Oriental Institute, Department of Russian Language, telephone. Department of Oriental Languages. List of employees of the Department of Oriental Languages

125267, Moscow, Miusskaya sq., 6., building 2., room. 404, 406
+7 (495) 250-66-77, +7 (499) 973-40-44

general information

The Department of Oriental Languages ​​employs 17 people (including 1 doctor and 9 candidates of philological, historical sciences and cultural studies): 15 teachers and 2 laboratory assistants. Among the teachers of the department are famous orientalists: T.V. Ivchenko, S.V. Kullanda, A.N. Korobova, M.B. Rukodelnikova, I.A. Gazieva, M.V. Toropygina and others. The head of the Department of Oriental Languages ​​since 2000 is Candidate of Philological Sciences Maria Borisovna Rukodelnikova.

The Department of Oriental Languages ​​was created in 1992 at the Faculty of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics of the Russian State University for the Humanities. For several years, this was the only department of the university where oriental languages ​​were taught (in those years: Chinese, Japanese, Dari, Arabic, Tamil, Mongolian, Indonesian, Hindi, Persian, Turkish, Tajik, Korean, etc.). Subsequently, thanks to the expansion of the department’s activities, oriental languages ​​began to be studied at the historical-philological, philosophical faculties, the faculty of art history and at the Center for Social Anthropology. Today, oriental languages ​​are also taught at the faculty of history, political science and law, at the Institute of Oriental Cultures and Antiquity, and in other departments of the Russian State University for the Humanities. The first head of the Department of Oriental Languages, its founder was G.A. Tkachenko.

In 1992-1993 to the department. Well-known orientalists came from the Academy of Sciences and the best Moscow universities, among them were philologists, literary scholars, religious scholars, art historians, historians, philosophers and cultural experts. In those same years, G.A. Tkachenko organized an interdisciplinary scientific seminar dedicated to the comparative study of cultures different nations, which for many years united scientists not only from the Russian State University for the Humanities, but also from other scientific and educational centers Moscow. The uniqueness of the seminar lay in the professional diversity of its members, as many note, the work of this particular seminar greatly contributed to the subsequent emergence of oriental studies at the Russian State University for the Humanities in other faculties and the opening in 1994 of a scientific and, subsequently, educational department - the Institute of Oriental Cultures (today - the Institute of Oriental Cultures). cultures and antiquity).

In the 2000s, the scope of scientific, educational and methodological activities of the department’s staff expanded. Intensifies applied direction: in close collaboration with students, work is underway on the creation of electronic bilingual and multilingual dictionaries: an electronic Hindi-Russian dictionary was published at the Russian State University for the Humanities (headed by Associate Professor I.A. Gazieva), in 2009, with the support of a grant from the Russian State University for the Humanities, a team of authors under the direction of. M.B. Rukodelnikova is developing an Olympic-themed multimedia electronic dictionary. The Department of Oriental Languages ​​runs several scientific seminars (for example, a seminar on Chinese lexicography by T.V. Ivchenko). I.A. Gazieva actively uses information technology in the educational process when teaching the Hindi language: students fill out the educational content created earlier educational portal Hindi-India, dedicated to learning Hindi in Russia.

The department staff is actively scientific work, in particular, by organizing interesting scientific events. Since 2000, annual Scientific Readings have been held in memory of the first head of the department, G.A. Tkachenko. Employees of not only the Institute of Linguistics and other departments of the Russian State University for the Humanities, but also teachers and researchers of leading humanitarian universities Moscow and institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Since 2011, a special “youth” section has appeared within the framework of the Readings, where senior students, undergraduates, graduate students and young employees of the Institute of Linguistics can make presentations. In 2007, 2008 and 2010 the department organized and conducted three International conferences“Oriental languages ​​and cultures”, which received great international and scientific resonance. The conferences were attended by scientists - specialists in various fields of oriental studies - from Moscow, Ufa, Kazan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, the University of London (UK), Oslo (Norway), Stockholm (Sweden), Delhi University and the University of them. J. Nehru (India). Proceedings of all three conferences have been published.

Thanks to the efforts of the leadership of the Department of Oriental Languages ​​and with the support of the Office for the Propagation of the Chinese Language Abroad (PRC), at the end of 2007, the first Confucius Institute in Moscow was opened at the Russian State University for the Humanities, the executive director of which is Russian side Taras Viktorovich Ivchenko is an associate professor of the department.

In the last few years, the teaching staff of the department has prepared a number of unparalleled textbooks and teaching aids(I.A. Gazieva, T.V. Ivchenko, G.A. Vasilyev, M.B. Rukodelnikova and O.A. Salazanova, O.Yu. Mansurova) on the relevant oriental languages, a number of dictionaries and other teaching materials have been published.

Over the 20-odd years of its existence, the department has been steadily developing, and the number of graduates of the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian State University for the Humanities with knowledge of Oriental languages ​​is growing. On the quality of teaching oriental studies in combination with deep knowledge The theory of language is evidenced by the great demand for our Oriental graduates. For example, former graduates of the Institute of Linguistics fully provide teaching of the Chinese language at the Institute of Oriental Cultures and Antiquity, many teach Oriental language at the Higher School of Economics, RUDN, the Institute of Practical Oriental Studies, and the Confucius Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities. Knowledge of Eastern languages ​​helps to find work in the field of IT technologies (in such well-known companies as ABBYY, Yandex, Avicomp Services, Kaspersky Lab, Nanosemantics), in commercial companies associated with the East. Our graduates complete master's and postgraduate studies not only at leading institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences and universities within the country, they are welcome guests at universities in India, China, Japan, Taiwan, and in the largest oriental centers in Europe and the USA.

Currently, teachers of the department teach students at the Institute of Linguistics, as well as at the Faculty of Philosophy, the Institute of Oriental Cultures and Antiquity, the Faculty of History of Political Science and Law, and the Institute of History and Archives. Among the courses taught at the Department of Oriental Languages: Practical course of the Oriental language (Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Turkish, Hindi), History of the region (Japan, China, Western Asia), Culture of the region (China, Japan, Western Asia), Theoretical grammar courses in Hindi, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish and Arabic, languages ​​of traditions (Bungo, Wenyan, classical Arabic, Sanskrit). Special elective courses are taught.

