Portal of federal state educational standards of higher education. Portal of federal state educational standards of higher education III. Characteristics of the direction of training




By order of the Ministry

education and science

Russian Federation

dated 01.01.01 N 747


Moscow 2010

Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 25, 2010 N 16500


dated 01.01.01 N 747






In accordance with clause 5.2.8 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.01 N 280 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 25, Art. 2562; 2005, N 15, Art. 1350; 2006, N 18, article 2007; 2008, N 25, article 2990; N 34, article 3938; N 42, article 4825; N 46, article 5337; N 48, article 5619; 2009 , N 3, Art. 378; N 6, Art. 738; N 14, Art. 1662), paragraph 7 of the Rules for the development and approval of federal state educational standards, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001 N 142 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2009, N 9, Art. 1110), I order:

Approve the attached federal state educational standard for higher professional education in the field of training 080100 Economics (qualification (degree) “bachelor”) and put it into effect from the date of entry into force of this Order.




By order of the Ministry

education and science

Russian Federation

dated 01.01.01 N 747






1.1. This federal state educational standard of higher education vocational education(Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education) is a set of requirements mandatory for the implementation of basic undergraduate educational programs in the field of study 080100 Economics by educational institutions of higher professional education (higher educational institutions, universities) on the territory of the Russian Federation that have state accreditation.

1.2. The right to implement basic educational programs is higher educational institution has only a corresponding license issued by an authorized federal executive body.


The following abbreviations are used in this standard:

HPE - higher professional education;

PLO - basic educational program;

OK - general cultural competencies;

PC - professional competencies;

UC OOP - educational cycle of the main educational program;

Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education - federal state educational standard of higher

vocational education.


Standard period, total labor intensity of mastering basic educational programs (in credit units)<*>for full-time study and the corresponding qualification (degree) are given in Table 1.

<*>One credit unit corresponds to 36 academic hours.

Table 1

Timing, labor intensity of mastering OOP and qualifications

(degree) graduates


Qualification (degree)

Regulatory period
mastering OOP,

Labor intensity
(in credits)

code in
According to


bachelor's degree


<*>Labor intensity of the main educational program in full-time training for academic year equal to 60 credit units.

The time frame for mastering the basic educational program of a bachelor's degree in part-time (evening) and part-time forms of study, as well as in the case of a combination of various forms of study, may be increased by one year relative to regulatory period, indicated in table 1, based on the decision of the Academic Council of the higher educational institution.


search for information on the received task, collection and analysis of data necessary for carrying out specific economic calculations;

processing of economic data arrays in accordance with the task, analysis, evaluation, interpretation of the results obtained and substantiation of conclusions;

construction of standard theoretical and econometric models of the studied processes, phenomena and objects related to the field of professional activity, analysis and interpretation of the results obtained;

analysis and interpretation of indicators characterizing socio-economic processes and phenomena at the micro and macro levels both in Russia and abroad;

preparation of information reviews, analytical reports;

conducting statistical surveys, surveys, questionnaires and primary processing of their results;

participation in the development of design solutions in the field of professional activities, preparation of proposals and activities for the implementation of developed projects and programs;

participation in the development of options management decisions, justifying their choice based on criteria of socio-economic efficiency, taking into account the risks and possible socio-economic consequences of the decisions made;

organizing the implementation of the assigned stage of work;

is able to select tools for processing economic data in accordance with the task, analyze the results of calculations and justify the conclusions obtained (PC-5);

is able to build standard theoretical and econometric models based on the description of economic processes and phenomena, analyze and meaningfully interpret the results obtained (PC-6);

is able to analyze and interpret financial, accounting and other information contained in the reporting of enterprises of various forms of ownership, organizations, departments and use the information obtained to make management decisions (PC-7);

is able to analyze and interpret data from domestic and foreign statistics on socio-economic processes and phenomena, identify trends in changes in socio-economic indicators (PC-8);

is able, using domestic and foreign sources of information, to collect the necessary data, analyze it and prepare an information review and/or analytical report (PC-9);

is able to use modern technical means and information technologies to solve analytical and research problems (PC-10);

organizational and managerial activities

is able to organize the activities of a small group created to implement a specific economic project (PC-11);

is able to use modern technical means and information technologies to solve communication problems (PK-12);

is able to critically evaluate the proposed options for management decisions and develop and justify proposals for their improvement, taking into account the criteria of socio-economic efficiency, risks and possible socio-economic consequences (PC-13);

pedagogical activity

capable of teaching economic disciplines in educational institutions at various levels, using existing programs and educational teaching materials(PC-14);

is able to take part in the improvement and development of educational and methodological support for economic disciplines (PK-15).



6.1. The main undergraduate educational program provides for the study of the following educational cycles (Table 2):

humanitarian, social and economic cycles;

mathematical and natural science cycle;

professional cycle;

and sections:

Physical Culture;

educational and production practice and/or research work;

final state certification.

6.2. Each academic cycle has a basic (compulsory) part and a variable (profile) part, established by the university. The variable (profile) part provides the opportunity to expand and (or) deepen knowledge, skills and abilities determined by the content of basic (compulsory) disciplines (modules), allows the student to obtain in-depth knowledge and skills for successful professional activity and (or) to continue professional education in master's degree

6.3. The basic (mandatory) part of the cycle “Humanitarian, social and economic cycle” should include the study of the following compulsory disciplines: “History”, “Philosophy”, “Foreign language”.

The basic (mandatory) part of the professional cycle should include the study of the discipline “Life Safety”.

Implementation of the bachelor's degree program at the discretion of a higher education institution is possible both with and without the allocation of bachelor's training profiles. In the case of the implementation of the bachelor's educational program with the identification of training profiles, the variable (profile) part of the professional cycle should include the study of disciplines that form knowledge, skills, and abilities in accordance with the training profiles. The labor intensity of these disciplines in credit units is 20 percent of the total labor intensity of the bachelor's training program.

table 2

Structure of undergraduate education


│Code│ Educational cycles, sections │Labor - │List of disciplines│ Codes │

│UC │ and projected results │bone │ for the development of │formed│

│OOP│ their development │(Credit│ approximate │competencies│

│ │ │units) │programs, as well as │ │

│ │ │<1>│ textbooks and │ │


│B.1│Humanitarian, social and ││History │OK-1 │

│ │economic cycle │ │Philosophy │OK-2 │

│ │Basic part ││Foreign language │OK-3 │

│ │As a result of studying│ │Law │OK-4 │

│ │basic part of the cycle│ │Sociology<2>│OK-5 │

│ │the student must: │ │Psychology<2>│OK-6 │

│ │know: │ │Logic<2>│OK-7 │

│ │- patterns and stages│ │Business ethics<2>│OK-8 │

│ │historical process,│ │Culture of speech and │OK-9 │

│ │main events and processes│ │business │OK-10 │

│ │global and domestic│ │communication<2>│OK-11 │

│ │economic history; │ │ │OK-12 │

│ │- basic philosophical│ │ │OK-14 │

│ │patterns of development│ │ │PK-13 │

│ │nature, society and│ │ │PK-14 │

│ │thinking; │ │ │PK-15 │

│ │- basic regulatory│ │ │ │

│ │legal documents; │ │ │ │

│ │be able to: │ │ │ │

│ │- apply│ │ │ │

│ │apparatus, basic laws│ │ │ │

│ │humanitarian and social│ │ │ │

│ │sciences in professional│ │ │ │

│ │activities; │ │ │ │

│ │- navigate the world│ │ │ │

│ │historical process,│ │ │ │

│ │analyze processes and│ │ │ │

│ │phenomena occurring in│ │ │ │

│ │society; │ │ │ │

│ │- apply methods and│ │ │ │

│ │means of cognition for│ │ │ │

│ │intellectual development,│ │ │ │

│ │increasing cultural │ │ │ │

│ │level, professional│ │ │ │

│ │competence; │ │ │ │

│ │- use foreign│ │ │ │

│ │language in interpersonal communication│ │ │ │

│ │and professional│ │ │ │

│ │activities; │ │ │ │

│ │- navigate the system│ │ │ │

│ │legislation and│ │ │ │

<2>The university selects two disciplines from the list provided.

<3>The university selects one discipline from the list provided.

<4>The university selects eight disciplines from the list provided.



7.1. Educational institutions independently develop and approve the undergraduate educational program, which includes the curriculum, work programs of training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) and other materials that ensure the education and quality of training of students, as well as educational and practical training programs, academic calendar and teaching materials that ensure the implementation of appropriate educational technology.

The OOP profile is determined by the higher education institution in accordance with the approximate basic educational program of higher professional education.

Higher education institutions are required to annually update basic educational programs taking into account the development of science, culture, economics, technology, technology and the social sphere.

7.2. When developing undergraduate educational programs, the university’s capabilities in developing general cultural competencies of graduates (for example, competencies social interaction, self-organization and self-government, system-activity nature). The university is obliged to create a socio-cultural environment and create the conditions necessary for the comprehensive development of the individual.

The university is obliged to promote the development of the social and educational component educational process, including development student government, student participation in work public organizations, sports and creative clubs, scientific student societies.

7.3. The implementation of a competency-based approach should include the widespread use in the educational process of active and interactive forms of conducting classes (computer simulations, business and role-playing games, case studies, psychological and other trainings) in combination with extracurricular work in order to form and develop students’ professional skills. The training courses should include meetings with representatives of Russian and foreign companies, government and public organizations, master classes with experts and specialists.

The share of classes conducted in interactive forms is determined main goal OEP, the peculiarities of the student population and the content of specific disciplines, and in general in the educational process, they should make up at least 20 percent of classroom lessons. Lecture-type classes for appropriate groups of students cannot account for more than 50 percent of classroom classes.

Section educational practice may be the student’s research work. If it exists, when developing a scientific program, research work A higher education institution must provide students with the opportunity to:

study specialized literature and other scientific information, achievements of domestic and foreign science in the field of economics;

participate in scientific research;

collect, process, analyze and systematize scientific information on the topic (task);

draw up reports (sections of the report) on a topic or its section (stage, task);

make a presentation at conferences at various levels.

7.16. The implementation of basic undergraduate educational programs should be ensured by scientific and teaching staff who, as a rule, have a basic education corresponding to the profile of the discipline being taught, and are systematically engaged in scientific and (or) scientific-methodological activities.

The share of teachers with an academic degree and/or academic title, in total number teachers providing the educational process for this main educational program must have at least 60 percent an academic degree of Doctor of Science (including a degree awarded abroad, the documents for which have passed the established procedure for recognition and establishment of equivalence) and/or the academic title of professor must have at least eight percent teachers.

Professional cycle teachers must have a basic education and/or academic degree corresponding to the profile of the discipline taught. At least 60 percent of teachers (in terms of integer rates) providing educational process in the professional cycle must have academic degrees or academic titles. At least five percent of teachers from among the current managers and employees of specialized organizations must be involved in the educational process.

Up to 10 percent of the total number of teachers with an academic degree and/or academic title can be replaced by teachers who have practical experience in this area as managers or leading specialists for more than the last 10 years.

7.17. The main educational program must be provided with educational and methodological documentation and materials for all educational courses, disciplines (modules) of the main educational program. The content of each of these academic disciplines (modules) must be presented on the Internet or the local network of the educational institution.

Students’ extracurricular work must be accompanied by methodological support and justification for the time spent on its implementation.

Each student must be provided with access to an electronic library system containing publications on the main disciplines studied and formed in agreement with the copyright holders of educational and educational literature.

At the same time, it must be possible to provide simultaneous individual access to such a system for at least 25 percent of students.

The library fund must be equipped with printed and/or electronic editions of the main educational literature in the disciplines of the basic part of all cycles, published over the last 10 years (for the disciplines of the basic part of the humanitarian, social and economic cycle - over the last five years), at a rate of at least 25 copies such publications for every 100 students.

In addition to educational literature, the collection of additional literature should include official, reference, bibliographic and specialized periodicals in the amount of 1 - 2 copies for every 100 students.

The electronic library system must provide individual access for each student from any point where there is access to the Internet.

The prompt exchange of information with domestic and foreign universities and organizations must be carried out in compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on intellectual property and international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of intellectual property. Students should be provided with access to modern professional databases, information reference and search systems.

7.18. When introducing undergraduate education, the Academic Council of a higher educational institution approves the amount of funds for the implementation of the relevant basic educational programs.

Funding for the implementation of basic educational programs must be carried out in an amount not lower than the established standards for financing a higher education institution<*>.

<*>Clause 2 of Article 41 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” dated January 1, 2001 N 3266-1 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, N 3, Art. 150; 2002, N 26, Art. 2517; 2004, N 30, Art. 3086; N 35, Art. 3607; 2005, N 1, Art. 25; 2007, N 17, Art. 1932; N 44, Art. 5280).

7.19. A higher education institution implementing basic undergraduate educational programs must have a material and technical base that ensures all types of disciplinary and interdisciplinary training, laboratory, practical and research work of students provided for by the university curriculum and corresponding to the current sanitary and fire safety rules and regulations .

