What is external study? Higher education as an external student Education as an external student at a university

With the advent of the system paid education the state began to create and develop the direction of various educational programs, which help to obtain diplomas for those who cannot pay for their studies at an educational institution of higher education.

What does it mean to study externally?

The external education system exists both at school and at the institute. A person who studies as an external student does not attend lectures or classes, but is obliged to pass all tests and exams on time.

Only those who have a certificate of maturity or a diploma of special secondary education are eligible to enter the university for external studies. All those who have been certified and have passed the necessary exams and tests receive a diploma of higher education, but in such a document they must mark the form of education, that is, an external student.

There is a form of external study at universities, academies, institutes or other educational institutions where you can receive higher, secondary education. Such educational institutions must be accredited. Some applicants enter an unaccredited university, but the crusts of such institutions can then lie on the shelves, as employers are not very disposed to studying as an external student, and then there is also an educational institution without a license. The crust received in such an institution will be equated to a diploma simply purchased from an unknown person.

The state and the law oblige all higher institutions that have accreditation to carry out certification in matters of professional training of all who wish. Approximately two hundred educational higher institutions countries are actively implementing external study programs, universities extend this form of knowledge acquisition to their branches, which allows students not to be absent from their work.

Correspondence students must attend the required number of lectures at a certain time, that is, study at the University for at least 160 hours of the study regime. Distance learning students communicate with teachers at a distance, but they can keep in touch almost every day.

External students do not visit their educational institution until the session comes and see their teachers only during the exams. Such students sign documents, which clearly regulate the period and deadline for passing the final and intermediate tests. Such students also participate in the defense of diplomas.

What are the benefits of studying externally?

The most interesting thing is that a student can take all tests and exams not only in one university. The student has the right to pass one part of the certification in one educational institution, and the rest in another. But for this, you will have to endure the procedure for re-crediting all disciplines, since there is no guarantee that the new educational institution will not have to retake this or that subject again. The student will receive a diploma from the university that initially accepted the documents.

Today, there are many various restrictions for those who wish to receive a diploma in this way. There are specialties and areas in which this form of education is unacceptable, for example, in the field of medicine or precision technology, where a lot of technical and practical skills are required.

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For most people, the phrase "external learning" is unfamiliar. Or they have heard this phrase at least once, but failed to understand what it means. In today's article, we will talk about what an external student is, as well as discuss its main advantages and disadvantages.

External study is a fairly common form of education, which provides for the passage of a two-year curriculum in one year. It turns out that an external student instead of six studies for only three years. The student receives full knowledge, while saving several years of study. In addition, an external student visits an educational institution at any convenient time, or does not appear at all in class. But, during the session, an external student must take exams on an equal basis with other students.

Advantages of an external student

This form of education may immediately seem very strange and inconvenient, but in fact it has a lot of advantages, thanks to which students go to external studies. External Advantages:

  1. The student has more free time, as he does not need to regularly attend the university. Usually, when studying on an external basis, students are exempted from lectures and practical classes, which are the basis of the curriculum. So do students who combine study with work or sports. If you conduct a survey of all external students, then most of them answer that this is a very convenient form of education, which is an ideal option for busy people.
  2. External studies are in many ways better than distance learning. Many people confuse these concepts and this is a huge mistake. Yes, external studies and correspondence courses at first glance are similar in many ways, but in fact they differ dramatically. The external study provides for the study of the program for a minimum period, while the correspondence form has the same duration of study as the day one.
  3. The student has the opportunity to independently master the subjects, and check the level of their preparation. For many, self-training is the ideal way to gain new knowledge. Moreover, now on the Internet in a few seconds you can find a suitable educational material and master any discipline with it. In addition, the network has a lot of tests with which an external student can check his level of knowledge.
  4. The most significant advantage of this form of education is that the student has the opportunity to independently determine the timing of the session. This does not mean at all that an external student may not take exams at all. It's just that he himself sets the dates for passing the exams, having previously agreed them with the teachers.

We have analyzed the main advantages of studying externally. Now let's talk about the disadvantages.

Cons of an external student

Yes, externship has a lot of advantages, but not everything is as perfect as it might seem at first. Disadvantages of studying externally:

  1. In most cases, externs have a low level self-study. It is important to take into account the fact that not all students can learn the educational material without the help of a teacher. In addition, many students are characterized by restlessness and lack of self-discipline, and these are the main enemies of self-training. Often a situation arises when a student begins to independently master a new subject and, at the first new and incomprehensible term, puts the textbook aside. As a result, it is this discipline that becomes the weak side of the external student, and it prevents him from passing the session normally.
  2. Not every university provides a form of external study. That is, if you have already firmly decided for yourself that you want to receive knowledge at home, first find an educational institution that approves this. Usually, such information is indicated on the official website of the university.
  3. Many students are unable to combine study and work. Choosing this form of education, they do not take into account the fact that for a full-fledged educational activities they need to have at least some free time for self-study. A busy work schedule can force them to shelve their studies and thus start it. Therefore, it is better for busy people to stay on correspondence education. This form provides for the issuance of a special certificate to the student during the session, thanks to which the student can count on a full leave to take exams. But this is relevant only for cases when the student receives the first education.

