Dark Anakin Skywalker of the Clone Wars. Who is Darth Vader? "Star Wars". He had three teachers and many secret students

Warning: the article contains information that reveals the main storylines.

“Ahsoka… Ahsoka, why did you leave?” Where were you when I needed you?
- I made a choice. I couldn't stay.
- You're selfish.
- Not!
- You left me. You let me down! Do you know what I've become?

His appearance on the screen precedes the "Imperial March" by John Williams. His appearance inspires horror and awe. His name resounds throughout the galaxy. One of the most famous villains in the entire history of cinema, the central and very controversial character " star wars". When you watch the saga in order, the finale of the third episode becomes a bit of a shock. Especially for those who once heard something about Darth Vader somewhere, but did not watch the original trilogy. The Rebirth of a Noble Jedi Anakin Skywalker into the powerful Sith Lord Darth Vader - this is perhaps the brightest emotional component of the story.

The films do not fully reveal either Anakin or Vader. To better understand the complex inner world of the hero, you should pay attention to the animated series Clone Wars (Anakin), Clone Wars (Anakin) and Rebels (Vader, appears in the second season). And of course - to the expanded Universe, consisting of a variety of books and comics.

The Inner World of Anakin and Vader

"You don't give up on feelings, Anakin. They make you special."
("The Clone Wars", season 4, episode 16.)

These words of Palpatine, addressed to the young Jedi, perfectly convey the essence of Skywalker. It was feelings that always led Anakin through life. He was a man capable of completely immersing himself in both love and hate. To curb emotional impulses, he needed a real, understanding friend. Unfortunately, in the end, there was no such thing next to him. Obi-Wan, who seemed to sincerely love Anakin, gradually fenced himself off from him by the rules of the Jedi. There was never any real trust between them. That is why the teacher not only missed Anakin’s internal torment, but also could not understand in time that he needed something more than the duty censure of the mistakes made, did not see the moment when the wayward student had to be put in his place as a father as harshly and soberingly. A past as a slave left Skywalker with a legacy of independence. Strength and talent have become the causes of excessive conceit and pride. Anakin was too young and inexperienced to handle himself on his own. And with spiritual losses that followed one after another, fear for the closest people to whom he was attached with all his heart. Close people - it was these attachments that ultimately killed Skywalker and saved Vader.

“He was bold. Rarely lost. But people were amazed by his kindness. He treasured his friends very much and protected them to the end.”
(Ahsoka on her teacher, Rebels, season 2, episode 18.)

Anakin's mom. As a little boy, he picked up and left a wounded Tusken raider, not even suspecting that in the future he would hate his entire tribe - it was the raiders who kidnapped and killed his mother. Mom died in Anakin's arms - this pain never left his heart: “Why did she die? Why didn't I save her? I know, I had to! .. I will learn how to make people not die!

Obi-Wan Kenobi. Despite frequent mutual misunderstandings with Obi-Wan, Anakin did not hesitate to rush to his aid in the most risky situations. Even though he already doubted the Jedi, he never left him in trouble. There was a moment in their lives when Kenobi hid the staging of his death from his best friend for maximum credibility, but how much mental anguish this performance cost Anakin! For him, they were more than brothers, they were one...

Ahsoka Tano Anakin's first and only Padawan. They developed a wonderful, very warm brother-sister relationship. Ahsoka's character, independent and at the same time not alien to affections, was very reminiscent of Skywalker himself. Subsequently, after being falsely accused of betrayal, she became disillusioned with the Jedi Order and left it. To meet again face to face already with Darth Vader - and in this battle, having recognized each other, they could not deliver decisive blows. "I'm close to wanting to get away from the Order," Anakin said before Ahsoka left the Order. "I know". Only later, with bitterness and a great sense of guilt, did she realize how much her departure contributed to Anakin's transition to the dark side of the Force - she was needed by someone who always believed in her and asked to stay.

Supreme Chancellor Palpatine- the wise mentor of the boy, in many ways replacing his father. He was always ready to listen, understand, explain. The only person with whom you could talk about the most intimate, who never dismissed Anakin. Neither the Jedi Order, nor Obi-Wan, nor even Padme could give Skywalker the attention he needed as Palpatine. Anakin loved and unconditionally trusted Palpatine - but very soon ceased to have these feelings for Darth Sidious.

Padme Amidala- the love of Anakin's life, so strong that for the sake of his beloved he was really ready for anything. Dreams of her death became an obsession, the horror of the inevitable loss of the dearest person pushed her to look for a way to change the future. She believed in Anakin, but she didn't have enough time to get him back.

Luke Skywalker- a son whose existence Vader did not learn about until 20 years after his birth, living all these years with the thoughts that he had killed both his wife and his child. Luke, who believed in his father's bright side, was able to bring Anakin back. In this he is fundamentally different from Obi-Wan, who, despite his worries and regrets, did not fight for his second "I", but accepted the existence of Darth Vader as a given.

From Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader

“What is the use of strength if there is no discipline? The boy is as dangerous to himself as to his enemies."
(Count Dooku in Matthew Stover's book Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.)

While still a Jedi, who did not even think about switching to the dark side of the Force, Anakin sometimes did things that were unacceptable from the point of view of the Order. Some of them can be understood and even justified (as you know, sometimes all means are good to achieve the goal), but this does not change the essence - each such act dangerously brought him closer to the fatal line. And one of the first such steps was a cruel revenge for the death of my mother. From the piercing feeling of losing a loved one, Anakin succumbed to anger and despair unacceptable for a Jedi.

