Approved by Federal State Educational Standard 40.04 01 jurisprudence magistracy. II. Abbreviations used


The goal of all master's programs at the Faculty of Law is to train highly qualified specialists in the relevant field. Master's studies are carried out using innovative and time-tested technologies. The greatest attention is paid to the acquisition of practical skills during long-term practice carried out in different bodies. Practice in arbitration courts, lasting up to six months, gives students invaluable experience in forming a legal position and defending it, experience in drafting decisions, and dispute resolution skills. In addition, during the training, students are given master classes by practicing judges.

Who to work with

Graduates of the Master's program at the Faculty of Law are considered highly qualified lawyers, in demand in many organizations and institutions. They can work as teachers of legal disciplines in universities, corporate lawyers in companies in various fields of activity, researchers, analysts whose task includes legal support tasks and goals for the effective development of organizations and corporations. The doors to judicial and law enforcement agencies will be open for them, where the range of possible positions is very wide. An equally attractive prospect is to continue studying in graduate school and write a master's thesis, which will serve as the basis for obtaining the title of Candidate of Legal Sciences.

In accordance with paragraph 5.2.7 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 15, 2010 No. 337 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, No. 21, Art. 2603; No. 26, Art. 3350), paragraph 7 of the Rules for the development and approval of federal state educational standards approved by the resolution Government of the Russian Federation dated February 24, 2009 No. 142 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2009, No. 9, Art. 1110), I order:

Approve the attached federal state educational standard higher vocational education in the direction of training 030900 Jurisprudence (qualification (degree) “Master”) and put it into effect from the date of entry into force of this order.

Minister A.A. Fursenko

Registration No. 19648


Federal state educational standard of higher professional education in the field of training 030900 Jurisprudence (qualification (degree) “master”)
(approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2010 No. 1763)

I. Scope of application

1.1. This federal state educational standard for higher professional education (FSES HPE) is a set of requirements that are mandatory for the implementation of basic educational master's programs in the field of study 030900 Jurisprudence educational institutions higher professional education (higher educational institutions, universities) on the territory of the Russian Federation that have state accreditation.

1.2. The right to implement basic educational programs is higher educational institution has only a corresponding license issued by an authorized federal executive body.

II. Abbreviations used

The following abbreviations are used in this standard:

III. Characteristics of the direction of training

The standard period, the total labor intensity of mastering PLO (in credit units)* and the corresponding qualification (degree) are given in Table 1.

Table 1

Timing, labor intensity of mastering PLO and qualifications (degree) of graduates

The time frame for mastering the Master's program in part-time (evening) and part-time forms of study, as well as in the case of a combination of various forms of study, may increase by five months relative to regulatory period, indicated in table 1 based on the decision of the academic council of the higher educational institution.

The profile focus of master's programs is determined by the higher education institution that implements the educational program in the relevant field of study.

IV. Characteristics of professional activities of masters

4.1. The area of ​​professional activity of masters includes the development and implementation of legal norms; ensuring law and order, conducting scientific research, education and upbringing.

4.2. The objects of professional activity of masters are public relations in the field of implementation of legal norms, ensuring law and order.

4.3. Master in the field of study 030900 Jurisprudence prepares for the following types of professional activities:

a) law-making;

b) law enforcement;

c) law enforcement;

d) expert-consulting;

e) organizational and managerial;

f) scientific research;

g) pedagogical.

Specific types of professional activities for which a master's degree is mainly prepared are determined by the higher education institution together with students, scientific and pedagogical workers of the higher education institution and employers' associations.

4.4. A master's degree in the field of study 030900 Jurisprudence must be prepared to solve the following professional tasks in accordance with the profile of the master's program and types of professional activity:

a) law-making activity:

preparation of normative legal acts;

b) law enforcement activities:

justifying and making decisions within the limits of official duties, as well as taking actions related to the implementation of legal norms;

drafting legal documents;

c) law enforcement activities:

ensuring legality, law and order, security of the individual, society and state;

public order protection;

protection of private, state, municipal and other forms of property;

prevention, suppression, identification, disclosure and investigation of offenses;

protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and legal entities;

d) expert consulting activities:

providing legal assistance, consulting on legal issues;

carrying out legal examination of regulatory legal acts;

e) organizational and managerial activities:

implementation of organizational and managerial functions;

f) research activities:

conducting scientific research on legal issues;

participation in scientific research in accordance with the profile of their professional activities;

g) teaching activities:

teaching legal disciplines;

implementation of legal education.

