practice

from the local authority



Krasnodar region

(state, municipal institution)________________

position of I.O. Surname

Head of Practice

from the university ______________________ _____________________

position of I.O. Surname

Defense took place _____________

Overall score for practice _________________

Signatures of the commission members _________________



Krasnodar 2015


1 Introduction and characteristics of MKU “MFC” Krasnodar………………….3

1.1 Characteristics of MKU "MFC" Krasnodar …………………………...3

1.2 Features of MKU “MFC” as a socio-economic system..4

1.3 Organizational structure of MKU “MFC”, Krasnodar………………...5

2 Characteristics of the workplace of the structural unit of MKU "MFC"


3 Information and technical support MKU "MFC" Krasnodar....11

4 SWOT analysis of MKU “MFC”, Krasnodar…………………………………..13

5 Passport state program Krasnodar Territory "Social

support of citizens"……………………………………………………………...15

6 Individual task……………………………………………………......18

Conclusions and suggestions………………………………………………………19

List of references………………………………………………………...20

Appendix A - Passport of the Krasnodar Territory program “Social

support of citizens"………………………………………………………22


During the period from June 29 to July 13, 2015, I completed an industrial internship at the MKU "MFC" in Krasnodar.

The purpose of the practice is to consolidate acquired knowledge in the field of state and municipal management, obtain practical skills, develop the skills of independent search, collection, systematization and processing of organizational, technological, management information in order to develop and justify measures to improve the organization of labor, production and management. The practice is aimed at consolidating, expanding, deepening and systematizing knowledge in disciplines that reflect the specifics of the training area “Public and Municipal Management”.

Practice objectives:

Consolidation of theoretical knowledge acquired in the process of studying basic disciplines;

Gaining practical skills in applying methods for collecting and processing information;

Study the areas of activity of the institution and familiarize yourself with the list of services provided to the population;

Familiarize yourself with the production and organizational structure of the enterprise;

Familiarize yourself with the methods used for preparing and justifying management decisions, organizing control over their implementation;

Mastering the methods of state and municipal management.

The object of the internship is the Prikubansky department for working with citizens and organizations.

The subject is the relationships that arise in the course of the department’s activities.

  • Introduction and characteristics of MKU "MFC" Krasnodar
  • Characteristics of MKU "MFC" Krasnodar

The municipal government institution of the municipal formation of the city of Krasnodar “Krasnodar city multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services”, hereinafter referred to as the “State institution”, was created in accordance with the decision of the Krasnodar City Duma dated January 28, 2010 No. 69, clause 10 “On the approval of the creation of a municipal institution "Krasnodar city multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services", by resolution of the administration of the municipal formation of the city of Krasnodar dated 01.02.2010 No. 406 "On the creation of the municipal institution "Krasnodar city multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services", by resolution of the administration of the municipal formation of the city of Krasnodar dated December 17, 2010 No. 10306 “On approval of the list of municipal government institutions of the municipal formation of the city of Krasnodar, created by changing the type of municipal budgetary institutions municipal formation of the city of Krasnodar"

In accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2010. No. 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services”, a multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services is an organization created in the organizational and legal form of a state or municipal institution, and authorized to organize the provision of state and municipal services, including electronic form, according to the “one window” principle. This principle provides for the provision of state and municipal services after a single application by the applicant with the appropriate request.

The goals of the activities of MKU "MFC" are:

1) ensuring a fast, convenient and cost-effective process of providing state and municipal services (hereinafter referred to as services) to individuals and legal entities through the implementation of the “one window” principle;

2) inter-level and interdepartmental interaction with authorities

local government, government bodies, state and municipal enterprises, institutions and other organizations involved in the provision (providing) of services;

3) increasing the satisfaction of recipients of services with their quality;

4) increasing awareness of individuals and legal entities about the procedure, methods and conditions for obtaining services;
5) reducing the number of interactions between individuals and legal entities with officials of state authorities and local governments when receiving services.

The development of the MFC network is one of the priority tasks when building modern state, improving the public administration system. The implementation of these measures helps to reduce the time it takes to provide services, reduce queues and increase the level of citizen satisfaction with the work of government authorities.