It is worth noting that the external course provides for the delivery of approximately 20 subjects during the session. This is due to the accelerated pace of learning.

Summing up

We examined the main advantages and disadvantages of external education. Look at them again and think about whether this form of training suits you. It is important to always listen to yourself, and choose exactly the form that is acceptable specifically for you. If you decide to choose an external study, you will be able to get a higher education diploma before the rest, but at the same time, you will have to live just the same in a crazy rhythm and take up to 20 subjects in one session.

Russian education is considered the best. It is valued in all countries. Due to the great demand, a large selection of educational institutions in Russia, a rating of educational institutions is compiled annually. It is these marks that are the key to where the applicant will go.

For whom?

In Russia and the world, diplomas are valued not only from metropolitan institutions, but also from other universities, which are evenly distributed throughout the country. Today, there are a huge number of lists of such educational institutions, where the evaluation criteria are taken completely different. But there is only one official ranking of universities, which is published annually by the Ministry of Education Russian Federation. And it is on this list that most students are guided.

If you are looking for educational institution and there is a question about for whom the rating of technical schools and other educational institutions was created, then there are a lot of answers:

1. This list will allow school graduates to find a suitable university in their specialty.

3. The list of institutions will help foreigners choose a place where they will receive education and diplomas that will be valued and quoted in their country.

4. Such a list will be of interest to parents as well. Some of them actively monitor and research even the ratings of schools. This gives them the opportunity to send their child to study in one of the strongest schools, after which it will be possible to enter best universities countries.

5. The ratings of vocational schools and other institutions are monitored not only by parents, graduates, but also by potential employers. Being familiar with these lists, they will know which of the candidates for specific positions to give preference and hire.

The list of educational institutions changes regularly, as research takes place annually. If you decide to get acquainted with the ranking of colleges or other institutions, you should know how the information is collected and what are the evaluation criteria. And they are as follows:

* reviews of students and students are taken into account;

* when compiling, they are considered with scientific knowledge graduates and their achievements;

* Attention is drawn to the requirements for applicants and the average passing score;

* career prospects are considered;

* an important criterion is the material and technical base of the institution.

Directories of educational institutions: what are they for and what can you learn from them?

When choosing a school for teaching your child or a university where you would like to get a quality, decent education, it is important not only to study the rating of educational institutions, but also the directory of universities. This will allow you to get complete information about what kind of institution it is, what specialty you can study and other questions.

Purposes of creating directories

Modern education in Russia is highly valued. There are a lot of educational institutions on the territory of our country, so it was decided to create a directory of colleges, technical schools, universities and other educational institutions. If you have a question about the purpose for which it was created, then we have several objective arguments:

1. For informative purposes - all the data contained in the directory will help students, graduates, applicants with the choice of an educational institution.

2. For a social purpose - in the electronic directories of vocational schools and other institutions there is an opportunity not only to find out information about the university, but also to leave a review or read the response of other people who study there or have already received a diploma.

3. Such directories are created to help graduates choose a profession and make an important decision with the choice of an institution.

What is included in the guide?

Using the list of all educational institutions in the country, you can easily decide where to study. What is the secret of this directory of technical schools and other institutions? And everything is simple. It includes all information about the institution. Including the following:
* faculties of universities and institutes;

* directions of training: bachelor's degree, master's degree;

* specialties and specializations that can be obtained at the university;

* will provide information about entrance examinations for applicants;

* the form of education is marked: full-time, part-time;

* you can view the number of places in the faculty by specialty, as well as the availability of budget places;

* the cost of training in a particular institution is mandatory;

* in all such lists, even in school directories, contact details of the institution, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers of admissions committees will be indicated.

A huge number of people refuse higher education just because 5 years (in their opinion) is an unacceptable waste of precious time. And there is common sense in this, because not everyone needs lengthy lectures, generalizing classes, uninteresting practical work.

The question of whether it is possible to graduate from a university as an external student most often worries real fans of a certain area. As a rule, they have already chosen their fate and decided on future profession. And if you, too, are starting to think about how to get the coveted diploma faster, consider the option of obtaining higher education as an external student.

According to statistics, up to 30% of all students are transferred to external studies. But they decide to take this step only after 2-3 courses of standard training.

What is external education?

External study is a kind of training and certification, which provides for accelerated independent study of academic disciplines. Simply put, the material that ordinary students procrastinate for 1.5-2 years, within the framework of an external study, they pass in a year or even less.

