Military Academy named after General of the Army Khrulev. Khrulev Academy: address, departments, head. Military Academy of Logistics named after A.V. Khrulev. Military Academy of MTO

St. Petersburg is a forge of military personnel; several military universities are located in the Northern capital. One of these educational institutions is the MTO Academy named after Army General A.V. Khrulev. The University of the Ministry of Defense prepares qualified personnel for military departments in the field of management and provision of the army with material and technical means.

The main entrance of the building of the Military Academy of MTO


The founding day of the Academy is considered to be March 31, 1900, when a special Quartermaster Corps was formed in St. Petersburg by order of the Emperor. This educational institution was the first in Russia to train officers and civil servants for the commissariat department.

Since 1906, the military logistics Quartermaster course became a higher educational institution, the duration of training increased to three years. Since 1911, the university has been renamed the Quartermaster Academy.

After the Bolsheviks came to power, the academy was reorganized and on March 15, 1918 received the name: Military-Economic Academy of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. In 1920, the educational institution was reorganized again and became known as the Military Economic Academy of the Red Army and the Red Army, after being merged into one university with the Naval Higher Financial and Economic School. Between 1924 and 1925, the academy's faculties were transferred to different educational institutions. However, the reform did not have a positive result in the training of qualified logistics personnel. Ultimately, the Military Transport Academy appeared in Moscow in 1932. In 1935, the Military Economic Academy was formed in Kharkov.

In 1942, the educational institution was renamed Military Academy rear and supply. After the war, there was an acute shortage of personnel in the troops, and the need arose to organize a single multidisciplinary university to train qualified specialists in the field of supply and transport. On June 1, 1956, a new Military Academy of Logistics and Transport appeared, new university became a union of two academies, from Moscow and Kharkov.

Since 1999, the Military Academy of Logistics and Transport has been training cadets according to a full military special training program, and from 2010 to secondary program preparation.

The university received its modern name (Military Academy of Logistics and Technical Support named after Army General A.V. Khrulev) on June 21, 2012 by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Today, the Military Academy of Logistics and Logistics is an advanced scientific, educational and methodological center for material and technical support of the Russian Armed Forces for the training of highly qualified officers specializing in logistics for all branches of the Russian Defense Ministry and other federal departments that provide for military service.

Practical training for cadets of the Military Academy of MTO

The training of logistics specialists is aimed not only at the Ministry of Defense, but also at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB (border service), as well as at the military departments of foreign countries. The Academy is engaged in a wide scientific activities to solve problems of logistical support for troops in peacetime and in combat conditions. The university is also engaged in the development and publication of scientific works, textbooks and manuals, as well as other scientific and educational works for the training of qualified personnel, both in theoretical education and in practice.

The main university, the Military Academy of Logistics and Technical Support named after Army General A.V. Khrulev, has several branches:

  1. Institute of Railway Troops and Military Communications in Peterhof.
  2. Engineering and Technical Military Institute in St. Petersburg.
  3. Military Institute of Logistics and Logistics in Volsk.
  4. Automotive and Armored Engineering Institute in Omsk.
  5. Artillery Engineering Institute in Penza.

Academy graduates made a significant contribution to the strengthening and construction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation during the Great Patriotic War, as well as in peacetime. In matters of increasing the combat readiness of troops and strengthening defense, the academy's students are among the best specialists.

Awards presented to the Military Academy of MTO named after. Khruleva

University structure

There are nine main and additional faculties at the academy:

  1. Command and Engineering Faculty (Automotive and Highway).
  2. Command faculty (rear and railway troops).
  3. Faculty of retraining and advanced training.
  4. Faculty of Technical and Transport Support.
  5. Faculty of Logistics Support for National Guard Troops.
  6. Special Faculty.
  7. Training battalion of junior specialists.
  8. Training battalion (medium vocational education).
  9. Educational department (training mobilization reserve from among university students).