V. Requirements for the results of mastering the main educational master's programs

5.1. The graduate must have the following general cultural competencies(OK):

awareness of the social significance of one's future profession, manifestation of intolerance towards corrupt behavior, respectful attitude towards law and law, possession of a sufficient level of professional legal awareness (OK-1);

the ability to conscientiously perform professional duties, comply with the principles of legal ethics (OK-2);

the ability to improve and develop one’s intellectual and general cultural level (OK-3);

ability to use Russian fluently and foreign languages as a means of business communication (OK-4);

competent use of acquired skills in practice in the organization research work, in team management (OK-5).

5.2. The graduate must have the following professional competencies (PC):

in law-making activities:

ability to develop regulatory legal acts (PC-1);

in law enforcement activities:

ability to skillfully apply regulatory legal acts in specific areas legal activity, implement the norms of substantive and procedural law in professional activities (PC-2);

in law enforcement:

readiness to perform official duties to ensure law and order, security of the individual, society, and state (PC-3);

the ability to identify, suppress, disclose and investigate offenses and crimes (PC-4);

the ability to prevent crimes, identify and eliminate the causes and conditions conducive to their commission (PC-5);

the ability to identify, evaluate and help suppress corrupt behavior (PC-6);

in expert and consulting activities:

the ability to competently interpret regulatory legal acts (PC-7);

the ability to take part in the legal examination of draft regulatory legal acts, including in order to identify provisions in them that contribute to the creation of conditions for corruption, to provide qualified legal opinions and advice in specific areas of legal activity (PC-8);

in organizational and managerial activities:

ability to make optimal management decisions(PC-9);

the ability to perceive, analyze and implement management innovations in professional activities (PC-10);

in research activities:

the ability to competently conduct scientific research in the field of law (PK-11);

in teaching activities:

ability to teach legal disciplines at a high theoretical and methodological level (PK-12);

ability to manage independent work of students (PK-13);

ability to organize and conduct pedagogical research (PK-14);

the ability to effectively carry out legal education (PC-15).

VI. Requirements for the structure of the main master's degree programs

6.1. Master's degree programs provide for the study of the following educational cycles (Table 2):

general scientific cycle;

professional cycle

and sections:

practice and research work;

final state certification.

6.2. Each academic cycle has a basic (compulsory) part and a variable (profile) part, established by the university. The variable (profile) part provides the opportunity to expand and (or) deepen knowledge, abilities, skills and competencies determined by the content of basic (compulsory) disciplines (modules), allows the student to obtain in-depth knowledge, skills and competencies for successful professional activity and (or) training in graduate school.

table 2

Structure of the master's degree program

CA code OOP Educational cycles and projected results of their development Labor intensity (credit units)* List of disciplines for developing programs (sample), textbooks and teaching aids Codes of formed competencies
M.1 General scientific cycle Basic (mandatory) part As a result of studying the basic part of the cycle, the student must: know: basic philosophical and legal patterns and philosophical and legal categories, the foundations of philosophical and legal understanding of legal reality, the principles of professional thinking of a modern lawyer, the foundations of legal culture; be able to: debate, defend and express one’s thoughts, substantiate one’s arguments in seminars and debates; possess: basic skills of philosophical and legal analysis, detection and comparison of the most important philosophical and legal ideologies, methods of legal science methodologies. 7-13 3 Philosophy of law OK-1 - OK-5;
Variable (profile) part (knowledge, abilities, skills are determined by the educational program of the university)
M.2 Professional cycle Basic (mandatory) part As a result of studying the basic part of the cycle, the student must: know: criteria for assessing political and legal doctrines; formation and development of political and legal ideology; political and legal ideas in states Ancient world and the Middle Ages; theories of natural law; theory of separation of powers; early socialism; political and legal doctrines in Russia; liberal political and legal doctrines; socialist political and legal theories; Marxist political and legal doctrines; the main political and legal doctrines of our time; legal types of scientific knowledge; concept and principles of methodology of legal science; methodology of jurisprudence as an independent field of legal knowledge; modern ideas about scientific knowledge; legal knowledge as an activity; various styles and images of legal knowledge; processes of formation and development of ideas in comparative law; object, subject, sources and principles of comparative law; the place and role of comparative law in society, including in the system of legal education; interrelation and interaction of international and domestic law; classification of legal systems; be able to: apply the acquired knowledge to understand the patterns of development of the state and law; for use in the process of lawmaking and research work; master: technique self-study and analysis of political and legal doctrines, historical process formation and development of political and legal ideology, legal science, international law and national legal systems; (knowledge, abilities, skills in the discipline “Current Problems of Law” are determined by the university’s educational program based on the decision of the department responsible for the implementation of the corresponding master’s educational program) 47-53 12 History of political and legal doctrines History and methodology of legal science Comparative law Current problems of law (in accordance with the master's programs being implemented) OK-1 - OK-5; PK-1 - PK-15
Variable (profile) part (knowledge, abilities, skills are determined by the educational program of the university) The list of disciplines is determined by the university
M.3 Practice and research work, practical skills and abilities are determined by the educational program of the university 54 OK-1 - OK-5; PK-1 - PK-15
M.4 Final state certification 6 OK-1; PK-7, 8
M.5 Total labor intensity of the main educational program 120

* The complexity of cycles M.1, M.2, M.3 and sections M.4, M5 includes all types of current and intermediate certifications.