Teachers of the department supervise coursework and diploma works written on the material of oriental languages. The priority areas of scientific work are:

  • Research on the vocabulary of oriental languages
  • Lexicography
  • Typology of Eastern languages
  • Chat language research
  • Advertising Language Research
  • Research in the field of semantics and pragmatics of Eastern languages

The department carries out active methodological and organizational work. One of the main directions is related to the development of new textbooks for Russian-speaking students (in Hindi, Chinese). Teachers of the department conduct language practice for students (E.D. Bogoyavlenskaya organizes translation practice in the Japanese language, I.A. Gazieva goes with students on short-term internships in India). The Department of Oriental Languages ​​organizes the already traditional Scientific Readings in memory of G.A. Tkachenko.

The department runs several permanent workshops:

  • Since the spring of 2012, the Department of Oriental Languages ​​has been running an interfaculty and interuniversity scientific seminar “The East is a delicate matter”, designed for a wide range of participants, primarily students, graduate students and young scientists of the Institute of Linguistics and other departments of the Russian State University for the Humanities, interested in languages ​​and culture East.
  • Scientific and methodological seminar on the creation of a new Chinese language textbook for Russian-speaking students ( a joint project with Heilongjiang University, China) (supervisor T.V. Ivchenko);
  • Seminar on the use of new information technologies in the study of oriental languages ​​(led by I.A. Gazieva).
  • Antonyan K.V. Morphology of resultative constructions in the Chinese language (monograph, 17 pp.). M., Ant, 2003.
  • Alekseev V.O., Basharin P.V., Bobrovnikov I.F., Gimadeev R.I. Tatar shamail: word and image M.: Publishing house. Marjani's house. 2009
  • Bogoyavlenskaya E.D. Country studies of Japan. M., Japan today, 2004
  • Vasiliev G.A. “Arabian Tales” (in literary and colloquial Arabic) for all levels and courses;
  • Vasiliev G.A. Collection “Stories and Novels - II” (in colloquial Arabic);
  • Vasiliev G.A. Collection “Service Words” (in colloquial Arabic);
  • Vasiliev G.A. Collection “Reading Arabic Films” (in colloquial Arabic);
  • Vasiliev G.A.. Manuals on the Arabic language for students of the 1st and 2nd level Arabic.// M., VKS. For internal use International House. 2004.
  • Vetrov P.P. Phraseology of modern Chinese: Syntax and stylistics. – M.: Oriental Book, 2007. – 368 p. (17 p.l.)
  • Vetrov P.P. The problem of linguistic experiment in general and Chinese phraseology // Problems of experimental linguistics and ontogenesis of speech: To the 60th anniversary of A.M. Shakhnarovich. Rep. ed. K.Ya. Seagal. – M.: “Humanitarian”, 2004. – p. 132-139.
  • Vetrov P.P. Reflection of Chinese national culture in the phraseology of its speakers // Culture as a text: Proceedings of a scientific conference // Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Smolensk Humanities University, – Smolensk: “Universum”, 2005. – p. 67-72.
  • Vetrov P.P. Addition technique as a means of linguistic experiment in phraseology // Language and thinking: psychological and linguistic aspects. Materials of the 5th All-Russian Scientific Conference (Penza). – M.-Penza, 2005. – p. 113-115.
  • Vetrov P.P. Phraseology in Chinese national culture // World of the Chinese language, No. 1 (15), 2005. – p. 3-8.
  • Vetrov P.P. Text-forming functions of Chinese phraseological units (based on the analysis of experimental and textual material) // Linguistics of speech in theory and experiment. Sat. scientific works – M.: “Humanitarian”, 2005. – p. 45-73.
  • Vetrov P.P. Precedent as an essential factor in the formation and conservation of phraseological units in the Chinese language // Information potential of words and phraseological units. International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the memory of Professor R.N. Popova (on his 80th birthday). Sat. scientific works – Orel, 2005. – p. 26-30.
  • Vetrov P.P. (co-authored with Dr. Sigal K.Ya.), Syntax and phraseology in cross-level interaction // Language. Text. Discourse: Interuniversity scientific almanac / Ed. G.N. Manaenko. Issue 4. – Stavropol – Pyatigorsk: PGLU, 2006. – p. 213-222.
  • Vetrov P.P. Problems of the internal syntax of phraseological units of the Chinese language // Questions of linguistics, No. 6, 2006. – p. 62-75.
  • Vetrov P.P. The role of precedent in the process of formation and conservation of phraseological units in the Chinese language // Bulletin of Moscow University, No. 1, 2007. – p. 136-142.
  • Vetrov P.P. Experimental study of the factors of reproduction of phraseological units in Chinese speech // Speech research: theory, experiment, practice: Sat. scientific works Ross. Academician Sciences, Institute of Linguistics / Responsible. ed. K.Ya. Seagal. – M., 2007. – p. 113-125.
  • Vetrov P.P. Review of the book: Seagal K.Ya. Syntactic studies / Ros. Academician Sciences, Institute of Linguistics RAS. – M.: Academician. humanitarian research, 2006. – 156 p.// Questions of linguistics, No. 6, 2007. – p. 130-34
    Vetrov P.P. Review of the book: Seagal K.Ya., Yuryeva N.M. Experimental method and its application in speech research / Rep. ed. V.A. Vinogradov; Ross. Academician Sciences, Institute of Linguistics RAS. – M.: Klyuch-S, 2009. – 240 p.// Questions of Philology, No. 2 (32), 2009. – p. 97-100.
  • Vetrov P.P. Text-forming functions of Chinese phraseological units (based on the analysis of experimental and textual material) // Bulletin of the Moscow Institute of Linguistics, No. 1, 2011. – p. 8-23.
