Preface. Topic: Political system

The textbook has been prepared in accordance with the "State educational requirements (federal component) to the mandatory minimum content and level of training of graduates high school» on the cycle «General humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines» and a set of didactic units on the discipline «Psychology and Pedagogy».

For university students of all specialties, as well as for those wishing to master the basics of psychology and pedagogy.


Russian society is now going through a difficult period of transition from one socio-economic system to another. The hopes of its citizens and the efforts of the state are directed to the comprehensive improvement of life in accordance with the ideas of a society that meets the level of achievements of human civilization and embodies, to a greater extent than before, the ideals of goodness, justice, freedom, protection from lawlessness and evil, providing people with equal opportunities for self-realization and a decent life. This process is complex, contradictory, multi-conditioned. It cannot be carried out by directive or at the request of someone "from above". Whatever the pessimists say, it depends on all the citizens of Russia. It is impossible to realize the ideals in the life of each person without his personal participation. And society is always the same as its citizens and their activity. Life in a society can become better if its citizens become better - more educated, smarter, more cultured, more humane, more democratic, more decent, fairer, more professional, more capable both in personal qualities and in behavior.

All this is especially significant for the younger generation of Russians. The future of Russia and life in it belongs to him, and it will be more prosperous if the generation itself becomes more perfect. It is rightly said that mankind would be marking time if children were not superior to their parents. But such perfection does not come by itself. The educational system in the country, which is an accelerator of social progress, is called upon to help young people become more perfect, achieve more.

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2 Lomakin, V.K. World economy: textbook for university students / V.K. Lomakin. - 4th ed., revised. and additional-m.: UNITI-DANA, p. The world economy is a complex, dynamic, constantly changing system. On the basis of extensive statistical material, studies and official publications of international organizations, the main features of the world economy, its mechanism and functioning are revealed. The state of world markets, economic growth and its quality, the main issues of the social situation in the world are analyzed. The textbook is built on the basis of a logical and historical presentation of the main issues of development and the state of the world economy. World economy and international economic relations: a textbook for bachelors / Ed. R.K.Schenina, V.V.Polyakova.-M.: Yurayt, p. The new, significantly updated edition examines the most important theoretical and practical aspects of the world economy and international economic relations of the system of various economic regional and national economic systems of different countries based on the international division of labor. Drobot, G.A. World politics: a textbook for bachelors / G.A. Drobot.-M.: Yurayt, p. In this textbook, an attempt is made by the author to present his own vision of the discipline "World Politics" in the context of the issues being developed at the Faculty of Global Processes. World politics is considered as a phenomenon that has been formed in the conditions of "compression of the world" and "densification" of the international environment of the modern world, characteristic of the era of globalization.

3 Khasbulatov, R.I. International finance: a textbook for masters /R.I.Khasbulatov.- M.: Yurait, p. The textbook analyzes the complex nature of modern international finance as a single global system in its historical evolution. Basic information about international financial policy is given, the content of the institutions and rules of the entire system of international financial regulation is disclosed. Direct links are shown between the instability of world financial markets and the explosive growth of various growth of financial instruments, the problem of increasing public debt, offshore banking. International Business. Theory and practice: textbook for bachelors / Ed. A.I. Pogorletsky, S.F. Sutyrin.- M.: Yurayt, p. The textbook discusses general fundamentals conducting international business, organizational, legal and structural aspects, marketing approaches to the analysis of international business operations in action (on the example of the leading countries of the world and their companies). International monetary and credit relations: textbook and workshop for bachelors / E.A. Zvonova et al.; under total Ed. E.A. Zvonova.-M.: Yurayt, p. Theoretical and practical aspects of all areas of functioning of modern international monetary relations and systems are considered.

4 Finance, money, credit, banks: textbook / team of authors; ed. T.M. Kovaleva.-M.: KNORUS, p. The theory and modern practice of finance, money circulation, credit, and banks are considered. The book is based on the results of new research in the field of financial and credit relations in the context of globalization processes. Taxes and taxation: a textbook and practice for academic undergraduate studies / ed. G.B.Polyaka.-2nd ed., revised. and additional - M .: Yurait, p. The textbook contains theoretical basis taxes and taxation, the functions and role of taxes in the formation of budget revenues are considered, a detailed description of federal, regional and local taxes, special tax regimes is given, international tax relations are considered in the context of globalization, and the latest changes in tax legislation are reflected. Money, credit, banks. Money and credit markets: textbook and workshop for applied bachelor's degree / ed. ed. M.A. Abramova, L.S. Alexandrova.-M.: Yurayt, p. This publication allows students to form an understanding of the current state of the theory of money, credit, banks, money and credit markets, to analyze the processes of creation and functioning of modern monetary, credit, payment, banking systems and their elements.

5 Glukhov, V.V. Geo-financial policy opportunism as a form of global competition / V.V. Glukhov, V.A. Ostanin, Yu.V. major countries and transnational corporations actively using the financial market as an arena of competition for further redistribution of the world. Usov, A.A. Pluses and minuses of globalization /A.A.Usov // Scientific notes of young researchers with Globalization as the main trend in the development of mankind opens up additional opportunities and promises considerable benefits to the economies of individual countries. However, this process is fraught with costs and threats to the national economies of not only poor, but also rich countries. Kudryashova, I.V. Transformation of economic conditions for the formation of modern world currencies / I.V.Kudryashova // Finance and credit s Based on the study of the transformation of economic conditions, their role in the process of internationalization of the monetary functions of modern world currencies is shown.

6 Malakhova, T.S. Positions of Russia in the global economy: trends and contradictions / S.T. Malakhova // Finance and Credit with the Author, the trends in the development of the national economy are studied, and the positions of Russia are determined through the prism of global instability. Dedishchev, A.V. The reverse side of globalization capital outflow and the depreciating ruble / A.V. Dedeishchev // Banking business On the phenomenon of global liquidity during the period of capital outflow, which negatively affects the economies of developing countries, including Russia. Meshkova, T.A. World trends in the development of global value chains and Russia's participation in them / T.A. Meshkova, E.Ya. Moiseichev // Bulletin of the Financial University.