VII. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of basic educational master's programs

7.1. Educational institutions independently develop and approve the master's degree program, which includes the curriculum, work programs of training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) and other materials that ensure the education and quality of training of students, as well as educational and industrial practice and research work, final state certification, academic calendar and teaching materials, ensuring the implementation of appropriate educational technology.

Higher education institutions are required to annually update the educational program, taking into account the development of science, culture, economics, technology, technology and the social sphere.

7.2. When developing master’s program educational programs, the university’s capabilities in developing general cultural competencies of graduates (competencies social interaction, self-organization and self-government, system-activity nature). The university is obliged to form a sociocultural environment, create the conditions necessary for the socialization of the individual.

7.3. The implementation of the competency-based approach should include the widespread use of active and interactive forms of conducting classes in the educational process (online seminars, discussions, computer simulations, business and role playing games, analysis of specific situations, psychological and other trainings, group discussions, results of the work of student research groups, university and interuniversity teleconferences, gaming litigation) in combination with extracurricular work in order to form and develop professional skills of students. One of the main active forms of formation of professional competencies related to the conduct of the type (types) of activity for which the master is preparing (research, law-making, law enforcement, law enforcement, expert-consulting, organizational-managerial, scientific-research, pedagogical), for The master's program is a seminar that lasts on a regular basis for at least two semesters, in which leading researchers and practitioners are involved, and is the basis for adjusting individual master's curricula.

The training courses should include meetings with representatives of Russian and foreign companies, government and public organizations, master classes from experts and specialists.

The share of classes conducted in interactive forms is determined main goal program, the peculiarities of the student population and the content of specific disciplines, and in general in the educational process they should make up at least 30 percent of classroom lessons. Lecture-type classes for appropriate groups of students cannot account for more than 20 percent of classroom classes.

7.4. The programs of basic disciplines of the professional cycle should include tasks that contribute to the development of competencies in the professional activity for which the graduate is preparing, to the extent that allows the formation of appropriate general cultural and professional competencies. The total labor intensity of the discipline cannot be less than two credit units (with the exception of disciplines of the students’ choice). For disciplines whose labor intensity is more than three credit units, a grade is assigned (“excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory”, “unsatisfactory”).

7.5. The master's program of a higher educational institution must contain disciplines of the students' choice in the amount of at least 30 percent of the variable part of the training. The procedure for forming disciplines of students' choice is established by the academic council of the university.

7.6. The maximum volume of students' academic workload cannot be more than 54 academic hours per week, including all types of classroom and extracurricular (independent) educational work on mastering PLO and elective disciplines established by the university in addition to PLO and which are optional for students to study.

The scope of elective disciplines is determined by the university independently. Optional disciplines are not included in the 120 credit units of general labor intensity and are not mandatory for students to study.

7.7. The maximum volume of classroom training sessions per week when mastering the basic educational program with full-time training is 14 academic hours.

7.8. In the case of implementation of master's degree programs in other forms of education, the maximum volume of classroom training is established in accordance with the Model Regulations on an educational institution of higher professional education (higher educational institution), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2008 No. 71 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, No. 8, Art. 731).

7.9. The total amount of vacation in the academic year should be 7-10 weeks, including at least two weeks in the winter.

In higher educational institutions that provide military and (or) law enforcement service, the duration of the students' vacation is determined in accordance with the regulatory legal acts regulating the procedure for serving**.

7.10. The university is obliged to provide students with a real opportunity to participate in the formation of their educational program, including the possible development of individual educational programs.

7.11. The university is obliged to familiarize students with their rights and responsibilities when forming an individual educational program, explain that the disciplines (modules) chosen by students become mandatory for them, and their total labor intensity should not be less than that provided for in the curriculum.

7.12. The university should provide for the use of innovative learning technologies that develop skills in consulting work, decision-making, interpersonal communication, leadership and other personal and professional qualities necessary for a lawyer (reading interactive lectures, conducting group discussions and projects, analyzing business situations and simulation models, conducting role-playing games, trainings, legal consultations for the population in student legal consultations (legal clinics), teaching disciplines in the form of proprietary courses according to programs compiled on the basis of research results scientific schools university, taking into account regional and professional specifics, subject to the implementation of the content of education and the formation of graduate competencies, determined by this Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education).