  • Vetrov P.P. (co-editor) Chinese for tourists / comp. Wang Jian. – Beijing: Sinolingua; M.: AST: Vostok-Zapad, 2007. – 150 p.
  • Vetrov P.P. (co-editor, co-author) New Horizons. Integrated Chinese language course. Textbook, volume 1, part 1/ P.P. Vetrov, T.V. Ivchenko (chief editor), O.M. Mazo, L.S. Kholkina (新编汉语新目标, 第一册, 上) - Beijing: Educational Science Publishing House (教育科学出版社), 2012. - 183 pp.;
  • Vetrov P.P. (co-editor, co-author) New Horizons. Integrated Chinese language course. Textbook, volume 1, part 2/ P.P. Vetrov, T.V. Ivchenko (chief editor), O.M. Mazo, L.S. Kholkina (新编汉语新目标, 第一册, 下) - Beijing: Educational Science Publishing House (教育科学出版社), 2012. - 344 pp.;
  • Vetrov P.P. (co-editor, co-author) New Horizons. Integrated Chinese language course. Workbook with exercises for the textbook for volume 1/ P.P. Vetrov, T.V. Ivchenko (chief editor), O.M. Mazo, L.S. Kholkina (新编汉语新目标学生用书, 第一册) – Beijing: Educational Science Publishing House (教育科学出版社), 2012. – 246 p.
  • Gazieva I.A. “Hindi language from A to Z”;
  • Gazieva I.A. Hindi language Collection of UMK, 2004, M.: RSUH.
  • Gazieva I.A. Situational Hindi. Textbook (certified by the Educational Institution of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation). M.: Vostok-Zapad, 2006.
  • Gazieva I.A. Hindi language in one month. Series: Real tutorials foreign languages. M.: Vostok-Zapad, 2006.
  • Gazieva I.A. Elementary grammar of the Hindi language. Series: Real self-teachers of foreign languages. M.: Vostok-Zapad, 2006.
  • Gazieva I.A. 500 most important words in Hindi language. M.: Vostok-Zapad, 2006.
  • Gazieva I.A. India. Pocket encyclopedia. M.: Vostok-Zapad, 2006.
  • Gazieva I.A., Grishina A.D., Kogan S.A., Kononova T.V., Senichkina A.V. Walking around India. Collection of educational texts on regional studies. Ed. I.A. Gazieva. – M.: Vostok-Zapad, 2004.
  • Gazieva I.A., Grishina A.A., Kononova T.V., Senichkina A.V., Pereverzeva S.I. India: culture and politics. Collection educational materials in Hindi language. M.: Support ST, 2007.
  • Gazieva I.A. Business letter in Hindi. Materials for practical classes on writing business letters. Textbook. M.: Support ST, 2007.
  • Gazieva I.A. Russian-Hindi subject dictionary. Parts 1, 2, 3. For active learning of words and consolidation vocabulary. 9,000 words. Publisher: T&P Books Publishing. 2010
  • Ivchenko T.V. (chief editor) New horizons. Integrated Chinese language course. Volume 1 Part 2;
  • Ivchenko T.V. (chief editor) New horizons. Integrated Chinese language course. Volume 1 Part 1;
  • Ivchenko T.V. (chief editor) New horizons. Integrated Chinese language course. Volume 1 Student workbook;
  • Kononova T.A., Grishina A.S., Senichkina A.S., Lobzina A.L., Kogan S.M. Hindi synonym dictionary. Electronic variant. Project manager – I.A. Gazieva
  • Kostyrkin A.V. (editor and author), I. S. Popova, A. Ya. Belikov and others. Japanese-English-Russian dictionary on the installation of industrial equipment. 8000 terms. 18 p.l. M.: Japan today. 2010
  • Kostyrkin A.V. (editor and author), I. S. Popova, Yu. O. Miloserdova and others. Japanese-English-Russian construction dictionary. 17,000 terms. 29 p.l. M.: Newtech Lingua, 2012
  • Kuznetsov P.I. Turkish language textbook. M.: Ant-Hyde, 1999.
  • Kullanda S.V. Visual folklore. Poetics of the Scythian animal style (co-authored with M.N. Pogrebova and D.S. Raevsky). 11, 25 p.l. M., IV RAS. 2013
  • Mansurova O.Yu “15 stories for home reading” (on Turkish);
  • Mansurova O.Yu. Large Turkish-Russian Russian-Turkish thematic dictionary. About 8 thousand words and expressions M.: AST: AST MOSCOW: East-West. 2008
  • Mansurova O.Yu. Spatial relations. Presentation and transmission in a multilingual machine translation system (based on English, Russian and Turkish languages) 15.2 pp. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing CmbH&Co.KG. 2011
  • Mansurova O.Yu. Dictionary of affixes of modern Turkish language. With a grammar reference. More than 3.5 thousand affixes and their combinations M.: AST: AST MOSCOW: East-West. 2008
  • Mansurova O.Yu. Turkish language in electronic media;
  • Rudnitskaya E.L. Controversial issues of Korean grammar: theoretical problems and methods for solving them. 12 pp. M.: Eastern literature, 2010
  • Rukodelnikova M. B., Gazieva I. A. [rep. ed.]. Oriental languages ​​and cultures: materials of the I International. scientific Conf., 22-23 Nov. 2007 - M.: RSUH, 2007. - 379 p.
  • Rukodelnikova M. B., Gazieva I. A. Oriental languages ​​and cultures: materials of the II International. scientific Conf., 20-21 Nov. 2008 - M.: RSUH, 2008. - 369 p.
  • Rukodelnikova M. B., Gazieva I. A. Oriental languages ​​and cultures: materials of the III International. scientific Conf., 22-23 Nov. 2010 - M.: RSUH, 2010. - 373 p.
  • Rukodelnikova M.B., Salazanova O.A. Chinese language: teaching materials for specialties 021800 - Theory. And applied linguistics, 020100 - Philosophy / - M.: RSUH, 2006. - 129 p.
  • Strugova E.V., Sheftelevich N.S. “We read, write, speak Japanese.” - volume 1. M.: Ant, 2000, with audio cassettes.
  • Strugova E.V., Sheftelevich N.S. “We read, write, speak Japanese.” - volume 2. M.: Ant, 2001, with audio cassettes.
  • Toropygina M.V. “Two Nurses” A story from the 16th century // Japan. The path of the brush and sword 2004, No. 4.
  • Toropygina M.V. Shiba Zenko “The Taste of Gravy for Home-Cooked Dishes” An 18th century story. Translation, introductory article // Japan. The path of the brush and sword 2004, no. 3.
  • Yurchenko A.G., Basharin P.V., Goncharov E.A. Golden Horde: between Yasa and the Koran (the beginning of the conflict), Summary book 5 pp. SPb.: Eurasia. 2011