  • Features of MKU "MFC" as a socio-economic system

When providing municipal services, the MFC interacts with sectoral (functional) and territorial bodies of the administration of the municipal formation of the city of Krasnodar, municipal treasury, budgetary and autonomous institutions of the municipal formation of the city of Krasnodar.

When providing public services, the MFC interacts with federal executive authorities, bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, and executive authorities of the Krasnodar Territory.

When providing services that are necessary and mandatory for the provision of state and municipal services, as well as socially significant services, the MFC interacts with individuals and legal entities providing these services.
The procedure for interaction with these bodies and individuals and legal entities is determined in accordance with current legislation.

The MFC provides only those state and municipal services for which the relevant administrative regulations for the provision of state and municipal services have been approved. The state and municipal services provided include: housing issues, land plots, capital construction, education, pensions, family and childhood, change of place of residence, social support for the population, certificates, extracts, archival documents, subsidies, transport, employment and others.

  • Organizational structure of MKU "MFC" Krasnodar

The director of the MU "MFC" is the immediate manager, organizes and bears full responsibility for the results of the institution's work, approves the staffing table, ensures the rational use of property, concludes contracts, issues orders and monitors the performance of employees of their official duties.

The deputy director organizes the work and effective interaction of employees, organizes production and economic activities, and performs his duties during the absence of the director.

Departments for working with citizens and organizations “Western”, “Karasunsky”, “Prikubansky” and “Central” organize and carry out work on receiving documents, issuing certificates, and other necessary information, provide information and consultation to applicants, organize and carry out interaction with citizens and organizations, organize, if necessary, applicants for employees of local government bodies and other municipal institutions. The management of the departments is carried out by the heads of departments, who are directly subordinate to the director of the institution.

The department of legal and personnel work carries out legal examinations, represents the interests of the institution in government bodies and other organizations, forms personnel, maintains work books and personal files of employees and carries out other functions within the limits of its powers. Management is carried out by the head of the department, who is directly subordinate to the director of the institution.

The Department for Quality Control of the Provision of State and Municipal Services carries out internal audits, systematizes, analyzes and develops recommendations for improving the quality of service to applicants, reducing the time required for the provision of services and performs other functions within the scope of its powers. Management is carried out by the head of the department, who is directly subordinate to the director of the institution.

The accounting and reporting department maintains accounting records of financial and economic activities, ensures the execution of estimates of income and expenses, organizes budget accounting, calculates wages, organizes settlements with counterparties, draws up and submits accounting and statistical reporting to state and tax authorities in a timely manner and carries out other functions within the limits of their powers. Management is carried out by the head of the department, who is directly subordinate to the director of the institution.

Departments information support and logistics, organize work to supply the institution with the necessary information and material and technical resources, organize work to maintain the functionality, safety and security of resources and equipment, monitor and account for equipment, minor repairs and operation, analyze the institution’s need for technology and equipment , draw up consolidated applications for the purchase of office equipment and perform other functions within the limits of their powers. Management is carried out by department heads, who report directly to the director of the institution.

The department for processing telephone calls to the public receives telephone calls from the public, keeps records and processes them, advises and provides background information to applicants by telephone and performs other functions within the scope of its powers. Management is carried out by the head of the department, who is directly subordinate to the director of the institution.

  • Characteristics of the workplace in the structural unit of the MKU "MFC" in Krasnodar

The Department for Work with Citizens and Organizations “Prikubansky” is a structural subdivision of the MKU “MFC”. He reports to the director of the institution. In its activities, the department is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, current federal and regional legislation, municipal legal acts of the Krasnodar municipality, the Regulations on the Establishment, as well as the regulations on the department for working with citizens and organizations “Prikubansky”.

The main objectives of the department are:

1) providing comfortable conditions for receiving municipal services;

2) organization of activities to fully inform applicants on the provision of municipal services;

3) developing mechanisms for interdepartmental information exchange through the introduction of information and communication technologies;

4) improving the quality of provision of municipal services;

5) simplification of the procedure for applicants to receive services, in the provision of which authorities of different levels jointly participate;

6) organization of information exchange of data between federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the Krasnodar Territory, local government bodies, organizations participating in the provision of municipal services.