7.13. The educational program of a master's degree program at a university should include laboratory workshops and practical classes in disciplines (modules) of the professional cycle that develop the appropriate skills and abilities in students.

7.14. Students have the following rights and responsibilities:

the right, within the scope of educational time allotted for mastering elective disciplines (modules) provided for by the educational program, to choose specific disciplines (modules);

the right to receive advice from the university on the choice of disciplines (modules) and their impact on the future profile of training when forming your individual educational program;

the right to credit previously mastered disciplines (modules) on the basis of certification in the presence of relevant documents when transferring from another higher educational institution;

when forming your individual educational program, obtain advice from the university on the choice of disciplines (modules) and their impact on future professional training;

the obligation to complete all tasks provided for by the university’s educational program within the established time limits.

7.15. Practice is a mandatory section of the master's program. It is a type of training sessions directly focused on the professional and practical training of students. When implementing master's programs in this area of ​​training, the following types of internships are provided: educational and industrial, which may include research, pedagogical practice, legal consulting.

Specific types of practices are determined by the university’s educational program. Goals and objectives, programs and reporting forms are determined by the university for each type of practice.

Internships are carried out in third-party organizations, student legal consultations (legal clinics) or in university departments that have the necessary personnel and scientific potential.

7.16. Students' research work is a mandatory section of the master's program and is aimed at developing general cultural and professional competencies in accordance with the requirements of this Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education and the university's general education program. Universities may provide for the following types and stages of performing and monitoring students’ research work:

planning of research work, including familiarization with the topics of research work in this area and selection of a research topic, preparation of an abstract on the chosen topic;

conducting research work;

adjustment of the research plan;

compiling a report on research work;

public defense of the work performed.

The main form of planning and adjusting individual plans for students' research work is the substantiation of the topic, discussion of the plan and intermediate results of the research within the framework of the research seminar. The university should constantly conduct, with the involvement of employers and leading researchers, a broad discussion of the results of research work, which allows assessing the level of acquired knowledge, skills and developed competencies among students. It is also necessary to assess the competencies associated with the formation of a professional worldview and a certain level of culture.

7.17. The implementation of master's education programs should be ensured by scientific and pedagogical personnel who have a basic education corresponding to the profile of the discipline being taught, and an academic degree or experience in the relevant professional field, and who are systematically engaged in scientific and (or) scientific and methodological activities.

At least five percent of teachers from among current managers and leading employees of specialized organizations, enterprises and institutions are involved in the educational process in disciplines of the professional cycle.

At least 80 percent of teachers (in terms of integer values rates) providing educational process for the professional cycle and research seminar, must have academic degrees and (or) academic titles, while at least 40 percent of teachers must have academic degrees of Doctor of Science and (or) the academic title of professor.

When implementing master's programs aimed at training scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, at least 80 percent of teachers providing the educational process must have academic degrees of candidate, doctor of science (including degrees awarded abroad, the documents for which have passed the established procedure recognition and establishment of equivalence) and academic titles.

The general management of the scientific content and educational part of the master's program must be carried out by a full-time scientific and pedagogical employee of the university who has an academic degree of Doctor of Science and (or) the academic title of professor of the relevant profile, and at least three years of work experience in educational institutions of higher professional education. Concurrent management of no more than one master's program is allowed.

Direct supervision of masters is carried out by teachers who have an academic degree and (or) academic title. The simultaneous supervision of no more than ten masters is allowed.

The share of full-time teachers involved in the educational process in disciplines of the professional cycle must be at least 70 percent.

Leaders of master's degree programs must regularly conduct independent research (creative) projects or participate in research (creative) projects, have publications in domestic publications scientific journals and (or) foreign refereed journals, works of national and international conferences, symposia on the profile, and undergo advanced training at least once every five years.

The structure of a university that provides training for masters must have at least six legal departments.

7.18. PLO master's programs must be provided with educational and methodological documentation and materials for all educational courses, disciplines (modules) of PLO. The content of each of these academic disciplines(modules) must be presented on the Internet.

Each student must be provided with access to an electronic library system containing publications on the main disciplines studied and formed in agreement with the copyright holders of educational and educational literature.

At the same time, it must be possible to provide simultaneous individual access to such a system for at least 25 percent of students.

The library fund must be equipped with printed and (or) electronic editions of basic educational and scientific literature in the disciplines of general scientific and professional cycles, published over the last five years, at the rate of at least 25 copies of such publications for every 100 students.

The collection of additional literature, in addition to educational literature, should include official, reference, bibliographic and

specialized periodicals in the amount of 1-2 copies for every 100 students.

The electronic library system must provide individual access for each student from any point where there is access to the Internet.