The educational institution also has 20 departments:

  1. Organization of logistics.
  2. Logistics management.
  3. Material support.
  4. Technical support.
  5. Organization of logistics for the Navy.
  6. Military messages.
  7. Tactics and operational art.
  8. Railway troops.
  9. Restoration of military bridges and crossings.
  10. Road service.
  11. Humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines.
  12. General scientific and general technical disciplines.
  13. Physical training.
  14. Foreign languages.
  15. Management of logistics support for National Guard troops.
  16. MTO FSB.
  17. Russian language.
  18. Application of units and units of material support.
  19. Operation and restoration of weapons and military equipment.
  20. Management of technical support for National Guard troops.

Educational and material base

The educational and material base includes many facilities for various purposes.

The ritual of the military oath in the VA MTO


The academy's laboratory allows cadets to conduct laboratory and practical classes on the examination of products for quality characteristics (of those supplied to army units). Food service specialists are trained to fill positions in logistics management in the troops, as well as to receive additional education and advanced training for the heads of food supply services in the troops.


To provide the educational process, as well as scientific research, with reference materials and literature, the academy has a library. This division is engaged in the organization, storage and use of materials of scientific works (dissertations, abstracts), and also organizes the development and publication of specialized specialized manuals. The library holds lectures on various topics, meetings with authors of works, exhibitions, etc.

Classes for cadets at the Military Academy of MTO named after. Khruleva

There are computers in the reading room for ease of use. Since 2015, the library has been equipped with a local word network with Internet access and an expanded literature base. Since that time, cadets have had access to the most famous virtual libraries, starting with the Library of the Academy of Sciences and ending with the Presidential Library named after B. N. Yeltsin.

Practical objects

The Military Academy has at its disposal two bases for supporting the educational process.

Base in Luga, the academy’s field infrastructure includes the following complexes:

  • transport and transhipment;
  • travel;
  • pavement;
  • physical training;
  • fire training.

The training complexes are complemented by a tactical field, a library and other information support facilities.

Emblem of the Military Academy of MTO named after. Khruleva

The base in the village of Privetninskoye is used for training cadets in summer period. Practical exercises, training courses, Scientific research and etc.

Sports facilities

Sports facilities are represented by three halls:

  1. Hall of hand-to-hand combat. 30 people are allowed to attend classes at the same time; it is intended for conducting practical training in martial arts.
  2. Game room. The area of ​​the facility is 550 sq. meters, up to 50 people can study at the same time. Gymnastics classes, various sports games and athletic training of cadets are held here.
  3. Gym. Equipped with a large number of equipment and equipment, as well as special equipment for strength training, up to 20 people can train at the same time.


The Military Academy has several specialized training classes.

  1. Internet class. An auditorium equipped with personal computers for conducting classes on military management.
  2. Equipment class. Designed to study the history of military uniforms. The audience presented many examples of uniforms used by the troops from 1988 to the present day. A rich collection of orders and medals is also presented here.
  3. Auditorium for lectures 229. The auditorium is intended for scientific work in various disciplines. The lecture room has a standard design with equipped seats for cadets. It is equipped with a set of special equipment that allows you to display multimedia information on the blackboard.
  4. Auditorium 401. Used to organize the educational process of training specialists in artillery and technical support for the army.
  5. Lecture room 530. Capacity 130 people. Used for video conferencing, television bridges, presentations, etc. Equipped with equipment for sound and graphic support. There are cameras of the Russian Military Space Forces in the auditorium.
  6. Language lab. 16 cadets can study at the same time, designed for studying foreign languages and is equipped with recording and listening equipment, as well as personal computers.

Cadets of the Military Academy of MTO with teaching staff

Admission conditions

Candidates for admission to the Academy for training in full professional training programs must meet the stated requirements:

  1. Russian citizenship.
  2. Having a complete secondary education.
  3. The minimum age is 16 years, and the maximum is 22 years, if the applicant has not passed the urgent military service.
  4. For candidates who have completed compulsory military service in Armed Forces Russian Federation and military personnel the maximum age is up to 24 years.
  5. At the secondary military special training department, the age limit is up to 27 years.
  6. Girls can also undergo training, but exclusively in the Volsky branch in the specialty “Logistics Support”.

To participate in the competitive selection, applicants must provide:

  • passport;
  • military ID;
  • certificate of complete secondary education;
  • diploma of secondary vocational education (if any);
  • Unified State Examination results;
  • information about academic achievements.