The minimum list of material and technical support required for the implementation of undergraduate education includes: specially equipped classrooms and classrooms: computer classes, language laboratories, classrooms equipped with multimedia teaching aids.

When using electronic publications, the university must provide each student with self-study a workstation in a computer lab with Internet access in accordance with the volume of disciplines studied.

The university is obliged to provide students with access to Internet-type networks at the rate of at least one login per 50 users.

The university must be provided with the necessary set of licensed software.



8.1. A higher education institution is obliged to ensure the quality of training, including by:

developing a strategy to ensure the quality of graduate training with the involvement of employer representatives;

monitoring, periodic review of educational programs;

development of objective procedures for assessing the level of knowledge and skills of students, competencies of graduates;

ensuring the competence of teaching staff;

regular self-examination based on agreed criteria to evaluate activities (strategies) and compare with other educational institutions with the involvement of representatives of employers;

informing the public about the results of its activities, plans, innovations.

8.2. Assessment of the quality of mastering basic educational programs should include ongoing monitoring of academic performance, intermediate certification of students and final state certification of graduates.

8.3. Specific forms and procedures for current and intermediate knowledge control in each discipline are developed by the university independently and brought to the attention of students during the first month of study.

8.4. Funds are created to certify students for compliance of their personal achievements with the stage-by-stage requirements of the relevant educational program (ongoing monitoring of progress and intermediate certification). valuation means, including standard assignments, tests, tests and control methods that allow you to assess knowledge, skills and the level of acquired competencies. Assessment funds are developed and approved by the university.

The university must create conditions for the maximum approximation of programs for ongoing monitoring of progress and intermediate certification students to the conditions of their future professional activity - for which, in addition to teachers of a particular discipline, employers, teachers teaching related disciplines, and so on should be actively involved as external experts.

8.5. Students should be given the opportunity to evaluate the content, organization and quality of the educational process as a whole, as well as the work of individual teachers.

8.6. The final state certification includes the defense of a bachelor's final qualifying thesis (bachelor's thesis). The state exam is introduced at the discretion of the university.

Requirements for the content, volume and structure of bachelor's work, as well as requirements for the state exam (if any) are determined by the higher education institution.

In accordance with subclause 5.2.41 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 3, 2013 No. 466 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 23, Art. 2923; No. 33, Art. 4386 ; No. 37, Art. 4702; 2014, No. 2, Art. 126; No. 6, Art. 582; No. 27, Art. 3776; 2015, No. 26, Art. 3898; No. 43, Art. 5976), and paragraph 17 Rules for the development, approval of federal state educational standards and amendments to them, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2013 No. 661 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 33, Art. 4377; 2014, No. 38, Art. 5069), I order:

Bachelor's program structure

Bachelor's program structure Scope of the bachelor's program in z.e.
academic bachelor's program applied bachelor's program
Block 1 Disciplines (modules) 216 - 219 207 - 213
Basic part 100 - 112 91 - 106
Variable part 107 - 116 107 - 116
Block 2 Practices 12 - 18 18 - 27
Variable part 12 - 18 18 - 27
Block 3 State final certification 6 - 9 6 - 9
Basic part 6 - 9 6 - 9
Scope of Bachelor's program 240 240

6.3. Disciplines (modules) related to the basic part of the bachelor's program are mandatory for the student to master, regardless of the focus (profile) of the bachelor's program that he is mastering. The set of disciplines (modules) related to the basic part of the undergraduate program is determined by the organization independently to the extent established by this Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education, taking into account the corresponding approximate (exemplary) main educational program(s).

6.4. Disciplines (modules) in philosophy, history, foreign language, life safety are implemented within the framework of Block 1 “Disciplines (modules)” of the undergraduate program. The volume, content and order of implementation of these disciplines (modules) are determined by the organization independently.

6.5. Disciplines (modules) in physical culture and sports are implemented within the framework of:

7.1.3. If a bachelor's degree program is implemented in network form requirements for the implementation of a bachelor's degree program must be provided by a set of resources, material, technical, educational and methodological support provided by organizations participating in the implementation of a bachelor's degree program in online form.

7.1.4. In the case of the implementation of a bachelor’s degree program in departments established in accordance with the established procedure in other organizations and (or) other structural divisions organization requirements for the implementation of a bachelor's degree program must be provided by the totality of the resources of these organizations.

7.1.5. The qualifications of management and scientific and pedagogical employees of the organization must correspond to the qualification characteristics established in the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees, section “Qualification Characteristics of Positions of Managers and Specialists of Higher Professional and Additional Professional Education”, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 2011 No. 1n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 23, 2011, registration No. 20237) and professional standards (if any).

7.1.6. The share of full-time scientific and pedagogical workers (in rates reduced to integer values) must be at least 50 percent of the total number of scientific and pedagogical workers of the organization.

7.2. Requirements for personnel conditions for the implementation of a bachelor's degree program.

7.2.1. The implementation of the bachelor's degree program is ensured by the management and scientific-pedagogical employees of the organization, as well as by persons involved in the implementation of the bachelor's degree program under the terms of a civil law contract.

7.2.2. The share of scientific and pedagogical workers (in terms of rates reduced to integer values) with an education corresponding to the profile of the taught discipline (module) in the total number of scientific and pedagogical workers implementing the undergraduate program must be at least 70 percent.

7.2.3. The share of scientific and pedagogical workers (in terms of rates converted to integer values) who have an academic degree (including an academic degree awarded abroad and recognized in the Russian Federation) and (or) an academic title (including an academic title received abroad and recognized by the Russian Federation), the total number of scientific and pedagogical workers implementing the undergraduate program must be at least 70 percent.

7.2.4. The share of employees (in terms of rates reduced to integer values) from among the managers and employees of organizations whose activities are related to the focus (profile) of the bachelor's degree program being implemented (with at least 3 years of work experience in this professional field) in the total number of employees implementing the bachelor's degree program, must be at least 10 percent.

7.3. Requirements for material, technical, educational and methodological support of the undergraduate program.

7.3.1. Special premises should be classrooms for conducting lecture-type classes, seminar-type classes, course design (execution coursework), group and individual consultations, ongoing monitoring and intermediate certification, as well as premises for independent work and premises for storage and preventative maintenance of educational equipment. Special premises must be equipped with specialized furniture and technical training aids used for presentation educational information large audience.

To conduct lecture-type classes, sets of demonstration equipment and educational visual aids are offered, providing thematic illustrations corresponding to the sample programs of disciplines (modules), working curriculum disciplines (modules).

The list of logistics necessary for the implementation of a bachelor's degree program includes laboratories equipped with laboratory equipment, depending on the degree of its complexity. Specific requirements for material, technical, educational and methodological support are determined in the approximate basic educational programs.

Premises for independent work of students must be equipped computer equipment with the ability to connect to the Internet and provide access to the electronic information and educational environment of the organization.

In the case of using e-learning and distance learning technologies, it is possible to replace specially equipped premises with their virtual counterparts, allowing students to master the skills required by their professional activities.

If the organization does not use an electronic library system (electronic library), the library fund must be equipped with printed publications at the rate of at least 50 copies of each edition of the basic literature listed in the work programs of disciplines (modules), practices and at least 25 copies of additional literature per 100 students.

7.3.2. The organization must be provided with the necessary set of licensed software (the content is determined in the work programs of disciplines (modules) and is subject to annual updating).

7.3.3. Electronic library systems (electronic library) and electronic information and educational environment must provide simultaneous access to at least 25 percent of students in the undergraduate program.

7.3.4. Students must be provided with access (remote access), including in the case of the use of e-learning, distance educational technologies, to modern professional databases and information reference systems, the composition of which is determined in the work programs of disciplines (modules) and is subject to annual updating.

7.3.5. Students from among persons with disabilities health should be provided with printed and (or) electronic educational resources in forms adapted to their health limitations.

7.4. Requirements for financial conditions for the implementation of a bachelor's degree program.

7.4.1. Financial support for the implementation of a bachelor's degree program must be carried out in an amount not lower than the basic standard costs established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services in the field of education for a given level of education and field of study, taking into account correction factors that take into account the specifics of educational programs in accordance with the Methodology for determining standard costs for the provision of public services for the implementation of state accredited educational programs higher education in specialties and areas of training approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 2, 2013 No. 638 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 16, 2013, registration No. 29967).


* List of areas of training for higher education - bachelor's degree, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 12, 2013 No. 1061 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 14, 2013, registration No. 30163), as amended by orders of the Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Russian Federation dated January 29, 2014 No. 63 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 28, 2014, registration No. 31448), dated August 20, 2014 No. 1033 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 3, 2014, registration No. 33947), dated October 13, 2014 No. 1313 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 13, 2014, registration No. 34691) and dated March 25, 2015 No. 270 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 22, 2015, registration No. 36994).

** Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ “On information, information technologies and information protection” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, No. 31, Art. 3448; 2010, No. 31, Art. 4196; 2011 , No. 15, Art. 2038; No. 30, Art. 4600; 2012, No. 31, Art. 4328; 2013, No. 14, Art. 1658; No. 23, Art. 2870; No. 27, Art. 3479; No. 52, Article 6961, Article 6963; 2014, No. 19, Article 2302; No. 30, Article 4223, Article 4243; No. 48, Article 6645; 2015, No. 1, Article 84), Federal Law of July 27 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, No. 31, Art. 3451; 2009, No. 48, Art. 5716; No. 52, Art. 6439; 2010, No. 27, Art. 3407; No. 31, Art. 4173, Art. 4196; No. 49, Art. 6409; 2011, No. 23, Art. 3263; No. 31, Art. 4701; 2013, No. 14, Art. 1651; No. 30, Art. 4038; No. 51, Art. 6683; 2014, No. 23, Art. 2927, No. 30, Art. 4217, Art. 4243).

Document overview

A new federal state educational standard for higher education in the field of study "Economics" (bachelor's level) has been approved (03/38/01).

It represents a set of requirements mandatory for the implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs in the above specialty.

The standard contains characteristics of the training and professional activities of graduates who have completed the bachelor's program. It also establishes requirements for mastery results and the structure of a bachelor’s program.

Valid Editorial from 21.12.2009

Document typeorder, standard
Receiving authorityMinistry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Document Number747
Acceptance date09.04.2010
Revision date21.12.2009
Registration number in the Ministry of Justice16500
Date of registration with the Ministry of Justice25.02.2010
  • "Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive authorities", N 13, 03/29/2010




1.1. This federal state educational standard for higher professional education (FSES HPE) is a set of requirements mandatory for the implementation of basic undergraduate educational programs in the field of study 080100 Economics by educational institutions of higher professional education (higher educational institutions, universities) on the territory of the Russian Federation that have state accreditation .

1.2. A higher education institution has the right to implement basic educational programs only if it has an appropriate license issued by an authorized federal executive body.


The following abbreviations are used in this standard:

HPE - higher professional education;

PLO - basic educational program;

OK - general cultural competencies;

PC - professional competencies;

UC OOP - educational cycle of the main educational program;

Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education is the federal state educational standard for higher professional education.


Standard period, total labor intensity of mastering basic educational programs (in credit units)<*>for full-time study and the corresponding qualification (degree) are given in Table 1.

<*>One credit unit corresponds to 36 academic hours.

Table 1

Timing, labor intensity of mastering PLO and qualifications (degree) of graduates

<*>The labor intensity of the main educational program for full-time study per academic year is equal to 60 credit units.

The time frame for mastering the basic educational program of a bachelor's degree in part-time (evening) and part-time forms of study, as well as in the case of a combination of various forms of study, may be increased by one year relative to the standard period indicated in Table 1, based on a decision of the Academic Council of a higher educational institution.


4.1. The area of ​​professional activity of bachelors includes:

economic, financial, marketing, production, economic and analytical services of organizations in various industries, spheres and forms of ownership,

financial, credit and insurance institutions,

state and municipal authorities,

academic and departmental research organizations,

general educational institutions, educational institutions of primary vocational, secondary vocational, higher vocational and additional vocational education.

4.2. The objects of professional activity of bachelors are the behavior of economic agents, their costs and results, functioning markets, financial and information flows, and production processes.

4.3. Bachelor in the field of study 080100 Economics prepares for the following types of professional activities:

settlement and economic;

analytical, research;

organizational and managerial;


Specific types of professional activities for which a bachelor is mainly prepared are determined by the higher education institution together with students, scientific and pedagogical workers of the higher education institution and employers' associations.