Educational programs in which the department participates

Bachelor's degree:

  • “Fundamental and applied linguistics” (Institute of Linguistics)
  • “International Relations” (Historical and Archival Institute)
  • “Foreign regional studies (Asia)” (Historical and Archival Institute)
  • “Philosophy of the East” (Faculty of Philosophy)
  • “Oriental and African Studies” (Languages ​​and Literatures of India) (IVKA)


  • “Theoretical and applied linguistics” (without specialization) (Institute of Linguistics)
  • “Theoretical and Applied Linguistics” (with specialization “Languages ​​and Communication Theory”) (Institute of Linguistics)
  • "Eastern Philosophy" (Faculty of Philosophy)

List of employees of the Department of Oriental Languages

  • Maria Borisovna Rukodelnikova – Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Oriental Languages. [email protected]
  • Asiya Ryakhimovna Abyanova – Candidate of Historical Sciences, senior lecturer."Arabic language". Contact email: [email protected]
  • Georgy Alekseevich Vasiliev “Arabic language”, “Modern Arabic literature”. Contact email: [email protected]
  • Pavel Pavlovich Vetrov – Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor."Chinese". Contact email: [email protected]
  • Indira Adilievna Gazieva – associate professor. "Hindi". Contact email: [email protected]
  • Taras Viktorovich Ivchenko – Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Director of the Confucius Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities.“Chinese language”, “History of the studied region (China)”, “Language of tradition: Wenyan language”, “Culture of the studied region (China)”, “Problems of lexicography of Chinese classical monuments”. Contact email: [email protected]
  • Anastasia Nikolaevna Korobova – Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor."Chinese". Contact email: [email protected]
  • Alexander Vyacheslavovich Kostyrkin – candidate of philological sciences, senior lecturer. "Japanese language". Contact email: [email protected]
  • Olga Aleksandrovna Salazanova - Senior Lecturer."Chinese". Contact email: [email protected]

Disciplines taught at the department

Name of the discipline Professional educational program(specialty, direction) Well Teacher
Foreign language 1: Arabic (advanced level). Part 4. 3
Foreign language 1: Arabic (advanced level). Part 5. Fundamental and applied linguistics 3 Georgy Alekseevich Vasiliev
Foreign language 1: Chinese (advanced level). Part 2. Fundamental and applied linguistics 2
Foreign language 1: Chinese (advanced level). Part 3. Fundamental and applied linguistics 2 Maria Borisovna Rukodelnikova
Foreign language 1: Turkish (advanced level). Part 2. Fundamental and applied linguistics 2 Oksana Yurievna Mansurova
Foreign language 1: Turkish (advanced level). Part 3. Fundamental and applied linguistics 2 Oksana Yurievna Mansurova
Foreign language 1: Japanese (advanced level). Part 2. Fundamental and applied linguistics 2 Olga Igorevna Lebedeva
Foreign language 1: Japanese (advanced level). Part 3. Fundamental and applied linguistics 2
Foreign language 1: Hindi (advanced level). Part 4. Fundamental and applied linguistics 3 Indira Adilievna Gazieva
Foreign language 1: Hindi (advanced level). Part 5. Fundamental and applied linguistics 3 Indira Adilievna Gazieva
Philosophy 1 (Eastern Philosophy) 3 Ksenia Vladimirovna Ryazantseva
Translation of special texts: modern Chinese Philosophy (Eastern Philosophy) 2 Irina Aleksandrovna Moshchenko/Anastasia Nikolaevna Korobova
Interaction of cultural areas Linguistics (T&MK) 1
Foreign language 1: Japanese ( a basic level of) Fundamental and applied linguistics 1 Anna Vladimirovna Degtyareva/ Alexander Vyacheslavovich Kostyrkin
Foreign language 1: Japanese (advanced level). Part 1. Fundamental and applied linguistics 1 Alexander Vyacheslavovich Kostyrkin / Sofya Petrovna Gakh
Theoretical grammar of the main eastern language. Sanskrit 1 Sergey Vsevolodovich Kullanda
Theoretical phonetics of the main eastern language. Sanskrit Oriental and African Studies (Language and Literature of India) 1 Sergey Vsevolodovich Kullanda
Avesta and Zoroastrian religious canon Oriental and African Studies (Philology of Iran) 4 Sergey Vsevolodovich Kullanda
Chinese Philosophy (Eastern philosophy) 5 Anastasia Nikolaevna Korobova
Chinese Philosophy. Bachelor's degree. (eastern philosophy) 4 Irina Aleksandrovna Moshchenko
Chinese 4 Maria Borisovna Rukodelnikova
Chinese Theoretical and applied linguistics (no specifications) 5 Taras Viktorovich Ivchenko
Practical translation course: Japanese language 5 Elena Davydovna Bogoyavlenskaya
Theoretical course Main foreign language: Chinese Theoretical and applied linguistics (no specifications) 4 Irina Mikhailovna Gorbunova
Language situation in China Theoretical and applied linguistics (no specifications) 4 Taras Viktorovich Ivchenko
Japanese Theoretical and applied linguistics (NTL) 5 Elena Davydovna Bogoyavlenskaya
Foreign Language II: Hindi. Part 1 International relationships 1 Indira Adilievna Gazieva
Foreign Language II: Hindi. Part 2 International relationships 1 Indira Adilievna Gazieva
Geography of China.

Due to the strengthening of the economic situation of countries Far East and Russia's revision of its political guidelines, the demand for specialists with knowledge of Eastern languages ​​is steadily increasing in the labor market. Let's try to answer the question of where and how oriental languages ​​are studied in Moscow universities.