7 Kuprikov, A.P. Russia in new geopolitical conditions: serious challenges and new prospects / A.P. Kuprikov // Banking business The article attempts to identify the main factors and problems caused by changes in the economic and geopolitical relations of countries, as well as the prospects that open up in connection with current situation for Russia. Senchagov, Vyach.K. Global imbalances, risks and economic security of Russia / Vyach.K. Senchagov, A.I. Soloviev // Bulletin of the Financial University with Russia, being one of the participants in world economic relations, is equally affected by global economic processes, including global imbalances. This article proposes a methodology for assessing the impact of global risks on the Russian economy. Yashin, S.N. Actual aspects of innovative development of enterprises of the metallurgical industry in the context of globalization and the period of sanctions / S.N. Yashin, S.Dm. Shchekoturova // Finance and credit s Various factors of the influence of the globalization process on the economic development of the country are considered and analyzed. An assessment was made of the impact of the imposed sanctions on the Russian industry (metallurgical enterprises).

8 Tupchienko, V.A. Mechanisms for the development of the regional economy in the context of globalization / V.A. Tupchienko // Economic analysis pp.7-15 Any state for dynamic economic development must somehow integrate into the world economy. Russia is faced with the task of changing the unviable raw material model of the state and bringing the country onto the rails of a nationally oriented economy. The author considers ways to solve this problem, revealing the means and possibilities of the economic and industrial policy of Russia. Sharkov, N.N. Development of Russia's financial infrastructure as necessary condition ensuring economic growth in the context of financial globalization /NN Sharkov // Finance and credit The article examines the process of development of Russia's financial infrastructure in the context of globalization of financial relations in connection with the need to ensure economic growth. Shevchenko, I.V. Formation of the contours of the global economic system / I.V. Shevchenko, T.S. Malakhova //Finance and credit with The dynamics of globalization processes has had a profound impact on the uneven economic development of some countries and regions of the world. In this regard, the authors trace the direction in which the balance of power in the world is changing and which states are able to overcome unbalancing processes in the global economy.

1 23. Information economy and the emergence of a new type of economic growth. 24. Economic growth and economic development. 25. Savings and investments in the theories of economic growth. 26. Trouble

Publishing and Trade Corporation "Dashkov and Co" V. L. Abramov Ã" Œ fl ŒÕŒÃ" Textbook 5th edition, revised Recommended by the Academic Council of the Moscow International Higher School of Business "MIRBIS"

TICKETS FOR THE ENTRANCE EXAM TO THE POSTGRADUATE STUDIES IN THE SPECIALTY "ECONOMY" 2015 Ticket 1 1. The subject and methods of studying economic theory. The main schools of economic theory. 2. Macroeconomic indicators

Krokhina, Yu.A. Budget law in Russia: a textbook for masters / Yu.A. Krokhina. - 3rd ed., revised. and extra-m.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2013.-483p. The textbook reveals the main topics of the course "Budget Law": outlined

Ministry of Economic Development and Trade Russian Federation State University - HIGH SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS Faculty of Law DISCIPLINE PROGRAM "FINANCE" for the specialty 030501.65 - Jurisprudence

June-August 2016 Controlling in the bank: tutorial: recommended by the Educational and Methodological Association for Education in Finance, Accounting and the World Economy, for students of higher educational institutions,

Fetisov, Vladimir Dmitrievich. Finance and credit: textbook. allowance for university students studying economics and management / V. D. Fetisov, T. V. Fetisova. 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.:

State Treasury educational institution higher vocational education"Russian Customs Academy" Department of Financial Management Entrance examination program for applicants

1. GOALS AND TASKS OF THE DISCIPLINE Working programm academic discipline"World Economy" is designed to implement state requirements for a minimum content and level of training of graduates in the specialty

Krasavina Lidia Nikolaevna scientific adviser, doctor economic sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation Research interests: problems of international monetary and

Borisov E.F. Economic theory: a textbook for universities / E.F. Borisov. 4th ed., revised. and additional M. : Higher education, 2008. 391 p. : ill. (Fundamentals of Sciences). ISBN 978-5-9692-0208-5. Contents Foreword...

Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation All-Russian State Tax Academy

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION FSBEI HPE "INGUSH STATE UNIVERSITY" "APPROVED" Chairman admission committee IngGU Doctor of Philological Sciences, prof. A.M. Martazanov 2015 PROGRAM entrance exam

I. GENERAL PROVISIONS Program entrance test compiled in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard in the direction of preparation 38.04.08 "Finance and credit",

I. Title of the RAP: International Economic Relations and Globalization II. Compiled by: Vasilyeva Nina Ivanovna III. Goals and objectives of the discipline. A. The main goal of the course. The purpose of the discipline is to study

UDC 341.16:339 (470) Stud. K.N. Ostroukhov Hand. A.B. Bessonov, Ural State Technical University, Yekaterinburg GLOBALIZATION OF THE WORLD ECONOMY: MAIN ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES Globalization of the world economy is the transformation of the world

PROGRAM in the specialty "Finance, money circulation and credit" 1 1. Financial system. The concept of the financial system. The structures of the financial system and the governing bodies of the financial system. Impact of financial

The textbook has been prepared in accordance with the standard curriculum for higher educational institutions in the specialties of the areas of education: "Economics and Management", "Management", "Economics and Organization

Guidelines for the profile "Economics" Student Olympiad Gazprom First Stage Edited by Head of the Department of National Economy of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Doctor of Economics, Professor Mierin Larisa Aleksandrovna

BASICS OF BANKING EXPLANATORY NOTE Banking is an ancient science. It accumulates thousands of years of experience in the work of credit institutions, reveals how over a long period

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Tyumen State Oil and Gas University for the Humanities

EXPLANATORY NOTE 1. Information about the program on the basis of which the work program was developed. Sample program secondary (complete) general education in economics ( a basic level of) author Kireev

“The profession of a financial manager as a specialist in managing the finances of an economic entity is becoming more and more popular and in demand among company leaders.” (Kovalev V.V. Introduction


SUMMARY OF THE WORKING PROGRAM OF THE DISCIPLINE Code, name of the discipline (module) B1.B.4 Economics Direction of study 09.03.01 Informatics and computer technology Name OPOP System engineering and automation

Appendix 1 to protocol 3 dated 03/29/2016 PROGRAM of entrance examination on the subject "FUNDAMENTALS OF ECONOMIC THEORY" upon admission to the specialty "Economics and Management at the Enterprise", "Commercial

Antonov, V. A. International monetary and financial relations. Textbook and workshop: textbook for bachelors / V. A. Antonov. Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House, 2014. 548 p. Series: Bachelor. Basic course.