4.4. A bachelor in the field of study 080100 Economics must solve the following professional tasks in accordance with the types of professional activity:

preparation of initial data for carrying out calculations of economic and socio-economic indicators characterizing the activities of business entities;

carrying out calculations of economic and socio-economic indicators based on standard methods, taking into account the current regulatory framework;

development of economic sections of plans for enterprises of various forms of ownership, organizations, departments;

search for information on the received task, collection and analysis of data necessary for carrying out specific economic calculations;

processing of economic data arrays in accordance with the task, analysis, evaluation, interpretation of the results obtained and substantiation of conclusions;

construction of standard theoretical and econometric models of the studied processes, phenomena and objects related to the field of professional activity, analysis and interpretation of the results obtained;

analysis and interpretation of indicators characterizing socio-economic processes and phenomena at the micro- and macro-level both in Russia and abroad;

preparation of information reviews, analytical reports;

conducting statistical surveys, surveys, questionnaires and primary processing of their results;

participation in the development of design solutions in the field of professional activities, preparation of proposals and activities for the implementation of developed projects and programs;

participation in the development of options for management decisions, substantiation of their choice based on criteria of socio-economic efficiency, taking into account the risks and possible socio-economic consequences of the decisions made;

organizing the implementation of the assigned stage of work;

operational management of small teams and groups formed to implement a specific economic project;

participation in the preparation and decision-making on issues of organizing management and improving the activities of economic services and divisions of enterprises of various forms of ownership, organizations, departments, taking into account legal, administrative and other restrictions;

pedagogical activity

teaching economic disciplines in educational institutions, educational institutions of primary vocational, secondary vocational, higher vocational and additional vocational education.


5.1. The graduate must have the following general cultural competencies (GC):

has a culture of thinking, is capable of generalization, analysis, perception of information, setting a goal and choosing ways to achieve it (OK-1);

is able to understand and analyze worldview, socially and personally significant philosophical problems (OK-2);

able to understand driving forces and patterns of the historical process; events and processes of economic history; place and role of one’s country in the history of mankind and in modern world(OK-3);

is able to analyze socially significant problems and processes occurring in society and predict their possible development in the future (OK-4);

knows how to use regulatory legal documents in his activities (OK-5);

capable of logically correct, reasoned and clear construction of oral and written speech(OK-6);

ready to cooperate with colleagues and work in a team (OK-7);

is able to find organizational and managerial solutions and is ready to bear responsibility for them (OK-8);

capable of self-development, improving one’s qualifications and skills (OK-9);

is able to critically evaluate one’s strengths and weaknesses, outline ways and choose means of developing strengths and eliminating disadvantages (OK-10);

realizes the social significance of its future profession, has high motivation to perform professional activities (OK-11);

is able to understand the essence and significance of information in the development of a modern information society, recognize the dangers and threats that arise in this process, and comply with basic requirements information security, including protection of state secrets (OK-12);

knows the basic methods, methods and means of obtaining, storing, processing information, has skills in working with a computer as a means of managing information, is able to work with information in global computer networks (OK-13);

speaks one of the foreign languages ​​at a level not lower than conversational (OK-14);

knows the basic methods of protecting production personnel and the population from possible consequences accidents, disasters, natural disasters (OK-15);

owns the means of independent methodically correct use of physical education and health promotion methods, is ready to achieve the proper level of physical fitness to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities (OK-16).

5.2. The graduate must have the following professional competencies (PC):

settlement and economic activity

is able to collect and analyze the initial data necessary for calculating economic and socio-economic indicators characterizing the activities of business entities (PC-1);

is able, on the basis of standard methods and the current regulatory framework, to calculate economic and socio-economic indicators characterizing the activities of business entities (PC-2);

is able to perform the calculations necessary for drawing up the economic sections of the plans, justify them and present the results of the work in accordance with the standards accepted in the organization (PC-3);

analytical, research activities

is able to collect, analyze and process the data necessary to solve problems economic tasks(PC-4);

is able to select tools for processing economic data in accordance with the task, analyze the results of calculations and justify the conclusions obtained (PC-5);

is able to build standard theoretical and econometric models based on the description of economic processes and phenomena, analyze and meaningfully interpret the results obtained (PC-6);

is able to analyze and interpret financial, accounting and other information contained in the reporting of enterprises of various forms of ownership, organizations, departments and use the information obtained to make management decisions (PC-7);

is able to analyze and interpret data from domestic and foreign statistics on socio-economic processes and phenomena, identify trends in changes in socio-economic indicators (PC-8);

is able, using domestic and foreign sources of information, to collect the necessary data, analyze it and prepare an information review and/or analytical report (PC-9);

is able to use modern technical means and information technologies to solve analytical and research problems (PC-10);

organizational and managerial activities

is able to organize the activities of a small group created to implement a specific economic project (PC-11);

is able to use modern technical means and information technologies to solve communication problems (PK-12);

is able to critically evaluate the proposed options for management decisions and develop and justify proposals for their improvement, taking into account the criteria of socio-economic efficiency, risks and possible socio-economic consequences (PC-13);

pedagogical activity

is able to teach economic disciplines in educational institutions at various levels, using existing programs and teaching materials (PK-14);

is able to take part in the improvement and development of educational and methodological support for economic disciplines (PK-15).


6.1. The main undergraduate educational program provides for the study of the following educational cycles (Table 2):

humanitarian, social and economic cycles;

mathematical and natural science cycle;

professional cycle;

and sections:

Physical Culture;

educational and practical training and/or research work;

final state certification.

6.2. Each academic cycle has a basic (compulsory) part and a variable (profile) part, established by the university. The variable (profile) part provides the opportunity to expand and (or) deepen knowledge, skills and abilities determined by the content of basic (compulsory) disciplines (modules), allows the student to obtain in-depth knowledge and skills for successful professional activity and (or) to continue professional education in master's degree

6.3. The basic (mandatory) part of the cycle “Humanitarian, social and economic cycle” should include the study of the following compulsory disciplines: “History”, “Philosophy”, “Foreign language”.

The basic (mandatory) part of the professional cycle should include the study of the discipline “Life Safety”.

Implementation of the bachelor's degree program at the discretion of a higher education institution is possible both with and without the allocation of bachelor's training profiles. In the case of the implementation of the bachelor's educational program with the identification of training profiles, the variable (profile) part of the professional cycle should include the study of disciplines that form knowledge, skills, and abilities in accordance with the training profiles. The labor intensity of these disciplines in credit units is 20 percent of the total labor intensity of the bachelor's training program.

table 2

Structure of undergraduate education

CA code OOPEducational cycles, sections and projected results of their developmentLabor intensity (Credits)<1> List of disciplines for development sample programs, as well as textbooks and teaching aidsCodes of formed competencies
B.1Humanitarian, social and economic cycle38 - 48 Story
Foreign language
Business ethics<2>
Speech culture and business communication<2>
Basic part20 - 24
- patterns and stages of the historical process, main events and processes of world and domestic economic history;
- basic philosophical concepts and categories, patterns of development of nature, society and thinking;
- basic regulatory legal documents;
be able to:
- apply the conceptual and categorical apparatus, the basic laws of the humanities and social sciences in professional activities;
- navigate the world historical process, analyze processes and phenomena occurring in society;
- apply methods and means of cognition for intellectual development, increasing cultural level, professional competence;
- use a foreign language in interpersonal communication and professional activities;
- navigate the system of legislation and regulations governing the scope of professional activity;
- use legal norms in professional and social activities;
- skills of philosophical thinking to develop a systematic, holistic view of the problems of society;
- skills of expressing your thoughts and opinions in interpersonal and business communication in a foreign language;
- skills in extracting the necessary information from an original text in a foreign language on economics and business issues;
- skills of public speaking, argumentation, discussion;
- skills of literary and business written and oral speech in Russian, skills of public and scientific speech;
B.2Mathematical cycle40 - 50 Mathematical analysis
Linear algebra
Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics
Optimal solution methods<3>
Game theory<3>
Basic part20 - 24
As a result of studying the basic part of the cycle, the student must:
- basics mathematical analysis, linear algebra, probability theory and mathematical statistics, necessary to solve economic problems;
be able to:
- apply methods of mathematical analysis and modeling, theoretical and experimental research to solve economic problems;
- skills in using modern mathematical tools to solve economic problems;
- methodology for constructing, analyzing and applying mathematical models to assess the state and forecast development economic phenomena and processes;
Variable part (knowledge, abilities, skills are determined by the educational program of the university)
B.3Professional cycle130 - 140 Macroeconomics
Life safety
Accounting and Analysis<4>
Money, credit, banks<4>
Institutional economy<4>
History of Economic Thought<4>
Corporate finance<4>
Macroeconomic planning and forecasting<4>
World economy and international economic relations<4>
Theory of industrial markets<4>
Labor Economics<4>
Public Sector Economics<4>
Basic (general professional) part 60 - 64
As a result of studying the basic part of the cycle, the student must:
- patterns of functioning of the modern economy at the macro and micro levels;
- basic concepts, categories and tools of economic theory and applied economic disciplines;
- main features of leading schools and areas of economic science;
- methods for constructing econometric models of objects, phenomena and processes;
- basics of construction, calculation and analysis modern system indicators characterizing the activities of economic entities at the micro and macro levels;
- main features of the Russian economy, its institutional structure, directions economic policy states;
be able to:
- analyze the interrelation of economic phenomena, processes and institutions at the micro- and macro-level;
- identify problems of an economic nature when analyzing specific situations, propose ways to solve them, taking into account the criteria of socio-economic efficiency, risk assessment and possible socio-economic consequences;
- calculate economic and socio-economic indicators based on standard methods and the current regulatory framework;
- use sources of economic, social, management information;
- analyze and interpret financial, accounting and other information contained in the reporting of enterprises of various forms of ownership, organizations, departments, etc. and use the information received to make management decisions;
- analyze and interpret data from domestic and foreign statistics on socio-economic processes and phenomena, identify trends in changes in socio-economic indicators;
- search for information based on received information
- assignment, collection, analysis of data necessary to solve the assigned economic problems;
- select tools for processing economic data in accordance with the task, analyze the results of calculations and justify the conclusions obtained;
- build standard theoretical and econometric models based on descriptions of situations, analyze and meaningfully interpret the results obtained;
- predict, on the basis of standard theoretical and econometric models, the behavior of economic agents, the development of economic processes and phenomena, at the micro- and macro-level;
- present the results of analytical and research work in the form of a speech, report, information review, analytical report, article;
- organize the implementation of a specific assigned stage of work;
- organize the work of a small team, working group;
- develop projects in the field of economics and business, taking into account regulatory, resource, administrative and other restrictions
- methodology of economic research;
- modern methods of collecting, processing and analyzing economic and social data;
- modern methods of constructing econometric models;
- methods and techniques for analyzing economic phenomena and processes using standard theoretical and econometric models;
- modern methods of calculation and analysis of socio-economic indicators characterizing economic processes and phenomena at the micro- and macro-level;
- skills of independent work, self-organization and organization of assignments;
- the main methods of protecting production personnel and the population from the possible consequences of accidents, catastrophes, and natural disasters. Variable part (knowledge, abilities, skills are determined by the educational program of the university in accordance with the training profiles)
B.4Physical Culture2 OK-16
B.5Educational and industrial practice, practical skills and abilities are determined by the educational program of the university8 - 12 OK-7, OK-8, OK-9, OK-11, OK-12, OK-13, OK-15, PK-1, PK-2, PK-3, PK-4, PK-5, PK- 6, PK-7, PK-8, PK-9, PK-10, PK-11, PK-12, PK-13
B.6Final state certification12 OK-1, OK-5, OK-6, PC-1, PC-2, PC-3, PC-4, PC-5, PC-6, PC-7, PC-8, PC-9, PC- 10
Total labor intensity of the main educational program240

<1>The complexity of cycles B.1, B.2, B.3 and sections B.4, B.5 includes all types of current and intermediate certifications.

<2>The university selects two disciplines from the list provided.

<3>The university selects one discipline from the list provided.

<4>The university selects eight disciplines from the list provided.


7.1. Educational institutions independently develop and approve the undergraduate educational program, which includes the curriculum, work programs of training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) and other materials that ensure the education and quality of training of students, as well as educational and practical training programs, academic calendar and teaching materials that ensure the implementation of appropriate educational technology.

The OOP profile is determined by the higher education institution in accordance with the approximate basic educational program of higher professional education.

Higher education institutions are required to annually update basic educational programs taking into account the development of science, culture, economics, technology, technology and the social sphere.

7.2. When developing undergraduate educational programs, the university’s capabilities in developing general cultural competencies of graduates (for example, competencies of social interaction, self-organization and self-government, systemic and activity-based) must be determined. The university is obliged to create a socio-cultural environment and create the conditions necessary for the comprehensive development of the individual.

The university is obliged to promote the development of the social and educational component of the educational process, including the development of student self-government, the participation of students in the work of public organizations, sports and creative clubs, and scientific student societies.

7.3. The implementation of a competency-based approach should include the widespread use in the educational process of active and interactive forms of conducting classes (computer simulations, business and role-playing games, case studies, psychological and other trainings) in combination with extracurricular work in order to form and develop students’ professional skills. The training courses should include meetings with representatives of Russian and foreign companies, government and public organizations, master classes with experts and specialists.

The proportion of classes conducted in interactive forms is determined by the main goal of the educational program, the characteristics of the student population and the content of specific disciplines, and in general in the educational process they should make up at least 20 percent of classroom classes. Lecture-type classes for appropriate groups of students cannot account for more than 50 percent of classroom classes.

7.4. The curriculum of each discipline (module) must clearly formulate the final learning outcomes in organic connection with the acquired knowledge, skills and acquired competencies in general in OOP. The total labor intensity of the discipline cannot be less than two credit units (with the exception of disciplines of the students’ choice). For disciplines whose labor intensity is more than three credit units, a grade must be given ("excellent", "good", "satisfactory").