The prompt exchange of information with domestic and foreign universities and organizations must be carried out in compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on intellectual property and international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of intellectual property. Students should be provided with access to modern professional databases, information reference and search systems.

7.19. When introducing PEP in the field of study, the Academic Council of a higher educational institution approves the amount of funds for the implementation of the relevant PEP.

Financing for the implementation of educational programs must be carried out in an amount not lower than the established standards for financing a higher education institution***.

7.20. A higher educational institution that implements master's degree programs must have a material and technical base that ensures all types of disciplinary and interdisciplinary training, laboratory, practical and research work of students, which are provided for by the university curriculum and comply with current sanitary and fire safety standards and regulations.

The minimum list of material and technical support required for the implementation of a master’s program includes:

premises for student legal consultation (legal clinic), except for universities where study is combined with service in law enforcement agencies and military service;

training courtroom;

a specialized auditorium equipped for conducting classes in criminology (subject to the implementation of the corresponding master's program by the university);

own library with the technical capabilities of transferring basic library collections into electronic form And necessary conditions their storage and use.

When using electronic publications during self-study The university, in accordance with the labor intensity of the disciplines studied, must provide each student with a workplace in a computer class with access to the Internet.

The university must be provided with the necessary set of licensed software.

VIII. Assessment of the quality of mastering basic educational programs of master's programs

8.1. A higher education institution is obliged to ensure the quality of training, including by:

developing a strategy to ensure the quality of graduate training with the involvement of employer representatives;

monitoring, periodic review of educational programs;

development of objective procedures for assessing the level of knowledge and skills of students, competencies of graduates;

ensuring the competence of teaching staff;

regular self-examination based on agreed criteria to evaluate activities (strategies) and compare with other educational institutions with the involvement of representatives of employers;

informing the public about the results of its activities, plans, innovations.

Assessment of the quality of master's programs must include ongoing monitoring of progress, intermediate certification of students and final state certification of graduates.

8.2. Specific forms and procedures for ongoing progress monitoring and intermediate certification students in each discipline are developed by the university independently and brought to the attention of students during the first month of training.

8.3. To certify students for compliance of their personal achievements with the stage-by-stage requirements of the corresponding master's program (current and intermediate certification), funds are created valuation means, including standard assignments, tests, tests and control methods that allow you to assess knowledge, skills and the level of acquired competencies. Assessment funds are developed and approved by the university.

Funds of assessment tools must be complete and adequate reflections of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education in this area of ​​training, correspond to the goals and objectives of the master’s program and its curriculum. They are designed to provide an assessment of the quality of general cultural and professional competencies acquired by the graduate.

When developing assessment tools for monitoring the quality of studying modules, disciplines, and practices, all types of connections between the knowledge, abilities, and skills included in them should be taken into account, which make it possible to establish the quality of the competencies formed in students by type of activity and the degree of general readiness of graduates for professional activities.

When designing assessment tools, it is necessary to provide for an assessment of students’ ability to perform creative activities, their readiness to search for solutions to new problems associated with a lack of specific specialized knowledge and the absence of generally accepted algorithms of professional behavior.

8.4. Students, as well as representatives of employers, should be given the opportunity to evaluate the content, organization and quality educational process in general, as well as the work of individual teachers.

8.5. The university must create conditions for maximum approximation of the system for assessing and monitoring the competencies of masters to the conditions of their future professional activities. For this purpose, in addition to teachers of a specific discipline, employers (representatives of interested organizations) and teachers teaching related disciplines should be actively used as external experts.

8.6. The final state certification is aimed at establishing compliance of the level of professional training of graduates with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education.

The final state certification includes the defense of a final qualifying thesis, as well as a state exam established by decision of the academic council of the university.

8.7. The topic of final qualifying work should be aimed at solving professional problems in legal practice in accordance with the master's program.

The final qualifying work is carried out in the form of a master's thesis during the period of internship and research work. It should be an independent and logically completed work related to solving problems of the type of activity for which the master is preparing (research, law-making, law enforcement, law enforcement, expert consulting, organizational and managerial, scientific research, teaching).

When completing their final qualifying work, students must demonstrate their ability and ability, based on the acquired in-depth knowledge, skills and developed general cultural and professional competencies, to independently solve the problems of their professional activities at the modern level, professionally present special information, scientifically argue and defend their point of view.

Requirements for the content, volume and structure of the final qualifying work (master's thesis), as well as the procedures for its defense, are determined by the higher education institution.

When defending a final qualifying thesis, the level of the graduate’s speech culture must be taken into account.

8.8. The state exam program is developed by universities independently. To objectively assess a graduate’s competencies, the topics of examination questions and assignments must be comprehensive and correspond to selected sections from various educational cycles that form specific competencies.