If an applicant has firmly decided not only to learn an Oriental language at one of the universities in Moscow, but also to acquire a deep knowledge of the culture of the country of the language being studied, then it is best to give preference to the specialty “Oriental and African Studies”. This specialty can be obtained only in five metropolitan universities:

the name of the institution Faculty Passing score in 2014 Quantity budget places Tuition fee (RUB per year)
National Research University Higher School of Economics World economy and world politics 274 50 330 000
Institute of Asian and African Countries 341* 71 325 000
University of the Foreign languages 227-235 20 150 000
Institute of Oriental Cultures and Antiquity 219 15 170 000 - 190 000
- // - History, political science and law 219 10 170 000 - 190 000
State Academic University of Humanities under the Russian Academy of Sciences Philosophy - No 160 000

*in four subjects

Prestigious: National Research University Higher School of Economics

Branch Oriental Studies HSE, which from the current academic year separated from the Faculty of Philosophy and became part of the Faculty of Economics and World Politics, was opened in 2009. What makes this department especially interesting is that it not only fundamentally teaches oriental languages ​​and cultures, but also introduces students to the methods and ways of working in the countries of the East. Largely thanks to the business focus of the department, it managed to overtake passing score and the cost of training Mecca of orientalists of past years - the Institute of Asian and African Countries of Moscow State University.

Meanwhile, such a young department cannot boast of a rich selection of languages ​​offered for study. The four most popular directions are actively developing here: Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Arabic. The compulsory program includes the study of one Eastern language, however, from the second year (subject to good academic performance) as part of an elective, you can also begin to learn a second Eastern language. Whether it is possible to master two oriental languages ​​in just 4 years of study is up to the student to decide.

Fundamental: Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov

An applicant who can boast of good language preparation, excellent Unified State Exam results, deep knowledge of history (the faculty provides additional entrance examination) and an unshakable desire to become an excellent orientalist, first of all you should try to enter the Institute of Asian and African Studies at Moscow State University. Here, ordinary schoolchildren are turned into specialists who not only have a perfect command of the Eastern language, but also understand the literature, history, culture, politics and economy of the country of the language being studied.

And, of course, not a single Moscow university can compete with ISAA in the number of oriental languages ​​offered for studying. Thus, at the philological department of the faculty, eight departments are currently conducting educational activities:

  • Arabic philology (Arabic language and its dialects);
  • Japanese philology (Japanese language);
  • Chinese philology (Chinese language);
  • Iranian philology (Persian, Dari, Pashto and Tajik languages, as well as (additionally) Armenian and Georgian languages);
  • Indian philology (Hindi, Urdu and Tamil languages);
  • Turkic philology (Turkish, Turkmen and Uzbek languages);
  • philology of Southeast Asian countries, Korea and Mongolia (Vietnamese, Korean, Indonesian, Malaysian, Filipino, Mongolian, Burmese, Khmer and Laotian-Thai languages);
  • Western European languages ​​(specializes in teaching a second foreign language).

Entering the Institute of Asian and African Studies is no easier than entering other faculties of Moscow State University; studying is very difficult (especially if the applicant plans to study an oriental language from scratch). But after four years of sleepless nights and cramming Khuruf with hieroglyphs, the graduate will receive an invaluable store of knowledge, a coveted diploma and a flurry of interesting offers on the part of employers. By the way, you can study oriental languages ​​at this Moscow university on a contract basis: in 2014, the faculty allocated 41 contract places. However, as usual at Moscow State University, this will not be cheap: tuition fees in 2014/15 academic year amounted to 325,000 rubles.

Available: Moscow City Pedagogical University

MSPU is one of the most democratic universities in Moscow where you can study oriental languages. Thus, to be admitted to the budget in 2014 in the specialty “Oriental and African Studies” (profile “Languages ​​and Literatures of Asian and African Countries - Chinese”), the applicant needed to score only 227 points on the Unified State Examination. And in the “Japanese language” profile - 235 points. For each direction, 10 budget and 10 extra-budgetary places are allocated.

Note that the “Translation and Translation Studies” profile (with the qualification of a linguist) is slightly more popular at this Moscow university. The passing score for the Chinese language department in 2014 was 247 points, and for the department Japanese language- 246 points. Each department accepts 5 students for budget places and 10 for non-budget places. However, the cost of tuition at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​at Moscow State Pedagogical University is only 150,000 rubles per year, so even the points indicated above are not so critical.

Despite the fact that the departments of Chinese and Japanese languages ​​in the Moscow City pedagogical university were opened only in 2006, they managed to establish international cooperation and organize free internships for students in the country of the language they are learning. This is especially true for the Chinese language department, from which more than 20 students go to China every year for a year or semester. In addition, the university employs native speaking teachers.

For students studying oriental languages ​​at this Moscow university, it is also mandatory to study English as a second foreign language. In addition, there is the opportunity to study another European language for a fee. One of the significant disadvantages for nonresident students is that there is no dormitory at MSPU.

Unstable: Russian State Humanitarian University

At the Russian State University for the Humanities, you can master the specialty “Oriental and African Studies” at two faculties at once: at the Institute of Oriental Cultures and Antiquity, as well as at the Faculty of History, Political Science and Law Historical and Archival Institute RSUH. At the same time, both departments of the university have significantly lost their positions this year. If in 2013, to enter the specified specialty, it was necessary to score 257 points according to three Unified State Examination results, then in 2014 - only 219.

The Department of Modern East of the Faculty of History, Political Science and Law implements curriculum in five areas: Arabic studies, Chinese studies, Iranian studies, Turkic studies and Japanese studies. However, the main languages ​​for teaching are only Arabic and Chinese. At the same time, teaching Chinese at the Russian State University for the Humanities will cost 190,000 rubles per year, which is 20,000 more than when specializing in other oriental languages.

The Institute of Oriental Cultures and Antiquity has three departments where oriental languages ​​are taught:

  • Department of History and Philology of the Ancient East (Arabic and Persian languages);
  • Department of History and Philology of South and Central Asia (Sanskrit, Hindi, Urdu, Persian, Tamil, Mongolian, Tibetan, Turkish and Kazakh languages);
  • Department of History and Philology of the Far East (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese and Laotian-Thai languages).

However, it is worth considering that in conditions when the faculty allocates only 15 budget places for the specialty “Oriental and African Studies”, in reality it will be almost impossible to choose, for example, Tibetan as a first language. And the opportunity to specialize in “History and Philology of Thailand and Laos” is provided only on a contractual basis. In other words, if an applicant definitely wants to study a rare oriental language, then the only university in Moscow that is ready to guarantee such an opportunity is the Institute of Asian and African Studies of Moscow State University.