People who have chosen an external study can go to lectures and seminars whenever they want, or even not attend them at all (they have the right). The main thing is to successfully pass tests and exams. At the same time, the external study program is not abbreviated and does not differ in content from the usual one.

It is thanks to the external study that some students can "jump" through the class, and also graduate from school much earlier than their peers.

By the way, family or home schooling is not an external study. There is a fundamental difference between them: while studying as an external student, the student passes the final certification, and family education leaves all the institutions of knowledge testing on the conscience of the student.

Features of studying as an external student

What is so special about external education that makes people choose this form of education?

  1. External students do not have to attend lectures. However, this does not mean that you can completely "score" on the university. Nobody canceled the final certification and consultations with the teacher.
  2. The schedule of consultations is made taking into account the individual abilities of each student. In addition, during the consultation, the student not only receives recommendations on the curriculum, but also asks the teacher questions of interest.
  3. The student takes tests and exams according to an individual schedule. Upon completion of training in external studies, a state-recognized document is issued.
  4. The curriculum is given in full, but in a short time. In a year, you can learn something that in other forms of education stretches for 2-3 years.

Advantages of an external student

External training gives several "goodies":

  1. No need to attend all lectures and seminars, and also not to appear at your own university for months (especially true for people who study and work at the same time, as well as for those who receive a second higher education).
  2. Chance to pass regular curriculum in less time (the most serious advantage of an external student over a correspondence course).
  3. The ability to study independently, regardless of teachers, observing your own pace and daily routine.
  4. A student-friendly schedule for passing tests and exams, which is set individually and does not depend on the schedules of full-time and part-time departments).
  5. No financial costs. Students do not pay for extra years of study.
  6. A huge amount of free time that can be spent sensibly (for personal life, for building a career, for research activities).

Cons of an external student

  1. In many universities, external studies are simply not provided.
  2. The external study program is quite complex: you need to have an “above average” mind in order to study everything academic disciplines on one's own.
  3. The pace of learning is inhuman. For example, during one session you will have to take tests and exams in 20-25 disciplines.
  4. In the issued diploma there will be a note about the external study. Many employers have a negative attitude towards such a sign, believing that receiving higher education as an external student does not allow them to properly master their future profession.

That is why externship is an option for people with a powerful intellect, reinforced concrete will and nerves of steel. For those who do not have all these advantages, it is better to go for a correspondence.

What do teachers think about external studies?

Teachers themselves often undergo external training so as not to waste time

Often in the eyes of teachers one can see at least disapproval of those who have chosen this path for themselves. There is nothing strange here.

Firstly , few of the young people have all of the above qualities for a successful completion of an external study. Teachers see youngsters overestimating their abilities in their faces.

Secondly , they are sure that such “wise men” are wasting the precious time of teachers. If a person came to study, let him do it like everyone else. If you try to grab a piece that is not in size, then you can choke. That is, teachers only waste their time on consultations, practical and individual lessons.

However, there are those who openly admire the courage and determination of such precocious people.

Universities where you can study externally

This form of education is not available in all higher educational institutions. Here is an incomplete list of universities where you can go to external studies:

  • Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov;
  • St. Petersburg Mining University;
  • St. Petersburg University of Management and Economics;
  • St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University;
  • Russian State Social University;
  • Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics;
  • Murmansk State Technical University;
  • Voronezh State Technical University;
  • Arctic state institute arts and culture;
  • Altai State University;
  • Institute of Economics, Management and Law;
  • Penza State University of Architecture and Construction;
  • Russian State University of Tourism and Service;
  • Tambov State Technical University;
  • Moscow State construction university(National Research University).

How to transfer to an external student

To apply for an external study, you will need the following:

  • find a university with an external student, submit documents and enter (if this quest is completed, you will receive a student card and a record book marked “external student”);
  • get a personal certification plan, a program with the disciplines studied, a list of tasks to be completed during study (tasks for practice, for a graduation project, etc.);
  • agree with the university administration and teachers on the timing of the sessions;
  • successfully pass all sessions and study papers;
  • pass state exams and defend a thesis;
  • receive a full-fledged diploma of an officially established form and mark the end of the external study.

If you feel that distance learning as an external student is exactly what you need, go for it! But remember that it is very difficult to study as an external student on your own: you will have to complete a lot of tasks in the shortest possible time. Therefore, often external students (especially those studying free of charge) resort to ordering works in a special student service. So they manage to save time and pass the sessions successfully.

How to start studying externally

If you have already realized that lectures and classes do not give you anything new, or promising prospects have loomed in front of you, who do not want to wait such a long time, it's time to get higher education externally.

Here is the sequence of actions that will have to be done for this:

  • write an application to the dean's office. Each application is considered on an individual basis;
  • receive a personalized curriculum. At the same stage, the main points and questions regarding the further assessment and control of acquired knowledge are resolved;
  • start studying.

