He sang joked did not grieve. Synopsis of individual work with children of the speech therapy group “Sound automation. "L" in phrasal speech

What to do if the child does not pronounce L, how to teach the baby to pronounce the sound L at home: speech therapy exercises, the sound L in poems, sentences and difficult words, fixing the sound "L" in the child's speech.

If the sound "L" is not yet given to the baby, you can quite help him by studying with him at home. Pay enough attention to the articulatory gymnastics described below and the use of the L sound in the child's speech.

How to pronounce the sound L: exercises with a speech therapist (video)

The correct position of the organs of articulation for pronouncing the sound L

  • The lips are slightly stretched in a smile.
  • The tip of the tongue is on the gum, behind the upper teeth.
  • The lateral edges of the tongue are raised, but do not touch the teeth.
  • A jet of air passes between the teeth and the lateral edges of the tongue. The vocal cords tremble, resulting in a sonorous sound - l.

Setting the sound L. How to teach a child to pronounce the sound L (video)

How to correctly pronounce the sound L in a child's speech

  1. Perform the exercise "tongue-needle". The narrow tongue protrudes forward from the mouth.
  2. Bite the narrow tip of the tongue.
  3. Raise the narrow tip of the tongue by the upper teeth, touch the gum and lower the tongue.
  4. Pronounce a sound for a long time - ah-ah-ah and at this time touch the gum behind the upper teeth with the narrow tip of the tongue. The syllable is heard - al.
  5. Pronounce the sound for a long time - ah-ah-ah and bite the narrow tip of the tongue several times. The syllable is heard - a-la-la-la.
  6. Pronounce the sound for a long time - s-s-s and at this time push the narrow tip of the tongue between the teeth. A syllable is heard - yl.

Make sure that the lips do not close, but are stretched in a smile. If the sound turned out in the interdental position of the tongue, then it can begin to be fixed in words. Gradually, it will be necessary to translate the tongue by the upper teeth.

Fixing the sound L in the child's speech

  • Fixing the sound L in closed syllables:
Mal was stick bathed
Ball soaps beam fought
Dal howl jackdaw nail file
Hall lived it's a pity
Slept drank rolling pin
Fell beat violet
Kopal mil skipping rope

Uncle Mikhail watered the horse.
Pavel caught a jackdaw.
Dad bought a tree.
The chair fell to the floor.
The woodpecker was looking for bugs.
Father went to the station.

  • Fixing the sound L in verse

Al-al-al - I bought a pencil case.
Ol-ol-ol - I drove football.
Il-il-il - scored five goals.
Ate-at-at - sang a song.

The hedgehog and the Christmas tree have very sharp needles.

I slept, I slept, I was tired of sleeping. He took it and got up, stood, stood, got tired again and slept again.

The tin soldier lived, he sang, joked and did not grieve.
He fought, did not get tired. And he fell, and he got up.

Fixing the sound L in open syllables

varnish forehead onion lick
Paw elk Ray bald
Lamp lotto puddle bast
Noodles a spoon moon skier
Lily of the valley a spoon bulb slice
Martin elbow lawn climb
Ladoshka horse basket break
Mala swamp sheepskin coat baby
Saw galoshes naughty tables
Dala well pigeon smile
Fist Volodya acorn bold
Kalach cold deck ripe
Robe hungry receive holiday
salad breaking
  • Fixing the sound L in sentences

Mila ate a salad.
Mom cooks milk noodles.
Mila washed her hands.
There is cold water in the well.
The cold winter is over.

  • Fixing the sound L in verse

Everything is white, white, white.
There has been a lot of snow.
Here are the fun days!
Everyone on skis and skates!

Mama washed Milu with soap,
Mila did not like soap.

The mouse lived happily
slept on the fluff in the corner.
The mouse ate bread and lard,
but everything was not enough for the mouse.

Fixing the sound L in conjunction with consonants

  • Fixing the sound L in sentences

Mila saw an elephant.
Glory goes to the pantry.
Sweet apples hang on the apple tree.
Volodya is a brave swimmer.
Klava put on a white scarf.
Glory floats on a boat.

  • Fixing the sound L in verse

The elephant nods its head
he sends a bow to the elephant.

Ate Slava fat,
yes, there was little fat.

- stupid head
sat on sunflowers
I thought it was sunshine.

A white blanket covered the earth.
The sun was hot, the blanket was leaking.

Fixing the sound L in difficult words:

  • Fixing sound in sentences

The dog was barking in the yard.
A raft floated on the river.
The kitten was drinking milk.
The cat was catching a mouse.
Volodya put the pencil case on the table.
Mikhail stroked the handkerchiefs.

  • Fixing the sound L in verse

The Christmas tree was crying at first from the warmth of the house.
In the morning she stopped crying, breathed, came to life.

White snow, white chalk,
the white hare is also white.
But the squirrel is not white,
wasn't even white.

Sunbeam fell on a wave
the sun's rays fell into the depths,
He swam, swam in a deep wave
and he remembered the sunny day.