7.5. The main educational program must contain disciplines of students' choice in the amount of at least one third of the variable part in total for cycles B.1, B.2 and B.3. The procedure for forming disciplines of students' choice is established by the Academic Council of the university.

7.6. Maximum volume study load students cannot be more than 54 academic hours per week, including all types of classroom and extracurricular (independent) educational work to master the main educational program and elective disciplines established by the university in addition to the general educational program and which are optional for students to study.

7.7. The maximum volume of classroom training per week when mastering the main educational program in full-time education is no more than 27 academic hours. The specified volume does not include mandatory classroom lessons in physical education.

7.8. In the case of implementation of bachelor's educational programs in other forms of education, the maximum volume of classroom lessons is established in accordance with the Model Regulations on an educational institution of higher professional education (higher educational institution), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2008 N 71 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, No. 8, Article 731).

7.9. The total amount of vacation time in the academic year should be 7 - 10 weeks, including at least two weeks in the winter.

In higher educational institutions that provide military and/or law enforcement service, the duration of vacation time for students is determined in accordance with regulatory legal acts regulating the procedure for serving<*>.

<*>Provisions on the order of passage military service, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 N 1237 “Issues of military service” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 38, Art. 4534).

7.10. The section "Physical Education" with a labor intensity of two credit units is implemented:

In case of full-time training, as a rule, it is 400 hours, while the volume of practical training, including game types, must be at least 360 hours.

7.11. The university is obliged to provide students with a real opportunity to participate in the formation of their educational program, including the possible development of individual educational programs.

7.12. The university is obliged to familiarize students with their rights and responsibilities when forming an educational program, and explain that the disciplines (modules) chosen by students become mandatory for them.

7.13. The undergraduate educational program of a university should include laboratory workshops and practical classes in the following disciplines (modules) of the basic part, which form students’ skills in the field of econometric and statistical research, as well as in disciplines (modules) of the variable part, the work programs of which provide for the goals of developing students relevant skills and abilities.

7.14. Students have the following rights and responsibilities:

Students have the right, within the scope of study time allotted for mastering elective disciplines (modules) provided for by the educational program, to choose specific disciplines (modules);

when forming their individual educational program, students have the right to receive advice from the university on the choice of disciplines (modules) and their impact on the future profile of training;

Students transferring from another higher educational institution, if they have the appropriate documents, have the right to re-credit previously mastered disciplines (modules) on the basis of certification;

Students are required to complete all tasks provided for by the university’s educational program within the established time frame.

7.15. The section of the main undergraduate educational program "Educational and industrial practice" is mandatory and represents a type of training sessions directly focused on the professional and practical training of students.

Specific types of practices are determined by the university’s educational program. Goals and objectives, programs and reporting forms are determined by the university for each type of practice.

Internships are carried out in third-party organizations or in departments and laboratories of the university (educational practice) that have the necessary personnel, scientific and technical potential.

Certification based on the results of practice is carried out on the basis of an assessment of the student’s solution to practice problems, feedback from practice managers about the level of his knowledge and qualifications. Based on the results of the certification, a differentiated assessment is given.

A section of educational practice may be the student’s research work. If it is available, when developing a research program, the higher education institution must provide students with the opportunity to:

study specialized literature and other scientific information, achievements of domestic and foreign science in the field of economics;

participate in scientific research;

collect, process, analyze and systematize scientific information on the topic (task);

draw up reports (sections of the report) on a topic or its section (stage, task);

make a presentation at conferences at various levels.

7.16. The implementation of basic undergraduate educational programs should be ensured by scientific and pedagogical personnel who, as a rule, have a basic education corresponding to the profile of the discipline being taught, and who are systematically engaged in scientific and (or) scientific and methodological activities.

The share of teachers with an academic degree and/or academic title in the total number of teachers providing the educational process for this main educational program must be at least 60 percent, an academic degree of Doctor of Science (including a degree awarded abroad, documents on conferment which have undergone the established procedure for recognition and establishment of equivalence) and/or the academic title of professor must be held by at least eight percent of teachers.

Professional cycle teachers must have a basic education and/or academic degree corresponding to the profile of the discipline taught. At least 60 percent of teachers (in terms of integer rates) providing educational process in the professional cycle must have academic degrees or academic titles. At least five percent of teachers from among the current managers and employees of specialized organizations must be involved in the educational process.

Up to 10 percent of the total number of teachers with an academic degree and/or academic title can be replaced by teachers who have practical experience in this area as managers or leading specialists for more than the last 10 years.

7.17. The main educational program must be provided with educational and methodological documentation and materials for all educational courses, disciplines (modules) of the main educational program. The content of each of these academic disciplines(modules) must be presented on the Internet or local network of an educational institution.

Students’ extracurricular work must be accompanied by methodological support and justification for the time spent on its implementation.

Each student must be provided with access to an electronic library system containing publications on the main disciplines studied and formed in agreement with the copyright holders of educational and educational literature.

At the same time, it must be possible to provide simultaneous individual access to such a system for at least 25 percent of students.

The library fund must be equipped with printed and/or electronic editions of the main educational literature in the disciplines of the basic part of all cycles, published over the last 10 years (for the disciplines of the basic part of the humanitarian, social and economic cycle - over the last five years), at a rate of at least 25 copies such publications for every 100 students.

In addition to educational literature, the collection of additional literature should include official, reference, bibliographic and specialized periodicals in the amount of 1 - 2 copies for every 100 students.

The electronic library system must provide individual access for each student from any point where there is access to the Internet.

The prompt exchange of information with domestic and foreign universities and organizations must be carried out in compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on intellectual property and international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of intellectual property. Students should be provided with access to modern professional databases, information reference and search systems.

7.18. When introducing undergraduate education, the Academic Council of a higher educational institution approves the amount of funds for the implementation of the relevant basic educational programs.

Funding for the implementation of basic educational programs must be carried out in an amount not lower than the established standards for financing a higher education institution<*>.

<*>Clause 2 of Article 41 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" dated July 10, 1992 N 3266-1 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, N 3, Art. 150; 2002, N 26, Art. 2517; 2004, N 30, Art. 3086; N 35, Art. 3607; 2005, N 1, Art. 25; 2007, N 17, Art. 1932; N 44, Art. 5280).

7.19. A higher education institution implementing basic undergraduate educational programs must have a material and technical base that ensures all types of disciplinary and interdisciplinary training, laboratory, practical and research work of students provided for by the university curriculum and corresponding to the current sanitary and fire safety rules and regulations .

The minimum list of material and technical support required for the implementation of undergraduate education includes: specially equipped classrooms and classrooms: computer classes, language laboratories, classrooms equipped with multimedia teaching aids.

When using electronic publications, the university must provide each student with a workstation in a computer lab with Internet access during self-study in accordance with the volume of disciplines studied.

The university is obliged to provide students with access to Internet-type networks at the rate of at least one login per 50 users.

The university must be provided with the necessary set of licensed software.


8.1. A higher education institution is obliged to ensure the quality of training, including by:

developing a strategy to ensure the quality of graduate training with the involvement of employer representatives;

monitoring, periodic review of educational programs;

development of objective procedures for assessing the level of knowledge and skills of students, competencies of graduates;

ensuring the competence of teaching staff;

regular self-examination based on agreed criteria to evaluate activities (strategies) and compare with other educational institutions with the involvement of representatives of employers;

informing the public about the results of its activities, plans, innovations.

8.2. Assessment of the quality of mastering basic educational programs should include ongoing monitoring of academic performance, intermediate certification of students and final state certification of graduates.

8.3. Specific forms and procedures for current and intermediate knowledge control in each discipline are developed by the university independently and brought to the attention of students during the first month of study.

8.4. To certify students for compliance of their personal achievements with the stage-by-stage requirements of the relevant educational program (ongoing monitoring of progress and intermediate certification), funds of assessment tools are created, including standard tasks, test papers, tests and control methods that allow you to assess knowledge, skills and the level of acquired competencies. Assessment funds are developed and approved by the university.

The university must create conditions for the programs of ongoing monitoring of progress and intermediate certification of students to be as close as possible to the conditions of their future professional activities - for which, in addition to teachers of a particular discipline, employers, teachers teaching related disciplines, and so on should be actively involved as external experts.

8.5. Students should be given the opportunity to evaluate the content, organization and quality of the educational process as a whole, as well as the work of individual teachers.

8.6. The final state certification includes the defense of a bachelor's final qualifying thesis (bachelor's thesis). The state exam is introduced at the discretion of the university.

Requirements for the content, volume and structure of bachelor's work, as well as requirements for the state exam (if any) are determined by the higher education institution.

Approved by the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education in the field of study 38.03.01 Economics (hereinafter referred to as the bachelor's program, field of study).

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of November 12, 2015 N 1327
"On approval of the federal state educational standard of higher education in the field of study 38.03.01 Economics (undergraduate level)"

In accordance with subclause 5.2.41 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 3, 2013 N 466 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 23, Art. 2923; N 33, Art. 4386 ; N 37, Art. 4702; 2014, N 2, Art. 126; N 6, Art. 582; N 27, Art. 3776; 2015, N 26, Art. 3898; N 43, Art. 5976), and paragraph 17 Rules for the development, approval of federal state educational standards and amendments to them, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2013 N 661 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 33, Art. 4377; 2014, N 38, Art. 5069), I order:

1. Approve the attached federal state educational standard of higher education in the field of study 38.03.01 Economics (undergraduate level).

2. To recognize as invalid:

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 21, 2009 N 747 "On approval and implementation of the federal state educational standard of higher professional education in the field of training 080100 Economics (qualification (degree) "bachelor")" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation February 25, 2010, registration N 16500);

Clause 70 of the changes that are being made to the federal state educational standards of higher professional education in areas of training, confirmed by the assignment of qualifications (degrees) of “bachelor” to individuals, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2011 N 1975 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation Federation June 28, 2011, registration N 21200).

D.V. Livanov

Registration N 39906


Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education
Level of higher education
Bachelor's degree
Direction of training
03/38/01. Economy
(approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 12, 2015 N 1327)

I. Scope of application

This federal state educational standard of higher education is a set of requirements that are mandatory for the implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - undergraduate programs in the field of study 03/38/01. Economics (hereinafter referred to as the bachelor's program, field of study).

II. Abbreviations used

The following abbreviations are used in this federal state educational standard:

OK - general cultural competencies;

GPC - general professional competencies;

PC - professional competencies;

FSES VO - federal state educational standard of higher education;

Network form is a network form of implementation of educational programs.

III. Characteristics of the direction of training

3.1. Receiving education under a bachelor's degree program is allowed only in educational organization higher education (hereinafter referred to as the organization).

3.2. Bachelor's degree programs in organizations are carried out in full-time, part-time and part-time forms of study.

The volume of the bachelor's degree program is 240 credit units (hereinafter referred to as credits), regardless of the form of study, the educational technologies used, the implementation of the bachelor's degree program using an online form, the implementation of the bachelor's degree program according to an individual curriculum, including accelerated learning.

3.3. Duration of obtaining education under the bachelor's program:

Full-time education, including vacations provided after passing the final state certification, regardless of the educational technologies used, is 4 years. The volume of a full-time bachelor's degree program implemented in one academic year is 60 credits;

In full-time or part-time forms of education, regardless of the educational technologies used, it increases by no less than 6 months and no more than 1 year compared to the period of obtaining education in full-time education. The volume of a bachelor's degree program for one academic year in full-time or part-time forms of study cannot be more than 75 credits;

When studying according to an individual curriculum, regardless of the form of study, it is no more than the period for obtaining education established for the corresponding form of study, and when studying according to an individual plan for persons with disabilities, it can be increased at their request by no more than 1 year according to compared with the period of obtaining education for the corresponding form of training. The volume of a bachelor's degree program for one academic year when studying according to an individual plan, regardless of the form of study, cannot be more than 75 z.e.

The specific period for obtaining education and the volume of a bachelor's degree program implemented in one academic year, in full-time or part-time forms of study, as well as according to an individual plan, are determined by the organization independently within the time limits established by this paragraph.

3.4. When implementing a bachelor's degree program, an organization has the right to use e-learning and distance learning technologies.

When training people with disabilities, e-learning and distance educational technologies must provide for the possibility of receiving and transmitting information in forms accessible to them.

3.5. The implementation of a bachelor's degree program is possible using a network form.

3.6. Educational activities Bachelor's program is carried out on state language Russian Federation, unless otherwise specified by the local regulatory act of the organization.

IV. Characteristics of the professional activities of graduates who have completed the bachelor's program

4.1. The area of ​​professional activity of graduates who have completed the bachelor's program includes:

Economic, financial, marketing, production, economic and analytical services of organizations in various industries, spheres and forms of ownership;

Financial, credit and insurance institutions;

State and municipal authorities;

Academic and departmental research organizations;

Institutions of higher and secondary vocational education, secondary general education, and additional education systems.