Publishing and Trade Corporation "Dashkov and K" A. S. Neshitoy FINANCE, MONEY CIRCULATION AND CREDIT Textbook 2nd edition, revised and supplemented Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Work Program in Economics Class 10 ( profile level) Number of hours 68 (2 hours per week) The program was developed on the basis of the Program of secondary general education in economics (profile level) and

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus Educational Institution "Vitebsk State University of Technology» Approved by the Chairman of the Admissions Committee prof. V.S. Bashmetov 2016 PROGRAM

Rudy KV International currency, credit and financial relations: textbook. allowance / K. V. Rudy. M.: New knowledge, 2007. 427 p. (Economic Education). The fundamentals of the theory and practice of international

Finance in the system of economic relations The foundation of a good financial system should be the rejection of useless expenses J. Droz A665 Andryushin, S.A. Banking systems: a textbook for students of higher

DEPARTMENT "WORLD ECONOMY AND WORLD FINANCE" THEMES of graduation qualification works on the profiles "World Economy" and "World Finance" for 2016-2017 academic year PROFILE "WORLD FINANCE" 1. Modern

To the reader...11 SECTION I INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMIC THEORY Lecture 1 Topic: The main stages in the development of economic science...15 1.1. Origins...15 1.2. Mercantilism is the first school of political economy...17 1.3. classical


Educational Institution "Belarusian State Economic University" I APPROVE I approve the Dean of the Faculty of International Economic Relations G.A. Shmarlovskaya. 2014 Registration UD- /r.

CENTER FOR MACROECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND SHORT-TERM FORECASTING Tel.: 129-17-22, fax: 718-97-71, e-mail: [email protected], On alternative monetary policy strategies

National Economy The library presents to your attention the book exhibition "National Economy". The books presented at the exhibition examine the features of the structure of the national economy,

WRC topics for 2017-2018 academic year Area of ​​study 38.03.01 Economics Profile "World economy" 1. Improving the management of inflationary processes in the economy of foreign countries and Russia. 2. Development

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation FSBEI HPE "Dagestan State Technical University" Department of E&UvSM I APPROVE VPO "DSTU", T.A. Ismailov 2014 PROGRAM of the entrance exam in the direction

Nevezhin, V. P. Operations research and decision making in economics. Collection of tasks and exercises: study guide: recommended by the UMO for education in finance, accounting and the world economy for students,


Borisov, E. F. Economics: textbook and workshop for bachelors / E. F. Borisov. M. : Yurayt Publishing House: ID Yurayt. 2012. 596 p. Contents Preface Section I. Economy and its role in society Chapter 1.

PROGRAM of the entrance examination to the master's program in the direction 38.04.01 "Economics", in the discipline "Corporate financial and tax management and accounting" 1. The concept of the economic environment of business. Natural

ZABAIKALSKY AGRICULTURAL INSTITUTE - branch of FSBEI HE "Irkutsk State Agrarian University. A.A. Yezhevsky Department of Economics and Management Macroeconomics Methodological instructions and tasks for

Certification test program for transfer to the Graduate School of Business of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov for the 3rd year of the bachelor's degree interview in the direction of preparation MICROECONOMICS 1. Main economic

Literature from the exhibition Finance and financial management: textbook. At 3 pm Part 3. Financial management. Capital management and strategic financial decisions / A. V. Egorov [and others]; under total ed.

B A K A L A V R I A T FINANCE, MONEY, CREDIT, BANKS Edited by T.M. Kovaleva Recommended by the UMO of Russian universities for education in the field of finance, accounting and the world economy as a textbook for students,

The program of the entrance test for applicants in the direction of preparation of higher education under the master's program 38.04.01 ECONOMICS CONTENTS: 1. The structure of the entrance examination paper.

TO THE READERS... 11 FOREWORD... 13 Chapter 1 Section I. OBJECTIVES AND IMPORTANT CONCEPTS OF ECONOMIC THEORY THE SUBJECT OF ECONOMIC THEORY... 16 1.1. The origin and development of economic science... 16 1.2. Economic

Planning and economic, design and economic activities PK-8 PK-9 PK-10 PK-11 PK-12 PK-1 PK-14; Economic globalization and international innovation process, International production cooperation,

Series "Educational publications for bachelors" by A. S. Neshitaya FINANCE MONEY CIRCULATION CREDIT Textbook 4th edition, revised and supplemented

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Ural State Mining University APPROVED by the Methodological Commission of the Faculty of Engineering and Economics 0 Chairman of the Commission

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Southern Federal University" Higher School of Business Entrance examination program for applicants in the field of study 38.03.01. Economics based on secondary vocational education


EXPLANATORY NOTE The program of the entrance test for applicants to the second stage of higher education in the specialty 1-25 80 02 "World Economy" was developed on the basis of standard educational

The publication “Finance, monetary circulation and credit” contains a systematically presented educational material, giving a holistic view of the structure of finance, money and money circulation, credit and banks. IN

POLITICAL ECONOMY (economic theory) Textbook 3rd edition Under the general editorship of Doctor of Economics, Professor V. D. Rudnev Moscow Publishing and Trade Corporation "Dashkov and K" 2012 1 UDC

To the 85th anniversary of BSEU NATIONAL ECONOMY OF BELARUS Approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus as a textbook for students of higher education institutions in economic specialties

The work program was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary Vocational Education, specialty 2.02.05 "Land and Property Relations" Developer

Bikalova Nadezhda Alexandrovna, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor; Bagramova Anna Alekseevna student, Institute of Business and Business Administration, Russian Academy National economy And public service at

Minsk University of Management 1 CURRICULUM of the entrance examination in the discipline "Finance and Credit" Minsk 2015 2 1 EXPLANATORY NOTE Training program in the discipline "Finance and Credit" is intended

List of literature on the course of political science

Main literature

  1. Achkasov V.A. Political science: Textbook. M.: Higher education, 2009. - 691 p.

  2. Gorelov A.A. Political science: Proc.-M.:EKSMO, 2006.

  3. Demidov A.I. Political Science: Textbook - M.: Gardariki, 2006.-319 p.

  4. Melville A.Yu. etc. Political science. M.: MGIMO, Prospect. 2005 - 624 p.
6. Melnik V.A. Political Science: Textbook-6th ed., Rev.-M.: Vysh.shk., 2008.-543 p.