Come and learn to shoot with me
In the garden you look for me.
I can hit the bird accurately
And more often I get into cabbage soup.
Into this sleek box
Bronze color
Hidden little oak tree
Next summer.
We write and rhyme poems
Quietly the snow is falling
White snow, shaggy.
We'll clear the snow and ice
In the yard ....... (with a shovel).
The rain is merry,
We are friends with you!
We are good to run
Barefoot in……..(puddles)
Clean tongues
La-la-la, delicious honey carries …… .. (bee).
Lu-lu-lu, we saw ....... (a bee).
Ly-ly-ly, we got scared ....... (bees).

The game "Answer - ka"
What are they drinking? (Saw)
What do you eat soup? (with a spoon)
What do you wash your hands with? (with soap)
How are they digging the earth? (with a shovel)
What is hammered into a nail? (Hammer)
How do they break thick ice? (crowbar)
Correct mistakes
Katya ate noodles (a).
Mila sat down on a bench.
The boat was rocking on the water(s).
Volodya carried a white dove ().
Mila saw a white moon.

The mouse lived happily
Slept on the fluff in the corner.
The mouse ate bread and lard.
But everything was not enough for the mouse.
M. Fomicheva

The broom swept the floor.
Venik is very tired.
He sneezed, he yawned
And quietly lay down under a chair.
L. Zubkova

Tin soldier lived.
He sang, joked and did not grieve.
He fought, did not get tired.
And he fell and he got up.
And he always remembered in battle
Your soldier family
Where was for everyone, and for him
Everyone stood to one!
V. Aushev

White color
White snow, white chalk,
The white hare is also white.
But the squirrel is not white,
It wasn't even white.
E. Izmailov

Everything is white, white, white.
There has been a lot of snow.
Here are the fun days!
Everyone on skis and skates! A. Bogomolova

Game "Say the other way around"
The crane lifted the load, and then……
The plane took off and then...
The hare jumped into the garden, and then ... ..
Sasha put on his coat, and then…..
Grandpa sat on the sofa, and then……
Petya took off his boots, and then…..

Tongue Twisters
The woodpecker hollowed, hollowed and hollowed out a hollow.
It was dry and warm.
Malanya - chatterer milk chatted, chatted, and blurted out.

Fairy tales

Listen carefully to the story. Remember and name the words from the story with the sound "L". Retell the story.

cat nile
Nile the cat loves to sleep. So he entered and went under the bench. He stretched out, covered himself with his paw and fell asleep. Slept well. Nile the cat got up, yawned and stretched. And then he began to wash his paw.
A. Bogomolova
Talking with the baby

In freedom, elephants live in the jungle. In India, people ride elephants. And with us, elephants can only be seen in the elephant house. The next day, Slava saw big strong elephants with their calves in the elephant den. Slava admired the mighty elephants and cheerful little elephants. He came very close to the elephants and saw their tusks. At home, Slava wrote a fairy tale about elephants.
According to V. Konovalenko, S. Konovalenko

Listen carefully to the story "The jackdaw wanted to drink" and remember the words with the sound "L". Retell it. Remember and name the words from the story with the sound "L".
The jackdaw wanted to drink. I saw: there is a jug of water, And the water in it was at the very bottom. The jackdaw jumped, jumped - all to no avail. The jackdaw could not get water in any way. And the jackdaw began to throw pebbles into the jug. He threw, threw and threw so much that the water rose, and the jackdaw was able to get drunk.
According to L. Tolstoy

Listen carefully to the story and memorize the words with the sound "L". Listen to the story again and retell it.

Squirrel and wolf.
The squirrel jumped from branch to branch and fell on a sleepy wolf.
The wolf jumped up and wanted to eat her. The squirrel began to beg him: “Let me go,
Wolf". The wolf said: "I'll let you go, just tell me why you squirrels are always cheerful, but I'm always bored?"
When the squirrel was on the tree, she said to the wolf: “You are bored because you are angry. And we, squirrels, are cheerful, because we do no harm to anyone. She said and ran away.
According to L. Tolstoy

Sounds [L], [L "]

Just like other sounds, the sound l may be absent in the child’s speech (instead of the words “bow”, “saw”, the child pronounces “uk”, “pia”) or replaced by other sounds (“yuk”, “piua”). Quite often, children replace the sound l soft option - eh, then we hear such options: “hatch”, “saw”. This is explained by the fact that the position of the speech organs during the pronunciation of sound l harder than pronunciation eh.

Sound l- consonant, sonorous, firm.

Sound eh- consonant, sonorous, soft.

During the correct pronunciation of the sound l the organs of speech take the following position:

- lips are open, occupy a neutral position or take the position of the subsequent vowel sound;

- teeth are slightly open;

- tongue - the narrow tip of the tongue rises and rests against the upper incisors or their gums, the middle part of the tongue is lowered, the lateral edges are also lowered;

- between the lateral edges of the tongue and the molars there is a gap through which the air stream exits.