Department functions:

1) organization and implementation of work on receiving documents necessary for receiving municipal services, on initial processing, on issuing to the applicant the result of providing municipal services;

2) ensuring information and consultation of applicants on the provision of services;

3) organization and implementation of interaction with applicants;

4) organizing the delivery of necessary documents from the department to the relevant municipal institution, local government bodies;

5) organizing and ensuring provision in the building where the department is located, additional services: notary office, banking services for payment of duties and fees, improving their quality;

3 Information and technical support of MKU “MFC”

Krasnodar city

The MFC building is equipped with an information sign containing the full name of the multifunctional center, as well as information about its operating mode.

To organize interaction with applicants of the MFC premises

is divided into the following functional sectors (zones):
1) information and expectation sector;

2) sector for receiving applicants.

The room for working with applicants is equipped with an electronic queue management system, which is a set of software and hardware tools that allow optimizing the management of applicant queues. The queue management system includes a registration system, voice and visual information, and operator consoles.

The information and expectation sector includes:
information stands containing up-to-date and comprehensive information necessary to receive state and municipal services, including: a list of state and municipal services, the provision of which is organized in the multifunctional center; terms for the provision of state and municipal services, the provision of which is organized in the MFC;
the amount of state duty; the procedure for appealing actions (inaction), as well as decisions of bodies providing public services and bodies providing municipal services, state and municipal employees, multifunctional centers, employees of multifunctional centers. The MFC ensures timely updating of documents presented at information stands.

The MFC specialist’s workplace is equipped with a personal computer with the ability to access the necessary information systems, printing and scanning devices.

The MFC has one communication channel that ensures the functioning of electronic system queue management, a separate telephone line, a call center telephone, as well as an automated MFC information system.

The MFC building has a well-equipped technical base, which makes it possible to automate workplaces and increase work productivity. There are also servers, a local network and Internet access. To protect against failures and loss of valuable information, a server is installed for each department, which contains all the necessary information. Most programs used in an organization operate based on queries to a database stored on a server.

4 SWOT- analysis of MKU "MFC" Krasnodar


Speed ​​of receiving state and municipal services;

Reduction of decision-making time due to the territorial unification of government bodies;

Increasing the speed of information exchange;

The awareness of citizens about services is improved (stands, brochures, via the website);

Controllability of the process of providing state and municipal services;

Professionalism of department employees;

Application of new technologies;

Acceptance of documents from citizens at a time convenient for them, the ability to make an appointment via the Internet.

Weak sides:

Low salary;

Difficulties in organizing the reception of documents by MFC transaction officers on the one-stop-shop principle, associated with regulatory requirements for the provision of documents by applicants and their receipt directly from the government agency;

When introducing separate regulations for the provision of services in the work of the MFC, the number of documents that need to be completed by specialists increases and the time frame for providing services is not reduced;

The acquisition and installation of additional computer equipment is required, which should simplify and shorten the procedures for providing services to the population.


Lack of competitors;

In the Krasnodar Territory there is a more favorable investment climate than in the Russian Federation as a whole, thereby increasing the flow of funds into the budget;

Increasing the efficiency and speed of employees’ work through new software and the acquisition of new computer equipment;

Possibility of attracting qualified specialists;

Limited budget;

Frequently changing legislation of the Russian Federation;

Increased employee workload due to large paperwork, which can lead to long queues and reduce citizen satisfaction.

Strategies of the type SIV: development of a system of continuous training of employees, strategy for attracting qualified specialists.

SLV type strategies: investment strategy, strategy for creating new software, strategy for introducing new information technologies.

Strategies for the type of information management system: increasing the number of employees, strategy for information interaction between departments.

Strategies for the type of SLU: reducing the list of provided state and municipal services, liquidating the institution.

5 Passport of the Krasnodar state program

region "Social support for citizens"

Social support for citizens is a system of legal, economic, organizational and other measures guaranteed by the state to certain categories of the population. Categories of recipient citizens social support, measures of social support and the conditions for its provision are determined by federal legislation and the legislation of the Krasnodar Territory.

Passport of the Krasnodar Territory program “Social support for citizens” (in abridged form) (Appendix A).