General Skywalker was known for his reckless bravery and military talent. But he also differed from others in his methods of interrogating separatist henchmen. The result was important to him, and therefore he even used his famous suffocation by the Force at a distance during interrogations. Skywalker's entourage suspected methods contrary to the principles of the Jedi, but turned a blind eye to them every time: apparently, it suited that there was someone who was not afraid to do all the dirty work. Everything was comfortable for everyone, until one day it touched them personally.

Another such unworthy act was the beheading of an unarmed Count Dooku. Anakin doubted the correctness of this act, but the dark influence of Palpatine was already becoming stronger than the Jedi teachings.

In fact, there were more such episodes. If we add to all this the periodic exacerbation of the sense of superiority cultivated by Palpatine, the desire to act as independently as possible and the general emotionality of Skywalker, then it becomes clear what an explosive mixture his soul sometimes represented.

Was it possible to stop the process of going to the dark side? Haunted by nightmares about the death of his beloved, the young man came to Yoda for advice. But could advice satisfy a tormented soul by simply letting go of its attachments? Didn't the sage's standard answer look like an excuse? In fact, everyone turned away from Anakin: distrust, fear of his Force, unwillingness to understand the complex inner world his ward and in time to help him cope with his passions - this is the reaction of the Jedi Council to Skywalker. And Palpatine was there again. Gave hope. Got rid of fear. Made me feel the power. At what point did Anakin put an end to his doubts? Kneel before a new teacher? Becoming a cold-blooded killer? Or allowing selfishness, albeit for a while, to take precedence over love? After all, even taking the path of Darth Vader, Skywalker experienced several moments of bitter regret. And if Kenobi behaved precisely as an understanding and faithful friend, if he had not interfered in Anakin's conversation with Padme, then it is likely that even then Anakin would have been able to return to the bright path. The most important external manifestation of belonging to the dark side of the Force is the color of the eyes - in the moments of complete immersion in Darkness, it changes to yellow. For Anakin, this most clearly happened only after the fight with Obi-Wan. It is the hatred for the former teacher, sizzling physical and heartache became the last decisive link in the chain of internal metamorphoses. "You were my brother!" exclaims Kenobi, looking at the defeated Vader, but is he sincere in his words? Did he himself at that moment become simply a machine for carrying out the orders of the Jedi Council? How could that former Obi-Wan leave his beloved friend, with whom he spent so many years side by side, to whom he owed his life more than once, to die in wild torment in the flames of lava?

“A Jedi is obliged to discard such attachments from his life,” and Kenobi followed this teaching. Did he ever realize that he had actually betrayed, without even trying to save? ..

The video uses the composition Lars Erik Fjosne "Bad medicine".

Life of Darth Vader

The films show little of the daily life of the dark lord, but fans can learn a lot from the stories of the same expanded universe.

It becomes clear that Darth Vader never became the most powerful Sith in history - crippled, completely dependent on his suit, he lost a significant part of the Force. The suit, on the one hand, had impressive technical functionality (magnetic feet, explosion resistance, the ability to use it as a space suit, etc.), on the other hand, it was so ill-conceived that Vader could only explain its appearance by the unwillingness of the emperor to give him complete freedom. Low-quality metal alloys, an extremely vulnerable life support panel, constant annoying hissing of the breathing apparatus, heaviness and sluggishness, pain when moving ... In addition, Vader began to suffer from claustrophobia and therefore developed special pressure chambers where he took off his helmet and meditated. He dreamed of learning to breathe on his own, to restore his lungs destroyed by the heat of the lava by the Force, but he could only last a few minutes without the apparatus. By order of the Emperor, Vader lived in a tower on Mustafar, the place where Anakin lost everything. Hatred and heartache were, according to the Emperor's plan, to spur Vader's dark Power. To escape from constant memories, he took various psychotropic drugs, but again and again returned to the past, which made him regret his choice. After all, there, inside the suit, was still Anakin - a man of tragic fate. His life is a story that even a kind and selfless soul can make mistakes. That love can bring not only happiness, but also pain. That you can be lonely and misunderstood in a crowd of people, some of whom call you their friend. That good is not always completely light, and evil is dark. That in every person there are always both sides, and the outcome of their struggle depends only on him. A story about how easy it really is to mess things up.

The video features Hans Zimmer's "Time".

AT Episode 1: The Phantom Menace Anakin's mother, Shmi, said he didn't have a father, though I thought she doubted it.

Is there a canon answer as to who Anakin's father is? If so, then who?

Daniel Bingham

Under the rule that there are no prequels, this question remains unanswered. Anakin has a father, we just never get to know him ;)


In a future movie, Luke will be shown to travel back in time on the planet Roswelloin and become his own grandfather.

Richard S

Well, it's obvious, look at his nose, he's a Roman :)



Also, while Darth Plageis did attempt to influence the midi-chlorians to create the ultimate Sith weapon along with Darth Sidious, the experiment was ultimately unsuccessful and the midi-chlorians, sensing the innate evil intent of the Sith, not only refused to do so, but retaliated. conceived by Anakin Skywalker to destroy the Sith once and for all.

So, according to this, neither Darth Plagius nor Darth Sidious is Anakin Skywalker's father, the midi-chlorians actually conceived him without any direct outside interference.


An article in secretthistoryofstarwars (take this link with a pinch of salt, I have no idea how that's "canon") that states that early entries in the ROTS script by Darth Plaguis "manipulated midi-chlorians" to create life, thus creating Anakin.

Michael Brown

Palpatine turns to Annakin and says, "Annie, I am your father", so the circle is complete.

Robert Brim

Shmi specifically states that there is no father. Later conversations between the Jedi tend to conclude that the midi-chlorians created Anakin in Shmi to restore balance to the force.

She never claimed to have been a virgin when he was conceived, so there is no need to assume that it was a virgin birth, just that there was never a biological father.


I would say that a birth without a father is practically the same as a virgin birth. The notable quality of a birth is the absence of a father, not the amount of sex the parent had.