Soft sound eh different from hard l as follows:

- lips stretched to the sides, as if smiling;

- tongue - the tip of the tongue is raised slightly higher and rests on the alveoli ("tubercles") behind the front upper teeth, the middle and back parts of the tongue are raised and moved forward, which gives softening.

The absence of sounds L, L in speech and correctional work.

Articulation of solid sound l harder articulation eh , so the violation of its pronunciation is more common. Predisposing factors leading to incorrect pronunciation of sound l , may be the following:

- shortened hyoid ligament, limiting upward movement of the tip of the tongue;

- Phonemic awareness.

Speech of a child leaking sound l , will sound like this: “Mouse veseo zhia, na pou in ugh spaa ...” (“The mouse lived merrily, slept on the floor in the corner ...”)

Preparatory stage.

For the correct pronunciation of the sound l need to work out:

- lifting the tip of the tongue up;

‑‑ lifting the back of the back of the tongue up, which can be achieved by practicing sounds o , at , s ;

- the ability to lower the lateral edges of the tongue and exhale an air stream into the gap between the lateral edges of the tongue and molars.

The adult says: “The hunter has big rubber boots, he is walking through the swamp. It squishes under his feet like this.” Clamping the wide tip of the tongue with the front teeth, exhales air through the cheeks, while exhaling evenly with the index fingers of both hands, lightly hits her cheeks, resulting in a squelching sound.

Sound setting.

Showing the child how to bite the wide tip of the tongue, they explain to him: “Make your tongue look like a pancake. Show me how you bite him with your teeth. Do it lightly so that it does not hurt, and watch how the tongue will lie motionless on the bottom of the teeth, like a pancake on a plate. Now open your mouth, and let your tongue lie still. Do this several times in a row." (The child is exercising in front of the mirror) Soon the child will learn to lightly bite the wide tongue with the front incisors, then, opening the mouth, leave the tongue in its previous position.

When the child has mastered this exercise, start setting the sound l in interdental position. Invite the child to make a sound a the moment he releases his tongue after biting. Let him repeat this exercise in front of the mirror 5-6 times, clamping his tongue tightly with his teeth and more and more often alternating this movement with pronouncing a sound a . Gradually, the pace of the exercise speeds up, and, at first, you will hear syllables al, al, al, then - la, la, la. At the same time, pay the child's attention to the position of the tongue: "Watch your tongue, order it not to run away from you into your mouth, hold it with your teeth." At a slow pace, he will be able, without interrupting the drawn out pronunciation of the sound a alternately bite and release the tongue. Thus, he will get syllables la, la, la. Next, you should translate the tongue into a non-toothed, normal for this sound, position. The child is offered to raise the tongue by the upper incisors and, pressing it firmly against the alveoli, pronounce syllables ly, ly, ly. Combined with sound s sound l becomes more clear.


Sound Automation l begins with fixing it in syllables. In this case, various game techniques are used, for example: imitating playing the balalaika, or singing songs to simple familiar melodies, or reproducing the sound of a bell, etc. the child repeatedly pronounces the same syllables la, la, la, then ly, ly, ly, then lo, lo, lo, then lu, lu, lu. Then they move on to words, to phrases, to texts, and, finally, to free speech.

L sound.

After automation l hard soft sound is easily imitated. Showing articulation in front of a mirror, an adult pronounces syllables whether, whether, whether and draws the attention of the child to the fact that the lips are in a smile, the upper and lower teeth are visible, and the tip of the tongue knocks on the tubercles behind the upper teeth. Achieving the correct pronunciation of a syllable whether, successively go to combinations l With e, i, e, u.

A set of exercises to develop the correct pronunciation of sound L.

Punish the naughty tongue.

Target . To develop the ability, by relaxing the muscles of the tongue, to keep it wide, flattened.

Description . Open your mouth a little, calmly put your tongue on your lower lip and, slapping it with your lips, make sounds pah-pah-pah... Keep a wide tongue in a calm position, with your mouth open, counting from one to five to ten.

Attention ! 1. The lower lip should not be tucked up and pulled over the lower teeth.

2. The tongue should be wide, its edges touch the corners of the mouth.

3. Pat your tongue with your lips several times on one exhale. Make sure that the child does not retain exhaled air. You can control the performance as follows: bring the cotton wool to the child's mouth, if he does the exercise correctly, it will deviate. At the same time, this exercise contributes to the development of a directed air jet.

Delicious jam.

Target . Develop the movement of the wide front of the tongue upward and the position of the tongue, close to the shape of the cup.

Description . Slightly open your mouth and lick the upper lip with the wide front edge of the tongue, moving the tongue from top to bottom, but not from side to side.

Attention ! 1. Make sure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw does not help, does not "plant" the tongue up - it must be motionless (you can hold it with your finger).

2. The tongue should be wide, its lateral edges touch the corners of the mouth.

3. If the exercise fails, you need to return to the exercise "Punish a naughty tongue." As soon as the tongue becomes flattened, you need to lift it up and wrap it on the upper lip.

The steamer is humming.

Target . Develop a lift of the back of the tongue up.