The admissions committee evaluates each candidate for admission according to the following criteria:

  • health status;
  • professional suitability based on psychological, psychophysical and psychoemotional research;
  • level of physical fitness;
  • results of the Unified State Exam.

The competitive selection of candidates is carried out from July 1 to July 30. All applicants undergo a preliminary and final medical examination. The duration of training for full military special training programs is five years, the average military special training program is designed for 2 years and 10 months. During training, cadets live in barracks and are fully supported (property, monetary and food) by the state.

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Professional selection of candidates entering the VA MTO for training as cadets is carried out by the admissions committee in order to determine the candidates’ ability to master educational programs appropriate level. Professional selection of candidates includes: a) determining the suitability of candidates for admission to a university for health reasons; b) determining the category of professional suitability of candidates based on their socio-psychological study, psychological and psychophysiological examination; V) entrance tests, consisting of: assessment of the level of general educational preparedness of candidates based on the results of the Unified State Exam (USE) in general education subjects corresponding to the specialty for which admission is being made; assessing the level of physical fitness of candidates. 2. Professional selection of candidates is carried out from July 1 to July 30. 3. The duration of training for cadets in programs with full military special training is 5 years, qualification “specialist”. 4. The duration of training for cadets in programs with secondary military special training is 2 years 10 months, qualification “technician”.

Procedure for processing documents

Citizens who have and have not undergone military service, who have expressed a desire to enroll in the VA MTO, submit applications to the department of the military commissariat of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (municipal) at their place of residence (graduates of Suvorov military schools submit an application addressed to the head of the Suvorov military school in which they are studying) until April 20 of the year of admission to the university. Military personnel who have expressed a desire to enroll in the VA MTO submit a report addressed to the commander of the military unit before April 1 of the year of admission to the university. 2. The application of candidates shall indicate: surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, education, address of residence, name military educational institution, level of professional education, specialty in which he wishes to study. In addition to the above, the report of military candidates shall indicate: military rank and position held, and instead of the address of residence - the name of the military unit. The application (report) is accompanied by: photocopies of a birth certificate and a document proving identity and citizenship, an autobiography, a reference from a place of work, study or service, a photocopy of a state-issued document on the appropriate level of education, three certified photographs measuring 4.5x6 cm, a service card military man. 3. A passport, military ID or certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service, an original state-issued document on the appropriate level of education, as well as original documents giving the right to enroll in universities on preferential terms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, are presented by the candidate for admission commission of the military educational institution upon arrival, but no later than one day before the meeting of the admissions committee to make a decision on admitting the candidate to the university. Military commissars of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (heads of Suvorov military schools) send documents for these candidates, medical examination cards and professional psychological selection cards to the VA MTO before May 20 of the year of admission to the university. 4. Documents of candidates from among military personnel, medical examination cards, cards of professional psychological selection, and for candidates from among military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, and personal files are sent by commanders of military units for consideration to the headquarters of formations before May 1 of the year of admission to the university.

They have long-standing traditions of training personnel. One of the oldest institutions is the Khrulev Logistics Academy, which trains officers and mid-level specialists in the field of management and provision of logistics for the army and rear.


The Military Academy of Logistics and Technical Support named after A.V. Khrulev was founded in 1900. To task educational institution included the training and education of officers of the quartermaster service. Until this moment, such institutions had not existed anywhere in the world. In 1906, the period of study was extended to 3 years, and the institution was equated to a school of higher military education.

The university was given academy status in 1911, and after the revolution, like many military universities in St. Petersburg, the institution became subordinate to the Red Army. In the period 1924-1925, an attempt was made at a large-scale reorganization - all faculties were distributed among military universities, which affected the quality of education of graduates.

A new round of development history began in 1932, when the Military Transport Academy was established in Moscow, and in 1935 the Military Economic Academy was founded in the city of Kharkov. The merger of the two institutions occurred in the post-war period, in 1956. Since 1999, the academy has been training specialists with a full higher military education, and since 2010, cadets with secondary specialized training have also begun to graduate from the institution.