4.2. The objects of professional activity of graduates who have completed the bachelor's program are the behavior of economic agents, their costs and results, functioning markets, financial and information flows, and production processes.

4.3. Types of professional activities for which graduates who have completed the bachelor's program are prepared:

Settlement and economic;

Analytical, scientific research;

Organizational and managerial;



Settlement and financial;



When developing and implementing a bachelor's degree program, the organization focuses on the specific type(s) of professional activity for which the bachelor is preparing, based on the needs of the labor market, research and material and technical resources of the organization.

The undergraduate program is formed by the organization depending on the types of educational activities and the requirements for the results of mastering the educational program:

Oriented towards research and/or pedagogical view(types) of professional activity as the main (main) (hereinafter referred to as the academic bachelor's program);

Focused on practice-oriented, applied type(s) of professional activity as the main(s) (hereinafter referred to as the applied bachelor's program).

4.4. A graduate who has completed a bachelor's program, in accordance with the type(s) of professional activity to which the bachelor's program is focused, must be ready to solve the following professional tasks:

Preparation of initial data for carrying out calculations of economic and socio-economic indicators characterizing the activities of business entities;

Carrying out calculations of economic and socio-economic indicators based on standard methods, taking into account the current regulatory framework;

Development of economic sections of plans for enterprises of various forms of ownership, organizations, departments;

Searching for information on the received task, collecting and analyzing data necessary to carry out specific economic calculations;

Processing of economic data arrays in accordance with the task, analysis, evaluation, interpretation of the results obtained and substantiation of conclusions;

Construction of standard theoretical and econometric models of the studied processes, phenomena and objects related to the field of professional activity, analysis and interpretation of the results obtained;

Analysis and interpretation of indicators characterizing socio-economic processes and phenomena at the micro- and macro-level both in Russia and abroad;

Preparation of information reviews, analytical reports;

Conducting statistical surveys, surveys, questionnaires and primary processing of their results;

Participation in the development of design solutions in the field of professional activities, preparation of proposals and activities for the implementation of developed projects and programs;

Participation in the development of options for management decisions, substantiation of their choice based on criteria of socio-economic efficiency, taking into account the risks and possible socio-economic consequences of the decisions made;

Organizing the implementation of the assigned stage of work;

Operational management of small teams and groups formed to implement a specific economic project;

Participation in the preparation and adoption of decisions on the organization of management and improvement of the activities of economic services and divisions of enterprises of various forms of ownership, organizations, departments, taking into account legal, administrative and other restrictions;

Pedagogical activities:

Teaching economic disciplines in institutions of higher and secondary vocational education, secondary general education, and additional education systems.

When developing and implementing bachelor's degree programs, an educational organization focuses on the specific type(s) of professional activity for which the bachelor is preparing, based on the needs of the labor market, the research and material and technical resources of the educational organization;

Accounting activities:

Documenting business transactions and maintaining accounting records of the organization’s property;

Maintaining accounting records of sources of property formation, performing work on inventory of property and financial obligations of the organization;

Carrying out settlements with the budget and extra-budgetary funds;

Preparation and use of financial statements;

Implementation of tax accounting and tax planning in the organization.

Participation in the implementation of financial and economic planning in the sector of state and municipal government and the organization of execution of budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation;

Conducting settlements with the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation;

Preparation of financial calculations and implementation of financial transactions;

Implementation of professional application of legislation and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating financial activities;

Participation in organization and implementation financial control in the sector of state and municipal government;

Banking activities:

Conducting settlement transactions;

Carrying out credit operations;

Execution of transactions with securities;

Carrying out operations related to the performance by Bank of Russia institutions of basic functions;

Execution of intrabank operations;

Insurance activities:

Implementation of various retail sales technologies in insurance;

Organization of sales of insurance products;

Support of insurance contracts (determining franchise, insurance cost and premium);

Registration and support of an insured event (assessment of insurance damage, settlement of losses);

Maintaining accounting records and preparing reports for an insurance company.

V. Requirements for the results of mastering the bachelor's program

5.1. As a result of mastering the bachelor's program, the graduate must develop general cultural, general professional and professional competencies.

5.2. A graduate who has completed a bachelor's program must have the following general cultural competencies:

The ability to use the fundamentals of philosophical knowledge to form a worldview position (OK-1);

Ability to analyze main stages and patterns historical development society for the formation of civic position (OK-2);

The ability to use the basics of economic knowledge in various fields of activity (OK-3);

Ability to communicate orally and in writing in Russian and foreign languages ​​to solve problems of interpersonal and intercultural interaction (OK-4);

Ability to work in a team, tolerantly perceiving social, ethnic, religious and cultural differences (OK-5);

The ability to use the basics of legal knowledge in various fields of activity (OK-6);

Ability for self-organization and self-education (OK-7);

The ability to use methods and means of physical culture to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities (OK-8);

Ability to use first aid techniques, methods of protection in conditions emergency situations(OK-9).

5.3. A graduate who has completed a bachelor's program must have the following general professional competencies:

The ability to solve standard problems of professional activity on the basis of information and bibliographic culture using information and communication technologies and taking into account the basic requirements of information security (GPC-1);

The ability to collect, analyze and process data necessary to solve professional problems (OPK-2);

The ability to select tools for processing economic data in accordance with the task, analyze the results of calculations and justify the conclusions obtained (OPK-3);

The ability to find organizational and managerial solutions in professional activities and the willingness to bear responsibility for them (GPC-4).

5.4. A graduate who has completed a bachelor's degree program must have professional competencies corresponding to the type(s) of professional activity that the bachelor's program is focused on:

Settlement and economic activities:

The ability to collect and analyze the initial data necessary for calculating economic and socio-economic indicators characterizing the activities of business entities (PC-1);

The ability, based on standard methods and the current regulatory framework, to calculate economic and socio-economic indicators characterizing the activities of business entities (PC-2);

The ability to perform the calculations necessary for drawing up the economic sections of plans, justify them and present the results of the work in accordance with the standards accepted in the organization (PC-3);

Analytical, research activities:

The ability to build standard theoretical and econometric models based on the description of economic processes and phenomena, analyze and meaningfully interpret the results obtained (PC-4);

The ability to analyze and interpret financial, accounting and other information contained in the reporting of enterprises of various forms of ownership, organizations, departments, etc. and use the information obtained to make management decisions (PC-5);

The ability to analyze and interpret data from domestic and foreign statistics on socio-economic processes and phenomena, identify trends in changes in socio-economic indicators (PC-6);

The ability, using domestic and foreign sources of information, to collect the necessary data, analyze it and prepare an information review and/or analytical report (PC-7);

The ability to use modern technical means and information technologies to solve analytical and research problems (PC-8);

Organizational and managerial activities:

The ability to organize the activities of a small group created to implement a specific economic project (PC-9);

The ability to use modern technical means and information technologies to solve communication problems (PC-10);

The ability to critically evaluate proposed options for management decisions and develop and justify proposals for their improvement, taking into account the criteria of socio-economic efficiency, risks and possible socio-economic consequences (PC-11);

Pedagogical activities:

The ability to use existing programs and teaching materials in teaching economic disciplines in educational institutions at various levels (PK-12);

The ability to take part in the improvement and development of educational and methodological support for economic disciplines (PK-13);

Accounting activities:

The ability to document business transactions, keep track of funds, develop a working chart of accounts for the organization’s accounting and create accounting entries based on it (PC-14);

The ability to generate accounting entries for accounting sources and results of inventory and financial obligations of the organization (PC-15);

The ability to draw up payment documents and generate accounting entries for the calculation and transfer of taxes and fees to budgets of various levels, insurance contributions to extra-budgetary funds (PK-16);

The ability to reflect the results of economic activities for the reporting period on the accounting accounts, draw up forms of accounting and statistical reporting, tax returns (PK-17);

Ability to organize and carry out tax accounting and tax planning of an organization (PK-18);

Settlement and financial activities:

The ability to calculate the indicators of project budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation, ensure their execution and control, draw up budget estimates for government institutions and plans for the financial and economic activities of budgetary and autonomous institutions (PC-19);

Ability to work on tax planning as part of the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation (PK-20);

The ability to draw up financial plans for the organization, ensure the implementation of financial relationships with organizations and bodies state power and local government (PC-21);

The ability to apply rules governing budgetary, tax, and currency relations in the field of insurance, banking, accounting and control (PC-22);

The ability to participate in activities to organize and conduct financial control in the sector of state and municipal government, to take measures to implement identified deviations (PC-23);

Banking activities:

Ability to carry out settlement and cash services for clients, interbank settlements, settlements for export-import transactions (PK-24);

The ability to assess the creditworthiness of clients, carry out and process the issuance and support of loans, conduct operations in the interbank loan market, form and regulate target reserves (PC-25);

Ability to carry out active-passive and intermediary transactions with securities (PC-26);

The ability to prepare reports and ensure control over compliance with the reserve requirements of the Bank of Russia (PC-27);

The ability to keep records of property, income, expenses and results of activities of credit institutions, pay taxes, and prepare financial statements (PK-28);

Insurance activities:

The ability to carry out operational sales planning, organize retail sales, implement various sales technologies in insurance, analyze the effectiveness of each sales channel (PC-29);

The ability to document insurance transactions, keep records of insurance contracts, analyze the main sales indicators of an insurance organization (PK-30);

The ability to carry out actions to register an insured event, draw up reports, statistics of losses, take measures to prevent insurance fraud (PC-31);

Ability to maintain accounting records in an insurance organization, prepare reports for submission to supervisory authorities (PC-32).

5.5. When developing a bachelor's program, all general cultural and general professional competencies, as well as professional competencies related to those types of professional activities that the bachelor's program is focused on, are included in the set of required results for mastering the bachelor's program.

5.6. When developing a bachelor's program, an organization has the right to supplement the set of competencies of graduates, taking into account the focus of the bachelor's program on specific areas of knowledge and (or) type(s) of activity.

5.7. When developing a bachelor's program, the organization sets the requirements for learning outcomes in individual disciplines (modules) and practices independently, taking into account the requirements of the corresponding exemplary basic educational programs.

VI. Requirements for the structure of the undergraduate program

6.1. The structure of the bachelor's program includes a mandatory part (basic) and a part formed by participants in educational relations (variable). This provides the opportunity to implement bachelor's degree programs with different focus (profile) of education within the same area of ​​training (hereinafter referred to as the focus (profile) of the program).

6.2. The undergraduate program consists of the following blocks:

Block 1 “Disciplines (modules)”, which includes disciplines (modules) related to the basic part of the program and disciplines (modules) related to its variable part.

Block 2 “Practices”, which fully relates to the variable part of the program.

Block 3 “State Final Certification”, which fully relates to the basic part of the program and ends with the assignment of qualifications specified in the list of specialties and areas of higher education training approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation*.

Bachelor's program structure

Bachelor's program structure

Scope of Bachelor's program

Academic Bachelor's Program

Applied Bachelor's Program

Disciplines (modules)

Basic part

Variable part


Variable part

State final certification

Basic part

Scope of Bachelor's program

6.3. Disciplines (modules) related to the basic part of the bachelor's program are mandatory for the student to master, regardless of the focus (profile) of the bachelor's program that he is mastering. The set of disciplines (modules) related to the basic part of the undergraduate program is determined by the organization independently to the extent established by this Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education, taking into account the corresponding approximate (exemplary) main educational program(s).

6.4. Disciplines (modules) in philosophy, history, foreign language, life safety are implemented within the framework of the basic part of Block 1 “Disciplines (modules)” of the undergraduate program. The volume, content and order of implementation of these disciplines (modules) are determined by the organization independently.

6.5. Disciplines (modules) in physical culture and sports are implemented within the framework of:

The basic part of Block 1 “Disciplines (modules)” of the undergraduate program in the amount of at least 72 academic hours (2 credits) in full-time study;

Elective disciplines (modules) in the amount of at least 328 academic hours. The specified academic hours are mandatory for mastering and are not converted into credit units.

Disciplines (modules) in physical culture and sports are implemented in the manner established by the organization. For disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities, the organization establishes a special procedure for mastering disciplines (modules) in physical education and sports, taking into account their health status.

6.6. Disciplines (modules) related to the variable part of the bachelor's program and practices determine the focus (profile) of the bachelor's program. The set of disciplines (modules) related to the variable part of the undergraduate program and practices are determined by the organization independently to the extent established by this Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education. After the student has chosen the focus (profile) of the program, a set of relevant disciplines (modules) and practices becomes mandatory for the student to master.

6.7. Block 2 “Practices” includes educational and industrial internships, including pre-graduation internships.

Types of educational practice:

Practice to obtain primary professional skills, including primary skills and skills in research activities.

Methods of conducting educational practice:



Types of internship:

Practice to gain professional skills and experience in professional activities;

Technological practice;

Teaching practice;

Research work.

Methods of conducting practical training:



Undergraduate practice is carried out to complete the final qualifying work and is mandatory.

When developing bachelor's degree programs, the organization selects types of practices depending on the type(s) of activity to which the bachelor's program is focused. The organization has the right to provide for other types of internships in the undergraduate program in addition to those established by this Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education.