Miniature: State Academic University of Humanities under the Russian Academy of Sciences

Despite the fact that GAUGN is the only university in Russia that was founded on the basis of the Russian Academy of Sciences, its popularity is not so high. The university has very few budget places (and for the specialty “Oriental and African Studies” there are none at all), there is no dormitory, educational buildings are located in different parts of Moscow and, as a result, there are few students at the university, and most of them have very modest Unified State Exam results. Thus, in 2014, only 5 students were enrolled in the GAUGN specialty “Oriental and African Studies,” four of whom had Unified State Examination results below 200.

The most significant drawback of teaching oriental languages ​​at this Moscow university is that no one here specializes in the languages ​​themselves. Orientalists are trained here at the department of philosophical and political thought of the East, which has a very, very indirect relationship to philology.

The second option to study oriental languages ​​at Moscow universities is to study to become a philologist, linguist, translator or teacher. This opportunity is provided by a number of educational institutions in the capital. Of those universities that were not described above, it is worth highlighting:

Moscow State Linguistic University

At the Department of Oriental Languages ​​of the Translation Faculty of Moscow State Linguistic University you can learn Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, Persian and Korean languages. At this Moscow university, 110 budget places are allocated for the direction of “Translation and Translation Studies” (for all languages, including European). The passing score in 2014 was 237 points, training is carried out only on a budget. It is interesting that this educational institution accepts Unified State Exam results not only in the usual English, German and French, but also in Spanish.

Naturally, in a language university with such a rich history and good reputation, one should count on deep and comprehensive language teaching. The department cooperates with many educational institutions in Turkey, Japan, China, Korea and some Arab countries, so excellent students are sometimes sent on free internships. The duration of study at the faculty is 5 years (specialist qualification).

Moscow Pedagogical State University

At the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State Pedagogical University you can get Teacher Education with two profiles at once - Russian and foreign (Chinese) language. In other words, a graduate of this department will be able to teach Russian and Chinese languages. In 2014, the university allocated 20 budget places for this specialty, and the passing score was 228 points. The cost of training on a commercial basis is only 115,000 rubles per year. The duration of training, despite the fact that the graduate is awarded a bachelor's degree, is 5 years.

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

IN Russian University Friendship of Peoples, oriental languages ​​can only be studied in additional professional education programs (Arabic, Chinese and Persian languages), as well as in master's programs as a second foreign language (Chinese only).

Some non-state universities in Moscow also specialize in teaching oriental languages, for example:

This commercial linguistic university in Moscow allows students to learn the most popular oriental languages: Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Indonesian, Arabic, Turkish, Hindi and Farsi. In addition, it is mandatory to study English as a second foreign language. And although the cost of studying at the Institute of Oriental Studies is quite high for a non-state university - in 2014, full-time department it was 174,000 rubles for 2 semesters (duration of study 4 years) - the quality of education deserves it. The fact is that the university operates on the basis of the Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Academy Sci. And graduates are given a diploma with the assignment of a very prestigious specialty “Linguist”.

The demand for the educational institution is also indicated by the rather high Unified State Exam score of students who entered the Institute of Oriental Studies in 2014: for many it is above 200, and the score of some students would allow them to study Oriental languages ​​in pedagogical universities Moscow or Russian State University for the Humanities on a budget basis. In 2015, the institute plans to enroll 23 students in the first year of the linguistic faculty.

International Independent Ecological and Political Science University

This non-state university in Moscow is implementing a joint Russian-Chinese program with the Qingdao University of Technology and Science. After successfully completing the program, which takes 5 years, graduates are awarded a Chinese international bachelor's degree. Moreover, the first year of study takes place in Russia, and the next four years - in China.

Students have the opportunity to choose one of three specialties:

  • international management (management and economics);
  • international law(jurisprudence);
  • protection environment(ecology and environmental management).

The cost of training is 150,000 rubles per year in Russia and 79,700 rubles per year in China. Admission is based on test results (Unified State Examination results are not required).

Veronica Gebrial

Candidate of Sociological Sciences


The current department of languages ​​of the countries of the Near and Middle East of MGIMO University is the educational, scientific and structural successor of the department of Arabic studies, created in 1871-72 simultaneously with special classes at the Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages ​​(the latter was formed in 1827 on the basis of the Armenian Lazarev School, established in 1814 by the Armenian philanthropist and nobleman Joachim Lazaryan, 1744-1826), where, along with the languages ​​of the peoples of Transcaucasia, the teaching and scientific study of the languages ​​of the Middle East began for the first time in Moscow.

The department managed to preserve and develop the continuity of the Russian Arabic and Oriental schools when in 1920, after an almost two-year break and reorganizations, the Lazarevsky Institute of Oriental Languages ​​was transformed into the Central Institute of Living Oriental Languages, and in 1921 - into the Moscow Institute of Oriental Studies (MIO). In 1954, the MIV was merged with the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and in addition to the Arabic language, the department became an educational, methodological and scientific base for teaching Turkish, Farsi and Hebrew.

A whole galaxy of prominent oriental scientists made a great contribution to the initial formation and development of the department, to teaching and scientific work. In this regard, we should mention Professor G.A. Murkos (1846-1911), a native of Damascus, a graduate of the Faculty of Oriental Languages ​​of St. Petersburg University, the first to head the department of Arabic studies at the Lazarev Institute, an expert on pre-Islamic poetry, the author of “Essay on New Arabic Literature” and other works; who replaced him as head of the department, also a Syrian, Professor M.O. Attaya (1852-1924) - author of textbooks and an Arabic-Russian dictionary; Russian-Ukrainian Arabist, academician A.E. Krymsky (1871-1942) - a talented teacher, scientist, writer and translator, known for his works on Islam, Semitic languages, history and literature of the Arabs. In the early period of its formation, such famous Iranian scholars as I.N. Kholmogorov (1818-1891) and F.E. Korsh (1843-1915) directly collaborated with the department, who in his works traced the mutual influence and differences in Arabic and Persian poetry .