7. Mukhaev R.T. Political science. Textbook. M.: Prospect. 2009 - 640s

8. Mukhametshina N.S. Ethnicity and politics. Tutorial. Samara, 2005 - 168 p.

9. Ogorodnikov V.P., Sidorov N.M. Political science. Proc. allowance.- St. Petersburg. 2009 - 279 s

10. Political science. Textbook / ed. V.A. Achkasova and V.A. Gutorova.- M.: Higher. arr.2009 - 692 p.

11. Political science. Textbook / ed. M.A. Vasilika-M.: Gardariki. 2007 - 588s

12. Pugachev V.P. Introduction to political science. Uch.-k. 4th ed. Moscow: Aspect-press. 2008 - 448 s

Russian civilization: encyclopedic Dictionary/ Mchedlov M.P. etc. M.: Respublika. 2001 - 544 p.

13. History of political and legal doctrines. Textbook for high schools. 3rd edition, add./Ed. O.E. Leist, V.A. Tomsinov. M.: Mirror 2009 - 584s

14. Vlasov V.I. , Vlasova G.B. History of political and legal doctrines. Lecture notes. 2nd ed., add. and lane - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix. 2003 224 s

15. Khalipov V.F. Encyclopedia of power - M .: Acad. etc. Culture. 2005 1056 s

16. Heywood E. Political science. Textbook for university students. M .: UNITY-DANA 2005 544 s

17. Melnik V.A. Modern Dictionary of Political Science - M.: Knizhny Dom. 2004 640 p.

18. Makorta G.A. Political science in questions and answers. M.: Prospect. 2005 224 s

19. Pugachev V.P. Political Science: A Student's Handbook. M.: LLC "Publishing house AST" 2001 - 576 p.

Isaev B.A. Political science. Reader.M., St. Petersburg: Peter. 2006 - 459 s

20. Komarovsky V.S. Political science. Workshop. at the rate. M.: Izd.RAGS 2006

21. Political science. Workshop on the course / ed. M.S. Vasilika. M.: Gardariki 2000 384 p.

22. Petinova T.M. Political Science: Proc. allowance / GOU VPO Samar. state technical university - Samara, 2006.-93 p.

23. Political science / D.E. Pogorely and others - M .: Eksmo. 2008 319 p.

24. Album of schemes in sociology and political science / Comp. A.A. Belyaev and others. M.: Shield-M. 1999 - 120 p.


Topic: Society and power

    1. Bell D. The Coming Post-Industrial Society. M.: ACADEMIA. 1999 - 956 p.

    2. Berdyaev N.A. The fate of Russia. M.: Thought 1990 - 206 p.

    3. Machiavelli N. Sovereign / Per. with it. N.Ya. Rykova. M. : EKSMO-Press 1998 - 656 p.
4. Soloviev A.I. Political Science: Political Theory. Political technologies: Textbook. - M.: Aspect Press, 2006.-559 p.

5. Khalipov V.F. Encyclopedia of power. M.: Culture. 2005–1056s

6. Afanasiev M.N. The imperative of post-industrial democracy is the informational openness of power // Social Sciences and modernity. - 2010. - No. 3. - P. 111-117.

7. Vasiliev L.S. Man and Power in History (Authoritarianism or Freedom?)//
Social Sciences and Modernity. - 2009. - No. 1. - P. 23-37.

8. Weber M. Types of domination / / Personality, culture, society. 2009 Issue. 2. S. 12-22

9. Vilmov Yu.B. Corruption as a form of associative interaction: to the definition of the concept / / Sociology of power. 2009. No. 3. P. 112-117

10. Hoffman M. All power to the people//Politics and society. 2008 No. 6. S. 10-15

11. Dokhin A.N. The system of power in Russia in the 2000s and models of political management of regions//Political research. 2009. No. 2.S. 52-59

12. Dementieva A.N. Principles of Self-Government: Composition, Content and Methods of Regulatory Implementation// Politics and Society 2009 No. 2.С. 69-76

13. Krasikov S.A. Risk management in the context of the development of self-organization of Russian political actors // Power. -2008.- No. 7.- S. 1-9.

14. Kryshtanovskaya O.V. Formats of Russian power // Political research. 2010. No. 1.C. 27-34
15. Marcuse G. One-dimensional man // Sociology of power - 2009 No. 4. pp. 196-209

16. Poyarkov S.Yu. The ideology of state power: the foundations of the system model//Politics and society. 2009 No. 2. S. 24-32

17. Rozov N.S. The specifics of "Russian power", its mental structures, ritual practices and institutions // Political Studies. 2011.-№ 1.

18. Sergeev V. M. The problem of power.// Political research. 2008. No. 2 S. 23-30

19. Frolov S.S. The use of various forms of power in the management of modern society//Sociology of power. 2009 No. 1. P.11-21

20. Chirikova A.E. The vertical of power in the assessments of regional elites: the dynamics of change // Political Studies. 2008. No. 6. S. 98-107

Topic: Political system

1. Afanasiev M.N. The Unbearable Weakness of the State: [Essays on National-Political Theory]. M. ROSSPEN, 2006 - 271 p.

2. Hegel G. Political works / Ed. B.M. Kedrova and others.M. Science 1978 -437 s

3. Zinoviev A.A. West. Moscow: Eksmo. 2003 - 512 s

4. Ilyin I.A. Motherland and us. Smolensk: Staff. 1995 - 512 p.

5. Mukhametshina N.S. Regional ethno-national policy: experience Samara region. Samara: Publishing House Sam GASU. 2008 - 170 p.

6. Sokolovsky S.V. Prospects for the development of the concept of ethno-national policy in the Russian Federation. M.: 2004 -305 s

7. Spinoza B. Theological and political treatise. Minsk: Literature. 1998 - 528 p.

8. Florensky P. Works in 4 vols., v. 2 M .: Thought 1996 - 878 p.

9. Chernov P.V. Russia: ethnopolitical foundations of statehood M.: 1999-515 p.

10. Cheshko S.V. Decay Soviet Union. 2nd ed. M. 1999 - 487 p.

11. Tishkov V.A. Ethnology and politics. Articles 1989 - 2004 M.: 2005- 476 p.

12. Kamenskaya E.N. Political science. Tutorial. 2nd ed. M.: Dashkov i K. 2006 - 303 p.

  1. Political science. Cross / comp.m.a. Vasilik, MS Vershinin. M.: guards. 2000 - 842 p.

  2. shabrov o.f. Political science: general disciplines. Training and metodology complex. M.: rags. 2008 - 413 p.