Arc Vile

When writing "The Phantom Menace George Lucas never actually intended a response as he simply repeats the story of Jesus Christ.

But in the first sketch Revenge of the Sith" when Palpatine tries to lure Anakin to the dark side and the young Jedi learns that Palpatine is actually a Sith Lord, Palpatine tells him that he was the one who orchestrated his mom's death,

In the same scenario, there is no mention of Darth Plage, but Palpatine tells Anakin that he created him through the midi-chlorian in his mother.


it interesting information, but because it's from the first draft, it never made it to the final script. And this was contrary to subsequent publication, it can't be considered Canon. But still interesting information (+1).

Arc Vile

Who contradicts? George Lucas? Lucas Films? Consumed Universe?


Expanded Universe, Star Wars: The Darth Plague Novel.

Arc Vile

Ouch! So you're more likely to "believe" something from the expended universe than what Lucas originally had... good!


The canonical "answer" is that the Force itself made Anakin think with no explanation regarding biophysics. IMO this was assumed since Shmi simply states in Episode I that Anakin has no father, that she got pregnant without the benefit of intercourse (poor Shmi despite all this grief and the work she deserved at least for one night of fun) This echoes the "wonderful" concept of Jesus Christ. Similarly, following the scenario of Episode I, I don't rule out a biological father for Anakin, but also don't give any clues as to the identity of said father.


In the first movie The Phantom Menace" when Anakin Skywalker is a boy, his mother said he didn't have a father. I thought Darth Maul - could Darth Maul be Anakin's father? It seems that when Anakin becomes a Sith as Darth Vader, his son Luke fights him. Maybe father and son fight or feel each other in these films? Perhaps Anakin's mother knew that Anakin's father turns to the dark side and becomes that Sith in the first movie.


Sorry, but Darth Maul already has a long history. Also, he's not human, he's a Zabrak, so he couldn't be Anakin's father.


I always thought that statement meant she was a widow and Annakin was an orphan.

Matthew Reed

@jwenting Statement: “There was no father there. I carried him, I gave birth, I raised him... I can't explain what happened." I think if she was a widow she could explain it pretty easily :P


AT "The Phantom Menace" there was a line cut from the original script of the scene in which Qui-Gon Jinn and Shmi Skywalker talk about Anakin's father, which I personally found interesting:

SHMI: There was no father, who I know... I carried him, I gave birth... I can't explain what happened.

This tells us that when Anakin was born, Shmi was not in an ongoing relationship. This statement would make it seem possible that Anakin could have had a real father (but the line was cut from the movie). Therefore, the correct answer to this question would be Force, as it is canon.


Can you provide a source for this quote? Thanks to.


If Anakin had a human father, which is unclear, the best candidate is probably Count Dooku. Note that the fights between Anakin and Dooku in the second and third films of the prequel are reminiscent of the fights between Luke and Anakin in the second and third films of the original: the younger Jedi loses an arm in the film's second duel, but flips the table in the third film and defeats the Sith in the third film. chopping off an arm - and then prompted by Palpatine to kill his defeated opponent. The difference is that Anakin cut off both of Dooku's arms and then killed his defenseless opponent, while Luke cut off only one of his father's arms (apparently replacing the severed Dooku) and refused to kill the not-yet-helpless Vader. ,


This answer is nothing more than wishful thinking. Poetic symmetry would be nice, but nothing can support that either in the movies or in the expanded universe.

Joe Man

1. I think there is, with "Blance In The Force" etc. etc.

In this article you will learn:

Anakin Skywalker- Jedi of the human race. Anakin's original story is perhaps the most complete, as he appears in most of the Star Wars movies and cartoons.

Christensen as Anakin

Birth and childhood

The hero's mother was Shmi Skywalker from the planet Tatooine. He did not know his father, but there are rumors that he was a Sith who could control midi-chlorians. Since this is not confirmed, it is believed that the boy was artificially conceived.

He was born in 42 BBY on the desert planet Tatooine, but Anakin himself assumed that he had only grown up on an arid planet, where he arrived at the age of about three years.

Eni grew up as a blue-eyed, kind-hearted, hard-working boy who dreamed of one day becoming a star pilot. But his dreams were not destined to come true, since the Skywalkers were the property, slaves of Gardulla the Hutt.

After several years of working for Gardulla, he lost his family in races to a Toydarian, a parts dealer named Watto, and the Skywalkers found a new owner.

At the age of eight, Anakin first learned about the Sith. About the great wars of the past, he was told by an old Republican pilot who believed that not all Sith died in those wars and one managed to survive.

The hero was a very gifted child. He excelled in mathematics and engineering. At such a young age, Eni could collect anything. So he built his own car and robot , having completed the work around the age of nine.

Hidden threat

In the 1999 film The Phantom Menace, we first meet a boy played by actor Jake Lloyd.

In 32 BBY, when the hero was only 10 years old, his life changed dramatically. Knowledge of technology and good nature allowed Eni to get acquainted with space travelers: a Jedi, a Gungan, R2-D2 and a girl - whom he mistook for an "angel".

Anakin invited the new friends to his home to wait out the sandstorm, where he learned their true purpose of coming to Tatooine - fleeing the Trade Federation for the senate on Coruscant in order to stop the invasion of Naboo. The travelers' hyperdrive was broken and Eni volunteered to help, revealing a desire to race the Bunta Eve Classic in order to win enough money to buy it. The mother could not refuse her son, in his desire to help.

Anakin, Shmi and Amidala

Qui-Gon Jinn saw Skywalker's potential, his lightning-fast reaction, and after checking, he was surprised to learn that his level of midi-Chlarians was higher than that of himself. Anakin, in turn, was very eager to become a Jedi in order to help everyone, which prompted Qui-Gon to think of freeing the boy.