Main objectives of the program:

Making monthly cash payments to certain categories of citizens;

Providing citizens with subsidies to pay for housing and utilities and benefits for paying for housing and utilities in cash;

Carrying out activities by social protection authorities to establish the status of citizens;

Optimization of the network and development of the material and technical base of institutions serving the elderly and disabled in various conditions of the social sphere;

Creating conditions for classes physical culture and sports, social tourism, active involvement of older people in them;

Forming among the population of the region a positive attitude towards old age and older people as respected and active members of society;

Improving the efficiency of the service system;

Creating favorable conditions for state support for children in difficult life situations, life activities and comprehensive development of children;

Strengthening the material and technical base of institutions.

Time frame for implementation of the state program: 2014 - 2018.

Due to the fact that the main part of the activities of the state program is related to the consistent implementation of the social obligations of the Russian Federation and the Krasnodar Territory to provide social support measures to citizens, the allocation of stages of implementation of the state program is not provided.

The state program includes 4 subprograms:

1) “Development of measures of social support for certain categories of citizens”;

2) “Modernization and development of social services for the population”;

3) “Improving social support for families and children”;

4) "State support for socially oriented non-profit organizations in the Krasnodar region."

Resource support for program implementation:

The total amount of budgetary allocations necessary for the implementation of state program activities is 172,386,816.9 thousand rubles.

The amount of funds from the regional budget allocated to finance the activities of the subprogram of the state program is subject to annual clarification when adopting the law of the Krasnodar Territory on the regional budget for the next financial year and for the planning period.

The mechanism for implementing the state program is based on the principles of a clear delineation of powers and responsibilities of all participants in the state program.

The implementation of the state program is carried out with the participation of executive bodies of state power of the Krasnodar Territory - state customers responsible for the implementation of activities, performers of activities of subprograms of the state program.

The coordinator of the state program is the Ministry of Social Development and Family Policy of the Krasnodar Territory (hereinafter referred to as the coordinator of the state program).

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the state program is carried out in accordance with the methodology.

The methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of the state program is based on the principle of comparing the actually achieved values ​​of target indicators with their planned values ​​based on the results of the reporting year.

Monitoring the progress of the state program is carried out by the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory and the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory.

6 Individual task

The purpose of the practical training was to consolidate and deepen theoretical knowledge, its application, the ability to use legislation in specific cases, the formation of skills in independent search, collection and processing of management information, in order to develop and justify measures to improve the organization of work. I completed an internship at the MKU “MFC” in Krasnodar in the department for working with citizens and organizations “Prikubansky”. Based on the tasks and functions defined by the Regulations on the Department and job regulations, I performed the following work:

Familiarized yourself with the structure of the department, regulations on the department, job descriptions;

Assistance in monitoring the correctness of registration of cases to be transferred to the archive;

Assistance in accepting documents necessary to receive municipal services;

Assistance in the initial processing of citizens’ documents necessary to receive the service;

Assistance in finding the necessary documents in the archive;

Carried out individual assignments from the head of the department within the framework of the tasks facing the department.

Conclusions and offers

During my internship, I became familiar with the organizational structure of the institution, studied the features of the organizational and legal form, and became familiar with the main functions and powers structural divisions. I collected information: about organizational structure institutions and organizations of a specific unit.

As a result, I prepared to consciously and in-depth study organizational and economic disciplines, gained practical skills in the field of organizational, managerial, analytical activities, skills in collecting, processing, systematizing management information, as well as using information resources and technologies in the course of the organization’s activities. Consolidated, expanded, deepened and systematized knowledge in disciplines that reflect the specifics of the training area “Public and Municipal Management”.

After conducting a SWOT analysis of the MFC, to improve its work, I suggested:

1) consider the possibility of increasing wages for employees of the institution;

2) attracting qualified specialists;

3) purchase and installation of additional computer equipment.

I believe that if the methods I proposed to improve work in the MFC are implemented, then the employees will perform their duties quickly and efficiently, the waiting time for receiving visitors will also decrease, and the new computer technology will increase employee productivity.