  3. .bezvikonnaya e.v.systemic-synergetic model of the political system // polis.-2009.- No. 3.-p.113

  4. Beisenbin K.A. The problem of the formation of civil society in the Russian Federation: legal aspects//Sociology of power. 2009 No. 3. S. 161-165
    Borozinets G.L., Sizov A.M. Interaction between civil society and the state in modern Russia//Humanitarian research. 2010 №7 P. 10-13

  5. Gaidar E.T. Troubles and institutions / Social sciences and modernity. 2010. No. 6.-
pp. 6-16.

18. Kovaleva N.V. and others. Monitoring the state of civil society in Russia// Personality, culture, society. 2009. Issue No. 2. P.224-230

19. Kochetkova L.N. Social state: philosophical analysis of the essence//Personality, culture, society. 2009 Issue. 1. S. 169-175

20..Martyanov V.S. Federalism: a political device or a pact of elites? //Polis (Political Studies). -2010.- No. 1. -S. 173-184

21. Mironov A.N. Lobbying in Russia: Positive and Negative // ​​Politics and Society. 2009. No. 4. S. 4-8

22. Nikovskaya L.I., Yakimets V.N. Politics of Regional Authorities in Russia: Types, Subjects, Institutions and Modern Challenges // Political Studies. 2011.- No. 1
23. Nuriev G.Kh. Some Issues of the Development of Federalism in Russia// Politics and Society. 2009, No. 6. p. 10 - 15

24. Working group of IS RAS. Russian identity in the socio-political dimension. Analytical report. // Political studies. 2008. No. 1-3

25. Pantin V.I. Political and civilizational self-identification of modern Russian society in the context of globalization// Political research. 2008. No. 3 S. 38-45

26. Kholodkovsky K.G. On the question of the political system of modern Russia//Political research. 2009. No. 2.S. 7-22

Theme: Political Regime

    1. Ern V.F. Works. M: True. 1991 - 575 s

    2. Rahr A. Vladimir Putin. "German" in the Kremlin. Moscow: OLMA-PRESS. 2004 - 320 s

    3. Komarovsky V.S. Political Science: Textbook. 2nd ed. M.: RAGS, 2006.-598 p.

    4. Lantsov S.A. Political history of Russia. Tutorial. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009-342 p.

    5. Fascism and anti-fascism. Encyclopedia in 2 vols. / Ed. Kondratova S.A. M.: Terra. 2008 - 1024 p. With.

    6. Luchkov N.A. Political Science: A Course of Lectures.-M. : Exam, 2006 .-352 p.

    7. Makorta G.A. Political science in questions and answers. M.: Prospect. 2005 - 225 s

    8. Ozhiganov E.N. Strategic Policy Analysis: Theoret. grounds and methods: Textbook.-M.: Aspect Press, 2006.-271 p.

    9. Afanasyeva O.V. Access to information: Russian and international legislation // Social sciences and modernity. - 2010. - No. 3. -P. 118-134.

    10. Gelman V.Ya. Dynamics of subnational authoritarianism (Russia in a comparative perspective) // Social sciences and modernity. -2009.- No. 3. -S. 50-63.

    11. Dementieva A.N. Principles of Self-Government: Composition, Content and Methods of Regulatory Implementation// Politics and Society 2009 No. 2.С. 69-76

    12. Zudin A.Yu. To the "community of elites"? Transformation of the political regime in Russia. Article 1. Changed route in search of adequate approaches//Social sciences and modernity. - 2010. -№ 5. -p. 71-86.

    13. Zudin A.Yu. To the "community of elites"? Transformation of the political regime in Russia. Article 2. "Third transition" and the prospects for a break with monocentrism // Social sciences and modernity. -2010. -No. 6. -S. 63-80.

    14. Nanso M.B. Ethno-national interests in the context of modern regionalization//Politics and society. 2008. No. 11. pp. 50-58

    15. Pastukhov V.B. Enlightened Authoritarianism and Independence of the Judiciary (Revival of a Conservative Utopia) / / Social Sciences and Modernity. - 2010. - No. 2. -P. 14-31.

    16. Peregudov S.P. Russia after the elections of 2007-08 - factors of stability and instability//Political studies. 2009. No. 2.S. 23-38
17. Sokhan I. P. Despotism of democracy//Sociological research 2008 No. 3 P.110-118.

18. Rzheshevsky G.A. Democracy: myth, reality or promoted brand?
//Polis.-2008.- No. 5.- P. 90
19. Semenenko I.S. Dilemmas of National Identity: Political Risks and Social Acquisitions//Polis.-2009.-№6.-С.8-23
20. Turovsky R.F. Regional political regimes in Russia: to the methodology of analysis// Polis. -2009. -No. 2.- S. 77

21. Khrustov G.F. The fate of democracy in Russia // Polis. - 2008. - No. 1. - P. 183
22. Chikharev I.A. Scales and rhythms of democratization // Polis.-2009.- No. 3.-S. 54

Topic: Political parties and electoral systems

1. Political parties in Russia: history and modernity / General ed. Yu.N. Sviridenko. M.: "Ross. polit. encyclopedia". 2000 - 631 s

2. Irkhin Yu.V. Political Science: Textbook. M.: Exam. 2006 - 687 s

3. Isaev B.A. Political Science: [Reader]. M.; St. Petersburg; Nizhny Novgorod: St. Petersburg, 2006.-459 p.

4. Political science. Teaching aid/Comp. V.N. Polishchuk, L.F. Yatsko. Samara: Publishing house of SamGTU. 2003 - 42 s

5. Bayakhchan G.A. The electoral system and the electoral right of modern Russia as a political and legal institution of a democratic society // Politics and Society. 2009. No. 6 P.16-20

6. Bulatov O.Sh. Features of the implementation of the principle of multi-party system in modern Russia//Politics and society. 2008. No. 4. S. 4-7

7. Vasiliev L.S. Formation of political parties and parties of the "new type" // Social sciences and modernity. -2010.- No. 2. -S. 114-12