Before the race, Jinn made a bet with the owner of the Skywalkers. But on the condition of Anakin's victory, Watto agreed to let go only the boy, leaving his mother with him.

The hero won this race. Now he was free. Anakin was faced with a choice: live on Tatooine with his mother, or go with Genie and become a Jedi. Skywalker left Tatooine, promising that he would return to free his mother.

Jake Lloyd as little Anakin

So Anakin set out on his first journey.

With Qui-Gon and Queen Amidala (the girl pretended to be her own servant), to whom Eni became very attached, he arrived on Coruscant, where he appeared before the High Council. The Council refused to train the boy, even though Qui-Gon was convinced that Anakin was the Chosen One (the One who would bring balance to the Force).

The boy experienced the emotions left over from the life of a slave, so the masters felt that he could not achieve the state of peace that a true Jedi needs.

Qui-Gon, Anakin, Obi-Wan and R2-D2

Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear breeds anger; Anger breeds hatred; Hatred is the key to suffering. I feel a strong fear in you.

Not knowing where to go now, Anakin trailed Jinn with whom he flew to Naboo on a mission to liberate the planet from Trade Federation occupation.

Coincidentally, Anakin took a direct part in the Battle of Naboo in space. He single-handedly managed to destroy an entire orbital station that controlled the droids on the planet, ending the invasion.

Although Skywalker emerged victorious, sad news awaited him on earth. In battle with, Kawai-Gon died. The Dying Genie took Obi-Wan Kenobi, his apprentice, with a promise to train the boy and the Council was resigned to the fact that Anakin would become trained in the Force.

After the victory on Naboo, the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic himself promised to follow Skywalker's progress.

Obi-Wan's Apprentice

Innate abilities instantly put Eni above their peers, which began to nourish his pride. He often showed off, opposed the opinions of his elders, and did not show much respect for Obi-Wan, whom he looked down upon somewhat.

Obi-Wan became more than just a teacher to Anakin, he was like a father to him. Secretly, Skywalker believed that his strength was many times greater than the strength of his teacher and Kenobi restrained him. This fact made their relationship confusing and contradictory.

When Anakin did not get along with Kenobi, he went to his "friend" Palpatine, who flattered the pride of the Jedi with praises.

In 28 BBY, Anakin created his first lightsaber in the caverns of Ilum..

Attack of the Clones

Attack of the Clones is the second film in which we see Anakin. Its events take place 10 years after the end of the plot of the first part. In this film, the grown-up Anakin is played by actor Hayden Christensen.

Skywalker and Kenobi

In 22 BBY, Padmé Amidala, now Senator for the Chommell Sector, was assassinated. Anakin, who had not seen Padmé in ten years, was appointed as her personal protector. For ten years, Skywalker did not stop thinking about Amidala, and now that he was with her, his attraction grew into love.

On Naboo, where Padme was hiding with her protector, she answered him with consent, kissing him for the first time. Amidala was more prudent than Skywalker as she thought about the consequences. Anakin, on the other hand, was focused on feelings, breaking with the Order's tradition of being bound only to the Force.

For a long time, Anakin suffered from nightmares in which he saw his mother. A new nightmare he saw on Naboo caused him to defy orders to protect Amidala, taking her with him to Tatooine to find Shmi. On Tatooine, the hero learned that the mother was freed by the farmer Cliegg Lars, who married her. At the Lars farm, Eni was told that Shmi had been kidnapped by Tusken raiders, so the hero immediately rushed to find her.

Skywalker painting

Using his instincts, Anakin found Shmi, though it was too late. The mother died in his arms. This death caused such anger that the Jedi slaughtered the entire tribe of raiders. including women and children. Even Yoda felt Skywalker's pain and anger.

With the death of his mother, the Jedi had a terrible desire to obtain such power, with which you can save people from death.

Padme: « There are things that cannot be fixed, you are not omnipotent, Anakin.»

Anakin: « And there should be! One day I will... I will be the most powerful Jedi! I promise you. I will learn how to make people not die!»

Arriving on Tatooine, Anakin learned that his master had been taken prisoner by the Confederacy on Geonosis. Skywalker's goal was to protect Amidala, but she persuaded the Jedi to go to save Kenobi. Eni left Tatooine, taking his droid C-3PO with him.

Arriving on Geonosis, the couple were captured and put up, along with the previously captured Obi-Wan, in the arena of gladiators. Before the threat of death, Anakin and Padme confessed their love to each other. The trio was saved from certain death by the arrival of the Jedi and the clone army.

Leaving Amidala, Eni and his teacher began to pursue the leader of the Confederation and a former Jedi (note: Qui-Gon Jinn's teacher). Skywalker lost an arm in a fight with him. and almost died if Yoda did not come to the rescue.

Dooku cuts off Anakin's hand

Anakin was implanted with a mechanical arm and while he was in the Temple for treatment, Yoda and Kenobi tried to convince Amidala to end their relationship with him. Padmé lied and she and Skywalker soon married. A secret wedding ceremony took place at Varikino on Naboo. The only witnesses were the droids C-3PO and R2-D2.

Wedding Anakin and Amidala Skywalker and Amidala

Clone Wars

This war made Anakin a legend. He became famous as the best fighter pilot, earning the rare title of Tang.

In the war, Skywalker did not care about his own life, as he worried about the health of his teacher, Palpatine, the soldiers who acted under his leadership, and even the astrodroid R2-D2. More and more rules were broken by the Jedi. More and more he feared for Padmé's life.

Anakin vs Ventress

On a mission to the planet Naboo, Skywalker met Asajj Ventress, a dark Jedi who became a fierce enemy of both Anakin and Kenobi.