Description . Open your mouth and pronounce a sound for a long time s (as the ship hums).

Attention ! Make sure that the tip of the tongue is lowered and is in the depths of the mouth, and the back is raised to the sky.


Target . To develop the rise of the tongue up, the mobility of its front part.

Description . Open your mouth, put your tongue on your upper lip and make movements with the wide front edge of the tongue along the upper lip back and forth, trying not to tear your tongue from your lip - as if stroking it. First, make slow movements, then speed up the pace and add voice until you hear bl-bl(like a turkey chattering).

Attention! 1. Make sure that the tongue is wide and does not narrow.

2. To move the tongue back and forth, and not from side to side.

3. The tongue should "lick" the upper lip, and not be thrown forward.


Target. Develop the ability to quickly change the position of the tongue, necessary when connecting sound l with vowels a, s, o, u.

Description. Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth, put a wide tongue behind your lower teeth (on the inside) and hold in this position for a count of one to five. So alternately change the position of the tongue 4-6 times.

Attention! Make sure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw and lips remain motionless.


Target . Strengthen the muscles of the tongue and develop a lift of the tongue up.

Description. Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth and click the tip of your tongue (like a horse clattering its hooves).

Attention! 1. The exercise is first performed at a slow pace, then faster.

2. The lower jaw should not move; only the language works.

3. Make sure that the tip of the tongue does not turn inward, i.e. so that the child clicks his tongue, not smack.

The horse rides quietly.

Target . Develop the movement of the tongue up and help the child determine the place of the tongue when pronouncing the sound l.

Description. The child should make the same movements with the tongue as in the previous exercise, only silently.

Attention! 1. Make sure that the lower jaw and lips are motionless: only the tongue performs the exercise.

2. The tip of the tongue should not curl inwards.

3. The tip of the tongue rests on the palate behind the upper teeth, and does not protrude from the mouth.

The wind is blowing.

Target. Produce an air stream coming out along the edges of the tongue.

Description. Smile, open your mouth, bite the tip of your tongue with your front teeth and blow. Check the presence and direction of the air jet with a cotton swab.

Attention! Make sure that the air does not come out in the middle, but from the corners of the mouth.

Sound distortion L and correctional work.

Interdental pronunciation of the sound L.

At the same time, the correct sound is heard, only its articulation is slightly changed: the tip of the tongue, instead of rising beyond the upper incisors, comes out between the teeth. Interdental pronunciation l used as a transitional stage in sound production l . Therefore, the correction of this variant of sound distortion is carried out in the same way as in the absence of sound l . However, it should be noted that in order to automate l it will take more time for those children who pronounce interdentally not only this sound, but also others ( t, d, n, s, s, c ).

The nasal pronunciation of L.

Nasal sound pronunciation l sharply differs from the correct one both in articulation and in hearing. The tongue touches the back of the soft palate, and not the tip of the upper incisors, as happens with the correct pronunciation of the sound l . In addition, the air stream partially or completely passes through the nose, as in the sound n . Two fuzzy sounds are heard: ng . The child's speech will sound like this: "Wesengo ginga mouse, down in ugng spanga".

When correcting nasal pronunciation, first of all, it is necessary to develop the correct direction of the air stream: it must go through the mouth. The staging and automation of sound during nasal pronunciation are carried out in the same way as in its absence.

Replacing the sounds L, L with other sounds and corrective work.

Fixing substitutions l other sounds at the preparatory stage are carried out in several directions at once: they learn to distinguish sounds by ear l and its substitute, be aware of the difference in their articulation, clearly perform the movements of the tongue necessary for the correct pronunciation of the sound l . But in some cases, exercises for the tongue and lips have their own characteristics.

Replacing the sound L with the sound Y.

In this disorder, the tip of the tongue stays down instead of rising past the upper incisors, and the middle back arches up instead of down. "The mouse is more cheerful, down in coal junction."

When replacing l on the th the child is taught to hold the tip of the tongue behind the teeth, firmly pressing it against the upper incisors, lower the middle part of the back of the tongue, and raise the back. In order for the tongue to take this position, the child is asked to stick the tip of the tongue between the front teeth and say drawlingly s or with the mouth open, put a round plastic tube on the middle part of the tongue, and lift the tip of the tongue by the upper incisors.

Replacing the sound L with the sound U.

With this violation, the lips, not the tongue, take an active part in the formation of sound. Adults often find it difficult to tell how a child pronounces a sound l , because, pulling the lips forward, as at the sound at , he quickly moves on to the next sound in the word and the listener does not have time to notice how the sound is pronounced. But if you invite the child to stretch out the sound l , it will be easier to notice the movements of his lips. "Mouse veseuo zhiua, down in uguu spaua."