List of used literature

  1. Federal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services.”
  2. Resolution of the head of the Krasnodar Territory administration dated October 11, 2013 N 1173 “On approval of the state program of the Krasnodar Territory “Social support for citizens”.
  3. Resolution of the Krasnodar City Duma dated January 28, 2010 No. 69, clause 10 “On approval of the creation of the municipal institution “Krasnodar City Multifunctional Center for the provision of state and municipal services.”
  4. Resolution of the administration of the municipal formation of the city of Krasnodar dated 01.02.2010 No. 406 “On the creation of the municipal institution “Krasnodar city multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services.”
  5. Resolution of the administration of the municipal formation of the city of Krasnodar dated December 17, 2010 No. 10306 “On approval of the list of municipal government institutions of the municipal formation of the city of Krasnodar, created by changing the type of municipal budgetary institutions of the municipal formation of the city of Krasnodar.”
  6. Krasnodar region. Statistical Yearbook. 2010: Stat. Sat./Krasnodarstat - Krasnodar, 2011. 456 p.
  7. Polyak, G.B. Territorial finance: textbook / G.B. Pole. - M.: Publishing and trading corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2007. - 479 p.
  8. Sorokina I.A. Investments: tutorial/ I.A. Sorokina, L.V. Sorokina. - 2nd ed., revised. - Krasnodar: KubGAU, 2010. 308 p.
  9. Strategy for modernization of the Russian economy / Edited by V.M. Polterovich. St. Petersburg: Aletheya, 2010. 424 p.
  10. Charter of the municipal government institution of the municipal formation of the city of Krasnodar “Krasnodar city multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services.”
  11. Regulations of the municipal government institution of the municipal formation of the city of Krasnodar “Krasnodar city multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services.”
  12. Regulations on the department for working with citizens and organizations “Prikubansky”.
  13. Job regulations of the department for working with citizens and organizations "Prikubansky".

14. Regulations on the departments of MKU "MFC".

  1. economy. krasnodar. ru- List of government programs

Appendix A

Table A.1 - Passport of the Krasnodar Territory program “Social

support for citizens" (abbreviated form)

Name of the state program

state program of the Krasnodar Territory "Social support of citizens" (hereinafter referred to as the state program)

State program coordinator

Ministry of Social Development and Family Policy of the Krasnodar Territory

Coordinators of subprograms of the state program

Ministry of Social Development and Family Policy of the Krasnodar Territory; Department for Interaction with Religious and Socially Oriented Non-Profit Organizations of the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory

Subprograms of the state program

development of social support measures for certain categories of citizens;

modernization and development of social services for the population; improving social support for families and children; state support for socially oriented non-profit organizations in the Krasnodar region

Departmental target programs

not covered by the state program

Continuation of Appendix A

Other performers of certain events of the state program

Department of Social Protection of the Ministry;

social development and family policy of the Krasnodar region;

administration of the Krasnodar region; local government bodies of municipalities in the Krasnodar Territory (as agreed); state government, budgetary and autonomous institutions of the Krasnodar Territory.

Goals of the state program

creating conditions for increasing the well-being of certain categories of citizens and increasing the availability of social services for the population

Objectives of the state program

making monthly cash payments to certain categories of citizens; providing citizens with subsidies to pay for housing and utilities; optimization of the network and development of the material and technical base of institutions serving the elderly and disabled; creating conditions for physical education and sports, social tourism; increasing the efficiency of the service system, creating favorable conditions for state support for children in difficult life situations.

List of target indicators of the state program

the number of citizens who received documents for the right to use social support measures;

the number of regional beneficiaries receiving monthly cash payments;

the number of recipients of state social assistance in the form of social benefits;

Continuation of Appendix A

the number of recipients of subsidies for housing and utilities;

the number of elderly citizens living in foster families;

number of people who received social services in government institutions social services for families and children;

share of citizens

making monetary donations to non-profit organizations in the Krasnodar Territory

Stages and timing of implementation of the state program

2014 - 2018, the state program is being implemented in one stage

Volumes of budgetary allocations of the state program

the total amount of financing of state program activities from the federal, regional budgets and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is 172,386,816.9 thousand rubles

Monitoring the implementation of the state program

control over the implementation of the state program is carried out by the administration of the Krasnodar region and the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar region

Ministry Agriculture Russian Federation

Department of Science and Technology Policy and Education

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher education

"TORasnoyarsk State Agrarian University"

Institute of Economics and Finance of Agro-Industrial Complex

Department of State and Municipal Administration


on educational and educational practice at the department

"State and municipal administration"

Institute of Economics and Finance of Agro-Industrial Complex

FSBEI HE Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University

Krasnoyarsk 201_

Introduction 3

  1. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University"………………………………………………………4
  2. Fundamentals of state and municipal management 5


2.2. State civil and municipal service in the Russian Federation 7

Conclusion 9

Bibliography 10

Applications 11

The work is a report on educational practice at the Department of State and Municipal Administration of the Institute of Economics and Finance of the Agro-Industrial Complex, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University" in the period from July 1 to July 14.