During the war, Obi-Wan took on the training of Padawan Halaged Ventor, with whom Anakin became very good friends.

The Clone Wars was a terrible event in the life of a Jedi. During the battles on the planet Jabiim, Skywalker received a message about the alleged death of a teacher. This made the hero more reckless. He threw himself into the thick of things along with clones, Padawans and Jedi. When Palpatine wished to evacuate Anakin from the planet, he agreed, soon learning that everyone he fought had died.

For his heroic actions in the war, Anakin was declared a Jedi Knight. The cut off scythe of the Padawan, Skywalker sent to his wife as a token of love.

Arriving on Coruscant, Anakin wanted to meet his wife, but fell into the trap of Asajj Ventress. The Dark Jedi promised to kill Amidala, which again plunged Skywalker into a rage. In this duel, the hero received his famous scar over his right eye. He emerged victorious, but Ventress managed to survive.

Anakin continued to participate in the battles for the Republic. While fighting on the planet Christophis, his first apprentice was assigned to the Jedi. After the victory on Christophis, Anakin, though reluctantly, accepted the Padawan.

Anakin and Ahsoka

Together with Ahsoka, Eni completed quite a few missions. Together, they rescued Jabba's son, participated in a mission to liberate the planet Kyros, rescued Jedi Master Plo Koon,

Although Anakin and Ahsoka became friends, Tano left the Jedi.

In the Battle of Coruscant, when the Confederacy invaded, the Republic managed to win, but Chancellor Palpatine was captured.

Revenge of the Sith

Skywalker and Kenobi went to save the chancellor. After finding Palpatine, the Jedi engaged Count Dooku in battle. The Count was still strong, so he quickly knocked out Kenobi by crossing swords with Anakin. War-hardened Skywalker suddenly won, chopping off both of the Sith's arms.

After ordering Palpatine to kill Dooku, the Jedi beheaded him, taking another step towards darkness. To the chancellor's persuasion to abandon Kenobi, Anakin refused.

Returning to Coruscant, the hero learned the news that his wife was pregnant. After that, Anakin increasingly began to be tormented by visions where he saw the death of Amidala. Because of them, the Jedi wanted to gain access to the forbidden holocrons of the masters of the past. This was facilitated by Palpatine, who appointed Skywalker as his representative on the Jedi Council. This meant that Eni was supposed to become a master, but he still did not increase his rank.

The final point of distrust of the Council was that the Jedi asked Anakin to keep an eye on his friend Palpatine.

The Jedi turned to Yoda for help. He spoke about his prophetic visions in which a person close to him dies, but did not reveal his identity. Yoda advised him to learn to let go of everything that he is afraid to lose. Skywalker was not satisfied with this answer.

Despite the Council's warnings, Anakin continued to spend time with Palpatine, who began to develop a dark side in him. The Chancellor told a story about Darth Plagueis (his teacher) who had power over death. This story made Anakin think that the dark side could save Padmé's life.

When Palpatine revealed his identity - Darth Sidious, the Sith Lord, offering Skywalker the path of the dark side to save his beloved, Anakin refused, reporting everything.

Windu, along with Agen Kolar, Saesee Tiin, and Kit Fisto were supposed to arrest the Sith when Anakin was supposed to stay at the Temple. But, of course, he didn't listen. Tormented by thoughts of Amidala's death, Skywalker followed the Jedi. Arriving at the chancellor, the hero found Windu, who was about to kill Palpatine. The fear of losing Padmé overwhelmed Anakin as he cut off the master's hand and allowed Palpatine to win.

It was too late to repent, there was no going back. Palpatine explained this as the Jedi's destiny and offered to join the dark side. The Sith Lord promised to discover the secret of power over death, so Skywalker agreed to become a student of Darth Sidious in order to save Amidala's life.

So, Anakin Skywalker "died", becoming legendary.

« Now get up… Darth Vader!”

Anakin Skywalker

However, Anakin took the first step to the Dark Side of the Force long before these events - when on Tatooine he exterminated the entire tribe of the Sand People, avenging his mother Shmi Skywalker. Anakin's next move to the dark side of the Force was to kill the unarmed Count Dooku on the orders of Chancellor Palpatine. And finally, he took the decisive step when he betrayed the Jedi Master Windu and helped Palpatine defeat him.

Suppression of the Rebellion

Darth Vader commanded armed forces Empire. The rebels sometimes mistook him for the Leader of the Empire, but forgot about the Emperor. He instilled fear in the entire galaxy. Thanks to the brutality of his operations, the rebels had a hard time. In general, he is indirectly guilty of the beginning of the war: while still a Jedi Knight, he foresaw the death of his wife and, of course, did not want this. Darth Sidious, aka Palpatine, was then the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic and used this to lure Anakin to the dark side. After Anakin became Darth Vader, Order No. 66 came into force, after which most of the Jedi Knights were destroyed, and the Grand Army of the Republic, in accordance with the charter, came under the direct control of the Supreme Chancellor. During the rebellion, Vader played the role of a target to be eliminated by the rebels, as well as a deity for the Empire. He acted without miscalculations and misfires. Vader was a war genius. Any miscalculation on the part of subordinates was severely punished by his favorite measure of torture - strangulation at a distance. Darth Vader and Darth Sidious, unlike the other Sith, had full access to the Jedi data archive. At any moment, they could look at the dossier on any Jedi or event. Due to his punitive functions and unconditional devotion to the Emperor, he commanded the respect of his soldiers, and among the rebels received the nicknames "The Emperor's Chain Dog" and "His Majesty's Personal Executioner".