When replacing l on the at , you must first bring to the consciousness of the child that the lips should not move. To do this, he is offered to look in the mirror at his lips while repeatedly pronouncing the syllable la . Then the adult pronounces this syllable himself and draws the child's attention to the fact that the lips do not stretch forward, the tongue is visible all the time - it falls from top to bottom. The child is told: “Your lips are naughty. You want them not to stretch forward, but they do it their way. Let's teach them to listen. Let's order lips: stretch forward with a tube! (The child easily performs a movement familiar to him.) Now stretch your lips. As if you are smiling (this also does not make it difficult for the child). You see, the lips became obedient because you told them what they should do. The exercise is repeated several times until the child learns to easily switch from one movement to another at a fast pace. “Now let’s work on the language. See what my tongue will do." (The adult raises the tongue by the upper teeth, firmly presses its tip, then lowers it. The lips are always in the smile position). Do the same.” The child repeats the exercise several times, and the adult makes sure that he does not bend the tip of the tongue inward.

Replacing the sound L with the sound Y.

The back of the back of the tongue is raised and the tip is lowered. Children do not notice that they are replacing sound, and adults often believe that sound l skipped. "The mouse is veseyo zhiya, down in the ugu spaya." In this case, work is carried out with the child as in the absence of sound l .

Replacing sound L with sound B.

The tongue does not take part, the lower lip moves to the upper incisors. Children and adults often believe that this is not a lack of speech, but only an indistinct pronunciation of sound. l . "The mouse is alive and well, down in the corner."

When replacing l on in it is necessary to slow down the movements of the lower lip. For this, the child is taught to first lower it, exposing the teeth, and hold it in this position for a count of 3 to 5, then raise it to the upper teeth. These movements are repeated several times. If the child fails, use mechanical assistance: lower and raise the lower lip with the index finger placed under it.

Replacing the sound L with the sound G.

The tip of the tongue does not rise to the upper incisors, but descends and retracts from the lower incisors, the back of the back of the tongue rises and rests against the soft palate, instead of just rising. "The mouse of the whole jig, down in the ugg spaga."

When replacing l on the G the child is shown what the mistakes of his pronunciation are and how it differs from the correct articulation. The adult says: "Say la, la, la ... (the child says ha, ha, ha ). See how far your tongue has gone? Look where I have it. It is pressed against the upper teeth. Do it the same way. Tell s , but do not lower your tongue, but hold your teeth, like this (a sound is heard similar to l ).

Sound staging and automation l carried out as in its absence.

When changing sound l others need to make a complete differentiation (in an isolated position, syllables, words, phrasal speech) of this sound and its substitute.

Sound automation L.

The sound l is pronounced for a long time and only with a motionless tongue. When the tongue breaks away from the alveoli, a vowel is produced.

La-lo-lu-ly ly - lu - lo - la al - ol - st - yl
Lo - lu - la - ly la - ly - lu - lo yal - yol - yul - il - ate
Lu - ly - ly - lo ly - la - lo - lu al - yal - ol - yol

La :

laz, lacquer, paw, whirligig, ash, led, affairs, lived, small, saw, bench, lamp, fist, kalach, salad, dressing gown, rock, diver, tent, pin, swallow, lily of the valley, Mila, lived, sang, washed, blew, ran, saw, offended, dressed, school, noodles, ate, avalanche, wrote, read, threw, wore, drove, drove.

Lo :

forehead, crowbar, moose , boat, spoon, elbow, horse, stocking, swamp, galoshes, well, Volodya, hungry, cold, breakdown.

Lu, ly:

bow, beam, puddle, Lusha, hole, yule, ash, saw, sheepskin coat, beluga, naughty, bulb, bast, skis, oxen, tables, baby, wormwood, smile, skier, cobblestone, Luka, moon, meadow, lawn, basket, dove, acorn, deck, cabbage rolls, receive, pitchfork, scarlet, white, lethargic, cute, whole, bold, ripe, dull, bees, glasses, canals, pencil cases, collapses, stations, vacations, kids, blazes.


ball, shaft, gave, sting, hall, small, jackdaw, stick, rolling pin, violet, slept, fell, tired, glass, channel, dug, wrote, pencil case, collapse, station, knocked, metal, tie, diamond, alphabet, halva, marshal, sage, balcony, gave out, fell out, fell, dripped, poured, stomped, felt, kicked out.


ox, goal, stake, floor, table, debt, wolf, hill, long, shelf, full, lightning, noon, prick, cover, goldfinch, football.


rumble, blew, chair, aul, bun, boom, blew, put on shoes, yawned, pulled, fell asleep, whispered, shook, pinched, pulled out, threw, stuck, arched, blew, hit, muscle, stockings, volcano.


whined, was, howled, washed, washed, forgot, howled, ardent, bottle.

Yal :

crumpled, removed, took, soldered, calmed, stood, drove, withered, occupied, changed, understood, raised, was afraid, laughed, winnowed, sowed, melted, winnower, seeder.


led, walked, silk, fir tree, heifer, bangs, bee, donkey, goat, cauldron, new settler, click, panicle.


ate, chalk, sang, sat down, dressed, knew how, buzzed, hung, managed, wanted, sat, hissed, rustled, whistled, squirrel, finely, knot, saw, brought out, went out, offended, hated, Pavel, woodpecker, ashes.


beat, dear, Nil, watered, Mikhail, scored, drove, drove, mowed, bought, wore, taught, planted, visited, dragged, fork, vein, saw, drinker, mower, stretcher, learned, knocked out, drank, landed, pulled out, released, jumped out.