8. Gelman V.Ya. Political parties in Russia: from competition to hierarchy // Polis. - 2008.-№ 5.- P. 135-145
9. Etimyan I.G. Manipulative technologies and their use in modern political life in Russia // Politics and Society. 2008. No. 11. P.15-18

10. Kitaev S.V. The phenomenon of the “party of power” in the Russian socio-political system // Politics and Society. 2008 No. 1. S. 4-8

11. Kuzmenko S.Z. Formation and development of the electoral system of higher representative bodies of power// Politics and Society. 2008 No. 4. S. 14-25

12. Levashov V.I., Staroverov V.I. Manipulation of public opinion: sociological aspects of analysis//Sociology of Power 2009. No. 4. P. 28-42

13. Makhmudov Z.Ch. On the theoretical definition of the concept of "political space"//Politics and society. 2008 No. 2 S. 4-11

14. Merkuriev A.V. Social groups and their impact on politics//Sociology of power. 2009. No. 1 P. 76-84

15. Mikhaleva G.I. When was the path chosen? Russian parties during two electoral cycles 1993-2000//Political research. 2009. No. 2. S. 163-185

16. Pavlova T.V. Social Movements as a Factor in the Transformation of the Institutional Environment: Problems of Theory // Political Studies. 2008. No. 5 p. 25-32

17. Ryabchikov RB. To the question of the place and role of the CEC of the Russian Federation in the modern electoral process//Politics and Society. 2008 No. 2. S. 15-19

18. Satarov G.A. The structure of the political delimitation of subelite groups // Social sciences and modernity. -2009. No. 3. S. 17-31

19. Tsarkov I.I. Birth of politics//Politics and society. 2008 No. 2. S. 29-48

20. Yanitsky O.N. . Networks of social movements in Russia
Social sciences and modernity. 2010. No. 6. S. 52-62.

Topic: World politics and international relationships

  1. Aron R. Peace and war between peoples / Ed. IN AND. Danilenko, M.: NOTA BENE. 2000 - 880s

  2. Danilevsky N.Ya. Russia and Europe. 6th ed. St. Petersburg: "Verb". 1995 - 552 p.

  3. Leontiev K.N. East, Russia and Slavdom. Philosophical and political journalism. Spiritual prose. M.: Republic. 1996 - 799 p.

  4. Terrorism - a threat to humanity in the XXI century / Ed. R.B. Rybakov. M.: Publishing House of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2003 - 272 s

  5. Udovik S.L. Globalization: semiotic approaches. M.: Veksler 2002 -480 s

  6. Antsurov A.Ya. Conflictology in schemes and comments: Textbook for universities. St. Petersburg 2009 - 304 s

  7. Tsygankov P.A. Theory of international relations. Tutorial. M.: Gardariki 2003 - 590 s

  8. Toynbee A. Civilization before the Court of History: Collection. M.: IRIS-PRESS 2002-592s

  9. Brockhaus D.A. World History: An Illustrated Biographical Dictionary. Moscow: Eksmo. 2008 - 864 s

  10. Botashova A.K. Distinguishing Features of Modern Terrorism: Actual Problems of Research// Politics and Society. 2008. No. 9. S. 15-20

  11. Dyumin A.G. "Group of Eight" and problems of international security//Sociology of power. 2009 No. 1. S. 259-266

  12. Zagladin N.V., Kucherenko A.A. Global Crisis: Causes, Consequences and Russia // Political Studies 2009. No. 3. P. 177-183

  13. Zinoviev A.A. On the way to supersociety//Sociology of power. 2009 No. 1 P.214-224

  14. Castles S. Nation and empire: the hierarchy of space in the new world order//Personality, culture, society. 2009 issue No. 2. S. 158-168

  15. Krasikov S.A. Globalization: Political Risks of Openness // Polis (Political Studies). 2008. -№ 2. -S. -162-170

  16. Lapkin V.V. Modernization, globalization, identity. General problems and Russian features//Political studies. 2008 No. 3. S. 26-37

  17. Magun V.S., Magun A.V. Communication with the country and pride in its achievements (Russian data in the context of international comparisons) // Social sciences and modernity. -2009. - No. 2.- S. 102-113.

  18. Magun V.S., Magun A.V. Communication with the country and pride in its achievements (Russian data in the context of international comparisons) // Social sciences and modernity. -2009.- No. 3.- S. 32-44

  19. Melville A., Ilyin M. et al. Political Atlas -2: World Crisis; megatrends and analysis of non-linear dynamics of political development.//Political research. 2009 no. 3. S.98-104

  20. Novikova O.O. EU in the System of International Security: New Institutions of Crisis Management//Political Studies. 2008 №4 S. 125-136

  21. Pantin V.I. Factors of destabilization of the modern world order and political risks for Russia // Social sciences and modernity. 2009. No. 5. S. 17-25

  22. Rozov N.S. Global Crisis in the Context of Megatrends in World Development and Prospects for Russian Politics// Political Studies. 2009. No. 3. S. 34-46

  23. Savkova G.V. Socio-philosophical aspects of the study of globalization// Humanitarian and socio-economic sciences. 2008 No. 1 P.26-30

  24. Seidov Sh.G. Information Society and Changes in Foreign Policy Relations in the Modern World// Politics and Society. 2008 No. 1. S. 25-28
25. Shimotomai N. The Cold War in East Asia and the "Northern Territories Problem" // Political Studies. 2008 No. 6. P.11-20
Utkin A.I. Energy resources and geopolitics // Political studies. 2010. No. 3. S. 9-18

26. Fedorov A.V. images cold war: the projection of the politics of confrontation on the screen // Political studies. 2010 No. 4.S. 48-61
27..Afanasiev M.N. Public capital of Russian development elites //

Social sciences and modernity. -2009.- No. 3.- S. 5-16.

  1. Bordovskikh A.N. The nature of political risk in the context of the transition from international to global world order // Power. -2008.- No. 11.- P.37-42..

  2. Bychenkov D. The problem of political risk: the concept and methods of assessment: // Mirovaya ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. -2008.- No. 1. -S. 68-77.

  3. Gritsenko N.P. Regional political elites in modern Russia: resources of influence on the political process //Society and power. -2010.- No. 1. -S. 64-69

  4. Kozlov N.D. Political culture of Russian regions: an equation with many unknowns// Political research. 2008. No. 4 S. 87-98

  5. Simonyan R.Kh. Elite or nomenclature? (Reflections on the Russian ruling stratum) //Social sciences and modernity. 2009. No. 2. S. 114-124.