For half a century (from 1924 to 1975), the department was headed by Professor Kh.K. Baranov (1892-1980), known in Russia and throughout the world as an outstanding Arabic scholar who created the Moscow Arabic school. A graduate of the Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages ​​(1915), his creative destiny until the end of his life was connected with scientific and pedagogical activities, one of the most unique fruits of which was the Arabic-Russian Dictionary (1940-1946, with additions in subsequent lifetime editions) - the first complete dictionary of the modern Arabic literary language, which to this day proves its versatility and indispensability for Arabists of all specialties. The preface to its 1st edition was written by academician I.Yu. Krachkovsky (1883-1951). A big event in the cultural life of Russia in 1965 was the publication of Al-Jahiz’s “Books of the Miserly” in translation by Kh.K. Baranov. To all of us, his colleagues and former students, dear and memorable is his humorous commandment: "Learn Arabic, at least with the help of witchcraft!"

In the pre-war years, Arabic philology at the department was developed by the famous Arabist and Semitologist, Professor B.M. Grande, who created the most important academic work - “A Course in Arabic Grammar in Comparative Historical Light”, published in 1963 under the editorship of H.K.Baranova. In those same years, a wonderful teacher, Arab-Palestinian Tager A. Il-Farhi (-1965), began working at the department, who, together with V.N. Krasnovsky, compiled a one-of-a-kind pocket “Russian-Arabic Dictionary” (1959).

During World War II, the MIV was evacuated to Fergana, where the teaching of Arabic, as well as other languages ​​of the Near and Middle East, continued. With the return of the institute to Moscow at the end of 1943, Kulsum Oda (1892-1965), a Palestinian Arab from Nazareth, who before the war taught Arabic language and literature for a long time at the invitation of I.Yu. Krachkovsky at the Faculty of Oriental Languages ​​of St. Petersburg, began working at the department University. She invested her knowledge and experience into Scientific research, translations of samples of Arabic literature, creation of teaching aids, for example, “Samples of New Arabic Literature” (1928, 1949) continue to be successfully used in the educational process.

In the post-war period, N.S. Kamensky (- 1951) left a noticeable mark on the activities of the department with his original work “An introductory course to the modern Arabic literary language” (1952). Attention was also paid to mastering oral speech skills. The first experience in this area was “Arabic phrasebook” by T.A. il-Farhi (1947). The work of Associate Professor A.F. Sultanov (1904-1996), who had extensive practical experience in Arab countries and worked for many years at the Department of International Relations and MGIMO, was devoted to the issues of Arabic dialectology. He also wrote the first two articles devoted to the problems of the newest period of Arabic literature: “Egyptian literature at a new stage” (1955) and “Major milestones in the development of modern culture in Egypt” (1957). Great importance During these years he began to devote himself to studying the language of the Arabic press. In order to get acquainted with him, in 1950 A.F. Sultanov created special anthologies for junior students and T.A. il-Farhi - for senior students, and in 1956 A.F. Sultanov and V.N. Krasnovsky published a new "Anthology of Arabic newspaper and magazine texts." The development of teaching methods required the creation of new, previously unknown types of aids. Thus, for extracurricular work of students, V.N. Krasnovsky compiled an “Anthology for home reading” (for first and second years) in 1954, and two years later K.V. Ode-Vasilieva and V.N. Krasnovsky published it Extended edition. In 1955, Arabists received another manual prepared by K.V. Ode-Vasilieva - “Samples of Arabic cursive writing”, and in 1965 - “Collection of Arabic cursive writing” by R.Z. Aituganov, which enabled the Arabist to quickly acquire skills and correctly understand Arabic business documentation and commercial correspondence, study a variety of Arabic handwriting.

Fruitful research and translation work with active teaching activities was successfully combined by the professor of the department, Doctor of Philological Sciences B.Ya. Shidfar (1928-1993), who created fundamental works and translations on classical Arabic literature: “Imaginal system of Arabic classical literature (VI-XII centuries)” (1974), “Life and exploits of Antara” (1969), “Andalusian literature " (1970), "Essay on Arab-Muslim culture of the 7th-12th centuries." (1971), "Biography of Faikh, son of King Zu Yazan" (1975), "Abu Nuvwas" (1978), "Ibn Sina" (1981), "Abu l-Ala al-Maarri" (1985), "The Wonderful Necklace" Ibn Abd Rabbihi (1985) and others.

Outstanding teachers, methodologists and researchers of Arabic language and literature who made a huge contribution to the development of the department were also professors R.Z. Aituganov, V.I. Solovyov, M.V. Malyukovsky, B.V. Romanov, associate professors and senior teachers L. A. Kasaeva, A. Z. Rashkovskaya, T. N. Savenko, V. S. Segal, V. A. Kruglova, N. S. Fetisova-Lyutova and B. G. Khanin, who for many years of their work at the department managed to pass on their knowledge and experience to many generations of Arabic scholars who graduated from MGIMO, and compiled a number of textbooks on various aspects of studying the Arabic language. An unsurpassed expert in the Arabic language, Professor V.I. Solovyov was the author of the first textbook on political translation for senior students.

The most original and talented figure at the department for half a century was the outstanding teacher, Arabist-encyclopedist, professor V.N. Krasnovsky (1927-1997). Thanks to his teaching talent, broad erudition, high professionalism and ability to inspire students with his creative energy, he left a deep imprint on the minds and hearts of a number of generations of his students.

It is also impossible not to mention the students of the department who made remarkable contributions to Arabic studies while still studying at MGIMO. An example of this is the work prepared by Arabic student Arayik Melikyan in 1978-79.

According to Professor B.Ya. Shidfar, “his educational dictionary of synonyms, setting itself, first of all, practical goals, is the first dictionary of synonyms of the modern Arabic literary language and is especially valuable for its well-chosen and demonstrative examples taken from the works of the most famous and authoritative publicists and literary figures from a number of Arab countries, with original exercises, as well as keys to them. At the same time, it also has theoretical value." ("Tutorial on the use of Arabic synonyms" (part 1), for 3-5 year students, MGIMO 1978 (301 pages), author - A.A. Melikyan, 4th year student (Faculty of International Economic Relations), edited by professor B.Ya.Shidfar; “Materials of the dictionary of synonyms of the Arabic language” (part two), for students of 3-5 years, MGIMO 1979 (192 pages), author - A.A. Melikyan, 5th year student (Faculty of International Economic Relations) , edited by Professor B.Ya. Shidfar).