"Difficult" words with two sounds l :

barked, swam, pricked, weeded, sent, ground, did, lapped, climbed, caressed, stroked, swam, adjusted, weakened, caught, broke, swallowed, pampered, bell, pounded, threshed, reported, put, kissed, burst, listened, served, heard, received, smiled.

Words with consonants:

give thanks, eyes, smooth, burned, cereal, Klava, class, pantry, flame, float, plate, plastic, patch, handkerchief, Glory, sweet, weak, get off, send, flag, bottle, went, came out, block, globe, shred, raft, seal, square, elephant, oar, word, complex, fleet, clap, cotton, blouse, heel, stupid, club, flower bed, ball, strawberry, plow, hearing, listen, occasion, serve, merit, lumps, angry, fangs, swim, hear, boilers, whip.

Mila ate a salad.

Lusha took the shovel.

The swallow made a nest.

Mom made milk noodles.
Mila washed her hands.

There are burdocks and wormwood around the tents.
Winter came.

Get your skis and sleds ready.

Lusha weeded onions and beets.

Mila saw an elephant.
Glory goes to the pantry for oars.

The water in the deep well is cold.
There are ripe and sweet apples in the shop.

Volodya is a brave swimmer and is not afraid of the deep.
Klava put a white scarf over her head.

Choose pictures: shovel, boat, soap, doll. Start a sentence, and the child will complete the picture, then repeat the whole sentence.

Uncle Luka is digging a flower bed (with a shovel).

Volodya and Slava are sailing on a (boat).
Klava washed her palms (with soap).

The dog took the doll (doll) to the closet.
Volodya rode (on a bicycle).

Michael looked at (globe).
Pavel was catching (dove).

Pavel sat down at (the table).

Uncle Mikhail watered the horse.

Grandpa Nile caught a swarm of bees.
Pavel caught a jackdaw.

My brother went to football.
Vova put the bottle on the shelf.

Dad bought a tree.
The chair fell to the floor and I got scared.

Pavel saw a squirrel on the Christmas tree.
Mikhail played football and scored a goal.

Uncle Neal tied his tie and went out.
Father went to the station.

The dog was barking in the yard.
A raft floated on the river.

The kitten was drinking milk.
Pavel smoothed his hair.

Neil received a letter from Michael.
Neal ironed the towel and handkerchiefs himself.

I found and put a lot of worms in a jar.
The soldier reported that he had completed the task.

Petya broke, and then fixed the bike.
Volodya forgot where he put the pencil case.

In the yard the dog barked and fell silent.
Stake near the table, table near the stake.

Here is a cheerful bun rolled like a ball.

My father served in the Navy and sailed on a submarine.

The cat caught the mouse, but did not catch it - the mouse ran away.


A white blanket covered the earth. The sun baked, the blanket flowed. (Snow)

He lashed his ears, whipped him on his cheeks, tore his hat off his head and ... fled. (Wind)

Doll Mila.

Mom bought Lusha a doll. Lusha liked the doll. Blue eyes, blond hair, white dress, white shoes. Lusha named the doll Mila. The doll is very cute. Lusha was with Mila for whole days. She dressed and dressed her. She washed her hair and combed her hair. She put the doll to sleep and cradled it. Lusha took care of the doll. Once Lusha put the doll to sleep. Mom called Lusha to dinner, and the dog took the doll away. She carried the doll and ruined it. Lusha cried, but did not leave the doll. Then my mother bought the same doll. Secretly exchanged, and Lusha did not guess.

Our cat.

Our cat loves to sleep. So he entered and went under the bench. He stretched out, covered himself with his paw and fell asleep. Slept well. The cat got up, yawned and stretched. And then he began to wash.


Volodya wanted to fish. He knew the places where the roach is caught. Volodya took the boat and swam. It was sunny and warm. Volodya did not swim for long. Stopped near the pool. He took out a rod and began to fish. There were all sorts of fish, both small and large. Having caught a lot of roach, Volodya reeled in the line. Pushed the boat and swam home.

Learn poems by heart.


Everything is white, white, white. There has been a lot of snow.
Here are the fun days! Everyone is skiing and skating!


Tin soldier lived. He sang, joked and did not grieve.
He fought, did not get tired. And he fell, and he got up.
And he always remembered his soldier family in battle.
Where he was for everyone, and everyone stood for him! (V. Aushev)

Christmas tree.

The Christmas tree was crying at first from the warmth of the house.
In the morning she stopped crying, breathed, came to life. (S. Marshak)

White color.

White snow, white chalk, white hare is also white.
But the squirrel is not white, it was not even white. (I. Tokmakova)

The hare is white.

White hare, white hare, where did you run after the bast?
The white hare answered: - I did not run, I jumped.