  6. Sogrin V.V. The Russian idea and the American dream (Reflections on comparative civilizational research by E.Ya. 115-123.

  7. Tsarkov I.I. Birth of politics// Politics and society. 2008. No. 2. pp. 29-48

List of books from the Electronic Catalog of NTB SamSTU

Afanasiev M.N. Social Capital of Russian Development Elites//Social sciences and modernity. -2009.- No. 3.- S. 5-16.

The chances of successful development of modernization processes in modern Russia largely depend on those who lead them. Therefore, such close attention

Researchers are attracted to that layer of our society, which is usually called the "elite". What are the values ​​and motivations characteristic of this stratum of society, what is its composition, what ideas about the desirable future of our country dominate in elite circles? These and many other questions have become the subject of analysis. The Liberal Mission Foundation is carrying out its program of research into the phenomenon of the contemporary Russian elite. In 2007, the book by L. Gudkov, B. Dubin and Y. Levada “Problems of the “elite” in today's Russia” was published. Reflections on the Results of Sociological Research”, summarizing the results of one of the stages of this program. In 2009, M. Afanasyev's book "Russian Development Elites: A Request for a New Course" was published, based on data from a new study. In this publication, the reader can get acquainted with the main methodological provisions of Afanasiev's work, related to the allocation of precisely the "development elites",

G. Satarov reflects on the results of factor analysis of data obtained in

Research led by Afanasiev.

Bychenkov D. The problem of political risk: the concept and methods of assessment: // World economy and international relations. -2008.- No. 1. -S. 68-77.

Gritsenko N.P. Regional political elites in modern Russia: resources of influence on the political process //Society and power. -2010.- No. 1. -S. 64-69

The article deals with the concept of "regional political elites",

Comparative analysis of the resources possessed by the regional political elites in the 1990s and 2000s. in order to find out how much the influence of these elites has changed within the regions and at the level of the federation as a whole. It is substantiated that the change in the volume of influence resources of regional political elites leads to a qualitatively new role of these actors of the political process in their interaction with the federal elites.

Krasikov S.A. Political risks of detraditionalization// Polis (Political Studies). - 2008. - No. 5. -S. 180-186.

Krasikov S.A. Modern political risks: from theoretical understanding to management problems // Social policy and sociology. 2008. No. 4. S. 168-176.

Krasikov S.A. Traditions in the conditions of non-linear development: a factor of political risk //Sociology of power. -2008. -No. 5. -S. 13-25.

Krasikov S.A. Risk management in the context of the development of self-organization of Russian political actors // Power. -2008.- No. 7.- S. 1-9.

A hallmark of modernity is the increase in risk and the need to

Their management, taking into account the increasing role of the factor of self-organization and self-government of political actors in the context of the dynamic development of Russian society and its complex transformations. Risks arise in a situation with uncertainty based on the dichotomy of reality and the possibility of both an objectively adverse effect and the likelihood of gaining benefits and benefits. This uncertain situation is subjectively perceived by political actors in the context of value coordinates, strategic and tactical goals, on the basis of which the choice of action alternatives is made. We emphasize that in our understanding, without the actor making a decision and taking action, there is no risk 1

Mammadov F.O.O. To the concept of political risk in modern conditions //
Young scientist. -2010. -No. 6. -S. 256-259.

Gaman-Golutvina O.V. Processes of modern elitogenesis: world and domestic experience. Part I //Polis.-2008.- No. 6.-S. 70

The subject of the article is the key characteristics of the processes of modern elitogenesis at the global and national levels. Interest in the study of these processes is due to the decisive influence of politically and economically dominant groups - political and business elites at the national and global level - on the evolution of polities in general. The defining trends of elitogenesis in industrialized countries are a significant transformation of relations within the framework of the elite-mass dichotomy both at the global and national levels of politics; a marked change in the styles of political leadership in Western polities; weakening of one of the most important foundations of modern Western democracies - the principle of intra-elite consensus. A detailed study of these trends prompts the author to turn to the study of the causes and sources of these shifts. The priority object of consideration in the article is the processes of recruitment, rotation and intra-elite communications of political elites in the United States.

Lyublinsky V.V. Social policy in the context of globalization: experience developed countries // Polis.- 2008 .- No. 6 .-S. 130

The article deals with the processes in the field of social development in Western countries. The author focuses on the basic factors that determine the transformation of the state's approaches to the formation and implementation of social policy. The arguments of supporters of the revision of the role and functions of the state in the development of society are analyzed, the issue of the influence of external factors on the nature of social policy is considered. In a comparative context, the peculiarity of the transformation of state policy in the United States and Western European countries in the main segments is considered. social sphere: social security, healthcare, pension system. The main leitmotif of the article is that reforms modify the model of "big social policy", are aimed at its adaptation to new internal and external aspects of the development of the economy and society of Western countries, but are unlikely to seriously damage the "building" of social guarantees that has been erected over many decades.

Pakulski J., Wasilewski J. Circulation of political elites: from foxes to lions // Polis.-2008. -No. 6.- P. 23

The article attempts to use the developments of the classical theory of renewal and circulation of elites in the study of the realities of modern political life. The metaphor of political foxes and political lions used by Pareto and Machiavelli is used. Lions represent firm, authoritarian and resolute politicians, while foxes represent cunning political schemers distinguished by conformism. Pareto believed that the concentration of power among representatives of the elites of each of these types gives rise to specific dysfunctions, due to which the balance is disturbed in the political system, which allows their political rivals to intercept power. A hypothesis is put forward that in a number of Western European countries, after a long stage of domination of "political foxes", the arrival of "political lions" has been outlined. The authors attribute the instability of the Polish political system to their "fox character". Factual material on the dynamics of the alignment of political forces in Poland from 1992 to 2008 is given, the composition of the ruling cabinets of ministers is presented in tables and the representation of political parties in the deputy corps (in the Sejm) is shown. The degeneration of political life under the control of foxes from the Union of Democratic Left Forces, according to the authors, caused an increase in sentiment among the elites and among the masses in favor of the parties and coalitions resorting to "lion tactics", among which the leaders are Civic Platform and Pravo i justice".

Ponedelkov A.V., Starostin A.M. Regional administrative and political elites of Russia: past, present, future // Polis. - 2008. - No. 6.-S. 86.