Over the years of the department's existence as part of MGIMO, it was headed by:

BARANOV Kharlampiy Karpovich - from 1954 to 1975.
USMANOV Noel Karibovich - from 1975 to 1991.
KUZMIN Sergey Andreevich - from 1991 to 1996.
USMANOV Noel Karibovich - from 1996 to 2004.
SHTANOV Andrey Vladimirovich - 2004 to the present.

Every year the department graduates about 20-25 international Arabists bachelors and masters. From here we can imagine the contribution of the department for the entire period of its activity as part of MGIMO in the training of qualified personnel - orientalists working in the international, political, economic, legal, journalistic and scientific spheres not only in the Russian Federation, the Union of Belarus and the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, but also in those foreign countries that have traditionally considered MGIMO University to be the basic higher education institution for mastering various specialties in the field of international relations.

In this regard, among the Russian Arabic graduates of the older generation, I would like to mention Academician E.M. Primakov, Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary: V.V. Gnedykh, Yu.S. Gryadunova, V.P. Polyakov, O.G. Peresypkin, Baklanov A.G., Bogdanova M.L., Bolotina B.F., Vdovina A.V., Vorobyova V.P., Kartuzova N.V., Kirpichenko S.V., Kuzmina V.I., Stegnia P. V., Tarasova G.P. , international journalist Popov A., orientalist Arabists Landa R. - author of the study "Muslims in Russia", Levin Z.I. - specialist in the field of Arab enlightenment and philosophy, Syukiyainen L.R. - an expert in Islamic law, as well as such outstanding teachers and philologists as Krasnovsky V.N. and Soloviev V.I., who forged new generations of Arabists in international relations at the department.

Turkish language has been taught at the department since the foundation of the department - since 1954. Prominent oriental Turkologists worked here - professor P.I. Kuznetsov, Professor R.A. Aganin, associate professor V.A. Arabaji. A significant contribution to the development of Turkology at MGIMO in the 1980-2000s was made by senior lecturer N.P. Rumyantseva, who worked for a long time side by side with Aganin R.A., Professor Kolesnikov A.A., Professor Zaporozhets V.M., Associate Professors Belova K.A., Epifanov A.A., Senior Lecturer Svistunova I.A.

Currently educational process are provided by highly qualified teachers: head of the department, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor A.V. Shtanov (author of more than forty scientific and methodological works on the theory of translation; the textbook “Turkish language. Basic course. Textbook in four parts. Part 1. In two books. Student’s book.” - M.: MGIMO-University, 2010. - 510 p. .; "Turkish language. Basic course. Textbook in four parts. Part 1. In two books. Teacher's book." - M.: MGIMO-University, 2010. - 205 pp.; scientific monograph "Translation technology and teaching methods (competency-based approach)". - M.: MGIMO-University, 2011. - 250 pp.), Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor I.I. Ivanova is a famous Turkish historian. The department also has young promising additions in the person of teacher Zezyulya R.A., as well as MGIMO graduates Avatkov V.A. and Golomedov V.I.

The team of Turkish language teachers distinguishes high level theoretical and practical training, an academic approach to teaching the Turkish language in content and creative form, taking into account both domestic experience and teaching experience at MGIMO.

The Hebrew language has been taught at the department since the mid-1970s. The most famous Hebraists who worked at MGIMO were F.L. Shapiro and A.I. Rubinstein. A significant contribution to the development of the Hebraic school at the department was made by A.V. Krylov, candidate of historical sciences. Currently, Hebrew is taught as the first foreign language by Associate Professor Yu.I. Kostenko, author of a unique textbook of the Hebrew language, recognized not only in Russia, but also abroad, including in leading training center State of Israel.

Since 1995, the department has had a sector of Turkic languages. This is due to the fact that in addition to the Turkish language, the department teaches Turkic languages: since 1995 - Azerbaijani language, since 2000 - Turkmen and Uzbek languages.

Experienced teachers stood at the origins of the formation of scientific and methodological traditions of teaching Turkic languages ​​at MGIMO: Azerbaijani language - associate professor M.G. Aliyev (1938-2008); Turkmen language – candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor M.M. Klycheva; Uzbek language – associate professor A.M.Samatov.

M.M.Klycheva and A.M.Samatov continue their successful and fruitful pedagogical activity at the department. In the 2004-2005 academic year, O.M. Orazmammedov took part in teaching the Turkmen language, in the 2008-2010 academic year, the Azerbaijani language was taught by MGIMO graduate A.S. Telyakov, and from 2010 to the present, the Azerbaijani language is taught by a doctor of philosophy in linguistics, a famous literary scholar, associate professor A.M. Bagirov.

Last updated - June 2019

Introductory video

Student reviews

In the 2008 academic year, by decision of the Academic Council of the Moscow State University of Economics and Economics, with the assistance of the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey, the Department of Turkish Language was opened at the Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics. On April 29, 2009, the grand opening of the Turkish department took place. The opening was attended by the rector of MSUGE, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor Bayramov Vagif Deirushevich, the authorized ambassador of the Turkish Republic to the Russian Federation Khalil Akinci and representatives of the embassy.

The Department of Oriental Languages ​​trains linguists and translators. Classes are taught by highly qualified teachers, including native Turkish speakers. The department conducts research work on current problems of Turkic studies and teaching foreign languages. To date, teachers of the department are the authors of more than 25 textbooks and teaching aids, which have an international book number ISBN and have been published in more than 1000 copies.

In accordance with the international agreement between Russian Federation and the Republic of Turkey, students of the Department of Oriental Languages ​​have the opportunity to undergo language internship in higher education institutions educational institutions Turkey. During the existence of the department, more than 24 students have already successfully completed language internships at Ankara and Istanbul universities.

Since 2009, students of the Department of Oriental Languages ​​have been taking part in All-Russian Olympiad in Turkish and invariably became winners.

The department has created all the conditions for organizing modern process training. Students have modern electronics at their disposal. The classroom is equipped with an audio and video system, as well as a video projector. A home cinema allows you to organize weekly screenings of classic and modern films in Turkish. The freely accessible Internet makes it easy to find reference materials.

The department has a specialized library where scientific literature is presented in Russian, Turkish and some European languages. Currently, it contains about 2000 volumes of monographs, textbooks, dictionaries, among which there are rare publications.

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