Sound automation L.

Organize audio automation in the form of play sessions. Classes in duration should take 15 - 20 minutes for children under 4.5 years old, older - 30 minutes. Don't let your baby get tired.

Before proceeding with automation, the child must learn how to pronounce the isolated sound correctly.

Pronounce syllables.

al - ol - ul - yl yal - yul - yul - il - spruce

yal - yul - il - spruce ol - yul - al - yul

al - yal - ul - yul yl - il - el - al
le - le - li - la la - le - lu - li

lu - la - li - le

Pronounce the words.

Sound le in "closed" syllables .

Pain, moth, salt, Olga, only, pretty, free, beans, sack, pulse, gurgle.

True story, dust, feather grass, bottle, crutch, soap, soap.

Soldering iron, tulle, vestibule, junk, wick, sleeve, sprat, strong, alarm clock, hairpin.

Spruce, stranded, purpose, slot, hop, blizzard, panel, overcoat, sorrel, herring, craftsmen.

Daring, shooting, coat, battalion, postman.

Bags, broth, bulldog, pollen, tulip, pavilion.

Jacket, report card, nickel, schnitzel, dolphin.

Sound le in "open" syllables.

Fields, lala, webbing, walking, glade, hodgepodge, goulash, stroller.

Olya, Julia, Ulya, Valya, Kolya, Fields, Tolya, Galya, will, bullet, week, sawing.

Lisa, leaf, lift, linden, downpour, burbot, valley, viburnum, Polina, raspberry, snail.

Fox, face, lemon, street, rabbit, slept, sat, stood, knocked, walked, wrote, read, swing, ran, left, ran over, stomped, pelican, giant.

Lion, pour, forest, climb, left, watering can, tape, swan, fishing line, ladder, ticket, roll, deer, pour, left, knee, log, spare, iron, cart, seal, groceries.

Field, beehive, wheel, lie, fly, glacier, forester, treat, cake, winch, ice drift.

Ice, flax, Leva, Lenya, Lesha, Light, Pilot, Flight, Strong, distant, wheels, diaper, herring, green, salty, coal, purse, moth, wick, plane.

I prick, command, saw, grind, salt, hatch, Lyuba, people, buttercup, prickly.

They prick, grind, aim, pole, jaw, pet.

"Difficult" words with a confluence of consonants.

Damn, wedge, walked, closer, clay, length, plate, climate.

Bread, Gleb, captivity, glue, trace, barn, shine, mold, cage, pale, alley, collective, bulletin.

Biting, maple, rally, takeoff, film, spank, chowder.

Dish, beak, key, plus, plush, angry, boat, cranberry, club, bun, love, catch, mica, watch.

For, beach, blot, hat, dance, gloss, strap, look, slush, bottle.

Make suggestions.

Lena has a watering can.

Galya and Olya ran.
Lyova and Kolya were sitting.

Kolya is stronger than Tolya.
Lenya climbed onto the linden.

Far, far away the bell is ringing.
Olya is watering the lemon.

Linda loves lemonade.
Lenya sculpts from plasticine.

Leo's teeth hurt.
Little Olya is in a stroller.

Lisa has pain in her left knee.
Valya and Galya sculpted swans.

The plane flies over the field.
Little foxes ran after the fox.

Every day I water sticky poplar from a watering can.
We planted these poplars and lindens ourselves.

These maples and lawns were watered by themselves.
Look at the little owls - the little ones are sitting side by side.

Guess riddles.

He draws palm trees, stars, skiffs on the glass.

They say he is a hundred years old, but he is naughty like a little one.

Patter with sound [l]

- One Klim wedge pounded, pounded and knocked out.

Our Polkan fell into a trap.

Slava ate lard, but there was little lard.

Klim threw a bow at Luka.

Polkan pushed the stick with his paw.

The tree has needles.

Cap - under the cap, under the cap - cap.

Mom washed Mila with soap, Mila did not like soap.

Ivan - a blockhead chatted milk, but did not blurt it out.

The little chatterbox chatted milk but did not blurt it out.

A goat-flour grinder to whom did he grind flour, and to whom did he not grind?

From the one to whom he ground, he received pies; From the one to whom he did not grind, he received cuffs.

Near the stake - bells, and on the stakes - bells.

In the boat - Volodya, in the tent - a spatula.

The ox was white.

The ox fell into the lair of the wolf.

The sorcerer conjured for a long time in the boat.

Lala ate halva under the covers.


The mule was small.

Neil mopped the floor and whined.

Plato floated on a raft.

Volodya drank milk from a bowl.

Slava got up from his chair.

A ball in a flower bed? Not a ball - a bun.

Poems for sound automation [l]

A wolf went hunting, He knows a lot about hunting.
And the goat, and the goose, and the heifer
Scared of the bad wolf.

The shovel dug, dug, dug,
Then she lay down, apparently very tired.

Crowbar breaks thick ice
Scrap does not get tired of breaking.