Darth Vader

In the original Star Wars trilogy, Anakin Skywalker appears under the name "Darth Vader". He was played by bodybuilder David Prowse and two stunt doubles (one of them - Bob Anderson), and the voice of Vader belongs to actor James Earl Jones. Darth Vader is the main antagonist: the cunning and cruel leader of the army of the Galactic Empire, which rules the entire galaxy. Vader appears as a student of Emperor Palpatine. He uses the dark side of the Force to prevent the collapse of the Empire and destroy the Rebel Alliance, which seeks to restore the Galactic Republic. On the other hand, Darth Vader (or the Dark Lord) is one of the greatest figures in the Star Wars universe. As one of the most powerful Sith, he is well liked by many fans of the anthology and is a very charismatic character.

New Hope

Vader is tasked with recovering the stolen Death Star plans and finding the Rebel Alliance's secret base. He captures and tortures Princess Leia Organa and is by her side when Death Star Commander Grand Moff Tarkin destroys her home planet of Alderaan. Soon after, he fights with lightsabers with his former master Obi-Wan Kenobi, who has come to the Death Star to save Leia, and kills him (Obi-Wan becomes a spirit of the Force). He then meets Luke Skywalker in battle on the Death Star, and senses in him a great ability in the Force; this is confirmed later when the youth destroys the battle station. Vader was about to shoot down Luke with his TIE Fighter (TIE Advanced x1), but a surprise attack Millennium Falcon, piloted by Han Solo, sends Vader far into space.

The Empire Strikes Back

After the destruction of the rebel base "Echo" on the planet Hoth by the forces of the Empire, Darth Vader sends bounty hunters (Eng. bounty hunters) in search of the Millennium Falcon. Aboard his Star Destroyer, he executes Admiral Ozzel and Captain Niida for their mistakes. Meanwhile, Boba Fett manages to locate the Falcon and track its progress to the gas giant Bespin. Finding that Luke is not on the Falcon, Vader captures Leia, Han, Chewbacca, and C-3PO in order to lure Luke into a trap. He makes a deal with Cloud City administrator Lando Calrissian to turn Khan over to bounty hunter Boba Fett, and freezes Solo in carbonite. Luke, who at this time is undergoing training in the possession of the light side of the Force under the guidance of Yoda on the planet Dagoba, senses the danger that threatens his friends. The young man goes to Bespin to fight Vader, but is defeated and loses his right hand. Vader then reveals the truth to him: he is Luke's father, not Anakin's killer, as Obi Wan Kenobi told the young Skywalker, and offers to overthrow Palpatine and rule the galaxy together. Luke refuses and jumps down. He is sucked down a garbage chute and thrown towards Cloud City's antennas, where he is rescued by Leia, Chewbacca, Lando, C-3PO, and R2-D2 on the Millennium Falcon. Darth Vader tries to stop the Millennium Falcon, but it goes into hyperspace. Vader then leaves without saying a word.

Return to the Light Side

The events described in this section take place in the film"Star Wars. Episode VI: Return of the Jedi »

Vader is tasked with overseeing the completion of the second Death Star. He meets with Palpatine aboard the half-completed station to discuss Luke's plan to turn to the dark side.

During this time, Luke had nearly completed his Jedi training and learned from the dying Master Yoda that Vader was indeed his father. He learns about his father's past from the spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi, and also learns that Leia is his sister. During an operation on the forest moon of Endor, he surrenders to Imperial forces and is brought before Vader. Aboard the Death Star, Luke resists the Emperor's call to unleash his anger and fear for his friends (and thus turn to the dark side of the Force). However, Vader, using the Force, penetrates Luke's mind, learns of Leia's existence and threatens to turn her into a servant of the dark side of the Force in his place. Luke gives in to his rage and nearly kills Vader by chopping off his father's right arm. But at this moment, the young man sees Vader's cybernetic hand, then looks at his own, realizes that he is dangerously close to the fate of his father, and curbs his anger.

Vader's costume design was influenced by the costume worn by Lightning, a villain in the television series Fight the Devil Dogs, and Japanese samurai masks, but Vader's armor was also similar to that of the Marvel Comics supervillain, Doctor Death.

The canonical Vader breathing noise was created by Ben Burtt breathing through an underwater mask with a small microphone in the regulator. He originally recorded many variations of breath sounds, from rattling and asthmatic to cold and mechanical. A more mechanical version was mostly chosen, with a more rattling one in Return of the Jedi, after Vader was fatally damaged by Sidious' Force lightning. Vader was originally intended to sound like an emergency room, with clicks and beeps as long as he was in the frame. However, it turned out to be too distracting, and all this noise was reduced to only breathing.

One of the canon changes regarding the costume was that by 4 ABY, Vader's left shoulder was completely artificial, and in 3 ABY, after an encounter with Luke on Bespin, he noted that his right shoulder had healed well. Since the bionic shoulder could not heal, Vader's right shoulder must still have been made of his own flesh, although earlier on Mimban, Vader's right arm was amputated from the shoulder. Such information may be somewhat incorrect, as during the 2nd and 3rd of his Episodes, we see how Anakin Skywalker first lost his right arm below the elbow (in a fight with Count Dooku (replaced by a prosthesis in the same Episode 2)), and then lost his left arm below the elbow, and both legs below the knee (duel with Obi-Wan ), which were also replaced with prosthetics at the end of Revenge of the Sith, during Anakin's final transformation into Darth Vader. However, whether Vader spoke of this healing literally, sarcastically, or metaphorically is unknown. Another change was that in Episode III, Vader's costume, which was brand new, was made different from the original design, albeit only slightly, to give it a new, newly created look. Several small changes to the length of the neck and shoulder grips gave Vader's movements a more mechanical feel. Another change in canon is that Vader's chest panel changed slightly from III to IV and from IV to V and VI. The canonical reason for this has not yet been named. In addition, this control panel had ancient Jewish symbols, which, according to some fans, translate as "His deeds will not be forgiven until he deserves it."