Educational and (or) practical training can be carried out in the structural divisions of the organization.

For persons with disabilities, the choice of practice sites should take into account their health status and accessibility requirements.

6.8. Block 3 “State Final Certification” includes the defense of the final qualifying work, including preparation for the defense procedure and the defense procedure, as well as preparation for and passing the state exam (if the organization included the state exam as part of the state final certification).

6.9. When developing a bachelor's degree program, students are provided with the opportunity to master elective disciplines (modules), including special conditions for people with disabilities and people with limited health capabilities, in an amount of at least 30 percent of the volume of the variable part of Block 1 "Disciplines (modules)".

6.10. The number of hours allocated for lecture-type classes as a whole for Block 1 “Disciplines (modules)” should be no more than 50 percent of the total number of classroom hours allocated for the implementation of this Block.

VII. Requirements for the conditions of implementation of the bachelor's program

7.1. System-wide requirements for the implementation of a bachelor's degree program.

7.1.1. The organization must have a material and technical base that complies with current fire safety rules and regulations and ensures the conduct of all types of disciplinary and interdisciplinary training, practical and research work of students provided for by the curriculum.

7.1.2. Each student during the entire period of study must be provided with individual unlimited access to one or more electronic library systems (electronic libraries) and to the organization’s electronic information and educational environment. The electronic library system (electronic library) and the electronic information and educational environment must provide the opportunity for student access from any point where there is access to the information and telecommunications network "Internet" (hereinafter referred to as the "Internet"), both on the territory of the organization and and beyond.

The electronic information and educational environment of the organization must provide:

Access to curricula, work programs of disciplines (modules), practices, and electronic publications library systems and electronic educational resources specified in work programs;

Fixing the progress educational process, results of intermediate certification and results of mastering the bachelor's program;

Conducting all types of classes, procedures for assessing learning outcomes, the implementation of which is provided for using e-learning, distance learning technologies;

Formation of a student’s electronic portfolio, including the preservation of the student’s work, reviews and evaluations of these works by any participants in the educational process;

Interaction between participants in the educational process, including synchronous and (or) asynchronous interaction via the Internet.

The functioning of the electronic information and educational environment is ensured by the appropriate means of information and communication technologies and the qualifications of the workers who use and support it. The functioning of the electronic information and educational environment must comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation**.

7.1.3. In the case of implementing a bachelor's degree program in an online form, the requirements for the implementation of a bachelor's degree program must be provided by a set of resources of material, technical, educational and methodological support provided by organizations participating in the implementation of a bachelor's degree program in an online form.

7.1.4. In the case of the implementation of a bachelor's degree program in departments and (or) other structural divisions of the organization established in accordance with the established procedure, the requirements for the implementation of a bachelor's degree program must be ensured by the totality of the resources of these organizations.

7.1.5. The qualifications of management and scientific and pedagogical employees of the organization must correspond to the qualification characteristics established in the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees, section "Qualification Characteristics of Positions of Managers and Specialists of Higher Professional and Additional Professional Education", approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 2011 N 1n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 23, 2011, registration N 20237) and professional standards (if any).

7.1.6. The share of full-time scientific and pedagogical workers (in rates reduced to integer values) must be at least 50 percent of the total number of scientific and pedagogical workers of the organization.

7.2. Requirements for personnel conditions for the implementation of a bachelor's degree program.

7.2.1. The implementation of the bachelor's degree program is ensured by the management and scientific-pedagogical employees of the organization, as well as by persons involved in the implementation of the bachelor's degree program under the terms of a civil law contract.

7.2.2. The share of scientific and pedagogical workers (in terms of rates reduced to integer values) with an education corresponding to the profile of the taught discipline (module) in the total number of scientific and pedagogical workers implementing the undergraduate program must be at least 70 percent.

7.2.3. The share of scientific and pedagogical workers (in terms of rates converted to integer values) who have an academic degree (including an academic degree awarded abroad and recognized in the Russian Federation) and (or) an academic title (including an academic title received abroad and recognized by the Russian Federation), the total number of scientific and pedagogical workers implementing the undergraduate program must be at least 70 percent.

7.2.4. The share of employees (in terms of rates reduced to integer values) from among the managers and employees of organizations whose activities are related to the focus (profile) of the bachelor's degree program being implemented (with at least 3 years of work experience in this professional field) in the total number of employees implementing the bachelor's degree program, must be at least 10 percent.

7.3. Requirements for material, technical, educational and methodological support of the undergraduate program.

7.3.1. Special premises should be classrooms for conducting lecture-type classes, seminar-type classes, course design (completing coursework), group and individual consultations, ongoing monitoring and intermediate certification, as well as rooms for independent work and rooms for storage and preventive maintenance of educational equipment. Special premises should be equipped with specialized furniture and technical teaching aids that serve to present educational information to a large audience.

To conduct lecture-type classes, sets of demonstration equipment and educational visual aids are offered, providing thematic illustrations corresponding to the sample programs of disciplines (modules), working curriculum of disciplines (modules).

The list of logistics necessary for the implementation of a bachelor's degree program includes laboratories equipped with laboratory equipment, depending on the degree of its complexity. Specific requirements for material, technical, educational and methodological support are determined in the approximate basic educational programs.

Premises for independent work of students must be equipped with computer equipment with the ability to connect to the Internet and provide access to the electronic information and educational environment of the organization.

In the case of using e-learning and distance learning technologies, it is possible to replace specially equipped premises with their virtual counterparts, allowing students to master the skills required by their professional activities.

If the organization does not use an electronic library system (electronic library), the library fund must be equipped with printed publications at the rate of at least 50 copies of each edition of the basic literature listed in the work programs of disciplines (modules), practices and at least 25 copies of additional literature per 100 students.

7.3.2. The organization must be provided with the necessary set of licensed software (the content is determined in the work programs of disciplines (modules) and is subject to annual updating).

7.3.3. Electronic library systems (electronic library) and electronic information and educational environment must provide simultaneous access to at least 25 percent of students in the undergraduate program.

7.3.4. Students must be provided with access (remote access), including in the case of the use of e-learning, distance educational technologies, to modern professional databases and information reference systems, the composition of which is determined in the work programs of disciplines (modules) and is subject to annual updating.

7.3.5. Students with disabilities should be provided with printed and (or) electronic educational resources in forms adapted to their health limitations.

7.4. Requirements for financial conditions for the implementation of a bachelor's degree program.

7.4.1. Financial support for the implementation of a bachelor's degree program must be carried out in an amount not lower than the basic standard costs established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services in the field of education for a given level of education and field of study, taking into account correction factors that take into account the specifics of educational programs in accordance with the Methodology for determining standard costs for the provision of public services for the implementation of state accredited educational programs of higher education in specialties and areas of training, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 2, 2013 N 638 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 16, 2013, registration N 29967).


* List of areas of training for higher education - bachelor's degree, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 12, 2013 N 1061 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 14, 2013, registration N 30163), as amended by orders of the Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Russian Federation dated January 29, 2014 N 63 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 28, 2014, registration N 31448), dated August 20, 2014 N 1033 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 3, 2014, registration N 33947), dated October 13, 2014 N 1313 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 13, 2014, registration N 34691) and dated March 25, 2015 N 270 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 22, 2015, registration N 36994).

** Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 149-FZ “On information, information technologies and information protection” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 31, Art. 3448; 2010, N 31, Art. 4196; 2011 , N 15, Art. 2038; N 30, Art. 4600; 2012, N 31, Art. 4328; 2013, N 14, Art. 1658; N 23, Art. 2870; N 27, Art. 3479; N 52, Article 6961, Article 6963; 2014, N 19, Article 2302; N 30, Article 4223, Article 4243; N 48, Article 6645; 2015, N 1, Article 84), Federal Law of July 27 2006 N 152-FZ “On Personal Data” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 31, Art. 3451; 2009, N 48, Art. 5716; N 52, Art. 6439; 2010, N 27, Art. 3407; N 31, Art. 4173, Art. 4196; N 49, Art. 6409; 2011, N 23, Art. 3263; N 31, Art. 4701; 2013, N 14, Art. 1651; N 30, Art. 4038; N 51, Art. 6683; 2014, N 23, Art. 2927, N 30, Art. 4217, Art. 4243).

Previously, this state standard had the number 521600 (according to the Classifier of directions and specialties of higher professional education)

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation


Deputy Minister

education of the Russian Federation

V.D. Shadrikov

State registration number

352 gum/mag

State educational standard

higher professional education

Direction 521600 Economics

Degree – Master of Economics

Introduced from the moment of approval

Moscow, 2000


1.1. The direction was approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for Higher Education dated March 2, 2000 No. 686.

1.2. Graduate degree – Master of Economics

The standard period for mastering the main educational program for a master's degree in the field of 521600 Economics for full-time study is 6 years. The main educational program for master's training consists of a bachelor's training program in the relevant field (4 years) and specialized master's training (2 years).

1.3. Qualification characteristics of the graduate.

The master is prepared for activities that require in-depth fundamental and professional training, including research work; subject to mastering the appropriate educational and professional program of a pedagogical profile - to pedagogical activity in higher educational institutions.

1.4. Opportunities for continuing education.

The master is prepared for postgraduate study in scientific specialties according to the list of the Nomenclature of Specialties of Scientific Workers.

1.5. Annotated list of master's programs

521601 Economic theory

The program is focused on training highly qualified economists and analysts for government agencies, various organizations and firms, scientific institutes, as well as teachers of higher educational institutions. Graduates of the program have deep fundamental knowledge in the field of economic theory and practice, and possess analytical research skills at both the micro and macro levels.

The courses that form the profile of this program are micro- and macroeconomics, modern trends in economic thought, the theory of transition economies, labor economics, institutional economics, econometrics, public sector economics, etc.

521602 Mathematical methods of economic analysis

The program is designed to train highly qualified employees of analytical services of companies, banks and insurance companies, expert departments of authorities government controlled, scientific institutes and higher educational institutions. Graduates of the program have deep knowledge in the field of economic theory and practice, applied research skills using modern mathematical methods and computer technologies.

The program includes both general theoretical advanced training courses(macro- and microeconomics, econometrics, economic-mathematical models, etc.), and applied, associated with the use of economic-mathematical methods and models to solve specific economic problems (operations research: analysis of specific situations, modeling of intra-company situations, analysis problems of public debt, inflation modeling, methods for analyzing financial indicators, modeling financial markets using neural network methods, econometric methods of macroeconomic forecasting, etc.).

521603 Economic and social politics

The program is aimed at training specialists in various areas of public policy, analysts capable of assessing the effectiveness of economic and social policies at various levels of economic activity: from the household to the national economy. Graduates of the program have fundamental knowledge of economic theory, public administration methods, and applied research skills.

Along with general economics, the program also includes such special courses as economics of the public sector, economic theory of labor, institutional economics, regional economics, economic policy and others. The program pays special attention to the problems of human development as the main goal of public administration.

521604 Financial economics

The program makes it possible to get modern knowledge in the areas of financial and credit relations, accounting and auditing, investment planning, insurance.

Along with basic courses (micro- and macroeconomics, econometrics, corporate economics, business law, corporate finance, project analysis), students are offered a whole system of disciplines that allow them to receive high-quality training based on deep specialization in their chosen fields.

The program requires a number of specializations. For example, accounting and auditing is the study of the theory of economic analysis, the theory of accounting and general auditing, the tax system, management and international accounting, financial analysis, external accounting economic activity, accounting and audit in trade, audit of insurance organizations, banking audit, accounting and audit in budgetary organizations, audit of investment projects, computer financial analysis; investment design, where a large share is occupied by courses such as project analysis, financial mathematics, securities market, project management, enterprise restructuring, project risk analysis, audit of investment projects, personnel management; Finance and credit are represented by disciplines related to the activities of banks and other financial institutions: banking accounting, securities, banking management, etc.

521605 International economics

The goal of the program is to train highly qualified specialists in the field of theory and practice of international economic relations. The main focus in the educational process is on achieving a synthesis of theoretical and specialized knowledge, acquiring skills in specific economic analysis based on deep and comprehensive theoretical training.

The curriculum is based on a block of fundamental disciplines: macro- and microeconomics, international statistics, economic development, international law, international trade, international monetary and financial relations, international financial markets, etc. Block of disciplines

specializations include courses: world market conditions, international economic organizations, international pricing, corporations in the global economy. Courses included in the same block applied disciplines in marketing, international financial management and corporate finance, international banks and investment institutions, aimed at acquiring in-depth specialized knowledge.

521606 Economics of the company and industry markets

The goal of this program is to train highly qualified specialists who are able to form not only the strategy, but also the tactics of the company’s behavior in the market, which is achieved by developing students’ skills in assessing the internal resources of the company, developing alternative strategies for the development of the company and mechanisms for their implementation, identifying promising areas of investment, development and introducing new products and services to the market.

Preparation for the program includes both studying a block of compulsory general economic disciplines (micro- and macroeconomics, econometrics) and conducting research seminars on marketing and restructuring the management of a company. The disciplines that determine the profile of this program include the following: economics of a company, economics of industry markets, business planning, strategic management, logistics, marketing, integrated company management systems.