The saw cuts a thick trunk,
glowed white hot

The cleaver pricked, pricked, pricked,
The cleaver split the log

Danced, danced around the house broom,
The floors were swept from corner to corner.

Duck - rocking eggs applied,
Duck - rocking chair of children
brought out
Duck - rocking fish
Duck - rocking chair of children
And the drake - well done on the case swam,
On business swam - children

What you took, put in place -
Olenka knows this.
What you took, put it back!
Only the girl is small:
She forgets where she got it.
Z. Alexandrova

Summer day

The sky was blue
There was a golden sun
The cat lay on the porch
The boy was planting a tree.
Time passed slowly
It was quiet and warm.
V. Danko

Scary tale

Eating a bun with butter,
The brothers walked down the alley
Suddenly on them from a nook
The big dog barked loudly ...
D. Kharms

Klava put the treasure in the deck.
The treasure floated away from Klava into the water.
Klava did not sail for the treasure,
And the deck floated away.

Striped rugs
Vlas's daughter rinsed.
Rinsed, rinsed -
The river has become striped.

The woodpecker lived in an empty double,
Oak hollowed like a chisel.
Day pecked, two pecked,
He hit the sky with his beak.

Tin soldier lived.
He sang, joked and did not grieve.
He fought, did not get tired,
And he fell and he got up.
And he always remembered in battle
Your soldier family
Where was for everyone, and for him
Everyone stood to one.

The darkness could swallow us
But the lamp helped us ...

When I ate an icicle, -
It was delicious,
And then I got sick
It became very sad.
M. Druzhinina

Let her cry if she wants
And I do not cry - reluctance.
And I feel sorry for those who cry:
Through the tears the sun
can not see.
R. Sef

White hare, white hare
Where did you run after the bast?
The white hare replied:
I didn't run, I jumped.

The day came and suddenly it got dark.
The light is on, we look out the window.
Snow falls white-white.
Why is it so dark?
V. Berestov

Everything is white, oh everything is white
Bloomed white.
Bel hare light trail,
On a birch beret,
And on the alder grove
White - white downy scarf.
A. Prokofiev

Bast shoes
Pavka on the bench
Weaves bast shoes to Klavka.
Bast shoes are not suitable
Clave on the legs,
And bast shoes are suitable
On the paws of a cat.
N. Konchalovskaya

White color
White snow, white chalk,
The white hare is also white,
But the squirrel is not white,
It wasn't even white.

(Valery Aushev)

Tin lived.
He sang,
He joked and did not grieve.
He fought
Didn't get tired.
And fell himself
And he got up.
And he remembered
Always in a fight
soldier family,
Where was for ALL
And for HIM
All to ONE!

(Valery Aushev)

Somehow a hedgehog went to the sea.
In the sea - hedgehog fish.
The gray hedgehog was amazed:
How do you live underwater?
— How do I live? This is how I live
I sleep at night
And I swim during the day.
I move my fins,
I catch sea worms ...
Well, what if
In the underwater forest
cunning fox fish,
I will curl up in front of her
In a ball -
Come on, touch the prickly side!

(Valery Aushev)

Drops from heavy branches
They sprinkle with juicy lingonberries.
A bear cub climbed a pine tree,
Silly, funny, red.
Thought the sun was a saucer
Top filled with honey.
Paw wanted to reach out,
Couldn't resist and left!
He began to climb again
To the dark top of the pine.
The saucer with honey swayed,
The saucer seemed close ...
But the clouds have come
The kid shuddered from the thunder:
"I'll eat better
Sweet raspberries at home."
hanging his head from a branch,
The bear looked down.
He is soaked to the skin
Before he stepped into the clearing.
Mother at the pine, under the bushes,
Met a brave son
And caressed with spanking:
Here's some honey for you!
Here is the raspberry!

(Valery Aushev)

What's there
Under the ice
Or patches?..
These are fish.
ice fish,

Do in winter
These fish
Under water?
Together with the river
ice fish
In a quiet place.
And in the spring
On the fast lane
Come alive again

(Valery Aushev)

In the white sea
Like a lump
Dozing sun fish.
She chose the shallows
Where is peace and quiet
Where the sand is blue
And the fry fly in a crowd.
In orange shirts
Floating in a race
Brave tramps
Sea bass.
The fish are playing
Between themselves in salki.
And girlfriends are worn -
Spiny thorns!..
If so many fish curl
In the neighborhood in silence
Is it a sun fish?
Instead of the sun here
at the bottom?

(Valery Aushev)

Grows -
Here's the trouble! —
The goat has a beard.
But where
Get away with her? —
Don't run away
Don't tear...
And a kid
Right from childhood
Call for!

(Valery Aushev)

Turtle murmurs aloud:
- Che-poo-ha, not a movie! ..
I crawled to the movie for three nights,
Still didn't get it...
Looks like it needs a week.
Invite us turtles
So that we don't hurry
Fashionable earrings put on,
You would look in the mirrors -
Are they really good?
So that you do not sweat on the road,
We weren't in a hurry
Didn't fly
To the day before the session
We were seated!

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