* One credit unit corresponds to 36 academic hours.

** Article 30 Regulations on the procedure for passing military service, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 No. 1237 “Issues of military service” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 38, Art. 4534)

*** Clause 2 of Article 41 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” dated July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, No. 3, Art. 150; 2002, No. 26, Art. 2517; 2004, No. 30, Art. 3086; No. 35, Art. 3607; 2005, No. 1, Art. 25; 2007, No. 17, Art. 1932; No. 44, Art. 5280)

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2010 No. 1763 “On the approval and implementation of the federal state educational standard of higher professional education in the field of training 030900 Jurisprudence (qualification (degree) “master”)”

Registration No. 19648

Document overview

The federal state educational standard for higher professional education in the field of training “Jurisprudence (qualification (degree) “Master”)" has been approved. The standard is mandatory for use by Russian institutions that have state accreditation and the right to implement the main educational program.

The characteristics of preparation are given. The requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program and for its structure have been determined.

The federal standard comes into effect from the date the order comes into force.

On approval of the federal state educational standard higher education in the direction of training 40.04.01 Jurisprudence (master's level)

In accordance with paragraph 5.2.41 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Education
and science of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 3 2013 No. 000 (Meeting legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 23, Art. 2923; No. 33, art. 4386; No. 37, art. 4702;
2014, No. 2, art. 126; official Internet portal of legal information http://www. *****, February 3rd 2014), and paragraph 17 of the Rules for the development, approval of federal state educational standards and amendments to them, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 5th of August 2013 No. 000 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 33, Art. 4377), order:

1. Approve the attached federal state educational standard higher education in the field of preparation 40.04.01 Jurisprudence (master's level).

2. To recognize as invalid:


Level of higher education


Direction of training



This federal state educational standard of higher education is a set of requirements mandatory for the implementation of basic professional educational programs higher education - master's programs in the field of study 40.04.01 Jurisprudence (hereinafter referred to as the master's program, field of study).


The following abbreviations are used in this federal state educational standard:

VO – higher education;

OK – general cultural competencies;

GPC – general professional competencies;

PC – professional competencies;

Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education – federal state educational standard of higher education;

NETWORK FORM – a network form of implementation of educational programs.


3.1.Receiving education in master's programs is allowed only in educational organizations higher education and scientific organizations (hereinafter referred to as organizations).

3.2. Master's program training in organizations is carried out
in full-time, part-time or part-time forms of study.

The volume of the master's program is 120 credit units (hereinafter referred to as credit units)
regardless of the form of training used educational technologies, implementation of a master's program using a network form, implementation of a master's program according to an individual curriculum, including accelerated learning.

3.3. Duration of education for the master's program:

in full-time education, including vacations provided after passing the state final certification, regardless of
depending on the educational technologies used, is 2 years. The volume of a full-time master's program, implemented in one academic year, is 60 z. e.;

in full-time or part-time forms of education, regardless of the educational technologies used, it increases by no less than 3 months and no more than six months (at the discretion of the organization), compared to the period of obtaining education in full-time education. The volume of the master's program in full-time or part-time forms of study, implemented in one academic year, is determined by the organization independently;

when studying according to an individual curriculum, regardless of the form of training, it is established by the organization independently, but not more than the period for obtaining education established for the corresponding form of training. When teaching according to an individual curriculum for persons with disabilities health organization has the right to extend the period by no more than six months compared to the period established for the corresponding form of training.

Scope of the master's program for one academic year during training
according to an individual curriculum, regardless of the form of study, it cannot be more than 75 credits. e.

When implementing a master's program, an organization has the right to use e-learning and distance learning technologies. When training people with disabilities, e-learning
and distance educational technologies must provide for the possibility of receiving and transmitting information in forms accessible to them.

The implementation of the master's program is possible in network form.

Educational activities under the master's program are carried out
in the state language of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise specified by local normative act organizations.


law enforcement activities:

justifying and making decisions within the limits of official duties, as well as taking actions related to the implementation of legal norms;

drafting legal documents;

law enforcement activities:

ensuring legality, law and order, security of the individual, society and state;

public order protection;

protection of private, state, municipal and other forms of property;

prevention, suppression, identification, disclosure and investigation of offenses;

protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and legal entities;

expert consulting activities:

providing legal assistance, consulting on legal issues;

carrying out legal examination regulatory legal acts;

organizational and managerial activities:

implementation of organizational and managerial functions;

conducting scientific research on legal problems;

participation in scientific research in accordance with the profile of their professional activities;

pedagogical activity:

teaching legal disciplines;

implementation of legal education.



5.1. As a result of mastering the master's program, the graduate must develop general cultural, general professional and professional competencies.