The objectives of educational practice:

  • form an idea of ​​future professional activity;
  • consolidate theoretical knowledge acquired in the process of studying general professional disciplines;
  • learn to use the acquired knowledge in situations requiring management decisions.

In accordance with the stated goal, the following tasks are set:

  • consolidate and deepen the knowledge and practical skills acquired by students while studying basic and specialized disciplines as part of the curriculum;
  • study the basics of organizing educational activities at a university;
  • study regulatory documents in the system of state and municipal government;
  • master modern technologies search and selection of literature within the framework of future professional activities

The work demonstrates the knowledge gained in the process of studying the following legal acts of the Charter of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "KrasGAU", the Constitution of the Russian Federation; Federal Law No. 131 “On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation”; Federal Law No. 79 “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”; Federal Law No. 25 “On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation”, “European Charter of Local Self-Government”.

1. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University"

The Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University" was created in 1952 as an agricultural institute in the city. Krasnoyarsk.

Location of the University: 660049, Krasnoyarsk region, Krasnoyarsk, Mira Avenue, 90.

Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University today has 17 institutes (of which 10 are educational), 71 departments, 20,392 students. 523 people are studying in master's programs, 361 graduate students (including 215 full-time training), employs 1,313 teachers and staff. About 70% of students receive education on a budgetary basis. The Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University includes: 2 branches (Achinsk, Abakan), The educational center training and advanced training of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Tyva (Kyzyl), 6 representative offices (Kansk, Minusinsk, Dudinka, Shushenskoye, Taimyr, Zaozerny), three educational farms (Minderlinskoe educational farm, experimental field of UNPK "Borsky" and UOOH "Ezagash") (Appendix 1).

The mission of the Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University is to create a new generation of highly qualified specialists in the agro-industrial complex, leaders of innovative, production and entrepreneurial activities, scientific and professional elite for the benefit of the socio-economic development of the Siberian region and the country as a whole. The mission is based on three basic principles: elitism, focus on the development of the agro-industrial complex of Siberia and other regions of the Russian Federation; International activity.

Working time of KrasGAU employees is the time during which the employee, in accordance with the internal labor regulations and the terms of the employment contract, must perform labor duties, as well as other periods of time that, in accordance with the Labor Code and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, relate to working time .

For University employees engaged in teaching activities, a reduced working time is established - 36 hours per week and an extended annual paid leave of 56 calendar days.

In general, KrasGAU is an innovative, educational, scientific, methodological and consulting center for the agricultural education system of the East Siberian region of Russia.

2. Fundamentals of state and municipal management

2.1. Regulatory and legal basis of state and municipal government

The Constitution is a single legal act adopted by the people or on behalf of the people, which establishes the foundations of the constitutional system, the federal structure of the state and the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation. The Constitution was adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993. It consists of a preamble and two sections. The first section consists of 9 chapters, the second section – final and transitional provisions.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes the foundations of the constitutional system, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, the federal structure, the status of the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly, the Government of the Russian Federation, the judiciary and local self-government.

Since I am studying in the direction of “State and Municipal Administration,” the entire Constitution is important to me, but it would be advisable to consider Chapter 8 of the Constitution – local self-government.

Chapter 8 defines the foundations of local self-government (LSG), establishes what it provides independent decision population on issues of local importance. LSG is carried out by citizens through a referendum, elections, and other forms of direct expression of will. This chapter formulates the basic principles of local self-government and its guarantees.

Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131 “On the general principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation” (consists of 12 chapters), in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, establishes general legal, territorial, organizational and economic principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation, defines state guarantees for its implementation.

The European Charter of Local Self-Government (Strasbourg, 15 October 1985) is the most important multilateral document defining the fundamental principles for the functioning of local governments. The Charter is an international treaty, therefore, it has a declarative nature in relation to the national legislation of each of the states that have signed and ratified it. Consists of a preamble and three parts.