521607 Environmental Economics and natural resources

The program is focused on training highly qualified specialists who can ensure effective management of the use of reserves of non-renewable and renewable natural resources. Systems approach to environmental-economic interaction, research into the problems of use and protection of natural resources from micro- and macroeconomic points of view, with special consideration special issues environmental management are methodological foundations master's courses. The program is also based on a generalization of world and domestic experience in the field of environmental protection and analysis of economic activities regarding the use of natural resources at the disposal of society.

521608 Enterprise management and industrial informatics

The program is focused on training highly qualified specialists who can ensure the use of modern methodologies and techniques in the work of economic services large enterprises industry. System integration and redesign of business processes, which underlie the construction of effective management of modern production, are considered in the program as the key to

understanding of management tasks.

The section of industrial informatics covers a set of disciplines that consider methods and technologies for accumulating, processing and transmitting information for the purposes of managing an economic entity based on computer and telecommunications means. The study of approaches to the creation of new methods and technologies is based on global and domestic experience in the creation of management information systems, systems artificial intelligence and computing and modeling systems, mathematical and software for decision-making processes.

521609 Economic theory and financial and credit relations

The program is focused on training highly qualified specialists who, based on modern theories and methods are capable of solving problems of financial activity of joint-stock companies, banks, exchanges and various stock market organizations.

The main goal of the program is to present and analyze scientific approaches, theories and methods of solving problems in the financial and credit field existing in the world with an assessment of the possibilities and prospects for their use in Russian conditions. The master's program covers such sections as macroeconomics and monetary economics, international economics, financial economics, and public sector economics. The basic courses for specialization are: market theory, forms of management in the sphere of circulation of consumer goods, financial market institutions, comparative analysis of banking systems, international finance and international banking business, etc.

521610 State and regional administration

The program is focused on training highly qualified specialists who are able to ensure the use of modern methodologies and techniques in scientific research in the field of management of socio-economic development, as well as in the work of economic services of state, regional and municipal authorities.

The program provides for the study of such compulsory disciplines as micro- and macroeconomics, mathematical economics, econometrics, industrial economics, applied economic analysis, scientific basis management, problems of modern Russian economy. The basic courses for the specialization are: modern regional studies, state legal regulation of the economy, a special seminar on spatial economics.

521611 Economic theory and problems modern Russia

The program is focused on training highly qualified specialists on current issues in the development of the modern Russian economy. The presentation of scientific approaches to solving problems of overcoming the crisis is the main thing that unites the different courses of the master's program. The basic courses for this program are: problems of the modern Russian economy, integration processes in the modern economy, modern currency relations, theory of transitional economic processes. Based on the study of the experience of developed countries in implementing economic reforms, as well as the processes occurring in the domestic economy, the main directions of positive transformations are formulated in the economy of Russia and its large regions, general issues of the transition period and their specificity in the Russian Federation are considered.

521612 Economic informatics and information technology

The program is focused on training highly qualified specialists who are able to apply modern methods of using computers in the analysis of economic and social processes. The basic courses of this program are mathematical economics and applied economic analysis. Special courses provide working skills and developing ideas in various areas of computer application, demonstrate the main areas of economic activity and analysis, work in which requires the use of computer technology, and also introduce a number of modern software tools that allow you to effectively solve a wide class of applied problems.

521613 Economics of the company

The program is focused on training specialists with in-depth knowledge economic behavior firms in the conditions of transition to market relations: changes in forms of ownership, the formation of a new business environment and its organizational and legal forms, market competition.

The central place is given to the issues of organizing business as such, the objects and subjects of entrepreneurial activity, and the target functions of production activities are characterized. Questions occupy a large place in the program marketing activities enterprises, showing its tasks and functions. The problems of choosing the nomenclature type of enterprises, justifying the volume of the production program, financial conditions and sources, personnel and organizational support, pricing and product distribution are studied in depth. The program provides for studying business risks, analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of an enterprise and increasing its competitiveness, business planning, as well as regional aspects of entrepreneurship.

521614 Labor Economics

The program is focused on training highly qualified specialists in the field of labor economics and personnel management, who are able, on the basis of theoretical and methodological knowledge, to analyze and predict trends in the development of the labor market and employment at the level of the national economy and region, as well as who are able to formulate strategies and tactics for organizing labor and managing human resources. resources at the micro level.

The program involves in-depth study at an advanced level of such special disciplines as labor economics, labor law, personnel management, labor statistics, labor psychology, ergonomics and others.

521615 Institutional economics and economic policy

The program is focused on training qualified managers and economists on issues of institutional and economic policy and the design of institutional and economic changes, research economists and teachers in the field of analysis of institutional structures and institutional changes.

The program involves in-depth study at an advanced level of such special disciplines as: economic theory of organizations, economic theory of information, economic theory of contracts, economics and law, history of institutional and evolutionary economics, theories of public choice, theories of economic policy, history of economic institutions, history of Russian modernizations, institutional and economic analysis of the labor market, organization and state regulation of small businesses, theory of industry markets, economic theory of natural monopolies, organizational and legal mechanisms for protecting consumer rights, theories of rationality, fundamentals of institutional design, game-theoretic models in institutional economics, methods of applied institutional- economic research, theory of transition economy, block legal disciplines: theory of state and law, fundamentals of constitutional and administrative law, theory and organization of lawmaking, comparative law, block of management disciplines: sociology of organizations, state regional policy, state and municipal government, budget system and budget process, regional demography and employment.

521616 Economic history and history of economic thought

The program is focused on training qualified researchers and university teachers in the field of economic history and the history of economic thought.

The program involves in-depth study at an advanced level of such special disciplines as: history of economic institutions, theory and history of civilizations, history of Russian modernizations, theories of transition economies, historical and economic historiography, historiography of economic thought, economic history in classical Russian historiography, a special seminar on methodological and historical and economic works of Weber, special seminar on interdisciplinary methods historical research Annales school, history of economic thought in Russia, theories of economic policy, theories of rationality, economics and ethics, monetary theories, history of institutional and evolutionary economics, special seminar on the economic theory of Marxism: history and modernity, special seminar on Kondratieff’s economic works: history and modernity, special seminar on the economic theory of Keynes: history and modernity, special seminar on the economic works of Hicks: history and modernity, special seminar on the economic and methodological works of Friedman.

521617 Regional economics

The program is focused on training qualified managers and specialists in the field of analysis, planning, forecasting processes of economic change in the regions for work in state and regional structures of various levels and organizations.

The program involves in-depth study at an advanced level of such special disciplines as: the theory of spatial and regional development, the theory of location, state regional policy, regional statistics, regional demography and employment, urban economics, rural economics, regional infrastructure and service sector, regional production, environment and natural resource management, regional finance, investment activity of regions, foreign economic activity of regions, regional planning, forecasting and programming, regional and municipal management, regional politics and EU economics, problem regions of Russia and the world, growth zones of the world economy, regional planning.

521618 Economics of environmental management

The program is focused on training qualified managers and specialists in the field of economics of natural resources and ecology to work in research institutes, state and regional, municipal, public structures at various levels, enterprises and organizations.

The program involves in-depth study at an advanced level of such special disciplines as: economics of natural resources and conditions, economics of environmental consumption, economics, environmental restoration, economics of environmental activities, global environmental and economic problems, environmental and economic problems of Russia, environmental law, impact assessment environment, environmental engineering and environmental technologies, environmental and economic monitoring, environmental management, environmental insurance, assessment of environmental and economic risks, investments in environmental and economic projects, environmental problems and municipal management.

521619 Economic sociology

The program is focused on training qualified scientists, sociologists and analysts in the field of research and analysis of socio-economic problems of modern Russian society for work in research institutes, state and regional, municipal structures at various levels, in the marketing departments of commercial organizations, in public foundations.

The program involves in-depth study at an advanced level of such special disciplines as: rational choice theory, public sector economics, economic and social statistics, theory and methodology of modern economic sociology, transformation processes in social structure and stratification of post-communist societies, social problems economy of modern Russia, Russia: historical experience, national culture and development prospects, social policy and strategies for its implementation, forms and mechanisms of social protection of the population, transformation of labor and employment in the information economy, sociology of business organizations, consumer behavior, indicators of socio-economic development, socio-economic differentiation of the population, economic psychology, marketing research in sociology, mathematical models and methods in economic sociology, software for sociological and economic research.

521620 Finance

The program is focused on training qualified managers and specialists in the field of financial analysis, financial and tax planning, financial management for work in banks, financial institutions, financial industrial groups and financial corporations.

The program involves in-depth study at an advanced level of such special disciplines as: financial theory, financial management, banks and financial institutions, investment portfolio management, valuation of financial assets, fundamental and technical analysis in financial markets, financial risk management and insurance, derivative financial instruments, analysis of financial and economic time series, marketing and credit policies of banks, international operations of banks, tax planning in corporations, financial law, financial accounting and analysis.

521621 State and municipal finance

The program is focused on training qualified managers and specialists in the field of state and municipal finance, budget and tax planning, economics of housing and communal services, healthcare, education, science, culture, social insurance and social assistance to work in state and municipal structures at various levels.

The program involves in-depth study at an advanced level of such special disciplines as: state and municipal management, applied macroeconomics, taxation theory, state regulation of natural monopolies, investment analysis and financial management in the public sector, economic theory of the state, economics and state regulation of the labor market, economic theory city ​​and region, municipal and regional finance, non-profit organizations: economics and management, budget policy and budget process, state regional policy, cost-benefit analysis, accounting and audit in the public sector, reform and development of the housing and communal services sector, scientific seminar on government and municipal finance, social insurance, economics of education, economics of health care, applied macroeconomics.

521622 Banks and banking activities

The program is focused on training qualified managers and specialists in the field of banking to work at any level of banking management in state and commercial banks.

The program involves in-depth study at an advanced level of such special disciplines as: global experience in the functioning of banking systems, and the peculiarities of its use in Russia, the role and functions of the Central Bank, legal regulation of banking activities and money circulation, management of banking assets and liabilities, Credit policy of commercial banks. credit risk management, organization of bank accounting and reporting, analysis of the balance sheet of a commercial bank, financial analysis, analysis of bank clients, investment activities of commercial banks. investment portfolio analysis, work of commercial banks in the stock market, international payments, currency dealing, derivatives market. organization of interaction between bank divisions for work in the securities market and foreign exchange market, portfolio management, technical and fundamental analysis in the foreign exchange and stock markets, banking information and payment electronic systems, management and control, banking marketing, development of the banking services market: leasing, factoring, forfaiting, trust, etc., personnel management of a commercial bank, banking management and formation of a banking strategy, banking audit, organization of work with branches, taxation of commercial banks, organization of work with plastic cards, business planning, profitability assessment and profitability management, commercial bank risk management.

521623 Accounting, analysis and audit

The program is focused on training qualified managers and specialists in the field of development of accounting theory, applied economic analysis and audit, problems of adapting Russian accounting in accordance with international standards, introducing modern management accounting methods into the practice of managing production enterprises for work in state, regional, municipal structures at various levels, consulting and auditing firms, banks, investment and insurance companies.

The program involves in-depth study at an advanced level of such special disciplines as: accounting theory, economic analysis theory, financial accounting and reporting, management accounting, international accounting, financial analysis, business planning, audit theory, securities and accounting for transactions with them, accounting foreign economic activity, accounting and audit in trade, audit of insurance companies, banking audit, accounting and audit in budgetary organizations, audit of investment projects, practical audit, information accounting systems, computer analysis technologies, computer audit, financial modeling, tax system, business law.

521624 Applied macroeconomics and economic policy

The program is focused on training qualified managers and specialists in the field of applied macroeconomics, modeling and forecasting of macroeconomic processes for work in research institutes, state, regional, municipal structures at various levels.

The program involves in-depth study at an advanced level of such special disciplines as: models and methods of national economic forecasting, applied macroeconomics and macroeconomic policy, models of economic dynamics, analysis and forecast of time series, institutional economics, budget system and budget policy, investment analysis, mathematical theory transitive economics, theory of money and monetary policy, construction of econometric models, system of state statistics of Russia, theory of taxation, Russian economy and current issues of economic policy, decision-making under conditions of uncertainty, labor economics, social policy.

521625 Economics of real estate

The program is focused on training qualified managers and specialists in the field of analysis and management of real estate, including issues of the economics of the real estate market, the fundamentals of real estate legislation, land ownership, urban planning and development, taxation and real estate valuation, etc. for work in consulting, design, engineering and real estate firms, joint ventures, economic analysis centers, banks lending real estate transactions, investment and insurance funds, state, regional and municipal structures at various levels, research institutes related to real estate economics.

The program involves in-depth study at an advanced level of such special disciplines as: economics of the real estate market, fundamentals of real estate legislation, land ownership and fundamentals of land use, urban planning, real estate investment, fundamentals of real estate management, real estate in the system of state and municipal property management, privatization and bankruptcy enterprises, real estate valuation, development management and investment design, globalization of business and real estate markets, risks in real estate management, information technology in real estate management.