5.2. A graduate who has completed a master's program must have the following: general cultural competencies (GC):

ability for abstract thinking, analysis, synthesis (OK-1);

willingness to act in non-standard situations, bear social and ethical responsibility for decisions made(OK-2);

readiness for self-development, self-realization, use of creative potential (OK-3);

ability to use Russian fluently and foreign languages as a means of business communication (OK-4).

5.3. A graduate who has completed a master's program must have the following: general professional competencies (GPC):

awareness of the social significance of their future profession, manifestation of intolerance towards corrupt behavior, respectful attitude towards law and law, possession of a sufficient level of professional legal consciousness(OPK-1);

the ability to conscientiously perform professional duties, comply with the principles of legal ethics (GPC-2);

the ability to use acquired skills in practice in organizing research work (GPC-3);

7.1.3. Electronic library system ( digital library)
and the electronic information and educational environment must provide the possibility of individual access for each student from any point where there is access to the Internet, both on the territory of the organization and outside it.

7.1.4. The organization must be provided with the necessary set of licenses software(the composition is determined in the work programs of disciplines (modules) and is subject to annual updating). In the case of using e-learning and distance educational technologies, remote access to the use of software must be provided, or all necessary licenses must be provided to students.

7.1.5. In the case of implementing a master's program in a network form, the requirements for the implementation of a master's program must be provided by a set of resources of material, technical, educational and methodological support provided by organizations participating in the implementation of a master's program in a network form.

7.1.6. In the case of implementing a master's program on established
in accordance with the established procedure in other organizations, departments or other structural divisions organization requirements for the implementation of a master's program must be provided by the totality of resources of these organizations.

7.1.7. The qualifications of managerial and scientific-pedagogical employees of the organization must correspond to the qualification characteristics established in the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees, section “Qualification characteristics of positions of managers and specialists of higher professional and additional professional education”, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation from 11 January 2011 No. 1 n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation 23 March 2011 g., registration No. 000), and professional standards (if available).

7.1.8. The share of full-time scientific and pedagogical workers (in rates reduced to integer values) must be at least 60 percent of the total number of scientific and pedagogical workers of the organization.

7.1.9. The average annual number of publications of scientific and pedagogical workers of the organization during the implementation of the master's program per 100 scientific and pedagogical workers (in rates reduced to integer values) must be at least 2 in journals indexed in databases“Web of Science” or “Scopus”, and at least 20 in journals indexed in the Russian Science Citation Index.

7.1.10. In an organization implementing master's programs, the average annual amount of funding for scientific research per one scientific and pedagogical worker (in rates reduced to integer values) must be no less than the value of a similar indicator for monitoring the education system, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

7.2. Requirements for personnel conditions for the implementation of a master's program

7.2.1. The implementation of the master's program is ensured by the management and scientific-pedagogical employees of the organization, as well as by persons involved in the implementation of the master's program under the terms of a civil contract.

7.2.2. The share of scientific and pedagogical workers (in terms of rates reduced to integer values) with education corresponding to the profile of the taught discipline (module), in total number of scientific and pedagogical workers implementing the master's program must be at least 90 percent.

7.2.3. The share of scientific and pedagogical workers (in terms of rates converted to integer values) who have an academic degree (including an academic degree awarded abroad and recognized in the Russian Federation) and (or) an academic title (including an academic title received abroad and recognized in the Russian Federation), in the total number of scientific and pedagogical workers implementing the master's program, there must be no less than:

80 percent for a master's program focused on research or scientific and pedagogical type of professional activity of graduates;

65 percent for a master's program oriented

7.2.4. The share of employees (in terms of rates reduced to integer values) from among the managers and employees of organizations whose activities are related to the focus (profile) of the master's program being implemented (with work experience in this professional field of at least 3 years) in the total number of employees implementing the master's program should be no less than:

5 percent for a master's program focused on research or scientific and pedagogical type of professional activity of graduates;

5 percent for a master's program oriented
for organizational-managerial or consulting-expert type of professional activity of graduates.

7.2.5. General management of the scientific content of a master's program of a certain focus (profile) should be carried out by a full-time scientific and pedagogical employee of the organization who has an academic degree (including an academic degree awarded abroad and recognized in the Russian Federation), carrying out independent research (creative) projects ( participating in the implementation of such projects) in the field of training, having annual publications on the results of the specified research (creative) activities in leading domestic and (or) foreign peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications, as well as carrying out annual testing of the results of the specified research (creative) activities at national and international conferences.