General Khrulev

Khrulev Andrey Vasilievich - army general, career military man and honored statesman. Born into a peasant family in 1892, at the time of the 1917 revolution he was a worker at the Okhtinsky gunpowder plant and took an active part in the storming of the Winter Palace. Since 1918 he served in the regular troops of the Red Army. In the years Civil War served as head of the political department of one of the divisions

In 1925, Andrei Vasilievich Khrulev was educated at higher courses Red Army, after which he was appointed to work in the central apparatus of the People's Commissariat of Defense Soviet Union. Since 1939, he headed the army supply department, and since 1940 he took the post of chief army quartermaster.

With the outbreak of hostilities, Lieutenant General A.V. Khrulev became Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the country and took over the leadership of the Main Logistics Directorate of the army. During the Great Patriotic War, for about a year, in parallel with other duties, he held the post of People's Commissar of Railways. In 1943, Andrei Vasilyevich was appointed head of the Main Logistics Directorate, and later - chief of logistics for the entire Red Army.

In the post-war period, A. V. Khrulev held responsible positions in the logistics department of the USSR Armed Forces. Since 1951, he was appointed Deputy Minister of National Economy and was involved in the development of the building materials industry. In 1958 he returned to the Ministry of Defense of the Soviet Union as an adviser-inspector. He died in 1962 and was buried on Red Square. The Khrulev Military Academy bears the name of an outstanding military man who, during the war, managed to organize and debug one of the most important parts of the regular army - logistics.


On modern stage The Khrulev Academy is a leading educational and methodological center for material and technical support for the Russian Army. The university graduates officers and specialists in the field of organizing logistics for any type of troops of the Russian Defense Ministry and other government bodies where military service is expected.

Since August 2016, Lieutenant General A. V. Toporov, who has experience in military operations in Syria, has been appointed head of the academy. The previous head of the university, Lieutenant General Vladimir Sergeevich Ivanovsky, headed the institution since September 2012, and currently holds the post of head of the Main Directorate of Military Police of the Russian Ministry of Defense .

The education system is focused on the education and training of personnel for the following structures:

  • Ministry of Defense.
  • Border Service.
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  • For armies of other countries (training of military personnel from foreign countries is carried out at a special faculty).

In addition to training new personnel, the Khrulev Academy provides retraining for current and retired officers and teachers. The research area of ​​the university deals with the problems of organizing support for the army in combat and peacetime conditions, publishes articles, monographs, military theoretical publications and much more.

Branches and main divisions

The Military Academy of Logistics named after A.V. Khrulev is the main educational institution, which includes branches:

  • Engineering and Technical Military Institute.
  • and military communications.
  • Branch of the Academy in the city of Volsk (material and technical support).
  • Branch of the Academy in Omsk.
  • Branch of the Academy in the city of Penza.

Main faculties of training:

  • Command or material and technical support.
  • Command-engineering or automobile-road.
  • Retraining and advanced training.
  • Special training.
  • Division of secondary vocational education.
  • Junior specialist training battalion.
  • Sixteen departments, a separate discipline.
  • Research departments and institutes.
  • Faculty of correspondence education.

Khrulev Academy implements educational process at bases located in the Leningrad region, in the city of Luga, the village of Privetninskoye. Students have access to workshops, communications department materials and information technologies, library, club, museum, editorial and publishing departments.

Automotive and Highway Faculty

The largest faculty of the academy is command engineering, which trains specialists in three areas:

  • Construction, use, restoration of highways, as well as their technical cover.
  • Construction, use, restoration of bridges and crossings, as well as their technical cover.
  • Logistics support (logistics organization, management).

Cadets master the sciences for 5 years. Classes are taught by experienced teachers and military personnel, many of whom have scientific degrees. The training contains a theoretical part and a large amount of practical work. Classrooms are equipped with modern interactive stands with working models. Part of the practical training is carried out on two training fields (road training and bridge training), where seventeen training sites are equipped.

Faculty of Logistics and Railway Troops

The structure of the faculty includes departments:

  • Organizations of material and technical support.
  • Department of Railway Troops.
  • Material support.
  • Organizations of material and technical support for the Navy.