The suit has been referenced several times in the Expanded Universe. For example, in the Star Wars: Legacy comics, Cade Skywalker appears wearing a pair of pants that look very much like part of Vader's outfit. Also in Star Wars: Unite, when Mara tries on wedding dresses, one of them looks like Vader's armor. Leia tells the designer that the reason Mara rejected him is "The bride doesn't want to dress like the groom's father".

Criticism and reviews

This character is one of the most famous pop idols among the villains in the history of cinema.

... the presence of the disease explains the popularity of Vader's character among teenagers. It is noted that young people see a kindred spirit in Darth Vader, as young viewers themselves often suffer from borderline personality disorder.

The full results of this study were published in scientific journal Psychiatry Research in January 2011.

see also


  1. The website www.StarWars.com indicates that Anakin's official height is 185 cm. The height of actor Hayden Christensenwho played Anakin is 187 cm.
  2. British Director Ken Annakin Passes Away , theforce.net, April 24, 2009
  3. Ken Annakin dies at 94; British director of "Swiss Family Robinson" and others , latimes.com, April 24, 2009
  4. Vader in the Dutch dictionary
  5. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
  6. The Chosen One Featurette
  7. Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide. ISBN 0-7566-1420-1.
  8. Empire of Dreams
  9. Dressing a Galaxy: The Costumes of Star Wars. ISBN 0-8109-6567-4.
  10. The sneak preview BTS look at Episode III included in the OT special addition bonus material
  11. Star Wars: The men behind the mask
  12. Audio commentary to
  13. Audio commentary to
  14. Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
  15. Shadows of the Empire (comic)
  16. Star Wars: Dominion Crystal Shard. ISBN 5-7921-0315-1.
  17. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
  18. Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
  19. A comment regarding the inscription on the suit's control panel.(unavailable link)
  20. AFI's 100 Years…100 Heroes and Villains ", American Film Institute, last accessed April 17, 2008
  21. 100-greatest-movie-characters . empireonline.com. Archived from the original on February 5, 2012. Retrieved January 13, 2012.
  22. French psychiatrists diagnosed the character of the film epic "Star Wars" Radio "Moscow Says"
  23. Darth Vader was found to have a mental disorder
  24. Darth Vader declared mentally ill
  25. French psychiatrists diagnosed Darth Vader
  26. Bui E., Rodgers R., Chabrol H., Birmes P., Schmitt L. Is Anakin Skywalker suffering from borderline personality disorder? (English) // Psychiatry Research. - January 2011. - Vol. 185. - No. 1-2. - P. 299. - ISSN 0165-1781. - DOI:10.1016/j.psychres.2009.03.031
  28. Lenta.ru: From life: Darth Vader visited the Odessa City Hall
  29. Lenta.ru: From life: Darth Vader turned to the mayor of Odessa


  • Anakin Skywalker Internet Movie Database
  • Gallery "The Return of Darth Vader" on GoodCinema.ru (Russian)
  • Family tree of Darth Vader on the site MoeDrevo
  • Anakin Skywalker (Russian) on Wookieepedia: Wiki about Star Wars
"A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..."

This is how every film in George Lucas's legendary fantasy epic Star Wars begins. Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker will be put forward in the center of the events of the space opera, where light forces come to grips with the dark ones. The young man was destined for one of the main roles in the victory of the Rebellion and the revival of the Jedi Order.

History of creation

The space opera, which eventually turned into eight films, was conceived by the American director back in the mid-1970s. The inspiration for the literary work was Akira Kurosawa's painting The Hidden Fortress. The Japanese film became the basis for the creation of storylines, as well as the concept of the images of the main characters of Star Wars. According to Lucas, even in the work he was repelled by "Dune" by Frank Herbert.

The story of A New Hope, shown through the adventures of a whole scattering of heroes, has become a phenomenon of mass culture: in addition to the main art productions, fans of science fiction received animated series and cartoons, book publications, including comic book magazines. Gamers bought video games, and children bought toys in the form of characters invented by Lucas.

The original Star Wars trilogy includes:

  • "Star Wars. Episode IV: A New Hope (1977)
  • "Star Wars. The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
  • "Star Wars. Return of the Jedi (1983)

At the end of the millennium, a trilogy of prequels saw the light:

  • "Star Wars. Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999)
  • "Star Wars. Episode II: Attack of the Clones (2002)
  • "Star Wars. Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2005)
  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
  • "Star Wars. Episode VIII: The Last Jedi (Scheduled for release late 2017)
  • Star Wars: Episode IX (expected in 2019)

The tapes already released on the screens are united by one feature - all were nominated for the Oscar, but so far only the first two films have the coveted statuette.


The plot of "Star Wars" is based on events in a distant galaxy inhabited by motley creatures, where everything is subject to the confrontation between light and dark forces. The inhabitants of the fictional universe are served by robotic droids that help in everyday affairs. Travel in space between planets for the inhabitants of the galaxy - in the order of things.

A detail of the spiritual and mystical nature is the so-called Force - an energy field that is created by living beings and permeates everything around, linking it into a single whole.

But not everyone has a strong connection with the Force from birth. Those who are lucky have unusual abilities, for example, they have telekinesis, they can control the mind, predict the future. Such lucky ones are divided into two groups: the Jedi (stand on the light side of the Force) and the Sith (antagonists).

One of the main goodies in George Lucas' fantasy, Luke Skywalker joined the ranks of the Jedi, playing a key role in the Galactic civil war, defeating the Galactic Empire and overthrowing the Sith.