7.3. Requirements for material, technical, educational and methodological support of master's programs

7.3.1. Special premises should be classrooms for conducting lectures, practical (seminar) classes, rooms for independent work and storage rooms
and preventative maintenance of educational equipment. Premises for conducting lectures and practical (seminar) classes must be equipped with specialized educational furniture and technical teaching aids used for presentation educational information large audience.

Sets of demonstration equipment and educational visual aids, providing thematic illustrations relevant sample programs disciplines, educational and methodological complexes.

Premises for independent work of students must be equipped computer equipment with the ability to connect to the Internet.

Each student during the entire period of study must be provided with individual unlimited access to one or more electronic library systems (electronic libraries), containing all mandatory and additional publications of educational, educational, methodological and other literature listed in the work programs of disciplines (modules), practitioner

If the organization does not use an electronic library system (electronic library), the library collection must be equipped with printed publications at the rate of at least 50 copies of each edition of the basic literature listed in the work programs of disciplines (modules), practices and at least 50 copies of additional literature
per 100 students.

7.3.2. Electronic library system (electronic library)
and the electronic information and educational environment must provide simultaneous access to at least 25 percent of students in the master's program.

7.3.3. Students should be provided with access to modern professional databases and information reference systems, the composition of which is determined in the work programs of disciplines (modules) and is subject to annual updating.

7.3.4. Students from among persons with disabilities must be provided with printed and (or) electronic educational resources in forms adapted to their health limitations.

7.4. Requirements for financial conditions for the implementation of master's programs

7.4.1. The program is financed taking into account the following adjustment factors:

full-time, part-time and part-time by correspondence training (clause 3.2 of this Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education);

according to the network form (clause 3.2 of this Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education);

on the use of distance educational technologies and (or) e-learning (clause 3.3 of this Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education).

7.4.2. Program financing standards are calculated taking into account the following requirements:

by methods of conducting practices: stationary and away practices
(Clause 6.5 of this Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education).

7.4.3. Financial support for the implementation of the master's program must be carried out in an amount not lower than the basic standard costs established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services in the field of education for a given level of education and field of study, taking into account correction factors that take into account the specifics of educational programs in accordance with the methodology for determining standard standards costs for the provision of public services for the sale of existing state accreditation educational programs of higher education in specialties and areas of training approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
from August 2 2013 No. 000 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation 16 of September 2013, registration No. 000).

VIII. Assessing the quality of Master's programs

8.1. Responsible for ensuring the quality of student training
when implementing a master's program and students obtain the results of mastering the program required by this Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education, the organization is responsible.

8.2. The level of quality of the master's program and its compliance with the requirements of the labor market and professional standards(if available) can be established during professional and public accreditation of educational programs.

8.3. Assessment of the quality of master's program mastery by students includes ongoing monitoring of progress, intermediate certification students and state final certification.

Specific forms and procedures for ongoing monitoring of progress and intermediate certification of students in each discipline (module) and practice are established by the organization independently (including the specifics of the procedures for ongoing monitoring of progress and intermediate certification in teaching people with disabilities) and are brought to the attention of students within the time limits specified. defined in the local regulations of the organization.

8.4. To implement procedures for ongoing progress monitoring
and intermediate certification of students, the organization creates funds of assessment tools that make it possible to assess the achievement of the results of its development planned in the master's program and the level of formation of all competencies declared in the educational program.

In order to bring current monitoring of academic performance and intermediate certification of students closer to the tasks of their future professional activities, the organization must develop a procedure and create conditions for involving external experts - employers from among current managers and employees - in the procedures for ongoing monitoring of academic performance and intermediate certification, as well as the examination of assessment tools organizations whose activities are related to the focus (profile) of the master's program being implemented (with at least 3 years of work experience in this professional field), as well as teachers of related educational areas, specialists in the development and certification of assessment tools.

8.5. Students should be given the opportunity to evaluate content, organization and quality educational process in general and individual disciplines (modules) and practices, as well as the work of individual scientific and pedagogical workers.

8.6. State final certification as a mandatory state certification test includes the defense of a final qualifying thesis. The state exam is introduced at the discretion of the organization.

The organization independently establishes the requirements for the content, volume and structure of the final qualifying work, as well as the requirements for the state exam (if any).

The organization establishes requirements for the procedure for conducting state certification tests, including for disabled people and persons with disabilities, taking into account their health status, based on the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs higher education - bachelor's degree programs, specialty programs and master's programs approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Clause 4 of the Rules for monitoring the education system, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 5 August 2013 No. 000 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 33, Art. 4378).

Part 5 of Article 59 of Federal Law No. 29 December 2012“On Education in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 53, Art. 7598; 2013, No. 19, Art. 2326; No. 23, Art. 2878; No. 27, Art. 3462; No. 30, Art. 4036; No. 48, Art. 6165; 2014, No. 6, Art. 562).

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