The analysis presented in the article is based on the use of the results of empirical research using the methods of expert interviews and mass surveys regarding the assessment of the state and dynamics of changes in modern Russian elites and forecasts of possible changes, as well as assessments of the state of Russian elitology and the prospects for its development. The priority object of the study was the regional administrative and political elites. In the course of a mass survey, the subject of the study was the perceptions and knowledge of the population about modern elites; assessment by the population of the effectiveness of the activities of modern Russian elites; ideas about measures to improve the composition and effectiveness of the activities of modern elites.

Selezneva A.V., Rogozar-Kolpakova I.I., Filistovich E.S., Trofimova V.V., Dobrynina E.P., Sagittarius I.E. Russian political elite: analysis from the point of view of the concept of human capital// Polis.-2010.-№4.-p.90
The article briefly presents the results of the research project "Human Capital of the Political Elite in Russia", dedicated to the study of political roles and the psychological characteristics of their performers at the level of key Russian politicians within the framework of the political and psychological approach.

Electronic resource


Rohrmoser G. The Crisis of Liberalism.
Burke E. Reflections on the Revolution in France.
Anarchism (select the section "morality, law and politics)


T. Hobbes, D. Locke, C. Montesquieu.


Gelman V. Transformation of the Russian party system


V. Pareto. Treatise on General Sociology.
G. Mosca. ruling class.
Kryshtanovskaya O. Russian elite at the transition


Volkov V. Transformation of the Russian state after 2000
P. Berger. About legitimacy and authority. M. Weber. traditional dominance
M. Weber. Charismatic and legal domination.

Lyudmila Alekseevna Nikitich

History and Philosophy of Science: Textbook for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students

M.: UNITI-DANA, 2008. - 335 p.
Series "Cogito ergo sum"
ISBN 978-5-238-01420-3

Format: PDF 8.8 MB

Quality: scanned pages
Russian language

The textbook deals with the subject of the philosophy of science and the content of the four scientific revolutions. Problems are analyzed scientific methodology, history of the formation of science as a social institution, structure scientific knowledge, rationality and its types, the dynamics of scientific research, the formation of a developed scientific theory. Particular attention is paid to the problem of the irrational in scientific knowledge and the problem of intuition, the role of language in the development of science, the problem of the conceptual apparatus. The specifics of law and truth in humanitarian knowledge are also considered.
For graduate students and university students.

Lyudmila Alekseevna Nikitich- Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy, Moscow State Textile University. A.N. Kosygin. Author of the textbooks "Philosophy" (2000), "Aesthetics" (2003), "Culturology" (2008).


1.1. The emergence of the philosophy of science as an independent discipline 24
1.2. Concepts of the subject of philosophy of science 25
1.3. Specificity of scientific knowledge 29
1.4. Science and Philosophy 31

2.1. Historical and scientific background 38
2.2. general characteristics first scientific revolution 39
2.3. Creators of the first scientific revolution 42
2.4. Drama and grandeur of Galileo 48
2.5. Great Newton 54

3.1. Key Features of the Scientific Method 59
3.2. Aristotle Organon 61
3.3. Cartesian rationalism - new in the history of methodology 69
3.4. Hegelian dialectics as a way of unfolding philosophical thought 73
3.5. Marxist Dialectics 75
3.6. Phenomenological method of E. Husserl 76

4.1. General characteristics of the second scientific revolution 79
4.2. Achievements in the Humanities 82
4.3. Awareness of the exceptional importance of the sciences 84

5.1. General characteristics of the third scientific revolution 87
5.2. Development of linguistics. From Humboldt to Wittgenstein 89
5.3. Theory of evolution 91
5.4. Development of physics 92
5.5. Formation of a new type of rationality 94

6.1. General characteristics of the modern scientific revolution 96
6.2. Synergetics and synergetic approach 98
6.3. Modern scientific picture of the world 100

7.1. The structure of scientific revolutions. T. Kuhn 103
7.2. Theory of research programs by I. Lakatos 109
7.3. Anarchist theory of knowledge P. Feyerabend 113
7.4. The concept of implicit knowledge M. Polanyi 115

8.1. Institutional approach to science 119
8.2. Historical development scientific institutionality 120
8.3. Greek civilization - prerequisites for the development of science 122
8.4. Natural Sciences Antiquities 124
8.5. Science in the Hellenistic Age 127
8.6. Medieval Science 133
8.7. Scholastic Method 137
8.8. Forms of institutionalization of science in modern times 142
8.9. The formation of science as a social institution 144
8.10. Traits and Ethics of a Scientist 147

9.1. "An Essay on Human Understanding" by J. Locke 151
9.2. I. Kant's doctrine of a priori synthetic judgments 153
9.3. The principles of the science of "human nature" D. Hume 156
9.4. The paradigm of Hegel's theory of knowledge 158
9.5. Concepts of subject-object relations in the theory of knowledge 159

10.1. Types of cognition and philosophical exploration of reality 163
10.2. Classification of Sciences 167
10.3. Empirical level of scientific knowledge 172
10.4. Theoretical level of scientific knowledge 181
10.5. Foundations of Science 197

11.1. Magico-hermetic tradition during the Renaissance and the first scientific revolution 206
11.2. Modern types of irrational knowledge 213
11.3. Intuition 216

12.1. Civilization as a universal form of rationality 222
12.2. The concept of rationality 226
12.3. Classical scientific rationality - the result of the first scientific revolution 229
12.4. Types of scientific rationality during the periods of the second and third scientific revolution 231
12.5. Modern type of rationality 233

13.1. Scientific picture of the world and experience 236
13.2. Formation of primary theoretical scientific models 243
13.3. The formation of a developed scientific theory 246
13.4. The problem of incorporating new theoretical concepts into culture 252

14.1. Cultural and historical nature of the language 256
14.2. Concept and Conceptualism 258
14.3. Specialized language in science 261
14.4. The language of the humanities 267
14.5. The conceptual apparatus of the philosophy of science 271

15.1. Subject of Humanities 274
15.2. The role of values ​​in humanitarian knowledge 284
15.3. The problem of truth in the humanities 286
15.4. The Understanding Sociology of M. Weber 295
15.5. Humanitarian problem of interpretation 301

16.1. Religious Knowledge 304
16.2. Parascientific knowledge 315


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