Biography of Luke Skywalker

Luke was born with his twin sister, Leia, in the medical center of the asteroid Posis Massa at a time when the Old Republic disappeared and the Empire was formed, and the Jedi were being destroyed. The mother died immediately after giving birth. Luke Skywalker's father Anakin, known as the Sith Lord, shortly before the events switched to the side of evil. Jedi family friends Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi decided to separate the children and hide them from their enemies.

Luke grew up under the care of his uncle and aunt on the desert planet Tatooine, dreaming from childhood to leave his native land to drive a spaceship. For the time being, the boy had no idea about his origin and destiny.

Life changed dramatically when two droids R2-D2 and C-3PO were in the hands of my uncle with blueprints for the secret weapon of the Empire called the Death Stars. Imperial stormtroopers in search of documents came to Tatooine and killed the young man's relatives. Luke went on a dangerous journey to the rebels to give them the blueprints for a superweapon.

On this dangerous journey, young Skywalker, under the guidance of Kenobi and Master Yoda, learned the basics of using the Force, met members of the Rebellion and his sister, Princess Leia Organa. And Obi-Wan Kenobi contributed to the fact that the young man joined the ranks of the rebels.

Being a member of the Rebel Alliance, the hero, along with Leia and Solo, fought against the oppressive regime, participated in several battles with the forces of the Empire, led by Darth Vader. The Sith Lord has been hunting Skywalker for a long time. As a result, the son fell into a trap set in Cloud City, where a duel took place between Luke and Vader. During a lightsaber battle, Dart left his son without an arm and revealed to him the secret of birth.

The fateful battle happened when Vader brought Luke to Emperor Palpatine. Together they tried to convince the young Jedi to turn to the dark side of the Force. However, Skywalker managed to defeat his father and even awaken bright feelings in him. In the fight, the young man refused to obey the Emperor's order to kill Vader. The Dark Knight threw the ruler of the Empire into the mine and died from a mortal wound himself, but before that he accepted redemption and became Anakin Skywalker again.

After the victory of the Rebellion, Luke built a new temple and Jedi academy, was going to revive the Order of those who stand on the light side of the Force, almost destroyed by Palpatine. But after the betrayal of his nephew and student Ben Solo, who preferred the camp of the dark side and destroyed the entire academy, the hero went into self-imposed exile.

In the following episodes, Luke Skywalker will again come to the fore. According to the preliminary comments of the creators of the paintings, the character of the character will get stronger and become more rigid.

Luke fell in love with a member of the opposing side, Mara Jade, who later became an ally, and then the wife of Skywalker, and bore him a son, Ben. After her marriage, Mara dedicated her life to the New Jedi Order.

Image, powers and abilities

A short young man (Luke grew only up to 172 cm) from early childhood was distinguished by indefatigable daydreaming and wandering in the clouds. Over the years, this was supplemented by recklessness, impatience and impulsiveness. The young man did not know how to lie at all. Over time, I learned patience and restraint, wisdom came. The environment noted that he was smart beyond his age. Skywalker responded to any request for help, even if it would get him into trouble.

The character easily learned the skill of fighting with lightsabers. The sword of Luke Skywalker, inherited from his father, had Blue colour- shade associated with the Jedi Guardians. Having lost his weapon along with his hand, Luke assembled a new sword, only with a green blade. Usually such swords belonged to scientists, diplomats and orators.

Skywalker is the owner of a strong connection with the Force. Kenobi taught the young man the skill of controlling it and obtaining information about the world around him. Luke began to feel the approach of his father, independently revealed the secrets of telekinesis and began to use the opportunities that opened up, later he learned the secrets of influencing the minds of enemies. With the help of the Force, he even did the unbelievable - he destroyed the Death Star.

Actors and roles

In the cinema, the image of the Jedi Knight brilliantly embodied. The same actor will please the audience with his presence in the expected tapes of 2017 and 2019. Han Solo played , and Leia Organa - .

The character of Luke's teacher Obi-Wan Kenobi was conveyed by Alec Guinness. The doll, which acted as Master Yoda, was given the voice by Frank Oz, who also controlled the structure. The role of the main antagonist Darth Vader went to David Prowse.

  • In total, the parts of "Star Wars" managed to collect $ 7.5 billion. Such a dizzying commercial success lifted the saga to third place in the list of the highest grossing "multi-episode" films in the history of cinema.
  • Star Wars might have been released under a different name. The 20th Century Fox film company did not like the name of the future tape, and a competition was announced among the members of the film crew. However, no one dared to go against the idea of ​​the screenwriter and director.

Actors of the Star Wars saga
  • The image of Luke Skywalker haunted the author. At first, George Lucas was going to create a Jedi girl. Then I thought that it would be nice to make the main character a dwarf, and later the idea came up to turn the character into an elderly general. The surname of the Jedi was even in the midst of filming - in the script, Luke was listed as Starkiller.
  • A funny episode is connected with the filming of the space opera. The planet Tatooine, where Luke grew up, is named after the city of the same name in Tunisia. A large-scale film was filmed in the same country. Once, an international conflict almost happened: the Libyan government was worried about the abundance of military equipment on the border and was even going to announce a general mobilization. The Tunisian authorities asked the creators of the picture to move to the center of the state so as not to embarrass the neighbors.


The cult saga is rich in life advice. Yoda was especially distinguished - his phrases are filled with wisdom. But the fans of the star saga remembered the quotes of other heroes for the rest of their lives.

"There will always be more fish."
“Fear will lead to the dark side. Fear breeds anger; anger breeds hatred; hatred is the key to suffering.”
“When you turn 900 years old, you will not look young either.”
"Luck is chance backed by knowledge."
“Your weakness is self-confidence.
“And your weakness is faith in friends.”
“Pieces of my life were scattered by storm before I had a chance to put them back together. And every missing piece I find completely changes the picture.”
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