521626 Agricultural economics

The program is focused on training qualified managers and specialists in the field of the theory of agricultural economics, methods of analysis of agri-food markets and land markets, government programs support of the agro-industrial complex, other applied methods for work in consulting, design, engineering firms, joint ventures, centers of economic analysis of the agro-industrial complex, banks lending to agro-industrial complex operations, investment and insurance funds, state and municipal structures at various levels, research institutes, related to the agricultural economy.

The program involves in-depth study at an advanced level of such special disciplines as: features of agricultural production, the theory of agro-industrial integration, the theory of agricultural cooperation, agricultural marketing, agricultural credit, the theory of land rent, the real estate market in agriculture, theory of state regulation of the agro-industrial complex, international trade in agri-food products, agricultural economy of countries in transition.

521627 Information systems in business

The program is focused on training qualified managers and general specialists in the field of application of information systems, implementation of modern information technologies in business, in state, regional, municipal structures at various levels, in banks, investment and commercial firms and organizations of various types and public funds.

The program involves in-depth study at an advanced level of such special disciplines as: database management systems, system statistical analysis data (SPSS), expert decision-making system, information technology in the development of investment projects, modern information technology, information technology in accounting, information technology in the development of management decisions, information technology in project management, information technology in investment analysis, computer networks and telecommunications , legal Information Systems in business.

521628 Analysis of foreign economic activities of enterprises

The program is focused on training qualified managers and specialists in the field of analysis, planning, and management of foreign economic activity of an enterprise to work in departments of state, regional, municipal structures, in commercial firms and organizations of various types related to foreign economic activity.

The program involves in-depth study at an advanced level of such special disciplines as: organizational forms of enterprises in international markets, financing and credit of foreign trade operations, marketing of international activities, management of companies in international markets, international law and foreign economic activity of an enterprise, Information Support business, commercial pricing, marketing of industrial goods, methods of international financial and economic calculations, insurance of foreign economic transactions, strategic marketing, economic fundamentals of business, economic planning and coordination of company operations.


Persons wishing to master a specialized master's training program must have a higher professional education of a certain level, confirmed by a state-issued document.

Persons with a bachelor's or specialist's diploma are enrolled in specialized master's training on a competition basis. The conditions for competitive selection are determined by the university on the basis of the State educational standard for higher professional education of a bachelor in the direction 521600 - Economics.


The main educational program for master's training is developed on the basis of this state educational standard and includes a curriculum, programs of academic disciplines, programs of educational and industrial (research and scientific-pedagogical) practices and research work programs.

Requirements for the mandatory minimum content of the main educational program for a master's degree, the conditions for its implementation and the time frame for its completion are determined by this state educational standard. As a rule, several master's programs are developed in this area.

The main educational program for a master's degree (hereinafter referred to as the educational program) consists of the main educational program for a bachelor's degree and a specialized training program, which, in turn, is formed from disciplines of the federal component, disciplines of the national-regional (university) component, disciplines of the student's choice and scientific research work. Disciplines and courses of the student's choice in each cycle must meaningfully complement the disciplines specified in the federal component of the cycle.

The main educational program for a master's degree must have the following structure:

in accordance with the bachelor's training program:

GSE cycle - General humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines

EN cycle - General mathematical and natural science disciplines

OPD cycle - General professional disciplines directions

FTD cycle - Optional disciplines

SD cycle - Special disciplines

IGA - Final state certification of bachelor

in accordance with the specialized training program:

DNM cycle - Disciplines of specialized training

cycle SDM - Special disciplines of master's training

NIRM - Scientific (research and (or) scientific and pedagogical) master's work

IGAM - Final state certification of master.


Name of disciplines and their main sections

Total hours




Microeconomics Direct and inverse problems of optimization of individual demand. Relationship between utility functions, consumer spending and indirect utility function. Taking into account the initial endowment of goods in a comparative statics problem. Aggregated demand function for a group of consumers and a group of goods. Axioms of revealed preferences. Consumer demand is in uncertainty. Existence of an expected utility function. Game-theoretic models of oligopolistic competition and bilateral monopoly. Static and dynamic games with incomplete information. Model of information interaction “customer-executor”. Game-theoretic models of moral hazard in the insurance market and adverse selection. Promoting the reliability of information about the volume of demand for public good. Equilibrium under conditions of external effects. Efficiency, uniqueness, stability of general equilibrium.

Macroeconomics Macroeconomic statics and dynamics. Models of inflation and unemployment dynamics. Public debt and private capital accumulation. Public debt as an option. Investment and real the economic growth. Investment and optimal consumption, long-term equilibrium. Economic cycles of expectation, market risk and its compensation. Study of macroeconomic trajectories. Basic arbitrage equation of the financial market. Models of financial "bubbles". Central bank policies in models of inflation targeting and limiting credit emission. Markov properties of the stochastic seigniorage process. Stochastic models for studying the dynamics of public debt in a transition economy. Features of the macroeconomic model of an open economy in transition.

Econometrics Linear regression equations (classical model). Method least squares and its properties. Coefficients of multiple determination. Estimation of a linear regression equation whose parameters satisfy linear constraints specified in the form of equalities. Linear regression equation with independent and normally distributed errors. Formulation and testing of linear hypotheses about parameters. Taking into account the heterogeneity of a set of observations. Testing the significance of structural changes in the regression equation.

Generalized least squares method and its properties. Heteroscedasticity, its economic causes and detection methods. Regression estimation under conditions of heteroskedasticity of errors. Indicators of multicollinearity and methods of dealing with it. Principal component method.

Economic reasons for the autocorrelation of random errors. First order autoregressive error model. Diagnosing autocorrelation. Regression estimation under conditions of autocorrelation of errors. Selecting the “best” linear regression model given a set of potential factors. Consequences of choosing the wrong form of regression equation.

Models represented by systems of simultaneous linear equations. Econometric models of integrated type.


Modern information technologies Classification of modern information technologies. Hardware of modern information technologies. Tools for digitizing source data. Audio input/output devices. Telecommunications tools for computer systems and networks. Local area networks (LAN). Types and characteristics of networks. Network operating systems Basic concepts and principles of building global networks. Internet network. Basic Internet information services: e-mail, World Wide Web (WWW), teleconferencing. Using Internet technology to organize corporate information systems I

n ternet. Applications of modern information technologies. Banking information systems. Information support for the stock market. Electronic payment systems. Internet stores. Legal aspects of the use of information technologies in the economy and business


Disciplines established by the university (faculty)

Disciplines of the student's choice

(other hours are used at the discretion of the university)


Special disciplines (Composition and content of special disciplines

determined by the content of a specific master's program).


Research work per semester

Research practice

Scientific and pedagogical practice

Preparation of a master's thesis

Final state certification, including defense of final qualifying work (master's thesis)

Total hours of specialized master's training


5.1. The period for completing the main educational program for a master's degree in full-time study is 312 weeks, including:

Bachelor's educational program

208 weeks

Specialized master's program

104 weeks

Theoretical training, including student research work, workshops, including laboratory work, preparation of final qualifying work, as well as examination sessions

Practice no less

Final state certification, including defense of final qualifying work of at least

Vacations (including 4 weeks of postgraduate leave) no less

5.2. The time frame for mastering the main educational program for master's training in full-time and part-time (evening) and part-time forms of study, as well as in the case of a combination of various forms of study, is increased by six months relative to the standard period established by clause 1.2 of this state educational standard.

5.3. The maximum volume of a student's academic workload is set at 54 hours per week, including all types of classroom and extracurricular (independent) work.

5.4. The volume of a student's classroom work during full-time study should not exceed an average of 14 hours per week for the period of specialized master's training. At the same time, the specified volume does not include mandatory practical classes in physical education and classes in elective disciplines.

5.5. In case of full-time and part-time (evening) training, the volume of classroom training must be at least 10 hours per week.

5.6. When studying by correspondence, the student must be provided with the opportunity to study in the classroom with a teacher for at least 160 hours per year.

5.7. The total amount of vacation time in a study guide should be 7-10 weeks, including at least two weeks in the winter.


6.1. Requirements for the development of the main educational program for a master's degree, including its research part:

6.1.1. The higher education institution independently develops and approves the basic educational program master's training implemented by the university on the basis of this state master's educational standard.

“Elective” disciplines are mandatory, and elective disciplines provided for by the curriculum of a higher educational institution are not mandatory for the student to study.

For all disciplines and practices included in the curriculum of a higher educational institution, a final grade must be given (excellent, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory, or passed, not passed).

During the validity period of this document The list of master's programs can be changed and supplemented in accordance with the established procedure.

Requirements for the research part of the program.

The research part of the program must contain a list of tasks that have theoretical, practical, applied significance for the relevant branch of economic knowledge, adapted as a list of course topics (for the first year of study) and dissertations (for the second

years of study) of the work of the relevant master's program.

6.1.2. When implementing the main educational program, a higher education institution has the right:

– change the amount of hours allocated for development educational material for cycles of disciplines - within 5%, subject to the fulfillment of the content requirements specified in this standard;

– provide master’s students with the opportunity to engage in physical education for 2-4 hours a week;

– to teach disciplines in the form of proprietary courses according to programs compiled on the basis of the results of research from scientific schools of the university, taking into account regional and professional specifics, subject to the implementation of the content of the disciplines defined by this document;

6.2. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main master's educational program, including its research part

6.2.1. Master's studies are carried out in accordance with the individual work plan of the master's student, developed with the participation of scientific supervisor master's student and scientific supervisor of the master's program, taking into account the wishes of the master's student. The individual curriculum of a master's student is approved by the dean of the faculty

6.2.2. Requirements for staffing the educational process

The implementation of the master's main educational program must be ensured by teaching staff who have a basic education corresponding to the profile of the discipline taught and have the appropriate qualifications (degree), systematically engaged in research and scientific-methodological activities. At the same time, at least 30% of the staff of the teaching staff must be filled with employees whose main place of work is this higher education institution. The proportion of teachers with an academic degree and title must be at least 80% of total number Teaching staff providing a specialized training program.

6.2.3. Requirements for educational and methodological support of the educational process

Information support for the educational process for the training of highly qualified managers, specialists, researchers and teachers includes a list of professional scientific economic journals, abstract journals, domestic and foreign, determined in accordance with the master's programs selected by the university; availability of information bases of economic statistics and access to various online sources of information.

All disciplines of the curriculum must be provided with educational and methodological documentation and educational and methodological literature for all types of training sessions - workshops, course and diploma projects, practices. By the time the direction is certified, the level of provision of educational and methodological literature must be at least 0.5 copies per full-time student.

The implementation of the master's main educational program should be ensured by each student's access to library collections and databases, as well as visual aids, audio, video and multimedia materials

6.2.4. Requirements for material and technical support of the educational process

A higher educational institution implementing the basic educational program of a master's degree must have a material and technical base that ensures all types of practical, disciplinary and interdisciplinary training and research work of students provided for by the model curriculum and corresponding to current sanitary and technical standards.

6.2.5. Requirements for organizing practices

Requirements for the organization of internships will be determined by the university for each of the annotated master's programs in accordance with the proposals of the UMO in the form:

scientific work or teaching internship at graduating departments of the university;

internships in research institutions of the relevant profile;

internships in ministries or other government bodies;

internships in public and commercial institutions and organizations and enterprises;

teaching practice in other universities (faculties) in the relevant department.


7.1. Requirements for master's professional training

7.1.1. General requirements for the master's level of preparation include:

main economic problems in the field of the chosen master's program and the possibilities of modern scientific tools for their analysis and solution

formulate and solve problems that arise during research and teaching activities and require in-depth professional knowledge;

select the necessary research methods, modify existing ones and develop new methods, based on the objectives of a particular study;

process the results obtained, analyze and comprehend them taking into account the available literature data;

conduct bibliographic work using modern information technologies;

present the results of the work done in the form of reports, abstracts, articles, designed in accordance with existing requirements, using modern editing and printing tools;

change, if necessary, the direction of professional activity within the framework of economics, as an area of ​​knowledge and practical skills;


skills of independent research and scientific-pedagogical activities, requiring a broad education in economics.

7.1.3. Special requirements.

The requirements for preparing a master's degree in the research part of the specialized training program are determined by the university. The UMO may additionally recommend requirements that ensure the graduate’s ability to perform certain types of professional activities that reflect the content

specialized training.

7.2. Requirements for the final state certification of a master's degree

The final state certification of a master includes the defense of a final qualifying work (master's thesis) and must include state exams established in accordance with the proposals of the UMO. The level of requirements for state examinations should provide the opportunity to read their results as entrance exams to graduate school in relevant scientific areas.

A higher education institution has the right to supplement the list of certification tests included in the final state certification of graduates.

When choosing final state tests for graduates, you must be guided by the following.

The main mandatory type of state final certification of graduates is the defense of a final qualifying thesis (master's thesis).

The program and procedure for conducting state certification tests are adopted by the Academic Council of the university on the basis of sample programs developed by the UMO, in accordance with the By

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