The Khrulev Academy implements in this area of ​​study master's training cadets in specialties:

  • Troop supply management (specialization - logistics support management, rocket fuel and fuel supply management, food supply, clothing supply).
  • Management, command of units of railway troops.

The training is designed to prepare army command personnel in units engaged in logistics.


At the Academy. Khrulev there are 17 departments, the basis of their activity is the training of military personnel and scientific work. The structure of the faculties includes the following departments:

  • Organization of logistics support for troops and logistics.
  • Organizations military technical support Navy.
  • Providing rear services for the National Guard troops.
  • Army logistics department.
  • Military messages.
  • Road service.
  • Technical support.
  • Foreign languages.
  • Physical training.
  • Tactics and operational art.
  • Russian language.
  • Humanitarian, social and economic disciplines.
  • Railway troops.
  • Restoration and operation of bridges and crossings.
  • General technical and general scientific disciplines.
  • Application of logistics departments (parts).

All departments are staffed by career military personnel with extensive theoretical knowledge and rich practice. The staff conducts scientific, research, new methods of providing troops are being generated for the uninterrupted functioning of armed forces structures in peace and war. Many departments have issued educational and methodological manuals, analytical activities are carried out to improve the quality of education of cadets, and skills are instilled practical application acquired knowledge.

Education levels

The Khrulev Academy trains specialists at the following levels of professional education:

  • Specialized secondary.
  • Higher education (bachelor's, specialist's, master's, higher qualification).
  • Additional education.

Areas of secondary vocational education:

  • Equipment and technologies of ground transport (auto, railway).
  • Management in technical systems.
  • and environmental management.
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Economics and Management.
  • Communication systems
  • Electronics and radio engineering.

Higher education is conducted in the following areas:

  • Construction equipment and technologies.
  • Military administration.
  • Equipment and technologies of ground transport.
  • and electrical engineering.
  • Weapons and weapon systems.

Requirements for candidates

Candidates for admission to a university to undergo full military special training are considered citizens who meet the following requirements:

  • Citizens of the Russian Federation.
  • Graduated full course education high school.
  • The age of applicants is from 16 years old and no more than 22 years old (those who have not undergone compulsory military service).
  • Citizens who served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (age restrictions - up to 24 years).
  • Military personnel (conscripted into the RF Armed Forces, up to 24 years of age).
  • Enrollment in departments to receive full military-special training is allowed for applicants under 27 years of age.
  • Citizens under the age of 30 are allowed to enroll in secondary military training departments.
  • Women are recruited only to one branch, located in the city of Volsk, for the specialty “Logistics Support”.

Selection rules

To participate in the competitive selection, candidates submit the following information to the selection committee of the VA MTO:

  • Documents (passport or military ID to certify citizenship and subject to military conscription), a high school diploma or a diploma of secondary vocational education.
  • Information about the advantages for admission, achievements, information about the results of the Unified State Examination.

When selecting candidates selection committee takes into account:

  • State of health and suitability for military and combat service.
  • Professional suitability of candidates according to data psychological research(psychoemotional, psychophysiological, psychological).
  • results entrance exams and tests (USE).
  • Physical preparation of candidates.

The selection is carried out from July 1 to July 30. According to data from past admissions, the average competition for open specialties is three people per place. All candidates undergo preliminary and final medical selection. The duration of training for full military special training (specialty) is 5 years, secondary military special education (qualification level - technician) lasts for 2 years 10 months. During the entire course of training, cadets live in barracks with full property and food allowances at the expense of the state.


Military Academy named after. A.V. Khruleva (main department) is located in St. Petersburg, at the address: Admiral Makarov Embankment, building 8.

Branches in St. Petersburg:

  • Institute of Railway Troops and Military Communications - st. Suvorovskaya (Petrodvorets), building 1.
  • Engineering and Technical Military Institute - st. Zakharyevskaya, building 22.

Nonresident institutes (branches):

  • Omsk city (armored engineering) - Cheryomushki village, 14th military town.
  • Volsk city (institute of software), Saratov region - st. named after Maxim Gorky, building 3.
  • The city of Penza is the 5th (artillery and engineering) military town.

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