This is how an application for a change in the type of educational activity in favor of an external student looks like:

The student chooses independently whether to attend lectures and practical classes. In general, now he is free to do whatever his heart desires. It is only necessary to always remember: if you take up self-study, be ready for control. And he (control) will certainly be.

The curriculum contains a schedule of not only classes, but also consultations, where the student will be able to ask all incomprehensible and interesting questions to the teacher.

Knowledge is tested by standard abstracts, independent, practical and laboratory work.

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Rights of an external student

Education in the form of an external student is not a whim of a single educational institution, but a project supported by law.

Before you get higher education as an external student, we recommend that you carefully familiarize yourself with the rights of students of this form of education.

External students are entitled to:

  • consultations on each discipline (up to 2 academic hours before each exam);
  • implementation of practical and laboratory work;
  • use of educational and reference literature from the local library;
  • participation in olympiads, competitions, conferences, centralized testing.

In addition, students have the right to receive externally not only the first higher education, but also the second education. This is a great way to change or deepen your qualifications in the shortest possible time.

Documents for transfer to external studies

If you finally decide to transfer to an external student, you need to collect the following package of documents:

  1. Certificate of secondary education.
  2. Photocopy of the passport.
  3. Medical card.
  4. Copy of honey insurance policy.
  5. 3 photos of size 3 × 4.

The list is short but essential.

Character Traits Required for External Study

Most often, students understand what they are getting into. But every time someone comes across who does not fully understand the seriousness of the new status.

An external student must have a set of certain qualities, without which he cannot survive:

  1. Independence. Everything will have to be done by ourselves. No one will do your job for you.
  2. self-discipline. If in the daytime department teachers are urged on, and sometimes even begged to study, then in the external study, you will have to cheer yourself up and force yourself. It is important to be able to work with reference books, educational literature.
  3. Perseverance and patience. The student must be prepared that sometimes it will be necessary to spend a lot of time on a detailed analysis of complex topics and concepts.
  4. purposefulness. Without understanding why it is needed at all, it is unlikely that a student will be able to reach the end point - obtaining a diploma.
  5. Time management. The ability to correctly allocate your time will be useful not only for ordinary, but also for working students. Only in this way you can not forget about important things, paying attention to such important details as sleep, rest and leisure.

Don't be intimidated by this form of study. There is nothing terrible about her. If you decide to speed up the learning process, just follow a few simple tips that are designed to make your life easier:

  1. Attend all scheduled consultations on time.
  2. Ask polls as they arise, don't put it off until later.
  3. Complete and hand in all practical and independent work on time.
  4. Get serious about your curriculum.
  5. Carefully work out the daily routine and curriculum.

All this will help to get the maximum benefits and knowledge from studying in an external study. And if there are minor problems in the form of a lack of time (for example, to write an essay or a test), then the student assistance service will always insure you - a reliable assistant at all times!

The same rules apply for admission to an external study as in the case of full-time studies. It is necessary to present a certificate of complete secondary or secondary special education, a medical certificate, a copy of the passport. There is no age limit for external studies.

Every university, whether state accredited or not, has the right to open an external program. However, not all universities do this. Another distinctive feature is that you can enroll in one university, and pass the final certification (only in your own specialty) in another.

External training

Like any business, external education has its pros and cons. The advantages include:

  • more free time;
  • no additional costs (for travel, meals within the walls of the university, student events);
  • the opportunity to study according to your own program;
  • the opportunity to receive a diploma earlier than the standard curriculum suggests.

There are also disadvantages:

  • in the diploma, as a rule, indicate that you received your qualification by completing an external study at the university;
  • in the post-Soviet space, it is generally accepted that the quality of education in part-time education is lower than in full-time;
  • not all students are able to independently learn the material, as well as have a large share of self-control and perseverance;
  • Not every profession can be mastered by studying externally. Thus, the majority of technical, creative specialties, where lengthy practical training is required, do not have not only an external study, but even distance learning.

Before deciding to study as an external student, think about whether you really need it so much, and most importantly, whether you can master the profession almost on your own.

The learning process is as follows. The student is given a curriculum sample questions for studying and the amount of knowledge that is necessary for the successful completion of certification. Depending on the program, lectures may or may not be included in the course of study.

The student can consult with university teachers at a specially agreed time. Checking the progress of an external student takes place in the form of passing essays, term papers, independent and laboratory work, as well as during intermediate exams. The student determines the timing of the certification himself, in consultation with the teacher. After the final certification and defense of the thesis, the student is issued a document - a state diploma.

Rights of externs

External students enjoy the same rights as ordinary students. They can use the university library, classrooms, attend practical classes. They are also entitled to three free consultations before taking the exam. The correspondence student retains all benefits in public transport, when visiting museums and libraries.

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