The subject of regulation of the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79 “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation” (consists of 17 chapters) is relations related to entry into the state civil service of the Russian Federation, its passage and termination, as well as the determination legal status state civil servants of the Russian Federation.

Federal Law No. 25 of March 2, 2007 “On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation” (consists of 10 chapters) established the general principles of organizing municipal service and the basis of the legal status of municipal employees in the Russian Federation.

All of the listed legal acts form the basis of state and municipal government.

2.2. State civil service and municipal service in the Russian Federation

State and municipal employees, according to current legislation, are citizens of Russia who carry out professional official activities (performing professional duties) in positions of state or municipal service and receive for this a salary (remuneration, allowance) from the budget of the appropriate level. The concept of a civil servant is defined by the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79 “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”, a municipal employee is defined by the Federal Law of March 2, 2007 No. 25 “On the Municipal Service in the Russian Federation”.

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18 and who have mastered state language Russian Federation and meeting the qualification requirements. The entry of a citizen into the civil or municipal service to fill a position in the civil (municipal) service or the replacement by a civil (municipal) employee of another position in the civil (municipal) service is carried out based on the results of a competition.

Termination of state and municipal service is possible upon reaching the age limit, expiration of the service contract, renunciation of Russian citizenship, failure to comply with the requirements and prohibitions imposed on employees.

The responsibilities of a civil servant include: complying with regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation; perform official duties in accordance with official regulations; carry out instructions from relevant managers given within the limits of their authority; observe the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations when performing official duties; comply with the official regulations of the government body; maintain the level of qualifications and others. Municipal employees have similar responsibilities, but they only carry them out at the local government level.

There is a relationship between the civil and municipal services, which is ensured through:

1) unity of basic qualification requirements for civil service positions and municipal service positions;

2) unity of restrictions and obligations when performing civil and municipal service;

3) unity of requirements for professional training, retraining and advanced training of civil and municipal employees;

4) taking into account the length of service in the municipal service when calculating the length of service in the civil service and the length of service in the civil service when calculating the experience in the municipal service;

5) the correlation between the basic conditions of remuneration and social guarantees for civil and municipal employees;

6) the correlation of the basic conditions of state pension provision for citizens who served in civil service, and citizens who served in municipal service, and their families in the event of the loss of a breadwinner.

State and municipal services are similar in principles of organization, functions, goals and objectives, professional requirements to the formation of personnel and regulation of the legal status of state and municipal employees. However civil service is carried out by citizens in government bodies of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities, and municipal service is carried out in local government bodies, which are not included in the system of government bodies.


As a result of the educational practice, the following goals were achieved:

– an idea of ​​future professional activity has been formed;

– theoretical knowledge acquired in the process of studying general professional disciplines is consolidated;

– use the acquired knowledge in situations requiring management decisions.

A number of tasks were completed:

  • The knowledge and practical skills acquired in the study of basic and specialized disciplines within the framework of the curriculum are consolidated and deepened;
  • The basics of organizing educational activities at a university have been studied;
  • Regulatory and legal acts in the system of state and municipal government have been studied


  1. Labor Code of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource]: dated December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ. – Access mode: (access date 07/11/2015)
  2. Charter of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "KrasGAU" [Electronic resource]: Approved by order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated May 25, 2011 No. 76-u. – Access mode: (access date 07/11/2015).
  3. On the state civil service of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource]: Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ. – Access mode: (access date 07/11/2015).
  4. On municipal service in the Russian [Electronic resource]: Federation Federal Law of the Russian Federation of March 2, 2007 No. 25-FZ. – Access mode: (access date 07/11/2015).
  5. On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation [Electronic resource]: Federal Law of the Russian Federation of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ. – Access mode: (access date 07/11/2015)
  6. Constitution of the Russian Federation [Text]: adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993: (taking into account amendments introduced by the laws of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2008 No. 6-FKZ, No. 7-FKZ) // M.: Astrel , 2012. – 63 p.
  7. European Charter of Local Self-Government [Electronic resource]: Strasbourg, October 15, 1985 – Access mode: (access date 07/11/2015).

Annex 1

71 departments

Report on educational practice of the department “State and Municipal Administration” updated: July 31, 2017 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

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